#Vesuvio's Pizza
helianskies · 4 months
After reading Bitter Teeth and knowing you speak Italian, are there scenarios and stories you'd still like to explore having Italy as your background? And what are you favorite Italian historical periods to play with?
holy moly, months later she's finally decided to give you some sort of answer to a very interesting ask! :'0
i'm sorry i'm on my knees i'm grovelling cake i'm so sorry
i'll be honest, i love italy, i love italian, i love italians, and i would love to use it as a setting more often if it suits a fic - in a heartbeat. having been to a fair few areas now (Puglia you're next on my list bby i promise) there are such beautiful places i would love to use as backdrops, even for short works. a little romantic trip to Verona, a wet weekend in Venice, a sea swim in the marina in Naples across the bay from Vesuvius...
i think it helps with writing when you've been somewhere and can weave in personal experiences or even memories. i'd like to do it more in general, though i find my mind is not programmed easily for fluffy encounters haha. but i have fond memories of italy and i'd love to use them more as inspiration.
(what i'm trying to say is i suffered climbing up Vesuvius after a morning spent walking Herculaneum and i want someone - toni, south italy, whoever! - to feel my pain!)
anywho. as for historical periods... i dunno. as a student i only ever studied Risorgimento onwards, and very politically-based. i think the Renascimento in Florence would be interesting. i really loved visiting Davide and Venere haha (my duomo experience on the other hand...). and i'd love to learn more of Venice as a kingdom. Roman Italy i guess is a must, though i've already dabbled. otherwise, i'm not too sure....
though, when in Rome... i could send toni to walk around the Colosseum and Roman Forum omgggg... let him walk around and have his thoughts... a lil' character study...
i am never getting over leaving the Colosseum and finding a public water dispenser with sparkling water.......
OH THE TEMPLES! there were temples in the Forum! there's the Tempio di Antonino (e Faustina, ahem) and the Tempio di Romolo just across the way! i remember my mind working overtime with that nugget. the romespa was stalking me tirelessly on that part of my trip. and i'm yet to be cured!
anyways i hope that has in some way answered your question(?). i've not put much thought into the italies as characters themselves - i don't feel the same kind of draw to them that i feel with toni - but it would be curious to. i'd love to do more research into Venice during the times of the Ottoman Empire, in its sort of golden era. i'm sure i've seen a documentary or two, and i may even have a book... hmmm...
so many little threads to follow and not enough hours in the day, sadly, to do so :')
thank you for sending in the ask, it gave me an excuse to look back on some much loved holiday pics haha (and sorry again for taking my sweet time responding!) :)
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Chaos. Leben. Überleben
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Im Anflug auf Neapel
Neapel – Das pure Leben
Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstages des US-Schauspielers Marlon Brando am 3. April 2024, der als „Don Vito Corleone“ in Francis Ford Coppolas, dreifach mit dem Oscar ausgezeichneten Meisterwerk „The Godfather“ (Der Pate) eine seiner Lebensrollen verkörperte, möchte ich von einer lebendigsten Hauptstädte Europas berichten, die alles andere, nur keine Hauptstadt ist – obwohl, so sicher bin ich mir da gar nicht. Denn in Sachen Lebensfreude, Herzlichkeit und Genuss läuft sie der etwas mehr als zweihundert Kilometer entfernt gelegenen ewigen Stadt Rom zweifellos den Rang ab. Neapel ist Italien, und Italien ist Neapel. 
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Piazza Pignasecca
Ohne Chaos, kein Leben. Seit Jahrhunderten bringen Philosophen die beiden Begriffe in Kongruenz, vielleicht auch nur, um die Unzulänglichkeit menschlichen Strebens in ein beschönigendes Licht zu setzen. Die Begriffsverwandtschaft freilich ist in dieser Stadt mehr als offensichtlich, und kaum dass der Reisende seine ersten, zaghaften Schritte in jene vor Lust und Leidenschaft überbordende Stadt setzt, die seit je her als Synonym südländischer Lebensfreude gilt, ist und bleibt man von ihr gefangen. Und wenn erst die abendlich-goldenen Sonnenstrahlen den Lungomare vor dem Castell Uovo in ein brodelndes, vibrierendes Ganzes verwandeln - längstens dann gleicht er einem, über die schroffen Abhänge des nahegelegenen Vesuvs sich ergießenden Magmastrom. Dann kocht das Temperament des Neapolitaners hoch und eine Urgewalt an Sinnlichkeit erfasst die Stadt zwischen Via Toledo, Via Chiaia und der Spaccanapoli, die wie pulsierende Lebenslinien die Straßen der Innenstadt durchschneiden.
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In den Gassen
Dazwischen jede Menge Gassen und Gässchen, Piazzas und Piazettas, auf denen Kinder spielen, Großmütter vor den Häusern hocken, Vespa-Fahrer hupen, Fußballfans Schlachtengesänge grölen, und Verkehrspolizisten mit ihren Trillerpfeifen den Verkehr zu regeln versuchen. Dann verwandeln sich Gehsteige in Schanigärten, die Kellner hasten pizzabeladen von drinnen nach draußen, von Tisch zu Tisch, Millionen von Jugendlichen nagen einander auf Parkbänken und in Hauseingängen ihre pubertären Gesichter ab, während die Touristen endlose Schlangen vor den Eisdielen bilden, alte Männer säckeweise Muscheln, Gamberetti und anderes Meeresgetier von den Fisch-Ständen nach Hause schleppen, indes die Mamas Wäscheleinen quer über die Gassen ziehen und die Väter die Losstände plündern, um sich ihren Wettverlust gleich darauf in der nächsten Bar schön zu saufen.
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Il Cornicello
Napoli for ever! Wer das Leben trinken, dem Tod ein Schnippchen und das Glück lauthals begrüßen will, muss in genau diese Stadt reisen. Und wenn auch nur für ein paar Tage. Die aber, versprochen, haben es in sich! 
Castel Sant‘ Elmo - Von hier aus hat man den besten Überblick über Meer, Vesuv und die unendliche Stadt. Wer’s bequem machen will, der fährt mit der „Funiculare“, der Zahnradbahn, bergaufwärts, hinunter geht es dann über gefühlt tausende Stufen zurück ins Getümmel des Häusermeeres.
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Castel Sant' Elmo
Über die Via Toledo zum Piazza Dante und zur Piazza Pignasecca – Die überfüllte quirlige Straße führt zu zwei der hübschesten Hotspots urbanen Lebens: Lokale, Shops und jede Menge Märkte.
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Capella San Severo
Capella San Severo - Wer ein einzigartiges Kunstwerk innerhalb einer betörend schönen Museums-Kapelle erleben will, der muss hier hin: In der Mitte des Raumes ist das Kunstwerk Giuseppe Sanmartinos „Der verhüllte Jesus“ aufgebaut. Staunen und Wundern!
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Der verhüllte Jesus von Giuseppe Sanmartinos
Via San Gregorio Armeno - Wer Wahnsinn pur erleben will, dem sei das schmale Gässchen anempfohlen: Hier findet man den personifizierten Weihnachtsrausch: Figuren, Puppen, Krippen - chinesisches Fließband und neapolitanisch Handgemachtes. Die satirischen Krippenfiguren huldigen Politikern, Promis, Päpsten und Fußballstars aus aller Welt. 
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Weihnachten im Sommer und dazu Promis, Promis, Promis als Krippeninventar ...
Monastero di Santa Chiara - Eine Insel der Ruhe ist der zauberhafte Kreuzgang des Klosters Santa Chiara. Ein Farbenmeer strahlender Majolika-Kunst, ein gepflegter, südländischer Garten, und zwischendurch huschen Mönche über die Wege: Neapel bietet auch Muße und Ruhe.
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Monasterio die Santa Chiara, Majolika und Mönchleins und die Muße der Stadt
Galleria Umberto I - Gleich gegenüber dem ältesten und glänzendsten Theater Italiens, dem „Teatro San Carlo“, befindet sich die mondäne und wohl spektakulärste Shopping-Mall Neapels, die „Galleria Umberto I“. 
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Galleria Umberto I
Castell dell‘ Ovo - Vor dem Lungomare, der prächtigen Flaniermeile Neapels, erhebt sich eine sagenumwobene Tuffstein-Burg, ein wahrer Eye-Catcher, besonders in der blauen Stunde der orangeroten Abendsonnenstrahlen. Das Gebäude sieht aus wie ein Film-Set: Unwirklich, monströs, absichtsvoll. Das Kastell wurde ursprünglich als Überbau einer Kirche errichtet, die auf den Überresten einer Villa des Lukull thronte. Am Verrücktesten aber ist, was sich tief unterhalb befand: Das Ei des Vergil! Es lag in einer Karaffe, die tief im Verlies der Burg in einem kleinen Käfig von der Decke baumelte. Solange das Ei ganz blieb, so die Legende, blieb auch die Stadt unversehrt. Die Neapolitaner glaubten daran, bis heute -  warum auch nicht wir, die hunderttausend Touristen, die abends über den Ufer-Highway spazieren und ihr ‚unversehrtes‘ Leben genießen.
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Castel dell'Ovo
Il Duomo - Auch im prächtigen Dom zu Neapel tut sich Wunderbares: Dreimal pro Jahr wird das Blut des verehrungswürdigen Märtyrers und Stadtheiligen, das in einer silbernen Ampulle im Safe der Kirche lagert, hervorgeholt und zum Hochaltar von „San Gennaro“ getragen. Der Kardinal hält jenes wundertätige Behältnis hoch und vor den staunenden Augen der Gläubigen verflüssigt sich das gestockte Blut des Heiligen. Wenn das geschieht, hat die Stadt nichts zu befürchten. Das Gegenteil könnte verheerend sein: Ein Ausbruch des Vesuvs, ein Krieg, ein Erdbeben. Also geht ein befreiendes Raunen durch die Stadt und die Neapolitaner sind beruhigt - bis zum nächsten Stichtag.
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Il Duomo
Dass das „Blutwunder von St. Gennaro“ längst wissenschaftlich er- und geklärt ist, tut der Gutgläubigkeit des Volkes keinen Abbruch. Hier will man an Wunder erfüllt sehen, ob Eier, Blut oder die kleine, geschwungene Paprikaschote „Cornicello“, die gegen den „bösen Blick“ schützt – im Angesicht des Vesuvs, des ewig drohenden Symbols von Verderben und Untergangs, braucht man Übernatürliches. Und wenn es nichts nützt, schaden tut es gewiss nicht…  
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Das Blutwunder
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E con questo direi che siamo ufficialmente a Napoli 😂
Napoletano? E famme 'na pizza! (cit.)
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muirneach · 3 months
its true im a tourism Hater but also i <3 tourism… often i think about what i would give as recommendations to newcomers and two things that i think are admittedly kind of insane for me to hold to my heart are these two rules: 1) i dont really give restaurant recommendations. walk into literally any place on the street and it’ll probably be good. 2) when possible go somewhere that has a 416 area code rather than a 647 or GOD FORBID a 437 number
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3-cats-in-a-coat · 5 months
Weirdly good food/drink combinations pt.1:
I’m a bit sick and am currently/have been somewhat delirious for the past few days.
(I still stand by my previous post about Bucky Barnes and disability representation and I will continue to even when I feel better)
Anyways, back to the point:
So naturally, I had the idea of putting honey on my left over pizza that I ate for dinner last night and it is so delicious that it’s crazy.
10/10 highly recommend
Here’s part 2:
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ofertazos · 1 year
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¡Viernes! Y llegó un nuevo fin de semana de, ¡Promo weekend!, disfruta de un increíble momento con nosotros♥️🎉. En el #Intermaracaibo traemos para ti esta increíble promoción👏⬇️. 📍1 pizza familiar, (Margarita) con dos (2) refrescos servidos por solo 12$. 📍1 balde de diez (10) cervezas por solo 10$. ¿Ven y disfruta de unos días de descanso y con unos sabores irresistibles?🤔😍 Promoción válida 18 y 19 de Marzo del 2023. #Hotelintermaracaibo #Intermaracaibo #Promocion #Vesuvio #Pizza #Hoteles #Maracaibo #Balde #Cervezas @inter_maracaibo #ofertazos #maracaibo #maracaibocity #maracaiboventas #ventasmaracaibo #mcbo #mcbocity #zulianos #ofertazosmcbo #deliverymaracaibo ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 🚨 El contenido de este post es exclusivo de la cuenta y por cuenta del anunciante. (en Maracaibo, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5lbIhuIRV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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homepizzeriaovens · 1 year
Italian Wood fired ovens
Every oven comes with unlimited emails and customer service support. Italian Wood fired ovens help you bake an authentically tasting pizza at home. Get in touch with us to get the best offer today. https://www.wibki.com/italianwoodfired
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ozfoodhunterweb · 2 years
Get 15% Off Use Code OZ05. Order pizza takeaway from Vesuvio Pizza Bar Felixstow Menu, SA. Pay cash or online. Place Your Order Now!!
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marclamhofer · 5 months
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More pizza, more life L'Altro Vesuvio, Modena
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Reading a reddit post on underappreciated Chicagoan foods, and pleased to find after various contestations as to whether or not such-and-such ethnic food was invented here (the jibarito, chicken vesuvio, flaming saganaki) and delicious crimes against humanity (the gym shoe sandwich and pizza puffs), I'm pleased to find "gravy bread". Which is surely not a Chicago novelty, but it's hard to find at a restaurant anymore!
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iamsamuele · 10 months
Nonostante tutto…
Mi capita ancora di pensarti sai?
Nonostante sia una cosa “fresca”, per me è stato un colpo pesante
Ripenso a quello che eravamo, o forse a quello che siamo…oppure a quello che eravamo e che,sotto sotto, spero di essere ancora un’altra volta. A quello che mi avevi fatto credere magari…
Mi manca il tuo profumo che tu dici di non avere, ma che mi hai lasciato ovunque. Sulla felpa, sulla macchina, sulla maglietta, sul cuscino del mio letto. Ti sono bastati 10 minuti sdraiata per lasciare quel profumo per tanto tempo.
Sai a volte penso di immaginarmelo, perché ancora adesso nonostante non ci vediamo da tanto mi capita di risentirlo
Mi mancano i pochi minuti in macchina insieme
Mi manca dirti “prendi il telefono, metti la musica che vuoi tu”. Non avevi bisogno di chiedere la password, la sapevi e la saprai perché è sempre stata quella e sempre rimarrà la stessa.
Mi manca ascoltare quella canzone, che oltretutto mi è capitato di sentirla oggi in un video, e boh magari è un segno?
Mi mancano i messaggi improvvisi per organizzarsi e fare qualcosa a breve, anche in 10 minuti
Mi manca, quello che sarebbe potuto essere, cose che non abbiamo mai fatto. Come il viaggio a Napoli e a Genova, che volevi tanto fare.
Mi mancano all’idea di non averli fatti.
Per scoprire le tue abitudini, vederti la mattina appena alzata, imbronciata col mondo ( posso immaginare )
I tuoi sbadigli dolci e i tuoi occhi neri socchiusi.
Mi manca il vederti mangiare, il tuo ridere e la mano davanti alla bocca mentre ridi, quasi fosse una tua debolezza.
Avrei voluto vedere con te Pompei, i quartieri spagnoli, vederti mangiare una pizza fritta.
Avrei voluto portarti da donato a mangiare un super mega panino di quelli che piacciono ad entrambi.
Portarti sul lungo mare a vedere il Vesuvio.
Avrei voluto portarti a Genova a vedere l’acquario appena arrivati, la sera vedere la città e il porto.
Il giorno dopo treno per camogli e il mare.
Programma che avevamo fatto, poi per un motivo o per un’altro non siamo riusciti.
Mi manchi, tanto.
Nonostante il male che mi hai fatto. L’aver giocato con i miei sentimenti per ripicca, con cattiveria.
Ti ho dato il mio cuore in mano..ti ho sempre pensata, in qualsiasi cosa.
Sentirsi dire chiamando il nostro ristorante per prenotare, “per due giusto samu?” Mi ha fatto male, tanto tantissimo e tu non puoi capire.
Potresti capirlo solo se stessi come me, se ti capitasse di trovare una persona che, come te, con cattiveria gioca con i tuoi sentimenti, nonostante tutto quello che è stato.
Ma non lo augurerei a nessuno, perché so bene cosa vuol dire non è la prima volta purtroppo.
Ti odio, perché sono stato di un male indescrivibile, ma ti voglio un bene dell’anima, ti voglio più bene di quanto non ne voglia a me stesso. Ma è sempre così, e infatti a chi piange il cuore sono sempre io.
È così facile sostituire e dimenticare una persona? Oppure mi pensi anche tu, hai questi pensieri anche tu ma per il tuo orgoglio non lo dirai mai?
Nonostante tutto, se tornassi, mi faresti stare bene… MA, solo dopo una strigliata non da poco. Solo dopo dimostrare di tenerci, solo dopo aver riacquistato la mia fiducia. Perché il mio cuore è chiuso e la mia testa dice di no, e quindi così sarà per un po’ almeno.
E poi magari potremmo pensare ai panini da donato, al Vesuvio, all’acquario e ad andare a camogli. A vedere il Vesuvio, la città di notte, a prendere il sole insieme.
Ti voglio bene, ma torna quando sarai in grado di farmi solo bene, non voglio altro.
Tuo, samu
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fabiopariante · 1 year
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Real Teatro di San Carlo + Maschio Angioino #Napoli . #vesuvius #vesuvio #teatrosancarlo #clouds #nuvole #vesuvius #travel #teatro #campania #view #castelliditalia #lungomare #sancarlo #trip #centrostorico #landscape #sea #naples #piazza #italy #italia #museumweek #pizza #shape #maschioangioino #castelnuovo #friends #volcano #vulcano (presso Napoli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnaEa7wIH6Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iincantatorum · 1 year
Delia what sorts of aftercare do you indulge in? Also what's your favorite kind of pizza?
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“It’s always a salt bath for me. That is where I feel the most soothed, by scented bubbles, candle and champagne. Even if my partner is not involved in the aftercare, at least I give myself the warmth and healing I deserve.”
Pizza? She had an answer immediately, “Neapolitan pizza, only with  Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio tomatoes, which grow on the volcanic plains to the south of Mount Vesuvius. It’s worth a trip to Italy to get some jars taken back.”
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pizza-pie-in-the-sky · 3 months
Bottega's - Neapolitan Pizza
This week we came back to restaurants - we found Bottega's, a lovely restaurant I'd like to tell you more about - and discovered Neapolitan pizza!
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~ Alex.
The restaurant we visited for our fouth meeting, so on 23rd January 2024, was Bottega's, a restaurant serving neapolitan pizza on Nowy Świat (in Warsaw) - hence, it's easy to get to and easy to find! Another thing that they made easier for their clients, is that the restaurant has gluten-free and vegeterian options in the menu, which I found nice and obviously helpful to those who need to know about the food being available for these diets! I found the decor of the place very interesting - colourful, with art everwhere and the surrounding feeling of freshness combined with really nice music playing in the background; I appreciated the calm and positivity stemming from this place (by the way, you'll see the pictures of the restaurant below!). One of the things that I think were really absolutely great about this restaurant too, is that there is a lot of space in it; I think I can evaluate from that, that mobility isn't an issue in this place!
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For context, Neapolitan Pizza originates in Italy, particularly Campania, Naples. The main characteristics of this pizza are the special types of tomatoes used - either san marzano tomatoes or pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio - mozarella di buffala campana (so, clearly a special kind of mozarella!), and the dough made with wheat flour, that consists of Neapolitan or brewer's yeast, and is fat and sugar-free. This makes it sound very soft and fresh, doesn't it?
Among many interesting choices that Bottega's had to offer, we decided upon three pizzas - antica napoli, mortadella, and porcini & lavenda. I think these were really interesting choices!
I don't think we waited for the pizzas very long, which I'm very happy about! (I was hungry after the whole day.) I think the pizzas looked even better in real life, but here are the pictures of all of our orders:
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Now, after seeing them all together, let me tell you my particular thoughts about each of the pizzas! And before I start, I do have to note here that the dough was so incredibly soft in all of them I could have died from happiness!!!
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Antica Napoli - the only pizza with tomato sauce out of all that we ordered! Besides that, for ingredients it had san marzano dop tomato fillets, mozarella di bufala, parmesan cheese, and basil! I found it to be classicaly tasty, calm and comforting, and as a lover of all things tomato, I really, really liked it! It's the kind of pizza you expect to love eating, and get exactly that <3.
Mortadella - the first pizza we ordered with the white sauce, as well as the ingredients of mozarella, mortadella di Bologna, ricotta and grana padano cheeses, lemon peel, as well as with pistachios and basil! I'm gonna be honest, I found it weird. It was salty-sweet, the cheeses made it even softer, and that I found confusing (also because I'm not a huge fan of dairy). Overall, not my kind of thing, but I did appreciate the presence of the pistachios!
Porcini & Lavenda - another pizza with white sauce, and mozarella, porcini mushrooms, lavender, thyme, and basil! I have never eaten a pizza like this one before, and it was sooo good. It was a very unconventional kind of taste, with the herbs making it soft, but very expressive and noticable, while the porcinis added a bit of weight to our meal. I found it really intriguing to eat, haha!*
All in all, I really appreciated the freshness of these pizzas, and especially that of Antica Napoli, while mushrooms and herbs on Porcini & Lavenda made for an interesting dinner. The finale of this project is soon, so I'm excited what will come next for us in our little journey!
~ Alex.
*All ingredients come from the website of the restaurant.
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ofertazos · 1 year
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@inter_maracaibo ¡Promo día de reyes! Y disfruta por todo lo alto♥️🎉. Este primer fin de semana de enero en el #Intermaracaibo traemos para ti esta increíble promoción👏⬇️. 📍1 pizza familiar con un refresco de 1L por solo 10$. 📍1 balde de diez (10) cervezas por solo 10$. ¿Te animas disfrutar entre amig@s y familiares?🤔😍 Promoción válida del 6 al 8 de enero del 2023. #Hotelintermaracaibo #Intermaracaibo #Promocion #Vesuvio #Pizza #Hoteles #Maracaibo #Balde #Cervezas (at Maracaibo, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHsTF_u3ly/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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homepizzeriaovens · 1 year
Italian Wood Fired Ovens
Shop for Italian Wood Fired Ovens & bake hundreds of pizzas in a day! We deliver easy to assemble modular ovens that can produce the best pizzas of the world. Contact us today! https://www.slideshare.net/SEODigital2/pizza-oven-stand-usapptx
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