#Ugh this looks like a shipping thing. I didn't mean that
beautyinsteadofashes · 7 months
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some cool pics from jeffery's insta
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
DC x DP fic idea: Cave Boy
Danny Fenton is a lot of things, but good under pressure is not one of them. He didn't mean to be stranded in an unknown universe after playing around with his parents' Specter Speeder in the Ghost Zone and losing control of it. He didn't mean to find shelter in the strange cave systems under the city Danny crashlanded in. He didn't mean to step on any bat and bird costume-wearing toes.
All he was trying to do was fix the ship he arrived in with stolen and repurposed technology from all across the city. He also didn't take anything that wasn't in a garbage can so he couldn't even be acussed of thief.
Danny barely even allowed himself to be spotted, only going out at night to avoid regular citizens. Danny was a very considerate dimensional visitor compared to the Ghosts that came to Amity Park.
He spent hours exploring the caves as a human, but whenever he felt like it was time to go back, he shifted into his ghost form and floated upwards until he was above the ground. Sometimes he find himself far away from city limits othertimes he be right under a bank or a apparement complex.
It was an exciting, if a little rough, life. He occasionally found food in the garbage, and while it was disgusting, it was better than nothing. Thankfully, his halfa status allowed him to go longer without meals, sleep, and even breathing. It's just a bit hard to keep track of time since he rarely sees the sun, and he doesn't exactly have a clock nearby, but he sure it's been at least three months when he finds the bat and bird costume wearing people.
Danny is minding his own business, having just found a primarily intact toaster that would have the perfect wiring for the Speeder's temperature-controlling unit, when he mistakenly take a right on the third turn instead of a left.
It wouldn't usually be a problem, as he could just float to the topside and find his way to his little shelter/shop, but he had unknowingly tripped motion detectors. Danny had continued on his merry way, just starting to realize he was lost, when out of the shadows a man in a gaint bat costume leaped at him.
He yelp, barely dropping out of a nasty-looking jab, bending his back from the elbow aimed at his face and only through his ghost reflexes able to jump over the leg swipe.
"Who are you!?" The man growled "how did you find this place?"
"Dude, I live here!" Danny gasped, throwing himself to the ground to avoid what he knew was a jujitsu grab. "What you doing here?!"
He doesn't get a answering seeing as a bo staff of all things slams into the back of his head. He hits the ground just as his attacker says.
"Good job Red Robbin"
"Yummmmm" Danny mutters word association too strong not to.
When he wakes, he finds himself tucked in a medical cot inside a glass cell. He is still inside the caves but somewhere he's never seen. It's filled with technological advances that has his mouth watering just looking at them.
His hands twitch with the urge to break everything apart and tinker. He's a Fenton through and through.
He would have enjoyed the scenery- especially the gaint computer that was just calling his name- except various people in costumes were standing around his cell studying him like a animal in a zoo.
"Oh, ugh, hi," Danny says to the man in the giant red helmet. He gets no response so he tries to get a reaction from the others. It yields the same results. "Okay. So ugh is this a cult thing? Cause I really don't want to be part of whatever is happening here"
"What is your name?" The man dressed like a Bat demands and well crude if this is a cult thing Danny doesn't want them knowing his name. Either as human or as a ghost.
So he thinks of the most boring name he can think of, wrestling his ghost to make his body language as human as possible as he says "my name is Bruce"
There is a sharp intake of breath to his left, which causes Danny to look at a man wearing blue. That man has his face pressed against the glass, staring at Danny with a wide, manic smile. Even though the white lens of the blue man's mask hides his eyes, he knows they are drinking in Danny's features.
"look at him! He's adorable!" The blue man gushes and the other teenagers all nod in agreement.
"Super cute," the girl in purple agrees stepping closer to peer at Danny.
"A bit odd to see so much emotion on that face but he really is cute." the one holding a bo staff adds.
"He is weak." A boy sneers, "Hardly deserving of the blood in his veins."
"Lay off Demon Brat" The guy with the red helmet says, "He's just a civilian."
Now, Danny did not like those comments.
What if this is a cult thing but not a ghost cult like he orginally thought? What if it's a creepy sex thing? Or Cannibals? Or a secret fight club where they would force him to partake in death battles?
Whatever the case may be, they could not know he's from a different dimension.
"Bruce," the man dressed as a Bat cuts into the chatter. He levels a hard stare at Danny, who flinches away from it. The man's face softens just a bit. "We know that you from a different dimension"
"We tested your blood and have means to detect travelers from alternate universes" a guy in yellow helpfully says. "We also sort of figured who you were before that"
Seriously how?
"What?" Danny asks and the man in the Bat costume removes his masks. He's left staring at someone who look oddly familar but for the life of him he can't place it.
"Bruce, I'm also Bruce Wayne and in this universe I'm Batman" He says
"We will help you get home" Bruce tells Danny unlocking his cell. "I'm sorry about the ambush"
Now, this is where Danny should come clean and tell this man the truth, but he panics because he is not good under pressure and instead says, "Okay,"
And that's how Danny is mistaken for Bruce Wayne's civilian dimension traveling counterpart. He tries to roll with it, he does, but it's a little hard to when he's surrounded by weirdos who dress up like clowns to fight crime.
What even is his life.
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icepoptroll · 22 days
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@rtcpickyourpoison day 4: Ricky - Karaoke/Drag Night
I've seen a lot of art of Ricky and Noel being the perfect drag queen duo and I'm in total agreement. Their fabulous costume changes and wildly imaginative songs in canon are proof enough for me that these two would absolutely kill it in a drag performance, ignoring the haters and putting on a great show!! Starrypoet is such an awesome but oft-forgotten ship.
I felt like doing something with Ricky's love for who he is, his creative endeavors, and his bright spirit. Noel was also fun to explore here in that he's both very loving and very firey. I imagine that, after reaching adulthood, Ricky would become a comic book writer/illustrator and Noel would work in a drag bar, and they'd both take great interest in each other's work. It's bring your boyfriend to work night at the club!! hehe
Image description under the cut.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Shown is Ricky and Noel's reflections in a lighted mirror. The adjacent wall is made of bricks and there is a garment rack with various dresses hanging on it in the background of their reflection. There is a long, wavy, pink and purple wig hanging on the mirror. Ricky is smiling a bit shyly, wearing a voluminous, long purple wig with bangs. He has on pink cat ears, a sparkly silver necklace, a black leather strap wrapped around his arm and a pink bodysuit with black tiger stripes. His makeup is hot pink and bright purple with purple false lashes, glitter along his cheekbones and black tiger stripes painted on the sides of his face. Noel is wearing a dark bob wig, a sparkly dark purple gown, and four strings of pearls around his neck. He is wearing sparkly purple eyeshadow, glitter on his face and body, and dark red lipstick. He is leaning over and kissing Ricky on the head, saying, "Ugh, Ricky darling, you look absolutely sickening!!" Ricky's narration explains, "I knew that, in the context of a drag culture colloquialism, Noel meant "sickening" as a compliment.
Panel 2: Ricky's narration continues, "But I don't think I was meant to take what this other performer said as a compliment." Noel is in the background walking past, now with long, dark, violet gloves on, as a drag queen in a curled blonde wig, pearl jewelry, a black and white polka dot dress with red frills and red high heels walks by Ricky, who is sitting in his wheelchair, smiling and waving, wearing silvery fingerless gloves of uneven lengths. The drag queen says, "Okay, I'll bite. Who invited the make-a-wish kid?" Ricky goes on to explain, sarcastically, "Oh yeah, she got me. That was so funny that last time I heard it I laughed so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur."
Page 2:
Panel 1: Ricky continues, "She went for the low-hanging fruit. Noel went to bat for me." Noel comes up, pointing to himself. He says, "Uh. That would be ME. Got a fucking problem?"
Panel 2: The other drag queen gestures to Ricky, who looks on, bemused and annoyed. She says, "Monique. Honey. Baby girl. Look at him, I mean, seriously? Do I even have to say it?" The dressing room mirrors are in the background.
Panel 3: Closeup of Noel's face. He looks angry as he says, "Ha! After your shit performance tonight I wouldn't bother saying ANYTHING more about him. Save yourself any further embarrassment." Ricky explains, "I didn't mind the comments all that much."
Panel 4: Noel is getting up in the other queen's face, pointing an accusatory finger up at her as she crosses her arms defensively. He says ". . . Aaaand another thing!!" Ricky continues, "Noel did warn me some of his colleagues could be kind of mean sometimes. And, as he would say, I looked "fierce," and I knew it."
Page 3:
Panel 1: Ricky's narration continues, "And, I guess you could say Noel actually sort of WAS granting me a wish." HE propels away to go do his own thing, looking back with a sense of concern and weird curiosity as the other two argue. Noel says, "I can't even, you're just mad that Ricky is a cute young thing, and underneath your makeup YOU look like the damn crypt keeper!" She replies, "Crypt keeper??? Oh, you little. . . "
Panel 2: Ricky continues to explain, "Noel works as a performer at a drag bar and he told me about lip-syncing being a big part of drag shows. While I am unable to sing, I've always loved lip-syncing to my favorite songs." Noel continues to yell, "This is some shady shit. Even for YOU."
Panel 3: Ricky is surrounded by drag queens against a sparkly hot pink background. His narration continues, "So I told him I would love to try it, and he brought me to work with him, did my makeup, and gave me some tips. We even developed a persona for me: Savannah, with the Fiercest Smize. To 'smize,' I'm told, means to smile with only your eyes. I was so excited, though, I wound up smiling with my whole face." A queen with light skin in a sparkly green dress, big wavy brown wig, and floral accents stands in front of Ricky, a hand laid over her chest. She says, "I LOVE silent acts. So mysterious!" A queen with tan skin and dark hair in a high bun dressed in a sharp gold dress and matching jewelry says "Her hair is EVERYTHING!" as she examines Ricky's wig and looks up at her friend, a tall chubby queen with dark skin and a purple afro, with purple jewelry and a sparkly purple body suit. She smiles and nods approvingly. Ricky goes on, "No one else seemed to mind my being there. In fact, people liked Savannah."
Page 4:
Panel 1: Noel and Ricky hug. Noel says, "No one will EVER dull your shine, love. You're beautiful and you know it. Let's get to work, okay?" Ricky says, "I knew."
Panel 2: Ricky and Noel are performing. Noel is dancing at Ricky's side. Ricky is lip syncing, holding a microphone and leaning back, his other arm spread out. The song he is lip syncing to is True Colors by the Studio Killers:
Show me your true colors
In their blinding brightness
Show me your true colors
Like they glow in the night when you are dreaming
Forget about the others
The unbearable lightness of our being
Even spy satellites won't see this coming
Our love that's hiding in the dark
Reach out and I promise you soon we'll be lovers
'Cause it's our true color
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spacebaby1 · 1 month
Hey lovely! Would you do a one shot where the reader (she’s the team manager in the time skip) is married to Atsumu (only friends and family know) but she keeps getting shipped with someone else on the team? How would he react and how would it go down 😊
His sweetheart!Ehehehhe, I can hear him screaming from here. Enjoy!
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Being a private person meant no one knows anything about your life at all, not even your team. It was hard on Atsumu to not just run and hug you; his wife every time he felt like it. But he knew that you absolutely disliked people knowing about your life and your marriage was one of the important things you wanted to keep private and for yourself.
It wasn't long until the teammates started to guess who would be the perfect match for you out of all of them, and Atsumu almost choked when he heard his team mates are talking about his wife, well, they don't know but still. He was boiling from the inside as they kept shipping you with their captain. Atsumu snickered at that comment, "I'm not sure she will find him interesting because she doesn't like-I mean, she seems like she doesn't like loud guys!" His teammate laughed, "well, looks like you got zero chance with her, then." They all laughed, and he was about to yell that you would like him because you are his wife and you love him with his personality, but he just rolled his eyes and walked away.
The whole time at training, he wasn't in the mode and kept looking over you with puffy eyes. Sometimes, you'd catch his look and would give him a small smile, placing your heart where you were wearing your wedding ring around your neck away from the team mates' eyes. It was a thing you'd always do as in saying ' I love you ', but with your own ways. But every time he looked at his teammates looking your way, he'd go back to pouting until the training was done.
Later that night he kept groaning and sighing as you went on about doing your nightly routine until you stopped and looked at your husband flopped on the bed in his pyjamas, "What's the matter, love?" You asked, confused as you approached him. He sat holding the pillow on his lap, "the boys, they were saying that you don't like me." You blinked, tilting your head and laughed, "what?"
He groaned, pulling you on his lap as he threw the pillow on the bed. He snuggled his messy hair in your neck, "they kept shipping you with captain. And I don't like them talking about my wife like that. Ugh, he was looking at you like he even got a chance, idiot." You wrapped your arms around him breathing in his sweet shampoo, "well, too bad for them because I am married to the most perfect man and no one can be like my sweet and amazing husband. This whole shipping thing it's stupid, it's not like we are in high school. And I'm here with you so it really doesn't matter what they think, does it now?" He blinked before pulling away with a smile before kissing you. "I fucking love you and you're mine and all mine." You kissed him back before placing your head on his chest, "forever and ever."
The next day you had decided to put your ring on and all the teammates were talking when they saw you walk by, "is the a wedding ring?" "She's married?" "We didn't know she was married!" "Aw, we shouldn't have shipped her with captain. That's bad." "I'm glad we didn't try to flirt that would've been very disrespectful." "Her husband is probably someone lucky." "Sorry captain, she's taken."
Atsumu grinned feeling proud to be your husband and walked with his head high and the ball in hand as he walked past his teammates, "too bad she's taken, captain." He was feeling giddy when you looked at him and smiled before looking back at what coach was explaining.
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ok, i'm being so brave and making the rec post that i told anon i would do like three days ago.
the obligatory caveats. this is not comprehensive—i haven't read all the fic in this fandom, and i've barely looked at anything not in english. my reading habits are pretty broad—i'll read almost any pairing, and am generally willing to suspend my disbelief to do so. i am not usually an au person, though this fandom is doing its absolute damndest to prove me wrong on that point.
also i have…more…fics that i felt i should rec somewhere, so probably this is rec post one, but ten felt like enough and also saying things in public where people can hear me is, it turns out, absolutely excruciating. please no one be mean to me about this post, especially if you wrote one of these fics, because if you are i will simply fill my pockets with rocks and take to the sea, ok? ok.
excited to find out what i manage to do that ruins the formatting, links the wrong fics and/or people, or otherwise breaks things in this post. please tell me if i've fucked up, or if your fic is on this list and you would rather i keep your name out of my mouth, or whatever.
first, a very special mention to the mlc reference guide by @yletylyf. this is such an incredibly comprehensive and generous resource. you want a timeline for this show that does an incredibly poor job of maintaining its own timeline? it's here. you want episode summaries? they're here. you want all the people and places? they're here. if you're writing fic, you want this guide, because it's so much easier and faster than scanning episodes or subs files to figure out the name of one specific guy or whatever. it also means that at least occasionally you work on the thing rather than accidentally rewatching the same scene five times, or hypothetically watching two to four episodes without even really thinking about what you're doing. the reference guide is the unsung mvp of fandom.
beyond porch and portal, difanghua, teen, by willowdream. this is the vampire au that i didn't know i wanted? the author posted it and their note was like 'i'm trying to be the change i want to see in the world,' and i was like ok sure, i'm not really convinced that the change i need is vampire aus, but i'll give it a go, and then i did and was like, oh shit, i'm eating fucking glass about this vampire au, i'm chewing on my own fucking fingers, i'm so fucking normal about this, i need another hundred thousand words of this and also seventeen more vampire aus in my inbox by monday morning. i literally finished reading it and scrolled right back to the top to read it again. i have no idea why this fic hits so hard, but it took me out at the knees. the voices are perfect. something about it is just impossibly compelling.
不安的遠離,再无歸期 | restless distance, without return, fang duobing/qiao wanmian, mature and teen, by @difeisheng. this is technically two fics but they're short and you should read both of them because they're such a brutal, perfect encapsulation of grief, and a really beautiful acknowledgement of the ways that fang duobing and qiao wanmian can be read as reflections of each other, separated by a decade, and it just fucking guts me. i dunno. it's about the grief! it's about the yearning! it's about someone who understands parts of you that you wish didn't exist! i think i've reread this like once a week for the last six weeks and i feel like it gets overlooked because it's not A Ship but like. it could be. it should be.
dance the silence down, fanghua and feihua, explicit, by @momosandlemonsoda. this fic. ugh. ok. i'm breaking my own rules. i had two when i started writing this post: no works in progress, and no reccing things that i haven't left a comment on, like a goddamn grownup. this one fic is breaking both of those rules and i feel bad about it and will hopefully spend like, all day tomorrow just commenting on every chapter or something, but i have to do this. this fic is so good. this fic ruins me. this fic is 63k, still a work in progress, and also if i were losing the whole internet tomorrow and i got to keep one fic in all the world and it was the only fic i could have for the rest of time, it might have to be this one, even as a work in progress. i ignored this fic for so long—by which i mean probably two of the four months since i first watched mysterious lotus casebook—because i was like, i don't like aus, and i especially don't like rock star aus. (or sex work aus, and you're never gonna fucking believe what else this author is writing and what else i absolutely cannot get enough of—this is a sneaky bonus rec for all i wanna do is wrong, another fic that i feel so so so normal about!) but then i was like okkkkkkk but. maybe i'll try it. people seem to be nuts for it. and then i read it and i was like OH HOLY SHIT PEOPLE ARE FULLY CORRECT TO BE ABSOLUTELY UNHINGED ABOUT THIS and normally, honestly, i wouldn't bother posting a rec like this because it's like 'oh haha have you read the five most popular fics in this fandom?' and it feels so redundant, but i know for a fact that a friend of mine who finished watching the show yesterday is reading this post, and even if everyone else has read it, she has not! anyhow as a former music person and a former diner cook, this fic like. i don't know. i feel like it broke me but also fixed me? i literally criticise writing professionally and every time i try to talk about this fic i find myself speechless because it's so perfect to me. i am deeply unwell about this fic. every time a new chapter comes out i sit down and read the whole thing again, yes, all sixty-thousand-plus words of it. some nights you go to bed and you're like 'what's the fucking point?' and then you're like 'no wait, there will eventually be more of dance the silence down,' and somehow that makes things suck a tiny bit less. my wife has made me take out like six sentences from this rec because they're too intense and too weird about it but i need you to understand: you have to read this fic.
in this dream, there is a lover to share this life with, fanghua, g, by @lianhuajing. alternative ending for the end of episode 27, in which li lianhua—precious man who has yet to discover a hill he's not willing to die on—apologises to fang duobing the only way he knows how, and it's wildly upsetting for everyone (but it's ok and it doesn't end miserably, no one panic). this is a delightfully angsty treat, and i love how conflicted fang duobing is in it—i feel like it's not something that i've seen explored a lot, but this poor boy really fuckin goes through it—his best friend and his childhood idol are the same person but are lying to him about it, and his dad's not actually his father and has been lying to him about it, and his best friend/childhood idol may have killed his father, and—yeah, is lying to him about it. like? someone give this poor man a hug and a cup of tea and a snack and a blankie. i love that we get to see some of his internal conflict in this.
quintessence of dust, feihua, teen, by justthereforit. this plays with one of my very most favourite tropes in the world, which is the one where the heart is a physical object and a physical form of trust and control and surrender and—like. this is so good. it's set in episode 13, which is, for me, one of the absolute peak angst points, and it absolutely nails it. di feisheng who's upset and vulnerable and frustrated and angry, li lianhua who knows he's going to die and can't bear the thought that he's going to take anyone else down with him, and they're both just so fucked up. chef kiss. i love it when everyone is emotionally wrecked and continually like 'ok no, i can take one more knife in my soul to protect someone else', and this absolutely delivers on that.
under moonlight, we change our futures yet again, feihua, explicit, by @thesilversun. the wedding room! obviously we have to have a wedding room fic, right? i'm not going to lie: i'm willing to suspend a lot of disbelief for wedding room fics, but in this one, it's actually a wonderfully, horrifyingly plausible setup. it walks a really fine line of keeping people in character, and acknowledging the inherent horror and seriousness of the situation, and also providing some desperately hot sex, and also managing to get the emotional beats of it, too. it has a sequel, which imo really has to be read as the conclusion to this fic, and it's just as good. it's possible that some of what i'm saying here is 'i love vulnerable-inside crusty-outside di feisheng' but like. i do. i love it so much.
what's sealed away, feihua, teen, by @bbcphile. AMNESIA FIC yessssss, a-fei my beloved, fics that handle brain damage/memory issues/amnesia well my beloveddddd. i love the a-fei arc, but i also have had a number of brain injuries and some other stuff that means that my own memory is…not so great, so i sometimes really struggle with how often amnesia in fiction is played off either as nothing to worry about or as a funny thing where everyone's in on the joke except the person who has amnesia. this fic is a great and sometimes very visceral exploration of a horrifying experience, and a really fantastic study of a-fei/di feisheng as a character, as well as the relationship that he has with li lianhua. a-fei trying to balance the trust he has in the sense memory of his body with his understanding of his relationship with li lianhua with li lianhua's reaction to—everything, really—is really well done and wonderful/terrible to read.
我只愿面朝大海 | i wish only to face the sea, g, by foreverstudent. ok so you wanna fuck yourself up some more? go read this. this is canon divergence from episode 39, and fang duobing has learned too well the lessons he's been taught, and sees the shape of things before li lianhua ever touches the wangchuan flower—so he sets about making sure that he won't be able to throw it away. this is agonising and gorgeous and maintains the canon relationships while developing the narrative differently. i wept literal tears. i was like 'ok that's it the worst part is over!' and then i remembered that there was another part coming and then i started crying. anyhow, it is—as ever, with me—about the devotion.
我住長江頭, 君住長江尾 -- i live upstream, you live downstream, fanghua, teen, by @rimbaudofficial. ok so this is Not a fic that i should like, because i am a massive academic failure and despite being in my forties have regular nightmares about having to re-engage with academia for like. any reason. HOWEVER. as noted, i read indiscriminately, even when i'm like 'reading this is a terrible idea and will be upsetting for me personally!', so i was like 'well, how bad of an idea can it possibly be?' and then instead! it was. incredibly charming? it was so fucking cute? the fang duobing characterisation in this is somehow just perfect to me—he's simultaneously confident and vulnerable, and also just so deeply committed to the weird clueless guy who he's decided is meant for him. di feisheng and li lianhua have a perfect weird-bros friendship. i would read another ten chapters of this and i would love it.
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jennrypan · 5 months
Let's go down the line of fuckassary: LONG ASS POST AHEAD.
1: Gaia looked and acted like everyone else. She should've been WAY angrier, she should be pissed at Persephone for bringing about winter first of all. Should be pissed that she was a sleep and NOTHING got better over the centuries. But sure, she's giggling and happy.
(I liked that she shoved her hand in Ouranos' chest tho.)
2: It's soo funny that people keep SAYING that Persephone and Hades have true love but the comic hasn't showed us that ever 🤨, like if anything those two losers are obsessed with each other. Be so fr.
3: Once again..this should be Persephones story/POV but its in Hades' always. Fascinating.
4: "You have to spend 3 months away from your sugar daddy" OH NOOOO BUT WEVE BEEN APART FOR SO LONGB 🥺. God. At this point does she even NEED to be in the Mortal Realm fr?? Like..Demeter, Metis and Rhea are back now so..what's her purpose there.
5: The way Gaia just isn't. Gaia is baffling. Anyways. Demeter FINALLY found out what happened to Persephone but she's not..having a moment with her daughter?? Not talking to her about it?? Okay.
6: As usual. They're eager to have sex cuz that's the only thing they do. "I can't wait to see that ass--" ..how very Zeus and Posedion of you quote on quote romantic 🤨
7: She gets her coronation but..didn't she already have that when she married Hades?? Ig not then. Also..Apollo just got a slap on the wrist, not surprising.
DEMETER GOT PUNISHED MORE THAN HIM??? Hell the Titans got punished more than that bitch what the fuck??? God.
8: The disrespect to Zeus is so. 😶 Zeus would literally not sit back quietly for this shit the fuck??? Also..Hera didn't divorce Zeus all those years and now she did ?? And she's what..gonna get with Echo now??? Fascinating. Zeus needs to start tossing rocks. Rachel did Zeus and Heras relationship so fucking DIRTY!!!! GOD!! FUCKING DAMMIT. I hate how she wrote them. Anyways.
9: The Mortal Realm is a lot easier cuz Hades is there?? YOU WERE BORN THERE!!! ITS YOUR HOME!! You ungrateful ass spawn. It wasn't that fun cuz you didn't have a man there?? Insane.
10: The way Persephone clearly doesn't love her own mother is sickening actually. Like..we can't even have them talking to each other?? Dancing?? Even the comment about her doesn't have that much emotion. Also..Dionysus' hair looks goofy, and I guess Hades is all for bringing back mortals now despite making a big stink about it in season 1 but whatever. Yay Semele.
11: "hera just gives him busy work" ..He's literally the king. Literally-- oh my god. "His powers having been the same" which..MEANS WHAT?? And the way Zeus would literally not be happy about this shit is so-- UGH. God it's infuriating. Hades and Posedion clearly don't give a shit about their brother if they aren't concerned about his fucking powers 'not being same'??? Die.
12: Echo needs to stand SEVERAL feet away from Hera. That ship is so god damn tasteless and unnecessary. If you're gonna give hera a new love interest. Maybe give them actual moments?? Make it make sense!!
13: "Ares is still a dog!" *cue laugh track sound*, god this is so..why ?? Ares, baby I'm so sorry people keep disrespecting you in every iteration 🤦‍♀️
14: ignoring the Artemis bit cuz she wasn't relevant for any of the major plots and she still isn't. Anyways. Hades stay the FUCK away from Thanatos. "They can have conversations" oh?? How fascinating. Hades just NOW deciding to care about Thanatos doesn't make up for years of his neglect.
15: Persephone, Ares and Aphrodite should beat Eros' ass for being useless about Apollo. I still think that. Eros is an ass of a friend.
16: 'new powers' ..Girl your powers are basically your old powers with one extra step. Shut UP!!! anyways. (No one cares about kassandra, sorry not sorry. Who was worried about that )
17: Hades and Persephones millionth drabble of nonsense fluff. They're not saying anything new, nor are they doing anything new. I do like the art tho. It's just..baffling how..they're relationship started soo much nonsense and we're suppose to see it as a good thing??
THIS is a good ending??
Nevermind the fact Persephone didn't spend time with her friends or her MOTHER, nevermind the fact Zeus and Posedion don't even get to speak to their mother either.
Hera, Hestia and Demeter don't have a moment with Metis either.
Like..what was the point of bringing them back if you weren't gonna bring it to a satisfying conclusion?? Absolutely insane
Also..Eileithyias design is ass. It's sooo boring. It's literally just pilot Hebe but darker. Oh wow she's yellow with purple eyes??? Insidious. Also she just looks boring and bland to be the daughter of the literal king and queen but sure. Give us nothing.
And..again with making the children boring copies of one specific parent! Macaria is so..boring to look at just like Melinoe. Also...hades can..have kids now?? 🤨 okay.
So basically..this was insane from start to finish.
This wasn't a good conclusion. It was absolutely a wreck.
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night-daily · 11 months
Baking together | Sanji x fem! reader
summary: unable to keep sleeping, you found yourself on the Going Merry's kitchen but someone is already there.
warnings: none.
characters: sanji opla.
a/n: i, of course, didn't write all the steps nor ingredients but let's pretend that's how you do a chocolate cake pls
“Ugh, it's so early...” You sit on your hammock rubbing your eyes, this is the fourth time in the week that you suddenly wake up and can't go back to sleep anymore. Frustrated, you change your clothes, ready to start your day. Maybe isn't that bad to wake up early, you have more time to train but you can't do it with an empty stomach, right?
As much as you'd like to eat a full breakfast, you can't, you don't know how to cook, every time you've tried cooking it ends in disaster and you know someone would be very upset if something happens to the his kitchen, so maybe a few strawberries would do it for now.
You walk to the kitchen, not missing how quiet the ship is, you stop in track for a few seconds, closing your eyes and breathing deeply, enjoying the silence, that is one of the reasons you love it the sea, was always so peaceful. Well, only when there weren't pirates chasing you, of course. Opening your eyes, you make your way to the kitchen, entering and going straight to look for strawberries, where Sanji hides them? Yeah, he hides them from you, because you ate them a lot and he says you'll end up turning into one.
“Where are you little strawberries? Yell if you want to be eat it” You whisper, scanning the boxes on the floor, but nothing.
You hear something behind you, are you going crazy? It is actually a strawberry trying to get your atten—
“What are you doing up at six in the morning?” His voice startles you, making you jump on your place. “I might ask you the same thing” Standing up, you turn yourself to look at him, your heart is still racing, you don't know if is because he startled you or because his mere presence makes you nervous every time he's around.
Sanji narrows his eyes to you, “I'm going to bake a cake for dessert for later, what about you?” “Well, I couldn't sleep anymore” you shrug, “Can I join you?” You ask with a pout on your lips and he can't say to you, not when you look so adorable and for a selfish reason, he'll have you all alone for him, even for a few hours but that's enough for him, for his heart.
“Okay, you can help” “Oh, thanks, you won't regret it, Chef!” The nickname doesn't go unnoticed by Sanji, he feels his cheeks burn a little. Only you can make him blush like a teenage boy. “Let's wash our hands first” He says, moving quickly so you won't see his face.
You two wash your hands, him first and while you're drying your hands, he's preparing all the ingredients you'll need to bake a chocolate cake with strawberries on top. “What are we making? I mean, what kind of cake?” You stand beside him, watching curious about the ingredients trying to figure out by yourself. “Hey, this is my favorite flavor of cake” I know, he thinks. “And we will put strawberries on top!?” He feels like you caught him in the act, he nods shyly, “That's why I have been trying to hide the strawberries from you this last month, you told us this was the cake your mom baked for when you were feeling down, and since she died, well, I just thought, maybe it'll cheer you up a little, I-I don't know, maybe it's not a good idea, I—” You can't help but hug him tighter as you can, you thought no one paid attention to you that time, all of you were drinking and quite drunk, but he did, he always does when it comes to you. You murmur a thank you, close to his ear.
Clearing his throat, you separate your body from his, “Should we start cooking, sweetheart?” Now it's his turn to make you blush but this time, he can see you and he loves what he sees.
You two start with the recipe, You voicing the instructions to Sanji. In a bowl, he's mixing sugar, cocoa, flour, and salt, adding eggs, vanilla, and milk, isn't new to you watch him in his element, but being alone with him while he's cooking, it's just another level. You stopped saying the instructions, too distracted staring at him. He lifts his eyes from the bowl, wondering why you stopped, he catches you staring but you don't notice until you feel something soft on your face, what the heck. Your hand comes to your face, Sanji's trying to suffocate his laugh, you wipe your face with your hand and it comes white, oh, that's how you wanna play, huh?
You grab some flour and throw it at his face, taking him by surprise. You're laughing so hard, that it echoes through the kitchen walls, he's dazzled by your laughter, the sound fills his heart, and he wants to make you laugh, all the time. But in this moment, he's decided to get his revenge even if he started, you feel the flour in your face, again, before you can see it. With a mischievous smile on your face, you're ready to throw him back some flour, but before you can stretch all your hand, he grabs your wrist, gently but firmly. Pulling you closer to him. Your faces are inches away. “We should never waste ingredients, Mon Chéri” You're not breathing anymore, you're lost in his beautiful eyes. Somehow you managed to nod your head and he let you go, even if he didn't want to.
He pour the batter into the prepared pan and puts it in the oven.
“Now what?” Your voice cracks a little, still recovering from your moment before. “Now we're gonna make the chocolate ganache while the cake bakes for 35 minutes” And you're excited again, this used to be your favorite part when your mom baked, she always let you lick the spoon at the end. “Ready, sous chef?” “More than ready, chef” Your smile matches his.
Sanji is trying to follow the exact recipe but you keep trying to add some personal touches, like adding chocolate chips more than you actually need, “It's a chocolate cake, Sanji, it's supposed to taste like chocolate” you roll your eyes at him. “What if you check the cake mean while I try to take some chocolate chips off, that way we don't die of sugar poisoning” “Fine” you click your tongue, heading to the oven. You open the oven, feeling the heat, “How do I know if is ready?” “Insert a wooden pick in the center, if it comes out clean, then is ready”
I don't wanna look for wooden picks, what if—
Almost as if he was reading your thoughts, he yelled at the same time as you.
“Fuck!” “That's hot, don't touch it with your finger!” He drops the spoon on the ground rushing towards you, “Did you burn your finger? it hurts?” His darting eyes told you everything, he's worried about you. “I'm okay, it was just a second, I barely touched it, don't worry” You tried to ease his worry but it wasn't working. “Let's wet your finger with a little cold water” You let him drag you to the sink. “I think we should go back to you doing the baking and me doing the eating” Finally a smile cracks on his face, “By the way, you have chocolate on your cheek” Sanji tries to get it but misses, this is your chance and you don't plan to waste it, “Did I say cheek? I mean lips” You put your arms around his neck, and he leans over you while looking at your lips as you do, you lift your eyes to his, asking for permission, and he nods, crashing his lips with yours, and it definitely tastes sweeter than chocolate.
“Mon amour, I— ” He mumbles, still kissing you before a new voice cuts him off. “Hey, don't you smell smoke?” You both pull away abruptly with wide eyes, “FUCK!”
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camillescreations · 1 year
Okay so people have been saying that they're not sure if the "You know eachother" scene is Stede and Ed's reunion or not. Well, I don't think it is. I think that the headbutt scene comes before that.
In the headbutt scene, we see that Ed is injured, he has a cut lip and eyebrow. But look closer! Those injuries are bleeding!
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That means that they're very fresh. And in the "you know each other" scene, those same injuries are still somewhat fresh but obviously healing. So that scene comes after.
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I suspect that Ed may get hurt in this scene
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Because he's holding his right side. Or this is just another scene from a different part of the season. Not sure. It may be from the big battle? And if this is where he gets hurt, I'm not sure how Ed ends up in a place where Stede can find him. It looks like Ed is laying on a bed in some sort of room. I can't tell if this is a ship or maybe it's the shack that we saw in the teaser? Ed does have the split lip in that shot, too.
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I don't really have an answer to this but I will say that I think the headbutt scene is when Stede and Ed reunite, and it'll be at the end of episode 2 (based on the outfit Stede is wearing, according to the new images the Chinese clothes are from episode 2, and they usually change outfits each episode, at least Stede always did.) And then Ed will be like "ugh why are you here, I don't want to be around you right now, give me space and don't follow me" and then Ed will go to Anne Bonny and that's when Stede comes in because of course Stede followed him! That's why Ed looks annoyed. Or they both went to Anne Bonny's place together for whatever reason but Ed told Stede to wait outside and Stede didn't listen or something lol. Anyways that's my two cents! I wanted to point out the bleeding lip and eyebrow thing! Thought that was a good hint for the order of events :)
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snoople-boop · 5 months
Fandom Oneshots: Your Natural Hair Is Beautiful (SMG34)
SMG4 and SMG3 are in Three's cafe talking and it seems like everything is normal until Four's eyes drift over to Three's's hair. He pauses for a moment before asking "are you dyeing your hair again?" Three sighs "yeah, it keeps fading which is annoying" Three snickered "when I was younger I used vegetable dye". Four laughed as he took a sip of his coffee, "You used what? Oh, you know there's better dyes for hair now, right?" "What? I was 12!" Three said as Four laughed
"I bet you looked like one of those MySpace profile pictures everyone used back then" Four joked and Three glared, "ugh, thanks for reminding me of my awkward phase, thanks for that". "Haha, sorry, I just had to point that out" "What? As if you looked better?" Three said in a cocky tone as Four smiled and rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up"
Three chuckled, "Oh don't act like you weren't a huge loser when you were younger.", he laughed, "I may not have been the most popular guy in school, but at least I didn't look like an edgy emo kid" SMG3 laughed. "At least I looked like more than the guy who was the definition of 'loser". The two laughed, before their joking fight started to get a bit heated, Four rolled his eyes, "Come on, if you really think you're that much better than me, then why have I been the more successful one?" Then Three scoffed, "Yeah, like you're all high and mighty now, Mr "I have a successful YouTube channel"
"You have the worst fanbase" Three then the Four glared at him "wasn't there a fan of you that kept self shipping themselves with you?" There was one thing they can agree on that's horrible
The fandom
"So..." Four tried to change the subject "are you gonna dye your hair... For the millionth time" Three sighed, "Ugh, I guess I will, the color keeps fading every time" Four rolls his eyes, "You know you don't have to dye it every time it fades, right?" He scoffed, "Like anyone would ever want to see my boring, dirty natural color, it looks gross" he shook his head, "I really wish you'd stop dyeing your hair" "make me" Three then stuck his tongue out, SMG4 laughed, "You know you really suck at being mean, do you know that?"
SMG3 gave him the middle finger, "Well screw you too then, ass" "Oh no, you gave me the finger, my day is ruined" Four said sarcastically
Both of them laughed, "Seriously, you're so bad at being mean" then it was quiet "sooo... Is there a reason you want to dye your hair... Again" Four said as Three shrugged "Honestly, I just don't like the way my hair looks without the color, and if I don't dye it again, it's gonna fade more, and it's gonna look like ass"
"You know... You look pretty with your natural hair color" Four said then Three looked at him. Three rolled his eyes, "Ugh, do not even try the whole 'you look pretty with your natural hair color' thing on me, cause you know I'm not buying it"
SMG4 smiled "no you really do, dark brown suits you!" He scoffed, "Oh yeah, you're totally not just trying to butter me up so I don't dye my hair! Plus, I don't look good with natural color hair, and I don't care if you like it, I look better with the black color" Four rolled his eyes, "Oh wow, someone is in denial and is trying to lie to themselves, come on, just admit you look better with your natural color"
Three went quite "do you actually like my natural hair color?" SMG4 sighs, "Do you really believe that I would compliment you in any shape or form if I wasn't being serious, plus... Your natural hair color looks beautiful" Three stares at Four for a long moment, "Do you... Really mean it?"
Four kissed him on the lips "yes, of course I do" Three stares at him shocked, before he kissed him back "you were being serious?" Four nodded and smiled, Three started to smile, wrapping his arms around Four, pulling him closer to him "oh my god, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, it's just... I never realized that anyone would actually like my natural color hair" Three pulled him closer, and kissed him again, before breaking apart and looking at him "I just thought that people preferred me with a black hair color or something"
"So.. does this mean you won't dye your hair anymore?" Four said as Three sighs and shakes his head "I guess not, I guess I've just always been so used to people telling me that I look better with the black hair that I guess I forgot about the fact that I look better with my natural color" they both kissed then saw Mario to their left
"Mario wants to know when is the wedding :D"
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 19
Chapter 18 His POV
(......My head is still spinning......)
Right after finding the coffin with Elbert's name on it, we snuck onto the Bernard Trading Company's cargo ship, blending in with the cargo.
(Is Elbert okay? What was that coffin all about......?)
As if to fuel my anxiety, the sound of waves crashing against the ship echoes on the deck.
William: Kate, from here on out, it's going to get a little dangerous.
William: I suggest you focus on what's right in front of you.
Kate: ......I'm sorry.
Without even turning to look at William walking ahead, I'm reprimanded and hastily pull my thoughts together.
William: ......That coffin had the Bernard Trading Company's crest on it.
William: It's not something they're handling on behalf of someone else.
(The company's crest......? So that means......)
Kate: Are you saying that the person targeting Lord Elbert is someone from the company?
William finally turned to look at me and smiled slyly, as if to confirm my suspicions.
William: If that's the case, then the mission to take down the head of the company might lead to saving Elbert.
William: Don't you think that quick mission completion and information gathering are essential to saving him?
Kate: ....!
(Indeed—William is right.)
William's words push me forward, and my mind clears.
William: Can you focus?
Kate: Y-yes, thank you.
William: That's good.
Sailor: !? Who are you!? How did you get in here......!?
Just then, a sailor who seemed to be patrolling the deck swung a lantern at us.
William: Oh, perfect timing.
Without flinching, William took an elegant step forward—
William: "Tell me where Gabriel Bernard is."
Sailor: He's in the third cargo hold! Wh-what!?
(It's William's ability.)
The power to make people move as he commands—I remember when he controlled me, and a shiver runs down my spine.
He gave a perfect smile to the sailor who had readily confessed.
William: Thank you for the valuable information. Now then––"Stay there in silence until dawn."
Sailor: Huh!? ––!
The sailor froze, his feet seemingly sewn to the deck, clutching at his voiceless throat in a panic.
Alfons: Heh heh …… How pitiful. You should have called your comrades sooner.
Roger: Too bad. There's no one within earshot from here.
Ellis: Is that so? Then it doesn't matter if you can make a sound or not.
William: Well then, shall we go?
Kate: Y-yes!
They pass by the sailor and hurry towards the third cargo hold.
(...Lord Elbert)
I don't know if he's ahead.
But one thing's for sure, he's being targeted by the Trading Company.
(As William said, if I meet Gabriel Bernard, I'm sure I'll find a clue.)
(Please be safe––)
In the distance, the sound of waves crashing can be heard.
Elbert's POV
––I woke up sprawled on the ground like an insect.
???: Ahh... have you awakened?
Elbert: Ugh... huh...?
Not knowing whose voice it was, I looked around in the dim light.
I tried to move my body, but it felt like I had been hit with something, and there was a dull pain in my head.
Then, in my throat too––
???: It seems it's difficult to poison a sleeping person after all.
???: This time, we must make sure they ingest a lethal dose.
Elbert: Wh...where...?
The voice I squeezed out of my burning throat was hoarse.
My consciousness was gradually clearing up, but my body wouldn't move as I wanted it to.
???: Ah! But you may have to be thankful that you didn't die!
???: Your voice is beautiful too... Now that I know it.
The man who appeared from the other side of the faint light was a middle-aged man with gray hair.
His well-tailored clothes were decorated with jewelry... and he was holding something like a medicine bottle in his hand.
Elbert: Where...is this...?
Man with Gray Hair: It's a warehouse on a cargo ship. If you listen closely, you can hear the waves, right?
Elbert: ...Ugh...
I tried to continue speaking, but it was impossible.
Perhaps because of the poison I was forced to drink while I was asleep, a strong nausea burned my throat.
The scorching heat circulated inside my body, and my limbs grew cold in inverse proportion.
--Cold, it feels like death.
Man with Gray Hair: Ah... these blue eyes, I must absolutely preserve them.
The man crouched down beside me and gently lifted my chin as if touching a piece of jewelry.
Man with Gray Hair: Should I just preserve your entire head in formalin?
Elbert: ... What... are you...
Man with Gray Hair: Ah, I apologize for the late introduction. I am Gabriel Bernard.
Gabriel: At the auction, I was captivated by your beauty.
Gabriel: I couldn't help but desire to make you mine. The moment I saw you.
Gabriel: I wanted to add you to my collection.
Elbert: ... Collection...?
Gabriel: Just like you, I collect beautiful things.
The man's eyes were filled with a crazed obsession––
It looked so familiar.
(... It's like looking in a mirror.)
Elbert: ... Indeed.
Gabriel: Hmm?
Elbert: Indeed, you... you're the same as me.
Elbert: Hiding behind selfish reasoning... forcing your desires on others... and hurting them.
The man in front of me, the man who raped my mother, the doctor who tried to do the same to me--
The sight of myself handcuffing Kate flashed before my eyes.
Nausea welled up again, not from the poison invading my body, but from disgust.
Elbert: You... the man who violated my mother... the doctor who assaulted me... me...
Elbert: We're all the same... ugly creatures.
Elbert: Deserving of retribution... of punishment...
(What I did to those I threw into that room, and what he's doing to me now, are no different.)
(Whatever the reason behind what drove me, him, to madness...)
(Our actions are greedy, selfish, ugly--)
(--and far from forgivable.)
Gabriel: Your mother? A doctor? I don't quite understand what you're talking about, but you're not ugly at all!
Gabriel: You're beautiful--so die and become mine.
Gabriel: Of course, this act isn't a punishment for you either. This is love, my dear, the power of love.
A medicine bottle is pressed against my mouth, a burning pain shooting through my lips.
Elbert: ...Ngh...
Gabriel: Whoa!?
With my weakened body, I tried to turn away, twisting my body.
The medicine bottle slips from the man's hand, shattering on the floor.
Gabriel: Oh no, what a waste.
Gabriel: I'll have to get a spare. Where did I put it...?
Gabriel releases Elbert's jaw and starts rummaging through the shelves, coughing.
Elbert: ...Why--
--why did I resist just now?
I deserve to be punished.
I should have wanted to sink to the bottom of the deep, deep sea.
Kate: Elbert...
Elbert: ...!
Her voice echoes clearly in my ears--
And suddenly, I'm overwhelmed by the fear of creeping death and a burning impulse.
Elbert: ...I really--
Elbert: --...I'm the worst...
If all I wanted was to be forgiven, I could have given up this life long ago.
Yet, I clung to meaningless atonement.
I hesitated so much to have her.
I hurt her and was struck by the grief of being cut to the core.
Kate: No matter what sins you carry... I love you.
Kate: Don't throw away all your happiness to atone for your sins.
Kate: I want you to smile. I want to make you happy, Lord Elbert...
Elbert: ...Happy...
Elbert: ...I...
Elbert: ...I... I want to be happy.
--I always have.
No matter how sinful my life is, no matter who forgives me... even if I can never forgive myself.
(I just couldn't... give up on being happy.)
(I can't give up.)
(--because I'm greedy.)
Elbert: ...Kate.
Elbert: Kate, Kate... Kate.
Elbert: I want... to be happy... with you.
Even now, when I have you locked in that room, I crave your smile, your words, your gaze, everything about you.
I want to see you, I miss you--I want you.
(If you, whom I have hurt, still...)
(If you still wish to be by my side...)
Elbert: I...
No matter how many times the roaring waves beckon me to the distant horizon...
Elbert: ...I want to return to the shore where you are.
I dragged my powerless body and crawl towards the door.
An excited male voice rains down from above.
Gabriel: Oh... even crawling like a caterpillar, you're so beautiful...! You're a miracle!
Elbert: ...--
Gabriel: Oh, but don't scratch the floor like that. I don't want damaged goods in my collection.
(If I could see you, there are so many things I need to apologize for.)
For not listening to you.
For forcing my desires on you and treating you like an object.
For using you as a tool for atonement.
(And then--)
My arm is grabbed, and my vision inverts.
Mad eyes capture me.
Gabriel: Now, with this poison, you will be complete.
Gabriel: As the most beautiful corpse in the world.
Ellis: Third cargo hold... this is it.
A cold door appears in the dim, narrow corridor of the ship.
(The head of the trading company is inside.)
(Surely, there's a clue to Elbert's whereabouts--)
Ellis: I'll keep watch outside.
William: Yeah, thanks.
Alfons: ...It's locked.
Roger: Stand back a bit.
Roger kicks down the heavy door--
Kate: --!
Her breath catches at the sight before her.
Elbert, pale as a doll and lifeless, is being held by a gray-haired man.
Kate: Lord Elbert!!
Elbert: ......?
His golden hair trembles slightly.
Elbert's sea-blue eyes open faintly, and their gazes meet.
Elbert: ---...
His lips clearly mouthed my name for a moment.
Man with Gray Hair: What do you want? I'm in the middle of something important, so please don't disturb me.
William: You're Gabriel Bernard, aren't you?
Gabriel: Indeed. But any business discussions will have to wait.
Gabriel ignores William and presses something like a medicine bottle to Elbert's lips.
I don't know what's inside, but my instincts sound the alarm.
(Don't let him drink that--!)
I reflexively grab a nearby cloth bag and throw it at the man.
Gabriel: Ugh!?
The moderately heavy bag hits the man's arm, and the mouth of the bottle is pulled away from Elbert just in time.
Gabriel: What are you doing!? If you hurt him, what are you going to do about it!?
The moment Gabriel yells at us like he's going to bite--
William: --"Don't move."
Gabriel: !?
By the "King of Self-Righteousness'" command, he instantly becomes an absolutely obedient slave.
William: "Put Elbert down on the floor. As slowly as possible."
Gabriel: Wh-What...? M-My body... it's moving on its own--!!
Following William's order, Gabriel gently lays Elbert's body on the cold floor.
William: Kate, thank you for your support.
William: Everyone, leave this heinous criminal to me, and take Elbert--
Kate: ...!
Her legs move as if on their own, and she rushes to Elbert's side without a second thought.
Kate: Lord Elbert... are you alright...? Lord Elbert!
Elbert: ...Ugh...
(His skin is ice-cold... what happened...?)
As I try to lift his limp body, Roger, who has rushed over, lends a hand.
Roger: El... El, can you hear me?
Alfons: Paralysis while conscious... it's a neurotoxin.
William: It seems you've taken quite a liking to my dear friend.
Gabriel: H-Huh--
William: What poison did you give him? --"Answer me."
Gabriel: M-Monkshood...
Roger: ...Monkshood?
Roger's expression darkens instantly upon hearing this.
Kate: Is that--
Alfons: --A deadly poison.
Alfons mutters in a voice devoid of intonation, something I've never heard before.
Alfons: A tiny amount can be fatal... and there's no antidote for monkshood poisoning.
Kate: What should we do, Roger...?
Roger: ...If he can still breathe on his own, there's still hope.
Roger: Force him to drink water and make him vomit as much as possible. After that--
Roger: We can only pray that he hasn't been exposed to a lethal dose.
Kate: ...
Elbert: Ha... Ha...
Elbert seems unable to speak anymore, only taking shallow breaths.
But those deep, ocean-like eyes, barely open, stare at me intently.
Kate: ...
I rouse my heart, which is about to be dyed in despair.
(I won't give up.)
(Elbert wouldn't give up either.)
I hold back my tears and smile.
Kate: It's okay, Lord Elbert. I'm here.
Elbert: ......
Kate: So let's do our best together.
Elbert only breathes heavily, but when I squeeze his cold hand, I feel him squeeze back slightly.
Alfons: ...There's a back-alley doctor's clinic near this port.
Alfons: We never know when we might be attacked here, and we're limited on water.
Roger: We'll move him there.
Kate: Yes...!
We follow Roger, who is carrying Elbert, and leave the warehouse.
After Kate and the others hurriedly leave, the air in the cargo hold slowly cools.
William: --Now, it's time for judgment.
William's declaration shakes the silence, and Gabriel falls into a panic as if a drop of deadly poison has been dropped on his tongue.
Gabriel: Wh-What...? J-Judgment!?
Gabriel: Wh-What sin have I... what are you people anyway!?
William: Who are we? Let's see...
William: We're not good enough people to introduce ourselves to a dying sinner.
William: Let's just leave it at that.
Chapter 19 Premium Story
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bababaka · 11 months
Shipping Wars - Bade x reader
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The prompt:
Person A, B, and C are famous. Their fame is growing and they are hesitant to come out as a poly couple so they just pass it for a really good friendship. Thing is, the internet being the internet started a shipping war. Some ships A and B some B and C some A and C. It’s starting to do some fights online. One day, they get tired of being asked questions about it and decide to come out as who they are.
Warnings: Aged up Characters. My writing and grammar. Some anxiety but nothing too much. Me not knowing how Twich works. I didn't truly revised it so...
Word count: 3.143
An -> I tried writing in portuguese and then throwing it into the google translate. Lotta work, let me tell you. Nah. It was a valid experience, though.Don't know if i'd do that again. Anyawyas. Love Bade and yeah. Here it is.
You liked what you did.
Entertain and chat with people on the internet who have the same interests, while playing some silly game or one that you've waited your life to play. Was funny. Interesting. Laugh and freak out on the internet with others.
In your five years on the channel, you've created a loyal, funny, and comfortable community. But, well, things started to take a bit of a left turn after the channel's first year.
The shipping war.
And the more time passed, and your popularity increased, the bigger the fight became.
Get yourself someone that looks at you like yn looks at Jade.
-> @Thatonetheaterkid
uuuhm i wish! Thats real love right there! 
-> @Yn'slapdog
Yyyyes! They are the reason i believe in love!
-> @Beck'sBack
whaaaat? Why? They are not a couple! Stop being a delulu! Jade is dating Beck!
I mean! C'mon! Look at them people! 
-> @Badeisreal
duuuude! Yes! Their chemistry in that movie was just off the charts! And that scene was improvised by the way! 
-> @Jade'sbottom
-> @Badeisreal 
Right? Same! Also, i heard they are going to play as a couple in a new movie AGAIN! 
-> @Jade'sbottom 
jsjfjrkfkekfjdkdjdk Santa is bringing my gift
-> @Yn'slapdog
...its may…
-> @Jade'sbottom 
….Santa is late…
-> @Astarion'slittlebitch
ok. Guys. Take a breather. It is a crime you guys haven't mentioned Beck and Yn. 
They are so darn cute in yn's streams! 
-> @Imyourfather
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
...i don't watch their streams… not really my cup of tea. 
-> @Y/n'slapdog 
You should though! There's a lot of damning evidence there! INCLUDING JADE MAKING COMPANY TO THEM! 
-> @Beck'sBack 
we back at this again? 
-> @Thatonetheaterkid 
oh, please! Jade and Beck are actors!!! They are meant to pretend!!! Fake! If they played a couple and didn't seem in love they'd just be out of job.
-> @Badeisreal 
There's somethings you just can't pretend tho!
-> @Imyourfather 
yes. There is. Thats cinema for you.
-> @Theoficialdreamer
What if they are just all good friends though? I mean. They do live in the same house. Maybe just roomates. 
-> @Yn'slapdog  
...get off my thread….
- Boom! That's how it's done! Pay up, guys! I warned you not to doubt me. I am a god.
You got out of your chair, jumping in front of the camera and computer, which showed the end credits of the game.
"I can't believe it! How many people have zeroed in the first time like that?"
"Few. And now they're part of them! What a legend. Mad respect."
"Look at theeem! Dancing with joy! How cute! I can't even be sad about losing the bet."
Yourmom donated $500.
Spideeey donated $500
"Ah! Come on!!! Really?! Noooooo!"
"Just pay, man. Accept that it hurts less"
"Ugh. Next time, I'll win the bet."
Mastermind donated $700
"You guys should just give up at this point. Yn is invincible"
Damn right i am! - you finally finished your extremely petty celebration. You did an event of ten challenges, and in each challenge, if you won, a group would pay you. If you lost, your subscribers would choose a punishment.
But, you were amazing. And didn't lose even once. Inside, you were scared to death of what they might ask. Your fans were cool. But they could cross some lines.
- So, that was the last challenge, right?
You waited and read the comments until you received a definitive answer from one of your moderators.
"Congratulations, Yn. You completed all ten challenges exceptionally."
Yn'srock donated $500.
- Sweet! I'm buying a new mattress after this! Mine broke.
Before the chat could react inappropriately to your speech, Beck appears at the door, out of view of the camera, but unfortunately his voice is audible.
- I heard screaming. What happened? - Normally, you would brush him off and get back to your stream, but, throwing caution to the wind, you turned your attention completely to him.
- What happened? It happened that I'm amazing and you owe me, baby!
- No.
- Ohohoho! Yes! - Beck joins you in front of the computer, the credits rolling on the screen. The actor's delicate, pretty face contorts, eyebrows furrowed, mouth contorted, and a defeated sigh. 
- How? You didn't even like AllSouls.
- Nope. But, a bet is a bet, I did it and now you gotta pay. The chat already did.
And that's when you turn your attention to your computer and notice the chaos in the chat.
Damn it.
This happened whenever Beck or Jade appeared on your streams. Sometimes it could be restrained. Like the times Jade remained by your side, almost sitting on your lap, throughout the stream. Or Beck would join and play with you. Your fans would get used to their presence.
But, well, there were moments, phrases, actions that turned your lives into a complete mess.
This was one of them.
"They are so cute!"
"Ooooh! Bet?? Bet what?"
"BABY??? I'm sorry, WHAT?"
"Bet, hm? The sexy kind?"
"Beck's so hot. Lucky yn"
"Wait??? Beck Oliver?? Wth? Im new someone explain to me"
"They live together. Jade West too."
"And they're also dating"
"Stop spreading fake news!"
"C'monnn! Admit it they'd look amazing as a couple"
"Guys! Stop! We don't know a thing! Respect their privacy please!"
- OK! OK! Let's stop, guys.
Beck laughed awkwardly. He had read the comments.
- Hi, chat. Long time no see.
"Yeah! You should come over yn's streams more often! 
"Oooh! You guys should play one of those games for couples"
"You should do pvp. I'd bet on Beck." 
- Ok! Ok! First. Stop betting against me. Learn your lesson, I'm the best. 
- Cocky. - He murmurs.
You continue, ignoring Beck. - And second, it's no big deal. Just because Beck played a million times and couldn't finish it without dying, he thought I couldn't. Well, you thought wrong, bitch!
-Okay, okay! I lost, you won. Satisfied? - Beck rolled his eyes, but the smile he had tried to suppress gave him away. And you couldn't stop smiling. 
- Not even close! - you had plans for Beck. Your back and neck were extremely sore, and your boyfriend had talented hands.
The internet and the outside world were unaware of your real relationship with Beck and Jade. They speculated, of course, but everything the three of you said was the same thing.
"Chat, we're friends. Stop."
"No, no. Beck and I are just good friends. It helps a lot when we play as a couple"
"We're not a couple."
"Just friendship."
"Are you stupid? Do you need me to draw? Friends!"
"F-R-I-E-N-D-S! We're just friends!"
It was a recurring question. Jade couldn't always stay calm. It was quite common for her to lose her cool actually. She was always like that, short tempered.
You met Jade and Beck in high school. And before you even finished your senior year, you were together. It was complicated. Painful. Difficult, but in the end, everything was resolved. And you have remained together ever since.
9 years later, and here you all were.
You've decided to try streaming. After 5 arduous years, you got your first million subscribers.
Jade and Beck pursued acting careers. And, along the way, they won a few awards here and there. Their goal was the Oscar. And you supported them more than anything.
They also created channels on YT. They weren't active like you, but every now and then they would record vlogs and other stuff.
Jade posts a "things I hate" videos series. And would terrorize unsuspecting civilians.
Beck talked about cars, and his hair for some reason. Both recorded backstage videos, and rarely, about life inside the house.
That was the problem. You appeared with a certain constancy on each other's social midias. Whether it was a video or a photo.
And that caused a stir. Which turned into ship wars.
- Hello, darling. - you threw yourself on the couch, next to Jade, who was smiling at the phone. - what you're doing?
- Ah, hey. - Without hesitation, she snuggled into your arms. - Nothing much. Just seeing how my last video is doing. 
- The cover one?
Yep. - She shows you her phone, a soft smile in her face, and her eyes just at ease. - You look cute playing a guitar. 
- Well, thank you. I agree. I should play more to you and Beck. - you say cocky. Jade huffs at that.
- Sure. 
- Anyways, babe, i was thinking. You, me, Beck, dinner? I'm cooking.
That got Jade's full atention and she stops staring at her phone to look at you.
- That sounds interesting.
- I was hoping to come off as romantic.
- It didn't.
- Not even if I say it'll have candle lights?
Jade cocks her eyebrow at this. 
- Kinda lame. Overused.
- Right. Right. What about me serenading you and Beck?
- Cute, but corny. 
- What about me doing your and Beck's favorite food, serenade you and make a reference to "the scissoring" at the end? 
Jade goes silent at this. And you realize that you had hit the nail on the head. You knew your girlfriend.
- Well, now i have expectations.
- Worry not. They will be met. 
- It better.
Lucky - cover by Jade West ft Yn
2.3 M views
Dude. I was just listening to this song! Definitely adding to my playlist. you guys ar releasing it on Spotify? I MUST LISTEN EVRYDAY
At this point they're just mocking us. WHY CHOOSE THIS SPECIFIC SONG??????
That's love.
Look at how they look at eachother.
I rest my case.
Yn can play the guitar??? And sing??? That's so hot of them ngl
Idk who i want to be. Yn or Jade.
The interviews with Jade and Beck all had something in common. The dreaded question.
- You are a couple in your newest film. Extremely in love. But, what about in real life, is there someone special?
Jade had improved a lot. The patience. Manners. And with Beck by her side, she could control herself.
- No. There's nobody.
- Really? But you are so beautiful and young.
Jade gritted her teeth. Fists opening and closing. Beck rushes in to interfere. He smiles, which many magazines call "the masculine charm".
- Haha. Life is like this. What can we do? We haven't found the right person yet.
The interviewer pauses. Her eyes slightly closed gains a manic shine. They had fallen right into the trap. It was like a predator, salivating at the sight of its defenseless prey.
- But, there are rumors that Yn, a famous streamer, who lives with you, has some involvement with one of the two. Is it true? Jade, on your channel, a cover was recently posted in which you do a very romantic duet. What can you say about it?
But, Jade West was never prey.
- Wow. You don't have intelligent questions to ask so you repeat the same question that a million people have asked? Do you think you will be the person to have a different answer? Do you think you're so special? Well, you're not. And I'm going to speak slowly, so that you can get into your fucking empty head, Yn and I are friends. Beck and I are friends. Nothing more.
The reporter was lost for words. She stuttered awkwardly and didn't know how to redirect the interview, completely embarrassed.
Beck sighs. Jade got better. She hasn't changed completely.
- I think this interview has come to an end. - Beck says. There's nothing he could do now.
The reporter didn't hesitate to jump out of the room. The silence that followed was uncomfortable. Jade crossed her arms. And she stared at the floor. Her leg starts to bounce. Nonstop. Until she can no longer bear the silence, the crushing feeling in her chest. - Are you angry? - she says, hesitantly. Beck sighs.
- No. It's okay. It was not your fault. She wasn't very kind.
Beck lifts Jade's head, his hand gently on her chin.
- It's fine. Come here. - and pulls her into a hug.
- This sucks. - Jade murmurs quietly.
- Yeah. It does...
- Hello losers. Another video. This time we're grocery shopping. - Jade starts talking to a camera.
- Do you really have to record it? It's just grocery shopping. - You asked. Not seeing why she would want to film your outing.
-I want to record so i will.
- Fine. - you shrug.
- Are you guys ready? - Beck comes into the living room.
- Yes. Say hi to the camera Beck.
- …Why are you recording? We are just grocery shopping.
- That's what i said!! - you chime in, excited to see you aren't alone in the matter.
- Oh my god! Because i want to! I don't have to, but i want to…You two are annoying. 
- Why thank you. I try my best. - you smirked. You did enjoy being a little shit.
- Fine. Let's go. Get to the car. 
Grocery shopping wasn't something you did together all the time. Mainly because someone was always busy. But it was faster when the three of you did it together. Beck was the driver, Jade was just picky about what she'd eat, and you were the muscles(though actually, you were the one who has more experience shopping. Jade just likes to try to spite you. Never works.)
- Ugh. I hate lines. 
- We know. - Beck answers it.
- But the public doesn't. 
- No, i think they do. You already made a video talking about it. - at this, Jade turns to the other actor.
- I did? Wait. You watch all my videos? 
- Every single one of them. 
- Uh.
- Why are you surprised? What kind of booy- Beck unmaskedly interrupts himself with a cough, and tries to recover. - what kind of roommate would i be if i didn't?
You thought that save was horrifying. And you tell Beck as much, mouthing it to him. He pushes you lightly, whispering a "shut up", you just chuckle and stay on the line. 
- Hey. Yn. What you are doing? - Beck asks. Interrupting you. Stoping you from beautiful and precious slumber.
- Napping. Or trying to. 
- You sound like an old person. 
- Perhaps because i am old.
- You are only 30 years old. Stop being dramatic.
- Nah. I need my old people nap. Bye. 
Unfortunate for you, Beck called Jade and they decided to take a picture of you. And make fun of you. 
Though Beck insists you look cute napping like an old lady. You didn't know how to take that. And Beck considered it as a victory. 
- Hello, old lady. - Beck greets you in the corridor to the kitchen. You huff, annoyed but also not completely awake. Until a thought comes to you.
- Wait. If i am your lover AND an old lady. Does that mean I am a cougar? 
You can hear Jade's booming laughter from the kitchen. 
Beck just rolls his eyes and gives you a peck on the lips. 
- Yes. It does. Good morning, by the way. 
You smile cheekily. 
- Good morning. 
You and Beck head to the kitchen then, where you see your gorgeous girlfriend still in her pajamas, brewing her black coffee, hair disheveled. Beautiful. 
She comes to greet the two of you, though when she gets to you she adds a little jab. Of course. 
- How is my favorite cougar? Slept well? No pain in your back? 
- Yes. I slept just fine. 
You decide to let it slide. You needed coffee first. 
Your breakfast at first was supposed to be calm. Quiet. Your phone however does not comply to it, beeping and beeping. 
- Hey. I thought we agreed on no phones today.
- Yeah yeah! Sorry. I just. Forgot to… - as you grab your phone and take a look at what it's bothering you and your partners, your humour just sours. 
Hundreds and hundreds of comments on your picture sleeping. On Beck's account. Just tagging you. Again. And again.
All fighting to know who was right about your love life.
Honestly, you were tired of it.
- Babe, are you okay? - Jade asks, noticing your change in mood, the frown, the twisted lip, the distant look. You look up from your phone.
- We should come out. - this quiets the kitchen. Jade with a hand on your arm, Beck still with a piece of toast in the air, on its way to his mouth.
- We should just come out. - you repeat. - I can't take any more of the speculation, the murmurs and buzz.
- Everyone would continue, even if we actually revealed our relationship. They would still gossip and be super invasive. - Beck replies, leaving the toast completely aside, and focusing on you. His face is serious. The lighthearted and fun atmosphere becomes more sober and heavy.
You have already discussed this. More than once, but in the end, you agreed that it wasn't worth the hassle, and you didn't owe other people anything.
And here you were again, debating the subject. This time, however, you found yourself unable to continue hiding.
- But, the media never stops talking and being invasive. It doesn't matter what we do. - Jade speaks up. She sighs, looking away for a moment. - I'm tired of having to lie. Aren't you, Beck?
Beck stares at the table blankly, letting his hands move repetitively along his legs.
- What if this affects our careers? - he asks. You quickly speak up.
- It won't get to that point, and if it does, it would only be temporarily. Our careers would recover. - you say, placing yourself next to Beck, Jade doing the same. And you try to lighten the atmosphere. - and if needed be, I can become your sugardaddy.
This makes them both laugh. And Beck turns to you.
- You'd make a terrible sugardaddy. - he says with a slight lift of his lips. Still stunned. He looks at you and Jade.
- Are you sure about this?
You and Jade share a look. You nod.
- Yes we are.
- With you, I can face anything.
You were in the living room. Your leg wouldn't stop shaking. The camera was in front of you. Jade was adjusting the lights, Beck was in the kitchen, getting water for you. It was now. The moment of truth.
Shit. What if you were making a mistake? What if you got ahead of yourself? What if it actually doesn't turn out okay? What if you are judged and shunned by everything and everyone? What if-
- Hey. - You were interrupted by Beck, beside you, placing a comforting hand on your thigh, and a charming smile on his face. - Everything will be fine. We are doing this together.
You allow yourself to breathe. Jade finally finishes the final adjustments and plops down next to you on the couch, while Beck hands you a glass of water. Your girlfriend snuggles next to you and kisses your cheek.
- I love you. - and all your tensions are gone. You melt into a puddle of love for your partners. You were together. You weren't going to face the public alone.
- I love you too. - you reply, completely smitten. You turn to Beck. - both of you. 
- You know I love you two. 
You shrug. 
- It's always good to hear. 
Jade laughs. 
- You are so sappy. - she says and you smile teasingly.
- And you love it. 
- Do i?
You push her and turn to start the video. 
- Hey, guys! Welcome! And today, we have something to announce. 
Yn, Beck Oliver and Jade West admit their relationship as a throuple and the internet goes crazy!
...i guess this means we'll have to stop fighting…? Love wins…?
...gotta admit this was not on my prediction chart bingo of this year…
Yn is one lucky motherfucker. Good for them. Hope theyre having fun living my dreams T-T
The true bissexual dream lol
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phantom-of-the-501st · 5 months
Thoughts on TBB 3x13: Into the Breach
Oh you know how excited I got during this one
Tantiss in the sun??? That's unusual
The kids are all so sad. This is heartbreaking 😭
This moment seems like a prime time to contact Echo just saying
Hunter and Echo's little handshake always makes me soft 🥰
"That hydro snake" glad to have you and your snark back, Echo
THE QUIRKED EYEBROW 😭 I missed him so much 🫶
Hahahahahaha Wrecker and Crosshair's joint "YES"
"Well you've been demoted" Echo is not putting up with Rampart's bs and I love him for that
I really miss Hunter's scarf this season. I wish he kept it 🥲
Also petition for Echo to get a Kama again!
Oooooh she sneaky
Not sure what she's going to do with one small stick but I trust her
I mean it kinda looks like how it used to tbf but I got used to the paint 🥺
Hahahahaha I love that they didn't change the clothing underneath. They stripped the colour off their armour to be stealthy and yet are still walking around with brightly-coloured underclothing
Ugh the fact that Crosshair looks the closest to an Imperial like this makes me upset 😭
"I've missed this" Of course you have you smug bastard
"I don't think so" Echo really does not give a shit about Rampart and I don't blame him
Real subtle Hunter
Thinking back to how Echo used to be the rule follower and would try and stop his batchmates from stepping out of line and now he's pushing around an ex-Vice Admiral while breaking into an imperial base to go and break Omega out of a highly-secure imperial lab. He's grown so much 🥺🫶
Noooooo I don't like that. Echo having to sneak onto a heavily guarded ship by himself stresses me out
"Wonderful. We're all going to die" Look, I may hate this man, but some of his line deliveries crack me up
You'd think the wall tiles in a top secret imperial lab would be more secure than that but okay
I'm not sure how Echo managed that slide roll thing off the top of the container but damn it was smooth af 🤩
Like that would be such a Fives plan and Echo has just embraced that chaos
Wrecker casually strolling off the ship with an imperial slung over his shoulder (while wearing his hat) 🤣
New episode and I fucking loved this one! Still feel like we have a lot to wrap up in the last two episodes but there was a good balance of humour, action and tension
ALSO ECHO FINALLY CAME BACK!!! I missed him so much 🥺
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello!! Recently found your page and when i tell you i binge read almost all of your lookism content i mean it.
That being said i would love to ask if you could do a scenario where y/n and Goo hate each other but fake date in order to make Gun jealous and of course annoyed (in Goo’s case), however in the end they both fall for each other.
Aww!! THANK YOU FOR READING!! Isn't this community great. Isn't Lookism great.
I LOVE fake date fics! Slight deviation to just trying to prove Gun wrong (the plot is thin, okay).
Goo Kim x Reader: Fake Dating
Tumblr media
"Get your hands off me!"
"It's called acting, you bitch!"
"Dumb bastard!"
"Stupid hag!"
"Four eyed fuck!"
"Shit for brains!"
A door slams shut. You and Goo freeze for a brief moment before throwing yourselves at each other. Your lips smash painfully together, and hands wander. It's for authenticity, you see.
(And it works.)
Gun stops in his tracks, "What the fuck?"
You had been chit-chatting as you usually do during one of the lulls in your missions with Gun.
"-and winter weddings are sorta magical, y'know? I like the idea of getting married and having snow falling all around me. But summer with the weather, I-"
Gun has had enough of your mundane chatter. "How the hell do you find the stupidest shit to talk about. You can't even get anyone to date you."
You throw a punch at him, "We dated!"
He dodges your attack, "And we broke up."
"Fuck you, loads of people want to date me!"
Gun peers over his sunglasses at you, he knows you are bullshitting.
Ugh. You'll show this asshole.
"Hey, you big lump," you kick Goo's chair. Oops maybe a bit too hard. You cackle as he tumbles into a heap on the floor.
"AHH! What was that for, you dumb bitch!" Goo gives you the filthiest look.
(On paper you and him should get on like a house on fire. But the first time you met, he had opened his mouth and asked who brought along this pretty little bimbo. You tried to rip out his tongue for that. Well, the rest is history.)
"So..." You eye up the blonde dusting himself off and readjusting his glasses. Is this one of your worst ideas? Probably. "Wanna piss off Gun with me?"
"I don't need you to do that."
"But what if we can take it to new realms of irritation?"
"I'll pay you."
"Why didn't you say so, Princess! I'm all ears."
Goo had always thought you were a little weird. As if this doesn't prove his point exactly.
He's making money and irritating Gun. Two of his favourite things. Add in beating someone up in there, and it's his holy trinity.
Hmm, maybe he could beat you up after this. That would be fun. He gives you a sly glance as you're explaining the 'fake dating' and what it entails.
Seriously, what an oddball.
After Gun discovers you two all over each other, he turns around and swiftly exits.
He did not care for getting involved in your love life. That ship had long sailed.
The only concerns are with his own sanity.
Having you and Goo together is a dangerously irritating, annoying combination. It doesn't just increase his chance of getting a headache and into trouble two-fold, it increases it exponentially.
...And the fake dating begins.
"Sweetheart, this song reminds me of you!" Goo gives a mocking smile that only you could see.
Gun is sitting in the back while Goo drives and you occupy the passenger's seat. That's fine as far as Gun is concerned. The further he is away from the both of you while you have this little... thing going on the better.
He honestly could not care less. But even listening to you two flirting is like nails on a chalkboard. The headache is returning. He should really invest in some headphones.
"Aww~ You are so sweet!"
You run your hands along Goo's thigh then brutally dig your nails in as you pinch him. This fuck. Did he think you couldn't hear the lyrics? The woman in this song is a useless doormat.
Goo blows you a kiss in return.
"Cupcake!" Goo matches pace with you and goes to hold your hand. You hear Gun's unhappy grumblings from behind. "There's a new hot restaurant that opened up. We should go on a date!"
"I would love that," That really would be thoughtful if you guys were an actual couple.
"We can have a nice night out and walk along the Han river."
Goo's grip on your hand tightens, he looks deviously at you. Oh no. You prepare yourself for whatever comes out of his mouth next.
"And afterwards we can go back to mine for dessert? You know what I mean? By dessert? That's how everyone phrases it right? To mean we will just fuck all night? With my big, huge, throbbing-"
You hear a stumble and cursing from Gun. You look at Goo and feel him mentally high five-ing you.
Heh. That'll teach Gun for being such a dick. This isn't such a terrible idea after all.
"Sweetheart! Don't I look handsome!"
Gun questioned his life choices.
You and Goo had insisted on running into a designer store for something quick. 'Something quick' had turned into an hour of Goo parading around in suits. And now Gun is waiting sullenly in the corner for you both to finish up whatever the fuck you are doing.
"Hurry the fuck up,"
"Gun, you sourpuss! It's for the HNH function tonight. Goo needs to look his best."
Goo definitely did look good, you'll give him that. The blonde has a great body and a keen eye for fashion.
"Honeybun?" you turn your attention towards your 'boyfriend' as he strides out the fitting room. The suit looks like it was tailored especially for him.
Oh. Has he always been this handsome? You start to think maybe he isn't so bad until-
"You said you'll treat me for showing you a good time last night?"
You must be a better actor than you thought. Your mouth doesn't drop open at his boldfaced lie and your face remains neutral.
This prick. No doubt he's going to rack up an absurd bill and make you pay.
"Let's have a closer look then," you walk over to him, playing the part of a sweet girlfriend. Your hand smooths out the lapel and shirt.
"Silly, your tie is all askew," you adjust the knot and tighten it until it almost chokes this idiot.
Goo doesn't say a word, just looks down at you with a smirk. You feel the urge to wipe it off.
"I do like this one," you say. Your hand reaches out to caress his face. He stills at your unusually tender touch, his next backhanded comment gets stuck in his throat.
You push yourself up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his.
As if on autopilot, Goo's arms moves to circles your waist, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss. Something about the way you fit with him feels natural.
You nip at his lower lip. Hmm, Goo really is a good kisser.
Gun closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. You two are getting on his fucking nerves. He really shouldn't kick your asses here. He takes a deep breath and counts to ten.
Scratch that, maybe one hundred.
Goo, with his arm around your shoulder, eyes your Uno cards.
He had already won a couple rounds ago, and now you and Gun are determining who between you is the loser.
"No cutie-pie, don't put the green one down. Gun will +2 you!"
"Don't help her out!" Gun growls at you both sitting across from him. He gets awfully testy even with silly games.
You hum and haw at whether to trust Goo as he studies your hand, trying to come up with a strategy.
"Put this one down," he ignores Gun and points at a particular card, "cross my heart babe!"
Fine. You follow his instructions.
Gun huffs and picks up a card from the pile. Guess he couldn't follow your colour or number.
Goo taps twice on his cheek. You giggle and reward him with a loud smooch.
"Like this,"
Goo comes up behind you, pressing himself fully into your back and helping you adjust the grip on the golf club.
You subtly elbow him.
"Watch it," you whisper.
"You're paying for my boyfriend services," he responds under his breath, a grin never leaving his face.
Your voice returns to its normal volume, "I thought I was doing it right?"
"Nooo Princess, your swing is all off!"
He rests his head on your shoulder, actually telling you about where your hands should be and correcting your stance.
If you were a weaker woman, you would be feeling butterflies, and your face would flush. You would think about how sweet Goo could be, and how fun he is in a relationship...
You see Gun from the corner of eye and quickly derail any straying thoughts. Instead, you turn and lightly graze your lips on Goo's cheek and shuffle your hips into his crotch playfully.
Goo, delighted at your movement, chuckles.
Off to the side, Gun facepalms.
You open your mouth obediently as Goo spoonfeeds you.
"Isn't it extra delicious when your Goo-bear is feeding you?" He flutters his eyelashes. God, this guy is so ridiculous you couldn't help but laugh.
"Do you have to fucking do that? I'm trying to eat here." Gun glares at the display.
"Don't be jealous just because you'll never know love like this!" Goo snaps before feeding you another mouthful.
Gun rolls his eyes. Why does Charles curse him with the most idiotic partners.
"Yeah I'll just pay for mine and the wifey's food," Goo smiles at the waitress, handing over some cash.
"Just pay for it all you cheap asshole!" Gun is exasperated. It's a goddamn hole-in-the-wall, not some fine dining establishment. The total is pocket change.
"You fucking-"
The waitress clears her throat awkwardly.
"Pay for it yourself, you prick," Goo retorts as he nuzzles into your neck.
Gun angrily slams down some money.
"What's this?"
So much for doing work. Goo loudly makes an entrance into your office and wafts a piece of paper in front of your face. You snatch it irritably.
"My invoice!"
What? This wasn't the duration that was agreed.
You narrow your eyes at him, "But we're not done yet!"
"No, we're not."
"So I thought I'll give you a 100% discount for the foreseeable, sweetheart."
Your eyebrows knit together. Does this mean what you think it means?
Goo is a picture of nonchalance, he perches on your desk as he examines his nails.
"You mean you actually want to...?"
"I'm having a good time. You look like you are too."
Hmm, you couldn't deny it. And you never thought kissing him could be so pleasant.
"So we're really...?"
Goo gives you a smile and a casual shrug. "If you want to, Princess."
How does nothing ruffle his feathers. How can he be so relaxed about this?
You mull it over. What's the worst that could happen? The last few weeks have been undeniably fun. You don't think you had ever laughed so much.
You school your expression and give him a nod.
Goo's easy smile turns into a toothy grin. He pulls you close and kisses you, like all the times he had before. But this one feels sweeter. Real.
Goo fucking Kim is actually your boyfriend. Who would have thought?
When you finally pull away, you both stay within touching distance, beaming at each other like morons.
Goo suddenly frowns, and the magic breaks. "This doesn't change anything. You still need to pay the bill!"
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arianamidnight · 7 months
Hazbin hotel fic
My AU that's why it's OOC and pretty far from cannon
Warnings: swearing, mention of violence, ships (Varlie), tickles
Summary: Vaggie had enough of hotel residents teasing her about Charlie. But, what if the person she'll fall out on, didn't mean it? And, moreover, will take it personally?
Vaggie growled, sitting on the sofa in the lobby. She was so done! Whole this week, after Charlie went to the VoxTec to help Angel Dust and came back... Ugh, so annoying!
Vaggie stomped her foot. After Angel Dust gave her Charlie with "I think this is yours" phrase everything went fucking bad. At first she didn't pay attention to this. But, shit!
Next was Alastair. Charlie got really emotional towards one of his usual puns, and started sobbing. Radio demon didn't think about anything better than call Vaggie and give her Charlie, with "I assume, this is yours, my dear". That already made Vaggie's eye twitch.
Next was Husk. That time he gave princess a bit too hard alcohol, and she while getting drunk started crying because Niffty killed the bug. And again, what happened? Vaggie was called, Charlie was tossed into her arms and told: "This is yours. Not my problem."
Vaggie stood up and started walking around the lobby growling. Yes she was Charlie's girlfriend, but that didn't mean that she was the only one who would calm princess down!
Vaggie rapidly turned around to walk towards the opposite side of the lobby, and... Almost bumped into Lucifer, who was carrying something.
"Sorry, your majesty" sighed Vaggie and took a deep breath to calm down. She was Charlie's first helper, so she couldn't let herself show so inappropriate behaviour infront of the ruler of hell.
Vaggie blinked. Did she hear a sob?
Vaggie looked up from the floor and noticed that the "thing" Lucifer was holding turned to be... Charlie, warped in the blanket, in tears.
It was the last drop for Vaggie. She growled in fury.
"I swear to Edem, if you would say this is yours I won't look that you can kill me in one go, and won't hesitate to try to rip your throat!"
From this harsh words Lucifer gasped, and even Charlie stopped crying.
For Lucifer it was worse then a blade into the heart. Ruler of hell looked down, and his body started shaking.
"O-oh... Actually I was about to ask how you calm Charlie down in such situations, because you were with her for so long... And I wasn't in her life at all and am the worst father ever..." after finishing this sentence, Lucifer was barely holding his tears.
Vaggie gasped when she realised how much she fucked up. Fallen angel gently put Charlie on the floor, covering his pain with slight smile.
"As I see my Little Apple calmed down, s-so I would b-better l-leave..."
Lucifer took a deep breath, tears falling down his cheeks, and teleported away with spark of golden light.
"Dad, no!" Charlie tried to stop him, but it was too late.
Vaggie blinked in shock. She felt so much guilty right now. She knew HOW Lucifer loves his daughter! And how badly ruler of hell regrets not being part of her life for so long! Of course seeing Charlie cry for the first time in his life he would panick, and look for someone who has experience. For someone like Vaggie!
Charlie looked around, hearing a strange sound. Princess of hell sighed, when she noticed her girlfriend on the floor with wide eyes.
"C-charlie... I... I'm s-sorry! I'm s-so s-sorry... I d-didn't mean t-to! C-charlie! I swear, I...." Vaggie wasn't able to talk straight. Guilty, fear, sadness. All this feelings overwhelmed her at once.
Charlie walked towards her girlfriend and sat near her. Princess of hell hugged Vaggie.
"Shhhhh~ It's okey, Vaggie. I know you didn't mean to" Charlie whispered into her ear.
A few minutes passed in silence, Charlie and Vaggie cuddling on the floor. Finally Vaggie took a deep breath.
"Thanks Babe... I'm really sorry for hurting your father's feelings. Just..." Vaggie sighed.
Vaggie never talked with Charlie about those situations, but looks like now was the time.
"Wait, what?!" Charlie gasped after her girlfriend explained reason of her outburst.
Vaggie nodded with a sigh. Charlie shook her head softly.
"Silly. You should have told me about this much earlier. Please, don't hide from me if something is making you uncomfortable. Deal?" Princess of hell stood up and landed her girlfriend a hand.
Vaggie grabbed Charlie's palm and stood up with a smile.
"Deal. From now on I would immediately tell you if something will get on my nerves" Vaggie chuckled. But after, she remembered Lucifer and got a bit nervous.
Charlie immediately noticed it and smiled.
"Don't worry, Vaggie. I know how to cheer dad up. And... I will need your help~" princess of hell giggled misciviously.
Vaggie snickered. This girl was definitely a ball of cheer and mischief.
"I'm fully in, Princess~" Vaggie winked to Charlie, making her blush.
Lucifer was curled up under the blanket in his room. Tears were running down fallen angel's cheeks. He fucked up, again. Normal father must know how to deal with his own daughter in tears! But, Lucifer didn't know... When Charlie entered his room, in tears, he started panicking. So pathetic! Ruler of hell, panicking because his daughter is sobbing! All demons would lose any respect if they'll find out! And the fact that he can easily kill half of them won't do a thing.
Fallen angel whined. He was so done. Probably, Alastor was right and he is pathetic piece of shit. Charlie deserves so much better than him...
Suddenly the door opened slowly. Lucifer stuck his muzzle out from under the blanket. Fallen angel saw that person who entered his room was Charlie.
Oh, she wasn't alone. Vaggie was there too.
When Lucifer noticed Charlie's girlfriend he got back under the blanket. No, no, no! He didn't want to be called pathetic and bad father! Now again! Now now...
"Daddy?" Charlie called softly, sitting on the bed corner.
Lucifer didn't answer.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other. Vaggie sighed.
"Your majesty, I wanted to apologize. I really didn't mean to yell" Vaggie walked towards the bed and kneeled down on the floor near Charlie.
Lucifer slightly peeked out of the blanket.
"R-realy?" hesitantly asked ruler of hell.
"Yes" Vaggie nodded. "I didn't mean to remind you of the past. And now I feel really bad for hurting your feelings. It's just..."
Vaggie sighed. Charlie put her palm on Vaggie's shoulder for emotional support. Vaggie smiled gratefully.
"It's just that during last week, Charlie got emotional and cried a lot of times. And all those times I was one calming her down. I got really tired that everyone would just think that it's my duty to calm her down" Vaggie growled slightly, getting annoyed again. Charlie started playing with her girlfriend's hair to calm her down.
Lucifer got out from the blanket. Fallen angel nodded to himself. This explained a lot. Vaggie always was really polite with him. Why he didn't think that something must have happened to make Charlie's girlfriend aft this way?! But no, he must have started overthinking!
Lucifer sighed and shook his head.
"I forgive you, Vaggie. And I apologize for the bright reaction. I was pretty stressed lately" ruler of hell looked down, feeling embarrassed that he was acting like a child.
"Don't worry dad, it's okey. You don't need to apologize~" Charlie hugged her father. Lucifer hugged his daughter back with a smile.
"Thanks Little Apple" fallen angel closed his eyes. His daughter was one and only person who can make him feel comfortable really fast.
But then...
"But I am not happy that you were all stressed lately. You definitely need some cheering up~" Charlie giggled misciviously, and hugged Lucifer tighter, keeping him still.
"L-little Apple! W-what are you..."
But fallen angel wasn't able to finish the sentence. Suddenly he felt Vaggie squeezing his knee.
"Eeeeehihihihik! Nohohohoho! Vahahahaggie! Nahahahahat... Eeeeehihihihik, thehehehere!" ruler of hell immediately burst into giggles, squealing from every squeeze.
"Whoa, you vere right Charlie. It seems like a baaad spot~" Vaggie chuckled playfully, as she continued squeezing Lucifer's knees.
"If you think this is bad, then look~" Charlie giggled and took a deep breath.
Lucifer's pupils went wide as he realised what is about to happen.
"Chahaharlie, plehehease mehehercy!~" begged fallen angel, giggling from the knees tickles.
But, actually both Lucifer and Charlie knew that fallen angel he can easily teleport away, or shapeshift into the snake. But ruler of hell was really enjoying the tickles from his daughter and her girlfriend.
When Charlie blew a raspberry on the side of Lucifer's neck, he burst into bubbly laughter. Vaggie even stopped squeezing his knees, facinated with the sound.
After the second raspberry, fallen angel got hiccups, what made his laughter more rapid and high pitched.
After hearing her father hiccuping, Charlie stopped with raspberries. She let Lucifer go, and he fell on the bed in giggling and hiccuping mess.
"Dad, you okey there?" Charlie snickered.
Vaggie was looking at this interaction with soft smile. Those two definitely needed father and daughter bonding.
"Yehehehes, I'm hic fihihine" Lucifer bubbled and then took a deep breath.
"I wanna apologize again for my behaviour, your majesty" said Vaggie softly.
"It's okey Vaggie. Thanks to your sneak attack I feel much better." fallen angel rolled his eyes with a smile and sat on his bed.
"Oh, about that..." Charlie look down with guilty smile.
Vaggie and Lucifer shared a look.
"Little Apple?"
Charlie giggled nervously and shrugged.
"I just wanted to say that I didn't cry for real this time. Sorry dad, but I just wanted to prank you." princess of hell admited.
"Whaaaaat?!" Vaggie and Lucifer growled simultaneously.
Charlie looked at her father and girlfriend with puppy eyes and ingratiating smile
"I'm sorry?"
Vaggie sighed.
"Babe, it sounds like a question, rather than as apology." Vaggie tried to sound stern, but couldn't help a soft smile.
Lucifer shook his head, embarrassed. How came he didn't notice that Charlie was pretending?
"Little Apple, you're so naughty!" playfully pouted Lucifer.
Girls giggled.
"I'm so getting you back for it" added fallen angel with miscivious smile.
"Now I at least know who she got this miscivious attitude from." sighed Vaggie, and all three of them burst out with laughter.
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
"Your hands are freezing." or "I brought you something." ?
The lights in Tim's apartment are on.
Given that Tim himself is standing on a rooftop across the way, and he's pretty sure he turned everything off before he left for patrol, that's a little odd. Normally, he'd suspect it's just Cass inviting herself over for a post-patrol sabbatical in his shower, but it can't be her because she didn't patrol tonight; she and Dick took tonight off to go across the bay to see the Metropolis ballet do the Firebird or whatever it's called.
It's three in the morning. Tim glares at the innocent, brightly-outlined curtains. Who's in his apartment? He's cold and tired, and he wants to go to bed.
There's nothing for it, though, and none of his alarms have been tripped, so it's probably fine. (Unless it's like, a capital-S Situation instead, but he would really rather it not be. He's sleepy, and it's bitterly cold out here.) So he huffs again, then fires his grapple line.
The scent of fresh-baked cookies greets him the moment he slips inside, and he balks beside the window, blinking. Aw, beans, now he's hungry, too—
"Finally! There you are!" Kon appears in a rush of color, grabbing Tim's shoulders with a bright grin. "I've been waiting for ages. You took forever! I got bored enough to make cookies, and they're getting cold!"
Forget the cookies. Tim tackles him.
Kon sweeps him off his feet and twirls him around, laughing. His arms fold around Tim's waist snugly, and Tim beams as he tucks his face into the warm skin of Kon's neck, exhaustion forgotten. Kon's been off in space with Kara for three weeks, and Tim missed him so much it ached.
"Your nose is cold," Kon complains. Tim pushes his nose further against his neck in response, and Kon huffs. "Hey."
Tim lifts his head to look up at him fondly. Kon bumps their foreheads together, then reaches up with a gentle hand to peel Tim's mask away. Tim wrinkles his nose—Kon's TTK working between his skin and the sealant always makes him want to sneeze.
"Took you long enough to come back," Tim teases, chest full of warmth. He gets to look at Kon without the lenses of his mask now. He's radiant. "Did you get lost or something?"
Kon kisses him lightly. He wants more immediately.
"No, we just accidentally started a revolution on the fourth moon of Tallon, out in the Alpha quadrant?" Kon grins ruefully, rubbing the back of his neck. Tim needs to kiss him again. "In our defense, we didn't mean to, but there was this whole thing with this guy called Kossak who miiiight have a vendetta against me, and... anywhoozies, that's beside the point. See, I brought you something!"
He sets Tim down and hurries across the room to dig through the backpack slung lazily onto Tim's favorite armchair. While he's at it, Tim strips off the outer layers of his costume—the gloves, belts, body armor, overshirt, and outer pants—and leaves them in a heap on the floor for the moment. Now clad in just an undershirt and thermal leggings, he pads over to see what Kon's got.
As he slips his arms around Kon's waist, leaning into his back, Kon hisses. Tim innocently kisses the back of his shoulder and tucks his fingers more securely under Kon's shirt, against bare skin.
"Your hands are freezing," Kon complains. "You ice gremlin."
"Yeah, it's winter and I haven't had my favorite handwarmer for weeks." Tim hooks his chin over Kon's shoulder with a hum. "What'd you get me?"
Kon grins. He twists about in Tim's arms to present him with a glowing box about the size of a Rubik's cube. Its faces are translucent; the light comes from somewhere within. It's not blindingly bright, but Tim's attention is drawn to the socket-looking port in one of the sides.
"It's a power pod for Kossak's spaceship," Kon explains, beaming. "I don't think it's got enough oomph on its own for space travel—Kossak's ship had ten of 'em, but Kara kiiinda exploded the other nine?—but I thought you might have fun building something out of it anyways!"
Oh, that's fucking rad. Tim lights up just like the little box. It's heavier than it looks; he turns it over in his hands appreciatively. He's not sure what exactly its power output looks like, but that'll be fun to play with. He can take it over to the Cave tomorrow; that way, if anything explodes, it's Bruce's problem and not his.
"You're the best." He carefully sets the cube on the coffee table and tucks himself back into Kon's chest. Kon hugs him again, squeezing him tight enough to lift his feet off the ground, and Tim hums. "...I missed you."
"Missed you too, sunshine," Kon says, and presses his lips to Tim's temple. "I'm glad to be back."
"Yeah." Tim smiles, content. "I'm glad, too."
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kanzakurawrites · 8 months
Random Thoughts I Had While Rewatching Descendants 1
So I'm guessing Auradon is the size of Eurasia? Cause Europe seems too small, and most of the stories take place in Europe.
Are there Isle guards? I'm guessing because how else do the posters of Beast get put on the Isle?
Beast's crown looks so fake
So is that Ben's dorm room? Or is that his castle room? Is he a day student? (Which, considering he's becoming High King would be smart) I'm curious now
How many outdoor string lights do people in Auradon throw out?
HOW DOES THE ISLE HAVE ELECTRICITY? Are there villains dedicated to keeping it running? Actually, that would be hilarious, especially if that means people don't mess with them. OR they do mess with them and there are just frequent power outages. More likely, now that I think about it.
CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT MALEFICENT'S LETTER MAGNETS! Ha, what if Hades left them there and she just never threw them out? He seems more like the one to have letter magnets.
I don't care about the book timeline, the villains and core four all seem a lot more familiar with each other than just a few weeks or days or whatever. I'm saying its been months at least since the core four became a gang. If not a year.
I know its a Dcom, but I kinda wish that the villains weren't treated as comedy relief. Like, its implied that the kids aren't loved, that they are scared of their parents, but the way the parents are written... excluding the end with Maleficent, they don't seem that scary and all.
Seriously, there must be royal guards, right?
Really wish we had gotten to see the limo driver again.
Have to admit, I really like Ben's darker suit jacket. But why, why the yellow pants.
Ugh, I love Mal's D1 hair.
So... where are the magical people. "Most of us are ordinary royals." Yes, but, but, there is a lot of magic is Disney movies. Where have the magical people GONE. This is concerning.
Auradon Prep is FILLED with royal children, including the soon-to-be High King. The museum is filled with priceless magical artifacts. WHERE IS THE SECURITY. WHERE ARE THE GUARDS.
The beginning of Evil Like Me makes me want to hug Mal.
Are there NO SECURITY CAMERAS?? No other alarms??
Ben, how did you not notice Carlos screaming?
How I wish they would have kept Evie's wavy/curly hair
I really wish there had been more Mal-Jay moments
They were in a public area. How did no one notice what was going on with Ben? DOUG WAS RIGHT BEHIND THEM
You know, none of Ben's classmates seem surprised by his love declaration. Or surprised by the "break up" with Audrey. Hmmm.
You cannot convince me that Ben didn't purposefully tell his parents about Mal right then JUST so he could have a picture of their reaction.
Baby Bal is so cute DX
Honestly, the Family Day fiasco was Audrey and Chad's fault KING BEAST
"No son, its yours." EXCUSE ME SIR
I wonder how much magical strength one must have in order to wield Fairy Godmother's wand. And I feel bad that Jane couldn't.
"I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy." Don't mind me just crying.
This whole scene makes me cry DX
"Gaston should be jealous." Ew. No. Stop. Creepy.
So whatever happened with the Jay/Audrey thing? I CANNOT be the only one who remembers the shipping days for them.
Other thoughts:
Nostalgia hits hard every time
I miss the D1 clothes! D2 and D3 felt more "costumey" if that makes sense. D1 feels more like... teenagers. And, at least for the Isle outfits, more thrown together. Not as polished, in a way.
I have to admit, kinda wish there was more Aladdin related stuff in the movie. You have Audrey and Mal, Evie and Doug, and Carlos and Dude, but no Aladdin-related characters for Jay? Sure, Aziz is mentioned in the books, and Jordan is in Wicked World, but still. Oh well.
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