#Velma Pepper
alphashley14 · 1 month
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
Chapter 26
Erase Me
There was something good about the Mystery Machine. It was filled with a sort of warmth that never really went away. And almost always, it was filled with sound. Plotting, theorizing, and swapping stories and information while on a mystery. Or in mundane moments, there would be idle chatter, laughter, music or voices drifting from the radio, tapping from Velma’s computer as she typed away, or Shaggy and Scooby munching away in the back seat. And even when the Mystery Machine did fall silent, there was a sort of lightness to be found there; when five friends could find comfort in a familiar place with nothing more than one another’s presence.
It was never a good thing when the Mystery Machine was the other kind of quiet. 
This kind of quiet. 
The sort of heavy silence when there was an elephant in the room. So many words that needed said - would inevitably be said, but weren’t ready to come out. And yet the five of them were so stuck in their own thoughts that it didn’t seem very quiet at all. But to the sixth occupant of the van, the silence was suffocating. 
Before the drive, before the quiet, back at Daisy’s when she and Steven had finally walked back into the living room, the five Mystery Solvers had barely moved and none of them had spoken. Daisy, mascara slightly smudged, had stood in front of her sister and said, “Daphne.” 
But Daphne didn’t look at her. 
“Daphne,” Daisy said again. And this time she actually knelt down. Daisy Blake, who had never once stepped down to meet her little sister in the middle, knelt down to look her in the eyes. This time, Daphne looked up. 
“Steven and I talked about it and… we’ll do it.”
The next few hours passed in a blur. They called the Mystery Skulls back inside and Vivi and Lewis did most of the talking. Logistics. Timing. Whens, wheres, and hows. Plans and backup plans. Numbers were exchanged for if and when those plans changed and so the nitty-gritty details could be hammered out later, and then they were leaving. 
Daisy led them out herself, Steven beside her, but as Mystery Incorporated was heading down her front steps Daisy said, “Daphne?” And when her sister turned around, Daisy looked like she didn’t know what to say. Or perhaps like she wanted to say more than what came out. “Just- like… be careful. M’kay?” 
“I- uh… okay Daisy. You too.” Daphne stammered, bewildered.
Then they were at the Mystery Machine, and Fred was fumbling with the keys when Lewis gently placed his hand over them. “Fred,” he said, “I’ll drive.”
“Huh? What do you mean you’ll drive? C’mon Lewis, that’s ridiculous,” Fred tried to laugh it off, but he wasn’t fooling anyone. 
“Dude,” Lewis said, gently yet firmly, “you guys have been twitchy since… look, you can barely get the car started with how bad your hands are shaking. You are in no state to drive. Please, Fred. Let me.”
And as much as Fred loved the Mystery Machine, he didn’t fight Lewis on it any further. But once they were actually in the van, heading back to the mansion behind Vivi and Mystery in the other vehicle, the quiet set in. 
The sort of tense silence that had Lewis very, very worried. What had they seen? Because whatever Mr. E had been facing then, it was what Arthur was facing now! 
And Mystery Incorporated knew that. Really, they did. And they were thinking about it. But their thoughts were also elsewhere, elsewhere, and all over the place. 
Yet individually, they stood united under one question: How could you?
Mr. E was the one person who believed in Professor Pericles more than anything. The one who gave him another chance, even after everything. His best friend. And he’d-
But that train of thought just made them replay what they’d seen all over again. And that was one thing Shaggy absolutely did not want to do. Just thinking about it made his skin crawl. 
He kept having to remind himself that Ricky wasn’t there anymore. He was safe and sound in Shaggy’s body back at the Mystery Skulls’ mansion. And Shaggy was safe and sound in Arthur’s body - but where did that leave Arthur? 
It isn’t fair, he thought to himself. It wasn’t fair that Arthur was fighting a battle that wasn’t his own. The way Mr. E had screamed in that video… Arthur had already endured what Ricky had at least once. Had he screamed that way too? Was he screaming now? He shouldn’t be, and it wasn’t fair! But if Shaggy wished Arthur to be safe and sound back where he belonged, then where would that leave Ricky? And Shaggy- 
Once his train of thought went down that road, Shaggy shrank in on himself and felt dirty. He wasn’t a stranger to being afraid. Or running away, or wanting to quit. But this time? That kind of thinking made Shaggy feel like a rotten, selfish, ungrateful coward. Because if they could swap bodies one more time and Shaggy had the chance to take their place, he knew he wouldn’t have the strength to do it. And for a moment, he wasn’t sad for Ricky or worried about Arthur. He was just glad that it wasn’t him. 
Feeling awful about himself, Shaggy looked up and his eyes wandered to each face in the Mystery Machine. Scooby was laying at Shaggy’s feet, ears drooped. He looked oddly guilty, or as though he was going to be sick. Velma, sitting next to Shaggy, had alternated between looking completely blank or on the verge of tears ever since they’d seen the footage. And from what he could see in the front seats, Daphne was looking out the window and Fred was staring straight ahead. So while he could not see their expressions, he could see the glances Lewis kept giving them; And his face told Shaggy everything he needed to know. 
With a sigh, Shaggy looked down at Arthur’s prosthetic arm, flexing the metal fingers thoughtfully. Now wasn’t the time to be feeling bad about what a shitty person he was (which of course only served to make him feel even worse) for one simple and obvious reason: it wasn’t about him. It was about Ricky. Ricky, who had been carrying all of this around from the beginning. Ricky, who had trusted them with one of the most horrible things to ever happen to him, and was probably waiting back at the mansion right now worrying over what their reaction was going to be. Ricky, who was somehow brave enough and strong enough to face what Shaggy knew he couldn’t.
Mr. E. 
Who didn’t really have anybody else. 
So the five of them would have to do.
When they arrived at the manor, they found Ricky and Angel in the library. 
Not that they were exactly difficult to find. The Dead Beats were diligently patrolling the hallway outside and their voices were drifting down the corridor from the open door.
“-So the first and really only culture to write about the Annunaki and the Nibiru event were the ancient Mesopotamians,” Ricky was explaining. “But there’s evidence of their presence among other cultures under different names. Which obviously there must be at least some truth to because Mystery’s Annunaki ancestors spent time in Japan, and according to our research the evil entity behind the curse, which is an Annunaki, was defeated and imprisoned in Ancient Egypt- oh!”
Ricky stopped mid-sentence and looked up when Mystery Incorporated stepped into the doorway. He and Cassidy had some of the notes the two groups had made yesterday spread out on the floor and the two of them had been laying on their stomachs side-by-side reviewing them. But the moment he saw their faces he sat up and his stomach dropped. 
They’d seen it. 
Daphne’s eyes were red and puffy, Fred could barely look at him at all, there was no mistaking the pity on Shaggy and Scooby’s faces, and Velma’s eyes were fixed on the floor. 
I knew it. 
They’d never go back to the way they’d been this morning. All the progress they’d made, and for what? How little they must think of him now. They must be so disgusted… 
Ricky could see the Mystery Skulls coming up behind the kids, and even though they hadn’t seen the footage, it was plain on their faces that they were worried. It was also clear even to poor Cassidy, who didn’t fully know what was going on, that something was up. Right as she was sitting up, looking between them, Ricky nervously cleared his throat and stood up abruptly. 
“So!” He said, as if ignoring the elephant in the room would somehow make it go away. “How did it go?” Ricky rubbed his hands together and started picking up the notes and books that they were done with, busying himself with stacking them and setting them on tables to quell his nervous energy. “I uh- heard from Lewis that you went to see Professor Hatecraft. I know he’s your friend. Must’ve uh- been nice to see him again. And you’ll have to tell me how it went with Daisy. I know Daphne wasn’t looking forward to it, but I really do apprecia- oof.” 
Right as Ricky was setting the first stack on the table, Velma suddenly marched forward, grabbed him by the shirt, turned him around, and hugged him tight around the middle. 
Ricky was so shocked by the gesture, much less from Velma, whom he’d wronged more than any of them, that for a stunned second he froze. Eyes wide, arms awkwardly held above her like he didn’t know what to do with them. Did he hug her back? Was he allowed? 
“Uhm… Velma…?” 
Then finally she whispered, “I’m so sorry…” 
Her bottom lip trembled, her shoulders tensed, the tiniest little whimper slipped out, and then she was crying. 
“Velma…” Feeling extremely awkward about it, Ricky brought his arms down, rubbing her back and gently patting her hair. And when she didn’t pull away he hugged her back. Then the rest of her friends were around him too - and Ricky didn’t have enough arms for them all. Shaggy’s head on his left shoulder, Daphne’s on his right, Scooby against his hip, and Fred’s cheek leaning on the crown of his head.
They’d never go back to the way they were this morning. And slowly, it dawned on Ricky that it wasn’t because they’d gone backwards. 
But any warmth that realization inspired was replaced by a cold dread. Because he could feel Cassidy’s eyes boring into his back and he was fresh out of excuses. 
Swallowing nervously, Ricky gently backed Velma off of him, and the other four took the cue to let go as well. “Aw, thanks guys. There there, Velma. It’s alright-” 
“No. It’s not,” she said. And now she sounded angry. “I-” she sniffed and dabbed her eyes under her glasses with the thick fabric at her turtleneck. “I cannot believe they did that to you!” 
“Reah!” Scooby agreed with a growl. 
“Like yeah. Friends like- friends don’t treat friends like that, man!” Shaggy exclaimed.
“Oh It went far beyond treating someone bad!” Velma said, so loudly it bordered on yelling. “It- it was assault! That’s what it was! I just- I can’t believe he- Oh god… Ricky, I- dammit, I know I already said it but I’m so sorry!” 
“She’s right,” Fred said. “What they did was- beyond anything I could ever imagine doing to one of my enemies, much less one of my friends. And I can’t believe my real parents-”
“Fred,” Ricky said, his brows coming together, “I don’t blame you. What they did- it wasn’t your fault.”
“Yeah. I know that,” Fred said, sounding every bit like someone who didn’t completely believe it. “But that doesn’t make it any less true.”
“And the way they talked to you!” Velma scoffed. 
“No kidding! If Pericles has got one thing going for him, it’s the audacity,” Daphne quipped, hands on her hips. 
“Reah! Rit’s not like you asked for anything unreasonable!” Scooby added. 
“Like yeah! He totally didn’t!” Shaggy agreed. 
“He asked for the bare minimum really,” Daphne said. 
“So- Are you okay, Ricky?” Fred asked. 
By now, Ricky’s head was ducked as far between his shoulders as it could, and he was positively red in the face with a mix of embarrassment and flattery… and a smile he couldn’t wipe off his face no matter what other emotions were clambering over each other for attention. Everything they were saying- even after seeing it. Even after presumably knowing everything. They weren’t disgusted or treating him like he was made of glass. And in spite of all the words of comfort and wisdom he’d gotten up until now, he’d never felt so validated before. 
But of course he couldn’t say all of that without embarrassing himself further. So all he said was, “M’ good. I’m- better than I thought I’d be, actually.” And he laughed when he said it, in spite of himself. “So uh- what exactly did you see? I mean I was under the impression that there was… a lot on that flashdrive. I mean did you watch all of it?” 
“Not even close,” Fred said. “We started at what I can only assume is the first time he hit you. And we got to the first time he- did it. Before we uh… sorry. We couldn’t bear to watch any more than that.”
“Couldn’t bear. To watch any more. Of what?” 
All six of them froze and had the same thought at once: Shit. 
They slowly turned around, and there she was. Brows furrowed, mouth set in a firm line, arms crossed, weight balanced on one hip. Looking positively murderous. Without daring to look away, feeling very much like they were facing a rabid animal, Fred gulped. “You didn’t tell her, did you?” He asked out of the corner of his mouth.
“Most of it, but then couldn’t get the important part out,” Ricky grumbled back. Also out of the corner of his mouth.
“Want us to help you out?” 
“No Fred, I’m afraid this is something I have to do myself. But thank you.”
Also not looking away from Cassidy, like she’d jump out and bite somebody at any moment, Velma pulled her laptop out of her bag, stuck the flashdrive in it, and passed it into Ricky’s arms. “All yours, E.” 
“Hoh-boy. Like, we believe in you man.” Shaggy laughed nervously. 
“Rud ruck,” Scooby said. 
“Ranks. I’m gonna need it,” Ricky gulped. And then they were backing away. Not leaving, but lurking just beyond the doorway to give them the space they needed (yet close enough to witness the drama unfold). The Mystery Skulls meanwhile, still respecting Ricky’s wishes and privacy, had made themselves scarce.
Ricky was glad the kids were sticking around, because if they left he would’ve been alone with quite possibly the scariest thing in the entire manor. Had she really been contently laying beside him while they talked just a few short minutes ago? Because now, it was as if the energy of the room itself had shifted.
“What happened to you?” She pleaded. Her voice wasn’t as hard as it had been a moment ago but there was a crack to it already, and she hadn’t even seen it yet. “Ricky. Baby. Please. Talk to me.” 
He took a deep breath and nodded. He set the laptop down on a desk between them and opened it right to where the kids had left off. With the screen paused on a scene he remembered all too well. His hands were shaking when he slid the timestamp back to the beginning. Then he looked up at her, still staring expectantly over the top of the screen. And he knew this whole day, waiting for bad news must’ve been torture for her. His mouth was dry and his heart was pounding in his ears. But he remembered the kids. He remembered how seeing it, knowing what had happened to him, hadn’t ruined anything between them. 
He hoped the same would be true with Cassidy. 
And he told her - he must have. But if anyone asked him what he said, he couldn’t tell you. Even as the words came, it was as if he blocked them out.
But not the look on her face. First anticipation. Then unease. And finally horror. And once he ran out of words and couldn’t bear to see her look at him that way anymore, he turned the laptop around and hit play. 
“He’s late,” he heard his own voice, his real voice, say. 
Then came Judy’s. “You know he shows up when he means to. I’m sure he’ll be here soon, don’t you think Brad?”
He couldn’t look at her as she watched the scene unfold. Try as he might to tune it out, those voices- that scene started playing in his head and the feelings started coming back in real time, as if he was back in the shoes of his past self all over again. Anxiety. Hope. Pride. Power. Then frustration. Anger. And as the video neared the inevitable tragedy, the feelings of his present self, knowing what was coming, seeped in. 
Fear. Fear that grew and swelled into abject terror. 
“-If you won’t listen to me,” his true voice said, and his mouth silently traced the words, having played this memory over in his head a hundred times before. Searching for some way it could have ended differently. “-Then you haven’t left me with much choice: Get out…”
Ricky turned around and all but stumbled out of the room. Wanting- needing to get away. He knew how this story ended, but he didn’t want to live it again. The kids made some move to stop him. But he played little heed to their voices and jerked away from the kind hands that reached for his shoulders. 
The sounds of his own screams chased him down the hallway as Ricky blindly fled his own memory.
Cassidy didn’t know what she’d been expecting. 
But it wasn’t this. 
A torture button? Using what- mutated cobra llarvae? 
Who on God’s Green Earth other than Professor Pericles even thinks of that? 
After spending time with Ricky in someone else’s body for the past few hours, it was sort of jarring seeing him in his own skin again. Even in a video. But when Ricky of two weeks ago (according to the timestamp) started telling Pericles off, Cassidy sat back, looked up at Ricky, and laughed, impressed. 
The far-off look in his eyes and the tremble in his shoulders stole the smile from her face. She looked back at the screen. 
At some point, she became aware that he left. And she would have gone after him, but tunnel vision locked her legs in place and her eyes on the screen.
When Pericles pushed that button, when Ricky went rigid, then dropped to his knees, it hit Cassidy right in the heart. Then came the screaming. The begging. The pleading. And she froze. 
She had never heard Ricky scream like that. And she never wanted to hear it again.
And Brad and Judy were smirking at one another. Like a pair of naughty children who’d gotten a third into trouble. 
And Pericles was laughing. 
“I had wondered what sounds you would make,” the parrot sighed, chuckling to himself. “And of course, my sweet Ricky, you did not disappoint me.”
A cold fury seeped into Cassidy’s veins like venom. She had already hated Professor Pericles for far longer than the time she’d once considered him a friend. But at that moment, listening to him laugh and gloat over the sound of Ricky screaming- Angel Dynamite thought to herself for the very first time, I’m going to kill you. 
Pericles had finally stopped, but Ricky was still quietly sobbing, his body shaking with the aftershocks when Cassidy stopped the video, unable to watch any more.
There was a painful lump at the back of her throat that Cassidy couldn’t afford to let out. Her hands steepled against her lips, her elbows on her knees, and she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She wanted to scream. Throw things. March out of this manor right now and put a damn bullet through that bird’s skull. But the kids were still lurking just outside - watching. And Arthur was in there- oh God, Arthur was in there! And above all, Ricky needed her. 
Ricky. She opened her eyes. And what did she see? With the video closed, she was faced with a long, long list of files. And it hit her, really hit her, that what she’d seen was only the tip of the iceberg. “Oh sweetheart…” She muttered.
Then one of the file names jumped out at her: “CASSIDY 🗣️🔴”
… What was her name doing there? 
For a moment, she was torn. She didn’t want to see any more of Ricky’s suffering. She wanted- needed to go after him. To see him, comfort him, hold him. Reassure herself that even if not in his own skin, she had him.
But that file. It was as if it was calling her. Cassidy. Cassidy!
She had to know. 
Cassidy opened the file and hit play.
Ricky was sitting alone in front of his monitors. With the glare, she couldn’t see what he was doing, but he was anxiously bouncing one leg. Brad and Judy appeared on the island behind him and he flinched, but said nothing, trying to ignore them. 
“You’ve been on the computer more and more.”
“He sure has, Brad! You’re not allowed on the internet, so what do you do in here for hours on end?” 
“There’s been no sign of her for weeks!” Ricky finally said.
“Who are you looking for?”
“Cassidy.” And the way he said it- even while trying to mask it, he sounded so worried. Earlier today came to mind. The look of shock, hope, anguish on his face when he’d seen her standing alive and well at the bottom of the staircase.
“Maybe she finally gave up,” Brad suggested smugly. 
“No! She would never give up! She’s gone!”
Again, this morning came to mind. Ricky, screaming those very words at the top of the stairs.
“Of course she’s gone,” Professor Pericles said, appearing onscreen. “Anyone who crosses me gets… eliminated.” 
If Cassidy had found the first video hard to watch, seeing Ricky’s heart shatter into a million pieces right in front of her was somehow worse. Again, she remembered this morning. The way he’d hugged her like his life depended on it- 
“You were informed she had been taken care of,” Pericles said dismissively. The Ricky on the screen was hyperventilating. Falling to his knees beneath the weight of his grief. His guilt.
She remembered Ricky sobbing into her shoulder, hardly able to get a word out between sobs. ‘I never stopped looking for you and then he told me- he-’
“Would you like to know how she died?” Pericles asked, as if he enjoyed the pain he caused. “If it is any consolation, my sweet Ricky, she likely did not suffer.” Cassidy stood up. She’d seen enough. But as she stepped around the computer she could still hear the audio. “-They say that drowning is one of the most peaceful ways to die. If the explosion didn’t kill her instantly.” 
Then she heard two words come out of Ricky’s mouth in such a frigid tone of voice it stopped her in her tracks. “Fuck you.”
“What?” Pericles said. And he sounded just as surprised as Cassidy. She slowly turned around. She never would have expected Ricky to talk to Pericles that way. But then- 
“FUCK YOU! You bastard! You were always jealous of her! All because you wanted me all to yourself, you just couldn’t let me have anyone else that I loved! And look at what you’ve done to us! Brad and Judy threw away their own son like garbage for that stupid treasure! Anyone with eyes can see what I’ve become! Cassidy was the only one of us who was strong enough to stay good in spite of that stupid curse - in spite of you! And YOU KILLED HER!” 
Then Pericles must have pulled out the button again. Because Ricky made that same horrible choked, strangled sound from the other video. Screaming on the inside, but unable to muster the breath to let it out. 
Cassidy slammed the laptop shut with a snap, unable to bear a second more. 
There was a beat- maybe two, of stunned silence. Then the music began. 
Dramatic violins overlaid with static - all too fitting for the tightness in her chest, the burning in her throat, and the wetness on her cheeks. Right as the deep thrum of the cellos and clarinets joined the orchestra, Cassidy took a deep breath, turned around, and walked out of the library with as much grace as she could. She barely glanced at Mystery Incorporated when she passed them. A few of them were crying, and a few of them had their hands clamped over their ears. The crash of the cymbals all too fitting for what they were feeling. Angel herself was holding her own emotions back by a thread and knew that if she stuck around a second longer, she was going to lose it right in front of them. 
She strode up to the nearest Dead Beat. And right as the striking beats were ending and the gentle thrum of the piano began, Cassidy looked up at it with angry, bloodshot eyes and asked it point blank, “Where is he?” 
The sad little ghost knew without being told who she was asking about. It pointed a nubby arm and went zipping down the corridor. Cassidy walked after it at first. 
So right now I can feel it, feel it overtaking me
Then she couldn’t stand it and walked faster. 
So right now, ooooh I can feel it overtaking me.
Then the moment she turned a corner and the kids couldn’t see her anymore, she was running. And when it sped up, she sprinted after it. 
'Cause there's, 'cause there's no one in this world that could treat me like 'Cause there's no one in this world that could take me back 'Cause there's no one in this world that could make it fit 'Cause there's no one in this world
Turn after turn, paintings, doors, and suits of armor flew by. Cassidy’s boots colliding with the carpeted hardwood floors echoed through the corridors. Where is he? Where is he?
Erase me Erase my mind again. Erase meeee~, ooooh~ Erase my mind again, love
When the Dead Beat led her into the foyer and went zipping up the stairs, Cassidy dashed after it. Where is he? Where is he?
Erase me Erase my mind again
Cassidy ran after the Dead Beat for what felt like an eternity, but really wasn’t very long at all. They found Ricky on the second floor, having been trying to retreat to the relative safety of his room before his own emotions got the better of him. He was kneeling on the floor leaning against the wall between two suits of armor, clearly facing the tail-end of a breakdown, his hands fisting his hair. She stopped when she saw him, breathless, shoulders sagging with relief. And then she was striding towards him. 
Erase me, oh
He turned around when he heard her coming. Red-faced and puffy-eyed he croaked, “Cassidy I-” 
Erase my mind again, love!
He was cut off just as the song came to an end, when she dropped to the floor at his side and flung her arms around him. He stiffened, surprised, but a moment later she felt him relax. Only then did Cassidy lean back and, gently yet firmly, she dragged his upper body into her lap and pressed her nose into his soft caramel colored hair. He stretched his legs and curled them in on the floor to get comfortable, and his arms came, gentle yet firm, around her waist. 
And she held him; So tight it probably wasn’t comfortable but he didn’t complain - just held her back. Leaning into it with a sigh when her fingers carded through his hair, then stayed there. Ricky had always loved having his hair touched. 
Cassidy’s shoulders shook. Her vision blurred. That lump in the back of her throat finally slipped out. And then for the first time in what seemed like forever, she was sobbing. 
He muttered her name, muffled with his face pressed into her chest, “Cassidy,” and his arms tightened around her. “M’ sorry…” 
“Don’t you-” she sniffed, “dare apologize- hic! It’s just- I… oh Sweetheart… Baby. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”  
“Yeah,” he said. “I know.” 
They laid there together for what seemed like the longest time. There was something unmistakably intimate about their position, and yet in spite of everything that had happened between them none of it seemed to matter. 
It did matter. That much should not be mistaken. And they would hopefully work through it. Or they wouldn’t. But that didn’t seem to matter much for the moment either. 
All that mattered was that, at least for the moment, he was safe. And he was with her. 
-Except he wasn’t.
Because no matter how much she kept telling herself that this was Ricky, and that was enough, her heart still longed for the rest of him. All of him. Complete and whole. In his own skin. As he should be. She missed his face. His voice. His dark brown eyes, even with the bags under them. His beard and thick, silky dark hair. She’d never gotten the chance to touch it, in the five years since she’d gotten to see him again. She remembered being surprised to see it so long, and had caught herself wondering how it would feel beneath her fingers. Or how the rest of him had changed for that matter. How would it feel to lean against him? Or to have his arms around her? Did he still have that scattered peppering of freckles across his back and shoulders? And how much could those constellations have shifted?
It scared her to think of Ricky, even part of him, still in the clutches of someone who only wanted to hurt him. And it horrified her to know that Arthur was in his place. Oh God, Arthur! He was such a sweet guy- a good person. He was the grounding member of the Mystery Skulls, who’d been the best at easing her into… all of it. And he’d never been anything but kind to her. Even going as far as to let her stay in his room while she stayed in Tempo recuperating with his uncle. And now he was in that Hell too. And now? If he really did get himself- get Ricky out of this mess, she didn’t know how she’d ever repay him. 
Pericles came to mind again. Looking so proud of himself for what he’d done to the one person who’d stuck by his side the longest. And she didn’t even want to imagine him doing to Arthur what he’d done to Ricky. Anger set her heart ablaze and that thought came again, with even more conviction than the first time: I’m going to kill you. 
Suddenly the walls began to scream. Cassidy and Ricky both jumped and scrambled out of their embrace, searching for the source but there was none! The sound was all-encompassing, as if it was coming from everywhere! But then they realized- 
Cassidy’s blood ran cold. She knew that scream. And when she looked over at Ricky, she knew he recognized it too. 
Because it sounded like him. The real him. Shouting in agony, and begging for it to stop.
In an instant, Cassidy was on her feet and dragging Ricky to his as well. “Come on Ricky!” She said to him, but he was having a freeze response. Staring straight ahead, straight through her. “Ricky! Ricky, look at me!” Cassidy shouted above the din, shaking him slightly, and finally his eyes focused on her face. “We have to find the Mystery Skulls! Come on!” And then she was dragging him down the hall with her as fast as she could. Within a few moments, he was snapped out of it and running after her. 
The paintings they passed along the way were either laughing or cowering in the corners of their frames. And as they ran the screaming got louder, and then the music began. 
Erase me, just like before. But the house had never played the same song twice in a row, and this time the music was different. Corrupted. Jagged, almost. Like playing a scratched CD. Around the time the cursed cellos started, the walls began to shake. 
When they ran into a swarm of Dead Beats, it became even clearer that something was very wrong. They were ignored when they tried to get the ghosts’ attention and hissed at when they tried to reach out. They were glowing more brightly than they’d ever seen them before and they were shrieking, pulsing, swelling and shrinking in size as they howled and scrambled along the walls like lizards, leaving claw marks in their wake. And they were all heading in the same direction. And as terrifying as it was, they followed. 
They arrived right when the piano made its entrance in the song, at the same time as Mystery Incorporated, who had followed the Dead Beats from elsewhere. And they found the Mystery Skulls in what was- should have been an art gallery. The Dead Beats were swirling around the walls in that same panicked frenzy, not knowing where to go or what to do and in the middle of it were Mystery, Vivi, and Lewis. Huddled together staring at the paintings in utter horror. 
Ricky, the fastest of them with Shaggy’s body, got there first. “Mystery! Vivi!” He shouted at them above the cacophony. “What’s-” Then he saw what they were looking at, and he let out a gasp of absolute mortification. 
S̷o̷ ̷r̷i̷g̸h̴t̸ ̵n̵o̸w̷
He was in every picture frame. Convulsing on the floor in agony back at Destroido. It was as if the contents of the flashdrive had been hung up on every frame! Except- wait. 
I don’t recognize that scene. I never would’ve gone anywhere without my coat. And why do I have a bottle of wine - oh dear God. 
S̵o̵ ̵r̷i̵g̷h̴t̶ ̵n̷o̶w̸,̵ ̸o̴o̷o̴o̴h̵ ̶ ̷I̶ ̷c̶a̴n̸ ̵f̸e̶e̷l̷ ̵i̴t̵ ̵o̶v̷e̸r̸t̷a̸k̷i̷n̶g̸ ̵m̶e̸.̶
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At once he rushed to their side, dodging Dead Beats as they flew by his head. “Guys! It’s okay! Everything’s gonna be alright! Don’t look at that! Look at me!” Ricky shouted above the din. 
C̶̮̓a̷͓͐u̶̗̚s̸̥̕e̴͈̊ ̷̞̕t̶̰̒h̷͖̿é̴͓r̴̘̊e̶̘͌'̷͈̽s̴̜̔ ̷̣̉n̴͈͑ó̵͖ ̸̞̓ŏ̸̹n̶̥̓é̴̯ ̷̍ͅȋ̵͔n̷͖̂ ̷̝͝t̸̮̕h̴̳͂ȉ̸̧š̸̤ ̴̫̋w̷̞̚ọ̷̅r̸̤͝ḽ̶̀d̶̪̉ ̶̦̿t̸̺̿h̵̯̉a̷͎͒t̷͊ͅ ̸̞̈́c̵̥̽o̶̯̚u̸͈͒l̴̟͊d̷̼̆ ̷̗̿t̷̙̒r̷̗̒e̶̯̅à̴̼t̵̙́ ̵̗̈m̸͚̐ē̸͉ ̸̟̍l̶̖͝i̴̻̎k̷̬͠e̵̟̓
When the others saw what he was doing they rushed to join in. “Come on, Mystery! Snap out of it! Do something!” Ricky shouted. But the kitsune was so big and utterly frozen with horror that no amount of shaking or shoving against the creature, even with Fred and Scooby helping, could rouse him. 
C̶̨͎͆͒a̷͇̖̽̒u̷̘̲̚ś̷͓ȩ̴̋̎ ̵̹̀̃t̶̢̹̿́h̴̔͜e̷̬̐̀r̶̲̙̔̾ȅ̵̖́'̸̘͕̌s̴̖̩̄ ̷̻̗̋n̸̬̾͝ô̷͈͜͝ ̵̖͈̅̕ō̴̗ņ̴̇̏ẽ̵͖̟ ̴͖͑͐į̴̒̒n̸͙̊ ̸͙͈̅̊ẗ̸̖́̓ḩ̶̎͘í̸̲̜s̷̛̤ ̸̥͑̕w̴͓̄͝ơ̷̩r̵̟̅l̴̝͘̕d̸̠̐ ̵̣̦̚t̴̠̔h̷̞͛͜ả̸̳̖͝t̴̚͜ ̷̹̫͆̚c̶͉̈o̴̧͔͆͒ṵ̵̳̃l̶̪̘̀͝d̷̦̃͐ ̸̻͛t̷̼́ạ̸̡̾͘k̶̮̈e̶̲̜̋͐ ̷͚̉m̶͓̔́e̸͖̳͌̄ ̴̪̍b̴̞̗̀a̸̧͇͂̑c̴͕̆͒k̷̠͍̇͠
Desperate, Ricky looked over at Vivi but she was absolutely inconsolable. Cassidy, Velma, and Daphne were shaking her, blocking her view of the moving pictures with their bodies, to no avail. She was hugging herself, trembling, looking straight ahead with loud, ugly, gasping sobs bursting out of her. 
C̵̳̫̪̍̕̕ä̵̞̲̚ų̸̂͋ͅș̶̡̘̔̌ę̴̺͊͂ͅ ̴̡͚͕̋̄t̵̺̹̯́h̸̡̺̐̍̀e̴̥͊͆r̴͈̽̐͜ë̵̹̭́'̷̛̗̖̱s̷͙̖̒ ̵̜̳̥̂̕n̵̰̣͒͠ö̷̜̣͑̔ ̸̥̮͆̏͝ȭ̷̬̦̠n̷̺̰̟͗̏e̷͉͂ͅͅ ̴̨̯̜̓͑͝i̵̳̟͐̕n̶̖̈͋ ̸̞̏́t̵̝͑ḩ̵̬͔͗̀ì̵͍͕͗s̴͈͕̑ ̸̛̤̪̄̇w̵͎̺̚o̸̼̰̊̌̕r̶͓̳̂̃͆ĺ̵͖d̸̲̮̬͗̍̽ ̵͈̿̇̀t̴̟̱̥̅͌h̵̫̞̰͗̇a̴͍͒ṱ̴̋͊ ̵̞͎̪̑̎̓ċ̷͈̖͍̋̀o̷͇͇̖͗̽͠ư̶̙͓̐͐ͅl̷̢̦͋̕͘ͅď̸̹̜̦͝ ̵͍͈̉̌̈m̶̮̏a̵̛̜͉̔̇k̶͍̳͉͒̊e̷̻̠͔̊̂̒ ̵̧̮̫̉ì̷̤̰̈́̍ț̵́ ̸͉͝f̷̛̜̰̦i̷͍͍̒͊t̴͚͎̃͌͝
And that left Lewis. The Master of the House was in his ghostly form, staring wide-eyed at his friend in pain with ugly black tears, like ink, dripping from his eye sockets. 
C̴̛̰͈̲̻̽͆͆ą̶̛̠̘̘͉̭́̔̀̀ų̸̮͍͎͉̋́̌͘ͅs̵͙̒͐̐̒̏e̴̢̼̯̰̔̓̓ ̸̡̡̗̦̐ͅṯ̷̨͍̹͇͆͐͘̕h̶̤̋̃̈́̊e̶̲̫͖̒̚̚r̴̨͔̤̩͓̦̂̿̽͌ḙ̶͙̜́͑̀̐̿̓͜'̸̪̳͗̐͑̚s̴̜̫̾̐͘̕͝ ̶̧̈́̑͌͝n̶̛̖͔o̵̧͉̗̮̞̱̓̋̅͌͛̕ ̸͔̊͑̓̚͘͜o̵̬͙̦̎͝n̸̬̲͍̝̄̒͛͒͘é̴̬̹͔͉̗̝̌͛̿͌̎ ̵̨͍͎̞̈́̍̋̃ḭ̸̃̓n̶̡͙̬͈̞̼̈́ ̶̠̩̩̭̟́́̇ẗ̶̢̘̫̬̝̲́h̸̲̙̭̮̙͂̈́ì̵̫̩̲͇̟́s̴̨̒̀̾͂͘ ̸͉́̀̀͗̍̽ẃ̷̤̘ǫ̵̛̪͈̹̤̏̎̚r̶̗͈̦̞̃͘͝ĺ̵̝d̸͕̋
“Lewis! Like come on man!” Shaggy was shouting. 
Ë̶̢̦̪̺͍̥͉́̓r̸̜̫̮̝̟̲̓͐̏̚a̷̡̫̗̬͕̱̹̎͝s̵̢̙͙̦͂̓̃̌e̸̯̰͈͙͓͆̐̍͆̽̎̿ ̵̢̞̩͓̑͋̔̕̚m̴̼͓͚̭̫̓̾̀̽̃̒ȩ̵̜̀͌͗̕
“Like dude! You’re the master of the house! You gotta stop this man! Like snap out of it!” And in desperation, Shaggy slapped Lewis across the face so hard that his skull spun around like a top for a moment before the ghost slapped both sides of his face and turned his head around the right way. Dazed, but finally alert!
É̸̛̛̥͇̤͛̋̔r̶̠̯̹̠̹̈̈́͒̀a̶͉̣̝̣̝̾̂̐̊̚s̸̡̫̑̕ȇ̸̡̖̩́́ ̶̡͎͎̟̾̄̎͒̐́͜m̶̨͓̱͂̓͜y̸̹͍̐̈́̈ͅ ̶̣͉̃̂͗m̷̮̣̲̼͓̲͂̅̃̉̉͘̕ĭ̶̧͈̙͐̃̌̏̂̕ń̸͖̗̩̲͒̓̓̎͝d̵͇̠͂͆̃͛̚̕͠ ̴̢͊̊̏å̴̡̧͔̣̩̣̟ǵ̴̻̌̒̎̿̈̀ą̸̯̦̩̼͇̠͠ḭ̷́̌̇͛͗͊͠n̷̥̏́͌͘͠.̶̢͉̱̦̼̬͔̋̔͑̈́̎̽̓ ̶̡̟͕̠̓͐̒̽̋̈͠E̷̻̫̭̼͕̓̄r̶̮͍̅̑̿͐a̴̱͙̟͌͆s̶̹͖̙̖̭͘é̶̢̱̭̬͕̽͌͠͠ ̷̘͘͠m̶̱͖̔͒e̷̝̣͔̾̎̅̌̑͝ĕ̷͙͈̔̓̎͜ě̸̛͇̩̣͔̣̓͝͝ͅe̷̢͓̬̤͔̳͗̎͋̍͊̒~̶̹̩̻̬̊̿̈́̄,̴͓̏̃̒̉̑ ̷̣̯̱̦͌͗̍́̕͝ơ̴̢̟̐͠o̸̢̱̫̞̼͇̣͆̌̿͆ỏ̵͇̖͇͊ö̷̪̰̠̫̟̆̂h̷͇̱͎̰͇̥͒̂͛̓̆͝͠~̷̞͔̝͝
His eyes finally focused on Shaggy, then his gaze darted to Vivi and Mystery. Flames dancing across his shoulders, the ghost looked back at the paintings with fury. 
E̸͔̗̪̣͚̤̗͎̘̯͍̣̿̓̓̒̕͜r̸̡̧̬̙̮̝̖̜̖͎̟͓̒̃̔a̷̧͚̭͓̭̻̎̔͆̿́̓̑̋̌͝͝s̴͍̹̯͔͓̙̮̹̓̈́͋̏̂̒͒̓͐͐e̸̝͓̼͑̏̃̾́̌̚ ̴̨͎̗̫̲̜͚͎̯̗̑̏̔̈́̃͑̃̓m̶̨͍̬͉̗̩̺̣͈̼̟̩̿̎̊̊̊ẙ̷̢̧̧̹̞͍̘͎̗͕̤̈̌͗̿̒̒͌ ̸̡͈̺̘͕̱̪̠͉̫͈͚̙̈́͂̔̈̿͛͌̐̉́͌̀́m̸̛̮̞̄i̴̧͕̥͈̠͍̯̘̠̟͈͎̤͎̓͒ǹ̸͍̟̗͐̅͑̿ͅḑ̷̧̧͙̠̠̗̹̥̪̙̇ ̴̭͈́̄̓ą̶̡͇̣̳̖̻̮͉̼̦̲͎͉̳̬͐̔̿͗̂́̈͛̕͠g̸̻̬̙̟̟̦̼͖͇͎̮̑̔̍̑̐̿̎̉͌̾̇̈́ä̶̭͍̺́̊̍͋̋̌͑̆͋̔̾̃͌͝͝į̸̯̦̗͎̜̹̹͖̜̱͍̞̻͈͛̾̆͗̈́̈́̈̇͂͒̈̿̌͠͝͠n̷̢̰̹̭̗̹͙̤̬͕̳̼̺̮̺̂̾͆̇͆ͅͅ,̸̧̧̼̖̞̘͕̤̯̞̗̫̫̑́͐̈́́́̀̔̈̕̕͠͝ ̶̧̡̝͔͎̺͕̱̙͈͙̙̼͖̝̀̉l̷͉̬̩̥̍͌͋͘͝͝ơ̸̢̞̜̰͓͉͇͕͛͊́͊́̆̍̋̾̍̿̀͘ͅv̴̟̬̜͓̟̲̩̜̠̘̤̼̼̘̊̊̆̊e̶̡̨͙̰̘͎͈̝͉̦͕̱͍̾
There was an explosion of blinding pink light!
And just as suddenly as the screaming had started, it was quiet. The music was off. The screaming stopped. The Dead Beats vanished into corners and crevices unseen. The only sound was Vivi’s crying.
Mystery Incorporated, Ricky, and Cassidy slowly sat up from where they’d hit the deck, looking around partially surprised they hadn’t been torched by the pink fire. And yet none of them were burned and nothing was touched. The torches had been blown out, and the only light came from the cloudy sky outside the large window. Other than that the room was back to just how it should be, with macabre paintings of supernatural creatures and statues of the dead. And in the middle of it all, just as they had been, were the Mystery Skulls. 
Vivi’s legs shook, then gave out under her as she sobbed. “Ar-Ar-Arthur! Artie….” 
Lewis still looked absolutely stricken, that black fluid still leaking from his eye holes like tar. He made some move towards his girlfriend, “Vivi-” but he stopped, looking torn, and finally his eyes settled on Ricky. “ I’m sorry. I- it was an accident we- I- we didn’t mean to-... I’m sorry. I have to go!” And then in a flash of pink fire, he was gone. 
And then there was Mystery. Once the images stopped, the kitsune was finally shocked out of his stupor and his gaze dropped to the floor. Large, fat tears dripping silently down his snout. 
 There was a sort of tension in the air, like the calm before the storm. Did the others feel it too? Either way, Daphne was the first to move. She dropped beside Vivi and pulled her into a hug, trying to comfort her, and Velma and Scooby joined in to do the same. Cassidy, Fred and Shaggy stood up as if they didn’t know what to do, and when Ricky stood up, something told him to be very, very careful.
“Ricky!” Cassidy hissed at him quietly, and when Ricky looked over at her he could see it on her face: she felt it too. 
But he’s my friend, Ricky thought. And he remembered how Mystery had comforted him more times than he cared to recount. So he continued on anyway. With careful, deliberate footsteps towards the creature. “Um- are you-” 
“He trusted you.” 
That voice. Inhuman. Part growl, part hiss. The only time Ricky had heard anything remotely like it was when Mystery had lost his temper back in the conservatory. But this was different. It was so loud, so deep, so powerful that it froze Ricky dead in his tracks, reverberated deep in his chest, made his skin break out into gooseflesh. And when Mystery turned, a new set of crimson markings were on his face and the only thing in his glowing red eyes was pain and rage. Rage that raised his hackles and bared his fangs. Rage that sent pale mist rising from his shoulders and made his snowy coat glow like a silver flame. And Ricky realized then that he, in fact, had never seen Mystery lose his temper.
“Mark TRUSTED YOU with his BOY…” 
Ricky’s heart seized for an entirely different reason. Mark? Mark Owens? Dad?!
But that train of thought ended when Mystery snarled, 
“And now you DARE HARM MINE?!” 
That was when Ricky realized he was growing. Seven tails lashed menacingly behind him as the kitsune swelled in size until he positively towered over them, almost incorporeal. Glowing, as if his body was made of smoke while curses rumbled out of him in Japanese, in English, in tongues that had never been spoken by man! Until finally Mystery raised his head to the ceiling and everyone’s hands snapped over their ears when he let loose a bellow that shook the house to its very foundations! Then as swift and smooth as the wind itself, the kitsune leapt over their heads and out the window with a howl and the piercing scream of shattering glass. 
Ricky’s last glimpse of Mystery as he rushed to the window after him was a white blur vanishing into the dark mass of jagged branches surrounding the manor. And he was gone. 
For a few beats of stunned silence, the only sound was Ricky’s heart pounding in his ears and the soft rumble of thunder overhead. Then right as the first raindrops were starting to fall from the dark sky above, Ricky shakily turned around. To Vivi, still sobbing on the floor. And to the others: Cassidy, Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby. All staring out the broken window with the same question written on their faces: what do we do now?
Thunder boomed overhead as the storm rolled in and began to unleash its fury upon the land below. Soon the rain began to fall in sheets, hiding the Earth in a gray haze of falling raindrops. But even still, as he ran the trails beneath Mystery’s paws were familiar. Smells and shapes, similar yet changed, that he’d seen a thousand times before flew by as he squinted through the rain. Leaping over roots, stones, and creeks. The forest whispered to him like an old friend welcoming him home, but Mystery was too far gone for niceties. Breathless and furious. 
How could you? How could you? How could you?!
He trusted you. He trusted you. He trusted you! 
With a roar, Mystery burst out of the treeline and was met with a familiar hillside. The familiar sound of waves crashing against the rocks. A familiar church silhouetted black against the sky as lightning cracked across the heavens behind it. 
But the god this temple had been built for had long-since forsaken it, and a demon had taken its place. 
Mystery’s ears laid flat against his skull as he let loose another otherworldly shriek and took off across the grass. So fast his paws seldom touched the ground. The same ground where all those years ago he’d sniffed and searched until he knew every blade of grass, and still he’d found nothing!
When he reached the top of the hill, the Old Spanish Church towering above him, Mystery exploded through the double doors and screamed, “YOU!” 
But another crack of lightning was his only reply. 
“You VILLAIN! You COWARD! Did his screams delight you?!” The kitsune roared into the storm as he paced across an empty floor, looking around at shattered stained glass windows and fallen arches.
“I thought I’d won when I denied you the blood of my children, but I see now that I gave you what you wanted! My old nemesis! Have you enjoyed these twenty years of free reign? Drawing power from the pain you’ve caused? DID YOU THINK THIS DAY WOULD NEVER COME?! Well hear me now you disgraced, twisted, FALLEN GOD! My vow was no bluff!” He hissed and spat, and though he received no answer, he knew that it could hear his every word. 
“This has all happened before, but OUR story won’t end the way you want it to!” Mystery swore, as lightning split the sky and the wind clawed at his fur. “I’ve taken back Jasmine’s daughter and Mark’s son,” he hissed, chuckling darkly. “By your enemy’s blessing, I have your newest opponents at my side. You tried to kill my children when they were small, but now they’re grown and they are strong, strong, STRONG. Ready to fight you just as their predecessors did five hundred years ago, a hundred years ago, twenty years ago! But you won’t survive it this time. I’ve brought them back just as I promised I would.”
A mad grin split across Mystery’s face as he roared into the storm. 
Well that was intense. Not gonna lie - this chapter wasn't an easy one to write for that very reason. Ain't NOBODY having a good time right now. 🙁 (But I had so much fun with the formatting and fanart for this chapter for that very reason. 😜) Seriously I put my whole soul into the fanart for this chapter, and I'm so proud of how it came out!!! Good thing too, because I had two other pieces planned for this chapter but uh... they didn't work out. 😅 I have part of a plan for chapter 27 and a whole-ass plan for chapter 28. But plans can always change and no promises as to when either of those will be completed OR posted. Because yay me - I just started college classes again. (And that's not a complaint. Actually I'm having a great time.) So to say the least, I'mma be a busy bish. Please let me know what you thought of the chapter and art!
And of course! Here's the tag list for all the beautiful people who wanted to be notified when each chapter is up. If you want to be added or removed from this list, then feel free to DM and let me know!
@void-lioness @nikicherry1234 @angorwhosebabyisthis @lunasummers04 @orithereticent @mysteryskullsblog @the-moogle-of-your-nightmares @sfcabanasstarcgs
Chapters 1-25 of 'One of Us' are presently posted on Archive of Our Own!
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Hola, cariño! I'm sendin' an ask your way bc I love ur correct takes and amazing headcanons! For this one, I'm hopin' you can provide some hcs on a Outlaws (our Outlaws ofc) and Scooby-Doo crossover! How would that go? Looking forward to your response!!! 💙💜🧡💚🤎
It happens the week after the team is fully formed
Just for fun,let's say the Mystery Gang is Prime Earth origined
It takes place mostly in The Fortress because it's technically a haunted house but we do explore a bit!!
UM rq race hcs are canon to this like the Outlaws-Daphne is black/white mixed,Fred is black natural blonde,Shaggy is some kind of First Nations Canadian(haven't decided on a tribe yet but he's native to me)and Velma is blasian(indian + black american)
Daphne and Summer be twinnin'🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼Inseperable through the whole run,which is 27 issues because we do what we want here!!
Sorry but i'm a Shaggy x Daphne truther :/ So Jason's Mystery Bestie is Shaggy and Pepper gets Scooby for reasons i don't think i need to say(Pepper best Outlaw and Scooby best Mystery Gang member)
"Why is Velma Artemis colors?!" "Why is Artemis VELMA colors?!" "What if the world was made of flan?" "Then i'd wanna live in it but i'd eat it :("-Thad,Fred,Jason and Shaggy in that order
Duke is the biggest mystery of all to them and they were all convinced he was god at one point(And well.TECHNICALLY they weren't wrong)
It was your usual Scooby Doo setup,they get sent to solve for money and it turns into an adventure but this is MYSTERY INCORPERATED verse so it gets a lil darker and a lil gayer/transer than your usual Scoobert ordeals
The Gang gets referenced four times in main Rhato after this run releases and there's two Rhato refs in Scooby Doo canon too!!!
All the Outlaws do the door gag at once and i do mean ALL of them,full 17 lineup
And in turn,the Mystery Gang gets to do Outlaws styles jokes
There's a psychedelic sequence and an old school horror one
It's in this artstyle
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highflyartist · 2 years
So I decided to give Marie a new design as a little surprise for this nutcracker month/season!
I know, some of you were used to the design where she had the dot eyes and the long hair but I've decided to redesign her (and if this doesn't go well, then I'ma revert back)
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Marie now has:
Medium hair (+ a scrunchie)
A more nerdy personality
So yeah, this is Marie's new look! I was mostly inspired by Pepper Ann & Scooby Doo's Velma. (Mostly Pepper Ann).
I say mostly Pepper Ann cuz I was leaning more towards her design style.
But overall, this will be Marie's style for now.
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 months
MSA X Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost Chapter 1: Intro and Museum/Mystery Teams are Disguised as Exhibits/Meeting Two Horror Writers 
In Night of History of the Museums now closed for nights. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace used to be close to locked up, they held papers in folders. They walked away unnoticed Mystery Teams and Scooby Doo Team disguised as exhibiting. Velma in disguise of Rome. Fred and Daphne in disguise of Medieval. Shaggy and Scooby in disguise of Pre-History of Caveman survival against Sabertooth.
Girls' Clues Club Teams are disguised as Royals: Sarah: Queen, Sapphire (Sarah's Dog/Kitsune): Guard, Samantha (Sarah's Polter Dog/Polter Kitsune): Guard, Ruby (Sarah's Palisman Dog/Kitsune): Guard, Laura: Princess, Sardonyx (Laura's Polter Cat): Alicorn, and Sparkle-Sprinkles (Laura's Palisman Cat/Butterfly): Fairy Butterfly
Mystery Skulls Teams are disguised as Royals Pt2: Lewis Pepper: King, Vivi Yukino: Queen, Arthur Kingsmen: Knight, Mystery the Dog/Kitsune (Vivi's Dog/Kitsune): Guard, and Daniela Kingsmen/Schmidt: Princess 
Mystery Investigators Teams are disguised as Royals Pt3: Marie Pepper: Princess, Maxy Yukino: Prince, Stephanie Kingsmen: Warrior, and Blossom the Poodle Dog/Kitsune (Maxy's Poodle Dog/Kitsune): Guard 
Mystery Skulls Teams of Associates are disguised as Royal Fairytale: John Kingsmen: Guard (like his Ancestor), Marco Silver: Prince, and Starla Miller: Princess 
The Sector Mystery Teams are disguised as The Adventure Heroes: Bart Minnie: King, Matilda Weld: Queen, Josh Rivas: Knight, Miles the Dog/Kitsune (Bart's Dog/Kitsune): Musketeer, Molly the Dog/Kitsune (Matilda's Dog/Kitsune): Musketeer, Jaxson the Dog/Kitsune (Josh's Dog/Kitsune): Musketeer, Eve Rosebell: Princess, Ava Lee: Princess, and Darling the Dog (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/CKCS) (Ava's Dog): Magic Warrior 
Mystery Ideas Teams are disguised as The Heroes' Legend: Cera Minnie: Queen, Mike Weld: Samurai, Ecole Rivas: The Sorceress, Misti the Dog/Kitsune (Mike's Dog/Kitsune): Ninja, Maisy Pepper/Minnie: Enchantress (like her Ancestor, Glinda), and Claude the Puppy/Dog (Maisy’s Puppy/Dog): Warrior 
The Amazing Mystery Teams are disguised as The Adventure Savior-Heroes: Lewon Minnie: Prince, Viana Weld: Princess, Arther Rivas: Warrior, Myisha the Dog/Kitsune (Viana's Dog/Kitsune): The Sorceress, and Gill the Hamster/Dog/Kitsune (Arther's Hamster/Dog/Kitsune): Wizard 
Mystery Hunters Teams are disguised as The Royal Guardians: Lewinn Minnie: King, Vicki Weld: Queen, Albert Rivas: The Cloaked Hood, and Mira the Dog/Kitsune (Vicki’s Dog/Kitsune): Warrior 
Mystery Slayers Teams are disguised as Fantasy's Heroes: Landon Minnie: Prince, Vera Weld: Princess, Aaron Rivas: King, Maren the Dog/Kitsune (Vera’s Dog/Kitsune): Knight, and Alden the Dog/Kitsune (Aaron’s Dog/Kitsune): Knight 
Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace walk away, Mummy Casks creaking open sound. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace are shocked and scared to go backwards away to fearful and notice that Shaggy in disguise as Caveman with a stone weapon survives against Scooby in disguise as Sabertooth.
He backs away as he accidentally press the button on the display Shaggy and Scooby are standing still on, which causes the lights to go on as the speaker speaks, scaring him and causing him to drop his paperwork.
Speaker: Early man’s struggle for survival was a harsh one. (Dr. Dean looks behind him at it and sighs in relief.) Threats to his existence were everywhere.
Speaker: Fortunately, man had his greater intelligence to help him survive.
Two warrior monsters with their weapons appear out of the tomb, preparing to attack them. Shaggy and Scooby get scared upon seeing this.
Speaker: It is with the use of tools that humans learned to overcome their savage enemies. Please move to the next exhibit.
The Lights on the exhibit go off as the warriors move slowly toward Dr. Dean. Dean had just finished picking up his paperwork when the warriors raised their weapons.
Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace picked papers back together in folders. Four Mummies are scared of Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace that Shaggy and Scooby warn behind you. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace are scared that the exhibits are real life. Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace are fleeing.
Rest Mystery Teams and Scooby Doo Team have chased after four Mummies chased them. Shaggy and Scooby are scary. Two mysterious tripped four mummies to crash. They meet Two mysterious steps out from behind the curtains.
Daphne: Who are they?
Velma: I don’t believe it! You’re Ben Ravencroft!
Matilda: Oh my God! You’re Flik Galloway!
Sarah: Hm? Do they have fans of Two Horror Writers?
Velma: The famous horror writer! 
Matilda: Yes! I’ve read a few of his books before. 
Horror Writer: That’s right. 
Other Horror Writer: Yes, right. 
The man is now known as Mr. Ben Ravencroft, other man is now known as Flik Galloway smiling them
Ben: Now let’s see who they are 
Flik: Agree.
Ben walked up to the 4 monsters before taking off one of their masks. Flik took off one of their masks. 
Dr. Dean: It’s Perkins!
Dr. Chace: ! it’s Blake! 
Velma then took off the other mask, Matilda took off the other mask too 
Velma: And Griswald!
Matilda: And Hugo!
Sarah: Disgruntled archaeologists from the museum's Babylonian project. They were upset with you for cutting their funding, Dr. Dean and Dr. Chace.
Perkins: And we would've gotten away with it too. If it wasn't for this meddling… writer!
Blake: Agreed... Meddling Writer!
The guards arrest them.
Shaggy: Like, that’s a twist.
Fred: Yeah, well, at least, he didn't call us kids. I hate that.
Daphne (To Ben): Guess you beat us to the punch, Mr. Ravencroft.
Sarah (To Flik): What that’s true? Mr. Galloway.
Ben: Sorry, I didn't mean to upstage you.
Flik: Right, true
Fred: So what WERE you doing here?
Ben: I was doing research on my latest novel when I saw the archaeologists acting suspiciously and decided to investigate.
Flik: Hmm, I think.
Velma: Mr. Ravencroft, I am a huge fan of your work. I have read all your books in which my opinion are the best horror stories ever written.
Matilda: Mr. Galloway, I'm a fan of your work, I have read all your books with horror. The best horror stories ever written.
She shakes his hand.
Ben (Taken aback by her enthusiasm): Uh, thanks, Velma.
Velma: (gasps in amazement) You know my name?
Flik: Uh, thanks, Matilda.
Matilda: You know my name? Right.
Ben: And Daphne's and Fred's. (Scooby taps his shoulder with his tail get to his attention on him and Shaggy) (Chuckles) And Scooby and Shaggy of course.
Scooby: (Giggling)
Flik: Wait, Mystery Inc. with Mystery Teams? Right.
Ben: I've admired your work unraveling supernatural mysteries for some time now. I mean, basically we're in the same business of mystery and the occult, right?
Flik: Hm, it’s supernatural horror mysteries... same business is a mystery... true.
Velma: Oh please, what we do pales in comparison with the sheer palpable fright of your novels.
Ben: I wouldn't say that.
Velma: I mean, take the Dead Mall for example; oh, that creepy jewelry store owner was an incredibly complex character.
Ben: You're very kind. Listen Velma, I'm going back to my hometown in Massachusetts this weekend. To the house where I worked my early books. I go back every year for the fall color. It's very peaceful and relaxing. Why don't you and your friends come visit?
Velma: (gasps) Really? Oh, that would be great! Uh, wouldn't it gang?
Daphne: Yeah. We can use a break from all these spooky mysteries.
Ben: And Oakhaven does have one of the best restaurants in New England.
Shaggy: Like we're sold! Eh, Scoob?
Scooby: Yeah. (Laughs)
Sarah Q: Right, going to the Town of Oakhaven.
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me
All belongs to my msa x sd ocs sonas and my new msa x sd ocs sonas 
All belongs to her msa x sd ocs sonas and her new msa x sd ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows
Scooby Doo SD belongs to WB (Warner Bros) and HB (Hanna Barbera) of Animated Movies and TV Series Shows
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Does anyone else see how Scooby Doo (2002) is literally the same plot as Scooby Doo on Zombie Island?
I'm not saying that the movie is bad or that others haven't copied this theme but I was thinking that if they made another live action they should do Zombie Island then I realised... they literally *just* changed the villain
The gang has been split up
They get back together and are lured to a mysterious island
Killer soundtrack
Fred saying "there's no such thing as monsters" / "maybe it's an animatronic"
Velma has a brunette love interest
Sunlight/the passing of the moon kills the monsters
Villain isn't who they seem
Animal villian
Scooby and Shaggy eat insanely hot peppers
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Polyam Ship Showdown Round 1!
So I have combed through the 200+ submissions, combed through it and come up with the final bracket that you will see right here.
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Feel free to have a bit of fun! You can download this picture and make your predictions or even just present it as how it would go down if it was all your choice.
Round 1 will start at 6:00 PM EST on February 18th. Polls will roll out every minute until done. Then it's showtime!
The brackets are as follows:
Sasha Waybright/Anne Boonchuy/Marcy Wu (Amphibia) vs Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
Willow Park/Luz Noceda/Amity Blight (The Owl House) vs Jaune Arc/Nora Valkyrie/Pyrrha Nikos/Lie Ren (RWBY)
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Mafuyu Asahina/Kanade Yoisaki/Ena Shinonome/Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai)
Annalise Obrien/Gabriel Boutin/Nathan Byrne (The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself) vs Leonard McCoy/Spock/James T. Kirk (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades) vs Monika/Sayori/Yuri/Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Koutarou Bokuto/Keiji Akaashi/Tetsurou Kuroo/Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu!!) vs Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Leshy/Grimora/Magnificus/P03 (Inscryption) vs Red Son/MK/Mei Dragon (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Sonic the Hedgehog/Shadow the Hedgehog/Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs The Mane 6 Polycule (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Lewis Pepper/Vivi Yukino/Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls Animated) vs Quanxi/Cosmo/Pingtsi/Long/Tsugihagi (Chainsaw Man)
Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles/Jose Carioca (The Three Caballeros) vs Miguel/Tulio/Chel (The Road To El Dorado)
Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things) vs Kathy Selden/Don Lockwood/Cosmo Brown (Singin’ In The Rain)
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) vs Velma Dinkley/Daphne Blake/Fred Jones/Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (Scooby-Doo)
Shiver/Frye/Big Man (Splatoon 3) vs Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Star Butterfly/Marco Diaz/Tom Lucitor (Star vs The Forces of Evil) vs Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier/Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher) vs Eugene/Rapunzel/Cassandra (Tangled: The Series)
Finn/Rey/Poe Dameron (Star Wars) vs Trevor Belmont/Sypha Belnades/Alucard (Castlevania)
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Hailey (My NEW MSA X Blud OC and Maisy Pepper's Cousin)
Full Name: Hailey
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 23
Blood Type:
Past or Actual Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal: Dog/Kitsune (Her pet's named "___")
Family Members Relatives: Icy De Spell (Her grandmother: disowned), Zak-Chan (her grandfather), Maisy's father (her uncle), Professor Daniel (her father), Roseanne (her mother), Kris (her uncle), Eleven (her aunt), Maisy's mother (her aunt), Luz (Maisy's mother's sister/her aunt), Aurora (Maisy's mother's two sister/her aunt), Nagisa (Maisy's mother's sister/her aunt), Gormit (Maisy's mother's brother/her uncle), Trixie de Spell (her grandmother), Pacha de Spell (her grandfather)
Other Family Members Relatives: Relatives: Maisy Pepper (her cousin) and her all her cousins
Species: Human
Friends: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight (her best ghost friend)
Enemies: Spooky Grimm, Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and his other army (Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts), Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, ___, ___ and ___ (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie ___ and Tuck ___ (her bosses of popstar go team)
Alignment: Good
Likes: Her Family and Friends, the legend of the ghost slayers, mystery teams and girls' clue club team are going to save lewis pepper and stop spooky grimm, Saving Lewis Pepper
Dislikes: The Dark Ghosts and Dark Spirits attacking the people and innocent ghosts, Spooky Grimm's dark mind control, Her family gets in danger, Her friends gets in danger,
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Shoes: Mary Shoes
Hair Styles:
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Enid Sinclair (from Wednesday), FlutterShy (from MLPEG), Velma (from Scooby Doo) and Abby (from FNAF Movie)
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Check out the Red/Blue Ships List here X
Continuation of my attempt to create a tierlist for every color scheme, here is the Orange/Black tierlist, which also includes Orange/Purple and Orange/Blue pairings due to the amount of overlap I was seeing in the color schemes. I was a lot more lenient here than the Red/Blue one on what counts as I figured there would be less, though I ended up with a lot more than I thought.
I don't know all the pairings here personally and just tried to include all I could find - If I left any of your favorites out let me know and I can retroactively add them (This goes for the other lists too).
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Sunati\Austen from Always Human
-Aki Hayakawa\Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man
-Allison Argent \Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf
-Aang\Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
-Wanderer (Scaramouche)\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Hermes\Charon from Hades (Supergiant)
-Zhongli\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Giyu Tomioka\Sabito from Demon Slayer
-Subaru Akehoshi\Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars
-Rue Kuroha\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Fakir\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Hubert von Vestra\Ferdinand von Aieger from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Felix Hugo Fraldarius\Annette Fantine Dominic from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Lorenz Hellman Gloucester\Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Papika\Cocona Cocomine from Flip Flappers
-Philip J. Fry\Turanga Leela from Futurama
-Son Goku\Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
-Kamisato Ayaka\Naganohara Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
-Sansa Stark\Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
-Harrowhark Nonagesimus\Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb Series
-Kyouko Hori\Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
-Hercules\Megara from Disney's Hercules
-Benery\Gordon Freeman from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware*
-Retsuko\Haida from Aggretsuko
-Vriska Serket\Tavros Nitram from Homestuck
-Rukia Kuchiki\Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
-Jade Harley\Davesprite from Homestuck
-Jotaro Kujo\Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-James "Logan" Howlett (Wolverine)\Jean Elaine Grey (Phoenix) from X-Men
-Shoyo Hinata\Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!
-Katarina Claes\Mary Hunt from My Next Life as a Villainess
-Calvin "Freckle" Mcmurry\Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy
-Honoka Kosaka\Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
-Thorin Oakenshield\Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
-Heath Burns\Abbey Bominable from Monster High
-Zelda\Midna from The Legend of Zelda Franchise
-Twilight Sparkle\Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
-Rainbow Dash\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Rarity\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Mondo Owada\Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa
-Sho Suzuki\Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
-Jack Skellington\Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Umetarou Nozaki\Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
-Nobara Kugisaki\Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nozomi Tojo\Rin Hoshizora from Love Live!
-Nami\Nico Robin from One Piece
-Yoo Sangah\Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
-Phineas Flynn\Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb
-Puss in Boots\Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots
-Ray\Emma from The Promised Neverland
-Leon\Raihan from Pokemon
-Sonia\Nessa from Pokemon
-Professor Sada\Professor Turo from Pokemon
-Chloe Beale\Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect
-Popuko\Pipimi from Pop Team Epic
-Raeliana McMillan\Noah Volstaire Wynknight from Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
-Alfredo Linguini\Colette Tatou from Ratatouille
-Kanaya Maryam\Rose Lalonde from Homestuck
-Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)\Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
-Naruto Uzumaki\Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
-Kyoko Mogami\Ren Tsuruga from Skip Beat!
-Akira Okudaira\Fumi Manjōme from Sweet Blue Flowers
-Daphne Blake\Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
-Clary Fray\Isabelle Lightwood from Shadowhunters
-Sun Wukong (The Monkey King)\Liu Er Mihou (Six-eared Macaque)
-Juri Arisugawa\Shiori Takatsuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena
-Osamu Dazai\Chūya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs
-Jasper\Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
-He Tian\Mo Guanshan from 19 Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog\Miles Prower (Tails) from the Sonic Franchise
-Hijirikawa Masato\Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Hijirikawa Masato from Uta no Prince-sama
-Ash Ketchum\Misty from Pokemon
-Akira Takizawa\Saki Morimi from Eden of the East
-Fox Mulder\Dana Scully from X-Files
-Futaba Sakura\Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
-Angel\Gaige from Borderlands
-Judy Hopps\Nick Wilde from Zootopia
-Riko Kurahashi\Natsuo Maki from Love Lab
*As a rule I use official art or personal edits for these but since that was not possible for Benrey/Gordon Freeman I used a fanart found here: X by Giaru-Orihidero - They are very talented so please check them out!
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hallowyeet · 2 years
Have the gang be all like early 20s still solving mysteries in-between their day jobs and college classes. Have Shaggy's eyes be red after he splits up but never show him smoking. He and scooby deliver sandwiches for work. Have him and Velma both wanting to date each other but they're both scared and have Scooby keep trying to secretly get them to date with wacky schemes that never work. Have Velma looking for an internship with the FBI. Have Daphne be a fashion student in the self defense club at Coolsville College. She designs special dress pockets to hide pepper spray. Have Fred as an engineering major for the Traps. Have the villains nod to horror movies by having the monster stand there ominously and then disappear behind a hedge like in Halloween or knock someone out and then slam a door like on Texas Chainsaw. Make the scares actually scary. Have people get killed by the monster. Let Freddy say fuck. But nod to the soundtrack from the original episodes sometimes during funny scenes. God damn it's not that complicated.
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latenightswithdoom · 5 months
(Organized Alphabetically for ease of use. If a character does not appear they either A. Haven’t been added yet and you can send an ask if they will be added as an accepted character, or B. Are not an accepted character.)
Avatar: Aang, Asami, Azula, Katara, Korra, Sokka, Mei, Tonraq, Toph, Zuko
Ben Ten: Ben, Gwen, Kevin
Beastars: Haru, Jack, Juno, Legoshi, Louis
DC: Barbra Gordon, Barry Allen, Beast Boy, Blackfire, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Clark Kent, Clara Kent, Cyborg, Damian Wayne, Diana Prince, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Jessica Cruz, Johnathan Kent, John Stewart, Lady Shiva, Pamala Isley, Power Girl, Raven, Selena Kyle, Sierra Hall, Starfire, Stephane Brown, Talia Al Ghul, Tim Drake, Wally West
Disney: Anna, Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, Gaston, Honeymarren, Jasmine, Moana, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Tiana
Edgerunners: David, Lucy, Rebbeca
Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, Wendy
Helltaker: Asmodeus, Azazel, Beelzebub, Helltaker, Judgement, Justice, Loremaster, Lucifer
Helluva/Hazbin: Adam, Angel Dust, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Blitzø, Charlie, Chaz, Husker, Lilith, Loona, Lucifer, Lute, Mille, Moxxie, Octavia, Stella, Striker, Vaggie, Velvette, Verosika, Vortex, Vox
Incredibles: Bob, Dash, Helen, Tony, Violet
Invincible: Amber, Anissa, Debbie, Eve, Immortal, Kate, Mark, Nolan, Rex
Kim Possible: Ann, Bonnie, Jim, Kim, Monique, Ron, Tim
Legend of Zelda: Ganon, Link, Zelda
Mario: Bowser, Daisy, Peach, Rosalina
Marvel: Ben Grimm, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Drax, Felica Hardy, Gamora, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Jean Grey, Jennifer Walters, Jessica Drew, Johnny Storm, Jubilee, Logan, Mary Jane Watson, Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, Mystique, Natasha Romanov, Nebula, Peni Parker, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Reed Richards, Rio Morales, Scott Summers, Steve Rogers, Susan Storm, Thor, Tony Stark
Miraculous: Alya, Adrien, Chloe, Marionette
Miss Kobyashi’s Dragon Maid: Elma, Kobyashi, Lucoa, Tohru
Murder Drones: J, N, Tessa, Uzi, V
Overwatch: Ana, Ashe, Brigette, Cassidy, Doomfist, DVA, Echo, Emily, Hanzo, Genji, Kiriko, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Pharah, Ramattra, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Solder 76, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya
Owl House: Amity, Camila, Eda, Edric, Emira Hunter, Luz, Willow, Vee
RWBY: Adam, Alyx, Blake, Bleiss, Cardin, Ciel, Cinder, Coco, Dove, Emerald, Flynt, Fox, Ghira, Glynda, Goth Nora, Hazel, Ilia, Ivori, Jacques, Jaune, Jessica, Junior, Kali, Kobalt, Leo, Lewis, Lil Miss Malachite, May Marigold, May Zedong, Mercury, Neo, Neon, Neptune, Nolan, Nora, Oscar, Ozpin, Penny, Port, Pyrrha, Qrow, Raven, Ren, Roman, Roy, Ruby, Russel, Sage, Salem, Saphron, Scarlet, Summer, Sun, Tai, Theodore, Velvet, Weiss, Whitley, Willow, Winter, Yang, Yatsu
Scooby-Doo: Daphne, Fred, Scooby, Velma
She-Ra: Adora, Catra, Glitter
Sonic: Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Sonic, Tails
Spy x Family: Lloyd, Yor
Star Wars: Ahsoka, Anakin Skywalker, Asaji Ventress, Ben Solo, Bo-Katan, Cal Kestis, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padame Amadala, Sabine Wren, Shami Skywalker
TCOAAL: Andrew Graves, Ashley Graves, Julia, Renee Graves
Zootopia: Bellweather, Bogo, Bonnie, Fennec, Judy, Lionheart, Nick
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the bracket is complete! the tournament will start on 5/20!
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proship do not interact with this bracket!!!!!! go away!!!!!!
written list below the cut:
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alphashley14 · 3 months
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
<Prev Next>
Chapter 24
The Mystery Skulls and Mystery Incorporated each wrote notes for Ricky and Cassidy for whenever they woke up. Then each group packed into their respective vans and set out into Crystal Cove to get started on their part of Arthur’s plan. 
The three Mystery Skulls were sitting in the front seats of their van - Lewis driving, Vivi in the copilot’s spot, and Mystery in her lap having taken on the form of a dog. And for the whole ride, he was quiet. Just as he’d been ever since Velma had voiced her idea. The chatter between Vivi and Lewis was minimal as well, as Lewis maneuvered the van through town behind the Mystery Machine. They both knew without exchanging a word that something about his past in Crystal Cove was deeply, deeply troubling Mystery. But neither of them could find the words to ask him about it, and they knew his preference for retelling certain parts of his past as few times as he possibly could. When they stopped in front of their destination, a gothic manor near the edge of Darrow University belonging to a certain formerly disgraced horror writer, the dog went absolutely rigid in Vivi’s arms and she had to carry him out of the car.
Of course, Mystery thought to himself. Of course they would bring me back here. Why do the fates seek to torment me?
Mystery had known, of course, that they were going to visit H.P. Hatecraft. And that Mr. Hatecraft’s home was on Darrow University’s Campus. He had not realized, however, that their destination was this house specifically. The roof had been re-shingled since the last time Mystery was here. It used to be orange, but was now a midnight blue. Yet there was no mistaking the familiar smells, structures, and trees. But of course the smells Mystery used to love the most had long since faded, and would never return again. 
Emiya and Donald blowing smoke rings side by side. Elanor cutting George down from that tree after falling into another trap. Joan and Kano scolding Danny, Diana, and Shinobu for setting it. All those wonderful parties and get-togethers… and all of those funerals… 
Mystery’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Fred knocking on the door. “Professor Hatecraft? Professor Hatecraft? Hello? Are you home? It’s Mystery Incorporated.”
Mystery raised his head from where it had been resting on Vivi’s shoulder and gathered himself. In order to save the future, the present was what mattered right now. The past wasn’t dead. But it would have to wait. Mystery had lived in solitude with these memories for twenty years. He could wait a day more.
“Please, Professor Hatecraft. We know you’ve been busy, but we need your help!” Velma called. 
The door opened, and there stood the man himself, H.P. Hatecraft, still in his black and gray striped pajamas. “My friends! By the maw of Angoroth! How good to see you. What brings you by?”
“Not a social call I’m afraid,” said Daphne. 
“We really need your help,” said Fred. “May we come in?” 
“Oh. Uh… how about we talk- out here? On the front porch? Gets terribly stuffy inside you know,” he said quickly, not-so-subtly adjusting his collar to better conceal his neck. Everyone raised an eyebrow. What’s he sweating about?
“I wish we could,” said Velma, “but this matter is… delicate. So it doesn’t have to be here, but we need to talk in private.”
“H.P.? Who is it?” Then none other than Harlan Ellison appeared in the doorway from behind Hatecraft in nothing but a pair of striped silk pajama bottoms and a matching robe. Which was untied, revealing his bare torso underneath. And when he saw them, a look appeared on both writers’ faces like they’d been caught and Ellison quickly tied his robe shut.
“Mr. Ellison? What are you doing here so early?” Daphne asked. 
“Yeah. And why does it look like you slept over?” Asked Velma. 
And Hatecraft and Ellison, who were usually so famed for their use of words, seemed to be all out of them. 
“Oh. Uh- Harlan-”
“Hatecraft and I-”
“-Were just um…” 
“-Working on that new book!” 
“Yes! That’s it. We were just collaborating on our new book!” 
Scooby tilted his head, confused. “Uh… In your pajamas?” 
“Don’t question the process.” Ellison snapped. 
The Mystery Skulls were not nearly as oblivious about such matters. Mystery had been shocked right out of any lingering angst, at least for the moment, and was now shaking in his attempts to conceal his laughter.
“Ya know if you two are together and don’t want anyone to know, nobody here is going to out you,” Vivi said bluntly.
“Wait they’re what-” But Fred was cut off when both writers abruptly grabbed the kids by their collars and dragged them inside. 
Harlan slammed the door shut behind them. “Okay, yes. We’re together. Now what do you kids want?” He demanded. 
Mystery Incorporated was too slack-jawed to answer.
“Oh shut your mouths before they let in flies!” Ellison said. “We’re gay, not extraterrestrials!”               
Five jaws snapped shut instantaneously. “I-it’s not that!” Daphne apologized quickly. “None of us are against it just…” 
“Surprised,” Scooby said.
“Well this would explain why you and Angie never got together,” Mystery said  thoughtfully. “Her union with Dale wasn’t one I expected, but having met their daughter I’m more than pleased with the results.”
That snapped Velma out of her stupor. She turned so fast it nearly gave her whiplash. “Wait- you knew my parents too?!” 
“Not personally, but the Dinkleys had lived in Crystal Cove for generations.”
“I’m sorry- weird talking dog- do I know you? And why do you two look familiar?” Harlan asked, pointing between Vivi and Shaggy (who looked like Arthur at the moment, as you recall.)
“You might’ve known our parents,” Vivi said. “I’m Vivi Yukino. This is Arthur Kingsmen. Well- sorta.” 
“Wait- Vivi and Arthur? As in Tedashi’s little girl? And Gawain’s boy?” Harlan’s scowl was abruptly wiped off his face.
“Yeah,” Vivi said sheepishly, “those are our Dads.”
“Old friends of yours?” Hatecraft asked. 
“Oh yes! You wouldn’t have known them H.P. All that unpleasantness happened years before you moved here. But I knew their fathers from my days as a grad student at Darrow University,” Harlan explained. “Tedashi Yukino was an expert on Japanese mythology, and Gawain Kingsmen was an Arthurian scholar. Come to think of it H.P, I don’t think I ever told you, but I’d been in this house long before the first time you invited me in. As a guest of the previous owners: the Kingsmens.” 
“What?” Everyone but Mystery exclaimed. 
“It’s true,” Mystery sighed. “This house was the Kingsmen family home for nearly six generations. Arthur lived out every day he got to spend with his parents here. This place has changed a lot in twenty years, but I remember it well.” 
“Holy- now that you mention it this place does look kinda similar to the one in Arthur’s old family photos,” Lewis remarked.
“Gawain and Tedashi were a little older than me, and they were both brilliant in their fields,” Ellison continued. “We collaborated several times on various projects and quickly became friends. And you two - why I haven’t seen you since you were… Still, I can hardly blame Tedashi, Jenny, and Shinobu for moving away. It was a terrible thing that happened to those people-” 
“The children haven’t had that talk yet,” Mystery growled before Vivi could ask any questions. “And it’s the duty of their elders to have that discussion at the appropriate time and place.” 
Harlan caught the hint as plain as day. “Oh- Yes! Yes, you’re right. Of course. I’m sorry I overstepped. I suppose I had expected them to know, given how old they are now…” 
“Indeed,” Mystery sighed. “It is high time they knew, and it is a conversation their parents should have had with them years ago. But I don’t believe they ever expected their children to set foot in Crystal Cove again.” 
“I know I wouldn’t,” Harlan agreed with a shudder. 
Beside him, Hatecraft placed a hand on Ellison’s shoulder with about a million questions plastered all over his face, but Harlan placed his hand over his and gave him a look that said I’ll explain later. 
“So!” Hatecraft said, unable to bear the awkward silence any longer, “How may I help you?” 
“We need your help getting into the health sciences building tomorrow night,” Fred said. 
“It’s kind of a matter of life and death,” Daphne added.
“The health sciences building? Whatever for?” Ellison scoffed. 
“I’m not sure of how much help I could be,” Hatecraft added. “That department is hardly my specialty.” 
“-And we realize that,” Velma sighed, “but aside from Dean Fenk you’re the only connections we have at Darrow University, and I doubt she’d be receptive. Daphne wasn’t kidding. It is literally a matter of life and death.” 
“By the tentacles of Tawn-Gawn Gorath! You’re asking me to help you break and enter! I’m going to need more of an explanation than that.”
The Mystery Skulls and Mystery Incorporated all looked at each other. 
“A moment,” Fred and Vivi said at the same time. They beckoned both of their groups into one big circle and began to speak in hushed whispers. 
“How much do we tell them?” Vivi asked. 
“Body-swapping aside, what we’re doing is about saving Mr. E,” Velma pointed out.
“Saving Arthur,” Lewis corrected. 
“Yeah,” Velma said, “but it’s Mr. E’s body that’s in that situation, so as far as anyone other than us, E, or Angel knows, that’s Mr. E back at Destroido right now. And besides: gang, at this point… even if by some miracle the three of them swapped back right this second…” 
“Like yeah, I feel the same way,” Shaggy agreed. 
“Reah,” Scooby said, and Daphne and Fred nodded too.
“As would I,” Mystery said without an ounce of hesitation. “And I should hope I speak for the others as well?”
“You do,” Vivi and Lewis nodded. 
“-And that’s all anyone else needs to know,” Velma said. 
“Like you’re right Velma,” Shaggy said. “Like if we started telling them about body-swapping, other dimensions, doomsday, and crazy magic stuff it would totally freak them out.” 
“‘It would be too much,’ as the Mystery Skulls keep putting it,” Daphne said, and all five members of Mystery Incorporated gave Vivi, Lewis, and Mystery a very pointed look at that. To which the Mystery Skulls gave them extremely guilty smiles in return.
“So it would seem we’re in agreement,” Mystery said. 
“We tell them anything immediately pertaining to the Original Mystery Incorporated that might get them to agree to help us,” Vivi said. “And we leave out the magic.”
And just like that, the circle broke and all seven heads turned back to the two very bewildered writers. 
“It’s hard to say where to begin with this one,” Fred said after a moment, scratching the back of his head. “First thing’s first: how familiar are you with Destroido?” 
“That horribly corrupt company that makes all those terrible products?” Hatecraft asked. 
“That’s the one,” Velma said. “We have a long and… to say the least complicated relationship with the owner. He goes by Mr. E.” 
Ellison’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “The owner? How’d you meet him? He never shows himself in public and does all of his business through his CEO, Ed Machine- or at least he did, until he was murdered.”
“Ah, yes. I remember seeing that in the news,” Hatecraft said thoughtfully. “Did they ever catch who did that? Wealthy fellow like that, you’d figure his homicide would be at the top of the CCPD’s priority list.”
“See, that’s the thing…” Daphne said. “Ed Machine’s murder wasn’t exactly a hom-icide per say. It was more like a…” 
“Ruh rarrot-icide?” Scooby offered helpfully.
“Neither of those are words in the English Language!” Harlan griped. (Bad grammar was his absolute #1 pet peeve.) “And assuming you meant to say ‘parrot-icide,’ what’s that even supposed to mean?”
“How we go about answering that question depends entirely on you, Mr. Ellison,” Mystery spoke up. 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” 
“You were in Crystal Cove twenty years ago. ‘When all of that unpleasantness happened,’ as you put it. So tell me: how much do you remember about those kids that disappeared?” 
“Kids? Who- wait- why does that ring a bell…?” And Ellison suddenly had a dazed, somewhat befuddled look on his face, as though stuck between two places at once. 
Interesting, Mystery thought to himself. “Brad Chiles. Judy Reeves. Cassidy Williams. Ricky Owens. And their mascot, Professor Pericles. You knew them.” 
Ellison blinked at Mystery a few times. Then cried, “My God! How could I have forgotten that? I haven’t heard those names in years. Wait- come to think of it… didn’t they also call their little group ‘Mystery Incorporated?’” 
“Reah, they did,” Scooby nodded. 
“Oh! I believe I came across an article about them while I was researching for my- ehem- since abandoned teen vampire romance novel,” Hatecraft said. “I didn’t pay too much attention to it, but I do remember thinking it was odd that I had never heard them mentioned before.”
“More’s coming back to me now. This- this is weird,” Ellison said, massaging his temples. “It’s like I’ve opened Pandora’s Box. As I recall, their parrot had everything to do with their disappearance and admitted as much, but refused to say what had actually happened to those kids. Let’s see, what else… As I remember it, a lot of people eventually assumed that if he’d murdered them, the bodies had to have been dumped at a point in the caves where the ocean’s current would have swept them out to sea. But others argued they could still be alive because their van never turned up. Especially Mark. Oh God, Mark! I haven’t seen or heard from him in years, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he was the only one still looking for his boy.” 
“Uh… who’s Mark?” Scooby asked with a tilt of his head.
“Mark Owens,” Mystery said, and his eyes had gone glassy. “Ricky’s father.”
The room went heavy and quiet, and Harlan had a hint of suspicion written on his face as he looked at the dog. Why was he the only one in their group who knew that?
“Jenny still sends him a Christmas Card every year. Just like you,” Mystery said, as if he was reading his mind. “-And you’re right… he is still looking.”
Ellison held the dog’s gaze for a moment before breaking the eye contact with a sigh. “I don’t want to say he should give up… it tore this town apart for a while after those kids disappeared, as much as people used to complain about their uh… escapades. Still. Come to think of it -  without any bodies or definitive proof of death, it was sort of odd how abruptly the search ended… Why am I only remembering this now?” 
“Because something wicked didn’t want you to,” Lewis said. 
“What’s that supposed to mean? Ellison asked.
“And back to the original discussion at hand, what do those missing kids have to do with the owner of Destroido?” Hatecraft asked. 
And the answer to that, of course, was everything.
Within the twisted depths of Destroido, Arthur Kingsmen woke with a start. He couldn’t doze off! They had so much to do! Items to move, accounts to secure, a torture device to- oh. He had dozed off. Hours ago, if the state of the room was anything to go by. 
He was sprawled across the couch, a blanket had been thrown over him, the room was dark, Marcie was gone, and she’d left him a note on the table. 
You dozed off at about 2am. Figured I’d let you sleep.  I snuck out to make appearances. Figured the bird might notice if I’m too scarce for too long. You should probably do the same sometime this morning. There’s always a breakfast spread available for the scientists in the mess hall, and as of recently it wouldn’t be unusual for Mr. E to stop by and grab a bite - please eat something. I’ll meet you back in Mr. E’s rooms at noon.  -M
Arthur quietly reminded himself to thank Ricky for telling him to recruit Marcie. He would most certainly be having a much harder time doing all of this if not for her.
There came a trilling from the walls, and the three Dead Beats flew in to say good morning. “Hehe, hey guys,” Arthur laughed. The little pink spirits inadvertently tickled him as they wove around him and through his hair. “Yeah yeah, good morning. I’m glad to see you too. How was it last night? Quiet?” 
The Dead Beats nodded. 
“That’s a relief. What about the bad guys? Did you keep an eye on them like I asked?” 
The Dead Beats made angry faces and nodded. One of them made a few very discontent noises, and whatever they said made another one hiss in agreement.
“I know, I know. You want a piece of em’. You’ll get your chance when we make a run for it tomorrow night. I need you guys to be my backup, remember?”
The ghosts trilled excitedly at that, faces lighting up with jagged smiles. 
“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it too,” Arthur admitted. And he smirked at the thought, in spite of himself.
It was strange. He had a reputation as being the grounding member of the Mystery Skulls. The “chill” one. The gentle one. So it felt weird to… hate someone so strongly. But he did. Maybe whatever that damn entity had put inside of Ricky to rot him from the inside out was seeping into Arthur somehow. He hoped not, but he supposed it would make sense, given that he was wearing a cursed man’s skin.  
Still - it might not be an entirely bad thing. In fact, knowing his own shortcomings, perhaps a sprinkle of ambition and a dash of rage were doing Arthur some good.
“Come on guys,” Arthur said, getting up. “We’ve got work to do.”
He couldn’t wait to see the looks on his opponents’ faces when everything they’d worked for crumbled at their feet. 
Hatecraft had taken his guests to a large, gothic lounge so they had a more comfortable place to talk. Save the double doors and high fireplace, the tall room was covered from wall to high-arched ceiling in overflowing bookshelves and paintings of monstrosities from Hatecraft’s books. All things considered, it felt very much like home to the Mystery Skulls. Throw in some magenta and a few heart and skull designs, and one could be fooled into thinking they were back at the mansion. 
The eight mystery solvers were seated on scattered furniture around the room, and Hatecraft and Ellison were in matching high-backed armchairs on either side of the fireplace in front of them. 
They’d finished telling their story several moments ago, and to say the least the two writers, so well known for their imaginary terrors, looked absolutely horrified upon being told about real ones. 
Finally Harlan blurted out, “Why the fuck haven’t you gone to the police?!” And it should be noted that Ellison seldom cursed and usually prided himself on a more “sophisticated” use of language. So suddenly dropping an F-bomb should tell you just how appalled he was.
“It’s just as we told you,” Velma said from her place on the couch, “because then it becomes a hostage situation.”
“That, and Crystal Cove’s police department is about as useless as a one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest,” Vivi added dryly, sitting cross-legged on the floor with Mystery in her lap.
“Our best and only real shot at getting Ricky and Marcie out unharmed is to do so right under Pericles’ beak. Which obviously is better said than done,” Lewis added from the chair next to her.
“And that’s why you have to remove that- thing at the University and not at the hospital?” H.P. asked. “Because that’s what he’d expect?”
“Rep,” Scooby nodded from his place at Shaggy’s feet.
“That, and we don’t want anything violent going down at a place full of doctors and vulnerable sick people,” Vivi added. 
“By the claws of Chloringor,” Hatecraft muttered, placing his head into his hands.  
“And who, might I ask, is going to be performing this supposed surgery? You kids certainly can’t!” Harlan argued. 
“We have someone in mind but haven’t brought this to them yet,” Daphne said. She was sitting on the arm of the couch beside Fred. “They have a lot more to lose than either of you should this go wrong and we thought their odds of saying yes would increase dramatically if we already had a location lined up.”
Hatecraft opened his mouth, but Ellison talked first. Loudly. “So let me get this straight! You’re asking H.P to risk his job, career, and possible jail time to break into a surgery that you don’t even have a surgeon for yet?”
“Like yeah, we are.” Shaggy said. “And like, we realize how much you’d be risking and like how unreasonable of an ask this is. But like… we’re all Ricky’s got. This is like the only plan we have. So we don’t exactly have like, any other options.”
“I’ll do it,” Hatecraft said before Ellison could go on another tirade. 
“Harlan,” H.P. said, firmly but with a touch of tenderness, “I know you speak out of concern for me… but this man could die if we don’t do something. For all the writing I’ve done about the monsters that lie just beyond the mortal veil… what kind of man would I be if I didn’t do something to stop the ones living among us?” 
“H.P… this is madness. And we haven’t even seen any proof that this crazy story is true!”
“I don’t need to see proof,” Hatecraft shrugged. “These kids have saved my life once and my career twice. They’re too smart and too honest to lie about something this serious, and I don’t see why they would make it up either. I know they wouldn’t seek to ruin me.”
“Harlan,” Mystery said, and all heads turned in his direction by the force of his tone. “Walk with me a moment?” And without waiting for confirmation, he hopped out of Vivi’s arms and slunk out of the room.
Harlan looked at H.P, then at the rest of their guests, and everyone including Vivi and Lewis merely shrugged, just as clueless as he was. So what else could he do but get up and follow the freaky talking dog? Mystery was waiting for him just outside the door, and once Harlan was at his side he started walking away, and Ellison followed. 
“Alright,” Harlan grumbled once they were quite a distance from the door, “what is it?”
“How much of your memory has come back?” Mystery asked.
“All of it - I think,” Harlan replied. “It’s just- still so peculiar. I don’t know how I could have forgotten something that important. It’s like something went into my head with a correction pen and left a bunch of blank spaces that I’m only now uncovering. The question is why?”
“It was their names,” Mystery said. “There’s a great deal of power attached to names. Dating back in folklore across various cultures and pantheons for thousands of years. As old as stories themselves. If Brad, Judy, Ricky, and Cassidy can be generalized into those kids who disappeared, then it’s easier to wipe them out of existence entirely. But once you give them names, you give them identity, and with identity comes power. Enough to break through whatever was keeping those memories suppressed.” 
“But how could I have generalized them?” Ellison asked. “I knew them. Not very well, but I knew them. I knew their families through close mutual friends.  How and why did I forget them to begin with?”
“‘Because something wicked wanted you to,’” Mystery replied. 
“That’s what that pink haired fellow said earlier. What’s that mean, anyway?”
“It means all those ghost stories about a curse on this town are true,” Mystery said. And he spun Harlan a tale that you should know already. About an entity, a curse, and four kids and a talking animal who were prophesied to break it.
“So, what?” Harlan scoffed. “You’re saying that’s what happened to the Original Mystery Incorporated? Some evil entity wanted them out of the picture because they were getting too close?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying happened,” Mystery nodded. 
“Oh for goodness sake! Then what about what the kids said about the former mayor dressed up as some freak, blackmailing them into disappearing?” 
“The Freak of Crystal Cove has everything to do with the curse,” Mystery corrected him. “Think about it, Harlan. You haven’t stayed in Crystal Cove for all of these twenty years - you’ve traveled all over the world. Where else on Earth have you seen apparently normal folk suddenly wake up and decide the answer to their problems is terrorizing their neighbors in monster costumes?”
“What’s your point?”
“That there are bigger things happening in Crystal Cove than you know. Things that are worth risking everything for. Supernatural things.”
“Oh please! How gullible do you think I am?” 
“Ha! Of all people I would expect you to be more open to such things,” Mystery chuckled. 
“Unlike Cape Cod and H.P., I know where the line is between fantasy and reality,” Harlan insisted. 
“Do you, now?” Mystery implored. “Because as I recall, your original genre of interest was solely creative nonfiction. But now, aren’t you famous for horror dystopia? Quite a sharp turn, don’t you think?”
“That’s not all I’ve written. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The tragedy, you liar. You were on the guest list that night, Harlan. You were there.”
“It was another lunatic in a costume-” 
“That’s all most people saw,” Mystery interrupted him. “But you saw something else too that night. Didn’t you?” 
Harlan froze dead in his tracks. There was- there was no way. He’d never told anyone about the other thing he’d seen that night. Who would have believed him? Those poor families were going through so much- he hadn’t wanted to make anything worse with his nonsense. A bead of sweat trickled down his temple. “H-how did you… I never…”
“I saw you too, Harlan.” But there was something different about Mystery’s voice. Hadn’t it been coming from… lower to the ground a moment ago?
“You were there,” Harlan realized. And he turned around- Only to be met by a pair of big red eyes shining at him through the dark. 
“Yes,” The kitsune rumbled, “Yes I was.”
There was a song playing somewhere, distantly. Gently kissing his eardrums.
“Baby there's a dancefloor up in Heaven, touch the sky We can dance there all night. Baby there's a dancefloor up in Heaven, touch the sky We can dance there for forever!”
He felt so warm, and so heavy, and so comfortable. Yet the stiffness in his limbs and the rumbles of a hungry stomach gently pulled him into wakefulness. Ricky’s eyelids fluttered open, and at once he was wide awake, his heart caught in his throat. 
“Tell me I'm not dreaming, When a kiss from you is all it takes to turn me into stone. Your love is the sweetest-
Was he dreaming? 
No - his most recent memories were coming back to him. So unless the whole day had been one big dream borne from his wistful thinking- 
She was alive. She was here. She was… 
“You're perfect, you're my dynamite, you're so original. How do you do it? When we're dancing, it's magnetic Is this too good to be true?
Angel was sleeping on the other side of the sectional, and her sleeping face was not two feet away from his own. She was curled up on her side, head resting on her arm, a blanket draped over her. But by the way the fabric fell he could see her every curve. The pink flames in the fireplace had cast the entire room in flickering sunset orange, and the way it struck the shine of her beautiful dark skin- no artist could ever hope to replicate it. But if he were ever to spend money on art, he’d pay handsomely to see someone try.
She had never looked so much like an angel as she did now.
“I know a place where we can go Where the music is to die for! “Baby there's a dancefloor up in Heaven, touch the sky We can dance there all night! Baby there's a dancefloor up in Heaven, touch the sky We can dance there for forever!
Ricky’s heart was thudding inside his chest, and he felt all the blood in his body rush to his face. This wasn’t- well- this was hardly proper, wasn’t it? There was so much between them and she probably (wisely) still didn’t trust him- 
Which begged the question of why she was sleeping right beside him. And come to think of it he didn’t remember laying down either. What was the last thing he remembered? 
“Baby there's a dancefloor up in Heaven, touch the sky We can dance there all night! Baby there's a dancefloor up in Heaven, touch the sky We can dance there for forever!
That’s right. We were waiting for Mystery. He was going to tell us how he knew us. Ricky must’ve closed his eyes “just for a second” and dozed off. But that still didn’t explain how and why Cassidy had wound up asleep too. And how long had they been asleep? What time even was it?
“Dancing for forever Dancing for forever Keep dancing for forever… 
That was when Ricky spotted two sheets of stationary on the table - notes from the others. The first one was from the kids. 
Mr.  Ricky and Angel,  Mystery Skulls explained why you konked out in their letter. Crazy stuff right? We know you’ll prob be mad about it when you wake up but in our defense it was all Mystery. Hope you slept well and that you feel better when you wake up.  Btw - All of us feel bad we didn’t notice how sleepy you were, Ricky - sorry. • ᴖ • And sorry about the sleeping spell Cassidy - that was all Mystery’s idea. (☉__☉”) Anyway - we went out with MS to make some preparations for Arthur’s plan. We’ll tell you how it went when we get back! Also Scooby said he’s craving Clam Cabin so we were thinking of bringing food back to the mansion and pigging out instead of making Lewis cook again. That’ll be fun! •ᴗ• (We’ll probably bring back food from somewhere else too tho if you’re not down for shellfish - Daphne’s allergic.) Hope you both feel better when you wake up!  - Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby
When he finished reading the note, it left Ricky feeling warm and fuzzy inside. It read as if they… were looking forward to seeing him again. The corners of his mouth turned upwards against his will. But even so, those sweet feelings quickly turned sour. 
He was grateful that they were being so kind to him. Really - he was. But that doubtful little voice was quick to remind him that they were only being nice because they needed something from him: he was in Shaggy’s body. And as soon as their souls were back in their proper vessels everything was going to get awkward again, and he would be subtly or not-so-subtly pushed away. He didn’t fault them for it, by virtue of… how he was. And of course everything he’d done. And besides - he was used to it. But still… as selfish as he’d been already, maybe he could be selfish for just a little bit longer, and pretend that their sweet words meant something more than that. 
Ricky carefully tucked the kids’ note behind the other one, which must be from the Mystery Skulls, and started reading.
Ricky & Cassidy,  R - you woke up this morning before the potion you took last night could run its full course, so it put you back to sleep. Mystery knew it was going to happen and stalled until it took effect on purpose. The rest of us had no idea so don’t shoot the messager. To be fair tho - it was gonna happen no matter what anyone did. You should wake up when it wears off @ about 1:00. C - Mystery thought you shouldn’t come into town with us in case OG Mystery Inc sees you. Ur supposed to be dead - remember? That & you hadn’t slept in over 24 hrs so u needed the rest. And he didnt want to argue w u abt it so he put a sleeping spell on you. Again - HIS idea, NOT ours. You should be up @ about 3. We & Mystery Inc went out to talk to some allies for Arthur’s plan. Should b back by 5. Will tell you about it when we get back. Leftovers & snacks in fridge for lunch if/when you get hungry, & if you need help with anything ask Dead Beats or suits of armor. Avoid painting ghosts and PLEASE do not explore. You are in a REAL haunted house - Plz use common sense. Hope you slept good & feel better after your nap. Sorry again about Mystery & his meddling. He says he won’t apologize but owes you a story.  See you then!  - The Mystery Skulls 💀
Any warm and fuzzy feelings the letter may have inspired was quickly banished from his mind by the immense irritation he was feeling towards Mystery. Of course it shouldn’t have taken him that long to go get a book. That sneaky, clever, slippery son of a- … whatever! He’d give that ridiculous beast a good scolding when he got back! Still feeling drowsy, Ricky put the papers back on the table and made himself comfortable again. By that time, the music drifting through the house had changed songs, but Ricky was hardly listening to it. And yet, as he brooded over Mystery and his damn meddling, he found his anger… dissipating. 
Knowing what he did now, the kitsune was over a thousand years old and had been a guardian spirit for centuries. To Mystery, all humans were so short-lived that they were all children compared to him. In fact that’s probably exactly what Mystery saw: a pair of drowsy toddlers who needed a nap to get through the rest of the day. 
Not that he was exactly thrilled about being mothered by a giant fox, but at this point he didn’t have much choice in the matter. At least Mystery was (mostly) more nurturing than controlling in the way he did it. 
Unlike a certain someone.
With a sigh, Ricky rolled onto his side. And in spite of himself, he admired the view. 
God, she was so beautiful. 
Cassidy’s red lips were slightly parted in her sleep and the subtle furrow always present between her brows was gone. Ricky had never noticed it before, but saw its absence now. Her chest rose and fell with every slow, deep breath and her slack fingers were curled upwards in such a delicate, elegant way. It had been over a decade since the last time Ricky had seen her so at peace. And maybe it made him every bit the greedy, selfish bastard he knew he was. But he wanted that for her. And he wanted to be there to see it.
The guilt that had been eating Ricky alive from the moment he’d learned of Cassidy’s “death” had lessened. But it hadn’t entirely gone away - and it probably never would. She survived, and Ricky would gladly spend the rest of his days repaying the universe for that miracle. But she’d been hurt. She’d nearly died. Because of him. And he was never going to make that up to her. 
They were like celestial bodies, the two of them. Without the other they’d go hurling off into space. And yet from the moment they’d reunited five years ago, a sort of gravity seemed to hold them together. Or maybe, even after a decade apart, that connection had never truly been severed. Not touching - no. Never connecting. But trapped in a perpetual dance, each revolving around the other. Always seeing. Always wanting. But they’d hurt each other in so many ways. If they were different people, that red string connecting their fates probably would have been snapped a long time ago. By hurt. By life. By love found elsewhere. 
And yet. 
And yet. 
As hard as he tried to ignore it, because he didn’t deserve it, he knew in his heart: I want.
I want I want I want I want I want.
You could have her, something else was telling him. Haven’t you suffered enough? Been alone for long enough? They will abandon you once they have their friends back as they were. And you will be alone again. You think they care about you? After everything you’ve done? You wretched, unloveable thing? But it doesn’t have to be that way. You could have her, just as you once did. All you need to do is-
“Shut up,” Ricky muttered quietly. He’d curled in on himself as those thoughts persisted. Clamped his hands over his ears in an attempt to block them out, but they were coming from inside him. They sounded like him too - almost indistinguishable from his own thoughts. Almost. But now… 
Now, Arthur’s words were echoing in his memory. ‘It’s more difficult to manipulate someone who’s aware they’re being manipulated than someone who doesn’t.’
“You’ve been found out,” He murmured. Maybe to no one. But those thoughts- they weren’t his own. “-And I’m not going to let you use me to hurt any more than I already have.”
Fool. You really think you could ever be free of HIM?!
That voice! It sounded so clear that- it might not have come from inside Ricky’s head this time. 
That was when the house began to shake and it was not Ricky’s imagination! He opened his eyes and sat up to find that the walls were shimmering pink. Furniture and items bounced, clattered, and shifted against the shaking floor. The fire roared, flames jumping and leaping out of the hearth all the way up to the ceiling. Ricky yelped with fright and dashed off of the couch and across the floor to hunker down beside Cassidy. Distantly, he thought he could hear the painting ghosts and Dead Beats moaning and shrieking from elsewhere and the clanging of armor and heavy footsteps. Rumbling, clanging, and the sound of breaking glass. Ricky’s hands slammed over his ears to block out the cacophony of anger!
Then like a subsiding earthquake, the rumbling slowed down, then stopped altogether. When Ricky looked up, everything was just as it had been. And most importantly: that evil presence, whatever it had been, was gone. 
“What the hell-” Ricky muttered to himself, but the answer came to him almost as soon as the question left his mouth: The house. Lewis’ haunted mansion and its plethora of supernatural defenses. Acting on their Master’s will, they had banished the intruder. What that had been was another question entirely. But whatever it was, it wasn't good - and Ricky didn’t think it was a resident of the mansion either. He would have to tell the others about this. 
With the immediate threat gone, Ricky’s eyes turned to the thing that mattered most. Mystery’s spell must have been strong - even through all the commotion, Cassidy hadn’t so much as stirred. Speaking of which: he had sort of put his arm over her to hold her still and calm his own trembling. His face burning, he was quick to snatch himself away and respectfully retreat back to his side of the couch. 
Then there came cooing noises from the walls. And through the air like wisps of smoke, in slithered at least a dozen Dead Beats. Some of them coming up at the rear were still clearly perturbed by whatever they had presumably just helped chase off, if their suspicious glancing about and hissing were anything to go by. But the rest, having sensed his distress, were looking at him with sad, sympathetic expressions. “Hey guys,” Ricky smiled at them. “Thanks for having my back.”
The Dead Beats made some sad sounds as they surrounded him, and Ricky quickly found himself overwhelmed. “Wait- hold on now-” But every single one seemed intent on reaching him. They piled into his lap, and slithered around his legs, waist, and shoulders until Ricky ended up leaning back absolutely buried in warm, airy spirits that were purring soothingly like a mountain of house cats. 
“Oh crap,” he grumbled, even as he wriggled to get comfortable. “Well- this could be worse.”
…And for some reason, the universe decided to interpret his snarky comment as a wish. 
There came the sound of a ringing telephone from somewhere off in the manor. It rang, and rang… and then for some reason it started getting louder. And not ten seconds later, a pair of Dead Beats flew into the room carrying a vintage and rather gothic telephone between them.
Ricky quickly reached out and took the handset from its port to quiet the ringing, then put the transmitter and receiver to his mouth and ear and said, “Hello?”
“Ricky! Hey man, it’s Lewis. Good to hear you up.”
“Yeah, I woke up just a bit ago. I got your notes - sorry for falling asleep on you.” 
“Eh, that’s not your fault dude. You’re a first-timer when it comes to magic. So uh- speaking of ‘a bit ago,’ did something… happen? At the house just now? I just felt this huge power surge.”
“Yeah - actually it did.”
“Everyone alright?” Lewis asked. 
“I think so. Cassidy slept through it and I’m not hurt. As for the rest of the house… I haven’t left this room yet, but everything seems fine. Anything that moved or broke fixed itself, and most of the Dead Beats came in a few minutes later and are… hanging out?” He glanced at the ghosts, still swarmed all over him like a big blanket.
“Good. Mystery and I both felt it and we were worried. So… what happened?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but I think it was your ‘security system,’” Ricky explained. “I had just woken up and read your letters, and I was thinking about… stuff. When I noticed my thoughts were taking a really steep turn and it kind of occurred to me that… they weren’t mine?...”
The other end of the line was quiet for so long while Ricky explained that near the end he was starting to worry the line had gone dead without him noticing. But finally, Lewis asked, “And that presence is gone now, right?”
“I think so. I don't know how to describe it but the whole room felt… heavier? Darker? I don’t know how to describe it. But it’s not like that anymore so yes - I think it’s gone.” 
“You said the Dead Beats are hanging out with you. What are they doing exactly?” 
“Well-” Ricky stuck the phone into the mass of ghosts, hoping Lewis could hear all the purring. Then he put it back to his ear. “Did you hear that?” 
“Yeah - I did.”
“They’re kind of… all over me, making that noise.”
“Are they pulsing in any way? Look at the way they’re glowing, and the hearts on their chests.” 
“They are, now that you mention it.”
“Yep - I know what they’re doing.”
“Well, what’re they doing?”
“Giving you a ghost bath, basically. Whatever that thing was, they can still feel its residual energy on you. So they’re washing it away with their own positive energy. If that negative energy was left as is, at best it would probably leave you in a bad mood. At worst, that entity could come back and use it as a foothold to try getting in.” 
“Wait- ‘get in’ as in…” 
“Potentially try to possess you.” 
“Oh. Uh… shit. So… what was that thing anyway?”
“No idea. But whatever it was, it most certainly wasn’t one of my ghosts and I wouldn’t be surprised if it had something to do with the curse. Mystery, Vivi, and I will investigate when we get back. For now, have the Dead Beats stick by you.”
“Alright then…” Ricky conceded, not feeling nearly as secure as he had a minute ago. “So… how are things on your end? What’re you up to?”
“Vivi’s driving, and I am terrified. Pray for me- ow!” 
Ricky snorted at the sound of Lewis being thwacked on the other end of the line. Followed by some aggressively playful banter in Spanish and Japanese that had Ricky biting his lip to suppress his laughter. “-Anyway! Ricky, say hi.”
“Hi, Vivi.” Ricky chuckled, then his tone turned dry when he said, “Hello Mystery.”
Vivi’s muffled voice came through the line, as though she wasn’t speaking directly into the transmitter. “Hi Ricky! Glad you’re up!” 
Then came Mystery. “Hello Ricky! I’m glad you’re alright, but I’m not apologizing!”
Ricky scoffed. “Well fuck you too.” 
The kitsune was cackling in the background when Lewis put the phone back to his ear. “-Anyway, we just left H.P Hatecraft’s house.”
“The writer? What for?” 
“It was Velma’s idea. Hatecraft’s our way into Darrow University tomorrow night.” And Lewis explained Hatecraft’s role in the plan (and also apparently Harlan Ellison’s too.)
“And I assume you know who is going to be cutting that thing out of me?” Ricky asked once he was done. 
“Daphne’s sister - Daisy. She’s some kind of surgeon, though Daphne didn’t specify what kind. Her fiance however, is apparently a neurosurgeon.”
Ricky blinked dumbly for a moment while he processed what Lewis had just said. 
A neurosurgeon. 
As in a health professional. Who specified in surgical interventions. Of the nervous system. 
Like… removing a small capsule that kept releasing a neurotoxin within centimeters of his spinal cord?
“What are the odds?” Ricky finally said. 
“Right??? That’s what we said!” Lewis agreed. “But.”
“There’s always a ‘but,’ isn’t there?” Ricky sighed. 
“It does seem that way, doesn’t it? Anyway - the catch is that Daphne and Daisy apparently don’t get on well. Like even in comparison to her relationship with her other sisters. And to top it off I couldn’t quote the specific law but we’re about 90% sure this is gonna be hella illegal. At best, both Daisy and her betrothed could lose her medical licenses if they get caught or god forbid something goes wrong. At worst, they might face jail time.”
“I can stop that from happening. It would not be difficult,” Ricky said. A statement - not an offer or a question. 
“Good luck convincing them of that. It would be one thing if Mr. E was to go meet with them to make this request in person. They’re going to need to take the word of a bunch of meddling kids and their weird talking dogs. We would be offering to come and get you for this, buuut…”
“I’m Shaggy right now, so what good would it do? Got it.”
“Whiiich… brings me to the point.”
“Out with it.”
“If and when it comes to that, can I show them Arthur’s flashdrive?”
Ricky’s mouth went dry. 
“Just- They’re doctors,” Lewis explained. “They took an oath. And once they actually see a patient in pain, they may be honor-bound to do something about it. Or, as Daphne suggested, it may become a matter of pride - a challenge just to prove they could. Either way ends with the result we want.”
Ricky cleared his throat. “Yeah- yeah. Makes sense I mean they’d probably need to see it anyway to know what they were treating right? Like it’s not as if they could just take your word for it.”
“That, too.” Lewis said. And the concern in his voice just made Ricky’s heart pound. That thing’s words echoed in his head. You think they care about you? And the demons in his own head joined in. They’ll be so disgusted once they see it. They won’t be able to look you in the eye!
“All of us don’t have to see it,” Lewis said. As if he could hear those thoughts clear through the phone. “It’s too valuable and too important to leave in the hands of strangers unsupervised. So at least one of us, or a few of us, are going to have to see the footage. But not all of us have to. We can stand outside while it’s playing.”
Ricky took a few deep breaths. “Okay,” he sniffed. “Okay then. So- you want me to pick who?”
“I mean you’re kind of the only one with the right to. I can only imagine how personal it is. So yeah. It’s no rush. We’re still about ten minutes away. You can think about it for a bit if you need to.”
So Ricky held the handset away from his mouth, pursed his lips, looked up at the ceiling, and thought about it.
Not the Mystery Skulls. Not yet, at least. Not that he didn’t trust them, but he hadn’t known them long enough. The kids on the other hand… especially-
“Velma,” he said into the phone at last. “She’s seen the worst of me already so at this point… but- you know what? Nevermind. All of them can see it if they choose. Mystery Incorporated, I mean. It wouldn’t be fair to put all of that on Velma, Fred’s parents are going to be in those videos, Daphne’s sister is the one who’s going to cut me open, Shaggy’s stuck in this body-swap mess, and he and Scooby are kind of a package deal. And after everything that’s happened… I think all five of them have more than earned the right to see it. Or not. Whichever they choose. But if somebody has to, then I would rather it be them.”
“Are you sure, man?” Lewis asked. “I mean it’s asking a lot for you to let one. But all five of them?” 
“Please don’t question it,” Ricky said. “That’s my decision and I really don’t want to argue or explain myself.”
“Okay. I’m sorry - I’ll back off.”
“And… sorry for getting touchy and not letting you see it. It’s just-” 
“Dude! No. Nobody would blame you for that. I mean we’ve known each other barely over a day. I totally read you loud and clear.”
“Thank you, Lewis,” Ricky sighed. 
“So… you gonna be okay?” Again. That concern.
“Ask me again tonight,” Ricky sighed. 
“Okay… we’re going to be at Daisy’s soon anyway. So I’m going to have to let you go. See you later, Ricky.”
“Goodbye Lewis… and good luck. Thanks again - for doing all of this for me.” 
“It’s no trouble. It’s the right thing to do.”
“Well… thanks. Goodbye.”
When Ricky set the handset back into its port with a click, the phone disappeared in a puff of pink flame.
TA-DA! Still alive!!! Thank you to everyone who waited so patiently for the next chapter of my little fic. I know I said last time that I didn't want to make you wait another three months for the next chapter buuuut that ended up happening anyway. I just completed my English minor and literally all of my classes last semester were English Creative Writing classes, so as you can imagine I was doing a LOT of reading and writing with ZERO time for writing fanfiction. But right now I have the summer off of school so I've had lots of time to catch up! Ellison and Hatecraft have joined the party! These are two characters I never paid a tremendous amount of attention to, but Tumblr has given me a newfound respect for them. And their less-than-low-key gayness. Which made it into this fic NOT low-key at all. Lol I hope I did these new characters justice, and you will be seeing them again. I unfortunately didn't have the time to create any fanart for this chapter and didn't want to make you all wait any longer to find out what happens next in the story. I'm sure most of you know how much time and effort it takes to create fanworks, and I can't promise fanart for every chapter. (Veeery much looking forward to it if anyone posts any of their own in the future tho. 👀) This story, as usual, keeps surprising me with just how many words it takes to write. So my original plan for this one chapter got divided into two chapters instead. Speaking of which: Chapter 25 is almost complete and to the last long wait it up to you, I intend to post chapter 25 next Sunday. And God willing, you might get Chapter 26 the Sunday after that, but don't take that word as gospel. As for Chater 27? HA! We'll get there when we get there. Speaking of Chapter 25, as most of you know from my recent poll, the original chapter song/title for this chapter was originally going to be something else before it got changed. This happened because this chapter ended up being substantially longer than originally planned and also because I wanted to put all of the songs with heaven/hell motifs close together. Just to keep the theme going. And 'Heaven' was the last obvious one. Sorry about the poll causing confusion, but here's a treat: Unless something drastic changes (which it might, who knows?) The Chapter Song/Title of One of Us Chapter 25 is "Erase Me (Original Demo)" and the title of Chapter 26 is going to be "Erase me." That's all for now! Chapter 24 of One of Us should be posted to ao3 sometime tomorrow.
Chapters 1-22 of 'One of Us' are presently posted on Archive of Our Own!
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gone2soon-rip · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
CHITA RIVERA (1933-Died January 30th 2024,at 91).
American actress, singer, and dancer. Rivera received numerous accolades including two Tony Awards, two Drama Desk Awards, and a Drama League Award. She was the first Latina and the first Latino American to receive a Kennedy Center Honor in 2002, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.She won the Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2018.
After making her Broadway debut as a dancer in Guys and Dolls (1950), she went on to originate roles in Broadway musicals such as Anita in West Side Story (1957), Velma Kelly in Chicago (1975), and the title role in Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993). She was a ten-time Tony Award nominee, winning the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical twice for her roles in The Rink (1984) and Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993). She was Tony-nominated for her roles in Bye Bye Birdie (1961), Chicago (1975), Bring Back Birdie (1981), Merlin (1983), Jerry's Girls (1986), Nine (2003), Chita Rivera: The Dancer's Life (2005), and The Visit (2015).Rivera acted in the film Sweet Charity (1969) and appeared in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978), and Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021). She played Connie Richardson in the CBS sitcom The New Dick Van Dyke Show (1973–1974). She also appeared on television in The Judy Garland Show (1963), The Carol Burnett Show (1971), and Will & Grace (2005). Chita Rivera - Wikipedia
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ninjastormhawkkat · 11 months
The story of each kill
Day 1
Lena Dupree: she went outside to get fresh air, unfortunately she was met with a rock to the head, having her skull beaten in and crushed. She was soon buried outside near the pepper patch
Her body was found was found by Beau and then Fred
Simone Lenoir: during the afternoon Simone had gone out trying to find her cat, despite Fred and the group telling her to stay inside where it was safe. She only cussed at them and walked into the forest, before being ambushed by the killer and thrown into a hole, she was soon eaten by her cats. All 40 of them.
No one found her body
Day 3:
Fred Jones: Fred had decided to set a trap for the killer, as well as around the house to keep the gang at least safe. He snuck out during the night to try and surprise the killer, only to be caught off guard by the killer's own trap. He was split up to down from his skull and to his ribs, his body was hung Infront of the house, almost like a trophy.
His body was found by Shaggy and Daphne
Day 6:
Daphne Blake: Daphne was taken in her sleep, waking up and being brutally tortured by the killer with different tools around the house, she her body was too mangled to tell who she was anymore.
It was only when Velma and Shaggy found the camera left by the killer did they realize what happened.
Day 11:
Shaggy Rogers: During the night the killer had came out and started to chase both Shaggy and Velma, Shaggy ran slow as will as throwing anything he could at the killer to have his full attention on him. Shaggy ran to the kitchen before being tackled and dragged into the oven. The killer however decided to cut off his arm and leg and head before stuffing his body in the oven
Velma Dinkley: she was finally found by the killer who had slammed her face into a mirror before stuffing glass down her throat and leaving her there to bleed out on the bed with glass in her mouth and throat.
Day 50:
Beau Jim: it was funny to see him trying to jump out a window before being dragged inside.
(Scooby just chilling in the forest meanwhile)
so once again, Moonscar Island is a place where people go in, but the don't come out.
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mysteryideasgroup · 11 months
MSA X Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Chapter 19: They are fleeing and exit/Two ferrymen attacked them to try to free/Werecats and Werekitsunes are draining them/Rest of the gang with rag dolls are same Werecats and Werekitsunes/Werecats and Werekitsunes have died from Midnight Harvest pass end/Werecats and Werekitsunes have died and dust, Zombies are freed spirits, souls in rest in peace and one of ghost civil soldier says “Thank you”
Once again, Shaggy, Scooby, Josh, Jaxson, and John almost reached the exit when Jacques and Vincent blocked the exit. They got them until one pepper flew from Shaggy's pocket. Scooby grabs the pepper and squirts the hot and spicy juice into Jacques' eyes. Jaxson grabbed the pepper and squirted the hot and spicy juice into Vincent's eyes. Simone, Lena, Icy and Mima caught Shaggy, Scooby, Josh, Jaxson, and John and started draining their lifeforce, but suddenly the girls flew in the air by Velma, Daphne, Ava, and Starla holding their voodoo dolls.
Ava: You're not the only ones who likes playing with dolls.
When the girls got up, Velma, Daphne, Ava, and Starla started playing around Simone and Lena's dolls and they levitated them from wall to wall.
Landon: Guys, they are right? Guys are okay?
Fred shakes Shaggy, Beau gets up Scooby, Landon shakes Josh, Aaron gets up Jaxson, and Vera gets John. They are recovering from draining their life force.
Shaggy: Like, I was beginning to feel like a raisin!
They lasted until Jacques and Vincent, annoyed by the spicy spray, made them drop the dolls and end the voodoo curse.
The were-cats and were-kitsunes, recovered and reunited, started cornering the gang. Ralph swings a fire torch at them.
Lewinn: Leave them alone! If you want to get to them, you'll have to get through us.
The were-cats and were-kitsunes growled and started coming after the Gangs. Then, suddenly, they started dying. Vera looks over the moon dial.
Vera: Looks like your nine lives are up!
Simone, Lena, Jacques, Icy, Mima and Vincent look up the harvest moon, making them discovered that they have passed the midnight deadline and did not get a chance to preserve their immortality. They turning into skeletons and disintegrated.
The zombies too are dying, returning to their deaths.
Shaggy: Zoinks! Like, what's happening to them?
Josh: Oh my God! What happened to them?
Vicki: Their spirits are avenged, Shaggy. They can finally rest in peace.
The green aura left the zombie's bodies and disappeared in the air. Everyone looks up the skyway to watch the aura fade away. A small ghostly spirit of a Civil War soldier briefly appeared.
Scooby sees the ghostly spirit of a Civil War soldier.
Ghost Civil War Soldier: Thank you...
The ghostly spirit of a Civil War soldier has disappeared.
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
All belongs to her Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
Scooby-Doo belongs to WB (Warner Bros) Animated Movies 
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Postcards from Snagglepuss (Minnesota State Fair edition)
Of frappe brain freezes and home baking at its finest
You probably know, beyond a doubt, that some of the best exhibits at any fair are those of homemakers submitting their best examples of baking and preserving of all sorts. As well as, in their own way, those of the 4-H generation trying their best in these areas among others.
Which brings to mind something amusing in the wake of a brain freeze (transient, mind you) caused by one of those mocha-type frappes they serve at the Minnesota Farmers Union Building at the Minnesota State Fair. So for the uninitiated, a frappe of this sort is iced coffee and chocolate whipped up into a sort of a cross between a 7-Eleven Slurpee and those F'Real shakes. Rather delectable, though at times, they can deliver brain freezes on a par with ice cream, gelato, frozen custard even ... otherwise known as the "ice cream headache!"
It was just Huckleberry Hound and yours truly cooling off with these Farmers Union Frappes when the inevitable frappe headache, you might say, came along ... which came to the bemused attention of what we like to call "the Laydeez of Hanna-Barbera." Think of them as our answer to the Disney Princesses, but with a little more sass, a little bit of 'tude, you might say--to wit:
Penelope Pitstop, more or less than the "den mother" of these Laydeez;
Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from the Scooby-Doo troupe;
Kitty Jo from the Cattanooga Cats;
April Stewart from The Funky Phantom;
Tina from Goober and the Ghost Chasers;
Debbie from Speed Buggy;
Representing the Clue Club, Pepper and Dottie;
Out of Jabberjaw's band, The Neptunes, Shelley and Bubbles;
The Teen Angels "themselves," viz., Brenda, Dee-Dee and Taffy;
Cindy Mae from The Buford Files;
Wendy and Rita out of The Galloping Ghost; and
Dinky Dog's co-handlers, sisters Sandy and Monica.
(For such who ask, Kitty Jo, though she be feline in nature, was given a special consideration being among these Laydeez, whose backgrounds, admittedly, came from "meddling-kids-and-dog" type scenarios.)
At any rate, these Laydeez couldn't help but be fond of sipping on coffee or frappes, depending on preference, and couldn't help but be bemused, as I said, at our having frappe-induced headaches. Which, thankfully, passed. To be followed by no less than Penelope Pitstop "herself," whose charm seemed to be on a par with Peter Potamus, leading our crew into the Creative Activities Building and, in particular, the section given over to home baking, canning and preserving.
The takeaway from all this, I have to admit, as it was explained by the Clue Club's Pepper at one point, was "one of realising that we gals really don't need to go through the ordeal of having to constantly diet, diet, diet 'just to stay looks-conscious.' Especially when it comes to the cookies, cakes, pies and sweet rolls."
And even then, for their part, Sandy and Monica couldn't help but be surprised that there was competition for home-baked dog biscuits, though, as Monica casually explained it to us, "it might make you wonder just how many of the largest size dog biscuits available you'd have to feed a dog the size of Dinky just to keep him satisfied--not to mention some water as well just to wash them down!"
"Let alone Goober when he's not pulling off that disappearing stunt!" Tina wryly added, alluding there to Goober's response to the presence of ghostly presences on missions with her crew, bound to give her compadres Ted and Gilly fits at times.
But at least once, fairgoers couldn't help but discern how utterly identical in dress Daphne and Kitty Joe were, with the inevitable selfie requests. (Though, as it should be noted, Daphne prefers stiletto-heel pumps and Kitty Jo go-go boots.)
Close by, a modest little sales area for chintzy kitchen gadgets as much as gourmand-type specialities ... and as if the Southern-style soup mixes weren't enticing enough for those Laydeez (enough so as to cause a run on several varieties, many such wanting to seriously stock up), lefse--a Norwegian potato flatbread, know--also attracted the Laydeez' curiosity. Hopefully, we may expect to hear in due time how the lefse came out among the Laydeez of Hanna-Barbera.
(Oh, and we--that's Huckleberry Hound and yours truly--made sure to pick up some of that enticing soup mix as well. Especially for some autumnal-type afternoon at Crazy Claws' place dictating especially hearty-type soups. And let's not forget the lefse.)
@warnerbrosentertainment @desthpicable-thuccotash-blog @theweekenddigest @indigo-corvus @stuffaboutminnesota @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @princessgalaxy505 @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @a-gang-of-silly-bananas @jellystone-enjoyer @groovybribri @warnerbrosent-blog
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