2001hz · 2 years
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Tattoos By: davidenth
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akonoadham · 6 months
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Picture of a woman from the Turkana Tribe.
The Turkana are a Nilotic people native to the Turkana County in northwest Kenya, they migrated from Southern Sudan and settled at Turkana river.
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seeinginthedark · 1 month
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I’ve been thinking a lot about the story of Pandora’s Box lately. The box that once opened unleashed all the evils onto humanity. And I’ve been thinking about the hope fairy at the bottom of the box. Hope theory, I’m calling it. It’s a dangerous thing, hope. You have to take a risk. Have to have faith. You have to believe that things are going to get better. Be a light in the darkness. That’s us. Surviving in a world that’s becoming more and more immoral, senseless and detached. People are allergic to truth and wisdom. Disconnected from nature and the spirit realm. This has made us confused and living superficially and artificially.
I know that some of you are reading this and understand exactly what I’m saying. We are the last hope. We are the hope fairy at the bottom of Pandora’s box.
When everything seems hopeless and pointless or terrible and painful and endless suffering, we carry on, we keep going. Keep trying. Keep fighting. Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep believing. Never give up!
We might as well be all that is left of the light. The same light that “they” have been trying to crush and destroy for eons. Again and again and again.
And “they” even created a matrix-timeloop-simulation-reality to keep us all in so that “they” can just keep re-hashing it over and over and over again because “they’re” sick in the head, perverted, and want to watch it as content ! You know , like a reality show or The Truman Show, where we are Truman.
So that’s why, we give them a good show.
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kodaswrld · 18 days
silver tribal divider set
divider creator - requests open - like & reblog if you use!!
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જ⁀➴ credit me please & follow for more dividers!
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dxsbond · 1 year
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new graphic or smth
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secular-jew · 4 months
To you Islamists visiting my blog, try to embrace the light of liberty and modernity, and reject the medieval theocratic forces of ignorance and darkness.
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civanticism · 4 months
Almost every society that has destroyed itself didn't do so because they couldn't get along, they just didn't want to get along. Their common bonds broke down for various reasons and, without the tribal instinct to hold them together, they split into new and hostile tribes.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Tribalism Index, 2012.
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noble-oc-atomics · 3 months
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Enfields are very cool creatures. There's a whole story attached to this, believe it or not, it hasn't been touched in many moons.
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What Future Historians Say Will Shock You | Real Time with Bill Maher
And finally, New Rule: Someone, maybe AI, has to figure out a way to slow down time. Because what everyone has been saying to me lately is, "I can't believe it's May." Oh, Americans, we do nothing but bitch about everything under the sun, but damn it, life goes by too fast. It's Memorial Day in a week? Christ, I might as well start my Christmas shopping.
But it is, it's May. A month I have been anticipating for a long time because my book comes out next week. A book I have waited my whole career to write. One that is based on collecting the creme de la creme of these end of the show editorials and reimagining them, but also cover some virgin territory.
For example, I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of what historians of the future will say about us. Imagine it's the year 3024, and you're living in a colony on the planet Musk, formerly Mars. What will the historian say about the Americans of 2024? Well probably, that we were self-absorbed, algorithmically enslaved, on drugs and worshiped a god named Apple.
But what they won't do is write about the very thing that consumes us: our petty squabbles. In the myopia of the present our partisan differences make each side believe they're nothing like the other side. Libtards and deplorables. Historians will disagree. They won't see red on one side and blue on the other. You're thinking of Jaws 3D.
But historians see the character of a people as a whole. The Scots were clannish, the Spartans stoic, the Mongols expansionist, the Greeks were too into anal. And for us, it will be no different. Historians will say, we're also too into anal.
But also, the other thing. They will see us as a singular people with the same pathologies and unappealing traits on both sides. Traits that simply manifest themselves differently. For example, I believe, they will say, Americans of our era were unscientific. One side thought, climate change was a hoax. One thought, gender was a construct. One warred against Mother Nature. One against motherhood. One doubts Evolution, one wears masks when they're alone in the car. Which is kind of like wearing a condom to jerk off.
In medical schools now, professors are so fearful of being labeled transphobic, they have to apologize for saying words like male, female and pregnant woman.
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Katie Herzog writes, "Some of the country's top medical students are being taught that humans are not, like other mammals, a species comprising two sexes." "The notion of sex, they are learning, is just a man-made creation."
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Okay, but generally, the people with breasts and vaginas who give birth are the women and the ones with the penis, hogging the remote are men.
Historians will say that as a people, Americans lost our rationality. They'll say, we were conspiracy theorists. The right wanted to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. The left wanted to believe in Trump's pee tape. We have January 6th Truthers but the Washington Post reports that there are also now October 7th Truthers who believe Hamas never raped anybody and the hostages all died of natural causes. Now, does the right do conspiracy more? I think they do. QAnon and Jewish space lasers. Hillary's pedophile ring, microchips and the vaccine, Sandy Hook didn't happen, the election was stolen, Jews are trying to replace us. Yeah, but of course, on the left… Jews are the Nazis now. Somehow even enemies always find a way to agree to blame everything on the Jews.
I think, future historians will see us as a sad people, saddled with a genetic predisposition to always break into factions and then be consumed with the hate that engenders. Each side in America right now considers the other an existential threat. To the point where both camps literally collaborate with foreign enemies over fellow Americans.
Republican news channels use Russian talking points. Their voters wear t-shirts that say, "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" and their leader sides with Putin. When today's Republican watches Rocky IV, they root for Ivan Drago.
Meanwhile, on the left this happened. Americans chanting death to America. College professors and their students exhilarated by aligning with a theocratic murderous terrorist group with values fundamentally opposed to our own.
Finally, I think, the people of the future will ironically be puzzled by our common desire to live in the past. On Fox News they're always pining for 1950, to make America great again. And in The Huffington Post it's always 1619, and nothing has changed.
For people so being into the moment, nobody seems to wanna live in the year we're living in. Trump's entire shtick is to return America to some idyllic time when the traditional family was a husband, a wife, a couple of kids and a porn star on the side. A time when America was the only Superpower and you could drink at work. When a cheeseburger cost a dime and a girl brought it to you on roller skates and she liked it when you complimented her ass. Nikki Haley says, "America was never racist." And then there are voices on the left saying racism has never been worse.
And the normies in the center say, "how hard is it to meet in the middle and just not be stupid about shit?" And that's who my book is for. People who don't wanna be stupid about shit.
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ninelivesastrology · 2 months
The one thing they don't tell you about favoritism in tribalistic family units where there is a Favorite and a Failure... is that they will always accept the life partner and children of the Favorite. If you choose the Failure, you are rejected immediately and you will need every prayer in the book. Your relationship, like the Failure partner, is supposed to fail.
An entire situation may be orchestrated to see to your relationship's failure and it's usually created by hands of a very enmeshed and invasive parent, such as a Boy-Mom or Girl-Dad who gets their covert romantic (and sometimes sexual) supply from your Failure partner.
Even if you choose the Favorite and you end up breaking up, the family will turn on you in favor of the Favorite because your relationship is not supposed to fail. It must be you because it would never be the Favorite. Break ups are normal parts of life, whether caused by internal strain or uncontrollable life events, but it is never accepted.
In family dynamics like this, perfection is expected from both Failure and Favorite. This is why both Failure and Favorite experience depression and other mental health issues from young ages on top of being pitted against each other and ruthlessly compared.
All of the failures of the parent are projected onto the Failure child. If you have a child by the Failure adult child, the baton is just passed. Your family is just marked, I can't describe it better.
You cannot win in tribalistic families like this because they exist upon a broken foundation. And no, that does not mean a one-parent home, but rather power dynamics and hierarchies. When you come from a tribalistic family yourself, these waters can be foreign and it makes it all too easy to drown because you believe you know them and that it's safe to swim.
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krillmayn · 2 months
I myself think astrology is stupid and pointless. Paying to get your horoscope done is stupid and anyone that does it is obviously an imbecile. Sorry if that offends you but on this online test is took I found out I’m a Thinker class Analytical Engineer. They tend to be more blunt, super smart and cool, have a distaste for stupid people, have all the friends in the world but also is a lone wolf. That’s also why I made a joke about your grandma dying the day after her funeral. Sorry but that’s just me can’t help it. Anyway yeah stupid astrologists blaming their flaws on inconsistent and not based in science tests that they’re arbitrarily put in.
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bryqe · 5 months
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a need
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aowski · 8 months
“People inside of belonging systems are very threatened by those who are not within that group. They are threatened by anyone who has found their citizenship in places they cannot control.” —Fr Richard Rohr 
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i'm realizing very quickly that i have a raging hard on for media that explores the detriment of war and weaponry, dives into the hypocrisy of human tribalism and false dichotomy, and heavily criticizes capitalism--of course with the pretty no filter horror bow<3
and i'm okay with that<3<3<3
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