#Visualize to win
zytes · 1 year
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look alive, sunshine
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horsefingerss · 2 years
Me, lying in bed to fall asleep, heart breaking after the wwdits season 4 finale for Laszlo and Baby Colin: just reading his diary restored his memory completely even the stuff that wasn’t included? And wiped out the recent ones. ugh I wish baby Colin had kept a diary…
Me sitting bolt upright in a cold sweat: tHE YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!!
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mblue-art · 1 month
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milkbreadtoast · 2 months
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(OC) boyfriends..... 🤭🧡💜
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weaponizedducks · 4 months
absolute funniest thing to me is Disney scrapping Nimona only for netflix to take it and get it oscar nominated while Wish, Disney's 100th anniversary movie, got nothing. karma really is a bitch
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jedaos · 1 year
all quiet on the western front is literally a movie discussing the futility of war, of how little boys sign up to march to their death because of propaganda fed to them by their teachers and mentors who prey on their idealistic view on life. it is a film that makes you watch death after death after death, without giving you a single cause or philosophy or ideal for you to soothe yourself with—because there is none. there are only boys and men, bleeding cold and alone on the dirt and mud. there is no worth. there is no reason. there is only death.
and you reduce it to a "war movie". it's based off a book brave enough to depict the realities of war in the charged political climate of 1929, and you call it "the war movie".
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alexsiple · 2 months
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my color script for tóraíocht's trailer, which is crowdfunding right now!
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eggcats · 1 month
I do have an idea of Alastor taking Vox pet shopping, because Vox mentioned having a dog when he was alive and missing having a companion
Alastor agrees to get him a pet, as long as it ISN'T a dog
Vox cannot believe THIS is the one line Alastor won't cross, not even using his most adorable digital face changed his mind - but Vox still wants a pet, so he agrees. No dogs.
(They haven't been together long enough for Vox to LEARN why no dogs was such a big deal, here - I kind of think that's something Alastor doesn’t talk about until they've been together for like 10-20 years).
So! They go to a pet store, and Vox immediately wants the giant dog-like shark.
(Alastor tries to say no, but Vox is like "C'mon it's not a dog!!! *insert cute anime eyes before that was even a concept* so Alastor relents).
And the poor shop employee is like, trying to figure out how to tell the fucking Radio Demon and the guy who's starting to take over all the media that they probably don't have the ability to care for the shark-dog thing. (Think, stressed PetSmart employee trying to go "No, a baby bunny isn't a good gift for Easter" except to a serial killer actively covered in blood, here. That's the visual I'm thinking of).
[side note: why do I punish poor minimum wage employees constantly, I promise I have also worked a minimum wage job working for the general public, lol]
But when the employee explains that the shark-dog thing needs a large body of water (probably ocean) to swim in often, Alastor is just like "Oh I can summon that, easily. I'll add it to the guest bedroom since Vox no longer uses it." And Vox is like, what do you MEAN that's something you can do?? You can't just drop casual lore like that at the pet store!
Alastor is like "?? Darling, what do you mean? I have a bayou in my room in the closet? A little beach isn't any more difficult."
And it turns out that when Vox moved in, Alastor told him not to go in that closet. Alastor meant it in a "don't go in there without me, because wandering in a bayou could be dangerous if you don't know where you are/how to do so safely" kind of way.
Vox, however, took it in a Bluebeard kind of way and was like, "Easy, I'm not having him murder me, so he'll be stuck with me forever. Win/win scenario, I solved the fairytale" and just assumed he DID because they're dating now.
And Alastor is left staring with the most confused smile on his face, trying to come to terms with the fact that Vox just casually accepted that he was living in a Bluebeard-like scenario, and his response was to play by the rules so he can stay with Alastor.
(They get the shark-dog. Vox names it Vark. Alastor immediately takes away his "allowed to name new things" privilege, but it's too late. It only responds to Vark).
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yukinikuu · 10 months
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i hold the gays in the kokoron mv close to my heart
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saccharinosis · 2 months
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It's not asexual day without cake (Happy Asexual Day!)
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intotheelliwoods · 3 months
I have one more thing I want to work on before I get back into updating 2AL regularly, but until then......
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garbashedump · 4 months
Valentines special!
How TFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF DID I MAKE THIS!?!?!?!?!?! i have no mf clue cause either I was given God's hands or I sold my soul to the devil and forgot
tsk, tsk, tsk! look at the mess they made! how are they gonna get those lipstick stains off thier clothes! Man teenagers what to do with them
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Dw, dw i made sure there was enough to go around for everybody so take ur pick!
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I guess you can say... they got the KISSES THE HOLIDAY AFTER
yall know the drill, oc's belong to @chaosaliien! go check them out they're an amazing artist and should enjoy lots of chocco along with other mutuals!
also the refrence used:
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mblue-art · 1 year
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man's skull feels like the fkn sun <3
my artjuice is going into shitposting
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daddy-long-legssss · 18 days
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All My Own Stunts
Josh [Homme] comes and sings on this one. He’s very dominant, his voice. When you record his voice it just sort of leaps out, it’s great. What else can I tell you about that one? It’s got another reference to cowboy films. It just says, “I’ve been watching cowboy films on gloomy afternoons” which were something I were doing at the time. It’s also where we let ourselves have a bit of a wig-out.
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deadboystims · 5 days
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✦ ┊ toy bonnie & mangle stimboard!!
sources : 1 , 2 , 3 ┊ 4 , 5 , 6 ┊ 7 , 8 , 9
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fluentisonus · 23 days
iceberg meme where above the surface is my silly little drawing & below the surface is the ten million years of research & textual connections I did which didn't rlly end up coming through in the drawing in the end anyways
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