#Twilight and Reader are a married couple
maiko-san · 30 days
The Chain + TP! Reader (4/?)
< Part 3
Plot : You are Twilight's childhood best friend, who like Twilight can turn into an animal, that is a crow. You just happen to follow Twilight into the portal in your crow form and meet the Chain.
Reader's clothes - A grey long sleeved shirt, frilled ribbon and a black overall dress.
Note : You and Twilight went out on a small date and being cute.
"Look out!"
You watch as the group of heroes fighting off the monsters, the attack was sudden but these people were quick on their feet to retaliate. You're flying high up in the air, circling around and observing the battlefield.
You see a moblin creeping up behind the younger hero, 'Wind!' you caw out to him alerting the boy who turns around and blocks its mace. "Hyah!" the boy pushes the moblin back as Warriors comes in, plunging his sword into the monster's chest.
"Are you alright?" he asked the boy, Wind smiles. "I'm fine, captain!" he said, his blue eyes look up to you and wave. "Thanks for the heads up, (Y/n)!" he shouted.
It didn't take long for them to clear out the monsters, leaving none to escape their sight. Everyone is exhausted and drenched in monster blood, "Ah, great. My clothes are ruined" Legend sighed as he cringed at the sight of blood on his tunic.
"Guess, we have a laundry day" Hryule smiles, wiping away from blood from his hand.
"The monsters have gotten stronger faster than I expected" Warriors said, swinging his sword to get rid of the blood. "Even if they are getting stronger, their numbers have increases too. I'm worried that we might get overwhelmed in the future battle" Time said, turning to the group "Might as well resupply important needs, especially potions" Time said.
"I will handle the potions" Hyrule said. "Then, I shall start sharpening everyone's weapons!" Four said before trailing off, "After I get myself clean off, hehe" he said. "Alright, after we wash ourselves. We will head to the nearest town. Hryule will handle the potions and Four with the weapons as always. Twilight, Legend and I will rent rooms for all of us and the others will find much needed supplies" Time said. "Yes, sir!" they shouted after receiving their duties.
Twilight looks up to you and holds out his hand, "(Y/n), come here!" he calls out, you shake your head as you eye his blood covered hand. 'I am not landing on that!' you said. 'and you smell too! All of you!'.
True, the smell of blood is everywhere and you don't want to be near it, not wanting to have that scent of you.
'Anyways....I can see a huge waterfall from here, follow me!' you said to Twilight, turning around and flying towards the waterfall. "What did she say to you?" Sky questioned Twilight, the group always sees Twilight talking to the bird and understands her crows. "She sees a waterfall not far from here and wants us to follow her" Twilight said.
"Let's hurry up before the blood dries up" Legend said as he walked ahead.
After they washed themselves up, they headed towards the nearest town and split up into groups. The inn keeper doesn't allow pets in the room much to Twilight's dismay but you assure him that you're fine with it, you told him that you want to take a look around the town.
"I'm going to take a stroll around and see what the pups are up to, Time" Twilight said, making an excuse so that he and you can walk together. "Sure, tell them to return before sunset" Time said. Twilight nods as he walks out the inn with you as he enters an alleyway so you could transform back into a human. You close your eyes as you feel your body shifts and you return into your human form.
"This place looks amazing, let's check everything out!" you smiled up at him. You were excited, it has been days you haven't been to Castle Town— no wait, this one is a different kind of Castle Town! You wonder what stuff they have around!
Twilight hesitates a bit, but seeing you this happy makes all of his worries melt away. "Alright, let's go" he said, holding out his arm for you to hold. You giggle and hug his arm, "Let's go!" you cheered. You drag the blonde to the town centre and see all the stalls, the music is playing and people are having fun.
Twilight's keen sense of smell picks up the others, well mostly Warrior, Four, Wind and Sky. He sees them through the window of a tavern and are enjoying themselves, they seem to be occupied with betting against each other on a drinking competition.
"Link, look! Look!" your voice caught his attention, you're tugging on his arm as you point out that sells twinkling trinkets, colourful pins and more. "They're so pretty and shiny!" you said, eyes sparkling at the sight of the trinkets but something caught your eyes. "Oh, look at this one!" you said picking up a cute wolf brooch pin and showing it to Twilight. "It's cute, right? Just like you" you said, giving him a cute smile.
Twilight couldn't help but cover his face with his hand, hiding his red face. As you're occupied yourself admiring the brooch in your hand, his eyes land on a box that has a beautiful flower hairclip. "Ah it seems you have a really good eye, ay?" Twilight looks up to the clerk.
"Hm, do you want to buy it as a gift for the lovely lady?" the clerk questioned. "It's really beautiful isn't? It was crafted by the finest smith in town! A very delicate process, the jewels are 100% pure!" the clerk explained as he leans close to Twilight, causing him to lean back. "All women love these things! Just imagine how happy she be!" he said. "Here, take a closer look!" the clerk holds out the box close to Twilight.
His nose twitch as Twilight narrows his eyes, 'A fake....' he thought. He smelled a lot of jewellery and can now differentiate between a real and a fake. Clearly this man is scamming people to buy them....
"How much does it cost?" he asked the clerk. "That would be 10,000 rupees" Twilight gawk at the price.
"I think I pass. I'm just—" the clerk suddenly takes Twilight's hands, "Oh no! There is more for you to see! Come, come!" Twilight tries to hide his irritation, "Sir, please. I am not interested in buying" he said sternly as he pulls his hand away. "Besides we're here to have fu— (Y/n)?" as Twilight turns, you were nowhere in sight.
"(Y/n)?!" he said in panic.
"Oh, no. It seems the lady ran away" the clerk mocks, "Shut up!" Twilight barks at the clerk as the man cowers in fear at the rage in Twilight's expression. The blonde looks through the crowds trying to find the (h/c) haired.
You stand here, quite awkwardly. Your (e/c) eyes clashes with blue ones. 'I thought he was my Link....' you thought, sweating bullets. His sharp blue eyes stare at you, his gaze looks down at your hands linking with his arm. "Hey, miss. Are you looking for someone?" he asked raising an eyebrow, Legend was it?
"I-I...uh..uh- umm..." you stutter as you slowly release his arm, about this Legend, he's quite intimidating and doesn't have a really welcoming aura but you know that he's kindhearted.
"I-I got the wrong person! I am so sorry!" you said, before sprinting away, leaving the vet quite confused.
You hold your chest as you try to calm yourself down, your face is red from embarrassment. Oh, Hylia. What were you doing? You didn't realise that you stray away from the trinket stall and went to another one, you thought you followed Twilight but it wasn't him!
"This is so embarrassing— gwuh!" you suddenly trip yourself on a small pebble which causes you to fall on the ground. You lay there, "Gyaaaa! I am so stupid! What kind of a wife who can't recognize her own husband?!" you cried, punching the ground repeatedly.
"Hey, miss. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" a voice said, you slowly lift your head up. Your eyes are brimming with tears, "I'm fine...I just..." your vision clears and you finally see who's right in front of you.
Hryule, his eyes are laced with worry. "Here" he said with a gentle smile holding his hand out for you to take. You take his hand as he helps you on your feet, you hiss in pain and look down to see that you scratched your knee.
"Let me help" he said as he kneels down. You wave your hands around trying to stop him, "Please, it's just a little scratch! You don't have to—". He takes out something from his bag, a small container that has a medicine cream. "I insist, I can't let a beautiful lady like you walking around with an injured knee" he said, your lips went flat as you let him do his job. "I hope this helps! I made this one myself from the herbs I found during my travels" he said. He wipes the cream gently on your scratch knee, it was cool and it makes the pain goes away. He takes out a bandage and wraps it around your knee.
You look at him, "Thank you so much!" you said, "No problem! I'm happy to help!" he said. You shift on your feet as you slowly turn around, "Thank you again!" you said, walking away like a mechanically and as you turn around the corner, you finally loosen yourself up.
'I hope I don't encounter any more of them, if so I will lose my mind—' suddenly the window near your crashes causes you to let out a scream of fear.
A man sprawls on the ground, clearly drunk. You turn your head slowly and see that the tavern is on full brawl mode. "Come on me!!!!" a scream was heard and you see Warrior, who is quite drunk and is brawling with a random person. Sky is passed out on the table, Wind is cheering on the brawl chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!", while Four is spurting nonsense while holding a mug full of beer.
"Hey, lady!" the hair on your body stands up and you turn your head to see a man, looking down on you. He's reeked with alcohol and cigarettes. "You're pretty, let's hang out. I'll pay for your drinks and *hic* make you have a good time" he said, winking at you causing you to cringe. "No thank you" you said as you try to slip past him, but he grabs your arm tightly. "Hey, where are you going? I'm offering you a free drink!" he said, trying to tug you close to him.
"I said, no! Let me go!" you said, trying to pry his hand off but he kept a really tight grip. "Come on~!" he tugs you harshly causing you to yelp in pain, "Let me go!" you shouted, kicking the man's leg but it didn't affect him that much.
Out of nowhere, someone punches the man and knocks the teeth out of him, he collapses on the ground with a loud thud. "Leave her alone!" it was Legend. He turns to you, "He didn't do anything to you, right?" he asked as you shakes you head.
Legend let out a sigh, "It's dangerous to be close to the tavern especially that..." he pointed out to the chaos inside the tavern. "Thank you for saving me, I appreciate your help" you said. "Hmpf.." Legend huffed, turning his gaze away. "Be careful next time okay...." he said quietly. Your eyes lock with his, you couldn't help but give him a smile.
"You're really sweet of you!" you said. Legend blinks as red blush dusting his cheek, he looks away. "Shut up and just go before more weirdos come out! I ain't saving your sorry ass, ya know" he said. He opens one eye to you still standing there, smiling. Legend clicks his tongue, "Geez..." he said as he walk into the tavern.
You make your way to a more crowded area and away from dark alleys, "(Y/n) there you are!" it was Twilight. He let out a sigh of relief once he finally found you, he pulled you into a hug "I thought I lost you....you were missing for an hour" he said. "Did I get lost that long?" you feel like minutes but didn't think you were missing for about an hour.
"I'm sorry for straying away" you apologize to Twilight, "It's okay, love. You didn't do it on purpose" he said, gently tucking your behind your ear. He cups your chin and tilts your head up, "How about we have a little dance?" he asked as you smiled, "Sure!". Twilight pulls you to the center of the town where people are dancing to the music.
Both of you have a fun time together, at the same time you told him what had happened. Twilight didn't like what he heard when you told him about the creep.
"Where is he? Let me give him another punch!" he said. You assure him that Legend saves you and you are fine.
"Still, I want to punch him for hurting my wife!"
[ End of Part ]
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13lov · 8 months
tethered pt. 2 | jjk
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✰ pairing. — emo!jk x reader
✰ genre. — early 2000s au, best friend's older brother, childhood friends to lovers, smut, light angst.
✰ word count. — 10k+
✰ warnings. — swearing, family issues, friendship betrayal, mention of drugs/alcohol, smut [ cunnilingus, rough sex, ...idk how else to describe it ] reader and jk are both 18+, minors dni.
✰ a/n. long awaited part 2! the amount of love i received from part one was overwhelming and it means to world to meet that so many people instantly fell in love with this couple. another part is already in the works!
✰ taglist. @ahgasegotarmy116 @hellbornsworld @kissyfacekoo @littlestarstinyseven @skzthinker @cuntessaiii @nikkiordonez12 @ilikekpop-c @busanbby-jjk @xjjk187 @aloverga @kookcobain @mzeji @bxcndd @hoseokteardrop @canyon-lwt @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @jksteponme @parkinglot-nights @chromekingkong @jk97bam [ if i didn't tag u it's because tumblr didn't allow me to! ]
part one | masterlist | ao3 | buy me a coffee?
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“Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out?” Somi is glaring daggers at you upon opening the front door, arms crossed across her chest as she eyes you. Her lips are twisted into a disgusted snarl, you’ve never seen her this upset before.
You swallow the lump in your throat, “Find out about what?”
She cocks her head to the side, squinting her eyes at you. “Don’t act like you don’t know.”
Fuck, you’re screwed. If there were a list of all the reasons why you shouldn’t have had sex with Jeon Jungkook, the simple fact of  him being your best friend’s brother would be number one.
With closed eyes, you let out a relieved sigh. As much as you wanted to wait to tell Somi about hooking up with Jungkook, it’d be an enormous weight off your shoulders not having to hide it any longer. It’d only been a few days since it happened, but you really hate keeping secrets from her.
“How’d you find out?” You question, chewing on your bottom lip.
“My parents told me, duh.”
Holy crap, Jungkook told his parents the two of you had sex? Why the fuck would he do that?
“They did?” You ask, completely bewildered.
“Well, yeah!” Somi finally uncrosses her arms, demeanor completely changing as her gaze softens, “Why didn’t you tell me your sister got engaged?”
Thank God you didn’t elaborate any further.
“Oh! Because they probably aren’t gonna last.” You respond, stepping into the Jeon household once Somi allows you to enter. It’s been a few days since you’ve been here, mostly due to the fact that you were completely avoiding Jungkook.
The empty condom in his trash bin had been plaguing your mind nonstop, you could barely even sleep from how embarrassed you were. Why did he fake his orgasm? What if he didn't fake an orgasm and just shot a blank? Did you do something wrong? Was he not attracted to you? Why was the condom empty? 
Seeing him in person would’ve only intensified the thoughts roaming in your head, so you avoided him at all costs up until now. You’d promised the Jeon siblings that you’d finally see Twilight with them and their friends despite not being able to function correctly around either of them. 
Somi snickers, following you into the living room. “Ooh, that’s not nice.”
“It’s true, though,” you explain, “she’s still so young, only a few years older than your brother. I mean, can you picture Jungkook getting married in a few years?”
The regret from that question fills you almost immediately.
“Sure,” Somi responds, pausing to greet the eager doberman charging at her. “As long as he finds the right person. He’d get married in a heartbeat.”
You want to ask what Somi’s definition of “the perfect person” would be for Jungkook or the type of girl she’d be willing to set him up with. It’d probably be the unnamed, mysterious redhead you recently dreamed about curb stomping (yikes!).
You don’t respond to this, taking a seat on the sofa when the sudden shout of your name has you flinching. It’s Somi’s parents, excitedly greeting you with open arms as you politely stand to properly hug them. “I feel like it’s been so long since we’ve seen you! How’s your family? We just heard the news about your sister!” Mrs. Jeon ambushes you with questions, all while cradling your face.
“About how she’s making the biggest mistake of her life?” You half-joke.
Mrs. Jeon playfully waves a hand in your direction as she steps into the kitchen, her husband only a few feet behind. “Oh, don’t say that. I’m sure the two of them will be very happy together.” She turns to her husband, grabbing his hand, “I just can’t believe Imogen is getting married. I still remember when she first started high school.” 
Mr. Jeon sighs in disbelief. “I know,” he mumbles, nodding at you. “You’re up next soon, huh?”
“Maybe she can marry Jungkook,” Mrs. Jeon comments, opening her fridge, “set him straight.”
“Gross, Mom. Don’t wish that on her.” Somi groans in disgust as she plops down next to you.
Well, that answers your previous question.
“We should probably get going, right? To make it in time for the trailers?” You ask.
“Yeah, we should.” Somi responds, tilting her head up towards the staircase, “Jungkook! Hurry up and come downstairs! We’re ready to go!”
“Gimmie a minute!” He shouts back, and a chill runs down your spine. It’s been too long since you’ve heard his voice. The last time you saw him, he was lying naked in his bed; you’re not sure how you’ll survive being around him all night knowing what your last encounter was like.
As promised, Jungkook is sliding down the staircase a minute later and nails the landing. He’s wearing a black Twilight shirt featuring the leading couple, black cargo pants, and, of course, black sneakers. He looks like his usual self until you take a closer look and notice the reddish-black eyeshadow that decorated his eyes. It wasn’t much, just enough to make his eyes pop, and it complimented him perfectly. A second later, you see the black nail polish neatly coated on his nails. You have to blink a few times to ensure this is real life and you’re not trapped in a wet dream.
He strolls into the kitchen, ignoring the stares from his parents before digging through the fridge. His mom clears her throat, crossing her arms at him.
“What?” He asks, retrieving a two-liter Mountain Dew bottle. 
“Seriously, Jungkook? The makeup? The nail polish?” She questions, clearly frustrated.
Jungkook cocks his head, unscrewing the soda bottle’s lid. “What’s wrong with it? Somi’s wearing the same thing.”
“Son, you know that’s different.” His father interjects.
Jungkook takes a swig of the soda before responding. “Why? Because she’s a girl?”
“It’s not like that, hon. It’s just…we didn’t make a big deal of it when you first started the piercings, and the tattoos, and the hair dye, but this…it’s a little much. Don’t you think?” His mother asks.
You want to step in and remind his parents that Jungkook is old enough to make his own decisions and express himself as he pleases, but it’s not your place. Instead, you cheer silently when Somi surprisingly interrupts the discussion. “Did you guys seriously force him to come back home just to criticize how he presents himself, or would you rather have a peaceful summer?”
“We aren’t trying to criticize him, Somi. We’re just looking out for our child.” Mr. Jeon responds.
“It’s a special occasion, Dad. Is it bad that I wanted to look nice for—” Jungkook abruptly cuts himself short, quickly glancing in your direction before returning his attention to his parents. “...to go see Twilight with my friends?”
What was that about?
Silence passes, and the three stare at each other until Mrs. Jeon sighs defeatedly and says, “No, there’s nothing wrong with that, sweetheart. I hope you guys enjoy the movie.”
“We will,” Jungkook responds, closing the soda bottle lid and placing it back in the fridge. He heads for the front door, beckoning you and Somi to follow behind. He’s eager to leave the house, quickly swinging the front door open and jogging towards his car.
You and Somi say goodbye to her parents with a promise to be home by eleven before following in Jungkook’s footsteps, who already has the car running. As you wait for Somi to finish locking the front door, Jungkook rolls down his window and shouts, “Hurry up! Let’s go!”
“Will you calm down?!” Somi throws back, rolling her eyes as she finally removes the house key from the lock.
You follow her towards Jungkook’s car, sliding into the backseat as you pretend not to notice Jungkook watching you through the rearview mirror. He wants you to look at him, but you refuse, busying yourself by buckling your seatbelt and convincing Somi to do the same. Once Jungkook is convinced you’re not going to do so much as glance at him, he puts the car in drive and pulls into the road.
Somi talks your ear off in the backseat about whatever comes to mind while you keep your eyes on the window. It’s hard to not notice Jungkook glancing back at you through the mirror at every red light or stop sign, but you don’t dare meet his gaze.
The movie theater’s parking lot is crowded when you arrive; it takes Jungkook a few minutes to eventually locate a spot. A smile is plastered on his face as he parks the car, eager to see some of his closest friends after being separated for months. He informs you and Somi to disregard anything foolish he friends may say, claiming they arrived early to smoke behind the movie theater, so they’re more than likely too high to function properly.
Jungkook shrugs when Somi asks why people do that, shoving his hands into his pockets as the three of you approach the theater entrance. "Some people say it makes the movie experience better."
You want to ask Jungkook if he's ever been high, but you can barely even bring yourself to look in his direction, let alone ask him a question. So you're silent as the three of you enter the movie theater, instantly spotting Jungkook's bandmates in the far corner.
Well… Jungkook's bandmates and one other guest.
The bubbly redhead greets you guys first, running up to Jungkook with open arms as if they haven't seen each other in a million years. It makes you want to vomit.
You look away as they hug, directing your attention to the concession stand employee who had already been watching you. His name tag reads 'Beomgyu,' and he resembles a younger version of Jungkook, with the same dark hair and similar lip piercings. His eyes stay on you until a customer blocks your path, and you're back to watching Jungkook reunite with his friends.
"Hey, you were the one at that party, right? With Somi?" The redhead asks, squinting her eyes at you.
"Yeah." Is all you respond with, because why in God's name is this girl talking to you right now?
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Scar," she introduces herself, extending a hand for you to shake.
Somi interjects, grabbing ahold of your wrist while glaring at Scar. "Your name is Scarlett."
She drags you along to the ticket booth, mumbling about how she doesn't like nor trust Scar. When you ask for her reasoning, she responds with, "I don't need one. I just don't like her."
At least you're on the same page about that. 
Still, you can't help but wonder why Somi has a distaste for Scar. You have your petty reasoning for disliking her, but Somi (more than likely) has better knowledge of Scar's personality, so whatever reasons she dislikes her could be legitimate. 
You're thinking of this as Jungkook orders the tickets for everyone, asking the employee to give him a minute when the friend you recognize as Yugyeom starts tapping his shoulder. "We should go see Saw instead; it just came out."
Jungkook looks genuinely confused at the suggestion. "What? No, we came here to see Twilight."
"So?!" Jaebeom chimes in, eyes red as the devil, "Come on, dude, you've already seen Twilight. Don't you wanna see something new?"
"Fuck no, we're literally in the middle of buying the tickets." Jungkook reminds everyone.
"I kinda wanna see Saw, too."
"Yeah, me too."
"I do, too."
Jungkook whips his head around at his sister, "What? Even you?"
Somi scoffs, "Well, yeah! Twilight just seems boring in comparison."
"Come on, guys," the employee interrupts, "you're holding up the line."
Jungkook turns towards you. "Do you still wanna see Twilight?"
Truthfully, you want to go home; but seeing how excited Jungkook was for the movie made you feel something, so you nod. He lets out a relieved sigh. 
He moves out of the way to allow his friends to buy their tickets first, slipping his sister cash to pay for hers, which she initially rejects. "I don't need your money," she claims.
"Just take it, Somi. I brought it for you." 
From what you can make out, it's enough to cover her ticket and grab something from the concession stand. The pair of siblings may bicker a lot, but it's nice to know Jungkook still looks out for his younger sister whenever he can.
Somi reluctantly accepts the money and purchases her ticket; you watch as Jungkook follows suit, ordering two tickets for Twilight and stopping you from opening your purse. "Don't worry about it."
"Oh, it's fine. I have enough." You reassure him.
Jungkook laughs to himself, "Why are the two of you like this?" He questions, fishing out crumpled dollar bills from his pocket and handing them to the cashier, who sighs in annoyance, straightening and inspecting each bill before placing it in his register.
You don't know why Jungkook insists on being so nice to you despite your persistence in not speaking to him. A part of you wonders if he thinks this is some kind of date now that the two of you will be separated from the group. It doesn't matter. You don't know why you're overthinking it.
Once all the tickets have been purchased, the seven of you head towards the concession stand. Somi debates pushing herself to the front of the long line, claiming that the theater should make accommodations for those whose movie is starting sooner. Or something like that, you can't really focus with the way Beomgyu is staring at you. You're used to guys always staring, but they tend to shyly look away upon making eye contact. 
Beomgyu is quite the opposite, staring you down every chance he gets. Your skin feels hot, and you're suddenly anxious under his gaze. 
When the group ahead of you has finished ordering and is heading off into their theater, you're sure to stick close to Jungkook as you approach the counter. Beomgyu eyes him over once before returning his gaze to you. "What can I get for you guys?"
Jungkook takes the liberty of ordering a large popcorn for the two of you to share and doesn't even get mad when you request a slushie instead of a fountain drink. He doesn't let you pay, swatting your hand away when you absentmindedly reach for your purse. "You seriously have to stop doing that." He mumbles, handing Beomgyu the cash.
Beomgyu quickly prepares the popcorn and Jungkook's drink but takes his time making your slushie. He's sure to fill it to the brim, and you're worried it may accidentally overflow and leave a sticky mess. "You didn't want candy or anything?" He questions, handing you your drink. 
You shrug, "Maybe Twizzlers, but—"
Before you can finish, Beomgyu is reaching under the counter and sliding you a pack of Twizzlers. "On me."
"Oh, are you sure?" You ask, hesitant to accept the free candy.
Beomgyu sends Jungkook a cocky smirk before he responds, "Yeah, enjoy the movie."
You thank Beomgyu and pretend to not notice the death glares the two boys are sending one another before walking with Jungkook to your theater. "That guy was weird." He comments.
"Yeah." You agree, but it's definitely not true. Beomgyu was friendly and clearly interested in you, unlike Jungkook, who sent you nonstop, draining mixed signals. If his definition of weird is someone straightforward, then you should start going after weirdos.
Once you're settled in your seats in the back of the theater — per Jungkook's request — he clears his throat and says, "So, I tried messaging you on Facebook. Didn't get anything back."
"Oh, sorry. I haven't been using Facebook that much." You reply, hoping your lame excuse is believable enough.
He nods, eyes bouncing between you and the movie trailers playing in the background. "Yeah, I figured." He says. When you don't respond, he continues, "I would've asked Somi for your number, but I didn't want her to get suspicious or anything."
"That's smart." You admit, nodding in agreement.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks suddenly, his full attention to you.
You finally make eye contact, and the expression on his face makes your heart sink. He looks genuinely concerned and confused by your sudden coldness. You hate being so mean to him, but you're too embarrassed to explain the real reason why you've been avoiding him. So you nod and say, "Just a little tired."
It's clear he doesn't believe this; the same expression is still on his face as he refocuses on the movie trailers. 
You hate how awkward it feels to be around him now. Never in a million years would you have guessed the two of you would end up like this. A week ago, you would've been overjoyed at the idea of being on a movie date with Jungkook, and now you're considering leaving early and catching a taxi home.
The two of you remain silent as the rest of the trailers play on, and Jungkook immediately sits up in his seat when the lights finally dim and the curtains are pulled back further. He's reticent throughout the movie, aside from a muffled chuckle occasionally; he even side-eyes anyone making too much noise.
You enjoy Twilight nonetheless, agreeing with Jungkook that you do, in fact, dress like Bella Swan from time to time. When he asks if you liked it as you're exiting the theater, you tell him it was very nice and that you hope there'll be another movie.
Jungkook smiles at this, tossing his empty cup in a nearby trash bin. "I'm sure there will be. Maybe they'll even cast you as Bella's stunt double since you already have the clothes."
"Shut up." You tease, and it feels nice to joke with him as usual. You may finally have the courage to tell Jungkook why you've been so distant these past few days.
Saw doesn't get out for another few minutes, so you're stuck waiting in the lobby for Somi and everyone else. Jungkook gestures towards the nearly empty slushie cup clutched in your hands, "You get free refills on that, I think."
You take his word, strolling over to the concession stand. Beomgyu spots you immediately and gestures for you to skip around the line. You shake your head, but he still beckons for you to come over. You feel bad, but the line has gotten longer since you were first here, and you really don't want to wait in a long line just for a refill. 
"What flavor?" He asks once you've slid him your cup.
You tell him anything is fine and he gets to work, combining the cherry and blue raspberry flavors. "How was the movie?"
"It was good. The vampire stuff was cool."
"Have you seen Saw yet? It just came out."
"No, I haven't."
"It's so good; if you wanna give me your number, maybe we can see it together sometime."
What is it with guys offering to take you out to a movie they've already seen? You're not complaining; it's just odd.
Beomgyu is clearly interested in you and has offered to take you out. You'd be silly to pass up on this guy just because your current relationship with your longtime crush is at a standstill. So you accept, scribbling your phone number down on a napkin with your name underneath. He promises to call you once his shift ends and that he looks forward to seeing you.
When you turn to meet up with Jungkook, he's gone. You catch him storming out of the theater, hauling ass to his car.
You run to catch up to him, calling out his name and begging him to slow down.
When he finally does stop, there's a look on his face that you've never seen before. He gets angry all the time, but this was something completely different. "So you were just using me, huh?"
What? What is he talking about?
"Using you for what?"
"To lose your virginity. You just wanted to get it over with, right?" His voice is slightly hushed now but still loud enough for you to feel embarrassed about anyone passing through the parking lot.
"Jungkook, what are you talking about?"
"You used me to lose your virginity, so when you date other guys you can tell them you've had sex before. Is that what this is?"
This accusation hurts, considering that Jungkook was the only guy you've ever been interested in romantically and sexually. You don't know where this theory originated, but you don't like it.
Jungkook continues before you respond, "I tried reaching out and talking to you, and you just blew me off! And yet, here you are, giving your number to random guys! Am I not good enough for you?!"
"It's not like that, Jungkook!" You don't mean to raise your voice at him, but you can't help it. Both of your emotions were at an all-time high.
"Then what is it like?!"
Here goes nothing.
There are already tears forming as you go to explain yourself. "I didn't reach out to you because…because I was embarrassed."
"You were embarrassed to have sex with me?"
"No!" You yell in reassurance, "No, no, no. Of course not. I was embarrassed because I know you didn't finish. I just thought maybe I did something wrong or didn't do enough."
Jungkook quirks a brow at you, "What makes you think I didn't finish?"
You really hate that he's making you explain this. "I saw the condom afterwards; it was empty."
"You went digging in my trash can to find the condom?" Now he looks more disgusted than confused; this is going so horribly.
"No! I saw it when I went to get my phone off the charger."
Jungkook takes a minute to process everything, scratching his chin in deep thought. You can't tell what he's feeling, but he does look hurt. It makes you regret avoiding him in the first place.
"So, you were prepared to never talk to me again over an empty condom?" Despite his stern demeanor, he's clearly shaking as he questions you.
You want to say no, that it wasn't a case, but you can't bring yourself to lie to him again. So you say nothing. Jungkook nods at your lack of response before turning around and walking towards his car. You remain still, frozen in place, watching as he sits on the hood of his car and smokes a cigarette.
If it weren't for Somi finishing her movie within the next few minutes, you would've walked the entire way home.
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This bitch is driving you crazy.
Your older sister, Imogen, is home for a few days to start her wedding preparations. The fake bridezilla persona she's putting on bothers you the most, bursting out in tears at the most inconvenient times or having a breakdown about selecting a theme. Deep down, she doesn't care about any of this bullshit; she's like you about parties or big events.
"This is literally the biggest day of my life, and you're being so fucking difficult." Imogen snarls at you, pouring herself a cup of coffee. You're sitting a few feet away on the kitchen counter, staring out the kitchen window. Despite Imogen's occasional yelling and snarky comments, all you can think of is Jungkook.
It's been an entire week since the movie theater incident. You haven't stopped by the Jeon household not once, telling Somi you fell ill and don't want to get her sick. It's another lame excuse, but she buys it, opting to talk to you on the phone daily until you recover.
You have yet to speak to Jungkook; it's not like you've tried. The idea of messaging him on Facebook and not receiving a response makes you anxious. It's hard to believe you subjected him to the same torture not long ago. It doesn't help that Scarlett is suddenly all over his page, commenting on nearly every one of his posts, writing on his wall, or tagging him in pictures. Your recurring dream of curb-stomping her is back in full force.
You sigh at your sister, "Whatever you say, Imogen."
She waves dismissively at you, "Please, don't even talk to me right now."
You hop off the counter in annoyance and stomp off towards the staircase, mumbling, "Fucking drama queen."
"Language." Your mom warns you, flipping through one of the several bridal magazines your sister has stacked on the coffee table.
Imogen scoffs, setting her mug on the counter. "I'm the drama queen? Whenever I talk about my wedding, you throw a fucking fit!"
"Why are you pretending to care about this stupid wedding and that stupid boy you barely even know?!" You shout back from the staircase.
"If my wedding is so stupid, then don't come!"
"I don't even want to go to your stupid wedding, with your stupid fiancé and your stupid red velvet cake that no one's going to fucking eat!"
This is probably the dumbest fight you've ever had.
Imogen doesn't respond to this, advised by your mother not to and to let you stomp up the stairs in a furious rage. You make a beeline straight to your desktop, waking up the computer with a mouse shake and entering your password.
Facebook is already open once you've signed in, Jungkook's page staring right back at you. You're ashamed to admit you'd been cyberstalking him, but you had no choice. Seeing him in person would've been too much, but you still want to ensure he's doing okay.
There's a new post up when you refresh the page; you chew on your bottom lip as you anxiously wait for it to finish loading.
It's a picture of his dirty Chuck Taylor's perched upon a wooden stool. You recognize the background immediately; he's in the treehouse in his backyard. You and Somi would spend hours up there as kids, giving each other manicures and exchanging secrets; now, you can barely look her in the eye without bursting out in tears. You hate how complicated things have become.
A light tap against your door has you swiveling around in your chair. It's Imogen, leaning against your doorframe with her arms crossed. "Who's that?"
"Somi's brother." You respond, scrolling to a photo that actually shows his face.
Imogen steps further into your bedroom, squinting her eyes at the computer screen. "Oh, yeah. Hasn't changed much, has he?" When you remain silent, she asks, "Would it be wrong of me to assume he's the real reason why you're so upset?"
You sigh, letting your shoulders drop. "You'd be very correct, actually."
She nods in understanding, sitting on the edge of your bed. "So, what's going on? You like him?"
"We kind of like each other, I guess." You mumble. Honestly, you're not quite sure how Jungkook feels about you at the moment.
"And Somi doesn't approve of it?"
You snort, "Somi doesn't know. There was nothing to tell her at first, but things have changed."
"Are you guys dating?"
"No. We actually haven't talked in a week. I may have hurt his feelings."
Imogen nods towards your desktop, “Where is he now?”
You shrug, “Home, I guess.”
She stands, stretching out her limbs. She glances around your room, locates a jacket dangling lifelessly from your doorknob, and tosses it to you. “Let’s go.”
Taking an impromptu trip to the Jeon household had you sweating. What if Jungkook doesn’t even want to see you? What if Somi catches you talking and asks what’s going on?
Each concern you raise is instantly shot down by Imogen, claiming you’re creating excuses to avoid seeing him, how you’re only imagining the worst possible scenarios. You appreciate her overwhelming support but can’t help the nervousness creeping through your body as her car approaches the Jeon household.
“Remember, be apologetic but not desperate,” Imogen informs you, putting her car in park in front of the house.
“I am desperate.” You remind her.
“Well, don’t let him see it. You got this.”
You thank your sister one last time for the advice before stepping out of her car. You’re careful to avoid being seen from windows as you make your way into the backyard; not entirely sure what you’d say if Somi were to catch you.
You scale the tree quickly, silently praying the old wooden steps are stable enough to hold your weight. 
You sigh in relief once you’ve reached the top, only to groan at the sight of Scarlett sitting across from you. She looks up from her iPod with a bright smile, quickly pulling out her earbuds as you enter the treehouse. “Hey, stranger! Watcha doing here?”
Her enthusiasm really makes you sick. “Came to see Jungkook,” you pause to glance around the tiny, wooden deathtrap, “but he’s nowhere to be found.”
“He’ll be back soon; went to use the bathroom,” Scarlett informs you, running her hands through her hair. “So, you guys really like each other, huh?”
What? She knows about that?
“Jungkook told you?” You question, trying your best to appear unbothered. You’re unsure where she’s going with this, but you have no reason to trust her.
Scarlett nods, “We tell each other everything. So when he told me you guys weren’t talking, I may have devised a plan to help you come around. You do use Facebook, right?” She smirks
Holy shit, all the posts of them together were to make you feel jealous enough to have a conversation with him; and your sworn enemy was the mastermind behind it. It was all a ploy to get under your skin, and you fell right into the trap. 
“You’re a stubborn little thing, though. Didn’t think it’d take you so long.” She comments, slipping her jacket on.
You shrug, “I didn’t think he’d want to talk to me.”
“Jungkook always wants to talk to you. I don’t mind it, though. You seem good for him.”
Aside from Somi, Scarlett is probably the last person you would’ve expected to be supportive of your relationship with Jungkook. So, to hear she’d been secretly rooting for you behind the scenes nearly gives you whiplash. You almost feel wrong about your dreams of shoving her face into the pavement.
You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “So, nothing is going on between you guys?”
Scarlett grimaces as if you deeply offended her, “Of course not! Don’t get me wrong, he’s cute, but not my type. His sister is cute, though.”
“Somi? Jeon Somi? You’re into her?” You ask, completely stunned.
“Hell, yes. Hey, do you think you could set us up? Jungkook would never.”
“You do know that Somi can’t stand you, right?”
Scarlett excitedly nods, “I know, it’s kind of a turn-on.”
You hold your hands out to stop her from elaborating any further. Scarlett has surprised you in more ways than one in less than five minutes. You’re sure any new information would’ve made your head explode.
“I’ll…try my best.” You promise; not quite sure how Somi would feel about the idea of Scarlett liking her.
“For what?” A voice interrupts, causing you and Scarlett to direct your attention to the treehouse’s entrance. And there he is, in all his gothic glory. 
“Girl talk, none of your business,” Scarlett responds, making room for Jungkook to crawl in. 
“Fine. You keep your secrets; I’ll keep mine.” Jungkook groans, sitting between the two of you.
“Will do. I’m outta here. Got a hot date with a box of hair dye. See you suckers later.” Scarlett waves goodbye as she exits the treehouse, reminding you of your promise before disappearing down the steps.
Jungkook clears his throat, sweeping his hair away from his eyes. "So—"
"I'm sorry," you cut him off, "I should've reached out and talked to you, but I was just too embarrassed and didn't know how to approach you about it. I really like you, and I wasn't using you to lose my virginity. I mean, you're the only person I've ever been interested in. So, again, I'm sorry."
He sighs, "I understand why you were embarrassed, but I promise it had nothing to do with you."
"Then what was it?"
Jungkook anxiously scratches the back of his head before he responds. "It's just that…sometimes…it takes me a little bit longer to, uh…to finish."
"Is it because of your…size?" You can't help but wonder.
Jungkook snorts, "What, you think I'm big?"
"I'm out of here." You joke, faking as if you're about to leave.
"Wait, wait, wait." He stops you, "I was only kidding. I never really thought size played a factor in it, but every guy is different. But, still, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy us having sex. I mean, you had already finished, and I didn't want to tire you out just for my sake."
Knowing he had a perfectly reasonable explanation makes you feel even worse about spending all that time avoiding him. You want to tell him you wouldn't mind him tiring you out, that the idea excites you, but you refrain.
A beat of silence passes, and you ask, "But, I'm sure if there's something that you're really into, then it wouldn't take as long for you to finish. Right?"
Jungkook nods, "I guess."
"Then, what is it? What are you into?"
He coughs, tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink. "Um…I guess I'm into…roughness?"
"That's not a big deal. A lot of people are probably into that."
"I mean, it's fine either way, but I mostly prefer when girls are kinda rough with me. Fuck, this is embarrassing."
"It's not!" You reassure him, placing a gentle hand on his knee, "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me."
Jungkook stares at your hand on his knee before placing his own on top. You twist yours upwards and interlock your fingers, not missing the smile that forms on his face. His bangs have swept into his eyes again, and you use your free hand to move them out of the way. "It was my first time, too, by the way."
You snort, "You don't need to say that just to make me feel better."
"I'm serious," he continues, "I mean, I've gotten pretty handsy in the past, but nothing like what we did."
You shake your head, "I don't buy it. You seemed so experienced like you knew what you were doing."
Jungkook shrugs, "I mean, I'm not completely innocent. I may occasionally watch certain videos and read certain stories from time to time."
Porn and smut. Beautiful combination.
He shakes his head, "You still don't believe me; how come?"
You sigh, memories of the night before he left for college flashing in your mind. How you ran home in tears, how he only responded to Scar's comment on Somi's Facebook post. It almost hurts to think about. "The night before you left for school, there was an opened condom wrapper on your floor. I just figured…you know."
Jungkook nods at the memory. "I wasn't gonna go to the dorms the next day. I was planning on running away, that's why I gave you that bandana. After my parents helped bring my stuff to the dorms, I was gonna put everything in my car then take off."
You're having a hard time processing this information. Why would Jungkook plan on running away? What does this story have to do with the empty condom?
He continues, clutching your hand even tighter. "I only told a few people I was leaving, and there was this one girl who came over to say goodbye. She'd been really into me for a while and was heartbroken that I was leaving. We were about to hook up, hence the condom wrapper, but I couldn't do it."
"Why?" You question.
"Didn't feel right. I wasn't into her the same way she was into me. Just couldn't do it." He explains, eyes staring deep into yours. You believe him; you know he's being truthful.
"What made you decide to stay?" You ask.
"For Somi," he answers, "I couldn't just leave her like that. And for you, too."
Though you've felt it for many years, telling Jungkook you love him is too soon. But you want to, so very badly.
"I'm glad you decided to stay." Your voice is barely a whisper now as you try to stop yourself from tearing up.
He nods, "Me too."
You sit in comfortable silence for a minute, clutching each other's hands. You wish you could stay like this forever. 
"I just realized you never told me if there's anything you're into." He points out.
You shrug, "Just you." And it's true: Jungkook is the only person you've ever been interested in. Everything he says and does is genuinely attractive to you.
He drops your hand gently, using it to tilt your head towards him, and he kisses you. 
You're quick to cradle the back of his head as his hands snake around your waist, deepening the kiss. You move to straddle his lap, slowly pushing him onto his back. He grunts in surprise, breaking away from the kiss. "You—"
"Stop talking." You demand before your lips intertwine with his once again. With one hand on his chest, you reach to grab a fistful of his hair and tug lightly, earning a satisfied moan from him. You're not used to being rough with guys, but you're sure Jungkook enjoys it with the way his erection is already pressing up against your thigh.
Reluctantly, you pull away from him and sit up, staring at him sprawled underneath you in complete awe. "Alright, I'll message you my number so we can text. See you later."
"No! No, no, no. Please don't go." He pleads, holding you in place when you go to stand, "Just stay a little longer, please."
You smile down at him, fighting the urge to stay in the treehouse. "I can't. Imogen is waiting out front. We'll see each other soon, okay?" You promise, planting a kiss on his forehead.
Jungkook nods, fingers drumming against the floor as he watches you crawl out of the treehouse. "Don't be too surprised if I seem extra excited to see you next time." He calls after you.
"Trust me, I won't."
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Jungkook is the first boy to ever sneak in through your bedroom window.
He carelessly tosses his backpack in first, cringing when it lands on your carpeted floor with a loud thud. Though you’ve assured him your parents are heavy sleepers, he’s still worried you’ll get in trouble if he makes too much noise and accidentally reveals himself. “Sorry,” he apologizes, wrist gripping your forearm as you help pull him in.
“It’s fine,” you whisper back, “they’re not gonna wake up.”
“Still,” he grunts, using his upper body strength to pull him further into your room. “Don’t want you getting in trouble.”
It’s a day after the treehouse incident; as promised, you sent Jungkook your number and spent all day texting back and forth. Despite not being big on texting, you admire how Jungkook likes to keep you updated on what he’s doing and how he checks up on you to ensure you’re okay. 
“We’ll be fine, but just in case, I did make room for you in my closet in case you have to hide.” You inform him.
Jungkook stifles a laugh, “Good to know.” He settles himself on the edge of your bed, moving over once he realizes he’d sat on a pile of clothing. “Oh, were you about to shower?”
“I was,” you answer, moving the clothing over to your nightstand, “but I’ll wait until after you leave.”
He has to stop himself from making a joke about joining you in the shower. He nods, leaning down to drag his backpack towards him, “Guess what I got today.”
“What?” You question, legs folded underneath you as you sit beside him.
Jungkook slowly unzips his backpack, careful not to make too much noise before rummaging through it and clutching something in his hand. He momentarily turns his back towards you, clips something to his shirt, then turns back around.
There’s a name tag on his chest now with his name scribbled in black ink and a little star next to it. “A job?”
He nods, “At that music store, Spin City. Need to start saving up before classes start. Plus, I wanna take you out somewhere nice before summer’s over.”
You gulp, “Like, a date?”
“Yeah. I mean, unless… I don’t know. I just kinda figured…” He trails off, suddenly worried he may be scaring you off.
You grab ahold of his hand, “I know, and trust me, you’re perfect, and I want us to be together. But, the night we saw you at that party, I did ask Somi if she would be upset if I was into you. Surprisingly, she said she wouldn’t mind as long as I talked to her before making a move on you. And, well…”
“We made a move on each other without telling her,” Jungkook finishes for you.
You nod, “Exactly.”
He sighs, “So, I’m guessing that means you wanna wait before we make things official.”
“Yeah. No matter what, I still want to be with you. But it’d be best for all of us to get her on board with this first. Show her how much we truly care for each other, and make sure she’s okay with it. So she knows my relationship with you won’t affect our friendship, and vice versa.” You explain. Jungkook’s eyes never stray from yours, listening intently and nodding at everything you say.
“That’s fair,” he agrees, “It’s a good idea. Do you want me to talk to her? Or for us to talk to her together?”
You shake your head, “She’ll definitely freak out on you; it’s best if I do it alone first, then you talk to her afterward.”
Jungkook leans back against your bed, resting his head on your pillow. It’s funny how different your aesthetics are; he looks perfectly out of place, sprawled on your baby pink pillow surrounded by teddy bears. “When?”
“I dunno,” you respond, lowering yourself until your head rests comfortably on his bicep. “Doesn’t have to be right away. As long as it’s before we move into the dorms.”
“We shouldn’t wait too long, though. It’ll only make things worse.” Jungkook mumbles, pulling you closer to him.
“I know. I’ll have a talk with her soon, I promise.”
You interlock pinkies to solidify your promise and ease his nerves. You hadn’t realized how anxiety-inducing this was for Jungkook as well. The idea of Somi not approving of your relationship had him genuinely worried. 
“But, you should know that no matter what—” he starts.
You cut him off, “I know.”
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The hands that once purposely dumped slime in your hair are now tugging your panties down your legs.
“Can we try something?” Jungkook asks with a mumble against your lips, your soft blue underwear now clutched in the palm of his hand.
“Like what? I actually make you come for once?” You joke, earning a laugh from Jungkook.
“Don’t worry about me.” He presses another kiss against your lips, “You trust me?”
“Of course.” You respond, sitting up in Jungkook’s bed as he moves backward, never breaking eye contact with you. He pushes your skirt up slightly but pats your hand away when you go to remove it altogether.
“Leave it on.” He commands, bringing himself at face level with your cunt.
You’ve never felt this shy in your life, grateful your bunched-up skirt created the tiniest barrier between having Jungkook see you all flustered. Never had you been this intimate with a guy, especially not a guy you technically weren’t even dating.
His thumb is circling your clit before you have the time to protest, to tell him he doesn’t have to do this just for your sake, but the feeling of his fingers pressed against you has you at a loss for words. 
“This okay?” He asks.
“Yeah.” You respond, tilting your head upwards to stare at the ceiling.
Before you know it, his middle and index fingers are pressed against your opening, eliciting a gasp from your lips. At your reaction, Jungkook slips his finger into your entrance, thumb still playing with your clit. He insists on being teasingly slow today, wanting to draw out every moment and observe your reaction.  
He pumps his fingers in and out of you in a slow, consistent motion, an amused smirk on his lips when he hears your breathing become ragged. Abruptly, he slips his fingers out of you, moving your thighs to rest them atop his shoulders. 
“Wait, you don’t have to—oh fuck.” You’re cut off by Jungkook pushing himself forward, placing a sudden kiss on your clit that has your hips jolting in the air. His hand grabs your waist and licks at your slit, keeping you in place as he gently returns your body to his mattress. 
His growing erection is the last of his worries, all too focused on dragging his tongue across your cunt. He flattens his tongue, pulling the wetness upward until he’s circling your clit again. In search of something to grab onto, your hands grip the bed sheets until Jungkook reaches forward, moving your hand over to grip his hair.
His eyes are closed when you look down at him, and you swear you can hear him moan as he eats you out. You try your best to keep the noise down out of fear someone will hear, but you can’t help but yell out when he’s back to fingering you, all while circling your clit with his tongue. 
Your grip on his hair tightens, pushing his face further into your pussy, and he lets out a satisfied groan. It’s embarrassing how quickly your orgasm approaches; everything with Jungkook is so intense. He knows this, eyes fluttering open to watch your expressions. Black eyeshadow is smeared across his eyelids as his eyes focus on your own, hands gripping your thighs as he tongue circles your clit.
His fingers are relentlessly pumping into your cunt now, contrasting against how teasingly slow his tongue is moving. He pulls his mouth away, lips glistening with your arousal, and asks, “You close?”
You don’t respond directly, but the grip you have on his hair gives him all the answers he needs before he’s diving back in. It doesn’t take much for you to come after that, a final kiss pressed on your clit, sending you over the edge and coating Jungkook’s fingers.
Jungkook doesn’t stop there, still continuing to lick and suck your clit until you’re begging him to stop from the overstimulation.
“Sorry.” He apologizes, planting a kiss on your inner thigh, “Was that good?”
“That was literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” You respond. Jungkook lets out a laugh as he crawls up next to you. “I should be upset with you, though.”
“What?” He questions, peppering your face with kisses, “Why’s that?”
“I came over to talk to your sister about us, and you distracted me.”
“How’d I do that?”
“Because! You came downstairs in your eyeshadow. Then you were all like, ‘Oh, hey. I cleaned my room; wanna check it out?’” You mimic a deep voice that sounds nothing like his. 
“I apologize for putting on eyeshadow, bringing you to my room, and eating you out. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”
“I guess.”
You both laugh at this as you move to pull your skirt down. “Hey, how’d you realize you like it when girls are rough with you?”
Jungkook shakes his head as the memory returns to him, a shy smile on his face as he glances over at you. “A couple years ago, I was picking on Somi for something. I don’t even remember why, but it got to the point where my parents were telling me to stop, and I wouldn’t. Then, you just started yelling at me out of nowhere, and I don’t know why, but it was the hottest thing ever. I was in awe. I really thought you were gonna slap me. Since then, it’s just been a turn-on of mine.”
“Wow. That’s actually kind of pathetic.” You tease.
He groans, “Please don’t say that. You’re gonna make me hard again.”
Laughter is shared between you once again before you lean your head down to rest on his chest, the sound of his steady heartbeat making you feel calm. A comfortable minute of silence passes before you have to address the unfortunate inevitable, “Somi should be here soon, right?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook mumbles, “within the next ten minutes.”
You sigh, “Next time I come over, I’ll have to tell her about us.”
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The next time you stop by the Jeon household, Jungkook has you bent over in the backseat of his car.
His finger digs into your waist as his cock is plunging into you at full force, emptying all the thoughts from your brain. You still haven’t fully adjusted to his size, but you don’t care; the pain of being split open makes you come faster. It feels better.
Jungkook insisted on taking things slow, telling you that you’d need to adjust to his size, but the moment you sunk your dripping cunt onto him, he was under your spell. 
Your body lunges forward with every rough stroke Jungkook gives you, hands buried in your hair as he pulls you up against his chest. His hand moves from your hair down to your neck, tilting your head back while applying the slightest bit of pressure against your throat. Your eyes close out of instinct as tears form in the corner of your eyes before trickling down your cheeks. He kisses them away one by one before settling his lips on your neck. You make a mental note to check yourself for hickeys afterward.
You’re coming around him before you realize it, body spasming as you grip the driver’s seat headrest. Jungkook shows no signs of stopping or slowing down; in fact, he’s sped up even faster since fucking you through your orgasm. He lets go of your neck to push down on your back, left hand gripping your waist while the right intertwines your fingers with his. 
A few strokes later, he’s finally coming and jokes about showing you the used condom as confirmation.
You shake your head, gesturing for him to pass you the shorts he’d tossed in the front seat. “I can’t believe I let you trick me again.”
“What?!” He exclaims in utter shock, reaching in the front seat to grab your discarded clothing, “How exactly did I trick you?”
“I came over to talk to Somi, but then you were all like, ‘Hey, come look at my car; I just got it washed.’” You playfully roll your eyes, searching around the backseat for your underwear.
“Can I keep these?” He asks suddenly, the most nonchalant expression on his face as your panties dangle from his middle finger.
You scoff, reaching to snatch them from him, confused when he retracts his hand. “I think I will keep them until you talk to Somi. Since it was you who wanted to talk to her first.”
“Then, I guess I’ll get them back tomorrow because I’m definitely talking to her today.”
Except you don’t.
You spent the entire summer sneaking around with Jungkook and procrastinating about having that talk with Somi. It was anxiety-inducing, to say the least, and you had no idea how she’d react. You tell yourself she won’t be upset as long as you assure her your friendship won’t be affected by you dating her brother. 
You’re scheduled to move into the dorms within a few weeks, so it’s best to sort things out now before you all live under the same roof, unable to avoid one another. Jungkook doesn’t seem nervous at all. In fact, he’d given you a pep-talk the day before you showed up at their home.
“She can’t stay mad forever.” He pointed out, eyes sealed shut as you do his eyeliner.
“I know,” you mumbled, adjusting yourself on his lap, “but that girl can hold a grudge.”
“Right, but this is you we’re talking about. You mean a lot to her, to both of us, actually.”
His words play in your mind as you enter the Jeon household, following Somi into the kitchen. “Baking something?” You ask, a sweet, decadent scent hitting your nose.
“Brownies for some stupid bake sale my parents are having. Help me clean up?” She asks, pouting her lips at you.
“Sure.” You agree, under the assumption that there wouldn’t be much to even clean up. 
Boy, you were wrong. It’s like Somi used every dish in the house to make one sheet of brownies. There’s no backing out now; you already agreed to help, and it’d be best to stay on her good side for now.
She gets to work rinsing each dish before handing them to you to load the dishwasher, moving quickly to get everything done faster.
“What a beautiful friendship.” A familiar voice comments; you fight back a smile as Somi groans at her brother.
“You wouldn’t know; you don’t have any friends,” Somi responds, laughing at her words.
“Neither will you, soon,” Jungkook whispers back, groaning when you swat him in the chest. “Any brownie batter left?”
“None for you. Shouldn’t you be at work?” Somi asks, handing you another dish.
Somi takes a break from rinsing off the dishes to bicker with Jungkook for a minute. You tune out from the conversation, dipping your fingers into the leftover batter bowl and gathering the chocolate on your fingers.
“I’m leaving, I’m leaving,” Jungkook says. When Somi finally directs her attention elsewhere, Jungkook takes the opportunity to grab your wrist, bringing your fingers up to his lips before sucking the chocolate off them. 
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head, nervously glancing behind you to ensure Somi hadn’t seen anything. You swat at Jungkook’s chest for the second time, and he laughs as if you’re being overly dramatic. It’s odd how surprisingly calm he is about everything. His demeanor would have worried you if you didn’t trust him so much. 
Jungkook wipes the renaming bit of chocolate around his lips before mouthing ‘Good luck.’ You give him a nervous smile, watching as he slips past Somi and leaves out the front door. You get back to work, making small talk with Somi as you help her load the dishwasher.
It’s now or never.
“So,” you start, “we’re gonna be living together soon.”
Somi smiles, “Finally! God, I can’t wait to have some freedom. My stupid curfew is a major cock-block. Right when things are finally getting good on a date, I have to go back home. So fucking frustrating. There’s literally cobwebs in my vagina.”
You snort, loading the final dish into the washer. “Well, you won’t have that problem anymore.”
“I know. And maybe you’ll even find someone worthy even to date you.” Somi jokes, hopping on the kitchen counter.
“Uh, what if I already have found someone…worthy enough?” You question, pressing a few buttons to get the dishwasher going.
“As if.”
“Somi, I’m serious.”
She sighs, still not buying your confession. “Alright then, who is it?”
“...Your brother.”
A beat of silence passes, and then Somi doubles over in laughter, nearly slipping off the counter several times in seconds. It takes her a minute to catch her breath, clutching her collar for support as she regulates her breathing; even tears are forming in her eyes. “Holy fuck, can you imagine? You and my brother? Jesus Christ.”
“Look, there really isn’t an easy way to say this, but we really do like each other. We’ve been…together this whole summer. Well, not officially; I didn’t want to put a label on anything without talking to you about it first.” You finally confess. The weight on your shoulders doesn’t immediately drop as you expected; it’s like the load has gotten heavier.
Somi has a blank expression as she stares at you, eyes darting around the kitchen as she processes the information. “You’re serious?”
You nod.
She shakes her head, “What kind of friend are you?”
“Somi, please, let me—”
She cuts you off, hopping off the counter and inching towards you. “So, what? All this time, you were using me to get close to Jungkook? Out of every fucking guy on the planet?!”
“No! Of course not! Somi, I never even imagined myself in a relationship with him until this summer, I swear!” Your voice trembles as Somi approaches you. The two of you have never been in a physical fight before, but the expression on her face tells you there’s a first time for everything.
“Oh, really? You expect me to believe that, huh? So it’s just a coincidence that you guys suddenly got together right before we’re all gonna be living in the same building?”
“I know it doesn’t sound great, but—”
“I think you should go.” Somi cuts you off calmly, her sudden change in demeanor shocking you. A moment ago, she looked angry enough to hit you, but now, she seems a few seconds away from breaking down in tears. 
You nod understandably, telling Somi to take all the time she needs and to call you when she’s ready to talk. 
She doesn’t say a word as you exit her house, and you wonder if you’ve just lost the best friend you’ve ever had. 
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“I’ve never seen her this angry, Jungkook. I thought she was gonna hit me or something.” You groan, ear pressed up against your phone as you rant to Jungkook.
It’d been a few hours since you left Somi’s house; Jungkook had promised to call you during his break to hear how the conversation went. You’re still shaking as the memories flood you, how your best friend in the world accused you of using her. What a fucking joke. 
“She’ll get over it, trust me. Y’know, before I called you, she spent five minutes yelling at me over the phone. Five fucking minutes, and I just took it. She’ll be fine.” He says, following up with a loud slurping noise that suggests Jungkook has chosen to have ramen for lunch.
It’s astonishing how calm he’s managed to stay this entire time.
You flip over on the couch, head resting on the armrest as you stare at the ceiling. “I just don’t wanna lose her. She’s a fireball, for sure, but she’s my fireball. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“I just told you you’re not gonna be without her, okay?”
There’s a knock at your front door, most likely from the pizza delivery Jungkook had sent to your house.
“I gotta go. The food is here. Are you still stopping by after your shift?”
“Of course. You gonna be alright?”
“Yeah,” you stand, making your way to the front door. “I’ll save you some pizza.”
He chuckles at that, “You better. I’ll see you later, okay? I love you.”
He what?
“You what?” You pause, hand on the doorknob.
“I love you, and I’ll see you later.” He hangs up.
You don’t have time to process his words; the knocking at your front door happens again.
Twisting the knob, you’re met with Somi staring back at you. “Somi? What’re you—”
“I don’t care if you date Jungkook.” She claims, storming through your front door, “If you guys want to be together, then I’m not standing in the way. But I will not be your friend if you date him, so it’s either him or me.”
You follow Somi into your living room, your pulse quickening upon hearing her ultimatum. “Somi, that’s not—”
“Before you choose…as a girl, and as your friend, I have to be completely honest with you.” She sighs, fingers nervously raking through her hair as she sits on your couch. “I called Jungkook after you left, and he talked to me about you guys.”
You nod, taking a seat next to her. “Okay, and…?”
She sighs again, taking your hand in her own. “Everything he’s ever told you was a lie.”
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Dear author, I would like to know if you are taking requests for Twilight? Do you write to Carlisle Cullen? If yes, please I request something for Carlisle Cullen!Wife (in this universe, Esme does not exist). Where others treat her like a mother and she has a certain affinity with wolves (even though she is a vampire). So just a mommy to my vampire clan a best friend/mother figure to my shapeshifter clan 🫶🏻🫶🏻.
I hope I wasn't rude!!!
Carlisle as your husband HCs
Paring: Carlisle Cullen x Wife!Reader
Summary: life as a motherly figure to the wolves and Carlisle being your man.
🩵MasterList 🩵marriage mood board
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Carlisle and you:
So I think Carlisle would want you to stay human as long as possible. You knew he'd never turn someone who had a choice, it annoyed you but you weren't gonna push it like Bella did to Edward.
To say the least he was nervous to talk to you at first, you had just gotten a job a pediatric surgeon at the Forks hospital. He was smitten from the moment he saw you. He would say he's a calm and collected man, but when he saw you he lost all confidence.
It would probably take him a bit for him to talk to you rather your mates or not, this was the first time he actually felt shy around a woman. He would steal glances at you all the time at work and admire you from a far.
You would always smile at him and be so kind and gentle. That being said you actually asked him out, that pissed off the whole femal staff of the hospital. You so confidently asked him to see a movie with you and he immediately said yes.
“Yes! I mean I w-would love too, thank you for the offer... I-it's a date”
You guys get married before you changed. From the day you started to dating up until your weddings you guys just sorta lived in the moment.
There was times he would be nervous or scared that he'd hurt you but he wasn't a big baby about like your dear son Eddie. You trusted him with your life and being around you for so long the fear was gone quickly.
So, I said he'd never turn someone who had a choice, well unfortunately you got sick around the time you turned the same age as him. There's no amount of words that explain the sadness Carlisle felt when he heard you had cancer, but on the bright side he could turn you and you wouldn't be in any more pain.
The family welcomed you with open arms and the kids got attached quickly. They all love you and you treat them like they were your own children.
Carlisle is and will always be husband meteral. He treats you like a queen and you guys even sorta acted like a married couple even before you actually tied the knot.
He's very affectionate person with you. Always kissing your forehead or hugging you.
If you want attention you'll seek it, it doesn't matter if he's reading or doing paperwork you'll cuddle up to his chest and he'll continue working.
He loves having you in his lap while he's doing God knows what in his office. He'll have you against his chest and he'll his rest his chin on your shoulder and continue working.
“Doc, you almost done?” you asked, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
Yeah, you call him Doc. You use that more than his actual name, that and Carr. If he hears his actual names he thinks he's in trouble.
“Hey, Carlisle can you come here please!” you shouted from another room.
His eyes widened and he raced into the living room where you were. “What did I do?”
You raised an eyebrow confused. “nothing that I know of, what's wrong with you?”
“why did you call me that?” he asked with puppy eyes, yeah he's been around Emmett for too long.
You chuckled a bit. “Can you please get that book for me” you said pointing to the high shelf. “of course” he nodded relived he didn't do anything wrong.
If he dose something wrong Emmett will rat him out, trust me.
His kisses are always full of passion and love. He makes sure you know your the only girl he wants and since your a vampire he isn't afraid to hurt you, but that doesn't mean he's rough with you or just doesn't care.
You guys dance alot too, at night when the right song is playing you guys just sway around in your room without a care in the world.
He loves leaving love notes for you, sometimes he'll just put them around the house for you to find. Sometimes it'll be on the bathroom mirror other times it'll be on your nightstand. They're always so sweet and loving
'If I were to kiss you and then go to hell I would, so then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without even entering it.'
And the sex... 😏
You make him watch a lot of medical shows and vampire movies with you.
If your watching greys anatomy be prepared for him to correct EVERYTHING.
“that's not how that surgery works” he said rolling his eyes, the show actually aggravates him sometimes and it's not because of the drama and their bad decisions is because they get medical stuff wrong.
“it's just a show dear”
“Derek Shepard doesn't know shit” he mumbles.
I don't think you relize this man would do anything for you. He'll kill for you and he's not a violent man.
Your relationship with the Cullen kids:
You've always had this motherly personality and you love being around kids, this would probably lead you to baby the Cullens a lot. This would drive Carlisle crazy a bit especially when you start doing things they are well capable of doing.
“Emmett she shouldn't have to do your laundry”
You shrugged carring a basket of everyones clothes. “I was washing stuff anyway”
But that doesn't mean you don't know when to put your foot down. You can be very stern when you need to be, something it even makes Carlisle nervous.
You made a rule that the boys aren't allowed to wrestle in the house not, not after Emmett accidentally pushed Edward threw the wall and completely destroying the living room wall. You and carlisle came home from work and a deer had wondered into the house. You grounded them both.
“well I hope you guys don't have anything planed this weekend beacuse you're spending it fixing the wall.” you said.
There are times your the mean parent and carlisle is the gentle parent. Not in a bad way of corse it only happens when needed but then you immediately feel bad for yelling at them.
“Emmett your grounded, no video games till the garage is fixed”
“you can't ground me, I'm a grown ass man” all the kids and even Carlisle went wide eyed at how Emmett talked to you. He said in a playful manner in his defense, you guys have that type of teasing relationship. The others missed thst.
“can she do that!?” he quickly asked Carlisle, Rosalie quickly butted in. “she's queen of the castle she can do whatever she wants” carlisle smiled and agreed with a nod.
You and Rosalie have a strong bond, she goes to with anything and everything having full confidence you can help her.
Sometimes you guys will just ditch Carlisle and Emmett so you can just sit and talk.
Alice is very attached to you, almost like a young kid would be to their parent. Holding you hand sometimes or having her head on your shoulder while you're watching a movie.
You pick each other's outfits and sometimes intentionally match.
Emmett, Jasper, Edward... They are all mama's boys and you can't change my mind. Emmett is the trouble maker but honestly he's babbied the most. Edward treats well and loves you and so dose Jasper.
You love Edward but you don't like Bella, you'd never tee him that, but she's just a headache to be around.
Your not a hateful person and you believe everyone deserves a chance, but when's he's consently putting your husband and the other kids in danger you don't take that lightly. Especially when Edward decided he couldn't love without her and tried to get the vulturi to kill him.
You weres so angry you started to cry when you weres scolding him.
Your the only one who understands why Rosalie doesn't like being around her.
“We're stuck with her Rose, let's try and stay civil”
You and the wolf pack:
You've known both the Uleys and the Black's for a long time. You Became friends with them long before the Cullens showed up.
You and Sam grew up together, naturally you helped him with every single pack member when they phased.
You treat them all like little brothers, you'd take a bullet for them but at the same time you want to knock their heads together.
At the beginning you understood, but the pack wasn't too keen on Carlisle and the whole situation. The young ones like Jacob and Seth who at the time didn't know the truth was there to cheer you on though.
Your very protective of both Seth and Jacob. You jokingly call them your sons.
The pack has huge respect for it which is why they all willingly help you and the Cullens, they know if they want to keep you safe then they have to help the vampires.
You guys take care of each other.
After a while they grow to like Carlisle, Sam respects him and he's just happy that your happy. And of course Carlisle treating you like a queen helps too.
Seth liked him right off the bat and carlisle even became a father figure to him.
You help keep the peace for both sides and in the end your the glue and the reason that keeps them together.
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zapreportsblog · 8 months
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✭ PAIRING : Edward Cullen x Reader
✭ FANDOM : Twilight
✭ SUMMARY : When Edward proposed to Bella he expected her to accept after all they were mates? Right? Wrong! Bella rejected edwards proposal breaking his undead heart in the process, not being able to withstand the aftermath Edward leaves home; only to return 2 years later but this time he’s married?!
✭ AUTHORS NOTE : I already know there is a story on here called the same story with the same cover (on quotev at least) mines had been edited to a clearer form, (again on quotev) that was my old account, (marveluserlovesmarbel again on quotev was my old and very first account) one of my first actually. If I can remember the login information from it I’d log back in and post my stories from their over here but for now enjoy the remake of said story :)
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Tension filled the air as Bella confronted the newfound presence of (Y/n) in Edward's life. She blinked in disbelief, her voice quivering as she stammered, "My love? Since when did this happen?"
Edward, sensing the impending storm, attempted to walk away with (Y/n) and even gestured for her to go inside. But (Y/n) was resolute and didn't budge. She glared at Bella, her voice dripping with ice, as she asked, "Who are you?"
Bella retorted, her tone growing defensive, "I'm Edward's girlfriend, and who are you?"
(Y/n) didn't waste a moment, showing off her ring with a fiery glare. "I'm his wife."
Bella's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. The words hung heavily in the air, and she was momentarily at a loss for words. She looked to Edward for help, but he maintained a blank expression.
Sensing Bella's vulnerability, (Y/n) couldn't contain her anger any longer. She stepped forward, poking Bella's chest with each word, her voice seething with righteous fury. "You've got some nerve showing your face around here. You made your grave; now lay in it."
Without waiting for a response, (Y/n) turned away from Bella and walked over to her husband, Edward. She looked deep into his eyes, her love and passion evident, and then, she pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. It was a declaration of their bond and a clear message to Bella that she was no longer a part of Edward's life. Bella watched them with a mixture of jealousy and regret, realizing that she had lost Edward. But she wasn’t one to give up easily. With a huff she yanks over her car door looking back at the couple, “I’ll be back later Edward,” and with a slam of the door she pulls out of the Cullen’s drive way.
Emmett the ever so innocent “viewer” in all this snorts, “Women am I right?!”
Inside the house, (Y/n) had stormed in, seething with anger and frustration. She couldn't believe that Bella had shown up and disrupted the peace she and Edward had found together. She muttered to herself, unaware of the growing intensity of her emotions.
"How could that wench come here and think all would be fine and dandy?" (Y/n) ranted, her voice filled with exasperation.
Unbeknownst to her, the lights in the house began to flicker erratically. The others in the room exchanged puzzled glances, noticing the unusual phenomenon. Emmett, always one to comment on such things, blurted out, "Yo, what's up with the lights?"
Edward, realizing that it was (Y/n)'s powers reacting to her emotional turmoil, excused himself and made his way to where she was venting her frustrations. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and whispered soothing words, "Love, it's going to be okay. Please, try to calm down. Your powers are reacting to your emotions."
(Y/n) took a deep breath, her anger gradually subsiding as she focused on Edward's calming presence. The lights in the house gradually steadied, no longer flickering. She turned to him, her eyes filled with remorse for causing such a disturbance.
Edward reassured her, "It's alright, my love. We'll figure this out together. Bella is no longer a part of my life, and you are the one I choose to be with. I love you."
(Y/n) nodded, her anger giving way to a sense of relief and the warmth of Edward's love. They held each other close, finding solace in their bond, and slowly the tension in the house began to dissipate.
As Edward held (Y/n) close against his chest, her anger continued to simmer. She mumbled softly, her voice filled with frustration, "I just don't like it. How can she come back here thinking she would be welcomed with open arms? After hurting you? After unknowingly hurting your family?"
Edward kissed her forehead gently, trying to offer reassurance. "It's okay, my love. We'll work through this."
But (Y/n) couldn't contain her anger any longer. Her emotions surged, and as she shouted in frustration, a light bulb above them suddenly burst, scattering glass fragments on the floor.
Startled by the sudden noise, Alice, who had been observing the situation from the doorway, took a step back. She glanced at the shattered light bulb and then at the two of them, her eyes wide with surprise. With an uncertain smile, she said, "I'll just come back later," and quickly walked away, leaving Edward and (Y/n) alone to deal with the aftermath of this emotional exchange.
As (Y/n) pulled back from their embrace, her guilt about scaring Alice was evident in her eyes. She whispered, "Oh no, I scared Alice. I have to go apologize."
Edward gently placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "No, what you need to do is calm down, love. Alice will be fine. She's a vampire, remember?"
(Y/n) wasn't easily consoled. She replied, "That doesn't mean I didn't frighten her, supernatural being or not."
Edward couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter resonating in the room. "That's what I love about you, my dear."
(Y/n) playfully smacked his shoulder, her worry still evident. "This isn't a laughing matter, Edward. I used my powers unconsciously, and look, I even broke that poor, innocent light bulb."
Edward continued to chuckle, the sound of his laughter filling the room. "You're right, love, but it's just a light bulb. We can replace it. Besides, I’m sure Alice will understand.”
(Y/n) sighed, unable to resist a smile at her husband's laughter and reassurance. She realized that even in moments of turmoil, his presence had a way of calming her, and she felt grateful for the love they shared.
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weirdworldofwinnie · 10 months
Oasis in a Desperate Land of Dark Desire - Part One: Arrival
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer x Female Wife Reader, NSFW 18+ only
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Summary: You are married to the man in charge of the Manhattan Project himself, Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, and it's your first day (and night) at Los Alamos where tension and unspoken worry is getting high, but he finds time to show you how love can be an oasis in what seems like a rather barren land.
Word Count: ~7, 213
Warnings: Age gap (reader is mid-20s and he is almost 40, and they have been married for a couple years), period stereotypical gender roles (maybe sexism?), unprotected + oral sex, mention of miscarriage, and strong hints at infidelity
Disclaimer: Obviously NOT completely historically or scientifically accurate to real life and is inspired by the film with Cillian Murphy's portrayal of Oppenheimer. There are definitely mentions of Katherine and Jean Tatlock as lovers in this, but he does not have any children with Kitty and is not physically with either of them presently. I also want to clarify that this (while researched) is still just my interpretation with AU elements added in, and it isn't supposed to be in total support and reflection of the real man's life/personality. Scroll away and DNI if you are uncomfortable or take issue with this story; it is primarily for entertainment purposes only and it is just fantasy/fiction!
April 1943
The ride en route to the secluded destination christened as "Los Alamos" was long, hot, and bumpy through the New Mexico desert on a single primitive dirt road with the sun beating down on the windshield, glaring into your eyes and reflecting off the expensive dainty golden watch wrapped around your wrist that had been last year's anniversary present, and the jostling motion of the car made your breasts jiggle up and down slightly, reminding you that you'd been in such a hurry to leave with Robert this morning you'd regrettably forgone putting on a bra. He glanced over to you now, his porkpie hat shadowing the serious and contemplative expression that he had been wearing as a regular look for weeks now... Finally this plan was coming to fruition, but at what cost? It was the government's money and the scientists who were on the line. Robert let you know more details than most out of his non-physics inner circle because he trusted you to keep your lips sealed, but he never gave specifics about what exactly the coined Manhattan Project, or Project Y, was for in terms of a mission yet because it was national security level secret, however it didn't take a genius to figure out it was incredibly important and the development of something dangerous... Too dangerous to keep in a campus laboratory at Berkeley.
As the car approached the main gate and passed by the checkpoint, you realized just now fairly remote this barbed-wire location was and it made a small sinkhole crater in your stomach. But Robert knew this land from his youth and you partly did too, for he owned ranchland here and you both had spent many hours in the last couple years roaming on horseback and on foot into the twilight hours of the day, feeling the chill of the evening breeze and the rustle of shrubbery as the sun dipped down below the horizon and plum light bathed the landscape, bouncing off the backdrop of mountains and reaching deep into the canyons. You recalled fondly one time in particular during the early stages of being courted by him... It was technically only the second date and he had mistakenly trusted you with a horse, even though you were hardly an experienced rider, and of course it had gone ballistic and attempted to buck you off as you held on for dear life to the stiff dark brown leather saddle.
"Woah... Woah! Easy, easy," Robert had called out, grabbing a hold of the bridle and patting the stallion on the neck as you gasped and he kicked his hooves, thrashing the dirt and missing Robert's cowboy boots by inches.
"This one can be a bit rowdy, sometimes the wild never quite gets bred out, and he's not used to you," he explained simply over your panicked cries as he kept patting and verbally calming the animal down.
"But what did I do wrong? I swear, he dislikes me tremendously!" you exclaimed in shock and Robert only shook his head.
"Then he has very poor taste in women if he rejects you," he had joked and you went sliding off the horse's back to where Robert caught you, easing you to the ground gently.
"Are you alright?" he asked, eyes alight with a mischievous concern, but you merely brushed your pants off and smoothed your blouse, shaking the experience off.
"Of course I am. Now are we riding or not?"
He smiled at your confidence, but had hoisted you up onto his horse instead, straddling you from behind so you were facing front and clutching onto the reins. His arms loped around your waist and the horse began to trot, bouncing both you and him in a steady up and down motion, and you flicked the reins, causing the horse to take off into the expansive landscape and Robert let out a joyous whoop as the pace transitioned into a gregarious cantering gallop and the wind whipped your hair around like a battered Old Glory flag in a storm.
"This is too fast!" you had yelled out, but he only laughed, tightening his hold into a squeeze around you and spoke into your ear with a low murmur which instinctively made the goosebumps flare up on your neck.
"I wouldn't let you go even if that horse went mad and flew us off the ground over into a ravine to our deaths."
A little more than six months later after that frivolous adventure, he had dropped to his knee in that very desert and proposed to you, a diamond engagement ring encased in a black box in his palms and you were startled, taken aback at the promptness and faintly aware he was actively seeing at least one other woman at the time, but he had claimed he called it off with her a week ago.
You had cautiously accepted, knowing he was far from a wholesome man, but he was certainly one in a billion and you had unapologetically been with him ever since, even though some friends and extended relatives had openly judged, thinking you were only climbing up a social status ladder by doing so, and a couple of your more left-leaning girlfriends thought you were foolish to already settle for a man at your young age, but you truly loved him. Romance was rather odd; so rushed it could be and yet you felt comfortable around him as if you had known each other for life; soulmates, perhaps, if there ever was such a notion.
The wedding ceremony had been lavish enough to make you feel special, but it had been a more low-key event with only a small group of the closest friends and family in attendance, for he did not want much pomp and circumstance and you had spent the honeymoon at his secluded New Mexico ranch property, bizarrely a sort of prelude to where you both were ending up now. The phone hadn't stopped ringing for the past few weeks and since this work was taking up presidency, it was truth to be told that you hadn't really had time for each other and had been distant these past couple months as he diverted all his focus and intellect to the government and you hoped that after all this preparation, everything would settle somewhat now that he was at the ground level site. You felt trepidation but also excitement because this venture felt relevant and Robert was in his element with the company of like minded individuals all working towards a common goal. His vocation in teaching what he already knew of upper level physics had been boring him lately and he had told you multiple times he was haunted by the pressing need to be essential to the war effort outside of the confines of a classroom; he and his students had to make a real impact and change to the world, to this damned war. And if Robert wasn't the most ambitious, motivated, self-driven intelligent human being you'd ever met, then you'd be stumped to know who was right for the job; he could be dangerously dogged and was as loyal to this country as roots were to their corresponding corn stalks.
And now, starting today, he was the one man scientific director, a ruler really, of this militarized oasis in the middle of, well, nowhere.
Fractions of the place were still in progress, as evident by the trucks and the hammering with the occasional man lumbering past hauling construction boards on his shoulders. The Oppenheimers were still early in arrival, but everyone else on the project was supposed to be settled in by the end of the week. The house you and your husband were to live at was much better off than the cookie-cutter houses hastily put up suburban style along the man-made streets and it was tucked furthest away from the epicenter of town; a large spacious log and stone cabin (that had been formerly a boys' school) ranch style home surrounded by pine trees and shrubs along with a decent yard with that seemed ripe for cultivating a garden, and yet the home was modest and not overly luxurious; this was no vacation.
"The kitchen isn't finished?" you asked in surprise at once upon entry inside and Robert sighed, knowing you how much you had a penchant for cooking and he also knew that hosting gatherings here was going to be essential.
"I'll make sure they get it complete by the end of the week," he assured, resting a hand on the small of your back as you dropped down the luggage on the floor.
"Well, it is rather nice otherwise," you admitted, turning to him and smiling, but he couldn't quite return the gesture.
"Robert, what's the matter?" You reached to cup his cheek and he leaned into your touch before lifting up his own hand and placing it atop the one plastered to his face.
"I'm frankly worried how this is all going to work, how soon we can accomplish what we need to do. The death toll in Germany grows by the day, it may already be too late and..."
You placed a hand to his lips, shushing him with sadness.
"Please, shh, I'll have none of that talk when we just arrived in our new house. We are here now and that is the most important first step that matters towards any kind of accomplishment to your saving the world from this hellish war."
"I need to go do some oversight on the operations in town and at the laboratory," he announced abruptly, stepping back from your touch and picking up his briefcase as you nodded, moving with him to the front door.
"I'll see you tonight then. I think I'll make deviled chicken with a creamy coleslaw."
"I'm sure it will be delicious." He gave a tight smile and it was a somewhat ironic statement coming from the man who ate less than a thousand calories a day. That was one frustrating aspect about him that you had discovered when you had moved in with him back in California and realized he never had regular meals, and lately drinks and cigarettes were his main fuel. You hoped one of these days your passion for food would finally rub off on his aversion, but it probably wouldn't happen here with the increased supply rationing.
He disappeared out the door with his hat and you stood for awhile, taking in this new environment inside the main part of the house with its interesting architecture of high beamed ceilings and picture windows that allowed ample amounts of natural light at almost all hours. You spent most of the day unpacking and organizing, briefly going out to greet and visit with the other wives of top scientists, some you already knew, but others you had not met until today and you noticed that one of those you weren't familiar with was visibly pregnant... She was even younger than you and seeing her led you to wonder how quickly this little manufactured desert town was going to see a population boom in the next few years. Robert had brought up the concept of having children with you on more than one occasion, since you had already gone through one miscarriage (only in your first trimester and you never knew the sex of it, the doctor told you it could have been worse if you had carried to full term and lost the infant at birth, but it was still a gutting loss... Although you knew Robert was privately relieved, especially now since his work would likely leave no room in his heart to father an innocent, demanding child and all the burden would go to you alone) and there was the fact of possible infertility. The hardship of procreation probably ran in the family... Your mother had also miscarried, then had your premature brother who caught polio at two years old and perished weeks later, and then she herself had died during your own childbirth, leaving your father devastated and alone to care for you. You had a complicated, strained relationship early on with him and you wondered perhaps Freud was loosely right about the Oedipus complex since you always had such strong attractions to older men... but at least your father always tried to give you the best possible life he had with his wealth, which led you to moving out from your childhood home in New York across the country to pursue attending college in California in the field of psychology and medicine. You had been in the process of getting a degree in nursing, at least until Robert altered your life by his own ambitions and you had been forced to drop your studies temporarily to move out here with him, but you planned to be studying some by correspondence if the government allowed and also to be able to help out in the small hospital on site for an occupation.
To trim the excess fat off a long story short, it had been a bizarre fluke that you met and promptly fell in love with Robert... you were introduced on campus by friends who also knew Jean Tatlock, a budding psychiatrist and proudly Communist, and he had happened to take a bright shine to you. You considered him unattainable at first, a very well respected brilliant physics teacher with more life experience than you could have dreamed of... He was otherworldly at times, yet found grounding earth in your presence, but it would mystify you what exactly he found so desirable in you. You were as lovely as any other woman your age and smart, but you never thought of yourself as outstandingly intelligent when compared to the people he taught in academia, and not absolutely drop dead gorgeous in terms of prize worthy beauty. Perhaps the attraction, like Robert's scientific passion, was on a molecular scale and only bonded by invisible atoms making the illusion of being a solid relationship. Maybe it was as basic as the fact that you two were mutually compatible with each other and respectable of any differences, unlike his other fiery messy relationships with Jean and Katherine. Would you having a baby split that all apart? Personally, you weren't sure you were ready for any offspring yet and to be thrown into motherhood when you were still navigating having a successful marriage and you highly doubted "The Hill" (as the residents here were calling it) would be a healthy environment for children to thrive in, despite the efforts for a school and daycare, seeing that there were armed uniforms milling about all hours of the day and silent stress was already pervasive in every look, cough, and casual conversation you noticed through passing by. And it was only day one of, as Robert predicated, two to three years of hard work swathed in isolated secrecy.
As daylight began to fade fast and inevitably hand itself over to the darkness, you went back to the house to fry up the chicken. The stove was effective, although one burner seemed a little on the fritz, but half of the cabinetry was unfinished and the counter space was minimal.
Laying out the cream-colored napkins and the finest china you had brought packed securely in a box, you delicately set the table. Despite not having a birth mother to guide you through womanhood, you took to home keeping fairly well and religiously read the magazines, believing being married to an upper class man meant all these details and roles. But privately you also felt the crushing pressure and caught yourself wondering if you were immature to be in this mold. Robert never told you otherwise though and he would theoretically be the last man to stamp out a woman's sense of inner individuality, but you couldn't ignore the fact you, while willingly, still had to sideline your educational and career priorities to come support and live here with your husband. But it didn't matter too much, for you knew in your heart you could follow this man to the ends of the earth if you so desired.
For good ambient measure, you lit two pillar candles in the center of the tablecloth and just as you laid the food on a plate, you heard the front door crack open and the soft clomping of shoes.
Robert would never be the 'Honey, I'm home!' type of husband, yet he always managed to make an entrance regardless, especially now. His slender frame leaned into the doorway, hands crumpling his hat in front of his crotch and the candlelight flashed harrowing ghoulish shadows across his sharp cheekbones and dull pinkish lips.
"Well, what do you think?" you proposed, gesturing to the table spread when he didn't speak. He only gazed at your feminine features, his eyes full of desire that wasn't for the dinner you made, and when his mouth finally parted, he spoke in a husky voice, slowly coming closer and abandoning his hat to a chair, closing in on you.
"I'm sure it is very palatable, but I fear my hunger cannot be fulfilled by only earthly consumption," he confessed, ducking to kiss your cheek and moving his hands up to your neck, caressing your nape and moving his mouth to your lips, but you gently pushed him away, pressing into the fabric of his gray suit jacket.
"We should wait until after dinner," you told him earnestly, knowing what he wanted instead.
"Dessert, then?" he murmured, coming close again despite your light physical resistance and thumbing your bottom lip. You smiled and his arm snaked under your skirt and between your thighs, hand crawling upward to your panties and you breathed in, changing your mind.
"Maybe I can wait to eat after all."
His breath caught, a single finger inches from hitting your covered vaginal area, before he removed his teasing hand and pulled back, gripping your shoulders with conviction.
"Eat. You deserve it and you worked hard on preparing it, I can observe."
He bent down, gentlemanly drawing out a chair for you to sit down in, which you did, letting his hands linger at the neckline of your blouse before he walked around to the other side of the small round table and took a seat, rummaging out a cigarette from the pack in his shirt pocket and striking it up with his lighter, the smoke wafting in wispy trails around his head. You took a careful first bite, relishing in the flavor and spices (paprika in particular) as he sat there across from you, relaxing back in his chair and taking a drag on the cigarette, puffing out a sigh. You smirked, swallowing a forkful as he kept his gaze steady on you.
"You're making me self conscious, just sitting there surveying my appetite," you told him and he grinned, fiddling with the cigarette.
"I enjoy watching you eat. You are the very essence of life I see lacking in so much of this world."
You blushed in the warm glow of the candlelight, remaining humble.
"That is quite a compliment I don't know if I'm quite worthy of."
"You are, no jury would contradict me." He nodded sincerely as he smoked and you ate in silence for a few minutes before he then finally gave his cigarette a rest and poked at his food, politely taking a few bites of hot chicken and chewing at a snail's pace.
"How did today go?" you tentatively asked, finishing off your own chicken and moving to the rich, crunchy coleslaw.
"We will be making progress. Although I will always say, that General Groves is the most obstinate man with the exact deposition one would expect from a bulldog," he answered with a touch of bitter amusement.
"Should you be saying that? They're... not listening, are they?" you asked in a hushed paranoid voice, glancing around the room and knowing that the phone lines were tapped for sure, but you weren't certain they would go as far to place bugging devices hidden in the house.
"Relax, I could say much worse," Robert admitted nonchalantly with a harmless shrug and you allowed yourself a chuckle, mentally picturing a bulldog in a General's uniform. You took a bite of cabbage, changing the conversation to your side of social contacts in this limited town.
"I met with our neighbors and the other ladies today. They seem cordial and we have already exchanged pleasantries and plans for a party next weekend. I also offered to babysit one mother's two rambunctious little boys and spoke to the doctor at the medical facility about assistance there."
Robert nodded, gesturing with his empty fork.
"Keeping busy I see, but I'll have to arrange to let you in the office sometime instead of spending your days cooped up here and at the neighbors. I missed you and your insight already today."
"But you know I am not privy to everything you and your scientists are doing here..." you started to protest before he cut you off.
"I'm well aware, but I doubt a visit to my own office will cause a security uproar. You are my wife, Y/N. The reason most of the scientists came to Los Alamos in the first place was not solely the work, but because they could bring their wives, their families. We do our best work with moral and... sexual support." He raised his eyebrows and you felt a tingle run through you, a yearning for exactly what he was suggesting, but you had to finish the meal first.
Once you cleared most of your plate, he surprised you by taking the dishes and quickly rinsing the plates in the sink before making and pouring out his signature martinis. You knew Robert must be silently stressed however, for he only took one sip of his drink before he moved outside under the roof awning with his tobacco pipe, settling down on a folding chair and gazing out at the landscape and listening to the low mumble of military personnel mingling about on patrol as though this were a prison (which it was).
You joined him with a cigarette a few minutes later (you had never smoked a single cigarette until you married Robert and unconsciously adopted the habit, but you weren't much of a smoker when it made you cough, yet you kind of enjoyed the nicotine having that convenient effect of temporarily soothing your nerves) and positioned yourself down next to him, letting the cigarette dangle from your lips while folding your hands neatly on your knees.
His eyelids were appearing heavy and his head drooped, chin tucking down. You gave him a bumping nudge and he looked over at you, teeth clamped down on his pipe.
"Tired?" you wondered and he gave a noncommittal grunt, fixing his eyes back straight ahead. You noticed how still he was - calm - and it was a welcome change from the past few weeks where he had been wound up, constantly on the phone at one point or another and gone for many hours in meetings. But now that nearly everyone was all here, it was almost too tranquil... giving the illusion of calm before potential chaos.
"Oppie!" a young man's voice suddenly called out and he came jogging into view on the rock slabbed pathway, halting slightly when he saw you.
"Oh, good evening Ma'am," he greeted courteously with a squinted smile. You smiled in turn, nodding, and he focused to Robert, who gave a tilt of his pipe in acknowledgement and stood up stiffly.
"Any news I should know about, Feynman?"
The man paused, glancing to you warily.
"Is it about the nature of our work?" Robert asked sharply and Feynman shook his head.
"No, sir, it is not pertaining to that."
"Well, whatever it is you can say in front of my wife and I then."
"It's just a communicative matter. There was a phone call from a young woman asking for you earlier that was flagged in the office for personal matters concerning security. Groves is in a fit and I was to inform you tomorrow, but I thought I'd give fair warning and-"
"Then I will address it tomorrow," Robert interrupted and without further word, took your arm and marched you back inside the house. You shook off his touch and shut the door hard, spinning to address him.
"What the hell was that about?"
He closed his eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing his forehead while exhaling.
"There are intimate ghosts that continue to haunt me," he answered cryptically, taking refuge in the lounge and sipping his martini, but you had a hunch however who was the "ghost" because you knew her and you pointed a finger sternly at him.
"This is about Jean, isn't it? How does she even know to contact this location? And I thought you were all done with her, as you are with that Katherine!"
"I am, I swear to it. But she is different than any other woman I have been with before you, though. She can be... unstable and she may need to hear from me."
"She just wants your sex, that's all!"
"It's more complicated than that."
"You had nights with her while you were having nights with me during courting, I heard about it from our friends. It was still the sex that was the driving factor that she desired from you."
He looked down, unable to deny that entirely and you backed away, shaking your head.
"I can't believe this, the first day here and you can't shake those Communist ties trailing us."
"May I remind you that you considered fully joining once upon a time in the not so distant past? We met at such a social function, remember?"
You bit your lip and refused to meet his wide eyes staring a hole into you, for this was very well true.
"I did, but I overcame it. It's ridiculous to devote one's energy to an ideology and not to concrete, practical solutions. I was never devoted and absolutely do not consider myself a member. I never was."
This made Robert scowl, setting his glass down with a clink.
"It is my opinion that you should be free to choose your dogmas, if you want any at all that is. Belief is voluntary, but it shouldn't be a crime; we all deserve our wiggle room."
"Is that what she told you too?"
He licked his lips, stepping close so you were involuntarily arrested by his blue eyes boring into yours and his hand slid up your arm, finding your shoulder and the bra strap peeking out from the neckline of the blouse.
"I see you put one on," he muttered and you blinked, almost forgetting about that little detail and refusing to be seduced by his perceptivity.
"Yes, I did. My breasts are still sore from that uncomfortable car ride."
"It's a shame they are so contained now," he whispered, beginning to undo the buttons on the blouse and push his fingers into the crevice between your breasts, but you weren't quite having it after the unresolved discussion and the way he had been moments before.
"We are going to do this now? After what I just accused? And besides, I thought you were too preoccupied and planning to sit out there half the night smoking away by your lonesome while I go to bed."
"You make nights worth bearing awake, especially tonight." He shifted, groping at your breasts and you stumbled back into the wall, breathing in shallow gasps. He put a finger to his lips conspiratorially and hugged your body with his own, speaking discreetly.
"We should be quiet to not disturb any nearby neighbors."
"They can't hear us and besides, I'm sick of piping down," you whined, remembering the date nights out in the desert where he'd lay out a picnic blanket and fuck you right then and there with the horses grazing several feet away and the canopy of stars winking overhead. You'd make as much noise as merited, probably confusing the yipping coyotes far off in the distance.
"I think we can try to control our auditory impulses for one night," Robert whispered, hands going to your waist and tugging at your skirt.
"The bedroom," you gasped, rushing away from him and down the narrow hallway, twisting around as he chased you with a huff.
"Where is it?" you asked anxiously, opening a couple doors and unfamiliar to this section of the house in the minimal lighting, when he suddenly pushed you from behind into an empty room with a single large king bed.
"Only the best for us," he told you and you fell forwards onto it, kicking your heels off and quickly flipping around to your back as he loosened his tie, casting it off to the floor and unbuttoning his white shirt as you sat up, reaching needily for his belt buckle and he leaned over onto you now shirtless and when he met your lips in a frantic kiss, you then noticed the prudent stench of sweat on his skin that was disrupting his usual familiar smoky flavor mixed with cologne and aftershave.
"Wait," you ordered, pressing a hand up on his collarbone.
"What is it?" he implored worriedly, searching your expression for the solution.
"Bath, you should bathe. It's been a few days and this heat isn't helping. Hasn't anyone told you that you reek like a dog?"
He groaned mournfully, leaning back and unfastening the belt, tossing it to the floor with a clunk of metal.
"You won't let me have you until I do?" he asked sadly, but you had an idea.
"What if I join you?"
His eyes sparked at this notion and you moved off the bed, finding the bathroom across the hall. This house was one of only a few equipped with tubs instead of showers; they didn't call this street "Bathtub Row" for nothing.
Robert finished undressing in front of you, tugging down his trousers and boxers, springing forth an already ready penis.
"You're going to make me work for it tonight, aren't you?" he asked as he stepped into the large basin, turning on the faucet and letting out a gasp when a strong stream of water blasted onto his bare feet.
"J-Jesus Christ, it's freezing!" he exclaimed loudly with a sputter and frantically slamming a hand on the knob as you laughed from your spot by the sink, taking out your earrings and slipping off your small wristwatch.
"Get in, I was warned about the water supply around here possibly being fickle, even for us," he commanded as you finagled your skirt and blouse off with your bra and panties discarded to the bathroom floor before taking a leg over the tub and stepping in to sit down across from him, letting the tub fill up one third of the way as a sitz bath before awkwardly reaching around him to grab the bar of ivory soap from the dish and began to rub into his back with it.
"I should've put in a request for an even larger bath," he complained as you scrunched up your legs against his and scrubbed dutifully into the folds of his skin.
"It'll do fine, darling."
He took the soap and you both took turns lathering each other up, making frothy circles with the creamy soap and rinsing, the water streaming down into the tub again, flooding both yours and his soapy complexion, washing it all off down the drain before having it fill up again, this time three quarters of the way. The water now pleasantly lukewarm, Robert contorted his body to submerge his head under the waterline and he came up with a loud splash, his wiry dark hair flattening to a wet mess on his forehead as your own dampened and you watched the droplets of water collect on his somewhat pallid skin. He scooted closer, entangling legs, and couldn't resist a quick dart of a finger down to your vagina and you whimpered as he touched your clitoris, inserting into you and making you arch your back and buck your hips when he inserted another finger, exploring around your wet velvety walls.
"God, Robert..." you moaned, digging your nails into the grooves of his skin and up to his head, feeling the cropped soaked scalp and neck. He suddenly lightly shoved you against the side of the tub, pressing his mouth to yours and naturally winding his tongue in, kissing you passionately until the water temperature grew too cold and you shivered, glued to his body and burying your face into his wet shoulder.
"That was merely the first act, sweetheart," he whispered and you smiled, leaning back a few inches so he could get up and step out onto the bath mat, taking your hand as he did so to pull you up and guide you out. Robert grabbed a large towel from the rack and wound it around the both of you, letting his genitals press up against yours and you both stood there for a while, listening to the steady drip-drop-drip-drop-drip-drop of falling water to the flooring.
"I'm surprised you've held off this long," you murmured, feeling his rising erection in between your thighs.
"I truly can't wait any longer," he admitted urgently and the towel dropped with a flump to the floor, and with bodies still slick with water, you and him exited the bathroom to fumble to the bedroom and the blue light from the window illuminated the sheets, the ideal love making spot. He let you collapse on your back and easily came down on top, gripping the back of your neck and already plunging in to align, but you squirmed in dissatisfaction.
"So soon?" you whined, wanting to play with and taste him first, but he was antsy to get to the pinnacle.
"Your virtuous patience should be framed and put on the walls of this house, along with your divine beauty," he whispered, head moving down to your breasts and you dug your fingers into his bare back, running along the bones of his more pronounced spine.
"C'mon, Oppie, let's do this the fun way... Give it to me," you begged and he cringed slightly, but rolled over onto his side and you immediately found his stiff penis with your hands, clenching around it firmly and stroking. He moaned softly and it flexed in your grasp... He could be a decent size when engaged, which was impressive for his underweight body.
"But don't you dare let me go without seeding you inside," he warned as though you had all the control.
"That's the plan."
Wordlessly, you positioned yourself down to the head of his cock and licked off his pre-cum, the recognizable taste milky on your tongue and you sucked, bringing it halfway in and fondling his balls lovingly in the meantime. He was breathing heavily and you didn't linger long at his member however because you could tell he was getting very close and neither you nor him wanted him to release anywhere other than the intended internal target. Pulling out and licking your lips, you repositioned your body on top of his and sank down flat to his chest, and he thrusted his hips up to meet you, heaving in with a grunt. You winced at the initial entry; you were always so sensitive down there (especially since the miscarriage), and he steadily kept at it, probing in further without being too rough.
"Fuck..." you breathed with a cry and he came forward to smooch your cheek as you mounted your hands on his shoulders and he pumped in and out, shaking the entire bed.
"That's exactly what I'm doing, my love," he breathed, keeping an intense gaze trained on you.
"Robert..." you groaned, letting him push as far as he could go until the pleasure was overloading and you felt his hot wet spurt of cum hit, eliciting a long moan from him, his slender frame shuddering beneath you. He closed his eyes and you kept a firm clench around his shaft, not ready to have him pull out yet. Gasping, you began rocking back and forth with ecstasy, your insides stretched to their limit and he seemed to know you were struggling to hold him.
"I'm coming out," he muttered and gently pulled back wetly so he wasn't balls deep in you anymore and then you repositioned to lightly ride him, which was your favorite position, and you bounced up and down on his upright full cock, orgasming a few more times as he watched your euphoria in rapture, so proud he alone could make you like this over and over until you were out of air and exhausted, collapsing to the side of the bed and feeling the sheets very damp with bodily juices.
Robert spooned you from behind, arms draped over to dangle his fingers on your swollen nipples and you matched his breathing in rhythm. Every time was somehow better than the last... Sex with him was as natural as breathing and you appreciated the consistent chemistry that you worried would have faded after a couple years of marriage due to what you'd heard about stress and boredom destroying a couple's sex drive, but Robert was not a boring person in the least sense of the term.
"We should do this every night," you offered hopefully and he chuckled.
"And make me the most lucky, tired man in this whole community? I'd be up for that, although it'll be a wonder if I get any work done at all when I've got this memory lingering with me tomorrow," he replied and you heard the smile in his tone, but with it came the bitter resurgence of the likely phone call from another woman that was bile in the back of your throat and even though he supposedly broke it off with her before you got married, you knew he had stayed in contact and you couldn't help but wonder how he fucked her and if it was comparable to what you and him had with each other, since she seemed to want him so badly. That wasn't to mention "Kitty" who he had insisted on still being "friends" with. A bit depressed and irritated, you pushed away his hands off your breasts and turned back over to face him in the dimness that made even those prominent blue colored eyes of his too muddled to see into.
"How did you become the most desired physicist to women in the whole country?" you asked softly.
"Good genes?" he guessed in amusement and you shook your head, not requiring a punchline.
"You're known to be a womanizer, neurotic, eccentric, a tad arrogant, and yet everybody seems to want you, including me as your own wife. Tell me, why did the universe give you such magnetized gifts?"
He gave a subtle lift of his shoulders with a small lazy smile as you laid your head on the pillow, fending off fatigue.
"Why was Aphrodite the one chosen to be blessed with such beauty and fertility? Why are we the way that we are? There are some matters of the human being to be unfounded in the definitive and everything is relative." He sat up with his back against the headboard and proceeded to light another cigarette and you sleepily watched the hazy smoke drift off above the bed towards the ceiling. He sighed, setting it to rest in the ashtray on the nightstand and wrap his lean arm around your body, drawing you close into his side.
"You are my goddess, Y/N. You are the only woman I want to return home too, always. Don't you know that?" he murmured into your hair and you vaguely nodded.
"I do, but I also know you're not always the most faithful man."
He lifted his hand and touched his ring finger to yours, matching the simple gold bands you both shared as two united.
"I married you out of good faith and the vows we pledged might have well been written in stone in the language of the gods along on the pulmonary arteries flowing as though a river into my heart," he told you with no trace of doubt, but you knew the whole story that didn't need flourishing.
"Only because the two other women fell through on commitment - although tonight I suspect they both presumably still want you - and one was already hitched, so she was having an affair by being with you and wouldn't divorce unless you happened to get her pregnant. I just happened to be the most available, the convenient bride with no attached strings, even though everyone said it was abnormally soon and I am too young," you recounted bitterly and he frowned, tilting your chin upward.
"Is that how you see it? I have never fallen for someone as fast and as hard as I did for you. I still feel the way I did when I laid a glimpse on you at Mary Ellen Washburn's party."
You smiled despite yourself and he bent to kiss the top of your head as you snuggled into his chest, absentmindedly fondling his moist cock with your fingers.
"I do love you beyond comprehension, Y/N," he whispered and you glanced up, meeting his look.
"I do too and I want to believe I always will, until the end of our existence. I am not those other women and I do not want to become so."
A solemn seriousness grew over him and he closed his eyes as you felt tears suddenly spike and an unexplainable terrible sense of dread came over you.
"Promise me one thing, Robert." You paused, taking a deep breath.
"Promise me that whatever happens to us in this world, in this setting, that you will always find a way home and whatever we face, we face together."
He gave a single nod, but you sensed reluctance in the way a muscle in his jaw made a minor spasm.
"I will always do my best."
"Alright," you resigned and he sighed, relaxing back and settling down into the sheets, further roping his arms around you and you burrowed your face into his chest, feeling his light hair follicles tickle your forehead. Tomorrow - and the future for that matter - was uncertain, but at least tonight was building up to a promise of solid sureness, a safeness, bonding those atoms of love again.
Love, or the feeling of it, was a lot like quantum mechanics; essentially invisible to the naked eye and complicated, but the one difference was that it was unmeasurable. No amount of numbers or equations could add up the real affection you felt for your husband, even when the waters became too choppy to be comfortable and it was far from perfect. You just had to cement the fact that you were Mrs. Oppenheimer and that wasn't going to change anytime soon, any disruptive external factors be absolutely damned to hell.
Thanks for reading, expect a little drama for chapter 2... And I do not have a full outline to every part of this fic, so please be patient as I find spare time to work on it and upload. I always appreciate any likes, reblogs, and feedback ❤️
*If anyone would be interested in being tagged, drop a comment and I'll make a tag list for the next part!*
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manias-wordcount · 10 months
I'm surprised i haven't seen this more often, but I just love the idea of Loid Forger being in love with someone else while still married to Yor. I mean the whole idea that he didn't have a choice in the matter, and then falling for someone else after he and Yor "get together" has so much room for angsty sexual tension and i've always wanted to see how it could be handled.
Tell No One (Loid Forger x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝘂𝗵𝗵𝗵𝗵 𝗶 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗶 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗛 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝗟𝗠𝗔𝗢 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Yor likes your cakes. Anya likes your cookies. He likes your smile. It gives him the perfect excuse to visit your bakery twice a week. 
  “Hi, Mr. Forger! Welcome back! The usual?”
  It gives him the perfect excuse to visit you.
  “Hi there!” He greets with a nod and a practiced smile. He’s gotten good at playing Loid Forger. But for him, it’s just another disguise in a long list of faces and names he has taken on for himself. And you? You’re just another person he uses to secure his role on the stage. Something that keeps him from breaking the so-carefully crafted illusion. So he tries not to dwell on how your own customer service smile turns shy, and your eyes turn away from his at the sight of his a little too genuine smile. He tries not to dwell on it all. Instead, he tries to think about work. About Anya. About Yor. “How’s the shop? Anything happens since the last time I was here?”
  He tries to think about anyone but you.
  But it’s hard- it’s hard because there you go letting out a soft giggle as a memory comes bubbling up from the back of your mind. A pretty little sound he could listen to for hours. But when you start back to talking- talking about the crazy run order that you just barely finished this morning for a couple whose baker got sick the night before the wedding- he finds that he could listen to this voice of yours every single day of his life if he had the chance. And it’s not a new discovery. It’s not a new thought. The same way the little spark he swears he feels when your fingers brush against his as you take his money- always exact change- from his hands is not a new occurrence. He’ll tell no one, but he knows. He knows it’s not new. It’s never new.
  So why does every time he comes to see you feel like the first time he fell for you?
  He tried not to think of you. He tries not to think of you. But the day he stumbled on your bakery tucked in a random hole in the wall and down a couple of stairs on a pathway that was just barely out of his way home from the hospital, he was hooked. The second he opened the doors to a homely little shop and smelt that delicious smell of freshly baked goods, he was interested. But from the moment he saw you, he was gone. 
  Twilight had developed a weakness. For the first since before he could remember. And that weakness just so happened to solidify Loid Forger. And that weakness just so happened to be you. 
  So his excuse was peanut butter cookies for Anya. They were the perfect tool to help her study after all, and she gobbled them up like a madwoman whenever she had the chance. And when he found out that you did seasonal cheesecakes, his excuse included picking up a slice of something sweet for Yor too. Because a husband that come back with all kinds of sweets and treats for his daughter and his wife was a good husband. And that’s what Loid tries to be. A good husband.
  But on visit eleven, you had shyly told him that you wear your grandmother’s wedding ring around your finger because when you’re twenty-six and unmarried, the government tends to not like you. He tries to assure you that you have nothing to worry about. That nobody would ever accuse someone as sweet as you of anything that would get you on the government’s radar. And immediately, he watched you grow flustered at his compliments. You even let him taste a traditional dessert from Hugaria you just learned how to bake the week prior as a thank you.
  But all he could think about as your hands held up the pastry for him to take in his own, his mind could only think about that wedding ring sitting on your finger. And how a real husband would give you more protection than just a dainty old ring. How he would give you more protection. More love. More of anything you ever wanted. More of anything you ever asked for. 
  Loid would take care of you. But Twilight? Twilight would marry you. Twilight would love you. And the fact that it’s so evident to him that he can no longer deny means that the most dangerous person in all of Ostania always manages to have a smile on your face flour lost somewhere in his hair. You make him as weak as you do strong. And that’s dangerous. That puts the whole mission in jeopardy. That puts you in jeopardy. And you don’t even realize it. You don’t.
  So he tries not to think about you. He swears on his life, he tries, he tries, he tries. He tries not to when he’s working at the hospital or out on the field saving lives. He tries not to when he’s passing by your shop in a rush to make it home. He tries to when he’s at home with his pretend family playing the perfect father and husband and man all wrapped up into one. He tries so hard not to.
  But yet, he finds himself coming back more often than he should. And he’ll tell everyone that it’s because you sell those peanut butter cookies that Anya loves. He’ll tell everyone that it’s because he loves the way Yor’s face lights up when he presents her with one of your delicious cheesecakes. And he’ll tell no one that he visits to catch a glimpse of the delicate curves of your body as you bend down to pluck an item from the display case. He’ll tell no one that he visits to memorize every feature of your face and picture it as a memory of what he’s fighting for.
  And he’ll tell no one that he visits to hear your voice and imagine all the sounds you would make when he finally had the chance to take care of you like a real man should. He’ll tell no one. Absolutely no one.
  Just like you’ll tell no one of all the times he’s pulled you to the back of the bakery and kissed you.
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onyxmilk · 5 months
Hello! Can you write about spy x family? (I'm obsessed with Loid) where OC is engaged to Loid/Twilight and becomes jealous of Yor.
Sorry, English is not my first language.
Twilight x gn!Reader; "Jealous"
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notes; i love some twilight fanfiction, esp because everything is freaking SMUT (last time i checked)!!! we need some sfw ish in here!!! tw; Reader uses They/Them pronouns!, jealousy wc; 1.2k
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Twilight and [CodeName] both got married on a whim for the benefits inside their spy company, neither did they expect to actually fall in love and want a proper marriage with each other, but they did! They were one of the cutest couples around, and when they worked together they were the absolute dream team. They would get the mission done and thensome, do some afterwork, clear the paperwork out, the two would go the extra mile to make sure no one had to clean up after them. 
When [CodeName] and Twilight renewed their vows because they ended up falling in love for more than mutual benefits, the two decided to go a little big. [CodeName] wore the most extravagant clothing, and Twilight wore a tailored suit to his liking. The couple held a huge after ceremony, inviting most of the company to join and celebrate their marriage. It may sound uncharacteristic for Twilight, but it was most definitely in character for [CodeName]. 
During the couple’s dance, as they were following tradition, [CodeName] leaned into Twilight and whispered “[YourName],” No explanation aside from a single name that left their lips. Twilight looked confused at first, but then it clicked- [CodeName] was dropping their real name. Twilight smiled warmly, bringing his partner in for a kiss. Twilight had long forgotten his name, but to know that [CodeName] entrusted him with such personal information brought warmth and joy to his heart. Especially on such a special night like this. 
[YourName] didn’t need to know Twilight’s real name, all they needed to know was that the man loved them and that he was accepting no matter what, which Twilight was. They just thought it would be a cute detail to drop on Twilight in the middle of, what the couple considers, their first real dance together as a ‘properly’ married couple. That night, [YourName] and Twilight got home, took off the over-the-top clothing, changed into pajamas, and shared a nice glass of red wine on the couch while watching some old TV shows that [YourName] enjoyed. 
It would be about three years later that [YourName] had to be put on a mission that placed them across the country. With a sadden face, [YourName] said their goodbyes to their husband and kissed Twilight one last time before them and a few other agents were shipped off. Twilight would be out of commission for about a day before he recovered, maybe he and [YourName] needed this split because the two of them were so dependent on each other. 
The two would always reference each other as partners for each other, and because the couple did work so well together and cleaned up after one another without needing a second thought, they did get paired up together what could be considered all the time. Now, sometimes [YourName] would be paired up with another person and other times Twilight would be paired up with a different person, and it never shattered each other. But being away from each other for months really took Twilight aback and he just needed a day to recuperate. 
During the few months that [YourName] was gone, Twilight was placed in charge of Operation Strix, which forced Twilight to find a wife and child. It had been quite some time since Twilight had to fake such an in depth relationship, and without [YourName] here to confirm that it was okay, or better yet have them play the role of his partner, he felt a little sick to his stomach. But a mission was a mission and it needed to be done. 
He wouldn’t get comfortable in his position, but he would get a better understanding of becoming a father in case he and [YourName] wanted children. Every day, when [YourName] was still out on their mission across the country and wasn’t here to call or see him in person at the hospital, Twilight thought about how different the mission would have been going if only [YourName] was around to assist as per usual. For some reason, he felt he’d be further in his investigation. Perhaps because they were truly married and didn’t have to put on some act for the world to see, or because perhaps the two of them have talked about a family before and this would just fill that hole temporarily. 
One day while at the hospital, looking over some papers, Twilight got a call that he was needed in the lobby. He had assumed that perhaps a patient was having a breakdown and needed some comfort from their doctor. Instead, nurses were welcoming a new nurse. “Loid!” His co-worker greeted as they walked over to him, “Have you seen the new nurse? Not to be unprofessional, but smoking hot,” The co-worker laughed but Twilight rolled his eyes while pretending to humor the thought, looking around for this new person. He didn’t expect to see [YourName], dressed in scrubs, holding a cup of juice, and laughing with a few of the other nurses. 
Twilight blinked a few times, a huge smile on his face when he made his way over. A few of the girl nurses giggled before shying away, while the guy nurses simply roamed off to allow Loid and [Name] to talk. “You’re back,” Twilight whispered, half shock and half relief flooding his face. “Mhm, and I’m assisting you on Strix. I’m a nanny on the side.” [YourName] replied in the same whispered tone. Twilight’s heart broke a little at the news, that was the last thing he wanted [YourName] to see; him acting as if he had a wife in front of other people. “I understand, are you caught up?” Twilight asks and with hesitation [YourName] nods their head. 
It would be a few days later that Loid brings up the idea of hiring a nanny to assist with Anya during the week. The nanny would come in the afternoon, help out with homework and study time, then head home around dinner. Yor of course thought the idea was wonderful and let Loid make a list of people, which most were fake just so they had no choice but to hire [YourName]. 
A few days later, it was a Saturday, Loid and Yor sat together on the couch while [YourName] sat on the chair across from them. Yor, to make their relationship look believable to the naked eye, wrapped her arm around Loid’s arm. It took everything in [YourName] not to break right then and there and claim Twilight as their own. They knew that this was for the mission, but unfortunately, jealousy doesn’t understand that. 
The interview went great and Yor agreed with Loid that [Name] should be hired, “Let me walk you to your car.” Loid offered. This was mostly so they could get alone time together before the night ended. “Do you enjoy a clingy wife?” [YourName] asked as they walked out the apartment complex, Twilight was taken aback before shaking his head with a small chuckle- he had never seen [YourName] jealous before and it was quite cute to witness. “No, darling, she simply wanted to sell what people think her and I have. I love you no matter what.” Twilight promised, opening the door for [YourName]. 
[YourName] nodded slowly, smiling eventually. “I want to kiss you so bad..” [YourName] says, “I know, one day soon, dear.” Twilight replied, allowing [YourName] to get into their car and he shut the door before stepping aside and watching [YourName] drive off to wherever they stayed for the night. Twilight hoped that they would stay at their home, so they could be around a familiar setting and smell familiar smells.
He wanted them to be comfortable, for [YourName] is his partner, and they are his.
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The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
You’re Losing Me
Inspired by Taylor Swift’s “You’re Losing Me.” How Finnick loses the best thing he’s ever had.
Haymitch Abernathy
Capitol Punishment Masterlist
A story in which Haymitch’s lover is a plaything for the Capitol
I'm Sorry
Moments of Haymitch having to mentor his ex-girlfriend
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
Luke Castellan
Follow Me
Luke's girlfriend is excited to finally become a year-round camper so she can spend it with him. But Luke has other plans for them.
"Is it chill that you're in my head? / Cause I know that it’s delicate"
Competing With Gods
When Apollo is sent to camp as a punishment, he sets his sights on Luke's girlfriend.
The Way I Loved You
"But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / And it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name / So in love that you act insane"
The Final Quest
How a quest with the love of Luke's life turned him away from the gods
Asshole Instructor
Luke has been an asshole but he can't help it until he realizes the girl he likes could be gone any minute
"You are the best thing that's ever been mine"
Immortal Danger
Apollo marries a half-blood without realizing how dangerous it can be
Immortal Danger II
Despite an extravagant wedding, Apollo is still confronted by those who want to end his marriage
John Wick
Forced Love Masterlist
Arranged marriages aren't uncommon in the crime world but John Wick never expected to be forced into one with his boss' daughter.
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Undercover in a Skin Tight Skirt
The BAU Chief isn’t fond of sending his scantily clad wife in as bait
That Skirt
Smutty follow up to Undercover in a Skin Tight Skirt
I Can’t Leave
When the reader is forced into hiding, she’s desperate to inform her fiancé and his son
Move On
Rossi tells Aaron he should move on
Moving on to You
Aaron finally tells his longtime crush about his feelings when he almost loses her (Sequel to Move On)
Sparring Matches
The BAU undergoes PT evaluations, that includes sparring matches. And in the ring will be the secret couple, tipping off the rest of the team
Home Sweet Home
Sometimes going home isn’t always a good thing. Especially when your hometown is obsessed with marriage and you have a secret boyfriend.
Spencer Reid
Spencer’s girlfriend has a stalker
Game of Thrones
Sandor Clegane and Robb Stark
Between a Wolf and a Hound I
Sandor Clegane was never naïve enough to think he could marry the king's daughter but it doesn't make it any easier to see her married off.
Between a Wolf and a Hound II
The new Lady of the North tries to cope with the fact that she is now married and has a responsibility to her husband.
Grey’s Anatomy
Mark Sloan
Mark finally finds where his wife has been hiding
Carlisle Cullen
Sorry to Meet You
The moral dilemma of the patriarch of the Cullen clan finally meeting his mate after 350 years
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
When the Levi Squad goes out on a mission with a few rookies, accidents happen
Captain Levi wouldn't let his feelings for a scout under him get in the way of his professionalism, right?
Reiner Braun
When Reiner returns from his ten year long mission, he is assigned to protect the the woman he could never have.
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nczennie · 1 year
royal icing.
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Pairing: Reader x Ateez’s Wooyoung AU: Royalty Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (18+ scene) Preview: "I am a Prince you're speaking to, you know" he states as you get back to your work. "That may be, but you are not my Prince". You reply, and Wooyoung wastes no time with his answer, "But I could've been your King". Words: 10.1k a/n: This is a spin off of Royal Library, can be read alone but you would have more background knowledge if you read it first. *Warnings under cut
Warnings: Minor mentions of sickness (not any of the main characters), Wooyoung is inexperienced and shy, There is only one small smut scene (only dry humping tbh).
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Wooyoung is a Prince. He was born a Prince of his Kingdom, Twilight, and has grown up having every aspect of his life planned for him. What to eat, what to study, what to say to guests, who to marry. You name it, and Wooyoung was positive he didn't have a say in any decision. Not that he ever complained, he grew up knowing that was the price of being Royal.
He never regretted it either, well, that is up until now.
It's been nearly a year since everything in Wooyoung's life was flipped upside down. It was Winter when he came to the Kingdom of Aurora, expecting to marry their Princess and eventually become their King. This was the future that was planned for him since he was born. So when the time came to make the journey across the sea, he did not hesitate. He came to Aurora with a smile, meeting the Royal family, the new locals, learning what he could about the new culture. He was to be their King and he wanted to be a good one.
He was arranged to marry the second Princess of Aurora only months after he was born. He grew up knowing he would have to love this stranger and spend his life with her. Sure, when he arrived he didn't completely fall in love with her, but he knew the reality of their situation. He knew he would have to try his best to love her for the rest of their lives. They were to marry and rule the Kingdom together, start a family together. So he didn't think too much about it.
That is until the Princess went and fell in love with his advisor.
His advisor, Seonghwa, started working for him once he came of age. But more than advisor, Seonghwa was his best friend. He cared for him more than anyone else in the world. That's why when he found out about their secret relationship, he did everything he could to make sure they would be able to stay together.
And it worked. However, that left Wooyoung with a bigger predicament of his own. How could he be King if he had no Princess to marry?
The first couple of months when Seonghwa and the Princess left Aurora, no one knew any better, not even her family. But eventually the truth had to come out. The King and Queen and youngest Princess Rose, were sent to visit the Princess where she lived with Seonghwa in a quiet village inland. They were furious when they found her pregnant and married to the man who was once the Prince's advisor. They went through waves of disbelief, demanding her to return to her kingdom and marry Wooyoung, yelling at all the trouble she has caused, crying about how she lied and kept such a huge secret from them. Her family eventually came around, wanting to be apart of their grandchild's life, even in secret.
After much discussion they needed to decide what to do about the fate of the kingdom. They kept the Princess' whereabouts a secret from everyone, even the closest circles of the family. As far as anyone knew, her health became too poor for her to be in line for the throne and she would live out the rest of her life away from Aurora. It was announced Rose instead would be the next Queen of Aurora.
As the youngest of the Princesses of Aurora, Rose had never been arranged to marry. So came the obvious question, should she marry Prince Wooyoung in place of her sister? It looked like a heavy possibility, but the more they talked about the idea it was no longer an option. Rose would get to choose who she would marry, whenever she was ready.
But what about Prince Wooyoung? He had come over to this kingdom ready to be King and now that was no longer in his future. Was he to go back to Twilight? He was not in line to their throne as he has an older brother who was already married with an hier on the way. Plus his parents threatened Aurora with the loss of their alliance. Their son was promised to be King and now they were taking that from him? Aurora relied heavily on their alliance with Twilight for their lumber so they couldn't risk losing their trade or gaining an enemy. Therefore. they kept their discussions going. Prince Wooyoung was no longer going to be King, but instead, he was given a powerful position on the Royal council. This seemed enough for his parents as they agreed to the terms and kept the alliance in place.
For Wooyoung on the other hand, he felt more confused than ever. He was a Prince, he was used to having everything planned out for him. But now those plans have changed and he feels more lost than ever.
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It was nearing autumn in Aurora but Wooyoung could still feel the sweat running down his back as he walked through town. The afternoon sun beat down on him as he made his way down the cobblestone streets, making sure to greet everyone along the way. He was making his way to the famous bakery whom the castle used to order baked goods for their events. The annual Autumn festival was approaching and the castle was in full swing preparing for the event. From his spot on the Royal Council, Wooyoung was now a huge part of the preparations. That's why during lunch today he was heading to the bakery to ask if they were able to add on a couple more cakes before the festival this weekend.
Wooyoung had never been to this bakery before but he was already impressed by the scenery alone. After walking up the many stairs to the building, he sees the outside seating area that looks over the blue water. Being elevated on the hill allows for a scenic view in all directions, blue ocean as far as one could see. He takes a deep breath and enjoys the the sea breeze for a second more before turning towards front of the building. His entrance is announced with a chime of the door and a middle-aged women greets him, "Hello, welcome-oh! Prince Wooyoung, welcome your highness". She smiles excitedly as she bows, wiping her flour covered hands on her apron. Wooyoung smiles back at her, "Hello, nice to meet you. You're the owner of this amazing bakery I assume?" She looks a little flustered at the compliment but nods, "Yes, your highness. I own it with my family. My husband and I work on the baking while our kids work on running the store".
He compliments her once more before relaying the messages about the extra cakes, she agrees and promises they will be even better than expected. She tells him she has to return to the kitchen in the back but suggests he stays and enjoys a treat since he walked all this way; on the house.
Wooyoung agrees, the smell from inside the bakery was alone making his mouth water so he couldn't refuse. After saying goodbye he walks up to the counter to order, a young man bowing his head as he greets him, "Your highness, welcome. What can I get you?". He scans a menu ordering some tea before humming as he thinks, "What would you recommend to go along with the tea?" The young man gives a charming smile, "I would personally recommend one of our sourdough baguettes, we have a new batch coming out of the oven soon if you have time to wait. But I know you must be busy, so we so have some croissants ready instead". The Prince nods, "I have no problems waiting, a baguette sounds delicious. Thank you.." he draws out and the young man smiles, "Yunho, my name is Yunho". Wooyoung smiles at him, "Nice to meet you Yunho, how much will it be?"
Per his mom's request, Yunho insists there's no cost at all, so Wooyoung slips the money secretly into the tip jar instead. "You can take a seat wherever you'd like and I'll bring it out as soon as it's ready".
Wooyoung thanks him once again before walking along the counter, looking at all the amazing treats in the display case. As he continues getting familiar with the small bakery, he notices a girl on the opposite end of the counter. As he walks closer to her he can see she must be decorating a cake. You pay no mind to him as he steps in front of you to take a look at your work. He blinks as he takes in the small cake, looking nothing like the stunning decorated desserts in the glass casing. Instead it's merely messily coated in white frosting as you cut fresh strawberries to place on top.
"It's kind of messy." Wooyoung speaks out before he can help himself. You stop your movements, putting the knife down to look up at him. You raise your eyebrows, "Excuse me?". Wooyoung lets out a small chuckle, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I just meant compared to the others," he pauses at the unamused look on your face, "I'm sure it's just your process". He finally ends.
"I'll have you know, this cake was requested by a very amazing young lady for her fifth birthday. She drew me a picture of her desired cake and I am merely bringing her image to life". You stand your ground causing a smile to appear on Wooyoung's face. "Well if that's the case, I'm sure it's delightful". You send a glare at him, "It is delightful. I don't know what you know about decorating cakes anyway".
Though the smiles stays on Wooyoung's face, he can't say he's used to people speaking to him in such a manner. "I am a Prince you're speaking to, you know" he states as you get back to your work. "That may be, but you are not my Prince". You reply, and Wooyoung wastes no time with his answer, "But I could've been your King".
You both turn in shock as your brother yells your name, having overheard the way you were speaking to the Prince. Wooyoung looks over at Yunho where he was preparing his tea, giving him a reassuring smile. "I may be a Prince but I can still banter," He teases them as Yunho starts to apologize for the actions of his sister. Wooyoung looks to you, but you are silent, avoiding his eyes as you focus on the strawberries. He chooses to head outside, finding a table in the shade where he can enjoy his treat with a view. He closes his eyes, feeling the breeze and listening to the sound of the ocean which he finds very relaxing. Wooyoung thinks he could've fallen asleep there, but when he hears someone clear their throat, he squints his eyes open.
You stand before him holding a tray, a small teapot and glass placed alongside a steaming baguette. He sits up straight as you start to place the items on the table in front of him. "It smells amazing thank you", he gives a charming smile but a smile barely graces your lips as you bow slightly. He starts to pour himself a glass of tea when he notices you haven't left. Looking up at your standing figure, Wooyoung watches as you let out a sigh before breaking the silence. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior inside, your highness, it was very inappropriate of me". Wooyoung finds himself smirking, figuring your brother must have made you come out here to make amends. "There is no need to worry, I was not offended if that's what you were afraid of". Wooyoung drops a cube of sugar into his cup as he speaks to you.
He can see you nodding but you speak again, "I-well thank you. But I am very sorry, I shouldn't have," you pause and he looks up at you where you seem to be pondering over your words. "It was wrong of me to bring that up, meaning the Princess of course".
The smile drops off Wooyoung's face as he comprehends what you were talking about. "Oh, it's quite alright. I promise you don't need to stress about it," he says your name softly. At least he assumes he has, merely recalling what Yunho called you inside. At this he watches as you perk up, bowing once again, "Thank you, your highness. Let me know if you need anything else". He watches as you make your way back inside.
Sighing he turns towards his meal, moving to tear a piece off of the steaming bread. He often forgets how the public perceives his broken off engagement. As far as they're concerned, Wooyoung is a heartbroken Prince who's loving financé was taken from him because of her illness. Although that is far from the case, he knows he has to act the part.
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Wooyoung has completely fallen in love with the bakery on top of the hill. Since his first visit before the Autumn festival, he has been returning at least every other day. Trying some new tea and treat every visit. And of course speaking to the family who owns the place.
The Prince finds it enjoyable to have found some people around his age to talk to outside of the castle. You and your brother, Yunho, have quickly become what Wooyoung would like to consider as friends. He especially loves that you aren't afraid he is a Prince. Much like your first meeting, you aren't shy to talk back to him and tease him. He thinks it's a breath of fresh air to be treated normally by someone as if his title doesn't matter.
"Well, well, well," you call out to Wooyoung as he enters the bakery once again, "You just can't resist us can you?" You tease from where you were wiping down the counter. Wooyoung shrugs, "I can't help it, Yunho is just too handsome. I can't stay away".
You smirk at him, tilting your head, "That's a shame then cause I'm the only one in today. Yunho and my parents are off picking up groceries in the next town over". Wooyoung sighs in defeat, "On second thought, I better get back to the castle." He moves to turn around but smirks when he hears you whining behind him, "What's so wrong with me, huh?" Wooyoung laughs, turning back around and making his way to the counter, "You're no Yunho, but I guess you'll do". You roll your eyes at him, "Ever so charming, your highness". The Prince leans against the counter humming, "May I please get two blueberry muffins, to go?" He sees you frown, "To go? I guess I really am no Yunho," you move to wash your hands before preparing a box for him. This causes Wooyoung to laugh, "I have a meeting back at the castle, otherwise I would enjoy my muffin here".
He watches you nod before presenting his to go box to him and taking the money in exchange. "Wooyoung-" he looks up and notices you let out a small laugh, "Sorry, I mean your highness. I was wondering if you knew when your meeting would be done?" Wooyoung purses his lips as he thinks, "Not too long, not later than 2 I suppose". At his answer you give him a small smile, "I was wondering if maybe you would come back here around 4? We close then and I was hoping maybe you would want to walk me home?" Your voice trails off losing confidence by the second.
Wooyoung gives you a smile, "Of course, I can. I'll be here to make sure you get home safe". You smile back before nodding, "Thank you, I'll see you soon".
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"So, you're just going to walk her home?" Wooyoung watches as the butler takes a bite of the muffin he brought for him. "Yeah, her family in not in town so I'm sure she's a bit nervous about making it home on her own". The man across from him hums, wiping his mouth, "You really think she's never had to do this before?" The Prince glares at the man, "What are you insinuating, Yeosang? You think I shouldn't go?"
The butler shakes his head, "No! I'm just saying maybe she just wants your company rather than your help". "Oh," Wooyoung simply states taking in Yeosang's opinion. "I mean is that such a bad thing?" The butler asks speaking up again, "With how often you've been going to this bakery, it can't just be for the food can it?"
The Prince shrugs as he thinks but Yeosang continues, "None of this is distressing, I'm just trying to ask if you perhaps like her? Are you attracted to her?" Wooyoung feels taken aback by the question. He doesn't think he's ever been asked that before, about anyone. "Well of course I'm attracted her her, she's beautiful I just," he pauses unsure of how to get his thoughts into words. Yeosang moves to place his hands on his shoulder, "Hey, you don't have to figure anything out, I was merely curious. Please, excuse me for asking". Wooyoung shakes his head, "You did nothing wrong, but I better get going to make it there in time". Yeosang nods, bowing at the Prince before taking his leave.
He takes his time walking back to the bakery, pondering over the words Yeosang was saying to him. Wooyoung knew for a fact he was attracted to you, but was it something more? His brain only hurt when he tried to figure it out. He can barely remember a time where he liked someone. Back in Twilight was he was young he liked an assistant in the kitchen but after being caught talking to them, he was warned to stay away as he was to be married eventually to a Princess. Since then he stayed clear of such feelings, knowing he would have to spend his life married to someone else. But now that concept is gone and he felt lost. He didn't know about these types of feelings as he was never allowed to have them, he honestly didn't know what to think, what to feel, what to do.
At this moment he wishes for nothing more than for Seonghwa to be here, he would know what to do. He would be able to help him.
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After that evening, walking you home became some sort of a routine. If Wooyoung was free he would make his way to the bakery around closing time so he could walk you home just down the street. Even with your brother and parents there, usually staying to finish something up, he would come to meet you. He let himself enjoy your company without trying to think too hard. He had a good time with you, he knew that, laughing and teasing. Ignoring when you would walk closer to him, causing your arms to brush against each others.
That's much how it was this evening, your arm brushing against his as you told him about the dozens of chocolate strawberries you had to decorate today. He chuckles when you complain about the kink in your neck.
"The breeze has been so cold lately," You wrap your coat further around yourself. Wooyoung hums in agreement, "You can definitely tell that winter in coming". You nod, turning to open the gate to your yard, holding it open for the Prince to enter behind you. He walks you up to the door of the small house, standing on the path while you stand atop the first step, making you an even height with him.
When you smile at him, he returns it, noticing how nice you look in the golden light of the setting sun. "Thank you for walking me home," you say to him and he laughs. "I told you, you don't have to thank me every time". You shrug, "I'm just being polite to my Prince". "I thought I wasn't your Prince, hm?" He teases and you smile at him. "Maybe I've changed my mind," you say back, moving to fix a wrinkle in his collar. "I'll see you soon?" You ask and Wooyoung tries to ignore the way his heart pounds as your hand lingers on his shoulder. "Of course," he whispers out, looking into your eyes.
You give him a smile and his breath hitches when you lean down and press your lips into his. They only meet for a moment but the softness of them seemed ingrained in his brain. "Good evening, Wooyoung".
He watches with wide eyes as you make your way into your house. So nonchalant as if you didn't just steal a kiss from him. He groans as he turns to exit your yard and make his way back to the castle. You kissed him, you actually kissed him. Yet he feels more confused than ever.
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"With winter approaching the mainland soon, it's best that we secure any of our trade handlings before the snow starts. That's why we want to send you to Twilight, to represent Aurora". The Queen of Aurora speaks to Prince Wooyoung over dinner with the rest of the Royal family. He had been apart of a council meeting earlier where many officials were organized to travel to different parts of the mainland to talk trade with different kingdoms.
He hadn't expected to be apart of it, but it made sense for him to travel to his home kingdom to do the negotiating. Plus he would get to see his family once again. "Of course, your majesty. It would be an honor," he states and the Queen gives him a smile of approval. "We apologize for asking so last minute, but the last boat trip towards Twilight in awhile will be in just a few days time and we need to have negotiations done as soon as possible". The King explains as he cuts the meat on his plate but Wooyoung only nods, "I do not mind, your majesty. I'll make sure to pack right away".
Later after they finished their meal, Wooyoung found himself walking to the third floor alongside Princess Rose talking about the trip. "You know, I was looking at a map of the mainland just the other day". The Prince nods at her before she continues, "I was curious about what was around Twilight, you know seeing as it was in a quite mountainous region". Wooyoung hums, keeping his eyes on the steps, "Yes, it's true. Twilight is mostly in mountains but down in the surrounding valley there are many other towns and kingdoms". He explains about his home. He sees Rose nod, "Yes, I noticed that. I also noticed there was a town called Utopia just down the river from their mountain." Wooyoung snaps his head at the mention of the familiar town but Rose gives him a pointed look, wary of the guards around them. "I hear they have amazing fruit orchards there," she simply states instead. The Prince gives her a smile, "That is true".
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"You're leaving?"
Wooyoung watches the shocked look on your face as he told you about his trip back to Twilight. He realized he probably should've presented it better, as he hadn't seen you since you kissed him that night and now he's standing before you telling you he won't be around for awhile. "Since I'm part of the council I'm off to represent Aurora in trade negotiations. It shouldn't take too long, although I've never done it before so I'm not positive...a month at most". He chuckles but watches as your frown turns into a pout.
"Will you come to the bakery once you return?" You ask and he smiles at you, "Of course, I'll come right when I dock". You sigh, gaze moving to the side for a second before returning to look in his eyes. "Very well, I hope you have safe travels". Wooyoung smirks at you, "I'll be back before you know it". He watches as you nod, then move to step closer to him. He freezes, realizing you might want to hug or even kiss him again before he leaves. This causes his throat to tighten and eyes widen to panic. Before you can make another move, he steps back and puts his hands on your shoulder giving you a friendly pat, "Well, I'll be back in no time".
He turns to leave without a second thought, heart pounding in his chest as he makes his way down the steps from the bakery. "You fool," he mumbles to himself, hand running over his face as he recalls your interaction.
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Negotiations with Twilight go more smoothly than he could've hoped for. Both representatives agreeing to terms that were advantagous for both kingdoms. With the trade settlements reached, he then got to enjoy time with his family. Eating meals with his parents, playing in the yard with his younger brother, the timing was perfect as he even got to be there for the birth of his nephew. Congratulating his older brother on his healthy baby.
With this relaxing time spent back in Twilight, he was ready to return to Aurora until the next time he visited. But not without another stop. He was able to convince his butler, Yeosang, and couple of guards to stop for the night in a town called Utopia before making the long journey back to the cost where they could sail to Aurora. They were able to find an inn during the early afternoon and he promised his entourage they could go off and explore the town for themselves. Of course they were hesitant but he promised everyone would meet back here at nightfall.
Thanks to a few letters he exchanged while in Twilight, he was able to follow the directions to the west side of the town. Walking along a quiet neighborhood before he found the house that matched the numbers on the paper in his hands. With a smile at the quant garden, he walks along the path to the door, gently knocking to announce his arrival.
"Wooyoung, I'm so glad to see you!"
Wooyoung can't help the smile that lights up his face as he pulls the man into a hug, "I can't believe it's been so long, I've missed you more than you can imagine, Seonghwa". Seonghwa pulls away from the hug, giving the Prince a smile, "It's been too long. I know it's difficult for both of us but I hope there is a way we can see each other more regularly in the future. Please, come inside. Lunch will be ready soon".
He looks around in wonder at the small house, it was cozy and beautiful but quite different from living in a castle. "So, what do you think?" He looks to see the Princess getting up from the couch in the living area, the Princess he was once supposed to marry. To even think of such a time where he was engaged to her seems like a lifetime ago. "It's lovely, you both have done amazing". He speaks and Seonghwa puts his arm around him, "C'mon, make yourself comfortable". He leads Wooyoung into the room, beckoning him to sit on a chair as he moves to sit besides the Princess on the couch.
Wooyoung lets his eyes wander around the room, stopping when he notices a small woven bassinet in the corner by the couch. "Would you like to meet her?" The Princess speaks, noticing his eyes. "Her?" Wooyoung asks. Given their situation they weren't able to keep in contact as much as they would have liked. Even the letters sent from the Princess to her family have no return address, and only talking about her baby in code, referring to her as a pet kitten. The Royal family only meeting her once when she was first born.
"Our daughter," Seonghwa speaks, motioning Wooyoung to follow him to where the small baby lay sleeping. As he approaches, Wooyoung lets out a sigh upon seeing the beautiful baby. Looking so much like Seonghwa already he found it crazy. "She's adorable," he can't stop the smile on his face as he reaches out to run his finger along her small fist. "We're so glad you finally get to meet her, it's because of you she's even here right now". Seonghwa smiles down at his daughter. "I would do anything for you guys" Wooyoung states unable to take his eyes off the angelic baby. "Her name is Wooyoung," Seonghwa speaks which causes the Prince's eyes to widen and look at his friend. "Surprised? Isn't that what you asked for?" The Princess chuckles as she moves to stand beside him.
"I was just joking!" He exclaims, still shocked this tiny human shared his name. "I thought it was a great idea," the Princess laughs, "This is all because of you Wooyoung. We wanted to name her after the person who is so important to us, to our story. We want her to know she's named after someone we both love dearly, someone selfless and strong."
Wooyoung swallows his emotion as his friends speak to him. Chest filled with adoration for this little girl he just met. He makes a promise to himself to always look out for her and protect her no matter how far away she is. He would do anything for her, just like he would for her parents.
A timer from a clock in the other room starts to ring, "Oh, lunch will be ready soon". The Princess speaks before making her way to the kitchen to stop the timer. Wooyoung still can't take his eyes off of the baby which causes Seonghwa to chuckle beside him. "You doing okay?" He asks putting a hand on his back. The Prince nods, "Yeah, I just miss you, a lot. Most of the time I feel like I still need you to tell me what to do". Seonghwa frowns, "I miss you too, but you don't need my guidance anymore Wooyoung. You're your own person, and you should make your own decisions. Prince or not". Wooyoung lets out a sigh, "I know, but I just feel so lost at the moment". His friends eyes wander across his face and Wooyoung speaks once more, "How did you know when you were in love?"
Seonghwa's eyes widen, "Oh, well... I found there was a point where my future no longer existed without her. It hurt to be away from her, I would do anything to make her happy, no matter what it cost me". He tries to put his feelings of love into words that would make sense. Wooyoung nods as he ponders over the words. "Is there someone?" Seonghwa asks him. The Prince tells his friends of you, working at the bakery, teasing him, making him laugh, walking you home and brushing your arms together. "And then she kissed me," Wooyoung whispers as if the sleeping baby would hear. Seonghwa smirks, "A kiss huh?" Wooyoung nods, "But then I left." The smirk falls off of Seonghwa's lips, "You left?"
"I had to leave for this trip, and when I went to say goodbye I think she wanted to kiss again, maybe. But before she could I left". Seonghwa closes his eyes and shakes his head at his friends confession, "Did you not want to kiss her?" Wooyoung finds himself blushing, "I mean, I did. But you know I don't know anything about that stuff. It's embarrassing and I wouldn't know what to do". His friend nods at him, "I know it can be a little intimidating, but if you really like her it'll come naturally. Just don't think too much, do what feels right for you. And most importantly, just tell her how you feel. Running away won't make her feel any good". "I guess you're right," Wooyoung says as they hear the Princess call for them from the kitchen.
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The meal was cleared and now the three of them sat at the small table enjoying tea and telling stories, catching up. Between laughs they hear a small cry from the other room, a sign the small Wooyoung had awaken from her nap. "I'll be back," Seonghwa states, leaving to tend to his daughter.
Wooyoung takes a sip of his tea as the Princess speaks up across from him, "I took him from you, didn't I?"
He looks at her in shock, "Of course not". She gives him a small smile, "I always wish there was a way that we could be doing this back at home. With my family, with you. But it wasn't possible and I always feel bad, as if I tore everyone apart". Wooyoung frowns at her, "That's nonsense. If only we lived in a more understanding society then it wouldn't be the case. You did nothing wrong, you only fell in love".
She sighs, "You're right, I think just seeing you both together makes me feel awful that you're apart". Wooyoung nods, "I'm sure it's only for now, I bet in the future we'll all be together again". He speaks again, desperate to make her feel better, "So, what did your family have to say about your naming your daughter after me?" Laughing she shakes her head, "My parents were shocked but understood the sentiment, whereas Rose was furious that if we were going to name her after anyone it wasn't her". Wooyoung laughs, "Then I'll make sure to tease her endlessly about it back at the castle".
"Look who is awake," Seonghwa coos as he walks back into the kitchen carrying the baby. Her large, round eyes open now, small mouth letting out a yawn. Wooyoung smiles at the pair, "May I?" He reaches out and Seonghwa nods, bringing her over to place into his arms.
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The trip ride back to Aurora went smoothly, the castle welcoming everyone back from their successful trip. Prince Wooyoung wearing a bright smile as he walked around the castle, he felt rested and a sense of knowing for the first time since his friend moved away.
In the evening he made the familiar walk back to the small bakery on the hill. It has been nearly a month since he had seen you, but he had a new sense of determination about his feelings for you and wanted to act on the advice that Seonghwa had given him. But as he walks up the steps, his heart couldn't help but pound at the thought of facing you again, especially with how he acted the last time he saw you. Nevertheless, he stepped to the door and opened it without hesitation.
"Oh, your highness!" Yunho calls from behind the counter, giving Wooyoung a smile from where he was cleaning the tea pots. "Yunho, how are you?" Wooyung smiles back. "I'm good, same old routine here. How was your trip?" The Prince was happy to inform him about how well the trip went and how happy he was to see his family and old friends. Of course leaving out the part about his former financé. "Well I hoped you missed us even just a little". Yunho teases and Wooyoung smirks, "Of course, you know I missed you most, Yunho". Yunho laughs at him, "Don't let my sister hear you". Licking his lips, Wooyoung speaks, "Where is she?"
Yunho nods his head towards the kitchen, and as if sensing him, you walk out drying your hands on a dish towel. You finally seem to notice him as your eyes widen and you give him a short bow, "Your highness, welcome back".
A small smile graces your face but he notices you seem to be avoiding his gaze. The Prince clears his throat, "Now that I have returned, I was hoping to walk you home, like we did before". He gives you a smile, but becomes nervous when you look hesitant. He watches as you look to your brother, who shrugs, "Go on, I'm nearly finished with this and then I'll lock up". Yet you still stand in place, finally sighing, "Alright, just a moment. Let me grab my coat".
Wooyoung doesn't know what to do at the awkwardness that fills the silence as he walks you down the familiar street to your home. He can see the destination just ahead but the two of you have yet to murmur a single word to each other. This was nothing like he had planned for his return to you. Approaching the gate, he moves to stand in front as if to stop you from entering. "How about we walk around the park?" He asks, referring to the large park just across the street.
He sees your eyes wandering to the park behind him, it was nearly nightfall and the cold would be setting in. "I have something I wish to talk to you about". He states again, hoping to push you into coming. You look down for a moment before nodding your head in agreement. Both of you heading over to walk along the stone path, the park filled with the sounds of birds saying goodnight and children running around.
Wooyoung has the feeling if he doesn't speak now, nothing but silence would become of your walk. "I had a very productive trip, I got to see my family and friends. Especially my close friend whom I miss dearly. And I'm glad I've got to meet with him once again because he really opened my eyes and gave me some much needed advice". You turn to him, finally giving him a small smile, "I'm glad your trip went well, your highness". You whisper out. He finally lets out a sigh of his own, "You know, you told me to come see you once I docked back in Aurora. Which I did, yet you don't seem very pleased to see me".
The setting sun still allows for him to see the blush rising to your cheeks as he calls you out. You shut your eyes, shaking your head, "I am glad to see you, I'm just," you stop walking and he moves to stand in front of you, "I'm just so embarrassed". The Prince gulps, automatically feeling bad, figuring it had to do with how he treated you before he left.
You run a hand across your forehead before stuffing it in the pocket of your coat, "I don't know what I was thinking, kissing you like that. And then trying to do it again, geez. If my mother knew I was going around making the first move kissing boys, especially a Prince," you trail off shaking your head. Wooyoung frowns at you, "No, it wasn't a problem-" "It sure seemed like one when you left before I could the second time. Gosh, I really don't know what I was thinking, please forgive me". You interrupt him.
It's at this point Wooyoung really realizes how he truly treated you before he left, how it must've seemed to you. He takes a cautious step forward, attempting to meet your gaze. "I apologize that that's what I made it seem like. But that is far from the truth." He takes a breath when you finally meet his eyes with a curious look.
"The truth is, I'm quite embarrassed too". He speaks and already feels his cheeks warming. He speaks your name softly, "I like you, a lot. I enjoy all the time we get to spend together." "But the reality of my life is that I grew up a guarded Prince who has no experience with feelings such as these. I was saved for a certain bride my whole life, and even though it didn't end up working out, I still am clueless when it comes to these things".
He can feel your eyes studying him as he confesses his truth, "I'm sorry that it came off as reluctance, but I was just nervous about everything. Nervous and ashamed I wouldn't know where to begin".
A frown covers your face as he finishes his story, "Oh, your highness. I should've realized, I'm so sorry. You're a Prince afterall, of course these things work different for royalty".
"But I don't want it to be different," he speaks up, "I want to have a normal experience as anyone else would. But I figure that's why I freaked out, because I knew being what I am, it would never be normal". He swallows as you reach out to gently place your hand on his arm. "I wish you would've told me, then I wouldn't have done it the way that I did".
"I know, I should've. I was just nervous how it would make me seem". Wooyoung chuckles and your lips quirk up slightly, "I would never judge you, you know". "Yeah, because I'm a Prince, right?" He laughs as you nudge him with your elbow.
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Wooyoung feels proud with how things progress with you over the next couple of months. Seonghwa would be proud too, he thinks to himself every time he holds your hand while walking home or places a kiss to your lips at your doorstep.
He feels more comfortable than ever around you and your relationship blossomed more and more everyday. Even going as far as coming into your house when no one else was home, falling into your kisses on the sofa.
Along with comfortable, he feels confident. Whereas when you first tried to breach his mouth with your tongue, he pulled away flushed and shocked, now he is usually the one initiated such kisses.
Now as he walked up the path to the castle with you and your family, he resisted the urge to hold your hand or pull you closer to him by your waist. Though he was confident with your relationship, he knew the castle is where he should act properly. Especially as you were on your way to meeting the royals. Being the favorite bakery of the castle was not new, but what was new was being able to travel to the castle personally to give cake testing for the Princess' birthday.
Wooyoung smiles as he can tell you can barely hold your excitement at the sight the of castle's interior. Your parents and brother walking ahead with the cart of cakes, clearly just as amazed and excited as you were.
"I can't believe you live here," You gush to him on the way to the dining room. Eyes trying to take in all the extensive paintings and paths of royal blue carpet. The Prince merely chuckles in amusement, stopping at the door where a butler announces the arrival of the group.
He watches from behind as you and your family greet the Royal family properly, clearly nervous as only your parents have had the honor of meeting them before. Your parents proudly introduce you and your brother and the royal family happily compliments the display of small cakes that was brought along. Wooyoung moves to sit at the edge of the table, trying not to interrupt. The Princess compliments the decoration of the cake placed in front of her, a beautiful pink rose delicately pipped on. Wooyoung smiles at you as you blush, thanking her for the compliment on your work.
"Ah," The Queen speaks up, "You must be the girl who has taken the Prince from us".
Wooyoung knows the Queen is merely teasing, having spoken to the family about his fondness of the baker's daughter to them before. However, as he sees you freeze with a look of fear in your eyes he can tell you haven't picked up on her tone. Even your brother and parents looking nervous. Of course, he thinks, from the point of view of your family, your someone dating the Prince after he was supposed to marry their sick daughter. He's about to speak up to reassure you and your family but the Princess hums in delight after trying the cake. "Even if you end up hating Prince Wooyoung, I hope you won't take it out on us. I don't know if I could live without your desserts".
The King lets out a groan and the Queen rolls her eyes at her daughter, "Rose," she gives her a warning but it's enough the break the ice as your family moves on to showing her different options. But Wooyoung can notice how you've stayed quiet for the rest of the visit.
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"I don't know," you speak, "I don't think it's appropriate". Wooyoung tugs on your hand trying to insist to show you his room after having said goodbye to your family. "Why not?" he asks, careful of his volume because of the guards around, "If this was your house you would be begging me to join you inside". You send him a glare and he chuckles, knowing you would shove him if it weren't for the guards around and your fear they would throw you in jail if you did. "But this is a castle," You claim as he intertwines your fingers, "It is, and I'm a Prince".
And with that he all but drags you up the stairs and into one of the many rooms on the floor. You look with wide eyes at the interior as he closes the door behind you. "It's nearly as big as my house all together".
He moves to place another log into the fire, laughing, "Now that's an exaggeration". You hum moving slowly throughout the room before carefully sitting on the silk sheets on the large bed. "You get to sleep on this all alone?" You ask him moving your hands along the green silk. "Are you offering to join me?" He smirks moving to sit beside you.
You send him a look but he can see the blush on your cheeks, "That's funny coming from a guy who was scared to kiss me not that long ago". Now he sends you a look as you laugh, moving to poke your side.
Moving closer to you, he moves some of your hair behind your ear, "They loved the cakes, especially Rose who was pleased you put roses on everything". You chuckle, shrugging, "I debated on it, I didn't want it to seem cheesy". "They loved it", he says and you nervously pat down the sides of your skirt. "At least they loved something about me, even if it is only my decoration". Wooyoung frowns, "That's not true,". You give him a knowing, sad look, "Wooyoung, you were supposed to marry their daughter. Of course they don't like me. If the Princess was in good health both of you would be married by now, instead you're with a baker. I can't imagine they look at me too fondly".
An ugly feeling grows in his stomach, a reaction of your speaking down on yourself, an urge to tell you the truth. He calls your name, "Please don't speak about yourself in such a way. I've grown close to the royal family since my time here and I've told them about you. They know how I feel about you, and I promise anything that has happened in the past is not something they would hold against you".
He watches as you swallow deeply, trying to suppress your feelings. Wishing nothing more than to stop you from thinking so harshly about yourself. "You're beautiful and I-I care about you more than you can imagine. No matter who am I, who you are, what our pasts may be, my feelings for you are stronger than any of that".
You move to place a hand softly against his cheek, leaning to place a kiss on his lips, "Thank you" you say softly. Wooyoung returns your smile before moving to peck your lips.
A couple pecks suddenly turn into more as before he knows it, he's laying on his back in the middle of his bed while you rest on top of him, the warmth of your tongue heavy in his mouth. Wooyoung's heart pounds in his chest, his hands feel heavy on your waist but he isn't sure where else he should place them. Sure over the past couple of months he's made out with you multiple times, but never like this. It's always been on your couch or in your back garden, never on a bed with your weight on top of him.
He can feel your warmth and hear your breaths and it's all very new, very intimate, very...arousing.
He's torn between his nerves getting the best of him, politely asking you to stop. Or on the other hand, wanting to keep going, not letting his brain overthink and just lose himself in you.
The Prince makes a sound when you gently bite on his bottom lip before pulling away, "Do you mind if I take this off, it's getting a bit warm". You're referring to your dress and Wooyoung's head spins. He clears his throat when he realizes you're waiting for him to make sure he's comfortable. "Of course," he finally gets out and he's so flushed he's almost embarrassed. He watches as you give him a quick smile before stepping to the ground, making quick work of your dress.
He gulps as the garment falls to the ground, the fire behind your admitting a glow on your bare skin that has his breath thickening. You slowly make your way back to the position where you were before, watching the Prince carefully to make sure he's still okay with this.
As you take your place back on his lap, he becomes worried for a second, worried you would feel the hardness that has been growing between his legs since you started. But before he could think too long, he takes you in closely. Eyes running over every inch of skin newly displayed to him, a new fondness and desire spreading through his veins.
"I would've wore something a little nicer had I known I would find myself here", he listens to you say with a shy laugh, probably self conscious with how long he was staring. Wooyoung quickly shakes his head, "No, you're perfect. I just can't believe you're in front of me right now looking like this".
You gulp and he reaches with trembling hands to place them on your knees which sit next to his waist. They travel up your thighs, to your hips where he caresses with his thumbs. He revels in the warmth of your skin, continuing his journey, moving along your sides, carefully moving along your covered chest before taking their place behind your neck.
With his grip he moves you down to meet his lips once more, a his fever apparent in the way his kisses you. His hands continue to enjoy their new freedom, moving along to caress different parts of your body whereas yours sit playing with his hair that's sprawled out on the bed below him.
He starts to understand why you felt the need to remove your dress; beads of sweat making their way down his chest and back. He separates your lips desperate to cool down. "Do you mind if I take this off as well?" He watches as you gulp but nod, sitting up to allow him room. Wooyoung quickly pulls his shirt over his head, trying not to feel self conscious about you seeing him like this for the first time. He chucks it over the foot of the bed before jolting when he feels your fingers moving along the waistline of his pants. "Do you want to take this off as well?" You asking, sounding too innocent for asking someone to remove their pants. The Prince clears his throat before nodding, watching as you move to sit on the side of him, steady hands coming to undo the button and zipper.
Once they were unfastened, he takes it upon himself to remove them. Embarrassingly thinking about how turned on he was merely from having your hands so close to his cock. His pants land to the floor beneath him and you give him a smile, moving your hands to reach for him again. Wooyoung panics a little, whether you were reaching to remove his undergarments or even touch him over it he wasn't sure. "Perhaps we can kiss some more". He says breathlessly, a red hue taking over his cheeks. This may have been the farthest he was gone before, but he doesn't think he's ready to be completely naked in front of you just yet.
"Of course," you say giving him a smile before returning to your place on his lap. As you settle yourself down on him once again, he lets out a groan as he feels your warmth on his hardness. The thin layers left doing very little to suppress the feeling of your folds on his cock.
Your lips come to move against his once more and he feels more confident now running his hands along the softness of your body. Experimentally, he runs his hands over the expanse of your ass, causing you jolt, moving along his cock. The both of you let out soft sounds of pleasure before you apologize. Wooyoung merely shakes his head, mouth still slightly parted from the small pleasure he received. Curiously, you rut your hips again, "Is this okay?" He nods, trying not to seem too eager. He wasn't sure how far he wanted to go tonight, but with your rubbing yourself against his cock he knew he was okay with this.
Instead of connecting your lips again, you place your hands firmly on his chest, giving yourself leverage to continue moving your hips. As you start to quicken your pace, his grip on your ass tightens. He would like to think he's helping move you against him, but he knows in reality you're doing all the work while he lays there lost in the pleasure.
A particularly hard movement from you causes his hips to buck up into yours, a sound of pleasure leaving your own mouth. The Prince opens his eyes, not even sure when he closed them, and takes you in. He thinks you look unreal sitting on him like this, eyes blown out, a sheen of sweat on your body glowing by the light of the fire, mouth slightly open as you breathe deeply from moving on top of him.
He groans as your hips begin to move more feverently, you grinding harder onto him. Wooyoung dares to look down between you both and he all but loses it at the sight. Just slightly, the head of his cock as started to peak out onto his stomach, his underwear sliding down the smallest amount from your moving. There's a wetness forming on his stomach from the leaking head of his cock and if he wasn't so turned on right now, he would surely be embarrassed. Your undergarments are white and from where your moving on him, he can see your own wetness has started to seep through. He closes his eyes with a sigh, hands moving to your hips in an attempt to move you along him quicker. "Please," Wooyoung calls out in what seems like a whimper, what he's asking for he isn't sure but he's so lost in the pleasure his mind is becoming clouded.
The next few moments are filled with hectic, rushed movements. Wooyoung desperately clinging to the pleasure he was feeling. It wasn't long before he cums, spilling his seed onto his own stomach. Ears ringing and having to close his eyes. Never has someone given him such pleasure before and he feels almost exhausted from the rush.
He feels out of it as you both clean up, taking every couple of seconds to place soft kisses on each others lips. Now he's enjoying the feeling of holding you in his arms, both of you laying under a blanket that usually serves as decoration. Spring was approaching so the fire and small blanket was enough for you not to lie underneath the sheets.
Wooyoung plays with your hair, eyes closed as he enjoys having you with him. He takes the silence to think about everything, you, his friends, his family. Finally, he decides he doesn't want secrets.
"I want to tell you something," he whispers out quietly, voice nearly drowned out by the crackling fire. He feels you hum against him, showing him you're listening. "But you have to promise to not utter a word to another soul". Your curiosity gets the best of you as you move slightly to look up at him. "I'm serious," he continues his whispering, "What I want to tell you, not even anyone in the castle knows, aside from the royal family and me".
You blink at him in shock, "Perhaps it should remain a secret for me then". The Prince cracks a smile, "No, I really want you to know. But just promise me, even if in the future you decide you no longer want to be with me, you cannot let this slip. Do you understand?"
He watches you gulp before nodding. Deciding his message is clear, he begins his story, "I was engaged before, yes?" You nod, "To the Princess".
He nods, "And unfortunately, she got sick and had to leave the kingdom, right?" You nod, frowning. "Wrong," he speaks softly. You take a moment to understand what he's trying to say, "What?" He licks his lips, "The Princess is not sick, she merely fell in love".
Wooyoung watches carefully as you take in the information, blinking slowly with your eyebrows furrowed. "I arrived to Aurora with my advisor, my best friend. Things happened, and he fell in love with the Princess and she fell in love with him." Your eyes widen at the news, barely being able to comprehend, "I'm so sorry".
He chuckles, "No, don't apologize. I wasn't in love with the Princess, I wasn't sad because she didn't love me. Just confused because she was my planned future since I was born. But I saw how much my best friend truly loved her, so I helped them leave. Now they live with their daughter is a small village inland". He watches the wheels turning in your head, "You understand right, that you can't let anyone else know this". You nod feverently. "Of course, I would never. Thank you for telling me though, I-" you pause and swallow, "So the royal family really doesn't hate me?"
Wooyoung laughs, "No, I told you so. I told them how much you mean to me and they're happy for me. That I promise".
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"What does it say?" You ask as you wipe down the table next to where Wooyoung is sitting. He offered to stay behind while you closed the bakery, giving your brother a break from the closing duties. The Prince chuckles as he read the letter in front of him, "Apparently little Wooyoung has started to wander into the neighbors garden to terrorize their cat". He speaks of his best friend's daughter.
You chuckle beside him, "So they named her after you for a reason". He sends you a playful glare. Ever since telling you his biggest secret, you suggested writing his friends from the bakery. That way it was away from the castle and the secret could be kept without being suspicious. Now the bakery gets monthly letters written from the point of view of a young Wooyoung living in Utopia.
"She does mention she's excited to see us for a week in the summer though," he states as he folds the letter back up. You smile at him, "And you're sure it's okay for me to go along?" He all but glares at you, "How many times must I assure you?". You shrug, a blush coming up to your cheeks, "I just wanted to make sure I'm not intruding."
"Of course you're not," He stands, moving to approach you and leave a kiss on your lips, "I love you and I want you to meet everyone important in my life". He had already planned a trip for you to meet his family back in Twilight before staying with Seonghwa, the Princess, and their daughter in Utopia before coming home.
You give him a big smile, dropping your rag before throwing yourself in his arms, placing a kiss on his lips as he groans, "I love you too".
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Copyright © 2023 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
🌼 All feedback is appreciated and welcomed 🌼
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Talk Code to Me (Loid Forger [Twilight] x afab!reader)
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Pairing: – Loid Forger (Twilight) x (afab)!reader
Summary: You and Loid had been on missions together before, always professional and easily impressed by his work, but something about tonight is a bit different.
Warnings: (Proofread) No spoilers, 18+ Content, Minors DNI, all characters 21+, code names used, reader and Loid are pretend married, coworkers, penetration f!receiving, ejaculation, curse words
Word Count: 2.6k
/Masterlist for more ;)
He swiftly removed his jacket, the flash of it in the air quick as he threw it delicately over the back of the chair, his hands immediately going to his sleeves, sliding the cuff links from them and placing them on the table. You were a bit surprised, his movements so quick but graceful still as he stood beside the table, eyes glancing at you to his side. 
“Well,” He asked, his face calm and as impatient looking as ever. He was always very serious about work, and you hadn’t imagined him to take you up on the offer you made. You had worked with him before, getting to know him only a bit but you understood his style quite well. He was efficient, every move he made had purpose and everything he did was thought out well beyond what a normal person would understand. You had initially been swept up by him as a rookie but now you were closer to his level and he had become more comfortable working with you, though his expression was always the same and you sometimes second guessed yourself around him. 
He always looked impatient, possibly irritated, as if things could or should be going better. Tonight has been quite successful so far though, your mission together being simple. Trick the target into believing you're a silly love sick couple who poses no threat as you gradually close in on him. His room was beside your own and you had suggested faking sex loudly enough to let him hear. The idea was half a joke, but you should have known he wouldn’t take it as one. His confirmation was quick and clear, he had immediately stood and began undressing at least a bit before walking to the bedroom with you on his heels. 
You had spoken in code all weekend so far, neither of you taking chances regarding who may be listening. He wanted this to be highly believable as well, stripping his shirt as you walked behind him, unzipping the side of your dress as you entered the bedroom. You felt a bit bashful, unsure of how far you’d be undressing to assure realism but keep each other’s privacy. Your eyes scanned his back, his frame tall and slim but his body still covered in lean muscle as he peered over his shoulder to eye you. His blonde hair was messily brushed back, his outfit professional to fit into the personality of the businessman he was playing, but hair messy and demeanor gentle to fit the role of a bit of a dopey new husband. You wore a black dress, tighter fitting and short to show the fake tattoos that riddled your legs and hips, you were playing a not so professional new wife who seemed highly flirtatious and impulsive. 
“Down to underwear, then beneath the covers,” He spoke between words carefully, coded language and you nodded, slipping the dress down your body and leaving it on the floor. You wore black panties and bra, both lace and revealing as you had made sure to coyly flash the man you were targeting, getting him to become interested but let his guard down around you. You slid into the bed, tugging the covers over your lower half as you leaned back onto the pile of pillows at its head. He undid his belt, sliding his pants down and leaving him in his patterned boxer briefs, the ones he chose were very similar to the slightly embarrassing patterned swim trunks they had him wear earlier today as well. You had to admit he did look quite good though, even in the silly purple and green briefs. 
He slid into the bed with you, adjusting himself to sit on his knees in front of you, spreading his legs out a bit and tugging your legs over his, giving the illusion of penetration if looked at from outside the covers. He explained his movements as he went, faking the vocabulary of a love-sick man who was happy to be fucking his wife while he actually let you in on his idea a bit more. He believed your idea was good, commending you for quick thinking as he leaned over your body carefully, hands on either side of your hips as he ruffled the blankets enough to fit the illusion. You didn’t blush, though you knew you were close to it. 
“You’re quite beautiful,” Twilight said suddenly and your eyes darted back to him which were scanning your face slowly. 
“Thank you,” You were surprised because this wasn’t about the mission, nor was there code hidden in it. His voice had shifted a bit, less stern and serious now. 
“Did you suggest this to get closer to me?” He asked between his words, and you did blush this time, slightly annoyed at yourself for the heat that rose to your face. 
“Well, I did think it would be helpful to the mission as well,” You said, slightly dancing around the question while still answering. He nodded, shifting a bit to scoot your body down, your legs further apart as your thighs brushed against his hips, your hips tilted up towards him. You bit your lip, wanting to touch him for real suddenly but not wanting to compromise anything. 
“It could be a bit more realistic,” He started speaking, leaning down to let his lips brush against the shell of your ear, his voice a soft whisper. “If you let yourself go a little bit,” You nearly shivered, goosebumps rising to your skin as you could feel the heat of his breath on your cheek. You were a bit tense, stuck between wanting to keep professional with him while also wanting so badly to let go. You relaxed a bit, putting your hands up to slowly trail over his shoulders, one hand sliding up into his hair and tangling into it. Your eyes met his and he had a smirk on his face, his lips dangerously close to yours. 
“Just like that,” He whispered, teasing his lips against yours as his big hands started to stroke your thighs, running up and down them as his fingertips grazed the lace of your panties. 
Twilight, you thought to yourself, being so sensual? In the middle of a mission?
The idea of him putting a mission second was foreign to you, but maybe this was for the mission? His voice was different though, and the way he touched you didn’t feel as clinical as it did when he was all business. 
“You really feel like this right now?” You asked in code, running one hand down his back slowly, winding your arm around his waist. He chuckled softly, the vibrations heavy in his chest before he answered. He scooted you down onto the bed, placing you flat on your back now as you gasped when you felt his hips press into you, his erection obvious as your legs spread a bit for him. 
“You tell me,” He whispered, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your neck, making you shiver. You rolled your hips between him and the bed, grinding yourself up against his erection as you tightened your arm around his waist, tugging his body closer to yours. He smirked softly against your skin, trailing feather light kisses down your neck and across your shoulder, your head tilting back automatically to make room for him as he went. Your eyes fell closed as you toyed with his blonde hair between your fingers, arching your body up into his own to feel his skin press into your own, his hard chest keeping you beneath him as your legs wrapped around him. His hands trailed up your thighs, roaming over your hips and waist delicately, his palms a bit rough but hands so gentle as he teased the hem of your underwear with his thumbs. 
You were still stuck somewhere between shock and want as you started to shift your body for him, his hands tugging down your underwear slowly. His lips trailed down your chest, kisses still soft as he grazed his lips between your breasts, tongue dipping beneath your bra and running along your soft skin slowly. You let him remove your panties, tossing them aside before he worked his way between your legs again, pressing his body back into your own, parting your folds with his erection and wetting his boxers with your slick. 
“Well that answers my question,” He whispered, a smirk evident on his face even though your eyes were still closed. You opened your eyes for a moment, tilting his head up by the hold on his hair to look into his eyes. 
“And what was that?” You asked, his eyes hooded with something new and your cheeks turned a brighter red suddenly. 
“Wanted to know exactly how you’re feeling right now,” His hand was quick as it unclasped your bra behind you, surprising you as the straps fell loosely from your shoulders and his hand carefully tugged it from your body. 
“But I can tell pretty easily,” His voice was low as he leaned in again, lips hovering above your own as his other hand trailed between your legs, his body moving enough to let his fingers slide between your folds, making you gasp involuntarily at the sensation. He grinned, removing his fingers just as quickly as he slid them down. 
“This is okay, isn’t it?” He asked softly, eyes scanning your face as you nodded, leaning up into his lips to whisper your answer into them. 
“Yes,” Your lips melded together, the kiss heavy and his fingers back upon your needy clit, your body responding instantly with a shiver and a few soft moans sliding across his tongue as you let it pass your lips. His fingers were skillful, easily toying with your clit enough to make you whimper for him, your body arching up into his own as your hands took tight hold of his shoulders. You felt his fingers prod at your entrance, sliding delicately around your sex, the slow circles enough to make you whine. 
“Loid,” You whispered, his code name slipping past your lips as he pulled from the kiss. 
“Yes?” He asked softly, lips now trailing down your neck once more, his other hand slow as it trailed down your side, his hand cupping your breast gently before giving it a squeeze and flicking his thumb across your nipple. 
“Finger me,” You said, feeling bold but your voice still gentle with the command. He grinned against your skin, giving in to your request instantly. His two fingers slid into your dripping sex, pushing against your plush walls as he reached in deeply, letting his thumb take over the teasing of your clit. 
“Ah-!” You gasped, tilting your head back as your legs spread a bit wider, letting him reach deeply into you as he curled his fingers perfectly against the spot inside you that you made your legs shake. 
“There you go,” He whispered softly, hand winding around beneath your back to pull your arched body into his, your fingers digging into his shoulders as you felt the lean muscle beneath them. The mix of stimulation was perfect, his thumb moving quickly and fingers graceful inside you, his lips still trailing across your skin as you felt your bodies pressed so closely together. 
“Y/n?” He whispered against your ear, your code name suddenly sounding sultry on his lips. 
“Hm?” The whimper was all you could manage. 
“I want to fuck you now,” He said, teeth careful as they bit down on the shell of your ear and your hips jutted a bit into his own. 
“Please do,” You whined, his body reacting quickly as he sat up, easily removing and discarding his boxers before taking firm hold of your thighs with his hands, spreading your legs and pushing them down out of his way. Your eyes lazily scanned him, drinking him in as you let yourself peer down to his erection. It stood against him, thicker than you had imagined and suddenly you were blushing again, realizing you had in fact thought before of what his cock might look like. It was better than anticipated, especially when he began to rub it against it, wetting it between your lips. You gripped the sheets at your sides, head tilting back when you felt his tip trail between your lips across your sensitive clit. He bit his own lip now, watching your face as it contorted with pleasure, your cheeks a soft pink and your lips parted slightly to let out your gasping breaths as you waited for him to penetrate you. 
“O-Oh!” You whimpered, feeling the thickness of just his tip as he prodded it against your entrance, stretching you slowly as he let you feel him. You were tight around him, squeezing him already as the sensation of his cock filled you, every inch given to you slowly as he let you get used to the feeling. Once he was buried inside you your hips were tilted and your back arched once more, your body moving easily to accommodate for his size as he let himself rest inside you, hips against you and balls pressed firmly against your ass. He kept hold of your thighs, keeping your legs apart for him as he slowly and carefully rutted his hips against you, shifting the feeling of the weight of his cock inside you, making you whimper all over again. 
“Fuck,” You whined out, his smirk returning as he pulled himself from you, not completely as he needed to keep steady while he pushed himself back into you, filling you much more quickly this time. He moved his hips easily, rolling them skillfully against you to keep friction on your clit as his cock buried itself deeply inside you with each thrust. You could felt your orgasm coming already, your eyes rolling back as he kept your shaking legs steady, grinning as he watched your body twitch. 
“There you go,” He spoke, voice sultry and deep, “Cum for me,” He practically demanded and you immediately gave in. Your pussy pulsed and your body shook, back arching suddenly as you gripped the sheets tighter and let yourself go completely. 
“Fuck yes,” You moaned out, the feeling growing inside your stomach and causing your pussy to squeeze so tight you could practically feel his cock throb inside of you. He bit his lip, letting out a few small groans of his own as he felt your walls keeping him in, practically swallowing him with each thrust of his hips. He shifted suddenly, hands beside you as he leaned his weight on them, letting your legs wrap around his hips as he bucked them into you, not done fucking you yet. He fucked you through your orgasm, your body twitching as he leaned down to kiss you once more, your lips moving together a bit more sloppily. 
“I’m going to pull out so I can,” He started to speak but a little groan interrupted his sentence as he removed his cock from you suddenly, your pussy still pulsing as your body came down. You felt it across your stomach, hot and slick as it shot out between the two of you. Your lips went back to his, arms wrapping around his neck to keep him locked in the kiss as his hand carefully squeezed out every last drop onto your stomach. The kiss grew softer, his body shifting a bit as his hand searched around the bed for something to clean you up with before he sat up and laid a loose edge of the sheet across you. 
“We’ll get new sheets, no problem,” He said, more to himself than to you, but you smiled anyway, nodding as he trailed gentle hands over your sides, eyes locked onto yours for another few moments.
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midnight-in-town · 2 years
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Weirdly enough, I’m with Twilight on this, not necessarily on the setup possibility, but on the idea that Melinda’s fishy and that, maybe, she figured out who Yor was (Anya’s mom/Loid’s wife) as she initially invited her to come along. 
After all, the main theme of this story is about fake identities, lies and deceiving others. Since the Desmonds and the Forgers are clearly mirroring each other narratively speaking, as the antagonists vs main characters, it just wouldn’t surprise me if Donovan and Melinda were as untraditional, as a married couple, as Loid and Yor are. 
Let me explain: until two weeks ago, almost no reader really thought Melinda would appear any time soon nor that she would be as relevant as she’s turning out to be. Why is that? Because Sensei had a lot of fun so far writing a story in which Berlint’s high society is depicted as very traditional (with the men having the important jobs while women... idk, take care of the house or go shopping?).
Of course, that’s something the made-up family of Loid, Yor and Anya only pretends to live up to, as they subvert all these tropes with pride. For example, Loid is the one who cooks and sews, Yor is the strongest character in the whole series and Anya’s on a whole other level of "gifted”. 
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That’s why I just wouldn’t be surprised if the Desmond family only pretended to be on the same level of “traditional” that the rest of their peers expect them to be, only for Melinda to weigh as heavily in the plot as her husband (if not more!). 
In other words, sure, Donovan Desmond is the head of an ultra nationalist conservative party, but does this mean Melinda was just introduced to play the dutiful wife act?
maybe (after all, WISE has nothing on her and she does sound lonely, with most of her friends being from before she was First Lady)
but maybe not because that’s only a cover that she deceives others with, as she plays a big part in her husband’s war plans or in an entirely different business
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If the ladies are actually stronger and scarier than their husband in this series, then Melinda is a real foe we’ll have to watch out for, as a good match up for Yor.
Stay tuned, this chapter was insane lmao.
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twilightspinkyfinger · 10 months
Headcanons for Wild with a Best Friend Reader
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Wild is super protective of you when you first meet the chain. He doesn't care if they hurt him, but if they even think of pointing a finger in your direction, he will make sure they regret it.
That being said, once everyone introduces themselves and the chain starts their adventure together, Wild becomes much less protective. These men are his brothers, they understand how much you mean to him, so he trusts them to aid in your protection if anything were to happen during battle.
Wild also doesn't mean to insult you with his protection as he knows you can take care of yourself, but he still finds himself worrying about your safety as the chain finds themselves in new and unexplored Hyrules.
He also frequently apologizes to you for getting you wrapped up in this mess, especially when you both are homesick. Although you are quick to reassure him that none of this is his fault.
You also become the chain's sous chef, assisting Wild with meal preparation and the gathering of ingredients. You like being able to help the chain as a whole as you are not as talented of a warrior as many of them are.
You quickly become close to Twilight, and by association Wolfie, because of Wild as your little trio is often found walking side by side when traveling.
Speaking of Wolfie, you were the first of the group to discover his secret. While Twilight did not exactly reveal his secret to you, you had a keen perception and noticed immediately that when Wolfie was present, Twilight was nowhere to be seen and vice versa.
When Wild told you about how Twilight saved him as Wolfie, he was shocked to find out that you already knew. He scolded you for not sharing your observations sooner, all the while you teased him for being stupid, as to you the secret was rather obvious.
Wild often shares his spare clothes with you when you get cold, and on especially cold nights the two of you even share a bedroll. This behavior shocked the chain at first and many of them thought you were a couple, as courting practices in many of their Hyrules deemed that one must be married before engaging in such activities.
The two of you quickly explained that you were not a couple and that you often had to cuddle to survive the harsh weather when you assisted Wild on his adventure in your Hyrule.
If, after it is made clear that you and Wild are not romantically involved, one of the boys develops a crush on you, Wild will tease them to the end of the Earth about it. Especially if it's Twilight who has a crush on you. He'll find ways to partner the two of you up and tease him the second you are out of earshot.
Overall, Wild is just happy to be by your side in another adventure, and you feel the exact same way, ecstatic to have your best friend by your side.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Not many people write for Twilight anymore! I'd love to see the Cullens(separate) with a mate that has a young child in her care. Could be her own or she adopted the child when her parents(family friends of hers with no other family) passed away. Thinking she'd be about 18 and the kid is 2 yrs old. Please and thank you!!!
Cats in the cradle(Cullen family)
Paring: mother!Reader X OC!Child, Mate!Reader X Cullens(separate)
Carlisle cullen:
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You had a son named Jason from a previous relationship. His father is a good dad but the relationship between you and him didn't end well.
Carlisle first interaction with Jason was when he broke his arm on the playground and had to get a cast.
When you and carlisle do start your relationship carlisle works hard to be a good father figure and you can tell he genuinely cares for him.
Like I said before his real dad is a good dad but he's not around much which causes Jason to he closer to carlisle is some ways.
If your son is in Marching band or sports, what ever the case is carlisle will go see your son do what he dose best.
Carlisle would do anything for your kid. He wants to play baseball he'll teach him, he wants to watch a movie carlisle would build a theater room for him. Carlisle spoils him.
Carlisle protects him and you both from the supernatural world as long as he can.
Carlisle asked Jason what he thought about marrying you and Jaosn was over the moon excited. He got to be carlisle best man and everything.
Jason will call him pops or old-man.
As he gets older he'll start wanting to be around Carlisle more and even wants to go to medical school like him.
Emmett cullen:
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Your the oldest Clearwater sibling and you have a five year old sister named Lily who turned five when your dad died.
She's been around Emmett since she was two and she's always loved him. At first Emmett would be scared to be around her or hurt her.
It didn't matter to her cus' she'd always follow him around when she was with you guys.
She'll always want to play games with him and help work on cars with him.
She thinks he's a giant and thinks of him as a big brother.
When Harry died all she wanted to do was be around you guys. At the funeral Emmett held her as she cried.
Emmett always knows how to make her laugh. You can't take those two anywhere 😂
Those two have millions of inside jokes
Edward cullen:
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You Became a teen mom unexpectedly and the father of your daughter Phenox couldn't care less.
You we're embarrassed to tell your new boyfriend Edward about the situation, not about your daughter(you loved everything about her) but mostly the stuff leading up to your bundle of joy.
Edward didn't care and wanted to be a the father to her like Carlisle had done for him.
Sometimes he'll do the wrong thing with good ententions. Like if your daughter wants to watch a horror movie he'll let her so she's happy. The down fall is her nightmares. He'll balme himself for a couple of days and keep apologizing to you both.
She loves to when he reads to her. His voice is calming in her opinion.
He's very over protective.
Her mind makes him laugh. It's always thinking of something joyful or silly.
At some point she calls him dad and he's over the moon about it. The family has never seen him so happy.
Jasper Hale:
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About two years into your relationship your aunt and uncle died unexpectedly. They left behind your three year old cousin Lucas, and thats where you and Jasper come in.
When you got the call about becoming his legal guardian you didn't hesitate. Jasper was a little nervous about, but he wasn't gonna say no.
When you first brought him home Jasper had no idea what to do, he's never been around a kid that age before. Maybe Renesmee but she was only three for about four days and he was gone all that time.
Lucas settled in with the family quickly and over time Jasper and him grew super close.
Lucas loves history so he's always wanting war stories from Jasper.
Jasper would do anything for the kid and thinks he's the only pure thing in his life.
He strives to be a better person because of Lucas.
And Jasper thinks lucas is his kid no matter if they Share the Same blood or not.
Esme Cullen:
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Esme is a mother at heart so she immediately took your two year old son under her wing.
She loves Danny with all her heart and felt she finally had a family.
Danny loves helping her with anything and everything. He just wants to be around her.
Sometimes you joke Danny loves her more than you.
Danny calls her mommy and you mama.
He feels so lucky to have two amazing moms like you two.
Rosalie Hale:
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You Became the Gardian of your little brother Tom after your parents lost him through CPS. Knowing how awful your parents are you immediately brought him home with you to the Cullen.
Carlisle said he could move in mean he'd be around Rose more often. Rose always wanted to be a mom so she immediately took the roll as the amazing step-mom
She always wants to babysit and take care of him. She'll get him anything that his heart wants.
She'll read to him every night and if he wants to sleep your guys bed he will.
Tom loves her and thinks of her as a amazing step mom but still sees you as his sister. When he got older you explained everything to him. After that he didn't care and still saw you guys as his care givers and loving parents.
Alice Cullen:
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Can't say much about this one. You have a Son named Owen and it was totally unexpected when Alice started dating you.
She's not awful to him at all it's just she doesn't know how to interact with him.
They have small talk if it's just the two of them but other than that is not fun to be together with out you.
Over time the two got used to each other but at the same time the two bickered.
Alice truly dose love him like her own son but doesn't know how to show it. She's protective and over time it annoys Owen.
You and Alice have had fights about owen but it's never serious. Owen and Alice relized they had to learn to live together if they want to be with you so they did.
Other than that Alice and owen are cool with each other, they're just not as close as you wished they were.
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
I love how she is teaching Renesemee what she knows.
Garrett x single mom reader the reader is a singer at Bella and Edward's wedding. She is also Bella's aunt, she has long brown hair and green eyes.
Her daughter (who is 5 years old) is the splitting image of her. They both meet when her daughter runs across the floor and in between Garrett's legs, where he picks her up before she can fall on her face.
Over the couple of weeks, her and Garrett get to know each other. Garrett does eventually ask where the father of her daughter is. The reader tells him that the father did not want to have a child and gave up parental rights and just up and left her never to be seen again.
After the news of Renesemee being born and Bella being turned. The reader and her daughter are at the Cullen's. None of the witnesses attack the reader and her daughter, their blood does not affect them. They all just adore the reader and her daughter. She often gets song request.
(her child always runs up to Garrett's legs and demand to be pick and held it is the only way she can fall asleep)
They are both sitting on the sofa when an unknown vampire makes a rude comment about the reader being a single mother. The reader is upset and tries to leave but the vampire grabs the reader's arm and makes a comment about how the reader should not even be here.
Garrett gets upset and pins the vampire to the wall. He tells him to leave the reader alone and that she is not bothering anyone.
A couple of weeks after the battle Garrett ask the reader to marry him and to adopt her daughter. She says yes.
❝wedding singer❞
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✭ pairing : Garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a single mother who catches a guest Garrett’s attention at her nieces wedding after he saves her daughter from falling
✭ twilight masterlist
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The wedding of Bella and Edward Cullen was a celebration that cast a shimmering glow over the town of Forks, an event that seemed to bridge the ordinary and the extraordinary. Amidst the array of guests, each with their own stories and secrets, one figure stood out—a woman named (Y/N), her presence an elegant reflection of both beauty and mystery.
(Y/N) was more than just a guest at the wedding; she was a performer, a singer who lent her melodic voice to the festivities. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, a curtain of chestnut that framed her face with an air of effortless grace. Her eyes, a striking shade of green, held a depth that seemed to hint at the stories they had witnessed.
As the notes of her song drifted through the air, (Y/N) poured her emotions into the lyrics, her voice resonating with a haunting melody. Her performance cast a spell over the attendees, drawing them into a world where love and magic intertwined. And amidst the sea of faces, there was one who found himself captivated by the enchanting presence before him—Garrett.
Garrett, an observer of life's intricacies, watched as (Y/N)'s voice filled the room, a symphony that seemed to echo the very heartbeats of those who listened. His gaze shifted from her to the dance floor, where joyous celebrations swirled in harmony. And then, a flicker of movement caught his attention.
A young girl, no older than five, darted across the floor with an uninhibited enthusiasm that brought a smile to his lips. With the grace of a dancer, she wove through the crowd, her trajectory set on a collision course with Garrett. Before he could react, the girl dashed beneath his outstretched arm, her trajectory sending her directly between his legs.
Instinctively, Garrett's hands shot out, catching the girl in his arms just as she teetered on the brink of tumbling forward. Laughter bubbled from her lips as she gazed up at him, her eyes mirroring the vibrant green of her mother's. It was a moment of serendipity, a dance of fate that brought two souls together.
"(Y/N)!" a voice called from across the room. A woman, unmistakably Bella's aunt from her father's side, made her way toward them. Her eyes held a mix of relief and amusement as she reached them. "I hope she hasn't been too much of a handful," she said, a playful tone in her voice.
(Y/N)'s smile was both warm and grateful as she reached out to take her daughter from Garrett's arms. "Not at all. Looks like she's made a new friend."
The little girl's gaze shifted between her mother and Garrett, her curiosity evident. "Mommy, is this the nice man who caught me?"
(Y/N) chuckled softly and nodded. "Yes, sweetheart. This is the nice man who caught you."
Garrett offered a friendly smile to the little girl, his heart warmed by her innocence. "It was my pleasure. You're quite the speedy runner."
The girl giggled, a sound that seemed to echo with joy. As (Y/N) and Garrett shared a brief exchange, a connection seemed to form—a fleeting spark of something that held the promise of new beginnings.
As the wedding festivities continued, the paths of (Y/N) and Garrett had converged in a moment that defied the boundaries of time and circumstance. In the dance of life, they had become partners, their stories weaving together in ways that neither could have foreseen. And as the night unfolded, they would find that the notes of destiny had composed a melody that was uniquely their own.
Over the course of the following weeks, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves drawn to each other like two stars gravitating in a celestial dance. Their interactions were a mixture of shared laughter, meaningful conversations, and stolen moments that seemed to suspend time itself.
As they sat in a cozy café one afternoon, the topic turned to matters of family. Garrett's gaze was gentle as he looked at (Y/N), curiosity evident in his eyes. "You mentioned your daughter's father earlier," he began tentatively. "May I ask what happened?"
(Y/N)'s expression softened, a hint of sadness touching her features. She took a deep breath before speaking, her voice tinged with a mix of emotions. "He didn't want to be a father. When I told him I was pregnant, he decided to give up his parental rights and left us without a second thought. It was a painful time, but my focus has always been on giving my daughter the best life I can."
Garrett's nod was sympathetic, understanding the complexities that life often presented. The conversation drifted, carried by the currents of their shared experiences, their connection growing stronger with each passing day.
Then came a day that shifted the very fabric of their existence. News of Bella's fate—the transformation into a vampire after childbirth—rippled through the supernatural world. As the Cullens rallied to protect Bella's immortal child from the Volturi's gaze, (Y/N) and her daughter found themselves drawn into the heart of the unfolding drama.
Guided by Bella's earlier revelation about the Cullens' true nature, (Y/N) arrived at their home, her daughter at her side. The Cullens welcomed them with open arms, their expressions tinged with a mix of familiarity and genuine warmth.
As the tension of the impending confrontation with the Volturi mounted, (Y/N) and her daughter became integral parts of the Cullens' efforts to gather witnesses. The supernatural world converged at their doorstep, a mosaic of beings from different walks of life. And amidst this assembly, (Y/N) and her daughter stood as a unique anomaly—their presence, their blood, somehow immune to the effect it had on vampires.
As the witnesses shared their stories and allegiances, (Y/N)'s daughter exuded an innocent curiosity that endeared her to everyone around her. Her questions flowed like a stream of consciousness, and each answer she received was met with wide-eyed wonder. She approached each witness with a fearless curiosity, her innocence a breath of fresh air amidst the tension.
(Y/N) watched her daughter with pride, her heart swelling with love for the brave and curious soul she had brought into the world. And as the moments turned into hours, a realization settled over (Y/N)—this was a family, a community unlike any other, one that had embraced her and her daughter without hesitation.
As the days turned into weeks, (Y/N) and Garrett's connection deepened, their lives intertwined in ways that felt both familiar and new. In the comfort of their shared moments, they became a duo that navigated the challenges of life with a resilience borne from their past experiences.
One evening, in the soft glow of twilight, (Y/N)'s daughter approached Garrett with wide eyes, her expression a mixture of determination and affection. With a giggle, she ran towards him, her little feet carrying her straight to his legs. "Up, up!" she exclaimed, tiny arms reaching out to him.
Garrett's smile was warm as he swept the little girl into his arms, her weight a comforting presence against his chest. (Y/N) watched with a mixture of tenderness and gratitude, knowing that Garrett had become more than just a partner to her—he was a father figure her daughter had come to rely on.
Later that evening, as the night settled in, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves on the sofa, a sense of contentment hanging in the air. They shared stories, their laughter mingling like melodies in the quiet room. But the tranquility was shattered when an unfamiliar vampire, a newcomer to their world, made his presence known.
The vampire's voice dripped with disdain as he directed a rude comment towards (Y/N), alluding to her status as a single mother. Anger sparked within her, but before she could respond, the vampire continued his taunts, questioning her very presence.
Tension crackled in the air as (Y/N) stood up, her fists clenched at her sides. The weight of judgment bore down on her, a reminder of the trials she had faced throughout her existence. She took a step back, a hurt and frustrated expression clouding her features. The vampire's words had struck a nerve, reminding her of past wounds that had yet to fully heal.
But before she could make her exit, the vampire's grip tightened on her arm, his tone dripping with superiority. "You shouldn't even be here," he sneered.
The room seemed to shift as Garrett's aura changed, his usually easygoing demeanor replaced by an unyielding determination. He rose from the sofa, his movements swift and purposeful. With a controlled force, he pinned the vampire to the wall, his grip unwavering.
"Let her go," Garrett's voice was low, a warning that held an edge of danger.
The vampire's expression turned from arrogance to surprise, his bravado faltering in the face of Garrett's strength. "What's it to you?" he spat out, a hint of fear betraying his façade.
"She's not bothering anyone," Garrett's tone was sharp, each word punctuated by the tension in the room. "You, on the other hand, need to learn some manners."
As Garrett's grip tightened, the vampire's confidence waned further. With a final warning glance, Garrett released him, allowing him to stumble back. The vampire scurried away, his bravado shattered, leaving the room with an air of tension.
Turning back to (Y/N), Garrett's gaze softened, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice a quiet reassurance.
(Y/N) nodded, her heart still racing from the encounter. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude that words couldn't fully express.
In that moment, (Y/N) realized that the bond she shared with Garrett was not just about shared laughter and stolen moments. It was about protection, understanding, and a love that had the power to weather even the darkest storms. As they settled back on the sofa, the warmth of their connection cocooned them, a reminder that no matter the challenges they faced, they faced them together.
With a soft smile, Garrett took (Y/N)'s hand in his own, his gaze steady and sincere. "Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice carrying a mix of hope and vulnerability.
(Y/N)'s heart swelled with emotion, her eyes shimmering as she met his gaze. The journey they had embarked upon, the challenges they had faced together, had all led to this moment. "Yes," she replied, her voice a whisper that held the weight of a promise.
A radiant smile graced Garrett's lips as he reached into his pocket, producing a delicate ring that sparkled in the fading light. As he slipped the ring onto (Y/N)'s finger, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the significance of the vow they were exchanging.
But the journey ahead was not just about their union—it was also about family. With a warmth that spoke of his love for both (Y/N) and her daughter, Garrett turned his attention to the little girl who had become an integral part of their lives.
He knelt down to her level, his eyes holding a mixture of fondness and sincerity. "Hey there," he began, his voice gentle. "You know how much I love you and your mommy, right?"
The little girl nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with innocence. "Yeah!"
Garrett's smile grew even wider, his heart full. "Well, I was wondering if I could be your new daddy. Would that make you happy?"
A radiant smile broke across the little girl's face as she clapped her hands in delight. "Really? You want to be my new daddy?"
Garrett's laughter was a melody that filled the air as he pulled her into a warm hug. "Yes, really. I love you just as much as I love your mommy."
The little girl wrapped her arms around him, her happiness infectious. "I love you too!"
As (Y/N) looked on, her heart swelled with a profound sense of joy. The pieces of their lives had fallen into place, forming a picture of love, acceptance, and belonging. In that moment, they were not just two souls bound by affection—they were a family, complete and unbreakable.
The years that had led them to this point had been marked by challenges and triumphs, but through it all, they had found solace and strength in each other's arms. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm embrace over their world, (Y/N) knew that the love she had found in Garrett was a treasure worth cherishing for a lifetime.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice -Time Malon)- Part two
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader
rating: g
Summary: As the second day at Lon Lon Ranch goes on you try to supress your feelings while Time and Malon try to fluster you. They also try to figure out how to get you to date them.
Warnings: None
Other: Let me know if I missed anything
The second morning at the farm dawns with the cuccos sounding the sun. For better or worse you rise on autopilot from summers spent on your grandparents farm. You dress quickly, leaving the barn with little more than a yawn and wave at the still dressing Twilight.
You make it to the house just in time to find Time starting the coffee.
“You’re so fucking awesome.” You say sleepily, biting back another yawn.
“You have some low standards then, (Y/n).”
“Look if I don’t get caffeine I get real bitchy.”
“I’m sure.”
“(Y/n)!” Malon calls, walking into he kitchen with a smile. “You’re up early.”
“Yeah.. Years of summer farm work.”
“Oh- another farmer!”
“Oh, not really. The work’s nice enough but I didn’t think I could be a doctor and a farmer so I had to stop going to the family farm."
"A doctor?"
"Yeah, there's a reason I'm good with blood."
"I see."
"Do you think waffles will be okay for breakfast?" Malon asks, leaning over Tkme to pluck a mug off the counter.
"Hm, probably. Why?"
"Just wanted to make sure you like them."
"Oh, I do. But you really don't need to worry about what food I like I'm not that picky."
"Don't start that," Time says, "There's enough food that you don't have to eat thongs you don't like."
"I know. Bit I don't ever want to make things hard for you either."
"You and those boys, so considerate."
"Haha, I try." You say, unsure how to respond.
How the hell is it considerate to have feelings for both members of a married couple?
At least you know you won't act on them.
"I'd wager that you're too considerate." Time says, "Putting yourself out to male sure others are happy."
"And if that's true?" You counter, ignoring the fact that it is true.
"Ypu should live for yourself more."
"Thank you. But I think it's best some thongs stay the way they are." You say quickly, really jot ready to get into what or why.
"If you say so." Malon says, "But don't let love be something you ignore."
"Me? Never." You lie with a laugh.
"I hope you mean that." Time says, and even with your own feelings put aside there's a gleam in his eye and a weight behind his words.
"Of course I do. If I find love I'd like to to be like what you and Malon have."
Why did you say that? Is that creepy?
Is it obvious?
"I'm sure you'll find that." Malon says with a smile, "You more than deserve it."
"Thank you."
You turn your gaze away from the couple and to the window where the boys can be seen trudging towards the house in various states of wakefulness.
Twilight waves at you, grinning in a way you don't like.
You wave back.
"Hey, (Y/n)? I have to go to town in two days, would you come with?" Malon asks, pouring coffee into a mug.
"Hm- oh. Sure!"
She smiles, passing a mug of coffee to Time.
Oh thats very domestic and sweet and you need to not dwell on that.
You need-
Malon passes you a mug of coffee, the ceramic your favorite color. "I'm not sure how you like it."
"That's okay, thank you for pouring it."
Time just watches, his gaze soft as he watches you and Malon interact. His mind supplying a future where the three of you take turns making coffee for the others and hold eachother in the mornings.
"Of course."
You set about fixing your cup the way you like, feeling far too domestic for your own good.
"Mornin' Malon, Old man." Twilight says as he walks in, "Have you seen- (Y/n)! There you are we were wondeirn' where you ran off too."
"Towards caffeine. "You say dryly, staring holes into Twilight as a warning.
"Isn't it rude to thirdwheel a married couple?" He asks, feigning curiosity.
"Not if the couple likes your company's!" Malon chimes in.
This does nothing to help you burry your feelings.
"It's not third wheelie if I came here solely for coffee."
"If you say so." Twilight says.
"(Y/n) is never a third wheel, they're always welcome." Time says evenly, as if this is a normal and not odd thing to say concerning someone intruding upon time with your wife.
"Old man must really like you." Wind says with a smile.
"I'm going to gather the eggs. And when I get back if you are still on this I'm kicking each of you." You say evenly, not neatly patient enough this morning to deal with teasing.
If the boys gave away your feelings, you'd actually die of embarrassment.
You take the basket on the counter and grab your mug before pushing past the group to go outside.
Your form retreating as you slurp down your coffee like it's nectar.
Time shakes his head, "They're so weird." He says softly to Malon.
"They're just being considerate. "She says with a smile.
"They're being-" Wind starts only to be elbowed by Sky.
"All right, if you boys can start feeding the animals, I'll start breakfast." Malon says with a nod to herself.
The boys share a look but leave again to do the assigned task, knowing they really don't want to make more work for Malon.
Malon and Time set about gathering the ingredients fir breakfast together, moving with ease that comes only from exposure.
"I know you've just met them... But I really think you'll love them like I do."
"I can see myself loving them." She says, "I really can."
"Can you see them being with us forever?"
"Mh- yeah. I think I can. But before that we have to figure out how to ask them on a date."
"And how to make sure they don't feel out of place."
"There's a good bit to do. But I'm hoping the trip to town with (Y/n) will help."
"They already have a crush on you, I'm almost sure of it. They seem nervous around you."
"Well can you blame them?"
"No. Godess no."
Malon smiles at her husband as she pulls down a large bowl, "Exactly. "
Time shakes his head as he grabs the waffle iron.
"You're ridiculous. "
"Maybe. But you love me."
"I really really do."
Malon looks out the window, and watches you with the cucoos. You seem genuinely at ease with the work. Mug resting on a bench by the coop.
You kneel by the egg collector, pulling eggs out and ignoring the birds as the circle you.
"You know... It's nice, watching you interact with them. And with Twilight. "
"Is it?"
"Yeah... I just know you're going to be a good dad- you're so good with all the boys."
"I hope so. Those boys- I worry for them."
"I know you do. And it's nice to see you and (Y/n) together, you both genuinely make eachother happy. They don't even know, do they?"
"I doubt it."
"Well we'll fix that. Do they like festivals?"
"I think so. Why?"
"There's the Lover's festival coming up in a few weeks, we could take them to that as a first date- they say it's good luck."
Time smiles softly, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "Do you think that's what Boney and Darling did?"
Malon laughs at the memory of the ever smitten couple, "Maybe."
"I like your idea. I was just gonna take them on a hike."
"Where’s your romance?"
"A hike to see the Great Deku tree."
"Ha!" Malon exclaims in suprise, "meeting the parents on a first date? No way."
"I met your father well before our first date."
"True. But that dosen’t count."
"I'll take your word for it."
After lunch you find yourself cleaning stalls out with Twilight and Wild- both very willing to tease you.
"You looked very cozy with the old man and Miss Malon." Wild says from the side, leaning on a pitchfork as if second nature.
"I was exhausted and they had coffee."
"You like them both." Wild says again.
"I do, they're great together and Time is a good friend."
"You know what he meant." Twilight crimes in.
"I don't want to deal with this. I just want to get over this whole thing."
"Good luck. You're down so bad you make cow eyes at 'em all the time." Twilight says with a knowing look.
"I wish I'd left you all in the lost woods. I'd have saved myself so much trouble."
"You love us!" Wild grins.
"I don't know why."
"You wound me." Twilight says with a glance at you.
"Can you help me win the bet?" Wild asks, leaning closer, "I bet that you would confess after a disaster and miscommunication."
"Nope. I bet on never, remember?"
"Spoil sport."
Twilight laughs, shaking his head as he pulls the old hay out of the stall.
You just go back to work, helping Twi much the stalls out. Though you're much more vicious about it.
You need toblet go of the feelings you have. They need to wither and die.
Which seems unlikely since fate keeps pushing you together. Not to mention how sweet Time can be. And Malon- well you doubt you're going to stop crushing on the woman.
You should probably go talk to Legend about a magical item. Though that's a whole new level of embarrassment you're not quite ready to subject yourself too.
Maybe Sky will have some advice. As one of the only Link's whose love life isn't a disaster he might have some honest advice.
Time is definitely not an option, even if he would have the best advice.
"Seriously, you should just tell them." Twilight says from beside you, disturbing your spiraling thoughts like the rude man he is.
"Ah yes, because that conversation would so well. I could just say 'hello Time and Malon, I have a big gay crush on both of you'."
"Yeah, just like that!" Twilight grins.
"I think I'd rather bare knuckle box Gannon than have that conversation. "
"Please don't. "
"Look man, I'm a force to be reckoned with. Gannon came looking for my cousin I smacked him with a rolling pin hard enough to knock his ass out."
"I know."
"If I can one hit KO gannon, I can suppress my feelings."
"Your choice. But I stand by what I said." Twilight says with a sigh.
"Then I choose not to."
"Is it a bad time to tell you Time wants you to help him with repairs tomorrow?" Wild asks, sounding far too pleased.
"He said he'd ask you after dinner."
Time is have a great day. His wife is at his side, and most of his day has been spent with her.
And! And! And you are here too. You fit so seamlessly into his life. You are just as bright a light as Malon.
Having you here has left him giddy and excited for a possible future where you never leave his life.
Where you and Malon and Time all wake up in each other's arms. Where ypu raise any kids together.
Where you're all three grey and still happy and in love.
He sees a new wedding for the three of you.
So yeah, after you go to town with Malon and get some one one one time with her he figures they'll talk to you and ask you on that first date.
Nothing can go wrong.
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bittersweetcanary · 6 months
Artw Season 2 AU Concepts
(Arcana Twilight belongs to StoryTaco)
These are some of my ideas for an Artw Season 2 AU. Some of it may differ from the original story for the individual characters and plot points using what I know about the current in-game lore and theories on what could be. Please leave any suggestions or ideas in the comments or DM me. 
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MC Summoners (3)
Three Characters will represent the Summoner in the story and have their own alternate stories that will include Diaries related to the Main 3 of the Artw Cast chosen for that Summoner. I want to write for three different Summoners to give the reader a more personal pov if they, hopefully, relate to the character they share the same gender as, or otherwise. No one necessarily will need or have to read one over the other because of their gender, I just want to write it this way. None of the Summoners will be confirmed as cisgender or trans in writing to make it more inclusive, any of them can be read by either or.
One Non-binary person [they/them] with [Spica, Pollux, Sirius] The Summoner, [Y/N], Clever & Anxious
Their Learned Protective Measure: Somehow manages to talk themself out of bad situations
Favorite Food: Pecan Pie (totally important info)
One Man [he/him] with [Alpheratz, Pollux, Arcturus] The Summoner, [Y/N], Curious & Oblivious
His Learned Protective Measure: Summons Alpheratz or Arcturus, Pollux is running away with him
Favorite Food: Chocolate chip cookies
One Woman [she/her] [Sirius, Spica, Vega] The Summoner, [Y/N], Assertive & Cautious 
Her Learned Protective Measure: Learns to play Pable with Vega and proceeds to beat the shit out of predatory individuals
Favorite Food: Anything with or just blueberries
Relevant Diaries: [A Ardent Sunset Wish]
The Little Polar Bear, Ursa Minor [Urmi] [it/its] is A funny lil stand-in for short funny little stories on the side or to narrate for kicks.
They’ll each focus on three of the Sorcerers respectively, so each gets some romance scenes. However, they each have a select three of the Sorcerers for romance scenes or anything generally romantic that doesn’t entirely exclude the rest. The others will have smaller roles in personal “Diary” stories and/or generally in the story.
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Side Dynamics between the Artw Cast
Sirius casually flirts with Vega, no one can tell if he is teasing or flirting.
Alpheratz and Spica are bickering like the other married couple they may as well be as usual, especially around the Summoner as if they are competing. It’s like they are trying to make one another jealous rather than become closer to the Summoner sometimes…
Arcturus and Pollux are besties of course!! Always trying to include Vega… It doesn’t work.
Vega cold shoulders everyone except the Summoner- he’s about to take out his sword if Sirius gets any closer- oh no!
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Scenarios After Floor 13, Entering Season 2 Floor 1 (1-1)
What happens after the Summoner is ushered to the rift…
Enby [Y/N] Chooses to stay despite the Artw Cast pushing them to leave, instead attempting to defend, heal, and assist them with Magic and Stratigizing.
Once they turn back to the Artw Cast the rift to MidEarthium closes, and Sirius is immediately pissed at them for their decision, his raised voice alerting the others to the Summoner.
None of them are particularly happy with the Summoner for this as they’d wanted the Summoner to safely return home rather than risk themself against the Monsters and Void Sorcerers aiming to kill the Summoner.
The Summoner couldn’t bring themself to leave the others behind nor did they want to return to MidEarthium because that world hold bad memories they run from.
This Summoner’s Story will be dark at times but eventually become more lighthearted as I’m aiming to give each of them a happy ending.
Man [Y/N] Frightened as ever, he exits through the rift only to quickly regret leaving the Artw Cast to fend for themselves against the monsters/void sorcerers. 
Since we are focusing on the story including the Artw cast we’ll have a time skip from this Summoner entering the rift to when he gets a chance to enter a new “rift” made by Alpheratz many years later.
This Summoner will return to Bound Arlyn with Alpheratz, neither seeming to have aged a day due to their constellation contracts extending their lives.
When they reunite, Alpheratz and the Summoner embrace, crying tears of joy after recognizing one another. Alpheratz, with the Summoner in his arms, falls back onto a grassy field only a few feet from the artificial “rift”. They later meet up with the rest of the Guide Committee, some looking worse for wear but alright in the end. 
This Summoner’s Story will be lighthearted after the initial prolog.
Woman [Y/N] Refuses to leave, instead attempting to assist them by defending and protecting the Artw Cast with their Pable skills and Defensive Magic.
Once they turn back to the Artw Cast the rift to MidEarthium closes, and Sirius is immediately pissed at her for making such a decision, his raised voice alerting the others to the Summoner.
None of them are particularly happy with the Summoner for this as they’d wanted the Summoner to safely return home rather than risk herself against the Monsters and Void Sorcerers aiming to kill the Summoner.
The Summoner swears she can help as she quickly moves to unsheath her Pable Sword and takes an offensive stance, preparing to face the Void Sorcerers/Monsters with the Guide Committee. The Artw Cast begrudgingly accept this because they don’t have much of a choice at this point, they instead work together to keep one another safe.
This Summoner’s Story will show her struggle and triumph over the Void Sorcerers with the Guide Committee.
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My brain decided that this was more important than sleep. DW tho I slept eventually. LMAO
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