#Underswap Alphys
aimasup · 7 months
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holy shit it's the guys
there's a bunch of versions out there, wanted to make my own!
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anamdreams69 · 7 months
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sparticus2000art · 6 months
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I decided to redraw some old crossover fanart from 2018 of underswap and soul eater
This was mostly spurred on due to recently deciding to re watch soul eater while being balls deep in an undertale phase.
I think when I originally drew this I (incorrectly) thought that swap sans and black star and then swap papyrus and soul eater had similar personalities. They very much don’t for the most part, and I assume the off interpretation was due to me only just having stumbled across undertale and it’s various aus at the time. I think in some isolated aspects they might have some similarity, but for the most part are all very different characters. I do however still think that they look super cool in the soul eater outfits so I guess they’re just cosplaying.
If I was to ever actually make a proper crossover au I’d put the characters in as their own selves but altered to fit the world rather than stuffing them into roles that don’t necessarily fit.
I’ve kinda been wanting to revisit this for a few years (at least the last two or three) so I’m glad I finally got around to it.
Here’s also the separated segments so you can see them bigger!
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I’ll also pop the old version under the cut for comparison!
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azulsundertaleblog · 9 months
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What if...
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fanatical4creation · 5 months
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At first i didn't have a original personality stabilized for her and this doodle page kind of helped me to stable it, she's quirky, proud and barely has no friends bc she's kinda weird.
Oh yeah, and happy birthday to XUndyne too, she's cool af 👏
I literally just made up this design.
There's nothing much to talk about her... she's just Undyne in Alphys body... so... have a good night
Some close ups in case you can't see it.
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Xtale (c) Jakei95
Underswap (c) (PopcornPrince) Undertale AU community
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underswapped3 · 7 months
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new favorite kobold to draw
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ratstuckintheblender · 3 months
ITS DONE RAHHHH (i have the rest of the story left please end my suffering)
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bluemoth698 · 11 months
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always-sleeepy-headd · 4 months
Idk this was labeled as chicken pox in my google docs but it's Underswap meeting Dream kinda but it's dreamberry and amazing
Basically Underswap accidentally meets Dream at an unconventional time and also Swap being not mentally well a little bit. Dream too. Plus, they are engaged by the end!!
Sans has been gone so often recently.
They all noticed it, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, Chara, hell even Temmie realized.
On top of that he hasn't been following the script he was set on during and after resets. It just started off simple, looking distracted, skipping over dialogue.
But now, he has managed to miss entire scenes he was supposed to be in. He has started responding in insanely different ways, he has... stopped caring about what the monsters of snowdin thought of him.
That was one of Sans's main things, he would exclaim about how cool he was to hide his own insecurities.
Now he... he seemed so much more distracted, so much so that Papyrus had gone to even Chara about it.
He had this sort of... untouchable aura that he'd never had to him before.
Sans was currently missing from the group right before the monsters break the barrier, he wasn't there during the Temmie fight either. Everyone began to feel uneasy, whether they knew why or not.
"Papyrus...? Where is your brother?" Alphys asked slowly in an attempt to keep herself and everyone else calm.
"I don't know." Papyrus confesses, a sigh ringing out from what mimics a throat. "Sans has been so... strange recently."
The air settled in a tense fog before Alphys let out a frustrated groan, "First he stops showing up at his sentry station in Snowdin, doesn't show up for cooking lessons, hasn't shown up for training and now he's nowhere to be found again?!"
Everyone who knew Sans had to admit that was strange, he was a hard worker and very motivated. Papyrus knew this the best and Sans's newfound disappearances worry him to no end.
Chara spoke up, "I've seen him a total of two times, once for him to briefly attempt to explain the puzzles and second to fight him at the edge of Snowdin. He seemed to be in a hurry both times."
"That is... s-strange based on the things I've heard of him from P-Papyrus." Undyne shyly added, the absence of Sans to comment on them knowing each other felt wrong, even if they knew it to be so or not.
"Yeah! Sans is a hard worker and a relatively happy guy, it doesn't make sense for him to just abandon everyone for hours at a time." Alphys said, crossing her arms in confusion. "He also has unwavering loyalty deep embedded in his bones, it doesn't make any sense."
"This... Sans is close with you Alphys, yes?" The Queen asked, she put a hand on Alphys' shoulder, "Surely he'll have an explanation."
"Maybe so... but this isn't like him at all. I'm... worried." Alphys coffessed, biting her lip in distress.
"This Sans of yours seems to be a good character and quite strong from what I hear, I'm sure he'll be fine." Asgore said in an attempt to console Alphys and probably Papyrus, who for once wasn't smiling.
Suddenly, there was a loud pop and the sound of two voices, they appeared to be arguing over something. The monster's heads all turn towards the noise and suddenly two skeletons come into view, one recognizable as their very own Sans yet the other, dressed in yellow, was unfamiliar.
Sans and this unidentified skeleton were arguing over what was now more clearly made out to be... the difference between affect and effect?
The monsters stood uncomfortably for a moment, watching the duo argue before Queen Toriel cleared her throat. The pair cease their squabbling at once, the yellow one gasping and muttering an apology, bowing to The Queen.
Sans, however, while stopping did not even acknowledge Queen Toriel's existence, eyes still trained on the yellow skeleton.
"No worries, not worries at all, it just seemed you two would never stop if I hadn't intervened." Queen Toriel said, smiling at the yellow skeleton, the skeleton smiled back.
"Yes, well, that may be true." The skeleton sighed, a melodic chuckle escaping his mouth. "But your Sans and I would have resolved it eventually." The skeleton gave a look that came off as almost mischievous to the group, one Sans simply huffed at, a smile finding its way to his face.
"Now, I must ask, who are you two? I've gathered that you," Queen Toriel pointed to Sans, "are Papyrus's brother but I have no knowledge of the other skeleton."
"My name is Dream! I am your friend's... what are we?" Dream stopped mid-conversation to ask Sans a question, one that incited confusion and amusement around them. Not only in the ones unaware but in Sans too, as he began to laugh.
"You're my best friend Dream, and basically my boss." Sans said, a sparkle lit his eyes that they hadn't quite seen before, it made his usual smiles seem terribly forced compared to this.
"Yeah I thought so but sometimes you get really mad at me." Dream huffed, putting a hand on his hip.
Sans looked at Dream with a hint of mischief in his eyes, "Maybe if you wouldn't be crazy I wouldn't be mad."
Dream gasped, "I am so level-headed, just occasionally a little violent."
"Oh you don't even get to talk, you tried to fight some random guy at the bar three weeks ago!"
"Dream he grabbed your waist and tried to get you to swallow a drugged drink. If you'd have let me I would have dusted him."
"I wasn't going to let him, I can handle myself you know? Besides, even if he had managed to drug me he wouldn't have killed me."
"No, because he would have done something much worse, Dream."
While the duo argue, the group watch the scene unfold. All of what Sans had just said felt uncharacteristic of him, especially any talk of murder.
"You don't know that."
Sans wasn't even wearing his battle body, he was wearing a simple black sleeveless turtleneck, he had on a blue coat over it and had on dark blue cargo pants.
"I know if anyone tries to drug you it's because they want to do something to you."
Sans and Dream stood very close to each other, almost brushing arms or hands at any given moment, it was strange as Sans usually stood at a distance from others.
"Maybe but that doesn't change the fact that you genuinely wanted to kill that guy."
Dream had an elegance to him they'd never seen before, his voice was a perfect tenor and slid off of his tongue almost musically. His steps seemed to be in time and the way he moved was delicate.
"I wouldn't say that... I just wanted to... cancel his subscription a little early."
Yet he seemed... as if he had power just radiating off of him.
"Swap! That's literally just murder."
They seemed to complement each other well despite what seemed to be constant bickering.
"Literally okay then, I wanted to murder him but you didn't want me too so it didn't happen." Sans had a look of frustration lining his face but it seemed playful enough.
Again, The Queen cleared her throat, again the two looked sheepishly at her. "Well, it's amazing to meet you both, I believe all of us are quite confused and I'm sure you are as well with the barrier open."
The pair stiffened, seemingly only now realizing the barrier had been broken.
"Goodness, we lost track time!" Dream exclaimed, his hands coming to his mouth in shock and Sans can't help but snicker slightly to the confusion of everyone.
"Y- You didn't feel the barrier break? It was shocking!" Undyne stutters out, fiddling with her hands.
"Oops." Sans shrugged, his behavior was becoming increasingly worrying.
"Maybe we should sit down for a cup of tea?" Asgore suggested, a light smile blooming on his concerned face.
Dream nervously started to pick at his glove, glancing at Sans as if questioning what to do. "The barrier's broken, aren't you guys excited to see the outside world? Surely you must go..." Dream said, grabbing Sans's arm in an attempt to push him ahead of Dream to his friends and family.
"Oh you must come with us!" The Queen exclaimed, "You are a friend of a friend, you are welcome to join us, in fact I insist!"
"O- Oh! I uhm." Dream was almost startled by the offer, he looked as if he were to decline until Sans simply grabbed his arm and smiled.
"Thank you, we will join you." Swap said, pulling Dream's arm to the group.
They then ask Chara if they have anything else to do before they leave as they normally would, Chara said they did and left the barrier area.
As the human left the attention was quickly pointed to Sans and his friend, who were standing in the spot Sans normally would be next to Alphys and Papyrus. They stood very close together, their hands brushed up against the others.
"So... Sans, where have you been recently?" Alphys interrupted the deafening silence.
"I was... busy? I don't know, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff recently that couldn't be put off." Sans shrugged, he seemed distracted.
Dream sighed, "I'm sorry, it's probably my fault." He put a hand on his cheek as he spoke, he looked so... ethereal.
"Nah, if I didn't want to I wouldn't." Sans said with an almost emptiness compared to his usual way of speaking, he put a hand on Dream's shoulder.
Dream smiled up at him, Sans couldn't help but smile back, he exhaled in a fond kind of way.
"So... Sans, you've never talked about your friend here." Papyrus said, his tone was casual but Sans knew it was full of distrust.
"Relax, Dream is practically harmless, unless you piss him off too badly that is." Sans snickered at that last bit, his hand had drifted away from Dream's shoulder and back to where it was almost brushing Dream's hand.
"Oh please." Dream rolled his eyes but they still were filled with a childlike joy. "You said it yourself, I can barely harm a fly."
"Says the one who threw a full bottle of wine at my head one time." Sans deadpanned and Dream almost jumped at the accusation swatting at Sans's shoulder.
"Oh shush, I missed, and you called me a cum slut so it was deserved." At Dream's response Sans let out a flurry of giggles and snickers, the pair had forgotten they had five pairs of eyes on them at the moment.
"I'm honestly surprised either of us remember that I think I had like ten shots of like hard liquor." Sans said, rubbing his head, possibly attempting to remember that night better.
"I remember literally like nothing after that point I was super blackout drunk it was crazy."
Just as someone was about to interject, the human came back and made their presence clear. "I'm back! Let's go to the surface!" As Chara had little to no idea what the conversation that Sans and Dream had been having was, they were just excited to get to the surface... again.
Everyone just tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, they were going to see the surface! They got to finally, finally see the place that their human Chara had come from, meet the people whose ancestors maimed and banished monsters to the underground.
Finally see the stars.
Walking out was nothing like any of them could have ever imagined, with the exception of a few. The sun was setting just below the horizon, they stood in awe at what had been withheld from them all their lives.
...All but Sans and Dream.
Sans looked almost depressed looking out on the horizon, it was terribly noticeable. Dream stood next to him, he grabbed Sans's hand and gave it a squeeze.
Watching them, it felt... romantic.
After watching the sun go down Sans's supposed 'best friend' quickly made an excuse to leave, he then rushed off mumbling a few curses under his breath for letting himself stay for so long. They half expected the pair to kiss goodbye but they didn't even hug, simply fist bumping and giggling about it afterward.
They tried to interrogate Sans afterward but it was like a switch turned in his mind, he went back to normal and would only answer questions about Dream in very cryptic ways.
"Sans?" Undyne considered speaking, she was unsure if Sans would even answer the question. "Who was that Dream guy?"
It had been years at this point and never heard of Dream again, as if he'd simply come not to exist.
"Huh?" Sans asked, looking up from his phone confused.
"That quote and quote 'friend' of yours that rushed off right as we got to the surface?" Alphys interjected and Sans flushed slightly which was strange.
"He... uh... Oh goodness, how do I even tell you this?" Sans cringed, the room had almost fallen silent apart from the clacking in the kitchen from Asgore washing the dishes.
"Is he alright?" Papyrus asked, a concerned look for his brother falling onto his face.
"Yes! Yes... just uhhh..." Sans rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
Everyone nodded their heads at him expectantly, and Sans let out a sigh.
"Okay I'm just gonna say it!" Sans took a deep breath, "He's my finance."
And then in a blink Sans flushed and then was gone.
Papyrus and Alphys share a glance and say in union, "Shortcut." and let out a sigh.
Both of them have been subjected to such treatment from Sans quite often.
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ccinos-cat-cafe · 2 months
I am afraid chat, that I have posted sometjing on twitter many months ago (not that long ago but still) that has gotten many peoples attention
and i would like to share it with all 24 of you, if you dont mind
so behold, something that would make the sanscest gods quiver upon seeing it
salphys (underswap edition)
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capricioussun · 7 months
Some underswap hc bc why not right
☼ Asgore still hopes one day Toriel will simply change her mind, isn't as bitter as UT Toriel, but also isn't as proactive
☼ Muffet is mute, but people often mistake her as being deaf, which can be a dangerous mistake to make if a patron decides to be rude in her presence
☼ Both Alphys and Undyne stutter, though Alphys' is more a natural tic while Undyne primarily only stutters when she's stressed out, and it's specifically more the kind where she'll stop halfway through a sentence and start it over
☼ Sans and Alphys were friends before he joined the guard. It's almost funny, given that neither of them actually want to be in the guard...
☼ Alphys and Toriel have a strange relationship, where Alphys was already a teen when she really met Toriel properly. She somewhat idolizes her, and has a crush on her, which is why she's terrified of failing her
☼ Toriel is somewhat aware of how much strain she's put on those working directly under her, and she feels very guilty for it. She tries to make up for it by baking them pies or other sweets and trying to encourage them to take up relaxing hobbies. It doesn't work that well
☼ Papyrus struggles with anxiety a lot, but it's hard to tell most of the time, since he’s found his patterns and habits and has familiarized himself well enough with most to have an easier time dealing with them
☼ Chara mumbles a lot, so others tend to get the impression they're shy when they really aren't usually
☼ Papyrus and Asgore don't bond over jokes like UT Sans and Toriel do. Asgore tells Papyrus his jokes remind him of someone he used to care about very much, they wind up talking more so about day to day things, or other interests, rather than trading jokes
☼ Papyrus still tends towards putting more effort into his jokes than Sans, however he also unfortunately makes really stupid puns by accident all the time, and only realizes whenever Sans hits him with one of Those Looks, which makes Papyrus groan and bury his head in his hands while Sans laughs
☼ Burgerpants remains unchanged except he doesn't work for Napstabot, he works the nice cream stand in Snowdin (and hates it)
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dragonridernoobie · 9 months
How UnderSwap Sans acts when they meet somone they like/love
Read first vvv
Ok, first things first, I DO NOT see this man as a baby, childish, or innocent.
I see him just as papyrus from Undertale but it's sans.
But he dose have his own personality.
My request are still open!!!
💫Friend Zone💫
When you guys meet it was when you both where at the store.
He asked you about healthy ingredients to use for his spaghetti.
You tell him and you guys talk about other things for hours.
To the point, his brother papyrus had to call him to ask him where he was.
Sans apologize for taking so much time and he gave you his number so you guys van continue to talk.
You guys meet up again at his house.
This is where you met his brother, and his brother was actually pretty chill with ya.
Tho he did make a hint that if you hurt his brother, you're dead.
You and sans make some food together and you show him some other healthy foods to make.
You bet that papyrus telaported away so he didn't have to eat healthy food.
You guys make a bunch of healthy foods like creamy Cajun chicken pasta.
You decede to have cooking days every Sunday.
He tells you his story of him in the royal guard.
You met alphys, and you guys hit it off.
💘Crush Faze💘
You went with him to alphys place for training.
You weren't into the training so you sat on the side and (read/write/draw/game/etc.).
Sans wasn't paying attention, and kept his eyes on you.
Alphys had to keep yelling him to focus, but this leaded her to figure out what was going on.
Oh boy, this made sans embarrassed when alpgys kept making fun of him and singing the k.i.s.s song.
He had to cover her mouth up, since he didn't want you to figure out he had feelings for ya.
Just seeing you on bench with the light shining on you made him weak to the knees.
I can see this sans being nervous around you.
He will probably try to make some jokes but when they don't land, he will say it was a joke.
He will make you're favorite foods if you ever come over for dinner.
Don't worry, his brother also made fun of him.
He will also teach you how to defend yourself a little bit.
He wants you safe.
💕Dating Faze💕
When he told you his feelings, he tried to keep calm when telling you.
He became a stuttering mess.
When you told him you returned his feelings, he was over the moon.
Expect this man to always be by you're side.
Alot of cuddles.
Alot of tacos.
His brother congrats you both and is happy for you both.
He always makes sure younare comfortable.
You guys go on dates every weekend.
He wants to treat you like the goddess you are.
He will always be there for you, and you will always be there for him.
You actually help him to settle down and sit down for more then 2 minutes.
He is Extremely romantic, always getting you flowers, chocolate and more.
Expect alot of kisses.
🚫NSWF Faze🚫
This man isn't really horny.
To get into the mode you will need to do a small push.
This man is a sub
He can be Dom, but he needs to be in heat.
He also dosent really have any kinks.
The most kinkist thing he is into is calling you mommy.
But in heat, expect bites and growls.
He is one of the skeletons I can see him I to building nest.
It's an instincts.
Almost all monsters has knots so this man has one.
He warned you beforehand, since he was scared that it would make you turn away, but you tell him you are fine with it.
His dick size isn't the biggest nor smallest.
He is normal sized.
His after care is God like.
He has everything ready to go after you guys had sex
He loves smelling his scent on you.
He loves you're scent on him.
This man will get physical to keep some creep off ya.
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anamdreams69 · 4 months
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shee madddd
(colored sketch) (sketch):
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
So Swap Alpys and Classic Undyne are like... born and bred warriors right? They'd be able to tell if soemone is holding back, right? I mean Undyne herself says Papyrus has a ton a potential amd is tough as hell, the only reason she keeps him from the guard is because it isn't suited for his personality.
So does that mean Alphys can tell Blue isn't fighting to his full potential and jsut thinks it's because Sans' nature is holding him back?
Are you the same person who wrote that little drabble ask cuz I want to pICK YOUR BRAIN—
That’s SUCH a good point. But also makes me wonder how often did this happen then?? It probably happened a lot near the beginning half of Blue’s new Star career, since he was getting better at fighting and putting his morals to use in a more effective way (giving it his all, not holding back or being more showboaty or trying to look cool, putting the lives of the AU first and foremost, and doing his best to capture not kill, but KNOWING that killing may be unavoidable in this line of work, and that saving everyone is impossible but still a good goal and—)
His stats were probably changing, his fighting in style was shifting, his comfort with certain weapons that looked cool was shifting to weapons that were effective, and he had to learn to pretend. He wasn’t great at that before, usually wearing his heart on his sleeve, and a lot of people probably don’t notice a difference. But Alphys could, and that scares him more than anything.
She probably thinks it’s just his nature for a while, but the better he gets and the more he’s holding back, the more she can tell it’s so much more than that. I imagine the day he realizes her suspicions (or the day she actually confronts him), he has to put so much more effort into learning how to act as he used to, so he can become good enough to even fool her, at least to the point she doesn’t see it as serious enough to casually mention to Chara one day.
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Hello Lula! I noticed your Blue has - what I think is - a scar, and I was wondering if there was a story behind how he got it? cool thanks love your art boss :3 <3 <3
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Yes! That is a scar :D! I headcanon Blue having 3 main scars on him. The one across his face was essentially a goof move on his and Alphys' parts and she had a matching scar across her face but in the opposite direction(like Squall and Seifer from FF8). He has one on his arm from where he fell out of a tree putting up a puzzle because he was being stubborn and not asking for help. And then the scar on his neck brought on by the Genocide route Chara that only appears once Blue enters the multiverse/remembers the resets. He covers up both the scars on his arm and on his neck with his outfit.
Blue's a little embarrassed by the one on his arm, and the one on his neck makes him feel a little guilty. He always feels like he could have did more to save everyone, including the human. Hehe I wanted to do a quick storyboard of the events that led up to the face scar.
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darkpetal16 · 1 year
Devlog - Update 05-23-2023 for WATERFALL
What you can do in this chapter:
Take a swim!
Hang out with a cool dude on a bench.
Swap life stories with a turtle
Buy information from a sus skeleton in an orange hoodie
Sing in a duet
Meet the grim reaper
Lose your shoes
Get called an idiot by a flower.
Chapters available to play:
Chapter 1 - Crystal Caverns
Chapter 2 - Snowdin
Chapter 3 - Waterfall
Chapters to be added:
Chapter 4 - Hotlands
Chapter 5 - City
Chapter 6 -  Castle
Chapter 7 - Epilogue
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