#Turian x Human
Turian Questions Humanity pt. 2
Garrus: Alright Shepard, I gotta ask: What's that? Shepard: What do you mean? Garrus: That giant metal tube you're always carrying Shepard: Oh. My water bottle Garrus: Shepard: Garrus: Shepard: ...What? Garrus: I've never seen you use it Garrus: Is that why Chakwas and Mordin keep pulling you aside for "talks"? Shepard: No! Of course not! Garrus: Shepard: ...They also give me lectures about my sleep schedule Garrus: Alright maybe let's start using the metal tube
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uglynicc · 2 months
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Arlius, my turian slasher oc, and his equally terrible human boitoy, Knox
Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll to name Knox 💓
Anyone interested can read my fic Bloodletting on Ao3 which is my ongoing brainrot about these two (PAY ATTN TO THE TAGS AND WARNINGS THO)
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babygirlgarrus7 · 1 year
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Warnings: swearing, politics, fluff, angst (naturally)
Next Chapter
Rewrite the Stars
Garrus laid on the luxury soft bed looking up at the galaxy, watching the stars and blackness of where they laid. It was quiet beside the humming of the Normandy or the bubbles of the fish tank. If he wasn’t down in the Crew Member area or lounge with the others, he was here. In Shepard’s quarters. Laying in the bed that they both shared about 6 months ago.
He could still smell her lavender scent on the pillow just the place not warm but ice cold. His mandibles twitched from the sudden sunken feeling he kept getting. Garrus only had felt this feeling maybe 2 or 3 times. The first one was when him and his family found out about his mother sickness, how she wouldn’t be able to pull through it. Second the realization of knowing his teammates were being massacred by the Omega thugs. The last one…well…Shepard.
Garrus’s dreams is haunted by how he had to let go of Shepard, when she barreled head first toward the Citdal. Without him. “There is no Shepard without Vakarian.” Her haunting voice would echo. To his guilt he felt like he failed her, letting her go alone. Maybe if he was there, she could have walked out alive. Be alive. Be her…
Tap. Tap. Tap.
He didn’t flinch, didn’t move, hells he didn’t want to speak. Garrus wanted to be left alone, alone in his thoughts. “Garrus?” Spirits…Liara.
He let out a long sigh before sitting up and walking to the door. “Come in.” He said softly before sitting is the desk chair Shepard would sit in. Could be in.
The fresh dexto noodles hit his nostrils. Garrus didn’t even realize he was hungry until the growl that burst through the room. He usually would be embarrassed but instead he looked up at Liara. She smiled softly at him. “I figured that you were hungry, it’s been almost 10 hours since you haven’t come down.”
“I guess I lost track of time.” Garrus lied and he knows that Liara knew that he lied. She set the tray on the desk.
After a quiet couple of moments and him not even glancing at the food just at the tank, Liara spoke. “Tali was going to come up here and give a whole speech for you,” He snapped his head over to her after she let out a chuckle then Liara sighed. “We all miss her you know?”
Garrus knew that, he wasn’t blinded by the fact that Tali the first couple of weeks would drink and drink until she would sleep on the couch. Liara isolating. Joker has been not so talkative, since Garrus isn’t the only one who lost their companion. James would spar with anyone who was willing. Steve would try to be the pulling center to have everyone come to peace. Even Javik was upset in his own Prothean way.
It wasn’t until last week where everyone was coping with the fact that their Commander isn’t here. Not Garrus, when playing cards he missed the laughter coming from next to him when James and Steve would bicker. Or when standing around talking missed the vocals he heard when she talked. It wasn’t the same.
When Garrus didn’t answer and looked at the fishes Liara leveled with him. Her eyes looking at his. “She is alive,” Garrus whispered. “She has to be. Yet,” He paused watching as Liara stood up and sat against the wall next to the bathroom. “I don’t know if I believe that anymore.”
Liara sighed and nodded her head, thinking. “Have you read the Externet?”
“Yeah I haven’t seen anything.” He admitted. Garrus would be on there for hours refreshing over and over again until the next headline. Read it. Move on.
“I haven’t found anything yet, my agents haven’t responded still. Everyone is across the galaxy, I’m hoping that eventually we will hear that they found her, alive.” She murmured.
Garrus tapped one of his talons against the desk. The same sunk feeling. When Garrus didn’t put her name on the wall of the fallen, Liara immediately searched for days. Tali was and has been hopeful as well, really everyone has. Hope is a dangerous game to play, you can be successful in winning it or fail miserably.
Liara chuckled for a moment and Garrus looked down at her. Raising his face plates. “Do you remember when Shepard actually flipped the Mako.”
Garrus smiled he remembered how Shepard was pissed as they got out. It was on a grass type planet, monkeys took an important part from a Alliance drone. Instead of hitting one she swerved and flipped completely. Shepard was yelling at the monkey while it stared at her blankly walking away then called Joker to pick them up.
“How could I forget? Her yelling at the monkey,” He chuckled, actually chuckled. Which hasn’t happened since before landing on Earth to defeat the Reapers. Liara smiled and shook her head. “Joker was confused on why 20 minutes later he had a pick up.”
“She did not hear the end of it for months after.” Liara said laughing.
They both fell quiet before Liara inhaled, she was about to speak until the room was interrupted by a voice ringing through the room. “Hey, we are about 3 hours from Earth I would suggest to get freshened up for the new council.” Joker announced, his voice sounding a bit normal.
Liara and Garrus looked at each other then up. “New council?” Garrus asked.
“Yeah, Steve got the comms to work and Hatchet patched through. Sounds like the old council got killed as well.” Joker said. “So get showering, no one wants the smell of road kill bud.”
“Yeah yeah,” Garrus said waving his hands in the air like Joker was here. Joker just chuckled before it went silent again. Garrus looked down and sighed. “The galaxy has to keep moving.”
Liara sighed as Garrus helped her up from her sitting position. “Unfortunately that is how it goes doesn’t it?” Garrus nodded and watch her walk out. “Best suit Garrus.” She called out as the door closed behind her.
He froze for a moment before shaking himself awake. Garrus walked into the shower and turned it on. He inhaled deeply letting his talons hit the water. Warm. How she would like it, usually he would like it a bit warmer but she told him it’s healthier for her hair to have it in the middle. (Even though he looked it up and its freezing cold water.)
Garrus walked out and walked to a corner of the closet where he had certain armor and clothing in the corner. “You can bring things up here so you can be comfortable. Or if we are cuddling. Or when we…” She coughed when he slapped her ass.
He chuckled. “Miss me that much Shepard?” The tease, the start of a back and forth tease.
She snapped her head over, those beautiful green and brown eyes. Hazel. It reminded him of planets that had green sceneries with mountains. “Eh, no you just keep me company Vakarian.” How her vocals become silky when she teases.
“You always will have my company, my dear.” He said with more of a growl in the end. He didn’t mean to but damn Shepard made him feel ways that he never knew he could. Garrus walked over to her wrapping his arms around her. She exhaled deeply leaning into his touch, Putting her arms against his, while watching her fish.
“I think we need to shower.” She blurted out. He huffed letting go of her to pull her to face him.
“How long can we be?” He asked leaning down to kiss her neck.
Garrus opened his eyes as the water trickled down his body, the echo of her laughter in the back of his mind. He inhaled deeply as he started to finish up washing the rest of his soap off. Going back to Earth was hard for him to face, the last time he went was the last time he saw Shepard. He just hoped that it will be just a quick meeting and that would be that.
He got into his favorite suit, the one he wore back when Shepard and him went on their date on the SilverStrip. Spirits…What a night, the way the lights of the bar illuminated their bodies as they danced. They way her leg was latched on to his hip. Damn it how it made her smile.
Those hours went by quickly as he stood behind Joker as they watched Earth come into view. There was still ships that were blown up to bits, different kinds of course. Quarian, Turian, Asari, Salarian, Krogan, Geth hell even Batarian ships. Shepard did all this, had racies come together to defeat the almighty Reapers. Other ships floating around cleaning the debris.
“By the Godess.” Liara whispered as they passed a Reaper that the Alliance and Salarian ships, were taking apart.
Joker sighed then pointed. “Look at the Geth. They seem…lifeless…”
Garrus watched as their ships just floated around. Different ships gathering around them taking Geth out. “Seems like they are.” He said as they went into the atmosphere of Earth.
When the headquarters of the Alliance came into view, the destruction and smoke that surrounded the area. It was cleaning up well, just as anyone would want or hope for. Many species helping out lifting the larger things, carrying wounded. Them still finding bodies alive or not have him but more hope to finding Shepard.
“This is Alliance base, Normandy is that you?” The voice rang in front of Joker. The man sounded astonished, excited, thrilled?
“This is the SSV Normandy, we need clearance to land.” Joker asked looking at the landing area. Destroyed and non destroyed ships on the ground.
“You are cleared. Hacket is already waiting for you all. Welcome home Normandy.”
Home. Garrus thought as he turned away and headed towards the others that circled around the map. “We are landing.” Garrus announced as James looked up.
“Ah hell yeah! Can’t wait to actually feel the ground.” He cheered as they walked towards the door.
Garrus looked at the map and were the platform that overlooked everyone. He wish Shepard could see how this all ended, how we won. Actually won. He had his doubts of course, it didn’t look well for a while. Now…Now they are alive. “Garrus?” Tali asked putting her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m coming.” He answered walking side by side with her, the door was already open and the sunlight came peering through.
When Garrus walked out he saw swarm of people applauding, whistling, screaming. Soldiers mostly, from different backgrounds, colors, species. His mandibles twitched, they were being celebrated? Joker was waving as he wobbled down, Liara gave a slight wave and smile, Tali did the same, James was giving high fives, Javik trying his best not to make eye contact, Kaiden doing the same but slightly waving, and Garrus he tried not to pay too much attention but waved anyways.
Hatchet smiled as they approached. “Look alive and well Normandy,” He said looking around at them. “Been eager to see you all in person.” He frowned. “Sorry that the Commander isn’t here to see this.”
He had to expect her name to be dropped every now and then but it still brought that sunk feeling. “As are we.” Liara spoke as the all walked towards the building.
Once walking through the building there were others lined up against the wall with more clapping and cheering. Garrus was…well overwhelmed. There were many thank yous and cheers however, he felt like he was the last person to thank. The person that should be is…
“Oh,” Tali said as they came up with a statue of Shepard. “That’s…uh.”
Hackett looked over to where the statue stood. In the middle of the large room that had sections of hallways. The broken glass windows above to make the room more comfortable or bright naturally. “Uh yes,” He sounded unsure when looking at it. “The council suggested it, the human one.” He whispered while continued.
Garrus looked at it for a while, it was remarkably detailed, even got the small scar on her upper lip. “Garrus,” Tali asked standing next to him. “I think Shepard would blow that up.”
“I would have her a grenade too.” Joker mumbled following the rest of the group.
Garrus chuckled. “Yeah she would, probably yell at the council while doing it.”
Tali laughed a bit. “Let’s hope it’s gone before she sees it.”
Garrus felt his mandibles twitch once again. If she sees it, if she is alive. He walked with Tali as they were walking through the hallway, with no clapping. Just business, people running to and fro to their destination. Hackett walked through the car door that opened with walls that were not as destroyed. The alien council stood at the end. The Turian was a hologram and no other than Primarch Victus. So was the Salarian. The other three he did not recognize. Human, Salarian, and Asari.
“Ah they are here,” The Asari said as she walked towards them. “Pleasure to finally meet you.” She extended her hand to Garrus who shook her hand.
The human nodded his head before looking at the others. “Shall we begin?”
Victus nodded his head and the Salarian as well. “Normandy, I am very happy to see you all well,” Victus said as he itched the side of his mandible. “Wish I was there in person to hand out the medals we have.”
The Asari nodded her head as she stood next to the others. “Unfortunately that is not what is brought here today, tomorrow will be the celebration.”
“Celebration?” Kaiden asked as he looked over at them.
“Well of course. You are the heros at the end of it all.” The Salarian said as he waved his arm to them.
“We are here to greet you and ask for report of your travels is all and our…” The Asari stopped before frowning. “Condolences to loosing your Commander.”
“One of our best Spectres,” The human said putting his hands behind his back. “We will be celebrating her as well, tomorrow.”
Garrus looked over at Tali who looked at him. She glared at him and shook her head slightly. She knew just as well as him is that no one needed that right now. We need to know if she found or find her. “Are you not looking for her still?” Garrus asked looking at Victus.
Victus looked over at the Asari before looking up again. “We…We have been searching for her since the war ended. However, we haven’t found any sort of information about her being alive or dead.”
“We might cut the funding of finding her,” Garrus snapped his head over the the Salarian. “It is getting quiet expensive, which we can not afford at the moment.”
“Afford,” The word echoed through the room behind them. Garrus turned, it was a lady, in Alliance Admiral uniform. Her hair was slicked back into a bun and she had fair white skin. She looked just like Shepard but older with more white in her hair. “Please Jarro like anyone is going to be paying for what the Reapers left behind.”
“Admiral Shepard, we didn’t expect you to be in this meeting.” The Asari said with a smirk on her face.
The Admiral walked passed the crew and stood in front. “I never do plan on attending these meetings but since my daughter’s crew is standing here. I wanted to meet them,” She turned to them and smiled. “Which I am thrilled they are alive and standing.”
“Admiral this meeting was strictly for them, you have no…” Jarro started to say before she snapped her head over.
“Jarro I don’t have time for this the search for people including my daughter the one you plaster all over the galaxy is still being searched for. We have an Asari company giving those funds on top of Turian. The Korgan clan leader Wrex graciously did as well.” She handed a holopad to the human councilor. He looked down at the pad and nodded to the Asari who took it as well.
Jarro crossed his arms. “It’s been 8 months Admiral Shepard. She could be dead by now.”
“Could be. It has already been approved on the human council,” She inhaled deeply. “Which if I may is not your jurisdiction anyways. This was more as an informant for the Loula and Victus.”
Garrus smirked a bit, now he knows where his Shepard gets the spice. He always admired how Mila would shake the room around her with just words. Would put anyone in their spot who needs to be. He turned to see Hackett pinching the bridge of his nose. It was silent for a moment before a sigh left the salarian’s lips.
“Alright, we will continue this search of yours however…”
“Counselors,” Another voice came from behind it was a short man holding a pad. “You all might want to see this.”
When they granted that he could videos popped up on screens, it was a news coverage, it looked familiar to Garrus. His eyes widened as they all watched a group of men and women gathering in one spot. “This is Clove Beckom coming at you live from London. This was the last location of the sighting of Shepard, no one has found her until now.”
Admiral Shepard shifted seemed like she froze then she snapped her head over at the Counselors. “What is this? Is this true?” Her voice cracked as she snapped her head back at the solider who just stood there and nodded once.
The solider nodded his head. “I just received this message about 10 minutes ago.”
The Admiral’s omitool went off, all eyes on her. Her hand shook as she clicked it. “Admiral,” Garrus held his breath for the next line. “We found Commander Shepard. Ma’am. She is alive.”
“By the goddess.” Liara whispered. The crew was just as shocked didn’t know what to say or do. How could they? This whole time they believed she died went down and killed the Reapers.
Not Garrus, he knew she had to be but Garrus couldn’t believe it still. He is here and now she is alive.
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sol-consort · 1 month
Cuddling with a turian, head buried into your chest, cold metal plates leaching the warmth off of your body. Purring against your skin in waves of slight vibrations. You can't hear it—it's too low frequency for human ears, but by god, can you feel it strum the strings of your heart. Long arms wrapped around waist, sharp claws akin to steel as they latch into you. Trailing down your stomach, squeezing your hips, massaging your thighs, an awe in every action at how pliable and soft the human body is, purring getting louder—stronger.
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coyoats · 2 years
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They spent new years watching old cheesy movies that Sid sent them in bed together 💖
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mahiiimahiiii · 10 months
Geriatric, naked, and slightly soft and round femshep.
That's it. Send post.
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denisaiko · 2 years
Made this for Kim Ellendale (you can find her gaming channel on youtube btw, same name). She's awesome, please go subscribe to her!
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swordmaid · 2 years
jb mass effect au imagine brienne as a turian
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Shepard: Joker! Joker, wincing: Ah yeah, Shepard. Hi. Shepard: Okay. I thought you were avoiding me, but now I know it. Cough it up. Explain why you're acting so weird Joker: Trust me, we both would rather you didn't Shepard: Joker Joker: Alright! Alright. Joker: I convinced EDI to help me figure out how to turn on the ship's microphones without voice activation and listen in on gossip from the pilot's seat Shepard:... And? Joker: AND?! Shepard: That's pervert behavior but no reason to act all twitchy Joker: When I did it you were in the battery Joker: With Garrus Joker: And there were certain... noises... Shepard, turning red: EDI. Never let him do that again Joker: Don't worry, I learned my lesson Joker: That rumbling sound haunts my nightmares Shepard: ...That's it, time to get a new pilot
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uglynicc · 7 months
So this is happening 🤷 If you're here for Arlius, my turian slasher oc, boy are you in luck
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Read on ao3 if you're interested in exploring toxic villains, but heed the warnings and tags as they update
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silver-turian95 · 1 year
Mass Effect Series: Light Within Darkness Part 1
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persephoneggsy · 9 months
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so i did this a while back, finally remembered it, and now i'm posting it
Mass Effect x Dragon Age AU
I did one of these already, sort of, for ME: Andromeda, but this one is set in the Milky Way.
Elaborations below:
Merrill is a quarian who was exiled from the Migrant Fleet. She's looking for a way not to destroy the geth, but to bring them back under quarian control, thinking they're too valuable a resource to just get rid of. Unfortunately, this made many quarians view her as dangerous, and she was exiled for the crime of experimental geth research. Making Merrill a quarian was the first choice I did for this AU, I think it fits really well.
Aveline is an asari. I'd considered krogan or turian, or simply keeping her human, but in the end I went with asari mostly because Aveline always struck me as condescending in the same way many asari are, lol. She's a commando who later moved to the Citadel to join C-SEC.
Isabela is a turian. She's a barefaced turian, meaning she has no association to a colony. Instead of following the typical turian tradition of proudly serving in the Hierarchy's military, Isabela instead ran off to become a space pirate, specializing in smuggling. She frequents the bars around Omega and has earned herself a fearsome reputation among the mercenaries.
Bethany remains a human; she grew up on a colony world with her siblings, and had a relatively peaceful childhood, despite the Alliance constantly badgering her parents to send her and her older sister to their biotic training program.
Marian, also a human, eventually ran away from home to become a mercenary. She resented her father for forbidding her and her siblings from joining the Alliance - not because she was particularly patriotic, but she felt like her father's grudge against the Alliance prevented her and her siblings from receiving the best training possible. Her powerful biotics made her both an asset and a target, and she soon caught the eye of a certain Council Spectre...
Fenris is a drell. He was raised under the Compact, an agreement between the drell and the hanar, and his purpose was to become a bodyguard... And then his training group was attacked by batarian slavers and he was taken captive. For many years, Fenris suffered under the batarians' rule, until he finally managed to escape. Unwilling to return home, he instead roams the galaxy, taking out as many batarian slaving operations as he can.
Anders is a human who escaped from a biotic testing facility run by Cerberus. Though this left him with a grudge against Cerberus, he also hates the Alliance, whom he sees as no better and will also use biotic children as weapons. He dreams of establishing a safe haven for biotics, and is willing to go to increasingly drastic measures to see that dream become a reality.
Varric is a volus. Unlike his business-minded brother, Varric does not spend his days negotiating trade agreements or doing finance consultations. Spending his days at the Afterlife bar on Omega, he's an information broker, and a pretty damn good one at that. With his specially crafted weapon Bianca, he's not too bad in a fight, either.
Carver, much like his older sister, left home to seek out his own path, and ended up joining the Alliance against his parents' wishes. He thrived in the military, quickly climbing the ranks due to his strength and competency. He's being primed for N7 training under the wathcful eye of Spectre Sebastian Vael.
Sebastian is a human, and a Council Spectre (I'm imagining this AU as a sort of nebulous period where humanity isn't as looked down upon as they were at the start of ME1, and there are a fair number of human Spectres running around). A wild child in his youth, his parents sent him to the Alliance to straighten him out, and to their relief, it worked like a charm. He specializes in covert missions and favors sniper rifles and tech powers.
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sol-consort · 7 months
A human captain gets assigned to a full turian crew.
At first they constantly underestimate you, offbursh your orders and don't take you seriously. Because you're just one tiny human, what are you gonna do but bark orders around?
Especially if the crew is more on the older side, turians who were there during the first contact war and are still holding grudges against the humans who embarrassed them in front of the galaxy.
You're not sure what to do, you can request a transfer and go lead a human crew instead but that feels like exactly what the turians want and you're not one to give up easily.
They're not going to follow orders? Easy, you'll just send official emails of their documented disobedience in the military to their families and watch them get scolded by their parents for not upholding the turian honour of public service.
They constantly underestimate you? What's a better way to show them their place then an endurance competition. Sure turians are stronger by nature, have claws, sharp teeth and harder skin. A human in comparison must seem like a harmless kitten that's all soft and squishy.
But humans are the best example of a wolf in sheep clothing, the fact we are persistent hunters that walk slowly after a prey unit it's exhausted beyond running. We don't have sharp teeth so we sharpened rocks and stuck them at the end of sticks to make spears, we don't have tough skin so we melted metals and moulded them into armor.
We are very adaptable. So you decide to take your crew to the Armax Arsenal Arena. No health packs, no extra ammo, and no shields. You against the rest of them in a pvp. At first they're very cocky and give it their all, but you wait.
Wait until they waste their bullets, until their metal shells heat their bodies too much, until they're paranoid scanning every corner and ledge to where you might be hiding. And that's when you finally take them down, one by one you quickly hit them and run, making them chase.
They're too slow, too exhausted form the constant chasing while you reserved your energy. You earned your captain title fair and sqaure and you make sure to show them that by toying with them, slipping past their defences and making their guns malfunction while they're not looking.
Fear isn't a common thing for turians, usually on the battlefield they embrace death with pride. That they've done their part, fought until the end. But in here? With you? They feel true terror at being reduced to a bunch of helpless birds, guns are useless against an enemy you can't spot. They can't endure being in this constant state of stress and alert, their bodies reading for a fight that never comes.
By the end of them, when just one of them remains, he's so beyond exhausted that it doesn't take much for you to push him on the ground and sit smugly on top of his chest. Your gun pressed against his neck as sweat glistens on your skin.
He admits defeat.
In the aftermath, you've witnessed how their respect grew for you. How they boasted about their human captain against other turian crews and pridefully retold the story of you taking them down one by one. Instead of their defeat filling them with shame, it filled with awe and determination, there's so much more they can learn from you.
In a way too, they've become a bit more protective of you. If a turian tries to give you shit for first contact war, they immediately insult their honour and shut them down. They're careful of your human skin not to scratch you by accident, cautious of their claws whenever they hand you something.
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lassieposting · 1 year
So anyway, things I've been thinking about this morning: Garrus Vakarian probably likes foreign films
Turians are the Proud Soldier Race Guys. They have an incredibly rigid, collectivist, by-the-book kind of culture, where every single individual is obligated to spend a good chunk of their formative adolescent/young adult years in the military, where Turian Ideals are hammered into them. So they don't seem like they'd have a big media scene glorifying tropes which go against their general cultural values - specifically, in this case, an individual going outside standard procedures to Get Shit Done on their own terms.
And this is a trope that Garrus loves. When we first meet him, he's sick of being the Good Little C-Sec Cop who follows orders and gets swamped with red tape and can't get the bad guy because Procedure Says No. He clearly sees himself as/wants to be the cowboy cop, detective-gone-rogue type, and he's got a pretty romanticised idea of what that would look like in his head. Bless him.
But. He's learned about that trope from somewhere, and I can't really see it being his own people. Especially with a father like Castis, who's so staunchly exactly what's expected from a turian. He seems like the type who'd have strong opinions about what his kids are reading and watching and being influenced by, because while he obviously loves Garrus, he wants him to grow up to fit a certain mould. The Turian version of the wish-fulfilment vigilante flick is the Spectre Movie, but Garrus isn't allowed to watch those, because Castis doesn't approve of Spectres being Outside The Law.
So baby Garrus grows up lowkey feeling stifled by the way society works, and maybe that's a problem with him, so he gets his head down and does his best to be a Good Turian and make his dad proud, and then he gets his discharge papers and goes to work for C-Sec, and suddenly he's living on the Citadel by himself, and he's got free time nobody is telling him to do X or Y with. He's basically moved away from home for the first time - the Citadel is not Turian-controlled, it's a thriving multicultural melting pot with plenty of people living there who don't exactly conform to Turian standards, he's got colleagues with interests he's never even heard of, and he's gonna start seeing new things.
Human superhero films and cop movies with lots of explosions and no paperwork. Small-budget Batarian short films about victorious anti-Hegemony rebellions. Even his own people's Spectre films. Some kid selling drugs in the wards has a Batman comic in his confiscated backpack? Garrus borrows it to browse on his lunch break. Some Salarian ex-STG operative publishes a memoir? Garrus reads it on the shuttle to work. All these people who feel like he does.
Like. Give me Archangel who regularly spouts lines from Batman or X-Men or Krogan Thunder 3 (or whatever the fuck else he's been watching) as part of his Good Guy Victory Speeches, that makes at least one of his multispecies team who Knows That Franchise pull up short and go "Oh my god, you're a nerd."
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I Was Gone for Two Seconds
garrus vakarian x fem! shepard
summary: in purgatory, shepard steps away for a second and her stool was taken
a/n: if it sounds like that one scene from victorious you're right and you should say it #mybad
tags: tooth rotting fluff, set in ME3, catty comments (sorry i’ve been rewatching dance moms), garrus being oblivious as always, shepard being rightfully pissed (smh), species hostility kinda???, reassurance, lovey dovery gross stuff, ooc bc garrus says ily (LMAO), busy couple making time for each other ):
ao3 version
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shepard was sat at the bar in purgatory with her legs crossed in a little black dress and heels, nursing a purple drink that she had already forgotten the name of. she was waiting for garrus to arrive to have some semblance of a proper date for the two of them. however, knowing him, he most likely got caught up with calibrating the weapons in the normandy for the umpteenth time, but she didn’t blame him nor was she mad. in fact, she had arrived later than their decided time as well since she got caught up in her own paperwork.
suddenly, she felt a tap on her right shoulder. she looked over, but saw no one. she turned her head to the left and saw the face of her favorite turian with a nervous smile on his face.
“sorry for running late shepard, the primarch needed help with-”
shepard leaned in and cut him off with a kiss, pulling back and patting his chest with a smile, “garrus i barely got here, you’re fine big guy, i get it.”
garrus’ shoulders relaxed and a sigh of relief left his mouth, settling into the stool next to her, “thank you sweetie, i can’t promise that it won’t happen again, but i can promise i’ll always make up for it.”
he had been holding a hand behind his back, bringing it forward to show to her with a blue blush creeping up his neck. shepard looked down at his hand and gasped, picking up the gift and examining it, “a thermal scope! i’ve been wanting to try one of these babies out forever!”
shepard grinned like a kid on christmas and threw her arms around garrus’ neck, kissing his cheek with an emphasized “mwah”. garrus wrapped his arms around shepard’s waist and purred with her in his arms, looking at her with love in his eyes.
“i’m glad you like it.”
“like it? i love it.”
“more than you love me?”
“know your limits vakarian.”
the two laughed together and shepard let go of the embrace, garrus’ hand remaining on her thigh with her hand over it. he waved the bartender over and ordered a drink. the two of them chatted for a while about anything and everything, talking to each other as if they were the only ones in the room. shepard excused herself to go "powder her nose", aka she's had to pee for the last 10 minutes and couldn't stand it anymore.
when she returned, she was met with a surprise.
a female turian was sitting on the stool that she had occupied not long ago, talking to garrus a little too enthusiastically for her liking. as shepard approached, she was able to hear their conversation.
"why don't you stick to your own species? that little human has nothing on a real turian woman."
garrus looked appalled and opened his mouth to say something, but shepard cleared her throat before he got the chance. her hands rested squarely on her hips, her eyebrows raised with her jaw tightened. the turian woman looked her up and down, then rolled her eyes, "speak of the devil."
"that's commander devil to you."
garrus laughed at that and covered it with a cough, letting shepard take the lead.
shepard plastered on the fakest smile she could and tilted her head, "sorry, but this little human couldn't help but notice that you took my seat. i’d like it back now."
the turian scoffed and slid out of the seat, shoulder-checking shepard as she passed her, "he's all yours, who wants a man with a damaged mandible anyways."
shepard balled her hands into fists before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, letting her fists go before walking up to garrus.
"shepard i'm so sorry, we were talking about the newest black widow that was released onto the market yesterday and then suddenly she changed the subject-" shepard cut off his rambling by taking his mandibles in her hands and kissing his lip plates, kissing all around his face before pulling back to look into his eyes, searching for any semblance of doubt in them. when she found none, she smiled reassuringly to him and rubbed her thumbs against mandibles.
garrus reached up and wrapped his hands around hers, turning his head to kiss her right palm before nuzzling his cheek against it. she knew he was being genuine, and even if she was blatantly flirting with him, shepard knew he would never pick up on it, that's for sure.
"for the record, i am one of those women who find scars attractive."
garrus laughed by letting a puff of air out of his nose and kissed her other palm, "for the record, i love my commanders a little devilish." shepard snorted and plopped down into her seat again. she leaned her elbow against the bar and resting her hand against her cheek.
"i love you vakarian."
"I love you too shepard."
"why don't we go back to the normandy and i can show you just how devilish i am," shepard said with an impish grin on her face.
"i wouldn't mind a little demonstration. i am a physical learner," garrus flirted back before quickly downing his drink.
shepard giggled before finishing the rest of her drink, standing up and grabbing his hand before leading him back to the Normandy. she glanced back just before they left purgatory and made eye contact with the turian woman from before, sticking her tongue out childishly as she led the love of her life back to their own home away from home.
notes: i'm actually happier with this piece than i thought i would be!! pls leave a comment if you want a part 12 with smut 👀 if i made any spelling or grammatical error pls lmk too
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 months
Shield of Stars (Biotic!Reader x Kaidan Alenko x Steve Rogers)
@jayfeather965 male reader x Kaidan x Steve when Steve awakens in 2181 Mass Effect universe
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Historically, putting soldiers in the same platoon really was the closest way to getting people to bond.
Could it have been anything other than inevitable when you and Kaiden fell for the Captain?
Your group, the Brooklyn Squad, wasn't actually meant to see combat.
It was more of an honor guard for Steve, an honorary ambassador and a living relic - technically the first biotic made by humans.
Though Steve's body carries no element zero and he cannot manipulate mass effect fields, it was Erskine's formula and subsequent research that was able to prepare certain people for bio-amp implantation and help make safe biotics out of those exposed to eezo.
The Brooklyn Squad consists of Steve, you, Kaidan, a turian who has come to respect and appreciate Steve's ethics, an asari, and a few other human biotics. It doesn't technically have any jurisdiction or ability to enforce galactic law...
But after an incident in which the Squad discovered and liberated a bunch of sapients kidnapped and enslaved by batarians, it has become the personal overt task force of the Council.
Officially the turian is the commanding officer for the Brooklyn Squad, though the chain of command is unlike what Steve is used to, since he was in the military over two hundred years ago.
But Steve really does appreciate having not only a goal and missions, but people he can truly trust, like when he was part of the Howling Commandos.
It's different for him - seeing you and Kaidan kiss. He makes an awkward joke about fraternization to cover for his unease, which he looks into.
Steve's never only been into women. But for a long time he sort of had to be above all that, first when he was in the US Military during the war, and now when he's an icon and completely out of his own time.
It wasn't conducive to exploring romance or even his own feelings. But seeing you and Kaidan openly loving one another without any thought of retaliation or anger - it shocks him. And it gives him hope.
He talks a little to the other members of the Squad about it, about how love is now, in this world where people are citizens of planets and systems and humans are not alone - about plural marriage and polyamory and sexuality and gender expression
How turian culture differs from asari from human from salarian and so on. Steve learns and expands as the whole Squad helps him to accept himself, and everything else.
And that's when Steve asks you two out. Still unsure, but wanting to try - Steve asks you and Kaidan on a date, accepting the potential of you both saying no.
But you say yes.
Yes to a trip around the Citadel trying increasingly-unfamiliar foods and laughing at how all of you feel the same kind of wrong-footed.
Yes to a visit to a library for translated volumes of quarian legends and asari myths, and exploring writers from worlds beyond your own.
Yes to a night in to watch Fleet and Flotilla, and to start exploring not only classics that are still way past Steve's time, but things bridging the gap between his missing years and now.
Yes to finding an apartment on the Citadel for an extended shore leave where all of you can stay.
Yes to a trip back to Earth to meet Kaidan's parents, where he introduces you as the loves of his life.
Yes to the rings - beautifully crafted triple bands of gold uniting the three of you as one.
Yes to spending the rest of your lives together amongst the stars, fighting off Reapers and never, ever giving up on each other.
Because if time itself couldn't prevent your love story, nothing can.
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