mightywhite · 9 months
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voidzphere · 5 months
assuming the person who made “stalker sans” didnt actually mean their apology by the way im seein multiple people harass me in my askz !! :
trying to come at me for being a killer sans irl is low. i cant HELP being this way. comparin me to that is lame. trying to compare MURDER to some stupid online drama is insane
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you say we “smoothed thingz over” then continue to make a post about me on how youre still in the right, after we've both apologized to each other and agreed it was a misunderstanding.
i was sincere about my apology as well, but it seemz like you werent. i literally use tone tagz to help indicate tone? i meant “shakin handz w you /silly” because itz not possible to do that virtually and i found it silly.
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youre more upset about deleting your “very successful video” than the livez of people who've seen this and could've felt uncomfortable or harmed by this.
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you shouldn't even be trying to create a “stalker” oc in the first place. why are you literally defendin yourzelf
also next time you make a post about someone, please clarify not to let your HUGE AUDIENCE come after them juzt cuz of some stupid online drama.
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(plz dont harass this person. /srs)
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damagedcoda6669 · 4 months
just wanted to let you know real quick that the person sending people your deadname + stuff about that one stealthygeek person has spread to tumblr, i literally just got an anonymous ask in my inbox with it. all i did was sigh in deep deep exasperation and delete it. why can't people leave you alone
i rlly appreciate ppl letting me know abt this!!! but in all honesty theres nothing i can do, and i already know. when i said not 2 send me birdie drama related asks, it includes thingz like this, becuz this is an attempt at a continuation of birdie drama by the ppl perpetrating this. i wouldnt like 2 be alerted abt this becuz its genuinely out of my control and i honestly dont intend 2 spread awareness abt this going forward. these ppl thrive off of attention and it wont do any good. block n ignore. this is the last time im talking abt it publicly. in the kindest way possible, these kind of reminders only serve 2 make me paranoid and anxious and dysphoric. ive gotten another ask sending me a sc of one of these asks with my deadname uncensored that i saw a few mins ago, and ik it will have a severe effect on my mental state. PLEASE PLEASE be mindful of my mental state with the thingz that u say 2 me, becuz i will see all of it. plz only tell me abt these things if ur 100% sure i can do smth 2 stop it, ive been scared 2 check my notifs all day becuz of the possibility of smth dumb like this happening while i was away (which isnt ur fault) i know u have good intentions but plz be aware of my mental state and how these things effect me. im in a bad mental state already and i have no therapist/psychiatrist/doctor 2 go 2 if i go off the deep end, and im currently unmedicated and not in the mental health system due 2 circumstances out of my control /nm /gen
theres nothing i can do abt my deadname being spread around, i was doxxed when i was 12 and im still being lolcowed on kiwifarms 2 this day. its public information and theres nothing i can do. the only course of action is 2 ignore. nothing theyre doing is illegal (4 the most part lol) so theres no action 2 take except 4 withdrawing attention /gen
edit: i rlly hope i didnt come across as aggressive in this post at all, i genuinely mean no harm towards the ppl telling me abt this and im not mad at u guys!!! im very thankful 4 the concern, but theres genuinely nothing i can do in this situation and the only outcome of this is a broken mental state 4 me. i feel icky being negative again but i just want my boundaries 2 be known!!! so srry :(
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
imagine if jing yuan eventually got jealous of mimi getting more attention than him
i couldnt help but wonder if this could be part of a one shot if someone wants to read it…i mean, i could make a spin off series of one shots and scenarios that stray off the main line story, using the current Vidyadhara reader !
In this scenario, we will be following the current timeline of the story, but i can put a little extra that strays from the original as a treat ! (so dont go telling Blade i made scenarios behind his back hehe !
Taglist ! : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz
Though Yanqing was quite the rambunctious kid, during the night when he was left to his own devices, there was nothing else but him, and his papers, the moon, the sound of crickets, and more papers. Yeah…not to mention more papers of endless trivial reports spilled here and there on and under the small table in his room which he would read whenever he couldn't sleep.
Why ? To get sleepy by looking at something completely disinteresting.
Jing Yuan really couldn't help it. Almost everywhere his eyes landed, he would be reminded of his long lost companions. Though people say that wounds heal with time, how can 500 years not be sufficient enough to patch up all the pain he endured…?
Looking at his weapon he had stored in his room, he was reminded of Yingxing. Looking at Yanqing training, he was reminded of his own days with Jingliu. Looking at the Starskiffs in the sky, he was reminded of Baiheng who loved the galaxy, and once a member of the Nameless. Looking at the Alchemy Commission and the Scalegorge Waterscape, he was reminded of Dan Feng.
And at night when he was alone, looking up at the moon, he was reminded of Dan Jia.
But for the following days that (Y/n) resided in his abode for the time being, he felt like that void was slowly being patched up, like he wasn't the only one suffering in all this mess. Sure, he did want her to remember her past, but if it only will bring her suffering…
He would rather see her smile as she leaned against the wooden guardrail, gazing up at the moon. Like she was now, as they stood in silence, the only sound between them being the water splashing and the rushing in the manmade river in his personal gardens.
Jing Yuan relished in the sight of her smiling so peacefully, so carefree, like Dan Jia once did. He was about to call out to her when…
Sounds of heavy feet pressing against the dirt and pushing down the grass blades entered their ears, the sound of purring being the sole trait to the one that had interrupted them.
"Ah, Mimi !" (Y/n) called out, pushing herself off of the railings as she skipped off to the feline. She smiled brightly, a smile that she seldom showed any being, save for the large cat.
She ran her slender fingers through Mimi's mane, chuckling as she rubbed her face against Mimi's. Jing Yuan smiled and sighed, crossing over his arms, leaning against the wood, as he watched his companion put a smile on his dear friend's face.
Jing Yuan knew (Y/n) just needed a little love to give and receive without fear. He didn't regretted introducing Mimi to (Y/n), and he never would.
He takes it back. Oh how he wished he could take it back and say it again, this time with a grain of salt.
Another day he returns, another day full of useless complaints and meaningless reports. And another day of looking at (Y/n) and spending time with her as she ventured through the archives…and another day of…
"Mimi~!! Did you miss me~?" (Y/n) would coo out each time they returned from the Seat of Divine Foresight, after Jing Yuan had finished his work.
(Y/n) would let the feline approach her, as she bent down to embrace and kiss the snow lion. Jing Yuan would smile at her affectionate gesture to his companion…that is with an irk mark on his forehead.
Not to mention the snickering from Yanqing in the side.
"Looks like Lady (Y/n) here cares more for a lion than you, General." the young boy would tease.
"As long as she's happy, Yanqing. Have you not seen how much she smiles nowadays ? Perhaps I should treat Mimi to a little more…rewarding dinner soon." Jing Yuan would say, but he was obviously feeling different on the inside.
Yanqing would whistle, putting his hands behind his head as he looked at one of the seven arbitral generals in amusement. He raised one eyebrow, not even sparing a glance to the general to know what he was thinking. "Jealous, General ?"
"Me ? Jealous ? How amusing, Yanqing." Jing Yuan said with a deep chuckle. He raised a large hand and placed it on the boy's head, ruffling his blonde locks. "I wonder where did you get that idea, hm ?"
He wasn't jealous. Just the sound of it was ridiculous.
He couldn't be jealous. Right ?
After Yanqing made that little comment about jealousy, Jing Yuan couldn't help but notice the little things that (Y/n) did around him.
He noticed that the dragon lady really wouldn't pay attention much to him. She would be in her own bubble at times. But whenever it was about Mimi, he had never see someone turn their head any faster than (Y/n) did.
(Y/n) was a quiet person for most of the part, barely talking much or showing too much expression, but she was always so happy to see the lion. She would run her hands through the feline's white mane, placing soft butterfly kisses all over, and praising the lion before hanging out with Mimi.
The worse part of it is that Mimi seems to understand the extra attention (Y/n) was giving her, and Jing Yuan's despair of not receiving any at all. Jing Yuan swears he could see that sly gleam in the lion's eyes. And he bet that if she could smirk, she definitely would be smirking at his despair.
He swears that the lion herself was plotting against him, rubbing her head against (Y/n)'s leg whenever she was home, walking around with a book in her hands. (Y/n) would look over, and pet the lion, that would lean into her hand, and purr loudly, making (Y/n) smile.
She would always be kissing and hugging the lion in front of him with a sweet smile on her lips. Those lips...that were never void with that waxy shine of her balm, those pink muscles pulling to reveal her pearly whites.
And it was beginning to get on his nerves.
Currently they were in his bedroom, since (Y/n) still had nightmares from time to time. His bedroom was literally her room now, where she would sleep. She even had her little mattress on the floor he had prepared for her.
(Y/n) was leaning against Mimi, the feline purring loudly, resting her head on her paws as her eyes were shut as the two sat on the matted floor of his room. (Y/n) had a book in her hand, reading something she was given to entertain herself. Jing Yuan too was on the floor with them, a few feet away, by his small floor table, reading away at some scrolls.
"Hey, (Y/n)..." Jing Yuan would call out, only to be interrupted by loud yawn from Mimi. (Y/n) chuckled and ran her slender fingers through Mimi's mane, scratching her gently which the lion loved.
"You're so cute, Mimi. The cutest in the estate. My absolute favorite." (Y/n) would praise, as she pampered the animal.
And after hearing that too many times, he had grown irritated of hearing that. He didn't want (Y/n) to be telling that to her. He wanted it for HIM. And it was so TEMPTING, with the way she would softly giggle and smile.
He bit his lip, watching (Y/n) talk to Mimi softly, like the lion was some baby. But he loved the view before him, smiling softly.
(Y/n) sat on the ground, with Mimi close to the window. Though she was basked with the warm glow of the golden light in the room, the moonlight bathed her best. The way the pure light would bounce off her (s/c) skin, her cheeks, accentuating the shape of her nose and the slant of her eyes, the shadows of her hair on her face, her beautiful silk robes that shone under the light.
Moonlight really suited her best, with the way it casted the most beautiful shadows under the purest lighting. She just looked so graceful, with the way her hair fell, the shine in her precious (e/c) eyes, the shape of her horns on her head, the gleam on her lovely plump lips accompanied with her soft voice that was lulling him to sleep.
He wondered what it was like to be in Mimi's place, to be smothered in kisses...
"Princess..." Jing Yuan would call out again, only to be hushed by (Y/n) who was still baby-talking to Mimi.
He felt so annoyed. He had never been irked up to this point. Was a lion being prioritized over him now ?! She couldn't be serious, right ?!
He felt something deep inside him burning. Anger. Not really. He couldn't be angry at (Y/n) who was pampering Mimi. And he wasn't angry that Mimi was getting affection. Was he upset ? No.
Was this the jealousy Yanqing was talking about ?
Whatever it was, Jing Yuan had enough. If he was jealous, so be it. He was going to confront this matter head on. So he moved, putting down the scroll in his hands. And with a swift moment, got up and approached (Y/n).
Jing Yuan planted his right hand firmly on the ground next to (Y/n), his knee firmly on the ground next to her thigh. His left foot landed on her other side, as he pulled the book out of (Y/n)'s hands, leaning forward as he trapped her between his muscular figure and Mimi's sleeping figure.
"Jing Yuan--" "Pay attention to me too, (Y/n)."
"H-huh...?" (Y/n) gasped, lips slightly parted, quite confused as her cheeks began to heat up from the close confrontation. (E/c) eyes met hungry and impatient honey gold eyes, as it seems Jing Yuan had enough of this behavior of (Y/n)'s.
"I said pay attention to me, (Y/n). I've had enough of you babying Mimi but you don't listen to a word I say." he sternly said, almost glaring at her from behind his messy white bangs. He snapped her book shut after taking note of the page she was on earlier, setting it aside carefully.
"Jing..." "Yuan. Call me Yuan." Jing Yuan insisted, wanting her to use his first name instead of his last. They were close enough for her to do that, right ?
"Go on, say it." he said, his possessive side taking over him. He waited, waited for her to say his name with those pretty lips of hers.
"Y-Yuan..." (Y/n) said shyly, not used to his sudden dominance. Her cheeks were burning red, even under the dim lighting, her eyes cast down as she cutely said his name.
Oh God...
"Again." he commanded, using his large hand to hold her chin tenderly, tilting her head up so that her eyes would meet his.
The sound of her calling him by his first name was making him feel things...
"Yuan..." she shyly said, again, her eyes meeting his own. Her pink lips moved to say his name, the way they pursed and parted...
He couldn't handle himself anymore.
Jing Yuan closed his eyes smashed his lips against (Y/n)'s own, feeling his lips molding against her soft own. His heart was beating in his ears, as his instincts kicked in, wanting more and more from her.
Her lips were so sweet...so soft. It was even better than what he had ever imagined them to be.
They pulled back for a moment, to catch their breath. Their eyes were still in contact, swirling with emotions full of need and want. (Y/n)'s cheeks were flushed as was his own, their chests close to touching as they heaved, rising and falling rapidly to take in oxygen they lost.
But he was still breathless.
She...was so breathtaking...
Mimi sensed the heat between the two individuals as she woke up and moved. As (Y/n) was about to fall, Jing Yuan caught her with his hand, and slowly laid her down onto the matted floor. He looked at the lion, and as Mimi laid down, to sleep again, he swore he could see her wink at him.
He took that as a sign as he looked back at (Y/n).
"Y-Yuan...?" (Y/n) called out and he felt something inside him snap.
Her hair was disheveled in an enticing way, her eyes quite shocked and...needy, her lips were separated and the way her robe was falling off her shoulder...
(Y/n)'s slender hands went around his neck, as her face got closer to his. Oh...how he wanted this moment to happen...and it was finally taking its course...
Her lips were so close to his. So he shut his eyes to relish in the feeling of pleasure...the distance was less than a single millimeter before their lips would meet again when she whispered,
"Wake up."
Jing Yuan's eyes opened in a flash, as his chest heaved. He sat up, trying to understand his surroundings, when he noticed he was on the bed. He must've fallen asleep after he took a bath, overthinking about Yanqing saying he was jealous earlier when they returned.
He sighed as he laid back down on the bed, putting his forearm over his eyes. It was just a dream. But it was so...real.
Her lips...felt so soft.
Wait, speaking of lips, where was (Y/n) ?
He quickly sat up, eyes scouring around before he saw the woman he was seeking for on the floor, the lion curled up to keep her comfortable. Jing Yuan sighed as he got up from the bed, picking up the sleeping dragon lady in his arms.
(Y/n) stirred in her sleep, (e/c) eyes opening to look at him in a daze. "Jing...?" she sleepily called out.
Jing Yuan smiled as he placed her on the bed, putting a pillow between them as a simple barrier. "You look uncomfortable on the floor, princess. Here, sleep here for the night, okay ?"
"Mhm..." she sleepily nodded. Jing Yuan chuckled as he laid on the bed next to her, reaching a hand over to stroke her hair.
(Y/n) took his hand, clasped softly between her smaller own. Then she closed her eyes, bringing his hand close to her face as she began to doze of again.
Jing Yuan's eyes widened a little, before he smiled, his heart melting at the sight of the pretty woman before him. Sure that she was asleep, he placed a soft kiss on her temple, satisfied with just that after getting quite the scare from his dream.
"Sweet dreams, my princess..."
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 7 months
Why I will never ever take Bridgerton fandom or mainly any tv/film fandoms seriously especially the Bridgerton one because they genuinely like trash toxic disgusting characters like Eloise Anthony Kate Daphne but hate Marina Edwina Colin and Penelope and the only reason they like Kate is because she’s their self insert girl to be with the hot nasty white boy they fancy Anthony and the only reason they dislike Colin who’s perfect and the best man brother wnd Bridgerton in that whole show is because he’s Penelope friend and love interest it’s clear as day they whole fandom hatred for them is based on racism misogynior and fatphobia because you can’t tell me you genuinely like Daphne who’s a se*ual assaulte* (which btw people hate Alison in UA for as they should but they deem her as the devil worst most evil human ever that was kissing too but daphne does a whole SA rap*e but she don’t get the same energy Daphne don’t even get any energy about in fact she gets nothing is because what she did was towards a poc character so it don’t matter right and things only matter when poc/woc characters does anything or just breathes in the wrong direction or towards a yt character right they are
deemed satan sporn crucified fandom love to put woc/poc character on high standards then white characters who can just live life and do all mistakes without facing consequences or remotely anything even if it’s literally sexu*ul assaul* or crimes like plz be fr and don’t get me started on them like having understanding sympathing and making all the excuses in the world for daphne even tho she’s sexua* assaulte* but they hate Marina for doing what was best for her children and herself there’s absolutely no understanding no sympathy or empathy for her and the life she’s lived which was so sad and cruel in fact she’s lived the worst life but they have no understanding for her but can easily do for other characters who’s lived a spoiled happy privileged life like the Bridgertons but nothing for the poor sad heartbroken girl in that society being not just any girl but a woc and not a rich woc that is protected by love or money like say queen Charlotte duke was in that era
being great mother doing whatever for their kids which is another thing fandoms love Portia as they should bc she was doing what was best for her kids as a mother does and should always do (my queen except when she’s cruel to pen and her sister) when she said she was mother and her team was the 3 girls the fandom call her bad bitch best mom who loves her kids as they should bc it’s true and Georgia in G&G calling her girl boss bad bitch best mother and queen thingz for doing everything for her kids and herself but Marina doing the same in time in a society where people like her poor black woman with no high status or family meant nothing who’s opinion and life and gender was seen as less, for her it’s she’s the devil trapping Colin like he still didn’t want her afterwards saying it didn’t matter to him that she was pregnant with another man baby that he loved and would’ve helped her if he knew😂 she’s manipulative trapping him all the bla bla no she was doing what was right and best for her at that time and we shouldn’t applauded her for her mistakes for doing what was wrong to towards Colin or lying to him but understand her time and life and see she was very desperate have some sympathy for god sake she made a mistake she did something wrong we see it her it but so did everyone else there and y’all have understanding sympathy for them but can’t do the same for her why?
(at least she came clean and apologized and got her consequences more then I can say for any bridgerton character that’s not Colin because they all somehow never seem to get any consequences for their actions or the things they do and the people they hurt just disappear or are the ones getting hated on or they get their happy ending with a person they hurt) but when another white woman character does that same exact thing but it’s way worse it’s girl boss) and that’s why I can’t take any fandom but especially the Bridgerton fandom seriously and don’t even get me started on the unnecessary hate Penelope Colin and Edwina get all the time sure Penelope at least did something bad once or twice or thrice and I’m not excusing her but it’s not remotely close to anything those other characters or even Eloise did and Kate Anthony get nothing even tho they are literally the most evil characters in that show along with daphne, Eloise is horrible awful cruel human but she’s not a devil just mean whiny privileged spoiled narcissistic hypocritical bitc*h and anyone that likes these characters but hate on Penelope who tried everything to save herself and her friend can stfu and anyone who hates Edwina and Colin literally the best characters in the whole universe who’s never ever done anything wrong in their lives can fcvk off good too for all I care same can Penelope Polin and Marina haters!
you are not fooling anyone with your clear and obvious racism misogynior and fatphobia at all because if you genuinely was gonna hate on characters for being cruel or doing something manipulative nasty or just pure evil you would never eveeer hate or even think off hating on Colin and Edwina and you would be so understanding empathetic and feel for Penelope and Marina doing whatever they can in world where they are poor woman who aren’t rich spoiled privileged supported by their family nor Bridgerton girls and who the world don’t just open up for them with opportunity respect an kindness
And this is more then half the fandom all of them being the same one shade of nasty liking daphn kathony but hating Colin Edwina marina and Penelope be so fr real!
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doll-elvis · 1 year
PRISCILLA 2023: the press conference and incoming reviews
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today was my day off of work so naturally I stayed up until 5:15 am (pacific standard time thingz) to watch the press conference, and to read some of the incoming reviews for the film 😩
here are the most interesting notes from the press conference (it was extremely brief) and the reviews that I found the most interesting ⬇️
✭ the key moment in the press conference was most definitely Priscilla getting asked a question despite her not being on the panel but in the audience. She was asked how she felt about her life being represented on film and what touched her most about the movie… she gave the best answer of the conference imo
- she became emotional nearly right away and had to take a moment to wipe her tears for which she apologized
- at first she simply said “the ending”, referring to what touched her most about the film. Based on that, and another question, I’m assuming the film ends with Priscilla leaving Elvis
-there were a few questions which shed Elvis in a bad light and so Priscilla referenced one of the journalists and began defending Elvis: she said that her parents had no idea why Elvis was so drawn to her and wanted to be with her, but she states that she was someone that Elvis could completely pour his heart out into (she references the loss of Gladys, his fears, and his frustration with his career)
-As she says it, she was there to listen and to comfort him, she said that is what drew Elvis to her. She states she was mature for her age “older in life but not in numbers”. She also says that in the beginning of the relationship, when she was 14, the relationship was not about sex and that he always respected her
“People think, ‘Oh, it was sex.’ No, it wasn’t. I never had sex with him. He was very kind, very soft, very loving, but he also respected the fact I was only 14 years old”
-she talked about how she didn’t know why Elvis had put so much trust into her but she realized it was because she never gave him up. She never told anyone at school she was seeing him etc. etc
-to end her statement she says that Elvis was the love of her life, and that she didn’t leave him because she didn’t love him, she left because she couldn’t handle the lifestyle
some other key notes-
- the very first question by a journalist referenced physical and mental abuse that is shown in the film
-Jacob Elordi seriously surprised me (in the best way) with his very first answer: he was asked about Elvis telling Priscilla “maybe another time, maybe another place” and how he related to that. He first talked about how Priscilla’s book was the main source for him, and how he came to understand the scale of their love (between Elvis and Priscilla) and the power of it. He said it’s “true”, “undying”, and “it’s beautiful”. He finished by saying that Elvis and Priscilla will be tethered for eternity because of their love
(I honestly didn’t expect such an insightful answer from him lmaoo 🤧)
- Sofia talked about how it was really important for this film to only be the from the perspective of Priscilla, and she says that one of the reasons she loves film is because you can experience someone else’s story
- One journalist asked Sofia if she learned anything new about Elvis from talking with Priscilla and she says that Priscilla told her about how when they would go to movies together in Germany, Elvis would always mouth the words to film… that is how badly he wanted to be a serious actor
- Jacob was asked if he drew any inspiration from the 2022 “Elvis” and he said “no.”, and that Sofia helped him tackle his fears in portraying someone as big as Elvis
- When asked about why Jacob was casted as Elvis, Sofia said that she felt that he had the same charisma as Elvis but most importantly he could play the sensitive and vulnerable side to Elvis
There were a few other technical questions about the film’s palette and music but the press conference ended super quickly, it was a bit awkward to watch and the lead actress, Cailee Spaeny, was naturally very nervous 😭
Overall, reviews have been mixed. Some are saying it’s Coppola’s best work. Some are saying it lacks any depth. And many have had not good things to say about Elvis which makes me anxious for what kind of content is shown in the movie
Here are some of the newest reviews for the film, courtesy of letterboxd ⬇️:
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“it avoids giving any sort of context to why Elvis was acting the way he was” is the most worrisome line out of all of these to me… elvis is quite possibly the most context needing person ever
it’s a lot to digest at once, what do y’all think about everything?
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fromgoy2joy · 9 months
Hi! I have been off and on about my converion for a few years. My biggest road block is when I am asked by Rabbi’s or others “what is your reason for converting?”. My answers always seem off putting to the asker (jewish theology resonates with me, jewish ancestry, a love for jewish philosophy and torah principles). I wanted to ask how did you answer and navigate this question at the beginning of your journey?
hello hello! This is such a fascinating question that will merit a *long* response, so sit down, make yourself comfortable, get some tea etc. Sorry for making you wait, but I thought this would be a good post for me to reflect on on a Shabbat I can’t observe. (Family thingz and drama eek)
I entered the Jewish community in a somewhat unconventional way. As a college student, I decided to convert after years of thinking about it and a lifetime of longing for it.
I could go into a whole tangent about that, but short story. I’ve always felt pulled to Judaism and I always tried to fix myself into being a good Catholic girl. One of my earliest memories at 6 was being told to name my stuffed monkey after a saint and I chose Moses for her. Because I wanted her (and me) to be Jewish.
So after years of self torment, I entered college, pretty sure that I was going to convert but completely unknowing of how to start. But school started in September- it was all high holidays and that’s like bursting in on Christmas (not accurate portrayal but from a cultural Christian POV.) I kept on making excuses.
It was a little revelation I had to myself on a seemingly innocuous Friday night. That if if all religion is “disproven” tomorrow, I would still want to practice these traditions, and pass it down to my children. I would still want to be apart of this community and follow the philosophies.
That night was October 6th.
Then I woke up on October 7th and my world had completely shaken. I can’t even put the words into how I felt- it was as if I had blown out the candles of a birthday cake joyfully, unknowing of the darkness I was letting in.
I wept at the constantly playing news. I went to memorial services at local synagogues and struggled through (and got better at ) the Hebrew. I stopped all ham consumption and started to attempt at keeping kosher. And I started going to the Jewish life room provided by our university more and more often.
No one would be in there in the odd times I’d come in, but I started to read “Judaism for Dummies” on their somewhat uncomfortable couch. I was delighted to see that it was too simplistic for me, that there was so much I already knew. Then I moved on to the more complex books about Jewish literacy, philosophy and stories to get more well rounded. But that’s a hard place to start where I know about intense philosophical questions but not the Shema.
I really got involved in the community. I went constantly to shabbats, introduced myself to people around and met with leaders. I went to rabbis’ houses and played with their children. I got involved in advocacy. I walked to a minyan on a Friday night a mile off in the rain. I learnt prayers and butchered the pronunciation.
By the time I actually sat down with my converting rabbi, I’d been immersed in Jewish life for around 3 months.
So I covered bases with him- how I felt about Judaism, how I had learnt and practiced my faith in the limited time I had, but most of all how I had gone through hell and back with the Jewish people and how I never wanted to leave them.
(And then I got assigned 600 pages of reading. So success but at what cost? Just kidding just kidding!
My recommendation to you is- as much as you can- immerse yourself in Jewish community. Make it to prayer services. Help out. And if they ask the “who, what, why, where, when” on your conversion, you don’t have to over-explain. Just smile and say “oh it’s a long story, but this feels like home. “
Because that’s what Judaism is to me - and what it sounds like for you too. Home.
You’ll refine your answers to the other hard questions later. It sound like you already have those answers and your “why” .But making yourself at home here is what I’d (from my experience) recommend you focus on.
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captain-n-crunchies · 3 months
I hate roblox..
Yuuji x Black! Gamer Reader ( GN READER)
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When you have a s/o who games a lot your time is usually spent listening to them talk about a new game, how much games copy the same theme as stalkers or killer toys or talking about a new video a fav content creator made. Today Yuuji and S/O were just sitting in their dorm, it was 9:45 pm and they had a sleepover date today, Yuuji bought snacks and you made a fort and set up a movie theater style room for the two of you; now the two of you are watching the LEGO movie on Netflix when a notification pops up on your phone.
" Oh cool! Yuu! r/c just played Poppy Playtime chapter 4!"
" That's cool babe...what is that?"
" The toys that killed people Yuu, ya'know the we watched Berleezy play?"
Yuuji taps his chin thinking back and shakes his head, you pull out your phone to tap TikTok to play the viral sound
" This one Yuu, ' NO! NOOO! NOOOO'
" OHHH! THAT DUDE! I still don't remember"
You roll your eyes and pull up pictures of the game, you both watch tiktoks of people playing the game
" I could do that, it's only running and doing puzzles"
You get a wonderful idea at his statement and asks a simple question.
" It's a copy of it on Roblox, wanna pla-"
" No" Well damn
" Why not? Scared of bacon heads or sum?"
Yuuji just shakes his head and pouts groaning while telling a story of how he tried to play an obby with Nobara and Megumi and always fails at jumping somehow, with this knowledge you beg and beg him to play the game like a tiny gaming session. Yuuji pouts telling you ' what about the movie?' he didn't even pay attention too; you drag him to your PC and sets him up an account on Roblox while you grab with PS5 ( Gojo thingz) to play with him. With everything hooked up and yuuji begrudgingly making an account you look up ' Poppy's Playtime' on Roblox
" Ok Yuu join me"
" Ok! how do I-"
" Click on my avatar and hit join game"
After Yuuji joins he joins you in chapater 3
" Aren't we in 1?
" Because that one isn't scary this one is"
Yuuji side-eyes us and joins when he is transported next to you in the burning train, as you and yuuji wonder into "Play-Care" yuuji reads out the text with Ludwigs voice
" This dude reminds me of Yaga if he was evil"
" What if Yaga is evil and we all are helping him?" " Nah, Yaga too ' Evil is bad, Must be Good' to be some evil sorcerer"
" But what iffff" You say now walking into the statue, Yuuji just stand there though.
" What you looking crazy for?? Come on"
" Nuh uh I remember from the video when we go down there they get us"
" I thought you said you ain't remember?"
" I lied obviously"
After going back and forth about going to continue the game you leave him and head into the Care- Home, Yuuji trails behind you trying to copy a gamer's intro. Walking around the game for clues you see a Catnap walking freely behind on boards.
" YUU! Did you see that!?"
" Seen what?
" Catnap!"
" ... A creepy cat supposed to scare me?? I fought curses creepier"
" yea yea but. he's the real deal in actual game"
" Why we can't play that then?
" Because I'm not paying for the game when it free on Roblox?? Duhhh"
After venturing around finding some of lure you walk into a medical room with the tv on telling you how the toys were waiting for you, waiting to finally kill all the people that done them wrong, saying you won't like the games they have for you when a distorted image of Huggy Wuggy crawls out.
" Hey what he doing? Wait- WAIT WAIT!"
Yuuji tries to run from it while you laugh at him running, he turns around the Huggy just running towards him...MENCENINGLY
" Ok where do I go? Where you at y/n?"
Oh- I disconnected"
" Wha- WHta you mean disconnected? What I do!?"
" Just run"
" Run! I'm doing that, He's GAINING ON ME! HELP AHHHH!"
A jump scare makes you exit the game, and he stares at you mean mugging you while you laugh your ass off
" OMG! You keep sayin " AhHh!" You mocked his cream as he denies ever being scared mumbling he hates Roblox and it off brand Minecraft. After wiping your tears of joy, you make him login back on to play a game of his choice as payment for laughing at him
" I wanna do that Tower of Hell thingy"
" You played with Megs and Nobara right?"
" Yea I'm a pro at it"
Once joining he dashes onto each platform while you just take your time
" OH YEA! Best Roblox player to ever live! Never played what that girl you be saying on TikTok?"
" What girl?"
" The one that be like " ON my soUuUlllll"
You laugh at his impression while he yaps about he's soooo good until he got sliced in half by a laser ( RIP GOJO HE WAS MY MAN FOR 2 DAYS)
" ... HOW DID I DIE!? WTF!"
" I thought you were the greatest...the greatest never dies from lasers"
He rolls his eyes ans tries to get back up but always fails on the same map, after 5 mintues of straight raging he exits out and gets back into the fort pouting. You log out and rub his head cooing how it ok and he's your best roblox player, he acts all moopy saying robloz sucks and everything while you laugh him off.
" Would you play fortnight in roblox"
" No"
" Not even for me?" With a puppy dog eyes
"You look ulgy like tha- OW!"
" Ulgy taht! forehead..."
Roblox does sucks
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A.N: ( AHHHHHH! yall honstly I'm so good at making random ideas for stories like call me Shakes sphere or whateva but tell me if you like and please wright some suggestions down in the comments for characters but I have ideas but no characters but yea! Love yall"
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
um. hi again, sera… u know i love u. I’m sorry if i overreacted before, but u obviously understand why. i know ur trying, it just all makes me so mad…
uh, but… who is that other person in the ask box that’s been talking recently?? sorry, but if someone’s going to be an asshole about me like that, why bother replying? u know i’m just looking out for u. like u said. maybe this “camille” is being nice to u now, but u know how people are, especially online. i can’t stop u from replying or anything, but don’t accept any offers from this person or anything, please… i don't trust her.
she’s telling u to stop talking to me… she doesn’t even know me! u know that ur the only person i talk to. i wouldn’t be anything without u. I don’t have any friends or anything… everyone at school hates me for no reason… ur the only one that understands me. please don’t let her get to ur head, my beloved.
if u come over i could show u my love again… i just want to see you. <3
- kylar
hii kyky <3 i love you too!! i hope u know that <33 ofc u have every right to be upset. i shouldn't have been hiding anything from u. u put sm trust into me & deserve tha same amount of effort 2 b put back into u :(
the person in my inbox is just a kind someone who stumbled upon my page ^_^ she means well & wants me 2 be safe like u do but ummm,,, ya ur right
she doesn't know us irl so ofc take whut she says w/ a grain of salt. it's hard 2 judge a situation when ur not in it and idk apparently ppl think i'm "prone to exaggeration" on here and apparently too "unwell" that it makes me overemotional & clouds my judgment (¬_¬ ). so maybe i dont portray thingz 100% accurately (╯︿╰)???
either way plz dont worry any of that !!! i've no plans to take any offers to get away from u <3 um.... if you want me 2 stop replying to her,, i guess i could? idk :( i know u dont trust her but— idk. we will talk abt this face 2 face in a bit ^^;
ehehehe "show u my love" o-m-g. stopp it you,,,, (´▽`ʃƪ) 'm kidding p;ls dontstop,iloveit. as soon i post this i'll b over in 10 min :] wont keep u waiting i promise!! <3
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barrenclan · 2 years
I wanna say that I REALLY liek how dis comic approachez sexuality, bc liek. i can rarely get behind when a WC story has homophobia or transphobia or what have you bc. why would dey? I get why some people do it and far be it from me to judge em but I’ve never cared for bigotry in WC storiez. and I think you did a super good job of Pinepaw having a reasonable societal conflict abt his sexuality (‘oh god everyone wants me as a tom to have kits but I can’t bc I only like toms’) that doesn’t make th Clan homophobic when dey have much better thingz to worry about. like, dere’z a Reason for more traditionalist catz to be upset about it instead of inexplicable cat homophobia. if that makez sense. that on top of Slugpelts reaction of ‘I’ve never thought of it but I love you’ being very true to life w confused but supportive parentz is super great and I just love th approach dis story takez :-)
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that the story's been connecting with you. I think a large part in how I write sexuality in this comic is that I've been trying to not approach it from a purely human perspective. Of course, I am a human writing for humans, so I want to make it more easy to connect with, but I don't think that animals with some amount of sapience even in anthropomorphized story would approach it the same way we do.
Doesn't mean that everyone's totally understanding, doesn't mean everyone's totally an asshole. I just think it's an interesting topic to explore, and also with how it clashes against BarrenClan politics.
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milfhandholder · 2 years
Random Grell thingz I've accumulated in my head bcs I'm delusional but without context bcs I am going to write a legit novel abt this woman one day
Idc what anyone says, I am an avid believer of the fact that Grell has always been considered beautiful by her peers even in her human life
She's so beautiful that the Victorians could've started kpop PC first bcs of her and trade them like actual kpoppers
Grell always knew about her being queer (minus actual label bcs Victorian era duh) but not about her gender
"Wait so you people don't fantasize about having boobs? Not at all? No?"
It was maybe 6 years into her reaper life when she finally got the memo that "hey girlie, you're actually a girl"
Her crisis went a bit like this: straight man -> gay man?? -> 'oh no I like girls too' bi man -> died LMAO -> 'I hate everyone and I hate my gender' questioning -> 'maybe I have no gender at all. I like girls though' (she was exclusive to girls only so I guess??lesbian?? Who cheered) -> transwoman questioning -> !! transwoman bi !!
Was in a 'lavender marriage' with a closeted lesbian for maybe 2 - 3 years before her suicide. Grell sort of fell in love with her but understandably never confessed. Fast forward to present time AND GRELL IS HITTING THE FLOOR, SCREAMING, CRYING
She had a lot of rage as a young reaper because she never really got over 'my parents suck' mindset that stood by her as she died
HATED WILLIAM. As much as I love the OVA, I will stand by my words that it would’ve been so much more interesting if Grell buried / was embarassed about her crush and acted like a dick towards him BECAUSE WHY, OF ALL THE MEN IN DISPATCH, DID IT HAVE TO BE WILLIAM T SPEARS
Mellowed out eventually and cool character development happened
Has more experience with and confidence in dating girls, she's very anxious (and perhaps frightful) about men reciprocating her advances
Being made "an experience" does that to you
Fun fact: she's the first and only woman William ever had a crush on. Good taste dude
She was projecting her ex wife A LOT onto Madam but it's ok bcs it was vice versa you see, Madam projected too BUT THEN THESE BITCHES TALKED IT OUT and everything is all ok and cool and OH GOD GRELL NOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭
Speaks German and French, is the go to translator for German Dispatch businesses until Ludger (and eventually Sascha joined in as a bonus and a translator) was forced to sharpen his English
Now for the E discourse.... someone made a typo one day and she went with it
Grell: You see, when you go to France, they make you get a name in French. That's why I can go by Grell Sutcliff or Grelle Sutcliffe
Ron, an idiot who has never been anywhere except his hometown: oh shit fr??
Eric's her first ACTUAL reaper friend which is sad ngl LMAOOO
Firm believer that the reapers have mentorships for gifted students that started in Ron's year and that Grell was her mentor READ MY RON FIC, IM OBSESSED WITH THEM
Mentoring Ron (aka a few years before Jack the Ripper) was the moment where she was the healthiest, mentally
Then she divorced Madam, had a falling out with William and oops she regressed el em ao. Don't tell any of her friends though, they'd start annoying her to get better
People older and the same age as her are wildly terrified of her. This is in contrast to (most) juniors who are so in love with the idea of her
Harbors a lot of guilt, grief, rage, anger, jealousy, insecurity, narcissism, etc. She's just a good actress
Her butler persona was her mocking three people at once: her father's (brunette) appearance, her mother's wish for Grell to be more obedient, and Grell's old self that let people walk all over her for the sake of maintaining her family name
Her family is rich rich though she can't remember for what. She doesn't really care eitherway so
Can be very insensitive!! It doesn't help that she's friends with people who'd give the same energy back (Eric and Othello) or people who just don't care enough (William)
She learned how to hold her tongue when she realized Ron was genuinely upset with her rude comments. Ironically, Ron learned how to have thicker skin because of said comments
Likes dogs, sorry Sebastian
Good at fencing! Not much else in other sports!!
She hates sports sm, they make her sweat and they are tedious and they're exhausting and THEY'RE BORING
The only ranged weapon she'd try out is a gun.
She's no wuss
Yeah that's all that I can think of lmao
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 months
I can already see taekookers say that the Hawaii vacation was more genuine than jikook’s which was made for a reality show
And maybe they wouldn't be wrong!
Back in like 2022 I remember saying in this blog that jikookers would have to make peace with being the "fanservice couple" because nobody was going to see much or anything from jikook except for official content. Lo and behold..
Of course at the time I didn't think Jimin and Jungkook would go literal months not hanging out with each other, or barely meeting up like it happened in 2023. Either way what I said ended up being real.
If I recall correctly, I said that people would just have to choose if they wanted to stand up for people who gave them zero, like zero proof or reason to believe they spent time together. Or if they'd stand up for the "fanservice ship" that you only see in official content.
Because standing up for either -in the context of taekook vs jikook and what both set of shippers deem as "real proof"- is a lost battle... Like I really don't understand why they keep fighting with taekookers this "my ship is more real" fight since taekookers have actual proof of taekook seeing each other CONSTANTLY in their free time, choosing to hang out with each other. While all "off cam couple" stuff jikookers got in like 3 years was them enlisting together (which was something jikookers were willing to die about it being impossible and dangerous for a gay couple). The only other thing they got is a reality show, which is obviously far from being privet off cam couple thingz they used to gloat so much about.
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aura-greyscale · 3 months
my family is dysfunctional. extremely so. I’ve gotten used to the screaming and crying and laughing echoing through the walls of my bedroom. My walls are painted yellow, have been since i was a child. I picked the pale colour. I loved yellow.
I grew up dealing with constant mood swings and screaming and blamed (i’m the scapegoat, just neurodivergent thingz) for things. i genuinely believe that i’m the only one who really understands how dysfunctional our family is, everyone else just brushes it off and says it’s normal.
my mother (the abuser) says that OTHER families are the ones pretending everything is perfect, and we’re just like everyone else.
my sister (the enabler) is either completely agreeing and backing up my mother or completely against whatever my mother says, and if i’m anywhere near the resulting bitch fit i make sure to run.
my dad, my father, my rock, the mild man truly loves my mother, so much so that he can’t even accept the abuse she’s done to me and to him, i feel invisible. No one hears me.
My grandmother is cruel. I’ve never understood why people loved going to their grandparents so much. I don’t get cookies when i go, my mother doesn’t allow us sugar.
Im nothing more than the youngest. The spoiled, attention seeking brat who can’t do anything right and can never seem to follow rules.
(I was never told the rules, i was too young to understand when they told my big sister)
i have asd, adhd, anxiety, depression, just to name the diagnosed ones.
my mother didn’t change when i was diagnosed. She still screamed at me for too much movement,(twirling hair,scrunching shirt etc), still got mad when i was late (i have very severe time blindness), and still compared me to my perfect straight A sister i could never hope to reach. (i didn’t even try, she was too good, id never catch up so what’s the point)
i have oppositional defiance disorder, i have been shunned and discarded and ignored for the majority of my life, and yet, i never learnt to be quiet. Never learnt to sit down and take it. I’m stubborn and loud only when i need to be, when i need to be loud to be heard, and i’m fully self aware of my environment and the functions of my own brain.
And yet, i still cry to my dad the moment he tells me one day he cares and wants to hear about how i feel. He wants to do better. (Probably blaming himself for the most of it when he didn’t even take up 1% of it all.)
i feel like i’m trapped most days and like i’ll never get out, even if i finally escape the house, i’ll always be aware and i’ll always know and i’ll never truly escape.
And i’m scared of leaving him behind. With her. Alone.
But more than anything, like the selfish being i am at heart, i crave the need to disappear from this hellhole one way or another. This burning house.
i’m beginning to burn along side it.
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Tbh the atsv fan "characterization" that pisses me off the most is the Miles Morales Prowler shit. Thats just a 15 year old. Good god. It makes me want to punch a bitch. At least Hobie is punk (even tho like. I still super dont like thag a lot of characterizations of him that seem to rely too much on the fact that a lot of Punk Thingz™️ (namely, drugs and hate for authority) are also antiblack stereotypes and we should be giving benefit of the doubt in these cases)
But Miles Morales is still Miles Morales, even if in a dif universe he's the prowler and his hair's different(? Im ngl im white and idk if it has anything to do with this, but ive seen his hair referenced before as important). I also see a lot of ppl forgetting how Morales was treated after the first movie, that fuckin colored pencil post still makes me mad.
Pissing me tf off. Sorry for mini rant it just seems you are also on this topic rn and none my friends seem that into the spiderverse 😔
Oh the moment I tried to block the Miguel tag (which DIDNT WORK, btw), the Miles G reader stuff showed up and I had instant regret 😭 but I haven't seen much for him outside of that. I'm glad I haven't, now.
Tbh, I wasn't really into Fandom when ITSV came out, so I (gratefully) missed all of the bullshit I heard happen with that one.
What's really pissed me off about Miles' seeming depiction by fandom, at least in the sections I've seen, is...idk if I'm saying this right.... To over simplify him? Like it frustrates me that a movie, both movies, the existence of Miles Morales himself, ALL have to do with themes of race, representation, and belonging. Yes there are plenty of other messages that are important, but all of them connect back to that identity too.
And people are just... Glossing over that. In this desire to go "oh he's so precious"- in what I'm sure is white ppls well-intentioned attempt to not be seen as a racist that doesn't care about Black children- they are still managing to completely ignore how his identity is symbolic in the storytelling. It's colorblindness in a movie where seeing race is essential and if you're gonna ignore it you might as well not even watch it at all bc at its core it's HIS story.
Like yeah, you think he's queer allegory, yeah you recognize how it feels to not belong, how to fight the status quo, fantastic, I love it, are you actually engaging with the race aspect that affects his experience of all of those things? Are you processing that when Rio said he might not be accepted in spaces, just maybe you have brown friends who feel that way in white spaces, fan and otherwise (esp now with affirmative action lmao, but always with Miles in the comics and dealing with fans). It's easy to think a multicultural movie with a Brown antagonist, well it "can't have to do with race" and that's just not true.
That's why people fixating on Hobie mildly disturbs me too; he TOO is a BLACK punk. That makes a difference, in his solidarity and what that meant for Black viewers. Or how they're ignoring Margo altogether despite her crucial role in his escape. Or how they're refusing to engage with Jessica Drew with understanding (you don't have to agree with her! I don't! But to understand where she stands in that spectrum from Hobie to Miguel, she is not nearly as bad as fandom wants to believe; she's actually comparable to Peter B but misogynoir prevents that conversation).
Like I am so happy we are finally entering an era where Black and Brown people are seeing themselves more on screen in roles we've yearned for, I am. But that also means it's time for white people to start engaging with what that means, and that means unlearning and learning.
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
I wonder what everyone else(Yanqing, Bailu, the astral express crew) thinks of Y/N
A/n ! :
AHH ! i'm super excited to get requests like these ! they really freshen things up in the current game timeline. This is so wholesome ! Alright, lets do it ! I tried my best to make them sound like how the would respond in the game, so i hope it's not too OOC !
Taglist ! : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz , @farelady-fate
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Yanqing :
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "(Y/n) ? Have you seen her around recently ? No ? Oh. I was hoping for her to teach me some more of her skills. For someone the General told me to spar with, I had my doubts at first. But she really has something to show for. Color me impressed !"
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "The General had taken me under his wing for as long as I can remember. But from time to time he would disappear somewhere while he left me some things to do. One day I decided to follow him, and then…that was the first time I've seen the General so gentle with someone. Even for a sleeping lady."
Bailu :
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "Lady (Y/n) looks just like Lady Dan Jia. The same face, same abilities, same power. If she's a healer like me, do you think I'll grow up to be as tall as Lady (Y/n) one day ? Awh…what should I do ?"
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "When Master Dan Feng chose me to be the next High Elder, the Preceptors thought that he had a more…personal reason. Well, Lady Dan Jia was a healer right before I was the High Elder. Perhaps he just wanted to see a vision what Dan Jia would be like without him ?"
Welt :
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "Lady (Y/n) is…another interesting individual. She is calm and quiet, and reminds me of someone I know. Ah, that's right. She reminds me of Dan Heng."
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "I've seen people with different intentions, one after another, come and go. I've become quite used to reading expressions and body language. Though she says she has lost her memory, (Y/n)'s eyes look like they've seen more than enough."
March :
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "(Y/n)...she gives me Himeko vibes. She's pretty, strong, mature and knowledgeable. But she's a little more cold less talkative. But overall she reminds me of Dan Heng, but warmer. Does...that even make sense...?
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "You know...when me and Stelle went to go talk to Dan Heng about the change of destination to Xianzhou Luofu, Dan Heng hesitated for a moment. I wasn't sure what it was about, but...it felt like there was something he wanted to do, but he refused to get off the train. I wonder why."
Dan Heng :
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "Lady...(Y/n)...is someone who my sins heavily tilt to. I wish to see her and seek forgiveness, but I was told that she never awoke after the destruction.
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "Memories of my past are plagued with pain and hatred. But the only thing I could remember from the time in that dark place, was a soft humming of a sweet tune. It...helped me sleep."
Kafka :
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "(Y/n) ? Yeah, I've heard of her. Her name was Dan Jia. Bladie's barely ever mentioned her name, but...it's more frequent than others. If you listen closely, you might even hear him say her name in his sleep.
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "Blade and...Dan Jia. Or well, (Y/n). They were a tragic romance tale. Like Romeo and Juliet, but with a...twisted end. Right person, not enough time troupe."
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 (𝘠/𝘯) : "(Y/n)...an outworld name suitable for a woman with eyes that yearn for the world beyond the stars. She rises not the Mara contaminating my soul."
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 : "Whenever I am persecuted by the Mara's hold in my sleep, it quickly washes away with the feeling of ice and warm arms holding me with a sound of calm singing overriding the Mara's corrupt taunts.
Introduction (loading screen)
(Y/n) - Dan Jia
Lives in the shadows of her former self, Dan Jia, though is rebirthed as a new person. The majestic horns perched like a crown remind her that she can never run from the past and might one day hoist her true responsibilities on her shoulders once she regains all forgotten knowledge.
Character details (Data Bank)
A woman who her past self was depicted in stories of old as a legendary beauty and her skill in the medical fields and dancing arts. Though being 'reborn', she can never run from the past that looms over her.
She has taken the name (Y/n) as tribute to the only thing her blurred memory could preserve. For the name Jia...means home and family. Something she had lost long...long ago.
Along with her memories.
End note :
I might actually write a character profile for (Y/n) one day... I might even add new characters next time, like Dan Heng IL, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, or even the timelines when the High Cloud Quintet were still up and running.
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rattilol · 1 year
um hi ive been getting atleast more traction than usual so im making a pinned
Hiya, Kumusta, whatever.
I'm JoJo, or Ratti, or whatever ya wanna call me
I'm a Non-binary, Bisexual FictoAce GreyAromantic
I enjoy thingz like Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Narnia Chronicles, Harry Potter, Malcolm in the Middle, Ensemble Stars, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Cowboy Bebop, Fall Out Boy, etc.
I really like drawing, listening to music, fashion, writing and talking about my interests.
I have ADHD and I'm physically disabled in my legs.
I am a survivor of CSA and child sex trafficking.
What's this blog about?
I post whatever on here whenever. I just kinda do whatever. If you don't like what I post or like what I do, block me. Simple.
I don't give a fuck what you think
I will block you if I just straight up don't like you and I don't owe you an explanation as to why I blocked you
I don't think people should be harassed for their ships no matter what (or be harassed in general)
I am a selfshipper and have alot of my f/os. If you wanna know more, check my carrd
I do NOT like doubles. If you selfship with any of my (romantic) F/O's, block me.
I am in my 20s but i dont (usually) post any nsft stuff. i may (or may not, i forget) tag things as nsft
General DNI criteria isn't specific and people like that don't listen to DNIs so all I have to say is if you're not here to be nice, go away or get blocked.
I will probably block you if..
You harass/send death threats to those who are proship (or to anyone)
You think it's okay to attack others for their opinions
You consider yourself an "Anti"
You dislike/disapprove selfshipping
You believe proshippers don't belong in the selfship community (or any community)
You harass people for spiritual beliefs (or harass people at all)
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