#Two Columns
poomphuripan · 3 months
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MING + giving nasty looks to Sol at his MV premiere 🙄
MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.09
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iamacolor · 4 months
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Sol's smile making Sunjae fall for her across all timelines
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ying-doodles · 2 months
drifting closer
a comic based off @lloydfrontera's post about touch averse javier slowly becoming clingy to lloyd after the end of the novel! :> although the touch averse part didn't make it in lol,,
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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It’s a little bit ‘I was the match and you were the rock, maybe we started this fire/We sat apart and watched all we had burn on the pyre,’ and ‘Do you understand that we will never be the same again?’ from Bastille’s The Things We Lost In The Fire
and a little bit:
‘A l’instar de son aîné, Caius Antonius sait se montrer délicieux. Il est cultivé, intelligent, plein d’esprit, gracieux, amiable. Surtout, il appartient à la même génération que Brutus, au même milieu. Depuis le départ de Cassius pour l’Orient, il y à quatre mois, Marcus a vécu avec des hommes dont il pourrait être le père, ou avec les soldats, des bas officiers plus âgés mais qui ne sont pas de son monde.’
and also
‘En juin, Cassius a enlevé Laodicée et définitivement défait les forces de Dolabella. Jugeant les autres à sq propre mesur, le beau Publius Cornelius s'est souvenu de ce qu'il avait fait subir à Trebonius…Cassius passant pour un homme violent et rancunier, pour un ami fidèle aussi, Dolabella s'est dit qu'il allait payer la mort horrible de l'ancien gouverneur.’
Brutus: Assassin par idéal, Anne Berner
actually it’s mostly about how my entire playlist for the road leading up to Philippi (after both Brutus and Cassius leave Rome after the assassination of Caesar) is Bastille’s Bad Blood album on repeat. I want their relationship to get messy. There’s another version of this scene that gets a lot more teeth to the subtext of the conversation, but I wanted to play around with it first before committing to like. room layouts. there was originally a couple of transitional panels before the last 2 because I wanted Brutus to really chew on this thought he has, but augh. stairs. didn’t feel like drawing those.
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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pencap · 11 months
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By Sylvie (j.p.)
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tls123 · 2 years
wei wuxian scolding jiang cheng in the burial mounds about not remembering what the wen siblings did for them vs jiang cheng earlier on standing up for him in front of all the sect leaders saying "you all might not know this but the person wei wuxian saved and his sister helped us a lot during the war" and getting promptly shut down by nie mingjue (the wen clan that massacred lotus pier? is literally what he says, out loud, to everyone)
edit: now with visual aids !!!!
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bonefall · 1 year
This may be a bit of a silly question but I’m trying to research this for a fanclan and I cannot make a fox’s tail out of the non twoleg workings
So how would you/Windclan go about reinforcing the tunnels? Used to think it was just ‘put a thick branch up there and every few fox lengths, it’ll support all that’ and that doesn’t seem quite right anymore. Please and thank you 🐈‍⬛
I'm gonna try and keep this reply simple and not get into the in-depth mechanics of digging holes, that's a post for some other time and I'd have to talk about depth and learn math and shit
So very simply putting it, usually, you would naturally dig square tunnels, and this is where all the tension of digging comes from. See, a square tunnel is really bad for physically holding things up, so beams are there to help.
Think about a tunnel kind of like building a bridge. The tunnel is a structure that needs to hold up the dirt above it. Really, functionally think about how many bridges are truly flat; it's not many! You want Arches.
And, it just so happens, a tunnel ALSO wants to be an arch. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this well so I drew a little diagram of a cave-in;
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[ID: A drawing of a square tunnel with a dotted line showing the arch of where the dirt will collapse. It progresses into the second drawing of a rock fall, revealing the arch of the first drawing.]
Most cave-ins aren't the ENTIRE tunnel collapsing, it's the part of the tunnel that WANTS to be arch. Arches good. Arches are physically the best way for holding things up. Problem is that you can't dig like that without dropping however many pounds of earth on yourself.
So really, what you want is a beam, not just a stick in the middle of the hole. You want to put a beam from wall to wall, supported by two columns beneath. Like minecraft.
Other various things;
Older tunnels are, actually, usually more structurally sound. There's been more time for them to "stabilize."
The deeper the tunnel, the more stable. This is because the earth above the tunnel is packed in better. You do NOT want to open up a staircase downwards like minecraft, the entrance will COLLAPSE.
However, naturally, a collapse in a deeper tunnel is more deadly and severe for obvious reasons.
Just to state the obvious, sand bad. You do not want to dig in sand. Sand Bad.
Canon vastly overstates the severity of shallow tunnel collapses. Cats will die in less than a foot of dirt :/ There's this part in DOTC where Jagged Peak activates a quicktime event and a burrow collapses on him and it was so profoundly stupid it's been in my head ever since
suffocating in an old animal burrow... girl... do you think rabbits are constantly dying in collapses? genuinely? In soft soil?
Gray Wing is like, "you almost out bro?" and Jaggy-P is like, "ya im coming" and then WHOMP. DIRT. thats not how this works thats not how any of this works
And as a final note... the problems with WC's portrayals of shitty parents aside, it actually makes perfect sense that Tallpaw would think his father Sandgorse is a lunatic for feeling safe with going right back in after a collapse. Tallpaw doesn't know that some kinds of cave-ins actually make the tunnel more safe, but Sandgorse, an experienced digger, would.
(unfortunately the writers don't know this. but i do.)
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
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Stranger Things 3
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supersecretnerd · 8 months
Another Video of the new Octonauts characters
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avanii · 8 months
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A second Beast of Basalt, taking inspiration from columnar basalt like before, but also the phenomenon of flood basalt. The tail is composed of a'a lava, and makes that clinkery, glassy sound when it gets swung! I painted this with acrylic inks.
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butchjesus · 4 months
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comic work in progress about r60 and breaker (android x cowboy mechanist)
[ID: a work in progress comic page showing a thin android with light skin and short dark hair facing away from the viewer with his back panel open, and a close up of the back panel as another character holds a screwdriver in front of it. end ID]
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nikki-rook · 1 year
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Favorite Caskett moments Season 4 x
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ghostcat404 · 2 months
finally drew my beloved es
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Mostly her as is, with a couple doodles of her as Athena in my au
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raayllum · 1 year
like truly two of the wildest viren-callum parallels are still, to this day
1) Viren’s re-birthday being Callum’s literal birthday because the story is just that insane about this foils bond
2) Viren and Callum both asking someone (Soren in 1x06, Rayla in 4x07) who’s sworn to protect the proposed target to kill Callum to keep things from tipping the wrong way
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brother-emperors · 8 months
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sometimes you draw guys drenched in gore and you have to balance it out with some real romcom style bullshit as a palette cleanser
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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wanlumi · 1 year
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Es from Caramel Column’s “Alter Ego”!
I’ve replayed this game multiple times since 2019, but never properly drew her, so this is a long overdue tribute to dearest es<3
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