#Unkiss Me by Maroon 5
tagged by @moony-t0ast and @grimjobs :)
first ten songs that come up when you hit shuffle
1. Like A Fool - Keira Knightley
2. That Distant Shore - Steven Universe ost
3. Six Billion - Nothing But Thieves
4. 134340 - BTS
5. Agust D - Agust D
6. Warrior of the Mind - EPIC: The Troy Saga
7. Unkiss Me - Maroon 5
8. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
9. Graveyard Whistling - Nothing But Thieves
10. Stronger Than You - Steven Universe ost
no pressure tags @deadflowerqueen-x @quinn241 @readingravenss
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daletrafra · 23 days
Paroles de la chanson “Unkiss Me” de Maroon 5
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ttwowas · 6 months
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paulo0369 · 8 months
Estou ouvindo a música: Unkiss Me no Spotify e curti...
Unkiss Me De Maroon 5 Do album V
Caso também queiram ouvir no Spotify e ver se gosta basta clicar aqui e ouvir lá
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maroon 5 - unkiss me
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 5 years
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Angst, break ups, compulsion, that’s about it. 
Author’s Note: So this is for @thatfanficstuff‘s 1500 Challenge. This is the fist challenge I’ve done so I’m pretty excited about it that I did this instead of writing things I should have. But I love how this came out! The prompt I picked out was the song prompt Unkiss Me by Maroon 5. I legit had the song on repeat the whole time I wrote it and if you guys want to, you can listen to it as you read this. The lyrics are italicized. We’re going back to season 3 timeline for this one, lovelies. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing this!
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The first time Y/N had actually noticed that things were changing, she tried telling herself that Damon was only trying to make sure that his mistake had been corrected. A mistake that he had made in anger with a possibility of a friend dying. But it was right there in front of her.
It had been the morning after Klaus had broken his curse. Y/N had stayed behind with Jeremy and Alaric in the abandoned house while everyone else went along with the plan. Just like Jeremy and Alaric, Y/N was waiting for any kind of news that it all worked out in their favor.
That was when Damon had walked in carrying Elena and placed her on the couch. It was the way he stayed by her side, running his hand through Elena’s hair and saying that he’d kill her himself if she came back as a vampire had caused a few thoughts to implant into Y/N’s mind as she watched from the other side of the room.
The second time had been just a day later when Damon had began to feel the effects of Tyler’s bite. While Stefan was out trying to get Klaus to give up a cure, it was Y/N and Elena that had stayed with Damon. But when the hallucinations had began and he had called out to Elena, a pang of pain filled her heart. Even when he had escaped and practically attached himself to Elena, she tried telling herself it was because he was seeing Katherine. But with the events that followed hours after and even more events that happened in the months to follow had began to change her mind.
No matter how many times Damon had came home to her, kissed her, loved and touched her, it was slowly becoming foreign to her. There was a difference in the way he did things. And for a time or two, sex had been different that left Y/N believing Damon had been picturing someone else.
The lingering touches she had been so used to had stopped, the intensity of their kisses had changed. With each passing day, Y/N had believed she had been the only one to notice the changes between the two.
If you respect me
Don't protect me
You can tell me
I can handle it
Stop pretending
Cause we're going down
Tonight it had been at its worse and Y/N couldn’t ignore it anymore. She and Damon had left Mystic Falls to help Katherine in search of Mikael. It was supposed to give the two of them time away from the others for a bit. And while they had been several hundred miles from town, plans quickly changed the second he got a text message from Bonnie.
Now Y/N had been standing in the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House. Her Y/E/C eyes stared into the bright fire that had been heating up the room. It was later into the night and she had believed she had been the only one up. At least that had been until Damon walked into the room.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked as his eyes landed on her.
She shook her head, keeping her eyes on the fire in front of her. “I haven’t even tried to be honest.”
“How about a drink?” He asked as he made his way over to the side table. Popping off the lid of one of the crystal bottles, he began to pour himself a glass. The sound of ice swirling in the glass had caught his attention causing him to look towards Y/N who had just lifted the glass to her lips, finishing off the liquid it contained.
“A refill wouldn’t hurt.” She said as she turned away from watching the fire and walked over to him. Holding out the glass to him, Damon refilled it before putting the bottle back in its place. Y/N made her way over to the couch as she took a drink.
“Stefan is home.” Damon said wanting Y/N to know. “Though something tells me his stay isn’t going to be what we are used to.” There was annoyance in his voice that Y/N had been able to pick up immediately.
“Is he still compelled by Klaus?” She asked as she took a seat closest to the fireplace.
Damon nodded as he took a drink from his glass. “Not only that but he’s flipped his switch. Which is going to cause more trouble than we already have. The sooner Katherine can wake Mikael the sooner this will all be over with.”
Y/N looked down at the glass in her hands. It was while she was sitting there in that very second she had realized she was starting to see a stranger in front of her. "How long have you known?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. But the words had sounded clear to his hearing.
"Known what?" He asked looking over at her confused.
"That you’re in love Elena." Her words had caused him to stiffen slightly. Out of everything he had been expecting her to say, that had been one of the last things he thought she would ask.
Damon had still been trying to sort through what he was feeling. For as long as he had been with Y/N she had always been everything he had believed he needed. She could handle the darker parts of him without wanting to change him. She never backed down when others would have ran in the other direction without looking back.
Y/N may have been human for the time being but eventually Damon would be the one to turn her. It had been something they had talked about from time to time and Damon agreed that once the time was right, he would do it for her.
“I don’t know how I feel.” He said with a slight nod. “I wanted to figure them out before I said or did anything.”
“You could have told me.” Y/N said as she ran her hand through her hair.
“And say what?” He asked with a raised brow as he began walking towards her. “‘Y/N, I believe I’m beginning to have feelings about a woman I can’t have.’ That’s definitely a conversation I’d love to have.”
“It would have been better than you pretending that you don’t have them.” She shook her head slightly.
"What do you want me to say?" He asked as he took a seat next to her.
I lied to my heart
Cause I thought you felt it
You can't light a fire
If the candle's melted
No, you don't have to love me
If you don't wanna
"I just want you to be honest with me." She said looking up at him. "Cause for the last few months I've been trying to convince myself that we are okay. That you helping her as you have was all for your brother. But then I see how you look at her and how you care for her. I know at this point I'm just lying to myself that things haven't changed between us."
"Y/N, nothing has changed between us." He said shaking his head as he reached over and grabbed a hold of her hand. "I'm doing my best to help Elena while Stefan is being Klaus’ right hand man."
The words should have held some comfort to her but they didn't. She sighed softly as she looked him in the eye. "There used to be a time where you looked at me like you look at her sometimes. Where you would have jumped in front of a bullet for me. But seeing you with her tonight, I know that’s changed. That you’ll put her before me.”
Her words had caused Damon’s shoulder’s to slump forward. He knew exactly what she had been talking about. It was the way he had dropped everything while they had been on the road with Katherine and left to help Elena. It was also in the way that he had promised Elena that he would never leave her again. Y/N had been standing there and Damon had said it so easily. To promise something to Elena while breaking a promise to Y/N in the same sentence.
“I never meant for this to happen.” He said honestly. He knew there were things he should have mentioned as they were happening to Y/N. “It was supposed to be the two of us and them.”
“I know.” She said with a nod as she squeezed his hand slightly. Even though she had known he was telling the truth it didn’t stop the tears from starting to build up in her eyes. She tried blinking them away but they continued to fill. “But things change, even when one of us doesn’t want them to.”
Oh, If I wait here
If I see you
It won't matter
What's the point of this?
We're in pieces
Because you're over us
Seeing a few stray tears fall, Damon lifted his hand up to her face, wiping the tears away with his thumb. “Where does this put us?”
As much as Damon was mentally kicking himself in the ass for the hurting the woman he had loved for the last several years, he realized -just as she had- that things between them were now over. Now every part of him was hoping that she would actually stick around. 
“I think we both know the answer to that one.” She said giving him a sad smile. “As much as I would love to stay here and help you with whatever it was you needed, I don’t think I can sit by and watch you fall more in love with her.”
Damon nodded his head, but said nothing. His eyes moved from her and down to their hands. He wanted to be selfish. He wanted Y/N to stay put. The woman had been by his side for years that he had forgotten what it was like when she wasn’t there. But this was her choice and it was something he understood.
“I can’t convince you to stay, can I?” He asked as he looked back at her.
She shook her head. “You love her, Damon. I could stick around but then things would get awkward. I’d be here watching as you love someone who wants your brother. What happens when all is said and done and she stays with him? You’ll still love her and do anything to stay near her, leaving me on the outs. Or hell if there is that possibility that you two get together, it’s going to make things awkward between us. And I don’t do-”
“You don’t do awkward.” He finished for her with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips for only a second.
She nodded. “There is no point in me staying. I would just get in the way of things.”
Damon sighed before taking another drink from his glass, finishing it off and setting it on the coffee table in front of him. He knew that this had been the end of it all. “If there is anything you ever need, you know I’m only a phone call away.”
Y/N bit down on her lip at his words. She thought for a moment before giving him a small smile. “Do you remember the promise you made me that weekend in New York?”
Unkiss me, untouch me
Untake this heart
And I'm missing
Just one thing
A brand new start
Damon thought back to the weekend, trying to remember that particular promise she had mentioned. The moment he figured it out, his eyes widened slightly. “No.” He said shaking his head. “I’m not doing that.”
“You said if there was anything I needed.” She said wanting him to understand. “I need this.”
“No.” He said shaking his head as he stood up from his spot.
Y/N stood up a second after he did, placing her own glass on the coffee table. She took a step closer to him and placed her hand on his cheek. “You promised.”
“You’re asking me to compel it all away from you.” He said as his brows furrowed. “Every moment, every kiss and every touch, you are asking me to erase it. How is that fair to either of us?”
Y/N sighed softly as she looked up at him. “I can see how it isn’t fair for you. To still have all the memories while I don’t remember any of it. But in a handful of years, I’ll be from a chapter in your life that you’ve moved on from.”
“I made that promise thinking I would never have to actually keep it.” He said looking down at her.
“But it's a promise nonetheless.” She said not wanting to take his no for an answer. “And we’ve always kept our promises to each other.”
Except for the one he had broken today, they had. While Damon had promised Y/N that once he had been able to bring Stefan back home without the influence of Klaus, they would move on from Mystic Falls. His promise to Elena of never leaving her again had ensured that Damon would stay wherever Elena was. Knowing Elena, she would stick to her hometown for as long as she could.
Damon closed his eyes as he leaned his forehead against hers. “Are you sure that’s what you want?” He was hoping she would change her mind. “It’s a hell of a lot better to know than to have it all taken away.”
“I need a fresh start.” She said with a sigh. “Plus if you decide that you need a weekend from all of this, you can always come find me. I’ll show you the perfect place to party.”
That had caused Damon to laugh and take a step back from her. She had practically recited some of the first words she had said to him. “I’ll hold you to that.”
She smiled up at him. “You take care of yourself.” She said as she ran her hand through his hair. “And make sure to kick Stefan’s ass for me when he finally gets himself back in order.”
“I promise.” He said as he leaned into her touch. “I’m gonna miss having you around.”
“Something tells me you’ll find a way to fill whatever void I leave behind.” Knowing Damon like she did, he’d manage without her. It was always the other way around that had her worried. Taking a deep breath, she nodded her head. “I’m ready.”
I’m not. He wanted to say as he lifted his hand up to run it along her cheek. But he wasn’t going to fight her on this. He had fought for a lot of things, but Y/N had been right. He stopped fighting for her and instead started doing so for Elena. This was the least he could do for her.
Piercing blue eyes meet Y/E/C ones. “You’re going to forget all about me once you walk out those doors and you’ll go home.” He said as he began to compel her. “You’re going to forget everything that we’ve done together. Every feeling, every moment we shared, it never happened. You traveled the country during your time away, getting lost in the best way possible. Every supernatural creature you’ve met doesn’t exist. They are merely stories in books. ” He sighed softly. “When you get back home, you are going to have the best life you can possibly have. You’ll get everything you ever wanted out of life.” Looking away, Damon took a step back from her. Y/N blinked a few times as the compulsion settled with in her.
“Thank you.” Y/N said giving him one last smile.
Damon nodded his head as he returned the smile. “Come on, I’ll help you pack. Then I’ll let you go.”
So baby let go
Gotta let go
Always and Forever Tags: @rissyrapp20 @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @hawaiianohana15 @fafulous @vibhati123
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sheridans-dynamos · 5 years
Thanks 😘❤
I lie to my heart 'cause I thought you felt it/You can't light a fire, if the candle's melted
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justalineinasong0 · 5 years
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Requested by Anon
Maroon 5 - Unkiss Me
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ksmutaddict · 4 years
For all your angsty reads
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Steph! You are so lovely and I LOVE your blog. I have a submission for The playlist. Unkiss Me by Maroon 5. It makes me think of how Sherlock must have felt when John got married. It's so sad, but also such a strong song.
If you respect meDon’t protect meYou can tell meI can handle itStop pretending ‘cause we’re going downIf you let goThen just let goIt’s disrespectfulHow you’ve handled thisNever ending, kinda round aroundI lied to my heart 'cause I thought you felt itYou can’t light a fire, if the candle’s meltedNo, you don’t have to love me if you don’t wannaDon’t act like I mean nothingBut if you’re gonna, well, then you betterUnkiss meUntouch meUntake this heartAnd I’m missingJust one thingA brand new startCan’t erase thisCan’t delete thisI don’t need thisI can’t handle itI just feel it that you’re over usIf I wait hereIf I see youIt won’t matterWhat’s the point of this?We’re in pieces because you’re over usI lied to my heart 'cause I thought you felt itYou can’t light a fire, if the candle’s meltedNo, you don’t have to love me if you don’t wannaDon’t act like I mean nothingBut if you’re gonna, well, then you betterUnkiss meUntouch meUntake this heartAnd I’m missingJust one thingA brand new startSo unkiss meSo unkiss meSo, baby, let goGotta let goIt’s disrespectfulI can handle thisNever ending, kinda round aroundUnkiss meUntouch meUntake this heartAnd I’m missingJust one thingA brand new startSo unkiss meSo unkiss meUnkiss me
(Lyrics from AZ Lyrics)
Hi Nonny!!
AWWWWWW YOU’RE TOO KIND THANK YOU!!!! I’m so happy you make my blog a part of your day!
OH GOSHLES, this one hurts, doesn’t it???? Yeah, ouch, poor pining Sherlock, yeah, I can totally see that!! Thank you for adding it to the playlist, frig, I’m dying!
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msicsstuff · 6 years
Maroon 5 - Unkiss Me
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livingintherandom · 4 years
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haleyincarnate · 7 years
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Unkiss Me // Maroon 5
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phsphrus-blog · 7 years
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maroon 5 — unkiss me
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rehncohro · 7 years
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Listening to some good stuff right now.
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roseuscrystallum · 2 years
Who are you?
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Tag followers you want to know better!
NAME: Shay
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: 5′6″
PUT YOUR SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? I Am by Leona Lewis, Thank You by Jason Chen, Heavenly Visitor by TRIGGER, Awake and Alive by Skillet, Unkiss Me by Maroon 5, Summertime Sadness by Within Temptation
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?  You’ll be surprised to know never
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? Hyolyn lkdrfnsld with a voice crush on Miyano Mamoru
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? I have no idea on this one
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?  Irish Fairy and Folk Tales
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? I legit don’t even know anymore. Nothing so bad I’ve had to go to ER I think? But I’ve lost track of injuries--
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? My OCs are my life fdkljgrlsfthjt
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 : @lacedmagic​
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 : I’m lazy. Everyone reading this lol
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