#Villain series
jayjays-left-eye · 1 month
I am having issues keeping up with the V lore. Can someone help me out here? it would be much appreciated:}
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aceth3second · 2 months
It might just be me but i think i sorta noticed a pattern in uh, scythes audios, i havent watched all of them but feel free to educate me
I did notice that the listener always(i think) saves the character, like blade, twinkle, sparkles, and i think cheeky is on the road to saving V back, i also sorta noticed that (some of) the listeners would save the character back🤷
I might be wrong since i havent listened to all of the audios but also the series's are largely not done(the ones i havent listened to: yan wolf & siren, dark rose, alpha claw)
Im honestly just happy to notice it bc im very retarded n shi😔 pls be nice💔
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icedhotkopi · 1 year
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[ Suits // Villains ]
> Marvin the Magnificent 🪄
I wanted to make a set of photocards of the egos and the themes chosen were suits and villains!
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tinaxpow · 5 months
Eli giving Victor side eye for wearing a cross as a fashion statement
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asmrtist-brainrot · 1 year
Yandere Listeners
Again, it's mostly soft yans. But I wanted to explore the ideas a little more.
I'll be using they/them pronouns since the Listeners have characterization that I can reposition.
The most murdery/violent is probably Boo.
Have this as a little apology for my lack of posts. ^^;
This might just be a part one to more???
~ Dari
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Warning(s): References of murder, stabbing, knives, decapitation, torture, and knives. Implied Cannibalism(mostly just a Sweeney Todd reference). Bittersweet Spoilers. Disturbing - Obsessive/Possessive Behavior.
Angel (Redacted ASMR)
honestly, it only took a moment for them want to start following David
usually though, it's not in their MO or yandere type to be stalking - but after they've seen him again and again so many times... they just accept it as is
even actively looking for him and used their charm and natural charisma to be able to make him believe that it was a coincidence
lowkey delusional; most definitely thinks of their meetings as fated
honestly... Michael might have the worst experience in this timeline because the minute he presented himself as a possible threat to their relationship with David, they're ready to cash in his life warranty
and steal their cat back
they adore the wolf pack and quietly considers killing for them, and often; it's pretty darn likely that they could get away with it too - after all...
they're only a delicate little unempowered human. how could they have killed someone so much stronger than them?
like Sweetheart's asshole coworkers, Quinn, and so on are probably... not safe?
they don't usually end up going through with killing after the mention of seers and telepaths being a thing; but there are some rather twisted ideas in their head on how they'd deal with Quinn
he is most definitely not prepared when he goes after them
they learned everything they could about vampires and used every exploitable thing to use against him
he was lucky he was caught, Angel would have somehow turned his ribs into a knife holder and turned his spine into a belt for what he's done
Caelum is probably pretty concerned with all these... thoughts that pass through their feelings -
but they haven't ever acted on any of them, so it should be okay!
... right?
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Boo (YuuriVoice)
they're unsurprisingly willing to kill for their boys, that was definitely after their brief internal rage at Seth reappearing and raising hell
honestly, when when they seeked him out in the woods - his fate hinged on how he would have reacted to their confrontation...
it was likely he would've easily been poisoned and body disposed of, if not for the fact that Boo was still emotionally mature and fully self-aware
their bloodlust fell away when they see how broken up he truly was and that he just... wanted to move on
so they helped, despite their obsession screeching at them not to
when Seth was jumped, when you saw him busted up - that was it
he was under your protection, and you promised to yourself that you'd gut Derek like a fish given the first chance
you would see the son of a fuck dead if it was the last thing you did
even Charlie and Jessie weren't necessarily safe, being as you could still be reasoned with - it was good you didn't have to kill them
"that boy's got a family now and ain't nothing gonna take it from him" is the line that saved Jess from your wrath in particular
you were sure you couldn't help Seth heal his poor little heart from this loss
but if either of them made sure that harm could never come to your boys again - you would absolutely wipe them too
the only people that are aware is the storyweaver Finn
and Derek, who is most definitely terrified of you, regardless if he's been killed in another storyline (the percentage of you killing him vs. everyone else is high, so you've been the end of him many times)
there are bloodier timelines - ones with Seth disappearing after the first confrontation, ones where Jessie is presumably wiped by Derek, where Charlie was allegedly to be caught by another thug for bring a rat... Just ones with you with another body under your belt
it's really good that Alphonse and Seth never find out about this streak of cruelty - you could never bring it in yourself to hurt them after learning to love them so deeply
when Al warns other people to be more concerned about what you could do over what he would do is more true than he could ever know
everybody is real fucking lucky that you weren't Sweeney Todd's Ms. Lovett, because the body count on you could make enough meat pies to fill a house
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Cheeky (Scythe Audio)
bitches should be absolutely praying that they don't drive this little lightbulb over the edge, because they are asking for all the wrong things to happen
Cheeky is a pacifist for the most part, they fight to defend, to make sure they're doing their part in saving the world and can instants when people need to die for the greater good
but people need to stop testing them
the yan trait thing wss probably triggered through their isolation as an experiment, realizing how alone they were
seeing V again and being able to live with him was enough for them to grow that attachment; Cheeky is also very lucid and try everything to stamp out their tendencies
L in particular was saved because she was just so very important to their V, despite their burning jealousy
the Atrocity was actually surpised at the fact their utter fury and bloodlust at the loss of the children, that it was all pointed at him as well
it also amused him as he taunted them for being kindred spirits
at least until they broke out of his mind control with the blood boiling wrath they felt at being compared to him in any manner
Atrocity is even taken aback by the animosity
"How can we be alike if you have no one? When no one ever loved you in the first place?"
they stabbed him right in that sore spot, having seen into his mind for just a second
their light powers are nearly bolstered by this love for V and L and their hits actually hurt... they hurt a lot
but they're still not as skilled yet, so the other two still stepped in...
maybe it's best they learn how to channel this rage of their's; with any luck, they could do more permanent damage
they aim to keep him Atrocity as a toothless head and watch him die slowly...
hopefully in time
but first, they have a bone to pick with Anima
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xdolls-crownx · 1 year
Headcanon time!
I think that post-corruption V is oddly soft with Cheeky so here are some semi-domestic thoughts on that (cheeky will be gender neutral in this):
Cheeky got hurt on time so V washed them and they were both really quiet about it but it was a comfortable silence
V has, on more than one occasion, held Cheeky really tightly after they had a nightmare. Just holding them, kissing their head, rubbing their sides, ya know the good shit
V’s a light sleeper so any slight noise will wake him up and one night he couldn’t sleep so Cheeky stayed up with him to keep him company
(this is technically from when he was in a coma but oh well) it’s common knowledge the cheeky has slept by Vs side but I like the think that at one point, they were holding his and and he slightly squeezed it
V just watches Cheeky while they do random shit. Like, they’re so peaceful and it just nice to watch
V can actually cook, to Cheeky’s surprise, and made them breakfast with a note saying he was gonna be out for a bit. They thought it was sweet.
Theres this random stray cat that they see all the time and if you go out at the perfect time at night without making a sound, you can spot V petting it
L comes in to check on the both of them every now and then and she once found V and Cheeky passed out on the couch together with V basically holding cheeky in a death grip. L now has a picture of that and will use it for blackmail
@asmrtist-brainrot any other ideas?
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irritablepoe · 7 months
let this bullet pierce you (evervale)
cw: canon-typical violence between them; kidnapping?
It has always been a chase between Victor and Eli. It was only fair that they were doing it in a traditional sense now.
word count: 719
It has always been a chase between Victor and Eli. It was only fair that they were doing it in a traditional sense now. Eli fled. Victor chased. It was just like God had intended. They were made for the hunt – made to run. It was their life and when Eli felt the wind in his hair, he knew he was in the right spot at the right time. This was meant to be.
He almost tumbled over a box full of trinkets. Where he was, he did not know exactly, but it didn't matter anyway. The only thing clear to him in his adrenaline rush was that they were in the cellar of an office building. It was late evening, therefore most workers were at home except those who cleaned the rooms. He had to get to the first floor immediately – or otherwise he would be trapped. Knowing that this worker was known for doing extra hours, Eli and Victor had both tracked him down here. While Eli had searched for the EO to kill him, Victor had tracked him down to kill Eli though. That was why Victor didn't seem to be bothered he was too late for the EO. He was however angry that Eli had had enough time to flee.
Eli had an advantage. He was fitter than Victor.
But then he heard a click that was way too familiar.
A shot.
Eli fell to the ground, pain piercing through his leg. Another shot ripped the silence apart and he felt another bullet hitting his body. This time it was his back.
“Fucking finally.”, Victor said. “Thought you’d never go down.”
Eli couldn’t answer, he choked out incoherent sounds. Victor must have hit his lungs. It didn’t help when he felt a boot at his back, pressing down on the wound and making him scream.
“You know Eli, it’s funny how God let your beloved messiah die but you… he lets you live on. Forever.”
Eli coughed, twisting his body around to look at Victor towering over him. His slim statue veiled him in shadows. The fluorescent lamp behind his head looked like a halo. “I’m not here to offer forgiveness.”
“Hm. That makes two of us then.” Victor shot him in the forehead. “And that’s why I won’t let you go this time.” He shot him again. Eli was able to listen but he couldn’t move. His brain was too damaged for that. “You’re coming with me.”
Eli felt Victor tightening ropes around his wrists. He healed fast but when he was able to move again, the ropes stopped him. “Let me go.” He coughed blood.
“Why would I? I just got you.” Victor leaned down until his face was only centimeters from his ear. He held his breath. “I hunted you down, Cardale.”
Eli hated that the roughness of Victor’s voice was getting to him. He had lost – for now at least – and he knew how thorough Victor was. He wouldn’t escape so easily. He really was at his mercy. Victor had full control over him now. What was he going to do with him? He could torture him, could drown him in the ocean, could lock him away like a doll in a showcase. Something about this was strangely comforting. Victor had finally hunted him down. He was his prey; was everything Vic wanted. Though Victor would get bored eventually. To have Eli was his final goal – what was he going to do when Eli was transfixed all nice and tightly? Hell stood before both of their doors – maybe he could convince Victor to let him go eventually. For now, he played along. He twisted his hands around, grunted against the ground.
“Hm, I love to see you squirm like that. It’s like you never were the glorious soldier of God in the first place.”
“Victor-“, Eli started but Victor straightened up immediately and put his boot to his mouth.
“I’m going to break you Cardale.”, he spat at him. “I’m going to show you hell.”
Eli smiled against the sole. He had a feeling he was going to enjoy this. He himself would break apart but the promise to see Victor break down, too, was something he deeply craved. He was sure those steel-blue eyes would never leave his eyes again.
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beedoes-stuff · 1 year
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darien-doodles · 1 year
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I did briefly mention drawing myself with V i.e. as Cheeky a while back. It's kind of old now but I thought it'd be fun to post it.
I think this was supposed to take place after Cheeky joined up with V again.
Especially because I can be a bit of a stiff despite the cheek I do have. Our dynamic would be slightly different too and had that in mind while I was drawing.
~ Dari
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falkea · 2 years
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Scythe audio fanart
Daddy dickhead V from the Villain series and Dark as well as Blade from the Dark one series
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solemn-siren · 9 months
Deception - villain!Huntedskelly drabble
I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what possessed me to write this.
I guess I just felt like it?
I also decided to write a more fight oriented story to practice for upcoming stuff and since I recently watched the bad guys, I decided to go for a spy AU to not only balance out Siren’s powers but because.. why not.
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“The golden dolphin is right here in this room. Do you copy, Agent Amulet?”
“Copy.” Was my answer as I descended into the dark room. Agent Viper had already disabled the traps that were placed in the room, and hacked the security system down. Even if by a miracle one was working, they would only see the shadows of a humanoid shape with two pairs of cat ears on their head, descending down into the hall that had our target.
“And how is the distraction going, Agent King?” Nephya, our digital assistant and our leader, asked, her soft calm voice dancing through my ear via an earpiece. I’ve known both Agent Viper and Agent Storm even before the whole spy mission thing, and we made one epic trio.
Agent Viper, or Kenpo, was our hacker. He was our safety net, although a kind of safety net you throw first. He made sure all our plan went smoothly, by shutting down camera after camera, altering data, and being our eyes. There was nothing that could hide from him and his snake like eyes.
Then there was Agent King, or Storm, who was not only our charisma master, but for missions where distraction isn’t needed, he was my partner in crime, and trust was placed in us. He could pull off various disguises, stay undetected and when the stakes are high, mentally mess with the mind to keep them off my trail. His purple gaze was calming to the ally, but haunting to the villain.
And then there was me. The action lady, the daredevil, Agent Amulet. But all I’m doing is the fancy, action focused stuff in an environment altered to the best condition in the background by Viper and King. They’re the ones who deserve the recognition, I’m the person they see when the golden dolphin is stolen.
“Oh wonderful.” Storm answered as I landed inside the room, pulling down the purple tinted goggles over my eyes. With a single button press on the side, the purple gradually transitioned to a lime green, and the room became clear as day.
In front of my eyes, meters away on a pedestal, stood the golden dolphin, a shimmering gold statue in the shape of a dolphin that was famous for being the top target of criminals and spies alike, every one failing to steal the valuable treasure. We were going to be the first to successfully steal it, and we would be famous for it.
“Oh imagine the riches when we sell it to the black market!” Nephya beamed as I silently dashed through the trap less room to the dolphin. Picking it up, it felt like a dream come true. Immediately I smuggled it inside a bag that was slung around my shoulders, and I celebrated in silence.
“Boys, we did it.” I whispered, resting my hands on the pedestal. “Viper, how’s escape looking?”
“All clear.” Kenpo answered, and Siren could faintly hear the clatter of a keyboard behind his excited voice. “Stick to the plan and you’re good to go. We’re gonna be rich in no time-“
There was an explosion ringing through our ears. I turned around, where there was a cloud of dust and debris from the explosion falling down in the other end of the hall.
“Viper, we’re not alone.” I told Kenpo, flicking my wrist to bring out a sword. In the darkness of the shadows, the blade glimmered in a faint purple, with the handles shining brighter than the golden dolphin. “Specifically, I’m not,”
From the dust, our unwanted visitor emerged. They were tall, taller than Storm towering over the much shorter me even from a distance. They wore an all black jacket with a hint of blue hidden in the shadows, with steel toed boots and what looked like a sword on their back. Their face was concealed by a hood, but when they pulled it back I immediately recognized who it was,
“Huntedskelly?” I gasped, lowering the sword down just a little.
“Oh it’s you, Siren.” Hunted growled, spinning a knife in his hands. His Storm grey eyes stared back at me, piercing a bolt of lightning through anyone that looked directly at him. The weight of the golden dolphin didn’t bother me, I was more worried about what he was doing here. “A nice surprise to see you here. I think you have what I want. The golden dolphin.”
“Amulet? What’s going on?” Kenpo asked as Hunted drew his dark sword. I was still trying to process what was going so answering Kenpo was the least of my worries.
Hunted cackled in the dark of the room, his insane face illuminated by the glow of his sword. His eyes shined silver, showing signs that he was crazy for violence. With the glowing sword in hand he charged forward, his cackling laughter echoing in the hallway.
“Amulet?” Storm asked as I dashed away from Hunted’s sword as it was brought down, the point of impact unleashing a spark of cyan that lit up the dark room. “What’s going on? Who’s attacking? Do you need assistance?”
“It’s Hunted!” I answered in panic as Hunted pulled out his sword from the ground, glaring back at me. My sword was still in my hands, and as he charged forward to strike again, I blocked the strike with my sword, a spark of blue and purple clashing in the night. I dashed backwards, pulling back a hidden mechanism on my right glove, revealing a hidden hand crossbow in enchanting blacks and purples.
”Agent Amulet, I’m sending King to you as backup.” Nephya commanded as I fired several shots from the crossbow. “Viper, continue monitoring the guards. We may need to escape.”
Kenpo didn’t answer. Hunted dodged majority of the shots but one of them landed dead center on his arm, forcing him to drop the sword. Taking the chance I lunged forward, tipping my balance off enough to swing under his arm to grab the still ignited sword. Before I could fully grab the sword, Hunted suddenly grabbed the ends of my hood, throwing me to the side.
“Backup would be appreciated.” Was all I could manage to say, and I heard Storm make a sound of reassurance. Before I could stand up a hand slammed me back into the wall, holding me there. A quiet hum of a laser shut me up, as Hunted’s eyes pierced through the veil of darkness.
“What do you want the dolphin for anyways? Profit?” I asked, flicking the glove again, revealing a set of crystalline knives embedded into the scales. The shining pointed ends stood inches away from Hunted’s neck, and I was ready to strike whenever.
Hunted smiled, drawing the sword closer. “What do you think I want it for? Fame? Hah that’s stupid.” He answered, tightening his grip on his sword. “There’s something mystical about it, and it’s not just some gold dolphin. There is power inside it. Now where have you hid it-“
He was interrupted by a hidden force tackling into him, knocking him into the ground. A second punch by a clocked figure sent a sharp bolt of lightning that shocked him, sending his screams across the room.
The cloaked figure took off his hood, revealing a set of familiar calming eyes and silver grey hair with a small braid at the end.
“Can’t believe Hunted would just attack you like that…” He muttered as he helped me back up. I nodded in agreement. “Come on let’s get out of he-“
“Not so fast.”
Hunted, using every last of his strength to stand up, glared at us, his sword in his hands. Storm pulled out a trident, pointing it at his brother.
“We can end this peacefully.” He growled as he circled Hunted like a lion and a cheetah. “We can leave in silence, because I’m not going to hurt any of my brothers.”
“Well I’m not going to back down without the dolphin.” Hunted answered, staring back at his own brother. “I’m not going back, until the world is mine.”
There was a second of silence, before the brothers charged at each other and began the never ending fight of death, while I just stood there doing nothing. The bright blue of Hunted’s sword and the azure cyan of Storm’s trident clashed in the darkness, as I only watched from the distance.
During the fight I finally noticed why Hunted was so quick to attack, and why he raised his sword against his own family. In the silver pool of his eye, there was a glint of red.
There was something altering him.
Hunted slashed his sword, leaving a long scar across Storm’s eye as he screamed in pain. The room was illuminated in a bright red, and I tapped a single finger on the earpiece to connect to Kenpo. “Viper, don’t tell me this is-“
“A real alarm? Yup.” Kenpo answered, as Storm scrambled away from Hunted, covering his injured eye with his hand. Grabbing his free arm, I hit another button on my gloves, revealing a different hand crossbow that fired a grappling hook that pierced the ceiling, hooking onto whatever random pipe was there. Another button press and the grappling hook did its marvels, and we were on our way out.
Hunted’s red eye was clearly visible, as he hissed at the sight of our escape. Something told me this wouldn’t be the last time we’ll be seeing him.
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aceth3second · 2 months
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the-last-dragonfly · 1 year
What if Eli had been the one who killed Angie?
I know I know, but just hear me out.
I just finshed Vengeful, and thee thought just came to me. We know for sure that Angie was the only woman Victor cared and love in his life. In his own way. And in the first book he was shock about the lack of or care Eli had about the fact that Angie died.
Even 15 years after what heppened still tormented him.
So, what would happen if he wasn't the one who killed her to gain the power and being an EO? His vengance would be diference? His obsesion?
I know if it was the case everything would be technically diference but, I just wonder how that would change Victor
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Benjamin Netanyahu like Captain Ryuya is true main antagonist.
during the 2024 Israeli Revolution.
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tinaxpow · 5 months
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Obsessed with Victor Vale atm, so here's my first try at blackout poetry ✨️
I wanted it to have some kind of connection to Vicious, so I looked for sth that had the name Serena in it. This was the first result.
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asmrtist-brainrot · 2 years
Characters in Mind:
Redacted - IMP! VEGA, Vincent, William
Siren's Son - Mason, THRESH, Daz
Nomad's - VILLAIN HUSBAND, Deacon, Citron, ERRIR
Good Boy Audios - Odin, Fenrir, ALBUS
YuuriVoice - Seth, ALPHONSE, Finn, AURON
Scythe - V, DARK, Siren
Love Boldly - Ravenoff, Apollo, KIERIAN, Alexander
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Your fingers lace together, admiring the calloused skin across his palms. Powerful in their repose, holding strength through every tendon...
Even as delicately he handled your's, the squeeze was light, reassuring.
Fingertips graze across the top of his bruised knuckles before you lean, soft lips meeting the back of his hand.
Whispering tender words to one the parts of him that you loved so much.
"No matter the blood they've spilled or bones they've broken. No matter how dirty they are, the lives ended... I'm always going to love these hands of your's.... Because they're apart of you."
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