anthenasikes · 2 years
anyways spoilers but honestly i think ive realized that half my favorite zeorororo ecsape characters are literally just the entire bullshit klim family line
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yes-asil · 1 month
Going Home
Also I have a Youtube Channel now??? It's just to post Animations and Speedpaints on for now so yeah!!
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viarayy01-blog · 2 months
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you just dont get it
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kitamars · 1 year
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and you will willingly place yourself betwixt the jaws of the beast
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saturnniidae · 6 months
I like to think Hiccup has whole 'conversations' with Toothless that are essentially incomprehensible to anyone but them (they consist of little human language–mostly draconic noises and body language as well as signals/cues specific to Hiccup and Toothless) the other riders are used to it at this point, but a lot of people are very much not and find it incredibly confusing.
Its started a lot of rumors of Hiccup being some 'dragon whisperer' that can actually speak to and command them and the other riders tease him about it relentlessly because he despises the rumors and always tries to correct them. Like every time they're brought up he'll say something along the lines of "No. If u actually pay attention to and connect with them, adapting to their way of communication isn't hard. I don't actually speak with them ur just not observant enough" and is constantly ignored
(This is kind of a follow-up to another post but I didn't want to tack it onto a rb)
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iidsch · 4 months
y'all I started playing a miku game for the 3DS and now I'm legally obligated to take back every negative thing I've said about the 3DS
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girlboyburger · 6 months
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with my move around the corner and life feeling sort of real again, i'm having Regular Thoughts about hobbies i've been meaning to revisit...
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watchyourbuck · 7 months
“We get closer than ever this season. You know there’s a lot of changes in the relationship and how we interact. All those things. We’re trying to give the audience what they want, yeah.” Ryan is public enemy number one bro what the FUCK IS THIS
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snakeoid · 1 year
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low effort neuvillette body headcanon
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sundayrobin · 21 days
anyone wants to talk about jingliu and feixiao and their parallels. how they both identify themselves as a weapon meant to bring down their enemies (jingliu as a sword and feixiao as an arrow). how both came from war-torn planet devastated by the abundance, which became the primary force that drives their present motivation. how both had mentors who saved them from their own home planet and were the ones who taught them to fight against the abundance. how they were both born and raised as pawns of war, realizing they are unable to escape a life that will always revolve around the war against the abundance, so might as well make themselves a useful pawn.
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flimsy-spine · 7 months
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my favorite madney scenes: [35/?] ⇢ Future Tense, 4.03
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nqn · 2 months
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"name one!" "do you want a list, or should i pick the worst?"
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ssaalexblake · 9 months
one of my favourite things about Jodie's performance as the doctor is that she is always Moving. She's always using big, overt stage gestures. Always fiddling or shifting. Movement is such a huge part of her portrayal of the character to the point that it's So constant that you barely notice she's always moving after a while.
Of course, this is brilliant because it throws such Stark contrast on those few moments where she is still. Where she is a statue. Where you can feel the fury radiate off of her, judgemental and terrifying.
The physical acting is just *chef's kiss*
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kusanagihaku · 1 month
don't mind this too much I'm just typing out my thoughts but I feel like Haku carries around a lot of emotional baggage and this might be because of his issues with his family and maybe--if there are any--unresolved issues with Frostheim?? I know him and Tohma aren't on the best terms fs.
Anyway, I feel like whenever Haku brings up any issues from the past he talks about them so... casually? When Haku brings up Tohma in his home screen voice lines, it doesn't seem like he holds any grudges toward Tohma--if anything I read it thinking they were almost friendly with each other before I saw his campus convo w/ Tohma. It's also silly to me how when Haku brought up his family being "happy to see him gone" he didn't seem like he was bothered by it at all. I don't mean to say he was actually unbothered by it ofc I just feel like he definitely has a lot of baggage and I want to assume he tries not to ponder on it too much for his own mental health and to maybe not be a burden on others?? lowkey relatable but my take on Haku is that he definitely doesn't like to bring up his past unless it's relevant to the conversation 😭 and even then he gives a vague amount of details and doesn't really seem to state his opinions on them.
I feel like his affinity 19 line kinda just reaffirmed this for me? it just seems like he bottles up a lot of his emotions so when you get really close to him he feels comfortable enough to just vent a little bit... but even so he still apologizes. it's also interesting to me how when you get closer to him with affinity he lets you in on his life a little more (his poor sleep habits, his kind of ominous level 25 line, also his mini rant about how much it must suck to have a curse. his input on that is interesting to me given that he's so close to Rui and he tells mc that he knows how to get around a curse but I digress)
my affinity with Haku is like 5 right now so I can't really speak but he's definitely one of my favorites so far so I wanted to ask an actual Haku fan what they thought!!!
regarding haku bottling things up: i agree with you that haku seems like he's carrying around a lot but tries not to think about it too much? i don't think he bottles it up on purpose, but haku does seem like he has a 'if i don't think too much about it i can pretend it didn't happen' kind of vibe. which is also what happened when we go to ask him about the clash - he doesn't want to talk about it since it brings up pretty bad memories for the ghouls.
but more so, i think he might also be a 'it already happened, so why bother thinking about it so much?' kind of person. he brings up his family being "happy to see him gone" and how they think he's an "irresponsible heir" in a pretty flippant way, which makes me think he's either refusing to think about it too much because he'll actually need to think about what will happen after he graduates from darkwick, or he's already finished processing it and is all like it is what it is, what can i do?
i'm leaning more towards the latter because of how casually he treats it and how he just drops it into conversation. it's not big enough of an issue to him that he has to keep himself from dumping it all on you. it doesn't read like a shameful secret either, just more like a part of him and his history that just is - it just slips out whenever it comes up in conversation. after all, there's nothing he can do to change it, right?
sidenote: it also makes me wonder if haku is putting in so much effort in hotarubi missions not only to make up for subaru and zenji (given that subaru has limited firepower and zenji is... zenji...) but also to prove (to who? to himself? to whoever is watching?) that he can be responsible, he can take care of his house... after all, it's not as if subaru and mc can go talk to his family and show them how responsible he actually is in taking care of hotarubi... right?
regarding higher affinity lines 19 to 23: i agree!! it seems like the closer you get to him, the more relaxed and open he seems around you. although the higher affinity lines do just read like you're just spending a lot more time in hotarubi in general - you're awake / maybe i'll take a nap / i'm going to bed... you're around hotarubi and spending so much time together with him in his room your hours start blurring together. it's really cute also when i think about him hinting in his chat he wants to take a nap with you on the veranda. haku, rest!!!!! i say, ignoring my own massive sleep debt.
regarding his affinity 24 line about being cursed: the more i read it, the more i wonder if it's not just him being sympathetic to rui and mc being cursed... what if haku has also been cursed? that's why he's so clear about the helplessness and the "why me?" that accompanies the curse... either that or he's just a really great listener and really empathetic and kind. which, given what we've seen of him, is also a very real possibility. he has a really big heart i'm gna beat his entire family up please he needs someone on his side and to see the good in him beyond what he does for others for ONCE
regarding affinity 25 line: i've been thinking about this also!! why does he want you to forget about him, and why does he think that's selfish!!!! you want to remember him and your time together because no matter what happens in the end / if you're hurt by him or your curse, these memories are precious to you - even if you lose him, at least he was yours to lose.
he wants you to forget because somehow, he thinks the memories you have of him will cause you pain. he doesn't want to see you suffer through the process of losing him as you succumb to your curse. if you just forgot him, maybe you could go a lot easier. to him, it's selfish because you clearly don't want to forget and they're your memories and it's your prerogative, but for his own sake, he wants you to forget because he wants to see you go without pain. if you forget about him, the only one who suffers will be him.
or: haku knows memories make a person. he knows this from subaru's stigma, and he knows this from how ghosts are just memories of people who live on. once the anomaly in you takes over, if you'd just forget about him, as long as it doesn't carry any memories of your life together, it means that you're well and truly gone and he can now kill the anomaly with the knowledge that there is nothing left of you, without any sort of guilt.
regarding the haku-tohma relationship: i think also in light of the theory that haku was a frostheimer who transferred out to hotarubi (and perhaps even transferred out alongside yuri) and left a big gap for tohma to fill, it makes sense that tohma doesn't see him in a good light. tohma seems like the kind who values loyalty a lot (given how he maintains his friendship with alan), and as a result might see haku as a traitor to jin/frostheim. which also explains why when they met in ep7 ch19 tohma was all like, "our wheelhouse?" when haku used 'our' to refer to himself as part of hotarubi, as if something about haku treating himself as part of hotarubi rubs tohma the wrong way. maybe he's bitter haku doesn't think of himself as frostheim anymore? which doesn't make too much sense to me since tohma transferred out of vagastrom... unless he also thinks of himself as vagastrom at heart? maybe his frostheim identity is stored in his monocle
at the same time, haku just treats tohma sort of coolly ("if you've got something to say to me, just say it.") - he doesn't want to play politics like tohma does. which i think is very much in line with what you said about him not holding any grudges towards tohma - if anything, the tension seems very one-sided and something haku wants to leave behind.
(that one theory going around also makes sense to me... that haku would transfer out of frostheim not because of anything major but because he couldn't stand the rich people politics going on in there... he's too lazy for that sort of shit... which is why he enjoys hotarubi a lot more, since subaru is a really sincere person and zenji is just... zenji...)
anyway tldr; sorry this was a massive word vomit and idk if i even answered anything but i think haku just needs someone on his side for once and mc needs to stop second-guessing him because i, for one, will follow him wherever he goes,,,
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
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this is such a radiostatic coded poem and actually i think i know a way to make it worse. walk with me okay just. we're all familiar with hanahaki right.
imagine a hanahaki au where vox develops it after a messy radiostatic fallout. at first its bad- so bad in fact that rosie, who he'd done his best to cut contact with following the fallout, seemed to have noticed and sent him condolences and advice for 'getting rid of it' by simply confessing and letting out his feelings. not that he had a way to contact alastor at the time, thanks to the man's disappearance, but... deep down, he knew she had a point.
because really, theres actually quite a simple fix for hanahaki: simply confess your feelings for the object of your affection and no matter the response, the flowers slowly taking over you will slow their ascent. but vox doesn't want to. he tells himself its for alastor- tells himself that he knows alastor would only feel more disgusted with him, that it would sever the last remaining bonds between them and form an everlasting distrust on alastors mind... but in part, its also because- well.
when he feels the itch in his throat come up again, when he feels the need to run to the bathroom and hide himself away until the blood and the petals stop coming up and over and down all over the floor, when he feels himself slowly wasting away, cold and alone and unloved by the only person he's ever wanted... the tiny flowers, forget me nots and periwinkle stain the floor alongside his sinners blood. theyre the only thing left of alastor he has, now. and deep down, vox knows, its the only thing he'll ever have of alastor. theyre both too prideful to ever go back to what they had before, and even if they could.... well. would alastor even want to?
so he keeps it to himself. vel and val are the only ones other than his assistants to know- and in theory, that could work against him, seeing as while he has his contractees under lock and key, the same does not apply for his friends... but, well. it's nice to not be alone in this. nice to know that he won't be alone when he goes. nice to know that when he passes out from a particularly bad episode that he'll wake up swaddled in layers of blankets and soft quilts, that warm english tea velvette introduced to him waiting by his bedside along with the newest indulgent, trashy romance book val selected for him. it's nice. and he almost thinks he can bear with it like this-
that is, until the princess invites him to her hotel. and invites him to play friendly with alastor once more, to stay in the same vicinity as the other overlord without either of them trading sharp barbs and words with each other. and- and it's- it's nice. it's so good, to no longer be at each others throats. so nice to finally sit and talk with al, get to hear his voice without having to sneakily tune into a broadcast.
it's so nice that he almost forgets he's living on borrowed time. but of course, as all things do, life- and death, too- work their course.
it happens when he's visiting the hotel. not really the place he'd wanted to be when it happened- vox had hoped- well. he's not sure what he'd hoped. but... he'd hoped to be with velvette and valentino when it happened. to at least have the two people who understood by his side when he eventually succumbed to his own weakness. instead, it's alastor who notices first as vox's frequency goes slightly off tune, eyes widening as the flowers and the blood come up. it's alastor who sprints to vox's side first, immediately scooping the other up into a gentle hold as his shadow summons come to vox's aide. it's alastor, who grasps his hand tight as vox continues coughing, gasping and choking for breath, dribbling red blood and flower petals falling from his mouth.
alastor recognises those flowers. of course he does, he was the one who had shown them to vox.
in his delirium, with desperate hands clutching him tightly and begging him to hold on, please, please, i can't lose you when i've just gotten you back--
vox smiles.
a hand reaches out blindly, fumbling for a moment before he finds what he's looking for. bloodstained claws reach up, shaking hard as they tuck two flowers behind alastor's antlers.
i'm sorry i could never tell you, al, he laughs. it's weak. he's growing weaker, and by the panicked look on alastor's face, he can tell, too. i- i was scared. didn't- didn't wanna lose-- the last bit of you i had left. at least this way... i got to keep this part of you.
he smiles again, wider. it probably looks disgusting, with the flowers and the blood everywhere. he probably looks like a mess. but it's fine. he has to say this.
i hope you enjoy this last part of me, too.
and with that, alastor is left in the bloodstained foyer of the hazbin hotel, clutching a still body to his chest.
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