#Upper Tribunal
lexlawuk · 6 months
Judicial Review: Pre-Action Protocol
Embarking on the journey of challenging a decision made by the Home Office can be a complex and daunting endeavour. Whether it’s about obtaining entry clearance, leave to remain, or settlement rights, individuals often find themselves entangled in legal intricacies. Understanding the Pre-Action Protocol is crucial in navigating this process smoothly. This protocol, enshrined within the Civil…
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rob-demers-art · 3 months
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The Upper Deck Marvel Allegiance: The Infinity Trilogy trading card set is releasing July 10th and I was hired to create some sketch cards for it. So pick up some packs and maybe you'll one of my sketch cards.
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catboybiologist · 6 months
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Injections are doing me right
I think I finally got out of my physical development slump. My upper body has been shrinking, my chest has noticably developed, and my hips remain the same size while my waist shrinks. Not super visible here, but I'm sure you won't care.
And I'm sure that's why you're here. Intellectual discussion of HRT effects. I'll have more in my journal later this week lol
Tributes to the tribunal @lilithtransrights @xenasaur @nyancrimew
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dduane · 1 year
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The cover for the first book in the Feline Wizards group has just been spiffed up a little (new render, improved magic...). So those of you who've already purchased it through Ebooks Direct are entitled to an upgrade to the version with the new cover, if you want one.
Just email the EBD customer service address quoting your order number, and we'll send you updated download links at no cost.
If you've already got the book as part of the whole-store Give Me Everything You've Got package, TBONWM has been updated there too. The request process to get the package with the re-covered book is the same as above.
And if you've never heard of this Young Wizards-universe book, and want to pick up a copy, you can do that here. The ebook is DRM-free: it can be moved from device to device as you please, and if you ever need a replacement due to file loss or platform change, we'll do that for you for free.
Some cats—the ones who're also wizards—work in the world as the guardians of Gates, maintaining the portals between realities. When an ancient evil threatens to flood through the worldgates hidden in New York's Grand Central Terminal and invade New York with surreal horror from another dimension, four champions—an Upper East Side house pet, a neurotic tortoiseshell, a fearless alley tom, and a feral kitten—are called to defend the Earth. Four small wizards must walk between worlds into the terrible realm of the Children of the Serpent... facing ultimate battle in a war against a Darkness born untold aeons before the creation of mere Man... "Intriguing, with a well-worked backdrop... Fantasy-loving ailurophiles will curl up and purr." -- Kirkus Reviews "Laughter, spellworks, battles, and personal growth all mesh into a Tolkienesque tale." -- San Diego Union-Tribune "Love it? I could not put it down." -- Jane Yolen
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renmorris · 2 years
the fraught homoeroticism of Kim saving Harrier post tribunal (SHOT IN HIS UPPER THIGH!!) Kim heavily concussed and trying not to lose another partner. HAUNTED by his near death experience taking care of Harry’s unconscious body for days WITHOUT backup or aid from the 41st or 57th.
the most care anyone's shown to Harry’s body in so long. and when was the last time you held another man, Kim? you didn’t want it to be like this but you cut off his underwear and stitch his leg up
and Garte is just there with a mop like 🧍‍♂️
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sparrowsarus · 4 months
A defense of Ulder Ravengard
Ulder Ravengard starts his life as the 4th son of a blacksmith, and it is implied that Ravengard Senior talks in grunts, and hardly acknowledged his children.
So with that foundation, a young Ulder fucks off and joins the Flaming Fist--a mercenary company with an identity crisis, cops and soldiers and mercs, and damn is Baldur's Gate's government dysfunctional.
At some point, he falls in love with a woman named Francesca, who dies in childbirth. That's all we get of her--and that only if you happen to read some flavour text on Ulder's sword. He tells his crying son that it will be alright, and he doesn't seem to believe it.
It is much, much easier to get the other flavour text on Ulder's mace--how he didn't want to be like his father, but felt a distance between him and his newborn son. Some people say this is proof that Ulder never loved Wyll--I think it says he just lost the woman he loved, and was now facing single parenthood with no baseline to work off of. He was going to be doing this from scratch, with no help nor role model. He's going to be a little distraught!
But. He has his son. Who he takes to the harbour, and teaches to swordfight, and is really a very hands-on guy! His kid runs a little wild (having the childhood Ulder never got to have; maybe being a little too lenient, since Wyll's only a boy.)
And then he watches his boss, a beloved figure in the Gate and son of Bhaal, get ripped apart--and he can do nothing. Even as the new Marshal, trying to run an investigation with the God of Murder whispering paranoia in his ear.
There is hysteria. There are riots.
There are tribunals, and I won't defend them, but--Bhaal, trying to corrupt and coerce. It is important to remember--Ulder is a hero to the people of Baldur's Gate. He will go to the Gods when he dies. What a fantastic prize for the God of murder.
But Ulder manages to escape that fate, and at some point he becomes Grand Duke. A real success story--the poor blacksmith's boy becoming the leader of one of the Sword Coast's biggest cities. A position he had to fight for, because Baldur's Gate's politics are run by hereditary gentry and the wealthy guildleaders. Ulder Ravengard is an outsider, and the last commoner duke was aligned with devils.
And Wyll, his boy, learns to dance, and charm the Upper Crust of the Gate, and get into fights with his father--who had to learn politics, and to work with people he hated, because no, the Glorious Revolution will never come to pass. You need to work with people towards a common goal even when you hate them.
And one day, Ulder leaves for a meeting with another city's leader--
and when he gets back, his 17 year old son, his boy, the child his wife had died for--
has a devil with him and won't (can't, but Ulder doesn't know that yet) tell him what is going on. Wyll takes him to Dusthawk Hill, to see nothing.
So Ulder exiles him, because, again, devil.
(Sidenote: Devils in D&D are Ontologically Evil. Full stop. People who ally with them are generally assumed to be evil. Take it up with WoTC. UIder did nothing wrong regarding the exile, because he has to look out for an entire city, and Wyll was considered a grown man in his society by 15. This is not the actions of a child, and to treat it as such is a disservice to Wyll.)
(Wyll would always have to leave.)
And seven years later, Ulder Ravengard goes on a diplomatic visit, and gets dragged down to the Hells, along with the city of Elturel. He tries his best to save the city, to fight the demons, to manage the defenses. He tries so, so hard.
And once Elturel is restored, Ulder heads home.
(The tiefling refugees are headed to Baldur's Gate; I wonder if Ulder had promised safety? Sanctuary? A home less judgemental than Elturel?)
But on the way back to The Gate, Ulder is kidnapped, forcibly mind controlled, and damn near scrambles his brain fighting that control.
(Note: he tells Florrick to look for Wyll. He still believes there is some good in him, that Wyll is not wholly the devil's creature. But he's afraid, too, because if Wyll did it for a good reason? Ulder has failed. And you do not go from blacksmith's son to Grand Duke if you are tolerant of you own failures.
Wyll saves his father. Wyll proves he did what he thought was right.
Wyll gets an apology, and his father's support, either becoming a duke or becoming a ranger--everything Wyll wanted from his father..
And a family is rebuilt--different from before, but there is no harm in that. Both of them putting in the work to fix things, because you need to meet each other halfway--give the other person space to apologize, and forgive, because that's what they both wanted.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
by Ira Stoll
An encouraging development in the Israel-Hamas war is that the online pro-Israel press watchdogs finally seem to be getting the upper hand over the New York Times.
A few recent examples tell the story.
A New York Times Sunday opinion article by Megan Stack, headlined “Don’t Turn Away From the Charges of Genocide Against Israel,” was authoritatively debunked by Shany Mor in a thread on X that has attracted nearly a quarter-million views.
Mor faulted Stack’s piece for “rank dishonesty,” noting that it “truncated” the “legal definition of genocide,” omitting “a crucial part of the definition.” Mor also faults the Stack piece for misquoting Israelis to depict them, falsely, as having genocidal intent.
More concludes: “Rather than trawling the internet for truncated quotes, we might want to investigate why so many of our self-appointed humanitarians have spent decades fantasizing about the day when they could drag the Jews in before a tribunal to face the charge of being the real Nazis.”
A column by Nicholas Kristof that also ran in the Sunday New York Times got a similar online dragging, and deservedly so, from the X account of Salo Aizenberg. Aizenberg noticed that in a comparison between American bombing Iraq and Israel bombing Gaza, Kristof used a comparison that started in 2004 rather than 2003. “To push fake narrative one must misrepresent,” Aizenberg wrote, in a post that attracted more than 380,000 views. “If one seeks to compare US & Israel bombing numbers to draw conclusions one MUST begin with the start of each invasion. Anything else is grossly misleading.” Aizenberg described the Kristof column as “statistical manipulation and a “major misrepresentation.”
The Kristof column conceded, “The attack on Oct. 7 was particularly savage, and no doubt my perspective would be different if I had been on the receiving end.” No doubt!
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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To The Punjab Governor
Sir, With due respect we beg to bring to your kind notice the following:
That we were sentenced to death on 7th October 1930 by a British Court, L.C.C Tribunal, constituted under the Sp. Lahore Conspiracy Case Ordinance, promulgated by the H.E. The Viceroy, the Head of the British Government of India, and that the main charge against us was that of having waged war against H.M. King George, the King of England.
The above-mentioned finding of the Court pre-supposed two things:
Firstly, that there exists a state of war between the British Nation and the Indian Nation and, secondly, that we had actually participated in that war and were therefore war prisoners.
The second pre-supposition seems to be a little bit flattering, but nevertheless it is too tempting to resist the desire of acquiescing in it.
As regards the first, we are constrained to go into some detail. Apparently there seems to be no such war as the phrase indicates. Nevertheless, please allow us to accept the validity of the pre-supposition taking it at its face value. But in order to be correctly understood we must explain it further. Let us declare that the state of war does exist and shall exist so long as the Indian toiling masses and the natural resources are being exploited by a handful of parasites. They may be purely British Capitalist or mixed British and Indian or even purely Indian. They may be carrying on their insidious exploitation through mixed or even on purely Indian bureaucratic apparatus. All these things make no difference. No matter, if your Government tries and succeeds in winning over the leaders of the upper strata of the Indian Society through petty concessions and compromises and thereby cause a temporary demoralization in the main body of the forces. No matter, if once again the vanguard of the Indian movement, the Revolutionary Party, finds itself deserted in the thick of the war. No matter if the leaders to whom personally we are much indebted for the sympathy and feelings they expressed for us, but nevertheless we cannot overlook the fact that they did become so callous as to ignore and not to make a mention in the peace negotiation of even the homeless, friendless and penniless of female workers who are alleged to be belonging to the vanguard and whom the leaders consider to be enemies of their utopian non-violent cult which has already become a thing of the past; the heroines who had ungrudgingly sacrificed or offered for sacrifice their husbands, brothers, and all that were nearest and dearest to them, including themselves, whom your government has declared to be outlaws. No matter, it your agents stoop so low as to fabricate baseless calumnies against their spotless characters to damage their and their party’s reputation. The war shall continue.
It may assume different shapes at different times. It may become now open, now hidden, now purely agitational, now fierce life and death struggle. The choice of the course, whether bloody or comparatively peaceful, which it should adopt rests with you. Choose whichever you like. But that war shall be incessantly waged without taking into consideration the petty (illegible) and the meaningless ethical ideologies. It shall be waged ever with new vigour, greater audacity and unflinching determination till the Socialist Republic is established and the present social order is completely replaced by a new social order, based on social prosperity and thus every sort of exploitation is put an end to and the humanity is ushered into the era of genuine and permanent peace. In the very near future the final battle shall be fought and final settlement arrived at.
The days of capitalist and imperialist exploitation are numbered. The war neither began with us nor is it going to end with our lives. It is the inevitable consequence of the historic events and the existing environments. Our humble sacrifices shall be only a link in the chain that has very accurately been beautified by the unparalleled sacrifice of Mr. Das and most tragic but noblest sacrifice of Comrade Bhagawati Charan and the glorious death of our dear warrior Azad.
As to the question of our fates, please allow us to say that when you have decided to put us to death, you will certainly do it. You have got the power in your hands and the power is the greatest justification in this world. We know that the maxim “Might is right” serves as your guiding motto. The whole of our trial was just a proof of that. We wanted to point out that according to the verdict of your court we had waged war and were therefore war prisoners. And we claim to be treated as such, i.e., we claim to be shot dead instead of to be hanged. It rests with you to prove that you really meant what your court has said.
We request and hope that you will very kindly order the military department to send its detachment to perform our execution.
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lexlawuk · 1 year
Home Office Delay: Visa granted After Judicial Review
Our Specialist Immigration Team has been successful in assisting our client (the “Claimant”) in securing a Skilled Worker visa following a Judicial Review (“JR”) application. The Claimant had applied for a Skilled Worker visa over 5 months ago and had paid for the priority service, relying upon a decision being reached within 5 working days of submitting the application as advertised. Upon the…
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Trauma ask game for any OC of your choosing: 2, 6, and 17!
This one's going to be a long and detailed one due to the first question XD. I appologise. 2. Any interesting scars? This one's going to involve some art since Josh is covered in them. It'll make the post longer so just a warning. Also one of his scars requires a self harm warning. I've left that one until last. I've also just placed REDACTED for plot points I haven't published on Ao3 yet.
Starting with ya boi's face. There's a few iterations of face scars for him as time passes. Starting with pre-Corprus-
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He has two, one that cuts through his left eyebrow (cuts from his eyelid to just below his hairline). He got this due to a skull fracture at age nineteen. Essentially REDACTED happened and he had an unexpected reaction, which led to REDACTED slamming his head into a mahogany desk because he ruined the REDACTED and that shit is worth more than him! He was eventually sold to REDACTED who ran a Camonna Tong affiliated syndicate in Cyrodiil. Or as he writes in his journals-
"Teldryn Ensirhaddon-Sero is worth precisely 700 drakes. A good price - for a kid, or so I am told."
The second one cuts across his upper nose bridge and ends around his left cheek. This is a result of a failed escape attempt whilst he was being moved from the Imperial City Prison to a carriage destined for the Gold Coast. He was hit in the face with the pommel of a sword and the impact broke his nose. It then got infected in the 8 weeks and repeated reopening of the wound from subsequent beatings whilst he was chained to the floor of a ship.
Next is face scars post-Corprus.
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More or less the same, but we add a third scar to his left cheekbone the cuts into his hairline. This is the result of the successful excision of a small tumor.
Post Kogoruhn-
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He's broken his nose for a second time and should have his second nose scar that runs in the opposite direction of the first. This is a new application of one that is already present in his Dragon Crisis design, I just hadn't figured out how he got it. Decided with this piece. Next is post Morrowind main quest.
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He adds a series of mourning scars to his cheeks to commemorate his late husband. This also involves shaving his head as a part of the ritual, hence the shorter hair (this is circa Tribunal which is a good year after).
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Here he is right before the Oblivion Crisis.
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And after, where he re cuts the scaring. Dragon Crisis and post Red Year.
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A few more added, mostly a diamond shaped mourning scar near the outer corner of his eye and a notch taken out of his ear from when he was thrown in Windhelm's dungeon. Though he's been pretty lucky with not getting more scars, that all ends with- Post Dragon-Crisis
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Josh gets attacked by a REDACTED and gets his face ripped open. The scars actually stretch right across his torso, but face wise it effects his right side. The mauling lost him half of his right ear and part of his left. It also effects the muscles in his mouth, namely that half of it is paralysed. He's more self conscious of that than anything else. Alright, body scaring time! Pre Corprus
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Mostly it's down to a few shiv slashes from his time in prison. He's got one along his right side that's from a REDACTED who tried to REDACTED, leaving him bleeding out behind a tobacco drying shed. He's got one on his upper thigh from trying to scale a fence.
Thems Corprus.
This is where most of his scarring comes from and I've added to the design since August.
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The scaring covers most of his body, with the start point being his left forearm. The first tumor grew from the point where he was grabbed by Dagoth Gares. The scars are the result of the extensive and horrific attempts made by Divayth Fyr and his daughters to prevent the tumors from regrowing. This resulted in the repeated removal and cauterisation of the tumors as they grew back. Josh's Corprus scars stretch from his left arm, a warped and gnarled hand print. This scar isn't connected to the rest on his body but it is one of the worst. The main scar stretches over most of the right half of his body. Starting from his chest, it travels up, along his shoulder and up his neck before curving around his back and along his left shoulder. The large burn on his chest is the worst of it. The removal of a particularly large mass from his chest resulted in the almost complete removal of his right pectoral muscle and the birth of a lot of lame "one nipple" jokes on his behalf. He has a significant weakness on this side as a result of that muscle being removed.
That scar travels down his torso before spreading out along his thigh in another large scar, though this is mostly a surface burn. The scar reaches his toes and the deformity in his foot resulted in the removal of his first and second toes as well as part of the ball of his foot. He wears a prosthesis that he designed himself to help himself walk. Without it he can't balance and requires a crutch.
Like the scar on his cheek, he has a few smaller excision scars. One on his right hand, and another on his elbow.
The scar is technically dead tissue and oozes a strange substance (congealed blood) if cut. Part of the ordeal involved him lost in a dream sequence where he technically accepted Dagoth Ur's offer. He has two identical brandings on his palms as a result.
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He has a few scars just from what he does for a living. Almost as soon as he got off the boat in Seyda Neen he found himself getting stabbed. He's got a slash through his left shoulder, two on his belly, and one large stab wound that saw him almost bleed out. There's an arrow puncture on his left flank from that time he got swindled.
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Teldryn, when facing Dagoth Ur, managed to get crushed under the hand of Akulakhan as it fell into the lava beneath Red Mountain.
Corprus did something to his body. It was stronger, technically, but he didn't heal well. He left that battle with his pelvis broken in a few places as well as fractures in both femurs. When it became readily apparent that he wasn't going to die from the injury pretty much anyone on Vvardenfell who knew the healing arts tried their hand at mending the bones.
Some priests from Vivec City had an idea that involved physically realigning the bones before healing him with magic. He has two long scars on either hip as a result and one along his back. It took him a long time to learn to walk again and the injury still gives him grief. He can't swing his legs outwards and therefore can't ride a mount.
By the Dragon Crisis, he's added a crushed lower leg to the mix after he has a section of a ship fall on him. He's lucky the same priestess who pioneered his first surgery lived in the same town two hundred years later. Even if she wasn't his greatest fan. After the Dragon Crisis.
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The guy's been mulled by a dragon. He's kinda upset about it since it affected his face so much. Those scars do reach across his torso, though.
The ring finger scars (Self Harm Warning)
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Josh has two sets of circular scars that run around the finger that he wears Moon-and-Star on. This happened at a breaking point for him where he attempted to sever Indoril Nerevar's connection to him by removing the ring. Remove the ring, remove the problem.
Unfortunately it's not quite that simple, the ring is fused to his finger via some sort of magic that no one understands. He got the brilliant idea to amputate the finger. So he got drunk in an alley behind a tavern in Kvatch, took his dagger out and got to work. Turns out his bones don't just slice off like that and ends up passing out from drink before he makes any actual progress. There was a lot of blood.
He was found by a friend, who quickly became something more before he was taken in the Siege of Kvatch.
6. Whats their greatest fear?
Answered here. Short answer, that time will claim what he's built.
17. Do they have any pets?
Josh wants a Nix-Hound, but he's never had a pet before. He thinks a Nix-Hound will make him look badass in a "guy gets a doberman" way.
His girlfriend has rabbits...he tolerates it.
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azeriairis · 3 months
Remember my Post where I posted that the Brutus in the line where Victor Hugo compares Javert to Brutus and Vidocq may have been Lucien Bonaparte? yeah I've changed my mind. I now think it may be Lucius Junius Brutus. (Link to the post I mentioned Here)
Lucius Junius Brutus (not to be confused with his alleged* Descendant Marcus Junius Brutus, the Brutus who helped orchestrate the plot to kill Julius Caesar) is the legendary founder of the Roman Republic. *I say Alleged because the Junia Gens, and particularly the Junii Bruti branch which Marcus Junius Brutus is a part of, claimed they were descendants of the Lucius I'm talking about here, but there isn't anything to actually prove the connection.
I'm going to go into who he is according to Legend, be aware that this is almost certainly at Mythologized, at least to some degree, and he also possibly didn't exist at all, but the story would've probably still been well known to Victor Hugo. That's below the cut, Trigger Warning Brief Mentions of Rape and Suicide.
Alright so brief summary of the legendary story of the creation of the Roman Republic is as such (focusing on Lucius Brutus):
The King Tarquinius Superbus was kind of a shitty king and nobody particularly liked him, his second son Sextus (the name just means 6) Tarquinius raped a Noblewoman by the name of Lucretia. Lucretia then killed herself due to the trauma.
People were let's just say not very happy about this. Lucius was at the time the Tribune of the Celeres, and also the Nephew of the King, and was one of the people who took the lead in the upset, he gathered the Curate Assembly to vote to depose the King (Which is apparently something they had the authority to do). They deposed the King, and the Royal family was exiled.
Lucius was then voted one of the two consuls, and in his position helped establish some of the central systems of the new Roman Republic.
Why the fuck do I compare him to Javert?
Well eventually a conspiracy was formed among members of the upper classes to bring back the monarchy. Among the Co-conspirators were Lucius's sons Titus and Tiberius. When the Conspiracy was found out Lucius ordered all of them to be executed and stayed to witness the execution of his sons (well technically it was Lucius Brutus and Lucius Collatinus (Collatinus was the husband of Lucretia and also Co-consul with Brutus) who ordered the execution together).
And you know what? In my book that's a Javert thing to do. Javert's commitment to enforcing the law is canonically such that he'd throw his parents into jail if needed, I don't think executing his kids for committing treason is that far of a stretch for his character. Like prioritizing his duties over everything else is already a thing with his character, this is just taking it to a somewhat greater extent.
There's other stuff with him, but honestly it doesn't matter as much
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Nancy Pelosi Military Tribunal 👇 Part II
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After Mr. Ramirez left the witness box, Vice Adm. Crandall produced a second witness via a Zoom call, a Hispanic female who said her name was Elsa Fuentes and told the court she had been Pelosi’s unpaid intern between January-March 2018. Her appearance on video seemed to unnerve Pelosi, whose eyes narrowed contemptuously while gazing at the woman’s face on the screen. The admiral asked Ms. Fuentes a few routine questions: How did you become interested in politics? what were your routine duties? Did you enjoy the work? Was the environment pleasant? Did you enjoy Nancy’s company?
“I hated the bitch by day 2. My duties? Arranging her calendar, setting up appointments, cancelling appointments, fetching coffee and cappuccino, cleaning her office, taking her clothes to the dry cleaners, picking up her clothes from the dry cleaners, making her hair appointments, running to the liquor store for her twice a week…” Ms. Fuentes said.
“You sound a bit bitter,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “Is it safe to say bitterness won’t affect your testimony?”
“Just cause she’s a bitch don’t mean I’d lie,” Ms. Fuentes said. “If I’m angry, was angry, it’s cause I knew interns for other Reps weren’t doing the sh—stuff I had to do. And most Reps paid interns, but Nancy didn’t. Hi, there, Nancy, good to see you’re finally where you belong,” she went on, suddenly smiling as she vigorously waved at the defendant.
Vice Adm. Crandall asked her to not address or incite the defendant. Meanwhile, Nancy sat still as a puddle of stagnant water.
“Let me pull your attention back to what you told me when you gave a sworn deposition, Ms. Fuentes. The day–March 10, 2018. You were in Nancy Pelosi’s offices then, is that correct?” asked the admiral.
“I was,” Ms. Fuentes answered without hesitation. “I remember cause Nancy kept me late doing spreadsheets and transcriptions, and other reasons.”
“And Nancy was present?”
“She was in her office and I was in what we called the side office. More like a large closet than an office, where secretaries or interns sit. A door connects the two, and it wasn’t really ever locked or closed all the way. I think Nancy probably wanted to eavesdrop, you understand, in case we were talking about her,” Ms. Fuentes said.
“Let’s refrain from speculation please, Ms. Fuentes.”
“Sorry, sir. Anyway, I overheard her on the phone talking to someone—no idea who it was—about killing President Trump. She was saying she didn’t care how much money it took. She wanted him dead. Nancy was spitting out large figures—like millions,” Ms. Fuentes said.
“Was there anyone in the offices besides you and the defendant?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.
“Just us two. She was talking on a burner phone. Nancy didn’t conduct unofficial business on her office phone. She had a drawer full of burners,” Ms. Fuentes said.
“Let the record reflect that by burners the witness means, generally speaking, inexpensive, expendable, untraceable cellular phones paid for with cash. Do you recognize this?” asked the admiral, as he pulled from a cardboard box a plastic evidence bag holding the upper and lower halves of a prepaid phone someone had snapped in two.
“Of course, I do. I gave it to you,” Ms. Fuentes replied.
“How did you come to obtain this phone?” the admiral queried.
“Took it from her trash bin before I left that night. She’d left first,” Ms. Fuentes said flatly.
“Pretty bold of you and foolish of her, to just drop it in a wastebasket. Weren’t you worried she’d find out?”
Ms. Fuentes said Nancy that day had consumed a half-bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and was inebriated beyond comprehension when she stumbled out of the office at 8:30 p.m. Moreover, she said she’d covered her tracks: She proudly boasted how she had taken an identical, unopened burner phone from Pelosi’s drawer, broke it in a way the closely mimicked how Nancy had snapped the original, and laid it in the trash.
“When I got to the office next day, the trash had been emptied. Not a word was ever said,” she said.
“And you held onto it for what, almost five years now?” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
Ms. Fuentes nodded. “I wasn’t gonna hand it off to just anyone. Then I might have, you know, disappeared.
“Ms. Fuentes, I don’t think that’s anything to worry about anymore. You’re excused.”
The admiral told the panel that despite Pelosi’s pedestrian attempt to render the phone useless—she hadn’t even removed the sim card—from it JAG had extracted call logs and dozens of incriminating text messages that described not only assassinating President Trump but also her plan to “kidnap or get rid of” Trump’s then-12-year-old son Barron. Part of a message read, “ASAP. Take Barron and Trump won’t function. He’ll have to leave, and then I’ll have Pence. Wiring now to what’s been discussed.”
Another message: “Or Ivanka. Make her less pretty.”
“Of course her messages were sent to another burner phone—disconnected, but—” Vice Admiral Crandall began.
Nancy stood. She spoke. She said she was innocent. Innocent with an explanation. “It’s no secret I dislike Donald Trump. This is all fantasy—my fantasy, and fantasy is no crime. It was role play. Nothing more,” she hissed.
“We have your bank records. You wired $375K to an account in Zurich minutes after you sent that text. Ben Folds—a fake name, I’m sure. That’s a hefty sum to spend on role play, for someone who wouldn’t even pay her interns a dime,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
“Your so-called witnesses are compromised, corrupt. I won’t stand for this.”
“Then please take your seat, or we’ll put you in it,” the admiral snapped as two Marines flanked Pelosi. “By the way, I think you got ripped off.”
“I’m sure you won’t like our next witness either,” the admiral continued.
He called to the stand a cooperating witness–Nancy’s estranged husband, Paul Pelosi.
As Soon as I get more I will post it.🤔
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How badly injured was Bonbon on 9 Thermidor?
tl;dr pretty badly, so take that as a warning if you’re sensitive.
We have the following medical report regarding Augustin:
Year 2 of the French republic, 10 thermidor, two o’clock in the morning, at the civil committee of the city hall section,  On year two of the French Republic, the 10th of thermidor, two o’clock in the morning, at the civil committee of the section of city hall, at the ordinary place of its sessions, rue des Barres, n. 4, to ensure the maintenance of good order, in the moment of disorder which afflicts the city of Paris, was, by several citizens of the section, brought on a chair an individual recognized as citizen Robespierre the younger, deputy of the National Convention, who, having thrown himself through one of the windows at city hall, was dangerously injured and almost lifeless. Presented to administer to him the aid necessary for his situation were citizens Pellard, surgeon-dentist, place de Grève; Sorbier, rue Mortellerie; Mallet, doctor, rue des Barres; and Peigné, apothecary, place Baudoyer; these, after having examined his situation, reported to us that the patient appeared to have a wound in the upper part of the right side bone (”l’os des îles”, couldn’t find any info on which bone that is. Anyone?); said wound appeared to them to be an inch and a half long, and it was not possible for them to judge its depth; the state of the patient did not allow them. Several bruises to the head; the most considerable on the coronal structure, almost towards the middle part; two others at a very short distance below; finally, the health officers assured that the patient is in such a state of weakness, of anxiety, that it is not possible for them to pronounce a certain prognosis. Proceeding to learning of the causes of the accident, the patient told us his name was Robespierre; that he voluntarily threw himself from one of the windows of city hall, to escape from the hands of the conspirators, because, having been put under a decree of accusation, he believed his death inevitable; that he never stopped doing his duty well at the Convention, like his brother; that no one can reproach him for anything; that he regards Panis as a conspirator, because he once came over to him declaring that Collot d’Herbois does not desire the good of his country in order to deceive him; Carnot, appears to him to be one of the conspirators, who wants to surrender his country... His situation no longer allowing him to make any further declaration to us, citizens Pierre-Joseph Feucher, upholsterer, residing on rue Denis, n. 105,  told us that, being in the town square, he saw the patient here present climbing through a window of city hall down on the cordon of said house; that he walked for several minutes in a row on said cordon; that a member of the Convention arrived to the square, to proclaim the decree which puts the entire Paris commune under arrest; that the patient here present was within reach of hearing said proclamation, which was barely finished when he jumped off and fell onto the front steps of city hall, at the foot of the representative. He fell on a saber or a bayonet, and knocked down two citizens. Jacques Meunier, shoemaker, rue Montorgueil, nº. 32, declares that being on the Place de Grève, he saw the patient walking on the cordon for around three minutes, his shoes in his hand; then he rushed forward, head first, and fell on two citizens. […] …said Robespierre did not appear to us to be in a condition to be transported to the Committee of Public Safety without risk for his life… […]
When appearing before the Revolutionary Tribunal to be identified,  Augustin also had to be carried in and out on a stretcher as he himself was unable to walk.
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toastys · 2 years
I have a really out-there theory that The Pale itself is symbolically/metaphorically/allegorically/a physical manifestation of the influence of The Players of Disco Elysium. The Pale wiggled its way into Harry's comatose, bender-beaten brain and shattered him into twenty-six different pieces for the Players to convene with. Strap in cause this is a Long One.
The Pale is often described as 'consisting of' everything that has ever happened in Elysium's past - the memories of everyone you meet, speech, radio waves, etc - it would make sense that it would be almost completely inaccessible to the Player as its own plot device. You can't just dip your head into Elysium's Lore Sauna to learn everything immediately... In a sense, you have amnesia too, and are learning everything with Harry as the catalyst. He is an unreliable narrator in an extremely specific position in the world - as a cop stuck on a case in a destitute part of Insulinde - allowing you to absorb the worldbuilding little by little instead of slamming you in the face with all of history at once.
Elysium is giant, but not infinite. Not even the people who live in Elysium know what it looks like from above. The Pale acts as a physical barrier around the most important parts of this world, and is eating away at it - much like the Player absorbs its geography, politics, and cultural sensibilities to utilise to the best of their abilities through Harry. Dora and Harry's past being inaccessible due to physical or mental manifestations of the Pale is another way of motivating the Player to shape Harry into someone new, as You are all he has now.
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(She'll be coming soon. Le Retour. One day I will return to your side.)
The rest is out-of-bounds. Dora is not even seen in the game, since Harry's subconscious can only see her as Dolores Dei, ramming home the fact that Dora is long gone from Harry's life and the realities of poverty he must face. Dolores Dei was killed 300 years ago by a person she was close to after being perceived as something inhuman, and the bourgeois are not human.
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Dora is middle class, and using this, she has literally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually transcended from the love she became disillusioned with. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Harry because she thought he 'looked cool' during a brief economic boom. When the economy went to shit and the shit that made Harry look cool became outdated and tacky, she jumped ship using her class status. Harry is haunted by this - she is eternally leaving him in his dreams (his subconscious saying: 'why couldn't you take me with you?'). This mirrors the upper-class vacating Revachol, that was once the capital of the world, not once but twice. However, after everything, Shivers can still take the letter from you. The city proclaims her love for you. She finds you coat to keep you warm. You can't get Dora back; you couldn't even save yourself from crashing and burning - but the city needs you.
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^ Key phrase 'Let me'. Implying that Harry of all people could kill it via neglect, and that Harry of all people could stop a fucking nuke from dropping on it. Shivers - the City, the Pale itself - could have taken Harry's memories away; the memories that drove him to attempt suicide - and replaced it with voices which guide him (however flawed) and an outside influence so far removed from Elysium that it can see beyond its outermost walls. The Player, baby.
Furthermore, the Pale is often implicated to be made up of alternative universes that contain events that never happened in whatever current playthrough...
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This supports the idea that the Pale - and the resident pale-brained Inland Empire - is at least unconsciously aware of future events. Inland Empire deals in both Harry's inaccessible past and every future that could happen. Furthermore, could this imply that the route in which Kim survives the Tribunal and makes it to the island with Harry is the 'canon' series of events?
So, the Pale - which eats away at the fabric of Elysium - contains information from alternative timelines, and the future? Sounds a little like a Player's cumulative knowledge coming into Elysium to influence events that would otherwise remain unaffected... This would track with Harry's record of Knowing Shit that he definitely has no way of finding out, or even just 'can-opening' people. It's an essential gameplay mechanic turned into a pseudo-supra-natural ability. Other characters pointedly cannot read people's minds, see things that are happening miles away as if they were there themselves, or slow down time enough to make thought-out decisions in the blink of an eye. The Player, combined with Harry's Skills, may be a kind of lightning-rod for the Pale's container of near-infinite information. Of course, it is fallible, but it can also be excruciatingly accurate - so much so that you can freak people out by knowing or predicting shit. The Pale gives voice to Revachol via Shivers; voice to the RCM via EDC; and voice to the inner minds of the people around Harry via Empathy. The way Harry's brain is organised at all (via lists/trees) is genuinely an RPG mechanic based around extracting as much information as possible... Like the Pale. Human can-opener, sending facts straight back into the Player.
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^ See, Kim? Harry can teleport... By the Player glitching him with game mechanics. So, the Pale is the out-of-bounds area inaccessible to characters? Where you have to travel through a physical 'loading screen' skybox of nothing that can do nothing but repeat other areas of Elysium?
I enjoy reading about people speculating on Harry's potential status as an Innocence, while also acknowledging the fact that every Innocence that has ever existed was elected from already-high-status by a politically-motivated court. There have probably existed people with Harry's/ previous Innocence's abilities all throughout history, but were simply never going to go anywhere due to their social standing. Dolores Dei was technically a nepo baby, and built a cult that absolved her of every crime against humanity via religion and political absolutism. A husband who vanished from history, as if his only purpose was to introduce her to the court. Her influence was a part of her Innocence- people were caught in the spell of her (funded) intelligence and (happenstance) beauty. There is another theory that Innocences were Player characters in different genres of games that all took place in Elysium: the Perikarnassian as a 'civilisation builder'; Francongero as a 'dark ages royalist military simulation'; Dolores Dei as a 'political strategy' (maybe Innocence Sola as a representation of the eventual disillusionment of Elysium in Moralism as a religion and the Innocentic system as a whole?). Wouldn't it make sense for the entire world to revolve around the Player? Wouldn't it make sense for them to have a massive outward impact, the future and history seemingly manifesting itself through them? Through the choices they make - the ways they choose to play the game, against an antagonist, and towards a victory that only they can see?
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Wouldn't it be natural for Dolores Dei's assassination be the result of Her Player not investing enough skill points into 'appearing human to outsiders'?
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^ The bourgeois are not human. 'We were supposed to come up with this ourselves!" - a reference to Dolores Dei pulling the future out of the Pale; from future universes where she never existed and retconning inventions into this one. Inland Empire who?
Appearing so perfect that she seemed inhuman worked for a while. People adored her, submitted to her. But, it eventually backfired.
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An Innocence of Humanism - Humanism being a ideological strategy to increase the population and produce more expensive goods? Gaining EXP?
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At the same time, using her wiles and her 'Army of Humanity' to crush and slaughter any dissenters to her rule? Holding tin soldiers between her fingers... The most 'socially secluded' and 'least self-aware' - perhaps secluded to prevent a game over? Un-self-aware because her consciousness is literally separate from Elysium? Is her assassination fundamentally detrimental to Elysium, the world coasting on the Player's absence like a softlocked game? Is Disco Elysium taking place in a 'game over'? 'Elysium' is the word for the resting place of dead gods...
Harry, without the Player, has made an absolutely clusterfuck of his life out of grief. It cannot be discounted, however, that he was an incredible detective. 216 cases cleared, earning the reputation of being a 'human-can-opener'; knowing things that he has no feasible way of knowing; carving a path across Martinaise and taking in every tiny little thing related to the case. From the Phasmid-traps to the Maybells. Perhaps pre-amnesia Harry even knew about the sniper, throwing his shoe through the window to gaud Iosef into shooting again.
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^ Harry's parallels to Dolores Dei? Her toy soldiers, his human cans... Appearing out of nowhere and causing an avalanche, people both attracted to and terrified of them. The difference being - Harry's in a detective game where you start playing as a poor, ugly, drunk, amnesiac cop - and Dolores' political strategy where you begin climbing the ranks of the richest of the rich as a beautiful and immensely educated woman. Harry's scared of his own supra-natural abilities to the point where he doesn't even want to think about how they work? Talk about a sequel....
Who fucking knows what was going through Harry's head before the game started. It doesn't matter. All we know is that we now have an option to combat past-Harry's declaration of 'getting worse'. And we can save-scum this shit as many times as we want until we succeed, with a precinct of voices to converse with when it is necessary to read between the lines or take an action. We even know how likely it is for Harry to succeed at something, down to the percentage. In real life, we might have something of a clue about how likely it is to make a jump or whatever, but Harry's got it down to a percentile. Because he's a goddamn RPG main character, and the Pale cleared out the room for us in his head since Elysium needs another Innocence. One who is not 'innocent' of anything at all. One who is an absolute dumpster-fire drenched in flammable alcohol, representing the culmination of Revachol at this point in history. Born in a place where people go to die, contracting a disease that everyone was too poor to be vaccinated against, catching the momentary fancy of a richer upper-class only to be vacated and haunted into a recession fueled by addiction and poverty - now, reborn and rising and able to prevent his death in as many ways as the game allows us to.
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^ Access to hidden places and circulation among those who are hidden - is this referring to his uncannily good detective work, and the trust and information he is able to can-open from those in hiding from one thing or another? 'Hidden places' could even refer to the future (or things otherwise unrevealed to most people), in this context. 'Hidden people' could be those who have been so downtrodden by capitalism that they are essentially nobodies - trapped in spirals of poverty, addiction, etc, - just like Harry. He is able to converse with them on semi-equal footing because of this.
His status within the RCM and whatever special treatments he socially benefits from is apparently paramount in him saving Revachol. Perhaps the RCM will become less of a tool used by the Coalition and more of a People's Army, fighting foreign control. A free Revachol. Not everyone in the RCM is a fan of this whole 'Moralism' thing...
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'ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO YOUR SIDE', burning in fuel that Harry lights with a tiny spark, written to be seen by the Coalition Warships above by a young revolutionary. The flames warm them both. We don't know how exactly Harry will stop the nuke from falling on Revachol - it could be something as little as a butterfly effect decision he takes, or as big as playing a leading role in Le Retour. A plea from the city to be vigilant. A stack of boxes, representing all of history, holding for a small moment with the help of Harry. Something beautiful is going to happen.
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This one kind of got away from me, so thank you for reading all of it. What I think I really want to say is that our determination and hope to see the HANGED MAN through to the end is for us to witness all of Recachol's bloody history and fall in love with it anyway. To want to make it better, even a tiny little decaying part of it like Martinaise. Even a broken, objectively terrible man like Harrier Du Bois. Disco Elysium was meant to be only a prelude to a bigger series of games; a taster of the wider world. Sadly, we'll probably never get anything like that due to the original artists who created this world being fired from ZA/UM. But I don't think we'll stop loving or dreaming of this wonderful story and the characters who inhabit it. Capitalism can't kill an idea, after all.
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^ Thank you to these people for planting this girthy idea in my head. I need a lie down.
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msexcelfractal · 1 year
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It's a compromise between my 2D and my 4D fractals: 16x16 sprites that bleed into each other horizontally. This image is in 6 colors. It uses addition modulo 6 as an XOR analogue. 0 is black, 1 is red and 5 is blue. I mirrored the output so A1 is in the upper right; the other way just looked wrong to me.
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bensonsballerz · 6 months
timeline of nina lore fuck it lets ball
adopted as a baby, raised by seolite parents in seol. she would grow up learning both seol and eventually english (revacholian? idk how they describe it). her father was a mechanic and avid gun collector. she would share that love
her parents were very outspoken activists and as conflicts increased in seol, so did their dedication. unfortunately her parents would be killed in their home by authorities, nina witnessing the whole thing at 15 years old. she would flee by hiding on a cargo ship that would eventually sail to the martinaise harbor. during this voyage she would be exposed to a minor amount of pale
a couple months after her arrival she would see kims pinball playing and be obsessed and develop a celebrity crush lol. she would actually get a job repairing the pinball machines (acquired somewhat by her desire to meet him). of course the games would eventually be shut down. afterwards she would focus a lot on helping the young orphaned kids she'd come across. her parents deaths and rcm inaction would fuel her disdain for police
when she was 17 she met cuno, who would be 7, and she would look after him a lot especially cuz his dad sucks. he gives her food sometimes.
when she was 20 she would get a job at the whirling in rags working for garte, and she would become close with him. she would also meet lena, morrell, and gary. she really doesnt like them
soon, cuno introduces her to cunoesse (whom i headcanon is actually named esse and nina calls her nessie) with her very limited money she buys a shitty apartment that cunoesse lives in and sometimes cuno stays in
she ends up punching gary, breaking his nose, 2 years into her employment after he gets drunk and says bigoted shit. garte reluctantly has to fire her (it was more by upper management pressuring him). they would both be banned from the whirling for a little while after that. following this, she would get a job working for an underground kingpin type, doing odd jobs for him
sometime after this would be the hanged man case, and she actually hides due to her aversion of police (seol has a bounty for her). cuno steals a rifle from the tribunal for her
i might add onto this later im a bit tired but yeah i swirl her in my brain like a rotisserie chicken
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