#Tryhard Felix
rapunzelpumpkin · 5 months
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I’m gonna start posting about my own silly guys,
So, meet Felix!!⚡️
He’s the lead singer/guitarist for Tryhard! Despite being the lead singer, most people don’t even know what his speaking voice sounds like…
I’m so happy to finally start to put Tryhard out there!! Tell me what you think and if you’re curious about Felix or the rest of the band, I’ll happily answer any questions you might have.
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revolutionary-thoy · 9 months
since all the 'personality-swap' had a reason in the Reverse universe (like Marinette, who is only more reclused because she never had friends to help her with the bullying, or Adrien, who it's more aggressive because of the grief that he never moved on), does Felix personality have a reason too?
Cause i just thought The Supreme 'made him' more silly with the ring after realizing how smart he was, so he never could become a threat to him and his 'Miraculous and manipulation sistem'
The Supreme is indeed actively making him a bit more silly and naive, but he was also pretty dorky from the start. The main reason for his "personality change" in this universe is the fact that his father was not as horrible and physically abusive as canon Colt, he was more on the emotionally distant side. So instead of growing up in fear of his father, Felix grew up with the constant desire to impress his father which led him to be more of a nerdy tryhard instead of an evil mastermind.
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minaminamin0 · 2 years
Stray Kids x Videogames
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Bangchan: He's always letting you win, no matter the game, he doesn't want to let you down, ever. Always hugs you while playing. Supports you even tho you failed many times, we all did somewhere somehow. I think he likes Goat Simulator.
Minho: Knows every cheat, making you fail on purpose. If you ever win in anything, he does his bold expressions on you and tries to make dumb excuses why did he lose, always in sarcasm, its boring, in a fun way.
Changbin: Food and hugs before anything, fair games, chooses something easy for you. Doesn't mind losing as long as you are satisfied and have fun.
Hyunjin: Judges other players based on their skills, usually ignores the surroundings being 100% focused on the game. Treats you with neck kisses after.
Han: Loves videogames, especially racing ones, makes jokes and it's so much fun playing with him. I feel like he tryhards everything tbh.
Felix: League of legends kind of games, copies your style of playing (holding controller etc.) Doesn't mind failing, always a chance to win other time. Sometimes gets too silly.
Seungmin: He is generally good at anything (action, strategy, horror..) Learns you many new strategies. Lets you choose the game to play and does everything seriously.
Jeongin: Usually plays the 'chill' games (Animal Crossing, Kirby, Minecraft...). But sometimes just wants to play some action combats or brutal horror games out of nowhere, you never know what to think about him. I think he is the one to be choosing a game first. Uses alot of sarcasm in a fun way.
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slxthserenade · 1 year
Is there like a hidden game code or something that makes Ashe and Felix extreme tryhards ? Because I swear Ashe consistently lands crits with like a <7% rate and it’s always when I most need it. Felix also activates his crest more often than not and has great growth. Can they calm down
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curejunereblogs · 2 years
unironically my favorite show of the year is failure emblem
season 1: religious crusade bc crimson flower but also boy band adventures with the ferdiboys
- Linhardt, the Saint of Punching
- Petra and the Brigid School of Sorcery
- Dorothea, the real Death Knight
- Yuri’s adjutant crits in that one paralogue
- the ‘my plan is flawless’ club
- Sighleth the barely functional dark mage
season 2: just religious crusade? tryhard trio was a thing but they were too busy doing their own stuff - felix being a chivalrous knight, dimitri being a pokemon and tryleth looting everything in the vicinity
- Armorcedes and her ‘excuse me!’ as she cleaves someone in half
- Ashe the samurai meteorologist
- Dedancer Dedue
- ‘Claude said he had a bridge to sell me, guess I’m here to collect’
- the sewing club comes for us all
- Tryleth’s most important lesson is ‘only you can start forest fires’
season 3: just boy band world tour because everybody is a fan of Ignatz and the Victors
- dark mage Raphael. his most powerful spell is bow
- MechaLysinthea
- Lorenz getting the honor to run the game’s actual plot
- tragic romance of Ignatz and Edelgard
- Balthus’s philosophy club
- Whyleth fiddling with the balista instead of helping in any form
some of the editing doesn’t look very epilepsy-friendly but it’s very short flashbacks and easy to skip
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chiakinanami82 · 8 months
Ask my Sides #1: Hello Charlotte
Saige: Good morning, world!
Athena: It’s six o’clock. Why do you have to be so loud?
Saige: I’m just excited, that’s all.
Rebecca: Pray tell, what is this about?
Saige: Well, it’s mail time! I wonder what questions our anonymous friend has for us? *She opens the fleshy envelope dotted with blinking eyes.* Ah, here we are. The Puppeteer asks “Who is your favorite character from Hello Charlotte?” Sophia: *yawn* Who’s making this racket? Some of us are trying to sleep.
Athena: I always took you as a morning person.
Sophia: I am, just not today. Our host stayed up… again.
Saige: Sorry about that, guys. I’ll tone it down just for you.
Sophia: Thank god. Also, speaking of god, my favorite character is Charles/Vincent. He’s such a good example of the error of idolizing someone you’ve never met. Idolatry never ends well for anyone, as nobody is perfect, as seen with Vincent and his suicidal disposition. Also, his work often has the protagonist being alone in the world or meeting their exact copy, which gives us a look into his outlook on life.
Athena: Yeah, Vincent’s cool, I suppose. My personal favorite is Felix. He’s a tsundere scientist who cares for everyone in the House, and he’s usually the voice of reason. The clone thing is surprising, and he genuinely cares for people, especially Charlotte.
Rebecca: Felix has an adorable design, but my favorite’s always been Bennett. He’s such a bundle of energy and hyperness, and then you learn about his backstory, and you want to hug him so much. His design is also really cool.
Saige: Bennett’s awesome! Though, it takes until Part 2 to see him without his hazmat suit’s mask. Personally, my favorite’s Charlotte. She’s an adorable, sweet girl who deserves the world and doesn’t deserve to suffer.
Athena: I’m guessing you’re talking about the original Charlotte.
Saige: Yep.
Sachiko: Otherwise, it would’ve been 084 Charlotte, who’s a bloody murderer and my favorite character! Hahahaha!
Athena: I’m not surprised.
Vanessa: What’s this cacophony?
Saige: Oh, sorry, were you trying to sleep?
Vanessa: Not particularly. By the way, what are you discussing?
Rebecca: Hello Charlotte!
Vanessa: Oooooh, how fun. Well, my personal favorite is Henrietta/Anri. Sure, she seems like a bitch at first, but when you learn that she’s based on Charles’ best friend, you learn how he sees her versus her true feelings towards him. It’s a true tragedy indeed.
Rebecca: Yes, and I know that you just love tragedies!
Vanessa: I mean, you should enjoy tragic tales as well, considering your occupation and dreams.
*Rebecca growls. Athena steps between them.* Athena: Guys, chill. We’re here to have fun, not to fight. Rebecca: Fine.
Athena: Anyways, who’s left?
Ari: Luna and I. By the way, hey.
Sophia: Morning, dude.
Rebecca (under her breath): Tryhard.
Ari: My favorite character’s the Oracle. They’re a mysterious god-like being whose backstory and world-building is intriguing. Plus, I like how they change from Episode One, from a benign, gentle person to a manipulative, cynical character. Also, their design is peak.
Athena: Frei’s cool.
Luna: Indeed, darlings. My favorite’s V19, as she is the bustiest babe around. I mean, her bra size is supposedly an E. She’s not too interesting as a character herself, but sometimes you just need something to entice you.
Saige: Ew. I would rather have a visually unappealing character who’s deep and interesting rather than a blank slate body pillow.
Sophia: I think most sane, non-addicted people share your opinion, Saige, especially nowadays. I mean, just look at LoL characters. Usually, the community likes the more unique ones, like Jinx and Illaoi, and the more forgettable ones are those like Irelia and Karma.
Rebecca: I totally agree with that as a creator. We’ve seen way too many stereotypically pretty ladies in media, and I think it’s time for more variety.
Luna: Jesus, I was just giving my opinion, and y’all attacked me out of nowhere. Fine. If my opinion isn’t wanted, then so be it.
*Their conversation fades into the background.* Athena: I lost track of the convo. How the hell did we get from Hello Charlotte to League of Legends?
Ari: It’s entertaining though, right?
Athena: Eh, not really. I’m gonna go watch Gregory Horror Show for the tenth time.
*Ari now has a bucket of popcorn.*
Ari: Bye. I’ll be enjoying these guys for a while.
*The faded conversation comes back into focus.* Sophia: Saige technically started this whole thing.
Luna: Saige, darling, let’s talk about this…
Saige: How heckin’ dare you accuse me of this! It wasn’t my fault! Plus, you wanted my opinion, didn’t you?!
Rebecca: You are the one who made the comment in the first place.
Saige: You agreed with me though! Are you turning against me…
Vanessa: And you said that I’m the snake in this group.
Rebecca: Shut up, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Did I… strike a nerve?
Saige: I’m sick of this. That’s it! I’m leaving!
Ari: Awww, that’s it? I was hoping for a fistfight or something…
Luna: I… I don’t know what to do, Sophia…
Sophia: Emotions are complicated, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out. After all, you and Saige are related.
Luna: Thanks, sweetheart. How about we have some fun?
Sophia: Sorry, but I’ve got to go organize my bookshelves for the tenth time.
Luna: Oh. Well, that’s all right, darling. You go do that now.
*The others leave in silence.*
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spectacledraws · 5 years
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and i will always love you
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cabooselover420 · 4 years
felix is an incredibly childish and immature person and during chorus he does kind of own it however i am absolutely convinced that during his time in the army/when he first got started out in the bounty hunting business with siris and locus he tried to cultivate some sort of badass suave slick persona and all it did was make him look like a fool and a tryhard
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the blue lions by far have the highest Good Boy concentration
felix and sylvain are still good boys just underneath the guise of a tryhard jackass and a slut respectively
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dfosanctum · 6 years
[1/21/2017 5:55:28 PM] Racky: 1 day after fpriest [1/21/2017 5:55:36 PM] Racky: full epic fpriests [1/21/2017 5:55:38 PM] Issac Felix: lol [1/21/2017 5:55:52 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): ............................. [1/21/2017 5:55:53 PM] Treb: damn man [1/21/2017 5:56:15 PM] Ariano: meanwhile it took ur entire hell career to get labarum [1/21/2017 5:56:39 PM] Treb: and that was an accident [1/21/2017 6:00:30 PM] Racky: gurl i didn't even run hell for like 6 months on my sader [1/21/2017 6:00:40 PM] Racky: and 3rd or so RANDOM hell [1/21/2017 6:00:44 PM] Racky: "hey rack here ya go" [1/21/2017 6:01:02 PM] Ariano: the jew luck [1/21/2017 6:01:04 PM] Shig: probably transfer [1/21/2017 6:01:07 PM] Ariano: it afflicted you [1/21/2017 6:01:13 PM] Shig: all those epic souls [1/21/2017 6:01:33 PM] Ariano: did you spend the epic frag boxes on labarum? [1/21/2017 6:01:38 PM] Racky: nope [1/21/2017 6:01:41 PM] Racky: actually when it dropped [1/21/2017 6:01:42 PM] Issac Felix: You run with Hobs the Jew luck is bond to run off [1/21/2017 6:01:49 PM] Issac Felix: Rub* [1/21/2017 6:01:49 PM] Racky: i didn't know what weapon type it even was [1/21/2017 6:02:07 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): 3 freaking years and best I can do is best weapon slot.........................on my chaos. [1/21/2017 6:02:09 PM] Ariano: you didn't know it was your bis pre90 cap [1/21/2017 6:02:11 PM] Treb: that's like when I got my weap [1/21/2017 6:02:15 PM] Racky: so i was plesantly surprised to know it was a cross [1/21/2017 6:02:22 PM] Treb: I was like what even is that [1/21/2017 6:02:30 PM] Treb: see, you have to not want something to get it [1/21/2017 6:02:32 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): and now it ain't best in slot anymore [1/21/2017 6:02:43 PM] Racky: it's argued becuase like [1/21/2017 6:02:49 PM] Racky: each skill has like a different BiS [1/21/2017 6:02:52 PM] Shig: MEANWHILE [1/21/2017 6:02:52 PM] Shig: SHIG [1/21/2017 6:02:56 PM] Shig: TRYHARD HELL MODE [1/21/2017 6:03:01 PM] Racky: for most sader skills it's DRC [1/21/2017 6:03:08 PM] Shig: ONLY THING TO SHOW FOR IT IS A WEAPON THAT ISNT EVEN GOOD [1/21/2017 6:03:11 PM] Racky: DI it's Labarum with the +313 SPR effect [1/21/2017 6:03:15 PM] Treb: well, the 90 weapons automatically become BiS [1/21/2017 6:03:23 PM] Treb: but 2nd best isn't bad at all [1/21/2017 6:03:23 PM] Racky: wisdom dawn are jupiter [1/21/2017 6:03:28 PM] Ariano: not entirely treb [1/21/2017 6:03:44 PM] Treb: well, generally at least [1/21/2017 6:03:45 PM] Ariano: altho some are just ridiculous [1/21/2017 6:03:49 PM] Ariano: like the staff [1/21/2017 6:03:51 PM] Shig: well [1/21/2017 6:03:54 PM] Ariano: what the fuck even [1/21/2017 6:04:00 PM] Shig: Byol, Any of the LoR effect weapons [1/21/2017 6:04:05 PM] Shig: berserk [1/21/2017 6:04:18 PM] Shig: they compete on the power level [1/21/2017 6:04:23 PM] Ariano: Nen Cluster is ok [1/21/2017 6:04:34 PM] Ariano: if you don't have berserk [1/21/2017 6:04:48 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): we have come to the conclusion that lvl 90 epics have really direct gameplay effects. [1/21/2017 6:04:48 PM] Ariano: look at Werry: Limit Breaker [1/21/2017 6:05:20 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): + x pct of atk [1/21/2017 6:05:43 PM] Ariano: up to +64% Mag/inde atk, -24% MP cost, and lv85 awake skills +2 at max stacks [1/21/2017 6:05:43 PM] Ariano: wdf is that [1/21/2017 6:05:54 PM] Racky: BALANCED [1/21/2017 6:05:55 PM] Treb: insanity that's what [1/21/2017 6:06:05 PM] Ariano: its not even 4% proc [1/21/2017 6:06:07 PM] Ariano: its 40% [1/21/2017 6:06:34 PM] Shig: well it fits its name perfectly [1/21/2017 6:06:37 PM] Shig: LIMIT BREAK [1/21/2017 6:06:38 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): basically just keep killing shit and it will die faster [1/21/2017 6:06:40 PM] Shig: MAGE OMNISLASH [1/21/2017 6:06:46 PM] Ariano: meanwhile the guantlets [1/21/2017 6:06:52 PM] Shig: meanwhile the battleaxe [1/21/2017 6:06:56 PM] Ariano: 45% bonus damage [1/21/2017 6:06:57 PM] Shig: +1 nskils and something [1/21/2017 6:06:58 PM] Shig: idk [1/21/2017 6:07:00 PM] Ariano: wat is bonus damage [1/21/2017 6:07:12 PM] Racky: i love gold lux [1/21/2017 6:07:17 PM] Racky: it's not even joking when it' [1/21/2017 6:07:23 PM] Racky: it's like [1/21/2017 6:07:29 PM] Racky: DAMAGE INCREASED BY WHALE STATUS [1/21/2017 6:07:43 PM] Shig: ikr [1/21/2017 6:07:45 PM] Shig: also [1/21/2017 6:07:50 PM] Shig: DBR AND SILVER BULLETS BECOME WHALE COLORED [1/21/2017 6:08:16 PM] Racky: MAN [1/21/2017 6:08:19 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): what is classified as bonus damage? [1/21/2017 6:08:19 PM] Racky: THE CANNON [1/21/2017 6:08:27 PM] Shig: YEAH. [1/21/2017 6:08:30 PM] Shig: BIG [1/21/2017 6:08:30 PM] Racky: WEIGHS 13K [1/21/2017 6:08:33 PM] Shig: CANNON [1/21/2017 6:08:43 PM] Racky: IS IT'S ZARYA'S OR SOMETHING [1/21/2017 6:09:01 PM] Ariano: its a Giant Cannon [1/21/2017 6:09:03 PM] Shig: GRAVITY CANNON AT FULL CHARGE [1/21/2017 6:09:09 PM] Shig: BZWHEEEEE [1/21/2017 6:09:15 PM] Ariano: At critical degeneracy [1/21/2017 6:09:22 PM] Racky: oh btw [1/21/2017 6:09:24 PM] Racky: the staff [1/21/2017 6:09:31 PM] Racky: eles can cast a LOT of spells [1/21/2017 6:09:45 PM] Racky: like she can just rotate through T1s until that thing is fully stacked [1/21/2017 6:09:57 PM] Ariano: new meta [1/21/2017 6:10:20 PM] Ariano: sesto annihilation [1/21/2017 6:12:20 PM] Racky: sounds about right [1/21/2017 6:15:20 PM] Ariano: with some epic armor [1/21/2017 6:15:32 PM] Ariano: Luke Raid with ele? Say no more fam [1/21/2017 6:15:34 PM] Ariano: i got u [1/21/2017 6:15:36 PM] Ariano: 1min run [1/21/2017 6:15:51 PM] Racky: luke raid is hella hard [1/21/2017 6:16:43 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): falls right in line with general raids are like in MMOs [1/21/2017 6:16:59 PM] Ariano: yee [1/21/2017 6:17:58 PM] Ariano: I like how when we got our epic weps, we didn't know what use they had [1/21/2017 6:18:21 PM] Racky: yeah LOL [1/21/2017 6:19:06 PM] Racky: come to think of it my Cross is BiS for DI [1/21/2017 6:19:09 PM] Racky: LOL [1/21/2017 6:19:33 PM] Racky: HOW TO GET BIS IN SANCTUM 1. BE COMPLETELY IGNORANT OF WHAT YOUR BIS IS 2. RUN HELL [1/21/2017 6:19:42 PM] Treb: bingo haha [1/21/2017 6:19:56 PM] Shig: HOW TO NOT GET BIS IN SANCTUM [1/21/2017 6:20:16 PM] Shig: 1. BE SHIG 2. RUN HELLS 3. GET TILTED WHEN YOU DONT GET IT
[1/21/2017 6:19:53 PM] Ariano: you just said that like twenty mins ago [1/21/2017 6:20:12 PM] Ariano: the bis DI part [1/21/2017 6:20:16 PM] Ariano: smh [1/21/2017 6:21:02 PM] Racky: well like [1/21/2017 6:21:18 PM] Racky: im still thinking about base stats vs effects vs amp scaling [1/21/2017 6:21:30 PM] Racky: jupiter is much easier [1/21/2017 6:21:47 PM] Ariano: Well worry about that when you have Jupiter in your hands betch [1/21/2017 6:21:48 PM] Racky: labarum u need to do stuff to get mp below 50pct [1/21/2017 6:22:02 PM] Racky: so basically dont pull a shig kappa [1/21/2017 6:22:22 PM] Ariano: wait til 100 cap [1/21/2017 6:22:37 PM] Ariano: when bis shifts to that epic [1/21/2017 6:23:05 PM] Ariano: Also Treb are you doing scenarios ? [1/21/2017 6:23:28 PM] Ariano: this 90 cap has turned scenarios into that scene from finding nemo with the seagulls
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rapunzelpumpkin · 5 months
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This is Felix!
Ive been wanting to make character sheet for all my original characters just so I’m not lost, and so if anyone else needed to use a reference they would be able to!
Felix is the lead singer and guitarist of Tryhard. The only time his voice is ever heard is through song. He never tries to put on a facade or anything, anytime he does get a bit flashy, it’s just him having fun doing what he loves. He’s way less of an open book than the others but he’s the one who got them all together in the first place.
I’m a bit biased towards him because I’ve been working on his character for as long as I I’ve been working on Tryhard. Though the others came soon after though.
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rapunzelpumpkin · 4 months
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Silly guy
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