#Use common sense
pettytiredandjewish · 7 months
So uh… to the “pro-Palestine” crowd
- harassing random jews on the streets (and online) isn’t going to help Palestinians
- swarming and blockading college campus buildings (and hospitals) and chanting genocidal slogans at jews isn’t going to help Palestinians
- defacing synagogues and jewish owned stores isn’t going to help Palestinians
- displaying antisemitic signs and waving nazi flags isn’t going to help Palestinians
- chanting for intifada isn’t going to help Palestinians (Hamas would love that though)
- spreading Hamas propaganda isn’t going to help Palestinians
This doesn’t help Palestinians- but it sure does help Hamas who’s goal is to wipe out Israel and all jews. Also Hamas could care less for Palestinians- why do you think they are being used as human shields???
Doing all of these things makes you antisemitic (some of y’all were probably already antisemitic, and is using the I/P conflict to go fully unmasked). You doing this is causing harm to so many people. And to be honest- doing this shit shows that you actually don’t care for Palestine. In fact you are using this conflict to go fully unmask and be raging antisemitic little asshats.
Instead of doing something that could help those who are affected by this war, you are harassing jews, defacing synagogues, and calling for intifadas. Why is that? (I know the answer- but humor me). Why is this acceptable? How does harassing and harming jews help Palestine? And how does supporting Hamas (a terrorist organization) help Palestine?
Also I may get hate for this but I don’t care: anti Zionism is antisemitism. The term anti Zionist was created during the soviet era by one of the soviet leaders. The Soviet Union hated jews and wanted to stamp them all out. One of the ways that they “succeeded” was “persuading” jews that their culture and religion was dirty. That they- the jews should be ashamed of their “Jewishness”. And that was how anti Zionism came to be.
I said what I said. If you don’t like it then maybe you have some thinking to do.
Also as another fucking reminder:
Stop fucking spreading vile antisemitic shit (and stop harassing Israel citizens) !!! This includes:
- blood libels
- organs harvesting
- holocaust denial
- “hitler was right”
- “gas the jews”
- lizard people
- “jews are rats”
- “jews are rich”
- “jews control the media”
- “jews are landlords”
- the majority of conspiracy theories
- Zionist occupied government
- Zionism is racism
- stop fucking reading protocols of the elders of Zion
- “from the river to the sea…” is a genocidal chant.
- stop calling Israel a “terrorist” state and stop saying that all Israelis are terrorist (people are not their fucking government)
(Just to list a few)
I said what I said and if you don’t like it- the doors over there.
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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strikingchoice4731 · 4 months
Ok, so I really don't mean for this blog to turn into something political but this is something I couldn't just ignore anymore.
I just wanted to clarify to everyone that may come across my blog, that I'm completely against EVERY SINGLE THING that comes from WOKE people. Such as:
Neo pronouns
"Trans women can have periods"
"Women have a penis"
Minors should have access to puberty blockers
Trans women don't have a physical advantage and should be able to compete in female sports
"He/Him" lesbians
"Lesbians are non-men loving non-men"
"You're transphobic if you don't want to date a trans person"
There are more than two genders
Drag Queens perfoming in front of children at their school
"My little girl/boy is trans"
Children should be able to transition
"You can still be trans and not having to transition"
Teaching children about LGBT content
Having the LGBT flag hagging on the wall inside the classroom
Having books with explicit sexual content in school libraries
The idea that children can consent and make decisions for themselves
And more.
I'm so done with this fucked up ideologies of "you can identify however you want" and "everyone is welcome and should be included"
That way of thinking is dangerous and harmful and the fact that even PEDOPHILES created the acronym MAP ( Minor Attracted Person) and are claiming for a space in the community - that is looking more like a cult nowadays - should be enough proof of that.
These messed up and twisted narratives, are destroying everything all of those previous generations of LGBTs fought for. And people had enough.
Stop spreading misinformation.
Stop spreading lies.
Stop confusing people.
This is going way too far.
Just STOP.
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I saw that ask a couple days ago and I wanted to say something but I am only saying it now: wow yeah guys god forbid I, a real person with a uterus, call a FICTIONAL CHARACTER a bitch /s, I think trying to tell admins to police banter in reblogs just shows some people can't stand the competitive side of competition like what did you expect
Ok, let’s end this once and for all. We will not block anyone that says bitch, or calls a sexyman a bitch.
Common courtesy laws apply.
-don’t be racist
-don’t misgender people (not the sexymen with the purpose of being a dick)
-if you could say it to a person in real life and not get whacked it’s fair game
-when in doubt, ask the admins (keep in mind we have a life outside of napoleonic hotties)
-If you harass real life other Tumblr users for how they vote, you will be blocked
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mystical-blaise · 8 months
Dipping out of the Tumblr fandom until next week at the earliest because it's a fucking minefield of HOFAS spoilers on here. Jesus H. Christ. THE BOOK ISN'T EVEN FUCKING OUT YET. As someone who was spoiled last time, it's fucking rude to try to ruin the experience of discovery via reading the actual book. If you're excited? Cool. I don't want to know you read it, are reading it, and if you did, kindly stop trying to send people your theories/reactions/etc to people you don't know if they have read it yet. It's rude and entitled. In conclusion, don't be a HOFAS Spoiler Cunt and I'll see you all in a week or two.
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If you are wondering about the #Nestaq fic, the next chapter will be up this week. Keep track of my Insta or Ao3.
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emisanemu · 5 months
I don’t know why this needs to be said, for the millionth time, it seems like some people have been lacking in reading comprehension and don’t understand what x reader means.
It means READER as in the human behind the screen reading the story. Your personal description is not the reader, your face claim is not the reader, your OC is not the reader, if the person you’re writing for has a definite description, a name, a look you’ve already decided, it’s no longer x reader.
Your work becomes annoying to me when I have to sift through it in the x reader tag, because now I’ll make the active choice to avoid your writing. Stop tagging your OC stories x reader, either learn what x reader means or stop using the tag all together.
You’re not quirky, you’re not gonna get me to read it out of desperation, you are actively prohibiting people from seeing the stories they want actually want to see by crowding the x reader tag with your OC nonsense.
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lifeistheebubbles · 1 year
If you park in a handicap spot without a permit or valid reason you're ignorant and selfish and I will be taking no questions :)
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I am beyond sick and tired if being yelled at for absolutely NO GOOD REASON. So FREAKING WHAT if I have my headphones on while I am watching a movie on my damn laptop? If you have something to say to me, come into the room that I am in. Use polite methods to get my attention. Wait until I have paused the movie and removed my headphones. Then speak. But don't freaking YELL at me from another room, knowing that I have my headphones on, and then throw a freaking temper tantrum when I don't respond. Because guess what? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! And do NOT act with surprise or offense when I don't respond like an emotionless drone when you yell at me because YOU didn't use common sense.
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littleflower-0 · 1 year
I have 2 inbox request (from forever ago!!! So sorry) that I am working on, and I would be willing to do some more!
I will draw for TTTE, JJBA, and some other Fandoms in my Carrd.
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minecraftwizrrd · 3 months
i said this on twitter but i Actually cant believe i share a fandom with people who think the friend inside me account is toby Like you hve to be really stupid
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mo-mode · 9 months
The Biblically Accurate Trio in TLT
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oobbbear · 9 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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randomvoices · 1 year
The Pianist- Madame Macabre
"Just days passed by and how rumors fly
About the man with the golden song
Sweet little thing came to hear his notes ring
It seemed as though not a thing could go wrong
He poured his heart into every key
Played to set all his deepest wishes free
And at the end how the crowd went mad
Seemed as though her love he finally had"
So, the only reason they got together was because he could play piano well. I smell shallowness. The only reason any of the shit in that song happens is because people are shallow.
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turquoisepaws · 1 year
Something happened to me on a Friday night. I was leaving my friend's house, waiting for my peer specialist to pick me up.
Originally, I was in line to have a different peer specialist. But for some reason, I got this man named Darrin at some point around the time I'm back to school. A bit of background about him is that, before working with my original peer specialist, he worked with my staff's supervisor in the Central branch. He became a close friend of mine to the point that we socialized outside of his work. Eventually, it got to the point of becoming a sexual relationship. I initially thought he was at the age of my parents, but he lied to me that he was around my age. This, in retrospect, disgusts me that he would go after youth.
Flash forward, I told Darrin that I had this deal with my other friend named Pat. The deal was to have sex with Pat before Darrin or anyone else. I communicated to Darrin that I only wanted to like grind, genital against genital. But then, I was penetrated. It took me more than once to say "NO" or "STOP". I felt how painful it was. This was the aspect that told my gut to call Planned Parenthood a few days later. You'd guess what I found out exactly what this man did to me...
Note: His full name is Darrin Barnes. Luckily, he had a condom on, and I didn't bleed. I thought I could call 911 ASAP, but I was in such a private place. Just thinking of this gross mf makes me wanna like murder the shit outta his junk!
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frostbytemyrik · 2 years
I'm not epileptic, but between the Cyberpunk2077 and Avatar 2 stuff, is anyone else getting the feeling that studios are getting a bit more...lax with making sure their shit doesn't cause seizures in photosensitive people?
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
im not american but some of you guys are just fucking stupid ong what do you MEAN youre not gna vote because you disagree with like one part of what youre voting for. like okay me when im fucking thick
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