drpedi07 · 4 months
Japanese Enchephalitis Vaccines
Japanese encephalitis (JE), previously known as Japanese B encephalitis, is caused by the mosquito-borne JE virus; a member of the genus flavivirus (of the Flaviviridae family).
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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sreenivassilicon · 2 years
Top Three Trends in RNA Therapeutics
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Read more: https://lnkd.in/dAc-cZuh
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astxrwar · 3 months
i will not correct all the virology/vaccinology misinformation in that post. I will not correct all the virology/vaccinology misinformation in that post. I will go outside and look at the sky and have peaceful thoughts and leave them to be wrong. i am capable of this
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mindshelter · 2 years
miss writing and also not being tired :[
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medstudentblues · 1 year
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Studying Vaccinology for our Wednesday Pedia shifting exam. I’m proud to say I’m slowly adapting to face to face sessions.
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studentbyday · 6 months
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end-of-semester reset / rejuvenation
🌸 how i want to spend my break so it's productive, restful, and rejuvenating... 🌸
clear and clean all the surfaces and things i use that should be cleaned!! (e.g. desk, piano top, night table, water bottle [try to get into the habit of washing it every day 💧], washroom)
get outside as much as possible. the soul needs fresh air 🌬️🥺
all the tasks i planned for the rest of the december study challenge (note to self: see journal index)
back up my files
digital clean-up (e.g. delete unnecessary files from desktop, unsubscribe from things i don't read)
fix the closet mess and organize it for winter ❄️
all. the. laundry.
change bedding
work on figuring out a proper wind down routine that works for me (ideally it should start after dinner and gradually decrease in stimulation level 😅)
fix! my! sleep schedule! (i have 2 weeks to move my wake time from 9am to 8am...or a few minutes before bc i hate the sound of zesty's alarm which nearly always wakes me up with a start 🚨😂 )
journal to answer these questions for 2024: where is my life going? where do i want it to go? what milestones should i be setting for myself? what should i prioritize? (i.e. setting/revising my goals)
set up bujo for next year and figure out how i'm gonna keep track of all the things i wanna do
read a short article on moral philosophy so i have a better idea of what i would be getting into if i take a course on it...
read a vaccinology article
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
By Sally Beck March 19, 2024
There is a new threat to food safety in the form of injecting mRNA or modRNA (synthetic or ‘modified’ RNA) vaccines into livestock. Merck have developed the mRNA vaccine Sequivity, which has already been licensed for pigs in the USA, and Australia is currently fast-tracking these jabs to prevent several diseases contracted by cattle. Critics say they could make us more susceptible to the diseases they aim to prevent.
There is also the concern that mRNA vaccines could cause prion diseases. Prions attack nerve cells and cause neurodegenerative brain disorders, the most common of which is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), also known as mad cow disease. It killed nearly 200 people in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s, thanks to corrupted meat and bone meal cattle feed. New cases were still emerging in 2019.
The new vaccines are being developed to immunise cows against foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, which is a viral infection transmitted by blood-feeding insects such as mosquitoes, and other pathogens that can be transferred from animals to people such as avian and swine flu.
Dr Byram Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology from the Veterinary College at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, a respected agricultural and veterinary public research facility, wrote a damning ten-page analysis of potential harms addressed to Independent MP Andrew Bridgen and the UK Parliament. Dr Bridle has decades of experience in vaccinology and veterinary sciences, and he is just one scientist raising a number of concerns about mRNA vaccines for livestock. 
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swiftyangx12 · 1 year
Don’t mess with Microbes
[Gender Neutral!Agent!Reader]
[Synopsis]: What if the new agent is a specialist in Microbiology and also one of the few HQ’s doctors?
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Let’s say [Reader] has a unique career as a microbiologist.
I mean, yes, they have assisted and helped many doctors and scientists of identifying undetected bacteria from patients.
Though, they only joined the Protocol because they were falsely accused of exposing a public area with a human-made pathogen that’s third most lethal than the Bubonic Plague and COVID-19. (It wasn’t them. I swear they did not release a dangerous bio-weapon for malicious purposes.)
They worked as another healer and doctor for the team.
Mostly stayed in their own lab experimenting cultures and observing microorganisms.
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[HQ Laboratory]
Dr. [L/N]: Uh, Dr. Sabine? I think somebody from our team picked up a little nasty bug on their last mission.
Viper: *Looks through the microscope* Oh god.
Dr. [L/N]: It’s okay. I’m working on a vaccine for this one. Thank god I took a course on Vaccinology.
Viper: You studied Vaccinology?
Dr. [L/N]: As a minor in university, yes. Just hope nobody dies on my watch when experimenting.
Viper: *Impressed, yet concerned* Then do what you need to do. You’re responsible if somebody were to become deceased by your hands.
Dr. [L/N]: Understand, Dr. Sabine.
Dr. [L/N]: Jett, you look terrible. *Puts on their medical face mask*
Jett: *Sniffs* I’m fine! Just a little sniffle. ACHOO!
Dr. [L/N]: *Sprays Lysol in the air and area* Girl, go back to your room. I’ll inform Brimstone about your dilemma and in the meantime, no contact with the other agents.
Jett: *Sniffs* Okay…
[An hour later]
[Jett’s Quarters]
Dr. [L/N]: *In a biohazard suit* Jett, I made Kimchi stew.
Jett: *Coughs* You did?
Dr. [L/N]: I heard from Phoenix that you sometimes get homesick and after the Venice incident, it must have been difficult to go through when you were falsely accused for something you’re not responsible for to begin with. Believe me. I know the feeling by experience.
Jett: Oh, doc. *Sniffs*
Dr. [L/N]: Are you crying or is it the sniffles again?
Jett: *Cries out* SNIFFLES!
Dr. [L/N]: Annual vaccines! Line up!
KAY/O: You know I don’t need it.
Dr. [L/N]: I know. That’s why I purchased a sanitary station to disinfect your whole body.
KAY/O: Wow. You really thought of everything.
Dr. [L/N]: I have to keep everyone healthy and safe so we can kick Omega ass.
Prions (Dr. [L/N]): *Creates a deadly pathogen to infect enemies within a second to drop paralyzed*
Omega!Skye: *Running away from Prions* Shit! Shit! Shit! I didn’t sign up for this shit!
Prions: *Shoots a patho-dart at the enemy*
Omega!Skye: *Drops down and becomes paralyzed*
Prions: Look whose become my next patient~ *Eliminates him with their Sheriff*
[Their team looks at the microbiologist with horror.]
Viper: I like them.
Brimstone: *Looks at her in disbelief*
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[Tagged]: @hhurric4ne @l0serloki @radianights @luckyowl @theluckyr
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applied-soup · 7 months
hey besties i'm in the process of trying to write an essay and i can't figure out the right string of words to search for what i'm looking for, so i'm turning to you lot
can you think of any examples of people who society thought of and treated as experts, that we now with the benefit of hindsight would think are non-experts?
my current list is rasputin and andrew wakefield, and honestly idk whether to include wakefield because i think he does fit the bill, but would require a lot of caveats and descriptions and i'm on a word limit. like at the end of the day he definitely wasn't an expert on vaccinology or developmental disorders, but he probably should be considered an expert in like childhood gastrointestinal issues? so just calling him entirely a layperson isn't really accurate, but explaining the complexities takes Time and Words which i don't necessarily have
does anyone have any other suggestions to add to the list?
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drpedi07 · 4 months
Influenza Vaccine
Influenza is a contagious illness that causes various respiratory syndromes, including otitis media, croup, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
‘There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (“hotter”) pathogens. This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so “hot” that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves. Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur. This type of vaccine is often called a leaky vaccine.’
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decentralvaccine · 27 days
Unleashing Machine Learning Against Malaria
Anti-malaria drugs have been a central component of a global public health effort that saw a 44% drop in the deadly mosquito-borne disease from 2000-19, but progress has stalled as the parasites that cause malaria gain resistance to these drugs.
Now, computational biologists from the University of Maryland, College Park have partnered with researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore to pursue a malaria vaccine using machine learning—a subset of artificial intelligence that doesn’t require direct programming.
They’re using a novel approach called “reverse vaccinology” that employs powerful bioinformatic tools to delve into the genetic makeup of several parasites that cause malaria to target proteins, or antigens, associated with these pathogens for vaccine testing.
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deblala · 1 month
Six Vaccinology-illiterate US Presidents Have Promoted Big Pharma’s Fast-tracked Experimental Vaccines - Global Research
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