hyunpic · 1 month
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godgavemenoname · 2 years
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angelprincess-x · 3 months
also uhmm 18+ or whatever blogs uhmm im almost 15 (rn 14 der) So
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caruliaa · 2 years
whatever im totally fine im totally not on the verge of tears im totally not deciding right now that im never going to call someone my best friend again becuase i feel like its going to just lead to them caring less and less about me some fucking how until it leads to them forgetting to actually celebrate my brithday with me its fine its fine
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Things I'm manifesting for stranger things s5:
um sorry but stevenancy has to happen. It happened once it can happen again. Actually idec if they end up together, but Steve deserves happiness so give him a wifey and Nancy should def not be with Jonathan because reasons (he sucks).
Can somebody acknowledge that Steve is the MVP of the show? Like, my mans carrying at least half the plot from season to season. He at least deserves a thank you.
Lumax get back together. It happens. Its happening. There is no way we don't get lumax.
Hopper. Just hopper. All the time. All the good things for him, give that man whatever he wants idc I love him sm.
Redeem Jonathan. He was such a non-entity in s4. Bring back that big bro energy. Bring back mamas boy Jonathan Byers.
Get back to the core plot, forget this vecna nonsense. No more cheesy effects and plot holes. Bring back season 2 intensity and thoughtfulness.
Mike and el get to be happy together. And also mike grows tf up because all the other characters are growing up but he's consistently like 8 1/2 years old.
Mike, el, will, Lucas, Dustin, max, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Robin, Joyce, and hopper all move into a big house together and live as one big happy family forever and ever.
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bunniis-w0rld · 7 days
egg drop soup is so underrated its crazy
shits insanely low in calories and carbs, full of nutrients and a decent amount of protein from the eggs making it super filling
here is my recipe cuz i have this on repeat atleast 3x a week idec
for the broth -
get 1 large carrot, 2 stalks celery, half a large white onion and half a small leek cut them up real small
throw that into a big pot with 1tbsp olive oil on high heat and sauté until soft (if you do not want to use olive oil you can use spray oil or just a few spoons of water but personally i think it tastes better and idc about a few extra cals)
add in 1tbsp turmeric, 1tsp black pepper, 5g crushed ginger, 5g crushed garlic, 1tsp salt (this is all to taste, if you want more or less do whatever you like)add 1L of water and cover until its boiling, turn the heat down real low and leave to simmer for 1-2 hours
taste periodically, you will need to add more salt to taste
strain through a seive to get all the veg out and put the liquid back into your pot, add a little more water if too much evaporated depending on how much you're making
now to make the soup -
make a slurry with 5g potato flour / cornstarch, and 1tbsp cold water. add that into your broth to thicken it
bring back up to a boil on a medium heat
crack 3 large eggs into a jug and add 1tbsp of water, mix up until smooth (if you want lower cals use only the egg whites, still delicious)
when the broth reaches a boil turn off the heat but keep it on the hob. pour the eggs in a very thin stream with one hand, while whisking the broth into a whirlpool with your other hand. this creates egg ribbons
serve with soy sauce and green onions, enjoy
you can make multiple batches of the broth and store in the fridge for about a week, to enjoy any time without all the effort. you can use store bought broth but i dont find it tastes as good and is full of a bunch of bad ingredients
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evansbby · 11 months
I swear this man makes me feel things like no other
I just love Ari idc if it’s sugar daddy!Ari, Step-daddy!Ari, dilf husband!Ari just any Ari
He can do whatever he wants to me like WHATEVER HE WANTS PLS JUST PLS I want him to do unspeakable things to me and I will thank him afterwards and ask him to do it again
I literally feel this SO hard
Like… Ari just has this insanely hot aura around him like I can’t even describe it he’s just so daddy and virile and hot and perfect and it’s just very different from Chris… he just seems like his own person and YGH HE IS SOO DADDY I WOULX LET HIM PISS ON ME IDEC
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dracwife · 2 years
i feel you so hard on oversexualizing and completely missing the point and trauma of an excellent character. they do it to so many especially men as if their trauma is not serious and can be fixed easily with sex/horny shit/whatever. they do it to jeanette too because she's a hypersexual character so if you didn't play the game you would have no idea she has intense, horrible trauma and mental illness. + people think she's cishet when she is absolutely a bi trans woman but that's just the thing the fandom is wrong about <3
oooh my god yeah. you get it. you just get it. "i can fix him because i can have sex with him" how about addressing the problem and helping him heal. idec if u say that sex & intimacy is a part of that healing process just fucking acknowledge it. my god stop boiling characters down to bland fucking hollow shells for you to write/draw porn of especially male ones fuck. men can have trauma men can have personality disorders men can have intimacy issues men can be abused stop acting like they cant bc theyre adults and ur attracted to them idc. open your EYES
and like. jeanette is the perfect counterpart to what im saying. bitches will ignore the fact jeanette was LITERALLY a trauma response herself in favor of drawing big boobies. like fuck you fuck you fuck you
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kill-4-bill · 2 years
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clearing up some shit.
i did not just turn 19. idk where she got that info from. i’m turning 20 this month. i deactivated bc she was stalking me, and activated again after a day bc i thought she was done, tried to deactivate again and insta wouldn’t let me. she’s made a 5th account to talk to me. i only know she has 5 accounts bc she’s messaged me from all 5. you can find someone’s PUBLIC profiles using a google search and look at their PUBLIC pics. i don’t have any “old pics”. i did a simple google search. google≠ stalking. i only got on tumblr bc i was told she was posting everything ab me. i don’t care about this tea girl. i don’t know her. vanessa posted about tea and i asked for more context, went to sleep, and woke up to 9+ messages. d is my PARTNER. she messaged him a long ass paragraph after i blocked her 2nd account and he responded. last time i checked defending yourself doesn’t mean texting my partner when you don’t get your way. i did not threaten to k her. saying your dad is coming to my address is threatening me tho. also i don’t live anywhere near LA. wish i did tho🤞🏻
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here is more proof of her telling me to brush my hair, calling me ugly etc. this is not defending yourself. i style my hair messy btw. i have naturally wavy hair. and i like the messy look👍🏻also beating the egirl allegations👌🏻i listen to cannibal corpse, whirr, seether, etc. and still wear skinny jeans. i’m not a skirt and leg warmers type girl but do you. i’ve been REAL alt all my life. but it’s wtv. i also don’t think i’m better than her bc i have more followers. followers are followers. i’m not an on the internet 24/7 type of person. i just have followers bc i’ve had the same acc since 2017. not once have i bragged ab more followers. she told me her whole life story months back, including how she herself couldn’t brush her hair and how she’s gained weight. but she wants to tell someone w anorexia to starve. i’m not worried ab her calling me poor either cause i’ll be 20 and i won’t be living off mommy and daddy. so it’s wtv. i don’t want any hate towards her nor did i post with malicious intent. as of last night she was still messaging me. i did not send friends to text her but did give a friend her account when she asked. i don’t have to respect someone who has made 5 accounts to text me on. i’ve had to change my username, delete my pics, etc. just to have peace from her for 5 seconds. idc if she plays victim online. that’s on her. i don’t report her, i block and wait for karma to take its toll. again not saying this to attack her, if she gen thought somewhere in her fucked up head my first message was hate on her and she had to defend herself then cool. not my problem. i’m just saying this to get the truth out there so i can be left alone. idec if she doesn’t take down her shit ab me. just take down the shit ab my partner. he doesn’t deserve that. there’s also more messages of her calling me a crackhead,etc. but i digress. it’s not my problem anymore. a little wisdom tho, if you have problems w everyone in your life, the common denominator is you. wishing this girl healing and maybe one day she will get a therapist🤞🏻i don’t hate her. i feel bad for her. it’s clearly unhealthy and mental health is serious. and yes vanessa, i do have someone to talk to ab my mental health. whatever information you’re putting out is wrong. ik she’s posted my twitter, if you need more info, reach me there. i’ve deleted the entire instagram app from my phone so i could have 5 min of peace. included in this post is the first message i sent, i didn’t think it was rude, i didn’t have rude intentions, but everyone has their own perspective. sending all my love and healing. bye.
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Who the fuck still uses facebook?
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hyunpic · 7 months
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cloneslugs · 4 years
i literally hate mine so much every time someone mentions him i just fly into a rage i loathe him like the fact that hes evil + hates/abuses kids is enough and then to top on the fact that everyone loves him so much and wants to act like hes so soft and sad and pitiful and "uwu gay icon" i could strangle you i could really just back over you in my car you are all so annoying im tired of seeing him im tired of hearing about him i would fag bash him if given the opportunity i will let the white kinnies have him and not make a deal with it im tired of mine i really am
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kittywolves · 5 years
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blackmagistertd · 6 years
bluetamales replied to your post: i wish i had a normal functioning brain...
bluetamales replied to your post:  i wish i had a normal functioning brain...
im sorry i dont interact much with you bc tbh i feel the same things. I feel like I’m annoying you and im sc ared
ngl tho i am Impossible to annoy LMAO i love and adore attention even if its meaningless conversation i am happy
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makoandharu · 2 years
utsumi said “haru and rin are the axis of free!” once and rhs never shut the fuck up since then
Don't particularly wanna hit this hornets nest ngl
But like? They are? They're the main characters? Ain't got nothing to do with how they relate to each other or other characters? Like Rin and Haru (and essentially how they interact with each other in terms of swimming) are like the crux of the show, there's be no plot without them, no story to tell if these characters weren't exactly the way they were and didn't have those exact reactions to each other's antics, especially in s1. That's literally how u write main characters. Like i genuinely don't understand what else this quote is saying??
But when Utsumi said:
"They have a “telepathic relationship” where the presence of one being next to the other isn’t questioned. This relationship hasn’t changed since their first portrayal, but I think their bond has strengthened even further over the course of the episodes. I think of them as being able to reach out a hand to each other, a relationship where the both of them need each other."
And when she said:
“I think the one who was always supporting Haruka from the shadows was Makoto. I think it’s because Makoto was there that Haruka was able to make it this far without stopping, that’s what I mean by my chest tightening at the relationship between those two”
And when she said in regards to "It's meaningless without you":
"At the beginning of production, some said it might be too much, but I strongly protested…"
When she literally said the following, with very specific words before this sentence that I'm not gonna repeat:
"I think that Makoto would be the other half of Haruka."
Like!! You can ship whatever u want, interpret these characters however u want but don't twist what Utsumi says lmao.
Anyway, if not canon then what the hell is this?? /j
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Also let's just talk about our interests instead of focusing on whatever other people are saying like genuinly idc what other's are doing, at this point idec if other's are chatting shit about my faves. You don't like Makoto and think he's done absolutely nothing for Haru? U think mh is co-dependent n toxic? You think Makoto is boring? Okay cool!! Have fun w that x
I'll just be here screaming about them holding hands??? Haru's literally holding on for dear life lmao look at themmmmmmmmmmmmmm they literally said 😏🤝🏽😁
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hakuteeth · 4 years
idec anymore u guys make my head hurt ndjdndndj like stop praising harry praise him woke king not a woke king stop reblogging pictures of him stop doing this stop doing that blah blah blah like listen this is my blog i’ll do what i want idc close ur eyes log off block me unfollow me whatever it’s been years of this bullshit at the end of the day i’m done bdjddbdn
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