#Tru blood
chloe-skywalker · 9 months
I started watching "True Blood" on Hulu
The first season I was like WTF is going on? WTF am I watching?
Then I was like oh now it's getting really good and I looked back to see where I felt it went good and I was like oh season 2 lol.
I have fallen in love with the Eric Northman character.
I wasn't sure I was gonna like this show or have a character I really liked but Eric grew on me and I really like him.
I've been reading all the fanfiction I can find on him! I read over 600 things in day this past week tumblr gave me a badge for it lol.
I just don't know if I can wrote for him he's just so new and I love him to much at the moment.
But would anyone be interested if I wrote for him?
What about for Godric? Loved him to.
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bloodtiesstilllives · 5 months
Strange Encounters #2
This time Henry and Vicki end up in the True Blood universe.
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They end up in Shreveport right in front of Fangtasia.
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Pam saw it happen so there is no denying that these two popped up out of nowhere. She is instantly annoyed, but that is standard. She can smell that Vicki is human, but Henry smells different. She has never smelled it before. She watches them as they approach.
Henry is amused at the name of the place, thinking that it's some sort of vampire impersonator establishment. As he gets closer he smells the "otherness" of Pam. They continue to stare at each other sizing each other up. Vicki is too busy taking in her surroundings to notice.
"I saw you two pop up over there. Come inside." She doesn't wait to see if they follow. She zooms to Erik to let him know what's about to come into the door.
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"It is lucky for you that you arrived before we opened. Welcome to my club. I am Erik Northman." He looks right at Henry. "Who and what are you?"
"I am Henry Fitzroy and I am a vampire."
"Funny, you don't smell like any vampire I have ever met."
"I don't recognize your scent either. What are the two of you?"
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Erik puts his fangs away first. "Pam told me that you two appeared out of nowhere, so it is understandable that you are different. I am the Sheriff of the territory. Since you are a vampire, I will give you and your human sanctuary until your matter is resolved, but you must adhere to rules."
Henry is shocked that not only are vampires hanging around each other, but that humans are fully aware if their existence. He can not drink Tru Blood. Like literally. But Erik already has that covered.
Vicki is not happy about being called "his human" but us wise enough to keep her mouth shut. She is introduced to Sookie and they DO NOT hit it off.
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Vicki thinks Sookie is fake and Sookie thinks Vicki is a bitch, but she won't stop smiling.
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Sleeping arrangements all sorted out. Things go alright for the week. Vicki is bored as hell, but Henry has a good old time. There was the one weird moment where Bill thought Sookie was in danger and did what he always does.
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But that got sorted real quick. Henry isnt effected by whatever fairy stuff Sookie has going on, so she doesn't even register much for him. A part of her is glad, but since she is used to vampire attention it kind of ticks her off.
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Nothing crazy happens that week, it gave Vicki some time to relax and recharge, even if she was bored. Henry got some excellent ideas for new stories after all the conversations he had with the various vampires he met at Fangtasia.
After the week is over they pop back into their universe and go back to normal.
Erik misses Henry. Not out of sentimental reason. He was a new attractive face and that brought in more revenue. He never told anyone that he popped in from another universe. Neither does Pam. It amuses them to see others wonder over the mysterious and elusive vampire.
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saddosecret · 11 months
If you’re not walking around naked, covered in blood and sinew are you really slaying?
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In Vampire Chronicles Vampire Blood Is NOT An Addictive Drug 
The idea that vampire Blood is physically addictive is not vampire chronicles canon and is not vampire chronicles canon compliant. 
Riceian Vampire Blood does have intense healing qualities and is used to heal injured and sick humans and other vampire.
In vampire chronicles canon drinking vampire blood or applying it topically results in healing. 
Drinking it results in intense sexual pleasure, smoother more pale skin, and enhanced senses- even a bit of psychic senses after years of frequently drinking it. 
In VC, drinking a vampire's Blood has a slight bonding effect- a fraction of the bond between maker/fledgling. It is subtextually used by Pandora and Arjun to ensure the loyalty of their servants in PANDORA. I does not seem to wear off- shown subtextually in BAG by Raymond Gallent's continued loyalty to Marius at age 80, after receiving a single blood kiss at age 20. 
Repeated blood exchange between a vampire and mortal lover causes the vampire to be affected by the bond as well, shown subtextually with Armand/Daniel in TQOTD and Marius/Armand in TVA and BAG.
It's spoken of by David Talbot in MERRICK- he indicates that repeated "little drinks" alone also cause the same mutual effect.
""I wanted her. I knew that even the smallest drink of her blood would prove too risky for me utterly; I’d feel I possessed her after that, and she, in spite of all her seeming innocence on the matter, might well find herself my slave. Elder vampires had warned me on just about every aspect of what could happen to me. And Armand and Lestat had both been adamant that the “little drink” must not be conceived of as harmless""  -David in MERRICK.
This is the only time the phenomena is directly addressed in text in all of VC, and clearly the intent has nothing to do with 'addictive drugs' but rather a bonding effect native to vampires as a species. 
A similar bond is subtextually suggested to happen between vampires who bloodshare, even when not maker/fledgling, in several VC volumes.
In TQOTD Daniel is an alcohol addict and Baby Jenks is a heroin addict. In the TV show Daniel has been a drug addict- the drug he names "black tar" is a type of heroin. No other 'drug' substances are mentioned being used to get high nor is any other type of addiction mentioned anywhere in any VC text.
At no point in any VC books nor VC adaptation is the idea of vampire Blood as a "drug" or "addictive" presented in any way whatsoever. 
No character in VC is ever textually nor subtextually using vampire Blood as a 'drug' or seeking it out for such use. 
No character in VC is ever textually nor subtextually physically addicted to drinking vampire Blood.
Addictive vampire Blood is an against-text headcanon that was fanwanked into some corners of VC fandom years after the series originally ended with BLOOD CANTICLE. 
It seems to have come directly from Tru Blood canon and gained traction in VC fanfic written while Tru Blood was on TV. 
The fact that in 2014's PRINCE LESTAT there is textually an entire cottage industry of vamps selling the Dark Gift and still no mention whatsoever of anyone ever selling or giving vampire Blood as a 'drug' or any human ever using it as a 'drug to get high on' definitively ruled out any possibility of Riceian vampire Blood as a 'drug' ever being anything but an against-text headcanon in VC.
There is nothing wrong with against-text headcanons. Against-text headcanons can be a true joy and very meaningful to a person. Everyone's headcanon may vary and that's OK. Transformative fandom thrives on against-text headcanon. 
The idea of addictive vampire Blood is an against-text headcanon of The Vampire Chronicles. Vampires have many powers over humans. This is NOT one of them and going into reading these books believing that it is compromises understanding of the text.
I welcome all discussion of the fact that 'addictive vampire Blood' is an against-text headcanon of The Vampire Chronicles. If you feel that you have evidence that I am wrong please show it to me. I am a friendly person who enjoys meta and will read and pleasantly discuss your 5 sentences or 5 pages if you can find the evidence to write it.
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gwenpooll · 1 year
Saw tru blood is on hulu and couldn’t click on it fast enough
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genitortures · 1 year
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The worst betrayal is always closer to you than you think
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paintaboveyourbones · 2 months
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If Marius no feeder then why the entire back of his book soft boy tummies? 🤨
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oso-nan · 1 year
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head trauma
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achilleslyre · 2 years
ik a bunch of ppl right now are complaining about how unfair it is that they wouldn’t let kishimoto draw narturo and sasuke holding hands during that scene but i’m not gonna lie i 100% believe that having their arms torn off and laying there together as their blood forms a heart and the bleed out right next to one another is infinitely more gay and satisfying.
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zroqravity · 4 months
She's so pretty I'm going to explode what did I do that for
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alevolpe · 1 year
I’m sure this is underwhelming for everyone, but I’m an intermediate artist and I gotta post something to get out of this art block. Thank you to everyone for the support on the last post, it was unexpected, but definitely appreciated! Also hi! I love sm, as u can prob tell and I like posting some darker art too, so if ur into that feel free to stick around.
//tw: blood. I’ll hide the image if it bothers any1
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blood, minor character death*, & other spoilers for my crossover fic below:
* it's all just shitpost doodles, but i mention it just in case!
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anyway, i'm probably gonna hit a roadblock with writing soon bc i can sense dialogue approaching, & for some reason i always get stuck at scenes with dialogue. wish me luck. o7
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randomnameless · 5 months
Adrestia :
I will defeat the false goddess. I will save this world from those creatures and give humanity its freedom back!
Should the one leading the people of the world be someone with humanity or a creature that can merely masquerade as a human at will?
The children of the goddess have been defeated at last. The shape of the world will be forever changed. Humanity is free now. The world is ours once again.
You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!
Brigid :
The Demon's hair exhibits new color. It is like something from one of Brigid's old stories. "One will be chosen by the spirits and granted their protection. And with that protection, great power."
In Brigid, we have legends. Stories containing people who have a spirit living inside of them. Those spirit people have much strength. They are maybe able to fly in the air or race across the ocean. Hair that shines and eyes that glow... They have qualities that are not unlike what you are looking like, Professor. Do not have doubt, Professor. The powers you have are like the powers of the legends.
Silly Petra, hopefully in Tru Piss and Supreme Bullshit, she's fully Adrestianised and understands her foolish savage folklore were only lies and deceit spread by those vile creatures masquerading as humans to keep control over Fodlan, but savage and ignorant as her people are, they prefered to buy those lies instead of "defeating" them all to free the world for humanity.
And people say Imperialism BaD, go figure!
But if Petra remains uncivilised and ditches Adrestia's warm embrace, she allows those creatures to rule over humanity again, propagating her foolish and ridiculous tales :(
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super-paper · 11 months
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Toshi hunched over a notepad and jotting down EPIC SICKNASTY insults to use in his fight against AFO, only to immediately cross most of them out bc they're just too mean :(
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dyrewrites · 4 months
Pale Blood -- More Chapters!
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And you get the chart, enjoy the stupid underpants.
Managing to move from the bathroom to the living room, Odea had yet to make the call she intended to—she tried, roughly five times, but kept hanging up when it started to ring. Instead she sat on the arm of her couch, staring at the faux-wood flooring, as her cats watched her from the corner—from a tiered tree covered in more toys than either needed. “This is stupid,” she told her socks, “I’m being stupid. It’s just Fran, I can talk to Fran.” But her panic disagreed, reminding her of when she met the other witch, of the state she was in—a ragged mess of blood and tears—and how kind and calm and wonderful the Child of Night had been to her—how delightful her scent, earthy, floral, Wyld—and Odea groaned, falling back onto the couch, “She’s going to think I’m a failure!” Kiki yawned, the soft ‘merp’ that followed it reflected deeper by KB, and Odea looked at her cats, “She wouldn’t think that, would she?” They snuggled tighter into their beds, uninterested in silly human problems. “No, no she wouldn’t think that, she’s been making it too long,” Odea told the ceiling, “She’ll just smile that little smile of hers, raise one of her perfect white eyebrows ever so slightly and say, ‘why, my dear, why did you not come to me sooner?’” Sighing, Odea tapped her netlink—again—and, before it rang, she added, to the cats, “And I’ll still feel stupid.”
Bosch managed to get the giant to come inside, even got him to accept some tea—though he about took his head when he asked him to sit—but the wolf refused to chat. He grunted his approval of the tea but otherwise glared, which was not proper guest behavior and Bosch was losing patience. But he was a consummate professional with a treaty to consider—and no clue how important the wolf on his couch happened to be—so he searched for more. In some music, tapping his netlink to send the playlist the wolf had interrupted—‘music to dream to’—to his living room speakers. An act that managed a genuine reaction as Savor’s moaning vocals bled in over the poppy synths and the wolf grimaced. “I know it's teenybopper slop,” Bosch apologized as he took a seat across from him, “but it's a bit of a guilty pleasure I don't get to indulge much so you'll have to indulge me—least till Del gets here.” A bushy brow went up and Bosch smiled, “I doubt the why would interest, but Del don't much care for the glittery mer or the mush he peddles, and I can't afford to replace my sound system again, so enjoy it while it's here cuz it goes when he comes.” The wolf groaned but said nothing. For the entire four minutes of the first track.
->Taglist for Pale Blood<-
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derrypubliclibrary · 2 months
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