#Varian fanfic
sunnitheapollokid · 4 months
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. * ๑ ❀՞ ,, "who said sunshine and alchemy don't mix?"
varian x sunshine-coded reader! 💌
📫 sunni’s notes : these are my first headcanons & i literally love rapunzel she is literally me no doubt about it!!! anyyyhooo enjoy <3
first meeting!
✧ after var’s villain arc is when you met!
✧ you arrived with rapunzel while meeting her on her adventure expedition to follow the black rocks, you guys clicked instantly.
✧ when varian first saw you, he was reminded of rapunzel so much.
✧ though, you we’re much more flirty & just a tat more energetic.
✧ “YOU WORK ON ALCHEMY?! i’ve always wanted to try it!! but you know.. adventuring.. blah blah blah.”
✧ varian was a little caught off guard of how much of a chatterbox you were, but he’s friends with rapunzel! so…
✧ the dynamic was very much yapper x listener.
best friends!
✧ you two started to grow more as friends when he found you crying at attila’s, stress-eating cupcakes.
✧ “you don’t have to be cheery all the time (nickname). you’re great, being kind.. and—“
✧ “thank you, var.”
✧ varian was always such a nervous wreck.
✧ you were just your charming self!
✧ you two were so close, quirin would just let you in and you’d just come by and barge into his lab at old corona.
✧ varian would lose you around town whenever you’d go together and run some errands, like.. watching a child.
✧ “varian why are you wrapping a balloon on my wrist?”
✧ varian was a night person, and you were more of a morning person.
✧ you would drag him to the festivals in corona, even with his 12 projects piling on top of each other.
✧ you’d also teach him some skincare hacks to get rid of the bags under his eyes!
✧ varian however loved how enthusiastic you were and how excited you were about alot of things.
✧ though.. safe to say you were banned from his lab ever since you dropped that vial from fidgeting around.
when he realized he was crushing on you!
✧ he started crushing on you around the time he was really going through it with his sleep schedule.
✧ he was dead on the couch when the door creaked open and he found you bringing him some ham sandwiches and hot chocolate.
✧ you fed him that night and helped him up.
✧ “varian, if you can’t take care of yourself. i will!”
✧ the boy had heart eyes.
when you realized you were crushing on him!
✧ it was one of the karaoke nights of the snuggly duckling!
✧ varian was called to the front and was asked to sing.
✧ and oh my gods.
✧ he sang in such an angelic manner, you were practically lifting from your seat.
✧ in one of the more romantic parts of the song, he looked over at you.
✧ your heart was beating so fast, and boom!
✧ little miss sunshine was crushing.
✧ well who’s surprised? you asked him out.
✧ poor alchemy boy was so flustered, you could use him to heat up your leftovers.
✧ “you owe me my money eugene.”
✧ obviously rapunzel and eugene betted over you two.
✧ for being the one asked out, he was way more nervous than you.
✧ “i’m sorry (nickname). i wanted this to be perfect for you.”
✧ “you’re perfect.”
✧ you know those hops raps does before kissing eugene at their wedding? you did that before kissing him that night.
✧ from then on, he started calling you nicknames like, sunshine, or darling!
✧ you liked calling him sweetie, or bub!
✧ you’d flirt alot with him, despite dating, and had many pick-up lines up your sleeve.
✧ you’d get caught off guard whenever he’d flirt back, because HE’S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AT FLIRTING.
✧ you guys acted like how you were as best friends to be honest! just much more touchy.
✧ speaking of which!
✧ varian’s love language is acts of service and words of affirmation.
✧ yours was more of physical touch and quality time!
✧ and even dating, he gets stiff whenever you’d kiss him or get touchy.
✧ you find it funny.
✧ good ‘ol nonchalant x sunshine.
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disneyfanatic1993 · 9 months
Alchemist Out Of Corona: Crossing the Line, Part 2
All art from the final chapter of my fanfic, “Crossing the Line, Part 2/2.”
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noperopesaredope · 2 months
The Sounds You Hear in the Dark (Rewrite): Chapter 1
Link to Ao3 Version
The walls were whispering.
It was about a week since the accident when it started.
Varian didn’t really notice it at first, too absorbed in his work to really be aware of anything around him.
He barely ever heard his stomach roar with hunger when he forgot to eat for a few days. He barely heard Ruddiger chittering in his ears, desperately trying to get Varian to go to bed as the raccoon tugged at his boy’s clothes. He barely heard his own shout of pain whenever he accidentally spilled a more dangerous chemical onto his skin, quickly brushing it off and continuing what he was doing.
Varian barely heard anything anymore.
The only thing he could ever hear was the sound of his father’s voice calling after him, the voice that filled not his ears, but his mind. It was louder than anything out in the real world ever could be.
Then again, the sounds in the mind were often the loudest noises in the world.
Perhaps that’s why the first sound to break through Quirin’s voice was not the sounds of the torture Varian was carelessly putting his body through, but the whispers coming from the walls.
The first time he noticed them was one of the few nights without nightmares.
He had been up for- how long had he been up? Varian couldn’t remember.
He barely remembered the last time he had gotten a good night’s sleep.
Which is probably why he had no nightmares that time around.
His brain felt muffled, and it was like each thought was trudging through a muddy wetland.
Varian could barely hear Quirin’s voice. He could barely hear his own voice.
He couldn’t help but feel a sense of calm relief, an emotion that made him feel slightly guilty.
He didn’t deserve this peace after what he had done. He deserved to feel the constant guilt which came from hearing his father’s cries every night.
But perhaps it was because of his father’s mercy he had received this moment of blissful silence.
So he accepted it.
Varian finished his latest concoction, waiting for it to cool down in a few hours.
He let the silence wash over him, if only for a moment. He knew it would likely end soon enough, so he might as well take it in while it lasted.
Then, in the silence, he heard it.
When you are constantly hearing someone talking, you tend to block out the white noise.
You don’t hear the ticking clock on the wall as you hold a conversation or listen to a lecture. Your brain is ignoring the tick, to the point you don’t even realize the clock was ticking at all. That’s what Varian had been doing for the past week.
But now the talking was gone. Now he was sitting in silence.
And when you sit in silence, doing absolutely nothing, you begin to hear the clock ticking.
It was subtle, at first.
But Varian’s mind quickly became curious the moment he noticed the quiet sound in the background.
He listened closer, waking up a little more.
It almost sounded like…whispering. From the wall.
Which wall? He did not know.
All he knew was that it was coming from somewhere inside the house.
It was better than the haunting voice of his father, but not by much.
The whispers unsettled him somehow, giving him a sense of dread. He knew in his heart that the whispers weren’t good.
He tried to ignore them, but alas, his fate was sealed.
From then on, Varian was aware of the whispering.
Once he noticed it, he couldn’t stop hearing it. It was maddening.
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, constant whispering.
Quiet, almost ineligible, yet so, so very loud.
Hearing them was like when Varian’s leg or foot fell asleep, but the sounds covered his entire body. It wrapped inside him and latched itself to every corner of his being.
Slowly, the paranoia crept in.
He began wondering where the whispering was coming from.
Yes, it was from the walls, but how? Who? Was someone inside his house and he had no idea? Why were they here? Were they planning to hurt him? What were they saying? Why whisper so loudly that he could hear them? Did they assume that he would never be able to find them, and thus they had no reason to be sneaky?
That last part wouldn’t have been surprising to Varian, but he nonetheless felt slightly insulted by what he perceived to be the beliefs of the people he had constructed in his head.
Unfortunately, Varian had no evidence and nothing to work with, so he elected to simply ignore the issue.
Besides, he was too busy to actually do anything about the problem. So he tried his best.
But the whispers still haunted him, and they would eventually get worse.
The whispers were louder than usual one night, and Varian, as per usual, had not slept in a while.
His hands shook as he worked, both due to disorientation and tension. His paranoia was at an all time high that night.
It’s no surprise that his mind began to crumble ever so slightly. 
For the first time, the voices were a bit clearer than usual, and Varian could actually hear and understand what they were saying to him. What they were saying about him.
“Stupid boy, trusting that the princess will come back for him.”
“She’ll never help him.” 
“She left you to die.” 
“She abandoned you.” 
“You can’t trust her.” 
“She’ll tell everyone where you are and they will kill you.”
“Everyone wants to kill you.” 
It was as though the walls were closing in around him, and the world tilted ever so slightly.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t continue to just ignore them.
There had to be people in there. There just had to be. There was no other explanation. Where else could the voices be coming from besides people?
The real question was: why were they tormenting him like this?
“Who are you?! What do you want from me?!” He shouted, demanding them to listen to him for once rather than drown out his voice like they always did.
And yet, despite the loud volume at which he spoke, the whispers somehow sounded louder than him, while still being quiet.
And now they were everywhere, flooding the room, while still primarily coming from that damn wall. Varian felt a surge of rage, hatred even.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t handle this. He had been holding it together since the accident, but this was the final straw.
“Leave me alone!”
And still, they did not.
“They are watching you.”
“They want to hurt you.” 
“Everyone uses you for their own personal gain. Why else would they keep you trapped here?”
“Every one of your ‘friends’ has broken a very important promise. You can’t trust them. They will use you or betray you.”
Varian turned to one of the walls, the closest and loudest one.
That’s it. He was done playing. He was going to get them out of his home, one way or another.
Varian stormed out of the room, the voices following him as he walked through the halls of the dilapidated manor.
He opened his father’s personal tool closet and picked up a massive sledgehammer, the biggest one they had.
He dragged it behind him as he stomped back to the lab, his weak arms pumping with adrenaline.
Varian marched back up to the loud wall, glaring.
They had been haunting him for a week. They had prevented him from working. They provided only pain when he was already brimming with agony. They were just another addition to the list of all the things wrong with his life.
No, they were everything wrong with his life right now.
Varian had had enough of it already.
He steadied himself, hammer over his shoulder as he prepared to take a swing at the wall.
“If you don’t stop right now, I will fucking kill all of you!” Varian shouted, his anger clear as day. The voices ignored his threat.
They began overlapping each other in a messy symphony, still comprehensible, but lacking rhythm or harmony necessary for it to be anything more than random ramblings. 
“What if they put you in the amber too?” 
“Your fault, your fault, your fault” 
“Drink the chemicals, they will cure you” 
“Stupid child”
“They want to kill you” 
“You must burn the house to get set free” 
“Honestly, how could you have thought they ever loved you?” 
“She knew the whole time. She made sure you wouldn’t get back in time” 
“Stupid child” 
“She wants you to be alone” 
“Stupid, so stupid” 
“All you ever do is disappoint everyone” 
“We’re your real friends” 
“Why do you always fail at everything?”
“Your father must hate you”
“Shut up!” Varian screamed in frustration, and swiftly slammed the sledgehammer into the wall.
The effect was immediate, as the wall began to crumble away. The walls had already been greatly weakened by the rocks, and a sledgehammer slamming into one of the walls would easily be the final straw.
Varian panted and heaved in exhaustion as he watched the stones collapse, filling the air with dust.
He should go to bed for a little. The action of swinging such a heavy object was making him more fatigued than usual.
Still, he remained in place.
He needed to know. He needed to know.
How could anyone get inside the walls of his house?
Varian used what little strength he had to ready his hammer in case whoever was in the walls decided to attack.
But when the dust finally settled, there was nothing there.
In fact, the wall was an extremely thin one, far too small for it.
There was no way there could be a person in his walls.
There was nothing in the walls.
So what was Varian hearing?
It took a moment for Varian to realize that the walls were still whispering.
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heatherthetiredwriter · 11 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
Ah! Hello you lovely person!!!!! ✨ I will definitely not pass up the chance to promote my wacky stuff!!!!
1. A Game Of Keep Away (A03 and FNN)
A crossover fic between Tangled the Series, Big Hero 6, and 3Below, featuring my three favorite science boys. Excuse the part where I am three chapters in and haven't gotten to the crossover part yet... I took a brief hiatus when my appendix exploded and then forgot to keep writing
2. The Last Bat (FNN)
A fanfic about Jason Todd being the sole surviving member of the main batfam, in which I am one of the three writers. (I'm not the main writer to be clear)
3. This Picture of YouTuber SolidarityGaming. I love it so much
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4. This picture of Varian. He just looks so happy. Like he just got told "I'm proud of you."
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5. This picture of Hercules! We love this himbo!
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Thank you so much for the ask!!! You're amazing! ✨💖
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theatricalmage · 1 month
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This audio with the juice box fellas
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
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when I read, everything in my brain is just so visual for some reason and then my next move is to make a fucking comic or something, AND YES IM DOING MORE.
Also, yeah this is what I told you about doing something for chapter 5 last time, also remember that fic that was what if varian was the one on the amber instead of his father and then something something happens with the moonstone and then moon stone lives inside of varian?
BTW GO AND GIVE SOME LOVE TO @aziraphalesbookkeeper
and I'm going to read the fic again so brb :b
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swee-thy-art · 5 months
Saw hazbin hotel
He's just a silly lil' guy
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ofc I had to add my au
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jewishjesper · 7 months
More old art🙏 pirate x prince varigo 💙 I love this one a lot actually
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Another reminder to vote on my gayest Disney channel couple form😞🙏
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misterdeplume · 3 months
Finally finished it🙌
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kokonut3953 · 3 months
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“Go to bed, Goggles!” Insomniac!Varian X Reader
Hi, my little marshmallows! Thank you to alchemicalwerewolf for the request! This post was SUPPOSED to go out 3 days ago, on Varian’s birthday, but it’s coming out of March 27 because I’ve been REALLY sick. Like. Im struggling here 😭😭😭…AAAANYWAYS. Let’s go!!
Y/N’s pronouns: They/them
Type: Fluff, angst
Warning: Swear words
DISCLAIMER: I’m not very knowledgeable about insomnia, I might get information wrong.
You’re over at your boyfriend’s lab. It’s 2 am as of now and you’re *trying* to get him to go to sleep.
“C’mon, goggles. When was the last time you went to sleep? I’m asking seriously.” Y/N crosses their arms.
“Hmmm…I went to bed three days ago…that’s enough, right?”
“N-No, it’s really not…” Y/N just stares.
“It’s enough for me, sweetie! I’m not even tired!” He yawns.
“V, you’re yawning. Of course you’re tired. You can’t just ignore your needs.”
“Oh please, (nickname)! I’ll be fine, no worries! It’s all worth it for alchemy!” Varian takes a sip of the hot cocoa that Y/N made for him.
“Varian, you know I can’t let you fuck around and find out what happens with no sleep. You’re going to pass out in the daytime. That’s what always happens to me. I know you only sleep like- once a week. And you know I can’t let you do that.”
Varian lets out a small yawn. “Even so, I can almost never go to sleep. I…I just can’t. Even if I could, I can’t yet. Not while my father is still encased.” An angry look is plastered on his face.
“Varian…please, listen to me. I…no matter what you do, I will stand beside you. But I can’t see you push yourself like this. You can work on freeing your dad tomorrow, okay?” Y/N brushes Varian’s hair out of his face. “Please, goggles? Go to bed?”
“Y/N…I-I’m sorry, but I can’t listen to you. I know what’s right. I’m going to free my father, I don’t care how long it’ll take. I’ll sacrifice weeks worth of sleep before I even think of going to bed for 8 hours.”
He mixes up a chemical, before pouring it on the amber…he waits. “C’mon…c-c’mon-please…” Y/N and Varian watch closely. The chemical evaporates, not doing anything. Varian’s body tenses up, before tears roll down his face. He pounds his fist on the amber.
“FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK.” As Varian pounds his fist on the amber, he starts to bleed. Y/N drags him away.
“Goggles! You’re going mad! You’re not yourself right now!” Y/N grabs and hugs him.
“No…no…no no no nonononono…i-it’s not…why didn’t it work? I-I-It was supposed to work. It’s not right. I-It’s not…” Varian just stares at the chemical.
After hyperventilating for a bit, Varian hugs back.
“Y/N…I didn’t want to tell you this, but…I’m scared.”
“Terrified. What if…what if I never see my father again? What if…he’s stuck here f-for years? The rest of my life, even?” *Varian starts shaking.
Y/N removes their headphones and puts them on Varian. “Varian, I know you’ll see your dad. I know you’ll find a way. You’re so smart. You can do it, I believe in you. But…out of good conscience, I can’t let you do this without going to bed. Please, Varian.”
Varian pauses “W-Will you cuddle me before I sleep?”
Y/N smiles, before kissing his cheek. “Of course I will. I won’t leave you.”
“Then…fine. I’ll go to bed…”
“Good.” Y/N picks up the 5’2 (A/N: I’M NOT JOKING, HE’S 5’2…GOOGLE IT.) boy and leads him to bed. They cuddle him tightly. Kissing his forehead.
Though Varian finds it extremely difficult, he starts drifting off to sleep.
Y/N and Varian fall asleep together. Varian sleeps for the first time in three days.
Oooookay! We are done! alchemicalwolf, I hope that was good enough! I haven’t been writing fics for too long, oneshots are a bit tricky to me. I will get better with time!!!!
Soooo everyone, please give me more requests (in either the comments or my ask box) so I can write for you guys and improve my writing! Bye-bye for now, my little marshmallows!
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vexanillion · 5 months
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Fourteen years old, and all alone in the world.
this fic RUINED ME HOLY CRAP. Read it now 🙏
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lokoteibex · 9 months
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Developmental costume design for Arianna, Lance and Varian's travel looks in the fanfic Tangled: Between the Kisses
When designing Arianna, Lance and Varian's travel clothes, some of my primary concerns were that they look good with Rapunzel and Eugene, as well as each other and the Captain (not pictured here, because I don't have any clear, full-body shots of him in the outfit he wears at the very end of the series (pictured under the read more)). For all three of them, I wanted to depart from their usual/season one color palette, so even though all three of them have an option that includes those, I ultimately steered away from them.
Arianna's outfit design was the hardest to pin down. I wanted to marry her regalness with her adventurous side, making her look both elegant and ready for action. While we really liked Varian in the burgundy coat with green vest, that made his palette too close to Arianna's final look, and I clearly had the most trouble deciding what colors Lance should be in.
Note: I (clearly) did not draw Rapunzel and Eugene here, but grabbed them from a "Forest of No Return" screenshot for comparison purposes.
Arianna final look
Lance final look
Varian final look
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This is the look we're going for for Captain, and that's why Lance ultimately wasn't put in red.
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disneyfanatic1993 · 9 months
Alchemist Out Of Corona: Crossing the Line, Part 1
All art from the chapter of my fanfic, “Crossing the Line, Part 1/2.”
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nightowl1556 · 3 months
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theatricalmage · 3 months
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The juice box chronicles!! (@glitter-lisp n @eggmuffinwaffles )
I just HAD to make some fan art of the lil guys
Please read I beg!! 🙏
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
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I forgot what chapter this happened but
FIC LINK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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