#Twilight axis
emonychan · 2 years
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Zaku III my beloved nemesis.
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therosecrest · 2 years
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kocurek1921 · 1 year
People (me) will find a robot with less than 30 seconds of screen time and then base their entire personality around it.
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Jegan Birnam Type my beloved!
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s3znl-gr3znl · 7 months
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Im sure he's fine 👍
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 months
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AMX-011S Zaku III Custom
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gremoria411 · 1 year
Alright, given that I haven’t rewatched Gundam Narrative yet, let’s talk about something I did watch this week.
*Spoilers ahead*
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Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis: Red Blur, an 26 minute ova which adds new scenes to the original Twilight Axis, making it actually coherent in the process. The plot of Gundam Twilight Axis concerns three main characters:
Mehmet Merca - Earth Federation special forces commander, who’s been tasked to investigate the remains of the Axis Asteroid base to recover any evidence of psycho-frame or other newtype weaponry. IE the wreckage of the Sazabi. Despite what you may think, he’s actually a very nice and reasonable guy.
Arlette Almage - Formerly Char’s personal mobile suit mechanic throughout the One Year War and Char’s Counterattack (Second Neo Zeon War), though she did not join him in the AEUG. Also a Newtype from the Flanagan Institute (though apparently not a patch on Lahlah, the star pupil of the Flanagan Institute). Char personally handpicked her from Zeon’s Flanagan Institute when she was a young girl, so she views him as something approaching a father figure (honestly it’s a little unclear). This translates to her wanting to know what happened to him, which is the reason she helps Mehmet Merca to help navigate Axis.
Danton Hyleg - Formerly Char’s personal test pilot. Happily retired with Arlette, and is mostly along to support her. As he’s significantly older than her (at least ten years), he has a more realistic view of Char, outright telling him around the time of CCA it would’ve been better if he hadn’t come back to them. A very good pilot, but unable to actually pull the trigger and kill someone.
Overall, I’d say it’s pretty good, it does just enough with the time it’s got for you to be invested in these characters, and it’s got some good action scenes. It can’t disguise the fact that it’s got a very low budget (there’s a lot of scenes where you can’t see people’s faces, so they don’t have to animate lip movements), but it knows where to prioritise. I do like how even though it’s technically a set up for a later antagonist, it keeps focus on the actual characters first. Twilight Axis was originally a light novel and was adapted into an OVA and Manga. I have read a translation of the Light Novel and found it very good, since it fleshes out a lot of stuff missing from the OVA (IE Birnam’s motivations), to the point where I could honestly consider twilight axis a very good advert for it. The Manga adaptation, which I haven’t read, also looks very good. I’m given to understand that Arlette and Danton also cameo in MSV-R: the Return of Johnny Ridden, which is neat. The reason I’m pairing it with Narrative is that I view them both in similar lights - after unicorn showed off how utterly ridiculous psycho-frames can be in the right hands, we’re left with the question of what happens between now and F91 onwards for it never to be used or spoken of again. Both Narrative and Twilight Axis deal with the fallout of Psycho-frame mobile suits such that we can understand why it was sealed away and not further developed. Or, as I like to think of them, they’re curatorial works, made to answer some lingering questions.
However, I have two main non-ms design criticisms of the story - The First, and most forgivable, is that we’re not really given any information on the enemy pilots, the Fermo Brothers. I’m more forgiving of this because I think the manga fleshed them out more, and you don’t really need that much information. The Second criticism is both petty and bothersome to me, because it’s entirely likely it’s borne from my own assumptions. The Flanagan Institute, where Char headhunts Arlette, is shown to be performing inhumane experiments on children, with one of the bosses explicitly mentioning “disposal”. What bothers me about this is that to my knowledge this is basically the only piece of evidence that ever shows the Flanagan Institute to be abusive. Why does that matter? Because central to Zeon’s stated philosophy is that of the newtype, a new type of human adapted for space with the ability to sense, communicate and emphasise with others over long distances. The Federations’ refusal to recognise the newtype is synonymous to their refusal to recognise the autonomy of the colonies. The Federation refuses to recognise the capacity of mankind to evolve past it’s need for the Earth, since (as many characters are fond of saying) their souls are still bound down by gravity. So the revelation that the Flanagan institute, Zeon’s shining beacon of Newtype advancement, needed to resort to the mass death of children for its newtypes just completely undermines that. We know newtypes can naturally awaken in combat, but nowhere is it suggested that they *need* to, with both Challia Bull and Paptimus Scirocco basically just showing up, with no indication of harrowing battles beforehand. Furthermore, it also completely undercuts another notable organisation in Gundam, the Titans, who actually do resort to the kind of inhumane practices shown here. Why? Because they view Newtypes as nothing more than weapons, further demonstrating their utter contempt for spacenoids, having twisted one of the central facets of spacenoid independence into just another tool of oppression, with all the dehumanisation that implies. But if they’re just following off Zeon’s playbook for the “production” of newtypes, then it implies that newtypes aren’t actually a development for humanity at all, simply a reaction to large-scale trauma. I know Victory and other later UC shows went back on the Newtype philosophy a bit, but they (Zeon) knew from essentially day one that it wasn’t it? It just throws into question why a lot of the success stories of the Flanagan institute would even stay with Zeon, if that’s how they were treated (and it turns newtypes into the whole “super soldiers through trauma” thing, which…. I see a lot in fiction, and I bothers me a little that this is the route they decided to go for).
But enough quibbling about a whole 14 seconds of animation, what do I think of the mobile suit designs? These are arranged favourite to least favourite (though to be honest I’m not particularly crazy about most of the offerings here), and do not include the R-Jarja (I’ll cover it if I ever talk about Neo Zeon/Axis Zeon or the Gyan). Given that most of these suits are variations, I’ll typically discuss my feelings on their original counterparts as well. I’m using the Novel Artwork, since I generally prefer it (and image limits), but this applies to both versions of the designs.
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First up, the AMX-011S Zaku III Custom. Straight-up my favourite mobile suit here (though that doesn’t mean a whole lot….) I like the Zaku III because it’s chunky, well armed and proof that even Neo Zeon is not immune to nostalgia. True, it gets outclassed during the First Neo Zeon War by all the 4th-Gen mobile suits running around, but it’s still a very solid design. I like how the Zaku II-to-Hizack-to-Zaku III-to Geara Doga-to-Geara Zulu line plays out too, with each one having slightly different characteristics. I have a very mixed views on Char’s custom mobile suits - which I like, because I enjoy judging the suits mostly on their own merits, rather than on who’s piloting them (key word being “mostly”). That said, occasionally one of Char’s suits can end up being a really baller design, which I just adore. Sadly, the Zaku III Custom shown here is not one such design, though I do like the idea of Char Piloting a Zaku III for whatever reason, hence it’s inclusion here. It’s actually quite nice, since it’s a relic of Char that the two characters attach value to, a momento of their time together, that nonetheless must be left behind on Axis. Just like Char.
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Note: GB02’s decision to spit out a Byarlant Isolde at me is essentially the reason for this entire post, since I was forced to actually formulate an opinion on the blasted thing, having been utterly apathetic towards it until now.
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The Original Byarlant is a suit I’ve gone back-and-forth on over time, disliking to tolerating to (generally) liking. It’s got a very unique silhouette to it, and I like how it essentially ended up a high-mobility suit with so much of its body devoted to thrust, and you can believe it’s high mobility, since it’s so many thrusters that can move and swivel to precisely direct the suit where it needs to go. The head’s pretty gorgeous and I like how inhuman it is, along with the Byarlants hands and feet. It’s got a very minimalist armament - just two beam sabers and beam guns (strong beam guns, mind), but I find this only adds to its sleek feel. It looks like someone wanted a war machine that was also a race car. The colours are both villainous, appropriate for a Titans machine, and eye-catching, with the yellow drawing your eye to the face, and the red highlighting either thrusters or limbs, again emphasising it’s mobility. I do like how the feet look both delicate and weighty at the same time - they’re both designed for high speed and yet don’t look like they’d struggle to hold up the suit itself.
The Byarlant Isolde takes several features from the later Byarlant Custom - chiefly the shoulder thrusters and back fuel tanks, creating the sense that Birnam was able to get their hands on some new parts, but not enough to fully upgrade the Byarlant. I will say that I absolutely adore the new colour scheme - I didn’t expect to like a lilac and white mobile suit this much, but somehow the Isolde makes it all work. I should note that the Byarlant is similarly outdated to the rest of the mobile suits present, however, The Titans and Neo Zeon didn’t have that much of a tech gap, chiefly since Neo Zeon declared war basically right after the Titans defeat. They undoubtedly had an edge in Newtype weaponry and heavily armed mobile suits, but from a practical standpoint, a high performance suit from the latter days of the Gryps War is probably going to stand a better chance than a Grunt unit from the Neo Zeon war. The Byarlant was always a fast suit, so this makes even more sense. This is why it slightly baffles me that the Tristan is considered Birnam’s best unit, but I’ll talk more about that later. Though I do like the original Byarlant’s head, I find the Isolde’s Gundam-style head to be growing on me. It’s likely a more advanced head than the original Byarlant, and likely better suited for its environment of a dense asteroid base (in UC, Monoeyes tend to be better at range, whereas Twin-eyes are better in close quarters (it’s to do with target tracking at differing ranges), though it’s not a large enough difference for it to get called out). It was likely also chosen for the lingering psychological effects it may have on any former Zeon or Neo-Zeon personnel they might run into while investigating axis - appropriate, since the Titans also dabbled in that. I will say that the new head gives the Isolde and absolutely wonderful silhouette - the sunken red-on-white eyes make it look very imposing and it reminds me of some of the head designs from Gundam Sentinel (the geometric nature of its V-fin also helps with the intimidation factor in my opinion, though I’m not really certain why).
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The Ahava Azieru is a weird one. I know basically nothing about the design or it’s origin, and even it’s general form is unclear. It’s a mobile armour that I can only assume is patterned after the Neue Ziel, but when I first read the novel, I assumed it was some sort of prototype to the Alpha Azieru, so I’ve no idea what it could be a derivative of. It’s very well armed, and it seems to have at least some common design features of Late-UC Mobile Armours. I do like how it can essentially afford to sit back and throw beams at its opponents, but it seems remarkably slow for a MA (though that could be down to the pilot). It seems to have the design of a dragon, with its large winglike shields and funnel tail, which is an odd decision, since it’s ally, the R-Jarja is mentioned multiple times as being a “Knight”, an enemy of a dragon. Yet Arlette uses it to communicate with the enemy pilot, so they don’t come into conflict? It’s an odd thing. I do very much love the head (perhaps I have a thing for inhuman head designs in Gundam, though it’s awkward to see in relation to the rest of it).
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The Jegan (Birnam Type). It’s a purple Jegan with a custom visor and rifle, used by Birnam. While it’s nice that it’s giving us a preview of what the Crossbone Vanguard’s suits will eventually look like (it’s rifle resembles a shot lancer somewhat), it honestly doesn’t do anything. It could have been replaced with any other grunt suit and it would have been the same (I’ve gone off the Jegan’s design a touch as of late, so forgive me if I’ve little to say on this one).
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Finally, the Gundam AN-01 “Tristan” (typically just called the Tristan) and Kurwenal. Since the Kurwenal is an add-on to the Tristan, I figured I’d cover them together. This is also because although the Kurwenal is my least favourite design, I have more to say on the Tristan itself. I find the Kurwenal to just be boring honestly. It’s a bunch of missiles and Newtype tech bolted to the Tristan, relying on overwhelming firepower as opposed to anything else. I don’t like it’s colour scheme or it’s form at all, it feels too much like a toy with its blue and red colours and blocky psycommu claws. While it’s 5-tube beam pods make for a good visual, I can’t really appreciate them because they’re just a box that shoots scattering beams. There’s no design or artistry to them like there is with funnels, those agile and adaptable little attack drones. Lastly, when it gets broken up the Tristan just sits there. I’m not saying I expected it to leap out and continue the fight, it just looked so very goofy that I couldn’t take it seriously as a weapon. Onto the actual Tristan then. The novel art does help it a little but……. It’s just so boring. It’s the NT-1 Alex repaired with parts that make it look more like the MK-II. Performance-wise, the Byarlant Isolde was probably better-performing than it. It looks very generic, especially when compared to other Gundam-type mobile suits. Part of it might be that it exists at a time when 4th-Gen MS are all the range, while it’s only a 2nd gen at best. But the way it’s presented as Birnam’s big trump card is just silly when it’s roughly two wars out of date. It almost got taken out immediately by the Zaku III custom and only survived because the pilot couldn’t pull the trigger. I guess it’s supposed to represent the Gundam’s legacy in the same way that the Zaku represents Char’s legacy? But it’s basically the only Gundam that neither Char or Amuro had anything to do with, so that line of thinking falls a bit flat. It’s just overall dull.
Oddly so, even, because despite it changing very little, I find that I prefer its predecessor, the Gundam NT-1 “Alex” considerably. Part of it might be the older style of design, the well-defined place that the Alex has - it’s a nice piece of Late-OYW design, being cutting-edge and (spec-wise) able to give pretty much anything of the same time period a run for it’s money in the right hands. It feels like something between the RX-78 and the Gundam Development Project (Gp01, etc) and I like how elegant it feels, without losing any of that all-important weight. It feels like a space-specialist Gundam, counterbalancing the Gundam Ground Types from 08th MS team, with its extra ambac thrusters, compact and powerful backpack and general blue colourscheme. It’s well-used, since it shows the Federation moving to capitalise on their strengths and how desperate Zeon is at that stage of the war to stop things getting any worse. It also further demonstrates the massive power disparity between a Gundam and many of Zeon’s mobile suits, only being destroyed through great sacrifice and luck. That might just be it, the Tristan has too many recycled elements for me to look at it as it’s own thing, and it’s missing all those finer details from the Alex, so it just looks lesser by comparison. It’s little more than a charismatic grunt, compared to the absolute terrifying monster that was the Alex.
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solardrink · 11 months
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supraxstcllas · 9 months
// the max steel fandom: Ven-Ghan is a frog ! me: ....he's a jaguar.
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novadreii · 2 years
Honestly the only remake I'd gladly pay money to see right now would be Twilight. The whole thing. Twist: ALL of it directed by Catherine Hardwicke. Soundtrack is 95% Muse with Iron & Wine thrown in for sappy moments. Casting? Honestly? Kristen Stewart has to come back as Bella, nobody else works for her lmao. Everyone else? Shuffle. There's a permanent blue filter and cloud cover. The camera angles are tight and disorienting the entire time. Jacob is played by someone who can maybe actually act and animate his expressions without scrunching up his face like he's shitting?
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geographikworld · 10 months
How Do Day and Night Occur? The Science Behind It
Have you stared at the sky and noticed it getting dark? You might have noticed the general atmosphere getting darker, and you know that nightfall is approaching. Have you ever wondered how it happens? It happens slowly so sometimes we don’t even notice it. Take for instance, you wake up by 4:00 a.m. and start getting about your daily chores, it’s still pretty dark. You clean your house, cook,…
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this will be my working song next week, it is too beautiful to not listen to AT LEAST 100 times.
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therosecrest · 2 years
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theballmighty · 1 year
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Tristan Thursday.
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s3znl-gr3znl · 7 months
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sp00kymulderr · 8 months
inhale, exhale
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Pairing: Joel Miller x afab!reader
Warnings: 18+. Fingering, mentions of sex, smoking (both reader and Joel), canon typical violence mentions, needy!Joel, fear of intimacy. Barely edited as usual.
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: This world is not made for intimacy and both of you know it.
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Strong arms wrap around you as Joel dozes on the couch.
You wiggle in his grasp a little, body cooling rapidly after the fact. Your panties are still hanging off one of your ankles and the cooling feeling of his cum between your legs makes you shiver when a breeze falls through the open window beside you.
He always does this, holds on tight like you'll disappear into nothing after you've given him yourself. He has to hold you close to make sure you're real, you think. Sometimes his eyes shine with the fear of something horrifying, but it has remained unspoken and you wonder if this strong, stoic man you've found to become a part of your life is afraid to be alone. It feels that way with how he molds you to his body now, the soft swell of his stomach beneath you rising and falling with his deep breaths.
You'd never expected to feel comfort in this world, to feel wanted. It still shakes you, scares you, the knowing that you are flitting purple and piquant through his mind even now as he starts to dream. Once when this thing was at its beginning he had told you he never dreamt. You could hear the lie in his stilted words.
Still uneasy in the role of his piece of comfort, you wriggle your way out as soon as Joel falls under the spell of sleep completely and his grip turns lax. He tugs a protest at your retreating form but it’s weak and waning as he falls back in the deep of dreamland. Your heart swells a little as you watch him, you have to allay the feeling from yourself as you stand.
He is something more than you expected, something you didn't plan to find and don't know how to have. Joel has long been a man left wanting. There is a desire in him that runs deeper than he'd ever admit; the need to love, to share, to hold, to treasure. He acts sometimes like every moment together is the last.
Maybe he is right to do that.
Turning from his sleeping form, you plant bare feet on the cold floor. A silvery shivering thread pulls through your spine and it makes you want to wrap back up in him, just for a moment. Instead you shake yourself and pull up your panties. The warmth of his spend is slowly seeping from you, when it meets the fabric of your underwear you shiver for another reason. 
Everything feels syrupy slow after a moment with him, the twilight tinged with sweetness. You smooth down your wrinkled shirt before gently padding to the stained table where a few hand rolled cigarettes lay in wait. They aren't there for you, but it's hard to resist the only vice you have other than the man who lies asleep behind you.
You take one cigarette and the lighter you know he keeps in a kitchen drawer, then move back towards that open window. Pushing the makeshift curtain aside, you peer out the window in to the night as you make the flame to light the smoke that you've been craving since before he fucked you.
The little fire flickers, the old metal lighter sparking a last breath in a bloom of orange flame; a temptation, a thrill when your fingers catch the heat of it and it brings you back to a memory of the afternoon. The feeling when Joel had pressed a kiss to each of your fingertips one by one. Tenderly warm, turned to scorching ache soon after. He is good at that. Tenderness, care. He has a habit of showing you reverence in small, familiar ways, even before he begins pulling you apart to drink of your desire.
It fills you with something dreadful, finds you and twists your stomach into knots.
A sigh of contentment fills you after your first slow inhale, exhale. Warmed, your body relaxes the way it does when he… the way it does when you feel safe and secure. Rare in this life.
Outside this apartment earth spins on its axis in a never ending cycle. It’s after curfew but as usual people scutter the streets, hide away from searching eyes. The patrol trucks pass, blinding brightness causing the rule-breakers to scurry back into the dark like rats. That’ll be you later, when you leave him. But for now you inhale, exhale and watch it all turn like clockwork, again and again until you’re stuck in a trance.
“Gonna have to start chargin’ you for those” Joel's deep voice grunts behind you, pulling you from the tangled reverie. 
You smile, a slow and slacken thing, but don’t say a word just yet. His breath is hot on your cooled skin, as he crowds you slowly, intention in every moment with him. Large, tempting hands rest on the sill on either side of you, and he rests his chin on your shoulder for a moment. His own treacly inhale rattles you as he brings his lips to your neck.
Your stomach ties itself up again, tugs at you with fear and more. A fever bustles to life in your core. A pathetic sound between a moan and a sob leaves you, as Joel presses himself against you. You push back.
“Don’t be greedy” He whispers in your ear, drips the words like honey. 
You hum as you raise your hand and he kisses your neck once more, too brief, before taking the burning cigarette from your fingers.
You have spent your years resisting, resisting, resisting. He’s the first to make your resolve begin its slow crumble. A motion is set through you as he stays crowding you, the strong rise and fall of his chest moving you with him. Eyes closed, part of you gives in.
Joel needs more. He always has. He burns and beckons, it has yet to ebb. He palls like the smoke that blows from his exhale. Your disquiet sets in with the moment of silence. This world is not made for intimacy and both of you know it.
The open window sends a bloom of cold to your front, made worse by how warm he is behind you. In the streets below you two men stumble drunkenly, their too loud conversation turning to a blur of sound as it reaches up towards you. Joel moves to place the cigarette back between your lips, at the same time his other hand reaches down to cup your mound.
“Joel” You sigh around it as he nuzzles against your jaw. His fingers massage slow between your legs, panties sticky with the mixture of releases soaking through.
“Stay” he whispers against your skin. He presses more insistently, the heel of his hand grinding. 
“Not tonight” You take another drag. Your fingers shake.
Your words aren’t convincing. He hears it too.
“Can smoke as much as you want” He smirks as he pulls his head back to watch you react to the slip of his fingers inside your underwear. The slide of them through your heat, soaked the minute they touch you. You cough on the smoke as your breath hitches.
A blast of light on the street below makes your eyes snap open, at the same time his fingers press against your opening. Two push in easily. Thumb to your clit, lips right at your pulse point. You cry out softly.
The men on the cobbled street beneath the window try to make a run for it. Joel's teeth scrape your skin. He needs you in ways he hasn’t even begun to express. Your head dizzies with the saccharine swell in your core as he fucks you with his fingers, rubs circles on your sensitive nub. 
“Stay” Joel repeats. Still a question.
He’s drawing you open, making you spill. Another finger joins, thick and finding what you need. You have to stub the cigarette on the window sill before you drop it, and then you’re reaching back a tug on his hair, a grip on his shoulder that makes him grunt.
He needs you.
There’s a shout outside. Another and another. You can’t find the will to concentrate. He’s pushing against you, pressing digits inside of you, stroking your aching clit. He tugs your earlobe with his teeth as he grinds the hard length of himself against your ass.
Tight, tight knot in you. It’s unravelling. He’s become the only one who can unravel it. Your legs shake, he holds you together even as he pulls you apart.
Blood spills on the streets. Your body jerks taut as Joel mouths at your neck again. He wants you, he needs you. He needs this feeling even more than you do. Your cries drown out the outside world, as he needily gasps your name against your too-hot skin. The sudden gush from you soaks his hand, your underwear, drips down.
“Tonight” You go slack, fall against him as he soothes you with gentle words you can barely hear.
The world outside is not made for intimacy. 
Here in his world you allow yourself to breathe it in for a moment.
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whywontyoucomeout · 2 months
The Warrior at Rest
Kaira stood at the window of her modest stone cottage, one hand resting on the swell of her enormous belly as she gazed out at the rolling hills beyond. At nearly nine months pregnant, her once lean warrior's physique had transformed dramatically. Her belly protruded like a great round shield, stretching the fabric of her tunic taut.
Despite her current state, Kaira's piercing green eyes remained as sharp as ever, scanning the horizon with the keen awareness of a seasoned fighter. Her long red hair was pulled back in a practical braid, revealing a thin white scar that ran from her left temple to her jaw - a reminder of battles past.
Kaira sighed, feeling the restlessness that had plagued her these past months. She was unaccustomed to this sedentary life, this waiting. Her hands, calloused from years of wielding sword and spear, itched for the familiar weight of a weapon.
As she watched the distant hills, her mind drifted back to her years as the most feared warrior in the Five Kingdoms. They had called her "The Crimson Whirlwind" for the way she moved on the battlefield - a blur of flashing steel and flowing red hair. Kaira had led armies to victory against impossible odds, her tactical genius as renowned as her combat prowess.
She remembered the Battle of Blackmire Pass, where she had single-handedly held the narrow mountain path against a horde of invaders, buying time for reinforcements to arrive. For three days and nights she had fought, her twin swords singing as they cleaved through enemy after enemy. When the dust settled, over two hundred foes lay dead at her feet.
Kaira's hand absently moved to her swollen belly as the baby within gave a strong kick. She smiled, imagining the child would be as fierce a fighter as its parents. Her husband Torin was nearly her equal in combat skill, though he preferred the great axe to her favored swords.
A pang of worry shot through her as she thought of Torin, out there now leading their forces against the Shadowmere invasion. This was the first campaign she had not fought by his side in over a decade. Part of her ached to be there with him, to feel the thrill of battle once more.
But Kaira knew her current battle was here - bringing new life into the world. She rubbed her aching back, feeling the weight of her enormous belly. The village midwife had remarked that she had never seen such a large pregnancy, joking that Kaira must be carrying twins or even triplets. Kaira wasn't so sure - she felt in her bones that it was one child, but a strong one.
As the sun began to set, painting the hills in shades of gold and crimson, Kaira's thoughts turned to the uncertain future. Would she be able to return to the battlefield once the child was born? Or would motherhood change her in ways she couldn't yet fathom?
One thing was certain - warrior or mother, Kaira would face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same courage and determination that had made her a legend. She took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders as she had done countless times before charging into battle. Whatever came next, she would be ready.
As twilight descended, a frantic pounding at the door shattered Kaira's contemplative silence. Her heart clenched as she opened it to find a breathless messenger, his face etched with grim news.
"My lady," he gasped, "the battle goes ill. Lord Torin... he's been gravely wounded. The enemy advances."
Kaira's world tilted on its axis. Without a word, she strode to the back of the cottage where her armor hung. Custom-made to accommodate her pregnancy, the breastplate was a masterwork of overlapping plates and supple leather. Yet as she donned it, Kaira found even this ingenious design strained against her enormous belly.
Ignoring the discomfort, she cinched the straps as tight as she dared. The pressure was intense, but bearable. Kaira gritted her teeth, her warrior's discipline overriding the protests of her body. She seized her twin swords, their familiar weight a grim comfort.
"Prepare my horse," she commanded the stunned messenger.
The ride to the battlefield was a blur of pain and determination. Each gallop sent shockwaves through Kaira's distended abdomen, the baby within kicking furiously. But Kaira's focus was singular: reach Torin, turn the tide of battle.
As she crested the final hill, the scene before her stole the breath from her lungs. The field was a chaos of clashing steel and fallen bodies. And there, at the center of it all, lay a familiar figure in blood-stained armor.
"No!" The cry tore from Kaira's throat as she spurred her mount forward. But even as she fought her way through the melee, she knew she was too late. Torin's eyes, once so full of life and love, stared sightlessly at the darkening sky.
Something snapped within Kaira. The grief, the rage, the primal protective instinct of impending motherhood - it all coalesced into a berserker fury unlike anything she had ever experienced. She became the Crimson Whirlwind once more, but this time there was no grace, no artistry to her movements. Only raw, devastating power.
Her swords flashed like lightning, cutting bloody swathes through the enemy ranks. Soldiers fell before her like wheat before the scythe. Those who saw her coming - this impossibly pregnant warrior dealing death with inhuman speed and strength - fled in terror.
Hours passed in a red haze. Kaira fought until her arms burned and her lungs heaved. She fought until the ground grew slick with blood and the air thick with the stench of death. She fought until, at last, only one enemy remained standing.
The Shadowmere commander stood before her, his black armor splattered with gore. Even through his helm, Kaira could sense his disbelief at the carnage she had wrought.
"Demon," he hissed, raising his mace. "What manner of creature are you?"
Kaira said nothing. Words were beyond her now. There was only the pounding of her heart, the weight of her unborn child, and the burning need for vengeance. She raised her swords, their edges notched and dripping, and prepared for one final battle.
The commander charged with a roar, his mace whistling through the air. Kaira met his assault head-on, her twin blades a whirlwind of steel. They clashed in a furious exchange, neither giving ground.
But Kaira's rage was a bottomless well, fueling her beyond the limits of normal endurance. With a cry that seemed to shake the very heavens, she battered through the commander's guard. Her left sword knocked his mace aside; her right plunged deep into his chest.
As her foe crumpled to his knees, Kaira stood over him, her sword point resting at his throat. The Shadowmere commander's eyes widened with fear as he stared up at her, his helm having been knocked away in their fierce duel.
"You took everything from me," Kaira growled, her voice raw with emotion. "My husband, my child's father, the future we were meant to share."
The commander swallowed hard, feeling the cold steel against his skin. "Please," he begged, his earlier bravado evaporating in the face of death. "Mercy! I have a family too—"
"As did every soldier you sent to their deaths," Kaira cut him off, her green eyes blazing with contempt. "As did my husband."
She drew back her sword, preparing for the final blow. But just as she tensed to strike, a searing pain ripped through her abdomen. Kaira gasped, nearly dropping her weapon as she realized what was happening. The baby was coming.
The commander, seeing her momentary weakness, lunged forward with desperate speed. His hand grasped for the dagger at his belt, a last attempt to turn the tables.
But even in the grips of labor, Kaira's warrior instincts didn't falter. With a cry of pain and rage, she brought her sword down in a swift, decisive arc. The blade met flesh and bone, and the commander's reaching hand fell limp to the blood-soaked earth, followed quickly by his lifeless body.
Kaira staggered back, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She dropped to her knees, one hand clutching her belly as another contraction seized her. The battle was won, her vengeance complete, but a new struggle was just beginning.
As she knelt there on the battlefield, surrounded by the aftermath of carnage, Kaira felt a fierce kick from within her womb. Even now, her child fought alongside her. She gritted her teeth, forcing herself to stand despite the pain.
"We'll face this world together, little one," she whispered, beginning the arduous journey back to her village. "Your father's spirit lives on in us both."
With each agonizing step, Kaira left behind the Crimson Whirlwind and moved toward her new role as the Warrior Mother. The legend of her final battle would be told for generations, but the true test of her strength was yet to come.
Kaira stumbled through the twilight, one hand on her sword hilt, the other supporting her enormous belly. Each contraction brought her to her knees, the pain far surpassing any battlefield wound she'd ever endured. As darkness fell, she spotted a cave in a nearby hillside and made for it with grim determination.
Once inside, Kaira began the laborious process of removing her armor. As the custom breastplate came free, her belly seemed to expand even further, no longer constrained. She marveled at its size, her skin stretched taut over the massive dome.
"By the gods," she muttered, "no wonder the midwife thought there might be twins."
Another contraction hit, and Kaira braced herself against the cave wall. She knew the basics of childbirth from the village women, but experiencing it was another matter entirely. Gritting her teeth, she lowered herself to the ground and spread her legs as wide as she could manage.
Hours passed in a haze of pain and effort. Kaira pushed with all her might, feeling the baby's head begin to emerge, only to have it slip back when she paused to catch her breath. It was maddening – like siege warfare, gaining ground only to lose it again.
"Come on, little warrior," she growled, her voice echoing in the cave. "Fight your way out, as your father and I would do."
Kaira lost track of time, her world narrowing to the rhythm of contractions and the burning sensation between her legs. She'd faced down armies without flinching, but this battle tested her limits like no other.
Just when she felt she could endure no more, a final, explosive contraction seized her. Kaira bore down with every ounce of strength left in her body, unleashing a primal scream that seemed to shake the very walls of the cave.
And then, suddenly, it was over. The cave filled with a new sound – the lusty wail of a newborn taking its first breath.
Exhausted beyond measure, Kaira reached down and pulled the squirming, slippery infant to her chest. As she gazed upon her child's face, she felt a love fiercer than any she'd known before.
"Welcome to the world, my little fighter," she whispered, tears mixing with sweat on her cheeks. "Your father would be so proud."
As the newborn's cries softened to contented gurgles, Kaira allowed herself a moment of peace. The battle was won, a new life brought forth against impossible odds. Whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them with the same courage and determination that had seen her through this day.
Outside the cave, the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon. For Kaira and her child, it was the dawning of a new era – one that promised both great hardship and profound love.
As Kaira cradled her newborn, a fresh wave of pain gripped her. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
"By the gods," she gasped, "there's another!"
The realization hit her: the midwife's jest about twins had been prophetic. Kaira's relief at delivering her first child quickly gave way to apprehension. She was already exhausted, her strength nearly spent.
With trembling arms, she gently placed her firstborn on a bed of soft leaves before repositioning herself. Instinct told her to get on her hands and knees. She began to rock back and forth, trying to ease the second baby into position.
This labor seemed even more arduous than the first. Kaira pushed with all her might, but progress was agonizingly slow. The baby seemed stuck, refusing to budge despite her efforts.
In all her years as a warrior, through countless battles and wars, Kaira had never felt as vulnerable as she did now. She, who had faced down armies and monsters, found herself at the mercy of her own body and this stubborn child within.
"Please," she whispered, her voice hoarse and desperate. It was strange to hear herself beg, but pride had no place in this primal struggle. "Please, little one, come out. Fight your way through, as your father would."
Hours passed, marked only by Kaira's labored breathing and occasional cries of pain. She pushed until she thought she could push no more, then somehow found the strength to continue.
Just when she was on the verge of despair, she felt a shift. With a final, monumental effort, Kaira bore down. A scream tore from her throat, echoing through the cave and startling her firstborn into wailing.
And then, at last, it was over. The second twin slipped into the world, adding its cries to its sibling's.
Kaira collapsed onto her side, utterly spent. With shaking hands, she gathered both infants to her chest, marveling at their tiny, perfect forms.
"Welcome, my little warriors," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "You've proven yourselves fighters already."
As she lay there, her newborns nestled against her, Kaira felt a complex mix of emotions. Grief for Torin, who would never know his children. Pride in her own strength and that of her babies. And a fierce, protective love that overshadowed everything else.
The sun had fully risen now, its light reaching into the cave. Kaira knew the challenges ahead would be enormous – raising twins alone, rebuilding her life after the war. But as she looked at her children, she felt a renewed sense of purpose.
"We three are a family now," she told them softly. "And together, we can face anything."
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