#Transiting Venus enters Libra
ms-m-astrologer · 11 months
Transiting Venus enters Libra
Wednesday, November 8 - Monday, December 4
The good news is, Venus rules Libra, and she’s very happy to be home for a while. The bad news is, she’ll have a lot of challenges. Style over substance, “going along to get along” and refusing to take a stand when it’s necessary, being manipulative - things like that. And the hopeful news is that, if we can remember and adhere to Libra’s higher ground, we can spend this time making real progress.
How this could manifest in Venus’ various areas:
Art - as any music lover will tell you, “popular” doesn’t necessarily equate to “good.” If it did? As an example, Bruce Springsteen has never had a #1 hit song in the US - granted, he was competing against Prince in 1984, but what about the rest of the years?
Beauty - I remember reading a review of “Prizzi’s Honor” which described it as a conflict between “pretty” (Kathleen Turner) and “beautiful” (Angelica Huston). If we tend toward pretty, we’re missing out on depth of character.
Love - seeking personal validation through having a particular spouse (like wanting to date the most popular kid in high school), rather than a true partner. And then doing whatever it takes to acquire that “validating” spouse.
Money - blowing it all on makeup and disposable fashion. Or, we buy something because it’s impressive and not because it has any particular meaning for us.
These are the non-lunar aspects Venus will make. Give them a day or so on either side.
Wednesday, November 8 - Venus/Libra inconjunct Saturn/Pisces, 0°31’. Right off the bat, we have a difficult adjustment to make. Remember that Saturn is exalted in Libra - we’re being asked about our standards of justice and fairness.
Monday, November 13 - Venus/Libra (6°03’) sesquiquad Uranus Rx/Taurus (21°03’). Frustrations; “all that glisters is not gold” springs to mind.
Tuesday, November 14 - Venus/Libra square Vesta Rx/Cancer, 7°00’. We may turn ourselves off, sexually, if we think it will get us something we want.
Wednesday, November 15 - Venus/Libra inconjunct Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 8°45’. More “all that glisters;” with perhaps a little of “your eyes were bigger than your stomach.” Taking on toi much, or realizing it’s a much bigger and more difficult task than we anticipated.
Friday, November 17 - Venus/Libra (10°06’) semi-square Mars/Scorpio (25°06’). People in sexual relationships may feel this especially acutely. One partner may (as with the Vesta square) “turn off” or, conversely, be more demanding.
A “two-fer” with minor aspects from Lady Asteroids, on Sunday, November 19:
Venus/Libra semi-sextile Juno/Virgo, 12°11’
Venus/Libra (12°40’) semi-square Ceres/Scorpio (27°40’)
We’re trying to coordinate between demands of our partners (Juno) and our families (Ceres).
Another two-fer on Wednesday, November 22:
Venus/Libra (15°48’) sesquiquad Saturn/Pisces (0°48’)
Venus/Libra oppose Chiron Rx/Aries, 15°58’
These are rather more serious than what we’ve experiences so far - as are the remaining aspects. Even if we’ve been as tactful and graceful as we can manage, it isn’t enough. It’s important to really listen to what other people have to say. They get to have free will, too.
Sunday, November 26 - Venus/Libra inconjunct Uranus Rx/Taurus, 20°32’. A difficult adjustment. If we overindulged, it’s coming back to bite us in the butt.
Tuesday, November 27 - Venus/Libra opposite North Node/Aries, conjunct South Node/Libra, 22°39’. An opportunity to examine (at least) those Libra ways we mess ourselves up.
Wednesday, November 28 - Venus/Libra opposite Eris Rx/Aries, 24°19’. What did I say? Other people get to have free will, too. And if the shoe is on the other foot, and we find we’ve been manipulated, this is the day we could fight back.
Thursday, November 29 - Venus/Libra inconjunct Neptune Rx/Pisces, 24°54’. Taking those rose-colored glasses off, or having them removed for us.
Sunday, December 3 - Venus/Libra square Pluto/Capricorn, 28°33’. We’re aware that we haven’t done Venus or Libra very well (not just this transit, but in our past). We’ve seen that our past machinations were unfair - that our cowardice and complacency haven’t served us well - so, either we resolve to fix it during Venus’ imminent trip through Scorpio; or in Steven Forrest’s words, “we fail to look at ourselves; we imagine the issue to have its sole origin in the other person’s intransigence.”
Painful, I know. The higher Libra traits include justice and fairness; valuing other people; tact and diplomacy. We just need to be more consistent about expressing them - and we need to use them to reach out for the higher Aries traits, as represented by the North Node.
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sensualnoiree · 5 months
astro notes: taurus season focus
Taurus season begins with the sun entering Taurus as Jupiter and Uranus align, promising an auspicious start. After a period of eclipses and Mercury retrograde, there's a chance to cultivate peace and presence. Venus in Aries before April 30 adds urgency to desires, but when it moves into Taurus, a sweeter, more attuned phase begins. The sun's crossing of Jupiter and Uranus' alignment on May 11/12 suggests reactivation of opportunities from the conjunction, potentially leading to confidence-building breakthroughs.
🔥Aries Rising (Taurus 2nd House): Focus on finances and material possessions. It's a good time to review your budget and financial goals. You may feel a stronger need for security and comfort, leading to practical spending and saving habits.
🌱Taurus Rising (Taurus 1st House): This transit highlights your self-image and personal goals. It's a great time for self-care and setting new intentions. You may feel more confident and grounded, attracting positive attention from others.
🌬Gemini Rising (Taurus 12th House): A period of introspection and reflection. You may feel more inclined to spend time alone or engage in spiritual practices. Pay attention to your dreams and subconscious thoughts, as they may reveal important insights.
🦀Cancer Rising (Taurus 11th House): Focus on your social life and connections. You may feel more drawn to spending time with friends and participating in group activities. This is a good time to network and collaborate with others towards common goals.
🦁Leo Rising (Taurus 10th House): Career and public image take the spotlight. You may receive recognition for your hard work or feel motivated to pursue new career opportunities. Focus on long-term goals and how you can achieve them.
🌾Virgo Rising (Taurus 9th House): This transit highlights education, travel, and philosophical pursuits. You may feel a strong desire to expand your horizons through learning or exploring new cultures. It's a good time to plan a trip or enroll in a course.
⚖️Libra Rising (Taurus 8th House): Focus on shared resources and deep transformations. You may need to review your finances, particularly those shared with others. This is also a good time to delve into your psyche and address any emotional issues.
🦂Scorpio Rising (Taurus 7th House): Relationships and partnerships come into focus. You may feel more committed to your existing relationships or seek to establish new ones. It's a good time to work on communication and compromise in your relationships.
🏹Sagittarius Rising (Taurus 6th House): Health and daily routines take center stage. You may feel motivated to improve your physical well-being through diet, exercise, or other health practices. Focus on creating a balanced and sustainable routine.
🐐Capricorn Rising (Taurus 5th House): This transit highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression. You may feel more inspired to pursue artistic or creative projects. It's also a good time to enjoy leisure activities and spend time with loved ones.
⚡️Aquarius Rising (Taurus 4th House): Focus on home, family, and emotional security. You may feel a stronger need to create a peaceful and comfortable environment at home. This is a good time to connect with your family and address any domestic issues.
🐠Pisces Rising (Taurus 3rd House): This transit highlights communication, learning, and short trips. You may feel more inclined to engage in conversations and share your ideas with others. It's a good time to expand your knowledge through reading or attending workshops.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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degreedummy · 1 month
Looking at Lukola's Synastry and Current Transits-
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Venus transiting N’s 3H, L’s 7H In [a week], Venus opposes N’s Mars, L’s Venus-
1. To start off, this is a transit that signals appreciation, going out of their way to give each other credit for how hardworking they each are. On N’s side, I think we see someone who is feeling a bit lost, trying to find a way to [Venus-Mars] shift peoples’ focus, and this more shows her needing that emotional support, being reminded that her work is valuable and meaningful to people.  
On L’s side, I think we see a [friend] reaching out, someone who knows N enough to know when she isn’t acting like herself. I don’t think this transit will be too emotional, but I think it’ll show the way… two people are able to ground each other. The opposition to N’s Mars takes place before the opposition to L’s Venus, so it’ll be more like someone softly coming in behind the storm to help clean up the mess. I wouldn’t take it as a sign of how deep his feelings are, but that he still cares.
2. After these oppositions, Venus will be transiting L’s 4H, N’s 8H. In Libra, I think this influence simply shows the way how… in September, they will be in a position of relying on each other again, reconnecting and sharing themselves. I wouldn’t take this transit as anything too significant, but as an acknowledgment of a known pattern in their lives. The 4H represents ‘where we feel at home’, the 8H represents ‘who we trust the most’, so I think this shows them being happy to be back together.
3. In L’s 4H, this will mean that Venus passes her retrograde Jupiter, square N’s Sun and Mercury, and I think there’s two big options here: 1) L speaks out for N, saying she isn't open to conversation 2) they make an agreement not to talk at all about what goes between them.
I think Venus is granting them the privacy they’ve been wanting for so long, not really creating the chance for ‘secret love’, but giving them the chance to show love without outsiders trying to make it more than what it is. Just based of Venus’ transits, I think things are still moving slow, but more importantly, it shows how their relationship has remained unaffected by outside factors. The trust they have can’t be broken by anyone outside of them.
Mercury retrograde in L’s 2H, N’s 7H Goes direct while in conjunction to L’s Chiron [3 days~] Enters an inconjunction with N’s Neptune [one week]
On L’s side, I think for weeks we’ve been seeing him slowly release insecurity, not being too loud, but standing strong in everything he does. I think this was a reflective period for him more than anything, only frustrated by people misunderstanding him. Going direct, I think Mercury is going to put that newfound confidence to action, and connecting themes to his real life, I think we’ll see this through his performance in the next season. I think he’ll go into it feeling beautiful, free of comparing himself to anyone.
In a [month and a half], [mid-October], Venus will enter L’s 10H, N’s 5H, and I think this could be represented in them celebrating some kind of achievement together, or award. It’s more ‘recognition of someone’s work, acknowledging their legacy’.
This will also take place after L’s exact Mars return, so I think… this will be his true chance to break away from his past. I don’t want to promise anything or anyone specific of course, but I think facing his past, being credited for his work, working toward more for the future, and having people show support will allow him to feel like he can take the [next step], whatever he feels that may be for him. I don’t know how this would conflict with filming, but this is a time for individuality.
On N’s side, this slowly developing inconjunction to her Neptune shows me someone who is trying to lock down, [isolate], [6/11H] cutting herself off from social circles to protect her work life, which I think is also natural for [show filming].
More than that, I think this Mercury inconjunction is a time to be wary about anyone who claims to be speaking for her, claiming to know how she thinks or feels, or people claiming to know personal information about her. If anything comes up, I think it’ll be obvious that this person has no connection to her, based on how inaccurate they are from the beginning, but I think this does show someone trying to take advantage of her attempts to lock down and stay quiet.
In [two months], [October], Mercury will eventually enter a trine with N’s 1H Jupiter,  which (I believe) agrees with what I said before in her natal transits, with how she’s planning to reach out to her fans more.
With this continued theme, I think it’s important for her fans to consider… how much space a person needs to feel safe talking in front of people. If everything she says gets swept up, flipped and turned against her by the end of the day, what reason does she have to come back or try to open up again? I think it’s just a time to consider… if we can contribute in some way, it would be by enforcing that people respect and listen to what she says.
If she doesn’t want to share her life in some way, she won’t. Not because she’s hiding anything, but because communicating with her audience demands different boundaries, especially as her fame rises and she’s introduced to new audiences.
In all, I think these next few months are about friends rekindling a love for each other, showing that nothing can break them apart. I know we hope for signs of a relationship, but I think this affirms what we've always said about things moving slowly, showing stability. I still take these transits as a good sign, them finding some kind of privacy and peace, but I think it is on us to maintain that distance, respecting their need for it. I think there are conversations they keep between them, and this is the time they'll be explored.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🤗🫂🤗
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🤗 Scorpio Juno often regrets losing virginity before entering marriage. The wish they would have lose it in a more meaningful way with a meaningful partner, their spouse.
🫂 Libra Chiron might have been shamed by others for losing virginity before marriage.
🤗 Women who have Mars in the 12th house often get “the bachelor”, that one man a lot of women wished to marry. If Mars sign is Cancer, it also indicates a lot of hate coming from women because of that.
🫂Venus Conjunct Pluto in a Natal chart: You can be obsessive in love. You have cycles in your partnerships. Your partners have a tendency to come back to you even after you spent years apart. They always seem to return. You transform your lovers.
🤗 The sign of your Vertex shows the Sun sign of the person that will have a role in your awakening. One celebrity example is: Prince Harry has Leo Vertex and his wife Meghan is Leo Sun. Being in the 7th house, you will likely have this awakening while in partnership, marriage or through being a part of a team.
🫂 4th house shows the father in a woman’s natal chart. 10th house shows the mother in a woman’s natal chart. So it’s just reversed for women.
But in a man’s chart 4th house is the mother. 4th house shows the mother in a man’s natal chart. And 10th house shows the father in a man’s natal chart.
🤗 I’ve noticed a lot of Capricorn Rising people tend to attract, be in relationship or even marry a person who is older than them. Which I still don’t fully understand how and why with Cancer over their Descendant. It would make more sense to marry younger, but this is often not what I observed.
🫂In Synastry chart your Sun in someone's 5th house: You might dream of having children together or you could be good at it. You see each other as your personal vacation. You might enjoy doing hobbies together. You share similar interests. You might be more romantic with each other than you are with other people. You could go or have really extravagant dates. You might go all out when you are together, because you want to impress each other. You will compliment each other a lot and these compliments will come very naturally to you. You will want to praise each other. You will feel like you are a star, a celebrity when around each other. You will feel like their spotlight is on you as well.
🤗 I noticed people who have Ceres in the 3rd house, their love language is not that often words of affirmation, but more so just ✨hand holding✨.
🫂Venus Conjunct Uranus in a Natal chart: You could be a part of love triangle at some point so be mindful. You could have a friend to lovers transition. Or a lot of your acquaintances have a crush on you. You might have a long-distance relationship at some point. You could also not see your partner due to the fact that their job might keep them away, like they could be a pilot and you don’t see them for 3 months. You might like quirky, eccentric and unconventional lovers. You go for the weirdo in the room that seems really interesting. You value communication the most in your relationship.
🤗 If your Mars is in the 5th house, you might particularly care for disadvantaged children, those who lack school supplies could be one example.
🫂In Synastry chart Moon in someone's 8th house: You might have sexual awakening with this person. Before one of you or both might have considered yourself aromantic or even asexual, but with this person you will feel awakened. You will feel passion, lust and desire. You will just want them. You might be quick to merge your finance, living situation or even become physical. With this overlay, I suggest getting physical as late as possible, try to prolonge it and don’t give into desire too soon. Because as soon as you merge with this person, obsession, jealous and being territorial might begin. You will experience power struggles, but also understanding on an emotional, physical and mental level like never before. You might have sex dreams about this person, a lot of sexual fantasies (and vice versa of course). It’s an intense, strong bond, but a lot of times unbreakable. You could become too easily dependent on each other and learn to nurture your own individuality and have your own individual lives as well. You will mirror each other a lot. You will challenge each other and learn your mistakes, short-comings. You might be a bit unwilling to change. One might change a lot (8th house person especially), but you will feel like the other person is always the same. But this will not be true, Moon person will go through psychological, inner changes, while you (house person) might change in your actions, outlook on life. You will know each other’s desires, secrets and fears with time. But at first there might be a lot of frustrations, miscommunication and misunderstandings. You might be very vulnerable around each other. You could feel like the other person see right through you. You could feel like are naked in front of each other.
🤗Mars trine Pluto in a Composite chart: This is an intense, but magnetic connection. You enjoy working from the background. You are subtle. Others can sense tension around you, even if just sexual. You might have power struggles and ego death. You also feel like you need to one up each other. You might have tit for tat behaviour towards each other at some point. You feel vulnerable with this person. You think this person sees right through you. You feel like you can hide from this person, they always find you. You feel easily rejected or ignored by this person.
🫂Eros Persona chart: Sun indicates where your pride lies in your sexual desires and intimacy, it’s your basic sexual identity. Moon indicates what traits partner have to have for you to be comfortable with them. Mars indicates how you behave when aroused, what you feel energized by in intimacy and where you are likely spontaneous. North Node indicates the general direction of your sexual desire, what you are meant to learn, who you will likely encounter in life that you will be sexually involved with.
🤗2nd house shows which brands and designers you buy clothes from. It literally shows which brands, designers and people you "give money to" when you buy their clothing. If you have Moon in the 2nd house or even Cancer Venus you could be a fan of Hugo Boss (Cancer Sun) brand. If you have Venus in the 2nd house, Taurus over the 2nd house or Taurus/Libra Venus you might be Fred Perry (Taurus Sun) or Ralph Lauren (Libra Sun) fan. You might like Tommy Hilfiger (Aries Sun) brand if you have Aries Venus or Mars in the 2nd house.
🫂Capricorn Midheaven in Eros Persona chart: Your sexual partner with time will see you as someone who enjoys control or is controlling. As someone who is like a parental figure to them almost. And you will be seen as serious, mature, detached, impatient, reckless and bold. You will be respected. You could enjoy power plays in sex. You will focus more on reality rather than fantasy. You could be seen as less romantic, but your love and sexual attraction are astounding.
🤗Venus trine Jupiter in the Synastry chart: You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You also allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally.
🫂Venus in the other's 10th house in a Synastry chart: Both like to be seen in public together. You might enjoy present this person to your parents. If this is a romantic situation, you might be a slow burn. You will take time to get to know this person and to introduce them to your parents. You want to see this person in your future as well. You see this person has a potential for a long-term connection.
🤗Sun conjunct Uranus in a Synastry chart: You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable home. There will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness.
🫂In Midheaven Persona chart Juno shows traits of ideal people that you would like to connect with at your workplace. Vesta shows your »sacred fire« what you will feel overprotective about at your job or about your job, career and reputation. Lilith indicates people in your workplace that you can have power struggles with, because you will feel like they don’t want to cooperate or you can’t “tame” them. Vertex shows where you will encounter fated relationships in your career or at your job. Those relationships that will make you think like it was meant to meet them. It might also indicate people that you will likely “commit” to in a way that you’ll become great work friends.
🤗In Synastry chart one's Venus conjunct the other's Sun: The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways Sun person embodies all that Venus person finds attractive and beautiful and Venus person also makes a special effort to please the Sun person. So Sun person responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match!
🫂Mars trine Saturn in a Natal chart: You could like and prefer older people. You might often be the group leader. You might have tension with authority figures. You could also be a bit impatient, especially before first Saturn Return (so before the age of 30). But you will learn patience with time. You could be a late bloomer.
🤗 In Synastry chart someone's Sun trine your Saturn: Saturn person is very dedicated and loyal to Sun person, with a strong desire to fulfill the responsibilities and demands of this relationship. Saturn person is willing to go the extra mile and make sacrifices without complaining, for the benefit of the Sun person and the relationship. Sun person is encouraging and supportive of Saturn, inspiring a sense of security and well-being. If the two of you engage in business activities or marry, you will find that you work well together on meeting the problems that arise and you can count on each other to be responsible and trustworthy. There is a deep sense of mutual commitment and dedication that holds your relationship together, even when you go through difficult times together.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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astroeleanor · 15 days
The Four Zodiac Signs That Will Be REBORN in September 2024
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LIBRA (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
During September, Venus conjuncts the South Node in Libra, bringing about:
• Opportunities to let go of outdated beliefs or attachments, particularly in the areas of relationships, self-worth, and personal values, leading to a sense of liberation.
• Reassessment of how you relate to others, potentially ending old relationship dynamics that are not beneficial. This can feel like a “rebirth” as new, healthier ways of connecting and creating balance are established in your life.
• A deeper exploration of your personal identity, beyond your relationships, redefining who you are independently of others.
• Find new equilibrium in your life, shedding what disrupts your inner peace and embracing what promotes balance.
• This conjunction might bring people or situations from the past back into your life for resolution. This could be an opportunity for closure, healing, and growth.
PISCES (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th and the transit of Saturn in Pisces might affect you in the following ways:
• Heightened emotional awareness, deep insights, and the potential for significant release or closure.
• Profound emotional release or awakening, letting go of past emotional wounds, illusions, or attachments.
• Closing of a significant chapter in your life, paving the way for new beginnings.
• Bringing form and structure to your dreams, spiritual practices, and emotional world.
• A strong emphasis on developing boundaries and self-discipline. You may be pushed to balance your compassionate, empathetic nature with the need to protect your energy and establish clearer boundaries.
• A reality check! You may have to confront your fears, illusions, or escapist tendencies. This confrontation can lead to a major personal transformation and a clearer, more realistic vision of your future.
VIRGO (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
With the New Moon in Virgo on Sep 2nd, Virgo Season, Mercury entering Virgo, and the opposition between transiting Sun and Mercury in Virgo and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you may experience:
• A powerful opportunity to initiate new projects, habits, or routines that are aligned with your goals for personal growth and improvement.
• A focus on self-improvement, clarity, and redefining your purpose, making it a perfect time for a personal "rebirth."
• An emphasis on rethinking and reevaluating your thoughts, communication style, and decision-making processes, refining your perspectives and adopting new ways of thinking.
• Confronting where you need to balance your desire for perfection with accepting life's imperfections and integrating more compassion & flexibility into your routines.
• Potential confusion or uncertainty but also the chance to clarify illusions or unrealistic expectations, seeing beyond your usual practical mindset and incorporating a more spiritual or imaginative perspective.
• Integrating more emotional intelligence, compassion, or spiritual awareness into your life, gaining a more holistic sense of yourself.
• Setting new health goals, establishing healthier habits, redefining your daily routine for greater well-being.
CAPRICORN (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
As Pluto makes its final entry into Capricorn for our lifetimes, you may experience:
• A culmination of the transformative energies Pluto has been bringing into your life since 2008, marking the end of a profound cycle of personal and collective transformation.
• Shedding outdated identities, roles, or structures that are outdated. This shedding process allows for the emergence of a renewed, more authentic version of yourself.
• Letting go of rigid beliefs, societal expectations, patterns of control.
• Becoming aware of deep-seated fears or traumas that need healing. This is a final call to confront and transform these issues.
• Reconstructing your personal and professional foundations, building them on more authentic & stable ground.
• Pluto’s energy is about power dynamics, both internal and external. There is an opportunity for you to reclaim or master your personal power, learning to wield it responsibly and effectively in your life.
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yet-another-leo · 6 months
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
reblog and answer as honestly as you can (you can answer with either tropical or sidereal placements, but do mention which one)
1 ✧ lunar ruled/lunar dominants, do you always feel eclipse energy? [lunar ruled = cancer asc or moon as chart ruler]
2 ✧ those who have pluto aspecting their sun/moon/rising (in either transit or natal), have people told you/been telling you that you look dead?
my answer: when pluto first entered aquarius and opposed my sun everybody and their mother were telling me that I was starting to look dead everyday.
3 ✧ venus ruled/venus in 1H/10H/venus conj. asc/mc, do people always tell you that you are pretty? Like is it the first thing? [venus ruled = libra/taurus asc or venus as chart ruler]
my answer: I'm a libra asc and I don't always get compliments but getting called pretty was the only ever compliment I used to get. Yeah it's usually the first thing people would tell me.
4 ✧ venus conj. jupiter/venus in 9H, have you ever crushed on your teacher? or dated a teacher?
5 ✧ what annoys you/makes you angry & how does your anger show up? what's your moon and mars placement/aspects?
my answer: nothing really offends me at firsthand anymore and even when it does I can hide it well, but what I do hate is when people just keep repeating the same things over and over again. In the past, I would get into physical fights ☠, but now I either call people out or stay quiet. I have a 8H taurus mars sq. saturn & neptune, and 4H capricorn moon opposite mercury.
6 ✧ which song(s) best describes how you feel in love/in a relationship & what is your moon and venus placement?
my answer: "religion" by lana del rey, "false god" by taylor swift, and "humen tumse pyar kitna" by kishore kumar and I have virgo venus in 12H and capricorn moon in 4H
7 ✧ what's your favorite placement in your birth chart + the least favorite?
my answer: I like my libra asc and 10H mercury the most. My least favorite is my virgo venus tho, and that's bcuz most of the interpretations I see are kinda boring and unrelatable for me.
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harmoonix · 2 years
🖤▪️ Astro Notes ▪️🖤
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♣️ Gemini placements can be very curious about everything they do, tho these people are very curious most of times. Their curiosity hits even in the most unexpected moments. ♣️
♣️ Pisces Placements are big indicators of someone who is very artistic and charismatic♣️
♣️ Aries Venus and Mars can get very jealous and very easy, i describe this as the bulls when they see the red color. They are not aggresive but jealousy can suffocate them sometimes ♣️
♣️Virgo Mars is a very attractive placement, most of these people can be switch. (Dominant or submissive depends on their needs)♣️
♣️ You just know that a Capricorn Mars is gonna do everything for you to feel good, doesn't matter how you feel these people will always try to make you feel good ♣️
♣️ Taurus/Libra Venus can love so passionately, these people are the Venus definition, these type of people can spend the whole day to make you love yourself, and to value yourself :> such cute people ♣️
♣️Your 5th house Sign can show you how like to experience sex/love:♣️
For example: 5th house in Scorpio can be very passionate, a lot of kinks
5th house in Aquarius can make someone to try different and new things during love time
5th house in Gemini might be the type of people who wanna make love all day either to have more round of love.
♣️ I don't think i said this before but Uranus - ascendant aspects want to be different from the public/ other people, and that's not a bad thing they are doing their own things in their own unique world ♣️
♣️ Sun in Scorpio have a very sexual aura around, that's the energy their radiate ♣️
♣️Sun in Aries are ultra dominants, i don't think i ever saw an Aries to be submissive, they just like to be in power and control all the time ♣️
♣️Mercury - Pluto aspects might like dirty talk too much, is like they see this as the key in their love life, i don't know why but i think they might lose interest if you don't talk dirty with them 😭
♣️ Uranus - Mars aspects might have an addiction for making love, they just have a very high libido and a very unique sex drive ♣️
♣️If you wanna balance yourself with your own beauty start to dress yourself like your Venus sign in colors:
For example: Scorpio Venus looks very good in dark colors, black, dark red and dark blue
Sagittarius Venus look very good in light red, purple, turquoise and magenta
Pisces Venus look very good in white, silver, green -light blue and dark green
Aquarius Venus look very good in purple, blue - black, dark pink, neon colors and yellow
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♣️ Most people with Doe Eyes, have either Neptune - Moon prominent in their charts either Pisces/Cancer/Libra, if you have Doe Eyes but you don't have any of the above look if you Neptune/Sun/Venus/Moon - Ascendant aspects
♣️When Moon/Neptune are transitioning your first house you are gonna be more sensibile than before. I said this about Moon but Neptune here makes you to heal yourself a bit slower because, you are going in a new emotional cycle so you need first to heal your wounds to enter this cycle
♣️Any planets/asteroids in in your fifth house are gonna influence your sexual life, especially if you have a 5th stiellium, you kinda are meant to feel pleasure:
Example: Saturn in the 5th house, this placement, Saturn is gonna make you feel very intense he will try to make you learn a lot of things during love time
Mars in 5th house is a very passionate placement
here Mars needs to feel pleasure at a very deep level, is also a very artistic placement, Mars tells you to take attitude and to enjoy
Uranus in the 5th house, well....here Uranus is telling you to try different things in order to find your favorites things during love time
♣️ Juno - Mars (harmonious) aspect can show your spouse will be very sensual with you and you will have a lot of good toke together
If it's makes and harsh aspect that means your spouse can have hard time to be intimate, maybe they are afarid of something and they will fear to be intimate. Together you need to feel both good
♣️ Juno - Chiron aspects: there is a high chance for the relationship to be a karmic one and too need to solve a lot of karmic things together, either your spouse heal your wounds either you will be the one to heal their wounds. It matters because you 2 will need to heal eachother.. if it makes and harsh aspect with Juno then the relationship can turn into a healing karmic process when you both will learn a lot of things about life together ♣️
♣️ Venus - Chiron aspects need to learn to give love either to receive love from others ❗❗❗
If it's a harmonious aspect (Semi sextile, sextile,trine, conjunct, quintile, bi-quintile) between these 2, you need to give love to others, to give love to the ones you think they deserve to be loved. But you also need to love yourself and to be happy with your own person
If it's in a harsh aspect (Semi square, square, opposition, conjunct, quincunx) between these 2, you need to learn to receive love from others, because it might be hard for you to feel love, to get affection from others :(, you also need to love yourself to start being happy with your own body, mind, heart and soul. Be happy with everything around you ❣️
♣️ Lilith in Virgo/6th house, might have an obsession with trying to be perfect, trying to be on everyone likes, these people can be hard on themselves :(, please take a deep breath of air and remember is good to be different, is good to be imperfect, is good to be yourself and never change yourself just because someone wants that. I wanna hug you all because you have it really hard on these subjects (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃
♣️ People with water Moons (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) can possess psychic powers, that's because water represents the subconscious mind and these Moon can have their subconscious awaken very often ♣️
♣️ People with Saturn in 4th/6th/8th/12th houses really like to sleep a lot because they can be tired 24/7 😭♣️
♣️ Venus in water and fire signs can be very posesive of their partners, they are very jealous too and horny all the time 🤣😭♣️.
♣️Venus in Earth signs are most likely to take it slowly and very serious when they met potential partners, for them because it's important to take it step by step 😲♣️
♣️I can already see how Venus in Air signs will talk a lot with their partners about everything that happened in their life its so cute to met such people to tell you everyday stories of their life🥹
♣️Juno (3) asteroid in Air Signs (Gemini,Libra, Aquarius) can find a really attractive partner who they can talk all day with, is something very unique in their partners 🥹♣️
♣️ Can we talk about how Midheaven and Juno harmonious aspects (Semi sextile, Bi-quintile, Quintile, sextile, Trine, conjunction) show that a lot of people would like you as a couple?🥹 A lot of people will love you 2 together 😲
If it's an harsh aspect to Midheaven (Semi Square, Opposition, Conjunction, Square) be careful because people might be very jealous of you. Especially Juno - Midheaven conjunction because is the strongest 🥹
How people with Mercury in Air signs type messages so fast 😭😭, like they can spam you with messages just in 2 minutes
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With Love, Harmoonix❣️
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elminx · 25 days
Energy Update: September 2024
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September is an “8” Universal Month [9 (September) + 8 (2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8] in an “8” Universal Year. 8 months are represented by the infinity symbol and the ouroboros – they are everything, and nothing, all at once. Everything comes full circle in an 8 month, often represented by the highest highs and the lowest lows. What comes up must go down. But, alternatively, what goes does must come up. In this way, 8 months can be seen as a type of equalization. This is very in line with the astrology of the month, where we return, on an astrological level, to what has gone before – in more than one case, for the last time. This will be a month to revisit unfinished business.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury moving through its post-retrograde shadow in Leo, Venus in Libra, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Saturn and retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto just barely in Aquarius. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have entered Libra, Venus will have moved into Scorpio, Mars into Cancer, and Pluto backward into Capricorn.
The Nitty Gritty
Everything comes full circle this month as we enter our first “8” themed month in our “8” themed year. This may feel like a homecoming for some, but for others, it will be a roller coaster ride straight into unfinished business. If the feeling of the year has been “change before you have to,” this is your astrological reminder that we are approaching eclipse season, which always strongly emphasizes the HAVE To side of that equation. Not only will we be experiencing a lunar eclipse, but we will also see all of our personal planets change signs and Pluto transition back into Capricorn for the very last time. The world is shifting again, and we may need to find that solid ground will be difficult to come by in the weeks ahead.
This year has been colored by Pluto, our dwarf planet of death, change, and transformation, which has been slowly transitioning from the cardinal earth sign Capricorn (where it has been sitting for the last 15 years) into the fixed air sign of Aquarius. Our outer planets move very slowly and dictate the overarching feeling of the times; their transitions from one sign to another generally coincide with intense societal changes and times of turmoil and transformation. On the 1st, Pluto moves back into Capricorn for the very last time.
Pluto plays the long game. Like its namesake, it slowly degrades the area of life it touches. In Capricorn, Pluto has been breaking down our outdated systems of government and institutions. Pluto is a cosmic reminder that all things must die in their time so that something new can be born in its place. We are experiencing the final death throws of what was – but it won’t be pretty. Like all earth signs, Capricorn can get exceedingly stuck in its ways, and it often takes more than one quake to shake things loose.
Because this happens on the first, the energy of Pluto entering Capricorn from the back end will set the tone for the entire month. You may feel like you are regressing in some way in your life. A situation may arise that you thought was taken care of. This will be strongest felt by those with personal planets around 00° in the earth or cardinal signs. Where Aquarius rules innovation and the future, Capricorn rules the past and tradition; society may take a step or two back away from progressive measures or future-focused thinking.
The good news is that this Pluto in Capricorn retrograde won’t last long. Pluto will station direct in October and reenter Aquarius for the final time (for the next 248 years) on 11/19/24. The 80 days in between may be quite challenging, though. Something may need to change – inside your life and in the world. It’s decision time. The big flex throughout September (and into October and November) will be to let go of what needs to leave your life.
Our Lights: the Sun and the Moon
Our Sun will be in Virgo and Libra all month long, which means that this month marks the transition from Summer (Virgo) to Autumn (Libra) on 9/22. Also, because our lunar nodes will remain on the Aries-Libra axis through the new year, we are entering our second eclipse season. The Sun in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, 9/8, which may show up in our lives as a check-in with our goals and what we must do to stay in alignment. Remember, we are in an “8” month in an “8” year, so things may feel all over the place at times – it’s okay, now come back to the center.
Virgo season tends to be about cleaning up, physically and metaphorically. The summer is drawing to a close, and it is time to prepare for the new season. As mentioned above, this whole year has been about endings and the hint of new beginnings (represented by Pluto’s planetary movements), and it may feel like we are down to the wire. This month’s big flex will be to take the new moon on 9/2 to clean up what you can and then let the lunar eclipse on 9/17 take you where it’s going to.
Our new moon on 9/2 is at 11° Virgo and is a 3/2 new moon.
6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3. 3 (Virgo New Moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
The new moon is relatively unaspected, so we look back again to the numerology. Notably, the new moon carries “11” energy twice over; first, it falls in the 11th degree of Virgo, and, secondly, it is an 11/2 new moon. This is one of three Master Numbers in numerology – it heightens the energy of the final number (2). The number 2 is one of movement and connections – with the number 2, you are either adding (1+1=2) or subtracting (2-1=1). Through this, we can infer that this is a new moon that will get things moving.
Remember, Virgo is a sign of refinement. As the second of our two Mercury-ruled signs, Virgo lives in the mind, but rather than being the Idea Man (Gemini, nongendered), Mercury begins the work of perfecting and honing down in Virgo. This can feel like criticism (especially if you don’t have Virgo in your natal chart), so stay aware of touchiness in yourself and others around the new moon. Clean it up. Fix it up. Do what you’ve been putting off. Future-proof your life. Virgo’s new moon energy has a lot in common with the energy of Mercury retrograde, but it will pass far more quickly.
The Sun in Virgo will square off with Jupiter in Gemini around 9/12, which may feel unlucky but is, more likely than not, simply a bit challenging. Remember, Virgo is LOOKING to refine. That challenge is there so that you will better understand what you have to do.
Our lunar eclipse on Tuesday, 9/17, will be at 25° Pisces and is a 9/8 full moon.
12 (Pisces Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9. 9 (Pisces full moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
This is the real deal (even by Eclipse standards) due to a couple of major planetary aspects happening around the 17th, most notably Mars in Cancer forming a rough cardinal square with our lunar nodes in Aries and Libra.
But wait, Minx – how come the lunar nodes are in Aries and Libra, but the eclipsed moon is in Pisces? This is our first indication that our lunar nodes are reaching the end of their stay in their current signs. The lunar nodes are sitting at 06° and will move on to the Pisces-Virgo axis early in 2025. While this switch happens, we often see off-element eclipses that fall in the “wrong signs.” In this way, we can use this early Pisces lunar eclipse as a bit of an augury of what will come in the three years ahead when the lunar nodes transit Pisces and Virgo.
The eclipse won’t be close to the lunar nodes (11°), but Mars will be in a tight t-square, so expect tensions to be high. This is undoubtedly red-flag weather, so lie low and stay out of the arena if possible. When Mars is poorly aspected, the chance of violence goes up. We are also experiencing two strong oppositions on either side of the eclipse – Venus in Libra will oppose Chiron on Monday, 9/16, and Mercury in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn on Wednesday, 9/18. Note that all three of our personal planets are involved in the days around this eclipse – it will feel personal for most of us.
Standard eclipse advice applies here: Eclipses (like the sign of Virgo) tend to be a hit of instant alignment. The lunar nodes can be viewed as an arrow in the sky pointing from the South Node and towards the North. In our natal birth charts, the nodes show the natural flow of energy in our lives, and in the transits, they show the natural flow of energy happening at the time of the transit. Age-old astrological advice is to TRUST what happens on the days of the eclipses and, to a lesser degree, on the days between the set of eclipses, which dictates the “season.” Eclipses have a way of opening some doors and closing others. I’ll write more about the eclipse as we approach this lunar event.
Mercury has finally exited its retrograde at the end of August and will chug its way quickly through the last bit of Leo, through Virgo, and into Libra by the end of the month. Virgo is the sign of Mercury’s domicile, so 9/9 to 9/26 will be an excellent time for all Mercurial pursuits (writing/language/technology/travel).
Keep in mind that before we get there, Mercury still needs to retrace the last dregs of its post-retrograde shadow. This includes the third of its trines with Chiron in Aries on 9/2 (the day of the new moon) – this could bring up some touchy bits from our total lunar eclipse back in April, which included a conjunction with both Mercury and Chiron not far from the spot where Chiron still sits in Aries today. Chiron spots can feel very touchy if you aren’t used to them (see also: don’t have a strong Chiron element in your birth chart or haven’t undergone a serious Chiron transit). A good way of looking at it is that the pain is there to show us what isn’t working so we can fix it. Again, this will be a month of refinement.
Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow at 04° Virgo on 9/11 and doesn’t make any other aspects until it opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces on 9/18. This is our planetary check-in or check-up. As mentioned in the section about our Luminaries, this happens a day after our lunar eclipse, so it may serve as the cosmic right time to take stock of what has happened and what we can do about it. Mercury in Virgo is very proactive, and Saturn wants us to be our best selves – we CAN use this opposition to our advantage even if, on the outside, it doesn’t seem advantageous.
Mercury squares off with Jupiter in Gemini on 9/22, making for a tense day of many misunderstandings. You may wake up the next morning to realize those mountains were mere molehills. Don’t take things too seriously, and it will pass quickly.
As Mercury moves towards its ingress into Libra on 9/26, they will trine Uranus in Taurus, oppose Neptune in Pisces, and trine Pluto in Capricorn – this is business as usual and will probably pass unnoticed.
Once Mercury enters Libra, they will meet up with the Sun and the South Node in an early stellium, which may illuminate (the Sun) new ways of thinking (Mercury) about our past (South Node). We are deep in eclipse season and should meet the last days of September with our eyes wide open.
Venus will be in the sign of her domicile, Libra, until 9/22, when she enters Scorpio, the sign of her detriment. In Libra, Venus can be entirely consumed with the ideals of traditional relationship roles, and in Scorpio, she turns her eyes towards secrets and – in the worst-case scenario – revenge! The first half of the month strongly supports relationships (at least the easily codified and societally acceptable ones), but things are not always what they seem with Venus. Keep in mind that Venus in Libra can sometimes be a bit controlling – especially regarding how she wants her relationship to appear. As Venus enters Scorpio, she can quickly become the scorned lover – even if she hasn’t actually been scorned!
In Libra, Venus can become so obsessed with her ideal of a relationship that she refuses to look at reality. This may come to a head on 9/4 as she meets up in conjunction with the South Node at 06° Libra. Relationships of all kinds will be on the chopping block that week, but most significantly, those that aren’t built on mutual support and understanding. Our lunar nodes on the Aries-Libra axis have been forcing us all to confront our personal biases around Independence versus Togetherness, and this time may be especially fraught for couples with different needs on this spectrum.
On 9/15, Venus trines Jupiter in Gemini, which is a good day to have a good day. On 9/16, she opposes Chiron in Aries, which might be a wake-up call to where we live in excess or otherwise outside our means or comfort zones. We may have to pay for the overindulgences of the day prior. She will trine Pluto in Capricorn right before she enters Scorpio, a reminder that we can’t always carry our past into the future.
While she is in Scorpio, we have to remember to watch our tongues and keep a check on our revenge fantasies. If the person did you wrong, fine, but if your own expectations just hurt you, you may need to check yourself through the end of the month.
Mars spends most of the month in Cancer, the sign of its fall. That means from 9/22 to 9/30, both of our relationship planets will be in uncomfortable positions. It’s worth noting that Mars will be in the sign of its fall earlier in the month, while Venus will be in her domicile.
Relationships may be tense all month long. Mars in Cancer is naturally square to Venus in Libra. Though the two won’t meet up in exact aspect with one another here, it still shows that partners in any given relationship may not see eye to eye with one another (regardless of gender). Mars will be better aligned with Venus in Scorpio, but neither is a peaceful or kind placement for relationship continuity. Just be aware and stay aware all month long. People, in general, are likely to be moody and a touch emotionally manipulative.
This spark exists all month long, and when Mars in Cancer forms a cardinal t-square in the skies as we enter eclipse season, we add the fuel. The problem that Mars in Cancer has is that Cancer’s natural motis apprendi is to move in a sideways direction (like its namesake, the crab), which often appears to be subversive or manipulative to others. Aries is all forward motion and wants nothing to do with this sidestepping, and Libra can tolerate it, but it’s not quite their way, either. This is a battle of the Cardinal Giants, and of any of the modalities, cardinal signs are the ones that don’t back down.
Mars is our problem child of the month; emphasis on the term child here. Mars in Cancer can be at his most petulant – throwing a full-on “Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what to do!” temper tantrum because he didn’t get his way. Whatever comes up for us during this upcoming eclipse season, Mars is not going to like it. Not one bit.
Mars never likes giving up control, that’s for sure. It’s worth noting that we are working our way towards a Mars retrograde in Leo in December. You could say that the pumps are getting primed for a very real meltdown yet to come.
At the end of the month, on 9/30, Mars trines retrograde Saturn in Pisces, which is yet another cosmic check-up on ourselves to round out the month. We end the month in the middle of an eclipse season that spans the line between Aries-Libra and Pisces-Virgo, which means that from a lunar nodal perspective, we are about to pass from sign 1 back into sign 12. This mimics the energy of Pluto reentering Capricorn for one last stay. As above, so below.
The month ends much as it begins. The double loop of the 8 always completes itself.
Looking Ahead
October is Libra and Scorpio season. We will have an eclipsed new moon in Libra and a full moon in Aries later in the month. Jupiter will station retrograde, and Neptune will station direct. Once eclipse season ends, we will have a bit of a reprieve until Mars enters Leo in November.
The Details
9/1 – Uranus retrogrades 27° Taurus, retrograde Pluto enters Capricorn (29°) 9/2 – New Moon 11° Virgo, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 9/3 – Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces 9/4 – Mars enters Cancer, Venus conjunct South Node in Libra/opposed North Node in Aries 06° 9/7 – Mercury in Aries square retrograde Uranus in Taurus 9/8 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo 9/11 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 04° Virgo 9/12 – Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini 9/15 – Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini 9/16 – Venus in Libra opposed Chiron in Aries, Mars in Cancer square the lunar nodes in Aries/Libra 9/17 – Lunar Eclipse 25° Pisces 9/18 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 9/19 – Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 9/20 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces 9/21 – Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini 9/22 – Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Sun enters Libra, Venus in Libra square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Scorpio 9/24 – Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 9/25 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces 9/26 – Mercury in Virgo square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury enters Libra 9/28 – Sun in Libra conjunct South Node/opposed North Node in Aries 06° 9/29 – Mercury in Libra conjunct South Node/opposed North Node in Aries 06° 9/30 – Sun conjunct Mercury 08° Libra, Mars in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces
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calmwaterstarot · 9 months
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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hoodreader · 8 days
tw sexual abuse & diddy
diddy getting outed & raided with the tuesday eclipse on his north node… with his tattoo of ezili dantor on his back. the loa of tuesdays and the protector of women & children. & he’s an avid sexual abuser of women & children.
the back is associated with leo/libra. leo is children, libra/venus is justice. and the back/unseen part of things is ruled by saturn, which is the planet of karmic distribution. tattoos are martian, the planet of protection.
it’s divine timing. bc what the hell was that man thinking. i applaud whatever diviner encouraged his ass to get EZILI DANTOR of ALL loa permanently etched into his skin, because his abuses of children & women will follow him forever.
he’s currently in his seventh house year, the seventh house year is a year dealing with others, fairness, & balance. imo, it’s a karmic house since the seventh is a reflection of the self. what u put out is reflected back to u. he’s also about to enter his eighth house year, the house of inactivity, psychological illness, debts (including karmic).
his mars is also in capricorn at the 29°, which is a universally critical degree. it can show domineering, thoughtlessness, lack of control, impulsiveness, etc.
there’s no confirmation on his ascendant, but i’ve seen people suggest cancer ascendant (with a virgo moon & scorpio sun). that would mean that:
but i could totally see a 10h lord in the 7h, because it shows status is tied to relationships / justice / fairness
i also see charts floating around suggesting that he’s a capricorn ascendant, which i also think makes sense because of:
a first house mars
a 10H in libra shows that the public image is tied to fairness, grace, harmony, & relationships especially to women
my partner was like “maybe a sag rising,” mind u… my partner not an astrologer but they are super intuitive with that 3h scorpio moon so i considered it & lowkey…
pisces eclipse illuminating the 4th would mean that all of the illusions revolving around his private life are dug up. the 4h is the subterranean, it’s the least visible house imo
2h mars in capricorn @ the anaretic degree can show a thirst for power, but the 2h is the gate of hades. it leads to demise (the 8h)
8h lord would be in the 10h, which would show this hidden misdeeds becoming publicized preceding the eclipse in his 4h, since the natal 4h lord would be the eclipsing pisces moon. hope that made sense lol
i often see pisces rising speculation. which, i also could understand because:
this recent full moon lunar eclipse conj his north node illuminated & essentially “exposed” his heart/spirit/soul. it also exposed the qualities of the greedy, obsessive, manipulative north node
& this isn’t to say all nodal people are this way. but when u don’t know how to moderate the greedy & obsessive nature of the north node, its malefic qualities will overtake the self
pisces ascendants tend to not really be ‘seen’, especially with the lord in the unseen 8H. but again the eclipse illuminated this & just how corrupted his moral compass is
the other end of the eclipse would be in his 7H, the house of justice, which would have his moon conj the transit sun
lastly i can see aries rising because the eclipse in the twelfth exposes the consequences and results of self-undoing. it’s also the house of prisons.
anyway. just my theories. i stand in solidarity with all abuse victims of the world, & it feels good to see them get justice because a win for one is a win for all. Asè
here are some aid resources for marginalized abuse victims, please consider donating or reblogging!
Black Trans Femme SA/Abuse Victim. this gfm hasn’t moved in 5 months!
Black Childhood SA Victim. this gfm has been up since april & hasn’t gotten a single donation!
Aid for Haiti.
Aid for First Nations/American Indigenous People (Salt Lake).
Aid for Gaza. every day, isntrealis abuse Gazans (in a lot of ways, not just sexually). please consider helping them thru providing healthcare & aid
Aid for Sudan. refugees often experience higher rates of trafficking, rape, & violence. please consider donating!
Aid for DR Congolese Women/Children. consider giving aid to women/childre who are being forced into slavery & the exploitative sex trade.
Aid for Sex Workers. thru whorephobia, misogyny, & other forms of marginalization, the violence towards sex workers is enabled due to the “less dead” theory.
Support for SA/Rape/Trafficking Victims.
Consider donating to abortion funds such as AidAccess, INeedAnA, etc so that people (including rape victims) have autonomy over their reproduction.
avoid red cross. u can always scroll thru gfm & just search up keywords then just go through and donate $5+ to each one until u can’t no more. that way, u directly provide aid.
also, help the people within ur physical community. if u know any black, native, palestinian, trans, disabled etc women, be the community they are so often denied.
power 2 da people :)
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Transiting Venus enters Libra
Thursday, September 29 - Sunday, October 23, 2022
I am seriously bummed that this transit is only 25 days long. It’s a time to give and receive some TLC with our besties - not just romantic partners; Libra is bigger than that - and to calm down and appreciate beauty. I think I personally may need more than a measley 25 days of this! But it is what it is, a little bit is better than nothing at all, and if you try sometimes (you just might find) you get what you need.
Not a lot is going to go down within the parameters of a 25 day transit, certainly not anything life changing, but let’s look at Venus’ main areas anyway for some clues:
Art - pretty stuff, paintings by the Romantics in particular. Renoir, Mozart, the Beatles around 1964-5. Sometimes there is a little intellectual detachment going on, between artist and creation. Like Bryan Ferry in the video for “More than This,” in which he is depicted watching himself perform the song.
Beauty - can be the vapid sort of Barbie doll attractiveness. But we can do better than that! I always think of Catherine Deneuve and the aforementioned Mr. Ferry to exemplify Libra beauty.
Love - that special someone who “gets” us, is the ideal. If we have them, we enjoy being with them; if we do not (Ms M sighs disconsolately), we may go looking for them. Again, not necessarily a romantic partner - a BFF, a friendly rival, even an open enemy. Peer relationships between true equals, come in many flavors.
Money - we’re likely to spend on Libra-type things, of course: makeup, scent, lotions, concerts, artistic prints. (With me, it’s impractical yarn.) Can go between the extremes of being a miser and being a profligate.
Venus makes the usual array of aspects while chilling in her own sign. Of particular note is her conjunction with the Sun on Saturday, October 23. This is their Superior conjunction and marks the halfway point of the Sun-Venus cycle. By this point we either have, or have not, fulfilled any goals we may have set at the time the Sun-Venus cycle “reset” itself. (January 9, 2022, at 18°43’ Capricorn.) It’s usually a little of both! This can be likened to a waning lunar cycle, between the Full Moon and theNew Moon, so we might want to treat our Venus-type projects in that manner. (The next Sun-Venus cycle is August 12, 2023, with Venus Rx and the Sun in their Inferior conjunction at 20°28’ Leo.)
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sensualnoiree · 5 months
astro notes: daily transit 5/7 TAURUS NEW MOON
This New Moon in Taurus is particularly significant, offering a positive and supportive energy that aligns with the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Here's a detailed summary of its key features:
Exalted New Moon: The Moon is exalted in Taurus, a sign associated with stability, peace, and sensual gratification. This sets a positive tone for the entire lunar cycle, emphasizing harmony and ease in various aspects of life.
Alignment with Jupiter and Venus: The New Moon occurs in Jupiter's bound and is accompanied by Venus, which is also in its domicile in Taurus. This alignment further enhances the positive and supportive qualities of the New Moon, suggesting a period of growth, abundance, and harmony.
Venus's Combustion: While Venus is technically entering the combustion range with the Sun, indicating a period of transformation and renewal for Venusian themes, its position in Taurus, its own domicile, suggests that this transformation will be supportive and not overly challenging.
Jupiter's Synodic Reset: Jupiter, however, is going through a synodic reset, being under the beams of the Sun. This indicates a period of transformation and renewal for Jupiterian themes, but with the support of Venus and the overall positive energy of the New Moon, this reset is seen as a positive development rather than a setback.
Sun's Influence on Jupiter and Uranus: The Sun's conjunction with Uranus and subsequent conjunction with Jupiter further amplifies the energy of the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, bringing positive momentum and support for change and growth.
❤️‍🔥 Aries Rising (Taurus in the 2nd House): - Focus on financial stability and material security. - Opportunities for increasing income or acquiring valuable possessions. - A time to reassess your values and priorities regarding money and possessions. - Potential for new sources of income or a shift in financial circumstances.
🐐 Taurus Rising (Taurus in the 1st House): - A period of personal growth and self-improvement. - Emphasis on self-care, self-image, and personal development. - New beginnings in how you present yourself to the world. - Opportunities for enhancing your physical appearance or expressing your unique identity.
🌬 Gemini Rising (Taurus in the 12th House): - A focus on spirituality, introspection, and inner growth. - Time for retreat, reflection, and connecting with your subconscious mind. - Potential for healing and releasing past wounds or limiting beliefs. - Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may provide valuable insights.
🦀 Cancer Rising (Taurus in the 11th House): - Emphasis on social connections, friendships, and group activities. - Opportunities for expanding your social network and joining new groups or organizations. - Focus on your hopes, wishes, and aspirations for the future. - Collaborative projects or teamwork may be highlighted during this time.
🦁Leo Rising (Taurus in the 10th House): - Focus on career advancement, professional goals, and public image. - Opportunities for recognition, success, and achievement in your career. - Time to reassess your long-term goals and ambitions. - Potential for new career opportunities or a change in your professional direction.
🌾 Virgo Rising (Taurus in the 9th House): - Emphasis on higher education, philosophy, and spiritual beliefs. - Opportunities for travel, exploration, and expanding your horizons. - Focus on personal growth through learning and new experiences. - Potential for gaining new insights or perspectives that broaden your worldview.
⚖️ Libra Rising (Taurus in the 8th House): - Focus on shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. - Opportunities for deepening your connections with others on a profound level. - Time to address issues related to trust, intimacy, and shared finances. - Potential for personal transformation through letting go of old habits or attachments.
🦂 Scorpio Rising (Taurus in the 7th House): - Emphasis on relationships, partnerships, and cooperation. - Opportunities for forming new partnerships or deepening existing ones. - Focus on harmony, balance, and mutual understanding in your relationships. - Potential for significant developments in your personal or business partnerships.
🏹 Sagittarius Rising (Taurus in the 6th House): - Focus on health, work, and daily routines. - Opportunities for improving your health and well-being through lifestyle changes. - Time to reassess your work environment and daily habits. - Potential for new job opportunities or a change in your work situation.
🐐 Capricorn Rising (Taurus in the 5th House): - Emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and romance. - Opportunities for pursuing creative projects or hobbies that bring you joy. - Focus on developing your unique talents and skills. - Potential for new romantic relationships or a deepening of existing ones.
⚡️ Aquarius Rising (Taurus in the 4th House): - Focus on home, family, and emotional security. - Opportunities for creating a more nurturing and supportive home environment. - Time to address any issues related to your family or personal history. - Potential for making changes to your living situation or finding a sense of emotional grounding.
🐠 Pisces Rising (Taurus in the 3rd House): - Emphasis on communication, learning, and local community. - Opportunities for improving your communication skills and connecting with others. - Focus on short trips, siblings, and neighbors. -Potential for new learning experiences or intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
my very VERY impromptu Trump-Kamala thoughts
I wanted to have a proper look at both of their charts and analyze them with respect to the elections and so I thought I'll share with you guys some notes that I'm making in my head.
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So if you're not familliar with Trump's chart, he was (kinda famously among astrologers) born on a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - his a Gemini Sun is conjunct Uranus and north node (which helps his leadership qualities) and Sagi Moon conjunct the north node (which brings misfortune to women around him… in one way or another). He also has Mars on his Leo ascendant, which just makes his Gemini self be even more yappy and arrogant know-it-all.
Currently he's in his Saturn profection year and I've talked about it in my previous post but his natal Saturn is in the 12th house of secrets, loss and succlusion. We still don't know what his felony conviction in September will be but what I will say is that Saturn, not only in the 12th but also on exile in Cancer is like double banishment - it's not only themes of being isolated because of the 12th but planets that are in the sign opposite to its domicile often act like rejection of some sorts - and it's either something that rejects you or that you reject yourself, depending on the topic involved.
On the election day, Jupiter will be right on top of his north node and Mars will barely enter his 1st house, giving him more energy and power (mind you that Mars will later retrograde back to his 12th!). Saturn will move away from t-squaring his luminaries but it will still quietly do its malefic job from his 8th house. What's also worth noting is that Uranus will still hover over his MC and square his Mars. So that disruptive energy will linger and Jupiter's influence over his planets might just blow it out of proportion even more.
Interestingly on November 5th we'll have two major transits: Venus opposite Jupiter and Mars opposite Pluto. This is a very strong push and pull and kind of like a battle of the feminine and masculine.
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Kamala on the other hand, was also born during a lunation - she has Libra Sun directly opposite Aries Moon (feisty lady she is indeed!). So she's also a full Moon baby. Not an eclipse one but her nodes are just as prominent with the north node right on her Gemini ascendant - she's here to evolve and to do things for the people. And make silly remarks about coconuts Gemini-style.
There we have it guys, the battle of Geminis!
She's currently in her 12th house profection year, where her natal Jupiter is placed. Funnily, her Jupiter is where Uranus currently transits and where Trump has his MC - the Mars-Uranus conjunction surely affected her in a good way. Because she's a Libra, at the time of the elections she'll already be in her 1st house profection with Jupiter transiting her 1st, elevating her as a person. So both of them have support from the benefic.
The beginning of November will also be a notable Saturn transit for her with it opposing her Uranus, Pluto and Venus. As well as Pluto and Mars making a grand square to her luminaries (and to her ascendant ruler, Mercury!) This is a make or break kind of transit but will it give her enough clout and power to push through with the votes or will it bring her defeat?
What's worth noting with her is that soon she'll start having eclipses in the 4th-10th houses, which can bring changes in her living situation and career - but again, it's hard to really guess if that change means stepping down and leaving the White House or upgrading her status.
One thing that is for sure is that starting next year, the US will go into its Uranus return, which historically brought a lot of upheavals and wars every time so no matter who wins, shit will most probably go down.
My guess is that'll happen under potential Trump presidency - somehow he may be that trigger whether willingly or not or some other shocking stuff happens in the meantime and THAT will be the root of the american shitstorm???
Another interesting point is that on the inauguration day Sun will conjoin with Pluto - so we have the theme of forceful power and leadership or some other unpleasant things yet again. Venus will also just move past Saturn, which makes me think of the defeat of the feminine - OR maybe because Venus is exalted in Pisces this is the feminine stepping into authority and a moment of a metaphorical cease-fire and ease.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Venus in Leo 2024: Invitation to Shine
Venus is going to be an evening star for the upcoming nine months or 263 days. This phase of the Venus cycle represents a time of integration and digestion of the experiences we had in the previous months, a time to connect with the deeper meaning of what we went through, particularly in the area of relationships and finances, and acknowledge the corresponding shifts in our value system.
Venus from Cancer to Leo: The Value of Play, Creativity, and Celebration
In Astrology, Venus is associated with the connection between how we relate with ourselves and how we relate with others. The natural ruler of both Taurus and Libra reminds us that whatever we experience in our relationships with others gives us information about and is a reflection of something that is happening in our relationship with ourselves. Venus is also associated with the way we relate to money, prosperity, and abundance, and with what wealth means to us. Because of Venus’s association with Taurus, she is also connected to our system of values and to issues of self-worth and self-esteem.
While Venus was in Cancer, we were reminded of the value of vulnerability and of the importance of cultivating relationships that represent safe spaces, where all of our parts are welcomed and honored. This transit offered us an opportunity to refine our ability to both give and receive love, nurturance, and care, deepen our capacity to be compassionate, and improve our attunement to both our and others’ needs and emotions.
Venus’ ingress in Leo brings our focus toward ourselves and our need for creative expression and self-actualization. This transit highlights our desire to be fully expressed, to be seen, and to actively participate in life, leaving our mark or creating our legacy. Venus’s journey through Leo is a reminder of the value of creativity, pleasure, and celebration. This combination of energies underlines the power of being intentional about aesthetics as they can represent doorways to the embodiment of a specific frequency and state of being.
Venus opposite Pluto and sextile Jupiter
As Venus enters Leo, she immediately opposes retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect, already active but exact on July 12, brings to an extreme any power plays, control dynamics, or underlying manipulation attempts that may be present in our connections with others. These days, we are experiencing an increasing need for intensity and high-sensation experiences. We are also experiencing equally strong desire and fear of allowing our relationships to transform us, as that would mean being vulnerable, relinquishing control, and accepting the risk of getting hurt.
The Venus-Pluto opposition is an opportunity to acknowledge how our unconscious, unprocessed pain as well as our fears and insecurities are dictating our decisions and actions in both romantic and financial matters. It is also a chance to look at our relationships and financial choices from a bird’s eye view, from an objective stance.
The Venus-Jupiter sextile, exact on July 21, invites a generous and open-hearted approach to life, love, and learning. The activation of Jupiter in Gemini reminds us of the role of relationships as catalysts for growth and of the value of direct experience, of trial and error. The Venus-Jupiter sextile inspires us to expand our social circles, get to know new people, and share what we know, think, and feel with others.
Venus trine Chiron and square Uranus
On July 30, Venus in Leo trines retrograde Chiron in Aries. The Venus-Chiron trine offers us an opportunity to recognize wounds that impact our self-worth, self-love, and our ability to form and sustain healthy relationships. This aspect encourages healing through self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-acceptance and brings chances to release old pain. The Venus-Chiron trine inspires us to take care of ourselves by investing time and energy into what we love, what energizes us, and what we are passionate about, and reminds us to acknowledge the value we bring to our connections.
On August 2, Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Around this time, we are likely to experience a period of unexpected changes, shifts, and disruptions in our relationships and finances. The Venus-Uranus square can ignite a sudden desire for more freedom, space, and independence, as well as a need to rebel, detach from others’ expectations, and challenge the status quo in both romantic and financial matters. From an evolutionary perspective, this aspect highlights the need to break free from ways of being in relationships that represent a result of early conditioning and choose instead to discover and honor our unique needs and desires.
Venus enters Leo: Invitation to Shine
Venus’s journey through Leo represents an invitation to let ourselves be seen in our authentic expression, in our unique beauty, an invitation to make sure we are showing up without holding anything back and without misrepresenting ourselves. This transit reminds us of the value of play, encourages us to deepen our ability to live with an open heart, and motivates us to instill more creativity into our relationships.
The upcoming weeks are a powerful time to focus on sharing our creative practices with others and prioritize connecting with states of joy and playfulness, making sure we are enjoying and celebrating the gift of life, the gift of having a human body, the gift of being able to experience giving and receiving love.
Venus in Leo reminds us of our inherent ability to create, to be creators of our lives, to play, to feel, and to make art for art’s sake, without expectations or attachment to any goal. The upcoming weeks are a favorable time to explore new social circles, new creative outlets, and new hobbies, get on a stage, and share our light with others generously. --Moon Omens
Venus opposite Pluto and sextile Jupiter Talon Abraxas
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degreedummy · 2 years
Empty Houses
So, before I start, I think we just need to talk about some misconceptions first, one being that an empty house has no meaning or value to your life, the lack of placements in that area being equated with complete silence, like an empty house. The most common practice people will use, when trying to understand empty houses, is by looking at the houses "lord", aka the ruling planet of the empty houses' ruling cusp.
When looking at the house lords, I prefer the modern method (but still use Traditional alongside it):
Aries - Mars
Taurus + Libra - Venus
Gemini + Virgo - Mercury
Cancer - Moon
Leo - Sun
Scorpio - Pluto
Sagittarius – Jupiter
 Capricorn – Saturn
 Aquarius - Uranus
Pisces – Neptune
When looking at house lords, we look towards where that placement falls in our chart, using the house it falls under, any aspects, and if you apply it, malefic/benefic delineations to understand how that houses themes express themselves. So, say someone has an empty Cancer 3H, the lord of that house would be the Moon, meaning that we look to their Moon placements, any aspects towards it, etc. to understand how they (3H) communicate their emotions.
For me, under that same circumstance (empty Cancer 3H), let's say the house cusp is at 25° 25°- Aries- square degree influence- causes conflict between (25°) their desire for leadership and (square/cancer) their understanding of being able to express themselves as that leader. So, through house lords and other theories, we're able to see that we are able to find meaning in empty houses. Especially when it comes to transits through those houses, we can miss out on a lot in our chart if we treat these transits as *entering a void*. So, now to go through the houses and what they mean on their own! If these don't apply, try applying the degree aspect method and see if you have square or inconjunction degree influences over said house.
This is someone who doesn't have to put thought into who they are, most struggles they face when it comes to their identity having to do with almost being careless with who they represent themselves as. This is someone who doesn’t feel the need to prove themselves. An empty 1H is someone who... isn't by any means immune to insecurity, but they aren't driven by it. Doubting themselves, if they're able, only happens in response to failure, needing a direct cause to make them start thinking about themselves.
This is someone who has an easy time communicating their morals, values, and need for stability to people, sometimes overstepping by laying out an NDA for a new friend. Empty 2H folks tend to be... while they value their possessions, this is someone who isn't broken by something breaking. If they lose something, to them, all they can do is either find it or replace it. There is no intermission with them, they push forward.
This is someone who... may have issues with recognizing social dynamics and cliques because they're so ready to give everyone an equal opportunity to get to know them, usually never considering what can be done with all that information. An empty 3H shows someone who, really, talks to hear themselves talk. While the house may be empty, this is where the silence of it becomes uncomfortable, pushing the native to make up for it on their own.
Empty 4H's tend to have a cohesive home life, possibly getting in trouble for not switching things up enough. These are folks who tend to go home with the intentions of staying home, entering a new mindset depending on what side of the door they're on. The 4H being empty can show someone who, actually, needs an empty house. Not having any placements, these folks aren't used to not being able to escape the stress, so shadow work literally starts at what they consider to be "home".
An empty 5H represents someone who, maybe even though having a touch childhood, still never lost their connection to their innocence and curiosity. This is someone who's never felt scared of or embarrassed by their own need to share and receive love. The 5H being empty shows someone who tends to follow trends more than starting them, and it's because they don't mind being introduced to something new. Their love isn't limited by any insecurity, their heart reaches as far as consent allows them to.
This is someone who has little problem staying organized, or lives life so comfortably that they have their own version of being organized. These will be the 6H cusps to have their own system, holding to it no matter how much sense it makes. When they don't need to do a lot of work to maintain their life, this can sometimes lead to them... not being so great at adhering to other peoples' schedules. They tend to assume everything will take the least amount of work, sometimes falling apart because they didn't check up.
An empty 7H shows someone who, usually, doesn't ever know the relationship is going south until they're literally told it is, assuming everything is alright as long as the two people who need to be together [are] together. They're truly about "us against the world", having a habit of forgetting, romantically and platonically, to check up on the other person and actually ask what they need out of a partner. This 7H needs to focus on more active communication, even if they don't think they "need" it.
This house being empty shows someone who has no hesitation in how they share themselves with people, simply following the desire to be closer to someone and wanting to be the one who changes them for the better. And it isn't necessarily their goal to change the people they love, but intimacy to them is pushing each other forward through the anxiety and fear, not letting each other get stuck in feeling out of place-- fear they forget to say they don't really experience.
This is someone who swings around a sword with three edges, one who needs no validation for their beliefs, one who sees no limitations in exploring other peoples' beliefs, and one who asks so many questions that people perceive it as doubt. Empty 9H'ers are... always looking to understand, over anything else. I think sometimes digging too much can get them in trouble, but it's never enough to put an end to their curiosity, because that ease in their approach to expansion already accounts for growing pains.
The 10H being empty represents someone who doesn't usually feel a strong desire to change who they are to affect perceptions of them, not seeing value in being [known] if it means they have to be known for being someone else. This is someone who... for better or worse, rushes past criticism, setting their minds to a goal and only accepting failure if that specific goal isn't reached. This is representative of a hard worker, but tunnel vision can be their worst enemy in terms of other areas in life.
I think, when it comes to the 11H being empty, this can either represent someone who finds ease in surrounding themselves with people, or finds ease in knowing they don't need that many people in their lives. An empty 11H shows someone who's dreams change constantly, maybe so much that people lose belief in their ability to follow through, but everything is connected. They may bounce around a lot, but every "thoughtless" risk they take has purpose.
Probably being the most intimidating house to face silence in, an empty 12H, to me, either represents someone who is in constant communication with themselves, or is so driven to push past their subconscious that they don't find the closure they need. An empty 12H shows ease in the connection between conscious and subconscious, but not everyone can handle a relationship they have little choice in being a part of. Sometimes it's silencing the endlessness of their anxiety that helps them find the answers they need.
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growwithmeastrology · 29 days
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Thursday, August 29th 2024
Sun in Virgo ♍️🌍 Moon in Cancer ♋️🌊
Venus Enters Libra
It’s a beautiful time for relationships when Venus glides through Libra. Through September 22nd enjoy some quality time with those you love. If you don’t get to, you’ll have a strong desire for them. This energy will help keep everything lighter. New relationships are highly possible.
Moon Trine Saturn
With the Cancer Moon in a trine with Saturn (rx) in Pisces, your emotions may have you focusing on extra responsibilities at home or with your family. You can rely on extra patience if sensitive or complex issues arise. A sudden interest in your ancestry is common with this transit.
Venus Trine Pluto
Your interactions with others may be powerful or intense. Express yourself honestly and then step back and allow others to discover their own truth. This influence is generally positive for relationships. You may question the dynamics within them in honor of self-love.
Moon Square Chiron
The Cancer Moon square Chiron in Aries can make you feel overly sensitive to the point of detachment. It’s ok if you feel like some alone time tonight. It may be difficult to express your emotions. Generational trauma could present itself.
Want to dig deeper?
Learn more about your energies and how the forecast personally affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation or birth chart reading.
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