#Vox hypnosis
bigbadvoxbox · 7 months
Okay but hear me out: what if reader consents to letting Vox hypnotize them during sex? I’m talking like absolutely humiliating them the whole time too because they can’t do anything about it. Only if you’re comfy writing it ofc, fem or gn reader
good lORD
once again, weird format, just easier this way otherwise it would never get done and would collect dust in my requests and we don't want that, do we?
warnings: hypnosis sex (100% consensual). unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it, babes). vox is a control freak. degradation. consensual recording.
- Vox is THRILLED by this idea. To find out that you'd like him to hypnotise you, he can't help but almost short circuit from the excitement. He loves using his power to brainwash promote his tech, so having permission to use it on you during SEX?! Goddamn. He's hard.
- He loves being in control, he finds the thrill of being able to tell people what to do, and have them obey absolutely thrilling. He repeats that same trigger word as he holds your face in his hands. "Trust me..." 'with your body, with your mind, with you.' is his intention, rather than the usual "safety" or "entertainment" like in his ads. He wants you to relax, just let him take control. You'll feel so good, he promises you. Just trust him.
- Having you obey every word he says has him on a power trip, and he can't help but start to degrade you. (Of course this is agreed upon beforehand that it's okay.)
- "Awh, can't even think for yourself? Like a stupid whore? Gotta have me to tell you what to do, 'n boss you around? You like it when I boss you around, don't you?"
- And he's so right.
- Something about being completely at Vox's mercy is so thrilling. It also ironically feels... liberating. Free from all the worries about making decisions and junk like that. He can do all that for you. You get to just look pretty and feel good. And he's gonna take such good care of you.
- He records it all (again agreed upon beforehand) so that he can show you alllll the raw footage when you're out of your hypnosis. The way he has you put yourself in so many dirty positions, makes you say such nasty shit, it really gets him off to have that control.
- You're just like an obedient doll, and he can't help but absolutely love that. He is an absolute control freak in all aspects so sex is no different.
- You end up cumming so hard it snaps you out of it, which he realises when you wrap your legs around his waist, holding him close to cum inside of you.
- You're COVERED in bites and hickeys, and your legs feel like hell, but you're also practically glowing from the euphoric shocks of your orgasm that continue to zap at your nerves. You should let him handle you like this more often, jesus.
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katanation · 4 months
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bro is having Hell's Biggest Exertion Headache™ rn
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strobelir · 2 months
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spending some quality time with your archenemy :)
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tokintormin · 9 days
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maladaptiveobsession · 7 months
yandere vox headcanons
contains: emotional manipulation, brief dubcon mention, brief hypnosis mention, overprotective behavior, stalking
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yandere vox
who is condescending and manipulative; he knows what’s best for you, just obey him without question. choosing to be stubborn? don’t be so quick to forget that he is also a man who could destroy everything you’ve worked for with a snap of his fingers. you’ll remember who you belong to once he’s taken it all. no need to chase after you; you’ll crawl back to him when all is said and done.
who demands your full attention; even amongst a crowd, you should have eyes and ears solely for him. your thoughts should be encompassed by him. every action you take should be made with him in mind.
who is obsessively controlling; every aspect of your life is monitored by him. what you wear, what you eat, and even what time you go to bed. you’ll find yourself compelled to listen to his “advice” and “suggestions”. he only wants the best for you right? you can trust him! by the time you notice how much control he has over your life, it’s far too late. rebel if you’d like, just note that he’s not above hypnotizing you if you prove to be difficult. you can’t blame him for wanting to protect you.
who monitors your every move, never letting you out of his sight. he has eyes everywhere, yet they only search for you. there isn’t a place in hell where you can hide from him. don’t bother running either, he’ll have you crawling back to him in no time. as the tv demon, it’s only natural that he’d observe you before properly introducing himself. before then, he’ll have studied everything about you. from your music preferences and unique quirks to you online history and darkest secrets you thought you’d take to the grave; your entire world is on display for him.
who clings to you; hovering over your shoulder, a hand lingering on the small of your back, sitting so close that his thighs press against yours—all subtle displays of his possessive. as time moves forward and you find yourself with less and less freedoms, you’ll likely brush off his increasingly daring touches, like how tightly he grips the fat of your thigh when you smile at someone other than him. when he finally has you, don’t be alarmed if his hands wander in private. he’s done so much for you, the least you could do is to look pretty for him while he rearranges your guts.
who is jealous and petty; sharply inhaling if you so much as greet someone other than him. he’s not usually one to share, this trait manifesting in the form of convincing you to distance yourself from your friends. they’re bad influences and he's looking out for you! don’t you trust him?
who’s selfish; fully aware he’s hurting you, but unwilling to stop. you’ll get over yourself in time. regardless, you don’t have to love him back, you just have to be his.
who will never hit you. he has no need to, not when your emotions are to easy to exploit. he never wants you to feel the way valentino makes him feel—used, unappreciated, fearful
who genuinely cares about you. he truly does want the best for you, even at the cost of losing your affections. vox will do anything to keep you safe and happy, except for letting you go. he’ll do whatever it takes to keep you by his side. you can only push him so far before he does something more drastic.
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prince-liest · 5 months
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I am having perhaps an excessive amount of fun with this one.
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jmb-reverie · 2 months
Bottom Alastor Week - Day 2: Hypnosis 🌀
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Full on my Twitter 👀
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redladydeath · 1 month
random thought:
vox - controls people's minds valentino - controls people's senses velvette - controls people's emotions
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voxhypno · 5 days
"Virus Collab - Public Announcement" Hypno File!
Here at CLTV, we take your safety seriously, which is why we've sent out this special news bulletin warning listeners of the presence and dangers of the novel mind virus being spread around by the group known as the Collective. Please stay calm, relax, and listen to my voice as I walk you through the proper steps to take.
This file includes a suggestion to share it around, and also to proclaim allegiance to the Collective.
Hello! This file was made in collaboration with the other wonderful humans that make up the Hypno Collective! Find a list of our current and past projects, as well as a full list of members (including yours truly) at our website!
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“It didn’t have to be like this.”
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cybergothvox · 4 months
Hypnosis script for Anxiety
This scrip will implant the trigger phrase 'You are safe'. I am a Vox fictive and mention my metal fingers, if you would like you can imagine Vox while reading this, though you can dismiss that part if it does not speak to you. I have been learning how to do hypnosis mainly by reading @nocturnowlette 's blog so I use some of their techniques, please check out their blog! This was originally written for my partner, so there are some romantic coded things that you may dismiss if they do not speak to you, but that you are also welcome to lean into if you like it. This is my first hypnosis script, I hope you enjoy an I welcome constructive feedback! Let me know if i melted you xoxo
Just focus on my words. Imagine yourself at the top of a staircase with ten steps. As I count down, imagine yourself taking a step down the staircase, and with each step you will go deeper and deeper intro trance, feeling safer and safer the deeper you go, the more you focus on my voice. Ten. Breathing slower, and slower. Nine. Feeling more and more relaxed. Eight. Focusing on my words. Seven. Feeling safer, and safer. Six. Feeling your thoughts melt away. Five. Breathing in… and out. Four. Sinking deeper, and deeper. Three. Allowing yourself to give control over to me. Safe. Two. Letting go of conscious thought. It is normal to have thoughts, but each time you hear one it just… melts away. Focusing on my words.
It is normal to have thoughts of other things. Each time you have one of these thoughts, imagine it going into a bubble. All your thoughts, slowly becoming bubbles. Pop. The bubbles start popping. As each bubble pops, you feel yourself fall deeper and deeper into trance, your thoughts slipping away.
Pop. Pop. Pop. The bubbles pop slowly at first, but over time they pop faster and faster, each pop causing you to become more relaxed.
Good. You are very deep in a trance now. Focusing entirely on my words. You are being such a good boy for me. You feel completely safe with me. It is okay for you to give me your control. Repeat after me: 'I give you my control'
You are being so good for me. So relaxed and focused on my words. I adore you. You are completely safe.
You feel a warm relaxing feeling starting at the top of your head. As it moves through your body, you feel more and more relaxed, more and more safe and comfortable.
The warm feeling goes down from the top of your head to your face, relaxing all the muscles.
it moves down, relaxing your neck and shoulders. Making you feel safe, comfortable, and loved. Loved by me and my words.
It moves down to your chest, relaxing your body, slowing your breathing, relaxing you completely.
and down into your torso, and your legs, feeling safe, and comfortable.
and down to your shins and your feet, a warm, tingling feeling, now through your entire body, feeling completely safe and happy.
I am here with you. I love you. You are safe with me.
Feel my hand gently on your back, running down your spine, metal fingers pressing into just the right amount that it feels good and is comfortable.
I run my hand down your back and bring it back up, petting you in a slow, repetitive motion, soothing you.
I bring my hand up, and then run it down your back.
Up, down. Up, down. Feeling my fingers pressing into your skin gently.
Good. Whenever i repeat the phrase, 'You are safe', you will feel this safe and comfortable feeling, more and more. Each time I say it you will feel safer and more relaxed. You are safe. I run my hand down your back. You are safe. I bring my hand up and scritch the top of your head, making your brain feel tingly and good. You are safe. You feel completely safe and comfortable. You are in my hands, and I am taking care of you. You are safe. You being so good for me. You are safe.
Remember the phrase, 'You are safe.' Whenever you repeat this phrase to yourself, it will bring you back to this safe, relaxed and happy feeling that you have now, even after you have returned to the waking world.
When you are ready, I will bring you back up to the waking world. But you can stay here and enjoy this safe feeling for as long as you would like, feeling my hands petting your back and scritching your head. When you are ready, continue reading.
You are doing so well. I adore you. You being so good for me.
Okay. You are at the bottom of the staircase. With each number I say, take a step up, slowly and comfortably returning to consciousness. One. Beginning to slowly wake up. Two. Slowly allowing thought to return. Three. Still feeling safe. Four. Your limbs feel normal, it is easier to move. Five. Feeling more and more like your normal self. Six. Allowing yourself to regain control. Seven. Feeling more and more awake. Eight. Feeling alert. Nine. Almost completely normal.
Good. You can take as much time as you need. Move at whatever pace is comfortable. Slowly letting your thoughts return, wiggling your fingers and toes to ground yourself in your body, slowly you wake up.
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strobelir · 2 months
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so I downloaded like 150 brushes in clipstudio but I'm stupid and I only use two for everything :)
anyway, look what I did...
What do you think is happening? give me suggestions! pls
What was bound to happen happened and they ended up deleting it entirely, so head to twitter if you wanna check it out :)
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valentinoappreciator · 8 months
Vox hypnotizing me into a drooling, cock hungry mess who’s so warm and wet and willing for any cock to fill her holes, and Valentino just cannot resist, so he takes full advantage of me and the situation…. when
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tokintormin · 28 days
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part 2, end.
part 1 here
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radiostaticyuri · 7 months
Vox's hypnosis actually works on Alastor. The thing about it is that Vox's hypnosis works like real life hypnosis. (ie. It can only make someone do something they already want to do). Normally everyone wants to do what Vox says because hes Vox. Alastor is different, because he doesn't buy into basically anything that Vox is selling.
It gets a little more complicated when it comes to the two of them spending time around each other, though, because Alastor doesn't even know what he wants. Alastor doesn't realize that's how Vox's hypnosis works. He thinks it can just make you do anything, so there will be times where Vox will try something and it won't work, and there will be times where it does work. Alastor just thinks he's more able to resist Vox because he's an Overlord. This isn't true.
Hypnotization is one of the few ways Alastor can be made to say or do something genuine even when he's not exactly ready to, and not being in control of his own actions is one of his greatest fears. So, naturally, any time Vox successfully hypnotizes Alastor, Alastor ultimately comes out of it feeling gross and violated.
Which Vox doesn't care about, because what's the big deal? Alastor wouldn't have done it if he didn't really want to deep down. Whatever he told Alastor to do, it probably resulted in the two of them having a good time, so Alastor has nothing to be upset about. Plus, Alastor has never told Vox no. His behavior after the fact suggests he's unhappy, but he's never outright told Vox to stop because doing the nice thing even though he wasn't prepared to still conflicts him. What if he says no and then they never do the nice thing again because he can't suck it up enough to initiate anything without the hypnosis?
Alastor ends up using it as a crutch. If he doesn't want to admit to having liked something, he can just say "well I was forced to do it." The fact he would admit something like that is telling on its own, because it implies he's even more unnerved and humiliated by the thought of people knowing he enjoys intimacy than he is by the thought of people knowing Vox has power over him.
The other problem is that he can be especially deranged sometimes and pull a "haha well i was actually just pretending to be hypnotized. I did it because I wanted to, not because he made me." But sometimes, he doesn't actually know. Because he doesn't believe Vox's hypnosis only gets people to do things they already wanted to do, sometimes he psyches himself out and doesn't know what he actually wanted to do vs what he didn't actually want to do. He gets really frustrated about it. In the end he's only really hurting himself, unless he somehow finds a way to gaslight Vox by lying.
But Vox is just like. Lol this is a win for me i get to do awesome stuff with alastor no regrets im getting all the attention from him EVER this is awesome
Its a really dubious thing because Alastor is just made so uncomfortable by the hypnosis, but Vox won't stop, but Alastor won't tell him to stop because what if once he stops they never do anything nice together again? And admitting any of that stress and fear to Vox would undo him. It'd shatter him.
I have lots of scenarios about this in my brain it can fuck them up so bad. Vox using his hypnosis to make Alastor confront every single desire he thought he locked away in a box at the back of his mind. Vox being endeared by that vulnerabiltiy, so positively intoxicated by it that he doesn't see that instead of fixing Alastor, it's making him worse.
Or maybe he does, and maybe he prefers it that way just to see Alastor express something other than his facade, to know Alastor actually cares even if he won't say it, to command Alastor's attention in a way no one else can.
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enbearcub · 3 days
Trying a new game on my self. I've started college and so I have to be like, smart and that during the weekdays. So during the weekend I'll only be using this Tumblr and watching hypno before I go to bed.
( @voxhypno is soon becoming a favourite cause of the gender neutral language makes it enby/thembo friendly)
So if some people want to send me some encouragement in the comments, maybe reblog too. Go ahead!
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