#Umpa Lumpa
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005, Tim Burton)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 film directed by Tim Burton.
The film stars Johnny Depp and is based on the novel of the same name by Roald Dahl.
Another adaptation had previously been made from the book in 1971, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, by Mel Stuart, with Gene Wilder, from whom, however, Burton said he did not take inspiration for his, instead trying to return to the spirit original of Dahl's novel.
Charlie Bucket is a poor child who lives with his family, consisting of his parents, his paternal grandparents George and Georgina and his maternal grandparents Joe and Josephine.
One evening grandfather Joe tells Charlie that, years before, he worked in the first shop opened by the man who would become the most famous sweets maker in the world, the enigmatic Willy Wonka. Unfortunately, Wonka's rivals, envious of his sweets and success, sent spies to steal his secret recipes, to the point that Willy Wonka was forced to close the factory, firing his employees.
One day Willy Wonka makes an announcement that shocks the whole world: whoever finds five golden tickets hidden in as many chocolate bars produced by him, which could be found anywhere in the world, will have the opportunity to visit his grandiose factory, and one of the five visitors will win a special prize. As soon as the news spreads, the sweet shops are stormed and, after a short time, the first four tickets are found by four children: Augustus Gloop, from Düsseldorf, Germany, greedy and obese; Veruca Salt, from Buckinghamshire, England, a capricious and spoiled little girl by her rich father; Violet Beauregarde, from Atlanta, Georgia, a vain and arrogant little girl, world bubble gum champion and winner of numerous awards; Mike Teavee from Denver, Colorado, a very intelligent and grumpy child addicted to television and video games.
During the tour of the factory, a series of flashbacks reveal Willy Wonka's past: he was the son of the uncompromising dentist Wilbur Wonka, who made him wear enormous orthodontic braces and didn't allow him even the smallest sweet. One Halloween night, after his father had thrown the sweets he had collected into the fire, little Willy secretly managed to retrieve and eat a chocolate. After closing the factory due to recipe thefts, he decided to reopen it having found new and loyal workers among the indigenous Oompa-Loompas.
During the tour inside the factory, unlike Charlie, the other four children turn out to be unpleasant and disobedient and are involved in various events due to which they leave the scene one after the other: Augustus falls into a river of chocolate from which he was trying to drink and is sucked into a tube that collects the chocolate and takes it to the various departments; Violet tries an experimental chewing gum on herself and swells, transforming into a huge blueberry; Veruca is attacked and thrown into the garbage dump by a group of squirrels trained to shell nets, after trying to catch one; Mike gets teleported by a machine to transfer Wonka Bars to the television and becomes very small.
Charlie Bucket, played by Freddie Highmore.
Willy Wonka, played by Johnny Depp.
Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, played by Noah Taylor and Helena Bonham Carter.
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xervoxs · 9 months
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remus when someone stole his chocolate
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What ever happened to the Umpa Lumpa's in Wanka's chocolate factory if they wanted to quit? Like, they weren't slaves, right? But if they ever wanted to do something else, what happened to them? Did Wanka kill them? Did he Deport them back to Lumpa Land?
For that matter, what happened to the bodies of Umpa Lumpa's that died of natural causes? Is there a cemetery in the factory? Were their bodies smuggled out along with the candy? Remember, no one ever went in or came out except delivery trucks.
It's not clear what country Wanka's factory is in, but what are their immigration laws like? Are the Umpa Lumpa's legal residents or are they there on work permits? Or did Wanka smuggle them in illegally and is blackmailing them with their legal status to work for cheap?
So many questions...
Do the Umpa Lumpa's have a union??
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orotrasparente · 9 days
il dissing tra tony effe e fedez sembra tipo un match tra umpa lumpa
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ggots · 6 months
Girl dressed as umpa lumpa in the office today :/
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aifantasyworld · 7 months
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Umpa-Lumpa in Moscow
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ghostlyshylee · 1 year
Chocolate Factory Mischievous Adventures
[Author's Notes: This is an older fic I wrote around 2017 and posted on my old deviantart page, I don’t really use it anymore and a recent interaction made me feel inclined to post it here (as rough as it may be hehe). This fiction has been heavily revised from it's original and slimmed down. This is intended to be the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from the 1971 film! Word count: 1355] ------
"Quite stupendous, isn't it?" Asked Wonka
"Simply amazing, Mr.Wonka!" Charlie replied
Wonka had been chaperoning Charlie around the unseen sections of the factory and boy was there a lot! "I'd say we've covered nearly every room from the tallest to the smallest! I've gotten a bit famished during this wonderful tour." As if on que, Charlie's stomach let out a small growl.
"I see I'm not alone." Chuckled Wonka
"A bite would be nice." Said Charlie a bit sheepishly
"Splendid! I'll have the Umpa-lumpas prepare dinner right away!"
After some time had passed while trying to find their way through what seemed to be corridor after corridor, they finally came across a well furnished lounge. Equipped with a bubbly soda machine, a chocolate espresso dispenser, what seemed to be a raspberry licorice fireplace with an equally red fire and some red cushioned couches and chairs, fit for any aristocrat.
"Ah, this'll do nicely! We'll wait out the remainder of the time here until dinner is ready." Exclaimed Wonka while taking a liking to one of the rather large couches. Charlie not wanting to be rude, followed suit and sat close to Wonka on the same couch.
"So, is there anything you'd like to talk about while we wait for dinner? Well, anything we *haven't* already covered that is." Joked Wonka. Charlie thought for a moment and recalled a question he, at the time, thought it to be too personal to ask but now seemed perfect, having gotten to know the chocolate connoisseur personally.
"Actually, I was wondering what happened to your family." Asked Charlie nervously. This took Wonka back a bit by surprise, not really expecting a question so personal.
"That is an interesting question to ask, Charlie." Wonka replied, shifting a little in his seat.
"Sorry if it's too personal!" Charlie quickly replied, worried he touched a nerve.
"No, no. You have to the right to ask, my boy." Wonka assuring Charlie with a warm smile.
"Where do I even begin? Well, my father was a hard, good working man. Always managed to scrape us by with what little he had. My mother was a good, strong, caring woman. She always made sure we had something to eat and always loved us."
"What happened to them?" Charlie asked.
Wonka sighed a bit. "Well eventually one gets old and tuckered out from working as long as they have, eventually they retire and finally rest."
"Sorry for bringing it up." Charlie apologized, feeling he definitely overstepped. Wonka picked up on his change in body language and while he understood Charlie's embarrassment he didn't much care for the guilt written expression is protégé wore.
"It's alright, Charlie." Said Wonka, leaning in close to help ease the tension. "They were good people and loved their family very much and that love they left behind I intend to share with others." Wonka assured the boy, but Charlie could only look over his knees forlorn. Wonka noticing his upset demeanor, thought of a little "feel better" plan.
"Ye-yes?" Charlie stammered, snapping out of his daze.
"Why don't we play a game until dinner is ready?"
Charlie's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "What kind of game?" Asked Charlie, interest piqued.
"I think you'll enjoy this one! Now, all you have to do is close your eyes and put your hands on your head." Charlie blinked in confusion. "Don't worry the fun comes after you've begun. Are you ready?"
Charlie nodded in response, hands resting on head. "Ok then, close your eyes." As Charlie did as instructed, Wonka carefully got up from his seat and made his way behind where the young boy sat.
"Now count to ten." Wonka instructed, a hint of mischievousness while he spoke.
"One, two, three-eeheheh!" Charlie immediately tried cover his exposed sides but found his hands held together by a firm grip.
"Wha-hut, what?! Why? Hehehehehehehe!" Charlie squirming in his seat, was taken by surprise as the sensation of clawing fingers attacked his upper ribs.
"I just felt as though you needed a bit of cheering up." Smirked Mr.Wonka as he worked his way down the right side of Charlie's ribs. "No-ho-ho! Sto-ho-hop! Hehehehe! I-I'm heheheheheh all cheered up-hup now!”
Mr. Wonka simply sighed. "You can't fool me! I know you still feel bad and that's why I'm going to do *this*."
Before Charlie could reply, Mr.Wonka began to dig his fingers into his stomach all the while tickling the other side of his ribs with his new found free hand.
"AH-ahaha! N-no! Ahaha! Do-hon't! Plea-he-hease sto-ho-hop!" Charlie now desperate to get free, managed to wiggle himself out of his capture's tickly grasp causing him to land on his side, nearly face planting into the couch cushion.
"I see you've had enough?" Wonka chuckled.
Charlie, still catching his breath managed to prop himself up. "Ye...yeah-hah-ha... that was... a mean trick." He said still catching his breath.
"Mean trick? I barely even did anything!" Wonka feigning to sound hurt.
"Why, I could show you a mean trick." Wonka said while smiling mischievously. Charlie eyed his mentor, giddiness causing him to squirm and giggle as Wonka took a seat next to him.
"Now, I could do something .. like THIS!" Before Charlie could react, Wonka restrained him with his own weight, trapping the poor boy's lower body.
"Ah-hahah!" Laughed a surprised Charlie.
"And I could've done something like... this." Mr.Wonka lifted up Charlie's shirt to expose a soft abdomen. Wonka couldn't help but notice how malnourished  Charlie's body still looked, even after being a resident at the Chocolate Factory for roughly a month now. Honestly, this just strengthed his resolve in mentoring the poor boy.
Charlie chuckled nervously while trying to break free but this in turn caused Wonka to restrain his hands with one of his own.
"Please don't, I'm sorry!" He apologized in hopes to somehow diffuse the matter.
"Too late now." Wonka said in an exaggerated villain voice while sporting a seemingly "evil" grin.
"No, wait! Wai-hai-hait! AHA-haha-hahaha!
Mr.Wonka had begun scratching Charlie's stomach, quite similarly to scratching a dog.
"Gah-hahahahahah! No-hohohohah! AH-hahahah!" Wonka noticed a pitch increase when he moved near his belly-button.
"Oh-hoh! How interesting!" Following his intuition, Wonka began digging into Charlie's navel and in turn gave him a loud and squeaky laughter.
Wonka chuckled at the silly scene before him. As if he didn't find Charlie endearing enough, this just enhanced his cuteness in Wonka's eyes. Charlie's face started to flush quite a bit, signaling he definitely needed a break.
"Gah-hah, ha-ha... thanks for... for stopping." Charlie said as Wonka lifted off his small frame.
"You ok?" He said, voiced with a hint of concern. Charlie could only nod in response, still full of giggles.
"Sorry that I over did it there, champ." Wonka apologized while helping Charlie up. "It's ok. I had fun and you're right, I do feel cheered up." Charlie smiled warmly at the older man.
"But you DID almost kill me!" Charlie joked getting a chuckle from Wonka. A familiar chine interrupted their bonding, signaling it was the top of the hour.
"Well would you look at that! Time for dinner. We better get going, don't want to keep the folks waiting!" And with that, Wonka and Charlie continued down to the dining hall, both feeling just a bit closer.
[And that’s a wrap! It’s been a LONG time since I wrote last but honestly? Revising this and adjusting the dialogue a bit to more of my liking made me just smile while doing it. I honestly really miss this. And thank you, kind reader, for giving my fiction the time of day <3]
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dusia1740 · 1 year
Kochani zabrakło mi farby w połowie i jesteśmy lekko w dupie bo będę wyglądała jak umpa lumpa
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wtf-tfw · 9 months
REVIEW: Wonka starring Timothy Shallermay
Costumes- I liked the purple lady's dress but everybody else looked sweaty in their scarves idk
Set- The crumpets shack was well designed but too much american cheese in the workshop scenes? Why was there cheese on the workshop table I don't get it, honestly rthis was in really poor taste imo
ACTING- Timothy did a good job I guess. Hugh Gramps as the Umpa Lumpa had nice gams. Yummy scummy chicken dinner.
Storyline/pacing- the girl characters entire motivation was eating enough potatoes to be the world champion potatomeister but they ignored her arc completely after the third act? Disappointing af
OVERALL SCORE OUT OF TEN - 5 out of 10. Needed way more hats and better potato closure. Also I'm still waiting for a formal apology for those tasteless American cheese references.
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hdwonkavedereita · 10 months
Wonka il Film 2023
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✔️ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐈 ▶ https://t.co/nCToQN6x3w
:: Trama Wonka ::
Il giovane cioccolataio Willy Wonka arriva in una nuova città con il sogno di aprire una cioccolateria alle Galeries Gourmet. Tuttavia, i suoi primi sforzi sono vani, dato che Wonka incontra l'opposizione dei tre affermati cioccolatai del luogo, Slugworth, Prodnose e Fickelgruber, che gli aizzano contro la polizia. Inoltre Willy è stato raggirato dalla sua padrona di casa, l'avida signora Scrubbit, che esige un affitto esorbitante e costringe il giovane a lavorare nella sua lavanderia quando non si può permettere di pagare.
Mentre viene sfruttato dalla Scrubbit, Willy conosce Noodle, Abacus, Piper, Larry e Lotte, anche loro costretti a lavorare nella lavanderia, e i cinque gli raccontato che Slughworth, Rodnose e Fickelgruber gestiscono un cartello del cioccolato, con sede nelle fondamenta della parrocchia gestita da Padre Julius. Grazie a un sotterfugio, Willy riesce a evadere dalla lavenderia e a cominciare a vendere il cioccolato insieme a Noodle, a cui rivela che la sua passione per il dolce nasce dall'ultimo regalo fattogli dalla madre prima di morire: una barretta di cioccolato.
Wonka si accorge che un misterioso omino arancione che lo segue da anni gli ha rubato i cioccolatini e, dopo averlo rintracciato, lo cattura. Prima di fuggire, la creatura rivela di esssere un Umpa Lumpa di nome Lofty, esiliato dalla sua tribù anni prima quando Wonka aveva rubato dei preziosi chicci di cacao a cui lui era stato messo a guardia.
Wonka e i suoi amici guadagnano abbastanza soldi per aprire un negozio. La Scrubbit però, avvertita dal cartello del cioccolato, ha aggiunto sudore di yeti ai cioccolatini di Wonka. La folla entusiasta all'apertura della cioccolateria comincia a sviluppare problemi di irsutismo appena assaggia i cioccolatini e l'inaugurazione si trasforma in un disastro. Dopo che il suo negozio è stato devastato, Wonka viene avvicinato dai membri del cartello, che si offrono di saldare i suoi debiti in cambio della sua immediata fuga dalla città. Wonka accetta e, lasciati i suoi amici, si imbarca su un battello, ma Lofty lo convince appena in tempo a tornare indieteo e combattere il cartello, che ha tentanto di ucciderlo piazzando dell'esplosivo a bordo.
Mentre Abacus, Piper, Larry e Lottie vengono rilasciati dalla lavanderia, Noodle è destinata a rimanervi prigioniera. Wonka e gli altri salvano la ragazza e Wonka le rivela che lei è la nipote di Slugworth, che ha corrotto la Scrubbit affinché la tenesse rinchiusa così che Noodle non potesse reclamare la sua eredità di famiglia. Tentando di annientare il cartello, Noodle e Wonka entrano nella loro base segreta, ma vengono accerchiati dai nemici che vogliono annegarli nel cioccolato. Vengono salvati appena in tempo da Lofty e, grazie al contabile Abacus, rivelano alla polizia le frodi fiscali e la corruzione perpetrata dal cartello, in cui membri vengono arrestati. Mentre la folla assaggia finalmente il cioccolato di Wonka, il giovane scarta la barretta lasciatogli dalla madre: la donna aveva messo in essa un biglietto dorato in cui gli ricordava che il cioccolato è migliore se condiviso. Wonka divide quindi la barretta con i suoi amici.
Noodle ritrova la sua madre biologica e Wonka acquista un castello abbandonato e comincia a costruire la sua fabbrica di cioccolato.
Cast e Regia: Il cast di "Wonka" include talentuosi attori che interpretano i personaggi con grande abilità. Ogni membro del cast contribuisce a creare una dinamica coinvolgente e a dar vita alla storia. Il regista, con la sua visione e il suo stile unico, dà vita alle scene d'azione e crea un'atmosfera ricca di suspense.
Dove Guardarlo: Per vivere l'emozione di "Wonka" al massimo, ci sono diverse opzioni per guardare il film completo. È probabile che il film venga proiettato al cinema, offrendo agli spettatori l'opportunità di immergersi completamente nell'azione e di godere degli effetti speciali sul grande schermo. Inoltre, potrebbe essere disponibile anche in streaming su piattaforme come Netflix, Amazon Prime Video o altre piattaforme digitali, che consentono di gustarsi il film comodamente da casa.
Conclusion: "Wonka" è un film avvincente che promette di offrire un'esperienza adrenalinica. Con un cast talentuoso e una regia esperta, lo spettatore viene trasportato in un viaggio pieno di suspense e tensione. Che siate appassionati di film d'azione o amanti di storie avvincenti, "Wonka" è sicuramente un film da non perdere per le sue scene ad alto tasso di adrenalina e la trama coinvolgente. Quindi, preparatevi a vivere un'esperienza mozzafiato con "Wonka" e godetevi il film completo.
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years
Thinking about Yoshioka calling Dimple "Umpa Lumpa"
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humanapromedio · 1 year
Cuánto mides? Bonitas fotos uwu
1.60, umpa lumpa me pueden decir
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory except it's Charlie Brown.
Snoopy is Willy Wanka and Woodstock (and his family) are the Umpa Lumpa's
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orotrasparente · 1 year
nel 2016 la prima volta che parlai con qualcuno su tumblr fu una ragazza che mi scrisse “come sei oscuro”
io che praticamente sono un umpa lumpa
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girulicchio · 2 years
Lezioni di cioccolato 3
Premetto che non ho visto i primi due e so solo che in uno dei due (almeno uno) c’è Salemme. Tuttavia, mi propongo di scrivere un sequel. Anzi, se c’è già il tre, facciamo il quattro. 
Proprio oggi, la mia futura moglie mi ha promesso che mi sposerà se riuscirò a prepararle una cioccolata calda densa al punto giusto, dolce e amara al punto giusto e soprattutto senza sporcare. Occhio, perché l’ultimo punto è quello che decide tutto. Anzi, almeno io lo credevo.  Ero già lì a immaginarmi una scena tipo Ramen Girl, con me alla corte di Knam ad imparare tutti i segreti dei cioccolatai. Poi, ho pensato agli Umpa Lumpa e a Willy Wonka e ho deviato un attimo i pensieri seri quando ho immaginato tutti gli Umpa Lumpa con la faccia di Knam. Tornato in me, ho pianificato viaggi a Parigi, Londra, Torino e Mosca. Ho fatto due conti e mi sono accorto con un leggero ritardo che ho saltato la Svizzera, forse un posto importante in cui andare per imparare qualcosa sul cioccolato.  Ho pensato anche a qualcosa di più concreto, tipo cercare dei tutorial su internet o guardare bene cosa mi offre Giallo Zafferano, ma alla fine ho scoperto che la mia futura moglie mi avrebbe truffato. E lì, tutto il film cambia: si passa da uno stile tipo Maccio-Squinternate ad uno tipo Fabiosa et similia, dove il format è scadente, il recitato pure, la storia è terribile e la morale da voltastomaco. Lei vuole un anello, non le basta la cioccolata calda. Quindi io, oggi, mi rifiuto. Mi rifiuto ufficialmente di imparare a fare la miglior cioccolata calda. Tanto, voi donne, tutte uguali siete: volete dei cristalli rotondeggianti, rigorosamente veri, pure se non sapete nemmeno come sono fatti. E se qualcuno tenta di spiegarvi perché è più rispettoso un cristallo sfaccettato, sbuffate solo di più!  Chiudo questo pot-pourri di pensieri come Elio mi insegna, con un crescendo finale ed un acuto in vista: cara, ti amo, ma o l’anello o il cioccolato!
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stupittmoran · 2 years
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The aliens from This Island Earth (1955) look like grown up Umpa Lumpas
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