scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
Tumblr, whose notes are you hiding from me? Istg this broken-ass site...
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread] Night 15: Clear
Man, second to last chapter.
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They cleared it!!!!
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Listen, we all make fun of Alibaba, but Imma be honest with you, if presented with magic fire grandpa who doesn't seem to like me vs a shitton of gold and other treasure, I'd take the money, too. But on a sadder note, Alibaba gets the value of money very personally. Sure, it might not be the most important thing in the world, but he's lived through extreme poverty, losing his mother to an illness that maybe, just maybe could've been cured had they been able to afford any form of treatment. But they hadn't been. And he also had to fend for himself after leaving the palace. It's funny to see him like that, but he has a damn good reason to be like that.
Also, look at the smol Aladdin there.
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Man, if somebody told Amon then and there that this guy currently with some gems in his mouth would be said king, he would've felt so insulted.
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Ok, but I wish the "taking the place of beloved Solomon" was elaborated a bit more. (He's talking about Aladdin, btw. Which, now that I think about it, makes sense, since Ugo tried to make everybody believe Aladdin was Solomon)
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I love Alibaba. Also, more Amon and the King Vessel he said he didn't want.
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I love him.
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Yo, half of the fandom, it's the guy you simp over. (Horrendous taste in men) [Yudja: Weird ass hands]
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God, that guy.
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They shook. But also that goddamn crown on Alibaba's head is so funny for some reason.
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Aww, i've never noticed that Alibaba is holding Amon. Is that the moment he felt like a grandpa for the first time? [Yudja: More I think, like an annoyed mother with a young kid at the candy store]
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Ok, Amon looks sick as hell here.
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Ok, that's actually so nice that Aladdin and Ugo really are both helping with that gold.
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Listen to your new family members, leave the bastard behind.
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(softly) Don't.
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(I need a hero playing in the background) GOLTAS
Ok, sorry to ruin the mood, but Goltas is kinda similar to "golas" which basically means somebody being naked in Polish, and now I can't unthink that.
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Tell her, Goltas!
But also, man, an AU where Goltas leaves, too.
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Is that a translation thing? I kind of wonder if in the official one he also say that they have ancestors from the same tribes. Makes me wonder if Kouga are related to Fanalis, now.
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He did the thing!
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Ok, that's a cool ass shot.
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Another cool ass shot, but also, Jamil, shut the fuck up.
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I know it's not the case, but he looks like his showing her thumbs up.
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Metal Vessel: acquired.
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There he is, half of the fandom. Your man. (I won't stop joking about horrendous taste in men, though I do feel like pointing out that I do like Judar. Not my fave anymore, but I happend to like most of the cast, him included.)
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catastrothy · 1 year
here is a little chronicle of my sickness journey btw. bc i feel like i need to write this down because its been hilariously awful lol
warning 4 gross stuff, oversharing, and me bitching, unsurprisingly
back in early august i got sick with what i thought was a cold. basic symptoms, fever, achiness, runny nose, etc. things are relatively normal at first, i've gotten sick dozens of times because i'm particularly prone to sinus and ear infections so i brushed it off
And Then The Hives Began.
all over my limbs and very rarely on my torso and neck. even had one on my face. at one point my throat got very itchy and i had a panic attack thinking i would get anaphylaxis for the first time in my life. thankfully i took a shitton of claritin + pepcid + benedryl and it kicked in fast enough that i was okay
i go to the local urgent care. the doctor is amazing and gives a shit and prescribes me some steroids + recommends i keep taking what i've been taking. tells me to follow up with my primary doctor and to come back if things get worse.
Things Continue To Get Worse.
i go to my primary doctor. she is not very helpful. i've been thinking of switching providers anyway because i'm moving and this has kind of solidified this decision because i'm told "well that's weird! just uhh. keep taking your antihistamines and don't go out in public. good luck :)" the only thing is its been a hot minute since i switched providers and i dont really remember what the process is like and i will inevitably get social anxiety about it.
this continues for a while. i'm managing, i feel like shit. but i am managing. now here comes the really gross part. this morning (9/15/23) i am chilling on my computer. i go to scratch my stomach, only to find... there is crust. around my belly button. why is my belly button so crusty? what? it turns out there is discharge of some sort coming from there. why? who knows! it's not too painful but between the fact my fever is now higher than it's ever been (although still a low grade one) and i have this unexplained discharge it throws me into one of the worst panic attacks i've had in a while. all the worst case scenarios (sepsis, my second greatest phobia besides anaphylaxis) are running through my head but i remind myself every time i've thought shit was mega fucked it turned out okay. mira also helps comfort me and im able to collect myself and go to the urgent care (again). also on top of this i have like 3 cold sores and my period going at the same time so i am extra suffering!!!!!!!!!!
the doctor there is again really understanding and wonderful. i love this woman. she tests me for flu, covid, strep, and mono. she says she tests for mono specifically because a lot of other doctors miss it and make patients suffer for no reason. all tests come back negative thankfully (or maybe unthankfully... because we still dont know what the fuck i got). she puts me on like 5 new different meds (antiviral, antibiotic, steroid, nausea meds, and an antifungal to help if i get a yeast infection while on the antibiotic). at this point i am genuinely wishing i could make this lady my primary doctor but alas, 'tis not to be.
i am now given 1 shot each of antibiotic and steroid. one in each butt cheek. my ass hurts so badly. sitting is vaguely uncomfortable.
i am given some gauze and also told to buy dial soap for the belly button infection. i go home and lay on the couch. and thus this is where we are now
also my electric company charged me like $200 for electricity which we do not have atm so thats a cool cherry on top
anyway moral of the story is that my immune system is garbage and i wish it attacked the virus instead of me <3
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azems-familiar · 2 years
I am This Close to watching the untamed
So if you want to perhaps yell about it or something (since you’ve gotten me into stuff that way before) that could be cool idk
okay to start with. the live action show is very good and a great place to start but it has some important differences from the novel and the donghua (animated show). i personally prefer a combination of cql (the untamed/the live action, that's the acronym i'll be using for it from now on) and the donghua; the novel suffers a lot of lost in translation effect and whatnot and i personally dislike the way the relationship is built in several places in it as opposed to how the adaptations do it, but it's definitely still worth reading. (dm me on discord if you want a copy of a pretty good fan translation of the novel and also like, a link to a place you can watch the donghua, btw.) other problems with cql: censorship hits the live action the hardest and their budget was i'm pretty sure basically nonexistent (they very clearly spent most of it on the costumes and the props, which you know what, the costumes are fucking stunning so great choice). so they changed the worldbuilding some and like.... the fight scenes? are really not good. they're really not good. also the special effects are universally pretty bad. it can make watching some parts of it difficult to get through, and there are some plot elements that are changed as well that i dislike, and a lot of the moral greyness of the original story had to get removed because again, censorship issues (if you want the most accurate, non-morally-whitewashed take first, you'll want to start with the novel, which is also what has the explicitly gay stuff). it's also not explicitly gay - but the actors played it as gay and there are multiple marriage metaphors and holy fuck like. honestly. there doesn't need to be a kiss or a confession or anything it's REALLY FUCKING GAY.
what cql excels in is its character interactions. the acting is absolutely stunning, the soundtrack is beautiful, and every single scene is just done with so much heart and emotion in it. so definitely keep that in mind going into it. i've watched it all the way through i think 3 or 4 times and i still keep seeing new fun details in the background that i hadn't noticed before.
the donghua, on the other hand, has an absolutely stunning art style, very very good voice acting, the worldbuilding and plot are more accurate to the book, and the magic and combat scenes are much more realistic for a fantasy and the powers they have. however, it, especially specifically the third and final season, is very rushed (and it has its own plot changes to fit how much they had to condense things, mostly just in the second half of season 3) and excludes some details, so it can be confusing if you don't know what you're seeing first. i recommend either watching cql or reading the novel first, then watching the donghua!
in terms of like, actual fandom stuff! so the main character of mdzs is, obviously, Wei Wuxian. i'm not sure how much you know but he's like. an incredibly ADHD man with horrible self-worth issues (despite being arrogant as hell) and a very strong sense of justice who is extremely brilliant and goes through a shitton of tragedy. he is known for inventing a viable form of necromancy, which is considered incredibly heretical and, among other things, gets him killed, and then gets him resurrected, so you know. pros and cons. he does magic by playing the flute. he is a disaster bisexual and also a bit of an alcoholic (okay a lot of an alcoholic) and i love him. his love interest is stoic and serious and incredibly autistic-coded and has been in love with him since they were teenagers and literally wrote him a love song. the two of them get trapped in a cave together and have to kill an ancient corrupted divine monster without weapons. it's very romantic. wei wuxian as a younger teenager is basically the epitome of a child pulling a girl's pigtails because he has a crush and is desperate for attention.
anyway, i'm not sure how much you know about the plot, but there's two timelines going on - the present and the past. the present is after wei wuxian is resurrected, and he and lan wangji (the love interest, in case you haven't picked up on the names yet - everyone has like two or three names and it can be hard to tell them apart at first) are basically going on a fun little murder mystery quest while also babysitting a bunch of teenagers which then abruptly devolves into politics, murder, more politics, and more murder. the past on the other hand goes from a high school definitely-not-a-romance to a goddamn war drama to politics and back to. hm. not exactly a war drama anymore but i'm really not sure how to describe everything that happens after a certain event. it's all very much a tragedy and the real "villain" of the story (which is less obvious in cql, again because of moral whitewashing due to censorship, though honestly i feel like they did a pretty good job of staying as true to the source material as they could all things considered, a whole lot of the scenes were word for word from the novel just slightly edited to fit the adjusted worldbuilding or plot changes) is the mob mentality, rumors and gossip and hearsay, and society itself!
lastly, because i am trying not to overwhelm you here, i am going to link you a couple great amvs i've found on youtube that will probably not make a lot of sense without context but will at least hopefully intrigue you?
the other one i really want to link i cannot because it definitely will make absolutely no sense without having watched the show and so you have to come talk to me when you've finished it so i can give it to you. also hey please feel free to come dm me on discord i Will ramble at length about this. especially about wwx he is my BLORBO and currently taking up residence in my brain. and also i need your live reactions if/when you start watching things oh my god
be glad it's almost 2 am and i'm still recovering from my covid booster or this would be even longer
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I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe <3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 6 years
Tear Gas protection
So I've never been to a protest, I'll admit. However I have A LOT of allergies, many of which are asthmatic triggers. So over time I've accumulated methods of keeping harmful substances away from my eyes, nose, and mouth. So, even though I'm usually too sick to attend protests, I figure I could probably help out by sharing these.
1. Goggles
I know that seems a tad obvious when you hear it, but seriously. Goggles. Get some. And the great thing about these? You can get ones that have those special yellow lenses that cut glare... like say the glare created from the lights of police vehicles, flashlights, etc.
And the great thing about goggles? They come in a bunch of different styles. Many of which you can just wear on your head for fashion....
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[picture of me wearing round sunglasses on my face but dieselpunk style goggles on my head. I'm wearing a denim vest and a black 3/4 shirt underneath, and I have curly brown hair and an undercut]
Like those goggles? I got em off eBay. For super cheap. They've lasted years. They've saved my eyes from many allergens. But they also look p cool when worn like that. And I've run errands or gone about my day with those on like that btw. Most people don't think much of it.
(but honestly even just swimming goggles could probably do the trick)
2. Ventilator Mask
Now this is one of the things that a lot of people think ya gotta have a big bulky thing in order for it to do anything. But what if I told you that most people with health issues like mine have masks like these?
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[dark red haired model wearing what looks to be a grey reusable fabric medical mask with skull and crossbones pattern, and a black circular ventilation duct to the side of the centre line. Its diameter slightly smaller than the width of a mouth]
The main brand for these are called "vogmask", and they have several layers of air filters, including carbon filters, and there's a ventilation duct on the side there. It'll keep A LOT of stuff out. And it's mostly fabric, so easy to tuck into your pocket or bag until you need it.
(Btw it comes in like. All the colours and patterns.)
And while actual vogmasks can be kinda pricy, if you get another similar ventilator mask (just make sure it says it has carbon filters), then it should work just as well. Some of the knock offs are a bit bulkier, stiffer, have two ventilation ducts, etc. but they should serve your needs just fine.
3. Dust Masks
Now these you can get at the dollar store. Or Walmart, or a hardware store or.... Basically they're super cheap and super accessible.
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[White dust mask with small circular ventilation duct in the very centre, and yellow where the elastic attaches.]
Now these are technically not designed for harmful chemicals in the air, however I've used them while cleaning black mold, as well as when exposed to heavy duty perfume exposure. Perfume is my worst asthmatic trigger btw. Like it can send me into a potentially life-threatening asthma attack. And there have been instances where someone sprayed a bunch of perfume in the air near me, and all I had handy was a dust mask, and the mask was enough. (I had a shitty neighbour for a while who would try to cover up the fact that she was smoking in her place by spraying a SHITTON of perfume near her entrance. It took a few weeks of complaints to get it sorted out, but in the meantime I would have to wear a dust mask anytime I got near my own door, and especially if I was in the hallway.)
So while they may not be the best, they can block a decent amount. Potentially enough to give you time to gtfo of there. Or to do whatever ya gotta do, idk.
Secondary Benefit: when you're wearing goggles and/or a mask like that...... it's a lot harder to tell who you are..... Just saying. And since you're using equipment that's designed for protection....... A lot harder for the other side to say that you're a bunch of masked thugs. I mean you're just trying to keep yourself safe!! If they don't want you wearing masks and goggles, then they ought to stop using chemical warfare on citizens!! (Especially considering that some of those citizens have conditions like asthma which makes those "nonlethal" methods potentially lethal but ANYWAY)
Anyway. Hope this helps even one person out there. Stay safe everyone!!
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