userttpd · 2 years
i dont know when michael became so naive but he has always been so disrespectful to tommy even tho he literally built the current shelby empire from the ground! michael calls tommy old fashioned and vulgar but what does he know about getting his hands dirty? about death?? about sacrificing his own soul so they all have pretty houses and expensive cars?
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
There are more things in the Parable than Stanley knows about. [Blank Scripts AU]
#hoh boy i was going to make a comic to introduce these monsters but#i couldnt help myself and made an animation instead#because i just think they're so neat and cool okay#listen i cant for the life of me just infofump about my AU and OCs#because i just think that making actual content about my lore and stuff will not only raise the chances of people being interested#but also it will also raise my motivation to actually produce more content other than the same old recycled front-facing-profile drawings#i need to get creative with my stuff or I'll also loose interest and I DONT want that#in order to be happy with what i have i cant just think about it and expect to be given something new NOOOO i need to MAKE it ughh#i cant believe in order to get more content out of my own au i would need to draw it and feed myself ugh ugh ugh unbelievable (kidding)#but also#i wanna make a little music video or animation again for youtube#its been a hot while since ive uploaded anything in there at all#maybe an animation reel will do for now?#i hope so :(#because ive been working on expanding the Black Scripts AU#and honestly i dont regret it#i had a lot of fun making up scenarios and comics for Stanley and the Narrator (Black)#but yeah!#apart from this little video#you wont be getting an explanation on what these things are supposed to be#and why theyre there#actually i was originally gonna make this into a full fledge animation with sound effect/music/frame-by-frame movement/etc.#but i got lazy HAHA#tsp blank scripts au#tsp au#the stanley parable#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#tsp
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the way Iñaki looks at Oda, on the verge of tears almost all the interview
the way Oda's voice cracks a little bit at some point
the way Iñaki jumps at the opportunity to hug everyone he meets
the way Oda takes Iñaki's hands in his own in a show of sincerity
the hat
"I'm so grateful that you were born to be just like Luffy"
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emillungs · 8 months
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finished book 1 last night and my head is full of them
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his drippiest majesty
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transmechanicus · 1 month
Seething with contempt at a girl in my class who was giving a presentation on a paper and literally refused to refer to like half the compounds by their scientific name. For example, one protein product mentioned frequently in the paper was kawaguchipeptins. Not brain breaking complicated to pronounce, and is named for the person who classified that grouping of peptides. The two hit combo of racism and indirect denial of recognition for scientific achievement makes me want to shake her until coins come out.
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keclan · 2 months
breaking my silence as the resident swiftie mutual. it was bad.
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willowcrowned · 1 year
trying so hard not to be an unbearable cunt about this season of the mandalorian just because I thought tbobf was a massacre in the worst way. everybody say good luck willow on not being an unbearable cunt
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qserasera · 3 months
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'you should keep your pet informant on a shorter leash, doctor'
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#You'd think of all times I'd be having stress dreams right now‚ but I'm not actually#In fact usually my dreams are horrible things of dreadful desperate danger and darkness and blood. Losing my children‚ losing other people#who trust me to help and save them.#But they've all been things like “woman is criticizing my soap bottles” (🤨) and “there's a tornado - but it doesn't hit us actually” and#“you missed a phone call btw”#But it's not that I'm not stressed. I am. I am tied up in all sorts of knots over this pending divorce hearing. And the pending CPS case.#<- That's going to court btw. Dallas has had a full year to do the mandatory six weeks counseling and has opted not to finish it‚ so they'r#taking him to court over it to codify that he is not allowed to have anything to do with us.#Fine by me‚ him being legally prevented from having anything to do with us has always been my hope. It'll be a hassle for me having to#*also* appear in court‚ but overall a small price to pay. And it also removes my last theological objections to the divorce;#the unbelieving has chosen to depart indeed.#So! *Good* news. But also not not-stressful.#(My back is *killing* me and it gets worse the closer February 6th looms.)#On the other hand I REFUSE to worry. Because there is No. Way. that God would bring us this far just to abandon us now.#And His fingerprints are *all over* the last two years.#(I am still not precisely 'looking forward' to the court appearances.)#Anyway. Fun stuff‚ fun stuff.#Nattering into the void
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I have to wonder how much of s2 being "not good" was more a product of people constantly complaining about it and even going through the trouble to meet Anthony only to insult him to his face and say they hated the season. I feel like a lot of the pacing and problems started when Anthony gave up on the literal main conceit of the series: Monster Of The Week btvs shit. And sure, he said that he supposedly agreed with the fandom that the first like 10 episodes weren't "going anywhere" but we had all the time in the world to fuck around in s1 and do literally nothing but talk around a car for episodes at a time so I don't think it would've been bad if we hung out at school and weren't going for Plot™!!!! nonstop with no breaks.
And to be fair this happens with pretty much every one of these spontaneous succeses. It happened with Taz Amnesty going way too hard, too fast and not necessarily taking the time to pace it correctly and just live in the world. They want to recapture that magic that the first season had but forget that magic usually comes from fucking around for 30 episodes to sufficiently (though, accidentally) come to that great and badass final episode conclusion.
I love Anthony very much and I think he is genuinely an amazing writer but as someone who has played the pre-sequel, I can definitively tell you when Anthony Burch is halfassing something lol. I don't think he didn't care about the season, I think he was just super stressed and the way they were going about this season wasn't supporting his strengths as a creative. He's obviously very good coming up with the most heart wrenching shit you've ever seen on the fly and he's good at writing a planned and prepared story but he's not as good at trying to do plan a semi-prepared story with half baked ideas literally in the moment as it's happening. Anyone would forget shit even the important things when you're trying to juggle multiple plot lines and execute character arcs. And it is funny but I can't imagine the Psychological Warfare the dads put him through is all that helpful when you're trying to figure out how to bring a football stadium organically in the story lol.
I really hope our parasocial distant father who fucked our mom and then left for milk takes a rest and pulls himself away from all this negativity and he finally just gets to be a Deranged Small Child with a Knife again. Thats clearly all he wants and who can blame him
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Tim raised his hand. He was sitting together with Steph at the floor next to the Batcomputer, losing tragically at Pogs. “You can have a legally normal legal heir if you want.”
“You are not allowed to delete yourself from the FBI Watchlist,” Bruce said, more than exhausted. Like he had a newborn baby, but the baby won’t stop trying to commit cybercrime.
Tim slowly lowered his hand. After a few seconds he raised his hand again.
“No, Tim. You are not allowed to buy stock in technology companies just to build access into their computers.”
“I’m telling you, Bruce!” Tim protested. “I hacked into their product design records! There’s no way the iMac isn’t going to corner the market next year. Their stock’s at rock bottom, you gotta acquire them!”
“I’m not buying majority stock in a failing computer company just so you can install backdoors into all of their computers, Tim.”
“Jobs just came back to the company a month ago! He’s trying to resurrect it! He’ll sell, Bruce! It’s a good business decision!”
In which Bruce discovers the meaning of right and wrong, and Steph utterly fails to discover the meaning of horse divorces.
This one has one of my favorite scenes in the story, so pumped to show you. And super pumped for the finale next week! Thank you guys for reading with me so far!
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forgetfulmachineart · 2 years
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[ID: A black and white semi-realistic digital painting of Casey Jones Junior standing in front of Future Leo who’s back is turned to the viewer but is smiling. Casey is visibly distraught with tears in his eyes and looking down at his hockey stick that has a damaged bandana tied to it. The second image is a close up of Casey’s face. Behind his head Leo’s glowing shell marking which frame Casey’s head like a halo. /End ID]
That’s a heavy shadow on you, junior
ROTTMNT Halo Series: Mikey, Leo
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[ID: The same digital paintings as above but the first has a background and second is line art. /End ID]
Bonus things cause these also look good :D
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bongo-smash · 9 months
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reineyday · 7 months
just watched bnha world heroes mission and wow they really packed a whole bunch of my favourite tropes into rody soul huh
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jorvikzelda · 8 months
honestly every single day I wonder how I didn't realise earlier how gay I am. like yeah yeah I know the answer is repression and severe deep rooted internalised lesbophobia but how the actual fuck did I manage to repress that hard? that's got to have been enough hard work that it like, qualifies for being put on my CV
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