Today's character that selfshippers should consider F/O-ing is:
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"Sodo" (aka "Dewdrop") the Nameless Ghoul from Ghost!
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maggotknight · 5 months
i think you are such an asweome person and I wish i had the guts to talk to you more and be friends
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∗ 26﹕ sender  lights  receiver’s  [ cigarette ] for madam bellerose :)
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She leans in closer with her cigar as the smoke gently dances in the air, she lets out a satisfied puff. "Ever the diligent one aren't you my good Sir?" she adds with a small wink while waving to a nearby waitress to refill their drinks.
Mr. 3 was quite a company, a well-spoken and gallant man, but rather a cautious one, which was an admirable trait in her eyes. "How is everything in Guild? Your leaders are making quite the spectacle that is a bit surprising I must admit. " though she had a feeling it was that foolish clown's doing.
"Are you here perhaps for hot now gossip~?"
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zephyrfryz · 1 year
I require garlic bread
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loriache · 6 months
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Thoughts of a newly resurrected girl
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tacc0yak1 · 3 months
grandpa doodles before i skidaddle back to work….
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goldeneko · 1 year
we jujutsued. we kaisened. [chuckles] and by god we gojoed
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akitalockwood · 1 month
The bachelors of Mistria (+ Henrietta)
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Just deleted the ask I was trying to respond to, but re: "skeptics always die in horror movies" - I have mixed feelings on that trope!
On the one hand I think it sets the tone and helps the audience suspend their disbelief - people are always complaining about horror movie characters being idiots, so this can be a way to be like "see? We DID consider rational explanations, and then someone immediately got murdered very supernaturally, so stop asking questions and accept the premise."
On the other hand, I think it definitely contributes to the idea that skeptics are close-minded killjoys who are too stubborn to accept reality, which is a very common and incredibly annoying mindset. Shane Madej did not spend the last eight years marching into haunted houses and loudly demanding that the demons inside kill him for me to still be hearing shit about how "if you don't take the supernatural seriously you will Attract Evil Energies And Die".
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reasons you should follow me:
-im really cool and gay
-i have unbelievable theater kid rizz
-i own a dagger
-i want friends
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reflectismo · 2 months
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daftmooncretin · 9 months
imagine being scotty in tos. every day your friend group goes on dangerous yet exciting adventures to new planets but you can never go because they always make you babysit the ship. also you have to stay on facetime with them the whole time in case they need a lift. you are the eternal designated driver. the seventh wheel. you dont mind as much as you should though because you sort of want to fuck the ship
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nex-has-gender-envy · 4 months
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Face-eating is a form of love
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stromer · 8 months
and thirdly, i didn't want him to beat me up
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[requests are closed] Anon i'm sorry this is so late I finished these months ago. I meant to draw more but never got around to it UUUH. SORRY SLDKJSLDGKJSD I love them so much. I need to draw them more. ;;v;;
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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rewatched bsd w my friend seeing it for the first time and the nostalgia of seeing these two together again hit me like a bus
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