#Utility Terrain Vehicle
mohitbisresearch · 2 years
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Karma Ivara, 2024. A new multi-terrain 4-seat electric coupé is the latest example of Karma Automotive's Comet Line styling. Described as a GT-UV (Grand Touring Utility Vehicle) the Ivara's front fascia reflects the new face of Karma. Underneath there's a protective matte undertray finished with self-healing paint
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
When I was a kid, going to the zoo was a joyous occasion. You'd get to see a giraffe, maybe your dad would stay home from work, and at the end there'd be a root-beer-flavoured candy stick from the gift shop. Nowadays, I'm an adult, and adults most definitely do not go to the zoo on their own. So I did.
As soon as I arrived, and paid the eyewatering sum required for the parking and admission, I immediately had a rush of childhood euphoria upon seeing my favourite animal again. That animal is a John Deere Gator 6x6 all-terrain-vehicle and utility tractor. The groundskeepers were still using this reliable workhorse, and, thinking they were dealing with nothing more than rebellious toddlers, had left it parked in front of the penguin exhibit with a length of chain link fencing and copper wiring in the back.
Oh yes, copper wiring. They should be more careful about that. A real creepazoid thief would steal that stuff, get a couple bucks. I, however, pride myself on respecting the private property of others a little bit more than that. As I plunked the Gator into low range and began climbing the stairs to the wildebeest area, I gave myself a pat on the back for being such a good citizen and having so much restraint and impulse control.
I'd like to say that the resulting chase through the facility involved a bunch of daring high-speed turns, but the scrub radius on one of these six-wheel-drive abominations is just terrible. Every time I even went near the steering wheel, I was rewarded with copious understeer. Despite what the evening news says, it is to my credit as a race driver that I managed to only gently skim the butterfly exhibit, rather than crash through it. Security did catch up to me when I stopped to get a corn dog, but that's only because the lines were so long.
As I lay there on the ground, my arms handcuffed behind me, the cop's knee in my back, I had no regrets. Well, maybe one. You see, I had picked the wrong snack counter, not realizing just how far a giraffe's neck could bend. Being forced to watch that long-necked asshole swallow my corn dog – which I paid for – whole is the real injustice here.
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alienssstufff · 2 years
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An extract from a local article published by The Weekly Hermit on the 5th of October (Year: NULL). Covered by Pixlriffs [Pen Name] –DISAPPEARING ACT, The Bachelor Who Vanished In Thin Air
[MEMORY : 1/2 ] [MEMORY : 2/2 - HERE]
They were young and unafraid, Joel [LASTNAME] alongside friend Scar [LASTNAME] would venture on a hiking trip around the mountains only to vanish without a trace.
With the Joel engaged and set to be married to the current head of the Fairy Fort Resort ranger Lizzie [LASTNAME], accounts state that him along with best man Scar were last seen on the 22nd of September in the safety of Hiker’s Checkpoint, a popular camping destination of the Last Life woodlands.
“He said it was supposed to be an ‘act of bravery’. He wanted to prove he was strong to me.” A distraught Lizzie recounts. 
“I knew Scar was acting rather off the last few weeks, but I never expected he would just.. Up and run away like this. Especially with someone as inexperienced to hiking as Joel – I didn’t think they would go this far!” witness and former roommate of Scar, Grian, relays to the press.
Further interviews with the witnesses on the day of the disappearance recount in agreeance to meet the two at the Fairy Fort Reserve, a small group had held an early-morning farewell bachelor party at the Hiker’s Checkpoint, where the two would begin their 3-day trip along the marked Mycelium Trail to the wedding venue on the 25th of October.
Joel was last seen wearing a thick brown sheepskin sweater, brown pants, and worn white-and-green running shoes - with his most noticeable feature being green, dyed highlights in his hair. Scar was last seen donning a brown aviator's jacket above a black, multi-purpose utility jacket and white plaid flannel with blue cargo pants - most noticeable feature being the green bandanna found at the checkpoint.
Prior background given by loved ones and witnesses of the party reveal that the wellbeing of Joel, a novice hiker, would still be under the guidance of friend Scar who is reported to have years of experience of hiking both within and beyond the hiking trails of the woodlands. 
Reports to the authorities of their disappearance were made just 24-hours past the expected date by the Fairy Fort Reserve and the duo would be officially declared missing on the 28th of September. Several smaller search parties made within the FFR, Lizzie admits, were held prior to making the decision on contact around the reserve and the Hiker’s Checkpoint. A larger, more extensive investigation along the Mycelium Trail was held from the 28th onwards as more people volunteered and potential witnesses were questioned.
The Mycelium Trail is a relatively accessible route for both man and off-road vehicles to traverse between various locations in the Last Life woodlands. While recordings of the weather at this time of year had been colder than usual, there had been no signs of snow, rainfall or forest fires that would hinder the mens’ trip. 
A total of 78 individuals have participated in the search for our runaway bachelor and avid adventure-lover with little succession as damp footprints of the missing, Scar’s green bandanna,  a set of binoculars belonging to Scar, and two discarded lighters and canteens found within the bounds of the Hiker’s Checkpoint. 
Suspect of foul play between the men were brought up in questioning but was avidly rejected by witnesses and investigators for lack of motive even considering Grian’s accounts on Scar’s unusual behavior. Further theories relating to mentions of exploring the nearby Magical Mt were also suspect and a smaller search party made closer to the foot of the mountain was conducted to no avail due to the frigid weather. Urgencies from Lizzie to authorities in further investigation within the mountain were set forth and ultimately rejected due to windy weather and unstable, difficult-to-cross terrain.
As of current release, the status of Joel and Scar remains unknown. For information leading to the safe return of Joel [LASTNAME] and Scar [LASTNAME] please contact [NUMBER REMOVED] at the Fairy Fort Reserve investigation team.
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lcthebtswriter · 1 month
pairing: racer!bruce wayne x gender neutral reader
summary: racing through the streets of Gotham is the only time Bruce lets his guard down around you
warning: high speed chase
word count: 1.1k+
tags: @everyday-imfangirling
Send an ask to be tagged in future fics for specific characters. You get first priority when making requests.
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The rush of adrenaline keeps your foot planted on the gas pedal. Gotham’s city lights blur into splashes of color reflecting off the puddles in the asphalt. The tires of your car spin so rapidly that whenever you brake you leave burn marks and a plume of smoke in your wake. Honking horns break through the music blasting in your Ferrari, its rumbling engine drowning out the shouts of angered citizens walking along the sidewalk.
Bruce is right behind you, his Mercedes revving and groaning with each mile it steadily climbs. You’re leading him onto the highway that takes you out of Gotham and into its surrounding forest scenery. To get to that open stretch of road, however, you have to dodge the police cars that are trailing behind Bruce.
He speeds up beside you, weaving beside a car that drives between you before his Mercedes is at your right again. You flash him a smile through your window, unable to tell if he can see you through his tint. Your car’s bass is thumping and you’re sure everyone outside can hear, but all you’re focused on is staying ahead of the police. There’s only so far they can tail you before they reach the end of their jurisdiction, and that’s all you and Bruce are gunning for now. Screw the race. You can’t win behind bars.
You barely hear Gotham PD’s police sirens over the roar of the engine and the screeching of tires. Your eyes are focused on the road ahead, lit up by street lamps and emanating a glow as you race down the highway. Bruce is right beside you, the only time he stops thinking being when he’s in this exact position. You’re both the darlings of Gotham and it shows, but even your privileges don’t extend past the laws of the road.
It isn’t long before you’re both gunning it down an empty stretch of highway, trees blurring as your cars pass a hundred miles per hour. There are no other vehicles out, so you utilize the oncoming traffic lane to let Bruce take the other. The cop cars couldn’t keep up, so it’s just the two of you racing down the road ahead and leaving Gotham behind.
For the first time in a long time, Bruce isn’t thinking about his parents and you aren’t worrying about your future with him. All the times he’s bailed you out of jail, all the late nights waiting for him to cross the finish line - they’re only memories. Right now, it’s just the purring of your car as it glides along the asphalt.
Your hands are damp with adrenaline fueled sweat, and your stomach ties with anticipation. The screen on your dashboard lights up with an incoming phone call, and you turn off your music to answer it. Bruce is on the other line.
“We stopping anytime soon?” He wonders, and you glance at his car beside yours before eyeing the road again. You keep your gaze on the road, car scraping against the rocky terrain when you speed over a hill. The belly of your car catches air, and for a brief moment you almost get nervous.
“Regular spot?” You ask.
Bruce hums in agreement before hanging up. That’s usually how short your conversations with him are.
You ease off the gas, slowing the car as it winds along a stretch of road that wraps around a hill. You’re able to see Gotham below you as you ease into the lane before Bruce. After all, it’s dangerous to speed around corners.
Eventually you’re both driving within the speed limit, easing your cars into a spot overlooking the city. Bruce’s car sputters as he parks it next to yours, and you let yourself listen to the engines chugging along as they catch their breaths. You put the car in park, cracking your knuckles out of the vice grip they had on the steering wheel. Cutting the engine, you hear hisses and pops from the hood of your car telling you it’s time to refuel soon.
Bruce gets out of his car first and leans against it, waiting as you check your phone and close its tabs. You climb out of your car, gently shutting the door and crossing the front of it to sit on the grass. Bruce joins you, both of you crossing your legs and listening to the pop of your engines as they cool down.
You keep an ear out for incoming police sirens, the high of the chase still running through your veins. Your limbs are numb from shaking with adrenaline and there is an icy weight in your hands and feet. This is the feeling you chase whenever you buy your position in a race or invite Bruce to dodge the cops with you.
The city sprawls before you, glistening lights of skyscrapers and late-night businesses twinkling beneath a yellow moon. It’s cloudy tonight, and there’s a gently breeze that carries the smell of gasoline and incoming rain. You watch police lights flicker throughout the city, wondering if it’s any use going back home until traffic dies down. You know better, though, because traffic in Gotham never stills. Someone is always going somewhere, the hustle of city life drones on and on in a loud hum that only quiets when the roar of your engine overpowers it.
“I dunno whether to leave Gotham or stay,” you admit to Bruce.
He’s looking out over the city when you glimpse at him. The wind pushes his dark hair over his eyebrows, which are tensed together as he observes the blinking lights. He lets out a sigh. “I’m too tied to Gotham to leave,” he says. There’s a sadness in his voice, as if his duty of fulfilling his parents’ business is anchoring him to a place he’d leave behind had it not been for their deaths.
You interlace your fingers, and Bruce lets you lean against him even though the muscles in his back and shoulders tense.
“Suppose the streets are good for racing.” You’re trying to cheer him up by saying that.
A small smile tugs at the corners of Bruce’s mouth, as if he’s aware of your attempt at easing the already dreadful mood. You’ve both got to return sometime, at least before the police contact the precinct that has jurisdiction outside Gotham.
“Wherever you go, I go,” Bruce says. He looks at you, eyes heavy from refusing to sleep. He leans into you, pressing a kiss to your lips. Before you can reciprocate, Bruce turns back to the city.
“I wish there was more I could do,” he sighs.
“Sometimes this is all we have,” you say, “and it has to be enough."
The grip he has on your hand tightens, each cold draft of the wind pushing you closer into him. There are goosebumps prickling on your skin, and Bruce lets go of your hand to put his arm over your shoulders. The warmth of his body does little to protect you from the breeze, but you’re not going to move until he’s ready to go.
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terrence-silver · 11 months
A story about yandere!Gus Travis please? 🥺
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(Gus Travis x Reader)
His hand drags you forward, refusing to let go.
Rushing towards the lone beach church at the end of the mountainous hiking trail of Cape Flattery, tucked in between the bosom of the black jagged rocks overgrown with moss and the rough, sandy plateau of the foggy coastline as pale as a bone in the shadow of the tall, blackened Spruce trees, car parked behind him near the rocky terrain waterfront, gloomy and overcast before the afternoon rain, his men, in a pair of two, silently following suit, serving as witnesses. Nice, isolated, no people present to intervene, Gus thought, with determined steps stepping into the sand --- and as a result, a perfect place to conduct a quick marriage. He reassures himself, his fingers touching the hilt of his gun tucked into his belt beneath his jacket, deciding he can simply flash it to the priest in case of any inhibitions to the contrary, or even go as far as pull it out and make a valid argument with it if push came to shove, his other hand latched unto yours, ushering you where you two needed to be. He acquired you a dress. Had you wear it. Went as he was. Leather, jeans and a dress shirt, right off of the docks right before he headed back to finish up back there. Wrap up all loose ends. He had no time to play dress up. He needed this done and he needed to be practical on his part. He needed this to be binding. Today. Doubly so. Having just driven out here from the registry office up at Port Angeles.
Deciding that it was now or never.
So, it was infinitely better if it was now.
Gus pulls you to him, shoulder to shoulder, sliding off his jacket in a hurry and wrapping it around your shoulders tightly, keeping you warm from the oncoming wind gusts blowing in sharp from the open, wavy sea front, utilizing his body to shield you from it. Keep you pretty. Although, you always were, regardless of the circumstances. His very own mermaid on dryland. -"I know it's bad now, but I'll get a leave and a honeymoon and we'll go. We'll go whenever you want. Maybe get a boat. Just for you and me. Sail somewhere warm."- He speaks, close enough to touch your face with his as he bent his head down to catch your expression better. He was certain his boss would give him a week or two worth of break. Gus's grip on his gun instinctively tightens. You shoot him a concerned, puzzled look. -"But, how can you get a leave when you..."- You start and he immediately interrupts you before you can even finish saying what he was thinking you'd say. Yes. He already knew. He knew and he didn't wanna hear any more of that crap. He wasn't a doctor, an accountant, a baker, a mechanic or a lawyer. He robbed banks, smuggled, stole and killed for a living, yes, if the occasion required it. There were no holidays and breaks from shit like that. There were only stalemates. But, he'd ensure some of the spoils of all his efforts over the years would pay off and that he'd get the due diligence rewards he deserved in leaving with you for a while. That was the least of what he was owed. His thoughts take the shape of the firearm his fingers were caressing for a moment and Gus figured that if he doesn't get it though, at this point, he was just as willing to go solo. Shoot his way out of this mess, with you in tow or die trying.
If Bonnie and Clyde could do it ---
He turns to his men, with a glance tossed over the shoulders.
-"Keep the engine running. Wanna be out of here quick."-
Gus orders and one of the burly, sullen looking guys wordlessly nods and turns back, sauntering towards the solitary vehicle, while the other one took the hint, and stood discreetly aside, hands tucked into his pockets, head averted. Good call. The rush wasn't quite that big, but he wanted a second of solitude with you, to drill something into you. Gus grabs your shoulders and turns you to face him, looking at you directly. Trying to make you understand. -"Hey. I can. I'll find a way. I always do. Doesn't matter. So long as we're together. Always together."- He reassures, vehemently. Hands travelling from your shoulders to your cheeks, warming their cold, windswept surface with his warm palms, protecting you from the ire of the ocean. -"You were given to me, remember? The best work bonus I ever got in my whole life and I'll take care of you forever, okay?"- He presses his forehand against yours, holding himself there, closing his eyes and trying to remember when you were first brought in to the compound. One of many girls his boss wanted to put to work. On the street. In bars. In clubs around Washington State. In private joints. Hauling them off to private collectors. Caught anywhere and everywhere. Abroad. Domestically. Smuggled across the border with Canada. Promised jobs. Opportunities. Thing was, a man could only rob a bank once. A person? He could sell multiple times. Countless times, in fact. It was lucrative business. But, Gus? He picked you. He knew he wanted you the minute you were brought in. He wanted you untouched. Unharmed. Unspoiled. All for him. And now, he'd have you. He opens his eyes. Meets yours.
-"And those days? They're long gone. They're never coming back."- He coos, pressing his nose against your neck, inhaling the scent there. If anyone ever touched, tried to use, did as much looking at you wrong again, he'd dump them off of the nearest port in so many bits not even the fish would find them as viable chow.
Gus swore that much.
-"But you sort of owe me something for that. I paid a hundred grand in cash for the privilege of that even though you would've made some pimp out there ten times that much. What I gave for you is more than these bozos make in years."-
He reminds, not unkindly --- never unkindly if he could help it, pointing his nose towards his men for emphasis, but it needed to be brought to your attention that he bought you off of the hands of his syndicate with more money than most people have ever held in their hands all their lives, saving you from a life of sucking cock for a buck and showing your ass on some pole somewhere to dope shooters, petty dealers and the occasional street thug. You quite literally belonged to him. And much like all treasures, you were expensive as heck, but it was worth it. You were worth it. The coastal church was looming just ahead, against the cloudy vista. All that was necessary was to walk through it now. You already had matching bands on your fingers and it was all legal. This was really just a formality. A romantic formality. He couldn't help the appeal of it. A wedding elopement with the one he loved. Now, if he only had a boat baptized with your initials so he could make this day perfect. Sail somewhere up North. Never to be found again. -"I've nothing to repay you with and you know that, Augustus. I don't have a single thing."- You shake your head, using his full name, seeming somewhat defeatist, and no, that wouldn't do either, because you did in fact, have something. The name of the something or someone was inscribed in ink above your heart. A tattoo, matched to his. He grabs the hem of his collar and shows you your own name marked in black on his skin, peeking out from under his shirt and his braided chain necklace, beneath his collar bone, so you'd never forget you and him were one. Even if marriage certificates could burn, wedding bands could be lost or sold, branded flesh was a constant.
Even after death. Even if you fought this, ran, acted willful, lied and schemed, butt heads with him and made it impossible for him to be as good as he wanted to be and if he was forced to do something as unthinkable as tie your legs with bricks and submerge you into the sea, you'd still die with his name on you, and if he jumped after you to join you, he'd die the same way.
That was true matrimony.
-"But, you do. You do!"- He protests, pointing at the inked letters.
-"You've got me now!"- Gus presses your hand against his torso, squeezing it there with his own grip. -"What you owe me is in there."- He looks towards the church and then back at you, hearing the distant buzzing of the ignited car engine stir the wind and the slamming of the door as his getaway chauffeur sauntered back, waiting at ease, adjusting the neckline of his jacket and lifting it up once the first, mist peppered dash of rain broke through the air. It was time, yeah. Gus collects the hem of your wedding dress, carrying it for you, not caring if your own attire wasn't exactly the most practical compared to his, feeling you needed and deserved to look the part of the princess today of all days, grabbing your hand and leading you up the slope, towards the rocky chapel courtyard and its iron cast front gate. His hand finds yours once again, fingers entwined, embracing you to shield you from getting wet. On instinct, his hand is on his gun once again. -"That and letting me lead you because I'm not leading you anywhere bad again. I love you."- Gus guarantees, giving you a kiss, tasting the salt of the wind and the sea on your mouth before he sought to refresh your memory and saying;
-"We love each other."-
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ariesgamesandminis · 29 days
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Coming in hot from Hardware Studios…new terrain & restocks!
New: Hexopolis Set 1 Hexopolis Set 2 Hexopolis Set 3
Restocks: Axe Gepard MK 1 Dropship Hex Buildings 2 Jade Turkey Monitor Dropship Truck Pack 1 Utility Vehicle Pack 1
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 11 days
In the modern world, what would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise's preferred car be?
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
Vehicle: Cadillac Escalade
Reason: The Escalade’s large, imposing presence mirrors his own, and the luxury interior suits his refined tastes. He’d appreciate the balance between power and comfort, making it a perfect vehicle for both city driving and long trips.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Vehicle: Ford F-150 Raptor
Reason: The Raptor’s rugged, off-road capabilities align with his desire for dominance and power. It’s a vehicle that can handle rough terrain and is built for durability, much like how he views himself.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Vehicle: Chevrolet Silverado
Reason: The Silverado’s combination of strength, durability, and utility appeals to him. It’s a dependable vehicle that can carry a heavy load, much like the burdens he believes he bears. It also represents his no-nonsense, practical approach to achieving his goals.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Vehicle: Mercedes-AMG G63
Reason: The G63’s combination of luxury and raw power makes it a fitting choice. It’s a vehicle that commands respect and suits his image as a formidable leader with a taste for the finer things in life.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Vehicle: Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk
Reason: The Trackhawk’s blend of off-road capability and high performance would appeal to him. It’s a vehicle that can adapt to various situations, much like his strategic mind in adapting to challenges. The speed and power also mirror his ambition and drive.
Vehicle: Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat
Reason: The Hellcat’s aggressive design and immense horsepower resonate with Demise’s fierce and destructive nature. It’s a car that embodies raw power and intimidation, much like Demise himself.
Each choice reflects their personalities and the way they would navigate the modern world.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Alfa Romeo Matta AR 51 4x4 
Despite the obvious, AR does not stand for Alfa Romeo, but rather Autovettura da Ricognizione, or reconnaissance vehicle. Based on a formula devised by Italy’s Ministry of Defense, Alfa Romeo took to the challenge to design a vehicle that could overcome all obstacles. Somewhat irreverently, it was also called the Alfa Matta, which translates to Mad Alfa, the forebear of the modern sport utility vehicle. Alfa delivered 2,000 to the Italian government, along with another 50 for civilian use. It was produced from 1952 to 1954, when it became known as the AR52.Specifications issued by the Italian military for a reconnaissance vehicle referenced the ubiquitous Willys Jeep, of which there were many in Italy following World War II. The first step of Alfa’s design team, headed by Giuseppe Busso, was to acquire a Land Rover, a vehicle considered superior by the design chief in comparison to the American Jeep. By April of 1951, a prototype based on the Land Rover, with a new front end and a 65-horsepower, 1,900-cubic centimetre twin-cam engine, took to the road, driven by Consalvo Sanesi.Only a few days later, the army’s representative, Colonel Garbani, identified a number of problems to be addressed. A brand new prototype appeared on 5 October. Fitted with independent front suspension and a rigid rear axle, four-wheel drum brakes, and a torpedo-shaped body that could be covered with a canvas top for all-weather protection, it weighed just 1,250 kilograms. This time, Colonel Garbani reported favorable results, and the vehicle was put in production. Engineer Antonio Alessio, then managing director of Alfa, saw the vehicle in action, and it is he who is credited with nicknaming it the “Matta.”Ultimately, the Ministry’s order went to Fiat. Most of the AR51s produced went to Italy’s Carabinieri, army, and police force before production ceased. Interestingly, the vehicle was entered in the 1952 Mille Miglia in the Military Vehicle category, beating the similar Fiat Campagnolas by 42 minutes. Later, the off-roaders appeared in the Monte Grosso, Artico Lualdi, Fratellanza, Peace, and the Vaticano–Peking raids, as well as the Bonzi Expedition to Indonesia.This spartan Alfa Romeo reconnaissance vehicle is in off-road-ready condition and willing to take on any terrain one could find themselves crossing. In the unlikely event one should get stuck in a rut, the rear-mounted spade and pickaxe may very well come in handy.A unique alternative to the Willys Jeep and Fiat Campagnola, this Alfa Matta will be a sure-fire hit on the trails.
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hirocimacruiser · 11 months
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Engine specs for the 1st Gen Mitsubishi Pajero Mini.
Pajero Mini Detailed explanation
Two types of optimal tunes to suit your RV concept
Two types of 4-cylinder engines are available as the featured power units.
The VR series is equipped with a DOHC intercooler turbo that will satisfy sports enthusiasts and cross country users. The specs are top-class, with a maximum output of 64ps/7000rpm and a maximum torque of 9.9kg-m/3000rpm!
DOHC has 5 valves per cylinder.
Uno is common. However, this unit uses 3 intake/exhaust valves and an additional 5 valves, making it 4 cylinders with a total of 20 valves, and has a mechanism that rivals even racing engines. It goes without saying that the compact combustion chamber and excellent intake and exhaust efficiency improve power performance and fuel efficiency. On the other hand, having multiple valves has the disadvantage of increasing power friction, but we have taken measures to counter this by adopting an end-pivot type roller rocker arm to drive the valves and reducing the weight of the valves themselves. .
The turbocharger is the world's smallest twin-scroll type. Converting a light engine to a four-cylinder engine is useful for making it quieter and reducing vibration, but exhaust interference becomes a problem when matching it with a turbocharger. To prevent this, the exhaust gas is divided into two parts from the exhaust manifold and drawn directly into the turbo's scroll chamber. Low-speed boost pressure is significantly improved compared to single exhaust.
Of course, when installed in the Pajero Mini, special and detailed tuning has been performed. Intake and exhaust timing has been optimized to improve torque characteristics in the low rotation range despite the increased body weight.
In addition, to enhance the driving sensation without discomfort, To achieve this, a slow limited idle speed control and a non-linear throttle lever have been adopted. In situations where running resistance is extremely high, such as on sandy terrain, the power may suddenly be applied when starting, etc.
The initial response of the accelerator is made slightly duller to prevent sudden increases.
The other unit is a single overhead-cam, 16-valve naturally aspirated (NA) engine. 52ps/7000rpm、6.0kg-m/5000
The rpm performance and the mileage characteristics unique to NA are perfect for utility vehicles mainly used around town and for female users.
Not to be overlooked are the adoption of a large 4-liter chamber type in the intake duct and improvements to the inlet manifold that increase intake and exhaust efficiency at low and high speeds. The shape of the oil pan takes into account driving on slopes, and the positioning of the air cleaner relative to submerged waterways is a common feature of both units.
Transmission options include 5-speed and 3-speed AT. Improved mission based on minicab
It has a new case and is highly reliable. The first thing to pay attention to when using MT is the straw.
Short and reliable shift feel. This is a major advantage of a longitudinally mounted engine, but the careful design of the shift system, along with the direct shift control without wires, cannot be overlooked. Additionally, the VR turbo's system uses large-capacity double cone synchronizers in 1st and 2nd gears. Friction dampers are also used in 2nd and 3rd gear and reverse, making shift operations and quietness reliable and comfortable. Another characteristic unique to turbos is that they have a particularly low gearing compared to NA.
AT is an electronically controlled type that promises comfortable and reliable automatic gear shifting. A cable-type control system is used to prevent lever vibration and gear slippage when driving on rough roads.
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nikjmiles · 7 months
Conquer the Wild: America's Top 4x4 Vehicles Gear Up for Adventure! from Our Auto Expert on Vimeo.
In the heart of America's rugged landscapes, a new breed of 4x4 vehicles is making headlines, promising to take your adventures off the beaten path to the next level. With the market more crowded than ever, discerning which vehicle will serve as your next expedition ally can be as challenging as the terrains you aim to conquer. Today, we delve into the world of the most sought-after 4x4s, from the iconic designs of the Land Rover Defender to the family-centric Jeep Grand Cherokee, each boasting features that set them apart in a fiercely competitive arena.
After a hiatus that left enthusiasts yearning, the 2024 Ford Bronco has roared back onto the scene, not just to stir nostalgia but to assert its dominance with a starting price of $41,025. This isn't merely a comeback; it's a declaration of war against the Jeep Wrangler, equipped with a Bronco Raptor variant that houses a 400-hp twin-turbo V-6 engine, ready to tackle any challenge thrown its way.
Then there's the 2024 Land Rover Defender, which commands attention not just with its starting price of $57,875 but with a design that nods respectfully to its predecessors while embracing the future. Beneath its stylish exterior lies a 518-hp supercharged V-8 engine, capable of launching the Defender to 60 mph in an astonishing 4.4 seconds, making it a potent mix of heritage and high performance.
For families who live for the thrill of exploration without sacrificing comfort, the 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee emerges as the front-runner. With a base price of $41,330 and a 293-hp V-6 engine, it promises a blend of overlanding capability and everyday utility, ensuring that every trip is memorable.
The 2024 Jeep Wrangler, priced from $33,990, continues to uphold its legacy as the quintessential off-roader. Factory-equipped to navigate through almost any terrain and updated to offer modern comforts, the Wrangler demonstrates that practicality and adventure can go hand in hand.
Not to be overlooked, the 2024 Toyota 4Runner, with a starting price of $41,350, maintains its stronghold on reliability in the 4x4 segment. Its longstanding presence since 2009, coupled with a massive fanbase and robust aftermarket support, cements its reputation as a durable companion for the long haul.
For those seeking an all-encompassing solution, the Chevrolet Tahoe starts at $56,095 and doesn't disappoint. It merges the toughness of a truck-like chassis with a genuine four-wheel drive system, offering the capability to tow over 8,000 pounds and accommodate up to nine passengers, making it the epitome of versatility.
As we explore these titans of the 4x4 world, it becomes evident that each vehicle offers a unique proposition. From the style and power of the Land Rover Defender to the unmatched versatility of the Chevrolet Tahoe, and the family-friendly Jeep Grand Cherokee, the market is teeming with options that cater to every adventurer's needs.
In the quest for the perfect 4x4 companion, these vehicles are not just tools but partners in adventure, designed to meet the demands of both the untamed wilderness and the urban jungle. With the landscape of 4x4 SUVs richer and more diverse than ever, finding your ideal match means embarking on an adventure in itself. May your journey lead you to the 4x4 that not only drives you forward but inspires your next unforgettable expedition.
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silyabeeodess · 1 year
FusionFall Headcanons: Destroyusalls
These fusion monsters may not be the strongest, but they can be one of the more sadistic. Destroyusalls enjoy toying with their targets rather than going straight for the kill, so their lower strength isn't so much of a concern to them. If they are winning a fight and can draw it out, they will. They are also clever enough to use tricks during a battle, such as creating distractions through teamwork and utilizing an opponent's fears against themselves. In any case, treat these clowns with caution.
I'd like to think that--not only for the irl reason, but for an in-universe reason as well--the Destroyusalls got their name because of Billy. Not only does their description heavily talk about him shouting it, but it is also referenced in missions such as, "Destroy Them All!" and "Water You Kidding (Part 1 of 4)." Chances are, he had an early encounter with them when they were initially created, began screaming about how these monsters would "destroy us all," wouldn't stop, and the name just kind of stuck ever since.
I still kind of find it a missed opportunity that the boss version wasn't named Illtakethechicken, but I digress.
Luckily for Billy, these fusion monsters rarely leave the area surrounding Dizzy World, granted, there may be other variants out in the world formed from the same or similar materials. A large part of their creation didn't just come from the amusement park through, but also the individual who ran it: Zombozo. Clowns may scare some people, but not all. Zombozo's darker aesthetic and villainous nature, however, would push that fear element that the original spawns would try to carry themselves with. Adopting these traits worked both for and against them. As the Destroyusalls weren't able to adopt a more humanoid form, they didn't match themselves to the true issue behind the phobia. Just like with dolls and mannequins, people fear clowns due to their "near-human appearance" giving them a sense of unease. Therefore, they don't scare as many people who actually have this fear. Nevertheless, they are scary in their own right for both their amalgamated appearance and the stronger abilities they got in exchange.
Besides their clown faces, the Destroyusalls seem to greatly copy different park attractions in their design. The overall frame of their body is shaped like a closed carousal blended with a cart of some sort. On their backs are two small, spinning teacups on an axel. They also have reptilian tails that could come from a dinosaur or dragon-themed attraction--like Dino's and other rides commonly seen at fairgrounds. They're built like vehicles, which means while they lack dexterity, they are quick and have a strong defense.
Beyond simply inspiring fear, these monsters can attack through two means: They either bite at opponents or use their miniature, steamroller-like attachments as blunt weapons by rearing on their back wheels to strike from above. Unfortunately for them, they aren't very big to begin with, so most of their attacks typically land on the lower half of the body for the average person. That isn't to say they're weak though. If they do manage to catch you in their teeth, they won't let go easily. Their bodies are also very heavy, so it'd be hard to shake them off. That can give them time either to signal for backup from other monsters or do plenty more damage.
Getting back to their lack of dexterity, as their bodies are based partly on coaster carts, they aren't meant to turn direction easily on their own and hard terrain can be difficult for them. It's best to use that to your advantage in order to slow them down, limiting movements in straight directions and keeping to rough or hilly ground to make it harder for them to give chase. Attacks from the side or back are also much more successful than charging them directly from the front since they'll have some difficulty turning around.
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cartransporterworld · 6 months
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Greek-built Citroen Ponies on a locally-registered MAN - possibly a badge-engineered Bussing in the early 1970s. Apparently at a port and loading for export. The Pony used a Citroen 2CV platform and was an 'all-terrain utility vehicle'. Part of a 'world car' project it was designed to be easy to use and repair in less developed countries.
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arsistq4545 · 6 months
"SUVs: Exploring the New Dimension of Journey"
SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles) are garnering increasing popularity in the automotive world in recent years. These high-performance vehicles offer drivers a spacious interior, powerful engines, and an impressive driving experience. So, why have SUVs become so attractive? In this blog post, we will explore the popularity of SUVs and the unique features of this vehicle class.
What is an SUV?
SUV stands for "Sport Utility Vehicle." These vehicles are typically four-wheel drive, high-bodied cars with spacious interiors. Designed for both urban use and off-road adventures, SUVs have gained favor among a diverse user base.
The Popularity of SUVs
High Seating Position: SUVs provide drivers and passengers with a high seating position. This offers a broader perspective and better road observation for drivers.
Spacious Interior: SUVs are known for their generous interior space. This makes them an ideal choice for long journeys or families.
Powerful Performance: SUVs often come equipped with powerful engines, providing drivers with a fast and robust driving experience.
Versatile Usage: Designed for use both in the city and on rough terrain, SUVs stand out for their versatility.
SUV Models and Notable Features
Toyota RAV4: Notable for its compact size, the RAV4 excels in fuel efficiency and safety features.
Range Rover Velar: Positioned in the luxury SUV category, the Velar stands out for its elegance, performance, and off-road capabilities.
Jeep Wrangler: Ideal for off-road enthusiasts, the Wrangler is known for its unique design and durability.
SUVs have secured a significant place in the automotive world with their spacious interiors, powerful performances, and diverse usage scenarios. By choosing these vehicles, drivers can experience a comfortable drive in city traffic and embark on adventurous off-road journeys. SUVs continue to add a new dimension to the world of automobile enthusiasts.
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thulium42 · 7 months
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Classic Space CATT-2 Rover (Febrovery 2024)
The CATT (Configurable All-Terrain Truck) is a modular space vehicle designed for easily changing attachments and features for different capabilities. This configuration includes a front winch, top lighting and sensors, and a rear 6x6 cargo area with a lift gate.
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I also have a longer four-seat variant (CATT-4) awaiting photos, and several ideas for other cargo/utility configurations.
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vividracing · 9 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-24-best-jdm-cars-to-import-in-2024/
Top 24 Best JDM Cars To Import In 2024
  Here’s our list of the top 24 Japanese quality cars that you can import to the US in 2024.
1. Nissan R34 GTR
Starting the list is the one we’ve all been waiting for, the Nissan R34 GTR which has finally hit the 25-year mark and you can now import it for the first time to the States. The Nissan R34 GTR is renowned for its performance and iconic status in the automotive world, and it is famously known for having a major role in the fourth installment of Fast & Furious. Being driven by Paul Walker is one of the reasons why the R34 GTR takes the first spot on our list, but you should import it this year because this car is often praised for its sleek design and has become a symbol of Japanese sports car engineering excellence.
2. The Nissan Silvia S15
The Nissan Silvia S15 is an amazing drift car and 2024 is the first year it can be imported. The Nissan Silvia S15 is celebrated for its sporty design and agility, and as a part of the Silvia lineage, the Nissan Silvia S15 is also known for rear-wheel-drive dynamics and balanced handling. The Nissan Silvia S15 holds a special place in the hearts of automotive enthusiasts for its style, nimble chassis, turbocharged SR20DET engine which delivers strong performance, and its sleek and aerodynamic appearance.
3. Nissan Stagea
The Nissan Stagea is unique as it combines the practicality of a station wagon with sporty and performance-oriented features. Often referred to as a “Skyline wagon” due to its resemblance to the Nissan R33/R34 Wagon, the Stagea offers versatile space for families while maintaining an emphasis on driving enjoyment. The Stagea’s blend of utility and sportiness sets it apart in the wagon category, making it an intriguing choice for those seeking a balance between practicality and performance.
4. Nissan Bluebird SSS
SSS stands for “Super Sports Sedan,” and the Nissan Bluebird SSS is known for its sporty and performance-oriented variants. The Bluebird SSS has a history of success in motorsports, contributing to its reputation for being a spirited and engaging sedan. With its more powerful engine, sport-tuned suspension, and other enhancements, the Bluebird SSS is appealing to drivers seeking a balance between comfort and performance.
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5. The Mitusbishi Lancer Evo VI
Just like some cars in this list, this is the first year that one can import this car, and here’s why you should do it, this car is a highly regarded sports sedan, known for its rally-bred performance and technological innovations. The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI, often referred to as Evo VI or Evo 6 played a significant role in Mitsubishi’s success in the World Rally Championship. The Evo VI is celebrated among car enthusiasts for its rally heritage, precise handling, and the thrill it provides to drivers and it features a 4G63T engine, a turbocharged 2.0-liter powerhouse, aggressive styling, distinctive rear wing, and aerodynamic elements.
6. Mitsubishi Pajero Evo
The Mitsubishi Pajero Evolution, often referred to as Pajero Evo, is a unique and special vehicle designed for off-road racing. The car is equipped with a high-performance 3.5-liter V6 engine, full-time four-wheel drive, and advanced suspension systems tailored for challenging terrains. In addition to that, its distinctively wide stance flared wheel arches, and rugged design elements reflect its purpose as a competitive off-road machine.
7. Mitsubishi Delica
The Mitsubishi Delica is distinctive for being a versatile and unique multipurpose vehicle. The car is often categorized as a van or minivan, and it usually stands out due to its boxy and functional design, providing ample interior space and flexibility.
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8. Toyota Celica T230
The Toyota Celica T230 is appreciated for its combination of stylish design, performance options, and sporty driving experience within the affordable sports coupe segment.
9. Toyota Land Cruiser J100
The Toyota Land Cruiser J100, produced from 1998 to 2007, is renowned for its robust off-road capabilities, durability, and luxury features. The J100 has excellent ground clearance, advanced suspension systems, sophisticated off-road technology, a luxurious interior, powerful performance, and the enduring reliability characteristic of the Land Cruiser lineage making it highly capable in challenging terrains.
10. Toyota Crown S170
The Toyota Crown S170 (which comes with either a 1jz engine or a 2jz engine) is recognized for its combination of elegance, advanced technology, and a smooth driving experience. The S170 features a sophisticated and refined exterior design, comfort, and interior quality, which makes it a popular choice among those seeking a premium sedan experience.
11. Toyota MRS
The Toyota MR-S, known as the MR2 Spyder in some markets, is a compact mid-engine sports car that was produced from 1999 to 2007. The car has a convertible design which adds to the car’s sporty and open-air driving appeal. The Toyota MR-S remains appreciated by enthusiasts for its unique design, convertible option, and the driving dynamics typical of mid-engine sports cars.
12. Toyota Celica TRD
Toyota Celica TRD (Toyota Racing Development) refers to performance-enhanced versions of the Toyota Celica that have been modified or upgraded by Toyota’s in-house tuning division. TRD typically focuses on improving various aspects of the car, including engine performance, suspension, brakes, and aesthetics.
13. Toyota Caldina
The Toyota Caldina is a compact wagon that was produced by Toyota from 1992 to 2007. The Toyota Caldina’s combination of practicality, turbocharged engine options, and in some cases, sporty variants, made it a noteworthy choice in the compact wagon segment during its production years. This practicality is the reason why the Caldina made this list.
14. Toyota Chaser
The Toyota Chaser is a mid-sized sedan that gained popularity for its combination of performance, comfort, and styling. The Toyota Chaser holds a special place among enthusiasts who appreciate a balance of sportiness and practicality in a mid-sized sedan. The car remains an iconic model in the history of Japanese performance sedans
15. Toyota Levin (If you have seen the initial D, you know this car)
The Toyota Levin is a compact sedan that has been a part of Toyota’s lineup for several decades. The Levin has a long history of being associated with sportier variants of the Toyota Corolla. It often represents a more performance-oriented and stylish version of the Corolla lineup. The Toyota Levin is often appreciated by drivers who seek a compact sedan with a sportier edge, combining the practicality of a sedan with an engaging driving experience.
16. Toyota Hilux Surf
The Toyota Hilux Surf is an SUV model that shares its heritage with the Toyota Hilux pickup truck. The Hilux Surf is well-regarded for its off-road capabilities, rugged and robust design, and more. The Toyota Hilux Surf is often chosen by individuals who prioritize off-road capabilities and durability in an SUV, making it suitable for both recreational activities and daily driving in diverse conditions
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17. Honda s2000 AP1
The Honda S2000 AP1 is a high-performance roadster that gained popularity for its engaging driving experience and sporty design. Celebrated for its combination of high-revving performance, engaging driving dynamics, and classic roadster design, the S2000 AP1 features a convertible soft top, allowing drivers to enjoy open-air motoring
18. Honda Prelude Type S
The Honda Prelude Type S is a model that reflects Honda’s commitment to providing a more thrilling driving experience within the sports coupe category. This performance-oriented variant of the Honda Prelude is designed to offer enhanced driving dynamics and sportier features like a sport-tuned suspension system, and more.
19. Honda Civic Type R EK9
The Honda Civic Type R EK9 is a highly regarded and iconic performance variant of the sixth-generation Honda Civic, which was produced from 1996 to 2000. The EK9 is celebrated among automotive enthusiasts for its raw performance, precise handling, and the unique blend of performance and practicality that the Type R series represents.
20. Honda Acty (another Kei truck)
The Honda Acty is a series of micro vans and kei trucks manufactured by Honda since 1977. Kei vehicles are known for their compact dimensions, making them suitable for navigating crowded urban environments. The Acty is available in various body styles, including vans, trucks, and pickups, which means it caters to different commercial and personal transportation needs.
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21. Mark 2 Tourer
The Mark 2 Tourer is known for its blend of comfort, performance, and reliability. In addition to that, the ride features a spacious interior, classic and elegant design, and technological features, including advanced safety systems, infotainment options, and driver assistance technologies. This car is a good choice for those seeking a well-rounded mid-size sedan.
22. Mazda RX-7 FD series 8
The Mazda RX-7 FD Series 8, also known as the third-generation RX-7, was produced from 1999 to 2002. Known for its exceptional performance. The Mazda RX-7 FD Series 8 is often considered a classic sports car and remains highly sought after by enthusiasts for its performance, distinctive design, and unmistakable rotary engine.
23. Suzuki Every Wagon
The Suzuki Every Wagon is a practical and economical choice for those seeking a compact van with efficient urban mobility. Kei vehicles, including the Every Wagon, are designed with fuel efficiency in mind. They typically feature small-displacement engines, making them economical choices for daily commuting and short-distance travel
24. Mazda Miata
And last but not least, the Mazda Miata (or as it’s called in Japan the Mazda Roadster or Eunos Roadster). The Mazda Miata is a popular and iconic two-seat convertible sports car that is celebrated for its emphasis on driving enjoyment, open-top motoring, and its role in reviving the popularity of compact sports cars. Mazda Miata has become an automotive icon that appeals to enthusiasts and casual drivers alike, and we are sure that you will enjoy it if you import it.
If you have any questions about Japanese cars, please contact the Vivid Racing team. You can reach us by phone at 1-480-966-3040 or via email at [email protected].
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