#WC: 324
lgcsori · 26 days
make me a model
"look, shout, see!"
modeling had never interested sori much, but getting her name and face out there had. one of her first times getting her face shown to the public (besides the legacy instagram) had been a modeling gig. her dad was a successful and popular model, he’d often told her about the wonders of modeling, still, it had never interested sori very much. she wanted to become a successful idol though, and there was more to being a successful idol than music videos and concerts, most idols did modeling and acting too.
the renewal of her contract with passion5 fit well for sori, it was a chance to get her face out there, and though she wasn’t the biggest model fan, it would bring more good than bad. she’d told her dad about the gig, and he seemed quite happy, said maybe they could model together someday, sori still wasn’t too sure about that, she didn’t want any rumours about only being successful due to her dad.
sori finds herself filming for the cf, she doesn’t mind getting her hair and makeup done too much. she has experience in modeling, so though she’s not the best, she still delivers a confident performance. 
and at some point they send sori to the shop so she can give out autographs, and sori is happy to do so. she’s surprised more than five people want her autograph, almost forgetting how many things she’s done by now, future dreams, legacy girls japan, she’s not an unknown person anymore, there’s people who are genuinely her fans. it feels nice to give out autographs, it feels weird people want them from her though. she can only dream of a day where her autographs are worth a bunch of money, she wonders, when she makes it big, will these people treasure her autograph, or will they sell it for a big price? ah well, no matter what, she’s happy to give out autographs.
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lgcjisoo · 4 months
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he can hardly believe he's already on episode sixteen, granted they've filmed some other episodes that didn't quite make the cut, or had horrible corrupted audio or footage that had to axe the whole thing. it's been a while since he's done something sports related and with the trend of how everyone likes to pick up on fitness things back in January, and then old habits get in the way again, jisoo thinks putting himself through a sports class that he's never done would be a good thing. so far, none of the sports classes besides the dance ones have been ones he actually wanted to continue doing... maybe this will be the one?
a spin class. yep! that's what jisoo decided to do. something about it being indoors felt 'safer' than an outdoors sport, and that's how jisoo finds himself standing in front of a studio, dressed in casual clothing and a nervous grin as the camera is on him. "i've heard that spin can be very fun. but it can't be that hard, right? i've biked on a stationary bike before..." and that's the thing about him is he doesn't research nearly enough for any of his episodes and usually goes in with a very open mind, which can be to an innocent, ignorant fault because he's in way over his head the moment the class starts. the atmosphere, it's great. the instructor? very encouraging and cheery, but hell. jisoo can work out but he's never been a fan of high intensity workouts - which... alright. he deserves this. and if he really loves it, he could continue. there's a snippet of him from the cameraman halfway where he's definitely sweating a lot, and he peers at the cameraman with a pained grimace. "maybe... maybe there's a beginner level that is easier than this but i can do it. you can do it too! ha! yea. do you think we get a break?"
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eunholgc · 1 year
eunho’s reaction and response to seeing bomin
eunho wasn't completely aware of the reason why he had been called in to a meeting with the manager, but he sits down when asked and listens to what the man has to say. analyzing the performance, that makes sense and the popularity. he feels like no matter what he does he will lack there compared to nathan, he had been in type zero for longer after all but listening to the man has eunho thinking about it. the reason why he was picked as a leader for type zero, he hadn't understood it but it also made sense in a way. however eunho didn't like the way bomin was wording himself, they thought they'd be back.
he can't help it but his gaze hardens when bomin looks at him, concerned with growth. eunho holds back a chuckle, how was he he supposed to make sure everyone adjusted well to a new group, while at the same time preparing for a comeback. it was hard enough as it was for him, then again - he was the leader, he should rise above it.
" i understand. "
eunho does not like it one bit, the way bomin is talking to him, if he still cared about being an idol? he wouldn't be here from the start, it's barley been 2 years since he was an idol. eunho, looks at the manager when he finishes what feels like a reprimand - " anything else i'd like to do? " eunho contemplates the ideas for a moment, " personally i'd like to sing more, but i know i was originally the lead rapper so i know that's not going to be easy to accomplish. besides as you mentioned i need to improve my singing... " eunho smiles, " for now, i'd like to focus on improving rather than doing gigs. maybe one day i'll want to appear on masked singer, after i've improved of course. "
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A jay I ended up doodling but it gives me pheonix vibes with the silhouette so jay-pheonix?
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hisunshiine · 10 months
—i must be favored to know ya [5/7]
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Part 5 of 7 of the Seven Days Series ↣ series masterlist
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🗓️ pairing: nurse!jungkook x teacher!reader 🗓️ au/genre: non-idol au, brother’s friend au, fwb, age-gap(reader is older), f2l, fluff, angst, smut, 🗓️ rating: M 🗓️ wc: 5,665 🗓️ warnings: emotionally constipated pairing, again Kim Seokjin MEDDLING, drunk feelings in a good way, nudes, misinterpretation of messages, drunk feelings in a bad way, arguing, saying hurtful things  explicit sexual content: making out in the club, potential exhibitionism/voyeurism, shower sex  🗓️ an: Sorry if this one is angsty y’all! We’ve been slowly building to it, and it had to come to a head at some point, right? Plus, we only have the weekend left! Hospital Vocab: 🏥 A MICU is a medical intensive care unit that deals with less critical conditions such as pneumonia, infections or other problems that require intensive monitoring but don't necessarily require emergency. 🏥 The NICU is a nursery in a hospital that provides around-the-clock care to sick or preterm babies.  🏥 Gastric refers to the unit of Gastroenterology, which cares for issues with the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver. 🗓️ summary: “I must be favored to know ya.” Having Jungkook in your life is so much sweeter than you ever thought. It would be great if you could just tell him, but showing him is as good as it gets for now…until you slip up and let the cat out of the bag. But it turns out, you aren’t the only one who has feelings for him, and you definitely aren’t the only one who wants to ride him. When your biggest fears come to light, knowing Jungkook the way that you do might become a thing of the past. 
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Taglist: @sizzlingfestpeach @mochminnie @jungkooksmytype @kookslastbutton @taebangtanbabe @bbtsficrecs @jk97bam it's not letting me tag you (if joining the taglist, please think about reblogging with tags/leaving feedback!)
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“Doctor Cho to room 324, Doctor Cho to room 324.” A nurse's tired voice plays over the loudspeaker as Jungkook follows Jimin into the staff locker room at the end of their shift.
“Bro, why was today so tiring?” Jimin drops effortlessly into the chair across from his locker, as if all of his bones and joints have given out.
Jungkook reaches behind his neck to fist at his scrub top, pulling the polyester material over his head. “It was tiring because we had to change Mr. Lee’s sheets four times today. Why are we working in the MICU again?”
“Because we wanted to take time off next week after the wedding, so we picked up this shift instead of enjoying our usual Friday off,” Jimin reminds as he toes off his sneakers. 
“Next time, tell me to check who I’m covering for. I forgot Sara works the gastric rounds, and while I don’t mind a little incontinence, Mr. Lee is not a small man and four times is more than a little, you know?”
Jimin nods as he finally begins to remove his own scrubs before heading to the showers in the back of the locker room with his small shower pouch in tow. Jungkook follows his lead, towel thrown over his shoulder, his own pouch in hand.
“You know what?” Jimin asks as he steps into one of the small shower stalls. “I think we should go out tonight. Octagon or CakeShop—you know they have the best music and drinks.”
“Mmm, I don’t know…I’m still covering Sara’s shift tomorrow, and if Mr. Lee is still having bowel issues,” Jungkook steps into the privacy of his own stall to step out of his boxer briefs and into the water, enjoying the heat as it envelops his body, “I might not be at my best if I go out tonight.”
“C’mon, man! We should go out because of Mr. Lee! We can invite the teachers, it’s summer break for them anyways, and the four of us always turn up on Fridays. We can invite the whole crew.”
Jungkook makes sure to scrub his hands extra before washing the rest of his body with his green Italy Towel to exfoliate his skin. “I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I ask for, man.” 
The two continue their shower routine, meeting again in the locker room to change into clothes to go home in.
Jimin grabs his phone as soon as he’s dressed. Jungkook follows Jimin’s movements as he paces back and forth with the phone on speaker, dialtone echoing through the room. 
“Hey, Jimin,” Taehyung answers the phone, sounding as if he just took a bite of food.
“You’re on speaker. Tae, we’re going out tonight. Octagon or CakeShop?”
There’s a pause before he answers; Jungkook assumes Taehyung is swallowing his food. “Let’s do CakeShop, it’s a bit more cozy. You’re on speaker too, Hoseok and I are grabbing a late lunch.”
“Hey, Jimin!” Hoseok’s voice filters through the mobile.
“Sounds good. Ready at 11?”
“Yeah. I’ll text Woo Shik, see if he can reserve a table. See you later, I’m eating right now.”
Taehyung’s annoyance at his meal being disturbed rings loud and clear as the phone clicks, and Jimin throws the phone into his open backpack. “Can you call your girl? Let her know we’re going at 11?”
Jungkook’s movements stutter as he rolls deodorant on, raised arm freezing in the air. “My girl?” He eyes Jimin from his peripherals, trying to read his face.
“Yeah, she’s like, your best friend. Joined at the hip all the time, sometimes I wonder whether you or Yoongi is her actual brother.”
“Oh, haha, yeah, I’ll—yeah, I’ll call her once we get out of here.”
“Cool, so let’s go, see if we can catch the hyungs before they leave.” Jimin closes his backpack, lifting it over his shoulder. Jungkook follows suit, carrying his bag by the small handle at the top instead as they leave the room. 
“Hyung!” Jimin spots Seokjin as he leaves one of the rooms across from the nurses’ station. The jovial man smiles as he passes a clipboard off to the Resident shadowing him.
“Hey, you guys off for the day?” Seokjin asks as he checks his watch.
“Yeah, we’re headed out to CakeShop tonight at 11 if you and Joon want to come with?”
“I don’t think I can swing it. Joon’s covering the NICU the rest of the week, so I doubt he’ll be down to go.”
“No worries, just wanted to extend the offer.”
“I appreciate it. We’ll have fun Sunday, right? Open bar at the reception and all.”
“Definitely.” Jimin wraps an arm around Jungkook’s neck and begins to tug him down the hallway. “See ya!”
Seokjin just shakes his head, watching as the two men head out.
“What’s got Jungkook so happy?” SoHee appears at Seokjin’s elbow, holding a binder to her chest.
“Oh, he’s probably off to go see his—uh, probably hanging with one of our friends.”
“One of your friends? He must be a pretty cool guy if Jungkook is that excited to go hang out.” SoHee says, a smile on her face as she watches both men bounce happily around the corner, her eyes focused mostly on the tattooed, floppy haired one until they’re finally out of sight. 
“Yeah…she’s pretty cool. They’re like best friends—spend every waking moment together when not working.” Seokjin glances at SoHee, searching for a reaction. He’s not doing it to be mean—in his mind, it’s more mean to string someone along when your heart belongs to someone else.
“Oh. I didn’t realize the person was a ‘she’. Do you, uh, think that they like each other? As more than friends?”
Seokjin makes eye contact with SoHee, trying to express more with his eyes than his response gives. “If you hope to date JK, you have some pretty fierce competition, and she isn’t afraid of using her feminine wiles.” 
The lights in CakePop glow a harsh red as the fluorescent, buzzing tubes shine across Jungkook’s face. You admire the slope of his nose, the angles of his jaw and the way his hair frames his face as he orders a round of drinks from the bar. He chose to wear jeans you’ve never seen him in before: baggy as hell with large cuts horizontally going up the back of them. With a white sleeveless tank and white, tiger-print long sleeve covering his tattoos, his look is complete with a new chain earring he’s showing off. 
Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok dressed up as well, each one showcasing their different style but just as handsome. They sit at the table reserved for your group, chatting as their heads bob to the music. He’s busy paying for the tab when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
You look over your shoulder at the man who’s sidled up close to you while your attention is elsewhere.
“No, but thank you,” you reply as loud as you can over the music without drawing too much attention to the rejection. You watch as the man’s eyes bounce from you to Jungkook as you take a step closer to him.
“Oh, this you?” he asks, understanding morphing through his pupils. You don’t know how to respond, since it’s very much so complicated, but Jungkook saves you the trouble.
“Yeah, she’s with me.” Jungkook’s arm wraps itself heavily around your waist, fingers on the meat of your hip as he tucks you into his side. He eyes the man, who is slightly taller than him, but seems to deem him as not a threat. “C’mon, babe,” he says into your ear, “our drinks are ready.” 
You smile up at him, moving to grab your drink as he takes the small platter that holds the other four drinks over to the table. His hand never leaves your skin, transferring from holding your hip to holding your hand as he navigates through the dancing bodies and back to your group of friends.
“Finally! Let’s down these and get on the dance floor!” Hoseok says. As the P.E. Teacher at the school you work at, he’s really fit. You know he also works at a dance studio in the evenings and during the summer, so as far as this scene goes, Hoseok was ready to show off his moves. The others agree, so you throw your drink back before excusing yourself to the bathroom. Best to pee now, instead of breaking the seal later. 
“We aren’t waiting for you!” Taehyung teases as he adjusts his thin, silky red shirt, the opening around his neck unbuttoned and angled to show off delicate collarbones and a thin gold chain, but you know that it would be easy enough to find the four of them in the crowd; eyes often gravitate to watch them when they’re together as a group. Especially with Jimin in his all-black outfit, baggy jeans and combat boots put together with a leather jacket, and Hoseok in ripped jeans, jean jacket, black tee and sunglasses? There was no way you could miss them. Jungkook might be the one you’re fucking night after night, but the rest of the guys are also great to look at. Being the only girl out with them tonight will be fun. 
In the bathroom, you see a few texts from your brother, on your lock screen, but you ignore him, because it doesn’t matter. Jungkook is going home with you tonight, so there’s no need to make it weird. You know he’s only looking out for you, in the way that Yoongi does, but tonight you just want to shut your brain off for a while.     
Washing your hands, you check yourself out in the mirror, loving how your jeans fit your ass and your shirt shows just the right amount of cleavage. If you’re already getting hit on so boldly at the bar, you can only imagine how the rest of the night is going to go, and your self-confidence excites you. It’s twisted, but you feel good knowing other guys are showing their interest in you, in front of Jungkook. It’s like…showing Jungkook that you’re a good catch, if others also want you. Plus, having Jungkook step in and turn them away, saying you’re with him is a huge turn-on and confidence boost for you. In a way, you feel like Yoongi’s concerns shouldn’t matter too much because Jungkook already claimed you once tonight to someone else. Do you really need to do more? Your thoughts go quiet as more women filter into the bathroom, talking loudly. 
“But did you see the one in all black? He’s so hot.”
“Okay, but the one with dance moves? In ripped jeans? Even hotter.”
You laugh to yourself as you fix your hair before heading to the door.
“I’m set on the one in white. I’m taking him home if it’s the last thing I do.”
If they had been paying attention to you, they would have seen the stutter in your step and the way you almost miss the handle to the door, but as luck would have it, no one notices the almost stumble as you head back into the dark of the club. 
As you expect, finding the group is easy, but pushing through the onlookers is slightly difficult, as some of the women do not want to move to let you through, thinking you’re simply another fan of the men dancing to the grooving house music. Once you find a break between bodies however, Jungkook spots you and reaches his hands out to you, pulling you through in time to the rhythm. He’s face to face with you, hips moving with each beat that thumps through the speakers as you settle into the space created by the disappointment of the gravitating spectators.
He drops one of his hands, allowing him to spin you around with the one still holding onto you after a few moments and then stepping into your space so you’re able to meld your body into his and face the other guys in the group. You wind your hips back into his pelvis and Jungkook catches every beat, hands resting on your hips as you work him. You want to see his face, see if he’s watching you or not, but when you feel his fingers tighten almost imperceptibly in response to a rather suggestive body roll, you guess you know he’s paying attention to you more than anything else. 
Typically, when the songs change, you also change partners, liking to spread the wealth that is your dancing among the others, but tonight, Jungkook doesn’t let go, and you don’t try to leave him. The others don’t seem to mind, spending their time choosing random people from the crowd to dance with or weaving back and forth to get drinks from the bar. Eventually, the group of girls from the bathroom comes near, you turn to face Jungkook, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I’m staying with you tonight, right?” you ask on tippy toes, mouth ghosting the shell of his ear tipsily to ask something you already know the answer to, but wanting to lay your claim. Your teeth nip lightly at the earlobe without the new chain earring, and you leave a soft kiss where the lobe meets his neck just so the other girl can see. 
He responds in kind after a shiver races down his spine, pulling you closer as the heat from his mouth spreads lower through your body. “You better be—I’ll kidnap you if I have to.” He bites your neck playfully, causing you to squirm in his hold but he doesn’t loosen his grip on you, just apologizes for the bite with a tongue-wetted kiss that promises so much more to come when you get home. Turning back around in his hold, you watch as Taehyung looks between you and his friend, and can only smile knowingly to yourself when it dawns on him what must be going on. Now that Yoongi knows, you don’t really care if the others find out or not. 
Jimin returns to the group with drinks for you and Jungkook fisted in his hands, and you thank him before drinking half of it in one gulp. “Slow down, baby, we have plans for tonight, so we shouldn’t drink too much more, okay?” Jungkook’s eyes are wide and pleading when you look over your shoulder at him, and it’s almost heart-stopping how good he looks, tongue swiping his bottom lip and messing with his lip piercings. It should be illegal for him to ask for anything from you while giving you that look.
“Yeah, this is my last one,” you promise, and he smiles as he finishes the beer Jimin gave him. 
“I’ll get you some water, okay? Can’t have my baby with a hangover tomorrow.” 
Your mixed drinks are more potent than his beers, and it’s cute that he’s thinking of taking care of you. You feel warmth in your chest at his consideration and actions, not to mention his use of the claiming endearment leaving you all hot and bothered as he heads off the dancefloor towards the bar. 
“What time are we staying ‘til?” you ask Hoseok, who eyes his watch.
“Probably not much longer, it’s almost one. Thirty minutes sound good?”
“Yeah, I think I can do another thirty to forty-five minutes.”
Hoseok nods, but his smile then turns mischievous. “You and Jungkook sharing a taxi tonight?” He takes both of your hands, swinging them as if going to draw you in to dance with him, and a part of you wants to pull away; as if you can’t dance with Hoseok because you have a boyfr—or because you have plans to fuck someone in an hour or so and it would be disrespectful. Right?
“We always share a taxi, Hobi,” you answer coyly, evading his question and not stepping closer to him, politely declining to dance. 
Hoseok just grins wider, hips swaying to the beat as he steps away from you, dropping your hands. “She’s all yours,” he says over your head, and a moment later you feel the heat of Jungkook as he envelops you back into his body. 
“Here, make sure to drink all of it,” Jungkook places the bottle of water into your hand as he turns you to face him, the lid already twisted off for you. His voice drops, in volume and in tone, as he adds, “Only good girls get what they want tonight.”
You have to hold yourself back from responding with a “Yes, Daddy,”—the alcohol making you much more submissive to the younger man—so you bring the bottle to your lips instead, making sure you hold his eye contact as you wrap your pout around the rim and swallow the first gulp. The water is so quenching, you close your eyes as you take subsequent swallows, a little bit leaking from the corners of your mouth to run down your cheeks, neck, and disappear between your breasts.
“Woah, careful baby, I want you wet, but this water is for drinking,” he says as he pulls the water bottle back slightly from your mouth to slow the flow down, and you’re grateful, but also now horny as your eyes take in the way he’s looking at you. “Fuck it,” he intones mostly to himself, before dipping his face down into your chest. His tongue traces the path of the water back up to your neck where he keeps his mouth to suckle at your sensitive skin.
Neither of you cares that you’re in a packed club, that people are watching, that your friends—who didn’t know until tonight that there was anything more between the two of you—are watching and are also close enough to hear the sound you let out, the cross between a whimper and a moan as you cling to Jungkook’s shirt, hands fisted near his waist wanting him closer.
“Maybe we should get those taxis now?” Hoseok says aloud, mostly to Jimin and Taehyung in an attempt to pull their eyes away from the sight in front of them. The two just nod, and Hoseok pulls out his phone and opens his app. He can’t help but look up every few seconds though, not when you’re pressing your chest into Jungkook’s as he kisses you openly, his tattooed hand grabbing at your ass as he grinds into you in time to the music. 
The sounds Hoseok can hear from you between the music pounding out of the speakers have his dick jumping—as if straight out of his favorite porn flicks—but you’re Yoongi’s older sister, and apparently have been fucking the youngest in the group and Hoseok is now putting three and four together to realize the friend with benefits who he’s been fucking seven nights a week (per his text messages) is you.  
The crowd surrounding their group is beginning to stare now too, and Hoseok feels mildly uncomfortable—not because you have your tongue in Jungkook’s mouth (no, the sight is quite hot)—because the women who were circling like vultures all night are staring daggers at your head. Despite you two dry-humping on beat, Hoseok can see the annoyed looks on some of the other dancers' faces, so he’s more than happy to unceremoniously pull your mobile device from your back pocket (the one without Jungkook’s hand all over it) so he can order your taxi to keep you and Jungkook from getting arrested for indecent exposure.
He hates being the person to interrupt the two of you when the taxis are about to arrive, but the shine in your eyes is full of gratitude as he leads your group outside. He suspects it’s because you were probably in need of oxygen, and a small part of him assumes it’s because you were just caught acting like a couple of young teenagers. Hoseok hands you your cell phone back as you all stand at the curb, and you smile sheepishly at Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung, as if to say ‘Surprise! It’s me!’.
Jungkook still has his arms wrapped around you, lips kissing your neck and exposed shoulder—any place his mouth can reach from his spot behind you—and when the first taxi pulls up, Jimin has to pull Taehyung along to go with him and Hoseok. 
“But, can I go with them? I wanna watch some more,” Taehyung doesn’t sound like he’s joking at all, and only decides to climb into his taxi when Jungkook shoots him a glare that you can’t see.
“Be safe, text me when you all get home!” you say as they settle in the backseat. They all give you skeptical looks, knowing you’ll probably be too busy to even see the messages, but they’ll do it anyway. Your phone alerts you that your taxi is also there, so you wave as you lead a seemingly lovesick, doe-eyed, muscle bunny to another car pulling up behind the first. 
Climbing into the vehicle, you’re practically sitting on Jungkook’s lap the entire ride home, where he’s quietly feeling you up the whole way to his apartment. His hand is between your thighs, pressing into you in a way that makes the seam of your jeans press against your clit. He feels the way you roll your hips as he leaves wet pecks on your neck and whispers dirty things into your ear.
“Wanna fill you up when we get home,” he murmurs, “can’t wait to feel you wrap around me.”
Your breathing is shaky, and the taxi driver asks if you’re okay as he speeds down the road.
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Your back is against the cold shower wall, Jungkook’s strong arms hold your legs at the knees as he thrusts inside of you. His body pins you in place, your hands clawing at his back as you try to find purchase against his slick skin. You bounce on his hardened cock as he drills it deeper inside of you, hips rutting for friction against his pelvis, your swollen clit aching for more.
“Fuck, baby, you’re perfect.” Jungkook’s mouth moves against your collarbones as he speaks, switching between biting and kissing from the pleasure your walls give him. The pain as he marks you only makes you wetter, makes you crave him more. 
“Jungkook, feels so good,” you whine out, tangling your fingers into the wet hair curling at the nape of his neck. “Love it,” you chant out, repeating the phrase several times. “Fuck me, baby, don’t stop, love how you feel.”
Jungkook’s brain can barely handle the way you’re sending all of his senses into overdrive. The feel of you sliding up and down, so slick and warm on his cock as you tug at his hair, your words flowing through his mind, that you love it, love it, love it, so close to saying you love more than just the way he fucks you, maybe you could even love…him?
“Fuck, baby, keep saying it, don’t stop, you ride me so good, fucking love your pussy.”
“Love your cock, fuck Jungkook, love how you fuck me, need more, need you deeper.”
Jungkook lets your legs down one by one so he can turn you to face the glass of the shower, allowing both of you to feel the hot water streaming onto your bodies as he enters you from behind. Your hands lay flat on the glass as he begins to pound into you, the clapping of his thighs into your ass echoing off the walls of the bathroom, mixing with your breathy moans as he reaches that spot inside of you. 
“Tell me you love it, tell me how good my cock feels, splitting your pussy open like this,” Jungkook’s voice is whiny as he begs for your praise, secretly seeking more than he asks for. When he wraps his tattooed hand around your waist, fingers dipping between your legs in search of your clit, you give everything he’s hoping to hear and more as you climax. 
“Oh, fuck, right there, Jungkook, fuck, fuck, I love you, don’t stop, please don’t stop, you feel so good, Jungkook, fucking love you, you make me feel so good.”
His head—the one currently buried deep inside you—loses all senses as his other head processes your words, and he’s losing himself as he empties inside of you. Your legs shake, wanting to give out if not for his strong arms holding you up. 
“You’re so perfect, baby,” Jungkook whispers as he kisses the back of your head. “My perfect baby.”
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Drying off, you shiver slightly as Jungkook walks out of the bathroom to grab some clothes for you both and leaves the door ajar. Your phone sits on the sink counter, a little foggy from the steam, but you can still see messages waiting for you. You click through them each one by one, not bothering to respond since it’s much later than the time they were sent, and all of the senders are probably deep in an alcohol-induced sleep. You glance at the time, noting it's now almost 2:30 AM. 
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You’re glad the three men made it safely, but kind of hate the way Hoseok refers to you and Jungkook as teenagers. Were your actions at the club tonight…immature? What did he mean by that? Did he think you weren’t smart enough to make sure to use protection? Jungkook’s young, but he’s not that young! Plenty of people under twenty-six have children. Would it be so bad if you and Jungkook were to become pregnant, based solely on your ages?
Then there’s Taehyung, pointing out yet again how ‘young’ Jungkook is—and why is he sending you thirst traps? You know it’s harmless, he’s just drunk and wants your attention, but it still makes you upset that he feels that your choice was wrong because of age. 
Are you some old crone or hag that can’t fuck with someone younger than you? What makes this age gap so bad? You just want someone to make sense of what they’re saying to you, because the way you’re interpreting it, they think you and Jungkook are too different in age to be together. Your biggest fears come to light in the messages across your screen, from your own friends no less, just when you’re coming to terms with the one fact that should be the only one that matters: You want to be with Jungkook. You want to date him—want him to be yours, for real.  
Jungkook returns with a large black shirt for you, his own lower body covered with a clean pair of red Calvin Klein boxer briefs. You pull the shirt over your head, and in the dark, you hear his phone chime with a text message. 
“Who’s even up at this time?” he mutters, and you have to agree, It’s late, but you assume it’s a message from one of the guys; he probably texted them each back and one wasn’t asleep just yet. Your head and arms are pushed hurriedly through the holes, and you see Jungkook barely get a chance to glance at his phone before he’s setting it down next to yours and instead grabbing your towel to finish drying your hair.  
The action is sweet, warming your heart and you know that this is the moment. It’s time to tell Jungkook exactly how you feel, regardless of the post-sex high and in spite of being still tipsy on alcohol—you’re sure what you want to say will come out how you intend. How hard can it be to tell someone you like them? But his phone chimes again and you can’t help but to glance down at it. The sight makes your blood run cold. SoHee, clearly shirtless, sending a booty call text at 2:33 AM. 
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To YOUR Jungkook. To the same Jungkook who you just professed your love to while taking raw backshots in his shower; the same Jungkook who just finished emptying his cum inside of you. 
Your thoughts run wild; did he send nudes to her too? Did he take one when he left the bathroom to get clothes for you both? You want to scroll through the thread, see for yourself that he isn’t sending nudes to someone else, when he’s been fucking you every night, calling you his baby, his princess…No. Your eyes prick with tears at the thought, the alcohol still running through your veins making your ability to think logically about this situation a bit cloudy.
“Seriously, Jungkook? Fucking me and texting other bitches back to back? While I’m still here?” you scoff, shaking your head as you step away from him. 
“What?” he glances down at his phone, seeing the screen lit up with the message from SoHee. His eyes take in the picture and the message, growing wide in fear. “No, baby, it’s not what you think—” He picks up the phone, wants to show you the truth but you don’t let him speak.
“Jungkook, do I look stupid to you? I can literally see the messages and can still feel the ache between my thighs from you. This might work on girls your age, but please, do not insult my intelligence.”
“Girls my age? What are you talking about?”
“You! I’m talking about you pulling a stunt like this!” 
“Baby, c’mon. You’re just drunk, I promise you, this is nothing.”
His words only add to your ire. He’s downplaying what happened, but you know what you saw. It was right there in front of your eyes, but he’s trying to placate you and you can’t stand to feel like this. Like you can easily fall for some bullshit just because a hot, younger guy is showing interest in you. It’s exactly what people expect, right? That older women put up with shit because they’re afraid no one will want them, that they’re past their expiration date for romance.
“Don’t ‘you’re just drunk’ me! I literally just told you how I feel about you, to then see that picture and message! I honestly should’ve expected something like this from you, I chose to fuck the youngest in the group, what did I expect?” You say this last part more to yourself than to Jungkook, but he hears you just the same. 
“Hold on. What are you even fucking saying right now? You chose to fuck the youngest in the group? What, would you have decided to fuck someone else, like Jin or Namjoon? Because they’re older than me?”
“They probably wouldn’t be sending nudes to other bitches at 2 AM after fucking me in their shower and inviting me to stay the night. Maybe my coworker was right about you.”
“That’s not what the fuck even happened! God, you know, you’re so stupid sometimes, I swear. I’ve always wanted you, but you’re the one acting immature, like you’re so great because you’re older than me? Age doesn’t fucking matter, our age gap isn’t even that big! But you’re acting like you know more because you’re older than me?”
“Jungkook,” you sigh out, bringing your finger to your temples, “you don’t fucking get it, you’re too young to—”
“Don’t you even finish that fucking sentence.”
“Seriously, Jungkook. You can’t possibly feel—”
“Are you actually trying to tell me how I feel!? You’re certifiably insane.” Jungkook laughs, but there is no humor in his tone. He paces out of the bathroom, fingers raking through his hair as he tries to make sense of what’s happening. “You know what? You’re the only one who has ever worried about our age difference. Because of what other people say, right? Because I’ve never said anything about it. Not negatively, at least. I’ve…” Jungkook’s voice cracks as he tries to express how he feels to you, but he’s so disappointed that he can’t look at you. “You know I’ve literally been here for you, for anything you fucking needed. My age never mattered when it benefitted you. Your coworker doesn’t know shit about me and you. But apparently her opinion matters more than hearing me out.”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying—”
“Actually, I can’t deal with this right now,” he says, adding your name to the end of his sentence like a finality. He turns towards your discarded jeans and shoes. You can see him opening his phone, KakaoTaxi open on the screen. “I have to get up early for my shift, and I really think I should sleep alone tonight.”
“Jungkook, wait,” you start to speak, to try and take back what you’ve said, but for Jungkook, it’s literally and figuratively too late. He walks you back into the bathroom, passing you your jeans from where he’s picked them up off of the floor.
“Your taxi will be here in less than five minutes. Text me when you get home safely.”
Jungkook drops the phone back on the counter and disappears out of the bathroom, and you don’t bother trying to follow him. His phone lies abandoned next to yours, and you can’t help yourself. You swipe sideways to his messages and scroll up through the thread with SoHee quickly, but there’s nothing in it from Jungkook showing he’s sent nudes, barely any messages sent from him at all. 
You blink away the tears that are forming, step into your jeans and grab your phone. His phone chimes from the Taxi notification, and you don’t bother to say goodbye, since you don’t see him on your way through his apartment to his front door. You linger, closing the door slowly but he never appears, and you’re hit with a sobering moment of reality of what your future could look like without him in it. The way home is quiet and lonely at this hour, the roads a sea of black, white, and grey, and you aren’t sure if Jungkook will ever color your doorstep—or your life—again.
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stay tuned for “i kiss your waist and ease your mind” coming 8-?-2023!
↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine 2023. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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slytherinshua · 1 year
[ 5:02AM ]
genre. fluff. cheol as a dad. warnings. mention of a baby (the horror 😶) and cheol abs (needs a warning) pairing. husband!seungcheol x fem!reader. wc. 324. a/n. randomly thinking abt cheol as a dad?? 😭 idk its random but hes so soft a lot of the time and it made me think abt him with babies...
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“You look like such a dad,” You mumbled with a laugh, turning to your husband in the dark kitchen as he was preparing to make coffee.
“What do you mean by that?” Seungcheol asked, face scrunching up as if it was an insult, “I am literally a father. My newborn daughter is sleeping in our room as we speak.” He added as if you had forgotten. 
“I know that. Obviously you are. But you just look like it right now.” You reinstated, hugging him from the back.
“I don’t have a dad bod…?” He said as if he was questioning the fact as well. You burst out laughing at the comment.
“I only meant you waking up at 3 am with me to help me feed her, and then you waking up again at 5 to make coffee and breakfast so I didn’t have to… It makes you feel like a proper father.” You slipped your hand underneath his shirt, feeling the very obvious and defined abs, “And of course you don’t have a dad bod, you work out almost daily.” 
He shook his head, laughing at your conclusion and pressing start on the coffee machine. He turned around to you, hugging you closer. You reached up to brush some of his hair away from his eyes. It was growing longer again, black locks a mess from sleeping and waking up constantly.
“Should I say that you look like such a mom then?”
“That is unnecessary, but a very big compliment.” You smiled, breaking the hug to allow Seungcheol to start making breakfast. You poured yourself coffee as he did, watching from the side and keeping a good eye on the baby monitor as well. You were always paranoid that you wouldn’t hear her cries when she woke up. You and Seungcheol were trying your best to be the best parents you could, but there were a lot of challenges with raising a newborn.
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast
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akutasoda · 10 months
May i request atsushi, dazai and jouno with an s/o who has a blood based ability like blood manipulation or blood with a special effect or both idrk but it has to be their own blood they can’t use someone elses blood.
I have to make the vampire emoji make sense obviously
vampires diet
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synopsis - among the world of abilities, you have quiet an interesting one
includes - atsushi, dazai, jouno
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, blood, dazai, wc - 324
a/n: sorry this is a bit shorter and took a bit longer to post! i kind of imagined it in a similar way to power's ability from chainsaw man.
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
↪ i think before you two got together and you were just co workers he found your ability to be quite scary. i mean like scary cool.
↪he thought that it was really cool but, no offense to you, he would hate to have it. you definitely were brave.
↪but when you two got together he still found it quite scary but in a new light. as to use your ability you ha dto use your own blood and sometimes he was concerned that blood loss would affect you at one point.
↪but you would always assure him you were fine and that you knew how to use your ability safely. most of the time. a few times you gave him a small scare and he made you promise to never do that again.
osamu dazai ★↷
↪naturally when he first found out about your ability he had wondered if he could die to it painlessly but then he found out that you could only control your own he was, thankfully, disappointed.
↪but when you two got together he became more concerned in the ways it could hurt you. but that wasn't many.
↪sometimes on missions with him, when he thought you were overusing your ability he would nullify it to avoid you overusing to.
↪overall he thought it was pretty neat and couldn't help but think you were quite amazing with how you handled it.
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪before you two were together, he didn't pay that much attention to your ability. it was useful and you got the job done. he didn't see why he should care.
↪that was until you two got together and suddenly he seemed more aware of the ways that your ability could cause you slight harm if you overused it.
↪so he started subtly doting on your condition during missions by closely monitoring your heartbeat. and no matter how much you insisted you were fine. he couldn't afford to lose you.
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angelsunoo · 1 year
Research Paper. L.hs
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Pairings: bf!heeseung x reader
GENRE: fluff, romance
wc. 324
Note: short! Hope you like itt
Warning: nothing. 😊
you chuckle as you type away. You finally hit a save point and start to close down your laptop when Heeseung grabbed it and opened it again. 'You know I don't like feeling ignored, so I'm stealing away your laptop till you give me the attention I need!', he exclaims.
You sigh as you look up at him, he had that mischievous look on his face that always melts your heart. You pout and scoot closer to him, he smiles and wraps his arms around you, 'now we're talking.' He says as he leans in for a kiss.
Heeseung knew you needed a break, so he grabs your hand and leads you to the living room. You give him a confused look. 'What are we doing?'
He pulls out a board game and flashes you a sly grin, 'I thought we can take a few minutes to relax before you go back to your work.' You blush, no one ever took the time to make you feel this special. You let out a soft smile as he takes you into a warm embrace.
He sets up the game and hands you the dice. 'Ready to show me what you're made of?' He says jokingly. You laugh in return, 'Oh I'm ready! Prepare to be defeated!'
For the next few hours, you both forgot about your studies and work while you spend time laughing and joking your evening away. When it was almost time to go back to work, Heeseung looks at you with a satisfied expression, 'Well, I'm glad I got to distract you from your research paper. I hope you still have enough energy to finish it!'
You chuckle and give him a kiss on the forehead, 'Thank you for this. It was a much needed break and I feel so much better now.'
Heeseung smiles and takes your hand again and kisses it, 'Let's go back. I'll be rooting for you, so don't forget that!'
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hyunverse · 1 year
forget me ‧₊˚✩彡 lee felix
pairing: felix x gender neutral reader. tags: angst, drabble. wc: 324 words. song: forget me by kid wine, haan ft plhn. note: written for my 4k event! disclaimer — © 2023 hyunverse on tumblr. all rights reserved. authors works are protected under the copyright law. do not plagiarize or translate my works. tumblr is my only platform.
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the adjective sad would be an insult to how felix is feeling — an utter mockery of his emotions. the adjective sad is not sufficient to conclude the thoughts running through his head — then again, it feels as though no word in the oxford dictionary could fully reflect how he’s feeling. hell, even he himself is having a hard time to comprehend his own emotions.
“forget me,” you had said, eyes void of any emotions. a contrast to his own eyes, widened in shock.
“forget me,” you told him, under a maple tree as the bouquet of flowers in his hand began to fall apart, much like his heart.
“forget me,” you muttered, as if you weren’t his first friend, his first love. as if you didn’t spend years in his company. as if your heart wasn’t still consumed by him. as if you had already moved on.
“forget me,” you mumbled, as felix looked into your eyes in search of any longing or regrets.
“no, no—” felix took a few steps back, his whole figure shaking in grief, “you can’t. you can’t tell me to forget you,” his words began to jumble, “it’s unfair! you’re telling me to forget — forget you? forget you? i know you’re still in love with me, i can see it — please tell me you’re still in love with me. please, even if it’s a lie.”
it was a lie. a blatant lie. you didn’t let it show.
“i’m not,” your tone was softer, “goodbye, felix.”
now felix lays in his bed, every crook of his bedroom a reminder of you. the photo frame on his night stand, polaroids stuck onto his cork board, the scent of the candle you purchased for him — every little thing reminds him of you. the ghost of you haunting his room, his life.
forget you? when you’re a presence in each and every one of his treasured memories?
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disclaimer — © 2023 hyunverse on tumblr. all rights reserved. authors works are protected under the copyright law. do not plagiarize or translate my works. tumblr is my only platform.
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There’s something that I don’t really like about this ACTION COMICS cover. I’m not sure what it is–it’s a nice piece done by the usually-winning combination of Curt Swan and George Klein. Possibly it’s the light green background that puts me off here, I don’t know. But the fact remains, I don’t find this cover especially appealing. This was another in the many issues of ACTION COMICS that I…
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neptunerising · 9 months
𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝗵𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀
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summer mornings
blurb! a summer morning with quinnie
WC: 324 quinn hughes x fem!reader
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Just Giant!Wilbur seeing Tiny!Tommy and getting the urge to grab him
*ahem* what better way to answer this than with tiny workers?
YEAH. tw drabbles!!!! i craaave them and then i went...oh...i can make this canon! i OWN the au! :D
don't talk so much
cw: nothing? i think. slight impulsive thoughts n swearing,,,,
wc: 324 (not very lengthy. sorry eueu)
Tommy was basically asking for it at this point.
As Wilbur scrolled through the park's app with his hand hung over the top of his phone to block the sun from making it unreadable, Tommy paces along the stone slab they'd taken a seat on, arms flailing wildly as he talks about some recent life event that Wilbur had accidentally let him talk about while he'd been distracted.
It plays with the corner of his vision, distracting him every two seconds as he's trying to find wait times.
"Wilbur!" Tommy calls up, his pacing form having slowed and is now staring up at him, hands cupped at his face to gain volume. Wilbur startles, looking down at the tiny.
"Have you heard of the bunker yet?" Tommy asks, presumably not for the first time.
Wilbur shrugs. "I don't believe I have," he murmurs, turning his attention back to his screen, which is now his messages with his brother as he tries to get Techno off his case about needing so many car rides to and from the park.
"Oh. Well, it..." Tommy's voice fades into the background as Wilbur taps at his screen to respond.
After a passing minute, he's being dragged out of his phone again. The movement from the corner of his eye has been overbearing for a while now, but finally, he's tired of it.
On a whim, he sets his phone down and makes a move for the tiny, hands swiping him off of the stone and into a loose fist, (although Tommy yells like it is), staring at him, unimpressed.
"Oi! Dickhead," Tommy whines.
"You were fucking with my vision, I had to do something," Wilbur complains, stuffing the tiny boy into his front pocket and shuffling up from the bench.
Despite Wilbur making an effort to push him down into the pocket, he pops right back up, his blond curls appearing from the corner of his vision.
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joocomics · 4 months
〔 oh seungmin 〕
from newest to oldest
❥ fics:
lights off [wc: 4k]
— it’s christmas break and you’re at your fellow classmates place to work on your group project, but when the power suddenly goes off you start getting bored, cold and a lot more cozy
lights off: part two [wc: 4.8k]
— a silly accident in the cafeteria brings you and seungmin together causing the memory of your one night stand to return after both of you spent weeks trying to forget about it
❥ drabbles:
tattoed!seungmin [wc: 529]
lingerie surprise [wc: 256]
holding hands [wc: 324]
seungmin’s double date [wc: 788]
❥ more:
taking suggestive pics
seungmin + kinks
what would he say during sex
mean dom!seungmin
seungmin + filming
eye fucking
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whxtedreams · 5 months
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Concept: Joel doesn't like honey
The Hardest Part is Who We Are Series
WC: 324
You spill honey all over the counter while making tea. Joel hears your groans and annoyed puffs and walks into the kitchen to find you trying to wash honey from your hands. He chuckles and helps.
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Conversation and basic movement
You: “I just took the lid off and it just spilled everywhere” 
*You shrug, honey dripping down your fingers*
Joel: “Sure” 
*Puts kettle on the stove for boiling water to clean the counters*
You: “No, really. I don't know what happened.” 
*You follow him*
Joel: “Okay.” 
*Goes to touch you but doesn't want honey on him.*
You: “I didn't spill it.” 
*He ends up holding you by your elbow cautiously and leads you back to the sink.*
Joel: “Whatever you say.” 
*He puts your arms under warm running water.* 
You: “Joel I swear it just jumped out. I don't understand.”
 *goes to move your hands from the sink but Joel just shakes his head and keeps your hands under the water until he’s sure you won't touch him with honey still on you. That shit gets everywhere.*
Joel: “Okay darl.” 
*he points a finger at you to stay. He turns back to the kettle and pours boiling water over the counter*
You: “Joel, pleeeease believe me.” 
*You whine and turn the tap off and reach out for him. He puts the kettle on the counter and turns to face you, reaching an arm between you. Raising an eyebrow, silently telling you to stay *  
Joel really doesn't like honey. it's sticky and gets everywhere. But he'll admit it tastes good. Especially when you put it in his coffee. Yeah, Joel will put up with your sticky fingers if it means you put honey in his coffee. Although this time, it's a little too sticky for his liking. He'll still clean you up, even if he risks getting honey on his own hands. He won't admit it, but he'd risk a lot for you. 
Divider by the beautiful saradika
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savventeen · 1 year
.|X| THANKS FOR PLAYING |X|. [EPISODE 18] [warnings: cussing]
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[wc: 324 words]
Panic rises in your throat, swift and nauseating, and you immediately exit the conversation and delete all the messages.
It doesn't feel like enough, though, so you hold down the lock button, swiping frantically when the option to “SLIDE TO POWER OFF” pops up.
Then you unplug it from the portable charger for good measure.
The screen fades to black as your phone powers down and you let out a shaky breath. You let your head thunk against the headrest of your seat and try to slow your heart rate, breathing in and out, slow and steady.
For a few moments, your heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard in the otherwise empty car. Then you break the silence with an emphatic “Fuck.”
That was... you don't know what that was. Some kind of virus disguised as a game?
What information could it have stolen from your phone? Could it have stolen anything from just texting alone? No clicking suspicious links or redirects to shady email addresses? You drop your phone into your lap and press the heels of your palms into your eyes until you see spots.
Seeing your friends’ names pop up like that... you shake your head. You're probably overreacting, you try to tell yourself.
But it had scared you.
You should probably warn them that some kind of virus-bot-thing might’ve gotten their info, right? Because that's all that this is, some messed up hacking thing.
Just— some really fucked up game that had, like, stolen all of your contact information and input it in the game for some reason. To make it more immersive, maybe? But... how did it know that those specific people were your closest friends? And how did it know their full names?
The flash of a notification catches your eye, and you glance down at it before you remember.
You shouldn’t be getting any notifications. At all.
Because your phone is off.
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ruh roh
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magebastard · 2 years
it’s never work
ship: det. lane wheatley x mason
wc: 324
warnings: violence ment.
rating: t
notes: it’s them! hope this is not absolutely inscrutable! also listen to bread by clem snide for one (1) vibe
Ten years ago today, Mason was hit so hard in a fight, he remembers guessing exactly how many teeth he would have lost if he were a human man.
Run, fight, rot, anger, ache. Routine and neat little states of normalcy. Mason breathes in the soft air of the Detective’s apartment and wonders at how coping and living can look so similar when you don’t know any better.
There were claws on the hands that jabbed him, then. There were gauges, too deep into his cheek. It took only seconds for the skin to knit back together, but he hears it was unsightly as hell.
Nate and Felix hadn’t taken a single hit. The scuffle never veered out of control. Mason did his job. Adam had his back, in the end. More of the same.
It’s been months since he’s needed to hit anything. It’s been weeks since they’ve been in any danger.
Mason settles into a new routine.
It’s Sunday morning. A slow, sap-like melody croons from the record player. They’re sat up, naked in Lane’s bed with no plans and no designs on their time. This is what Sundays are for.
Lane is quietly tracing the long lines of his fingers with their own soft hands. Warm, yellow light peers in through the cracks of the blinds.
They lamented to him once, that they weren’t sure how to take care of someone so strong.
“I can’t cook for us. You’ll never get sick and soup will never be the answer. I’m not complaining, it’s just something I’ve always been happy to do. Helping.”
He’d smoothed their hair back into place.
“Make all the soup you want, sweetheart. I’m not stopping you.”
It was the easier thing to say. I can’t list the ways you take care of me. If you need me to, I’ll try.
They’d laughed. “More for me.”
Lane hums along. Mason presses his nose against their shoulder and breathes.
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