#Vietnam War Facts
nickysfacts · 1 month
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To every student who’s protesting at their college or campus across America: don’t stop standing for what is right and you are the ones who are helping to change America for the better!
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plant-ago · 4 months
I want to live in a world where the legacy of Robert Reich, US Labor Secretary under the Clinton administration influential liberal thinker, is overshadowed by that of his son, Sam Reich Dropout, who went into comedy and created the only good streaming platform
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songmingisthighs · 7 months
reminder that mr. beast is the same age as kim hongjoong
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gotta-bail-my-quails · 2 months
i know the conversation should focus on palestinians first and foremost (although i'm not an expert on how palestinians feel on the matter--others have posted about how heinous it is for israelis to claim palestinian dishes as their own, and notably how they are destroying the plants and land which produce those dishes while enjoying them) but I suppose as a form of solidarity, I hope none of y'all zionist fuckers enjoy any vietnamese cuisine either. i hope every bowl of pho you buy is spat in because i'd rather my home culture's dishes be tainted than to let you enjoy them
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boo-cool-robot · 1 year
Scott being Filipino/Korean is so cool :O How did you come up with it?? Can't wait to hear more about this au!!
I’m gonna be honest, I’ve always wanted to write an Asian Scott because I think that adds dimension to his canonical arc about being a kind of model minority and then rejecting that position. So I looked up Asian people in Alaska since working off canon can get you interesting results sometimes, and lo and behold: those are two surprisingly robust Asian demographics in Alaska.
I decided on Scott’s father being from a Filipino-American military family because there’s a lot of history of Filipinos in the US military, and canon says basically nothing about Scott’s mother, but I thought it would be interesting if his parents were different generations of immigrants that came to America after different generations of imperial war. (Fun fact: I briefly considered making Scott’s great grandfather a Filipino communist cannery union organizer, but decided against it. Would be a cool idea for another AU maybe.)
With Christopher Summers’ canonical military background, that laid the groundwork to tell an immigrant story partially about how subjects of empire can become complicit in it. There is also how Scott literally does not remember anything about his family until he’s in the orphanage again! This is also a story about immigrant memory and different kinds of coerced forgetting.
And on another note, Scott’s middle name in this AU is Ha, which literally means Summer in Korean. Scott Summers Summers :)
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banbanfan01 · 11 days
thinking about iwtffy again
you saw me in your notifs as i lurked and was like "fuck thats the guy who wrote the vietnam war madness combat fic" and the hyperfixation kicked in
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zenmom · 3 months
Ngl this Epic Mickey Soundtrack gives me flashbacks
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daysuntilnextaccident · 7 months
i got myself a used copy of the robin hard translation of the enchiridion because i used to have a copy on kindle and my kindle deeply died, but it was a solid good translation without being too flowery
shout out to the person who owned this copy before me
and couldn't underline in a straight line
and also judging by the book wear and dog ears did not make it past page 34
my favorite passage (Discourses 1:2) starts on page 6 of the print edition, and i just have to wonder if this previous reader got from it what i got from it
or if you have to be an absolute fiend for spqr to follow some of this shit
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svankmajerbaby · 1 year
US war movies, and war movies in general, are about Showcasing the Horrors of War and how much these poor soldiers suffered (if youre lucky, you will also see how these poor soldiers made others suffer too). the most important and valuable aspect of all quiet on the western front, what makes it stand out from other war movies, is that it does not have a happy ending. gringo war movies love to put a woman back home so the guy has a wife to come back to, a family to raise and a future to sustain. by focusing on that promise of a better future, we are all the more ready to forget about what happened before (or even worse, to excuse it as the ugly ugly means to get to the good things, a calvary to get to heaven)
postwar movies, as in, movies focused on what happens After the mass suffering and trauma of a society, have a bigger, harder to pinpoint power. these stories actually deal with guilty parties, with responsability and the aftermath of crimes, about the holes in the system that allows surviving victims to go without reparations and genocides and generals to continue to evade punishment. it replaces the adrenaline pumping excitement of a battlefield for the cold professionalism of courts and offices. after every war there is a process of reconditioning and readjustement. and if you cannot make an anti war war movie, then your best bet is a post war anti war movie. the only way you can make sense of the violence is by seeing everything from the distance of the future, and by reorganizing the truth into testimonies that can allow you to learn.
there is little to learn from suffering. there is more to learn from what remains after that suffering has happened.
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so i'm rewatching justice league unlimited because it's one of my favorite childhood shows and there's these two characters. their names are Hawk and Dove, and they look like All-American guys. and then I remembered something about the Vietnam War.
a Dove was someone who did not want the war on Vietnam to continue, and a Hawk wanted us to keep fighting. I'm pretty sure. don't take me for granted on that.
so anyways I had a fun time connecting the dots with that and thought other people would maybe like to know.
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samdyke · 2 years
(Different anon) wait what's this about the racism in the winchesters? I think I'm missing something
we do this every week
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first day of senior capstone and i’ve already given up
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Jury nullification is when juries in criminal trials issue not guilty verdicts even when it is clear the defendant broke the law.
This can happen for any reason, from the law being unjust, to the punishment for breaking the law being disproportionate, to simply general dissatisfaction with the criminal justice system.
Jurors cannot be punished for nullifying a case, and double jeopardy protects the defendant from being tried for the same crime twice.
One historical example is that of the Camden 28, which was a "group of leftist, Catholic, anti-Vietnam War activists" who raided a draft board in Camden, New Jersey in 1971. Despite overwhelming evidence of their guilt, they were acquitted by the jury.
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wait also NOTE: i fucking LOVE that there is such a growing group of rep now, like u said podcasts (i.e. tma the beloved??? or at least the fandom idk??? where did the poc fanart come from like is that canon is it hcs) and like COMICS (like squire and the well etc!!!) and just. SO many things dude!!!! and los espookys as well!!!! it's just so cool that there are so many things now
Yes!!! Things are happening I am so excited for the future!!!
Steven Universe trailblazer? hmm
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nekochan4eva · 23 days
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generallyunskilled · 1 year
Obviously Velma sucks but if we do ever make a more adult Scooby Doo I want a semi realistic period piece from the late 60s where the Scooby Gang are draft dodgers and hippies that just happen to stumble into the crime fighting business because there is just a fresh stream of con artists when you’re drifting town to town in a van.
Freddie and Daphne start it all. Instead of showing up at boot camp when drafted, Fred Jones got the van he bought with his summer job and ran off. Daphne, his girlfriend (who frankly has the least strong feelings about Vietnam but for gods sake are they not taking Freddie there) runs along to be supportive and to get away from her strict, stuffy family.
Velma catches wind of Fred and Daphne’s plan a few days before it happens. They invite her along but she has to consider it. A staunch feminist and the brightest girl in school, she has the most to lose if she leaves. However, she grows embittered by the fact she’s never gonna get into her dream college since it doesn’t admit women, and decides to go along. Besides, if Fred and Daphne leave without her, there won’t be anyone like minded in their hometown for Velma to be friends with.
Shaggy wasn’t originally part of the group, but they find him and Scooby hitchhiking and pick him up. The gang learn he has similar circumstances to Fred for running away from home, being a conscientious objector who ran off when they tried to put him in a non combative position instead. He opposed even this as it still meant he would be part of the war machine. He comes bearing plenty of 8 track tapes and some real good pot, so he’s welcomed along happily.
Along the way they become friends and use their combined skills to solve cases of supposed hauntings. Every single one is shown to be some kind of capitalist fraud.
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