#Trifecta AU
fishbloc · 4 months
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and even when we lost ourselves to something in between the words we shared are all still there to show us where we'd been i'll go wherever you go
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buzzingroyalty · 7 months
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one thing about all my humanstuck aus is that jade and kanaya are inexplicably still monsters among humans
also what are you supposed to do when you and your bestie's exes show up as an item to the house party across the street from your place prev
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metamatronic · 1 year
Okay so we're at, 6 of 7 humonculi now? If I'm counting right, the only one still unaccounted for is sloth?
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meanwhile, with the real ed…
(this user refuses to let hohenheim die. he lost his dying privileges.)
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last one for now :3
AHHHH Lovely <33
And also most certienly accurate. (just you wait until they meet Alan)
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diaboundkernelz · 11 months
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target audience is myself and one (1) other person
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sparklingsora · 2 months
While we're on the subject of veeswap relationships, what're Vox and Val like, as a couple and a pair?
this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while because ive just been trying to put it into words but its. so hard. look. theyre Silly. thats all i have to tell you. like in my mind, i have a single concept that connects each of the polyvees duos: for staticdoll its business, for mothdoll its fashion, and for staticmoth its genuinely just. Dumbassery. THEYRE SILLY GOOFY to illustrate it, have this dialogue i wrote down a while back. i wanted to make it into a comic but that might take a little while so you can have the raw dialogue now idc
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(if youre confused about that first line, look up shaggy dog stories. theyre swap!vox's specialty in terms of humour)
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genderfluid-envy · 3 months
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My cover for Broken Trifecta for @tmntaucompetition! I was planning something super different at first, but I decided all of them deserve a more lighthearted moment to represent them <3
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ophelisae · 10 months
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mili tries Not drawing trifecta and fails
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noose-lion · 11 months
Random things that I'm including in my holy trifecta chuusigzai au
Dazai doesn't like wearing clothes and starts whining when Sigma forces an oversized t-shirt on him
(Chuuya also doesn't like Dazai wearing clothes)
Sigma has a spray bottle that he sprits at both Dazai and Chuuya when they 'misbehave'
Chuuya made a 'nest' in the cupola of the church
(Dazai has somehow dug a den under the confession booth)
Both Chuuya and Dazai can't be seen by anyone but Sigma (there are exceptions) in their 'base form'.
They can shape-shift though, and if their form is conceivable to the mortal mind and said mortal mind is given a convincing truth to believe they are then visible.
This leads Dazai to disguising himself as a nun on multiple occasions
They both have 'true forms', that are both terrifying and inconceivable
Sigma is armed to the teeth because there is still chance of people trying to rob the church since its a front for money laundering
Dazai is technically starving since he hasn't truly 'fed' in quite the while
There was a holy water incident that made Dazai disappear for a short period of time and not even Chuuya could find him
Sigma started buying regular wine out of his own pocket so that Chuuya and Dazai would stop drinking the communion wine
I will most likely add more...
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Ganondorf's done! I'm so happy with how he turned out, i love a man circumventing his destiny unknowingly. He works as an apprentice at Koume and Kotake's potion shop in the swamp, but mostly he wants to goof off and go fishing.
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bloodiedbeloveds · 11 days
charming disaster trifecta au
thanks to @my-deer-friend for enabling us! there's more plot that isn't in this post, but this lays out the premise decently
this AU name sounds like word salad, but actually it makes perfect sense with the context that "charming disaster" is the name of a goth-folk band and this entire au is based on three of their songs. linking the songs in the section headers!
this post contains murder and bad consent practices
"What Remains": John & Eliza
growing up in a small town is hard enough without having been born as a magician. John & Eliza are bonded by their shared experiences and are very close starting in middle school. they read every relevant book in the library and spent hours at a time in the woods together, trying to shape the power inside them into something that can be tamed
they grow sideways into strange young people with wild eyes and secret, twisting thoughts. they learn to rule themselves but not how to fit in. they become steadily more distant from everyone else; no one else can accept them or their aspirations. their more mundane mental illnesses don't help
in late June, after they've both graduated from high school, John accidentally murders Francis
(that awkward moment when you're lying in the grass with your boyfriend and he begins to talk about magicians and crazies and he says he doesn't mean you but he doesn't listen when you argue back and you pull your hand away from his and swallow your sick sense of realization. that awkward moment when you meet him after a long night of ritual practice in a desperate attempt to keep yourself steady and he finally calls you a nutcase to your face and the strength of your fury chokes him)
John never meant for anything like this to happen and he spends a long time sobbing over Francis's body in a birch clearing before he goes to find Eliza
they can fix this. they know they can. they can hide it. John considers suicide but Eliza won't let him so they drag the body to the river and complete their work
they fuck up! John doesn't know they fucked up until the next day; Eliza never finds out. they are successful in making it look like an accident, in letting the river claim him and wash them both clean. John's guilt is taken from him, but so is everything else. he wakes alone in a strange room with no memory of his personal history
he doesn't know he is meant to speak to Eliza. he sits through the funeral of a stranger and disappears at midnight a week later. he intends never to return to these people who love and resent a person he doesn't remember.
Eliza doesn't know why he left her. she doesn't know anything about what happened to him. why would he leave me, she cries to the dark woods and the pale sky the morning after his departure; nothing answers. when she leaves their hometown, when she finds her way in the world, she does it with a still-broken heart.
"Sympathetic Magic": Alex & John
Alex wasn't born a magician; he's just very bad at taking no for an answer and when his local witch told him at nine years old he would never be able to imitate her, he took that as a challenge
he's not very good at magic, at all. mostly this is because he can't stick to one thing and is trying to cozy up with practitioners of every single goddamn discipline
John has by this time grown from a weird isolated teenager into a weirder, even more isolated adult who lives on a house on a hill surrounded on one side by mountains and on the other by a vast, windswept plain. he also finally has actual friends who actually like him and invite him to social events, which he attends on occasion when he's capable of leaving home. (all his friends are also magicians.)
Alex managed to get an invitation to a seance held by one of John's friends (this is mostly a social thing-- they do in fact attempt to contact some spirits, but the point of the evening is to catch up with everyone). John attends and spends the first two hours being asked by everyone he knows how his latest project is going, then locks eyes with Alex across the room and starts telling people he'll write them a letter about it later
at the end of the evening they kiss beneath a yew tree. John, giddy and exhilarated, is not as careful as he should have been; Alex, ever observant, does not disturb the strands of hair which clung to his jacket when they parted
they write to each other, but their relationship quickly turns sour, because John refuses to teach Alex basically any magic. in retaliation, Alex makes a poppet and begins to torture him. yes, this is a kink thing. no, it's not a good idea at all
eventually John, feeling violated, uses his small army of possessed birds to try to kill him
"Blacksnake": Eliza & Alex
Eliza as an adult is more well-adjusted than John, though that's not really a high bar to clear. for a magician she's relatively social, by which we mean that she lives in the middle of a desert and curses people who show up at her house unexpectedly, but is capable of visiting her friends a few times a week.
when she left her hometown she joined a secret society. after discovering that there are many different secret societies, many of which are not nearly as weirdly controlling yet impersonal as her first group, she left it and flirted with membership in a few different societies before settling on her current group. they are part social club, part study group, part religious gathering. (one of the members was john's mentor, but neither of them are aware of this connection.)
she knows that John's alive. she's kept some of his old possessions for years. she still remembers what his magic feels like. when she sees a cloud of sparrows barrelling towards a stranger on the disused highway near her home she knows who sent them and longs once again to rip out her heart
she saves Alex mostly out of spite. then, because he's pretty, she takes him home. Alex, who has no sense of self-preservation, agrees to go with her, lets her dress his wounds, has sex with her, and falls asleep in her bed. while he's asleep Eliza steals a chunk of his soul from him
she starts appearing in his home at night when she feels like it. she curses him occasionally. they have violent sex. he tries to keep her out but nothing ever works for long
(yes, Alex at this point knows one magician who he could kill (which is hot) and one magician who could kill him (which is hot). being on the receiving end of dubiously consensual magic kink doesn't discourage him from continuing to treat John as a plaything. don't try this at home)
eventually, John tracks Alex to Eliza's house to try again to kill him. he doesn't recognize Eliza. she is not pleased
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marsmeows · 2 years
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. Haiii :3 art dump cause I want ppl to see my gay art mawh! MAwh!! Since my besties want to see yokobear i will be draw him soon 😎😊 luv u gayz
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spinning-feeling · 3 months
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Head empty, only Pretty Punk Doll
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 11 months
Time!Reader Bio
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Birthday: ? (Player can give her a birthday) Age: as old as Teyvat itself Affiliation: None Element: Geo Constellation: Infinitum
The primordial one known as Time. Indifferent yet mischievous, she enjoys watching humans fool about in their daily lives wondering how they will squander their time next. Referred to as Gusoyn by those affiliated with Celestia. (5* Bow)
Talents: Combat
Normal Attackー Time Never Stops: Performs up to 4 consecutive shots with a bow.
Elemental Skillー Mr. Sandman: Releases an onslaught of sand inflicting AOE Geo DMG to nearby enemies, blinding them for a set time period. "What are the reasonings for my actions? Silly traveler from afar, do I need truly need those to justify my actions?”
Hourglass: Alternate sprint. Time!Reader discards her constructed avatar in favor of morphing into winding sand. Is able to trigger Crystalize reactions. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Elemental Burstー The World: Tricksy Time halts itself for a set period in order to eliminate opponents undisturbed. Time!Reader occasionally pranks unsuspecting mortals with this little trick. It never ceases to amuse her when they make expressions of shock, confusion or fear.
Talents: Passives
Waste Not, Want Not: When Time!Reader crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product.
Primordial One: When in the party and not the last to fall, Time!Reader automatically revives herself with full HP. This effect can only occur once every 10 minutes. (*Can be reduced to 5 minutes with constellations.)
No Time Like the Present: Decreases sprinting Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.
Bonus Trivia:
Signature weapon is a white-and-gold bow in with an hourglass somewhere in the design. Signature weapon is called Stagnant Sands
Being time itself, Time!Reader is immortal and cannot be killed. The oldest being in Teyvat, as old as the world itself and as such Time!Reader never tracked their age or birthday
Watches the mess being generated by the Traveler, the Abyss Order and the Fatui in amusement wondering which will reign successful in the end of the conflict considering the many paths the conflict can go
Doesn’t dislike humans but doesn’t quite like them either, placing them on the same level as ants that might occasionally catch one’s attention if there are enough of them doing something entertaining
Refuses to cook and therefore has no special dish
(Life, Death and Time have the same voice and face despite being separate entities created in the same instant)
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genderfluid-envy · 4 months
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And the other iteration I‘ve been working on! TMNT: Broken Trifecta
In which Splinter gets kidnapped. That leads to various things, but mainly it puts a brand new kind of strain on the turtles‘ relationships. On the way to rescue him, they meet new friends and old enemies (and unfortunately, The Horrors, but that‘s on par for the course)
IDs in alt!
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aliviasyl · 2 years
So I had an urge to make one of my ocs become... Evil?
Then all of sudden, I listened to Daughter of Evil cover by JubyPhonic and I'm thinking of Hikki (plus I was also really think that JubyPhonic is Hikki’s voice claim, because it was so fit for her!). 
What if Hikki become evil? 
What if she join The Archfiends? 
What if she betrayed her own kind?
Ladies and gentleman... Her!
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After I created Evil Hikki reference, I ended up creating a story about it. For some reason, Patapon gives me a vibes of war, hurts, and betrayed? But on the other side, they were trying to find their happiness. This is why Evil Hikki was trying to do to them, but sadly, her way was really never gone any better
At dawn, a single Hatapon was waiting for Meden to finish her stuff, many minutes later, Hatapon sits down as he looks at Meden, who holding a cup of tea.
"So Hatapon, what kind of dream do you have last night?" The priestess asked, Hatapon look down as he tried to not believe it.
"It's about Hikki. She..." Hatapon closes his mouth as he tried to not sad about it. 
 "What happen to Hikki?" The priestess replied.
"... All of sudden, she become evil and tried to break our flag..." Meden almost didn't believe what she heard. Then Hatapon continues.
"Everything was peaceful, until she came... She told me that she did this to find our very eternal happiness..." (Scene changes to his dream)
"It's the end of the Patapon Tribe. No more Patapon is going to escape from my sight. Hatapon, you're really so weak. So fragile. So vulnerable. Even Meden didn't stand a chance. Once I'm done destroyed that flag, I will lead them to their very eternal happiness." The mask creature said as Hatapon, who was crying and still confused about what just happen.
"Who do you think you are?" He shouted. As he said that, the mask creature remove its mask and it reveal to be Hikki. Hatapon shocked as what he saw. His friend, his almighty, his hero... She become a Patapon that will never be the same as before.
Meanwhile, the Trifecta, Ton, Chin, and Kan, tried to tell Hatapon to retreat with them before Hikki took over all of the Patapon Tribe. 
(Dialogue continues on the sketch)
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