#Types of Golf Towels
141 Headcanons: On Holiday
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John Price is 100% a dad type. He likes golfing and fishing and sailing. Activities that let him unwind, sometimes make new friends in the shape of other middle-aged men at the country club or at the docks or at the lake. Rents a little cabin by the lake, where you can take a soak or sunbathe, while he goes out with his little fishing boat and try (and fail) to catch something nice for dinner.
Johnny MacTavish is an adventurous type. He likes hiking and camping, stuff that lets him stay busy, and will definitely explore some forest or national park or mountain range. But he also likes fun activities. Music festivals, for example. He'll definitely book you all-inclusive 3-day-long tickets even though there's only one or two artists/bands you want to see, just so you can have that experience and have fun together.
Kyle Garrick is a family lad. His family is big and loving and they book a little trip every year somewhere fun. It might be a new destination, or it might be somewhere they've been before, or maybe somewhere to visit family. But he loves bringing his love along, go do all the touristy things, see all the landmarks, take loads of pictures, try new restaurants and new food, and do cultural things like reading all the plaques on statues and fountains and monuments.
Simon Riley likes peace and quiet. That's the jist of it. Needs it, in fact. So, prepare to rent a little historical cottage in the Cotswold, or maybe a beach condo, or a cabin in the woods. Doesn't matter, what matters it's that it's fairly isolated, with no neighbors to really bother him. He can sleep in late, with no one to force him to do things he doesn't want to do, no schedule to uphold, no people to answer to. He'll roll out of bed at noon, make himself tea and go sit outside and feell the breeze on his skin for once.
Crack headcanons: Beach Day Episode™️
John Price tends to burn, instead of tan, surprisingly. Probably because his uniforms tend to cover him from neck to toes, leaving only his hands and face showing... And if you'd expect his face to be immune to burning, you'd be wrong. Especially because he's terrible at applying sunblock. By the time you notice, his cheeks, nose and forehead are red, and there are white lines around his muttonchops/beard where the sunblock didn't absorb... so he just looks ridiculous.
Johnny MacTavish likes to say he's not English/British... until he goes on holiday to southern Europe and he's suddenly the perfect example of the stereotypical English tourist. Football jersey, denim shorts, socks and slides/sandals, his entire skin is burned to a crisp and red, and, of course, he's wearing the most stupid-looking sunglasses you'll ever see... And then he gets to the beach, takes off his shorts and he's wearing a red speedo.
Kyle Garrick is 100% the type to disappear off his towel while you're sunbathing and, by the time you notice, he's in a completely different side of the beach playing beach paddle ball, beach volleyball or beach football with a group of other blokes or even with little kids. And he does all this while wearing his little cap (but backwards) and while absolutely covered in tanning oil. Does he need it? No. But he likes the feel of it.
Simon Riley would not be caught dead in swimming trunks or a speedo. The man needs full coverage. He's in a wet/surf suit and wearing a facekini WITH his stupid dad sunglasses and, maybe even, a visor. He gets fidgety if he has to sit in his towel for too long so he's also the type who'll go for a walk out of nowhere, down the beach, and, eventually, cross paths with an Asian grandma who's wearing the same exact outfit as him.
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stormblessed95 · 22 days
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 5
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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Chef JK! Salt bae JK! Absolutely smitten and endeared Jimin!
Jimin absolutely indulging and encouraging JKs cooking enjoyment by asking him questions about his process was so cute. Tae giving such earnest compliments
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The way Jikook chugged their Soju lmao damn guys
Jimin making ssam to feed the staff and JK saying no perilla leaves was Hysterical only because of the whole perilla leaf history he has 😂🤣
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JK popping open the Soju in increasingly silly ways while Jimin watched absolutely endeared and smitten once again. Until Tae accused him of teaching JK that and he had to defend himself lol
Jimin calling JK very handsome 🥰
Only 2 months until their service 🥺
Them talking about how they don't think they will fight at all when enlisted together..only help each other. And JK saying he hopes they even sleep right next to each other. No one can say they both didn't desperately want to do this together!
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Jimin never letting JK elbowing him in his sleep go!
Jimin so demurely petting and loving on the cat while JK runs, jumps, playing and acts crazy while loving on the puppy is so them and so funny 😂
Vminkook car karaoke 😍😍😍
Jimin sneaking out of the pool to go spray JK who was still inside on his phone lol
Vmin teaming up on JK as soon as he gets in. Lol pretty sure Jimin probably pinches his butt behind that wall 😂 and his nipples at one point too lol
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Taking turns sleeping on the bottom of the pool 😂
Poor Jimin got water up his nose lmao!
JK pulling Jimin to the top of the pool by his hair was a CHOICE lol he pulled it knowledgeably at least 😅😭😂🤣 I know too much about them at this point. Honestly
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Too many fun under water games 😂🥰💜
JK playing a prank on Jimin and locking him out of the house lmao and him signing that he is annoying and to open at him 😂🤣
JK saying he is cold and Jimin starting to open his arms like he is going to hug him 💜
Not them having a towel fight 😂🤣🤣
Tae fully just claimed Jimin's bed and made Jikook choose the other two. Lmfao and the way they fought over who had to take the lower bed, but in a "no no, I'll do it's way 😍
Jimin waking up and first thing going to snuggle JK 😭🥰😭🥰
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And then we cut and somehow Jimin lost his shirt and is waking JK up very obnoxiously lmao
Tae leaving early in the morning to go golfing with the Wooga squad! Look at him splitting his time so effectively and probably taking a break from the jikookery lol
JK photosynthesizing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Jimin taking forever to get ready and JK trying to hustle him along was peak domestic behavior lmfao
Jimin wearing the perfume because JK said he likes it 🥰 cuteeee
Tae getting dropped off for their next meal all together and the Vmin hug 💜
Jikook telling Tae they were up till 4am and Jimin fell asleep phone scrolling?! Lol what were y'all doing all night?? You need more sleep! I say, typing this at midnight my time lol
I need my babies to stop counting calories 😭
Tae ruffling JKs hair and him trying on Tae's glasses is soooo cute! Jimin trying them on too! They all look so good in everything.
Not them arguing over if it's ham or pink sausage. Lmfao JK getting so upset about it that he asked the waitress and his "hah" back at Jimin over it! Lmfao Jimin being like whooo hey. It's just food. And their "apologies" to each other. Lol! They are so extra over everything lol How come Tae started this argument and it ended up mostly between Jikook 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Jimin basically telling JK he is happy if JK is happy 🥰 he loves him ❤️
"JK drinking soda means round 3 has just begun" lol Jimin showing off his JK knowledge 😂
Tae spent most of this episode when not actively playing with Jikook on his phone. Part of me wishes we got to see more of him with his other friends too, but I'm glad he made time to hang out with Jikook before they all enlisted too 🥰
Tae baby was so sleepy! He slept through the whole car ride basically and then came back to nap fully too. Jimin woke him up so softly 🥰
JK at a restaurant in NY while doing Golden promo alone with staff and immediately thinking about how he wants to make it for Jimin because "Jimin would love it" is so freaking cute and precious and sweet
JK didn't just cook stew for Jimin or Vmin, but for the entire staff. And I love him so much for that. The sweetest human he is
Jimin napping while JK cooks too 🥰
Jimin somehow lost his shirt at some point while everyone was coming to get food. Lol who knows why, maybe it's just titties out as appreciation for the cook? 😂😂
Both Jikook expressing that they loved having V there and that he helped make it so fun and that a maknae line trip made them feel really young again. And you could tell too. They were so silly! I love these 3 so much!!
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Wrap up Thoughts:
So Jikook knew by the end of September that they would enlist together. And the palpable relief they both clearly felt over that was so so clear. This 100% made the experience way more tolerable for them. I'm so glad that they have each other. The difference in the way they talk about military service, especially JK, in the US and in Jeju is striking. In the US, JK started playfully smacking Jimin when he would bring it up, it caused him tension and anxiety and he clearly didn't want to talk about it, especially on camera. While here in Jeju, they know they will be together and they are relaxed, making jokes, expressing their happiness about getting to go together. Expressing their surety about how nice and helpful it will be to have the other there and their faith and trust in each other. How they want to wake up to each other. It's beautiful
I don't like calling any of the members 3rd wheels unless it's stupidly obvious it's a joke, but this episode Tae was third wheeling a bit at times. Jikook seem to have a tendency to hyper focus on each other at times during conversation. When they were all playing and being silly, I never once got 3rd wheel vibes. Only during times of heavy conversation while they were eating. Tae also kept pulling out his phone. He was clearly in touch with amother group of friends during that time as well who were also in Jeju, and him trying to split so much of his attention also probably fed a bit of those third wheel vibes a bit too. I'm so glad he was there with them though. Jikook also were as well. They all had such a good time together and seeing them and sharing in the love they all share is so healing for me personally. I hope Tae had the best time on Jeju with them and his Wooga Squad too! 💜💜💜
And that's all I've really got for this episode. It was a lot of mostly just sleeping and eating and playing this episode! Lol I can't wait to see what Sapporo brings!
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mattsturnioloz · 3 days
Then I lost you: Pt 3.
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Part 1, Part 2.
Summary: Matt's career as a youtuber takes a toll on his 4 year relationship with his girlfriend, putting it on hold. Will it ever be the same again?
Pairings: Y/n x Matt Sturniolo
Warnings: angst, crying, cursing, anxiety, mentions of depression, unsolved angst, mentions of slighty physical argument.
A/N: (i’m so exhausted but y’all have been hyping me up so it’s giving me motivation to keep writing, get some tissues readyyyy👅)
The uber driver pulls up to the house and I say my thank you’s before getting out the backseat and closing the door. I go up to the front door and reach for my purs- my purse. FUCK! MY PURSE. I sigh. I must’ve left it at top golf. I don’t want to text Matt.. Not after our argument. But i’m stuck outside. Fuck it, i’ll text Nick. I open my phone and I open nicks contact.
Y/n: Hey Nick, I left my purse with my keys over there, do you think you can grab it for me please?
Nick: Yea sure.
I was just about to type out a message but nick sent another text.
Nick: oh wait, Matt already grabbed it.
Y/n: oh okay thanks.
Nick: Are you guys okay? Are YOU okay?
Y/n: I’m pissed at him, he’s been so distant and i’ve just been trying to talk to him more and spend time with him, then he just snapped at me.. in front of everyone too.
Nick: Yea that wasn’t right, I told him to go apologize and he genuinely looked guilty but then he came back all pissy and told me and chris that you guys just argued more.
Y/n: Yea, and i’ll admit that I shouldn’t have shoved him but I was just so mad and hurt that I acted on anger.
Nick: Understandable, I need to shove him all the time LMAO😭
Y/n: LMAOO😭 Trust me I KNOW. When are you guys coming home? i’m stuck outside until you guys get here.
Nick: We’re already on our way so about 20 minutes now.
20 minutes?? Im freezing.
Y/n: oh okay, see you soon. Love you :)
Nick: Love you too, see you soon :)
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆———-
I sit on the ground slumped against the door and wait for Matt, Nick and Chris to get here. The air so cold that my skin gets itchy and stings when I scratch at it and my face feels hot from all the crying I did. I see them pull up and my heart stops. I’m scared to see Matt. I don’t want to see Matt.
I feel my heart start to beat out of my chest. The beating affecting my vision, pumping with the beat. My anxiety making my hearing heighten. Making me focus on all the things I hear.
The sound of them shutting the doors of the car. The sound of the night wind gusting past my body. The sound of the car beeping when matt locks it. The sound of their feet on the wet cold rubble, getting closer and closer. The sound of the raindrops from the roof, falling on a random empty tin barrel across the street.
Im caught out of my daze when they reach me and I wave hi to Nick and Chris who both flash me a smile. I fidget with my rings nervously as Matt unlocks the front door, not sparing me a glance ever since they got here.
They start to walk inside after Matt opens the door, and I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I take one last breath of the fresh air outside before I follow them in, immediately being hit with the smell of the ravioli I made before we left.
I walk to Matt and I’s shared bedroom closing the door behind me. I grab some pj’s and a towel to take a shower since I smell like wet dog from being outside in the cold for so long.
I open the door and when I do Matt is there and I feel my chest tighten. We just stare at eachother and I secretly wish for him to say something. anything. Instead he brushes past me walking into the room. My heart aches and I feel tears well up in my eyes again, a few falling as I walk to the bathroom, shutting the door.
I take a deep breath and wipe my tears trying to keep my composure. I turn on the shower before undressing myself and I step in, feeling the warm soothing water wander my body.
After I showered, I get out and dry my body, head to toe before wrapping my hair in a towel. I change into shorts and a t-shirt before brushing my teeth and grabbing my dirty clothes from the floor then I open the bathroom door, leaving and tossing the dirty clothes into the wash.
I walk into Matt and I’s bedroom and I don’t look at him but from the corner of my eye and I can see him sitting on his side of the bed, slumped against the headboard, scrolling through his phone. I take the towel off my head and rest it on Matt’s gaming chair to dry before making my way to my side of the bed.
I get under the covers, my back facing Matt as I get comfortable. There’s an awkward silence. Nothing feels the same anymore. I feel depressed and anxious and I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I close my eyes hoping to get some sleep after the shitty day I had.
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆———-
Days turn into weeks and Matt and I haven’t even talked since the day we argued. The bed feels emptier and emptier as the days pass even though he’s still there. I’ve had enough and this time before bed I decide go speak to him.
“M-Matt..” I ask with a shaky voice. I get no reply. “Matt.” I say louder. “What Y/n.” He says in a rude tone. “Can we talk? please?” I plead. He lets out a long sigh and he sits up to look at me for the first time in weeks, So I do the same.
I look into his icy blue eyes. God, how i’ve missed them… except they were sharper, colder. “Listen, I just want to say that i’m sorry, and miss you so much, I- ”
“Stop.” He says, cutting me off. “I don’t want to hear you say sorry. I just- i’m not happy anymore and I can tell you feel the same way.” He says looking right into my eyes. His gaze sharp.
My hearts drops and feels like it’s sinking into the pit of my stomach. I want to cry, I want to cry so bad but I try to hold my tears back. Deep down, I know what he’s saying is true. We’re not happy anymore.
“Look.. Of course I love you y/n, I love you so much you don’t even understand.” He says. cupping my face, his thumbs gliding across my cheeks, and I break into silent sobs, already knowing where this is going. “But it’s hard.. hard being in a relationship when I also have the career that I have.” He continues.
“N-no! w-we can make this work just-jus- PLEASE-” I practically yell, sobbing as I grab his hands from my face, kissing them before gripping them in my hands in front of my chest. I know I look pathetic begging him to stay with me, but I can’t help it, I can’t lose him. I love him too much. He pulls his hands away.
“N-no w-what are you do-“ I say, having a cold feeling running down my spine and all throughout my body. “JUST STOP! STOP Y/N!” he interrupts, yelling at me. “Can’t you see?! this isn’t working!! it’s not working anymore baby..” His voice cracks.
I look down, my sobs stopping. I feel numb and empty. Like everything good I had in my life came crashing down. Like I have no future. Not if he’s not in it.
1,277 words.
A/N: (I am tired yall omggg. Im so sorry to do yall like this but I had no choices😖 I’ll most likely write part 4 tomorrow or wednesday. Depends on how i’m feeling :) thank yall for the support i appreciate it!!)
Taglist: @watercolorskyy @imwetforyourmom @starzinasblog @urfavstromboli @sturniqloo @star-yawnznn @h3arts4harry
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Rafe and Pogue Reader where she works at the country club and used to hook up with rafe but now he's back and they do it again
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Since his return to Kildare, you’ve been waking in Rafe’s bed.
You ran into him during your shift at the country club. He was sitting with some older man and appeared to be talking business so you didn’t go up to him. Rafe didn’t like to be interrupted during business and you respected that.
It felt strange to see him after a month of radio silence from him. His hair was buzzed now and you weren’t sure what to think of it.
After shaking hands with the man he was speaking with, seemingly concluding a deal, Rafe’s eyes crossed yours at the bar and the corner of his mouth twitched.
You stretched like a cat in the soft cream colored bed sheets, slowly waking. You could get used to this type of comfort. It felt nice to not have an old spring digging into your back all night and to not wake up to your neighbors yelling at each other.
The morning peace didn’t last though. You heard some rustling in the room and rolled over, seeing a shirtless Rafe with a towel around his waist looking through a pile of clothes.
‘’Shouldn't I be the one sneaking out and doing the walk of shame?’’
He grabbed a charcoal gray baseball tee and turned his head in your direction, a soft smile on his lips. ‘’I’m not sneaking out,’’ Rafe corrected, picking a pair of shorts and clean underwear and dressing at the end of the bed, not caring that there was a window to his right. ‘’I have some business to take care of, but you can hang out here. I’ll be back.’’
You sat up and reached for your phone, checking the time. ‘’I can’t stay past noon, though. I’m replacing a girl on the golf course. It’s boring, but the rich daddies tip very well when the caddie girl wears a mini skirt.’’
It was a very objectifying job and you hated playing dumb, but the tips were the reason you agreed to take your co-worker’s shift. College was expensive and you needed all the extra money you could get.
Rafe cocked an eyebrow, an idea popping in his head. ‘’Now that you’re telling me this, I might turn up and have a golf afternoon with the boys,’’ he said, flexing his muscles as he slipped his shirt over his head and shoulders.
‘’Please don’t,’’ you begged, embarrassed.
‘’Why not? I can tip better than those old perverts.’’
The money was not the problem. Everytime Rafe ordered something at the country club’s bar, he would always leave you a very generous tip. The other bartenders and waiters were so jealous.
You sighed. ‘’Rafe…’’
‘’I’ll see you at the gold course.’’ He grabbed his car keys and phone, ready to leave. ‘’Oh, and don’t wear shorts underneath your skirt.’’ 
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hi, so rn I'm in absolute pain, my legs absolutely tort me up from mosquitoe bites like there, the sizes of welts, as if someone had burned me and it's absolute hell. SO I was wondering how Aizawa and Hawks would take care of an S/O and how they would react seeing their legs full of golf ball sized inflammation. Would they try to kill someone thinking that their dear s/o was hurt? And what type of remedies would they try once they found out the nature of them? Also, would they tease them about being a magnet for blood suckers?
I hate mosquito bites! I've got some right now, too, and they're driving me bonkers. I hope you like this and here's a link to where I found mosquito bite remedies-- Remedies
Remedies for Pesky Bites - Aizawa & Hawks
Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
1612 words
+ You get bitten badly by mosquitoes, and your man has a couple of remedies up his sleeve to help.
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I groaned as the burning, iching. sensation in my legs grew worse. I fought hard to not scratch at the welts lining my legs. I had gone to help my parents at their countryside home. It was a nice, hot summer day and the bugs were out in drones. I didn't even notice the mosquito bites until I was on the train home.
"Dammit." I exclaimed as a couple bites won and I scratched at them. I had to rip my hands away and get up from the bed. I had already taken a shower and it helped for a little bit. I went to the bathroom to grab some anti-itch Ointment. I hopped up on the counter and examined my legs.
The welts on my legs were huge. Ranging from tiny bites to golf ball size welts. I noticed there was some blood and blood rash from the scratching.
"Great..." I rubbed in the ointment, careful not to cause more irritation. All I wanted was to go to bed and be held by Shota. Unforchunately, he wasn't home. He had let me know that he would be out late due to a stake out bust of a gang.
I sighed before hopping down and walking back to the bed. I stood there for a minute, wondering if it was worth it to get under the blanket. I decided against it and laid on my stomach lounging on my pillow. I distracted myself with my phone until it was too hard to fight sleep.
"Babe... darling, Wake up." I groaned as I woke to someone shaking my shoulder.
"Nooo..." I whined, gripping my pillow tighter and curling up.
"I know, I know. Sleep is wonderful but I need to talk to you." His voice was urgent and I shot up in near panic. I found him sitting to my left.
"What's wrong? Did something happen on the bust?" I began to look him over.
"No, no. It went fine. But what happened to you? It looks like you were attacked. Who did this to you?" He looked down at my legs and began to trace his fingers around the welts.
"Ah! No, no." I pulled my legs away. His eyes widened in worry. "No one did this to me. It's all mosquito bites. I went to my parents remember?"
"Well, I helped my dad outside for most of the day. I got bitten a lot and I didn't notice until the train ride home." I saw him visibly relax and he dropped his head. I sat there
"Thank god. I thought you were attacked Or something."
"Nope. Well, yes by bugs." We laughed. I sighed before reaching down towards my legs.
"Nope. No scratching." He grabbed my hands.
"But it's so irritating evel the ointment isn't working well." He hummed before getting up and pulling off his capture weapon and jacket.
"I think I know just the thing." He walked towards the door. "No scratching."
"Okay." I giggled. I heard him moving around in the kitchen before coming back in with some wet towels.
"For now, We'll put these on. I've got something else prepping in the kitchen." He wrapped the towels around my calves. and I jumped at the cold sensation. It instantly gave me some relief. I sat there patiently for about half an hour, and he came back in with a bowl.
"What is that?"
"Tea?" I was surprised. He nodded with a chuckle.
"Trust me." He gave me a smirk. He pulled out a large, thin cheese cloth bag full of damp tea. He pulled off the rag and gently placed it on my bites. He did the same to the others. "Now we leave it on for ten minutes. Sit still and let it work while I go take a shower."
"Okay." He got up and began to strip his clothes. Before he went to the bedroom and stopped him. "Can I have my book?"
"Which one?" I pointed to the (color) book. (You choose the book! Lol) he handed it to me and went. He was done and back within the 10 minutes.
"Now let's see..." He took the wrappings off slowly.
"I never pegged you for a home remedy guy." I said while tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"Well, I'm full of surprises, Love." He set the bags in the bowl again before wiping the skin off. "There we go. Not even that red anymore."
"Wow." I ran my hand over the welts and was surprised to feel no irritation from my touch. "How?"
"It is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-itch." He said, standing up. "We'll do another treatment in the morning."
"Thank you." I stood and gave him a kiss.
"No problem. I suggest you put on those soft, cuffed sleep pants for the night." He said while leaving the room.
"Ooo, good idea."
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"Come on, pick up Keigo." I muttered into the phone. I have been trying to call him for about 10 minutes. He has yet to pick up obviously. "Damn." I groaned as the call went to voicemail again.
I was trying to get a hold of him to pick up some anti-itch stuff. We were out and I had an ungodly amount of mosquito bites on my legs. I had accompanied my sister to the farmers market and I apparently attracted all the bugs in the place. Large, angry, itchy welts were left behind.
"This sucks." I was sitting at the table with no pants on so there was no rubbing. I was wearing one of Keigo's shirts and it stopped about mid thigh. The bites were burning so bad that I was nearly in tears. I jumped when the balcony doors opened.
"I'm home, lovebird." Keigo yelled. He quickly found me at the table and gave me a big smile.
"I've been trying to call you." I whined.
"Aww. I'm sorry, Babe. I lost my phone earlier." He pulled off his jacket and kicked off his boots. He walked closer to me. "What did you need?"
"Too late now." I said getting up. He paused when it got closer.
"What's wrong?" I saw him examine me and his eyes widened. Rushing over, he knelt before me. "What happened?"
"Careful. They're bites." Taking a step back.
"Bites?" He asked frantically. I saw him looking at the large welts With worry. Some were scuffed from scratching while others had some blood rash.
"Bug bites." I clarified. He gave a heavy sigh of relief and his wings sagged to the floor. He muttered some words of relief before looking up at me.
"What happened?" He stood up.
"I went to a farmers market today and I think I attracted all the mosquitoes. They hurt and itch Keigo. So bad." I grabbed onto his shirt, sniffling and set my head on his chest.
"Why didn't you put anything on them?"
"That's Why I was calling you. We're out of anti-itch stuff." I set my chin on his chest and looked up at him. He hummed and rubbed his hands up and down my arms.
"Come on." He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me to the kitchen. He softly lifted me up and set me on the counter next to the stove. He moved through the kitchen looking at different things.
"Bear with me, Love bird." He found my bag of herbs and spices I got today. He sifted through it before pulling out the thyme. I was confused but didn't say anything. He pulled out a pot and filled it with water. He put it on to boil before taking the thyme sprigs and broke them into single strands.
He dropped the springs into the water as it came to a boil. He wrapped a wing around my legs and I could feel the heat begin to rise under the feathers, giving me some temporary relief. I stayed silent as he worked until after letting it cool, dipped a couple of rags in the thyme water.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thyme is an antibacterial plant that can reduce irritation in the skin." He explained. I was dumbfounded.
"And how do you know that?" I asked. He chuckled as he wrapped the rags around my legs.
"I grew up having to fend for myself and not have any helpful amenities." He used a bag clip to hold the rags on.
"Oh, right."
"It's alright." He cupped my face and gave me a kiss. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. This was the perfect distraction. He pulled away after a few minutes. "Feeling any better?"
"Yes actually." I noticed that the burning was gone and the urge to itch was almost gone. I looked at my legs astonished.
"Thyme? Really?"
"Yes!" He laughed, wings flapping in amusement. He removed the rags and examined the bites. "They look better."
"Amazing." I hopped down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed my fingers through his feathers. Shivers went up his spine. "Thank you, Pretty boy."
"It's my pleasure, My Love." He nuzzled his nose against mine.
"You know..." I trailed off. "You now owe me some more Thyme. Especially if you want some fried chicken."
"Haha! Of course!" He said. I smiled before stepping back. "You know..." I heard the teasing tone in his voice. "I really hope there are no vampires nearby because you seem to be a blood suckers buffet."
"Keigo Takami!" I scolded him while laughing. I grabbed a dry dish towel and threw it at him. He dodged and took off for the bedroom. "Get back here!"
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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papasbaseball · 6 months
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Raphael x Tav (Clubs and Spades: Chapter 1)
Pairing: Raphael x F!Tav
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Alcohol
Summary: Tav finds herself on the bad side of the President of the Fae Run Country Club. She agreed to work there as a favor, but he's determined to make her life a living hell. Will they both make it out of the summer without catching feelings?
Word Count: 2,187
Notes: I changed some of the names to help blend in the characters better with the AU setting. Here is a translation if you would like to know:
Tav - '' "Tav" Baldur
Karlach - Karlie Ackerman
Raphael - Raphael Hope
Mizora - Ms. Zora
Wyll - Will
AO3 Link
If all the stories were true, the president of the Fae Run Country Club was the Devil himself. I’d had the fortune of not running into him all summer, enjoying the close proximity to what otherwise might be considered ‘good people’, as I served drinks, folded towels, and did whatever else my manager had sent me to do. That particular day, I limped after my coworker Karlie — the cooler filled with ice and Evian between us making us as useful as a horse with a lame leg — as we brought the beverages out to the 8th hole of the golf course. The community carts had been forbidden from use, much to the dismay of my shoulder.
A quarrelsome two stood beside the green, too rich to stop their argument for us. The one’s shoulders were cast back, face tilted up as if God was also privy to the conversation he was having with the pink-faced man. I’d seen a dozen of his type infesting the green lawns of Fae Run. What set him apart was how quickly he cut down the man with words I’ll never know, courtesy of the lawnmowers. Weak arms were quickly uncrossed and the WASP wannabe buzzed back to the safety of the clubhouse hive.
“Ha!” Karlie scoffed, setting her end of the cooler down with a hard rustle of ice. “Bob had that one coming for a while.”
There were a half dozen members named Bob, but she came to know every one of them over the 8 years that she’d been working there. I’d barely met any of them and I’d been there for 2 months.
“Is Bob a problem?” I asked, setting my end of the cooler down. The ache of carrying it almost a mile thrummed in my arm, thrilled to have been released.
“I certainly wouldn’t want to be his server at dinner,” Karlie said. Her face fell and quickly she was tucking her polo back into her khaki pants, slicking back the wild fly-aways the walk had earned her.
“Ladies.” The remaining man approached us, his shirt unbuttoned past regulation to show off the tan earned from hours spent by the poolside. “Less chatting more working, yes? I would hate to have to speak to your manager about disciplinary action. I want this golf course as immaculate as possible.”
“Yes, sir,” Karlie replied.
“You’re breaking the dress code,” I offered, nodding to the undone button and soft curls of chest hair it guarded. If he wanted everything to be perfect he could start with himself.
He whipped off his sunglasses, mouth disgusted as he gave me a once over. “What is your name, girl?”
“Tav,” I said.
“I doubt that.” He hooked the glasses into his illegal shirt and turned to Karlie. “Ms. Ackerman, does Tav have somewhere to be?”
She stumbled over her words, unable to make eye contact with him.
“I know you are short-staffed,” he cut in, “but I could make much better use of her as my personal caddy for the day.”
“That’s not the job that I applied for,” I said. I had no interest in following some dumbass who only got to his position in life because his daddy foot all his bills and covered up all his mistakes. It was bad enough that I was working here — I owed my friend Will a favor — but I refused to sequester myself to such agonizing mediocrity.
“All employees of the Fae Run Country Club are required to know how to perform any duty they may be called upon at the drop of a hat,” he said. “Clearly you’ve missed training in more than one area.”
I opened my mouth to shoot back a retort when I heard Karlie’s voice tremble.
“Mr. Hope, please.”
She could have poured the chest full of ice over me and it would have been less bone-chilling than those three words. My eyes dart over him, trying to place those features to the portraits of board members that hung in the hallway leading to the main office. Maybe the sunglasses and casual attire had fooled me, but the disappointed frown was unmistakable: I was standing before the Devil.
“Tell your boss to make the necessary shifts,” he said. “I will take care of our darling Tav, here.”
Karlie tucked tail and turned back to the clubhouse. The sun baked a degree hotter with each step of hers, pushing me further into the custody of the Devil of Fae Run. The urge to run after her pressed itself, but I held it back. I couldn’t get myself fired: I still owed Will for lying for me, getting the charges dropped, and scrubbing my record. I just needed to get through this summer free and clean.
“Don’t worry, I will take good care of you,” he said. The words reeked of lies, but I tailed after him anyway. His cologne whipped back with the breeze as I followed him to the golf cart. The sweetness and warmth sent a shiver through me. It must have come from abroad, the undernotes speaking of warm sands and late-night dinners, and probably costing twice my seasonal salary.
I hesitated as I slid into the fine leather seat next to him, not any further than I had to, and watched as he turned the key.
“You really think I am going to bite you?” he said. He pressed the pedal and the cart jerked forward.
I slid further into the seat as I saw the sharp grass zipping by the floorboard more quickly than I would like it to. His chuckle at this was quiet under the whine of the cart. It was going to take more than the threat of turfburn for me to take his treatment lying down. I couldn’t refuse his orders, but I didn’t have to like it.
“You were threatening to fire me and Karlie a few minutes ago.”
“Was I?” he asked. “You’re not very good at listening, Tav.” The corners of his lips pulled back in disgust. “What is your real name? Tav sounds like something you’d call a dog. Although, you would make a pretty picture fetching my golf clubs.” He paused at the thought.
“My friends call me Tav,” I said. Mr. Hope steered the golf cart back onto the path and I almost gripped his leg to steady myself as the cart wobbled back onto its steady charge forward. I tucked my hand quickly under my black golf skort, taking comfort in the weight of my thigh.
“I’m not your friend: I’m your employer.”
“If you want to know it so bad, why don’t you just look it up when we get back to the clubhouse?” I should have bit my tongue, but Mr. Hope was not going to be calling me by my government name if I had anything to say about it.
The cart coasted to a stop, the clubhouse within sight. “If you want me to call you like a dog then you can get out and run after the cart like one.” He nodded for me to step out. “Go on, Tav.”
My legs were still twitching from the hike out to the 8th hole and I was maybe enjoying the custom fans on the cart a little too much. But between that or telling him my full name, I stepped out, cringing as the sun baked my skin once more. It didn’t take long until he was pressing the cart forward. He drove it just fast enough that I was always on his heels, no matter how hard I ran.
As my sneakers thumped the white pavement I imagined they were stomping that stupid handsome face of his. It looked all-natural – there was a small scar on his forehead and plenty of wrinkles that cut from his amber eyes – but the soft curl to his hair and all-linen outfit told the world that he could afford plastic surgery if he wanted to. He could probably afford to buy the plastic surgeon too if the rumors were true.
Mr. Hope parked the golf cart with the herd of others after what felt like a day of running. I heaved heavy breaths in and out, hands on my knees as I considered a nap on the blinding concrete.
“I’m surprised that you made it, Tav. Such a good girl.” Mockery highlighted his voice, but the words caught me off guard. I turned them over in my mind, wondering what other sweet praises the Devil liked to stab with.
“It was a piece of cake,” I lied.
He turned and headed towards the clubhouse, tossing a come-here whistle over his shoulder. I scrunched my face up, swallowing the nasty names I was already starting to come up with for him. I’d share those later with Karlie and Will.
The clubhouse wrapped its welcoming chill around us. I didn’t even mind the goosebumps on my arms, rubbing them only once as I followed him back to the foyer. He pulled out his phone and shot off a quick text before stopping a server carrying a saran-wrapped tray full of chicken salad croissants to the meeting room.
“Have you seen Ms. Zora?” he asked.
“I’m right here.”
Ms. Zora’s white polo and black skort could have gotten her mistaken for club staff if it wasn’t for the glowing pearls that encircled her swan-like neck. She was the secretary for the board and seemed to have a habit, I noticed, of showing up when you least wanted her to.
Raphael waved off the server, not even watching as she scurried away, head down muttering a prayer of thankfulness. He gestured to the walls and ceilings of the foyer.
“Where are all the banners that we ordered?” he asked.
Ms. Zora rolled her eyes, huffing a sigh of exasperation. “Supply chain issues. Don’t worry: I got us a full refund and have contacted that little print shop down the road.” She laughed, “You should have seen how grateful they were that I wanted everything ASAP and at a discount too.”
“I do not care about a discount. I want this foyer decorated now,” he said.
“I’ll give them a call,” Ms. Zora smiled. Her cunning gaze soon fell on me, her smile dropping with it. “Is there a reason why you are here Ms. Baldur?”
“Oh, so she does have a name?” Raphael laughed. “Ms. Baldur is my caddy for the day. I do have to say, I have grown quite accustomed to calling her Tav, though. It has a certain peasant charm to it.”
My clean-cut nails bit into my palms as I balled my fists up. Just get through the day, that’s it. If he used my name any more times I might have to start going by my full name just to get the stink of him off of it.
“I need to go make that call,” Ms. Zora excused herself. He didn’t watch her leave, instead smirking and staring hungrily down at me as if I were the chicken salad sandwiches.
“What are you looking at?” I asked.
“Ms. Baldur,” he said, rolling the r with a flourish. “Such a nice ring to it. Maybe I’ll call you that if you do a good enough job today. Please me and I’ll please you.”
“I-“ He knew he had turned my nickname into an annoyance. I expected him to sprout horns any minute now. “What makes you think that I want you to please me? Can’t I just do my job?”
He turned, heading back out to the golf course. A group of men had managed to gather in the few minutes we’d been inside, chattering and guzzling Bud Lights as if they were college frat boys born again in the heat of the summer.
“Raph!” one of them exclaimed. “What took you so long?”
“I was just making sure everything was ready and attending to a few stray animals.” He looked at me with that remark, before continuing, “Nothing exciting.” He popped his sunglasses back on as the cloud cover retreated. My eyes were drawn once more to the unbuttoned violation. I stared a bit too long as I found his eyes peeking out the peripheral of the shades, waiting for mine to see them. He gave a smile and I went off to his golf cart to sulk in my rosy cheeks.
They chatted and chatted until one of them finally clapped his hands together in anticipation. Beer can after empty beer can clunked into the trash can, and one by one the carts started.
“Out,” he said.
“What?” I said.
“Do you have cotton in your ears? Out. You want to be named like a dog, you’ll run like a dog.”
I got out, folding my arms as I watched him get in. “I thought we were done with all this.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are, but I’m not done with your lesson, Tav. If you keep up, I’ll drive you back after the 18th hole.” And with that, he backed the cart out and zipped off after the pack.
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jroycethethird · 6 months
open! @lunarcovestarters
Option 1
setting: the country club
"Good god, my friend, you are a terrible shot. Here's to hoping you drink better than you golf," Royce's head tilted back as a loud laugh escaped him, hopping off the golf cart and whipping off the tweed flat cap that stamped down his hair. He ruffled up his golden locks to their perfect 'wave-like' coif with one hand, the other swiftly pulling out and shooting out text after text on his phone. Without looking where he was going, he made a bee-line for the country club bar, willing those in the way to step aside and not bothering to check if his companion or caddy were following his pursuit. "Gin and Tonic," he readily supplied to the bar tender before motioning behind him, "and whatever they're having—" In that moment his gaze met that of another person seated at the bar. Gorgeous, naturally, and seemingly alone — just the type that caught his eye typically. "And whatever you're having. Hey there, nice day isn't it? Too lovely to be drinking alone, unless you're waiting for someone?" He flashed a charming grin, forgetting his entourage already.
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Option 2
setting: drop it like a squat
Slipping his hand out of a boxing glove, Royce swiped his sweaty palm against his shirt. A useless action since it was as equally drenched. "Alright, I'll concede, you were a worthy opponent," he said to the other with the flash of a grin, retrieving his towel to wipe away the sweat from his hands and brow before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "It's been a while, I certainly needed that. It's not always easy to find a facility with just the right amenities when you're jumping across countries," he referenced his most recent long getaway to Europe, which he seriously wish he'd extended. Coming home to council drama and now no powers was not exactly how he wanted to spend his days, on top of all the work he had with setting up upcoming exhibits and his other investments. "Tell you what, since you were a good sport about working out with me, I'll take you out for a bite to eat. You name the place, no limits. Or we can skip the meal and go for drinks. Pick your poison, though I will say that after that I am positively ravenous. Just saying." As proletarian as it was, a burger and fries sounded amazing right about then.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
Jack's Body
Ship: Jack Torrance x Keaton Torrance
Word Count: 737
Summary: Jack experiences a spell of insecurity about his aging body. Keaton insists he loves him as he is and even prefers his body type to the idealized standards of the magazines and the TV shows. CWs for body image issues, allusions to alcoholism, arguing kind of, angst, angst, and more angst, but with a hopeful and lightly suggestive ending. Is this a little bit of projection/my subconscious coming through in my writing? Perhaps. That's between my braincells and psychology to know. (light-hearted)
Tag List: @canongf
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Jack sighed as he looked at himself in the bedroom mirror. He wore only his briefs, a sight usually reserved for the moments just before a shower and the irresistible rise before all clothes fell to the floor in a passionate frenzy. He had what most would consider a “dad bod;” an everlasting beer gut and greying body hair. He pinched his love handles and grimaced as his husband came out of the master bathroom, draped in a complimentary Overlook Hotel bathrobe and a towel twisted high atop his head, despite his short hair.
“You know, I was skinny before I started drinking… and you’d think between quitting cold turkey three years ago and me busting my ass all over the hotel as of late, I’d lose some of this… flab.” He complained, attempting to sound lighthearted. Keaton frowned, stepping beside him and looking at his reflection in the mirror.
“What’s it matter? It’s not hurting you… is it?” Keaton immediately gave his husband a concerned look as Jack’s hands fell away from his body.
“Not physically… I don’t know… I guess I’m just wondering where all the time went. Shit, you should’ve seen me in high school and college… track, football, rugby… and a year of golf, before the old man decided he didn’t want to pay for it anymore.”
“But I like the way you look now.” Keaton took Jack’s hand in his own and let his eyes sweep over every part of him. Jack chuckled and turned fully toward him, caressing his cheek.
“I surely don’t know why when you’re all hip and young and pretty.”
Keaton scoffed. “Pretty? Most guys my age won’t even give me a second glance, much less the ones who are actually gay. Besides, I don’t want washboard abs and blonde hair and tanned skin… I want who I married, who’s standing right in front of me and looking gorgeous because he’s really lived and isn’t some airbrushed model in a Playgirl magazine. I fell in love with Jack Torrance, not Arnold Schwarzenegger.”
“But you’re not denying Arnie’s got a pretty sweet bod, are ya?” Jack grimaced, sucking air through his teeth and arching his pointed eyebrows. Keaton’s brow furrowed and his hold on Jack’s hand became tighter.
“I hate to bust out the full name but John Daniel Edward Torrance, otherwise known as just plain Jack, don’t give me that horseshit! Please, accept genuineness when it’s boxing you around the ears because all you’re doing by comparing yourself to others is sabotaging yourself and hurting me!” His voice broke, lip trembling and eyes shining. He lifted his hands and took Jack’s own face in his palms. “Jack, I know life’s been hard on you, but I would never ever intentionally steer you wrong. I married you because I love you. I accepted working with you that first winter at The Overlook because I genuinely like you. You intrigue me. I’ve spent these past few winters with you in this godforsaken hotel because you deserve to feel safe. You deserve companionship, and I mean real companionship, with depth. I wish you could see what I see.”
Gripped by emotional exhaustion, Keaton leaned forward and rested his forehead on Jack’s, sighing deeply. Jack’s expression became less one of contempt and more soft and saddened.
“I wish my head wasn’t so fucked,” he murmured as he stroked the back of Keaton’s neck.
“It doesn’t make me love you any less.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize. But I’d like a little time to self-regulate, if you don’t mind.”
Jack cleared his throat and let Keaton step away, opening the drawers and taking out his clothes for the day.
“Yeah, yeah… go ahead. You’ll find me when you’re ready to, right?”
“Uh-huh. A-and when I do, I’m going to make sure you know just how much I love you…” Keaton turned and ghosted his hand over Jack’s torso, centimetres away from touching him. “Warts and all.”
Jack rubbed his hand over his mouth. “Mmh. How’re you going to do that?”
His husband flushed slightly and a small smile replaced his worn-out look. “Oh, you’ll see.”
After a pause, Jack’s eyes lit up. “I see.” Feeling a little lighter, he began to fish for his own clothes. Keaton nodded and exited the room, leaving Jack with his silence and his thoughts once more. How lucky he was to be loved at all.
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its-all-papaya · 7 days
🫧 (sheets and towels lol)
I was wondering how you usually go about outlining? I’ve always been so terrible at it so if you had any advice or even just explaining the process a bit that would be lovely.
assign me a chore!!
i'm actually probably a bad person to ask about this because i'm usually kind of awful at "outlining" fics in any definite way. however.... i do kind of have a process, it's just not usually a formal outline.
my USUAL process is to kind of just dump every thought i have related to a fic in a bullet point list that gets added to and subtracted from as the fic develops. if i have pm's with a mutual that inspired a fic, i'll copy paste those into the list to start. if i have ideas for scenes, i'll add those to the list. if there are irl quotes or events that are relevant, those also go in the list. from there, i'll kind of rearrange things in the order that makes sense (either chronologically or by "type" of thing - i.e. for the hollow hereafter, i had a section of quotes with sub-bullets that were just transcripts from each segment of media, then i had a section of "vibes" that were like "lando just wants it all to end, can't imagine ever feeling right again after how dramatically everything inside of him has shifted", etc). once they're in an order that makes my brain feel good, i put them below a page break and start typing actual sentences at the top of the fic in a blank page. then as i'm typing a fic, if i have thoughts about things i want to do down the line NOT in the scene i'm currently typing, i'll add those to the list too as not to disrupt the actual "proper" text i'm building. once i use a thought off the list, it gets deleted so i can see what's left in the bank more clearly. basically everything that is ACTUAL COPY I INTEND ON PUBLISHING gets written from the top of the doc down, then every stray thought i want to preserve gets added onto the bottom of the doc until i use it. there are usually like sections and sub-bullets on that list to keep things semi-organized.
when i DO outline more formally, such as dad lando, it's honestly kind of stream of consciousness. i started with rough, one-line summaries of what i thought each chapter might be (i.e. one was "first meeting", two was "start texting" etc etc until we get to "epilogue"). then i filled in in sub-bullets what i wanted to include in each chapter. some, such as "oscar meets emma" are like SUPER SUPER vague rn. like three sentences. some, such as "lando goes golfing with max" had really clear inspo in my head and are like two pages of rambling. because i felt strongly about how i wanted it to go, i just started typing in half-coherent sentences (honestly how i answer asks here sometimes? this is a good example of the flow i'm talking about). however, half of that extremely rushed, just-trying-to-get-it-down-on-paper musing about this golf outing is probably word-for-word going to end up in the fic because i just let my brain work. and that's how it works a lot of the time for me. i start typing thinking it's just going to be the gist of plot points, and it ends up prose i really, really like because i'm letting my brain work freely.
my MAIN advice for outlining based on my own learning curve:
write down LITERALLY every thought you have related to a fic. whether it's half a sentence, a guiding vibe, a real event that inspires you in ways related to the fic... literally anything. you obviously don't have to use it all, but sometimes those stray thoughts help re-center me when i get kind of lost in the sauce of a fic. when i'm stuck, i just scroll the list and see if anything sticks out to me to use or draw from to get me out of the block.
don't FORCE yourself to outline every moment or plot point. like i said, some of my dad lando chapters are really thoroughly outlined, some are suuuper vague. i didn't force myself to try and plan out any of chapter three bc i wasn't feeling particularly strongly about how i wanted it to go, and it just worked itself out in time as i typed instead. i've outlined what i've figured out, and i'm going with the flow with the rest. the outline mainly motivates me and reminds me what i'm building towards, ultimately, instead of dictating every little thing i want to include. i'm never afraid to say "and then ????? but they end up kissing" and revisit once the vibes have built around a moment.
may seem obvious, but outlines are not final. i've pushed sooooo much shit i meant to include in chapters one and two of dad lando to chapter four bc it didn't hit right when i thought it would. my outline for thh was like six times as long as the actual fic bc i cut out so much stuff i thought i wanted to use. outlines are literally just to keep track of thoughts, imo, and like i said, to guide you. doesn't have to be fully formed to be useful.
hope that was helpful!!! a lot of this is very very similar to how i used to process my research papers in college, so i've had upwards of like eight years now to refine my process and find what works for my brain specifically. so i guess last tip is just try different things and use what works and throw out what doesn't in terms of methodology. everybody's different!
love u good luck writing feel free to ask more about any of this if you'd like 🫶
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noisycowboyglitter · 11 days
Any Hole Is My Goal: Embrace American Spirit with Funny Golf Gear
The phrase "Any Hole Is My Goal – Patriotic – America" combines humor, golf terminology, and patriotic sentiment in a way that may appeal to a certain audience, though it's important to note that some might find it crude or offensive.
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This slogan likely appears on novelty items aimed at golfers who enjoy edgy humor and want to display their patriotism. It plays on the double entendre of "hole," referring both to golf holes and to a crude sexual innuendo. The patriotic aspect suggests it's meant to be a lighthearted celebration of American values like freedom of expression, including the freedom to make risqué jokes.
Such items might feature red, white, and blue color schemes, along with golf-related imagery like tees, clubs, or balls. The American flag or other national symbols could be incorporated into the design to emphasize the patriotic angle.
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These products could include t-shirts, hats, golf towels, or novelty golf balls. They're likely marketed towards adults who appreciate bold humor and don't mind pushing boundaries with their apparel or accessories on the golf course.
It's worth noting that this type of humor isn't universally appreciated. While some may find it amusing, others might view it as inappropriate or disrespectful, especially in the context of patriotic themes.
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This phrase encapsulates a particular brand of American humor that blends national pride with audacious wordplay, appealing to those who enjoy mixing their patriotism with a dash of irreverence.
The Beer Pong Tank Top is the ultimate apparel for party enthusiasts and competitive players alike. Made from high-quality, breathable fabric, this tank top ensures comfort during those intense games and lively gatherings. Featuring bold graphics and catchy slogans, it showcases your love for the classic drinking game while making a stylish statement. Perfect for summer barbecues, beach trips, or college parties, this tank top is designed for both men and women,
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providing a relaxed fit that allows for easy movement. Whether you're practicing your aim or celebrating a victory with friends, the Beer Pong Tank Top is a must-have addition to your wardrobe. Get ready to serve up some fun and show off your playful side with this eye-catching piece that captures the spirit of camaraderie and competition. Cheers to good times and great memories!
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onlygreens12 · 15 days
Golf Accessories Set: The Ultimate Companion for Every Golfer
Golf is a game of precision, technique, and strategy, and having the right equipment can significantly enhance a player's performance. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced golfer, a well-curated golf accessories set can provide essential tools to improve your game and ensure a more enjoyable experience on the course. These sets typically include a variety of must-have items that every golfer needs, from basic tools to high-tech gadgets. Let's take a closer look at why a golf accessories set is a smart investment and what you can expect to find in one.
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Why You Need a Golf Accessories Set
A golf accessories set is more than just an assortment of tools—it's a convenient, all-in-one solution that ensures you're well-prepared for any scenario on the golf course. Here are a few reasons why investing in a set is essential:
Convenience: Having all your necessary accessories in one place means you don’t have to shop for each item individually, saving you time and effort. Everything is organized and easy to carry, ensuring that you can focus on the game without any distractions.
Cost-Effective: Purchasing a golf accessories set is usually more affordable than buying items separately. Many sets are priced competitively, offering great value for a complete package.
Improved Performance: From alignment tools to scorecards, these accessories are designed to enhance your game by providing the necessary support and tools to boost your confidence and precision on the course.
Perfect for Gifting: A golf accessories set makes an excellent gift for anyone who loves the game. Whether it’s for a birthday, a special occasion, or just a thoughtful gesture, it's a present that any golfer will appreciate.
Common Items in a Golf Accessories Set
Although the contents of golf accessories sets can vary, most sets include a few standard essentials that are critical to the sport. Below are some of the most common items you’ll find:
Tees: A basic but essential component of any game, tees help elevate the ball for that perfect drive. Golf accessories sets usually come with a good supply of durable tees.
Golf Balls: High-quality golf balls are crucial for achieving maximum distance and control. Some sets come with a variety of balls, giving golfers the chance to test out different types and find the ones that best suit their style.
Divot Tool: Keeping the course in pristine condition is important, and a divot tool helps repair any marks you make on the green. Most sets include this tool, ensuring that golfers can play responsibly.
Ball Marker: A small but essential accessory, a ball marker is used to mark the position of your ball on the green. It's especially useful when multiple players are on the putting green.
Scorecard and Pencil: Tracking your progress is essential, and many sets come with a durable scorecard holder and pencil, so you’re never caught without a way to record your score.
Golf Towel: A good golf towel helps keep your clubs and balls clean, ensuring that nothing interferes with your shots. Towels are typically made of absorbent, high-quality materials designed to withstand heavy use.
Club Brush: Keeping your clubs in optimal condition is key to performance, and a club brush allows you to clean dirt and debris from the grooves of your clubs after each shot.
Golf Glove: Many sets include a Novelty golf items, which improves grip and reduces friction, making your swings more comfortable and precise.
Additional High-Tech Accessories
For the more tech-savvy golfer, some accessories sets come with advanced gadgets designed to further enhance your game. For example, GPS rangefinders or swing analyzers can help improve accuracy and offer real-time data on your performance. These tools are a great addition for golfers looking to refine their technique and play smarter.
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skincarezone · 1 month
SPF Meaning: Everything You Need to Know About Sun Protection Factor
Sun Protection Factor, commonly known as SPF, is a term you’ve likely encountered on sunscreen labels, but do you really know what it means and why it’s so important? Understanding SPF is crucial for protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.
What Does SPF Mean?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor, and it is a measure of how well a sunscreen will protect your skin from UVB rays. UVB rays are the main cause of sunburn and can lead to skin cancer over time. The SPF number indicates how long it will take for UVB rays to redden your skin when using the product as directed compared to the time it would take without sunscreen. For instance, if you use an SPF 30 sunscreen, it theoretically takes 30 times longer for your skin to burn than it would without any protection.
How Does SPF Work?
The effectiveness of SPF is not linear. An SPF 15 sunscreen blocks approximately 93% of UVB rays, SPF 30 blocks around 97%, and SPF 50 blocks about 98%. While higher SPF numbers offer slightly better protection, no sunscreen can block 100% of UVB rays. This is why it’s also important to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if you are swimming or sweating.
Broad-Spectrum Protection: The Complete Shield
When shopping for sunscreen, look for products labeled “broad-spectrum.” This means the sunscreen protects against both UVB and UVA rays. While UVB rays are responsible for sunburn, UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply, causing premature aging and contributing to skin cancer. Broad-spectrum sunscreens help protect your skin from both types of harmful rays.
Why Is SPF Important?
Using a sunscreen with adequate SPF is essential for preventing sunburn, reducing the risk of skin cancer, and avoiding premature aging. Sunburns are not just a temporary discomfort; they can cause long-term damage to the skin. Repeated exposure to UV rays without protection increases the risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers.
Choosing the Right SPF for Your Skin
The right SPF level for you depends on your skin type, the amount of time you’ll be spending outdoors, and the intensity of the sun’s rays. Fair-skinned individuals or those with a history of skin cancer should opt for a higher SPF, such as SPF 50. For everyday use, SPF 30 is generally recommended, as it provides adequate protection for most skin types.
How to Apply Sunscreen Properly
To get the full benefit of SPF, it’s important to apply sunscreen correctly. Use about one ounce (roughly the size of a golf ball) to cover your entire body. Apply it 15-30 minutes before going outdoors, and don’t forget areas like the ears, neck, and tops of the feet. Reapply every two hours, and more often if you’re swimming, sweating, or towel drying.
Understanding the SPF Meaning and how it works is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. By choosing the right SPF, applying it properly, and reapplying as needed, you can protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, reducing the risk of sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. Always opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen and incorporate it into your daily skincare routine to ensure your skin stays protected all year round.
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martinarecolvice · 2 months
Savers Donation Guidelines
Understanding Savers donation guidelines is crucial for a smooth donation experience. First and foremost, the items you donate should be clean and in good condition. Torn clothing or broken items may not be accepted, as Savers aims to provide quality goods.
>>>>>>Savers Donation Guidelines<<<<<<
Savers typically accepts a wide range of items including clothing, shoes, accessories, household goods, toys, and books. However, there are certain restrictions on what can be donated. Hazardous materials like paint or chemicals cannot be included.
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When preparing your donations, it’s helpful to sort them into boxes or bags. This makes the drop-off process easier for both you and the staff at Savers locations. Remember that larger items might require special arrangements; check with your local store beforehand.
Always keep in mind that receipts are provided upon request when you donate items to Savers. These can help you document your contributions for tax purposes while giving back to those in need.
Why Donate to Savers?
Donating to Savers is a meaningful way to declutter your space while contributing positively to the community. Every item you donate helps support local nonprofits, fostering social good and enhancing lives. By choosing Savers, you're directly impacting organizations that focus on various causes, from education to health services.
Additionally, donating items extends their life cycle. Instead of ending up in landfills, your gently used belongings find new homes where they can be appreciated once again. This reduces waste and promotes environmental sustainability.
Savers also provides tax deductions for donations, which can benefit you come tax season. Just keep your donation receipt for easy record-keeping.
Moreover, the process is incredibly convenient. With numerous drop-off locations and clear guidelines on what items are accepted, giving back has never been easier or more accessible for everyone involved.
What items can I donate to Savers?
Savers welcomes a wide range of items for donation, including:
1. Clothing and Accessories: Gently used clothing, shoes, hats, belts, scarves, and other fashion accessories are always in demand at Savers.
2. Household Items: You can donate a variety of household items such as kitchenware, small appliances, dishes, pots and pans, home decor items, linens, curtains, and towels.
3. Furniture: If you have furniture that is in good condition and can be easily transported to the store, Savers will gladly accept it. This includes couches, chairs, tables, dressers, bed frames, and more.
4. Books: Any type of book in good condition is accepted at Savers. This includes fiction and non-fiction books for all ages, textbooks, cookbooks, children's books, etc.
5. Electronics: Savers accepts working electronics such as TVs (flat screen only), DVD players, radios, stereo systems (no large consoles), computers (laptops or desktops), printers/scanners/copiers (must be in working condition), small kitchen appliances (coffee makers, blenders), etc.
6. Toys and Games: Donating gently used toys and games is a great way to help children in need while decluttering your home. Any  type of toy or game in good condition is accepted.
7. Sporting Goods: Savers accepts various types of sporting goods such as bicycles, helmets, golf clubs, tennis rackets, skis and snowboards (no boots), camping gear, etc.
8. Jewelry: You can donate all types of jewelry including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, etc.
9. Media: CDs, DVDs, video games and vinyl records are all accepted at Savers.
10. Art and Collectibles: If you have any unique art pieces or collectibles that you no longer want to keep, consider donating them to Savers.
Please note that not all items may be accepted at every Savers location. It's always best to check with your local store before donating to ensure they can accept the items you want to donate.
Steps to Donate to Savers
Donating to Savers is a straightforward process that benefits both you and your community. 
1. Gather Items to Donate: Start by gathering items that you no longer need or use, but are still in good condition. This can include clothing, shoes, accessories, household items, and small appliances. Make sure that the items are clean and free of any damage.
2. Choose a Savers Location: Visit the Savers website to find a location near you. There are over 300 locations across the United States and Canada.
3. Check Donation Guidelines: Before heading to the store, check the donation guidelines on the website. This will help ensure that your items are eligible for donation.
4. Drop Off Your Donation: Bring your donations to the designated drop-off area at your chosen Savers location. A store employee will assist you with unloading your donations if needed.
5. Get a Tax Receipt: After dropping off your donation, ask for a tax receipt from the store employee. This will allow you to claim a tax deduction for your donation.
6. Shop at Savers (Optional): While you're at Savers, you can also shop for affordable secondhand items or new merchandise from their retail partners.
7. Sign Up for Club Card (Optional): After donating, consider signing up for a Savers Club Card which offers discounts and rewards for frequent shoppers.
8. Spread the Word: Let your friends and family know about your donation and encourage them to donate to Savers as well. This helps promote a sustainable cycle of reuse and supports the local community through job creation and charitable partnerships.
Savers donation drop-off location
Finding a Savers donation drop-off location is easy. These sites are strategically placed in various communities, making it convenient for you to contribute your gently used items. You can check Savers’ official website for the nearest drop-off center or use their store locator tool.
Most locations offer designated hours for donations, ensuring that you can deliver your items at a time that works best for you. It’s wise to call ahead and confirm these hours before heading out, as they may vary by location.
When visiting a drop-off site, look for clearly marked donation bins or areas where donations are accepted. Staff members are often available to assist with any questions about what items they accept and how the process works.
Remember to pack your donations securely and label them if necessary. This helps facilitate easier processing once they arrive at the Savers facility.
What Savers Does with Donations
When you donate to Savers, your items are given a new lease on life. The organization focuses on providing quality second-hand goods to customers at affordable prices. This process not only supports sustainable shopping but also reduces waste in landfills.
Savers sorts through all donations meticulously. Items that meet their standards for resale are sold in their thrift stores across North America. Each piece contributes to local economies by offering budget-friendly options for shoppers looking for unique finds.
Items that don’t pass the quality check aren’t discarded carelessly either. Instead, they’re recycled or repurposed whenever possible, ensuring minimal environmental impact. This commitment highlights Savers' dedication to sustainability.
Additionally, Savers partners with various nonprofit organizations through its Community Donation Program. A portion of the proceeds from sales directly benefits these nonprofits, reinforcing the positive community impact of every donation made.
Donating to Savers is a wonderful way to declutter your space while positively impacting the community. By following the savers donation guidelines, you ensure that your contributions are suitable for resale and beneficial. The process of donating is simple and can be done conveniently at various drop-off locations.
Savers takes pride in using donations not just for profit but also to support local charities through their programs. Your items help create job opportunities and promote sustainable practices by encouraging recycling.
Whether you're cleaning out your closet or looking to give back, consider making a donation today. It's an easy act that leads to significant benefits for individuals and communities alike. Embrace the spirit of giving with Savers, knowing that every item matters.
What items can I donate to Savers?
Savers accepts a wide range of items, including clothing, shoes, accessories, household goods, books, toys, and small electronics. Please ensure that items are gently used and in good condition.
Are there any items that Savers does not accept?
Savers do not accept items such as broken or damaged goods, large appliances, hazardous materials, mattresses, or any items that are soiled or in poor condition. For a complete list of unacceptable items, please refer to their website or contact your local Savers store.
How should I prepare my donations?
Please clean and sort your items before donating. Clothing and household items should be placed in bags or boxes. For electronics and other small items, make sure they are in working order and securely packed.
Can I get a tax receipt for my donation?
Yes, Savers provides tax receipts for donations. You can request a receipt when you drop off your items at a Savers store. Keep in mind that the receipt will reflect the items donated but will not include a monetary value; it is up to you to determine the value of your donations for tax purposes.
Where can I find a Savers donation drop-off location?
Savers donation drop-off locations are available at all Savers stores. To find the nearest location, you can use the store locator on the Savers website or contact your local store directly. Some locations may also offer donation bins or scheduled donation pick-up services.
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badass-art-tutorials · 2 months
Portable Sinks and Hygiene Stations: Essential for Outdoor Events
Introduction: The Role of Hygiene at Outdoor Events
Outdoor events in Florida, from music festivals to sporting tournaments, attract large crowds eager for entertainment and competition. In these settings, maintaining hygiene is crucial for public health and comfort. Portable sinks and hygiene stations play a vital role in ensuring that attendees have access to proper handwashing facilities, reducing the risk of spreading germs and enhancing the overall event experience.
The Importance of Handwashing
Handwashing is a simple yet effective way to prevent the spread of microorganisms that cause illness. At outdoor events, where access to permanent facilities might be limited, portable sinks and hand sanitizer stations become essential. They provide attendees with the opportunity to clean their hands before eating, after using the bathroom, or when coming into contact with shared surfaces.
Features of Portable Sinks
Modern portable sinks come equipped with features that promote ease of use and hygiene. These units include foot pump operations for hands-free water flow, built-in soap dispensers, and paper towel holders. Some models even incorporate hand sanitizer dispensers for added convenience. These features ensure that hygiene stations are efficient and easy to use, making them ideal for high-traffic areas at events.
Accessibility and Compliance with ADA Standards
Ensuring that hygiene facilities are accessible to all attendees is crucial. Our portable sinks are designed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, featuring accessible heights and easy-to-use faucets that cater to individuals with disabilities. This compliance underscores our commitment to inclusivity and public health.
Strategic Placement for Maximum Efficiency
The placement of portable sinks and hygiene stations at events can significantly impact their effectiveness. Strategic positioning near food vendors, restrooms, and high-traffic areas ensures that attendees can easily access these facilities when needed. This strategic placement helps reduce congestion and encourages regular handwashing among guests.
Environmental Considerations and Sustainability
In addition to enhancing hygiene, portable sinks can contribute to environmental sustainability. They use minimal water and are often designed for efficient waste management, including systems that support biodegradation and protect natural resources like groundwater. By minimizing water use and waste, these units support eco-friendly event practices.
Versatility for Various Event Types
Portable sinks and hygiene stations are versatile solutions suitable for a range of events. Whether it's a concert in Gainesville, a golf tournament in Lake City, or a construction project, these units can be customized to fit the specific needs of the event. Their flexibility makes them a valuable addition to any setting that prioritizes hygiene and safety.
Supporting Public Health Initiatives
Providing adequate hygiene facilities at events supports broader public health initiatives by promoting cleanliness and reducing the spread of infectious diseases. This is particularly important in large gatherings where the risk of transmission is higher. By incorporating portable sinks, event organizers can help protect attendees and contribute to community health.
Ensuring Cleanliness and Maintenance
Maintaining cleanliness at hygiene stations is crucial for their effectiveness. Our team ensures that all portable sinks are regularly cleaned and restocked with essential supplies like soap and paper towels. This regular maintenance ensures that each unit remains fully functional and hygienic throughout the event.
Partnering with Florida Portable Services
Choosing Florida Portable Services for your event guarantees top-quality hygiene solutions and exceptional customer service. Our experience and dedication to customer satisfaction ensure that every detail is handled professionally, from delivery and setup to maintenance and removal. We work closely with clients to tailor solutions to their unique needs and budgets.
Cost-Effective Solutions for Event Organizers
Offering portable sinks and hygiene stations need not be cost-prohibitive. Our competitive pricing and transparent invoices provide event organizers with cost-effective solutions that fit their budgets. By offering high-quality facilities at fair prices, we help ensure that hygiene is a priority without breaking the bank.
Conclusion: Elevating Event Hygiene
In conclusion, portable sinks and hygiene stations are indispensable components of successful outdoor events. By promoting hygiene and accessibility, these facilities enhance the attendee experience and contribute to public health. Partner with Florida Portable Services to ensure your event is equipped with the best hygiene solutions, and make cleanliness a hallmark of your gathering.
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Hair Spray vs. Hair Mousse: Which is Better for Your Style?
The products you choose when styling your hair can significantly impact achieving your desired look. Two of the most popular styling products are hair spray and hair mousse. Each has unique advantages and uses, but which is better for your style? Let us delve into the differences, benefits, and best uses for hair spray and mousse to help you decide which product suits your needs.
Understanding Hair Spray
Hair spray is a staple in the world of hairstyling, renowned for its ability to provide a firm hold and keep your hair in place throughout the day. It comes in various formulations, offering different hold levels, from flexible to extra firm. Here are some main benefits of using hair spray:
Long-Lasting Hold: Hair spray is ideal for maintaining elaborate hairstyles, such as updos and curls, by providing a firm hold that lasts all day.
Humidity Resistance: Many hair sprays offer humidity resistance, ensuring your style remains intact even in damp conditions.
Versatility: Hair spray can be used on all hair types and lengths, making it a versatile option for various hairstyles.
Advantages of Hair Mousse
Hair mousse, or styling foam, is a lighter product that enhances volume and texture. It is beneficial for individuals with acceptable or limp hair. Here's why hair mousse might be the right choice for you:
Volume and Body: Hair mousse adds volume and body to your hair, making it look more voluminous.
Flexibility: Unlike hair spray, mousse offers a flexible hold that lets your hair move naturally while maintaining its shape.
Heat Protection: Many hair mousses offer heat protection, ideal if you frequently use heat-styling tools like blow dryers or curling irons.
Choosing Between Hair Spray and Hair Mousse
The decision between hair spray and hair mousse depends on your hair type, desired style, and specific needs. Here are some factors to consider:
Hair Type: If you have fine or limp hair, hair mousse is a great option to add volume and lift. On the other hand, if you have thick or curly hair that needs to be tamed and held in place, hair spray might be more suitable.
Desired Style: For structured styles that require a stronghold, such as updos or intricate braids, hair spray is the go-to product. Hair mousse is the better option if you are aiming for a more natural, voluminous look.
Styling Tools: If you regularly use heat styling tools, consider using hair mousse for its heat protection properties. Hair spray, while excellent for holding styles, does not typically offer the same level of heat protection.
Combining Hair Spray and Hair Mousse
Combining hair spray and mousse can be an effective strategy for those who want the best of both worlds. Here is how to use both products for optimal results:
Prep with Mousse: Start by applying hair mousse to damp hair. This will add volume and provide a flexible base for styling.
Style with Heat Tools: Use your preferred heat styling tools to achieve your desired look. The mousse will help protect your hair from heat damage.
Set with Hair Spray: Finish with hair spray to lock in your style. This will provide a long-lasting hold to keep your hair looking great all day.
How to Apply Hair Spray and Hair Mousse Correctly
Proper application is crucial to maximize hair spray and mousse benefits. Here are some tips:
Applying Hair Spray:
Distance: Hold the hair spray about 12 inches away from your hair to avoid a stiff or crunchy texture.
Even Coverage: Spray in a sweeping motion for even coverage and a more natural finish.
Layering: For additional hold, apply hair spray in layers, allowing each layer to dry before adding the next.
Applying Hair Mousse:
Damp Hair: Apply mousse to damp, towel-dried hair for the best results.
Even Distribution: Dispense a golf ball-sized mousse into your palm and distribute it evenly through your hair using your fingers or a comb.
Blow-Dry: Dry your hair upside down for maximum volume or use a round brush to lift the roots.
Where to Buy Hair Products
When it is time to buy hair products, consider your hair type and styling needs. Look for products that offer specific benefits such as volume, hold, and heat protection. You can find many hair sprays and mousses at beauty supply stores, online retailers, and even local drugstores. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can help you choose the best products for your hair.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer in the debate between hair spray and mousse. Your choice depends on your hair type, styling preferences, and specific needs. Hair spray offers strong hold and humidity resistance, making it ideal for structured styles. Hair mousse, on the other hand, provides volume, flexibility, and heat protection, perfect for a natural, voluminous look. For the best results, combine both products to achieve a voluminous and long-lasting style. When you buy hair products, always choose ones that align with your styling goals for the best possible outcome.
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gimmiegolfco · 3 months
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The right type of towel for any golfer is one that can hold a good amount of moisture, is durable, and attaches easily to the golf bag or cart. They wick away moisture and dirt, keeping clubs and hands clean Turning machines are also convenient and easy to use, two important qualities that make them among the best golf towels on the market.
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