mcl38 · 2 months
i'm not mad about the result necessarily but i am mad about those radios. what in the guilt tripping manipulative bullshit. especially considering it's things lando has talked in depth about (wanting the respect of his team, wanting to be a good person and do the right things) idk that just felt very gross.
i am unfortunately an undying will 'blondie' joseph defender so i don't rly agree with you. he knew exactly what he was talking about when he told lando he was going to regret it & he needs oscar. and to me it DID feel like he had lando's interests at heart - being able to talk down a driver who has an unfairly inherited win in his hand is skillful to a level that i genuinely didnt think will could do. lando dropping back in the end is 100% due to will and i rly rly wasnt looking forward to the consequences if he didnt end up doing that. idk if im expressing myself correctly but i dont think its manipulation to know ur driver well enough to know what he would value / care about long term rather than in the heat of the moment, and protect him from his own decisions basically. im not happy abt what happened today but not because of will (the fact that he was left alone to do all this instead of andrea getting on the radio is kind of :/ to me), its bc of the pit wall choices that forced will to intervene
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oifaaa · 2 years
Jason dosent really want to be in the batfam, but he loves being his sister’s punching bag
Jasons basically a pokemon game rival he just shows up to get his ass beat every so often then he goes home to cry
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It would make so much sense for Melora to create mountain forge… fuck, the order of Aryox giving her his heart, his death, using the keyblade ice knife to close the rift and the mount forge would be so telling. Totally different situations
i do for sure need a timeline from murph regarding the order of these things.
but i am currently writing a fic outlining my exact theory regarding how melora created mount forge, as an act of love.
because the thing is, she created telaines demiplane to save telaine from the world. why wouldn’t she have created a place to protect aryox and the object of his sacrifice from anyone who wished to use it in ill will? and why wouldn’t she have tied some of her essence there to protect it further, for if it got exposed. a strange specter to send away those who aren’t ready for the power stored inside.
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eowynstwin · 9 months
I’m turning anon on for that ask game (wraps myself in tinfoil just in case)
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deepsixsquid · 10 months
I hate charge rifles because some of them snipe and then tea bag like they got the entire team, it makes me want to slap them straight into the water.
I knoooow that feelin, dealt with a lot of "overconfident" chargers over the years, and my guess is that it's a mind game, get people pissed off and it makes them more reckless, predictable, and easy But, there are ways to fight back
So, what ya gotta do is slow down, I know that sounds weird but, follow me for a bit In my experience, the best way to get back at'em, is to slow down, be sneaky, and make yourself as small of a target as you can. Learn to shark, try to find small paths through enemy ink, or make a path and follow through later, when they're not looking, as they'll expect you to rush in when a path opens up, use as much cover as you can, especially if they're higher up, stay close to the walls beneath them, that's a big blind spot, especially if they're using a scope variant and, if you have to fight through their teammates first, make some noise, take out anyone you have to, then find a corner or some kind of safe spot and wait a little bit, make'em paranoid, then slowly get back on track.
If all goes well, you should be able to sneak up behind'em, just make sure whatever you're using gets the job done quickly, and be prepared to run, dodge, and hide afterwards because they WILL be looking for you afterwards and they will probably keep their guard up, it's highly unlikely that a sneak attack will work twice in one match
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bunicate · 5 months
the way these anons r moving these days r terrifying dear gawd
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wild-grinders · 9 months
hi this a bit random but your analysis and posts about wild grinders are really fascinating, esp posts detailing pre-production! im surprised you haven't really gone into the vinyl stuff of tracy's works though esp w/the vinyl addiction episode 13's interview w/tracy and rob being interviewed separately by jesse, (yeah the nutshack guy). theyve been friends for a long time and i think thats where the comparisons might come from? anyways keep being awesome!
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
if you had to be an insect forever what would you be?
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Shes processing.
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"I want to be the microscopic mite that lives in Klaus' eyelashes and I will bite him so hard so randomly at the worst times he will think he is cursed. And occasionally I'll vacation to his eyebrow for a change of scenery... and more biting of course."
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
So... how are you feeling now? Did you take care of your problem or...?
If the glazed look and desperate KEEN from the wrecked undertaker are any indication, that would be a big fat NO.
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"H-help me...!"
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vveissesfleisch · 2 years
What do you think a heartbroken Terry silver would he like?
Oh a heartbroken Terry Silver is NOT pretty (and we’ve seen a bit of this on CK, but I’m not sure if you’ve watched it yet so that’s as specific as I will get).
All Terry wants is acceptance, and since he is a very, ah, let’s say difficult and intense person with a warped way of doing things, he’s faced a lot of rejection. Terry shows his love with blind devotion, and when someone breaks his heart, rejecting him and his devotion, he goes on the warpath. First, he loses himself in his body with strenuous physical training, with excessive drinking and drugs and other vices, anything to distract himself from that bone-deep sadness that comes with the realization of how very alone he is.
Once he’s finished his initial grieving state, he puts every fiber of his being into elaborate machinations that would make the person who rejected him pay for what they’ve done, asserting his power and making them see his value, and ultimately, accept him.
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
thoughts on william latimer on a source on anne boleyn?
oooo, thanks <3
i think maria dowling has argued pretty convincingly that to dismiss his work as panegyric is fairly specious?
latimer did, for one, actually know anne pretty well (he was her chaplain), his sources are people that actually knew anne pretty well, too (one of them, mary fitzroy, likely her favorite lady-in-waiting).
now, does this preclude that it's a biased source, that latimer is probably putting the best spin on things his retelling, of course not, but none of the anecdotes he provides have been unequivocally disproved, if that makes sense? and many of them even have corroboration.
an excerpt/example from dowling:
Anne Boleyn's fondness for scripture was paralleled by her interest in scholarship. William Latimer states that she asked the King to excuse the universities from the payments of tenths and subsidies; that she gave substantial sums of money to Oxford and Cambridge for the maitenanceof poor scholars: and that she granted a student named Beckynsall [funds] for a year to study abroad
The first claim is confirmed by a letter of thanks to her from Cambridge university, and the second is supported by William Barker. In the dedication of his Nobility of Women to Elizabeth I in 1559, the latter recalled the Anne had 'employed her bountiful benevolence upon sundry students that were placed at Cambridge, among the which it please Her Highness to appoint me." Further, when Barker was forced to beg for Elizabeth's mercy in 1571 for his involvement in the Ridolfi plot, he again harked back to Anne's generosity, and asked that 'as by Her Majesty's noble mother I first began at Cambridge tasting of her munificence, so by Her Majesty's clemency I may end the rest of my sorrowful days there."
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hermithomebase · 1 year
sometimes i feel like dtblr is penguin romance its so hard to keep up with who hates who and whatnot
man tell me about it.
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lwa yuri bait?
No, I don't consider little witch yuri bait or even yuri bait adjacent. It just doesn't hard commit to any romantic relationship I feel.
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the-horsemen-ride · 2 years
is there something i could maybe do for you guys to... yknow, not be the eventual bringers of my doom :fear:
War: Don’t get in our way.
Famine: By that, just don’t be there when we show up. In the nicest way possible, I gotta admit the least you’d be when we’re around is collateral damage. If it helps, nowadays we make an active effort to not torment specific individuals for the hell of it or pull off weird fucked up revenge plots for perceived slights. If it helps, you might die before… why are you looking at me like that?
War:… why can’t you just shut up?
Famine: What? What’s so wrong about what I just said?
War: Oh, only that you’re out here makin’ us out to be pansies who get so worked up over things that don’t matter that we do dumb petty shit about it!
Famine: I think you’re projecting-
War: The fuck do you mean by that?
Pestilence: Uh, honestly, it was more- more intimidating leavin’ it at the “don’t get in our way” bit.
Famine: I thought we were here to answer all their burning questions about us and the, y’know, aforementioned bringing of their doom.
War: Image matters, too. Now how about you finish that thought?
Famine: Hm, I don’t think I want to.
Death: How about this. What you see is what you get. We’re powerful, dangerous, and destined help bring forth the end of the world. There’s nothing you can do to stop that. It’s simply inevitable. We try our best to be polite here, we still want to be respectable… but to be honest…
If you’re afraid, that means we’re doing our job right.
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daisyishedwig · 1 year
Are the characters in Stranger than Fanfiction based on any people we might know, like former co-stars of Chris?
Never explicitly and most of them feel more like amalgamations of lots of people rather than being any single person. And even then the comparisons are only superficial. You don't spend a lot of time with any of the celebrity characters except for Cash who is only similar to Chris in being a child star with a complex relationship with fame and identity.
The only character in the book that makes me go "oop, I know exactly who you're inspired by" is the creator of the show Cash is on. He's so clearly Ryan Murphy it's not even funny. And like Amy Evans is /probably/ Lea but even more exaggerated.
Chris has always said the book is in no way a tell all, purely an exploration of the less glamorous side of fame and it really does live up to that. It's a cute story that manages to be more hopeful than cynical in the end and it's a good read. I definitely recommend the audiobook because Chris himself obviously narrates it and it's phenomena as always.
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