#Tyrion Lannister icons
tianmicons · 2 months
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favorite-characters · 2 months
𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤
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Peter Dinklage as 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 (S01.E01-10 • 2011)
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Mi opinion sobre cersei lannister
Es un personaje muy importante para la trama de juego de tronos, le da un toque de humor a la serie y a los libros de vez en cuando y además sus outfits devoran totalmente.
Podría decir que es uno de mis personajes preferidos de got ya que es mala, sabe que es mala y disfruta las maldades que le hace a otros. Otro aspecto que me gusta es la manera en que afronta su maternidad, haciendo o tratando de hacer lo mejor por sus hijos a pesar de no ser buena persona, se nota que ademas de solo pensar en ella también piensa en su familia, pero es aqui donde viene el problema, Cersei no ama a su familia de una manera normal, ella ve a sus hijos y a Jaime como una extensión de ella, seres casi perfectos porque es así como ella se autopersive. Aquí es cuando entramos a hablar de su relación con Tyrion la cual es mala precisamente porque Tyrion no es perfecto ya que tiene enanismo, por eso lo desprecia, aunque por momentos tanto como en la serie como en el libro podemos ver que aunque no fueran tan cercanos, tal vez se pudieran llegar a caer bien.
En conclusión, Cersei es una pieza indispensable de got, no sólo por ser una de las principales antagonistas, si no también por ser iconica
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strawhaat · 2 years
Faz icons dos personagens de game of thrones, pfvr?(Mas específicamente da daenerys, sansa, tyrion e jaime)
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⚔️: + tyrion, sansa, jaime , daenerys ‹ game of thrones › | # like or reblog if you use.
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tangerine-brooks · 3 months
"lannister beefs with children" posts never mention the truly iconic beef between tywin and baby tyrion
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rainwingmarvel7 · 14 days
Elinor Hightower lore dump?
Ah Elinor Hightower, the sweetest badass you’ll ever meet
Elinor Hightower
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Elinor Hightower is the daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower and his last wife, Rhea Florent. She is well-beloved by her family, doted on not just by her mother and father, but her older siblings as well. However, she is particularly close with her mother, her shining light in the life that she had been forced into.
She served as one of Margaery Tyrell’s ladies during the War of the Five Kings and was part of the Tyrell retinue that traveled to King’s Landing after the Battle of the Blackwater. She was loyal to her lady and the Reach above all else, having not love for the Lannisters, and she became one of Margaery’s most trusted ladies at court.
When Nadya is brought to King’s Landing, Margaery has Elinor assigned as the head of her ladies, having proven herself more than capable of and trustworthy for the task. During that time, Elinor and Nadya grew incredibly close, as Elinor is quite caring and protective of her charge and her secrets, and Nadya is grateful to have another close ally and confidant at court. When Nadya suffers her miscarriage after Tyrion’s trial by combat, Elinor is there by her side. And when Nadya chooses to flee from King’s Landing to head North, Elinor chooses to go with her, despite Nadya’s initial protests.
Upon reaching Winterfell, Nadya does send Elinor away to keep her safe. I can’t exactly remember what I had planned for this part of the plot, but I think it might be having her stay nearby (maybe teaming up with Brienne, Podrick, and my boy Ryen) or something else.
Regardless, Elinor eventually reunites with Nadya after her escape from Winterfell with Sansa and Theon, and they continue to be a very iconic duo.
Later on (sometime before the Long Night/Battle of Winterfell), Elinor meets Gendry, who is immediately smitten with her. I’m still figuring out how their relationship will develop over time, but ultimately, after the events of S8, they get married, and Elinor becomes Lady of Storm’s End.
She has four children with Gendry: Edric (who ultimately marries Nadya’s daughter Margaery), Davos, Borros, and Rhea (who is named after her mother).
With her cunning, kindness, and bravery, Elinor proves herself to be the perfect match for Gendry and one of the best Ladies of Storm’s End that history has ever seen.
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horizon-verizon · 9 months
stark stans are something lol "GRRM decided to make House Stark the focus of his main novels and give them the most emotional and iconic moments of the entire books"
I had to read that targs aren't important to the story because they don't have POV in the books like what? dany's POVs are boring, when you have bran's POVs lol It would be so interesting if in the end, the Starks weren't the heroes this fandom thinks they are imagine the plot twist lol
Rhaegar & the Targs haunts the entire narrative, outside of Dany. Cersei (Rhaegar), Tyrion (the dragonriding), Ned (Rhaegar, more thinks of, not "haunts"), Sansa (Naerys & Aemon), Jon (Daeron), Aerys I (various peasants and I'm sure Tywin), etc. the fact that High Valyrian was considered the "literary" language to be used in "high" art and study in the seven Kingdoms. There are still songs sung of Targaryen conflicts, affairs, arguments, etc by bards looking for a room at whatever lord. We got the criminalization of the right of the first night AND the rule of thumb/rule of six criminalizing severe wife-beating from Targaryen women. We have had a new, more accessible sept through the Sept of Baelor in Kingslanding due to a (zealous) Tagr. We got the Kingsguard through a Targ, Visenya, of which group/institution Ned Stark & many others use to criticize Jaime Lannister's action of killing Aerys II despite it being the best thing for everyone's survival. Valyrian steel swords are the most precious swords to have bc of their high craftsmanship, and the Free City of Qohor is one of the only places you can go to have your Valyrian steel sword reworked. The Doom is considered one of the--if not THE--most cataclysmic events in Planetos, forever changing the landscape surrounding the remnants, introducing new horrors and diseases like greyscale. People literally can't travel too close or risk a fatal disease or being taken by infected "zombies", if we take GoT's scenes for what they were, realizing the implications of what AWoIaF tells us. After the Valyrians are gone, we still have Essosi people speak Valyrian in whatever iteration, along with governments & systems of power along with the negative, slavery.
The first book starts with the sighting of the Others, and ends with Dany reawakening the dragons, of such will be used against the Others in the coming Long Night. And Dany's arc of learning how to use her dragons for good and abolition is intrinsic to the themes of the entire narrative.
The end of the Targaryen dynasty is also critical to overlay the very necessity of their existence, to show how deeply the Valyrians AND the Targaryens affected & shaped the world the Starks live in to be what it is. The lack of chapters from more than one Targ and the rejection of Dany as being both a positive or a legitimate POV character is sheer misogyny and stupidity; it is through that very absence we get a near poignant and urgent significance to the Targayrens' absence. Thus, the haunting.
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tyriongirl · 2 months
Can I ask you everything !! No let's go: 9, 18, 19, 21, 36.
from this ask game
9. Build your small council with any characters dead or alive: Predictable, but Tyrion hand of the queen. Grandmaester Sarella. I know she's still studying and we know nothing about her, but I trust her. Master of coins Elaena Targaryen. Master of laws Alyssane Targaryen and we're inventing no-fault divorce to get her away from her freak husband and into some serious therapy. Master of ships Aurane Waters. Love that guy he's so funny for sleeping his way to the top without actually sleeping with anyone. Icon. The one and only instance of pretty privilege at work. Master of whispers can I be real and say we're doing triple. Can't choose between Varys Larys Myseria so they're all sharing. Idk maybe I'll do them for different regions / populations. I think they'll all be happy to share because they love me so and I am in no danger from this at all. Lord commander of the kg Brienne only true knight ‼️‼️‼️
18. A mystery you need solved NOW: Fire and Blood, but indulge me: WHAT HAPPENED TO AEREA IN VALYRIA. WHAT DID SHE SEE. Main series, what happened to the Lannister's valyrian sword.
19. A theory you’ve adopted as canon: predictable again but aegon blackfyre. It's not a theory to me it's just canon. Grrm could still twist it somehow, but it feels thematically appropriate and fits everything we know and were told through characters. I know the Hound being on the Silent Island is considered a theory, but I can't see how when the text all but tells you that's him. Like what more do you need? It's as explicit as the text would ever get. It's him. End of story. No theory is necessary when it is quite literally canon.
21. A moment that made you cry? I had to stop listening to the audiobook (shout out to davidreadsasoiaf on youtube) during the Cat grieving over Bran when he was in a coma chapter because it made me cry so much. It's such a visceral description. Brienne thinking about how she is a freak of nature and disappointment to her father also got me bad. In general, the whole Hyle Hunt Ronnet Connington general knights mocking Brienne really got to me as someone who was that ugly child that no one wanted, that people mocked for fun, that people asked out on a dare for laughs. And of course, Tyrion Jaime reunion and Tysha revelation. I knew the content beforehand and it only made it worse. I'm sure I cried many other times, I cry very easily and grrm knows how to press my buttons.
36. What’s something you wish GRRM handled better? (a character/theme/world building etc) oh um the racism. The racism mostly. Who are the dothraki characters! Give them personalities! The Free Cities need some serious work because the orientalism is jarring. You go from nuanced characters in Westeros to suddenly borderline charicatures. A more lighthearted answer is the sex scenes. He needs to read some trashy novels or even fics to learn how to do a sex scene that is actually sexy, if that's what he tries to convey in the scene. Of course there are a lot of sex scenes in the books that are meant to be unsexy, and that's all well and good, but you can really tell when he wants you to find a particular scene hot and he never manages, sorry.
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The Theon poll was so interesting. I was just curious if you’ve ever seen any of the show? I couldn’t remember if you said you read the books first and then watched the show or if you’ve never seen the show at all. If you have, did you watch the whole thing? Was there anything you liked about it or thought the show portrayed well?
It's kind of you to show interest anon and I don't hold anything against you but oh god this was such a struggle and I ended giving up because I can't talk about the show without wanting to hurt people but also the longer I think about it, the less apologetic I want to be. I want to be allowed to tell everyone how much I despise it but I know I would get in trouble for that and I'm so tired of it. The more I think about it, the more depressed I get and the more hateful I become. I think it makes me depressed because fandom proved I'm not allowed to be hateful and angry, although I know I have the right to be.
"Was there anything you liked about it or thought the show portrayed well?"
I actively forget the show exists until someone mentions it, but I filled two journals with show thoughts (they were abundantly negative), so here are the few things I marked down as positives.
I’ve always been a fan of Ramin Djawadi's work and used to play some of his pieces so that was the highlight of the show for me. “Winds of Winter” and some other themes used for Dany give me goosebumps and so does “Light of the Seven”. There was a time I could play that one on the violin and piano.
“Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores.” (I didn't even have to google that sentence. I heard it once and it became engraved to my brain)
Lena Headey and most of the casting for the Lannisters. I hated what they did to Tyrion's character later on and also how they made Cersei less unhinged but I think both of them had the range to play the characters properly had they been given decent scripts.
There was this thing they did with Sansa's hair that I thought was interesting. Her style changed and assimilated to whoever she was learning from/trying to emulate. A nice and fitting touch.
Up to Season 6 (I think. Not fully sure), I liked most of the costuming for Cersei. The red dress with the golden metal corset shaped armour...gay gay homosexual gay.
Florence + the Machine's adaptation of "Jenny of Oldstones".
The adaptation of "The Rains of Castamere"
Dubrovnik and Peñiscola as two of the most important filming locations were such a smart choice! I had been to both of the cities in the past and it was so fun to spot which places they filmed in. They really made the best out of such small and rather niche places and I applaud how much they played with perspective in order to make us ignore the constant use of the same set spaces.
I really liked Isaac Hempstead Wright's acting during Season 2. It felt very similar to this despair and impotence that ACOK Bran feels and my heart ached for him.
Season 6 episode 10 made absolutely no fucking sense but it was the most entertaining one and I think seeing Cersei blow up the sept was the happiest experience I had with that show. What an icon she was, burning all her enemies to the ground...would have made me even happier if her actions had consequences but I still cherished the moment on itself.
I hated everything related to the Greyjoys and the writing team threw every possible interesting plot and dynamic for them out of the window, but there was a scene somewhere in Season 2, when Theon returns to the Iron Islands in which Balon Greyjoy is given a more deeply and hurtful characterisation. Theon accuses him of "giving him away, like a dog he didn't want anymore" and the camera stays at Balon's expression of pain and desolateness. I really dislike most of the fandom's characterisation for Balon. This however, was interesting.
Michelle Fairley's last scream and her following lifelessness during the red wedding was hunting. I am #anti Robb Stark(/j) and I didn't like Richard Madden as Robb so I didn't feel a lot during that scene until she started to shine. Amazing actress.
Season 1, episode 10 (I think), a scene in which we see Catelyn and Robb react to Ned's death. Michele Fairley does this thing where she starts leaning against trees and breaths heavily in order to not let herself cry and Robb is hacking a tree with his sword before his mother hugs him as he sobs "I'll kill them all". I don't like Richard Madden but I loved that scene. The composition and setting was so atmospheric and the musical score was very emotional, love those strings. I rewatched the scene right now to make sure my thoughts were the same and, yes 15-year-old-me, I full-heartedly agree!
The animated shorts were a hesitant and reluctant source of joy for me. @/hell-heron has made use of them in gifs and I think they are lovely to look at.
That's about it
"I was just curious if you’ve ever seen any of the show? I couldn’t remember if you said you read the books first and then watched the show or if you’ve never seen the show at all. If you have, did you watch the whole thing?"
I watched till half of season 2 after spending three years analysing the books without any show influence or imagery, didn't like it, got called a slur and was told to go back to the plantation by show people because I didn't like the whitewashing, finished watching it in 2019 against my will, really hated it.
The concrete things that made the show a source of anger and sadness instead of allowing it only to be uninteresting for me, asides from Stark goggles and overall me hating show!Theon and show!Dany (two of my favourite characters), listed from most to least personally upsetting:
Missandei of Naath (Sexualization, pseudo-maturity and imposed adulthood of black Girls)
Jeyne-Sansa switcherroo (Not doomed by the narrative, just ditched and other unimportant, unsatisfactory, insufficient girls (Jeyne W, Penny, Kyra, Pretty Pia, etc.))
"Dark" "Dark eyes" "Dark hair" "Dark vs Fair" (Whitewashing under the pretence of ambiguity á la fanon!Rue from the Hunger Games)
The philosophical stance of the narrative (Nihilism vs. Optimistic Existentialism vs. Embracing the absurd & The Myth of Sisyphus; conclusion: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING)
Ableism (Wex Pyke, Ilyn Payne and my other fellow (selective) mutes, constant jokes on the expense of mutilated people that the watchers were meant to laugh at, the dismissal of Tysha, Bran's not-sense-making impotence/infertility and the connotations of lovelessness for disabled people, Tyrion making fun of a supposedly mentally disabled cousin just for the lols)
Renly, Loras, Jon Connington, Satin and "Olyvar" (???) (Home of phobia)
Sansa Stark (Destroying a character to marketise a YA Heroine)
Daenerys Targaryen (Slowburn character assassination)
The even stronger orientalist tropes in Dorne (Girlbossing your way through character massacre)
Robb Stark (Simplifying the text and creating a male oc)
Arya Stark & Brienne of Tarth (Contraproductive and unresolved internalised misogyny)
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finitefall · 2 years
Say whatever you want about the Lannister, they might not be good people at all but honestly they were extremely compelling, complex and intriguing characters and they were antagonists to the starks!Being antagonist doesn't necessarily mean that character is irredeemable or boring.Grrm managed to show us how cersei was a victim in her life but she was also an abuser, tyrion was a victim of family abuse but he became an abuser as well in his ADWD arc.Grrm didn't need to make them little meow meow to make the readers like them or enjoy reading about them, he only made them complex characters with compelling arcs and that made them popular.The thing is, Hotd can and should have written alicent in this way.they should have shown her as a victim in the beginning, because at the end of the day she is a woman living in a patriarchal society but also show how she is a woman with AGENCY instead of putting all the blame in Otto and viserys.Aegon as well should have been written in a similar way to how Grrm written Tyrion.A character that started as a harmless lazy hedonist who can be funny sometimes but then becomes a very dark character over time.And that would be much better than the passive irreredeemable one dimensional character they given us in Show!Aegon.Also they should have focused on Aegon and Rhaenyra relationship more, what did they think of each other before the war?What was their relationship before the usurpation?"Because as far as we know Aegon didn't want to usurp the throne of his sister at first before Criston and Alicen convinced him.So there are many different ways to portray their relationship in the show especially before the dance, The dance is remembered through the history as the civil war between a Sister and a Brother . so to not have the eldest daughter and the eldest son of viserys interact with each other is bad writing simple as that. Instead, we have given this weird fanfiction of Rhaenyra falling in love with her stepmother. This relationship is so painfully bad that it has severed their characterization in the show .
Hi nonnie! Sorry for the late answer, I’m only starting to catch up with my messages...
The Lannisters are extremely interesting and compelling characters, indeed. You can love them, love to hate them, both in the books and the show. I’ll start with the show even though you’re talking about the books, since we’re comparing to how the Greens aren’t compelling and interesting in the show.
Cersei was a fan favorite in Game of Thrones. Of course, Lena Headey is an incredible actress and the writers weren’t dumb to the point of not seeing it and letting her talent go to waste. Some of the most iconic scenes of the show are still, to this day, her scenes, including: “Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark? A piece of paper?” *tears it up* (x) and “Power is Power” (x). She’s not being nice, she’s not being a victim, she’s in charge, she’s an amazing antagonist, she’s a badass who totally owns the fact she does crazy and evil things - and is rather proud of it, too. And yet, she was a victim during her marriage with Robert, had him killed to protect herself and her children (and I don’t blame her), and we felt for her every time she lost a child (even if it’s Joffrey), when Tywin tries to marry her off to Loras for politics (even though a few seconds earlier, she was looking delighted when he told Tyrion he would marry Sansa), when she had to do the “walk of shame” (even though she was the one to put the Faith Militant in power and we hated her at first when Loras and Margaery were thrown into cells to her absolute delight). No matter what she did, we loved her. My favorite character is Daenerys, who’s a heroine unlike Cersei. But I loved Cersei because she’s interesting, compelling, she has agency... oh wait. That’s the problem for show!Alicent stans, isn’t it? Cersei was a female character with agency, she didn’t just stay a victim.
Even Tywin, played by the amazing Charles Dance: I looked forward to every scene with him and I hate the man (Tywin, not Charles). Who’s interested by any scene with Otto? Yeah, me neither. Jaime did some seriously fucked up things, including pushing a little boy out the window with the intent to kill him, and I ship him with Brienne. God, even Joffrey was at least well-written and we had compelling (and sometimes hilarious) scenes between him and Tyrion. Now, Tyrion was whitewashed in the show unfortunately, which wasn’t such a problem in the earlier seasons for me, but became ridiculous when he joined Daenerys’ side and was basically reading her the Geneva Convention. Speaking of, Tyrion in ADWD is an excellent example because I could have hated him so much and wished for his death... but it wasn’t the case. That’s how talented GRRM is: no, I don’t think of Tyrion as a good person, he’s extremely complex and tortured, and there’s no excuse for rape - not ever. But I still think he’s one of the best characters Martin wrote, I can understand why he loves writing him the most, and I still want to read Tyrion’s POV.
Compared to this, we have another rapist in HOTD, Aegon, who only had interesting scenes in episode 9 and was, before this, reduced to a jerk and a rapist. It’s hard to actually find him compelling, and as I said before, it’s even more a waste because the actor proved in episode 9 that he has talent, that he could have been a villain I loved to hate. There’s no scene between Rhaenyra and Aegon because they’re making the show all about Alicent and Rhaenyra, when Aegon has always been the threat to her claim, is the one sitting on her throne and will be the one killing her. They’ve had literally zero interaction in the first season. Even after episode 9 and giving Aegon the screen time he deserved and showing the importance of his character, they don’t follow on it. Next episode, the terms are offered in Alicent’s name, when in the book they’re delivered in Aegon’s name. But the writers are too busy with Rhaenicent, and suddenly the Dance of the Dragons is apparently a lesbian divorce drama, making Alicent awfully incoherent and uninteresting, while Rhaenyra is way more passive than should be allowed in face of what’s been done to her.
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anchanted-one · 8 months
"Is Tywin Lannister Evil?"
I saw this question as a poll on YouTube a fee hours ago. I should've taken a screenshot, or at least noted the number of votes, but I didn't think much of it, and now I can't find it.
But I was a little surprised by the ratio. 75% instead of 95+. It's been eating at me.
So I wanted to talk about it. TW: Song of Ice and Fire stuff below the cut.
So here are some of the evil things Tywin has done, with possible "justifications" that aren't really an excuse when you look at the crime.
The background.
Tywin's dad Tytos was an incurable people-pleaser who never said no to his vassals and peers. This led to a marked drop in prestige of House Lannister. Tywin grew up with everyone mocking the family to their faces, and being unable to do anything about it. It was his childhood trauma. Perhaps the biggest insult was the prostitute his father took as a lover once Tywin's mom died. She acted with the full confidence that she was Lady Lannister, with all the power and prestige that brought her. And Tytos got mocked for it. Savagely, and perhaps deservedly.
So this upbringing shaped Tywin's outlook on life, and made him obsessed with projecting power and punishing all offenses. Here are the best ones.
1. The destruction of the Tarbecks of Tarbeck Hall, and the Reynes of Castamere.
These were among the houses that took loans from his father, but refused to pay. Tywin and his brothers, fresh from the war if Ninepenny Kings, made one demand for the repayment, then ended both Houses so thoroughly that the most iconic song from the series was born: "the Rains of Castamere." But he didn't just punish the guilty ones. No, to quote Anakin, "Not just the men, but the women and children too!"
2. The penance of his father's mistress.
The mistress' name is unknown, but her deeds were recorded. Despite not even being married to the Lord, she didn't hesitate to act as Lady; ordering Knights, dismissing servants, sitting on his seat and handling affairs of Casterly Rock, wearing Lady Jeyne's jewelry (Tywin's mom). Naturally, when Tytos died and Tywin took the throne, her doom was sealed. She was paraded naked through the streets for a fortnight before being exiled.
She is the reason why Tywin keeps telling Tyrion to be discreet with his prostitutes, and not give them any power over him... though this is often interpreted as a warning to not have them at all. In A Dance with Dragons, his brother Kevan reflects that Tywin might never have guessed his daughter would suffer the same fate.
3. The Sacking of King's Landing.
The Lannisters stayed out of the war until the very end. Until Rhaegar was killed, and the Rebels were headed for the capital. Tywin appeared at the gates, saying he was going to help the king. Instead, his forces sacked it so badly, they're still hated by the small folk. His henchmen, led by the infamous Mountain, killed Rhaegar's wife Elia Martell of Dorne and their daughter, and probably their son too (conspiracy at work here), and Tywin claims he "forgot" about Elia, though many find this unlikely.
In his "defense" the king was mad as a hatter infected with the Joker toxin. He did a lot of highly cruel and stupid things that lost him all of his allies. Many Lords were clearly just waiting for him to die so his nice son Rhaegar could take the throne, but that ship was bashed in with a hammer. But was that a reason to sack the capital? And kill thousands? Nope.
3. The Red Wedding.
Unable to defeat Robb Stark in the field, Tywin Lannister approved of his murder at a wedding. His justification was, "Explain to me, how it's more noble to kill 1000 men on a battlefield, than 10 at a wedding." And while I see his point, it's the principle of escalation. He invited anarchy by behaving in a sleazy manner. All of his allies came under siege almost right away. There's a saying here in India, "Those who protect dharma (which can mean righteousness, duty, or the law) are protected by it." And while it's not always true that a righteous man is protected by the law, the unrighteous are definitely looked down upon. People are always waiting to take them down. And it happens. The moment Tywin dies, Jaime tells Cersei that the people aren't waiting outside to mourn their father, but make sure he's really gone. By contrast, Robb Stark is very much respected. People are still willing to die in his memory.
4. The treatment of Tyrion.
While not exactly a crime, Tywin has always treated his youngest son badly. He half-believes that Tyrion isn't his son, but is unable to prove it. Even if his suspicion is false, a lot of his hatred for his son actually stems from two facts: Tyrion is a dwarf, and Joanna Lannister (Tywin's wife, whom he did love) died giving birth to him. We see this trend a lot, where a family hates the child who "took their mother's life," and this is also the major reason Cersei cites for hating him, but it's really sad for poor Tyrion, who grew up feeling their resentment at every turn in his life.
5. The treatment of Tysha
Tysha was a girl whom Jaime and Tyrion saved on the road, about Tyrion's age. Tyrion quickly fell in love with her and married her in secret. But his dad found out the second the Septon sobered up. He instantly remembered his dad's second mistress.... maybe. His punishment of her was severe. He forced Jaime to lie that he'd hired her to make Tyrion happy, then ordered everyone in his barracks to gang-rape her, before forcing Tyrion to do so himself. He paid her a silver coin for each of his guards, and a gold one for Tyrion, then banished her. This incident was the main reason for Tyrion really flying off the rails and killing Tywin, and swearing the harshest of revenge on his family. They--Tysha and Tyrion--were no older than Sansa was in A Storm of Swords, and very innocent to boot, which makes this the worst crime in my eyes.
So why are 25% voting he wasn't evil? Probably because of his portrayal onscreen, which is a lot more sympathetic to most of the characters (except Stannis). And also, perhaps, because of the nuance in his character, his backstory. They might find it understandable. The ends justify the means. But that's really not so to me.
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
Honestly, it's also always braime shippers that believe Jaime won't be directly involved in Cersei's death because they feel like that would leave a stain on their ship's little romance... Everyone has their biases.
As for myself, I do think he will outlive her and finish his arc in the north, I just very much doubt he will only cause damage from afar. They will need to face eachother again, simply because it would be so unfulfilling from a storytelling point of view to leave all of their stuff unresolved. Especially when this is probably one of the most significant relationships in the series (it literally ignites the entire conflict).
"on their ship's lil romance" first of all, fuck off oh my god. second of all, i ship daemyra, i ship visaemon, i've been known to read a little sansan and jon/ygritte, do you think a little spousal murder or domestic violence is gonna stop me from shipping braime? get the fuck out of here and be serious lmao.
the importance of braime is not just "a lil romance" it is integral to the themes of the books. you can't make the argument that lannicest is one of the most significant relationships in the series and then ignore the fact that a) we do not get the PoV of either character until after Brienne comes into the picture because SHE is ultimately what ignites the conflicts in all three of their characters and b) the themes of knighthood, chivalry, oath keeping, and protecting the weak and innocent aren't also integral to the plot of the entire series when Jaime makes his iconic and character defining "they make you swear so many vows" speech while Brienne is standing there listening to him. If you want me to get into the annoying ass biases, I think it's misogynistic that people applauded the Braime ending of the show when it completely divorces Brienne (and the twins!!!) from the bulk of her story arc, and that chalking up Braime as "a lil romance" is a misogynistic way of undercutting the importance of her identity arc! I'm not discounting the importance of Lannicest, so let's not fucking start with this "my ship is more important than your ship" bullshit.
What I am actually saying is that people take a literal reading of the valonqar prophecy that does not apply to a single other prophecy in the entire series, and I find it perplexing, and annoying, the same way I find the digging in the heels defense of Aegon VI being the mummer's dragon to be perplexing and annoying. The whole series is setting up this idea that you can't trust prophecies and that knowing about a prophecy is often mentally damaging, but the fans (including D&D) just wholesale swallow both Cersei and Dany's opinions on their prophecies as correct and I don't buy that. I also never said the Lannister twins won't meet again. In fact what I said was:
Yeah, I’m well aware of that, I’m not saying he’s doing anything nice to her, i think he’ll have a hand (badum-ts) in her dying, probably enough to feel guilty over it too (plus whatever is happening with tyrion) but he’s not strangling her to death and I simply do not believe he’s dying right after either. What is he doing? no idea. they’re at casterly rock and he uses the last of the conditioner and then he leaves. i have no idea and I think people who are insistent that he HAS to murder-suicide his way out of the story are overconfident af about that ending.
AKA I think it's likely all three of the Lannisters are going to meet again at Casterly Rock, likely as its being destroyed. Of course they're going to meet again; no one serious denies that. But is he going to murder-suicide when they do? I am doubtful. In Jaime's mind, the last we see him, he considers himself effectively divorced from Cersei. He quite literally abandons her to die in a trial by combat to go play in the woods with Brienne. But I'm supposed to believe that he's still angry enough to go all crime of passion on her at this point? Nah son!! Just because he's going to "choke the life from her" does not literally mean he's going to actually choke the life from her, any more than Dany is going to literally fuck up some puppet dragon or Euron literally turned into a crow, munched on some seaweed, and perched on Jaqen's shoulder while Jaqen offed Balon.
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dragonsbone · 2 years
Hi!! I've fallen in love with your GoT oc Joanna and I was wondering if I could please be added to the tag list?
I was also wondering if you could say how Joanna's going to get along with Elia Sand! What's their relationship going to be like? Oh and is she going to have any time with the Tyrells? Or Sansa? What's her relationship going to be like with Oberyn? I'm so excited for all the edits and gifs you make!!
hi there !! and yes ofc i can add u, thank u sm for asking !!
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so i haven’t met elia sand in the books yet ( i have just started reading the series too so it may take me a while to get to that point ), but from what i read on the wiki, josana and elia would definitely bond over their love of horses. josana grew up loving horses because of her mother, laissa. she takes the time to read and learn the different breeds, diseases, best ways of riding, etc. it’s one of the many things that sets her apart from her uncle and it’s a part of her childhood that remains untouched and tainted after years of tywin crafting her into being his pawn. elia is definitely no lady by any means, so there would obviously be a difference in that aspect, but i think their dynamic would be interesting to reach at some point !! elia seems super fucking cool and i absolutely love this quote from her “i am almost a woman grown, ser. i'll let you spank me, though ... but first you'll need to tilt with me, and knock me off my horse.” like how iconic !!
funny how u mention the tyrells because i am in the process of really deep diving with brainstorming to formulate their dynamics. i will be including willas and maybe garlan, but probably only by mention. not sure yet. most definitely willas bc he’s the heir to highgarden and josana was former queen of the north and bore a male heir. now that sansa is wed to tyrion, josana is the next option for the tyrells to undermine the lannisters. it doesn’t go as far at all like it’s quickly snuffed out by tywin and gives josana a truly awful match, but it’s all part of my plans ehehehehehe. anyways, for the rest of the tyrells, the dynamics are still tentative as i need to understand who these characters are from show vs books. once i have those similarities and differences figured out perfectly, then i can easily plot it !!
so,,,, sansa,,,, this one is complicated bc i made a huge change to josana’s story ( for the better to reinforce my themes, but it’s an even angstier change ). starting off in the beginning when they’re both in winterfell, sansa wants to impress josana as she does with princess myrcella, joffrey, cersei, etc. josana is to marry her brother and they would become family, so they are spending time getting to know each other and bonding! josana always liked sansa and vice versa !! very very good terms. and then the war happened. sansa being alone in king’s landing surrounded by lannisters is not pleasant by any means. and her opinion on josana changes drastically over time bc of all the scandalous rumors, but most importantly,,,, the red wedding. a cliff note’s version: josana is outed by lord walder frey for her treason against the starks, which he knew bc of tywin. he makes a toast to her after everyone’s been slaughtered except robb and catelyn and says “this is the fruit of her labor” and from then on, she is known as a traitorous bitch, the queen who lost the north, the widow queen, etc. though sansa is never present at the red wedding, word travels fast and rumors spread like wildfire. i do have positive plans in the future for josana and sansa, but i really need to plan out the best and most realistic approach to tackle my changes since i didn’t initially plan on josana’s betrayal to ever be revealed, especially in that horrible situation. it’s tricky, but hopefully i can come up with the best option to have a brighter future for their dynamic bc i love sansa so much. her and josana go through similar ( yet still wildly different ) paths and female friendships mean sm to me !!
i LOVE josana and oberyn SO MUCH !!!!!!!!! my partners in crime and sexy fwb !! i have a whole ask dedicated to them here, but i’ll happily talk about them more if u have any other questions specifically !!
i apologize for how long this is, i got carried away. but thank u so so so much for asking all of these questions !! i am super tired so i apologize for any rambling or spelling/grammar errors, but i hope these provided some insight on josana’s story !! if u would like to know anything else, feel free to shoot another ask, and i’ll happily answer anything <3
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justalilmc · 2 years
can i have a marauders, mcu and got ship, please?!
so i’m a 23 year old straight female, i’m 5’2 with wavy brown hair and brown eyes.
i’m honest, sarcastic, competitive, stubborn, a perfectionist, a procrastinator and an intp.
laughing is my defense mechanism, and uh i’m your classic gifted burnout kid.
i love watching movies and tv shows and listening to songs that make me cry. i live in an imaginary world in my mind most of the time. i love understanding how things work, i used to teach archery to kids, i studied scenic design at university and enjoy painting.
oh and i’m a slytherin and my patronus is a fox.
thank you and have a great day!! ✨
Hey, sorry I took so long to respond. I’ve been super busy with work stuff, but here they are! Hope you enjoy :)
1.) Harry Potter
I ship you with Sirius Black!
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- I love me some Sirius x Slytherin
- I’m seeing an enemies to lovers situation here
- Probably starts of with a bit of a rivalry
- You’re both pretty talented and smart, but lack a bit in the drive department, so once you see the other coming after you’re status as top of the class it gives that motivation to be better than the other
- Def a lot of teasing and possibly some pranking
- You’re probably buddies with Regulus and he is all for messing with his brother
- The more Sirius gets to know you, he’ll discover just how alike the two of you really are
- Remus is gonna be the one to tell Sirius that he likes you, cause let’s be honest he isn’t gonna figure that out himself
- Don’t think you’re off the hook once you start dating tho
- He’s the type to make you chose between gender equality and chivalry, you can’t have both
- He’ll tease you until the day you die, but now he’ll start making sure he’s not taking it too far
- Literally everything will be a competition, everything *wink wink*
- power couple tbh
2.) MCU
I ship you with Tony Stark!
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- this mans needs someone like you fr
- Obviously his ego is the phattest you’ll ever see, so he needs someone honest like you to keep him humble
- Y’all would be such an intellectual match, you would be able to follow him on his crazy trains of thought and he would literally be unable to insult u like he does everyone else
- Plus he’s very stubborn in an argument, but so it seems are you, so get ready for some pouty Tony
- Once he’s done pouting tho he’ll know you’re right, he needs someone to remind him of the emotional side of things
- He believes his feelings make him weak, but you are able to show him that they make him stronger
- Y’all are rarely ever serious when you talk to each other, joking 24/7, but when you need to get real, you can get real
- I feel like he’d probably make you a suit if you asked
- He’d def be very protective of you tho, so don’t expect him to let you off easy
- The rest of the avengers would love you because you’re the only one that can get Tony to admit he’s wrong about smth, very rare, but you can do it
- Y’all would be like the cool aunt and uncle of the avengers family
3.) Game of Thrones
I ship you with Tyrion Lannister!
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- okay hear me out
- If Tyrion doesn’t also scream burnt out gifted kid idk who does
- This would simply be the most iconic duo
- Y’all would literally have so much fun messing with each other and cracking jokes because I feel like you’re both very witty
- While you would be able to match each other intellectually, you would also be able to balance each other out in the way that you are still very in touch with your emotions while Tyrion has been burned so many times he’s gone a bit cold
- If Tyrion had a Hogwarts house he would most definitely also be a Slytherin
- You would make a very cunning and twistedly charming team
- Plus, you’re not too tall, so you wouldn’t tower over him too much lol
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tvsotherworlds · 1 month
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ailogomakerr · 1 month
From Dragons to Wolves: The Emblems of House of the Dragon Explained
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The realm of Westeros has made a comeback bringing forth a set of symbols competing for supremacy. “House of the Dragon “ the prequel, to the Game of Thrones “ offers an exciting exploration into the ascent and decline of the Targaryen dynasty. Beyond the dragons and conflicts an intriguing aspect often overlooked is the sigil monogram logo — a representation of each houses essence and heritage. Lets venture through Westeros heraldic tapestry delving into how these sigils serve as logos in a make believe realm and what lessons they hold for logo design in our world.
The Influence of Sigils; Beyond Mere Coat of Arms
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In Westeros sigils transcend symbols found on banners and shields. They are icons deeply ingrained in society. They embody a houses past, principles and power structures. Serving as a symbol for followers and a deterrent to adversaries they function as the paramount branding logos in Westeros — instantly recognizable, with substantial significance.
The Example of the Targaryen Dragon; Elegance and Strength
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The emblem of House Targaryen — featuring a three headed dragon breathing fire — epitomizes this idea flawlessly. The design is gracefully simplistic. Exudes strength. The trio of dragons symbolize the Targaryen lineages connection, to three dragons, which serve as the cornerstone of their authority. The flames evoke their heritage and formidable renown. This emblem, akin to a crafted logo effectively communicates a message without unnecessary visual distractions.
Exploring Beyond Dragons; A Showcase of Emblems and Their Design Principles
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Westeros is home to houses each bearing its own distinctive emblem. Here are a few additional examples along with the design insights they offer; House Stark; The Direwolf — Resilience and Devotion; The Stark emblem, featuring a grey direwolf on a background stands as a symbol of fidelity, courage and the rugged allure of the North. The stark contrast between white and grey creates a impact while the solitary direwolf conveys unity and fortitude. This emblem underscores the significance of using a color scheme and clear imagery in logo design. House Lannister; The Roaring Lion — Confidence and Authority; The Lannister emblem showcases a lion in gold against a crimson backdrop exuding an aura of regality and supremacy. The golden lion symbolizes their affluence and aspirations while the crimson background hints at their unyielding nature. This emblem emphasizes the influence of color psychology, in logo design. Gold represents luxury and power while red symbolizes boldness and a hint of aggression.
The Emergence of AI Logo Creators; A Boon, for Up and Coming Brands (and Companies)
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In the era crafting a logo no longer demands the resources of a family. AI logo creators, such as AIlogomakerr provide a tool for businesses of varying scales. These platforms enable you to input keywords that reflect your brands core values and identity. Subsequently the AI generates logo options tailored to your preferences serving as a catalyst for your aspirations.
AI Logo Creators; Partnership Over Substitution
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AI logo creators are designed to complement than replace the expertise of a graphic designer. Consider them akin to the counselors — Maesters — in the realm of logo design; offering guidance in your pursuit of the emblem (or logo). They can assist with ideation suggest color palettes. Generate diverse design concepts. Nevertheless akin to how Daenerys Targaryen sought counsel from advisors like Tyrion Lannister, human involvement is crucial in making decisions and refinements.
Lessons from Westeros; Crafting an Emblem (or Logo), with Longevity
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By studying the sigils of Westeros we can extract lessons for crafting enduring logos in our reality; Simplicity is crucial when designing a logo as it should be easily recognizable and memorable, without being too busy.
The choice of colors in a logo can evoke emotions. Convey the values of a brand. It’s important to select a color scheme that aligns with your brand identity.
Symbolism plays a role in creating a logo that reflects the essence and narrative of your brand.
Understanding your target audience is essential in designing a logo that resonates with them.
Like the shifts seen in Westeros logos may need to adapt and change over time to stay relevant.
Creating a legacy through design
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communication and connection are key. Whether its the Targaryen dragon or the loyal Stark direwolf these symbols demonstrate how a crafted logo can make a lasting impact becoming timeless and meaningful to its audience.
The evolving landscape of logos (and sigils) amidst advancements
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to the ever changing world of Westeros graphic design continues to progress. AI based logo generators present possibilities, in logo creation. While they cannot entirely replace creativity and strategic planning these tools offer assistance to businesses, particularly those operating on limited design budgets.Imagine a business owner who’s deeply passionate, about their bakery but lacks design expertise. An AI logo generator, such as AIlogomakerr can offer a starting point. By inputting keywords like “ bread “ “warm,” and “family “ the AI will present a range of logo concepts inspired by these terms. This initial exploration can ignite creativity. Assist the business owner in visualizing their brand identity.
A Collaborative Approach; The Melody of Ice and Code
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Think of AI logo generators as allies in the realm of design — companions providing valuable assistance. Just as Sam supported Jon Snow with knowledge and resources AI tools can empower business owners to unlock their potential. Nevertheless making design choices strategically placing elements and crafting the overarching narrative within the logo will still necessitate the expertise of a designer much like how Tyrion Lannisters tactical acumen complemented Daenerys Targaryens bold leadership.
The Enduring Influence of the Sigil (or Logo); A Legacy Crafted in Design
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The sigils of Westeros stand as testament to the fact that a crafted logo transcends being an image. It embodies a brands values visually acts as a symbol, for its audience and remains a timeless emblem capable of lasting through generations. In the realm of Westeros, where noble houses compete for supremacy, on the screen their distinctive emblems hold lessons for businesses in our reality. By grasping the fundamentals of logo creation. Simplicity, color psychology, symbolism and understanding your target audience. Companies can craft their enduring symbols that make an impact and resonate with their customers on a deeper level.
Time you see a banner fluttering with a sigil in Westeros. Come across a logo in your everyday life take a moment to appreciate the narrative it conveys. These visual representations, designed with thoughtfulness and intent possess the ability to transport us ignite our imagination and leave a mark on society.
The realm of “House of the Dragon” provides a glimpse into storytelling through emblems. By adopting the design principles inspired by these symbols businesses can develop their logos. Compelling visual stories that speak to their audience and establish a lasting heritage. Whether you collaborate with a designer or utilize an AI logo generators help remember that your logo serves as your emblem, in the world. Create it mindfully as it will stand as a symbol of your brand identity for years to come.This blog is from Ailogomakerr.com
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