#Vanitas x you
fairy-writes · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask for Vanitas and 12) “Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.” for the 900 followers event?
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas
Pairing(s): Vanitas x Gender Neutral!Reader
Prompt: “Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.” (Dialogue Prompt #12)
Notes: Vanitas is such a brat lmao
Also, lowkey inspired by that one scene in Elf with Will Ferrell
The old shower turns on with a squeal of the bronze knob and a rumble of the pipes, and steam erupts into the air. You quickly strip out of your clothes and step behind the shower curtain into the borderline boiling water. Your skin tingles as it adjusts to the temperature, and you shudder with delight. 
After a long day of Noé’s and Vanitas’s shenanigans, a long, hot shower was just what you needed. 
Plucking your shampoo, you lather some in the palms of your hands before massaging it into your scalp. The suds run down your neck and onto your back as you turn to face away from the shower head and start scrubbing the soap from your skin and skull. 
You begin to hum, the song being one you heard on a violin in a plaza earlier in the day as you moved on to the conditioner. While you let that sit in your hair, you scrub a bar of soap all over your body to clean off the grime and dirt from earlier. 
It was then that you heard something. 
More humming? 
Dangerously off-key, but there nonetheless. 
You peek through the shower curtain, and there he is. 
Vanitas. Sans his cloak and sits on the bathroom counter, humming as if he wasn’t in the room when you were showering. 
You shriek. 
This causes Vanitas to jump and slip off the counter, banging his head on the way down. He curls into a ball, holding his head and letting out a pained whine. 
“Are you okay—wait, no—what are you doing in here?! When did you even get in here?!” You demand, and he just lets out another pained noise as he sits up, his right hand still massaging the back of his head where a bump is already starting to form. 
If he hadn’t just snuck into the bathroom, you would’ve felt bad for him. 
But he snuck into the bathroom. So you didn’t feel bad. 
At least you didn’t until you got out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, and saw his hand come away bloody. 
So you quickly dry off and get dressed in clean clothes that had been folded neatly (under Vanitas’s cloak) on the toilet seat. Had he been attempting to join you for a shower? 
Creepy. You may have been dating him, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still slightly unnerving. 
You help your lover onto the bed in the adjacent bedroom and go back to the bathroom for medical supplies. Then, grabbing some gauze and antiseptic, you return to Vantias’s side, where he declines any help.
“I can do it myself.” He says quickly, and you roll your eyes.
“Let me help. Plus, you owe me, scaring the living daylights out of me like that.” You mutter, and he relents, hissing as you dab a rag with the medicine onto the bump. 
It’s silent for a minute before you speak.
“What were you going to do in there?” You ask seriously, and he shrugs,
“Was trying to be chivalrous and was going to wash your hair for you.” He said, and you huff,
“Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.” You reply dryly, and he lets out a haughty laugh before wincing at the volume and holding his head again.
He recovers quickly and turns to face you with a mischievous smile,
“I am the epitome of chivalrous, and you know it.” He teases, and you raise your eyebrows,
“Name one time.” You say, and he falters for a moment.
“Um… I held the door open for you?”
“That’s common decency, Vanitas.” You retort, and he deflates.
You snip the gauze with a pair of scissors and secure it so the blood doesn’t drip down his neck. Then, you hold an ice pack to his injury and press a kiss on his forehead. 
He blushes a bright red but smiles sheepishly as you press another to his nose.
“All better.” You say, and he hums,
“Do you think I could join you for your next shower?” He asks hopefully,
“Absolutely not.” You deadpan, and he just whines.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello again. I saw your reply and it's totally alright. I was thinking about the reactions of Vanitas and Noé when they see reader hurt. But the thing is that she is so good at hiding the fact that she is hurt that the boys don't notice till you collapse because of the loss of blood or they see the wound when she changes. I want to know how the boys will react if the reader almost dies. I want lots of comfort and to see how the boys take care of the reader. Would they freak out or will they be more calm? Would they go after the person who hurt them? P.S.- You don't need to make it a scenario if you don't like it and please make the reader female. (I am obsessed with Vanitas no Carte. I think you saw that already. But can you do this ask with Diluc, Xiao and Tighnari?) And thank you again for accepting my request. Again sorry for the long ask but I always like to explain more. Take your time and again I love your writing.
You're fine, you don't have to apologize:) I like it when people write out what they want, it gives me more to work with and less chance to screw up.
Also, it's not that I don't like either scenarios or headcanons. Just, sometimes, one is easier for me to write than the other. That's all there is to it. So no worries about requesting something specific, it's all good!
Characters Included: Vanitas; Noé
Content: female reader; blood loss; injuries; cursing; hurt/comfort
Word count: 1,2k words
Enjoy reading!
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He took his eyes off of you for just one second... and you just had to go out and get injured!
It was a messy fight. You had insisted on accompanying him and he only agreed because he thought it wouldn't be dangerous
well, apparently he thought wrong!
at some point, you got separated from him, and even though he knew that you were able to protect yourself, he couldn't help but worry about you!
you were different from him! Your body was fragile, he would never forgive himself if you got injured because he wasn't there to protect you
once he got to you, fighting his way through the masses of enemies, he saw you clutching your left side
he immediately paniced, running towards you, calling your name
however, when he arrived at your side, you simply smiled at him, reassuring him that you were fine
at first, he obviously didn't believe you, but when you got up from the ground with minimal effort, still smiling at him and standing proudly, well... what else could he do but believe your words
that being said, he still kept an eye on you the entire way back to the city, yet you never once gave the impression of being hurt
the more you guys walked and you continued to seem fine, the more relaxed he got. His heart began to slow down again and the anxiety slowly quelling down as well
but that was only until you suddenly collapse at his side
he barely manages to catch you so your head doesn't collide with the ground to hard. His breathing quickens again as panic settles back deep inside his bones
your unconscious, and seeing as you were otherwise fine, he decided to inspect your left side, the one you were clutching earlier
upon touching your shirt, he realised that it was entirely wet, drenched in your blood that now also dripped down his hands
he gulped before pushing the fabric up, revealing a big, open wound to him. You bled out of there this entire time, and only now when he looked back at your face did he realize how pale you've gotten
"You idiot!", he cursed as he picked you up and ran to the nearest city, seeing as he had no further material with him to treat such a big wound
the adrenalin was giving him the boost that he needed to get there as quickly as possible, the only thought in his head the entire time being "Please don't die on me.. please not again.."
a few days later, you woke up again, feeling disoriented. How did you get here? Where was 'here' in the first place?
You tried sitting up, feeling how dry your throat was, but a snip of two fingers against your forehead made you fall back onto the bed again
"Stay down, idiot!", Vanitas voice rang from beside you. He looked at you, relieved that you finally woke up again. You followed his request, yet asked him for a glass of water, which he agreed to get for you
you later found out that, while you were unconscious, Vanitas had stayed by your side this entire time until you've woken up again. He never went away longer than five minutes, not able to take the seperation from you for to long. He just had to make sure that you would make it... that you would survive.
after you were all healed again, he would scold you so much for being this reckless. Didn't you realize you could have died?
Makes you promise to never hide something like that from him ever again, or he would "Make you regret your choice", whatever that meant..
Oh, and for the person who did that to you? Don't you worry... he died on the spot...
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Hiding something like that from Noé... you'd have to be a pretty fucking good actor to get away with that
not only because he's an attentive boyfriend and notices even slight chances in your behaviour due to mood or other things
but also because he's a vampire and can smell blood without issue. nothing can get by his nose!
with that being said.. under the "right" circumstances.. it's even possible for someone like him to miss injuries entirely. It doesn't usually happen, but it can
And today, it seemed, was one of those days
Your boyfriend has had a pretty hectic week. Vanitas had been dragging him around all over the place, and he was exhausted. Not just a bit tired, but thoroughly worn out. To the point that his attention span was now reduced to literal seconds
When he got home that day, he was done with the world. He wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, snuggled up to you
He threw all his stuff carelessly somewhere around, telling himself that he would deal with it in the morning. On his way to the bedroom he came past the bathroom where you were currently in
He greeted you as he walked by. Had it been any other day, he would have noticed the way you jumped around at his sudden words. Or the way your eyes held a tiny bit of panic
But as things were, he didn't catch on to that. Instead, he asked if you would join him in bed, then immediately turned around and kept walking
Seconds later, he collapsed on the bed, instantly falling alseep. He awoke briefly when you joined him, climbing into his arms to snuggle up to him, however he had no idea how much time has gone by since then. And truthfully, he didn't care right now
He remembers his arm tightening around you a bit before falling back asleep. It was a quiet, good nights rest
The next morning, when he woke up next to you, he had this... unpleasant feeling that something wasn't quite right. But since he couldn't place the feeling, he decided to ignore it for now, instead choosing to stay in bed with you a few more minutes
However, when he moved his arms a bit around you, his arm felt weird.. like something had.. dried on top of it
He looked down and almost freaked out when he saw some dried and some fresh blood on his arm
He knew he himself wasn't injured, since he didn't feel any pain. But that would leave only one other option...
He looked down at you, your shirt slightly moved up your body from you moving around in your sleep, revealing to him the bandages wrapped around your entire abdomen, blood seeping out through them
He paniced, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you
You woke from that and he immediately bombarded you with thousands of questions
You tried reassuring him, telling him that since you had some knowledge on medicine, you didn't want to go to a hospital, wanting to treat it yourself
That however, will not fly with him. He picked you up then and there and brought you to the nearest ER, where you were properly taken care of
Thankfully, you didn't need to stay in there, being discharged again with just a couple of stitches, but you sure as hell gave Noé the biggest scare of his lifetime
Will scold you a bit, but will stop of you pout at him enough, telling him that you learned your lesson
Will also make you promise to never hide something like that again. Please, his poor heart wouldn't be able to take that...
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luxesiren · 9 months
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⸻ 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐄 :: solo vanitas scene x implied fem!reader.
cw :: 18+ MDNI. edging, vivid dreaming, masturbation, overstimulation
a/n :: i wrote this for my bby @smiley-babe. she loves this man and like felt her fr!! btw vanitas owns a bookstore in this. when i say implied at the top, i mean she’s just in his imagination, not really there.
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it’s slow in the bookstore right now, barely anyone here and all he can think about right now is you. every word you say to him has him gripping his desk and he can’t focus on fulfilling this order. he has to get it done but the thought of you makes him so sick that he has to do something about it, he sighs and places the order to the side and walks away — he locks the front door and turns the sign to where it signifies that the store is closed.
it doesn’t take much to make him needy and desperate, he’s never had anyone interest him the way you have and it’s affecting him in ways that he can’t explain. he could explain them but every thought is riddled with lust and all he thinks about is putting all that energy into your warm cunt.
vanitas is throbbing in his jeans, it’s painful and he needs some form of relief so he’ll do it himself. he locks himself in his office and palms his bulge already teasing himself even though he just needs to be relieved, so sensitive and he hasn’t even fully touched his own cock.
a whimper falls from his lips when he bucks into his hand, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans, taking note of the big wet spot that already formed in his underwear, almost embarrassing, really but he doesn’t care. he could’ve cum in his pants and he still wouldn’t have batted an eye, he looks down at his cock, his tip slightly red and so sensitive.
he spits on his hand and starts to slowly stroke his cock, precum leaking steadily from his tip and making the glide much easier to navigate. he tosses his head back against the chair, a small breathy groan leaving his lips as he continues to stroke over himself, keeping the same snail pace before slowly speeding up. he twists his wrist over his shaft and moves it just the way he likes it — his mind clouded with thoughts of you and only you, how you were speaking to him, and thinking about he would act if you were this close to him.
he closes his eyes and imagines how bad he wants you in his lap and grinding down on him and speaking to him softly in his ear. he whimpers so loud that it rings out in his own ears, he forgets about his hand on his cock and imagines being engulfed by your warm cunt. you’re riding him practically teasing him and he can’t get over it, “pretty boy, vanitas, does that feel good?” you would say, your voice laced with arousal and some sort of dominance that he can’t get over.
he would whine and thrust into you, trying to reach that spot that makes you cry out. “mm yes…it feels good, please, please..” he’s begging but he doesn’t know what for, you don’t speed up, you keep that same pace and it drives him up the walls — he doesn’t know where to place his hands but you guide him anyways, placing his hands on your tits and his instinct is to squeeze and fondle them to make you proud.
you clench around him and his eyes start to well up, tears forming in his lash line and threatening to fall over. soft sobs begin to over take his body as he’s reaching his peak but then it stops, the soft edge of almost leaping off a cliff now gone because of the way he’s edging himself. he squeezes the base of his shaft to stop himself from cumming and starts again once the feeling wears off.
he thinks about how you would teach him to finger you, his fingers soaked with your arousal but he doesn’t care. he likes to see it, so much slick covering his index and middle finger and he wants to lick it off his fingers. all this imagining has him shaking and trembling, damn near sobbing because all he wants is to touch, feel, and taste you.
he speeds up, fucking his fist with no regard because he wants to cum now. he doesn’t care to edge himself, this was the first time he’s felt overly desperate and it’s all because of you, because of that nickname, fuck, he wishes he could cum deep inside you and make you cry out for him. high pitched whimpers are continuous, “fuck, fuck, m’please, please…” he’s begging for reprieve, something to ground him.
he finally snaps, cumming so hard that he almost blacks out, the sticky substance hitting his chest and his chin. he doesn’t even care that he ruined his shirt, not one care in the world as he strokes over his cock again — making sure he can’t cum anymore, he knows that if you were here, he wouldn’t be stopping until both of you passed out.
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© 𝐥𝐮𝐱𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧 | all rights reserved to me, please do not steal, copy, or repost to other websites.
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honeydazai · 2 years
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴏɴ 𝆬 𓏸
feat.: Vanitas, Noé, Dante, Johann, Marquis Machina, Lord Ruthven, Roland, Olivier
content: nsfw, breeding kink | mentions of pregnancy, some very mild spanking, breath play | reblogs appreciated!
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VANITAS' favourite way to fuck you is from behind. Really, there's nothing more enticing to him than the sight of your back arching prettily and your body trembling as you adjust to his size, tiny mewls and moans falling from your lips. He huffs out a laugh when you try and hide your flushed face in the pillows, only for him to grab strands of your hair and pull your head back up, a smirk curling his lips upwards.
It's also the perfect position for the flat of his hand to occasionally come down hard on your ass, his chuckle playful as you let out a shriek at the sudden hit. Another reason he likes it this way, however, is that you're unable to see the way his own face turns red, a blush high on his cheeks, and, God, he's forced to press his lips together tightly to stifle a whimper that rivals your own with how needy it is.
“You like that, hm? My, it certainly seems like you're enjoying yourself with the way you're clenching around my dick. Ah, fuck—”
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NOÉ likes to take you in missionary position; you've got your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck as you pull him down for yet another kiss and, really, it's the closest you could possibly be to each other as he thrusts into you, his hips slapping against your own each time he pushes back in.
The most important part for him, however, is that, in this position, you're constantly facing him, and there's not one expression of yours that he's able to miss. Whether it's your jaw that goes slack with pleasure or your eyes that squeeze shut, your pretty lips that fall open with yet another moan, he's able to watch it all, and the sight is definitely tucked into the back of his mind for lonely nights.
“You feel so good, love, God—, so perfect for me, aren't you? Ah, I'm close already. That's your fault for feeling this amazing, you know? Hah, I'm merely joking, of course. Come on, let's come together, yes, dear?”
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You're not sure anymore when this habit developed, but by now it's almost routine for DANTE to spoon you whenever he lies down, his arms around you and the tip of his nose brushing against your neck while his dick slips between your thighs and into your dripping cunt. The way you clench around him almost instantly, wet walls pulsing, is nothing short of heavenly, and he groans in pleasure, his voice raspy and breath warm against your skin.
With the way he keeps rutting into you, short quick thrusts, it's quite lazy sex, but neither of you mind, especially not when you try and meet his movements with steady rolls of your hips, your lips hanging open with each moan you let out. The moment you tell him how well he's doing, how good he feels when he stretches you out like this, Dante's dick all but twitches inside of you, and it only takes some sweet talk and praise for him to come inside of you. Usually, he doesn't pull out immediately; you both quite enjoy relishing in the afterglow of your orgasms, after all.
“Fuck, darl, you always feel so damn good around me. Fucking perfect. Ah, I missed you, ya know? Oh, do that again—, ah, yes, please, darl, God.”
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JOHANN can't help that he likes seeing you on your knees, because, really, how could he not? You're looking up at him with wide eyes, tears dripping down your flushed cheeks and your pretty lips closed around his dick, and if that's not a sight for sore eyes.
You're all but choking on his cock, lewd gagging noises distinct in the room, and Johann's smile is just a bit too mischievous as he coos mocking praises at you, his tone faux sympathetic, his hand resting on the back of your head, lithe fingers carding through your hair. Whenever he's feeling particularly mean, he pushes you down on his dick or pinches your nose between two fingers, all but revelling in the panicked look you gaze up at him with before he lets go again.
“Oh? My, you're looking quite angry, love. Did I do something to upset you? I certainly hope not. Well, let's discuss this later. Focus on getting me off for now, yes, darling? I've got faith in your abilities to make me come. Perhaps, if you're good for me, I'll even return the favour.”
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While FRANCIS enjoys almost every possible position with you, he's especially fond of ordering you to kneel in front of him, your arms obediently kept behind your back as his gaze, piercing despite being hidden behind his shimmery veil, greedily roams over your bare body. You're certain that his smirk when he fucks your tits mere moments later is terribly smug, but it's not like you can call him out for it; not when you're but a sputtering mess, humiliation causing your face to grow hot at such a lewd activity.
The size of your chest really doesn't matter to him; as long as he gets to see you blush and whimper all prettily while his precum drips down onto the swell of your tits, he's content. Francis never stops talking, and this is no exception; he's running his mouth constantly, both degrading and praising you with backhanded compliments, especially when he notices the way you're squeezing your thighs together in need.
“Oh, darling, why don't you squeeze those pretty tits of yours together for me, hm? Maybe stick your tongue out too while you're at it—, ah, there we go. Good girl, look at you! Truly, you're made for this!”
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LORD RUTHVEN loves having you ride him, all pretty perched up on his lap. Just because you're on top doesn't mean you're in control; really, it's quite the opposite. His sheer height, as well as his ridiculous vampire strength, make it so so easy for him to lift you up and drop you back down on his dick, all but using you like a toy as his grip on your plush hip tightens.
Besides, the view he gets of your bouncing tits and of your face, slack with pleasure, is nothing but enticing. You're clenching around his dick, your thighs shaking, and a smirk curls Lord Ruthven's mouth upwards at the way you all but keen when he meets you halfway, his hips bucking up. He's a terrible tease, and mocking words, hidden as praise, constantly fall from his lips.
“You're doing so well, darling. My, you're clenching so tightly around me too. Do you like having me inside of you this much, I wonder? What did you say? No? Perhaps I should simply stop then.”
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ROLAND'S favourite position to fuck you in is the mating press. Really, what better position to breed you in? He's on top of you, his large hands squeezing your thighs as he bends you in half, your knees almost brushing against your shoulders, and you're a moaning mess, with your whole body trembling and needy noises tearing themselves from your throat.
While he's pounding into you, Roland rasps out promises of how well he's going to breed you and fill you up, that he won't stop until you're all but dripping with his cum, and he relishes in the way you shiver and mewl at his words. After coming inside of you, he doesn't bother to pull out. Why should he? After all, his cock serves as a makeshift plug for now, and that only means it's more likely his seed takes.
“Ah, God, don't you worry, dear, I'll make sure to knock you up properly by the time we're done. Maybe I'll have to take you a second or third round, though, hah, you'd probably even like that, wouldn't you?”
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While OLIVIER often prefers to take his time with you, he can't help but admit that there are numerous advantages to quickies, such as how prettily you whine whenever he takes you against a wall. Whether you've got your legs tightly closed around his waist or your face pressed against it, your back flush with his broad chest; the way you clench around his dick is unmatched.
He's strong enough to easily hold you up if your knees get weak all of a sudden, which happens more often than you'd like, though it's no surprise with the way Olivier all but pounds into you, his narrow hips slapping against yours rhythmically. And, well, while he's not an exhibitionist, you occasionally rile him up enough for him to fuck you in semi-public, like in a hidden alleyway or a public restroom, and whenever that's the case, he's quick to slap his hand over your mouth to avoid gaining unwanted attention.
“Fuck, ah—, quiet now. You wouldn't want anyone to walk in on us like this, now would you, darling? Hah, thought so. Come on, I bet you'll manage to keep your pretty mouth shut for a bit.”
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➛ tags: @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @marina-and-the-memes @happymoon16 @yumidepain @janeinerz @Aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu @KimxKiba @fiannee @Morigumy @villainouspotential @babypickleclamfish @nikolaisgoofyahhhat and of course my darling @sunrays-in-the-sea because i love you passionately
all works © honeydazai. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms!
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vampirenigh · 1 year
Sadness and guilt
Summary: You got injured and hide it from them.
Characters: Vanitas, Noé.
Warnings: curse words.
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You went with him to a party that Dominique made. And everything was fine. With Vanitas being himself and Dominique and Noé talking. But somehow somebody became a course bearer. And from there everything started to go even worse by the second.
Vanitas was very worried about you when he couldn't see you anymore but thought that you got out with the rest of the people because you are just a human who can't fight and started to help the vampire with Noé.
But it wasn't like that. You got hurt right when you we're about to leave the room. Vanitas didn't see anything because he was with his back turned to you and you got out pretty fast. You ran to a bathroom and locked the door and saw a really deep cut in your side that was bleeding pretty badly. You took your dress off and started to put stitches and bandages. After that you changed back into the dress and went to find Dominique. When you found her you draged her into a room and asked her for a new dress because this one was destroyed. When Dominique saw your wound she got a bit scared and asked you if you are alright and you responded that you were fine and that you need a new dress and a favor from her. "Please keep this a secret from Vanitas. He doesn't need to know. It's not that big of a deal." "We need to tell him! You can't just hide it! He will find out sooner or later!" "I know but hide it for me. Please... ". After some seconds she sighed and helped you in a new dress that didn't put pressure to tha wound.
When you two got out you saw Vanitas and Noé searching for you. And when he saw you he ran to you to see that you were alright. And because you changed and you were a good actress he believed that you were fine. But Noé thought that something was wrong because he could smell some blood but brushed it off because there was a lot of it around.
On the way to the hotel your would started to bleed a bit because of the movement and it started to get on the new dress. Dominique saw it and got closer to you to warn you and to help you hide it because she wanted to respect your choice. But when you got back to the hotel with the boys in front and you and Dominique in the back the little stain of blood became a big one that was hard to miss. So when Vanitas turned around to look at you and take you back to your room he saw the blood and freaked out. He got you without a word and took you to your and his bedroom to take care of you.
After he put you on the bed he started to see that you were much paler and that your eyes were a bit unfocused. He started to take your dress off and to clean the wound. When he was in the middle of it you collapsed and scared the shit out off him. He abandoned the wound and tried to wake you up. But you didn't. So he got back to the wound and tried to bandage you fast so you wouldn't lose much more blood. And after that he put you to bed.
After some hours you woke up and feel a bit of weight on your arm. It was Vanitas. He was holding your hand while his head was lowered and you couldn't see his face. "Vanitas? What happened?" When he heard your voice his head snapped to you and you saw the concern on his face. Concern that was transforming into rage. "How could you hide something like this from me! You could've died you know that!? How stupid are you? I don't want to lose someone else.. Not you... " at the final of his speech he got quieter and you took his face in your hands and kissed his forehead. "You won't lose me. I'm fine. Aren't I?" "Now. But if I didn't help you in time you would've.... " "But I didn't." "Promise me that you won't hide something like this from me again!" He looked at you with a glare that you couldn't refuse. "Okay. I will tell you. Sorry to worry you." "Good. Now go back to sleep while I go and take something for you to eat. I love you." He give you a kiss on the lips. "Love you too" and then he left.
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You went to buy some things. Noé wanted to go with you but you declined. What would happen on the way to the store?
Terrible mistake. You got ambushed by 2 men. You got to escape but with a big cut on your arm. You went back to the hotel and to Amelia. You were lucky that Noé went out with Vanitas to who knows where. When Amelia saw you she got concerned. And started to put some stitches and bandages. You were lucky again that it didn't bleed that much so you didn't feel dizzy.
After the treatment was done Amelia wanted to go and tell Noé that you got hurt. But you had different plans. "Don't go! He doesn't need to know." "He does! You can't just hide it! I can smell the blood from a mile away and you got a bandage on your arm for fuck sake! You can't hide it from him!" " I will tell him that I burned myself when I made dinner. Now come and help me cook something while he is away. And don't tell him!" You were so convincing that Amelia had to agree.
So this is how you made a big dinner for all of them. And when Noé came back from the trip with Vanitas the first thing that he saw was your arm. Not the food. So he made a bee line to you and draged you to another room leaving a confused Vanitas and a concerned Amelia behind.
When you got in the room you could've see his concerned face. "What happened?" He said that while holding your bandaged arm like it's made of glass. "Nothing much. I just burned myself a bit while making dinner. Don't worry to much. Amelia bandaged it for me." At that Noé's face relaxed a bit and then told you to be more careful. After the dinner in which Noé almost feed you the dinner because he was concerned that your arm will hurt but Vanitas helped you to convince him to not do that.
After the dinner you and Noé went to bed but the next morning when Noé woke up the smell of blood entered his nose and then he saw your arm covered in blood. He then shook you awake and started to clean your wound and put bandages all while he asked questions like What happened? Who hurt you? Why didn't you tell me?. "It isn't such a big deal Noé. You don't need to be concerned. It is just a cut. It isn't hurting that bad anyway." "That doesn't matter! You got hurt! Why didn't you tell me? And lied to me?" "I didn't want to concern you and have you not concentrating an you work with Vanitas. I got ambushed on the street. Before you ask me again. And Amelia helped me." "But next time tell me! Don't hide things like this from me! I don't care about the cases with Vanitas if I can't take care of the person that I care the most for!" At that your eyed widened. "Okey. I will tell you when I get hurt from now on." "And you won't stop me from going with you anywhere." He looked at you with determination. "Fine. You can come." Noé kissed you on the forehead. "I love you a lot" "Me too Noé."
Hey. I don't know if any of you read this but I wanted to ask you to send some requests if you have ideas. I have some left but I don't know for how long will they last. That's all and I hope that you like the post. Bye.
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themercyverse · 1 year
Enchanted Desire || Vanitas no Carte
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Pairing: Vanitas x Vampire!Reader
Warning: heavily suggestive
Synopsis: You and Vanitas, seek refuge in a deserted mansion during a storm. After exploring the mansion and talking through the night, a sudden attraction between the two arises, leading to a primal desire that they both give in to.
Notes: Some people have been saying that drinking blood between 'vampires in Vanitas no carte' is a way to show their intimacy, no matter what kind of relationship. In the cabin scene between Vanitas and Jeanne it is thought to be a way of portraying a sexual action. This post takes inspiration from that thought.
Words: 1.4k
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You and Vanitas had been wandering through the dark forest, seeking shelter from the sudden storm that had caught you by surprise. Rain pelted against your skin, and lightning illuminated the path. Both of you had been traveling together for some time now but were still getting to know each other. You admired Vanitas' courage and wit, while Vanitas was drawn to your kindness and beauty.
As you stumbled upon a deserted mansion, you decided to seek refuge inside, hoping to wait out the storm. The door creaked as Vanitas, with your help, pushed it open, revealing a long, dimly-lit hallway. Then, you cautiously made your way through the mansion, the eerie silence only broken by the sound of the footsteps.
The atmosphere was oppressive, and you felt a sense of unease, wondering if you had made a mistake in seeking shelter here. Vanitas, on the other hand, was unfazed. He cracked jokes and made light of the situation in his usual teasing tone, putting you at ease.
"Who needs fresh air when you can breathe in the musty scent of ancient ruins?" Vanitas joked in a sarcastic tone. "You know, you could make a career out of stand-up comedy." You chuckled quietly. "You really know how to flatter a guy [Name]. But let's focus on getting out of here first, and then we'll worry about my potential comedy career."
Suddenly, you heard a creaking noise and a trapdoor in the floor gave way, causing Vanitas to fall through. Acting quickly, you followed him down the trapdoor, landing on top of him.
Laying on the ground, having the wind knocked out of him, he managed to gasp out a witty remark despite the pain, "I always knew I had a soft spot for you. Turns out it's my ribcage."
You pouted, dismissing his joke with a blush, "Um,, are you okay? Sorry for, eh,, landing on you like that..."
"Don't you worry, [Name]. My ribcage is made of steel. Or maybe it's just the corset...either way, I'm good as new.". He knocked on the corset under his coat, as if it were a piece of armor. Light giggles could be heard from your side, as you were trying to cover your laughter, in vain. You were glad it was Vanitas who stood by your side in this situation. He was always able to turn an uncanny situation into a funny adventure.
You two had already been exploring the abandoned mansion for hours, searching for a way out. The old walls seemed to stretch on forever, and every door in the path was locked tight. The air was heavy with dust and the sound of footsteps echoed ominously. After a long time had passed, you were able to open a single door and found yourselves in a small room in the mansion's second story, surrounded by old furniture, huge windows, and cobwebs. How did you even end in the second story after falling downwards? That was a mystery by itself.
Seeing as you were going to have to stay there for a while, you both decided to make yourselves comfortable. As the night wore on, the two of you started to talk, sharing stories about your pasts and dreams for the future. Most of the talking was done by you, but still, it was quite rare to hear so much about vanitas, as he was very reserved when it came to talking about himself. That is why you listened intently, feeling a connection to him that you couldn't quite explain.
As the night wore on, you couldn't help but notice how handsome Vanitas was, with his sharp features and piercing gaze. You felt a sudden attraction to him, a desire that was too strong to ignore. Vanitas too felt drawn to you, noticing the little things that made you unique. The way you smiled, the way you moved... He found himself thinking about you more and more as the night went on, wondering what it would be like to be with you. It felt like the mansion enchanted you, made you feel different, made you show the emotions you had buried inside of you.
While you talked and laughed, your bodies slowly began to draw closer. You leaned in towards each other, your eyes locked in a passionate gaze. You could feel your heart racing, your body trembling with anticipation.
You felt Vanitas' body heat against yours, and something inside you shifted. As if sensing your thoughts, Vanitas turned to you with a smirk. "You know, I always knew you had a thing for me," he teased, nudging you softly with his elbow.
You blushed, feeling embarrassed but also strangely exhilarated. "Shut up," you muttered, leaning into him.
Suddenly, you felt a powerful urge to bite Vanitas. It was a strange desire, one that you had never experienced before. But the more you thought about it, the more you wanted it. How would his blood taste like? What would it feel like to be intimate with him as your fangs penetrate his body with a slight resistance from his body?
Vanitas noticed your restlessness and leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "What's on your mind?" he whispered. He sensed your desire, and without letting you speak, he joked about it. "You really have it bad for me, huh?" he said with a grin.
But then he looked into your eyes and saw the hunger there. And something in him shifted too. He had always been attracted to you, but this was different. This was a primal, raw desire that he couldn't ignore.
In the heat of the moment, both of you gave in to your desires. You sank your teeth into Vanitas' neck, feeling the warm rush of blood in your mouth. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before - a heady mix of pleasure and pain, intimacy, and danger.
He let out a small gasp, but he didn't stop you. He wanted this just as much as you did, if not more. "You're really going to do it, aren't you?" he teased, his eyes sparkling with amusement, gasping between words.
There was no response from your side, as you were too caught up in the sensation of his blood gliding into your mouth, feeling his warmth inside you, moving through all your extremities. He was inside you. You felt a rush of emotions, a mix of desire, love, and gratitude towards Vanitas for allowing you to do this. As you drank, you could feel his heartbeat slowing down, his body relaxing against yours. Vanitas cheeks became warm, his gaze unfocused. He could barely keep his head steady, looking at you with an expression full of pleasure.
You felt Vanitas' hand reach up to hold onto your arm gently. He was careful, but worried about you getting carried away. You, on the other hand, was lost in the sensation covering all of your body. It was a feeling that you could never have imagined before, and it was so much better than anything else you had ever experienced.
Vanitas didn't try to pull away, instead he wrapped his arms around you, pressing you against him. He knew how much this meant to you, and he wanted to give you everything you needed. Besides, it wasn't like he didn't enjoy the intimacy of the moment.
When you finally pulled away, he could feel the mark you had left on his neck, a faint sting that only added to the pleasure of the experience. He grinned, running his hand through your hair. "You know, I'm pretty sure I'm the only human in history who can say they've been bitten by a vampire and enjoyed it."
You laughed softly, nuzzling your face into his chest. "You're such a dork, Vanitas."
He chuckled, supporting his chin on your head. "Hey, I take offense to that. I'm a very serious and important person."
"Right, of course,” you said in a teasing manner, your voice laced with affection.
You laid together in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the afterglow of the moment. The room was quiet, save for the sound of their breathing and the occasional creak of the old mansion settling. Outside, the moon shone down on the garden, casting long shadows across the floor.
As you drifted off to sleep, Vanitas felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew the both of you were still in danger, still trapped in the mansion. But he also knew that you both were in this together, and that was all that mattered.
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Thanks for reading <3
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Your Gloved Hand in Mine
You curl your fingers around his hand. It was loose, giving him the option to snatch the limb back if he so wished. However, this time, he curled his long fingers around your own. The soft fabric of the glove feeling like an ikand the weight of his hand in yours felt like a familiar friend. You give a light sigh as you squeezed his hand, and returned to the novel perched on your lap.
"Someone sounds content," Vanitas said, not looking up from his book. "Is it my touch or the fresh pot of tea?"⁷
"You." The splash of red on his pale cheeks made you smile, but that was the only hint that you saw someghing so very precious. "I could be awarded all the gold and jewels of France this very moment, and they would be nothing compared to how beautiful you are when you are in comfort."
"Silver tongued witch."
"Salacious devil."
He shook his head but squeezed your hand as he went back to reading.
And all felt right with the world.
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yuujis-sunshine · 11 months
Ello! I don't know if your requests are open, but could I get a "taking a shower with Vanitas for the first time" type of thing? Also the reader is a vampire who is normally sarcastic and blunt now nervous? Sorry if that doesn't make sense and also sorry if your requests aren't open! Have a wonderful day! ☆
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓(𝒔): Vanitas
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈(𝒔): NUDITY
𝑨/𝑵: Hope you have a good day/night as well, Anon!
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: Vanitas and the Reader takes a bath for the first time together.
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Why was her face red?
Was it because of embarrassment? Yes.
Because you're all alone with Vanitas? Yes.
This all started when [Name] was being sarcastic about taking a bath with her long time crush, but here she was... In the bath. With Vanitas... It felt really embarrassing to be in a tub with such an idiot like him. "Why aren't you saying anything?" The male asked with a smirk. "You were speaking minutes ago, and now you're blushing uncontrollably." He continued to tease her, which made [Name]'s face redder than a tomato. 'Shut up, you damn idiot...' Her ears begins to steam while she groans in embarrassment. "Shut up..." She grumbles angrily, her cheeks still red. Vanitas couldn't help but laugh at her attitude. She has been like this ever since they first got in here.
[Name] is the sarcastic and blunt type of vampire who loves messing with Vanitas 24/7 daily. It was just her thing. But now, she sat in the bath cleaning and her face red. She has never been in a bathroom naked with a man like Vanitas... Something about him made her embarrassed.
In silence, the two decides to wash up before they took a shower and dried off their bodies, put their clothes on without speaking to one another.
"V-Vanitas..." He turns his head to face [Name] who had a tiny blush on her cheeks. "I-I-I'm... I'm..." She whispers nervously. Vanitas continues staring at her before minutes later, he finally heard her say... "Sorry." Vanitas' eyes were shocked from what she had just said, usually she wouldn't say that, but she managed to apologize to him for the first time.
"WAIT.... Did the [NAME] [LAST NAME] just apologize?" He smiles after he heard that, making a vein pop on [Name]'s head. But on the inside, she felt relieved and happy.
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could you do vanitas and atsushi with a gender neutral soulmate who is loud around close friends but shuts down in large crowds with loud noises and whatnot? Thank you, your writing is amazing by the way! Have a great day ♡♡
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs, The Case Study Of Vanitas
Pairings: Atsushi, Vanitas X Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None
Word Count: 0.6K
A/N: Thank you so much! I think you're the only one who requests content for Vanitas on my blog lmao, You should send requests more often! :)
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Ok. It's canon that he's a really thoughtful guy. And he kinda relates to you, except that he's not that talkative around close friends either.
At first you were a bit uncomfortable with him too, since you barely knew him, but now that you two are together? Things are different.
Atsushi notices this when he takes you to the agency for the first time. The way you nervously smile as you answer other people's questions with a word or two, or how you keep looking back at the clock to see when it's time for you to leave, he notices how uncomfortable you are and the problem is serious.
So he decides to never force you to go anywhere (he didn't force you the last time, he just asked you and you couldn't say no), and always ask you if you're really willing to go there, not because you have to.
Instead of going out, he arranges the perfect date at home, with just the two of you. He prepares your favorite meal with your favorite dessert, plays games with you that you're interested in to, and also gets a fun movie for you to watch.
To be honest he's more comfortable at home, or alone with just the two of you, so it worked out the best for you.
I'm not saying that he doesn't like going outside. He enjoys fun activities outside with his friends, but wants you to have as much fun as he does.
Will help you get over your anxiety if you want to bet over it, or else wont to talk about it at all because he respects your boundries and doesn't wanna upset you :)
The case is different with this guy.
I'm not saying that he isn't thoughtful, he is; but in his opinion, helping you get over your problem is a part of being thoughtful.
He will convince you to get out of your comfort zone and try to be around people and get used to it, because sometimes you just have to do it and he doesn't want you to suffer when that moment comes.
I was going to say that he will tease you about it, but honestly, there's nothing he can tease you about. So, I think if you refuse to get out of your comfort zone and stuff, he will tease you a bit over things without saying the actual cause why he's doing it.
He won't tease you too much though, since he loves you and hurting you is the last thing he wants to do; but please understand that this is his way of showing you how much he actually cares about you.
He will plan fun activities that you enjoy, but outdoor. You were not really willing at first, but then you had so much fun that you forgot you were outside and didn't feel uncomfortable anymore.
Yup, he's smart and he will use his mind to make you feel better :)
Would encourage you at the end of the day for overcoming your anxiety even if it was only a little bit.
"My god Y/N! You looked so happy when you were on that roller coaster at the theme park, or when you shot all the targets and won a prize! I'm so proud of you!"
To be sincere you were a bit upset at how he was making you get out of you're comfort zone. You thought that he wanted to change you and that he didn't like your current personality, but after a while, you do see the effect that those outdoor activities had on you and how you're able to communicate to people much more comfortable than before.
He does feel bad about it sometimes, so he tries to make it up to you at night, by hugging you tight and slowly caressing you hair, showering you in affection and kisses :>
Reblogs are appreciated! :D
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cozyrosies · 10 months
War of Hearts
Rating: E (eventually)
multi-chapter, Vanitas x Reader, slow burn
Chapter 1
Come to me, in the night hours
I will wait for you.
And I can’t sleep, cause thoughts devour
Thoughts of you consume.
A sharp, broken gasp cracked through the stillness of the night that had covered your bedroom in a blanket of darkness. Sweat slid down your skin, dampening your nightclothes and making you shiver as the cool night air blew through your open window and chilled the droplets against your feverish body. You placed a hand against your forehead, breathing heavily and attempting to bring yourself back to the real world and farther from the shadow-filled abyss that was your dream. A blink of your eyes sent previously unshed tears spilling down your cheeks so you squeezed them shut in an attempt to halt the salty flow.
Once your breathing calmed to something close to normal, you opened your eyes and turned your attention to your open window, your gaze hastily seeking the comfort of the glittering night sky over the Land of Departure. Two weeks now… two weeks that you had spent every night falling endlessly into the darkness, grasping and clawing and soundlessly screaming through shadows so thick you could swear they were pouring into your throat and filling your veins with every labored breath. It felt like eternities passed, time nonexistent in this forbidden place. You couldn’t even summon your keyblade here, the one thing you’ve found you could always count on. Every time you would reach into the abyss, fingers desperately trying to grasp onto something solid, only to come up empty.
Except for tonight.
This time, when you watched your hand nearly disappear into the blackness, you felt a startling warmth caress your chilled skin. A shape began to form before you, somehow even darker than the already all-consuming shadow you found yourself stuck in. You automatically latched onto the warmth, finding an odd sense of comfort in the unknown presence. You reached out with your other hand, your body moving of its own accord as you sought to close the distance between yourself and the only source of warmth and life in this place. The form shifted then, and a flash of bright golden eyes sent you tumbling back into consciousness, your own eyes flying open with a gasp. You don’t know how long you lay there, mind racing as you tried to make sense of the new development in your recurring nightmare. All you could be sure of was that you would not be getting any more sleep tonight.
Only when the first rays of daylight began to spill into your bedroom did your trembling completely cease. You slid from your bed and dressed, mindlessly slipping on your training gear before combing out your knotted hair. You rubbed at your burning eyes, no doubt in your mind that Aqua would be questioning the dark circles underneath them as soon as she saw you. With a resigned sigh, you made your way down to the training area outside of the castle.
You began your stretches, allowing your mind to clear as you focused on the comforting and familiar burn and tug of your muscles as you loosened them. You knew it would be awhile before your comrades joined you, but you were okay with taking some time to ground yourself before interacting with them. Once finished, you released a deep breath and shook out your arms and legs before calling your keyblade forth. A sense of peace washed over you in gentle waves as you grasped your weapon, borne of your own heart and soul and connected to you in the same way your bones fit together in your body, making you who you are. All lingering thoughts of creeping shadows and suffocating darkness faded into the background as you shifted into your battle stance.
For an hour you gave in to the pull of your keyblade, honing your physical combat skills as you worked through the training course that Master Eraqus had established for his students. Just as you could feel your magic begin to thrum through your keyblade, begging to be unleashed, your three comrades had made their way from the castle and up to the training grounds. Their bright smiles, albeit sleepy in Ventus’s case, greeted you as you dropped your stance and waved at them. Just as you anticipated, Aqua’s expression shifted into a look of worry as her gaze traveled over you, no doubt seeing the exhaustion even through your smiling facade. Both of her hands gently rested on the sides of your face, azure eyes searching your own. “Good morning you, are you feeling okay?” she asked gently. Ventus stood by Aqua’s side, looking equally as worried after hearing her concern. Terra placed a large hand on your shoulder as he passed, pausing to look down at you and giving you a quick squeeze in his own way of offering comfort.
“I’m fine, guys,” you chuckle lightly, unable to be annoyed at your beloved friends’ outward displays of concern for your wellbeing. “I just couldn’t sleep, so I came down here early to get a head start on training.”
Aqua said your name softly, before replying. “You haven’t been sleeping well for the past couple of weeks, are you sure there isn’t something else going on?” You placed your hands over her own on your face, giving her a squeeze before dropping them as you stepped away. You looked at her and then to Ventus, smiling at them in a way you hoped was reassuring and not obviously forced.
“I guess I must be having weird dreams or something. It’s no big deal, really. I promise!” You were relieved to hear Terra summon his own keyblade over your shoulder, signaling that he was ready to get started and giving you an excuse to turn your attention elsewhere.
“You can talk to us any time if you need to, you know that right?” Ventus offered. You ruffled his hair fondly, laughing as he groaned and swatted you away.
“Of course Ven, thank you,” you replied with a genuine smile. With that, both he and Aqua summoned their keyblades and the three of you made your way over to join Terra in your routine training.
“We’ll be wrapping up early today,” Terra announced before you began. “Master Eraqus says we have guests staying with us for the next few weeks. An old friend of his and his student, apparently. They’re due to arrive by lunchtime.” Aqua nodded and Ventus jumped excitedly in place, clearly looking forward to meeting someone new after having such limited contact to the worlds outside of the Land of Depature. You hummed in response, barely comprehending what Terra was saying as you fought off your lingering exhaustion. You were sure to make quite the impression on these strangers if you were all but falling asleep on your feet.
Throughout the next few hours, you kept a barrier wrapped around your mind in an attempt to fight off the memories of your restless night. However, you struggled to keep all of the shadows from slipping through the cracks, feeling deep in your very heart that the being that found you inside the void of your own dream was somehow…
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blueberry-writer · 2 years
HII IM THE SAME ANON WHO SENT THE FURST VANITAS REQUEST!!! It was so good tysm😭😭 So im back ofc bc it was wonderful
Anyway can u make a vanitas fluff alphabet? If not maybe some kissing hcs with gn reader? Ty in advance!!❤️❤️
Notes:Oh my, hi! 'Thank you'for what? i love write request! i hope you enjoy Vanitas fluff alphabet!!💙💙
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Usually you go to 'hunt' vampires to be treated withVanitas and Noè
In your free time you two go and visit beautiful places together tasting the typical dishes every now and then Noè will come to make the third wheel
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves everything about you but the thing that physically prefers are your eyes
He just loves to get lost in them and remember that these beautiful eyes belong to his better half
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I have the hc that Vanitas, because of his past, often suffers from panic attacks so in his own way he would know well how to behave.
He’ll wait until you’re ready to talk and look him in the eye.
If you can’t, he understands it perfectly.
Without speaking, he will put a blanket on your shoulders and prepare you a tea that will leave near you that will serve to calm down.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He will never admit it but he has already made a lot of mental movies about your future life together: He will be a world-famous doctor in the world of vampires, you will be his beautiful, intelligent and lovable wife and together you will have two children, a male and a female.
... yeah, we can say that he has a lively imagination
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Dominant, he loves to annoy you and 'ruin' your day with his horrible jokes, maybe sometime he would even say dirty jokes😇
BUT If you get tired of his dirty and not dirty jokes and you can respond properly, you can see his cheeks blush and see Vanitas that becomes a lovely tsundere
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Usually you two never fight except for bullshit and therefore are useless quarrels that end in one/two minutes.
But if the fight is serious... it’s gonna be a little messy.
If it’s his fault, surely Noè can reason with him in one way or another.
If it’s your fault, it depends on your character!
But once you apologize to him ( and if it wasn’t particularly bad) he will forgive you after an hour or two and you will be back to being the usual couple.
If it’s serious, it’ll take a while, maybe a month or two, but don’t worry, he’ll take care of you without being noticed
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s grateful, but his pride will never allow him to admit it in front of everyone.
But I’m sure he’ll tell you when you two are alone at a special time or when you’re asleep.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He has few secrets he hides from you.
But these few are the worst, they all talk about his past and he’s afraid that if you found out, you might not love him anymore and leave him.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
is very inspired by you, yes.
But when he tried to change it didn’t end well
So you’re gonna have to put up with your annoying boyfriend the way he is 🙌
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Yeah. Yeah, he does.
He gets jealous when someone gets close to you and you don’t have a problem with it.
If that person is someone you both know, then he’s going to start a 'comedy show' about how he can’t be that close to you.
If it’s someone he don’t know then he’ll come up to you, put your hand on your side and say:"heyy baby! how are y-.. oh? who are you? a friend of y/n? Ohh i get it, well nice to meet you, i’m their boyfriend Vanitas." accentuating heavily the 'their boyfriend'.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
we all saw how he kissed Jeanne, right?
Yes, yes, yes and yes. I allready said yes? Vanitas has a natural talent for being good at kissing.
Your first kiss with Vanitas was natural and not forced at all, it was very soft and with a touch of malice which made everything perfect.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
His confession was... a little peculiar. 
He confessed after a life-or-death situation in which you were very close to death.
He was really afraid of losing you, so as soon as you recovered he took courage and confessed to you as the sun went down leaving room for the beautiful blue moon.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Of course he does, he wants to be with you all his life (as I said earlier, he has made many mental movies about it).
He’d probably propose with a nice silver ring with a sapphire set.
Oh Lord, on the night of the proposal he would be so nervous and embarrassed.
He took you out on the terrace of a beautiful restaurant, and my God, you could easily see that that night he blushed for the least.
Obviously Noè and Dominique will be disguised as waiters to check that vanitas doesn’t mess up
At the end of the dinner, while you were on the balcony admiring the full moon, he knelt down, his face completely red (he is not used to these things, poor dear) and finally he will propose to you.
"W-Will you marry me, y/n."
You will say your yes and only then you will see the whole crowd (Noè, Dominique, Jeanne, Dante, Johann, Riche, Oliver and Roland) applauding and shouting with joy putting both of you embarrassed.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Princess/prince” “my girl/boy” and somethime even “my love”
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He has never experienced love in his life, so this strong feeling leaves him a little stunned.
He has never experienced love in his life, so this strong feeling leaves him a little woozy.
He was so stunned that for a while he tried to avoid you in every way, he tried to oppress the desire to see you and be close to you.
At first you thought you had done something wrong, it was a huge relief for you when Noè said that vanitas was trying to avoid you 'just' because he had such a great love for you that he didn’t know how to behave.
Slowly Vanitas became accustomed to this feeling, to the point where he could not do without it.
he was always clinging to you and one way or another you always ended up having dinner or lunch together. He just can’t help loving you.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He has no problem showing you to others, on the contrary, he boasts of having the best s/o in the world
"See that beautiful person Noè? That’s MY beautiful s/o!"
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Definitely his medical skills.
If you’re hurt, he won’t hesitate for a second to come and cure you
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Usually when you’re with other people it’s more flirty than romantic.
But when you two are alone, you’ll have a pampering-thirsty Vanitas that’s sticking to you 24-7
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Maybe even more than it should be!
he just can’t help encourage his beloved
"Come on love! you can do it, I believe in you!"
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
we can say that your adventures around the world of vampires make your relationship never banal and not at all boring
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
In his own way, he’s empathetic and very understanding.
He’s a little childish, but he knows when to be serious, and he would never allow himself to hurt you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
is very important. He needs to be with you, he have to be with you.
You’ve unlocked emotions he’s never felt before.. You made him feel the feeling that is called love. You are, his love.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he loves it when you cuddle him and start playing with his hair. he melts under your touch.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yeah. Man, he loves it.
he cannot stay without pampering and physical affection for more than a week
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He’s obviously more grumpy, he can’t help it.
If only someone would try to talk to him about it would send him to hell as a glance.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes, as already mentioned many times he thought of your future wedding with him many times, imagine how you would look beautiful with a wedding dress.
Surely, he would like to have a family with you. A new chapter in his life with you.
He wants and will always be at your side even if sometimes he needs to be alone.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's it! i hope you liked it!💙
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chuulyssa · 2 days
"dumbass." "you're no better,"
he says, turning his attention back to his laptop. if he looks at you any longer, he'll probably just end up staring lovingly at you and mumbling about how absolutely adorable you look lying on his bed, tapping away on your phone when you're supposed to do your part of the group project.
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CHUUYA dazai fyodor akutagawa tachihara gojo GETO yuji MEGUMI toji, VANITAS, LIGHT, levi EREN + add more
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello! Could I request Vanitas and Noe coming home to a massive feast made by their s/o on their birthday?
Spoiling your significant other...always very cute!
Characters Included: Vanitas; Noé
Content: gender neutral reader; overall just fluff
Word count: 920 words
Have fun!
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Having a birthday this early on in the new year meant that there weren't really all that many fun things to do
the weather was still cold most of the time, so not many people were and and about, prefering to stay in the comfort of a warm home
Vanitas was one of those people to get bored rather quickly when there was nothing exciting happening. Sitting around and doing nothing wasn't really something he enjoys. He's always out looking for some fun
his own birthday is no exception to that rule. Sure, he likes to spend that day with you, his most favourite and most important person in the world, but he still wants to do something
he's just a tad bit dissapointed when you tell him that you don't have the time to entertain him today
but he doesn't have much time to complain because a knock on the door sounds
Noé is here, dragging Vanitas out the door as soon as he lays eyes on the black haired male
they are out the entire day, doing whatever within the city (maybe causing some chaos here and there) but overall kept quite tame
he had a fun day, though it would have been better had you joined them on their endeavours
but as soon as he enters the house again, he is suddenly hit with the smell of freshly cooked food, which is suspicious to him
didn't you tell him that you didn't have time today?
he walks into the kitchen where he's greeted with an entire menu. It was like a four or five course meal
astounded, he just stood there, surprised by it, until you got him out of his trance again
apparently, you saying that you didn't have time was just a farce so that you could prepare all the food in peace. Noé just made sure that he was occupied the entire time
Vanitas wanted to be mad at you and say something, but seeing as all the food consisted of all his favourite dished, he bit his tongue and kept his mouth shut, thanking you with a kiss instead
you both enjoyed the food you made, talking and laughing while eating. He really liked your cooking, it tasted so good to him, better than anything else he had ever eaten
after you were both done, you took care of the dishes and all the cleaning up, telling him to just relax
later, you joined him in the living room where the two of you cuddled a bit more before you both decided to just take things up into the bedroom, where Vanitas thanked you properly for all the hard work you put in for him...
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such a sweet man, and boyfriend!
honestly, there is not much decieving or anything else to be done with him
just straight up tell him that you have something planned for his birthday, but that you need time to prepare it
he will happily give you enough time, actually all the time you could possibly need
just say the word and he is out the house. No need to worry about him, he can find a way to pass the time
though he keeps telling you that you don't have to do anything for his birthday, but you keep insisting, so he just lets go of the topic, letting you do what makes you happy
so excited to find out what you have in mind for him. Can't help himself but trying to figure out what it could possibly be while being all hyped and giddy
once it's time for him to come back, he almost can't contain his excitement anymore. Like, literally, if he had some sort of tail, it would be wagging like crazy the entire time
immediately upon entering, he is hit with the smell of your cooking
excited, he throws his shoes off and runs into the kitchen, where you're currently in, adding the last finishing touches to the last dish
Noé takes a second to look over all the food, recognising all his favourite meals, divided into an entire five course meal
happy to receive such a thoughtful gift from you, he hugs you close to him, showering you in kisses, thanking you over and over again
you smile and giggle at his affection, but soon swatting him off of you, telling him that the food will if you don't start eating soon
you best believe he's enjoying every single bite he takes like it's the last in his life
he always tells you how divine he thinks your cooking is, but seeing him enjoy it so much is an entirely different feeling. One that fills you with pride that you're able to get that reaction out of him
after you're done, he stands up to take care of the dishes, but you shush him away, almost ordering him to leave the kitchen to let you take care of the mess
you need a bit more convincing but in the end, he relents, letting you handle it while he relaxes in the living room, though he keeps an eye on you from there
as soon as you're done, he pulls you onto the couch with him, where he cuddles you close, arms tightly closed around you
this time, no complaining or anything else is enough to make him stop showering you with praises, kisses and thank you's
after all, he has to show his appreciation for you in some way, right?
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luxmoogle · 2 months
Perhaps Vanitas in some drip??
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Got a little scuffled up in a fight..
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honeydazai · 2 years
gamer! Vanitas -> fingerfucking
content: nsfw, vaginal fingering, thigh riding, fingering, praise, degradation, exhibitionism | reblogs & comments appreciated!
~2,3k words | kinktober masterlist
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For some odd reason, things never seemed to turn out in your favour whenever Vanitas was involved. 
Arguably, the current situation was your fault, though this really hadn't been what you had imagined to happen when Vanitas had promised you he was going to find a way to combine his hobby of gaming and your demand for him to spend more time with you somehow. 
Right now, you would have preferred had everything stayed the same, however. 
Vanitas' attention, even when only partly on you, wasn't always a good thing. 
Your thighs were trembling as you forced yourself to stay still and unmoving, inaudible, though it seemed near impossible with the way Vanitas' thigh was pressing against your bare cunt. 
The fabric of his sweatpants was damp with your arousal already, and it took every ounce of self-control you had to keep yourself from grinding down against his leg like a bitch in heat, even though Vanitas had given you permission to do just that — as long as you didn't disturb his game, that was. 
To be fair, he had been true to his words; this way, you were certainly spending more time together. 
Still, making you sit on his lap, naked and aroused, while he was focused on some shooter game was quite cruel, even for him. 
The fact that the damn video game seemed to go on for hours and hours on end only made this worse, and while Vanitas was gleefully taunting Dante through his headset after he got an easy kill on him, you had to bite down hard on your bottom lip to stifle any potential moans. 
Any noise that was too loud, and his friends were going to be notified of your presence immediately. 
The thought alone caused heat to rise to your cheeks; you were quick to hide your face in his shoulder, the tip of your nose brushing against dark hair tied together into a messy rattail.
You were doing alright, though. At least Vanitas wasn't actively teasing you; it was simply the wait that was pure agony, especially with the way your clit was throbbing, and the urge to reach down and touch yourself was nearly overwhelming. 
That was against the rules, however. 
If you wanted to get off, you had to do so through riding his thigh like a slut; he had made that much clear. 
Arousal bloomed in your abdomen, hot and heavy, and sweat dripped down your throat, then over the curve of your tits. You were vaguely aware of how much you were panting, pretty lips hanging open as you pressed your body against Vanitas' own, your chest flush with his. 
You really had no idea for how much longer you were able to take this. 
Vanitas didn't seem intent on letting this dumb game of his — not the video game, rather the psychological warfare that was his constant teasing — end any time soon, and you were all but aching to come, your face flushed with heat and your thighs shaking. 
The only reasons you had to hold back were your pride and the possibility of being overheard, though, now that you were thinking about it, you doubted Vanitas would have taken the risk to let someone else hear your moans. 
The thought that he might have been lying to you about the risk of his friends hearing you only just came to you. 
“Hey, Noé—, come on, are you serious? The guy was literally right there, you could have gotten him easily!” Vanitas huffed, his gaze trained on the flickering screen, and, really, you didn't have much of a choice. 
Your head was hazy already, pure need and impatience causing your thoughts to feel all muddled, and you couldn't help but come to the realisation that there was no point in holding on. 
Your situation wasn't going to improve. This was what you had to deal with, and the remaining shreds of your pride were swiftly whisked away when the fabric of Vanitas' sweatpants rubbed against your clit, the minimal stimulation almost causing you to whimper. 
Your first movements were hesitant at best; you balanced yourself on your knees to grind down against his thigh, firm muscle flexing underneath your weight, and, God — that really shouldn't have felt just as heavenly as it did. 
Only barely did you manage to swallow a moan down as you repeated the motion, your hips rolling back and forth, back and forth, and you were too distracted by the sparks of pleasure that ran up your spine to notice the way blue eyes found their way onto you, sparkling with amusement. 
Suddenly, one of Vanitas' hands moved to rest on the plush curve of your hip, a smug smirk curling his lips upwards. “My, you really are damn needy, aren't you?” 
Almost on instinct, your brows furrowed into a frown as you pulled back slightly, getting a better look at him, only for you to narrow your eyes while you pointedly shook your head. 
Vanitas, however, only laughed. “Don't try and deny it now. You're all but dripping through my sweatpants, love. The spot where you're sitting is completely drenched already.”
At those words, a high-pitched whimper, laced with embarrassment, left your mouth without your permission, and you were quick to slap one of your hands over it. 
Vanitas raised one arched eyebrow. “Oh? What are you, shy?” He tilted his head to the side before understanding morphed into his features, and he huffed out a laugh. “No need to worry about the headset right now. The others are getting food, which means we've got some private time. Isn't that great?” 
“Very.” You didn't bother to keep the sarcasm from your tone. “Are you going to fuck me now, or—?” 
“Oh? Why would I do that, I wonder?” Vanitas smirk was wide, feral. It exposed one of his oddly pointy canines in a way that could have only been described as cheeky and you clenched around nothing. “I like you quite a lot where you are right now, love. Besides, I'm allowing you to come, didn't I? I don't get what you're complaining about.” 
“That really isn't much of a blessing when I'm not allowed to touch myself”, you snapped, and Vanitas looked all too smug when he leaned forward, catching your chin between two of his fingers.
His thumb swiped over your bottom lip, damp with saliva, before it pushed into your mouth. Your lips dropped open willingly, almost as if on instinct. 
He all but took his sweet time exploring your mouth, his thumb, slightly calloused, feathering over your tongue before pressing down on it, earning himself a whimper from you; roaming over the bottom rows of your teeth. 
Then, suddenly, it thrust down your throat, the intrusion so unexpected you couldn't help but gag; tears welled up in your eyes as your whole body lurched, your back arching as your shoulders curved inwards. 
Seconds later, he pulled away again, mocking amusement lacing his tone. “I simply know you'll be able to come this way, too. Have some trust in yourself, my love.” 
“No—, Vanitas”, you protested, your voice a breathy whine. You barely paid attention to the way he wiped his finger, now wet with your saliva, on your own thigh. “Please, just give me something; anything.” 
“And why would I do that? I'm quite content right now.” 
“Please—, I can't come like this. I'm so close already. I can't.” 
“You can't come like this, you say, but is it really the method that's bothering you?” Vanitas' eyes shone with mirth. “I wonder; are you simply unable to come without my help by now?” 
The guess would have bothered you a lot less had he been wrong. 
You didn't respond, you refused to, but the way you pressed your lips together tightly in embarrassment served to be even more treacherous than a confession. 
Vanitas' laugh could have as well been pinpricks that were pushed into your skin. “My, that's adorable!” he cooed, free hand roaming over your body. “If only you had told me sooner, darling. I had no idea you depended quite this much on me!” 
“Shut up.” Your voice was trembling. Despite how terrible Vanitas was being, you were still dripping wet, your arousal only having grown during the insistent teasing, and you averted your gaze to the side. “Are you going to help me if I admit it?”
“Yes.” The single word was simmering in glee, and you scoffed. 
Of course. You should have known it. Vanitas was most happy whenever he got to make fun of you, whenever he got to rile you up, and the current situation was no exception. 
As if to aid you in your decision, lithe fingers suddenly dropped down between your spread legs, ghosting over your inner thigh, so close to where you wanted them most. 
“Come on, please”, you whined, though you didn't even expect him to comply. 
Vanitas had stated his conditions quite clearly. 
Now, it was your turn. 
“Please.” Your voice sounded terribly meek even to your own ears as you leaned forwards, planning on hiding your face in his hoodie, though Vanitas was quick to, once again, grab your chin and hold you in place; blue eyes meeting yours. Your skin was tingling with humiliation. “I—, fuck, I can't come without your help. Please, Vanitas.” 
“Why, with pleasure, my love”, Vanitas crooned, his gaze piercing. “Why didn't you say so immediately?” 
Just as you were about to respond with something arguably less polite, your eyes narrowed, he tapped his fingers against your upper thigh twice. “Turn around.” 
An impatient click of his tongue. “Just do it.” 
Moments later, you had successfully manoeuvred yourself to sit on his lap the other way around; your back now flush with his chest. The change in positions was always tricky, and that was mainly the fault of this dumb gaming chair he had bought — you had whined often enough for him to just get a sofa instead, though he continued to refuse stubbornly, despite the faux leather already peeling off at some spots. 
“Are you finally going to touch me now?” Your impatience was evident in your tone, in the way you squirmed. In the way you were clenching around nothing uselessly. 
Vanitas snickered, his breath warm against your throat. “Sure, sure. Just one minor adjustment.” 
Before you were able to question what he meant by that, he suddenly grabbed both of your thighs, only to lift them up and splay them outwards, hooking them over the arms of the chair and, oh—, you felt terribly revealed like this. 
“There we go”, he cooed, his touch feathering over your inner thigh. “That's better, don't you think?” 
You merely whimpered in response, cheeks hot with humiliation, though you didn't get much more time to think about how terribly embarrassing the position was. 
Suddenly, two of Vanitas' fingers were slowly pushed into you, the stretch causing you to gasp. You were so wet that they slid in easily, and your mouth dropped open into a perfect oval shape as he stretched you open with uncharacteristically gentle scissoring motions. 
“Fuck, Vanitas”, you choked out, your back arching as he crooked the digits inside of you, rubbing deliberately over that one spot that made you whine, “Fuck, please—” 
“Please? My, you're so greedy. Didn't I just give you what you were asking for?” The teasing lilt to his voice had you clenching around his fingers. “Don't be ungrateful now. I am helping you out, after all.” 
A needy noise clawed its way out of your throat as Vanitas' rhythm picked up in speed, the digits thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt steadily. Each movement was accompanied by a lewd squelching noise that had you whining with embarrassment. 
Arousal bloomed in your abdomen, sweat caused your hair to stick uncomfortably to your neck, and you were unable to stop yourself from grinding down against his hand, needy, craving more. 
Surprisingly enough, Vanitas didn't seem to mind it. 
You were only vaguely aware of your own panting; the closer you got, the more desperate your moans grew, and your lashes fluttered against your cheeks. 
Then, just as you were about to come, everything stopped. Vanitas' fingers stilled inside of you, and, just as you whined in complaint, his free hand squeezed your cheeks together, effectively shutting you up. 
“I was already wondering what took you guys so long.” Vanitas' tone was playful, and it took you a second to realise he was speaking into his headset. To his friends. God. “I was getting lonely. Shut up, Dante—, I certainly didn't miss you, that's for sure.” 
Focusing on the constant bickering with his friends seemed impossible, especially with the way his fingers occasionally flexed and twitched inside of you; still, any amount of begging seemed to be in vain. 
Vanitas' eyes were trained on the screen in front of him once again, and you briefly wondered how he was able to play the damn game with one hand only.
At least he had been forced to let go of your face again. 
Still, your clit was aching, your cunt sopping wet, and it didn't take long until you reached down to touch yourself with one hand; consequences be damned. 
As quickly as your bravado had come, as quickly did it vanish into thin air again. 
The second Vanitas clicked his tongue at you, disappointed heavy in his tone, you froze mid-movement, your thumb hovering just over your clit. 
“Oh? Someone's terribly desperate.” Humour, sharp as knives, laced his voice. “You see, dear, I stopped for your sake. I was under the impression you don't want my friends to hear.”
Suddenly, his headset was moved onto your head, and your eyes widened at the unmistakable voices of Dante and Noé ringing in your ears. In utter vain, you tried to choke down a high-pitched moan as he once more spread you open on his fingers, his pace ruthless. “Apparently, I was mistaken. Be as loud as you wish, then.” 
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➛ if you comment i will kiss you on the mouth... seriously... please... reblogs and comments are so appreciated... sobbing
➛ tags: @thescrunkly @heaven3018 @iamyoureuphoria @what-the-stories-have-foretold @imchiiii @lwqfhp @slvdsjjk @lqurelhell @norispills @hugs-for-drugs-bro @elebeleb @akxtagawaxryxn0sxke @caboline @ratcheeseandcrackers @aku-ryu @silverquackson @dazaistiddy @pitynoir @random-names-stuff @angelsrunes @vox-akuma522 @Peachy123 @walkingwasteofbandages @cl-0-vr @reihimbo @itssara-chan @nobutyes0 @Rizumudarling @raineandcl0uds @nikolaisgoofyahhhat @dazaisdicksleeve @blueberry-writer @chaotic-maki @silverquackson @mewoeee @iycsano @a-hoe-for-chuuya @jolly04 @shybarbariancoffee @maddenleftchat @sykkeee @ke1r0u @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @marina-and-the-memes @happymoon16 @yumidepain @janeinerz @Aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu
@KimxKiba @fiannee @Morigumy @villainouspotential @babypickleclamfish
all works © honeydazai. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms!
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luxesiren · 10 months
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your fave sending/making you a whimper audio, their voice has that hint of whininess and the desperation evident from the sounds they’re making. you could hear the squelch of their hand stroking their cock, soft gasps and broken groans are loud in the audio, “baby..fuck, i wish you were here..” their hand moving faster against their cock as they try to make themselves cum, you could hear them spitting on the tip and the loud whimper that comes out their mouth when they continue to fuck their fist. it’s like you could almost see the tears that fall from them but you only hear it, fat tears rolling down their cheeks from the overstimulation they give themselves. “m’gonna cum, gonna cum.” they say over the audio and you wish you could see it in real time, as you thought the video was over, you heard their hand moving again over their cock. the whimpers becoming louder with every stroke, practically hurting themselves to cum again.
armin, nagi, megumi, gojo, isagi, vanitas, noé, jean + your fave
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a/n :: whimper audios>>>
© 𝐥𝐮𝐱𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧 | all rights reserved to me, please don’t steal, copy, or repost to other websites.
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