doroinoue · 5 months
okay so i've been listening to the dorohedoro manga soundtrack for a while now, and my morning has been a little hectic so i decided to just ramble about all the songs and what/who i associate them with, and also which songs from the anime ost they remind me of (since the anime ost is very much inspired from the manga ost)
you can listen to the songs Here if you haven't, and i'll be going by this order, since thats the official one
Redacted, Recalcitrant, Repressed - khost: this one in my head is literally curse/risu theme and you cannot convince me otherwise Ever. Man Inside The Mouth from the anime ost is im pretty sure inspired from this song too so it All just makes sense. also the title itself reminds me of risu and the way he is and whatnot (im so shit at explaining good lird) also this is me just being insane but i think the voice of the guy singing KINDA fits risu more (the deeper more monstrous voice sounds like curse in my head too), like i love his actual voice too but when i read the manga i definitely dont imagine him with it i expected something more raspy(?), meanwhile aikawa being the one with the smoother voice (his raspy voice fits too giving that Kaiman and yadda yadda) Dont ever let me talk abt risu drhdr bro i dont stfu
Blaka Smoko - VOODOOM: i love this song so much but kai's stupid fucking face pops up in my head when i listen to it and i DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!!! though yeah uh this is pretty much either his song or the cross eyes in general since the lyrics are "i sell black smoke"..though the deranged laugh really reminds me of him solely. imagine a version of the drhdr manga where black smoke is like weed and they smoke that shit and get high i Think thats rlly funny i dunno what else to say tbh i think me associating the song w kai is preventing me from having too many thoughts about it. However i hope when he like shows up fr (not just in flashbacks) the anime ost makes a remix of this song cuz it genuinely fits (also i just love how this song directly mentions nikaido and kaiman, although a bit nonsensical given the context)
Dorohedoro Zombie Slushi - Candie Hank: im so certain 1000手観音 and another song (i cant remember which one) from the anime ost sampled from this one lmfao. anyway this one just reminds me of zombie ebisu, or ebisu in general. not even like living dead day, literally just zombie ebisu. its probably the vocals tbh, someone in a youtube comment was complaining abt them and another person replied "just imagine ebisu singing it" and i cant get it out of my head now. i can totally see her sing this song, especially knowing shes canonically interested in the manga ost album  (you can see her read the songs of it while checking it out in like episode 4? i think? the one where they follow doll risu around and end up in some cheap clothing store)
Eating food and fighting Wizards - Shitwife: this one makes me very nostalgic, i like how its one of the few songs that isnt just pure nonsensical chaos. like i love those too, infact im bummed out the anime ost doesnt have more chaotic songs given the manga is literally incomprehensible sometimes, but i like how this song kinda shows the more coherent and cheerful side of the story. of course this is just kaiman theme to me, i mean the title and all. i think kaiman would really like this song, he would def listen to it. it also reminds me of that scene where him and nikaido are driving in their motorcycles, it gives the vibe of a drive in the middle of the night to me anyway, not much to say for this one too, i just think its really nice (also the drums go crazy hard)
Enter the Hole - NAH: lovely magic predecessor LOL. perfect for me honestly cuz lovely magic is my fav song from the anime soundtrack. This one just reminds me of hole, i dunno. the brief ethereal part reminds me of the past of the hole though, before the lake of refuse was created (i forgot what they called that shit in the official translation forgive me..lake of refuse sounds cooler either way). thats all tbh
She is a devil - Hanali: devil nikaido theme song what can i say...i literally want this song beat for beat to play at the scene where nikaido grows her devil tail and gets devil high (if they even animate season 2 that far) either that or when theyre selling gyoza at the department store and she goes devil high again and starts beating ass. its so perfect for those scenes also i like to think the distorted singing at the very beginning is like what humans hear when a devil sings, i know it should be more ear bleeding giving the reaction everyone has in canon but whateva!!! also also i like to imagine nikaido was probably hearing something similar while her tail was growing and she was going crazy, i think maybe hearing the singing of devils in your head while slowly turning into one is a cool idea
LIZARD HEAD - Dr. Das: i cant lie this ones...a little boring for me. like the beat is cool and all, but i think this is the one song i have the least to say abt. to reference another youtube comment, they said smth abt imagining kaiman fucking around in hole to this song, and yeah. i see it. i think if the anime animates that little bonus(?) comic abt how kaiman spends his day in hole, they should use smth similar to this song
Transformations - Shackleton: ok i lied this is the one i have to say least about. i dont mind 10+ minute songs, but damn this ones even more boring to me. the pissing sounds arent helping either LOL. though i think if they had to play this song somewhere, or a variation of it, maybe it fits best at the part where kawajiri is making nikaido do the devil exam in his house or whatever...idk....
Dorohedoro - Igorrr: ALRIGHT BACK TO YAPPING. this song is so fucking good, dare i say its my favorite of the whole ost. and im not the only one, everyone seems to love this one. its literally just TIC TOC predecessor but even better. the classical music and opera singing inserted into this absolute chaos is insane and i cant think of a song that fits shin more honestly. like this is literally shin theme. it perfectly mixes his calm and rational self with the deranged outbursts he has. ive heard people say shin is a boring character and i genuinely cant wrap my head around it like HELLO...not only is his design just cool as fuck, but he has such interesting personality? my boy went through absolute hell and grew up from an aggressive and snarky kid to a calm and if i may say, empathetic guy. like he cares about the people around him, he was carrying three guys (one with his fucking mouth mind you) that passed out because of the rain flooding the underground basement. he refuses to kill people who are weak with magic, and generally doesnt really like going on killing sprees unless its a life or death situation (which since kid has made him go crazy, i like to think its probably cuz it increases his heartbeat and being a human+sorcerer maybe doubles the adrenaline this way). also the way he has inhumanely high pain tolerance, he can have his guts splattered on the ground and still manage to walk, to the point it even weirds EN out. like you gotta be some freak to get en concerned for you (or be kikurage lol). sorry this turned into a shin rant more than the song itself, i just cant believe so many people dont see how cool shin is. like hes not even my most favorite character but i will protect all the drhdr characters i like (which is most of them). anyway moving on
The Hole - Ghengis: alot of ppl say they think of hole (the place) when they listen to this song, but me personally?this song screams hole the entity, and artificial devil kai. like this song FEELS like its oozing with the sludge and that feeling every sorcerer that gets in contact with hole "magic" feels. i like to think the headaches they get is equivalent to the beat of the song LOLL. like just super loud and painful pulsing headache that can leave you paralyzed on the ground. anyway, i dont have that much to say, i just want this song to play at the central department store arc, OR. when artificial devil kai is first shown thas all
Don't Think, Just Kill - Roly Porter: i lied again this is the one i have least to say about. sorry. literally my only thoughts are that one of the songs playing during the living dead day episode is inspired by it but i frogor which one
Kaimans Head - Dead Fader: to compensate the fact i mightve lied once again im gonna ramble about something mildly related. so the one youtube upload i found of this song uses this one fucking risu fanart that legit makes me shit my pants. its honest to god the scariest freaking fanart ive seen of a character i like. its not like Shiver me timbers scary, its just so unsettling to me, like WHO COOKED THIS UP. WHO DREW THIS. i know hayashida would love it. she wishes she made risu this scary and not the catboy babygirl beautiful princess with a disorder she created (/J). anyway uh, this song goes pretty hard, i like it, i just dont have much to way besides that i like the beat maybe. also heres link to the youtube upload with the picture if u wanna know what im talkin abt
Radio 538 - Dow Jones Brotherhood: because the first time i listened to the songs was on youtube, i found this song pretty much last and uh. i dunno its cool! for some reason it reminds me of the cross eyes? ive no clue why it just does. it reminds me specifically of how all of them are basically just worshipping some guy half (if not most) of them havent even seen the face of. i like how the whole thing is basically just a cult. people built statues of the boss, tattooed his face on their hands so they never forget it, And the elites...oh those poor little guys. closest to the boss and got psychologically tortured with killing thousands of sorcerers daily and left to deal with the incomprehensible shit their boss does, while slowly building suspicion and disgust towards him, but unable to do anything because of how far theyve gone into this. like can you imagine how miserable dokuga and tetsujo must feel knowing their devotion to kai led to all their friends killed. id just die bro this is so fucked... anyway, kewl song👍 i love the cross eye elites
Stay down zombies! - Ed Cox: i honestly love how lowkey dramatic this one is. ALSO the accordion tune from el corazon is im pretty sure taken from this one! which makes two shin references yippee!!! i like how this one kinda mixes calm music with breakcore (do not erm akshually me on this one i dont care), just like how igorrr does. i dunno its just a cool song, though PERSONALLY i dont think it fits living dead day, it reminds me more of that scene where shin remembers his mothers death, and then slowly turns into a zombie. it gives off that vibe giving how the song progresses from dramatic and a bit somber, while the beat starts creeping in, accompanied by the accordion that i literally will never not associate w shin in general
ANYWAY WOW THATS ALL!!!! if even one person bothered to read all this, thank you. i love yapping about dorohedoro i love silly manga about a bunch of freaks and freak stuff and i am obsessed with hayashidas taste in music, knowing she picked all those artists cuz she likes their music makes absolute sense considering the kind of art she makes. i love you q hayashida im your biggest fan. also if you notice any grammatical errors pls remember english is not only my second language, but i also barely slept last night so that's my excuse
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fictionfixations · 4 months
wasnt planning on making a post but im doing it now so uh
helluva boss the full moon episode (i dont remember which one it was. s2 ep8?? i think? idk)
(i just realized i said 'hazbin hotel' my bad. if i make a mistake like that uhh oops)
and yall are stolas defenders so im gonna talk about blitz (dont get me wrong i love both of them)
let me talk about it
(i dont know if i make any sense so oops)
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notice how during stolas' proposal basically (cant help but see the gem as like a wedding ring ngl) blitz's eyes are shining because he cant help but hope
and then when he goes 'ohh youre just fucking with me right? this is some roleplay shit right?'
because its so incomprehensible in his mind that this is what he truly thinks it is.
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anyway people have explained before about how stolas then proceeds to shut him out like being faced with blitz being in denial about it and taking it as a rejection
meanwhile blitz is like 'wait a second you were SERIOUS?'
and then hes like 'wAIT' because hes trying to understand. to comprehend that stolas was being real about it. that someone wants him. but then he doesnt have the time to think about it because stolas is leaving and he doesnt want stolas to leave
and yknow how blitz is hes kind of an asshole so then he defaults to being angry and frustrated. (i wonder if he feels like he'll only be heard by being angry and yelling. or if by being angry, by shutting people out and being the one to break it off makes blitz feel more in control. anyway-)
no but listen before this hes like 'what the fuck?' stolas leaves, blitz follows him in silence still in that confused and hella surprised state because it was so unexpected while stolas' talking about stuff
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hes silent for awhile (probably trying to make sense of it while half-listening)
and then stolas is like 'thats enough to know what this is' and THEN blitz gets all angry and yelling
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and inside hes just like. ..thats it? but its like. stolas is going to leave. and he doesnt want him to go. but he also doesnt know how to express that (especially with stolas having completely shut him out at this point in his own feeling, so set in the rejection without realizing that blitz hadnt actually rejected it. had been in disbelief instead of an actual no. and i get why he didnt stay to continue the conversation it just. sucks. so bad.)
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("Can I get a fucking minute to think" got stuck in my head) and then blitz gets angry and blames stolas because thats whose infront of him. someone he can yell at and get angry which is so much easier then trying to decipher his feelings, or stolas' feelings. to try to understand. to be vulnerable especially in front of someone who he may like but its also complicated considering the power imbalance, or how all royals are asses so surely stolas cant be different, how its just a transactional relationship and nothing serious.
hes also saying things he doesnt necessarily mean meanwhile stolas is taking it to heart like 'this is how he really feels about me' when that isnt true (blitz is kind of just making excuses. and instead of being 'set free' as it might seem to stolas, it seems to him like stolas is just. throwing him away. getting bored of him. hes ignoring the love confession stolas just says 'i want you' PLEASE be more blunt about it oh my god theres so many wordings that i have an issue with from stolas im going to be honest.
like LISTEn he goes 'i want you'. blitz is in denial. stolas then starts to acceptance/resignment and blitz is like 'wait a fucking second'
so blitz who thought they were going to have a sexy time. suddenly gets hit with feelings out of the blue. and he doesnt do good with those. and its so incomprehensible that he doesnt believe it. and then basically stolas rejects him right after with blitz realizing 'wait you were serious?' and then gets angry like 'what? no, it can't be over. ..well fuck YOU then!' like. he kind of feels betrayed? like 'how dare you spring this feelings bullshit on me (and then LEAVE)'
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also is he projecting? has he experienced something??? and i really dont think hes had the chance to properly process so he's just shoving it aside and focusing on the then and now. which is stolas leaving and dismissing him which blitz takes offence to and accuses him of being like all the other royal assholes. because he doesnt know how else to communicate. this is not to say that he isnt an asshole because he is, but id like to say that theres reasons to all of it.
ALSO ALSO. i think its less that blitz believes stolas to be like that but (besides reasoning to himself that stolas is just like all the others so he can distance himself and cut ties even if it hurts) that its because thats the position stolas has and so its what he turns to for insults. i had more to say about this part but i already forgot, oops.
and ive seen people talk about this too but stolas conversing through words while blitz converses through feelings. so its like for blitz youre not meant to listen to what hes saying but to listen to the feeling? meanwhile stolas being through words (thus probably feeling like 'i want you' is explanation enough while blitz needs more clarification then that)
and potentially with stolas being all horny around him cause haha my crush is here and hes hot and i love him and aaah making blitz think stolas just wants him because of what he can offer? (and maybe if hes never faced love that its unrecognizable? especially towards him?) a thought to go onto another time
also another thought to go down. you think after blitz realizes hes serious that hes trying to coomunicate. with the 'can i get a FUCKING moment to think'
and then his mouth goes on autopilot and starts insulting him trying to stall trying to get him to stay even if its with hurtful words because thats what hes used to thats what he does (also defaulting to anger)
just like yelling at him trying to get stolas to just stop walking. to stop turning his back on him.
and hes just running on anger at that point because he didnt get too long to process that stolas was serious so a part of him still thinks that its just. not real? and hes running off of that because again its so much easier than being vulnerable with someone
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blitz has. probably been very trustful of someone, only for them to betray him and hurt him and use him so ahdishfu
also probably blitz's attempt at trying to get them to actually communicate
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to get him to stop. stand still. stop leaving. stop moving. just turn around, face him, and talk. to get all their feelings out and explain. to clarify.
maybe he even wants stolas to get angry because that's what he's used to. wants him to get angry so they can get it all out there. maybe wants a part of him to feel vindicated of 'he was right, stolas was an asshole', the part of him that doesnt want to be close to anyone in fear of being hurt
..and then stolas doesn't react how blitz expects him to. (because they DONT understand each other at all! they don't interact all that much outside of sex, and stolas offering it to blitz is rejected)
blitz realizing 'wait... shit...' to wheres hes immediately brought out of his anger by stolas' words
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also it almost sounds like blitz is saying 'Stolas, wait I'm s-' as in 'im sorry'
realizing it wasnt going as he expected it to. that stolas really was serious. that stolas was hurt. that stolas was going to actually leave and blitz. doesnt. want that to happen. so then he. tries.
and then goes 'what the fuck' when he appears outside
and honestly sometimes a lot of relationships need space from each other to realize who they are without them. and also to realize how much they care about the other, yknow? to understand their feelings without anything else complicated thrown into the mix.
listen: blitz could go back into complete denial like 'no fuck stolas actually-'. realize he misses stolas, actually.
cause i feel like he really did try at the end only to get shut out (its a really complicated situation because ive also seen people talk about how blitz yelling could remind stolas of stella(?) i think the person he divorced)
and it could be seen as rejection of him trying to do feelings talk. which he could double down on his 'no one can love you, itll only bring you hurt' idea, or bringing other people hurt (as in his mother's death or fizz getting hurt)
but i feel like he also needs time to just realize things. to think things through instead of being faced with immediately having to respond because theyre talking face to face. immediately having to respond because stolas is leaving and if he doesnt say anything then that'll be it.
its complicated. honestly, though. i feel like its for the better for them to have this break. to rebuild their life without the transactional relationship. i just wonder how they'll get back together (daughter plotting time? maybe?)
i wonder if hell has therapy. (...but also. what if the therapists were corrupt and didnt hold any form of patient privacy???)
anyway i dont know if i made sense. ive just had these thoughts stuck in my head so ive just been spewing out all the ones related to this so i could stop thinking about it
a;sp a;sp o hjavej oirhfrj
holyfuck ok
also also i have more to add
okay so you know stolas' line of 'you have no obligation to touch me or to bed me'
you know what that sounded like with loona having told blitz 'hes getting tired of you'
it sounded like stolas didnt want blitz to basically touch him anymore. which is probably blitz' interpretation of it and thus his anger of 'you think you can do this shit just because im an imp and youre a royal?' or whatever (hes not even touching the fact of the gem. its 'am i not good enough? i can do better!' because the book was the only reason in his mind why he could interact with stolas. and just. aghhh)
any more thoughts im shoving here in the future before i get more brainrot over this
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rin-and-jade · 3 months
So, uh.. what do we.. I mean I.. okay, well shit.
I'll start by explaining that I have slight(very big and annoying) memory issue. Like, "what month is it ? How old am I? Why is my hair so long ?" Type of issues. Meaning that I have no decent explanation to this and it could all be random stuff I'm making up w/ realizing it. So. Yeah.
..I'm not sure what I am- in the sense that a few years ago, our brain tried to stick us all together again to form a normal pre-teen. Well, more or less- I'm really not sure at this point. And, due to outside circumstances, it failed. But not completely, oh no no. Partially. Meaning that we're.. something. Never fully a person, never fully separate. Like a very unhappy puddle of oobleck. That changes color, gender and age every few hours on average. But not ever completely ! There's always that underlying current of murky brown, making it so that said oobleck always looks and feels pretty much the same. Whilst not. Also, memory loss ! Fun.
Though, Most of the time I(we ? It ? pronouns are hard) I(well, not me because it's actually not me but we have the same memory and speech patterns and skills so me ? But not. Kill me, please.) Feel like a wave- just a feeling, a vague observer drifting by, waiting for when they crash on the coast and the next wave comes in, always so similar yet different.
It's not fun. I don't know what to do. I don't.. I just don't. Honestly, trying to correctly explain our situation in words feels impossible.
But, yeah, I know you probably won't have any tips or know anybody who's been in a similar situation, but if you do, please, ignore our rudeness(we have weird, indistinct rules in place that quite literally stop us from saying the stuff I need to say directly. This is me doing my best to avoid them. It's probably incomprehensible, but I really don't have any other way to do so.) and answer with them ? I apologize- I'm sorry if this is the wrong place(..and way. Definitely the wrong way.) To ask, and for bothering you either way.
Anyways, I'm sorry for what you've just read and i hope you have a good day
Good timezone wherever you are. This ask sure took a lot of effort out of you didn't it? No worries, i still can comprehend what you are describing, i appreciate the attempt despite struggling. Let's start:
Thankfully you are in the right place, i can answer every system questions people throw at me so far,, i don't know anyone in a similar situation other than my own experience and a friend of mine--i will apply those to your answer here! What you're feeling now, is being blended.
Have things been happening badly these days? Maybe are you exhausted? Or sick? Your physical health contributes to how well you function as a system internally, if this seems to be the case then my advice is to tackle those issues as first priority.
I read that there was an attempt for your brain to merge other parts of yourselves together but got stuck mid way.. below this sentence, i will write the steps for you to incorporate into your daily lives in hopes of easing the disruptive and annoying state you're in:
Find out what's going on Is it your physical health affecting it? Or is your mental health? The experiences you've described also has clear signs on dissociating or disconnecting both of yourself and the world. If it's not a physical issue, then im writing this one at step 2
Ground back It's best you have lots of rest, affirm your anxiety or worries regarding this issue--trust yourself and have faith in the process, and do grounding techniques as well as vagus nerve practices.
Keep track of everything As you're prone to forgetting due to memory issues, it's best you write all, and recheck all your previous notes to tackle the amnesia. Creating a note that has all your important information written down will help reduce the stress and confusion in the future.
Slowly work on it Be it a physical, mental, or any other issues, it's best to go slow instead of rushing, and focus on the process rather than the results and expectations. I trust you to be flexible and adapt or improvise from this current plan. Always take notes and see how things are improving or not, the internet is filled with lots of resources out there!
This is what i have so far, as i cannot find the main reason for your current troubles other than presented signs of dissociation, blendedness and memory issues. Here is the link to my post about blend (along with it's other pals) and here is the link to my post on types of amnesia to give a head start, lastly an alter guide with questions and orientation (not intended for blurry or blended folks, but gives a foundation to understand which 'you' are you now). Feel free to continue this conversation at my DMs if you need further help, see you!
- j
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
4, 13, 14, 19 for the fanfic writer asks? <3
mwaaahhh bev!!! <3333 xoxoxo
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
oh god. uh. so many. i have like six different gdocs open on my browser RIGHT NOW as i answer this ask, and thats not even a small amount of how many wips i bounce around between or have started
i have 26 discrete wips logged on my word counter spreadsheet- including ones i started last year- but that's only fics that i started/have worked on in the last like. year and a half. i have more wips lazing around in my gdrive i havent touched in even longer, and that number isn't counting original works/ oc fic wips i ALSO have. so many of ksjfnbskfjbnsb im a monster
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
uh it depends! not usually that much, if i'm honest- i've found that planning/plotting out my fics tends to make me lose the enthusiasm and motivation i have for writing them, but if i have a clear idea for a scene/beat i want to write next ill scribble it down before going back to the scene i'm in the middle of
and ofc the beast that is noble pining is the exception to that rule, bc if i didn't try to plan and plot out the arcs of that beast it would probably be even more of an incomprehensible mess than it already is lmao !!! i have like 3k of notes and outlines and character arc planning at the bottom of my doc for noble pining so i an always go back and refer to what i mean to write/have already written
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
oh god. this is a really interesting question uhhh
first gut instinct is like. comic book/graphic novel adaptation of slasherfic?? like one of the classic all black/white/grey ones with a lot of dark red for emphasis/highlights etc ?? i feel like that would be really visually cool skjvbsnkbj
uhhh other than that i'm not sure ?? i have really clear visualizations for most of what i write but i don't know how much of it would like. cleanly translate into art/animation/live action etc lmao
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
ohohoh :))
Ayda’s mind is still spinning with the newfound information that Fig finds her pretty enough to be tongue tied about. “I don’t think you’re being weird,” she answers, and Fig chokes a little as she swallows, lowering the bottle from her mouth. There is lipstick on the clear plastic rim, and the dark red makeup around her mouth is even more smudged. Ayda isn’t sure whether she wants to fix it, or wipe it all clean away- smudges of dark red on her fingertips, Fig’s mouth beneath her hand- “But often times, people find me weird, or unnerving, or awkward. So I don’t know if my judgement is the most reliable in this circumstance.”
“I love weird people,” Fig says, immediate and fervent. She still hasn’t looked away from Ayda, even when she briefly attempted to drown herself via plastic water bottle. “You seem like the best kind of weird, no offense intended.”
“Why would I take offense at that?”
Fig shrugs. She’s tapping a rhythm against the thin plastic of her watter bottle, now, short nails making the water jostle and the plastic crackle under her hands. “Not everyone likes being called weird, I guess?”“I don’t- usually, I don’t enjoy it. People use it as an insult, or they say that it’s a good thing, and don’t actually mean it. But I believe that you mean it’s a good thing, Figueroth. Which means I- I like it. It’s nice.”
send me numbers from this fic writer's ask list !!!!
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kleinstar · 2 years
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☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: Quincy!!! (maybe he adds a heart or five later hehe) Picture: a picture of quincy napping he snapped one this one time - he'd change it sometimes but its usually him napping regardless, topper is there too Last text sent: [txt] ate this today let's go together next time (text seen ) [txt] im bringing these to topper today ok? *picture of treats* (text seen) [txt] *another very mundane text about something (text seen) ....AND SO ON IT GOES LIKE THAT FOR A LONG TIME maybe some noes or yesses here and there, cut by calls etc. Eiden's actually pretty fine with left on read when it comes to Quincy really, if he sees it that means he's probably read it unless its incomprehensible wall of text or something lmao
👋for three things that describe our muses relationship. i struggle(d) with this one for no reason aaaa itd be cool to do more abstract stuff but im so bad at that
long naps after busy day
nights under starry skies before fire
scent of home
Send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them.
" Hehe, ehehe.... Just three things? That's funny! I can say more but I don't know if I feel like counting! "
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" I mean saying looks is like almost cheating, too easy but I mean have you seen him --- whaa ? You haven't huh? But also like there's that whole gap with how he looks or even acts sometimes and then how he actually is! I mean nobody's perfect so there's some truth to that too but he really is actually really gentle, attentive, kind and reliable... All of that! He's also really skilled in practical stuff and you know survival skills and all of that and he always teaches me even when I'm not doing so good!! With him being like that he's really good with kids and of course with animals it's like some snow white stuff if snow white was a hot guy? "
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" And uh... how do I say? You know since I'm like ... kind of busybody I keep sometimes taking up a liiiiiiittle too much stuff - I mean not as much as I used to, I've become a little better at taking care of myself - but that guy reaaaaally makes sure I relax right? I'm sure it's on purpose sometimes but sometimes it's probably all unwittingly too.... I don't know if I noticed it myself.... "
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" --- ah but that should be all in past tense okay? But I guess he still is all that so maybe not? Hehe. Anyway that's why I'm here so hehe - will you pretty please throw me something a little stronger than that? Something sweet though, I don't like bitter stuff ok? " this is probably eiden @ bartender already just a little bit tipsy, before quincy was eventually called to pick up hehe
✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours.
He can see the water pooling down from the hose, pressing down the dirty blond hair continuing to broad frame wetting his shirt. His shirt would be all white for this, revealing all so easily... The way the fabric would stick to his skin, complimenting the shape of his muscles. As the hose would be pulled off he'd sigh all worn out but content in the fight for summer heat.. He'd brush his weathered fingers through the wet hair and maybe pull the t-shirt's hem up just a little ... Through the shirt you'd be able to see the pecs and the pink hue visible through.
Then he'd look at him and approach --
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" Wait Quincy nooo... We're in public surrounded by all these people-- "
" ..... I'm leaving you here. "
It wakes Eiden up and quick he runs to Quincy, explaining himself in rapid fire pace that Quincy doesn't really seem to bother in deciphering.
Behind the two is left the ad looking for participants for an event in the summer. In big clear letters reads WET T-SHIRT CONTEST.
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
" Oh it was really cute - since he's so big kids would climb over him and all, and he'd sigh but then end up taking them around like it's nothing and -- "
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" ---Quincy! When did you appear there? I was just bragging for you! "
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micer2012 · 3 years
Evil Xisuma in s8 is under Jeff the Minion's control, and likely the Midas Curse, and that is why they're a Capitalist right now
hey! hi! welcome to my post. i will share with you what has been unable to leave my mind for the past week
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you might have noticed this part in X's ep 1010! It is probably the cutscene with the least amount of lore in it, it's just EX relaxing and watching TV with other animations th3pooka (the person who animates these new EX cutscenes!) has done. The 2nd show shown is from their animation of Dragon Bro's, but the 1st and 3rd are from a 20 minute animation by them called Evil's Fault. When watching the 3rd clip, EX exclaims, "Oh! Jeff the Minion! Haven't seen that guy in some time." implying that EX remembers events that only happened in Evil's Fault, and that Evil's Fault, animated by th3pooka, IS canon to the s8 EX plot going on.
If you think that that's flimsy to say that the animation is canon I understand, but also consider that this is seemingly the only point of this cutscene: just to show that 1. EX is a tad depressed 2. They remember Jeff the Minion (while 2 scenes of Evil's Fault are played.) Episode 1010 was also uploaded on the 2 year anniversary of Evil's Fault. (Jun 19th)
Evil's Fault also includes voice acting (and music!) from other hermits, and X shouted it out when it came out and linked to it in his HC episode at the time. I think it's fair to say that Evil's Fault, and it's 3 prequels (the CarnEVIL trilogy) are canon to X's s8.
So! What is in Evil's Fault?
oh boy . there is a lot in Evil's Fault. if you are an ex enjoyer and haven't watched it yet, like i had. uh. its probably best to just watch it (tw, it said at the end its dedicated to people struggling with feelings of 'Hate, Addiction, and Doubt', and i think if you are sensitive to seeing violent internal intrusive thoughts, take caution)
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So, in Evil's Fault we learn that since at least ep 500, EX has been 'working with' a mythical being named Jeff the Minion. (named "Jeff the Nightmare" in the Evil's Faults credits since he's not Dionyisus's minion anymore since Pungence freed him (listen it's a long story) but I'm gonna refer to him as Jeff the Minion for this post) If you don't know who Jeff the Minion is, like 99% of people on earth, HERE is a post by hermette-historian, and another by arandomshine. In short, they are a Season 1 Pungence and Skyzm lore character that appeared in. One episode. (and other th3pooka animations)
Jeff the Minion is also the evil voice that EX was talking to in ep 666 (that appeared as a wither skull), and likely the supplier of the Withermen in ep 500 (Jeff himself is associated with wither skeleton skulls, and we see in Evil's Fault that he has a lot of smaller minions that do his bidding. These were likely lent to EX as the Withermen)
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Some time after episode 500, (while EX is stuck at the bottom of the pit in the s4 world), EX falls asleep and dreams of their life, before Jeff the Minion intercepts the dream. Jeff the Minion places this glowing wither skull into EX's head, saying that he'll always be there inside EX's mind, no matter how hard they try to wake up.
Then in the segment titled "Waking world?" we see EX, still stuck in the pit in the s4 world, trying to stay awake from episode 569-574. There is one scene in particular in this segment that I didn't understand watching the first time, that I think is very important.
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On the wall, we see messages that EX scribbled in lava to remind themselves. They turn to obsidian as time passes, and by the end the pit is a Collage of desperate messages from EX to themselves to STAY AWAKE. But what I think is interesting is the message to EX's left here. "$ 1-Emerald Golden Chips <AND> Silver Fish"
It starts as just the chips thing (chips as in Bri'ish way of saying fries) and then they add the Silverfish when they catch one, but what does this message mean? They just caught this food for themselves, what does it being an emerald mean?
This seems to be EX making a shop. Saying that it's 1 Emerald to pay for their food. (the use of Emeralds is interesting too, why not 1 Diamond? Using Unusual Currency huh ex). Why would EX be making a shop, stranded at the bottom of a lava pit??
Now I want to move from Evil's Fault, and take a look at Jeff the Minion's original episode, and King Midas's Curse within it.
In Pungence's S1 Ep 12, he and skyzm are given a book with a message by a creature named Jeff the Minion. They own a shop filled with King Midas's Treasures, (just gold gear) sold at Ludicrious prices, and Jeff says that they need to toss them back into the Pactolus River to get rid of the curse (which has been passed down onto them). This is really a ploy from Jeff, because if the golden items and the 'successor of the gold curse' (Pungence) are under Jeff's control, he can use them to break free of Dionysius (who he is in debt too because he got drunk and ate a whole bag of Ritz Crackers) and return to his former powerful state. (Jeff the Nightmare). The curse was also originally given to King Midas by Dionysus.
Pungence and Skyzm laugh in his face and do not, in fact, do that. Jeff isn't seen again until CarnEVIL 2, Dream No More.
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Pungence tries to attack Jeff (in the body of/masquerading as Evil GenerikB? idk), but uses King Midas's sword, releasing Jeff's full power as he has the successor of the gold curse and the King's items. Jeff's full power is shown briefly, before they defeat him and seal him in ice until Pixelated Heart.
A lot happens in Pixelated Heart, but the sum of it is that all the hermits use the power of love (and remembering their loved ones who Aren't there) to fight Jeff the Nightmare. Xisuma, along Pooka and GenerikB are the one's leading the charge, and Xisuma is the one who shoots Jeff's eye. They also say that all of those Little Jeff's (called 'Trapped Hearts' in Evil's Faults credits) are dead/inactive hermits, corrupted, so that's pretty fucked up if true!
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Here is my full interpretation of when things happen up until s8!
What we know is that Jeff the Nightmare, who was a voice in EX's head from at least 500-666 (where he's then banished from EX's head by the power of EX and X's bond, put into X's hand by EX, (which is then why EX goes Oh Im Good Now! at the end of ep666. Jeff is gone from their mind)), and is then gone until ep 800.
I personally think that since it was X and EX's bond that drove Jeff away in the first place (the redstone represents Bonds with other people, you see that in Pixelated Heart), as X's trust in EX dwindled, Jeff was able to creep back into their mind and convince EX that they were evil and always were going to be, partially because that's what X was thinking.
Then, EX tries to break free and make a final stand, with Wormman and Xisuma (the only two people who. care about them) coming to help, giving Purposeful parallels to the big power of love fight scene in Pixelated Heart, but if its from Xisuma not actually trusting EX deep down, or just from the fact that there are only 2 of them vs the like 100 that fought in PH, Evil Xisuma loses their last fight, at the end of Evil's Fault. (see the emerald that flies Straight to their face)
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So. At the end of Evil's Fault, EX falls under Jeff's control again.
Now onto S8.
First off, EX is a lot.. smarter, and subtler this season. This really doesn't seem their style, but would make sense if someone is trying to keep a low profile here, and manipulate someone else into doing their bidding and building their empire, so they can strike once all of the hermits are under their control. I'm not talking about EX manipulating Xisuma here, I'm talking about Jeff manipulating EX.
The sudden capitalist turn from EX, something they've never cared about before in their life (the only other time they had a shop was in s5, the shop with Wormman, where they literally gave away their knitting patterns and other things for free. it was literally free)... Could be because with Pungence no longer the successor, King Midas's Greed was something that Jeff could pass down to EX, and could be the reason why they are focused on wanting money (if it's not just for general Want of Control, to exploit people, which it could be too)
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But now onto the parallel between Jeff's voice in EX's mind in Evil's Fault and the mind control (and i think th3pooka on twitter confirmed it was in fact mind control) that EX did on Xisuma. Both spells involved the persons signature 'thing' (wither skull for Jeff, lightning for EX), colored their color, that then went into the persons head and turned their eyes to that color. It's safe to say that this is likely the same, if not similar spells.
What Jeff's spell did was put his 'everlasting voice' into EX's head. He was able to send messages to EX, seemingly look through their eyes, and compel them to do things. It seems likely that EX now has the same 'backdoor' into X's mind, and if you count the streams as canon, you might even say that clips like these confirm that EX can see through X's eyes, and influence him to say things for them.
I think that the EX heads that EX is giving to the other hermits do a similar thing, give EX that same 'backdoor' into their minds if they're wearing them. The episode is called 'influencing the hermits' and EX seems VERY excited and Evil when the hermits put on the heads.
Jeff wants to destroy the Hermitcraft server, and has a motive to go after Xisuma and Evil Xisuma specifically. EX seems to be being used because they can access the psychical world, and Jeff can't, and their bonds with others are weak enough that Jeff can put the doubt and hate into their mind enough to control them (Maybe the reason that Jeff can't influence other hermits Directly yet is because their bonds with eachother are too strong, and wards him away)
Another thing I want to mention is EX, both in the "Waking World?" section of Evil's Fault and in 1010, sitting watching TV and being surrounded by food, and empty potion bottles. (probably the closest thing to wine in Minecraft, i think that these scenes could be hinting at Dionysius/Midas Curse control. the cookies in 1010 also are the closest thing in Minecraft to Ritz Crackers I can think of).
In short (and this post has not been short. dear god i am sorry that this post has not been short but i think i had to explain all this because nobody knows who the hell jeff the minion isJNKBHXC), I think it's pretty much confirmed that EX is working (unwillingly) with Jeff the Nightmare in s8, has a backdoor into Xisuma's mind, and is trying to influence and get into the minds of the other hermits. (And that the capitalism May be linked to King Midas's curse, which now that Pungence is gone, does not have a 'successor'. but honestly maybe this isnt connected to the midas thing i just wanna be clever with why specifically theyre doing shops and money out of nowhere)
But what makes me say that they're definitely working together with such certainty? Look at this shot from 1013.
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Yep! Those eyes aren't EX's. Those are Jeff's eyes in the reflection. EX is certainly under Jeff's control in s8, but where the story ends up going from here we'll have to wait and see.
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ghastbutlikegay · 3 years
please go on about the victorian dresses, would love to hear more :D -🟣
okay okay. i promise i meant to answer sooner but it was a cycle of ah damn im busy > forget about it for several days > ah damn im busy so im only just getting to it kjsdgkkj
"victorian dresses" is a ridiculously broad topic that i have a lot to say about, especially if im ranting about common misconceptions or if im talking about individual garments so jksdkh i'll go with the least potentially upsetting option of raiding the met museum website for some of my favorites. links to the source for each will be provided
warning for me being an awful mix of pretentious and completely inarticulate
1. 1885-88 Afternoon ensemble
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this is a 2nd bustle era dress that pleases my brain greatly skhdskh the vibrant fabric, patterned accents, and asymmetrical skirt are all just !!!!! very good shkjsdg
please look at it and appreciate it because it very much speaks for itself in how fuckin rad it is. i cant say much about the shape of the skirt without something to compare to, so:
2. 1875 Ensemble
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while it doesnt cater to my personal taste in terms of color, the silhouette and all the ruffles and trim are so wonderfully extra. it's a good example of the kinds of excessively ornate bullshit that was popular in the 1870s.
on the subject of skirts: it's easiest to explain the difference between the 1st and 2nd bustle eras by showing examples of both. for anyone who doesnt know what it means, bustles are skirt supports where the volume is mainly at the back. in the 1st bustle era, skirts had more of a slope to them at the back, while 2nd bustle era skirts had more of a shelf-like shape that dropped straight down (see: the 85-88 afternoon ensemble)
i really really love this ensemble, and some part of me wants to figure out how to make it for myself. i'd probably make it in some kind of jewel tone, though
3. 1857-60 Mourning ensemble
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the fabric. holy shit, the fabric.
i absolutely love mourning attire, i think it’s really interesting to see how people handled death in the past, and the garments that came out of it are absolutely fucking gorgeous.
if you gave me this image and asked me to figure out when the dress is from, id point out the shape of the sleeves (referred to as “pagoda sleeves”) as being characteristic of the 1850s, and point out the shape of the skirt as characteristic of the 1860s. fun fact! crinolines, the skirt support that likely gives this particular skirt its volume, were patented in 1856!
the skirt may look hard to walk in, or sit in, or ride in carriages or walk up stairs and through doors in, but crinolines are flexible and can be squashed or collapsed into a more convenient shape.
here’s an example of a crinoline:
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and another:
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bustles were constructed similarly, just shaped a little different!
4. 1895 Dress
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i just,,,,,,,,,,
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*cough* anyway. i don’t know nearly enough about the 1890s to say anything really meaningful about this one, other than that the big poofy shoulders and fitted sleeves are pretty common in the mid-90s. i encourage anyone who likes this to look at the other images on the met website. please. i need to know there are other people appreciating this as much as i do.
5. 1885 Ensemble
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the color, silhouette, and beading on this one . . . g o d, it’s gorgeous. i’m pretty sure i hit the image limit so this’ll be the last one for now. other pictures can be found in the link.
it’s another example of the less sloped shape of 2nd bustle era skirts. there’s something EXTREMELY satisfying about this particular one, though, and i have no idea why
i absolutely love the color. i do really love dark colors, especially red and black, and this fabric is just such a good color.
the website also shows a matching hat.
i encourage literally everyone to click the links and go through the other pictures of each of these and also read the information on the website for much better put explanations of things ksdhksdjg
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riotlain · 2 years
Egos with a psychic s/o
im mentally ill
reader can read minds woah
short bc i need stuff outta my drafts
Iplier Egos
Constantly reading his mind is an actual pain
He tries to keep calm around you and keep his thoughts at bay
He thinks of you alot tho
He usually asks what other egos are thinking about
Mainly Wilford
Hes concerned that Wilford may have killed another person today-
Annoying ass
“What am I thinking of now, Dear?” “The body you buried yesterday…”
Also asks what everyone else is thinking
He’s interested in whatever Googles thinking
“Wilford, I cant read an AI’s mind-”
Worth a shot
Horny ass
His mind is like everywhere ig??
‘Adventures, cool artifacts, hows Y/n doing, sex-‘
Ig your power handy when adventuring
“Can you uh, hear anyone close by?”
My fucking lord
He knows whats always happening so ig you do too
Always apologizes for it
“The Host sincerely apologizes for his loud thoughts, Y/n..”
Yall get to both be omniscient ig??
His thoughts are always loud and racing
Constant what ifs and shit from his dad
And he also feels bad you have to hear it all
“I-Im so sorry you um- have to uh.. h-hear my t-thoughts??”
He tries to stay calm around you
Which turns his thoughts incomprehensible at that point
The Jims
They all think in unison/j
But like they all think generally similar thoughts
Its usually about the news and such
Im convinced they speak telepathically
‘Jim, do you think this will be good for viewing?’ ‘Why of course Jim! Why wouldn’t it be?’
How? Idk either
You cant read AI
If you could it would be generally boring
‘Main objective: Date night with Y/n. Secondary Objective: Destroy Humanity.’
He does often ask what everyone else is thinking
He wants to know what the human mind is like
Septiceye Egos
Jit mind is wack
Like he be thinkin the most deranged things and then think ‘Im hungry’
He thinks of you alot surprisingly
Thinks of how attractive he thinks you are
Idk sex
Robbie the Zombie
He thinks pretty slow thoughts
Honestly its like static in there
He does have his lil thoughts
'Y/n's pretty' or 'I'm hungry'
Stuff like that
Battle Egos
Def wanted your silly lil soul at first
You literally read his mind and just stared at him blankly
“Bro why you want my soul🤨🤨”
Bro was like “Shit man-“
Now that yall datin his mind is usually business, plannin date nights, makin sure Mare isnt up to funny business
The usual
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korasonata · 3 years
Joe and Cleo model streams extended cut Part 2! (Streams 3 and 4)
Cleo (reading chat): “Be careful with that thing” Im very careful with knives. Except for that time when I wasn’t.
Cleo (in response to chat asking about her friend Corpse): Corpse is not my husband. Ok? And they wouldn’t be anyway. Because they.
Cleo: I’m very confused Joe. I don’t know how to feel.
Cleo: Ok. I can do that. We can do that chat! I believe in you and myself…I- I don’t. I’m not gonna lie, I don’t.
Joe: That’s why you got me here to believe in you!
Cleo: Awww, thanks Joe!
Joe: You’re welcome Cleo!
Cleo (reading chat): “Black beer or clear beer?” No beer! I don’t believe in beer, it’s fictional. That’s just how it goes.
Joe: Yeah. Some days you eat the bear, some days the bear eats you.
Joe: One of my viewers asks “are you and Cleo real life childhood friends?” Yes, obviously as you can tell from our accents—
Both: We grew up—
Joe: On the same block—
Cleo: Yeah.
Joe: Uh, along the Thames there—
Cleo: Yes.
Joe: You know, we took different paths in life. Cleo obviously went to university and perused geology and teaching, whereas I ended up with an asbo and a bunch of weird telekinetic powers and things just kind of went wild from there.
Cleo: Yeah.
Joe: But now we’re back together again.
Cleo: Yeah! I mean— I mean after you saved the world a few times. It’s, ah…it’s necessary it— it felt right. To come back together.
Joe: Yep. It’s just— it’s just…it was time.
Cleo (reading chat): You thought Joe Hills was from Glasgow? Oh no no no no no no. No no, same— it’s a cockney accent, can’t you tell?
Joe: Yeah, that’s why I’m so good at rhyming.
Cleo: *snickering* I don’t think they believe us.
Joe: What is the British equivalent of a coffee shop?
Cleo: Umm…a coffee shop.
Joe: It looks like piece 3/4 will make sense at some point in the future.
Cleo: But today is not that day. And to be honest, tomorrow’s not looking great either.
Cleo (reading chat): *laughing* Joe thinks everyone is as well adjusted as he is!
Joe: Oh, I’m terribly adjusted! Do not adjust your Joes! It won’t help, we’ve tried!
Joe (reading chat): “You all heard Cleo say Joe would look good in shorts right?”
Cleo: *heavy sigh*
Joe: I mean, I’m gonna say, I’m not getting as much exercise as I used to, so it’s- don’t get your hopes up Cleo.
Cleo: I- I-…I mean, there’s only one person I wanna see in shorts and it’s not you, so we’re all good.
Joe (in British accent): Spot on.
Cleo: Better. You’re getting better at that you know. You’re not great, but you’re getting better.
Joe: Yeah. Well the thing is I need to be able to blend when I’m there. You know I don’t wanna call attention to myself in my accent.
Cleo: …Joe?
Joe: Yeah?
Cleo: Nothing you ever do is blendable.
Joe: …That explains why I’m so bad at painting. And making margaritas. Just kidding, I’m great at making margaritas. The secret is to get real Cointreau.
Cleo: I…Don’t— I’ve never really had a margarita.
Joe: So, I’ve got to cut up the last couple pieces from my fourth page out of 17.
Cleo: Is this where I tell you I’ve got about 6 pages left on the dot?
Joe: Out of how many, though?
Cleo: Out of about…14?
Joe: Wow, so you’re like, halfway there.
Cleo: Well, literally the instructions say I’m halfway there. Although—
Joe: Oh really? They congratulate you on that?
Cleo: W—no, they—they—……thanks Joe…
Joe: I bet whoever makes those models, now that you and I are getting them back in vogue, it’s like “oh no! If only I hadn’t sold the last one to Cleo, I could sell 1000 of these today.”
Cleo: I mean, I don’t think anybody in the stream is going to go out and buy one when they’ve seen what it’s done to us. And our souls. Or lack thereof.
Joe (reading chat): “If Joe is Jar Jar and Cleo is Padme, who’s Bail Organa?” …I dunno, VintageBeef.
Cleo: *laughing* Just—Just VintageBeef.
Joe: Just VintageBeef.
Cleo: It just is! You and I both know that, so you guys need to know it.
Joe: Yeah, cause like I don’t think Bail Organa had any kids.
Cleo: Yeah he did, he had Leia.
Joe: Well, but he adopted Leia.
Cleo: Ok.
Joe: And VintageBeef seems like, of all the Hermits, the one to most likely actually have the capacity to take on that sort of responsibility? I don’t know…
Cleo: No no, I can— I’m just running through the Hermits in my head, and I’m just like yeah that—that reads. That reads pretty well.
Joe (Dude bro voice): Has your heart even been weighed by Anubis, bro?
Cleo (dude bro voice): *laughing* Do you even lift? (Regular voice)…or no. That’s the opposite of what you want to do with a heart…
Cleo: I threaten to murder people all the time. One might say it’s part of my brand.
Cleo (reading chat): “Death threats are Cleo’s love language” *laughing* You’re not wrong.
Cleo: I’ve made plenty of mistakes! Learn from me! Like plenty of mistakes, which is why I’m doing this in my 40s. Joe just made his mistakes faster, that’s why he’s doing it in his 30s.
Joe: …Most of the jokes I wanna make about that, I—just in case my kid is tuning into the stream I’m gonna not—
Cleo: *laughing*
Joe: Because I am legally required not to disparage my ex-wife in front of her.
Cleo (in response to someone saying Joe’s hands are sufficient): No, my hands are sufficient. Joe has dexterous, wonderful hands. Get it right chat.
Cleo (about her Garrus mug): Next stream I shall use this for my beverage which I shall pretend is coffee. Which is what I used to do to the children at school.
Joe: Wait, you would pretend you were drinking coffee? What were you actually drinking? Rum?
Joe: My best is still the same, but my worst is getting less bad.
Cleo: That’s depressing and accurate. All at the same time.
Joe (tiredly): Yay! I strive for accuracy in all of my depressing statements. Cause it makes it harder to rebut them.
Cleo (softly and with care): I know.
Cleo (mocking people who push boundaries): If you were a PIN, what would you be?
Joe: *laughing* Like a PIN number?!
Cleo: Yeah!
Both: *laughing*
Joe: If you could be any PIN code—
Cleo: If you had an—what—what was your favourite PIN code, for example?
Joe: What’s your favourite 4-digit number?
Cleo: *laughing* What’s the 4-digit number you remember most in the world?
Joe: What’s the easiest to remember 4-digit number?
Cleo: I’m not going to get sushi from the Asda!
Joe (voice steadily getting higher): Oh my gosh, I am so glad that my face camera is off when we do those collab streams with Xisuma. Because like *laughing through the pain* a lot of them are just me screaming internally, but I’m not pushing to talk. And the reason I’m not pushing to talk is I’m also kind of screaming externally? And it’s just like, it’s just— *very high pitched incomprehensible gibberish*
Cleo: You—you do wonder sometimes with, with—with him. *laughing* See, thing is sometimes I’m not sure if he’s being serious or not, so—
Joe: If he says that he buys sushi at the Asda, I’m like 99% confident that he’s being serious.
Cleo: *laughing* He’s adorable and needs to be protected from this world.
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sparxwrites · 2 years
Heyo, same anon that asked about things that carry over between fics. Like i think i mentioned I'm quite the fan of the analysis/what ifs about characters you made n it was a nice suprise to read the Schlatt ones cause those are p rare n fuck man the terrible guy actively trying to be worse because of hating the world and himself is just *chefs kiss* being sure he's incapable of being good and will never be happy so might as well be his worst self is so hhhh.
Sorry for going on n on again but can't remember if you've written anything about wether you've thought of what he was doing(besides cryptocurrency) before the election that might've impacted what ended up happening during n after. I know that some people like the Wil n schlatt were friends some time before the dsmp headcanon n you brought up catholic guilt n internalized homophobia in his snapshots part but I want more of your thoughts on him so bad.
Sorry if im being a bother by bringing up old stuff or being incomprehensible btw.
Also, had to do a double take when I read the "he’s not got that sweet little British accent but he’s easy to play like a fucking fiddle so you’ll take what you can get.", wtf does that mean he's so fucked up I love it.
"he terrible guy actively trying to be worse because of hating the world and himself [...] being sure he's incapable of being good and will never be happy so might as well be his worst self" yessss yesssssssss, you get it!! you get it!!!!!! he's a sad and fucked up little man, and he's evil not because of his sadness and fucked-uped-ness but because of how he's chosen to deal with it. shitty people whose actions are not excusable but are entirely understandable, my beloveds.
there is such a dearth of good schlatt analysis, though, i think exactly for that reason. it's so easy to just pidgeonhole him as 'the bad guy' or 'kind of funny and evil' that people rarely bother to try and construct an actual internal experience for him (unless they're trying to redeem him, which i've only seen one well like... once).
tbh i've not put a tonne of thought into what schlatt was doing before the dsmp. i tend to characterise pre-dsmp wilbur as sort of like... a wandering bard-charlatan, running around servers and singing for his supper and causing problems and leaning on other people's hospitality, never really staying anywhere for very long. but schlatt...
i think, probably, him and wilbur knew each other from before the dsmp. i know they played minecraft together before, on a bunch of weird challenge servers, and they had an uh. interesting relationship on those. i think it was one of those kind of 'friendly rivalry/banter' things - they both had a similar sense of humour, and liked bantering and ragging on one another, and by the time wilbur left for the dsmp they had a solidly antagonistic friendship set up that they both delighted in.
though, admittedly, it was soured for schlatt by a) wilbur 'abandoning' him for the dsmp, and b) the fact he inevitably developed an interest in wilbur, which interacted spectacularly poorly with his whole repressed sexuality/internalised homophobia. in the period between the last time he saw wilbur off-dsmp and joining the dsmp, this combo soured into a kind of... blaming wilbur for leading him on / inciting unnatural lust in him / not returning his interest / getting him all worked up then leaving him / infecting him with homosexuality / being a bad influence / not putting out. (don't bother trying to square the circle of 'he made me think gay thoughts so he sucks' and 'he didn't let me fuck him so he sucks'; schlatt is not uhhhh. a rational guy about this.)
so, by the time they meet up again on the dsmp, schlatt's got this festering, incomprehensible, entirely irrational anger towards wilbur, and just kind of wants to... inflict some of that back on wilbur, in whatever way he can. i don't think he even rationally realises that's what he's doing, but in my little headcanon at least, that's his motivation.
and it ties in neatly with what then happens with him and quackity, too. quackity ends up with that same "fuck you for making me want to fuck you/not letting me fuck you" double bind directed at him, and becomes the target of schlatt's anger because of it in exactly the same way wilbur does. do love me some cycles of violence/trauma. :)
(for the "sweet british accent" thing - it's in the context of schlatt trying to get people to vote for him who like wilbur for being a prettyboy twink. so schlatt's basically like, "well, quackity's not got that cute british accent that i, schlatt with a latent homosexual interest in wiilbur soot all the fangirl voters love, but he's a twink and he's easy to manipulate, so hey, he'll have to do!" but yeah, he is. so fucked up lmao. god bless him.)
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insanityconflict · 3 years
still half awake so this might be almost entirely incomprehensible, but here’s my uhhhh 2bford headcannons??? i guess??? i dunno what to call them this’ll be like telling a wholeass story. is au the fuckin word im so tired im sorry JHSBGKAG
anyways uh if you’ve seen my previous post about this it’ll make a lot more sense but here we go ig
While i love the hell out of 2bhank, i honestly dont believe it’ll work out as a long-term thing unless hank does some big changes to his personality and respect for others. 2b wants to experience what having an actual loving loving and caring partner is like, but he knows he’s not getting anywhere with hank at all. so they break up, which hank is completely fine with, but 2b is left a little devastated and with the belief that he’s just not that important enough for anyone to actually care about.
sanford’s just dealt with the loss of deimos. it’s absolutely devastating, considering that they were probably the closest you’ll ever see anyone these days in nevada, and they were practically inseparable because of their love for each other. deimos dying felt like sanford’s entire world just ended, and he quickly was overcome with depression because he’s unable to accept it all. he swears up and down that no one can replace deimos, which to be fair, no one can replace anyone, but i think he’s more concerned about starting over with someone else for the risk of forgetting deimos existed at all.
this leaves 2b and sanford to have more to confide into when they talk, sharing their experiences and what they wish they had, and they quickly realize there’s much more in common with them then they thought. this sprouted into a lovely friendship, both of them being what the other needed in order to keep pushing on. laugh together, cry together, all your basic cliche lovey shit but it’s much more emotional considering the losses they both went through.
how or when they got together can’t be told for certain. it happened naturally, albeit slowly, but past all the healing and emotional growth, there was obvious that they were getting closer than your average friendship would go. there was no title, there was no “hey wanna be boyfriends”. i mean, how else can i put it? they were there for each other when they needed it the most, and it really paid off.
im sure 2b will remain his introverted, secluded self, but he does perk up a lot once sanford comes into the picture. he starts taking better care of himself, getting a working schedule between his job and time to himself, and he finally gets the affection and love he craved and deserved. sanford on the other hand, while still very upset over deimos, is less affected by it because he’s more focused on 2b now. its almost like he wasnt depressed at all (but that doent mean it just stopped existing, it’s very much still there), and he’s opened up a lot. he’s the more physically affectionate one while 2b sticks to his words, but it works! one wouldn’t have been able to survive without the other, and im honestly VERY surprised no one else has exploredthis concept - at least from what ive seen. i’d write something for it but, yknow, already busy with plenty other things lmao
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sxfik · 4 years
read on ao3 • masterlist
summary: But before she could move another step, he grabbed her hand, tugging her towards him.
And then said the word that she always meant to declare to him.
a/n: okay im back with a much longer fic!! tbh this really just slipped out of me, it was meant to be a small blurb but i just kept writing and it turned into this so, ta-da!
i hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think/anything else you'd like to see from me!
The apartment door clicks open as Vincenzo shuffles in. Cha-young follows close behind him, but the silence that stretches between them makes her feel miles away from him. She glances over Vincenzo's figure as he removes his shoes, her eyes tracing up from his black slacks to his black coat that made his figure even more imposing, and finally down to his hand. His hand dried with the blood of the man he killed.
She bit her lip as she removed her shoes, Vincenzo moving ahead of her wordlessly, as if she wasn’t in the room. As she moves past the curtains shrouding the living room, he unexpectedly freezes and she almost runs into him. Cha-young holds her breath as he spun to face her, the sudden reminder of his proximity throwing her senses for a scramble.
“Ms. Hong I- uh,” he struggles, as he screws his eyes shut and the silence between them stretches for a beat longer. Cha-young searches his face as his eyebrows scrunch and the familiar wrinkles appear on his forehead. His hand rises up to the nape of his neck in a familiar gesture, before it froze. “I’m going to clean up,” he finally mumbles out, dropping his hand, and opening his eyes but refusing to meet her eyes.
A pang echoes through her heart and she opens her mouth, ever so slightly, her mind and heart flooding with everything she wants to say to him. Stay with me. Stay for me, here in Korea. I don’t care what you did, what you are. I’ll have all of it, I want all of you. And yet, nothing comes out. So she presses her lips tight and nods, afraid that her voice will give away everything bubbling over from her heart.
His eyes fall to the floor and he turns his back towards her, making his path towards his bedroom and his bathroom. Cha-young stands in his living room, her eyes following him until she hears the click of his door shutting. Her eyes linger at the door and her shoulders sag as she lets out a breath. She shuffles toward the sink in his kitchenette, her body moving on autopilot as she washes her hands. As she pulls apart his kitchen cabinets to find ramyeon and cooking something of sustenance, her mind drifts off to what she witnessed.
Cha-young knows she witnessed a side of him that he didn’t mean for her to see; she could see it in the way he refuses to meet her eyes and the slight crease between his eyebrows as he drove them home. Her mind flashes back to the moment she saw him, crouching over the body in the tunnel and running towards him without a moment's hesitation. Even though he was covered in someone else’s blood. Even though she knew what he had just done.
It terrified her. The worry and panic that filled her when she realized at the cafe what he set out to do  was one thing, but the relief  when she had her arms around him, the reassurance that he was actually in front of her, alive, was too much. And she knew, when he placed his trembling hand, the hand that killed, on her back and the edges of her hair, that she was past the point of return. Whether she wanted to or not, Vincenzo had carved his place into her heart, and ripping it out is too painful to contemplate.
And Joon-woo. Her bumbling intern. The boy who followed her around. Her father’s killer. His betrayal punched through her gut, the pain almost clutching at her throat. After her and her father’s estrangement, he was the one holding her up with his dramatics. Trusting someone, in the world she was clawing her way through, was hard. She knew that she wasn’t a righteous and pious figure and it drove a wedge through every relationship she built. She knows that she had a hand in her father’s death and so did Joon-Woo. But learning how far he went to secure Babel’s status and the pain he caused her was incomprehensible.
But, Vincenzo was there to catch her as she stumbled back into him. He became the strength she needed to face the reality of what Joon-woo is. Who Joon-woo is. And as she steeled herself, she truly understood that Vincenzo was more than her partner in revenge.
Shaking her thoughts away, she focused back on the task at hand and finished her cooking. She brought the pot of ramyeon to the table in front of the couch, the warmth and smell making her stomach grumble. As she was setting the table, the bathroom door creaked open, startling her. She turned to find Vincenzo, in his grey sweatshirt that hugged his body in a sinful way, staring hungrily past her and at the warm pot of food.
“Hungry?” she asked out to him, hiding her smile and failing. He nodded and shot her a small, boyish smile, making his way to sit by her at the table. They sat in the same positions as the night before, as they served themselves and slurped up the noodles, starving after the eventful night. The strained silence earlier stretched into a comfortable silence between them, as they focused on sustenance. Cha-young noted his quick glances at her as they ate, making her hyper aware of herself, and she stole her fair share of glances at him, examining his arms and the planes of his face.
Quietly and efficiently, they cleaned up their space, working in tandem with each other as if they’ve done this together their whole lives. As they finished up, Cha-young approached him in the living room, her gaze lingering on the floor for a moment before she plastered her signature smile on her face.
“I’ll leave for my house, now that you’re settled in. For tonight, you won’t have my presence here to pester you,” she teased him, even though she craved to have him by her tonight. He deserves a day of reprieve, she thought.
“Ah- Ms. Hong, uh, isn’t your window still not fixed?” questioned Vincenzo.
Cha-young scrunched her face at him. “Weren’t you the one that was sure my windows were fixed?”
“Then, I’ll be out of your hair, Mr. Cassano, just like you wanted,” she quipped back, mocking the way he referred to her, as she spun away from him and started towards the door.
But before she could move another step, he grabbed her hand, tugging her towards him. And then said the word that she always meant to declare.
“Stay.” his voice pleaded ever so slightly, his eyes shining with emotion she never noticed before. “For tonight, stay here.” With me. She could feel the unspoken words pierce her heart as she paused. And then, she nodded.
“Okay,” she shakily replied back to him, and tilted her head up to fully gaze at him, for the first time that night. Vincenzo’s hand, the one that killed, reached up to her face, shaking ever so slightly as he caressed her jaw and his thumb brushed against her cheek, cradling her head in his hand. Cha-young closed her eyes, savoring his touch with the final promise toward herself. Just for tonight. I’ll indulge myself just for tonight.
As she broke away from him, from the warmth of his hand and presence towards the couch to make room for herself, he tugged her towards him. Towards his bedroom.
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The hour passed as she laid in his bed, the moonlight filtering through his window and onto his face. She laid a small distance away on his bed and she spent the hour memorizing him, the look of peace across his face as he relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. She wanted to keep this exact image of him in her head forever, even after he eventually leaves her. Throughout all the chaos they had endured together, the pain and the loss they shared, she wanted to keep this version of Vincenzo, her version, with her forever.
“Villains don’t deserve to love” he had once said to her. But looking at him like this, she was sure that he was wrong. Vincenzo wasn’t the villain in her story. He was her hero.
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mojwisungie · 4 years
imgn | Restart (enemy to lover! jisung)
req (from: anon) ➥ :  hi, i really like your writings and! if its ok, can i request a jisung x reader enemies to lovers headcannon? jisung is always teasing and trying to beat the reader at everything and one day he was teasing her and she had enough of it that shouted at him and cried infront of alot of students, and this shocks everybody since the reader is always calm and soft spoken:( the ending can be up to you!💚
☄︎ with: park jisung ☄︎ lou.note: omg. i did not intend to write so much for this like idk i got carried away and i think its too long 😶 added the bonus part for context lol enjoy !!
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your life is pretty sweet
honestly, you dont think of changing any aspect of it
youre good in school too
you have decent grades, great friends
but there is one thing that bothers you often
actually, one person
and its park jisung
and its not that you arent nice or something, bc everyone practically treats you as a friend actually 
and you dont hate him, bc thats such a strong word
but you dont exactly like him either
he pushes all your buttons
and usually you’d laugh it off
youre used to joking around with people and youre not that sensitive
but jisung... man does that boy have the  a u d a c i t y
you havent talked to him even once before he teased you for having a lower grade than him
so when he did that, you only smiled since it really wasnt that much of an insult to you
but then it got more frequent 
he would often poke at you for doing the most basic things
you get a score a point lower than his again? you’ll hear his snarky remark about it the second he knows about it
you got elected as an officer in the class? of course he’ll say youre such a darling
you dropped a pen? there will be a quiet under-the-breath “clumsy” as soon as you pick it up
he also has this weird habit of scoffing whenever you outdo him
bc he scoffed when you perfected that presentation in dance class AND when you also got a higher grade than him on another
all these mockery is always rewarded by only an eye roll for you
since causing a scene isnt like you so you often
and somehow in some way, you hope he’ll back off
but one particular day, you were really having not such a good time
you were almost late bc you almost forgot your due project
which caused you to walk back to your house and also caused you to miss the bus so you had to walk
the moment you enter the class, jisung’s eyes is already on you
you actually prayed for him to shut it bc you’d usually hear something from him the moment you step in the class
you thought you were safe
but when you sat on your seat, he said, “you look worse today y/n, and thats not nice bc you look awful everyday, dont you thi-”
you startle him as you loudly tell him to shut up
followed with “i dont know what ive done for you to make fun of me everyday, cant you just leave me alone?!”
you didnt know you were crying until one tear fell on your cheek
some of your friends tried to help calm you down immediately and ask if you were okay, while some tried to confront jisung if he has any problem with you
he couldnt answer them he’s so shocked to see you cry
before he could apologize, your teacher enters the class prompting you to wipe the tears away and tell your friends that youre fine
from the way that you look, everyone knows you arent but lets you be as the class starts
the day goes by surprisingly well for you after that
what you didnt know was everyone was trying to not let jisung get close to you bc he might make you cry again
but jisung feels so guilty :( he wants to say sorry before this day ends
or else it might be too late for him to tell you the truth
so at dismissal, he waits for you by the gates bc he knows you stay in the library for a few before going home
on your way out, he tries to stop you and says
“hi y/n, uhm, i-im sorry for today, i didnt know you were going to cry.. actually i didnt know i was going too far with the teasi-”
you cut him off saying “oh uhm, its fine. dont worry about it. i know you dont like me so-”
“what? no, its not that i dont like you! i actually- uh- i mean-”
you dont really know whats he’s pointing so you wait for him to find the right words to tell you
a few more seconds pass and he goes
“i dont dont like you... i actually like you. its just someone told me that maybe if i tease you, we’d grow close and it was partially true because you'd only notice me when i do so.”
he continues with “i know it’s too much for me to ask since ive hurt you, and im really sorry for doing that but i hope you could give me a chance. i hope we could...restart?”
seeing the incomprehensible look (for jisung) on your face, he stutters with saying how its totally fine if you dont want to and he’d be okay to distance himself from you
but you answer him with
“sure. i’d love to restart with you.”
and from then on, it would only be love from him to you
you know who actually told jisung to tease his crush?
chenle. he’s his bestfriend who told him to do it so he’ll have a chance with you
the moment he heads home, he doesnt go to his house, he goes marching to chenle’s
he greets his friend with a punch on the arm
chenle shouts in pain and asks “what the hell is that for?!”
so jisung answers him “your dumb plan made them cry! and i had to say sorry and tell them how i really feel about them all in one day”
and chenle bites back with “you mean my smart idea made you confess and have a chance with her? youre welcome”
they talk about what happened for a while until jisung asks him if knows what good gift he should give you
so expect to receive a cute (and kinda expensive) necklace the next day lol
also expect for more adorable gifts and heart-melting moments as you and jisung get together for the years that’ll come
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pinksnow · 3 years
kin anon - that makes sense, sorry for assuming. kinnie's typically a term used by anti-kin and "im an x kinnie" is one of the more common jokes non-kin make so i couldn't tell, i make kin jokes all the time myself but i try to avoid ones that use just the identity as the punchline. im not really exploding, but im sure you know how non-kin are when it comes to making fun of this stuff.
king ill have to be honest with you i cannot agree with that "typically used by antikin" every kinnie ive ever seen and know uses 'kinnie' its a very convenient singular form and have only seen x kinnie jokes made by kinnies themselves and ive been in kin spaces and online for AGES
as for exploding sorry thats on me ik you arent like super mad i just talk like a freak LOL im a bit incomprehensible
i understand ik how ppl who hate on kin are but i feel like its very safe to assume that anyone in this fandom on tumblr and certainly ones making freakish little aus like this about background characters are uh, not those people, and are likely kinnies, LOL
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mewtonian-physics · 2 years
Idk if Im making sense but the way rose constantly pushes raiden’s established boundries and keeps ragging in his insecurities just to serve her own feelings on him even after she said she fell in love with him it’s just incomprehensible. like I don’t think of her as an evil mastermind but she keeps making the worst insecure decisions and reinforces Raiden should Act Normal. then the fact that in mgs4 she’s a counselor 😬
no literally i think some of the time she is actively manipulating him (pre-mgs2 in general and pre-mgs4 with everything about john and campbell and all that) but sometimes i'm pretty sure she's just... doing that. whether she means to or not. like she just keeps hitting him in the exact worst places and there's no way that's all accidental especially since she literally had access to his psych profile but i think there's also a certain amount of... she seems like she can be very thoughtless sometimes in terms of how she treats other people (so much about the end of mgs4 makes me cringe) and raiden is the worst possible person to be pulling that with considering how severe his mental health issues are.
like okay a while back i wrote a brief scene post-revengeance in which she straight up encourages him to keep engaging in extremely unhealthy levels of self-repression and acts like it's a good thing that he's doing it. because i have always gotten the vibe from her that she's the type of person who wants things to seem ideal even if they really aren't--hence weird shit like how she tells raiden she's been spying on him for two years and then just doesn't bring it up again. ('see me for what i am, okay?' does not count.) or how she shows up at the end of mgs4 and tells him she lied to him again and still seems to expect things to go right back on track. it's like she switches right back into 'ideal girlfriend/wife/whatever' mode and expects him to just go along with it (which he unfortunately DOES because he has 97 mental illnesses and doesn't really know how to stand up for himself) and it is definitely possible that that is her own issue coming from the kind of work she's been doing but no matter how i look at it it's super fucked up.
so yeah i don't think she's an evil mastermind or anything... i just think she's kind of a bad person. and definitely should not have any sort of medical license.
so yeah uh daily reminder that roses are now the flowers of divorce
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twocubes · 4 years
see it was always confusing, right
if there was such a thing as cosmic justice (say), some set of rules set forth by some god or whatnot about how the world is supposed to be, with listed punishments to be meted out by that god, why would it follow that said justice should also be enacted by the followers of that god here on earth?
and it becomes obvious: the justice is a lie, and it must be defended; people who break it must be opposed, and so on and so forth
in this way the lie is made to appear to be true, by being made to be as true as it can
but the god is unnecessary in this thing; it is a weird abstraction constructed to hook into what was apparently a common morality-heuristic, right
abstractly, all social truths are lies that some of you defend and thus make as true as possible, in the same way that the true selves you wish to be are lies that you seek to make sure everyone perceives by making them be as true as possible
and, why?
well, simply, because the lies you wish were true make things easier for you. justice, power, honor, etc, if they are there to be appealed to, if they are things you can expect in the world, then entire classes of problems become simpler to solve. people do bad thing? call the cops. you can’t do that? the problem is now complicated. many questions must be asked, much risk must be taken. the labor necessary for the task becomes greater, the tractability of the task is no longer clear.
the lies free you, in other words. they free you from a certain type of burden. the truer these heuristics about the world, the less effort it is to do any of these things, the more you can do.
much in the same way that our desires to be the selves you think you are make you understandable to eachother, and thus allow you to collaborate
and that is the wonderful gift that is the lie: by lying you can just as much propose things that you might wish reality to look more like, and thus make reality into something in which you are freer
in fact, without lies the world is literally incomprehensible; a lie is something that can be compared to reality and be found wanting. you will note that by this standard, all statements are lies because you only know approximations of reality, but that is fine. by lying you can speak of something like reality but simpler, in which it is easier to make decisions and in which you can act more freely.
without lies you merely react to the world, you cannot think ahead, seek to understand, etc. there is merely brute existence, life as a rock, who sits there and only is a rock.
...being set free from brute existence by a fruit of knowledge given by a prince of lies
look it’s just a coincidence. that story? they’re just—they’re not talking about me. i mean i’m not talking about it, this is—
the angel aesthetic thing is also a coincidence i was never— 
like i get— im not... uh.
hooohh boy
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