#Uhh anyways
spectra-bear · 4 months
gghghdhhdh stankyleg
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biocrafthero · 1 year
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Pursuit Hero in places
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dazed-diary · 1 year
sugar, spice, and everything nice
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summary: you decide to bake brownies in the middle of the night, bakugou just wants a glass of water, the two of you have a conversation
bkg x gn!reader - wc: 3.5k
warnings: just some cursing here and there, that's all!
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“Ah, shit.”
You let out a curse under your breath, already moving to get a spoon to retrieve the piece of eggshell that had managed to escape into the batter. With slow and careful movements, you guided the spoon up the inside of the bowl while balancing the frivolous escapee that was threatening to slip back into the batter on the tip.
It was the middle of a Thursday night and the U.A. dorms were asleep, the students being exhausted after the recent spike in villain activities. It was understandable, being tired with everything that was going on, although for some reason, you couldn’t seem to fall asleep at all, seemingly too much on your mind. After alternating between tossing and turning in your bed and mindlessly staring at the dark ceiling for what felt like hours – a look at the time told you it actually had been hours – the urge to bake brownies had inexplicably taken a hold of you. 
For a moment you had just laid there, weighing the pros and cons of a spontaneous past-curfew, definitely-against-the-rules trip to the dorm kitchen for a midnight baking-session, when, after a couple seconds of inner debate, you had decided to just go through with it, throwing the covers off of yourself with a quiet “fuck it”. 
Now you were here, in the kitchen, trying really hard not to make a sound in order to not wake any others – you had even resolved to mixing everything with a whisk instead of a hand mixer, even though an annoying voice at the back of your head was telling you that the bedrooms were too far from the kitchen for anybody to hear you, anyways. 
Nevertheless, now you were dedicated to see this through to the end and continued on whisking away. Once you were satisfied with the look of the batter, you moved on to measure the flour, when, all of a sudden, the ceiling lights of the kitchen turned on, startling you. Originally, you had only turned on the small light above the stove in order not to draw attention from outside, even resorting to your phone flashlight to find the ingredients you needed in the cupboards, so the bright lights from above were a little blinding.
“What the-“, disoriented, you shielded your eyes and turned around to the direction of where you thought the light switches were, trying to identify whoever had busted your little baking session. Still blinking to adjust to the sudden brightness, you expected Mr. Aizawa to be standing in the doorway, ready to give you a lecture. However, you were proven wrong as a gruff voice that definitely did not belong to your sensei cut through the silence.
“The fuck are you doing?” 
Bakugou Katsuki stood at the doorway, wearing sweatpants and a tank top, both in black, and looking at you as if you had just grown a second head or something.After recovering from the initial shock (and relief at not receiving detention for your stupid idea), you tried to think of a reasonable way to justify still being up.
“Uhhh…”, you said dumbly, trying to think of an explanation that wasn’t just ‘I couldn’t sleep so I did what any sensible person would do and started baking brownies in the middle of the night in our school’s dorm kitchen. Any more questions?
Instead, you uttered a lame “I’m…baking?”. 
Wow, what a great explanation. He surely wouldn’t think you were weird now.
If he doesn’t already think that, you told yourself.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at that, looking even more irritated than before and like he wanted to say something else, but he stopped himself, huffed out a breath of air and walked towards the cupboard with the glasses and cups, muttering something about him being “way to fuckin’ tired for this shit right now”. 
Still a bit stunned, you watched him fill a glass of water under the tab, lean on the counter and chug it. Before he could fill it up again, though, he seemed to notice your stare on him and he side-eyed you. “What.” 
Realizing that you must’ve probably looked even more insane now, you quickly avoided his piercing gaze and turned back to your brownies-in-progress, resuming your previously interrupted task of measuring the flour after muttering a quick “nothing!”
Pressing a few buttons on the scale, you added a quieter “I was just surprised to see someone else up, is all.” 
You grabbed another bowl and set it on the scale, daring to look up at him again, only to find his eyes still focused on you, much to your surprise. Somehow, the feeling of his eyes on you made you feel…nervous. You tried not to let it show and instead busied yourself with your phone, checking the rest of the recipe. Because he did not immediately make the move to head back to his room, you tried to drown out his presence as best as you could. 
Your relationship to Bakugou was…normal, you thought. As far as you were able to tell with his fiery attitude, he didn’t hate you. That was something, you supposed. He didn’t seem too concerned with you; in class when you were teamed up with him or pitted up against him in teams, he seemed to know enough about your quirk in order to form fitting strategies either with or against it, but when the two of you were teamed up there was someone else from class with you pretty much every time so the two of you had never quite been…alone like this, now that you thought about it. 
“The hell you making, anyway?” 
His voice interrupted your thoughts and you turned back to him, still leaned against the counter but his body angled more in your direction.
“Just some brownies for everyone, I thought we could eat them tomorrow after school or something.” Suddenly you had a thought. “I’ll probably just say I made them yesterday or something, they’ll probably think it’s weird I made them in the middle of the night. Like, who just bakes brownies instead of sleeping, right?”, you let out a nervous laugh at that. 
He stayed silent at that, leaving you to wallow in slight embarrassment, mulling over how you would explain to your classmates where the batch of brownies had magically appeared from. Was there a student with a brownie quirk at U.A.?
“You’re a dumbass.” 
“Huh?” You looked back up at him dumbfounded, eyes having unfocused with your internal chaotic monologue.
He rolled his eyes and walked past you, the scent of his cologne drifting past you in a wave of sandalwood and something else you couldn’t quite decipher. It smelled good. Not that it mattered.
“I said, you’re a dumbass.” Now on your other side, he grabbed the knife and cutting board with the chocolate you had prepared and started chopping.
“Wha-“, you cut yourself off, having to shake your head in order to process what was going on. “What are you doing?” 
“What’s it look like I’m doing? Cuttin’ your dumb chocolate for your dumb brownies or whatever,” he shot you a dirty look.
You wanted to argue that neither the chocolate nor the brownies were ‘dumb’, but you held yourself back. Instead, you rephrased the question because technically he had answered it. “Why are you doing that?”
He tch-ed. “Because it’s fucking late and we got team exercise tomorrow and I ain’t losin’ because some teammate of mine was too tired!” His brows were furrowed now and he was chopping faster, the chunks decreasing in size at an almost alarming rate. 
You stopped short. “There’s no guarantee for me being in your team, though.”
“What’d you say?”
“Huh? Uh, nothing, nothing.”
Choosing not to argue with him about his…peculiar way of talking, you watched him cut the chocolate. The pieces were pretty small now, however you figured it would be useless to tell him to stop at this point. Instead, you continued working on the batter, mixing the flour and cocoa powder into the bowl with the eggs, sugar and butter. A sort of comfortable silence settled over the two of you, the crunching of the chocolate under the knife and the whisk scraping the sides of the bowl somehow added to the atmosphere. 
After a while of whisking and spacing out you realized that you could no longer hear the chocolate being cut, so you turned to your right to see Bakugou rinsing off the knife in the sink. Your eyes then drifted to the cutting board where you beheld…chocolate…powder.
What in the-
You snorted. Before you could stop yourself, your whole body was shaken with giggles and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand. Bakugou’s head snapped towards you, his face contorted into an irritated frown.
“What the fuck?”, seemingly more irritated with each word, he got louder. “What’s so funny, huh?” Dropping the knife in the sink and drying his hands on a kitchen towel which was unceremoniously thrown somewhere on the counter, he walked so he was standing right in front of you. 
“Shhh”, you managed between giggles, “you’re being too loud!” After wiping a tear from your eye and taking another look at his face, where you thought you could see some confusion and maybe uncertainty hidden behind the irritation, you decided to explain the reason for your amusement to him. 
“The chocolate-“, you giggled, “you-“, you pointed towards the now-powder when you broke out into another fit of hushed laughter. 
“The fuck’s wrong with it?” he spat, looking at it for a moment before his eyes snapped back to your face. You failed to notice the tips of his ears reddening as his gaze lingered on your grinning mouth.
He genuinely seemed unaware as to what you were laughing about, so you tried to collect yourself. Taking a deep breath and holding back any more laughter that threatened to escape you, you changed your mind. “You know what? It’s fine.” Grabbing the cutting board, you dumped the powder into the batter and mixed it. “It’s perfect, see?” For better emphasis, you held the bowl so he could look at the contents, not that there was much to notice, but you somehow felt like reassuring him.
He scoffed. “Whatever.”
From the far end of the counter, you grabbed the tray you prepared and poured the batter inside before putting it in the oven, closing the door and setting the temperature. As you straightened your back, it was quiet again and the sudden awkwardness that filled the air made you want to busy your hands with something, so you started cleaning up. 
All the while you were putting back the ingredients to their places in the cupboards, you felt Bakugou’s eyes on you. For some reason, he hadn’t moved from his spot and all of a sudden you were reminded of the pajamas you were currently wearing: checkered blue pajama pants and an oversized, washed-out t-shirt with a character of a children’s TV show and the word SMILE! in bold, glittery letters on the front of the t-shirt. You felt blood rushing to your face and tried to subtly angle your body away from Bakugou. 
After another moment of silence that felt like an eternity, he cleared his throat from behind you. Currently, you were putting away the sugar (the last of your ingredients still standing around – after remembering your outfit you had tried to avoid having to use the cupboard closest to Bakugou) when you stole a glance at him. He looked like he wanted to say something, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times. 
“Don’t-“, he cut himself off, as if he was struggling to find the right words. After a pause of another few seconds, he said, “Don’t think so fucking much.”
You turned towards him; ugly shirt forgotten. Out of all the things you’d expected him to say to you – hell, you wouldn’t even have been surprised if he’d just left without saying another word, seeing as you had basically made fun of him for cutting the chocolate weirdly – this wasn’t one of them. You didn’t even know what he meant. 
Bakugou’s brows were furrowed, his jaw clenched.
“It doesn’t matter.”, he said. “When you made the brownies, or whatever. It ain’t any of their business. You baked and they get to eat them, ‘s all they gotta know.”
You were dumbfounded. Staring at him, you searched for a reply, anything to respond, but he beat you to it. 
“Bein’ a hero too, and everything. I see you,” he ran a hand through his hair. “Hesitating. Overthinking. You’re not weak, so what the fuck are you doing?” 
You found it impossible to break the eye contact, his red eyes filled with anger and something else you couldn’t quite decipher. I see you.
He continued. “I’ve seen what you can do. Last week you fucking kicked four villains’ asses alone because they were an immediate danger to surrounding citizens. You acted fast because you knew waiting for backup from pros would have been too late and you immobilized those damn fuckers with a move that could’ve hurt the civilians if you were some extra without proper control over your quirk. But you aren’t. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You have a strong quirk and unlike some other extras here,” his eyes narrowed at that, “you actually know how to use it. So do it. To win.”
To say you were shocked silent was putting it lightly. For a few moments after he was done talking, all you could hear was the blood rushing in your ears and you hoped your cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. At your expression, he seemed to realize the impact of his words at least a little bit. 
“Ah, shit- I didn’t mean-“ He slapped one hand over his mouth. You think you heard a muffled “fucking idiot”, and he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. 
In the meantime, you had somehow managed to regain a little bit of your composure to finally respond to him, albeit you were still stuttering a bit.
“Uhh, you-” Suddenly it was very hard to look him in the eyes. “I never knew you paid so much attention to me.”
That sent him over the edge. “What?!” Stumbling backwards, his expression contorted with some of his usual anger, but you could sense there was something more behind it. Embarrassment, maybe? You didn’t miss the way his eyes were darting around the room nervously, now anywhere but on you or how his cheeks seemed to just slightly redden in color, but you might have been imagining it, of course. 
Suddenly curious, you stepped forward. Untouchable, closed-off, self-centered Bakugou had just given you an extremely personal (and accurate) pep talk. He had read you like an open book, and although you’d known he was intelligent, somehow this hadn’t felt all that analytical and more…emotional.
Taking another step towards him and trying to fight the smile from coming onto your face, you whispered, “You’re being loud again, Bakugou.” After a pause, you got serious, “But, thanks, I guess. Hearing something like that coming from you means a lot to me.” 
At that, he regained his composure, narrowing his eyes. “Just stating the obvious. The only thing holding you back is yourself, it’s stupid.”
Wow, so much for some comforting words. You let out a breath of amusement, shaking your head, gaze travelling to the clock by the door. 
“Oh wow, it’s already two.”
At your words, Bakugou’s head also lifted towards the clock. “How long do these things take to bake, anyways?”
“Like, 20 minutes, I think. I better finish cleaning up, wouldn’t want to have to stay up much longer.” As you grabbed the dishes you had used, you realized something. “Hey, I’m not keeping you up, am I? I didn’t mean to make you stay here just because I started talking to you or anything.”
“You’re not doing shit.” Before you realized what he was doing, he grabbed two bowls from your hands and put them in the dishwasher. 
“I told you you’re gonna be fucking tired tomorrow, so don’t complain.” He was facing away from you now, fishing the knife out from the dink and finishing cleaning it off.
You just stood there with your hands still in front of you from when he had taken the bowls, mouth opened in a slight gasp. 
When he noticed your silence, he turned around. “Stop standing around like some idiot, you wanna stay here until everyone else wakes up, or what?”
That woke you up from your stupor. He was right, you had already lost enough sleep time as it was, although even as you wiped the counters and took a look at the brownies in the oven, you were still wondering what was motivating Bakugou to stay up and even help you clean the kitchen. Especially knowing how particular he was about his own sleep schedule.
When you were finished, you took a look around the kitchen, checking for anything you might have missed. Satisfied when you couldn’t find anything, you turned to Bakugou, who was putting away his glass of water.
“Thanks,” you said, fiddling with your fingers. Him putting away the glass probably meant he would be going back to bed now, but you weren’t sure what to say. ‘Sleep well’? Internally, you laughed at yourself, picturing him counting fluffy little sheep.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He started walking towards the door, pausing once in the doorway. “Don’t stay up too long, [name].” And with that, he was gone. 
For seemingly the twentieth time this night, you were stunned silent. He had called you by your name. He hadn’t said ‘idiot’, ‘nerd’, or anything like that. He had said ‘[name]’. 
His words replayed in your mind over and over, until you remembered that the brownies were probably almost done now. You had to force yourself to move from your position, holding your hands to your cheeks in a futile attempt to cool down the blush that had formed on your face.
The next couple of minutes passed by in a haze, and before you knew it, you were lying in your bed again, having put the finished brownies in a box in the kitchen, hoping they wouldn’t be noticed by everyone immediately. 
“What just happened?”
You found yourself staring at the ceiling again, still hearing his voice at the back of your mind. It seemed your plan to bake some brownies and then to hopefully have an easier time falling asleep was not working out the way you had envisioned. 
“Ugh, freaking Bakugou,” you groaned, dragging your hands over your face. You remained like that for some time longer, before turning to lay on your side. You took a deep breath, attempting to calm your raging heartbeat, and closed your eyes.
Sleep finally embraced you, and you slept without interruptions for the rest of the night.
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The next day, the class was gathered at Ground Beta and preparing for the already announced group exercise by drawing lots. You were one of the only ones left who hadn’t been assigned a team yet. As your name was called, you walked to the box with the lots in it and pulled a slip of paper out.
“You’re in team C, which makes that team complete.”, Mr. Aizawa said, although you weren’t really listening, frozen in place because if you remembered correctly, team C was-
Your head snapped to the owner of the voice, who was none other than Bakugou. Because of course.
“[name]. You gonna stand there all day? Get over here.”
He was using your name again and you found that it made operating like a normal person quite difficult. Your body moving in the direction of your team felt almost robotic; as you tried to avoid his gaze, you nearly stumbled over your own two feet. That woke you up from your stupor, and you mentally slapped yourself for acting like such an idiot.
“I fucking knew it. Because you didn’t sleep, you’re tripping over nothing like some dumbass,” he rolled his eyes. “I fucking told ya not to stay up so long, should’ve listened to me.” 
Now you were blushing furiously and you were pretty sure your heartbeat could be heard all the way back in the classrooms, but before you could think of something to say to him, Kirishima, who was another one of your teammates, cut in. 
“What? Dude, hold on! You were with [name] last night?” The redhead looked at his friend incredulously.
You were pretty sure you saw a vein popping on Bakugou’s temple as he yelled, “Ain’t none of your business, shitty hair, nobody asked for your opinion!”
Your mouth fell open. What a way to make this sound absolutely not weird.
“Alright, alright,” Kirishima laughed, holding his hands up in mock defence and shooting you a not-so-sly wink over his shoulder. “I won’t ask, man. I won’t ask.” 
Oh god. 
While Bakugou yelled some more about how that was not what he meant with some tiny explosions coming out of his palm, you pinched the bridge of your nose, already wondering how you got yourself in this ridiculous situation.
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thymehallward · 5 months
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some flint papers 🫣🚬 (click for better quality)
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thefanciestborrower · 5 months
Yeah Zuko….
He’s got vore potential
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multifandomfreak · 1 year
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Lunar was one of my favorites. He was just a kid. He was getting better. He had been moving on from his truama. He had a new found family.
And then it all started to go wrong. Both his brothers were in danger. Sun was acting like Eclipse. He thought he was safe. He thought he'd gotten over his fear.
But he just HAD to come back, just one last reminder he could end up RIGHT back to where he started.
So he moved away.
But that wasn't enough. Eclipse was still out there, he was plotting.
Lunar was trying to deny that. He would spend what time he had with Monty, but that was all that is known.
But he can't run from Eclipse. He'll always find him to get one last inch of fear out of Lunar. He didn't know that house was his last chance to live.
He lived the last of his days, feeling smaller and more afraid than ever. Knowing he was just another part of Eclipses schemes. It was just like how it used to be...
Monty tried to save his life, but it was too late.
What a tragic end to such a happy fella.
Anyways gonna go kill Eclipse!
*goes and rips him outta my phone to choke that stupid star out of him*
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I mean none of this is necessary of Monty uses that SINGULAR nanobot. Perhaps not all hope is lost...
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arthur-liquor · 1 year
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deepwoken oc moment
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bloodykora · 3 months
I'm losing it
Another song. It just. 'Partially blocked', PARTIALLY?
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My other 2 videos are only blocked in: Russia.
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merwynsartblog · 5 months
me: "what animal would i be?" mico aka @pageofthemicocee : "bear" me: "oh cool!" me hours later: "im gonna start drawin- banjo: "GUH HU- OH MY GOD-"
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legit i cannot make this shit up
if you want a explaination for the banjo thing uhhhh. i uhhh have something like d.i.d. uh. its not actually d.i.d but i know its something close. im gonna check it out when im out of the house and living alone/srs but uhhh i got a banjo fictive lol
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hihiii. very rushed and scuffed warmup doodles
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real-reulbbr-band · 1 year
"why is the thames on fire"
Alonzo’s question grounded Demeter back into reality; it seemed like only seconds ago she saw the figure and haunting eyes of the cat she had just escaped from looming before her before setting the Thames ablaze. 
She caught her breath, gazing at the embery scene before her in what could only be described as a haunting trance; as she parted her lips to speak, but much to her own terror no words would come out.
As if Macavity’s mere presence alone was enough to silence her; Alonzo took a step closer to Demeter, close enough to touch her but never making physical contact as if to envelop her in his presence.
“Macavity…he- he was there,” she managed to blurt out, though her words lacked confidence she couldn’t even believe herself in that instance.
How could she? Macavity left her hurt, afraid, and speechless, and now he made her seem as though she had lost her own sanity. 
As the flames continued to dance before the pair of cats they both shared a sentiment that their fates would be intertwined and they would both protect each other from the burdens of their pasts
( five sentence fics )
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cyle-stuff · 1 year
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Take These Gay Frogs watching Owl House:
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object44object · 1 year
testing out brushes + some tint colors. here’s my favorite of the 4 results
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
y'know Koga and the two wolf demons that follow him around are probably all straight but even then Koga would probably have better luck asking to marry them then he would Kagome
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solitaryparadise · 1 year
Tagged by @dataframe-daze, ty friendo
Last Show: oh man I've been meaning to watch Castlevania 2016 for like a month and a half now, dunno why I haven't. I think the last thing I watched start to finish was chainsaw man as well lol. I've also been watching critical role campaign 2 but not sure if that counts.
Currently Reading: the recent chapters of berserk, and if manga doesn't count, uhhh I listened to an audiobook of The Metamorphosis sometime back. If audiobooks don't count then I haven't touched an actual paper book since highschool lmao
Current Obsession: getting my ass handed to me in street fighter 6 ranked and civilization 6
Tagging: hmm @professor-doc-emeritus @jingo and @christ-chan-official
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oct8yamato · 1 year
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When you're so lost in life, you consider changing your gender to "pile of shit" just to match your existence.
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