#kh vanitas x reader
frickingnerd · 12 days
yandere vanitas
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pairing: vanitas x gn!reader
tags: sadistic!vanitas, very unhealthy relationship, toxic!vanitas
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vanitas has a very dark idea of love. it's not about the love for him, it's about owning you!
vanitas doesn't want your heart to flutter and your cheeks to blush when you see him. he wants you to tremble in fear and know your place below him!
you're everything vanitas is not; kind, gentle and pure. he's captivated by you from the start and he wants to see a kind soul like yourself be completely corrupted
he pretends like he could be saved by you, giving you hope that you could fix him. but it's just a trap
once you're in too deep, trying to save vanitas from himself, he shows you his true self. and now it's too late to run from him
you're turned into his property. if vanitas wants you to do something, you'll do it. there's simply no other choice but to obey him
vanitas enjoys seeing you afraid of him, knowing what it looked like when you were still so deeply in love with him. that contrast brings him so much joy!
eventually, vanitas will grow bored of you. he'll toss you away and you're free to try and return to a normal life. but for now, you're his plaything and he'll relish his time with you!
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cozyrosies · 1 year
War of Hearts
Chapter 2
Enter: Vanitas
The castle walls seemed to loom over you as you made your way through the grand hall, the distant sound of your friends’ voices and laughter ricocheting off the dense stone and echoing back to you as you traveled at a slower pace behind them. Your muscles ached slightly from your morning exercises, and your eyes still burned from lack of sleep. To be perfectly honest, you were dreading meeting your Master’s former peer and his pupil solely because your tired mind was struggling to even form complete thoughts. You were sure to make quite the impression on them at this rate. A dull headache began forming behind your eyes, and you pulled your hair free from its tie in an effort to ease the pressure.
A streak of black flickered in your periphery, making your heart race as memories of pressing shadows rushed back into your head. You gasped and spun towards the source, brow furrowed as you looked around at the blank stone of the corridor, spotting nothing out of the ordinary. ‘Lack of sleep must be getting to me,’ you thought to yourself, hand clutched to your chest as you tried to calm down from your momentary fright. You continued on, shaking your head at your own paranoia. You brushed off the uncomfortable feeling of being watched, attributing it to your exhausted state.
The sounds of your comrades’ voices grew louder as you approached the grand room where Master Eraqus held the exams and important meetings. You quietly slipped into place beside Ven, placing your hand gently on his shoulder to alert him of your presence. He shot you a bright smile, his contagious enthusiasm lightening the weight on your heart and making you return it with a small smile of your own. Aqua and Terra spoke in low tones on Ven’s other side, but you weren’t able to catch the details of their discussion. The echoing of boots on the stone floor had you turning towards the front of the room, watching as Master Eraqus made his way to address you, followed by an older, harsh looking man. His head was bare, and his deeply tanned skin was a stark contrast to the white beard he sported. His sharp yellow gaze seemed to pierce through you, making you shiver as his eyes landed on you. The small grin he gave you made your skin crawl, your instincts making you quickly break eye contact, only for your own gaze to land on the figure trailing behind him.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of the, presumably, young male. Even though he was across the room, you could sense the dark power radiating from his being. He was tall like Terra, with a tight bodysuit that hugged the curves and ridges of his muscles. The suit was so black it seemed to consume the light around it, with red lines outlining it in a way that alluded to what hid underneath the material. When you pulled your gaze from his impressive physique, you immediately noticed that his face was entirely covered by a mask so opaque you could see the room reflected in it. An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach as you took in both of the strangers, and you knew you weren’t the only one that was put off by the darkness they both seemed to emanate. Aqua had shifted into a less care-free stance and Terra’s hand was now gripping his Keyblade, although he held it downward so as not to seem like a direct threat. Even Ventus had lost some of his bright, excitable energy and was now eyeing the old man and the masked male warily.
When the trio stopped a few feet from you, Master Eraqus addressed you in a deceptively positive tone. “My pupils, it is my pleasure to introduce you to an old friend and comrade of mine, Master Xehanort.” You reluctantly drew your gaze back to the older man, stiffening when you noticed the way he seemed to be sizing up Ventus next to you, an unsettling grin twisting his features almost menacingly. You had to physically force your body not to step in front of him defensively as you didn’t want to offend your Master or his guests. Master Xehanort chuckled to himself before speaking, his deep and gravelly voice grating against your ears like nails on a chalkboard.
“Your Master speaks highly of the four of you, so I look forward to assessing your abilities. I have high expectations,” he stated plainly. “I’ve brought my own student, Vanitas, in the hopes that you might learn from him and he from you.” His comment prompted a harsh scoff from the masked boy next to him, and you saw the grin slip from Master Xehanort’s face for a split second before he schooled his expression to a smaller and noticeably tighter smile. You had always thought of yourself as particularly perceptive, and you were sure you saw something dark flash through his eyes in the short moment his expression changed. You shifted your attention to Vanitas, jolting slightly when you noticed him seemingly looking directly at you.
He tilted his head, and even though his mask hid his features you could feel his intense gaze focused on you. You shivered involuntarily once again, however this time it wasn’t due to feeling uneasy. You couldn’t quite name the feeling that washed over you, something foreign but not wholly unpleasant. You gathered yourself, realizing that your demeanor had been anything but welcoming thus far, and gave Vanitas a small smile in the hopes that it would ease the tension in the air. He huffed a humorless, short laugh before turning his head away so that he no longer appeared focused solely on you. Your smile faltered, and you clasped your hands in front of you and began to awkwardly fidget with your fingers as you turned your attention back to Master Eraqus. ‘Well, that was weird…’
As much as you respected your Master, and you truly did, you couldn’t bring yourself to pay much attention to his long winded recap of his time training with Master Xehanort. Your gaze kept flickering from Eraqus to Vanitas unconsciously, though the masked stranger hadn’t turned his head back in your direction. It wasn’t until the old man himself spoke that your focus snapped back. “I look forward to our time together. I hope it will prove to be… fruitful,” he croaked. You couldn’t help but wonder what the heck that was supposed to mean, and you were decidedly not a fan of the tone of voice he used to address your group.
“Master Xehanort will be staying in the vacant room in the west wing of the castle, and Vanitas will be using the extra room in the students’ wing. I expect that you all will be gracious hosts and help him feel comfortable during their stay with us,” Master Eraqus explained, looking at each of you pointedly. It took you a moment longer than it should have to realize where, exactly, Vanitas would be staying.The only empty room on that side of the castle was at the very end of the hallway, directly across from yours.
As though he read your mind, Master Eraqus called your name and spoke, “would you be so kind as to show Vanitas to his quarters?”
“Of course, Master,” you responded respectfully. You glanced over at the masked man and smiled once again, albeit nervously. He stepped forward, his intense presence making you want to shrink back but you held your ground. “This way,” you said as you headed out the doors and into the labyrinth of halls that made up the castle. You heard Aqua politely strike up a conversation with Master Xehanort, asking about his travels. Her comforting voice faded as you made your way deeper into the castle.
Vanitas was so silent at first, you could barely even hear him walking behind you. However, you could somehow feel his gaze focused on you despite the fact that he was out of your line of sight and wearing a mask. It made you incredibly self conscious, but you fought to keep your gait steady and your demeanor confident. You had a feeling you did not want this guy to see you as a weak link. This, of course, didn’t go to plan. As you rounded a corner and headed towards your rooms he decided to speak up for the first time.
“So, princess,” you jumped noticeably at his sudden words, and you didn’t miss the quiet chuckle he gave in response. “How exactly do you expect to become a Keyblade Master while you’re trapped in this shiny castle?” His voice was deep with a sharp edge to it, a hint of throatiness as he finished his sentence that had you hanging on his words. You stopped in front of his door before turning to him.
“Well… Our training grounds are outside. I’d be happy to show you once you get settled,” you offered evenly, not wanting to dig too deeply into what his words actually implied. He tilted his masked head at you, seemingly dissatisfied with your answer. He scoffed,
“What a waste.” You bit your tongue at his comment, not looking to start a fight with someone you had just met 15 minutes ago. He shrugged dismissively then, saving you from having to respond.
“Anyways,” You introduced yourself to him, although you had a feeling he probably couldn’t care less what your name was. “I stay in that room there,” you point at the door directly across the hall. “You’re welcome to let me know if you need anything.”
“Gonna give me full access to your room already, sweetheart?” Vanitas asked, his voice dipping dangerously and making you blush at the implication.
“W-well, no. I just meant– if you…” you stammered, cringing at the heat you felt creeping up your neck and into your face. You clasped your hands in front of you, once again fidgeting awkwardly with your fingers.
“I know what you meant,” he replied dryly, his heated tone gone. At that, he turned and opened the door to his room, looking back at you momentarily to add. “Just make sure you lock your doors at night, we wouldn’t want any monsters sneaking in.” His door closing harshly echoed the way your heart beat against your ribs. You stood dumbly for a long moment before rushing into your own room, leaning against your closed door once you were inside. You rubbed at your still-red face, thoughts racing as you wondered who, exactly, Master Eraqus had invited into the place you called home.
You sighed in frustration before reaching over to lock your door.
A/N: So, as you can see, I took some liberties with both the layout of the castle and Vanitas in general. As far as the castle goes, I'm kind of out of touch with the specifics of BBS and I honestly couldn't tell you what kind of layout it has, if we even know it at all. In this story, Vanitas and the reader are both somewhere in their 20s because I'm a grown woman and I prefer an aged up and mature Vanitas for obvious reasons.
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ranaitsan · 1 year
my second ruthven draw!!!
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If you like it💕 you will sure like ❤my novel☕ read my novel in my blog😺👋👋
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ vanitas no carte - noe archiviste.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 months
Havent been here in a hot second, Vanitas x fem reader smut where reader is. like a princess,, opposite of van and her and van have a fuck buddies type thing goin’ on? And like . Van is constantly coming to her when he’s pissed or stressed OH and reader is in love w him but he’s unsure? sorry to be a bother lmfao
So sorry to answer this so late! But I hope you enjoy this
Vanitas x Fem!Reader: Your Highness
Warnings: Filthy ass smut, degradation, get my boi Vanitas a redemption arc now Square! Fuck-buddy/friends-with-benefits relationship
Rating: NSFW under the cut
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Vanitas, from the moment he was torn out of Ventus' body by Xehanort, has been told he couldn't feel anything except hatred and darkness. Yet, when he met you in Radiant Garden, he could've sworn he felt his non-existent heart skip a beat. He had to have you. And so began your relationship with him. What started off as a one-night stand turned into you being fuck buddies. But over time, you started to develop feelings for him. But you knew it would be impossible to be with him. He was always gone, only coming back to fuck you ruthlessly after a stressful day with the Organization. Until one night...
As you prepared for bed, a dark corridor opened, and Vanitas entered your room. He looked the same as the past few times you've seen him. Angry, disheveled, and covered in cuts and bruises. Neither of you said a word as you took him to your private bathroom and began cleaning up his wounds. As you took care of his bleeding lip, you thought about all the times he'd kissed you. How it was rough and passionate. You wondered if he ever knew how to be gentle if someone of the darkness could be gentle.
"You're staring," he muttered.
"Sorry," you quickly replied before going back to taking care of his injuries. You then noticed how he didn't wince the multiple times you've taken care of him. Was it something he learned or something he refused to admit? In all honesty, it made you that much more in love with him. You wanted to learn more about him.
"What're you thinking about?" he asked.
"Nothing," you replied.
"You're lying. I can see it in your eyes." Dammit, how did he know?! "So what's going on in that head of yours?"
You debated on whether or not to tell him the truth. That you were in love with him and wanted to be more than just fuck-buddies. That you wanted a real relationship with him. Vanitas tilted his head, curious about what was going on inside your head. You took a deep breath and told him the truth.
"I think I'm in love with you," you said. Vanitas froze, not expecting those words to come out of your mouth.
"You know we can't," he sighs.
"I know, but I can't help but be in love with you. I wanna be with you. I know I'm a princess and you're a being of darkness but I want you. And not just the sex. I want the real you. I wanna know what makes you tick, what your likes and dislikes are-"
"(Y/N)...we can't. The closest thing we can have is what we already have. I can't put you in danger. My father will punish me if he found out." Your heart broke at his words. You understood where he was coming from, but the words still stung. "This is probably the last we'll be together too."
"W-what do you mean?"
"...Tomorrow, Father's making the Organization go to war. Against the seven lights. I don't know if I'll come back. Which is why I came here. To be with you one last time." It broke your heart even more to hear these words, but you didn't refuse. You needed him just as much as he needed you.
"Okay," you replied. And with that he crashes his lips onto yours.
NSFW under the cut
Vanitas picked you up and brought you over to your bed where he then tossed you onto the fluffy mattress. You landed with a soft bounce and Vanitas crawled on top of you with a seductive yet predatory look on his face. You couldn't help but bite your lip and rub your thighs together, which didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Needy, aren't we?" he teased.
"When it comes to you, always," you replied. Vanitas smirked and began kissing your neck, leaving hickeys and bite marks all over it. You moaned softly and arched your back closer to him, wanting more of his touch and his kisses. Vanitas's hands trailed down your body reaching the hem of your night shirt.
"May I, your highness?" he teased. You nodded and he gladly pulled your shirt off, revealing your beautiful bosom. When you tried to cover yourself, Vanitas quickly yet gently took your wrists and pinned them above your head.
"None of that now, gorgeous," he said seductively. You whimpered under his intense gaze, but couldn't deny just how sexy it was being pinned underneath him. Vanitas then began kissing your chest, leaving bite marks and hickeys along your breasts and your nipples, eliciting a gasp from your lips. Vanitas chuckled, loving the sound that was escaping your mouth. He pulled away, satisfied with the amount of marks he left on you.
"That's more like it. Now those pathetic suitors will know that you belong to someone else," he said. He removed his shirt, revealing his abs, and making you bite your lip. He took notice of this and chuckled.
"Like what you see, your highness?" he teased. You blushed in embarrassment, which only fueled his entertainment. The two of you began making out again and Vanitas trailed his hands to your sleep pants, teasing the hem of it.
"May I?" he asked. You nodded and he took off your pants and your panties. Vanitas had to hold back a moan after looking at your beautiful pussy. You took notice of this and decided to tease him by grinding your pussy against his clothed crotch. Vanitas groaned and rolled his eyes back, loving the feeling of your teasing.
"Fuck baby~" he moaned. He needed you more than anything right now and you needed him. After enough teasing from the both of you, Vanitas took off his pants and lined up his cock against your entrance.
"You ready, baby?" he asked, wanting your consent. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. He nodded back and slowly pushed himself into your tight, warm cunt. The two of you moaned, feeling the incredible amount of pleasure just by him being inside of you. Vanitas was kind enough to give you time to adjust to his size and when you gave him the okay, he began moving. The feeling of him thrusting inside of you was amazing! It was like you were made for his cock and his cock alone. As much as he felt amazing, it was not enough for you. You wanted him to go faster. To go harder.
"Vani~ Harder~" you moaned. Vanitas smirked and began fucking you harder and faster. You moaned loudly and arched your back again, the tip of his cock hitting your G-spot. Vanitas knew just by looking at your expression that he had found your G-spot and continued the pace, making sure to hit that spot repeatedly. You could feel your orgasm starting to creep up and you clung to Vanitas, not wanting to stop.
"Ugh, fuck~" Vanitas moaned, feeling your pussy clench on his dick. "Cum for me, baby~ Make a mess for me~"
As if on cue, you cream all over his dick which then caused Vanitas to cum deep inside of you with a loud moan. His orgasm felt so good that he ended up collapsing on top of you. The two of you stayed like this for a while, not saying anything. Just holding each other in post-orgasm bliss. After a moment of pure silence, Vanitas pulled away and looked into your eyes.
"You okay? Did I go too hard?" he asked.
"No. I'm okay," you replied, smiling up at him. Vanitas smiled back and kissed your forehead before standing up and getting something to clean you up with. After cleaning you up and getting you some water to drink, the two of you lay in bed together until the both of you fell asleep. When you woke up the next morning, Vanitas was gone. But there was a note on your nightstand from none other than Vanitas himself. You picked up the note and read it, tears welling up in your eyes.
If you're reading this, then it means that I have left to fight in my father's war. I don't know if I'll make it out of this alive and come back to you. If I don't, then know that I love you more than anything in this cursed universe.
May your heart be your guiding key,
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(Y/n): *currently flipping her shit*
Ventus: shouldn’t we… stop her? You know, before someone gets hurt?
Vanitas: *laughs* I may be darkness, but I’m not crazy.
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miss-tc-nova · 7 months
We Want To - Vanitas x Reader
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Aww, it's been a while since I got to write about cranky Vani. I really do love him. I hope I stuck to the theme enough though. Sorry if I strayed too far. Excuse the lame title, lol
Premise: Vanitas isn't all that amused at the amusement park
Words: 713
               Inconvenienced, absolutely beyond fed up, Vanitas gets dragged through the crowd towards yet another gaudy, mechanical attraction.
               He’s not entirely sure how he ended up here, let alone in this situation. For the last few weeks, Vanitas has been trying to navigate this strange world. He never thought that his greatest bane would be the whimsical maniac in human guise. He’d barely spent two hours wandering the streets before being bowled over and descended upon by this clown. Somehow, the encounter culminated in daily accosting and today’s torment has been deemed the amusement park. The amount of amusement, however, has been miniscule. Most of the last hour has been trying to decipher his predicament and the fool that dragged him into it.
               An arm flails in the direction of a spinning machine. “This is one of my favorites! It spins really fast and you stick to the wall! But you can’t ride it too many times or you might get sick. I did that once! Like four years ago me and some of my friends—”
               Yet another wild, ridiculous tale from that unstoppable mouth. Still, Vanitas endures the blathering as the line winds down. Eventually, it’s their turn to board.
               His companion isn’t the only one that seems eager for the ride. All the other passengers chatter as they stand in front of panels lining the round room. He doesn’t understand. Everyone was like this on the last one too, but it just seemed like a bunch of jerky, flailing movement. And this one’s just supposed to spin fast. The purpose of this place is beyond him, let alone the reason for all these people to be so riled up about it.
               Hell, his new “friend” has been like this about nearly everything. Every moment is filled with random things. At first it was aggravating, but now, it’s all just weird.
               The ride starts and, true to the explanation, the room spins so fast the gravity pulls him against the wall. People laugh and cheer, some twisting and turning until they’re sideways or upside down. The thrill is lost on him, but Vanitas is fully aware of the mirth from the person beside him. Even as the ride ends, the happiness continues, finally prompting the voicing of his confusion.
               “Why are we doing this?”
               Full attention turns to him. “Huh? What do you mean why?”
               His arms gesture to the colorful world around. “What are we doing here? What’s the point?”
               “There is no point.” That smile drops his guard against his will. “We do it because we want to.”
               The answer is so blunt and simple that he almost misses it. But it makes its mark. Vanitas had done plenty of things because he “wanted to,” in a world far from here. He’s done his best so far to blend in and consider what he’ll do next, but he can’t deny being drawn in by the frivolity of a simple fool. Something about the harmless chaos attracts his attention. Running around without a care in the world as if nothing mattered is so different from the mission-oriented life he has beyond the borders of Quardratum.
               The words slip from his mouth.
               “Do I?”
               Maybe he didn’t “want” to do those things. Hurting others and being hurt in return—the war flashes in his mind and his whole body flinches.
               Then a hand rests against his arm. His gaze falls on the face of concern.
               “Do you?”
               He’s not sure. But in this moment, he is sure he doesn’t want to think about everything outside this normal, boring, silly, surprising world. He wants to live in this moment.
               With the clown that found him.
               For the first time since he arrived on this world, Vanitas cracks a smile.
               “Yeah, I do.”
               The shock on his friend’s face ignites embers in his ears, but Vanitas continues to smile. Then the enthusiasm comes exploding out. It’s so chaotic he can barely understand what’s being said, but he has to jam his one request in.  
               “Hold on. I wanna do that spinny one again. I could totally stand on the wall in there.”
               In a blink, Vanitas finds himself being dragged through the crowds again, but this time, he feels all the same excitement.
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cozfics · 1 year
New blog
Howdy hey! I opened a new blog to write x reader requests or crossover requests. I’ll probably keep those in separate tags. 
Now to go over just some basic overviews
I write for:
Kingdom Hearts
Linked Universe
Owl house
Monster Hunter Stories(1 and 2)
Percy Jackson
Maybe Voltron(all versions)
My Hero Academia
+Anima(My comfort manga here)
Maximum Ride
Wings of Fire
Kid Icarus
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I know there’s more
I also might link my Toyhouse and offer ocs to write x readers for but IDK.
Requests are closed means requests are closed
I will either write child characters platonic or aged up But no nsfw with them!
NSFW will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays if I have any.
I will write yandere
I do write for aus
I do allow platonic scenario’s
Reader will be gender neutral.
If you request nsfw please specify reader gender?
That’s all for now
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talyns-fanfics · 2 years
Jar of Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Re:Mind
Vanitas x Princess of Heart!reader
Sora + reader
Part 3 of Anywhere. Continues directly after Locked Out of Heaven.
This one is a little angsty, but will end with fluff. I will have one more part proceeding this one with extra fluff.
Warnings: angst, major character death, Vanitas is a sad boi
Being a Princess of Heart, and has connections with someone who betrayed him, Xehanort uses Vanitas’ Princess as insurance for Kingdom Hearts. Basically what he did with Kairi.
Sora, Kairi, Axel, Roxas, and Xion had been taken down by Saïx and Xemnas. At that moment, Vanitas and Y/N had found them, ending up on opposite sides of the clearing.
“I don’t need hearts.” Xemnas said, walking towards the group. “I will scatter them all to the winds.” He disappears, appearing right behind Y/N, grabbing her by the neckline of her gown. Vanitas, in a blind rage, starts running towards Xemnas.
Y/N summons her keyblade and swings it at Xemnas, only for him to catch it. He throws it to the ground. “What difference does one little light make? You have others, just as we have more darknesses to replenish our ranks.” Before Vanitas caught up, Xemnas disappears, Y/N with him.
Vanitas’ keyblade vanishes from his hand as he fell to his knees. He lets out a yell, wrapping his arm around himself. The fight against Saïx continued, but he didn’t care.
After a bit, Sora walks up to Vanitas, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll get her back.” Sora tells him. “Why are you so optimistic about these things?” Vanitas snaps, getting up from the ground. “Had it been your princess, what would you have done?” Sora was left speechless. “I’m going after her. I don’t care if I have to do it alone.” Vanitas picks up Y/N’s keyblade and walks out of the clearing.
“Twelve keys we have now. Leaving just one more!” Xehanort says as twelve keyblades surrounded him. He summons his own keyblade, raising it high. A blue orb appears from it, which then launches into the sky. The world ripples and a light peeks through the clouds, shining down on him. The clouds start to part as an unconscious Y/N floated next to Xehanort, her gown ripped and shredded.
“Y/N!” Vanitas runs up the pillar, to be followed by Sora. “You all require motivation.” Xehanort says as Y/N’s body hovers in front of him. With one swing from his keyblade, her body crystalizes, shattering in millions of pieces. Sora and Vanitas had finally reached Xehanort, swinging their Keyblades at him. He blocks the two effortlessly. “Why her?” Vanitas was on the brink of tears, feeling all of the pain come back.
Xehanort knocks the two to the ground. When Riku and Mickey try to do the same, Xehanort stops time, leaving him, Sora, and Vanitas unharmed. The final keyblade shows up, knocking Sora and Vanitas back to the ground. With all the keyblades, Master Xehanort was then able to summon the X-Blade, unlocking Kingdom Hearts.
Master Xehanort had been defeated and everyone was back in the Keyblade Graveyard. “We won, right?” Goofy broke the silence. Sora shakes his head. “She’s still out there.” He turns to the group. “I have to get her back.” Vanitas eyes slightly light up, knowing who Sora was talking about. “But, Sora, you might not come back.” Sora didn’t listen, and instead set out to find The Princess.
After a while, Sora ended up in Scala ad Caelum. He looks around and sees a young girl walking around. She was wearing Vanitas’ outfit, but had The Princess’ (color) hair. It wasn’t in a bun or braid. It was just out, blowing in the wind. Sora quickly followed her. He rounded a corner. The girl disappeared, but a red shard of glass was hovering in the middle of the clearing.
After Sora collected the glass shard, the girl showed up again and led him to the next shard. This continued until he collected five shards. He followed the 6th girl until she disappeared in front of him. There was no shard in sight, though. He turns to see Master Xehanort.
“You’re too late, boy.” He nods his head to the side, motioning Sora to look ahead. He sees himself, Donald and Goofy in the square. “There are 3 more shards left, but you won’t find them here. The Princess is lost, and you cannot save her.” Xehanort taunts Sora. Sora disappears, floating into his past self.
Sora had retrieved two more shards from Riku and Mickey’s heart. He just needed the last shard. Without his control, his heart flies into one of the many keyholes, finding Vanitas unconscious and floating in the air. His heart went inside Vanitas, waking him up. He summons The Princess’ keyblade in Vanitas’ hand. He uses it to bring him and Vanitas back out of the keyhole and free the others, retrieving the last shard from Vanitas’ heart. Sora, Vanitas, and Mickey work together to lock the last keyhole, using the shards of The Princess’ heart.
The Guardians of Light were back at The Keyblade Graveyard, Sora and Y/N floating down to the group. As soon as Y/N’s feet hit the ground, Vanitas pulls her into a hug, which she easily reciprocated.
Everyone left The Keyblade Graveyard. While everyone else went to Destiny Islands, Vanitas and Y/N left to her own Kingdom…
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sketchy-owl · 2 years
Episode 2 Idia Shroud x reader
Idia:*playing videogames*
Y/N: *knocks the door*
Idia:It's open...
Y/N:*kicks the door*Hello Idia-kun!
Idia:*jumps from his seat* Y-Y/N what are you doing here?
Y/N:Ortho-kun had to help Ace Deuce and Grimm with their homework, so he asked me to bring you some snacks!! *tray of delicious BUT HEALTHY snacks *
Idia:Umh....thanks....you can leave them on the bed...
Y/N:Okay!*leaves the tray on the bed*
Idia:*keeps playing *
Y/N:*looks at Idia's computer and their eyes widen*IS THAT KINGDOM HEARTS?!
Idia:*jumps again* d...don't scream....wait...You know this game?
Y/N:OF COURSE I DO! *bright smile*Oh! This is 358/2 days!! *star eyes*
Y/N:Who's your favourite KH character?? Mine is Axel but I can't deny that I have a thing for Vanitas *grins*[Owlie note:sorry but those are my thoughts xD)
Idia:...I....I like Roxas...
Y/N:He's cool too! And his backstory is just amazing can't deny that I cried few tears for him.*giggles*
Idia:*clearly uncomfortable *Y...yeah [Owlie note:poor baby he has no social skills🥺]
Y/N:*notices that* Well I should go...I still have to keep an eye on Grimm....Can I join you next time?? I really love videogames!!
Idia:....Umh sure....I guess
Y/N:*smiles* Well then! See you next time Idia-kun!!*leaves*
Ortho:Hello big brother! I'm back!
Ortho:Ohh! You finished your game! The prefect couldn't stop talking about it!
Ortho:Yeah! They kept talking about videogames and in the end we didn't finish our homework!!
Idia: and....what kind...of games....did they talk about??
Ortho: Well.....*insert names cause I'm not a but an idiot who only played Kh,Street fighters, Pokemon Inazuma Eleven and Cooking Mama*
Idia:....I wonder if they are single....*whispers*
Ortho:Did you say something?*smirks behind the mask*
Ortho:*replays Idia's worsa * ~I wonder if they are single~
Idia:ORTHO!*his hair turns red*
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reallyromealone · 1 year
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Muto x male reader 💖☁️ •28•
Mitsuya x male reader 🌟💖☁️ •12•
Akaza x male reader ☁️🌸🌟🔪 •16•
Souya (Angry) x American reader ☁️💖 •5•
Hanma x reader 🌟☁️💖 •8•
Vanitas (KH) x reader 💖☁️ •24•
Sanzu x reader ☁️💖🌟 •20•
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remmammie · 3 years
Any friendship hcs with Vanitas? (Ha… hm 😅)
I used to write for Vanitas a lot since an old friend used to like him a lot so this is really going back to my Kingdom Hearts roots- He's tricky, but I'll try my best! Hope you enjoy~
Vanitas Friendship HCs
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You know this task isn't an easy one, for anyone.
Vanitas is abrasive, easily-irritated, impatient, and just downright mean when he wants to be so at least if someone tries to befriend him and he doesn't approve, they'll know pretty soon on in their attempts. He's really not afraid to tell people he is absolutely not interested in making friends and that will remain the case for most people.
If someone is friends with Vanitas, you wouldn't be able to tell and sometimes they don't even feel like they are because Vanitas holds them at such an arms length that it's hard to tell if he even really likes them. He's had two relationships his entire existence: Master and enemy. The closest thing to friends he's ever had are the Unversed and he's only gentle with them half of the time.
He's very conflicted about the Unversed, the novel states, hating them in his times of distress because they're a reminder of what he is, but finds solace in them when he remembers that they are in the same situation as he is: a bundle of negative emotions with no real purpose.
If someone wants to befriend him, they cannot remind him of any of this. It'll cause him to associate all these terrible memories with his friend forever and he'll gradually push them away because of this. So, any friend of Vanitas' needs to find the perfect balance of optimism and serenity for him without being annoying.
He does really need the optimism sometimes, usually after tough training sessions with Master Xehanort because the old man really knows how to kick him while he's down. If he has a friend to come by and tell him nicely that he's improving and that the Master is just an unfair, cynical asshole, they might get a laugh out of him.
Vanitas isn't the type of person to seek any kind of advice from his friends: he's headstrong and always insists that he knows what he's doing and what his purpose is, even when it might not be true. So any friend can't be someone too nurturing or insistent because he hates that.
As for his purpose (as of BBS), any friend couldn't be strongly opinionated on it. If you're too dismissive of what Master Xehanort intends, Vanitas will think you're a "know-it-all" hero-type which majorly gets on his nerves - he doesn't need his life and purpose to be dictated by someone he barely knows. But, if you're too with Master Xehanort and think that everything Vanitas is doing with him is okay, then you're a moron and there's nothing Vanitas hates more. He knows what he's doing is wrong, and that's why he enjoys it, and having someone say it's all okay is pretty demeaning for his whole "what I am is darkness" status.
Vanitas also needs his friend to accept that, inevitably, his fate isn't pretty. In every ending Master Xehanort's plan has, Vanitas disappears or becomes someone else. If his friend gets too torn up at the thought of losing Vanitas as just him, he turns them away. Unlike other times, though, this isn't out of spite or hatred for his friend's emotions, but because he truly does want to protect them from having to mourn over him, he doesn't want to be the reason why someone he finally actually treasured is eternally upset - that's what he feels and he can't imagine putting someone else through it.
As for his friend being a Keyblade wielder or not, it would definitely help for one-on-one training, that's for sure, but, ultimately, he'd rather them not be able to fight at all. If they can, then they're a target for Master Xehanort to manipulate, push darkness into, and use as a vessel, and Vanitas hates the idea of the old man taking something else he cares about besides his very existence.
If his friend is simply someone who waits at home for him to come back from bone-grinding training with the Master and lets him sit there in comfortable silence beside them, then that's all Vanitas really wants.
Oh, and his friend should get used to Unversed visiting them often. While Vanitas is good at withholding emotions on his face and in his body language, the Unversed are these restrained emotions and they'll always be there to tell them how much Vanitas adores them: Floods hanging onto their legs, Bruisers giving massive hugs from behind, Archravens nuzzling into their neck and perching on their head - it happens a lot when Vanitas wants to show his friend how much he treasures them, but feels uncomfortable doing all this himself.
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cozyrosies · 1 year
War of Hearts
Rating: E (eventually)
multi-chapter, Vanitas x Reader, slow burn
Chapter 1
Come to me, in the night hours
I will wait for you.
And I can’t sleep, cause thoughts devour
Thoughts of you consume.
A sharp, broken gasp cracked through the stillness of the night that had covered your bedroom in a blanket of darkness. Sweat slid down your skin, dampening your nightclothes and making you shiver as the cool night air blew through your open window and chilled the droplets against your feverish body. You placed a hand against your forehead, breathing heavily and attempting to bring yourself back to the real world and farther from the shadow-filled abyss that was your dream. A blink of your eyes sent previously unshed tears spilling down your cheeks so you squeezed them shut in an attempt to halt the salty flow.
Once your breathing calmed to something close to normal, you opened your eyes and turned your attention to your open window, your gaze hastily seeking the comfort of the glittering night sky over the Land of Departure. Two weeks now… two weeks that you had spent every night falling endlessly into the darkness, grasping and clawing and soundlessly screaming through shadows so thick you could swear they were pouring into your throat and filling your veins with every labored breath. It felt like eternities passed, time nonexistent in this forbidden place. You couldn’t even summon your keyblade here, the one thing you’ve found you could always count on. Every time you would reach into the abyss, fingers desperately trying to grasp onto something solid, only to come up empty.
Except for tonight.
This time, when you watched your hand nearly disappear into the blackness, you felt a startling warmth caress your chilled skin. A shape began to form before you, somehow even darker than the already all-consuming shadow you found yourself stuck in. You automatically latched onto the warmth, finding an odd sense of comfort in the unknown presence. You reached out with your other hand, your body moving of its own accord as you sought to close the distance between yourself and the only source of warmth and life in this place. The form shifted then, and a flash of bright golden eyes sent you tumbling back into consciousness, your own eyes flying open with a gasp. You don’t know how long you lay there, mind racing as you tried to make sense of the new development in your recurring nightmare. All you could be sure of was that you would not be getting any more sleep tonight.
Only when the first rays of daylight began to spill into your bedroom did your trembling completely cease. You slid from your bed and dressed, mindlessly slipping on your training gear before combing out your knotted hair. You rubbed at your burning eyes, no doubt in your mind that Aqua would be questioning the dark circles underneath them as soon as she saw you. With a resigned sigh, you made your way down to the training area outside of the castle.
You began your stretches, allowing your mind to clear as you focused on the comforting and familiar burn and tug of your muscles as you loosened them. You knew it would be awhile before your comrades joined you, but you were okay with taking some time to ground yourself before interacting with them. Once finished, you released a deep breath and shook out your arms and legs before calling your keyblade forth. A sense of peace washed over you in gentle waves as you grasped your weapon, borne of your own heart and soul and connected to you in the same way your bones fit together in your body, making you who you are. All lingering thoughts of creeping shadows and suffocating darkness faded into the background as you shifted into your battle stance.
For an hour you gave in to the pull of your keyblade, honing your physical combat skills as you worked through the training course that Master Eraqus had established for his students. Just as you could feel your magic begin to thrum through your keyblade, begging to be unleashed, your three comrades had made their way from the castle and up to the training grounds. Their bright smiles, albeit sleepy in Ventus’s case, greeted you as you dropped your stance and waved at them. Just as you anticipated, Aqua’s expression shifted into a look of worry as her gaze traveled over you, no doubt seeing the exhaustion even through your smiling facade. Both of her hands gently rested on the sides of your face, azure eyes searching your own. “Good morning you, are you feeling okay?” she asked gently. Ventus stood by Aqua’s side, looking equally as worried after hearing her concern. Terra placed a large hand on your shoulder as he passed, pausing to look down at you and giving you a quick squeeze in his own way of offering comfort.
“I’m fine, guys,” you chuckle lightly, unable to be annoyed at your beloved friends’ outward displays of concern for your wellbeing. “I just couldn’t sleep, so I came down here early to get a head start on training.”
Aqua said your name softly, before replying. “You haven’t been sleeping well for the past couple of weeks, are you sure there isn’t something else going on?” You placed your hands over her own on your face, giving her a squeeze before dropping them as you stepped away. You looked at her and then to Ventus, smiling at them in a way you hoped was reassuring and not obviously forced.
“I guess I must be having weird dreams or something. It’s no big deal, really. I promise!” You were relieved to hear Terra summon his own keyblade over your shoulder, signaling that he was ready to get started and giving you an excuse to turn your attention elsewhere.
“You can talk to us any time if you need to, you know that right?” Ventus offered. You ruffled his hair fondly, laughing as he groaned and swatted you away.
“Of course Ven, thank you,” you replied with a genuine smile. With that, both he and Aqua summoned their keyblades and the three of you made your way over to join Terra in your routine training.
“We’ll be wrapping up early today,” Terra announced before you began. “Master Eraqus says we have guests staying with us for the next few weeks. An old friend of his and his student, apparently. They’re due to arrive by lunchtime.” Aqua nodded and Ventus jumped excitedly in place, clearly looking forward to meeting someone new after having such limited contact to the worlds outside of the Land of Depature. You hummed in response, barely comprehending what Terra was saying as you fought off your lingering exhaustion. You were sure to make quite the impression on these strangers if you were all but falling asleep on your feet.
Throughout the next few hours, you kept a barrier wrapped around your mind in an attempt to fight off the memories of your restless night. However, you struggled to keep all of the shadows from slipping through the cracks, feeling deep in your very heart that the being that found you inside the void of your own dream was somehow…
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ranaitsan · 1 year
august ruthven!!! I draw it by myself!
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for more read my novel fanfiction about ruthven💕💕💕 and tell me your commants☕
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squaenix-simping · 4 years
How would Vanitas react to going (being forcefully dragged) to Disneyland with a close friend or s/o? I can definitely see him being all disgusted on the outside until he gets to the intense rides (`・∀・´)
I know it's probably been FOREVER IDK IM SORRY lol but yea many things happened u know
P.s. I literally have never been to any theme parks tbh lol I'll try my best ok
- 'I am not going to some stupid theme parks with you ok? Stop asking.'→'I AM NOT GOING.'→'NO.'→'…Look… can we go somewhere else. Like seriously.' → 'Why do you hate me.'→'I fucking hate you and your stupid theme parks.'
- but he agrees in the end. VERY RELUCTANTLY.
- 'Seriously how old are you pfff.' He snorts when he sees you in a cute outfit that's clearly prepared for this occasion. He says that but he actually finds it cute and is amused to see you wearing things that you'd normally avoid and just be super bouncy and bubbly in general?
- 'Maybe this ain't so bad after all.'
- Was kinda interested in the roller coaster but now he thinks it's overrated. ('People find this exciting? Y'all are pathetic.' 'Vanitas!!Keep your voice down!' 'Why? Because they can't handle the truth?')
- Will laugh at every actors and traps he finds in the haunted house.
- He's being an ass but he's also doing that to help you to relax because he knows you're a scaredy cat.
- He'd roll his eyes and asks you why do you even bother coming to the haunted house if you can't handle it. While holding your hands of course.
- Thinks the popcorn sucks but can't stop eating. Doesn't like cotton candy though.
- Finds being confined in the slow ride of ferris wheel kinda suffocating. But he puts up with it because he knew you have been looking forward to it. (Why tf am I putting up with this again)
- 'But the fireworks look kinda nice from way up here I guess.' He glances at you, 'Not as dazzling as the way this idiot is smiling though. What an idiot.' (p.s. not sure if he means you or him for the last part)
- At the end of day, he didn't hate it because you were with him. 'It was bearable but don't ask this of me EVER AGAIN.'
- If you sprain your ankle, he'd give you a piggy back ride without a second thought.
- ' Are you gonna fucking get up or what we don't have all day you know.'
- Can totally feel your boobs pressing against his back.
- When you apologize for being heavy though, will turn around to look at you like you just said master xehanort is the best baker in the world and laugh.
- 'Please, I can throw you half way across the globe if I want to. What are you talking about being heavy lol don't make me laugh lmao. Just be grateful I'm letting you clinging to me like this.'
- It's true he doesn't find you heavy but he also knows you care too much about weight so this is kinda his subtle and indirect attempt at making you happy.
He's a sweetheart OK!🤧 Only to you though😉
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
May I please have some of the organization members reacting to them coming home to an asleep s/o in either their shirt or an extra organization cloak since the s/o missed them so much and couldn't sleep without them home? Thank you in advance 🤗😊
You got it!! I'm gonna go with the Nort brothers for now
Nort Brothers reacting to you sleeping with their shirt
Warnings: Slightly spicy (like microscopic size) but mainly fluff
Rating: SFW
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Honestly, this man overworks himself so it's a miracle that he even made it to your guys' shared bed.
When he sees you wearing his shirt, he's confused.
Like, why would you wear his shirt? You have tons of clothes yourself.
But he finds it adorable, nonetheless.
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Like Xemnas, he overworks himself, but not as much as his twin though
Now, we know this man barely wears a shirt, but he does own a few turtlenecks (he wears them in the winter)
So, after a long day of research and making sure the Twilight Trio were asleep, he headed to you to have some spicy time together
Only to find you asleep in one of his turtlenecks.
When I tell you this man MELTS!!!!! He'll just wrap you in his arms and the two of you will sleep like that till morning.
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Xeha loves it when you wear his stuff. It's like a signal saying that you're his and his alone.
And when you wear his shirt to bed, he fucking loves it.
He does get a little turned on but nothing too crazy.
Sometimes, he's just too tired to take care of it, and sometimes you are too. Other times, it just leads to soft, sleepy sex
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Okay, we all know that Vanitas wears that somewhat ugly suit but for the sake of this fic, we're gonna give him some actual clothes
Like Xeha, he loves it when you wear his clothes.
And yes, he does get turned on when he sees you in them.
And when you wear his shirt as pj's, you best believe his going to pound town
And, yeah. You're gonna be wearing his shirt more often for bed
Let me know if you want a part two with the other members!
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