#University of Yamanashi
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windouzukid · 9 months
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Geminoid HI-1 is an android copy of its creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro. It reproduces the voice and head movements of Ishiguro (or another operator) and is intended to study what it means to be human.
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Another Files - The Lamenting Doll - file 02
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo novel translation
Another Files - The Lamenting Doll ( file 01 )
file 02 - shadow of the departed
1 -
The window wiper moved nonstop. Despite that, large droplets of rain fell onto the freshly wiped surface and continued to wet the windshield. It almost felt like they were underwater.
The sound of raindrops violently hitting against the roof of the car irritated him. Although Gotou had started the car, he couldn’t even leave the parking spot where they had stopped due to the overwhelming downpour.
“This rain is just the worst,” he grumbled as he glared across the windshield. “If you have time to complain, you should figure out something else to do,” said Yakumo, sitting in the back seat.
He leaned against the seat and yawned nonchalantly whilst messing with his dishevelled hair. “Even if you tell me to do something...” Gotou shrugged in earnest.
Earlier, they had heard news through the radio that the Chuo expressway had been closed due to a landslide. From their current location in Yamanashi, Tokyo was roughly a hundred and thirty kilometres away.
Not an impossible distance to travel through the regular road, but it would take them longer than usual to drive amidst this pouring rain, and most importantly, the roads in this mountain were steep. Making the wrong move would only make matters worse for them. “Good grief. What a useless bear, only good for being large,” said Yakumo, mocking him.
“My bad for being useless. Besides, you’re the one responsible for this entire situation,” Gotou replied loudly until his voice echoed throughout the car. Even so, Yakumo maintained an innocent look. Instead, Haruka, who had been sitting next to him, jolted. Gotou seemed to have startled her.
He felt guilty towards Haruka, but Gotou couldn’t help complaining. They were rendered helpless in this rainstorm because of Yakumo. Besides, he was no comic book superhero. No way he had a method to stop the landslide.
Yet Yakumo spoke as if everything had been Gotou’s fault. It would’ve been strange for Gotou to not be irritated instead. “For your information, I wasn’t the one who led us into this situation,” said Yakumo, throwing a cold look towards Isshin, sitting on the front passenger seat.
Isshin’s age wasn’t too far from Gotou, yet how he donned monk robes, with a dignified expression like that of a Buddha’s, combined with the way he carried himself, made him appear more senior. He was great at taking care of others and couldn’t sit still upon witnessing those in trouble.
In the first place, everything had started because Isshin hadn’t been able to refuse the request to resolve a spiritual phenomenon at the sake factory acquainted with one of the families supporting the temple, so he had to ask for help from Yakumo. Regardless, the person with the idea to use Gotou as a driver had been none other than Yakumo.
“You’re the one who got me involved even though I had nothing to do with this!” threatened Gotou, turning towards the back seat. Such threats did nothing to shake Yakumo, who simply responded, “To think you could say something like that.”
“Ha?” “Who was it again that’s been involving an unrelated university student into all sorts of cases, countless times?”
Having that brought up was a critical hit. All this time, Gotou had been relying on Yakumo’s abilities, bringing in a variety of cases to get his assistance.
While Haruka had been the one who had brought more cases to him recently, that didn’t change the fact that Gotou himself had involved Yakumo in a number of cases. “Aah, fine. I was the one at fault.”
“Good thing you understood,” said Yakumo nonchalantly. Gotou felt like beating him, but Isshin interrupted.
“There’s a hotel about five kilometres ahead. Let’s try asking if they have any vacant rooms,” Isshin suggested as he looked at his phone. “Riverside Fuji Hotel that’s next to the Kamanashi river, right?” said Haruka, who was also staring at her phone.
Apparently she had come across the same hotel as Isshin after making a search. Saying this and that wouldn’t improve their situation.
“Anyway, let’s try heading there—” After receiving the hotel’s address from Isshin, Gotou entered it into the car navigation before starting the car.
- 2
- Upon alighting the car, Haruka was immediately struck by pouring rain.
She had known how heavy the rain was ever since she had been inside the car, but after exiting, it was worse than she had imagined, her hair was soaked instantly. “Waah,” she exclaimed whilst running into the hotel lobby.
Despite it only being a few metres away, not just her hair, her blouse was also drenched and even the insides of her shoes were wet from stepping in a puddle. “How awful,”
Even after wiping the droplets from her hair and blouse, the wetness wouldn’t go away. Gotou and Isshin were drenched as well, but they didn’t appear to pay any mind and directly walked towards the front desk.
Haruka turned towards the side to see Yakumo, shaking his head like a dog to get rid of the water clinging to his hair. Yakumo’s bed head was a trademark of his, but now that his hair was all flat and stuck together, it gave a different impression than usual.
This is not bad. “What are you looking at?” asked Yakumo, lifting his left eyebrow.
“I-I’m not looking at anything in particular…” Haruka hurriedly averted her eyes.
Her face started burning, feeling as if her heart’s contents were exposed.  “This hotel seems rather old...” said Yakumo, casting his gaze throughout the hotel lobby as if he had lost interest with Haruka.
“Is that so?” Haruka responded in disbelief, but upon closer inspection, the hotel did look old. The hotel’s interior walls were white, with brownish red carpet. As Yakumo had said, the hotel appeared to have been established for a long time.
“Furthermore, it’s dark,” commented Yakumo as he lifted his gaze. Now that he mentioned it, that was probably true. The ceiling was like an atrium that extended to the second floor, which normally would’ve given the feel of an open space. Yet for some reason, it felt dark and gloomy here.
Even so, it might’ve felt that way partly due to the constant downpour outside. Rather than the hotel’s age, Haruka was more curious about how few employees there were in this hotel. There was but a single young man employed at the front desk speaking with Gotou and Isshin; beside that there was no other people in sight that could be a hotel employee.
The lobby was quiet and felt deserted. “That’s...” mumbled Yakumo as he stared in the direction of the front desk.
What is it? Haruka turned to look, finding Gotou and Isshin discussing something with the employee at the front desk.
Could it be that they weren’t able to get a room? Not long afterwards, Gotou and Isshin approached Yakumo and Haruka.
“Are there rooms available?” asked Haruka to the two men, though she already suspected the reply. The two simultaneously made a difficult face.
“There is, but there’s only one twin room that’s vacant,” said Isshin, rubbing his bald head troublingly. “One room…?”
“Well, if we’re all guys, we could’ve just squeezed in to fit into the two beds, but that’s not the case, right,” said Gotou, glancing at Haruka. I see.
Honestly, Haruka wasn’t too keen on having four people in one room either. Not that she was wary towards Isshin or Gotou. As a woman, there were things that she wouldn’t want to show.
But she couldn’t act picky in this situation. Rather than sleeping in the car, squeezing to sleep in a cramped room was still the better choice. Since she was drenched, she wanted to take a shower as well.
“It’s fine even if we’re in the same room,” said Haruka, making Isshin and Gotou look at each other in response. After a brief silence, Gotou grinned. “Even if Haruka-chan doesn’t mind, it’d be bad if something happens, right?”
“Don’t worry. I trust that Gotou-san nor Isshin-san aren’t the kind of person to do anything strange.” “No doubt about us, but we don’t know for sure about him,” said Gotou with an implied gesture as he peered towards Yakumo.
Feeling Gotou’s stare on him, Yakumo’s eyebrow twitched and he exhaled a long sigh. “Don’t tell me Gotou-san thinks I’m going to do something?” he said, glancing at Gotou.
“Precisely,” said Gotou in reply, riling him. “I have the right to choose as well. Whatever happens, I’m not touching that troublemaker,” said Yakumo, sounding fed up.
Even though he meant to refute Gotou’s accusation, it really pained Haruka to hear that. Yeah, I am in fact a troublemaker! Besides, I also have the right to choose!
While Haruka cursed in her thoughts, the young employee at the front desk ran in their direction. Seeing him up close, his face didn’t look dependable at all.
The nametag he wore said ‘Oohori’, and above his name the word ‘trainee’ was printed.  Well, if he were still under training, it wasn’t surprising for him to not seem dependable.
Despite that, to think that they would make a trainee tend to the front desk alone—this hotel seemed to be more understaffed than Haruka had imagined. “Um...” Oohori greeted hesitantly.
“What?” asked Gotou. Oohori appeared to stutter briefly, but he immediately cleared his throat and said, “My deepest apologies. Upon checking again, there’s also a single room available...if you wish, I could get the room prepared.”
“Thank goodness,” said Isshin in relief. “We’re in luck. With this, we have one problem settled,” said Gotou in agreement.
Haruka stroked her chest in relief as well. Yet for some reason, Yakumo’s expression appeared complicated.
“What’s wrong?” asked Haruka. Running a hand through his hair to get rid of the water, Yakumo mumbled, “Something’s off.”
“What is?” “If I could put it into words, I would’ve said it already.”
Well, that’s true. “If it’s bothering you that much, feel free to stay in the same room as Haruka-chan,” Gotou chimed in with a grin.
“Who said I wanted that?” Yakumo glared at Gotou. “Oh, pissed off, are you?”
“Not really.” “Just be honest.”
“Please stop talking like I’m some kind of deviant. I’m not so starved that I’ll go for any woman whoever they are.” “Enough already,” Haruka spontaneously interrupted.
Perhaps to Yakumo, he was merely getting back at Gotou’s mockery. But to Haruka, it hurt to hear Yakumo say such things. She couldn’t stand being dragged into their unproductive conversation any longer.
After checking in and receiving their keys, they proceeded to board the elevator. The room keys weren’t the keycard type, but were instead cylinder shaped old keys with a plate of the room number.
Yakumo and the rest were on the third floor, room 301. Haruka was one floor above them on the fourth floor, room 404. The elevator door opened at the third floor and Yakumo, Isshin, as well as Gotou stepped out.
“Have a good rest,” said Isshin, waving his hand with a friendly smile. Haruka nodded, “Yes,” before pressing the close button on the elevator.
Right before the door closed, Yakumo suddenly shoved his arm to halt the door. The elevator door creaked and opened once again. “What’s wrong?” asked Haruka.
Yakumo stared at her with a serious expression. “Once you’re in the room, check places like underneath the bed, inside the closet, and the bathroom cupboard. If there are any picture frames, check behind it as well.” “Why?”
Haruka didn’t feel that she needed to go out of her way to do those things. “Just in case.”
“Hence, in case of what I have to check them?” “In case you find something that looks like a talisman pasted, let me know immediately.”
“T-talisman?” “At hotels, they tend to put talismans in places that are hard to see inside rooms that have ghosts.”
“Eh?” What’s the meaning of that?
Haruka wanted to confirm, but the elevator door had closed before she had the chance to ask. Hearing the sound of the pulley being pulled upwards made her realise how serious the situation was.
Yakumo’s words earlier signified the possibility that a ghost may be present in this hotel. Perhaps Yakumo had already seen something back in the lobby. In that case—
While she was deep in her thoughts, the elevator arrived at the fourth floor and the door opened. The corridor that extended straight ahead felt awfully long. She was aware that the glum atmosphere could be attributed to the heavy rain, yet it was terrifying regardless.
Don’t worry about it. Although she tried to tell herself that, Haruka wasn’t able to make a single step from the elevator. If she were to encounter a ghost while all alone, screaming wouldn’t solve anything.
Thinking that, without her realising, the elevator door began to close again. Haruka hurriedly slipped through the gap in the door, exiting the elevator.
With its doors closed, the elevator descended to the lower floors. She shouldn’t have forced herself to alight at the fourth floor. She could’ve returned to the third floor and asked Yakumo to inspect the room together at least. That way, perhaps she would have a better peace of mind.
But if she were to do that, Gotou would probably let the two of them be by themselves on purpose. That wouldn’t be so bad—no, that would be impossible.
Not that she disliked Yakumo, but her heart wasn’t prepared. Wait, if that were the case, that would mean she’d be okay with it so long as her heart was prepared. Haruka changed her mood and walked towards room 404.
As soon as she reached the room, she would inspect the entire room and as Yakumo had instructed, contact him immediately if she discovered a talisman or the like. Haruka convinced herself as she stood in front of the room she would be staying in.
It’s still scary after all. Why did Yakumo had to say it at the last minute like that? She felt like she’d be able to sleep peacefully if only Yakumo hadn’t said anything.
No use even thinking about it. Haruka prepared her heart before inserting the key into the keyhole.
- 3
- Once they had entered the hotel room, Gotou immediately let out a long sigh.
It was a simple room with two beds and a sofa, but at the very least he could breathe easy now. Today had been a long one.
He never would have thought he’d come all the way to Yamanashi Prefecture and had no choice but to spend the night here. All because of Yakumo.
He had a mountain of complaints, but if he were to say it aloud, Gotou was certain he would be retaliated with insults a hundredfold. Besides, their situation wouldn’t change even if he were to complain. Rather than that—
“Is it really alright?” he asked Yakumo, who was already sitting on the sofa. “About what?”
Yakumo’s expression was showing clear suspicion. “About Haruka-chan.”
“What about her?” “Earlier you spoke as if a ghost would appear,” urged Gotou.
“Oh, that,” Yakumo answered listlessly. “I never said a ghost would appear.” “That was what you said.”
“No. I only sensed something was off, so as a precaution, I asked her to do an inspection.” Now that he mentioned it, that was true. Yakumo never said a word implying that a ghost was present, just that—
“What was it that was bothering you?” “If I knew, I would’ve explained it already. As I said before, it was just a precaution—”
“If you say something like that, Haruka-chan would get scared.” “She’s not going to get scared over just that,” said Yakumo with a shrug.
That may be true. Haruka had resolved a number of cases with Yakumo thus far. She had experienced so many spiritual phenomena that she’d gotten sick of it, not to mention having seen crime scenes more terrifying than a typical police detective would.
Even if a ghost were to appear, she might get scared, but surely she’d be able to handle it calmly without panicking. Haruka used to be a frail woman who could only cry, but humans could grow stronger with time.
“Well, you’re right.” “Gotou-san, instead of worrying about others, you should worry about yourself instead.”
“Ha?” “Perhaps a ghost might appear in this room instead—is what I’m saying.”
“W-what?” Gotou frantically walked all over the room to check below the bed and inside the closet. Witnessing Gotou’s antics, Isshin complained, “What a busy man,”
It was impossible for him to stay still. There might be a ghost in this room. “If you have time to complain, come help out as well,” urged Gotou. “That isn’t necessary,” Isshin replied with a calm look on his face.
“Why not?” “There are no ghosts in this room. Right, Yakumo?”
The moment Isshin threw the conversation at Yakumo, the man simply extended his arms in a joking manner. Seeing that made Gotou understood.
If there really was a ghost in this room, they wouldn’t have to go into all the trouble of searching for a talisman as Yakumo’s left eye should be able to see it. To think he hadn’t realised something as simple as that; perhaps that was the very evidence that Gotou was the scared one.
“Dammit...” Gotou grumbled, landing his bottom on the bed right as their room door was knocked. Isshin replied, “One moment,” whilst moving to answer the door.
The employee named Oohori, who had been in the front desk previously, stood there while holding a folding mattress and a fitted sheet. “I’ve come to prepare the bed,” Oohori said politely.
“Ah, please do.” Isshin ushered Oohori into the room.
“Excuse me. I need to use the sofa, is that alright?” said Oohori. Yakumo then stood up to make room. After temporarily placing the mattress and fitted sheet on the bed, Oohori began working with the sofa. Apparently the sofa could be turned into a bed, such that the once twin room could have one more bed for a third person.
“Are there no other hotel employees around?” Yakumo asked Oohori, who was doing his work. Unlike his typically rude and roundabout manner of speech, Yakumo sounded very polite.
“It’s just me alone at the moment,” replied Oohori with a bitter laugh. He appeared to be holding back in front of guests, despite actually wanting to air his grievances.
“Are you always by yourself?” asked Yakumo again. “Not always. But today everyone’s out because of something, so I’m by myself...”
“Aren’t the rooms fully occupied? Must be tough if there’s no one else to lend a hand.” “A majority of the rooms aren’t usable as they’re under renovation. Only two groups of guests had booked a reservation, so I thought it’d be fine, but…”
Oohori stopped his hand momentarily and his face turned sour once again. It appeared that Oohori, who was still under training, had been entrusted with running the hotel since the number of usable rooms had been limited, but then Gotou and the others had suddenly arrived.
“Since the situation became like this, they said they’ll come to help, so I believe your stay here wouldn't be impacted.” As Oohori finished setting up the bed, now drenched in sweat, he spoke, “If you’ll excuse me—” as he was about to leave the room.
At that moment, Yakumo called out to stop him. “Do you need something?” Oohori turned around, still holding the doorknob.
“Pardon, but do you have any children, Oohori-san?” Oohori was stunned upon hearing Yakumo’s sudden question. “No. I’m still a bachelor…”
“I see. Sorry about that.” “Then, excuse me—”
Yakumo stopped Oohori from leaving once again. “One more thing. Have you ever heard any rumours of a ghost appearing in this hotel?“
“A ghost…?” Oohori was flabbergasted over all the questions directed at him. Well, anyone would’ve had the same reaction if they were interrogated like that.
Yakumo waited for an answer, staring straight at Oohori. Oohori appeared confused for a moment, but eventually replied, “I’ve never heard of such rumours even once.”
“I see. My apologies for asking all these questions,” said Yakumo, bowing politely. Oohori responded, “Not at all—” before leaving the room.
“Oi, Yakumo. Why were you insisting about a ghost earlier?” said Gotou after waiting for the door to close. He had mentioned that something had been bothering him, but from the way he had spoken to Oohori earlier, he now seemed certain about it.
“I know now what’s been bothering me,” said Yakumo as he brushed his bangs upwards. “What?” asked Gotou.
Yakumo placed his index finger between his eyebrows. “When we entered this hotel, I saw someone’s figure entering the area behind the front desk,” he said calmly. “What about it?”
That didn’t sound particularly strange. Gotou had seen an entrance to and from the area behind the front desk that had been covered with a curtain. Perhaps an office space was behind there. It would be normal for employees to enter and exit to and from that office.
“Do you still not realise?” “Ha?”
“Earlier, Oohori-san said he was all alone.” As soon as Gotou understood what Yakumo was trying to say, his body began to shiver.
Come to think of it, when he had been talking to Oohori at the front desk, he hadn’t seen anyone entering the area behind the front desk. In other words, that person had only been visible to Yakumo. 
And they had been none other than a ghost. -
4 -
“Huh?” Haruka exclaimed spontaneously. She had managed to insert the key into the keyhole and unlocked it. Yet somehow the door itself wouldn’t open.
No matter how much she pushed or pulled, the door refused to budge. As she deliberated calling the front desk employee, for the final time, Haruka attempted to push the door whilst putting her body weight onto her shoulder.
The door opened with a creaking sound. As it turned out, the door frame didn’t seem to fit properly. Like this, she would have trouble entering and leaving the room. Haruka decided to contact the front desk later on.
Thank goodness. She entered the room feeling relieved. The next second however, Haruka spontaneously halted her steps.
This room was incredibly dark. The further it was from the door, the darkness became more intense, to the point that the furthest part of the room appeared to be painted with black ink. “What’s with this room…?”
Haruka wavered at first, but she soon discovered the cause. The windows inside the room were entirely covered by blackout curtains. Typically when a guest first checked in to their hotel room, the blackout curtains would be left open. Someone seemed to have left it closed.
Haruka released her hand from the door and began stepping further into the room. Walking in as the door closed with a thud, the room became enveloped in darkness.
She fumbled around for the curtains and opened them. Due to the rain, you couldn’t exactly call the room bright, but she could at least see the state of the room.
She wouldn’t have to go through this trouble, had she turned on the lights first earlier. Embarrassed by her poor technique, Haruka walked towards the bathroom. First of all, she needed to dry her wet hair. Otherwise, she would catch a cold.
The bathroom was in the same room as the toilet, similar to that of one person apartments. Perhaps because it hadn’t been used in a long time, the washbasin and the toilet lid was covered in a thin layer of dust.
Well, not that she could complain. “Towel, towel...”
She tried looking for them, but didn’t find any.  Perhaps it could be in the bedroom?
Haruka exited the bathroom and gazed across the bedroom. There was a bed, and a sideboard with television and a telephone on top. She couldn’t find a towel anywhere she looked.
I give up. Haruka reached for the telephone handset on top of the sideboard to contact the front desk.
There should have been the beeping sound normally heard from the speaker, but she couldn’t hear anything even after putting the handset against her ear. Haruka continued to try and press the extension number written on the telephone, but forget being connected, she couldn’t even hear the sound of a button press.
It seemed that this phone was completely broken. This left her no choice but to leave the room and approach the front desk directly.
As she headed for the door, Yakumo’s words came to her mind. In case you found something that looks like a talisman pasted, let me know immediately.
He had mentioned that talismans would be placed in rooms that were haunted by ghosts. Haruka could just inspect the room upon returning from the front desk. But once it piqued her curiosity, she couldn’t ignore the thought in her mind.
No, towel comes first. Haruka told herself that.
Yet as soon as she reached for the doorknob, she felt someone’s stare from behind. Don’t turn around.
Despite thinking that, her neck slowly turned as if pulled by something. There was no one there.
Only the sound of rain hitting against the window. Perhaps her nerves were becoming too sensitive.
Haruka decided to leave for the front desk immediately. Yet when she was about to face the door again, somehow her gaze was drawn towards a shadow underneath the bed. There was nothing over there.
Although she thought as much, she still grew restless. It was all Yakumo’s fault that she felt this way. Because of all that talk about talismans, Haruka grew anxious and unable to remain composed in the room.
Surely her nerves would calm down once she confirmed that there was no such talisman sticking underneath the bed. Firming her resolve, Haruka approached the bed, went down to her knees, and crouched to peek underneath it—
- 5
- “I’m going out for a bit.”
After Oohori had left their room, Yakumo seemed to be thinking about something, before suddenly saying that and headed for the door. “Where are you going?” asked Gotou.
Yakumo stopped walking and turned. He appeared unenergetic as usual and it was impossible to read what he was thinking.
“It’s bothering my mind, so I’d like to take a brief look.” “You mean Haruka-chan’s room?”
“Why did it come to that? I saw a ghost at the front desk. It has nothing to do with her room.” “I see...”
It was true that since he had seen the ghost at the front desk, Haruka’s room had nothing to do with it. “Wait up. I’m going too,” Gotou slapped his knees and stood up.
When Yakumo had said that it was bothering him, it was possible something might happen. Gotou felt uncomfortable ignoring it. “I’ll go as well,” said Isshin as he also stood up.
“Even if the number of people increases, it wouldn’t make a difference,” said Yakumo, messing with his dishevelled hair in annoyance. Gotou could tell just by looking. Yakumo appeared slightly flustered, far from his usual self.
“This police detective will assist you. You should be thankful,” said Gotou, puffing out his chest. Yakumo burst into laughter. “Gotou-san is a police detective?”
What did you say now? “What do you think I am?”
“A bear whose only quality is his loud voice.” “You little—”
Even though someone had the intention to help him, he had to say something that made that intention disappear. “Don’t get all baited like that. Surely you’re well aware of Yakumo’s personality,” Isshin reminded Gotou so that he managed to swallow his nearly erupting anger within his stomach.
Isshin was right after all. Yakumo wasn’t the type to say things honestly and was a handful to deal with. If he got riled up over the smallest of things, his body wouldn’t last instead. “Anyway, let’s go,” said Isshin.
Once they were in the corridor, Gotou looked upwards to the ceiling. Perhaps due to having just listened to a ghost story, the whole atmosphere felt glum. “So, where do we start?” asked Gotou.
“Right,” Yakumo touched the tip of his chin. “Actually, I’d like to ask around to gather information, but Oohori-san’s the only employee around at the moment.” “In that case, just ask him.”
“Gotou-san, are you really a police detective?” “What?”
Gotou wanted to lay a hand on him, but Isshin, sensing what was about to happen, put himself between Gotou and Yakumo. “We’ve already questioned him. Even if we were to ask him again, he may not know much since he’s still a trainee,” explained Isshin.
Yakumo nodded. “Precisely.” Having mentioned that, Oohori’s nametag did have the word ‘trainee’ above his name. Knowing so, Yakumo hadn’t pried too deeply when Oohori had come to their room.
Yakumo wasn’t only remarkable due to his ability to see ghosts, the sharpness of his mind played a part as well. That was how he had managed to solve many cases thus far. Gotou understood the situation now, but the problem remained on how they should proceed onwards.
“If we can’t question that Oohori guy, who else should we be questioning?” asked Gotou. Yakumo shook his head in disbelief. “I feel like crying, thinking about all the valuable taxpayer money used to pay such a useless man’s salary.”
“This bastard! Say that once again!” Gotou lifted his fist upwards, but Isshin stopped him once again.
“Please calm down. Your brain could deteriorate if you’re so quick to get emotional.” Yakumo’s words may be harsh, but Isshin’s were just as harsh despite being spoken calmly. He really was Yakumo’s uncle after all—
“None of your business. If you’re saying that, does that mean you have any ideas?” said Gotou, attempting to pressure Isshin, yet Isshin’s friendly smile didn’t subside. “There was a convenience store on our way to this hotel, right?” said Isshin.
Indeed, there had been a convenience store about fifty metres away near here. “Don’t tell me you want to go shopping at the convenience store?”
“If there isn’t anyone we can question at the hotel, why don’t we try asking around there?” So that was what he meant.
If there was a ghost in this hotel, that meant someone had died here previously. Convenience store employees had to be made up of local residents, so they should be able to gather information by asking there. Gotou understood the fact, yet he didn’t want to agree just like that.
“Well, let’s give it a try,” he said with a sour face, and Isshin nodded. Gotou felt incredibly uncomfortable as it was like he had been caught acting all stubborn and narrow-minded. If he said anything further, perhaps he’d really be exposed.
“Let’s be on our way—” said Gotou, walking towards the elevator with quicker steps. Isshin followed suit, but Yakumo remained still in the corridor. His gaze seemed empty, as if he wasn’t looking at anything despite having his eyes open.
“What’s up? You’re not going?” called Gotou. Yakumo slowly turned. “Yes. I’ll leave it to you two.”
“What are you going to do?” “I’m going to find out where the ghost went.”
I see. Only Yakumo could confirm where the ghost he had seen had gone.
“Understood,” Gotou replied before boarding the elevator with Isshin. -
6 -
With fearful movements, Haruka peeked underneath the bed— There was nothing like a pale figure lying there in a pool of blood; only shadows were present.
As it turned out, she had simply imagined the eyes of someone staring at her. Furthermore, there were no talismans pasted anywhere.
With this, I can be rest assured. Haruka was about to stand up when she noticed an object that had dropped under the bed. Behind the bed frame leg, around an angle that was difficult to see.
That object was a red shoe. Even so, it wasn’t a size any human could wear. Around a centimetre in size, the shoe likely belonged to a doll.
Haruka extended her hand and picked up the shoe. Why did something like this drop here?
Perhaps someone had forgotten about it. An object as small as this could remain undiscovered when the room had been cleaned. Either way, she needed some towels first and foremost.
Her hair had gotten fairly dry, but having gotten rained on, Haruka would like to take a shower to feel refreshed. When inquiring about the towels at the front desk, she would hand over this dropped item as well. Haruka pocketed the doll shoe and as she headed for the door, someone called to her. 
“Hey.” She turned around immediately.
And yet, no one was there. Her nerves were becoming sensitive after all. She needed to think about something else—
At the corner of her vision as she turned for the door again, was a person’s face. “Hya-!” Haruka screamed as she jumped back.
As her back crashed against the wall, the television on top of the sideboard shook. What was that just now?
With all her might, Haruka held herself back from panicking, her eyes scanning across the entire room. Then—
She spotted the face that she had seen earlier. Displayed near the bed headboard was a framed piece of painting. It portrayed a woman standing at the seashore with sorrowful eyes.
A bust-up view of the woman, its composition was similar to that of Da Vinci’s renowned painting, Mona Lisa. Due to the oil painting’s realism style, it appeared almost lifelike.
Haruka felt relief after knowing what she had just seen earlier. Yet once again, Yakumo’s words came to her mind. Yakumo had requested her to examine the back of any picture frames as well. Upon further observation, the picture frame’s placement above the headboard appeared unnatural.
There’s no way. Despite thinking so, Haruka climbed onto the bed, took off the picture frame and flipped it around.
Thank goodness. There was no talisman at the back.
With this she could really be at ease. It was only as she was about to put the frame back in place that Haruka noticed the fist-sized hole on the wall where the frame used to hang.
The painting seemed to have been deliberately hung above the headboard to cover up this hole. Could this hole be connected to the room next door?
Haruka brought her face closer to the hole. Dark—
There was no sign of a light source from the other end of the hole. Still, she felt terrified at the thought that she was being observed through this hole.
Simply putting the frame back in place didn’t sit right with her, so Haruka decided she’d bring it up with the front desk. They might not be able to seal the hole shut immediately, but perhaps they could at least cover it up. Haruka was about to draw her face away when—
Her eyes met with it. On the other side of the hole, an eye suddenly appeared, gazing intently at Haruka.
Wide open, the whites were clearly visible. In contrast, its pupil was small and the blood vessels appeared prominent and red.
Haruka couldn’t let out a sound. Her body was thrown backwards and she fell on her back. Her breathing grew difficult.
Haruka tried to lift her body and stared at the hole once more. I must’ve been seeing things. That has to be it.
Haruka tried to convince herself before she hurriedly returned the picture frame to its place to block the hole. The woman in the painting stared at her.
Haruka felt like their gazes met. The eye she had seen from within the hole earlier came back into her mind.
Had she really just been seeing things? She truly felt there had been an eye staring at her through the hole. Haruka could simply get the picture frame out of the way and look into the hole to confirm. Even so, it’d be impossible for her to peek into that hole once again.
Anyway, let’s get out of this room. Haruka got off the bed to head for the door.
That instant, her legs became weak from fear, causing her to fall to her knees. She turned to find the woman in the painting looking at her still.
That was obvious since it was a painting after all. But in Haruka’s current state, she wasn’t able to think clearly. I have to run.
Using the wall as a support so she wouldn’t fall, Haruka stood up and walked towards the door. She reached for the doorknob and pulled it, but somehow the door didn’t budge.
“Why?” Desperately, Haruka tried her hardest to pull it.
The door still wouldn’t open. You’ve got to be kidding me.
She continued turning the doorknob as she occasionally turned to look at the room. At that moment, the picture frame fell onto the bed with a thud.
The hole— The hole in the wall became visible.
And then. From within that hole—
An eye— Wide open, the eye moved from left to right as if searching for Haruka.
So she hadn’t been mistaken after all. Haruka couldn’t bear it anymore.
With lightning speed she opened the nearby bathroom door and jumped inside. Her hands were trembling.
No, it wasn’t just her hands. Her entire body was shaking nonstop that she lost control of it herself. Haruka struggled to calm her uneven breathing before contemplating what she had to do next.
That eye wouldn’t be able to find her while inside this bathroom. However, she couldn’t shut herself in here forever. That’s right, Yakumo-kun.
She could contact Yakumo to ask for help. Haruka hurriedly searched for her phone in her pocket, but couldn't find it.
She had left her phone on the sideboard. Haruka thought about retrieving it, but she immediately rejected the idea. Heading to retrieve the phone on the sideboard meant she would be seen by the eye inside the hole.
Honestly, she didn’t have the courage to do that. What should I do?
Confused, Haruka sat in place whilst wrapping her arms around her own shoulder. Gurgle—
Haruka jolted at the sound and lifted her face. “What is it now?”
Gurgle— Gurgle gurgle—
It sounded like someone coughing. Took her a while until she realised that the sound had come from the water pipes.
She didn’t know whether the pipes had made such noises merely out of their poor condition, or because of a spiritual phenomenon. Even so, perhaps the bathroom wasn’t a safe place either.
Scary— Yet in order to escape her fear, she had to open the door once more and leave this room.
Haruka gathered her strength and stood up to exit the bathroom. Right then, she spotted a black shadow standing on the other side of the frosted glass on the bathroom door.
The shadow was somewhat spread out so she couldn’t tell whether it was a male or female, but it was unmistakably the shadow of a person. “No way...”
Don’t come any closer! Haruka screamed within her heart, but the shadow came closer in her direction as if mocking her. This is bad.
Haruka held the bathroom door from the inside. She didn’t know whether such a thing would be effective against a ghost or not. Either way, she had no other ideas.
Please! Don’t go in! Haruka couldn’t even open her eyes. She closed her eyes shut, chanting those words over and over in her heart.
Just how much time had passed since then— Suddenly, she had a feeling that the shadow before her eyes had disappeared.
To tell the truth, she was scared. If the shadow were still standing where it had been once she opened her eyes, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to maintain her sanity. Regardless, standing still like this wouldn’t solve anything.
Surely it’ll be fine. Haruka convinced herself and slowly released the tension on her eyes.
Her vision gradually returned. The shadow—wasn’t there.
The shadow that had been across the frosted glass had disappeared without a trace. Haruka sighed in relief.
However, the problem was what came after this. Her courage to leave the bathroom had vanished entirely. “What should I do…?”
As she lowered her head came an unsettling click, and the bathroom lamp started flickering. “Please…enough already...” Partly sobbing, Haruka begged as she looked upwards to the lamp fixed on the ceiling.
As if signalled by her gesture, the lamp with its once flickering yellow light then went out— The bathroom became dark.
Why is it like this? Maybe the lamp hadn’t been installed properly. That had to be it.
Haruka gulped before extending her hand in the direction of the lamp. At that moment, her reflection came in the mirror.
She mustn’t look. Despite knowing that, she had already seen it unintentionally. The mirror didn’t reflect just her.
A doll with a faint smile was also reflected there. “Nooooo!” 
In full blown panic, Haruka screamed until her throat felt like it would rip. -
7 -
“Anyway, this rain sure is awful,” Gotou mumbled as he turned to watch the neverending rain from the hotel lobby. The rain was comparable to a bucket of water turned upside down.
“It certainly is,” said Isshin, who stood next to him, nodding as he stared at the rain. “Like this, we wouldn’t be able to see Mount Fuji even though we came all the way to Yamanashi.”
“We’re not here on holiday. Mount Fuji isn’t going anywhere either, we can always see it some other time.” “Well, that’s true,” Gotou replied with a sigh. As Isshin had said, they hadn’t come to Yamanashi for a holiday. Besides, the downpour might subside tomorrow.
For now, it was more important for them to find the identity of the ghost Yakumo had seen. “In that case, let’s quickly head there,” he said, looking at the convenience store located about fifty metres ahead.
“You’re planning to go through this pouring rain without an umbrella?” asked Isshin. The rain was so heavy that it would obstruct one’s line of vision. Gotou would’ve liked to use an umbrella, but unfortunately he didn’t have one with him.
“Let’s just make a run for it.” “That’s not necessary—”
Isshin was about to say something, but Gotou had ignored him and dashed outside. Obviously he got drenched in an instant, but if he sat still worrying about the fact, he would only get even more soaked.
Gotou crossed the road that had practically turned into a river and ran for the eaves of the convenience store. He took deep breaths upon reaching. He was drenched until water dripped from his hair. His socks were completely soaked as well.
“This rain is really…” Gotou wiped the droplets off his jacket as he turned towards the road he had just passed earlier.
He thought Isshin would’ve followed right after him, yet amidst the rain, the monk’s figure was nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t able to see clearly thanks to the rain, but Isshin was probably still inside the hotel, hesitant to go outside.
Geez, Gotou grumbled on the inside as he lit a cigarette. Surely Isshin would give in soon enough and come over here. Even if he didn’t, Gotou could simply gather information all by himself.
As he had that thought, he saw Isshin walking over towards him. The entire opposite of Gotou, Isshin calmly walked through the heavy rain.
To no one’s surprise, Isshin’s hand was holding an umbrella. “If you have an umbrella, why didn’t you say so earlier?” protested Gotou after waiting for Isshin to arrive.
Gotou disliked the idea of a pair of uncles walking around sharing an umbrella, but it was a better option than getting drenched from running through the rain. Isshin went underneath the convenience store eaves and said as he folded the umbrella, “I told you so.”
“I didn’t hear anything.” “I said let’s borrow umbrellas from the front desk, but you had run off by yourself.”
“Ugh.” Come to think of it, when they were about to leave the hotel, Isshin had been saying something, but Gotou hadn’t listened and ran off alone instead.
“Don’t go running into things without considering the consequences. It’s better if you stop for a moment and use your head.” “Shut up. I don’t need an umbrella with this much rain.”
“As expected, wild bears sure are tough.” “Who are you calling a bear?!”
“Anyway, let’s hurry up and ask them,” Paying no attention to the irritated Gotou, Isshin entered the convenience store. 
Gotou felt annoyed, but as Isshin had said, they better settle matters quickly. Gotou threw the cigarette he had been smoking to an ashtray in front of the convenience store, and followed Isshin inside. “Welcome,” greeted a woman who seemed to be in her fifties, with a voice so devoid of emotion. 
It left Gotou to wonder, shouldn’t it be written in convenience store employee handbooks that the employees should greet customers full of emotion? “Excuse us, but we’d like to ask something...” said Gotou, approaching the female employee tending to the store.
“Yes?” replied the woman with a confused look as she took a step back. A drenched man suddenly walked towards her. Her response was understandable.
“Actually, this is my job,” said Gotou, showing his police badge. “A police? Really?”
The woman’s voice became guarded. Furthermore, her hand was already reaching for the emergency call button underneath the counter. “A real one, of course.”
“From which department? Is there an ongoing case?” said the woman, bombarding him with questions. He was being heavily suspected. Did he not look like a detective all that much?
“No, that's why…” “He may look like this, but he’s the real deal,” said Isshin to help. “Although he looks like a bear with a scary face, he’s cowardly and gets lonely easily like a rabbit.”
Acting familiar, Isshin patted Gotou’s shoulder. Who’s a lonely rabbit around here—!
Gotou really wanted to protest, but held himself back. Saying the wrong things now would only raise further suspicion on them.
Isshin displayed a friendly smile, softening the woman’s expression in response. “What a strange combination,” said the woman as she stared back and forth between Gotou and Isshin.
Certainly, a police detective and a monk standing next to each other might be an uncommon scenario. “I think so too. The truth is, we came here to ask about something—” Isshin said in a polite tone.
“About what?” “Actually—we’re staying at that hotel over there,” Isshin pointed at the hotel.
“Yes.” “As I said earlier, this man is a coward and he made a ruckus saying he’d seen a ghost at the hotel. I’ve told him that there’s nothing to worry about, but being a coward, he said he wouldn’t believe it until he knew for certain.” Isshin explained while looking at Gotou, acting like he was in disbelief.
You’re joking me! The person who had made claims about the existence of a ghost hadn’t been Gotou, but Yakumo. Aside from that, he wasn’t that much of a coward to be complaining simply because there was a ghost.
He had a mountain of things to say, but decided to stay quiet to avoid overcomplicating the conversation. “It felt rude to ask hotel employees whether there were any rumours of the place being haunted, so we decided to ask local residents while going shopping,“ Isshin continued politely.
Gotou couldn’t accept that the story placed all the blame onto him, yet he was also impressed that Isshin could make up a story as smoothly as that. “Did you really see a ghost at that hotel?” The woman asked Gotou, her face filled with suspicion.
Gotou hadn’t actually seen a ghost, but explaining the real situation was too much of a trouble, not to mention it would go against Isshin’s story. “I did.” Gotou gave her a short answer.
“Was the ghost of a little girl?” said the woman as she lowered her voice. Come to think of it, he had forgotten to ask Yakumo what the ghost had been like. But based on her response, it might be better for him to align the conversation.
“Yes.” “So it was true...” said the woman, reaching for her mouth.
“Do you know anything about it?” “Please don’t mention it elsewhere that I’m the one who told you this.”
“Understood,” Gotou replied with a nod. The woman glanced at the hotel across the rain before she began her explanation—
- 8
- “Nooooo!” 
Haruka screamed to the point that her throat felt like it would rip. Strength left her knees and they trembled, making her fall sitting down in place. Haruka covered her face with both hands and closed her eyes shut.
Even so, she was well aware that the entity she had seen wouldn’t disappear just from her doing that. The reflection on the mirror returned to her mind once again.
This bathroom was cramped. There shouldn’t be anyone else but her in here. Nevertheless, she was certain that she had seen the shadow of a person standing behind her when she had been looking at the mirror. The shadow was black, so she hadn’t been able to see its face clearly. Yet she had felt as if the shadow had faintly smiled at her.
Haruka kept still for a while. The next second, something suddenly grazed her nape— It made her jolt and stood up.
Out of reflex, the mirror that she had been avoiding came into her sight. However—
Reflected on the mirror was her face, tense out of fear, and nothing else. The shadow she had seen earlier had already disappeared. Was I mistaken?
No, that couldn’t be it. She was certain there had been a shadow reflected in the mirror. If it had been a ghost, perhaps the ghost was still inside the bathroom. Waves of terror washed over her.
Let’s get out of here quick. As she touched the bathroom door, there was a thud and the room shook lightly.
Surprised, Haruka halted her movements. She had forgotten all about it from panic, but she now recalled the reason why she was in the bathroom.
In her room was a hole in the wall, and someone had peeked at her through said hole. Scared, she had evacuated into the bathroom to escape from that eye. Thinking about how she might get stared at again by the terrifying eye after getting out of here made her body paralyse in fear.
Despite that, she couldn’t stay inside the bathroom forever. She wanted to leave the hotel room, but the door wouldn’t move even when pushed or pulled. She’d like to ask for help, but her phone was on the sideboard next to the bed.
What should I do? Haruka sat down again and covered her face with both hands.
“Yakumo-kun...” she whispered a name as she held back the tears that welled up. Along with that, she remembered the line that Yakumo had always said.
Spirits of the dead were no monsters or a new kind of entity, they were clusters of emotions of humans that had passed away— Yakumo, with his red left eye and its ability to see spirits of the dead, had been able to understand the feelings of wandering ghosts and had resolved various cases based on that theory.
Nothing could get solved by sitting around in the bathroom. Following Yakumo’s theory, she might be able to resolve this situation by finding out the reason why the ghost had been wandering.
Haruka firmed her resolve. She took her hands off her face, stood up, and faced the mirror. She would be lying to say that she wasn’t scared.
Her knees were still shaking and her breathing was irregular. Regardless, there was nothing else she could do now. Things wouldn’t sort itself out if she were to sit around hoping help would arrive.
“Hey, are you there?” Haruka called towards the mirror. No response.
“Who are you? What’s the reason you’re wandering around?” Haruka asked once more. The silence continued.
Unlike Yakumo, Haruka couldn’t see ghosts. Occasionally she could, but only partially, like the eye and the shadow from earlier, not to mention unstable. She had doubts on whether she’d be able to clearly sense what they wanted.
But she couldn’t think of any other way besides this. Haruka gulped until her throat made a sound, and stared back at the mirror.
She nodded firmly at herself, tensed up from fear.  “Hey, why are you wandering around? Can you tell me?”
As if answering Haruka's call, the bathroom lights that had gone out began to flicker. Then—
Within the dimness, a dark shadow emerged behind Haruka’s reflection in the mirror— -
9 -
“Two uncles sharing an umbrella together, how gross—” As Gotou and Isshin returned to the hotel lobby, they were greeted by a mocking smile from Yakumo.
“Not that we’d like to, more like we had no choice,” They only had one umbrella, so they had no choice but to share during their return trip from the convenience store.
“Seems to me that you liked it though,” Yakumo grinned and sat on the lobby sofa. “There’s no way.”
“I wonder.” Gotou had a lot to say, but he had a feeling the more he denied it, the more he’d get cornered. He swallowed his anger and sat on a sofa across from Yakumo. Isshin sat next to him as well.
“So, did you two find anything?” asked Yakumo. “Before that, how are things on your end?” asked Gotou in return.
Yakumo said he had been searching for where the ghost had gone. Prior to sharing the information he had gathered, he would like to hear Yakumo’s side of the story. “How are what?”
“You were looking for the ghost, right? Did you find it?” “No,” Yakumo shook his head.
“What? You were speaking so arrogantly, yet you turned up with no results, huh,” cursed Gotou. Yakumo blatantly scowled. “I never meant to say it arrogantly, and although I couldn’t find the ghost, I did get some results.”
To Gotou, his words had merely sounded like he was trying to act tough. “What kind of results?” “A number of things.”
“That’s why I’m asking, what are those things exactly?” urged Gotou. Yakumo laughed bitterly with a troubled gesture before he began speaking. “I told you that the ghost I saw had entered the area behind the front desk, right?”
“Yes.” He had certainly said so.
“Since the ghost had gone there, there had to be something there. So I went to check for myself.” So that was how it was.
“You asked that trainee employee Oohori to let you get inside?” “No.”
“You just went inside as you liked?” “Yeah. Since that person wasn’t aware of any ghost story here, I thought it’d be troublesome to ask for his permission, so...”
As it turned out, Yakumo had stealthily sneaked inside while Oohori was away from the front desk. Gotou glanced at the front desk, unable to spot Oohori’s presence there.
“Don’t act too reckless. What would you do if you were discovered?” If Yakumo were caught trespassing into the area behind the front desk, he might get reported to the authorities.
“I’ve got that taken care of,” “Taken care of?”
As Gotou questioned him back, Yakumo turned in the direction of the stairs. There, Oohori could be seen descending the stairs, walking towards them. He held a lightbulb in his hand. “Apologies for the inconvenience. I’ve replaced it, so it should be fine now—” said Oohori, bowing politely to Yakumo.
“Thank you.” Seeing Yakumo respond to him with a smile, Gotou could hazard a guess as to what he had done.
Most likely, Yakumo had deliberately sabotaged the light bulb in their room and had requested Oohori to replace it. That way, he could freely get into the area behind the front desk. “Ah, could I ask you one thing?” Yakumo stopped Oohori who was about to leave.
“What is it?” “Is Oohori-san really the only one working today?”
“Ah, yes. What about it…?” “No. I just thought it must be tough…”
“Thank you for your concern—” Oohori made a business smile before returning to the front desk. “Is something bothering you?” Gotou asked Yakumo after waiting for Oohori to be some distance away.
“When I went to the area behind the front desk earlier, I found a strange object,” said Yakumo, narrowing his eyes. “A strange object?”
“A shoe.” “A shoe?”
“Yes. A red shoe that was probably a woman’s shoe, and it was missing the other half—” said Yakumo, with a face as if he had known everything.  A single lone shoe was indeed peculiar, but someone could simply have forgotten it in the hotel room and the front desk had been holding on to it.
Or perhaps, it could belong to another employee that had forgotten the shoe there. “Did that shoe have anything to do with the ghost?”
“I have no idea,” said Yakumo, full of confidence. “You have no idea…? How careless of you…”
“I refuse to accept being told that by a clumsy bear like Gotou-san.” “Bear this, bear that, you’re so noisy!”
“What’s wrong with calling a bear, a bear?” This bastard!
Gotou was at the limit of his patience. He wanted to beat this man even if just for a single punch. He raised his fist, ready to land it on Yakumo’s face, but Isshin immediately caught his arm and calmed him down. “Now, now.”
The bug in his stomach wouldn’t sit still, but Gotou knew more obviously than seeing fire that if he were to hit Yakumo, he’d be retaliated constantly afterwards. Gotou clicked his tongue and cooled his anger.
“So, did you two get anything on your end?” asked Yakumo, as if the conversation earlier had never happened. “There weren’t any stories in particular about a ghost in this hotel,” said Gotou.
“I see...” Yakumo responded with a slightly disappointed look. “However, there was a case that took place in this hotel one year ago.”
“A case?” “That’s right. Once, a woman and her four-year-old daughter stayed in this hotel previously.”
“Then?” “When the mother left her child inside the room to go shopping, an incident happened—” said Gotou, pausing his sentence to observe Yakumo’s expression.
“Cut the suspense and continue the story.” It was blunt of him, but perhaps Gotou was acting a little too dramatic. Gotou cleared his throat and continued. 
“The girl, who was left alone in the room, fell from the window—” Putting it into words, Gotou felt a squeezing pain in his chest.
He had to deal with all sorts of cases on the regular and he should’ve gotten used to handling tragedies with fatal casualties. Even so, the deaths of young children had always left an unpleasant feeling in his chest no matter how many times he encountered them. After a moment of silence, Yakumo muttered, “Rather than a case, that was more like an accident.”
“I thought so too. But from what we heard, something was amiss,” Isshin added. “What was amiss?”
“Apparently, the window that the girl had fallen from should’ve been out of reach for a child of her height.” “And yet, she fell from it...?”
“That’s right. According to the person who discovered her, there was a chair under the window.” “A chair that was part of the hotel room?”
“Uh-huh. Judging from the circumstances, that meant the girl had shifted the chair all by herself, climbed on top, and fell from the window—” “How did you find out about the situation to that level of detail?”
It was understandable for Yakumo to question that fact. “The husband of the convenience store employee that we visited to gather information from had been working in this hotel when the incident happened.”
“I see...so what I saw...” Yakumo mumbled as if talking to himself whilst folding his arms. Gotou couldn’t clearly grasp what he was saying as his voice was too quiet.
“What? Say it clearly.” said Gotou. Yakumo grimaced in displeasure. “No need to make a ruckus, I’ll explain eventually.”
Yakumo shook his head in disbelief, throwing a sharp gaze on Gotou before he continued, “The ghost I saw at the front desk was of a little girl around four years old—” “In that case…”
“We still have no evidence, but I think it was unmistakably her since the girl in that story died a year ago here.” “The problem now is why the girl is wandering in this hotel,” said Isshin as he rubbed his bald head.
Certainly, that was the most important point. According to Yakumo’s theory, ghosts linger in this world due to some unfulfilled desire. In other words, the ghost of that little girl had lingered for a reason.
The local police had closed the incident as an accident, but Gotou had another thought. “Seems like you have something in mind, Gotou-san,” said Yakumo who was able to guess what he was thinking.
“It’s my own instinct talking, but—” Gotou said before he continued, “perhaps the girl didn’t die from an accident, but was murdered.” “That’s an unpleasant line of thinking. Do you have any basis for it?” Yakumo threw him a look full of doubt.
“I told you it was just my instinct.” “Like this, Gotou-san is a police officer after all, right? Surely you’re not so stupid as to carelessly say things according to instinct without some kind of basis.”
“That first part was unnecessary.” “Save the complaints and get talking,” said Yakumo, lifting his left eyebrow.
Geez. What an unendearing guy. “However you look at it, I felt the part about a chair being moved under the window was off.”
“Well, that’s true.” “If she was older, there’d be a possibility of it being a suicide, but for what reason would a four-year-old child deliberately move a chair under the window?”
“Perhaps she wanted to climb to play? Nao often does that too. She’ll climb onto a chair and then jump down,” interrupted Isshin. Having no children of his own, Gotou had no opinion, but as Isshin had spoken from experience, such a thing might be possible after all.
Despite this, the odd feeling within Gotou didn’t go away. “Suppose she did want to play that way, she wouldn’t jump out the window, right?” Children had very little sense of danger. Particularly once they were fixated on something, they had the tendency to not pay attention to their surroundings.
Even knowing that, it felt impossible for the girl to have played by climbing onto the chair and then jumping out the window. Isshin also responded, “You’re right...”
“What do you think happened, Gotou-san?” asked Yakumo. His gaze was as if testing Gotou.
“I’m thinking the girl might have been pushed out the window by someone.” “Pushed out...”
“Yes. After pushing the girl out the window, the culprit placed the chair next to the window to make it appear like an accident.” “Interesting analysis coming from someone like Gotou-san, but the basis is still weak,” said Yakumo.
“I’m well aware that the basis is weak. It’s just that, if she had died from an accident, there’d be no reason for her to be haunting this hotel, right?” If she had died from being killed and now held a grudge towards the person who had killed her, that would be reason enough for her to still be lingering about this hotel.
“I’ll take Gotou-san’s analysis into consideration for the time being. Rather than that, do you know where the girl had fallen down?” Yakumo asked as he stood up. “Yes. I’ve asked about it.”
“Please take me there.” “Got it,” Gotou stood up in response, before walking outside. Yakumo and Isshin followed behind him.
Once he had passed the automated door at the hotel lobby entrance, he stopped. Large droplets of rain were still pouring just as hard as before.
The spot where Gotou and the rest stood had a roof so they weren’t hit directly by the rain, but it was almost like they were being sprayed with water because of the raindrops blown by the wind. “I was told she had been lying there—” said Gotou, pointing about 10 metres in front of the hotel lobby entrance.
“From which floor did she fall from?” asked Yakumo. “The fourth floor,” replied Gotou, starting to feel uncomfortable.
It was about fifty metres above ground. If only there had been shrubs underneath to cushion the fall, yet the ground was made of concrete instead. The moment she had fallen, she’d already be beyond saving.
“Hold on. Which room number was she in?” asked Yakumo, frowning with a serious expression. “If I’m not mistaken...404.”
As soon as Gotou said that, Yakumo reached for his phone and called someone. Watching him made Gotou come to his senses.
The room from where the girl had fallen was the same room Haruka was currently staying in. Looking from outside, the room lights weren’t on. It was incredibly dark outside from the rain, so it was unnatural for her not to have the lights on.
Yakumo clicked his tongue as he ended the call. “How is it?”
“She’s not answering,” said Yakumo, gritting his teeth, Gotou then shouted, “Let’s go!” and started running.
- 10
- Suppressing her fear, Haruka stared intently at the reflection in the mirror.
Its face was indiscernible, but based on the stature and hairstyle, Haruka could tell that she was a little girl. Why would such a small child be wandering?
As Haruka questioned that fact, her chest stung as if she’d been stabbed. Haruka had no idea what had happened, but since this little girl had emerged as a ghost, that could only mean she was already dead.
Why did this little girl had to die— The fear that had once enveloped Haruka’s entire body disappeared at the thought.
Perhaps this girl was carrying a deep sorrow. Haruka couldn’t understand the feelings of ghosts like Yakumo could. Yet even if just a bit, she could sympathise with this child’s feelings and wanted to do something for her. 
“Please. Tell me, why are you in a place like this?” asked Haruka to the shadow on the other side of the mirror. The girl gave no answer.
Perhaps she had actually said something, but Haruka couldn’t hear her. In times like this, Haruka became incredibly envious of Yakumo.
If only she had an ability like Yakumo’s, she’d be able to respond to the reflection in the mirror— “I’m sorry. I can’t hear you properly…” said Haruka without realising.
Tears welled up in her eyes. Not out of fear. A mixture of sadness, frustration, and disappointment overflowed from her chest. Seemingly out of pity for Haruka, the girl in the mirror appeared to be saying something.
“Hey, what should I do to break your attachment to this world?” asked Haruka to the girl as she held onto the mirror. No reply.
In exchange, the girl pointed in the direction behind Haruka. Following the girl’s fingers, Haruka turned around.
There was nothing but the white bathroom walls there. Could there be something on these walls? Haruka felt around the wall and tried examining it, but she didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.
“What’s the meaning of this?” asked Haruka, turning towards the mirror again. The girl kept pointing behind Haruka.
Sorry, I don’t see anything, Haruka mumbled in her heart, when a thought emerged in her mind. She had assumed that this girl had been pointing at the bathroom wall, but perhaps she had instead been pointing at the room on the other side of the wall.
“There’s something in the room?” Haruka’s question made the shadow in the mirror nod.
So that was it. Due to her panic, she hadn’t looked at the room interior closely, but perhaps therein laid the reason that this girl had been wandering.
Haruka touched the bathroom door. The image of an eye came to her mind.
The eye that had watched Haruka through the hole in the wall— She’d be seen by that eye once again if she returned to that room.
Haruka briefly had that thought, but she got rid of it immediately. Surely that eye had really been the girl reflected in the mirror.
There’s no need to be afraid. Haruka firmed her resolve and slowly opened the bathroom door.
Its hinges creaked and the door eventually opened. The room was dimly lit and quiet.
She could see the door leading to the corridor. Earlier, the door hadn’t budged at all, but if she were to try again, perhaps it would open. Once she escaped from the room, she would ask Yakumo for help—
She considered the idea for a moment, but Haruka shook her head, attempting to rid herself of said thought. If the door still refused to open after she tried again, she would remain trapped in this room.
Furthermore, the girl in the mirror might become angered if Haruka tried to escape, and could make her go through something even more terrifying. Most importantly, her desire to help the wandering girl was stronger.
Why would the ghost of a little girl be wandering in a hotel room? Even if just a little, she wanted to understand her feelings. Haruka drew her breath, gathered all the courage in her stomach, and walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom.
The painting had fallen on top of the bed. Then, a fist-sized hole where the painting had used to hang.
Earlier, an eye had been staring at her from that hole, but now there was nothing there. Haruka sighed in relief before scanning the entire room and turning the gears in her head. What exactly was the girl trying to show her?
No matter how hard she thought, she couldn’t come up with an answer. Haruka was about to give up when at that moment, she remembered something.
Back when she had been searching for any talismans pasted under the bed, she had found something. Haruka had picked it up and kept it in her pocket. She hurriedly shoved her hand into her pocket and took out the item.
A red shoe that seemed to be that of a doll’s. Perhaps the reason why the girl had been wandering was because she had been looking for this shoe.
For little girls, losing such an important doll shoe full of memories would be considered a huge problem. If she were to return this, the ghost of the little girl might be able to rest in peace.
Haruka firmly held onto the red shoe. She felt someone staring at her back and slowly turned around— A girl was standing there.
Her face had been blurred when she had appeared in the mirror, but now it was clearly visible. She was an adorable girl with a round face and big eyes.
“Is this yours?” Haruka handed over the red shoe she’d been holding on towards the girl.
In an instant, a smile formed in the girl’s face. Seeing her overjoyed face made the tension Haruka had been feeling this whole time disappear without a trace.
She even had to hold herself together so she wouldn’t collapse on the spot. However, that sense of relief was short-lived.
The girl made a terrified expression and pointed behind Haruka. What is it?
Turning around, Haruka’s eyes widened. Once again, an eye peered from within the hole in the wall—
Was I mistaken? Was what the girl had been looking for not this shoe? The eye—
Its appearance red and angry, the eye glared at Haruka. Haruka couldn’t act calm anymore.
She then held her head and screamed— -
11 -
The moment Gotou stepped out of the elevator, he heard a scream. After briefly exchanging glances with Yakumo and Isshin, they sprinted as fast as they could towards room 404, where Haruka was at.
“Oi! Haruka-chan! Are you alright?” he called out whilst banging on the door, but there was no reply. A terrible premonition passed through his mind.
He turned the doorknob, trying to open the door, but the door wouldn’t move an inch even when pushed or pulled. “What are you doing? Open it quickly!” urged Yakumo.
Yakumo was usually composed, but he must’ve grown restless after hearing Haruka’s scream. “I know,” Gotou responded. With his entire strength, he slammed his body against the door until it opened with a bam. Gotou nearly got knocked forward.
“Move out of the way,” Yakumo shoved Gotou to the side and went inside the room. They immediately found Haruka there.
Sat in the middle of the room, her body was shaking violently. “Are you alright?” asked Yakumo.
Haruka, who couldn’t grasp the situation at first, gradually showed an expression of relief and hugged Yakumo as she shed her tears. She had to have gone through something terrifying.
Gotou understood how she felt, but somehow he felt embarrassed watching them instead. Yakumo stayed quiet for a while, and only spoke after waiting for Haruka to calm down. “What happened?”
Haruka nodded quietly upon hearing Yakumo’s words, wiped her tears, and began explaining after she stood up slowly. Occasionally she would sob as she hadn’t stopped crying completely, but the gist of the story was conveyed.
As it turned out, Haruka had experienced a spiritual phenomenon in this room. Despite that, Gotou was impressed that she had continued to deal with the situation by thinking about the reason why the ghost of the little girl had been wandering, and had subsequently taken action.
All that remained was to leave the rest to Yakumo. “Yakumo, did you get anything?” asked Isshin after Haruka finished her story.
“Wait a moment,” said Yakumo, stepping away from Haruka and walking further into the room. Gotou and the others couldn’t see anything. But such wasn’t the case for Yakumo.
Gotou, Haruka, and Isshin waited as they stared at Yakumo’s back. Yakumo’s red left eye would surely discover something unbeknownst to the three of them. “So that was how it was...” muttered Yakumo shortly after.
“What did you get?” asked Gotou eagerly. “Please calm down a little,” grumbled Yakumo before facing Haruka. “Your analysis was half correct.”
“Eh?” Haruka exclaimed in surprise. “Firstly, the ghost of the little girl that you saw was of a child named Mahiro-chan that had died a year ago.”
“The girl whose story we heard at the convenience store?” asked Gotou to confirm. Yakumo nodded. “When her mother had gone out to shop a year ago, Mahiro-chan had been playing with her doll in this room. Unfortunately, the window was open at the time.”
The tone of Yakumo’s voice instantly turned depressing. Without needing to mention it, Gotou could more or less predict what came afterwards.
“Don’t tell me, Mahiro-chan accidentally dropped the doll through the window?” said Gotou. With a gloomy expression, Yakumo nodded. “That’s right. She had been throwing it upwards, imitating how adults would play with young children the same way, but the doll had gotten thrown out the window. It would’ve been better if the doll had fallen all the way down, but it had gotten stuck on the awning below the window instead.”
“So Mahiro-chan had fallen over whilst trying to retrieve it—was what you meant,” said Gotou. Isshin closed his eyes with a pained look on his face, while Haruka pressed her hand onto her chest as if holding back something.
Gotou himself couldn’t help but feel suffocated. Surely Mahiro had wanted to retrieve her doll, but since the window had been out of reach, she had moved the chair inside the room under the window and had climbed onto it.
Then, she had lost her balance and fell down. Unfortunate was the only way to describe it. If only she had been slightly older, she might’ve been able to realise the danger of the situation, but Mahiro hadn’t had such an awareness.
Her mother probably hadn’t thought that her daughter would move a chair next to the window and climb it in the few minutes she had been away. They had finally discovered the cause behind Mahiro’s death, yet on the contrary, it made Gotou understand less as to why Mahiro would be wandering.
As Gotou raised that question, Yakumo narrowed his eyes. “I’ve said this earlier, but only half of her analysis was correct.” said Yakumo, turning towards Haruka. “What do you mean by half?” Haruka looked back at Yakumo, demanding answers.
“The girl called Mahiro became a wandering spirit because she was looking for her red doll shoe—” said Yakumo. Haruka stared at the one half of a doll shoe pair in her hand. “But…when I handed this over to her, the eye over there…” said Haruka as she gripped the red shoe tightly.
“That’s why I said you were half correct.” “Eh?”
“Mahiro-chan had in fact been haunting this hotel looking for her doll shoe. But now, she’s trying to convey something else.” “Something else?”
“That’s right. I first saw her at the hotel front desk. Why was she in such a place?” “So why was she?” asked Gotou in place of the dumbfounded Haruka.
“The shoe. That was the hint.” “The doll shoe?”
“No, not that. The single lone red shoe that I found in the area behind the front desk.” Now that he mentioned it, Yakumo had definitely said something like that. The problem was—
“What does that have to do with this?” “Instead of explaining it with words, it’ll be faster to see it for ourselves. Things should be reaching its limit—” said Yakumo before exiting the room.
Just what did he mean by all that? Gotou exchanged glances with Haruka and Isshin.
No one seemed to know the answer. Despite their dissatisfaction, they could only follow after the man. Nodding to each other, the three left the room after Yakumo—
- 12
- Haruka followed Gotou and Isshin out of the room.
Yakumo, who was already in the corridor, stood in front of the door next to Haruka’s room. “Is there something in that room?” asked Haruka, swallowing her fear.
Right now, Yakumo was standing in front of the room at the other end of the hole that was in her room. “Yes. To be more precise, this actually isn’t a guest room.”
“Is that so?” “This is a linen room,” said Yakumo.
Looking closer at it, there was in fact a sign indicating that it was a linen room, and a plate declaring ‘staff only’ was also stuck there. Linen rooms were dedicated rooms meant to store fitted sheets, pillow covers, towels, and the like.
She had initially thought that this had been a guest room, but since this turned out to be a linen room, what was that eye from earlier? “Is there something in that linen room?” asked Gotou.
“Yes. Gotou-san, please open this up,” Yakumo pointed at the door. “Even if you say to open it…is it alright for us to enter as we please?”
“It’s fine since this is an emergency.” Despite his words, Yakumo’s voice didn’t sound urgent one bit.
Confused, Gotou grabbed onto the doorknob, pushing and pulling it. The door appeared to be locked; there were no signs of it opening. “It’s not opening.”
“Don’t you carry any crowbars with you or something?” “No way I have something like that,”
“Then it can’t be helped. Let’s ask him to open it,” said Yakumo, looking at the stairs. Who did Yakumo mean by him? Pondering that fact, Haruka turned in the direction Yakumo was looking to find Oohori there.
“What are all of you doing?” asked Oohori. His voice was trembling a little.
“Actually, we’d like to open this door. Could you lend us the key?” said Yakumo, displaying a faint smile. “Why do you want to open it?”
Oohori’s question was to be expected. There should be no reason for hotel guests to open a linen room. Even if he was still a trainee, there was no way he would lend the key to them. “Surely you know the reason, Oohori-san,” Yakumo spoke as if he had known everything, and large droplets of sweat began forming on Oohori’s forehead.
There was no mistaking it, Oohori was hiding something. “There’s nothing but fitted sheets and towels inside,”
He was trying his hardest to hide his panic, yet his voice was shaking entirely. “Is that really true?” Yakumo urged him.
“Really.” “It’s best if you stop lying.”
“Lying?” “From the beginning, I’ve felt odd.”
“I’m saying, what’s so odd?” “Although you’re still under training, you didn’t know whether a room was available. It’d be understandable if the hotel was larger, but at this scale, don’t you think it’s odd?”
Certainly, at first they had been told that there had been one room available. Moments later, they had been told again that apparently there had been one more vacant room, and that room had then become Haruka’s room.
“That was merely my mistake...” “Is that so? Then, what do you have to say about this?” Yakumo handed a single shoe that appeared to be a woman’s—that he had seemingly taken out of thin air—to Oohori.
“W-where did you…” “In the employee rest area behind the front desk.”
“You went trespassing inside?” asked Oohori in an accusatory tone. “Please don’t redirect the conversation,” said Yakumo, glaring at Oohori.
“I’m not redirecting...” “In that case, please answer. Who does this shoe belong to?”
“This was, um...The morning shift staff forgot about it...” “Oh? How strange. In the middle of a rain as heavy as this, would anyone go home forgetting their shoe?”
“What nonsense have you been rambling about? With what authority are you doing something like this...” “We do have authority,” interrupted Gotou.
“Eh?” Oohori exclaimed with a surprised look on his face. “Despite his looks, this guy’s a police officer,” Yakumo clarified.
That instant, Oohori turned his heel and quickly ran away while screaming. “Gotou-san! Catch him!”
Even without Yakumo shouting at him, Gotou had already gone after Oohori. Oohori ran down the stairs intending to escape, but Gotou tackled the man’s back and he fell rolling down the stairs.
Gotou then held him face down. Everything happened so quickly that Haruka had no idea what had happened and was left agape.
“What’s the meaning of this?” asked Isshin, who couldn’t grasp the situation either as he shook his head and reached for his chin. “Before I explain, Gotou-san, please get the linen room key from him,” ordered Yakumo.
While restraining Oohori, Gotou removed the bundle of keys from Oohori’s pants before throwing it to Yakumo. “Here.” Yakumo skillfully caught the throw, separating the linen room key once he had singled it out to open the door.
Just what on earth lies within that room? Haruka peered into the linen room through Yakumo’s back and her eyes grew wide.
Inside there was a woman. Strangely, the woman’s hands and legs were tied with duct tape, while her mouth was taped shut.
“Well, this is how things are,” said Yakumo as if they could understand everything just by looking. Haruka didn’t understand a single thing.
- 13
- Half agape, Haruka sat on a sofa at the hotel lobby.
Right at that moment, Oohori was being dragged away by uniformed policemen. The woman that had been trapped in the linen room had been carried to the hospital as well. Yakumo had just finished explaining Oohori’s actions.
As it turned out, the woman who had been trapped in the linen room had been Oohori’s lover. The night before, Oohori had suspected her of cheating and they had had a huge fight. Oohori hadn’t believed his girlfriend. Because of that, he had suspected that she would meet up secretly with her cheating partner while he had been at work.
He had then come up with the idea of locking up his girlfriend. However, if he were to lock her up in his apartment, the door could easily be opened from the inside.
Hence, he had decided to drag his girlfriend all the way to the hotel where he worked and had locked her in the linen room. This hotel’s linen rooms only locked from the outside, so he could easily lock her up.
It was raining heavily today with strong winds, there was renovation work on some of the hotel rooms, and he was working alone; all those factors had supported the execution of his plan. Furthermore, luckily, the room next to the linen room had been vacant, to Oohori’s relief. 
Yet suddenly Haruka and the others had arrived because of the rain. Oohori had wanted to send them away by saying that there was only one room available, but had reconsidered as it would be bad if other employees found out, and therefore had intended to get another room ready—but he had made a miscalculation.
Due to ongoing renovations, the number of usable rooms had been limited, and he had been left with no option but to use room 404. He had planned to take his girlfriend out of the linen room before other employees arrive and lock her elsewhere, but he had gotten discovered by Yakumo beforehand.
“Good grief. Causing nothing but trouble for other people,” Sitting in front of Haruka, Gotou grumbled as he looked outside. “Well, don’t say that. This time, Haruka-chan was troubled the most,” said Isshin, smiling softly as he sat next to Gotou.
“No, I...” Haruka shook her head, but to be honest, she had been so terrified when she had been trapped in the room, that she had thought she wouldn’t be able to come out safely. It turned out the door wouldn’t open due to the poor fitting of the door frame, and the lights had been flickering because it hadn’t been installed properly.
Meanwhile, the room wall had a hole in it because a drunken guest had punched through it about a month prior. As a temporary measure, they had hung a painting to cover it up.
However, the painting had fallen down as the woman trapped in the linen room had been thrashing around. Unable to make a sound as her mouth had been sealed shut, the woman had peeked into Haruka’s room through the hole, seeking for help.
After having it explained logically like this, it may not sound like it was a big deal. Yet Haruka had been panicking at the time.
“Well, either way, this was all thanks to her,” said Yakumo, who had been sitting next to Haruka as he slowly stood up. Standing at the end of his sight had to be none other than that girl called Mahiro.
Haruka had thought Mahiro had been trying to tell Haruka about her red doll shoe, but she really had been telling her about the woman that had been trapped in the linen room next to Haruka’s. Mahiro, who had been searching for her red doll shoe all this time, had witnessed a woman wearing red shoes being forcefully dragged and locked up, and had desperately tried to deliver a message to help her.
Yet Haruka had grasped the message incorrectly. “I get it. I’ll make sure to deliver it, so you can go ahead—” said Yakumo, half crouching to meet the four-year-old girl’s height. His gaze then travelled to a distance.
He must’ve been discussing something with Mahiro. “What did she say?”
“She wanted us to deliver her doll’s red shoe to her family,” Yakumo explained. Haruka stared at the red coloured doll shoe, still within her hands.
“Is that so...” Mahiro had already passed—such was the reality that just hit her, making Haruka struggle to breathe.
Mahiro had fallen because she had wanted to retrieve her doll— She must have been sad, but her mother must be carrying a deep sadness as well, alongside the guilt of causing her daughter’s death by leaving her alone in the room.
“Also, she wanted us to send her thanks to her mother,” said Yakumo, straightening his posture. No matter what, they had to convey Mahiro’s words of gratitude to her mother.
Haruka felt it was the only thing that she could do. “Don’t tell me you guys are planning to go visit that Mahiro girl’s mother?” asked Gotou, frowning his forehead.
“Of course. Any objections?” asked Yakumo, glancing in Gotou’s direction. “No,” Gotou shook his head.
Looking out the window, the rain had stopped for some time before they realised it.
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ofhouses · 1 year
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1070. Shigeru Ban /// Paper House /// Yamanakako, Minamitsuru, Yamanashi, Japan /// 1990-95
OfHouses presents: Japanese Architects, part I - Shigeru Ban.   (Photos: © Hiroyuki Hirai / Shinkenchiku-sha. Source: ‘Jutakutokushu’ 12/1995; Jacobo Krauel, 'Experimental Architecture: Houses', New York: Universe, 2004; Philip Jodidio, 'Shigeru Ban, 1957: Architecture of Surprise', Köln: Taschen, 2012; Shigeru Ban Architects Archive.) — This project will be published in our upcoming book: Japanese Fields | OfHouses.
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adachimoe · 1 year
Random stuff from the Persona Club P4 book
I leafed through the Club book and more of the meta and setting stuff stood out to me than the character stuff. 🤓
The origins of Yasoinaba: The meta developer corner notes that Yasoinaba gets its name from the Hare of Inaba legend. Yaso comes from Okuninushi's brethren who are collectively called the yasogami. Samegawa is also a reference to the Hare of Inaba. In the myth, the hare went on the backs of sharks to reach the territory that would eventually be called Inaba. "Same" is shark, and "kawa/gawa" is river. The animal mascot in Inaba is the rabbit. Not because of the myth, though, but because there's a bunch of rabbits somewhere if you follow the Samegawa lol. The town plant is broadleaf cattail.
Tatsuhime Shrine: It's noted that Toyotamahime is the enshrined deity at Tatsuhime shrine. This is a kinda indirect reference to the Hare of Inaba. Toyotamahime was a sea creature who could transform into a human. Her sea creature form was said to be similar to that of a crocodile or a shark (see the above about the Hare of Inaba). Actually, my first blog post on here was about Toyotamahime and the woman at the shrine.
The staging area of the TV world: The design of the people on the ground on the floor of the staging area when you enter the TV world from Junes is the result of the main characters having murder on the brain when they first enter the TV.
The location of Junes: The Yasoinaba branch of Junes is located near the highway so it brings incidental business to town because people who are driving through will also stop there, not just Inaba locals.
Junes wages: Start at 690 yen per hour for high school students, and 900 yen per hour for others. (Per Google, this was like $6.67 / $8.70 per hour in 2008 when the game came out.)
Yosuke's dad's name: Yoichi Hanamura (花村陽一).
The origins of Konishi Liquor: A member of Atlus's battle team is named Konishi and their family actually owns a liquor store. Early on in development, the team just called the place "Konishi Liquor" as a placeholder after the developer and the name stuck. (The text specifically says this is about a Konishi on the battle team, so it's not referring to the composer who is also named Konishi.)
The in-universe history of Inaba: Yasoinaba developed as a mountain castle town with ties to Takeda Shingen. (This is a reference to the actual area in Yamanashi where Atlus drove to and used as a model for the shopping district.) Later, it became a coal mining town. But the coal mine has since closed. (I believe the coal mine part is fictional and isn't supposed to correlate to Yamanashi.)
Mayumi's Room and Saki's Shopping District: Originally, Mayumi's room and the shopping district with Konishi Liquor were a lot bigger and more similar to the size of the other dungeons in the time period after they were pushed into the TV. Once inside, they became lost in the maze and had to confront their shadows. But once the person who created these spaces/images died, these two places shrunk in size, hence the smaller areas you see in-game. The smaller parts are like "cores" of these once larger areas that remain behind. The book likens the small spaces / "cores" to ghosts that haunt the spots where they died.
Magatsu Inaba and Magatsu Mandala: Unlike the other dungeons, which sprung from repressed thoughts, Adachi's Magatsu Inaba was intentionally created to lure in the Investigation Team and confuse them. From the yellow caution tape, you can sense that a part of him still knows he's a detective.
The bit about the caution tape, I think you can read it also as an explanation to why he sends you the letter about the true ending - there is still detective'ing to be done. But like, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't read that. The tape says CAUTION KEEP OUT WARNING because babygirl has a hard time with feelings and people. Fuck you Atlus. Also, I guess his place being "intentionally" created is related to why he got to pick the entrance being in Mayumi's room.
Shadows: The shadows in Persona 4 aren't really the same as Persona 3. The book tells you to think of them separately as the ones in Persona 4 don't really directly harm people - they remain in the unconscious rather than appear in reality and shank people. Shadows in the TV world attack Persona users because they sense danger from Persona users and just instinctively know to attack them. Compared to Persona 3, there are more silly shadows because the Midnight Channel is influenced by the people who watch it.
Mitsuo Kubo's backstory: Mitsuo was a student at Yasogami High until Morooka caught him messing around in a downtown area, after which he was suspended from school for a week. This wrecked his ego / pride so badly that he dropped out of Yasogami High and held a grudge against Morooka. Btw, Hashino also mentions in this long interview that Mitsuo was originally not going to kill Morooka.
References to the Kirijo Zaibatsu: When Dojima tries to reach Nanako in November, he gets a pre-recorded message about the KJ phone service and Nanako's phone being off. "KJ" stands for "Kirijo". Additionally, when Naoto mentions that she did research and found info about shadows becoming Personas, this info was leaked from a Kirijo research lab.
Did Kashiwagi seriously book the kids at a love hotel?: The love hotel on Shirakawa from Persona 3 was renovated (kind of) into a regular hotel by the time of Persona 4.
Yomenai Bookstore: Yomenai means "unreadable". The owner's last name is actually Yomenai, and they didn't realize their last name wasn't a good match for running a bookstore until after they opened up business. School kids started making fun of the store, which bothered Yomenai at first, but they left the store open and now stock mostly books related to their own hobbies. In other words, the majority of the books at the store are "unreadable" to regular people.
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kozyndan · 3 months
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"Life Is Puzzling"
Offset Poster Print on 80lb Cover Stock, 30 x 10 inches (768x251mm), Signed
We are all just pieces in this infinite piece puzzle of the grand Universe!
We were recently reprinting some of our long-running popular posters and our printer here in Yamanashi said their was extra space on the large sheets they were using for the print job we decided to make use of it to make some new posters, including this one. This Panoramic artwork is based on a Paris street corner.
We originally created this artwork for a jigsaw puzzle released by German puzzle company, but it is long since sold out, so we decided to release it as a poster for the first time more than 16 years after we first drew and colored this unusual edition to our Panoramic series.
Available now! Purchase one HERE!
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agoobersretreat · 9 months
Top ten preds go
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"Ooooorgh, fuuuuuuuuck. Ten whole peeps? Well, I'm gonna do it my way then! In no particular order and what I like best about them as a character and how I think it would go down!" So confident, suddenly! Well, until she reconsiders to realize how in-depth with this topic she's about to go.
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"Also, uhhhh, gonna put it under a readmore cuz...some of this shit is gonna be super indulgent and niche of this niche even. You have been warned!"
Rai Yamanashi @pudgy-planets
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"Ooooh, Rai! What a sweet lady. She's been really sweet on me ever since we met, when she accidentally sat on top of me while resting on top of a park bench! She's gotta have, like, the widest hips or ass I've ever seen. Like, if she sits down on me, you don't see me anymore!"
"Mmmm, let's see though? I really how she wants to make her own name and merits, even with her family having a reach all over the world! The life of a scion is an interesting and socially complex journey in general, more so when you actually do your best not to use your connections or heritage for gaining an upper hand on purpose!"
"Mmmmph, how she'd most likely go about eating me...? Well, there's always the usual way, but I've also been worried that one day I might catch her in a situation that she might sit on me and I am gone. Just completely engulfed and sent on my way in, full-size and full send. I mean, I'm sure she's worried about that too....right?"
2. Lizzie Bellbottoms @yourgfisaclown
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"Her blog is pretty literal, ehehehehe. My gf is a clown, yeah! Well, one of them, at least~? I'm glad she is, actually, as it keeps everything so interesting! Her level of clowning is so impressive and very surprising! I wouldn't have it any other way~."
"She loves fun and I love fun, so it's a match made in heaven! Or maybe in the fairgrounds? I've been meaning to ask her how a clown family tree looks or is like. Also, yes, she's a real clown. Do with that information what you will, but I swear. It's different than you'd think!"
"Hmmm, well, if I can think it? She can probably do it one way or another? Aside my own size shenanigans, she can do her own and change her body any way she likes! Like, wow! She once gave me an internal obstacle course to go through. I don't mean like, just her innards in general, I mean an actual full course with different levels of difficulty to get through! Mmm, wonder what else she could do, if we both were up to it...~?"
3. Monika [REDACTED] @brownhairedbookworm
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"Oh, right! Monika! She's a really cool person I met while DoorDashing! She was my last order of the day and I was so lost and turned around that she let me stay over for a bit to recuperate. And we've been close friends ever since~."
"Monika's got, like, these all-powerful...uhhh, powers! She can see the universe or something like that? I don't fully understand, but I can see the changes she has made where a lot of others can't! Isn't that so interesting? I mean, sure I can't prove it either? But her all-seeing eyes can see that I'm cute...and that means a lot to me, since I have trouble believing it myself."
"Well, Monika already really likes to gobble me up when I'm smol? I guess the only different ways are how she likes to do it? Her go-to is acting like a big scary monster or some kind of goddess? I mean, she kind of is, so eh. Sometimes she plays the role and sometimes the role plays her~."
4. Lena Xènia Gimenez Medina-Yamamoto @pudgy-planets
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"So, this is Rai's grandmother and the current matriarch of the family. Everything the businesses and connections all do go through her. Sometimes very, very literally. She goes through so many staff members when they can't keep up with her demands..."
"However, as scary as that may make her sound, she's actually really understanding and wants people to do their best and be at their fullest potential! You just gotta make it through her trials, like I did! Also, like I said, she is Rai's grandmother. She vastly out-everything's her granddaughter. Height, width, power and anything else you can think of!"
"Uhhhhh, this one...? Errrr, I worry much of the same I do with Rai, mostly. Definitely something that carried down through this family tree. Something they have for blondes, ehehehe~? Full size wherever she'd wanna take me, mostly."
5. Freia Margaret Hielo @someheartlesslady
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"Wow, my first friend on Tumblr and bestest friend since then too! It's Freia! Whoa...I realize it's been so many years. I'm still so thankful we bumped into each other all that time ago~."
"She's a fun-loving lady who's got a strong case of being undead, but she's also still the life of the party! She loves wholly and as much as she physically and emotionally can. She's also a wonderful singer~."
"Well, this one is kind of an unfair one with how easy and often this happens? She can gobble me up smol or, once in a blue moon and with preparation, full-sized! It's really sort of the big one for her, she likes using her mouth for that kind of fun! Also, I could never ask her any of the others, I'd feel so ashamed of myself...did I also mention that I was a cheesestick the first time she ate me?"
6. Samus Aran @ladarhatorilichozo
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"The greatest bounty hunter this side of the galaxy and then some. And I got to meet her a few times! And then...I think I absolutely fumbled the ball the last time, admitting my preferences when it came to being eaten by strange monsters....and I may have also let it slip I thought the same of her. I feel like such an idiot..."
"I mean, what do you have to say about Samus and her escapades? And besides, I think she's a way more interesting person to chat with when it's not about those. Like what burgers she likes and some of her favorite creatures she's come across in her travels."
"Uhhh, pretty much just...yeah...I'd let her eat me or want her to, but that's clearly a ship I sailed too soon. Definitely wasn't looked at like a monster by her, but definitely could tell it was no mutual feeling. At least it wasn't disgust, just more...like 'People think like that? Interesting?' Yeah. She also didn't know I could get smol, so that too probably."
7. Sana Sunomiya @pudgy-planets
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"Ooh, Sana! She's a pretty fun lady, too! Very blunt and wears her mind on her sleeve. She's sort of no-nonsense, but that's not exactly true either? It's more...she believes the best in people and those people usually just...don't understand? She's quite intimidating to those who don't know her well, but she's got a good heart and protects those who can't protect themselves well."
"If anything, I love that she sees me for myself and not something I shouldn't or couldn't be? She can really figure out people well, even if someone outside-looking-in wouldn't see it right away. Also, she's extremely well-endowed. In multiple senses, even."
"Mmmm, probably would just gobble me right up after making absolutely sure that's what I want. Maybe even to protect me from others, too? And she'd still respect me even if I was tucked away in her tummy at my full-size. Mmmmhmhmhm~."
8. Aerith Gainsborough @squishysquenix
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"Oh, hey! It's the fun-loving flower lady. I mean, I wonder when the last time I saw her with flowers was, but that doesn't really matter for this here? She's Aerith Gainsborough and she's really mischievous for a flowergirl. You wouldn't know that until you get into some antics with her or so!"
"Well, what else can I say? She's a girl who loves to have fun and party hearty! If anything, it's surprising how much fun is packed into one small lady with a huge butt!"
"Uhhh, let's see...? I imagine it would be some sort of shenanigans. Probably very much on purpose, too. Might either play the role of a scary monster or pretend not to notice me while smol, maybe? Or also knowing her, might just feed me to someone else too...?"
9. Bethany Allicia Fox @bethanytheescort
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"Oh, it's time for Beth! Mmm, she's so awesome! She's one of the other good friends I've made on here and have stayed in touch with for a few years now~. She's an awesome lady and runs an awesome business and takes care of those who show as much compassion for the world as she does!"
"Mmmm, let's see? I love how she loves so much! Like, she has so much to give to others and takes in love in kindness in turn as much as anyone, if not more! There's also her rockin' bod! But, umm, very respectfully! Of course, ya know? I mean, she even managed to get me to love myself a bit more too. That's a very good thing about her~."
"If it were to happen, it would be with consent and safe words and making sure everything is comfortable for the both of us and we take it at a pace we're both okay with! Of course, I'd be smol for both of us to have a very personal experience together. I'd also probably ask some time if I could then visit her 'private room', but that's...yeah. I don't wanna do anything she wouldn't agree to either, ya know?"
10. Super Pochaco @bigcurvesbigheart
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"Oh, Pochaco...one of the shortest ladies on this list, I believe? She's also a really cool gravure modeling lady...and that is unfortunately how I picked her out of a crowd when I bumped into her by complete accident. That was so embarrassing, but she didn't seem to mind...or acknowledge it, really. We became quick friends after some lunch and chatting. We still text pretty regularly...when I remember to, at least."
"So, Super Pochaco (The model) is so cool and shows her body off proudly and really shines with whatever photoshoot she's working for. Pochaco (the lady) is a sweet little lady who loves her pork buns and making friends. She also has a bunch of other odd jobs that really cool, but I can't seem to remember them at the moment?"
"Oh, if that ever happened? Absolutely a complete accident when I'm smol...which she still doesn't know I can do that! It'll probably be her accidentally grabbing me instead of her food or if i fell in and she scarfed it all down and didn't realize. That's the only way, I imagine."
Honorable Mentions:
Edea Lee @squishysquenix
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"Mmmm, Miss Edea Lee. Only met her once on a day where I kept getting lost in towns and worlds everywhere I turned. She was kind enough to take me in for the short time I was in her land and she helped send me on my with a nice rest and some good food! I should go back there, sometime. I remember leaving on good terms, at least?"
"She's an awesome lady, juggling so much on her plate at once. She leads her people, has lots of friends in high and low places and absolutely knows how to decimate a dining hall. She's, like, the whole package~! She's really got a good sense of humor, too."
"Mmmm, given the short time I was there? Probably if I took any of her food from her plate instead of my own? Like...I saw how she was glaring daggers and probably at least considering it as an option? Maybe even while I was full-sized, too? Or maybe I was thinking silly again? I do know any food going past her chambers got her immediate attention during our talks."
Yuri (DDLC) @plumpnpurple
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"Woof, Yuri. She's so pretty and smart and I love when we sit and cuddle and read books together. We both read kind of fast, so it's really nice that we both found someone who can keep up with each other! Also, she's recently started forging and that sounds so cool? I'd love to see her at work like that~."
"Yuri is very quiet and soft and very understanding of special needs when I'm around, like needing it a little quiet and a little cuddly while we read together. We gel really well together, honestly. Mmmm, I should text her about meeting up again, sometime."
"Mmmm, I can only imagine it would happen when I'm smol. I mean, that sounds easier for both parties involved, right? Not sure what else she might do with a teeny me if she felt that way about me...hmmm~?"
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"And that should about do it. Hrrrmph, hope that answers some questions...you might have...hrrrmgle~." The goober is getting a little fidgety now.
"Gotta go hide myself now while I have the time to before they see this or make comments about it...or wosre, afjshdjkfjs...." And off she slinks to her impenetrable fortress (her bed) to hide away from prying eyes. Might just wait this one out, especially once some of them catch wind of this post.
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kattartsblog · 5 months
Makina accidentally introduces Toki to NekoDevi.
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As I stated in a previous post, NekoDevi is from a mascot character company. He’s a parody of early 2000s scene icons like Hello Kitty, Skelanimals, and Gloomy Bear. I’ve expanded NekoDevi a bit in Toki and Makina’s scrapbook when I made a bunny friend for NekoDevi. But the day Makina introduced Toki to the expanded universe of NekoDevi, it was over. I have so many lil’ headcanons floating about in my mind about Dethklok liking this fictional company and their mascots. Today, I went full force and expanded upon this Metalocalypse version of an in universe Sanrio like company. (Fictional history and full designs are down below)
“NekoDevi and Friends”, is from a Japanese mascot company called “Kurogao”. They’re popular amongst; goths, emos, and metal heads alike for their brutal yet cute designs. The cast comprises of NekoDevi, Usaku, Rizuoni, Warulf, Kappz, and InuKami. Kurogao was founded in 1979 by a former Visual Kei bassist, Yozora Yamanashi from the band EVERNOT. She used to create merch designs for her band and after EVERNOT disbanded, Yamanashi used her artistic talents to start a design company. Now “NekoDevi” is as popular and recognizable as Mickey Mouse, licensing the cast of colorful monsters on just about anything. From stationary, clothing, plush toys, and more.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a Neolithic Jomon vessel from Japan, c. Middle Jōmon Period (c. 3,500? - 2,500 BCE), designated National Important Cultural Properties in 1988.
MINI-OVERVIEW: "Jōmon pottery vessels are the oldest in the world. They are characterized by their decoration from impressions, which resemble rope. The word Jōmon means "cord markings" or "patterns."
Because the Jōmon period covered a great deal of time, the vessels themselves changed throughout the period.
Address: Fuefuki City Yamanashi
Category: Cultural Heritage/Japan Heritage
Source: https://jomon.co/en/point/detail/14, The Art of Education, Met Museum, Explore the Collections, Brooklyn Museum, various, etc...
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Metals are typically used as active materials for negative electrodes in batteries. Recently, redox-active organic molecules, such as quinone- and amine-based molecules, have been used as negative electrodes in rechargeable metal-air batteries with oxygen-reducing positive electrodes. Here, protons and hydroxide ions participate in the redox reactions. Such batteries exhibit high performance, close to the maximum capacity that is theoretically possible. Furthermore, using redox-active organic molecules in rechargeable air batteries overcomes problems associated with metals, including the formation of structures called 'dendrites,' which impact battery performance, and have negative environmental impact. However, these batteries use liquid electrolytes -- just like metal-based batteries -- which pose major safety concerns like high electrical resistance, leaching effects, and flammability. Now, in a new study published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition on May 2, 2023, a group of Japanese researchers have developed an all-solid-state rechargeable air battery (SSAB) and investigated its capacity and durability. The study was led by Professor Kenji Miyatake from Waseda University and the University of Yamanashi, and co-authored by Professor Kenichi Oyaizu from Waseda University.
Read more.
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theeternalfeverdream · 11 months
Welcome to Eternal Fever Dream
"Eternal Fever Dream" is a collection of characters and stories that take place in a world much like our own. However, in the world of EFD, the idea of multiple and alternate universes is well-established, and some even think it to be provable.
Some time in the 20th century, a psychologist-and-physicist duo came up with the Multiple Realms Theory. It proposed that there are many planes of existence where human life was not only probable but expected, and that one could travel to another plane with ease if their attachments to their current plane began to fade. When it was first introduced, the duo basically became the laughing stock of the scientific community, since their theory was too broad and had minimal basis in physics. Yet, the Multiple Realms Theory became like a golden rule for the more philosophically and spiritually inclined.
In a way, their theory was proven; after losing their potency in their respective scientific fields, the duo became idolized in many spiritual fields. Nowadays, people largely associate the theory with the limited knowledge of parallel universes at the time, and it's usually only brought up in pseudoscientific discussion. However, a small number of scientifically-inclined groups still think the Multiple Realms Theory is credible, and even favor it over more recent explanations.
But, Eternal Fever Dream as a whole really isn't about that. It's about the people that live in the various realms, and how they interact with their environments, and with other characters. It's science fantasy oriented and LGBT friendly, and there's usually something here for everyone. The "two halves" of EFD are separated by their settings and the main characters.
Eastern Fever Dream follows Niitsu Orimageru, the current head of the Orimageru Shrine and a blood descendant of Kinkodo-no-gami, the kami of equilibrium. Because of her abilities, Niitsu serves as an ambassador of the Realm of Humans, and frequents other realms as part of her duties. Her best friend is Arui Mitasa, an oni from Yomi (an urbanized part of Hell) who became attached to her after a youkai extermination attempt. At the first sign of mischief, the two set out to stop it before Earth's relative peace is threatened. They are joined by Honoka Kamejo, the young princess of Yomi, Emi Akuratsuna, a tanuki who lives in Yomi, as well as Dyzi, the high pharaoh of the Dream World. These five are usually at odds with Queen Kamejo's rambunctious royal guard, and the story tends to revolve around the various incidents caused by them. This half of the story is far more fantasy-oriented.
Deviation of Unconventional Nostalgia is set in Izotakara, a Heisei-era city in Yamanashi where the Moon is always in the sky. Naturally, this has attracted many youkai and phantoms to the area, but the humans and the youkai here live in harmony. At the heart of DoUN's character-driven story is Kizamu Mitasa, a 14-year-old cartomancer who connects more with youkai than she does with humans. Her best friend is Monica Sweeney, a 15-year-old from Canada who moved here to study where her idol Dr. Latency did. Dr. Latency just so happens to be the psychologist who helped create the Multiple Realms Theory, so Monica naturally believes in the theory's credibility as well. These young girls are part of a much larger group of friends comprised of both humans and youkai, and the story revolves around their daily lives and actions. This half of the story is far more science-oriented.
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adaammarks · 4 months
Smart Robot Market Gaining Momentum with Positive External Factors
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Latest study released by Market Research Forecast on Global Smart Robot Market research focuses on latest market trend, opportunities and various future aspects so you can get a variety of ways to maximize your profits. Smart Robot Market predicted until 2032. The Smart Robot Market size was valued at USD 5.98 USD billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 19.62 USD billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 18.5 % during the forecast period. Some of Key Players included in Smart Robot Market are SoftBank Corp (Tokyo, Japan), GeckoSystems Intl. Corp. (Georgia, United States), Aethon, Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States), Neato Robotics, Inc. (San Jose, California, United States), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (Suwon, Korea), ABB Ltd (Zürich, Switzerland), KUKA Aktiengesellschaft (Augsburg, Germany), FANUC CORPORATION (Oshino, Yamanashi, Japan), Hanson Robotics Limited (Hong Kong), YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION (Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan), BLUE FROG ROBOTICS SAS (Paris, France), Kongsberg Gruppen ASA (Kongsberg, Norway), Universal Robots A/S (Odense, Denmark.), ECA GROUP (La Garde, France), iRobot Corporation (Bedford, Massachusetts, United States), DeLaval Inc. (Tumba, Botkyrka, Sweden), Intuitive Surgical, Inc (Sunnyvale, California, United States), Rethink Robotics GmbH (Bochum, Germany), Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Minato City, Tokyo, Japan) Market Trends: Growing Implementation of Touch-based and Voice-based Infotainment Systems to Increase Adoption of Intelligent Cars Drivers: Increasing Adoption of Cloud-based Managed Services to Drive Market Growth Know your current market situation! Not just new products but ongoing products are also essential to analyze due to ever-changing market dynamics. The study allows marketers to understand Smart Robot Market consumer trends and segment analysis where they can face a rapid market share drop. Figure out who really the competition is in the marketplace, get to know market share analysis, market position, % Market Share, and segmented revenue. Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/smart-robot-market-1961/sample-report The titled segments and Market Data are Break Down Type: Personal/Domestic Robots and Professional Robots","Mobility: Mobile, Fixed/Stationary","Application: Inspection and Maintenance, Material Handling and Sorting, Security and Surveillance, Education and Entertainment","End User: Manufacturing, Healthcare, Agriculture, Military and Defense Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia. More Reports:
https://marketresearchforecast.com/reports/smart-robot-market-1961  https://marketresearchforecast.com/reports/europe-cloud-managed-networking-market-1967 For More Information Please Connect MR Forecast Contact US: Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) Market Research Forecast Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: (+1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166) [email protected]
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sumiekawakami-blog · 4 months
Writer/Translator Sumie Kawakami
Sumie Kawakami is a writer and translator with several non-fiction books in Japanese and English. She has written extensively on women’s issues. Based on elaborate research and sharp focus on details, she turns the lives of “the most-ordinary people” into thrilling yet heartfelt stories.  She currently teaches at the International College Liberal Arts, Yamanashi Gakuin University. (Click here for…
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noseydewdrop · 5 months
Life update: I got married in Japan, yes that's right.
Like some famous saying. "When you stop looking for something, it finds you", is basically what sums up the past 4 years for me.
I moved from The U.S, WA to Shizuoka Japan right when the pandemic started. Life was a roller coaster for me with ups and downs up until that point. I guess you could say it's the rather predictable trajectory as you go through life and begin to become an adult, but it steadily went in the upward direction for me.
My wife found me on Tandem, a language exchange app where we can learn and speak different languages. In my profile I wrote my dearest passions; classical music, nature, traveling and gaming. It was a perfect chance because my wife share those passions with me now and every day is an adventure.
Me in a wedding “Hakama”
My life has changed so much. I went from 177lbs in the US to 138lbs just by diet alone. The saying how healthy Japanese food is compared to American food is actually not as true as you think. There is unhealthy food, but the key really is utilizing the readily available healthy food. It's astounding how easy it is to get a healthy meal for a cheap, fast and low price while being unsuspectingly tasty and satisfying. America makes it too easy to eat food that will just make you fat. I'm sure there's some level of extra additives and preservatives too but it's hard to say much about that. Just living here got me healthier. But I sure do miss Jersey Mike's subs and authentic Mexican food..
Relationships drain me as an introvert.
I met so many people with vastly different backgrounds from me and with that brought so many memories, like scattered puzzle pieces that can only be found when you realize the ups and downs of life are just how it goes.
I made friends cry. I helped crying students. I helped them win competitions, get into an esteemed university and at the same time, made them look at the world from a different lens. Just reaching out. It's really all it takes.
I worked at a high school university from 2021 to 2024 and it was a job that was so comfortable, I could honestly say I could have kept for the rest of my life. My wife lived far away and I wanted to live together. Alongside my foreign coworkers working there for 10-20 years saying that they aren't passionate about teaching and realize their life has more meaning than that. Made me think that it was a good stepping stone into what I am wanting to achieve in my life. I was satisfied, it was bittersweet. But my wife was the driving factor to get me out of there. They treated me amazingly, too amazing for the work that I did. It was my time to move on. I'll post a picture of my wife too, but don't tell her!
Staying in one place forever, what does it really mean?
I moved to Yamanashi this year. Shizuoka was my home and my roots were just starting to grow in the directions as you would expect; career, health and fitness, business and local event connections, love for the nature of Mt. Fuji and the diversity between the sea and mountains. All I can really say is that it's weird starting all over again.
There are mountains for all of us to climb, but the biggest challenge is realizing them. Once you know what to do, where to invest your energy, time, resources, attention. Only then you can really build something that you are proud of and something you are passionate bloody passionate about that you would be proud to call it your life's work. But it's most often than not hiding in plain sight.. at least for me.
Anyways, I'll share some photos of my life so it's not just randoms from when I was a young adult.
I haven't decided yet, but I want to start writing freely and I think this would be a good outlet for that. Thank you for reading if you made it this far.
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hrcbfmpl · 6 months
Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi: Artist research
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Nanoko Takeuchi was born on March 15th 1967 in Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan. She created the popular Sailor Moon series and named some of the characters after her family members (father, mother and brother). During her school life she wore a Sailor Uniform and joined Astrology and Manga clubs, these experiences influenced her designs and choices in the creation of Sailor Moon. She was encouraged by her parents to pursue other career choices in the event that her manga career didn't work out, so she attended and graduated the Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy where she received a degree in chemistry and became a licensed pharmacist.
In 1991she serialised Sailor Moon, which was an instant hit and encouraged her to work hard on other manga projects, however these did not work out. She also created her own studio named Princess Naoko Planning which later encompassed Hunter x Hunter among other things.
While working on a short comic "Princess Naoko Back-to-Work Punch!!" Takeuchi met Yoshihiro Togashi at a 'Weekly Shōnen Jump' meeting and had a meeting arranged for them by the voice actress Megumi Ogata. She then worked with Togashi on Volume 1 of Hunter x Hunter. However, the work proved to be more than she expected and she left to work on "Toki☆Meka", which eventually became "Toki☆Meca". Togashi had a similar idea to her at the time. However he never worked on his idea and instead helped her with some concept sketches to develop the idea which she showed in volume 1.
Takeuchi and Togashi then married in 1999, they now have two children, a son and a daughter born in 2001 and 2004. She also wrote a children's book named Oboo-nu- to Chiboo-nu- as a birthday present for their son.
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Sailor Moon.
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Yoshihiro Togashi was born on the 27th April 1966 in Shinjō, Yamagata. Togashi began drawing manga in the first to second year of elementary school, going on to join a fine arts club in high school. He later enrolled at Yamagata University where he studied education to become a teacher.
During this time Togashi submitted some of his work to Weekly Young Jump and at the age of 20, authored a manga named Buttobi Straight and won the most prestigious award for new comic artists in Japan, The "Tezuka Award".
After giving up on his goal of becoming a teacher, Togashi was contacted by an editor from Weekly Shounen Jump who asked him to move to Tokyo.
Togashi was firmly placed within the top manga artists of the time with his manga "YuYu Hakusho", which is an underworld detective manga about a boy being killed and becoming a ghost detective. This sold over 78 million copies and earned Togashi a Shogakukan Manga Award in 1994, receiving an anime adaptation in 1995.
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Togashi's next hit was his manga titled "Hunter x Hunter", a story about a young boy named "Gon" whose father who is an extremely powerful Hunter and had to leave him and his mother when he was a child and Gon's journey to find him and get to know him. This manga sold close to 55 million copies with the first 20 volumes alone and the last recorded number I can find is over 84 million copies since july 2022.
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Togashi also tied with with Eiichiro Oda in a poll conducted on manga artists.
Here is a link to his social media:
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ayaconakamura · 10 months
中村紋子(なかむらあやこ) Ayaco NAKAMURA
”Silence” リブロアルテ(2011)
”潮目” ポット出版(2014)
”タムタムとめぐるトワル” 多夢多夢舎中山工房(2017)
”Daylight” 私家版(2018)
“deadman Series” BIAS (2008)
2023 「ノート」/ Roll(東京)
2018 「光/Daylight」/ BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY(東京)
2011 「Silence」/ BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY(東京) Bloom Gallery(大阪)
2023 Bookcoverと栞展 / B by the Brooklyn Brewery(東京)
2017 タムタムと、めぐるトワル / アーツ千代田3331 A/Aギャラリー(東京)
2010 「Sound of photography」 / シブヤ西武美術画廊(東京)
2008 「StairAUG.photographics 08A/W] / THERME GALLERY(東京)
2008 「StairAUG photographics] / BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY(東京)
2007 「4C sightseeng tour:How urban culture inspires creativity 」/ Saatchi&Saatchi, (LONDON UK)
2004  2003ヤングポートフォリオ展/ 清里フォトアートミュージアム (山梨)
2004 「StairAUG」 /コニカミノルタプラザ(東京)
2003 「20代作家の挑戦IN&OUT」/ 東京都写真美術館 (東京)
2003 the Award winners of the 13th Annual Center Awards
International Photographic Juried Exhibition/カーメル写真センター(California, USA)
2002 「細江英公と若い仲間達2」 / スパンアートギャラリー(東京)
2011 iアプリ「週刊あやこ」デジタル版配信開始 / APP store
2008 企画展「DEAD MAN SERIES EXHIBITION ” BREAK THROUGH IN GREY ROOM “」Director : Takashi Komatsu (Schein) / Drawing : ayaconakamura TOKYO HIPSTERS CLUB (原宿) 
2003 ヤングポートフォリオ 清里フォトアートミュージアム作品収蔵
2003 Cener For Photographic Art 13th Center Award 入選(USA)
A y a c o N a k a m u r a
Born: 1979, Saitama, Japan
Completed MA, Tokyo Polytechnic University Graduate School of Arts, Media Art Course
Graduated with BA, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Department of Photography
Solo Exhibitions:
2023 “Note ” Roll (Tokyo, Japan)
2018 “HIKARI/Daylight ” BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
2013 “Silence” HASHIBAMI Gallery # (Tokyo, Japan) gallery Birne(Saitama, Japan)
2011 “Silence” BEAMS JAPAN B GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
Bloom Gallery (Osaka Japan) ARC OASIS DESIGN NIGATA(Nigata, Japan)
salon as salon (Nagao Japan) Yamana Hachimangu(Gunma, Japan)
2008 “weekly ayaco” CAMARADA (Tokyo, Japan)
2003 “Recollection 2003” Gallery Seizanso (Yokohama, Japan)
2002 “Recollection 1999” Gallery Otto (Tokyo, Japan)
Group Exhibitions:
2009 “y-Generation -6 young photographers-”SIBUYA SEIBU art gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2008 “StairAUG Photographics” BEAMS B Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2008 “StairAUG.photographics 08A/W”THERME GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
2006 “1+14 YOKOHAMA Photo Apartment”KITANAKA WHITE (Yokohama, Japan)
2004 “StairAUG” Konica Minolta Plaza (Tokyo, Japan)
2003 “IN & OUT” Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
(Tokyo, Japan)
2007 “4C Sightseeing Tour” Saatchi & Saatchi (London, UK)
2004 “Young Portfolio Acquisitions 2003” Kiyosato Museum (Yamanashi, Japan)
2003 “13th Annual Center Awards” Center for Photographic Art Gallery (California, USA)
Photobook/ ”Silence” libroarte(2011)
Photobook/ ”SHIOME” pot publishing(2014)
Photobook/ “Tamutamu to meguru Towaru” tam tam dot(2017)
Photobook/ “Daylight” (2018)
Book of paintings/  “deadman Series” BIAS (2008)
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