#WITHOUT ice 😈😈
theridgebeyond · 1 year
Forget what I said about fluff scenes, medical emergencies are my new favorite thing to write.
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 7 months
Hi I love your work so far, do you think you could do headcannons for all the different characters of the main Hazbin Hotel cast when their lover comes to them injured? Like how they would treat you and then how they would deal with the person who harmed you. I would love to see this ahhhh 😫
Ahh of course! I love this, thanks for the request! I hope you like it!
Trope: Hazbin Hotel x Injured!reader
Characters: Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Angeldust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Lucifer
Warnings: Physical violence, mention of death, injured reader, blood.
author's note: hey guys! this is my first time doing one of these, and I'm still getting better, so forgive me if its a bit shabby. If you have any requests, feel free to send them in! I'm in a creative buzz rn lol. Enjoy!
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The day that your attacker decides to hurt you is the day that they decide to die. Messing with the Radio Demon’s plaything is about the last thing you want to do. 
Alastor often sent his shadows to follow you into town when he couldnt be with you, so the second you were attacked, Alastor could sense that something was wrong. 
By the time his shadows had carried you back to the hotel, your attacker had already escaped, but luckily, his shadows saw everything.
When he rushed down to see you, he seemed rather indifferent at first. He carried you up to his room, immediately conjuring several healing ointments to heal you quickly.
He laid you in his bed, in which you almost immediately fell asleep.
He hears the whispers of his shadows, and gains all of the information he needs out of them. 
With a single snap of his finger, the issue was taken care of. Rumor has it that the screams of your attackers' seemingly “random” death could be heard about 3 rings down. 
While waiting for you to wake, Alastor conjures two steaming bowls of his mother’s jambalaya. Placing one on the side table next to you, he sits down next to your sleeping body and lightly grazes your head, singing soothing songs until you wake up.  
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Would of course be so very angry at whoever did this, but her first priority would be healing you up and making sure that you’re absolutely 100% okay and comfortable. 
Would set you up in her bed and assure that you have anything at all that would make you feel more comfortable. Tea? Yup. Ice pack? Already got it. Cuddles? Of course!
Would definitely let you cuddle with Razzle and Dazzle for as long as you needed.
She would try her best to talk to you and figure out what happened - to figure out who did this to you.
As you told her, she seemed surprisingly… calm? She simply thanked you for telling her and left the room. 
Though Charlie doesn't seem like a particularly violent person… She can get protective over the people she loves. So, let's just say she got that issue taken care of real quick. How stupid to mess with the Morningstar family. 
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Anybody in her vicinity needs to watch out when she hears that her love is hurt. 
Like, seriously, heads will roll. But not before she checks on you to evaluate how badly she needs to fuck up the person who did this to you. 
When she sees you, bruised and bloody, she can't help but hold you so tight and cry, scolding you for getting yourself into a bad situation without her there to protect you.
Vaggie knows what it feels like to be beaten and dumped on the side of the street like garbage. She could never forgive herself if she allowed that to happen to anybody else, let alone the genuine love of her life. 
When she asks for the person who did this, you can only give her a vague description. That’s alright though, she will use her former exterminator skills to scan all of Hell and find the person who dared to do this to you. She will not leave this alone until she serves you justice. 
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Coming home from the studio to find you in his room, crying and bruised, he immediately drops whatever he’s doing and comforts you in the biggest hug ever. 
Angel has plenty of experience with being abused and left to fend for himself, so he doesn't immediately resort to asking questions. No, that’s not what you need right now. You just need to know that you’re loved, beautiful, and that this does nothing to affect your worth or value as a person.
He carries you from the floor to his bed, covering you in blankets and laying next to you with Fat Nuggets. 
“It’s okay baby. You can cry, it's okay.” he whispers as you sob into his chest.
He allows you to initiate the conversation of what happened, not wanting to push you past your limits. 
Once he finds out what happened, he knows what he has to do. He waits until you fall asleep, and heads down to the club where your attacker happens to frequent. For once, being a famous pornstar will actually serve in his favor. He tempts your attacker to follow him, and immediately beats him to an absolute pulp. 
He allows the person to live, saying “I am only letting you live so you can know how it feels. You ever try this shit again, and I will find you. Except that time, you wont leave here looking so… whole.”
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Husk is used to all the residents of the hotel bitching and moaning to him about all of their issues. With Charlie coming to him and oftentimes crying about the many failures of the hotel, tears were no foreign sight to him.
But coming from the kitchen to the bar and seeing you there, looking an absolute mess, was different. 
“What the-What the fuck happened?” he yells. When you flinch, he knows that something happened.
When you explain to him what happened, he immediately needs a description of the attacker. He takes possibly the largest shot you've ever seen and storms out of the hotel.
He wishes that he could do more to protect you. Back when he was an overlord, he had power beyond anybody's imagination. He could've snapped a finger and your attacker would simply disintegrate (but not before he tortured him a bit first). But now that Alastor owned his soul, his powers were limited. 
You know what wasn't limited on husk, though? His pure physical strength.  
He immediately finds the guy walking on the street adjacent to the hotel (dumb, right?) and absolutely obliterates him. 
As the attacker is begging for his life, he just keeps hitting, blind with rage and love for you.
When he wants back into the hotel bloody and exasperated, he sits in the stool next to you and wraps you with one of his wings. 
“It’s all okay now. I’m here” he says as you lean on his shoulder, so ready to go to bed. 
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🐍⚙️Sir Pentious⚙️🐍:
Sir Pentious always loved coming to your room to show you his many zany inventions. Normally you welcome him in with open arms, a sweet smile on your face, but today was different.
When he knocked on your door, he was met with absolute silence, which isn't normal for you. When he listened a bit closer, though, he could hear your small sniffles. He trusted his gut and slowly opened the door, fully ready to be denied entry.
Instead, you looked at him shyly, turning away and crying. He could've sworn that he saw a… black eye?
He took this opportunity to come and sit next to you on your floor, placing his arm around you and letting you lean your head on his shoulder. 
When he noticed that you were calming down a bit, he asked you what was wrong.
You explained that while you were engaged in a turf war, some ruffian beat you up, and badly. The girl you had momentarily teamed up with had left you behind, and you were left to trek back to the hotel on your own, barely able to walk. 
You could see something change in his eyes. 
He curled his tail around you, his cool skin calming your nerves. He assured you that he was here now, and nothing like this would ever happen to you again. He then swiftly called his egg bois to entertain and comfort you while he prepared his airship. The idiot that did this to you was going to pay, and not just in turf.
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Bursting into Lucifer’s room, the only thing you could mutter is “Help” as you fell into his arms. 
He frantically carried you to a chair and tried to assess your injuries. Man, someone fucked you up, and badly. Too bad he would kill them before they could brag about their success. 
He rushed to find ANYTHING that could help you. Bandages, ice, your favorite food, a rubber duck, ANYTHING. 
When he finds you absolutely passed out asleep in the chair, he gently moves you to his bed and tries his best not to stir you. 
As he sits watching you, thinking of your beautiful smile (and how he’ll brutally kill the person who did this to you), he observes your features with great detail. 
When you wake up, you smile. Lucifer must have gone, but sitting on your table is a bowl of soup and… is that a rubber duck that looks like you?
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mangosrar · 9 months
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
tooth rotting fluff ans then smut 😈😈😈
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the warm sun was peeking through the window as the curtains danced with the breeze. rolling over and reaching your arm out, you were met with nothing but cold bedsheets, but the smell of pancakes wafting through the house, along with the sound of 'congratulations' by mac miller, revealed the answer to your boyfriends absence.
he hadnt noticed you yet. he was hunched over the counter, his shoulders flexing indicating his concentration. you padded over to him, wrapping your arms around his middle, and placing a nimble kiss to his bare back. "smells good"
"she lives" he exclaimed ,making you giggle, before turning to face you with a toothy grin, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his lips to yours.
"happy birthday" he said softly, pulling away. you pressed your head to his chest and sighed contently, listening to his steady heartbeat, creating a memory that you would think about in years to come, when you were spending birthdays with your children, and grandchildren. he let you bask in the glow of the morning, resting his chin on your head and humming to the song, while his hand travelled up your back, then down again.
"what do you wanna do today?" he asked, putting both hands on the side of your face, pulling you up so you were eye level with him, waiting for the answer to the question he had asked you every single day for the past 3 months. he was adamant that you should have a huge party and make a big deal out of it but you didnt want that. you told him you would decide on the day.
"i just wanna spend it with you" you whispered. his smile grew wider as his eyes studied your face, searching for any sign of uncertainty, and when he found nothing, he pressed his lips to yours again, whispering a soft 'okay' as he did so.
matt had took your words as gospel, he hadnt left your side once. the two of you ate breakfast, opened your presents, got ready and headed out. he took you shopping, he took you ice skating, he had even let you drive his car, upon your request. he had completely spoilt you. it had been the best birthday ever.
it was now later on in the evening and you were slumped on the couch, leaning on matt, with chris and nick on the other end, your favourite movie was playing but you couldnt take your eyes off of matt. for about an hour now he had been fidgeting, bouncing his leg, chewing his nails or messing with your hair. there was something etched onto his face that you couldnt decipher, a deep crease in his brows.
"you okay?" you said softly as to not gain the attention of his two brothers. he looked down at you as he turned and took a deep breath in. he said nothing as he suddenly stood up, grabbing your arm and pulling you down the hallway to his room, without uttering a word to nick or chris, despite their calls of confusion.
once he was inside, he closed the door and made a bee line for his bedside table, opening the drawer and taking something out. you watched him with furrowed brows, trying to figure out if what he was doing was a good or bad thing.
neither of you said anything as he made his way back over the end of his bed and sat down, ushering you over. you found home, standing in between his legs, before running your hands through his hair, making him look up at you, an emotion in his eyes you just couldnt place.
"whats going on?" you asked. matts insides rolled at the softness of your voice, he knew he wanted to do this, there was nothing he wanted more.
"i know i already gave you all of your gifts, but theres one more," he paused, still looking up at you. "i bought it for your birthday last year but it wasnt the right time, however i know that now is the right time, and i dont want to spend a second longer holding on to this." he said. your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as you watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a small box. he kept his eyes trained down, too worried to look at your reaction.
it was a silver ring with a small gem stone sitting in the middle, and the inside of the band had a small love heart with the letter 'M' carved into it. you couldnt help but gasp and bring your hands up to your face. matt watched you with intent eyes, waiting for any sense of distaste.
"matt its beautiful" you whispered. he stood up, grabbing your hand and sliding the ring onto your finger and laying a nimble kiss to the back of your hand.
"now i know im not asking you to a marry me but, this ring is a symbol of promise, and i promise that i will marry you one day, and we will have kids, and big house with a white fence, and a dog and we will spend our nights sitting on the porch watching sunset, because i love you and i wanna spend every singe birthday with you for the rest of our lives." he had cushioned every single word with the strong beat of your heart, each one bouncing off and being wedged into the large space he took up. you couldnt help but let tears pool in your waterline. his eyes bored into yours as a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, waiting for you to speak.
"i love you" you whispered before pressing your lips to his. matt smiled into the kiss as his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against him. one of his hands travelled up and rested at the base of your neck as the kiss grew more intense, he pushed his tongue into your mouth and ran it along your lips before tugging your lip between his teeth and pulling away, earning a whine from you.
you watched as he pulled his shirt over his head and doing the same with yours, before turning you around and pushing you on the bed. he stood for a second, admiring you, basking in the glow emitting from your body, before he crawled up the bed to hover over you.
"happy birthday baby" he whispered breathlessly before his lips were on yours again, tongues dancing together, your hands pulling his hair, pulling soft groans from his mouth.
he continued his kissed down your neck and chest while whispering sweet nothings.
"so beautiful"
"i love you so much"
"so good for me"
he was now at your thighs and while you were enjoying this, you needed him.
"matt please" you whined.
"what is it baby, what do you want mh?" he came back up to your face, placing a single kiss on your mouth, waiting for your answer.
"i want you inside of me" he did nothing but smirk at your words before sitting back on his heels between your legs and pulling off your pants, painfully slow.
matt watched through hooded eyes as you squirmed under his intense stare. he was enjoying this too much, watching you become so needy for him.
the second he had pulled off your panties, he was pulling off his boxers and lining himself up. he looked up at you through his lashed, wordlessly checking you were okay. you nodded and he pushed himself into you, bottoming out, causing you both to moan.
he stilled inside you for a second, doubling over, desperately fighting the urge to plough into you. he pulled back for a second, looking at your face and when he saw nothing but pleasure, he pulled his hips back before snapping them into yours again and again and again.
at this point you were a mess, moaning and whining underneath him as he continuously pushed his cock in and out of you, each one being harder than he last.
"fuck baby, doing so well for me" matt said breathlessly as he sat back up, pulling your legs up onto his shoulders and continuing his hard fast thrusts. you let out a moan of his name and he let his head drop back, letting out a deep groan as he did so.
"oh matt, feels so- nhg good fuck" you chocked out. your cracked voice and broken sentence only made matt drive his cock deeper into you, making your back arch off the bed and your eyes roll back.
"fuck y/n i can feel you squeezing me" matt said through a strangled whine. his words were only turning you on more and you could feel yourself reaching an endpoint. you could only moan at his words and paw at his arms, desperately trying to ground yourself.
"matt im so c-close please dont stop" you stuttered. your high was approaching fast and the sight of matt looking down at his cock ploughing into you relentlessly was not helping.
"god baby, look so beautiful taking me" and that was all you needed to hear before reaching your high, letting your legs drop back onto the bed and pulling matt down on top of you, clawing at his back as you basically screamed as you rode out your high. matt left soft kisses on your neck, soothing you, as his thrusts became sloppy and uneven.
you felt his cock twitch inside of you before he shoved his head in the crook of your neck, groaning and letting out desperate chants of your name, painting your insides white and riding out his own orgasm, slowing down his thrusts before he eventually stopped and collapsed on top of you.
he pulled his head up, peppering kisses all over your face, making you giggle before he spoke.
"happy birthday sweetheart"
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matthew.sturniolo: happiest of birthdays to the only girl ever. you are my sun and moon, my dreams and nightmares. you’re 20 now but i owe you lifetimes of happiness for the amount you have given me these past 3 years. you are an angel. i thank my lucky stars every day that i met you in this life because heaven would not be the same without you. thankyou for being my sense of consistency when i need you to be. happy birthday sweetheart i love you❤️‍🩹
tagged: y/n.
passed my driving test so prepare to be sick of my ass 🙏🤣🫵
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @urmyslxt @soursturniolo @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @kenleighsbl0g @recklesssturniolo @delimeats-000
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thehighladywrites · 8 months
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☀︎ — summary: sneaking around with the acotar men👀 How long does this go on?
☀︎ — warnings: 18+, nsfw themes, tw beron🤢 mentioned
☀︎ — amara’s note: had this idea for a while, let’s bring this to life😈oh to be sneaking around with them🙏🏽💔
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With him, no one finds out until you tell everyone
He is able to keep the links sneaky for sure, also he masks your scents so that no one can tell
No one really suspects that ur sleeping together because he isn’t paying any suspicios amount of attention to you.
He makes it up later though👀
At first, it was just a way for him to recover from Under the Mountain, so he sought you out for help in order to gain back some controll.
And he got better and began to carefully heal, yet here you both were, still sneaking around years later.
Yeah, years bc that is how good he’s able to keep secrets.
Oh, he gets jealous too and masks it as being a good friend and high lord when asked about it by the rest of the inner circle.
His favorite trick is telling the ic he’s sending you on a mission so they think ur gone, then he suggests them eating out while you’re gone then tells them he can’t make it so he stays at home and then you guys can stay at the house unbothered and alone
Since he gets jealous, he gives you hickies or make your legs so sore you can’t walk
Rhys looooves the attention you get during morning training for the others
“Are you okay, did you trip or something?”
“No, no Az,I’m fine. I was just doing some stretches and I think I overdid it.”
Rhysand just stands there happier than ever as you glare at him
Guys, let’s be so real. Azriel ain’t getting caught, ever💀
He teaches you tricks on how to hide better when you’re coming over to his room
And it’s usually his room you hook up in bc he has trained himself to notice anything being off. Like if a book has been moved like a millimeter, he knows so it’s the safest and least risky place for you to be.
Because he is so attentive and sneaky, he is incredibly risky
He loves risky sex. Bro will fuck your brains out knowing people are close bc he knows he’s able to cover it up
Azriel also uses his shadows on you in broad daylight.
You’re out for dinner w the inner circle and his shadows teases and rub your clit under the table. You use your magic to suppress your arousal but it’s kind of hard to not squirm and all that
Az just sits there cocky as fuck knowing that he makes you react like that without even touching you
So so so soooo much jealousy on your side bc Azriel gets hit on all the time, males, females, youngsters, oldies, bro everyone wants him
People don’t hit on you tho because Azriel is always standing behind you, exuding that scary aura and energy that has people running the other way
Even after you two become official, you keep it under wraps. You don’t want anyone or anything ruining it for you so it’s all very hush hush
Only years after, when your friends ask why none of you date people, do you spill. You tell them you and Azriel are together already but it’s a private relationship
They were a little pissed but they let it go when they saw how happy you were and how good your dynamic is
He is sneaking around with you because of both your parents
You’re the daughter of one of B*ron’s🤢 close advisors so you and Eris spend a lot of time together
Eventually it develops into a secret relationship with a lot of sex
You both know your parents would hung you both if you ever got exposed but you still do it.
You both act like you’re somewhat of enemies or don’t like each other in public so that no one can even rise suspicions againt you.
Behind closes doors he sluts you out like crazyyyyy, i’m talking any type of sex, rough, soft, different positions, different places, new things added, toys, rope, cuffs this man is kinky I KNOW ITTT
like he has no controll over his life bc of b*ron 🤢 so he likes taking controll in the bedroom and dominate, yum👀
It all becomes more interesting and exciting when your parents decide it’s high time to get engaged and married.
Your suitors always wonder why you’re late and messy, what they don’t know is that you were busy getting bent over by eris
anyways when b*ron 🤢 dies and eris takes over, the sneaky link ain’t sneaky anymore. The man fully claims you, even making you his high lady.
Ugh i love him💔💔💔💔
You’re Cassian’s sister and you’re hooking up with him on the down low
Lucien caught your eye when he and Feyre came back from Spring.
He seemed uncomfortable around everyone and kept to himself, until you started spending more time with him
Time turned your companionship to a secret relationship
Please, we all know how charming Lucien is, I mean, shit I’d fall for him too🫨🫨
Sorry @thelov3lybookworm but your man is so fuckable💗
Anyways, he is super charming and silver tounged and that makes you jump his bone immediately
This guy is amazing with his tounge, head game goes CRAZYYYYY
At first it’s just sex, but then instead of fucking then leaving, you begin to stay during the nights and talk for hours.
Eventually you realize the depth of your bond and how much you love one another.
You were quite nervous when telling Cassian bc Illyrian’s are super protective and possessive over their family but he is fine with it bc he knows that there aren’t better males than Lucien
Anyways, you keep sneaking around bc you don’t want to outright make out infront of the inner circle so you sneak away at parties, meetings and dinners.
This man is a risktaker just like Azriel. I know he sneaks up from behind, saying crazy and stomach flipping things, waiting for your reaction then fucks you in whatever place you are
You’re Lord Devlon’s daughter and you sneak around with him.
No one knows about your magic from your mother’s side that you use to remove any trace of cassian
At first you hated him bc of your father and bc he manipulated you into thinking cassian and his friends were dangerous
There is banter and mean words exchanged between you that only makes the sexual tension between you even stronger
One night you both snap and have hate sex and that one night becomes the start of years of secret meetings and rendezvous.
Whenever he's in Windhaven, you two have a blast. To dodge curious eyes, you've got this genius plan: throw a party whenever Cassian conveniently has a meeting or mission there. With everyone a bit tipsy, it's the perfect cover for linking up
After a while you’re caught by Devlon himself and all hell breaks loose. Rhysand has to come down and solve everything before blood spills
Devlon disowns you and would have killed you had it not been for Cassian protecting you from your father
So he takes you to Velaris where you live with him and eventually become an advisor for Rhysand since he hasn’t lived there for years and would benefit from someone who was so close to Devlon
You have so much fun and yeah, that’s how you went from hate sex, fuck buddies, in love and eventually mates
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
Hiii, this is like my first time doing this so forgive me if my etiquette is off! I really love your writing and I was wondering if you could possibly write something on a reader with sensitive ears? Mainly Choso, Toji, and Gojo! Tysmmm 🫶🫶🫶
Ear Play
Summary: JJK Men playing and teasing your ears.
Characters: Choso Kamo, Fushiguro Toji, Gojo Satoru
Word Count; 2,558
Warning: Ear play, dgeinsgin, dry humping, language, care smexy time, spanking, degrading, feral Gojo
A/N: Hi Nonnie! I hope you enjoyed this! I may have been watching clips of feral Gojo when writing his part 😈 looove you!
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Choso Kamo:
Was making out in the faculty locker room a bad idea? Yeah, it was. Anyone could see what you and Choso were doing; your hands tangled in his robes while he gently cut the back of your head while you straddled his hips. If anyone were to walk in right now, they would get quite the show. You knew you should probably take this to one of your respective rooms, but you couldn’t help yourself. He had looked so good shirtless and sweaty while he trained with his younger brother out on the field.
You had been hypnotized by the way sweat ran down his neck, sliding down his chest, lower and lower over his well-defined ab’s, all the way down to his v-line. Never had you been jealous over a bead of sweat, from the blazing sun to watching your boyfriend sweat so hard left you perched and thirsty for him. The second the training for the day was over, you were dragged to the locker room. And the second you stepped inside, you ensured no one was inside. You yanked him down to your height, kissing him without any thoughts.
Choso was stunned at first, but he melted into you, allowing your tongue to slide into his mouth as he sat down on the bench, pulling you into his lap. The kiss was full of hunger and desire. The lingering taste of his iced green tea teased your tastebuds, but you wanted to do nothing more than pull his robes off and retrace the trail sweats you had watched run down Choso’s body with your tongue.
Your fingers are underneath the edge of his robes, causing his breathing to hitch in his throat. Your pleased reaction lasted all but a second. Footsteps could be heard heading for the locker room, where your shirt was off, and Choso's clothes and hair were a disheveled mess, with his erect proudly visible within his pants.
“Shit!” Hissing loudly, your eyes jerk around the locker room to find a hiding place. “This way!” Grabbing Choso’s hand, you yank him towards a supply closet, throwing it open before shoving him inside. Once you were in yourself, you pressed against him as you shut the door.
The sound of your shallow breathing and roaring heart nearly every other sound around you. The vent on the door in front of you was your only view of the outside world, where you watched two figures walk in.
“That was close,” Choso whispers against your ear. Feeling his mouth inches from your sensitive ears has heat, pulling between your legs as you visibly shivered. Noticing how you shuddered, Choso frowns, inching his kiss and swollen lips closer to your ear. “Are you okay?”
“Haaah!” The sound of your very audible moaning reverberates off the walls around you in the confining closet.
Your hand clamps firmly over your mouth as you hear Choso choke on the rest of his question. Your body feels over, sensitive, and on fire as your boyfriend remains close to your ear. His breathing was deep and husky, fanning perfectly against your sensitive ear, drawing out muffled moans from your mouth. He says nothing but moves his hand, clasping it firmly over yours, pressing your palm harder against your mouth. All you can feel is his mouth against your ear, teasingly blowing against it.
“Mm—“ Choso whimpered, eyes going wide as he began thrusting eagerly against your ass. “Mmm—mmm.”
“Shh—“ Choso whispers, grabbing your hip firmly with his free hand. “Just relax. I got you.”
His hips begin running faster and harder against your ass, all while his hot breath and lips tease your ear. You cried out against your hand, so gently nipping at your earlobe, tugging between his teeth as his hand on your hip tightened, gripping you harder. Hearing your muffled cries, feeling you rocking back against him, Choso’s twitching against your ass.
“You feel so good,” he growls into your ear. “So good, so fucking good.” Choso whimpers, nibbling on your ear between his teeth again.
“Oh, are you close, honey?” When you know your head, Choso takes your entire ear cartilage into his mouth and sucks on it hard as the hand on your hip wraps around your waist, dipping between your legs to rub fast circles around your clit.
All of those sensations combined sent you over the edge. You screamed into the palm of your hand, bucking your hips against Coso’s hand while he rubbed against you, groaning against your ear as he came inside his ropes with a whimper. The closet was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and smelt like sweat and sex. Once the ringing in your ears stopped, he pulled his hand off of yours, allowing you to drop your own to the door to steady yourself.
“I didn’t know your ears were sensitive.”
“Oh, yeah, they are.” a strong arm wrapped around your waist, holding you up, as Cho drops his chin to your shoulder. You don't say a word, but you both listen to the people in the locker room chatting with each other.
“Can I play with your ears when I’m inside you tonight?” Thank God you were in a closet. If you weren’t, Choso would’ve seen how flushed you were. However, the closet's darkness couldn’t hide that you were eagerly nodding as your boyfriend snuggled closer to the crook of your neck. It would be loads of fun if you could get out of the closet.
Fushiguro Toji:
“Knock it off!” You snap, smacking your boyfriend’s hands away from your ass. “You can’t just grab my ass expecting me to be okay!”
Attitude and your anger towards him were well-deserved, but what annoyed your boyfriend was that you weren’t seeing the picture as a whole. “Okay, so it was either you get a knife in the stomach, or I throw you off the edge of a railing.” Fiery rage burned in your eyes as you whirled around to glare at Toji.
“You threw me off the railing up at the second story!”
“There were stacks of boxes there to catch your fall.”
“Oh, right! How stupid of me!!” You rumble, crossing both arms over your chest as you look back to the street. “Sorry, I wasn’t thankful for many boxes to barely catch my fall.”
Toji sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. You tapped your foot annoyingly against the concrete, your eye searching for any sight of Shiu. Toji never intended to hurt you, but he knew you could care for yourself. You weren’t some damsel in distress, but the knife that was coming at you was too close for comfort. While you were preoccupied with another sorcerer, he did what he needed to do to keep you safe.
“Baby.” Toji’s toned, muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. “I’m sorry.” The sound you made was ‘hmmph,’ turning your head to glare down the street. “Come on,” he leaned next to your ear, pressing a faint kiss against your cartilage.
Instead of yanking away and yelling at him, you shivered, goosebumps littering your skin. He leaned forward, pressing another kiss against your ear, making you melt into him. The anger that tensed your muscles and made you furrow your brow was replaced with a soft, relaxed look. Tojo knew your ears were sensitive; they were, in a sense, your weak spot. So whenever you got mad at him, he’d usually spoil you to make up for being an absolute asshole.
“M’ sorry, baby.” Several kisses are trilled over your ear and down your neck, his lips teasing the sensitive earlobe before nipping at it. “Let me make it up to you, okay?” a bit of silence passes, and I thought you might be so angry with him that even teasing and playing with your ears wouldn’t save him from the doghouse.
Thankfully, he feels slightly lean into his mouth. “Fine, I guess that would be alright.”
You promised to make it up to you. He made it up to you tenfold. Your head was tilted back against the brick wall of the alleyway. He had dragged you down. Toji’s knee was pressed firmly against your twitching cunt while he used his mouth and his other hand to play with your ears, the feeling of him rubbing, sucking, and teasing you how you rocked your hips against his thigh.
“Mmm, yes, what a good girl,” he whispered, making you shiver more. “Take what you want.”
His left hand squeezed your hip, urging you to continue rocking faster and harder. “T-Toji—”? You did your nails and his broad, thick shoulders. “O-Oooh fuck Toji Nnngh--!” his teeth bite down hard on your earlobe.
“Yes~ I love the sound of your moans.”
Your mind was reeling, eyes rolling back as his leg pressed harder against you. His thick fingers massaged your other ear, pulling and teasing the sensitive bits. Shaky legs, your thighs clamp down around his leg, had a string of breathless moans spilling from your mouth. Toji takes your ear in between his lips, sucking on it while rubbing the other low between his thumb and index finger.
“That’s it, that’s my pretty girl.”
“I-I’m close—” you cried out, shaking harder “s-so close!”
“Then what the fuck are you waiting for? Be a good girl and cum for me.”
It is the deep starved growl in your ears, the grip on your hip, and his mouth breathing heavily against you that has your mouth falling open in a silent scream as you cum hard. You gush against his thigh, your panties leaving a mark on your dark-haired boyfriend's shoulders. As you come undone against him, Toji chuckles breathlessly against your ear before continuing to nip and suck at it as you ride your high on him.
“Feel better, sweet girl?” Toji asks as you fall forward against his chest.
“Am I forgiven?”
You weakly press a kiss against his pectoral muscle with a sigh. “Do that again when we get home, and I’ll consider forgiving you.” Despite your attempt at being serious, Toji can tell you’re hiding behind faux anger by how your hands roam up and down his arms, gripping his compression shirt. Toji knows you’ll forgive him after you milk him dry. A price he was more than eager to pay.
Gojo Satoru:
“Do you think Ijichi knows what he’s doing?” You’re looking through the windshield at your co-worker who’s twiddling with the car that keeps making a clicking sound.
“Do I look like I would know?” Satoru teases, grinning wide, revealing the dimple on his cheek.
“Nope, I should’ve known better than to ask you.”
“I’m sure of one thing, though.” Anticipation runs through your veins as you giggle excitedly. You knew this was coming. All day, you had been teasing him, lifting your skirt to show him your panties, stretching your arms above your head, making obscene moans as you did. We’re finally all alone. “We’re all alone.”
“Mhm, that we were.”
“Someone seems excited about that.” He reached over, grabbing your earlobe gently, running his long fingers teasingly over it, making you shiver. “When it shouldn’t be me, that’s exciting.”
The air in the car suddenly feels dense as Satoru's usually cheerful, teasing tone is absent and completely void. A child went down your spine as you slowly turned your head to stare at him. He’s grinning a dark, sinister smile as he brings his fingers up to his blindfold, hooking it underneath the fabric before slowly tugging it down.
“Did you honestly think I’d let you get away with all that teasing today?” you squirmed at the absolute feral look in his eyes.
“So you did all that shot on purpose then?”
“Hm—” Gojo yanks you forward, pulling you to lay over his lap. “Looks like I have a bratty girlfriend, who needs to be taught a lesson.”
Exhilaration causes heat to pull between your legs. “Oh yeah, are you going to spank me?” The palm of his hand gently rubs against your ass, massaging it.
“Is that what you want? For me to punish you?”
Shiver as he pulls his hand back and moans, waiting for the smack to ripple the fat of your ass to feel the sting. But it never comes. He grabs your ear, tugging on it. Every muscle in your body tenses harder as Satoru tugs at your overly sensitive ear.
“This is your weak spot, right?”
“T-Toru wh-aah!!”Satoru’s nails gently scratch the back of your ear, making your toes curl.
You squirm, shake, and wiggle against his lap as whines and whimpers fill the small space of the car. The entire time you melt against your boyfriend, he tugs, scratches, and massages your ear. His eyes narrow as he grins, enjoying how you melt, becoming putty in his hands.
“What's wrong? Do you like teasing me so much today? I thought I’d return the favor.”
“Nngh f-fuck m’ gah!!” he rubs your ear a little harder, not in a painful way. No, not in the slightest. It’s nothing but pure pleasure. “O-Oooh~ g-god f-fuck!”
“What was that?” a condescending tone is thick as honey in your boyfriend’s voice. “I couldn’t hear you over your desperate moans.”
“S-Sa—Please, I’m sorry!” his thumb traps your earlobe between the side of your index finger, tugging it over and over again; your thighs clamp together, and orgasm approaches deep in your lower stomach.“S—Satoru—s-ahit! Gonna, gonna—”
“Oooh, is my pretty little girlfriend going to cream her panties in the car?”
“Yes!” tears flood your eyes as Satoru coos from above you. “Please—please!” his fingers move faster and faster.
“Do you deserve to cum?”
“Yes, please!”
You’re right on the edge, and you can feel Satoru’s cock digging into your cheek. You dance on edge, feeling that coil inside of you about to snap, when all of a sudden, Satoru quickly pulls his hands away from your ears, smacking them against your ass with chuckling as you pant heavily, feeling your orgasm fade. And the confusion that comes with the edging, you turn to look up at your boyfriend.
“Consider that is your punishment for being intolerable shit all day.”
“T-That’s not fa—”
He flips you around so your other ear is out and vulnerable to his skilled fingers. “Life ain't fair, sweetheart.” those sinful fingers begin their teasing, drawing out of a soft moan from you. “Try to keep it together. If you can make it back to the house without a single sound leaving those pretty lips, I might consider letting you cum when we get home.”
Before you could even protest the idea, the driver's door opened to the car. “Sorry for the wait; we should be good to go now.” Ijichi looks like Gojo from the rearview mirror. “Oh, sorry, is she sleeping?”
“Yep.” Gojo begins playing with your ear, smirking as he feels you shift. “She is.” Ijichi turns the music on low as he starts driving, unaware that you’re gripping Satoru’s pants, fighting back the moans, threatening to escape as he leans down next to your ear. “Ready—set—go.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
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birdbaddie · 4 months
I promise
literally my first post ever so yippeeeee.
I got inspired by another post on here so I decided to make some glop of my own 😈. Reader's technique is basically just wings and healing, I will go in more depth in future oneshots.
ft. Satoru x f!Reader, mostly platonic!Megumi x f.Reader
Both Satoru and reader are around 20 and Megumi is around 8.
-discusses- violence, injuries, hurt+Comfort, poor baby Megumi needs a hug :( and Satoru being Satoru. Enjoy!
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‘That worthless Tatsuya!’
Megumi kicked a stone as he stomped out of the school gates. Usually he wouldn’t care less when Tatsuya or any of his other goons picked on him but things just kept going wrong for him the past week and to top it off- that rat decided to start talking about you and Satoru and how weird it was that you were his guardians.
“Did you see that tall guy rolling around yesterday because he dropped his ice-cream?”
“Yeah my mom says to avoid them because they are dangerous to everyone”
Megumi didn’t understand when Tatsuya said dangerous. He understood the strength both of his guardians had but he couldn’t have meant that.
“No wonder Megumi is so strange, Do you think he’s as dangerous as his guardians?”
“Let’s not go near him, he can’t hurt anyone if he’s alone”
Megumi would’ve punched those bullies without hesitation but he made a promise with you last week after the 7th home call about his fighting.
“Megumi, you can’t keep doing this. You know that right?” 
He remembers your soft voice and your equally soft hands cleaning the cuts on his hands. He kept quiet though because he knew if he spoke he might’ve either cried or became angry again and that would only make you worry more.
“Listen, I just don’t want you getting hurt. I know you have a good heart and have the right reasons but hitting others is never the right option no matter how right your reason is”
You quickly healed his cuts with your technique and he felt a rush of calmness envelop him, the way it always does when you have to use your technique on him.
“Promise me you will stop doing this, It makes me upset whenever I see even one scratch on you. I know we’re only your guardians but we love you and only want what's best for you, please Megumi….”
He looked at your face for the first time since coming back from school. You had tears ready to fall as you gently gripped his hands. He didn’t know if it was your technique or not but your emotions were always obvious, and with the way your eyebrows were as furrowed as they could be and you biting your lip to stop you from sobbing told him all he needed to know how you were feeling.
And it was all because of him.
“I promise”
Megumi sits on the sidewalk as he waits for you to pick him up. 
It’s been 2 years since you and Gojo took him in and he hates to admit that he’s started getting attached to both of you. Attached enough now that if something happened to you or Gojo and it resulted in both him and Tsumiki getting separated from you two, he would give up on trying altogether. 
Gojo was meant to pick him up today but with a surprise mission all the way in Osaka, it was your job. Tsumiki has been ill all week too so it was just him. 
He sighs and rests his head on his hand as he pretends to draw pictures on the road with his feet. He contemplates releasing his divine dogs to play with or just to keep him company as he waits for you but he decides against it because he thinks you will be there soon anyway. 
You were never late.
It’s been twenty minutes, where were you?
The sky was beginning to turn orange and he was the only one there.
Did she forget?........ No she never does when it comes to him and Tsumiki.
What if she just left him on purpose?
It wouldn’t have been the first time it's happened. Not with her specifically, but what if she’s just realised she can leave him just like his parents?
Megumi begins to curl in on himself as these thoughts keep coming.
‘What if that fight I was in last week was the final straw?’
His breathing started to become heavy as he willed himself not to cry.
What if that fight last week just revealed other things you didn’t like about him? What if you hated the way he’s only been cold and despondent since you took him in? What if you hated the fact you not only had to look after him but his sister too? What if you wanted to get rid of him because he took the rest of yours and Gojo’s childhood? What if-
He didn’t even realise when there was a large shadow blocking him from the harsh rays of the setting sun. And he especially didn’t realise the familiar comforting hand smoothing his hair.
He looks up to see your enormous white wings shielding him from the sun and your concerned eyes as you try and figure out what happened by not so subtly checking him for any injuries.
You reach for his face and he flinches. Your concern only grows as you reach again and wipe his tears away. Another thing he didn’t realise that happened.
“Are you okay?”
Megumi just stares as he once again couldn’t get the words out of his mouth, worried he might say too much.
“Did something happen in school?”
“He can’t hurt anyone if he’s alone”
He felt soft feathers surround him as he heard loud sobs and wailing. The hand that was in his hair went to his back and started rubbing small circles. As heard quiet comforting words come from the woman hugging him.
‘Is that me crying?’
The woman tightens her hug as she feels tiny arms wrap around her.
Megumi mumbled something in your neck so you strained back to hear him.
“What did you say?”
“I'm sorry” 
His voice was so quiet you almost didn’t hear him.
“Sorry for what gumi?” At this point you were on the verge of calling Satoru to help you with this as you have never seen such a visceral reaction come from this eight year old.
“Please don’t leave us! I promise we’ll be good! I promise we’ll never do anything bad ever again! I promise!-”
“Megumi slow down! No ones leaving you, don’t you remember what I promised you last week?”
Megumi started to calm down as he remembered the rest of your conversation.
“I promise”
You sigh as you both get quiet, with you rubbing his now perfectly healed hands.
“Could you promise me something?”
You look into his eyes with surprise as he asks this. Megumi never asks for anything so it came as a shock, especially when it was as big as a promise.
You smile as you let go of his hands to put the baby wipes back away.
“I guess it’s only fair after I asked you to promise something”
Megumi watches your movements and waits for you to sit back down at the table beside him.
“Could you promise………that you’ll always be here for me and Tsumiki?”
Surprised at his bluntness, you didn’t realise how open Megumi would be tonight. But you just showed him a reassuring smile as you affectionately ruffled his hair.
“Well you’re in luck Gumi, that’s a promise I made to myself the day I met you”
The corners of his lips started to turn up into a smile before the front door burst open with the freak strutting in with the goofiest smile.
A scowl quickly made its way onto his face as he turned away from the idiot making his way over.
“Were you having a family bonding moment without me??? For shame!” satoru quickly threw the medicine for Tsumiki onto the table and decided to plop himself onto Megumi's chair, with Megumi still in it.
“Get off you overgrown lint-roller!” Megumi tries to hit him as Satoru faces you.
“So how was your day Sweets?” Satoru completely ignores the squirming Megumi trying to breathe. 
And as you tried and failed to get Satoru off the complaining Megumi, Megumi realised although right now he’d rather be anywhere else- He also wishes to stay right here with them for as long as the universe would let him.
By now, Megumi has fully calmed down as you helped him to his feet.
“Satoru will be home tonight and Tsumiki has been looking much better today, so why don’t we go and get some ice cream for later, hm?”
And as Megumi grabs your hand to start walking to the convenience store he realises he’ll never be alone as long as you, Satoru and Tsumiki were always with him. He doesn’t have to worry about any of you guys leaving him because you want him as much as he wants you. Screw what everyone else thinks, your little family works and no one could change that.
“Thank you, mom”
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Day 8: Breeding - Joel Miller
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Summary: There was one thing you should never do, and that was mock Joel Miller, but sometimes you just can’t help yourself.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, teasing, brat!reader, restraints, mean dom!Joel, mouth gag, edging, crying, fingering, squirting, degradation, begging, dirty talk, breeding
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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Joel resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but he did sigh under his breath as a bunch of kids ran past him, blocking off his heavy steps across the snow-covered road in Jackson City. You were watching him closely with a knowing smile, anticipating the pissy mood he would undoubtedly be in. However, Joel was always a little grumpy, but he was your grumpy guy.
Pulling off the woollen gloves from your fingers, you tried to ignore the icing bite from exposure, even if it was just your hands. A significantly sized snowball then caught the back of Joel's head, causing him to stumble and whip his attention toward the kids who were now laughing and running away lowly in the snow. It was your turn to laugh but to try not to upset Joel any further, you covered your lips beneath your fingers, but with the look he’d just given you, you knew he had heard.
Biting your lip, you admired how handsome he looked, even with the scowl on his face, noting that his facial hair seemed to be getting lighter to match the salt and pepper of his hair. Joel continued his walk down the street, and you tilted your head towards the building you were next to, informing him to hurry up as it was nearing the start of your shift in the restaurant.
Once more, Joel sighed, like he even regretted leaving his home today, shoulders hunched to try and keep the chill out of his jacket and save on some of his bodily warmth as he shuffled towards you. Slowly, he jogged up the stairs to where you were waiting, still biting your lip to hide your grin without much success.
“Don’t”, he growled his words in a warning, the heat of his breath fogging the air in front of his face.
His threat only made you giggle, “What! I didn’t even say anything”.
“You didn’t need to”, he softened his voice, holding out his cold, much larger hand for you to take so that you could hold onto him whilst taking off your thick snow boots and swapping into the trainers that were waiting by the entrance to the building. As you did so, Joel held onto your hand tightly, his other hand hovering in the air to catch you if you slipped. Even through this, though, he was muttering under his breath about the stupid kids always getting in his way and why they were even out here when they should be in lessons. His grumpiness made you smile, knowing he didn’t mean any of it, and secretly, you had a hunch that he enjoyed seeing some fun for the youngsters with everything going on outside the compound.
Finally in your trainers safely and now an inch shorter than you were before, you gave Joel your undivided attention, hands resting on his big jacketed shoulders as his warm, honeyed eyes did a little exploration of your face. The crease between his set eyebrows relaxed briefly before deepening as you giggled again.
“Will you quit laughing at me?” his southern drawl licked through your core, especially as he rested his heavy hands around your hips to pull you closer, needing each other's warmth.
“Sorry, it’s just.” you quickly stopped yourself, shaking your head and looking down at where the tips of your trainers poked against his boots. “Nothing, sorry, I’ll stop laughing, " you explained gently, looking up with an eased smile.
Joel’s eyes crinkled in the corners as he squinted with an accusing look towards you, “Tell me”. The taller man leans down to butter you up with a sweet kiss to the tip of your freezing-cold nose, a rare display of affection for Joel Miller.
In turn, you chase his retreating face, needing to kiss his stubbled cheek, fingers drifting to the nape of his neck to pull him down closer to hug him and get your mouth as close to his ear as possible.
“I just find it funny that for someone who hates kids so much and never wants another child, you sure as hell wanted me to get pregnant last night when you were trying to breed me”.
You knew you were playing with fire, but teasing the grumpy older man was always funny. His hands tightened possessively in response, but you had anticipated this reaction and stepped backwards and out of his grasp. Grinning up at him innocently with your hands behind your back, you stepped backwards and pushed on the door to the building, knowing that it was safer inside with more witnesses and that he wouldn’t do all the mean evil plans that were currently flowing through his mind.
You knew for sure that you would regret this later and therefore took your sweet time to finish at the end of the shift, preparing with all your thick layers of clothes to begin walking down the street to your shared home with Joel. He was there, waiting for you, his shoulders hunched and head lowered from the howling winds.
Extending his arm, you ran into his side and clung to his jacket as he shielded you from the snow. You were silently grateful for the distraction of the weather, especially as once home, Joel was too busy trying to warm and feed you. Once he was satisfied with both, his composure snapped, and you most definitely regretted teasing him.
Joel had you tied to the bed, arms outstretched with handcuffs clinked to your wrists, attached to the headboard. Your legs were free, but only because he spread and held them.
“So you don’t want my cock. Is that what you were saying earlier?” Joel asked with a fake ponder.
You wanted desperately to shout, beg for his cock, pleading for him to fill you up, but he’d gagged you the moment you entered the bedroom. Fresh tears lined your eyes, causing a choked sob to ripple through your chest. He had been doing this for over an hour. AN HOUR.
Teasing, denying, edging, denial, all for an hour. Your clothes had been stripped immediately after gagging you, then spreading your arms, tying them up, and proceeded to do everything humanly possible to bring you to the brink of orgasm before pulling away. He used his mouth, fingers, and even his thigh for you to rub himself on but so far, not his cock.
Instead, that was an entirely different form of sexual torture, as you had to be restrained and watch him touch himself. The glisten of his tip, leaking the precum you so desperately wanted to lick and taste, and then there were the veins bulging along the shaft, all the way up to his balls that you knew were his extra sensitive spot, decorated with dark curly hair which still hadn’t whitened, unlike the hair on his head.
It was fair to say there was absolutely nothing more that you needed right now, more than you needed his dick. But, he kept a fraction away from you, only moving closer to torment you with his fingers or the words you’d spoken earlier.
“What’s that?” he asked whilst tilting his head to the left condescendingly, releasing the firm grip on one of your thighs, which was aching from being held in the position for so long. “Sorry, I can’t understand what you’re saying, baby girl”, was his response to your increased muffled shouts through the gag. Lifting his now unoccupied hand, Joel used the back of his index finger to wipe away the king tear that had escaped the safety of your eye and streamed down your cheek. It was an endearing, affectionate touch, but swiftly, this was changed to degrading as he wiped the tear onto your sternum as if such an act disgusted him. This only caused more of your tears to fall. “I don’t know why you’re crying. I’m just ensuring you don’t get my cock; isn’t that what you alluded to earlier? Don’t you like it when I try and fuck you full of my babies? Don’t want me to cum inside of this pretty pussy of yours and make you a moment? Huh? Sorry, I can’t quite hear you.”
Once more, he ignored your shouts as his fingers that had wiped your face now delved between your folds to your overstimulated, verging-on sore hole. Two of his thick fingers began to curl up into the spongy walls, moving with enough speed that bright white filled your vision, eyes needing to close to ground yourself as your body trembled from the intensity.
You could feel and hear the squirting and gushing caused by his intense fingering, hitting just the right spot.
“So pathetic when you’re like this, aren’t you, honey? Look at all this mess you’re making and yet, you don’t want me to make my own; how is that fair?”.
You cried out again as he pulled out his fingers and held them up in the low light to display his drenched hand and wrist. Joel had removed his fingers from the pleasure prematurely, just on that edge once more of orgasming, so you collapsed onto the bed as the thrill of the potential pleasure drifted away. You continued to sob, turning your head to try and nuzzle into the pillow to find comfort in the smell of Joel.
The man hovering above you wasn’t having that, though, needing to see your face to know when he’d gone too far, considering your arms were tied and your mouth gagged. “Nope, don’t hide from me.” his wet fingers gripped your cheeks, squishing them slightly as he turned your gaze back to him.
You could have cried joyfully as Joel eased the offending cloth from between your lips. In fact, you did cry from joy even though your mouth was parched, but that didn’t stop you from huskily begging. “Please, Joel, Please, I need it so bad. Please fuck me, I wanna cum, PLEASE!”
“Please, please, please”, Joel mimicked, tilting the tip of your chin so your face pushed closer towards his until he was close enough to smell his breath. “Tell me what you want me to do; I wanna hear you say it”.
“I want you to fuck me, please! I need to feel your cock; I want you to cum inside of me; I need to feel your seed filling me up; I wanna be pregnant with your babies. I’m sorry for teasing you earlier, Joel, please give it to me”.
His darkened coffee-stained eyes squinted questioningly before asking, “Do you want me cum?”
“No, I just want you to cum inside of me, that’s all I want”, you desperately pleaded. This was a gigantic lie, you wanted to cum more than anything else, but this was a test, and you knew it was from past mistakes. Thankfully, he rewarded you with a gentle kiss on your wet cheek before releasing your other thigh.
Both of your legs flopped onto the mattress as you were too tired to hold them up or stretch them out, even if you wanted to. They, thankfully, were still open enough for him to slot between them and completely cover your body with his. Both of his arms rested next to your head, his warm solid chest pressing close to yours, and cock brushed against your sensitive inner thigh. Joel made you feel so small in this position, crowding around you completely, almost like a weighted blanket.
The man covering you wasn’t in the mood to wait anymore, knowing you both needed this, so with a quick dip of his hips, his cock was nudging into your hole, the walls of your cunt stretching around his cock. You were already so overstimulated you wouldn’t last long before cumming, and he sure was feeling the same way at feeling you trembling beneath him. Even though he had been the one torturing you by edging your orgasms for an hour, he had been craving to fuck you, already leaking copious amounts of precum that dripped from his slit in long sticky strings.
Joel groaned as your pussy began to clench and flutter already, even though he’d only just started to rock his hips back and forth. His big hand once again cupped your jaw, tilting it up so that he could kiss you hungrily, his tongue pushing between your opened lips so that you could now taste yourself from where he had eaten you out earlier in the night.
Joel was lazy with his thrusts, trying to prolong the fucking for as long as possible, but he still ground his hips down so that he was nudging your clit with each movement. Your arms were still tired; otherwise, you would have dug your nails into his back to hold onto his harder. As if sensing this, Joel trailed his rough rings down one of your outstretched arms until he could lock your fingers together and hold your hand.
His forehead then dropped to lean against yours, trying to focus and stop himself cumming prematurely, but it was so difficult when he was listening to your unfiltered moans and mewls. Staring into your bliss-stricken face, Joel couldn’t hold his tongue anymore, “Wanna fill you so much with my cum, Sweetheart. I want to make you nice and round, full with my babies, gonna be mine forever, my baby mama, fuck I want that so bad”.
All you could do was continue to lie there and be slowly pounded into, hips rolling to try and meet his movements, but even just the fullness of his cock was making everything feel like too much. 
“Please cum inside of me, Joel, need it deep, need everything single drop, please cum!”.
Joel’s eyes closed as he buried his face into your neck, squeezing your hand harder, grunting loudly as he slammed his hips into yours more forcefully. The increase in speed had your orgasm pulsing through your core; it almost felt too much, with all your nerves burning with pleasure, but hearing Joel goad you on had you rolling through the overstimulation. “Fuck yes, Honey, just like that. Such a good girl for me”.
Your cunt was a tight warm glove for Joel, and he couldn’t resist anymore, needing to breed you full of his seed. “You ready, gonna cum so deep inside of you, Baby Girl, want you to take every drop- fuck yes!”
He came with sharp, hard thrusts, pushing the hot seed deeper inside of you, nudging right into your cervix until he collapsed on top of you, trying to breathe deeply against your shoulder.
Shivering with the lasting effects of your orgasm, Joel began to kiss your neck, jaw and then cheek whilst undoing the bindings around your wrists and massaging the sore skin that had rubbed against the handcuffs. He sat up then, groaning as he did but taking a moment to admire your abused, puffy cunt.
“We’ll go for a bath soon. I just wanna leave it for a minute, give it some time”, he explained whilst staring mesmerised, even going as far as to push some of his leaked cum back into your pussy as you realised that he meant he wanted to keep his cum inside of you for just a little bit longer, the line between a kink and reality becoming blurred.
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kaciidubs · 1 year
Haiii its me, jellyfish🪼. BUT im back with maur delulu shit 🤭
Soooo here we go!
Fem!reader that has a fat AND I MEAN FAT cunt,like if you cut a peach in half then turn one side over FAT. You know whl eould go absolute batshit if they had this type of girl? pussydrunk!jisung 😈.Mans would go absolute insane every time he goes down on her. (BONUS: Her pussys sweet asl. And shes super sweet too :) [in personality]
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Jellyfish, my darling, this request changed me as a person and I THANK YOU FOR IT!!
❣ Summary: Jisung could have a PhD in pussy eating, if he wanted to. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 1.06k ❣ Warnings: Pussy Drunk! Jisung, slight Dom! Jisung, messy, messy pussy eating, pure smut, coming untouched, spit play, dirty talk ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Han is referred to as Jisung, Sungie, Baby, and Ji, Reader is referred to as Jagi, probably the dirtiest pussy eating I've written to date ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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Jisung was fairly neat in life; he didn’t leave many dishes left out - save for the occasional cup or two - nor would he leave clothes lying around the apartment, if it was in his control then it would be kept clean. But, there were times where he was messy - messy and dirty and nasty and sloppy without a care or even a first thought.
Those times were when he was between your legs - or, to be more specific, when his head was between your legs, ravishing you like you were a thanksgiving feast after a year of fasting. 
And, admittedly, things were usually hot and desperate whenever you two fucked, but his infactuation with your pussy was one to be studied; it was almost like he lost all sense of self every time he got to eat you out.
“F-Fuck, Ji! Baby s-slow- ah- slow down!” You wailed, body trembling against the bed, stuck between wanting to put him away from your quivering pussy or pull him closer.
He had your legs over his shoulders, large hands gripping the flesh of your thighs like a lifeline as he lapped at your wetness as if you were his favorite ice cream cone, his tongue swirling around your clit before dipping back down to your hole to lick up more of your juices.
Your back arched as he dipped the tip past your walls, spit-glistened lips parting in a breathless moan, “Sungie-”
Jisung moaned against your pussy, pulling back with a lewd slurp and a sharp exhale, “Sweetest fucking pussy ever, y’know that, Jagi? So fucking sweet, and puffy, and fat-”
If his words didn’t have a flush of heat swarming your body, then what he did next surely made you feel like the room’s temperature skyrocketed to hell; his hands sliding their way to the inside of your thighs before pushing them open, your knees just barely grazing the mattress. His electric, lust fogged gaze went from you to your cunt - glistening under the low lights, open and spread for his viewing pleasure, before pursing his lips and letting a bead of spit drop onto your puffy clit.
Before you could even have a solid second to react, he dipped his head down and lapped it up, dropping his head lower for another rush of your arousal to coat his tongue before pulling back an inch to spit it back directly onto your hole.
“Fuck me-”
You were damn near in tears from the way he was going at you now, blunt fingernails digging into your plush thighs to keep you spread the way he wanted, one of your hands gripping his hair while the other twisted into the sheets underneath you.
“Mm- Love this pussy so much-” He didn’t even bother moving away when he spoke, the vibrations of his voice stimulating your clit in the best of ways, “Could stay forever between your legs - never wanna leave.”
He could feel your arousal everywhere - staining his cheeks and chin, coating his lips and tongue, even the tip of his nose was a little cold from the slick cooling there - and he was in heaven.
“Would you like that, Jagi? Want me to live between these thighs? Have you whenever I want?” 
He wouldn’t give you a chance to answer, he didn’t need an answer when he felt your hand urge him back to when you needed him - obliging with a sinister open mouthed kiss to your plump cunt, only to wrap his lips around your clit with a suck.
“‘M close, Sungie - please, let me come, baby!”
You felt the drag of his nails before you realized he was changing the position of your legs yet again, hooking your legs over his shoulders and bringing his hands underneath your ass, damn near lifting your lower half off the bed and forcing your cunt to stay on his mouth.
Speaking of, his tongue was absolutely destroying you, working its way past your walls and licking at you at a pace it was trained to - if you weren’t sane, you would’ve thought he was reciting one of his rap verses inside of you.
At this point, the only things leaving your mouth were nonsensical babbles and moans, your legs tightening around his head as each lick and suck brought you closer and closer to that peak.
“S-Sungie- ah- mm- it- I’m- y-yes- baby- Ji!”
He shook his head in an effort to get even closer, a low moan vibrating through him, and that was your final straw - your fingers twisting in his hair as your body tensed.
The partial formation of his name melted into a whiny moan as you came against his tongue, eyes rolling to the back of your head in the process.
Jisung continued lapping at you through each wave of your orgasm, moaning as your taste flooded his tongue and took over every one of his senses - if he died in this moment he would’ve considered it a full life.
Once your body fell lax, he relinquished his hold on you - lowering your ass back to the mattress, your legs slipping from his shoulders to grant him the pleasure of hearing your breathless pants. Giving your cunt on final, thorough drag of his tongue, he pushed himself up to sit on his calves; breathing heavily as he ran a hand through his undoubtedly messy hair.
“If-” You panted, head lolling to the side, “if you wanna… fuck me… you’re gonna have to give me a second…”
“Ah…” He dropped his gaze to his lap, a sheepish smile growing on his still wet lips, “I guess you’ll have to give me a second too.”
Peeking an eye open, you craned your head to follow his gaze, coming to find yourself staring at a fairly sized wet patch staining the front of his boxer briefs.
“Did… Did you…?”
“Jagi,” he huffed out a laugh, running his thumb across his bottom lip before licking the mixture of his spit and your cum off of the pad, “you taste really good - I can’t help it.”
You dropped your head with a whine, throwing your arms over your eyes, “You’re gonna be the death of me, Jisung.”
This time his laugh was fuller, his hand massaging your calf, “You’re gonna be the death of me too! Now, rest up because I definitely want more.”
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🥃 Guess I’ll have to find something else to do with my mouth… 🥃
✎ Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
✎ Genre: Smutty smut smut smut
✎ Summary: Chan did not want to go to karaoke night, but good god is he thankful he did.
✎ CW: !!!Sewerslide joke!!!, drinking, swearing, random hookup, public makeout, oral sex, unprotected sex (please don’t fuck a stranger without a condom), rough sex, nipple play, choking, teensy daddy kink
✎ Word count: 2,804
✩ The song is Lovesick by BANKS, listen if you’d like 😈 ✩
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Ice meets upper lip when Chan throws his glass back to get the last drops of his drink. He hasn’t been working on this one long, but the whiskey’s been watered down by the melting cube — it may have come watered down from the bar, to be honest.
Regardless, it’s his fourth drink and he’s buzzed enough that it doesn’t matter. And on top of that, he’s bored.
“Want another?” Minho shouts over the loud backing track and off-key, wailing vocals.
“Naur, I’m about ready to head out, I think,” Chan yells back.
They swore karaoke night was Tuesday, but apparently, it’s Wednesday. Chan just wanted to go home; Minho convinced him to stick it out. But the lights are too bright and the singers are too drunk and he’s never been more ready to leave a bar in his life.
Minho’s still nursing drink #2 and scanning the room with his dark eyes. It’s the usual crowd, and Chan lost interest in meeting anyone new around the same time that one guy absolutely butchered Someone Like You by Adele. And this rendition of We Don’t Talk About Bruno has him ready to blow his brains out.
“Oi, I’m gonna get some air,” Chan says, gesturing toward the door with his thumb. “Meet me outside when you’re ready to go, yeah?”
Minho nods in reply and turns his attention back to a group of girls huddled by the stage.
Chan pats his friend on the shoulder and heads to the door — and sweet relief for his eyes and ears — skillfully weaving through the crowd as he goes. His hands meet the cold metal of the push bar but pause as soon as he hears it.
“Please call me your baby, baby, baby.”
It’s a new song, a new girl. Your velvety voice quite literally stops him in his tracks.
“Look how long that you have kept me waiting.”
He turns around, almost in a trance, and moves in the direction of that beautiful sound.
“Oh, I know your love before I kissed you.”
Chan joins the crowd circling the stage. He’s not the only one absolutely transfixed right now.
“And now you have only made me miss you.”
It’s not only the way you’re singing, it’s everything about you. The way your long hair drapes over your bare shoulders, the way your hips sway back and forth with the slow beat, the way you’re gripping that microphone…
“Come get me. Come love me, baby, come love me.”
The magnetic pull between you is impossible to fight, and Chan’s pushing through the crowd to get right up to the stage now. It’s not dense, but moving past bodies requires some effort and even more apologies, and he’s not nearly as smooth with it as he was just a minute earlier.
“Ooh, aah, cause I'm lovesick, and I ain't even ashamed.”
His dark eyes travel up your bare legs, and he’s not ashamed either. Any anxiety he would’ve felt in this moment of obvious adoration has been numbed by the alcohol.
Luckily for you, the lights are right in your eyes and you can’t see any of your audience, including the handsome stranger whose gaze is fixed on your thighs.
“And I'm hard up, for some time in your sheets.”
Warm blood rushes to Chan’s cock, filling it up and stretching his jeans in seconds. The thought of you in his sheets…
“Would you be down to spend all your time with me?”
He absolutely would. And he stands there, almost eerily still, for the rest of the song. Head entirely empty of everything but thoughts of the siren in front of him.
“Cause I'm lovesick.”
You finish the song smoothly, but you have no idea how your friends convinced you to get up there in the first place. You’re nowhere near drunk enough for this, and you have every intention of immediately booking it to the bathroom to hide.
Lights dim as you take a tiny bow and step off the platform. You set off on a clear path to the restrooms before a big, broad stranger cuts you off.
His coffee-flavored eyes are wide and his lower lip is clenched between his teeth, and he just stares at you. It’s so intense, and if he weren’t possibly the most beautiful human you’d ever laid eyes on, it would be incredibly unsettling.
“Uh, excuse me…” you say, attempting to walk around him. But he grabs your wrist.
“I’m sorry, I… uh,” he stutters, staring down at your hands. Even he’s surprised at his urgency. What the fuck is he doing?
“I’m so sorry. I’m Chan,” he says, his firm grip on your arm disappearing before he continues. “You were, you are… wow.”
Eyes meet again, and his cheeks are flushed. But after that performance — and whatever the hell this is — yours are, too.
“Oh, thanks. I’m y/n,” you reply, finishing just before the next singer starts his assault on your ear drums.
You both wince, and his big lips turn down into a scowl. But his expression softens again when he not-so-slyly glances down to your chest and back up.
“You’re really beautiful, you know?” he asks, his husky voice straining to be heard over the music. “You here alone?”
Chan’s trying his best to feign confidence, but his heart is pounding. He hasn’t done anything like this in so long and you’re so sexy and he’s so… dizzy.
“Wow, straightforward, huh? I’m with friends,” you say, gesturing over to the huddle of girls by the bar, ready to pounce at the slightest signal of distress. “Very protective friends, clearly.”
“I can see that,” Chan answers. He rotates his hand in a small wave, but their expressions don’t change. No points to be won there. He’ll have to charm you on his own. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Sure, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I don’t think you need another, honestly,” you say with a smirk. And you’re right. He’s speeding down the highway, two miles past tipsy and about to get off at drunk. But he’s also at his most confident. And that means he can say something sober Chan would never.
“Hm, you may be right. Guess I’ll have to find something else to do with my mouth.”
Your eyes narrow at him. He has this dumb smug look on his face while he waits for your reaction. The smirk only depends as more seconds pass.
“I guess I can get that drink at yours?”
“Shall we?”
Three texts, two attempts at calling an Uber, and one sloppy backseat saliva-sharing grope session later, you’re stumbling over each other up the stairs to Chan’s apartment.
Your hands haven’t left his body since you got in that Uber, and the same goes for his. Now you’re pulling at his hair, his shirt, his neck — anything to keep your mouths attached and get closer to privacy, to a socially acceptable place to be this feral.
Feet finally reach flat flooring and you shuffle to Chan’s apartment door. He has no clue where his keys are right now but he doesn’t particularly care. He’s focused on trapping your body between the door and him, pressing his palms into the wood and pushing his thigh between your legs.
Lips are past swollen at this point, and he’s focusing on your neck now, sucking and biting any spots that aren’t already coated in his spit. However many hickeys he’s already left on the delicate skin there — it’s not enough. And there aren’t nearly enough on your chest.
So, he heads there next, fondling one breast over your dress and nipping at your collarbones. Even if you’re only his for tonight, he’ll make sure you remember him every time you glance at your reflection for the next week.
One of your hands runs through his dark curls and the other grips the doorknob, trying to will it open. Keys are still an afterthought, though. His unoccupied hand is headed under your dress, between your legs.
He presses four fingers flat against you, and your head tips back against the door with a thud. He’s happy to discover that your panties are soaked through, and he can’t wait much longer to taste you.
If you two don’t tumble through that doorway soon, he’ll just have to take you right here in the hallway. But he’d prefer to have you laid flat, spread open, and writhing on his kitchen table. Time to find those keys.
Fingers fumble through his pockets, and of course he finds everything but what he needs. Phone, ID, cards, receipts, a condom, and more fall to the floor in his frantic search. Then, finally, keys. Fuck it, he’ll get the other shit later.
He makes quick work of unlocking the door and twisting the knob. The weight of your body pushes it open, and his hands reflexively go to your waist to keep you upright as you make your way to the table.
Chan swipes the miscellaneous papers and dishes to the floor and lifts you onto the cold wood. Lips reattach and he reaches for your pussy, slipping his fingers under the wet fabric to feel your folds.
You relax into his touch and slide your hips closer to the edge of the table. He drops to his knees and pulls you forward that extra inch to yank your underwear down your legs and onto the floor.
He sloppily sucks on your inner thighs, leaving a trail of red, swollen flesh on his way to your cunt. Once he gets there, he spits on you and dives right in to taste the combination of liquids on your sensitive skin.
Chan’s plump, pink lips are slick and saliva runs down his chin while he spreads your folds and dips in and out of you, savoring the flavor on his taste buds.
He locates your clit and prods it with a pointed tongue before flitting up and down. He alternates between targeting the sensitive bud to elicit more nectar out of you and lapping at your folds to indulge in the results of his hard work.
Chan has every intention of making you come with just his mouth, and the way you’re gripping the table and trembling and moaning makes him think that’s happening soon. And like clockwork…
“Hey, I’m… gonna…” you pant, trying your best to speak between breaths.
He doesn’t reply. He only grips your ass cheeks harder and buries his face further into you, and that’s enough.
Walls flutter around his tongue as you hit your climax, and you cry out loud enough for the neighbors to hear. He suctions his mouth against you to catch any additional arousal you have to give. It’s so sweet and tart, and he truly cannot get enough.
Your supporting arms give out and you collapse onto the table, satisfied and twitching from the aftershocks. Oh, but he’s not done with you. Not by a long shot.
Chan unzips his pants and reaches under his boxers to play with his thick cock. This is exactly what he pictured when he first laid eyes on you. Head thrown back, chest rapidly rising and falling, thighs parted, cunt dripping. What a beautiful sight.
“You want my cock, baby?” he asks, still stroking himself behind the fabric. He loves the reveal, so he’ll keep his length hidden for now.
You lift your head and lock onto his eyes.
“Please, show me.”
“I don’t know if you can handle it,” he teases.
You scoff at that pretentious shit.
“Try me, daddy.”
“As you wish, baby girl.”
He drops his underwear and unveils his veiny erection. It is impressive, but it’s even better that he knows how to use it.
His hands grip your hips, and he pushes in slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size. He can’t hold back a throaty moan the first time his whole cock disappears inside you. It feels so fucking good, he forgets where he is for a second.
“Fuck me,” you hiss.
And then he’s back on Earth, pounding in and out of you at an unrelenting pace. Your legs wrap around his hips and your back arches off the table as you shudder beneath him.
Chan reaches for the straps of your dress, pulling one then the other down over your shoulders. He works the fabric down past your chest, freeing your breasts to bounce up and down with each thrust.
“Fuck…” he groans. How the hell are your tits perfect, too? The hardened peaks are just begging to be sucked, bitten, claimed.
He sacrifices a steady rhythm to put his lips on your skin again. His large frame descends so he can catch one taut nipple between his teeth. The bite isn’t too hard, but he’s pulling at the sensitive nub every time he rolls his hips.
You manage to pull enough air into your lungs to speak between moans, but he’s not sure if he heard you correctly.
“Say that again?” he urges.
“Ch-choke me.”
“Oh, fuck. Absolutely,” he growls.
His cock throbs inside you, and if he weren’t so excited about making you come again, he would’ve finished right then and there.
His huge hand engulfs your throat, pressing your neck down into the table.
“Smack me if I’m too rough, ok?” he says.
You respond with a half-hearted thumbs-up, too focused on the fire in your abdomen to think about much else.
He resumes those merciless thrusts in and out of your cunt, closing his hand around your neck just enough as he goes. He has no idea how he’s lasted this long and — as much as it pains him — he has to close his eyes in an effort to hold back his own orgasm until you find yours.
His field of vision is dark, but the sound of his balls slapping against wet flesh is hard to tune out. He can barely catch his breath and you’re whimpering and he can’t do this anymore. Good thing you can’t, either.
“Chan, I’m… don’t stop. Fuck, I’m, ohhh…” you cry.
“Me too. C-cum. Cum for me.”
He tightens his grip on your throat and jerks into you with one last powerful thrust. A choked sob escapes from your tortured throat and your walls clench around his cock, holding him there while he spills himself deep inside you. Your name is the only thing on his lips.
His fingers leave your neck and rest softly on your collarbones. His chest drops, and he lays his head on your breasts to try to catch his breath.
It takes a few minutes for the tremors to stop, but you both recover as best you can. Chan pulls out of you and disappears down the small hallway to get a towel for cleanup. You still haven’t moved when he returns, and a sly smile spreads across his lips.
“Oi, all good down there?” he chirps.
You respond with the same weak thumbs-up from earlier, making him giggle. God, he hopes this isn’t just a one-night stand.
He does his best to clean the mess, wiping his saliva from basically every inch of your skin. The towel can’t do anything for the tiny bruises, though.
Hickeys litter the flesh from your jawline all the way down to your inner thighs. And then there’s the thin outline of his long fingers on your throat. He really did a number on you, and he can only hope you won’t be too mad.
“So, still want that drink?” he asks.
“Hmm, maybe. If you’re up for it,” you mutter.
“Of course, what’s your poison? I have beer, whiskey, scotch, gin…” he says, padding over to his well-stocked alcohol cabinet.
You interrupt before he can reach the end of his list.
“I was thinking of something… else,” you purr.
He turns on his heels to re-route for the fridge, trying to remember what he has in there.
“Sure, like… watuh? Soft drink? Juice?”
He’ll run to the store for whatever it is if it’s not here. He’d do absolutely anything to get you to stay the night.
You don’t reply, and he turns again to meet your eyes. But your gaze is pointed down, aimed directly at his dick. He takes a second to process.
“Wait… you want…” he trails off and instead uses his pointer finger to gesture toward his crotch.
That same sly smile spreads across your lips this time. Jesus Christ.
Rehydration mission abandoned for the time being, he strides back to the table and climbs on top of you, propping himself up with palms placed on either side of your head.
“Ready when you are, baby.”
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perkypeony · 4 months
I'm feeling angsty but I don't wanna cry alone. So I'll make the whole fandom cry 😈
Gojo Satoru x little sister reader
The estate of the Gojo clan always seemed more like a prison to you. You were the prisoner, the tortured disgrace, a cruel joke of fate that was never meant to see the light of day.
Your parents ensured your existence was kept a secret, telling the world that you had died shortly after birth due to a severe health condition. In reality, you were very much alive, though barely, and kept breathing by your cursed energy. The doctors called it a miracle. Your parents saw it as a curse.
You were the opposite of your perfect older brother, Satoru. You didn't inherit any Gojo clan cursed techniques. And worse, you could produce cursed spirits whenever you felt bad emotions just like the non-sorcerers.
From a young age, you were confined to the estate, hidden from visitors and locked away in the basement whenever you couldn’t control your emotions. The basement was a place of darkness and fear, where cursed spirits born of your anguish tormented you until you passed out from exhaustion or terror.
The only light in your life was Satoru. Unaware of your suffering, he believes that you led a normal childhood despite your health condition. Every time he came back from Tokyo Jujutsu High, you felt genuine happiness, a rare and fleeting emotion.
"Satoru! You're back!" You would exclaim, the pain momentarily forgotten. He would spend his time with you, read you a book or listen to your rambling. One time he brought you out to get ice cream, that was the best day of your life. You sure get scolded after that but it definitely worth it. His presence was a reminder that maybe, just maybe, you were worth something.
But one day, Satoru came home unexpectedly after a mission, and the facade crumbled. Your father was dragging you towards the basement, your screams echoing through the halls.
"Please, don't! Not again!" you pleaded, your voice breaking with desperation.
He followed the sounds and found you struggling against your father's grip. "What are you doing to them?" he questioned, his voice cold and dangerous.
Your father froze, unable to meet his son's gaze. Satoru didn't wait for an explanation. He took you by the hand, and for the first time, you felt safe.
Satoru brought you to his house, determined to give you a chance at real life. You met Megumi first, who became your first friend. After that, you got to become a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High where Satoru's a teacher there. Slowly, you got to know Nobara and Yuji, and for a while, you experienced normal life.
But happiness was a fragile thing. The higher-ups soon learned of your existence and demanded to see you. If Satoru was there he would come with you, but unfortunately he was away on a mission.
"You are a disgrace to the sorcerer society," one of them sneered, and the dam of your emotions broke. A powerful cursed spirit finally erupted from you.
They ordered for you to be locked in a room where your cursed energy would be restrained. Without it, you began to weaken rapidly. The cursed energy that had kept you alive was now being siphoned away, leaving you on the brink of death.
You woke in the infirmary, your body frail and exhausted. Satoru sat beside you, his usual blindfold hiding his teary blue eyes, but his voice gave away his sorrow. "I'm here, " his voice cracking. "I'm sorry I wasn't there with you. "
You reached out and grasped his hand. "Satoru, I'm so tired," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I've spent my whole life fighting just to exist. I think it's better if I just die."
His hand tightened around yours, his voice trembling. "Don't say that. Please, don't give up."
You gave him a sad smile. "Thanks for all the happiness you've given me, even if it just for a while. But, it's time for me to rest. Don't worry, I'll die without regret. I'm happy to get to know you better. "
Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji gathered around your bed, their faces etched with sorrow. Each goodbye was a dagger to your heart, but you managed to smile through the tears.
"Thank you," you said, your voice weak. "For being my friends. For giving me a taste of what life could be."
They left one by one, and finally, it was just you and Satoru. He held you close, his tears falling freely.
"I love you," he whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better."
"You did your best," you murmured. "And that's all that matters."
With a final, shuddering breath, you let go. The darkness enveloped you, but this time, it was a gentle embrace. You felt no fear, no pain. Only peace.
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jen-with-a-pen · 6 months
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Previous ⊹ Series
summary: Steve's night is made when his barista ends up sharing a class with him. But Steve's paranoia gets the best of him– can he really trust his gut?
pairings: Art Student!Frat Brother!Steve Rogers x Film Student!Sorority Sister!Reader
word count: 2.66k
warnings: flirting, fluff, hand holding, closeness, steve is adorable when he's nervous, paranoia, unease, cursing, barista lore™
a/n: had fun writing this one as we build up to friday! i might be switching the days/chapters around in the next few, but we'll see. depends on the depravity of my brain 😈
gif by @paliaphrodite | additional graphics + dividers by me ♥
my ao3 | my masterlist | all tied up masterlist Read this fic HERE on ao3! ♥Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated as always♥
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Last Thursday.
Learning how to draw, when he already knows how to draw, makes Steve feel bad at drawing.
Sitting in the lecture hall of the art school, he doodles over the half-assed notes he manages to take during the first thirty minutes of class. Usually, he loves Drawing 101; it’s his easiest, only late-night class each week and one of the only times he can relax without worrying about one of the brothers barging in with another stupid homework question. Usually, it's just him, his earbuds turned up a touch too high, and whatever subjects the instructor places in front of him. On Thursday nights, nothing stands between him, an easel, and two straight hours of sketching pots and people. 
Except when a said-Thursday night happens to fall on ‘mandatory lecture’ day.
It hasn’t been an hour when Steve gives up trying to force himself to focus, instead choosing to mindlessly doodle over and around the page. The Drawing 101 guest professor continues to drone on about different types of graphite in the pencils kits Steve and twenty-odd other kids in the course were forced to buy. Steve doesn’t understand– nor does he particularly give a shit– as to why a 3H pencil is better over a 3B pencil, or how using an 8B pencil isn’t preferred over a 7B pencil.
A pencil is a fucking pencil.
Steve sighs, failing to stifle a yawn. No amount of coffee– not even the triple espresso concoction his barista had him try earlier that day– could save him from falling asleep in this godforsaken, decades-old room with dimmed lights and sporadically-filled seats scattered amongst the vast sea of empty ones. Honestly, nobody ever came to monthly lectures, save for when their usual professor mentioned the material would be part of their written midterms. Guest lecturers result in a lesser turnout, too, and Steve partially wishes he’d chosen to spend it back at the café or in the library. As the professor continues on to the next type of pencil, the double doors at the back of the room creak open. Still dazed in a bored stupor, Steve cranes his neck over his shoulder to see which unlucky bastard is almost an hour late to the snoozefest. 
He immediately wakes up, shooting up in his seat as if a bucket of ice water were splashed on him. He can’t believe what he sees: it’s her. Her. His barista. 
Mouth agape, he stares as she slowly closes the doors, careful not to draw too much attention to her late arrival. When nobody bothers to acknowledge her, she makes her way down the carpeted steps of the lecture hall in search of refuge in an empty seat. Her eyes dart across the aisles, desperate for just one, inconspicuous place that will draw the least attention. 
As she combs the rows with a furrowed brow and bottom lip slipping adorably between her teeth, Steve realizes he’s got some sort of a chance. Eyes dart to the professor, then back to her. Steve subtly raises a hand, waving to get her attention. Locking eyes, she finally sees him. Relief and surprise replace her bitten lip with a beaming smile. Steve’s heart soars, skipping far more than several beats. He doesn’t– he can’t– take his eyes off her as she quickly shuffles through the row of seats, plopping down next to him and dropping a tote bag at her feet. She pulls out a purple notebook and pen, slouching back into her seat with a relieved sigh, knee brushing gently against Steve’s. A ghost of the sweetest-smelling perfume drifts into his nostrils and he has the urge to replace his oxygen supply with it.
Steve feels like he’s dreaming. Cloud nine, light as a feather, the whole fucking nine yards. He skims over her features in the dim light of the lecture hall– the curve of her lips as she whispers to herself, flipping through the pages of her notebook, trying to find a blank spot; her eyelashes that flick up and down as she copies down the date and class number. He trails down her neck, crossing over the gold bar necklace she wears every day, to her shoulders and arms, her hands. When his eyes drift back up to her face, she’s staring back. Heat blooms in his cheeks and nerves constrict his chest in embarrassment. She smirks, shaking her head and turning her attention to the professor’s current ramblings on B and HB pencils. Steve opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it.
What would he even say? How would he get away with trying to talk to her in the middle of the lecture? The professor would hear him, he’d get called out, everyone would see him–
She huffs, turning to another blank notebook page. Steve side-eyes her as she quietly tears the page out and scribbles something on the first line. Side-eyeing Steve, a small smile pulls at the corners of her lips as she discreetly slides the paper over to him.
hi stranger.
Steve can’t help but grin. It spills across his lips as more heat blooms, trailing up his ears and down his neck. Trying not to seem too eager, he clicks his own pen and scrawls a response. The professor’s voice fades into background noise, going through one ear and out the other. He’s a goner and so is Steve.
He slides the paper back to her. She scoffs a laugh, smile growing wider. 
last minute class drop + switch. u know how it is.
She shakes her head, quickly scribbling when Steve cocks his head, mouthing a ‘what?’
film kid. have to take art class for credit. only one available.
Steve’s surprised at her response, nodding once he thinks it over. It makes sense. 
She makes sense.
It fits her. It fits the way she moves, the way she carries herself, the ease in which she comes up with witty comebacks. It’s then and there Steve really thinks about the contrast between the two of them– the way he’s perceived versus how he perceives her. He’s a frat brother, a six-foot-two guy with muscles he doesn’t know how to use yet, and a lifelong artist who doesn’t fit in– no matter how much he tries to claw and fight his way out of the hole people dig and throw him in.
If anything, he doesn’t make sense. 
Brow furrowing and jaw set, Steve’s caught in the downward spiral he’s been fighting to keep at bay since coming to Richards– since he pledged his life away to Sigma Theta Beta and the never-ending identity crisis the brothers force upon him every waking moment. But, it’s with her that he feels more like himself than anywhere else in the goddamned world. It’s with her he wants to– willingly– be himself. He wants to be himself with her.
He, however, doesn’t realize the hack job he’s performing on his poor cheek tissue until a soft hand covers his, squeezing lightly. Warmth spreads like wildfire across Steve’s skin, breaking him free and bringing him back to the real world. Concern veils over his barista’s expression; her soft, searching gaze jumps between his baby blues.
‘You okay?’ she mouths, studying him, hand still on his. Her brow twitches upwards when he still doesn’t respond. Steve holds up an index finger and goes back to responding on the paper. 
She nods heavily in agreement. 
same. pencildick up there is putting me to sleep. how do you even do it?
Steve bites a laugh back. 
Before she takes it back Steve adds,
Her smile is bright enough to light up the darkened lecture hall. 
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Two whole pages are filled by the time class lets out. Front and back. 
Steve allows his barista to take the lead in following other students out of the lecture hall. Buzzing conversations reveal a shared eagerness to get the hell out of there and go spend the rest of their Thursday night doing something else more worthy of their precious time. Steve slings his bag over his shoulder as he follows close behind, verbally continuing their written conversation about her shift from earlier in the day and swapping ridiculous ways on how they’ll manage to work every type of pencil into their midterm.
As he plods next to her, Steve fights an innate urge to place a light hand on her lower back to guide her out on their way to the parking lot. Instead, he gets the door, jokingly half-bowing with an outstretched arm to the second set of double doors. Continuing out of the building, Steve takes a breath, deciding now is the perfect time to ask if she’s busy tonight. Instead, though, she stops abruptly. Steve runs directly into her, arms jutting out instinctively to steady both of them out of sheer instinct. Grabbing her shoulders, she spins around to face him, closer to his chest than either realized.
Steve feels his ears turn red again. She looks up at him, blinking before taking a step back, lips parting slightly. An awkward beat hangs in the air before Steve clears his throat and rubs his neck.
"You, uh,” he swallows, preparing himself for the inevitable, “You maybe wanna go grab a bite t’eat, or somethin’?" 
Her eyes widen, lips twitching at the corners. She looks like she’s about to answer before quickly realizing something, as if internally scolding herself for even looking excited. Pressing her lips together, her eyes dart back to her phone.
"Shit, I–" she quickly types a response and shoves it back in her pocket, exhaling in frustration. 
"What is it?"
"I would love to, Steve. I really would, but," she closes her eyes and sighs, "I can't. My sisters need me back at the house. They said it’s an ‘emergency.’" She adds sarcastic air quotes, rolling her eyes. 
"Oh!” Relief fills Steve’s chest, thankful she’s not purposefully blowing him off with some shitty excuse. “Okay, no yeah, I–I totally get it, family can be-"
She smiles softly, shaking her head and taking his hand to run a thumb over his knuckles. The gesture is so casual, so soft, yet it sends goosebumps up Steve’s arm. 
"Oh, no. No, they're not my actual sisters. They're, um, my sorority sisters." She flinches as 'sorority' leaves her lips.
Steve blanches, swallowing a disbelieving laugh. He can't help the lopsided smile spreading across his face. He can’t help taking both her hands in his and holding them in excitement. The odds of it– all of it– all the things, of all the people, she’s the one to make him feel less alone. She’s the one that understands everything.
He tries, and fails, to contain his excitement.
"No, I– I completely get it. My frat brothers are insufferable and I'm the newest pledge, so–"
It’s her turn to blanche. "You? You’re a new pledge, too?"
"Yeah, I, uh, I’m required by my scholarship–"
"Oh thank God it's not just me!"
"There's one for sisters, too?" Steve gawks. He’s truly in shock at the audacity of Richards to make any student required to endure the circle of Hell that is Greek life. He squeezes her hands. She matches him.
"Of course there is, meathead,” she snorts. “Title nine, or whatever the hell."
Steve nods. "I can’t tell you how glad I am not to be alone in this. It's fucked up, but maybe not as much now that I know you're in the same boat as me."
He pulls her ever-so-slightly closer. She lets him.
"Guess that makes you the Jack to my Rose."
Steve furrows his bro, cocking his head like a confused puppy. 
"Oh God– Don't tell me you've never seen Titanic," she gasps, feigning offense and sending Steve off course, thinking he’s fucked up somehow.
Sarcasm isn’t his strong suit.
"I, uh– no, not that I know of. I–I mean I've heard of the Titanic, but I don't remember the– well I know there's a movie, but I–" 
She laughs, full and genuine, stepping forward as her hands leave his, placing one on his shoulder. Her touch is soft, gentle, more comforting than anything he’s ever felt. 
"I'll show ya some time. Don't worry."
Squeezing his bicep, her fingertips glide down to his hand, grazing his fingers for the slightest moment before slipping between them, lacing them together. Electricity shoots up Steve's arm. Without another word she leads him out of the building, walking down the sidewalk lit by the moon rising overhead and scattered street lamps illuminating the parking lot. 
Steve decides then and there he’ll go wherever she takes him. Anywhere. Everywhere.
She stops at the edge of the parking lot and turns to him. "This is where I leave ya, my car’s over yonder.” She nods to a blue sedan with a Richards sticker on the back windshield sitting underneath one of the street lamps. “Plus, I’d like to save you walkin’ me to my car for another night.”
Butterflies. Steve nods. She scoffs a laugh.
“Text me, meathead. I'll see ya tomorrow?"
She releases his hand in slow motion and Steve hopes she’s relishing every bit of physical contact with him as he is with her. He heads to his own car parked in the darker side of the lot under the shadows of the perimeter trees and dimmer lamps, swaying languidly and ambling across the pavement in a trance. Steve makes a note to himself: watch more movies, because he sure feels like he's in one. 
The trance is broken when a split second of what sounds like a scream echoes over the lot and is snuffed out just as abruptly as it started. 
Steve freezes, key halfway into unlocking the driver’s side door. Ears prick up, breath held firm in his chest. Turning over his shoulder, he gasps, startled as a blue car– her car– slowly backs out from under the streetlamp and exits onto the road casually. Steve watches it disappear from view. The sound of the engine gunning it down the road leaves Steve alone in the dark, a sick uneasiness pooling in his gut.
He gets in his car, tossing his bag into the passenger seat and pulling out his phone.
You okay? Did you hear that?
Steve turns the engine over and throws the car into drive, foot hard on the brake before checking her text back. 
Hear what? I’m okay! :)
The uneasiness doesn’t leave him. She doesn’t usually text like that. 
“Fuck, get a grip, Steve,” he mutters to himself, resting his head against the steering wheel. He takes a second to gather himself and calm his nerves. The paranoia he’s been trained to feel thanks to his brothers, in combination with the fear of fucking everything up with his barista tonight, must be mixing together and clashing against every active nerve in his body. He’s fine. She’s fine.
She’s obviously driving right now, of course she wouldn’t fucking text how she normally does. She’s probably using voice text. Calm. Down.
Steve sends another text before tossing his phone into the passenger’s seat, the unease refusing to dissipate. He turns on the radio, turning up the song blasting from the speakers in a sorry attempt to silence his racing thoughts. 
No big deal. Get home safe.
His phone stays silent the rest of the night. It stays silent as he gets home, as he throws a bowl of ramen together, as he throws himself onto his bed and flips open his laptop to watch some random brainrot he finds on Netflix. 
He nods off, letting himself be taken by exhaustion as the uneaten bowl of ramen sits on his desk, growing colder, while the dim computer light and hum of dialogue pull Steve further and further into a dreamless sleep.
His phone dies silently in his hand. 
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hello from the hallowoods dashboard simulator
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😈 valerie-meme-stone
I'm not ready for my spotify wrapped to just be stonemaiden. like i get it spotify i know i'm gay
53 notes
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📝 the-poetry-panopticon Follow
Unfriendly reminder not to sign up for a Dreaming Box subscription! The Botulus Corporation is not to be trusted! Here's an article explaining the language in their contract and why it's concerning! In addtion, they use AI generated images in the Prime Dream, which we should all know by now is unethical.
14,034 notes
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🥗 bisexualranchdressing Follow
dang this is crazy. i thought wildfire smoke was bad but what the fuck is this????
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🌅 nerdy-tragedy-theorist Follow
well according to color theory
🌅 nerdy-tragedy-theorist Follow
never mind i've got nothing
739 notes
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⚡ evil-electrician Follow
friendly reminder to stop spreading misinformation about the black water! people are saying that it brings people and animals back to life but that's not exactly true! although their body may be back, they're not the same person and they will likely become violent and dangerous. please stay inside and be really careful what you and your pets eat or drink.
🐈‍⬛ cats-not-capitalism Follow
fuck you op i'm keeping my undead cat
⚡ evil-electrician Follow
good luck keeping your fingers
48,230 notes
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🐧 morally-grey-penguin Follow
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1,383,248 notes
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i must not go to sleep in the lake today. afternoon nap is the mind killer
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mmmmmm cozy
where is my skin
going back to sleep honk shoooooo
635 notes
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🌮 mysteriously-crafty-nacho Follow
reblog this post to go north with the person you reblogged this from
54,092 notes
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🧊 botulus-corporation Follow
The Botulus Corporation is with you during this difficult time. Join our happy dreaming family where you and your loved ones will be safe from the rain. Tumblr users get 30% off on a Dreaming Box subscription!
🐨 chief-koala-typhoon Follow
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73,932 notes
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🌿 shiny-wolf-tragedy Follow
it fucken rainny
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🐼 dreamland-panda Follow
love that they'll be a literal apocalyse and tumblr users will just make memes. never change tumblr
72,138 notes
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👁️‍🗨️ the-magnus-brotocol
choosing between the irl amazing digital circus or probably fucking dying was not on my 2030 bingo card but okay
👁️‍🗨️ the-magnus-brotocol
at this point i just gotta expect that if the year is divisible by 10 then something terrible will happen
94 notes
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🐺 werewolves-are-hot
hey do you think i can get a real werewolf boyfriend now that monsters are real
🐺 werewolves-are-hot
any cute werewolf boyfriends in this part of the woods
429 notes
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🌷 pleasant-arcade-land
oh man it's been a couple months since I last updated this fanfic huh! so I just drank some black water by accident and now I have a few extra fingers, and honestly that took some getting used to, but it's actually pretty convenient now and is really helpign me get more words in lol im still here writing homestuck fanfic in 2030 hehehehehe anyway new chapter here
38 notes
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🌑 the-void-whispers Follow
so, it looks like tumblr might be dying soon due to, well, *gestures wildly.* You'll have to kill me before I join Twitter now that the Botulus Corporation bought it (and no, I am not calling it B, that is just stupid) so if you want to hear from me you will simply need to look out for passenger pigeons. in the meantime, ill be here until tumblr straight up dies and i have a crying session about it
🦌 gamer-guy-bath-water Follow
we do not grieve ice when it melts, or celebrate the sapling when it rises from the soil. they just are. life and death and rebirth are one constant state. and without change, there would be nothing to watch
⚔️ sword-lesbian-enthusiast
add that to the list of banger quotes from tumblr memes
82,362 notes
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258 notes · View notes
rosyjn · 1 year
jake sully masterlist
MDNI, adult works on here.
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-wax play, avatar mating season day ??
-aftercare, avatar mating season day 1
x human reader!!
-riding dilf Jake’s face
Long time no writing..
Y’all are just sooo needy and horny that the sex is clothed!
- eye contact 👁️
Gentle, like has some casual dominance if you squint
-jealous dilf
breeding, spitting in mouth, hand on throat STEAMY
-riding his abs
-day 11 kinkmas
-kinkmas day 2 2023
Titty fucking
-kinkmas day 1 2023
-tits guy.
You already know…😈
- random thought
Nsfw, porn without plot
-just seggs w Jake
nsfw just short sexy time
-dilf!jake disciplines you after you guys get home (smut)
self explanatory
-you and Jake are a little too loud… (smut)
when you and jake are fucking in the tent but unfortunately norm and grace can hear
-taking Jake to Utraya Mokri (smut)
"we've been goin' at it like rabbits, how are you still horny??"
-dilf!jake can’t control himself when he sees human reader with an ice cream (smut)
-part 2 of above (also smut)
-you get drunk and Jake has to discipline you 🙄
rough smut! spanking!
-short lil fic abt overstim w Jake and then the aftermath (smut)
again self explanatory
-jake sully headcanons (contains nsfw)
- human Jake and reader have a lil fun when she gets locked out of her room (smut)
little angsty if you squint but mostly funsies!
-just a lil thought abt ma jake..
sex in the tent w/ him
-"are you sure you want this? if i start, i  might not be able to stop..."  smuttt jake sullyyy
cute little fun nsfw he fucks you on the ground
-Husband!jake headcanons
-"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention," JAKE SULLY X READER SMUTTTT
jake being annoying and then sex lmao
-Dilf!Jake w his little halloween traditions from earth (no smut🙄)
sweet one sfw
-"What? Does that feel good?" dilf!jake sully messing around with you during a party. (SMUTT)  (Not proofread sorry guys 🙏)  
mischeivous and then weird angst, then nsfw
-rough seggs w jake bc jealousy SMUTTT
-jake sully x chubby reader smut
not genuine smut but he gets into it, then the story cuts bc im lazy
pretty long one compared to my others. reader is a sciencey girl.
-POV: You get a letter from Jake… &
all sweet and then jake gets long-distance-horny
-“Bed. Now.”
face down ass up 😈
-Roommate (human Jake)
longest one yet i think, but yeah SEX AND RIDING :)
-Dilf!jake who wants to get his human girl pregnant (SMUT)
read the title lmaooo
-“let me fuck the problem away”
stress relief..
-getting her to confess (dilf Jake)
jake has his own unique way of getting words out of you
-dilf!jake w virgin reader
first time with him
-“Let me show ya”
Jake giving you your first aftercare
-“You like rough? I’ll show you rough,”
reader says she wants jake to be less gentle during sex, so he fucks her dumb right there.
-birthday present.
unconventional birthday treat...
lana del rey lyrics, how they relate to jakey
-giving him a handjob, kinktober 2023 day 1.
lunaskinktober 2023
-him eating you out, kinktober 2023 day 2.
lunaskinktober 2023
- riding his thigh, kinktober 2023 day 3.
lunaskinktober 2023
-dilf!jake spanking you, kinktober 2023 day 4.
lunaskinktober 2023
-Jake x human reader
doing it in the bathroom :)
-bf!jake thoughts
Slight nsfw
-giving dilf!jake a blowie, kinktober 2023 day 7.
lunaskinktober 2023
-dominant Jake
little nsfw, just a blurb abt him being casually dominant and reader getting drunk.
-dilf!jake and you while you’re in restraints, kinktober day 11
lunaskinktober 2023
-jake sully fingering you, kinktober day 12.
lunaskinktober 2023
- first 69 with Jake, kinktober day 14
lunaskinktober 2023
- size difference, kinktober day 15.
lunaskinktober 2023
-how he loves your tail
A1 Jake and na’vi reader
-my man, his bruises
kind of sad, not nsfw
-begging, kinktober day 17
lunaskinktober 2023
-just a thought
with mating press and breeding..
-edging, kinktober day 20
lunaskinktober 2023
-In rut 🥶
-toruk makto>
cocky Jake!
-biting you, kinktober day 23
lunaskinktober 2023
-Rough, kinktober day 24
lunaskinktober 2023
-the best medicine
him doing you while you’re sick to cheer you up!
- catching in you the act, kinktober day 25
lunaskinktober 2023
- overstim, human!jake x reader kinktober day 26
lunaskinktober 2023
- praise with subby Jake, kinktober day 28
lunaskinktober 2023
-dirty talk with dilf!jake, kinktober day 29
lunaskinktober 2023
-A1 jake eats you out when you’re mad at him
Lowkey feels unfinished I’m sorry y’all
-sub Jake hcs
so so so short
- dilf!jake and bratty reader
- dilf!jake catching you in your first heat
Not proofread sorry! Tell me if there are errors.
-Jake using his tail …
short, pretty sfw.
dilf Jake w virgin reader
- using the safe word
-missionary blurb, random af.
-Jake feeling bad after forgetting aftercare
295 notes · View notes
hoe4rairai · 4 months
《 ♤ Scenario 3 ♤ 》
Shivering S/O in a cold night, Raian being considerably gentle and mindful or NOT 😈
〰️ Let's Gooooooo 〰️
This is unorthodox Raian version ...
S/O is a hit woman. Both sometimes merge missions together, though Raian hates to be with her on missions. She has the power to distract the assassin. The only human who has that power . S/O is a fun sized girl whom he enjoys manhandling, and she loves it when he does.
A mission was assigned to them, both finished their part but something complicated their exit, and they were stuck in the lower deck of the corrupted millionaire yacht where they assassinated him and his entire crew. No electricity, it was one of those cold winter nights. The deck was cold and pitch black, Raian's vision is as sharp as a wolf in the dark but that's given being a kure, S/O settled next to her boyfriend's massive body frame. The cold started to creep up on her, and her teeth started chattering. She thought Raian was in a hibernating mode since his breathing is very steady and low, and that also is a kure survival technique. She moved closer, almost squeezing herself into him. She is cold, and he has a deep heat body machine. He didn't budge a muscle and she is trying to find any source of warmth to keep her going till the clan sends a rescue to pick them up, they are literally in the middle of the ocean.
A few hours passed, and she probably fell asleep. When she opened her eyes, she was positioned like a baby between his arms. Her head was resting on one arm , face snuggled between his arm and chest, legs curled up , his arms around her to offer her some more warmth.
They heard noises coming from the upper deck of the yacht.Raian and the rescue team usually have a sign code they communicate with. These ppl aren't them. Raian gestured to keep quiet. He literally glided on the floor, hard to believe such heavy man can be this light. The door cracked open, guns shooting , sound of bones breaking, blood splattering everywhere. Raian and his S/O teamwork and synergy is a top notch because they read each other's minds and work stimolysly.
No one left alive. Raian peaked at the horizon and spotted 2 boats approaching boats that didn't belong to the clan. Raian knew if they did not move now, they were doomed. He knew they would bomb the yacht. He grabbed S/O without a word or a second thought jumping right into the freezing water. The water was like daggers piercing her body, the coldness numbed her, Raian is trained and done that few times. He was ahead of her, breaking his way through the waves , she started to drown, Raian was calm , he knew the outcome and reminded himself : ( That's fuckin WHY I hate going on hits with you .. What a fuckin burden.) He pulled S/O, swam to the a nearby shore , fell on his back and she was unconscious laying next him, cold as ice. She was going through hypothermia obviously, he pulled her body quickly into a hidden spot, took off her clothes and his and basically used his entire body as a blanket to heat her's up.
A few long minutes till she opened her eyes, the heat she was immersed with felt so good, the chest moving ever so slowly against her's, Raian was literally wrapped around her like a skin cover. She strongly felt safe , warm, and kinda funky 😈. S/O made the slightest move to let him know she is awake and okay, thanks to him.
A low, hoarse lazy voice demand: stay put don't move, his cold breath was hitting her forehead. She wanted to warm him up, too, but she could only do this much. S/O started to run her hand gently, over his hairless chest and arms. He didn't mind, she then started rubbing his back slowly and gently creating warm fractions, he kinda enjoyed it, WHAT A FUCKING WEIRED COUPLE I SWEAR 😏...Her feet is warm now so she started to rub his thighs and Bingo ... ... WDF ...
His head titled downwards looking at her, black eyes piercing her soul, a deep voice comes out as a low growl : ( see da fuck you did, now ?? ) S/O blushed when she felt his hard errection tickling her abdomen. Both naked , both turned on and both in the middle of nowhere.
Raian, for the first time in his entire life, spooned. He hates the position because he thinks it's for old lazy bustards. He was lazy, though, trying to gain warmth and regenerate strength again. Raian, when he is vulnerable, can be without any arguments, the sexiest man alive.
Raian shifted his S/O body to the side her back facing him, her ass pushed backwards, allowing him to enter her from behind, hand grabbed her waist not too firmly but steady enough to control her body. He could not control his own growle when he met her heat its cold outside but fucking damn oven from the inside the feeling blew his mind, suddenly eagerness with each powerful thrust , suddenly Raian is back again fully charged. Fuck the cold , he is not getting out of her, he will knot her like a fucking beast time and time again till she collapses .
The next thing she knows, she is their bed again cuddled by her boyfriend,feeling cosy, safe, and probably pregnant.
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** fanart belongs to the rightful owner
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idontknowreallywhy · 6 days
Resurface 35 - Reappraise
Story to date in order (Tumblr / AO3)
Perhaps if you hadn’t read them before these two chapters (here and here) may make more sense of what Virgil has been drawing.
And if you missed the wee!Earth&Sky flying machine adventure, that is contained in this one and this one.
But now, onwards! Virgy-boy still has some demons to exorcise and needs Scooter to help him. Points to whoever spots the cameo from an old friend 😈
The view from Virgil’s balcony was very similar, but subtly different. They weren’t adjacent - both John’s often-empty and Dad’s always-empty room lay between - and the shift of a few metres to the left meant the light reflected off different facets of the damp rocks of Mateo and the shadows changed shape. The sea met the shore at a marginally different angle, the light refracting through the shallows and hitting the greener end of blue. Two of the trees visible from Scott’s were hidden by the curve of Roundhouse Peak.
Scott hadn’t noticed any of this before Virgil pointed it out. What he did know was that on his own the breeze was stronger and there was fractionally more sky. On a hot day he’d always advocate for the cooler, more exposed position. Where he could see as far as possible. Where he could breathe.
But on a cooler evening, there was something comforting about how the sun’s residual heat radiated from the stone and bathed Virgil’s preferred haven in a warm glow.
Virgil had added to the warmth that evening by opening a bottle of Scott’s favourite scotch which he’d clearly stashed away at some point. Had it been one of the others who produced such a thing, Scott would be waiting for ‘The Favour’ or ‘The Difficult Question’. In Gordon’s case, quite frequently ‘The Confession’.
Virgil, however, often just did it to be nice. And Virgil knew that, unlike Dad and himself, Scott preferred his liquor without rocks. He took another sip and rested his head back with a contented sigh, allowing the liquid to rest on his tongue.
“Mmmmhmm?” The heat spread through his sinuses as he breathed over it.
“Can I ask you a favour?”
The whiskey hit the back of Scott’s throat and his eyeballs burned. Virgil seemed hesitant which mean this was going to be important! He coughed and croaked out a hurried confirmation:
Virgil, staring out to sea, appeared not to notice his brother’s nasal passages vaporising which, again, indicated something was Up. Scott scrubbed at his eyes with a sleeve and with an iron will, forced himself to get a grip of his respiratory system. He was about to say something else encouraging when Virgil suddenly spun to face him and in a voice of utmost seriousness stated:
“It’s a weird one.”
Scott raised an amused eyebrow.
“I can do weird.”
“Would you wear it again?”
The other eyebrow joined it with vigour.
“Wear what? If you’re asking about Halloween and that cursed Superman costume, Alan beat you to it and it’s a hard no. I might be persuaded to consider Batman but only if you’re Robin.”
Virgil snorted and swirled the ice in his glass. The not ungenerous measure he’d poured himself having already disappeared.
“As you very well know I don’t do tights. Not after the Christmas debacle.”
“I think you made a lovely elf.”
“You’re deranged.”
“Yeah but you love me.”
Virgil threw an ice cube at his head before conceding: “I do. Yes.”
He then frowned.
“Scooter, are you CRYING?”
“Nope. No no I’m just… enjoying this with ALL my senses.” He raised the glass and winked.
Virgil narrowed his eyes as if invisibly scanning his brother, then with a quirk of an eyebrow seemed to conclude there was no sudden emotional devastation and released him from scrutiny. He looked back out towards Mateo and tracked the petrels swooping to and from their rocky nests.
Scott followed his line of sight and started a little. There was a small cave at the base of Mateo which was invisible from Scott’s balcony. How had he never seen that before? He was about to point it out when he realised he’d distracted Virgil from his question.
“If you didn’t mean Halloween… what are you asking?”
“Your uniform. The, uh, air force one.”
“Hell no. I’m planning to burn it. That’s not part of my life anymore.”
“That doesn’t sound very environmentally friendly…”
“Alright bury it then. Shred it and bury it. No… shred it, dissolve it in acid then bury it.”
Virgil blinked. “Have you been watching murder mystery reruns again?”
“They’re relaxing.”
“Riiiiiiight.” Despite the feigned disbelief, Scott knew that Virgil had been the one to add three hundred and thirty-six hours worth of ‘A Century of Detective Classics’ to the family server and he knew Virgil knew that he knew that he’d done it as a cunning way to tempt Scott into some downtime. Devious little brothers… who… needed reassuring, immediately.
“It hurt you so it’s got to die. Don’t worry. I don’t even want to touch it again. If Grandma hadn’t spirited it away somewhere to clean it would be gone already.”
“Oh.” Perhaps imbibing scotch straight into his brain had slowed him down, but Virgil didn’t seem as reassured as Scott had intended.
“Don’t you need it for Ash’s dinner? You should go to that, it’s important.”
“I’ll work something out.”
“Oh, ok.” Virgil went quiet again and Scott realised he’d given the wrong answer somehow but wasn’t quite sure how to change it.
“What’s on your mind, Virgil?”
He sighed and cracked his knuckles one by one, making Scott cringe.
“Would you… um, would you wear it once more if… I… for me to… uh…”
“For you?! But… I don’t understand! It made you so unwell? I thought you hated it?”
“I did. I do. But… I don’t want to carry that fear anymore, I can’t be scared of CLOTHES. It’s… I just can’t. It’s ridiculous. And, well… and I was thinking perhaps if I was prepared… if it wasn’t a surprise… it might… I might not react quite so badly? My last memory of it wouldn’t be… uh… so heavy? And maybe I could finish my book.”
“Your book?” Now Scott was really bewildered.
Virgil put down his glass and disappeared into his suite, returning swiftly with one of the large black ring-bound pads of thick art paper the like of which Scott had seen many times. This one was more battered than most and his little brother clutched it to his chest for a moment then cleared his throat awkwardly as he sat down.
“I found it when I was hunting for a sketch I wanted to work up for the exhibition next month. Some of them aren’t… very nice. I was going to just throw it away but Gordon thinks I should complete it… finish the story.”
“Gordon’s seen it?” Scott wasn’t actually jealous, he was relieved to discover - the little snakelike green monster’s appearance seemed to have been limited to the ‘other’ version of himself. But he found himself kind of intrigued that their fish brother was apparently giving art advice these days.
Virgil rolled his eyes and growled quietly. “You know what he’s like… I foolishly tried to hide it when he burst into the room and of course he noticed and he wouldn’t let up until I showed him.”
“May I see?”
Virgil chewed his lip and nodded. Scott shuffled his lounger closer such that they were shoulder to shoulder and felt his jaw drop as Virgil opened to the first page and he saw a vivid recreation in pastel of his toddler self proudly holding a tiny baby Virgil, Mom and Dad hovering in the background. The baby’s fingers were wrapped tightly around his thumb and Virgil had sketched several enlarged views of their chubby hands in pencil along the bottom.
He turned the pages slowly and Scott saw several scenes he definitely recognised from childhood photographs and some he thought must have come from Virgil’s memory. They paddled in a watercolour sea together, rode their bikes in oils, Scott dangled upside down from a charcoal tree with chalky Virgil underneath, arms stretched upwards. There was a cartoon school bus with a dimpled stickman waving from the window.
He smiled as he recognised the two of them with the flying machine on the roof, although he remembered it as much sturdier than the painting suggested. The faded but detailed cross-section taped in to the next double page disabused him of that impression. This one was covered in his own scrawly handwriting. Scott chuckled and raised a hand to the scar on his jaw.
“Oh DEAR, I’d thought it was a much better design than that!”
“Hmmmm.” Virgil rumbled “The basic concept was sound but the materials and our duct tape-biased construction methods left something to be desired and yeah… your “math” was a touch… shaky…”
Virgil smiled and turned over to another cross-section, only this time of a much more elegant design which was surrounded by small sketches of joints and diagrams showing balanced forces, each with the appropriate calculations painstakingly recorded in Virgil’s neat handwriting.
Scott gasped as he realised that this… this could work. Who was he kidding - it was Virgil’s design - of course it would work.
“You fixed it!”
“I did. I felt… bad that we never tried again and you didn’t get your moment.”
“My moment?! Virgil! I nearly killed us both!”
“You were only eleven.”
“Even so…” Scott tried very hard not to think of all the occasions since then when he hadn’t had ‘being only eleven’ as an excuse but the more he tried the more of them bubbled up in his memory like some kind of noxious gas polluting his only fresh water source. No. They were past this now… it was better. Things were changing. He was changing.
“I guess I had this idea that I could build it and if… if you ever came back…” he shook his head “it was just a silly…”
“No.” Scott interrupted, grabbing his arm and pressing his forehead into the side of Virgil’s head. “Not silly. Thoughtful. Ingenious. Seeing the potential in an idea and making it work? Very… YOU.”
Virgil gave a small smile and turned back to the book. Scott felt himself blush at page after page of sketches, all of himself - as a wide eyed child, a cocky teenager winking, a laughing adult flipping pancakes… even a few where he had apparently sprouted falcon wings, one where Virgil had them too.
Scott couldn’t imagine how many hours these must have taken to create
“When did you do all this?”
As soon as the words had left his mouth he knew it was a stupid question. Virgil shrugged and turned the page.
“When you were gone.”
Scott put his arm around Virgil’s shoulders and squeezed as he turned again, seemingly keen not to linger on any one image.
A blazing sun burned out of the page, the wall of colour marred only by a silhouette of the falcon-winged man, clearly falling, curled in on himself as the wings trailed limply behind, the dark shapes of lost feathers becoming larger and more detailed towards the top. No prizes for spotting the reference there. The real sun, heading swiftly towards the horizon seemed to lose most of its heat and a modern day Icarus-but-for-Many-Miraculous-Escapes wondered yet again how he could have been so blind.
If that one gave him a chill, the next made him shiver, the warmth from the whiskey had now entirely dissipated - a faint pencil outline Scott holding a heavily shadowed Virgil in his arms. Then… there was that same Air Force Grad photo, reproduced in a dozen different styles. The last one almost photo-realistic but crossed through in heavy red pen.
Virgil tried to skip several pages but Scott gently took his hand and turned back. He recognised the image of the crashing jet, over and over… pencil drawn, painted, scratched with a blade into a thick black layer of wax crayon. There followed a page solely of fire. Skeletal outlines of fighter jets. Storms. Crowds of agonised faces. An incredibly detailed map of Bereznik decorated with vicious-looking black insects.
The last few pages shocked Scott the most - all the pictures were drawn on scraps of paper, and then glued in. The largest was a drawing in black ballpoint pen of an almost unrecognisable bearded stranger in a hospital bed, covered in bandages and tubes. There were smaller pencil studies of bruised hands, a foot, an ear, eyebrows over sunken eye sockets, a nearly skeletal chin with a scar… his scar. Scott swallowed hard - he’d looked that bad?
One smaller image stood out as it had clearly been screwed into a ball before being flattened out to stick on to the page. Scott’s younger self winked and laughed up at him from behind the creases, one arm wrapped around a huge box of popcorn, the other hand reaching out of the page towards him. Virgil had clearly got hold of a blue ballpoint pen for this one and had skilfully used it to produce a rainbow’s worth of blue shades. The picture somehow gleamed at him and Scott felt the green serpent stir in his gut. He bit the side of his tongue and motioned for Virgil to turn over to the next.
The very last page contained only the sky in vivid shades of blue with light wisps of cloud: Virgil’s starting place.
Scott swallowed hard as he realised Gordon hadn’t been giving art advice at all.
“I put it away when dad brought you home.”
“It’s… Wow…”
“It was an outlet.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Scotty.”
“Not all of it. Some things though.”
He pulled his brother close again and planted a kiss in his hair.
“So how do you want to finish it?”
35 notes · View notes
satorusugurugurl · 3 months
I Think He Knows: (Chapter Six)
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he tell you how he feels when you leave him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,964
Warning: Language, suggestiveness, rql sex (male receiving) grinding, neck kisses, dry humping, mentions of character death,night terror, blood, mentions of PTSD, anxiety
A/N: Man oh man what a silly fluffy slice of life spicy series we got! It would be a shame if something happened 😀—😈
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven
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Think that you were an easy-going person who got along well with everyone. Generally, you were easy-going unless someone fucked you over, then you were a bit salty. Manami Suda Was the only exception. You could not stand her guts. She would be the only person he would gladly hit with your car.
“Manami,” you spit back, crossing your arms over your chest. “Suguru is expecting me.”
“Mm, he didn’t mention anything to me. You would assume he would make his schedule.”
“Ha, funny, let me in.”
“Huh,” she purses her red-painted lips together. “Let me check with my client and see if he’s available. We’re both swamped.”
You roll your eyes, pushing open the door, poking your head. “Suguru, call your Hellhound off.” Manami presses herself to the side, trying to block you from getting further inside the apartment.
“Geto is busy at the moment, but he’ll call you later.”
“Busy my ass Suguru!!”
Upon hearing you call his name again, Suguru headed out of his makeshift studio. He was covered in different blue paint hues, smeared on his forearm and cheek. His eyes darted between you, trying to force your way inside before back at his agent, who was fighting against your attempts. Dark ice glitter with the amusement at how you were putting all your effort into trying to squeeze past her
“Manami, let her in.” He finally said with a chuckle. “Before she starts gnawing at the door frame.”
“Ha!” Manami sidestepped again just as you tried pushing yourself inside, resulting in you falling face forward with the yelp dropping the groceries.“Geto called you a termite.”
Wincing, you sat up, rubbing your chin. Suguru had better put an ad online for a new agent because his current one was about to disappear without a trace. “But she’s the cutest termite in the whole world.” The bluntness and flirty tone of his voice had both you and Manami glancing at him as he headed into the kitchen.
Since when did he start calling you cute around other people? That was usually something someone said about their partner, right? Not their best friend. More importantly, why the hell did you love it?
Manami was too stunned to speak as she gaped at her client before looking back at you. You felt her eyes on you, so you didn't know what any mature adult your age would do. You glanced back up at her and smiled as wide as you could before sticking your tongue out at her. She glared, nose pinching up in annoyance as she flipped you off with her sharp, manicured nails. To which you shot back, flipping her off with both hands as you sat up on your knees.
“Girls.” hearing Suguru call you both out stopped the childish faces and the middle fingers, but no amount of tone, yelling, or godly power could prevent the glaring daggers you gave each other.
“We’re fine, Geto.”
“Yeah, Suguru!”
“You shouldn't use his name so freely!”
“Oooh~ last time I checked, I’ve been his best friend for over a decade!”
Manami clenched her fists together. “Yes, I am aware of that. You make it a point to remind me of that every time I see you.” You stood up, putting the groceries in the kitchen before flopping onto the couch.
“Because you act like I should be courteous and cold to him! I've known him longer than you. So kiss my ass.”
“Geto!” Manami barked, her hair flowing as she looked into the kitchen. “Do you hear the way she's talking to me?”
Your eyes focused on the way Suguru washed paint off his arms. His hands brushed back stray dark strands of hair behind his gauged ears. “Manami, if you just let her in, she wouldn’t be in such a mood.” A certain pleasure settled in your stomach. “She’s always welcome in my apartment whether I’m working or not, you know that.” For some reason, your stomach twisted, and heat pooled between your legs as he told her pretty much to fuck off.
Suguru heard the faintest whimper from the direction of the living room. Looking through his lashes, he smirked, seeing your flushed face. God, you were so easy to rile up. For once in his career, he wanted to shove his agent out and pin you against the sofa. He wanted to pry open your thighs that were pressed together open. Desperate to see if you were as wet as you were a few days ago at breakfast. God Suguru wanted to taste you again, to make you cry on his tongue.
His cock twitched, and he realized now might not be the best time to be sporting a boner in the presence of professional company. So he turned the water in the sink to cold and threw it on his face. There would be a time to get a bit more intimate later. He needed to keep his composure and not eat you out with his agent in the room.
“Fine, but we aren’t done discussing business.”
“I know.”
You watched from the couch, noticing the annoyed look in Suguru’s eyes, and Manami stepped forward. “The aquarium called again; they want to know if you—”
“I said no.”
The aquarium? You blinked, sitting up and tilting your head. Did it have to do with his most recent painting of Riko?
Manami sighed, pulling her phone out. “They increased their offer for you to do the commission.”
Suguru was exceptionally talented. His paintings of dragons, creatures, and sceneries had gone viral in high school, earning him a full ride to art school. He was selling paintings, being commissioned, thriving, and getting paid to do what he loved. He, of course, had rules for commissions he took on from strangers and whatnot, but to deny an aquarium wasn’t like him.
“No,” Suguru repeated more firmly.
“You’d only be—”
A loud crash causes you and Manami to jump as Suguru throws his cup of paintbrushes into the sink. “Manami, no. That’s my final answer.” It was rare for Suguru to get pissed; he was usually well-tempered. So, for him to snap like that was out of character and meant he didn’t want to do whatever she had set up for him.
Manami sighed, grabbing her phone off the kitchen counter and shoving her cell phone inside. “I know it’s a reminder of the past, but it’s good money.” She slid expensive name-brand sunglasses on before turning on her heels with a strut in her step. “Think about it; I’m not sending the denial letter yet.” Without another word, she left the apartment, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Well,” you started, pouting as you hummed, “she is a peach.”
“Yeah.” Suguru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before focusing his undivided attention on you. “So, uhm, what’s on the menus for dinner? I can help?” He grabbed the brown paper bags, beginning to unload them without another word.
You didn’t mean to pry about what was going on in his life. You knew him better than you knew himself at times. So, he would tell you if he wanted to talk about what was happening. The only time you got involved with what was happening during his work, you were utterly concerned about him and his well-being. So instead of saying anything, you just not at your head as the two of you made dinner together.
But the entire time we both stood in the kitchen silently in tune with each other, your mind kept drifting off to what exactly he was asked to paint. It seemed a little strange that he was asked to paint something at the aquarium, and his current canvas depicted Riko at the aquarium in Okinawa before the accident. That might be triggering his current nightmares, along with the fact that he has never truly forgiven himself for the accident that wasn’t his fault at all.
You knew he blamed himself for what happened. He wasn’t fast enough to push Riko out of the way when the car approached them. He saw her like a little sister. Watching the life fade from her eyes while he was fighting for his own life would traumatize anyone.
That sort of trauma never leaves. It lingers forever, which it had for your best friend. After the accident in her death, he started seeing a therapist every week. He’s on severe anxiety and depression medication, and for a while, his artwork took a very dark turn. He wouldn’t see anyone. He lost a ton of weight but always insisted that he was fine, just tired.
It wasn’t until he snapped when his nieces Nanako and Mimiko were in a car accident themselves that he lost all of his composure. he broke down having a mental episode. He nearly beat the ever-loving shit out of the man that caused the accident. The man had been remorseful, paying for everything from the car to the medical bills for the girls, but that wasn’t good enough for Suguru. He wanted to make him pay for what he had done. In a way, he saw it as the driver that caused Riko’s accident to pay for the pain the two of them went through.
Suguru was lucky enough to have you and your mutual friends by his side. All of you helped him get the help that he needed. You were there when he needed to talk or was having a rough day. That was one of the many reasons you both lived in the same apartment complex. He felt safe around you. Suguru knew he was with you. He was seen for who he was and for not being the man who couldn’t save his friend's life.
Despite it not being his fault at all.
And well, he had healed over the years,
Like anyone else living with that kind of trauma, he had his good days and his bad days from his sleeping over, insomnia, and how he reacted to Manami pushing him to do the mural at the aquarium. He was having a rough week.
After eating a delicious home-cooked meal and cleaning the kitchen, you sat on the couch, staring blankly at the television as Suguru gently ran his hand up and down your thigh. Some thriller played in the background; at this point, it was mindless background noise as your mind reeled, trying to think of what to say.
Your silence and uptight demeanor had Suguru’s dark eyes darting towards you every few seconds. There was something on your mind, something he knew you were contemplating saying. But much like you, he wasn’t one to pry. He knew in the last decade that you were upfront with him whenever you wanted to talk about an issue. But from the shyness in your touch to how you kept looking at him, he figured that maybe you wanted to make a move or ask him to teach you something new.
God, you were just so cute and shy. He wanted you to feel comfortable, to tell him what you wanted. But at the same time, he knew you. There was no way you would be upfront and ask home to do stuff with you or ask him to teach you more things. Until you were ready, he would have to continue making suggestions or ask how you felt and what you wanted to do.
Giving your thigh a gentle squeeze, your eyes dart in his direction. “Did you get all your rewrites done for Utahime? How did the meeting with her go?” Your face lit up.
“Oh, it went well; she loved what I had! She said my writing has improved.”
“That’s great! Do you get any time off? Like to relax that big brain of yours?”
With a pout, you collapsed into his side with a huff. “No, she wants the next chapter in two weeks. So I have to write it, have Nanami read it, edit it, and then I can send it to her.” The feeling of Suguru’s hand leaving your thigh left a trail of goosebumps in its wake as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Oh, well—do you need help with the next chapter? Or are there fewer spicy scenes in this one?”
You scoff, resting your chin on his upper arm. “That’s what you bookworms call sex scenes in books, right; spicy scenes?”
“Awee~ you do listen.”
“I listen when it’s you.”
You resist the urge to kiss him, opting for blushing instead. “Uhm, right! Yeah, so—“ you clear your throat, “it’s more plot than spice, but I’m not opposed to—ya’ know, adding spice.”
This was your way of telling him you wanted more without outwardly saying it. This was keeping your friendship safe. Besides, just because you didn’t use it in this chapter didn’t mean you wouldn’t use it in the future!
Suguru was slightly disappointed when you first said there were no spicy scenes in this current chapter. He felt like you did, not wanting to ruin your friendship. But to hear you say that you weren’t opposed to adding spice to your current chapter and all the worries and disappointment vanished. Suguru hummed, putting his hand behind his head and slowly licking his lips as he watched you sit up.
“Oh really now?”
“Mhmm~ I just don’t know what to add~ maybe you—” You slid your fingers down his ab’s, gently sliding them underneath the hem of his shirt. Your manicured nails gently ran over his happy chill, making Suguru twitch in anticipation. “Do you have a suggestion for what I could add to this chapter?”
“Mmm, well, you could always have Oaklynn go down on Ilsan, or you could have them dry hump or grind.”
You toyed with the waistband of his sweat, biting your lip as you felt his cock twitch, growing harder the more you rubbed the band. Your eyes were so focused on his pants that Suguru could hear the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears, his stomach filled as you looked up, meeting his gaze. He swallowed hard at the lustful need burning in your eyes. It’s hard to believe you had never been kissed a week ago, and now you were playing with his waistband to his sweats so suggestively?
What the fuck was this life?
“Sugu—can I touch you?”
With his consent, you tugged his sweats down to rest over the top of his thighs, finding a tent in his boxers. There was something oddly satisfying about seeing the way your touch affected him. You knew his body was probably reacting naturally to an intimate touch. Part of you wish this might be more than a physical reaction deep down inside. But that was ludicrous because he was helping you out.
But maybe it could turn into something more you wouldn’t oppose.
“You’re already hard.” You said with a blush, your hand gently brushing over the hardening shaft in his boxers.
“What can I say? I have my beautiful best friend touching me.”
“Can this beautiful friend return the favor from the other day?”
Subaru chokes on his spit as you gently talk the band of his boxers down. If you want to, that shouldn’t be an issue. But you don’t have to return the favor! The cutest pout graces your lips as you reach out gently, grabbing his shaft and squeezing it. “Ooooh, fuck—”
“Oh! Sorry, did that hurt? I was trying to be a bit more confident!”
“N-No, it felt really good.”
“Oh! Okay, uhm—” You bite your lip in concentration, trying to mimic the moves. He had done when he first jerked off in front of you. “I want you to feel good.”
Subaru could not believe you were saying this. The same girl that hadn’t had an orgasm in her entire life less than a week ago. Was now stroking his cock with confidence in your eyes! There was no way he would ever extinguish that burning lust in your eyes. He would encourage you to do what you wanted if you were comfortable doing this because he would be lying to himself if he said that he hadn’t dreamed about something like this happening for as long as he could remember.
“The, by all means, feel free to keep going; it feels fucking great. Unless you need me to help tell you what to do?”
“No, I think I got this.” You pulled your hair back before situating yourself in between his legs, holding his shaft close to your mouth. “Just sit back and relax, okay?”
Suguru watched with bated breath as you slowly leaned down. Your eyes were focused on his before your tongue darted out, kitten licking his tip. The man lost his shit right there. Suguru threw his head back, grunting as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. Fuck, it felt good mentally and physically. Finally, have you been doing the things he had imagined doing since he was a teenager? It was better than he could’ve imagined. God, he wasn’t going to last long.
His tip's salty yet sweet taste made you more eager to take him in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around relishing in the sounds that escaped your best friends mouth. One of his hands gripped the back of his sofa while the other grabbed his shirt, tugging it tight. He looked so hot when drowning in pleasure; seeing him like that gave you a confidence boost. You had never done this before, but you had read plenty of erotic novels, and you knew how to eat a popsicle. Putting both of them together gave you an idea of what to do.
While his chest heaved up and down, eyes shut tight, you took the whole head of his cock into your mouth you hummed. That action alone made Suguru’s hips buck up with a whine. His thrusting, pushing his cock against the back of your throat, made your eyes water as you gagged around him. Almost instantly, Suguru pulled back out, sitting up on his elbows to look down at you with concern etched into his features.
“Fuck Princes, I’m sorry! Are you sorry?”
“Mhmm!” You hummed around him, making his jaw clench at the vibrations around him.
“F-Fuck—haaah—fuuuuck.” His hand slowly slid down, tangling in your hair, not forcing you down his shaft further. He just held onto you. “Fuck—”
You can’t help but stare up at him. The way his jaw drops, his eyes narrowing as they darken with lust. Watching him slowly lose himself to the pleasure had you squirming. You could feel yourself getting wet as the heat began to pool between your legs, urging you to keep going, to take him further into his mouth. So you did; inhaling through your nose, you took more of your best friend into your mouth, gagging slightly as he slid further down into your throat.
Suguru was utterly losing himself in the sensation of being buried in your mouth. I was so wet and tight, and you knew what you were doing. Despite being a virgin and never having a boyfriend, Suguru was thoroughly impressed with how well you were taking him. Your lips around his thick fat cock, taking him down your throat, had him teetering on the edge of his release like he was a virgin.
He dropped his arm off the back of his couch, covering his eyes. What the hell was happening to him? Why was it he could barely compose himself when he was around you?
You always had that effect on him. “Fuuuck—shit—” His fingers gently scratched your scalp as you took him deeper, bobbing your head up and down, making his cock wet with your saliva and his pre-cum. “Fuck~ you’re doing such a good job, pretty girl~ so good.” A rosy blush dusted Suguru’s cheeks as his chest heaved faster, the muscles in his abdomen twitching from the pleasure.
Pulling off his cock, you slowly lick the underside of it right against the vein. He had grazed when he would touch himself. The most sensitive part of his cock. A hiss passed through his lips while his hands remained tangled in your hair. You grinned, pressing gentle kisses over him, nibbling on the soft skin before your kitten looked at the leaking slit.
“Could you maybe— fuck my throat?”
If you hadn’t been squeezing his bass when you were, Suguru was afraid that he might cum all over your hand at your request. “W-What seriously?” Your request was not entirely out of left field. It still left him in stunned silence.
“Yeah, Ilsan is a bit rough, so I wanted to see what it was like?” When in reality, you just wanted to see him lose all of the control he was barely grasping.
“I can do that, but if it gets too intense, just tap my thigh, okay?”
You opened your mouth to respond, only to have Suguru grab onto your hair with both his hands and force his cock into your mouth. “M-Mmmphm!” as he slid his shaft over your tongue and down the back of your throat with a gentle thrust.
“Fuck yeah, Princess~ god, you must feel so fucking good~” he pulled his shaft out of your mouth, just about to hit the back of your teeth before he slammed back into you, making you gag as he hit the back of your throat. “Nngh! Shit~ ooooh fuckin’ hell, that’s so good.”
“Mmm! Mmmhpm! Mmm!” You cried out each time his cock slid in and out of your mouth, making a mixture of drool and pre-cum leak out the sides of your mouth, dribbling down your chin and onto the couch beneath you.
“Oooh god—oooh fuck—haaaah!” A low moan sounds deep in your best friends chest. He lifted his head, watching his tears weld in your eyes, streaming down your cheeks, a trail of mascara left on your pretty, beautiful cheeks. “Fuck—Princess, I’m going to—I’m gonna cum. Wh-Where do you—nngh!”
Upon hearing his orgasm was approaching him, you grabbed both of his thick thighs, squeezing them as you moved in tandem with his hand. Your head up and down as fast as you could without making yourself gag more. Your eyes were transfixed solely on him as tears blurred your vision. Suguru knew where you wanted him to cum—and it was down your throat.
“F-Fuck—I-I’m cu-cumming! Cumming!”
Spurts of his hot cum that had covered your hand days before now filled your willing mouth. It was salty but also strangely sweet. That might be because Suguru was always eating healthy and making sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. You’d have to thank him for that later; right now, all you could focus on was how good he tasted all over your tongue.
You swallow every drop, only pulling away when Suguru’s grip on your hair loosens and rests on your head, gently stroking your hair back. He was grinning drunkenly as he watched you lick your lips, smiling down at him as you fixed his sweats. Once you were done, he yanked you down to rest on his chest as he continued to caress you with his hands gently.
“Are you sure you’ve never done that?” The tone of his voice was stern. “Because holy shit, you sucked the soul out of my dick.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, snuggling into his chest as you rested your chin on his sternum, watching him closely. “Yep, I’ve never done that.” He shook his head, taking a deep breath as he did. “Did I do a good job?”
“I just said you sucked my soul out of my cock; yes, you did a phenomenal job, Princess.”
You smiled sweetly, losing yourself in his stare as he leaned down to kiss you softly. For the briefest moments, you stiffened, but you found yourself melting into his kiss with a happy hum. This was the perfect way to research for your book.
That was the sort of way things went about for two weeks. Grinding, making out, oral sex, and nothing between you changed, aside from the constant need to be around each other. You both had been close before, but now you were practically inseparable.
Weekends were spent together, meals were shared as you worked together, or Suguru sketched in your apartments while you wrote at his place. Not only did your work improve during this change, but you could also see a change in Suguru. He looked less tired, wasn’t having any more nightmares, and just seemed genuinely happy.
God, what a time to be together.
A time where you were closer and happier. Things felt so good, and the more time you spent together, the more you began to worry less about your book and focus more on your relationship. You created different scenarios for your characters to spice things up for your ‘research.’ And you knew deep down that Suguru knew it was a bullshit excuse to hook up. You could see it in the way his dark eyes would twinkle with mischief before he agreed to do whatever you requested with no questions asked.
“Fuck!” You gasped out as Suguru ground him against your clothed sex. His hands were hooked under your knees, spreading them as he sensually ground to the low R&B playing through the speakers. “Fuuuck~ that feels good.”
“Heh—yeah, it does.” His lips attached to your neck sucking and kissing on the sensitive skin. “You always feel good~ so good~.”
You ran your hands through his dark hair, holding his mouth against your neck. “Please don’t stop.” He grunted, eyebrows knitting together as you whimpered his name.
Suguru’s fingers dug into your thighs, bucking faster, not intending to stop at all. Instead, he moved faster, making you cry out, tugging on the dark strands as she sucked on, leaving several hickies against your skin. God, he could get used to this. Domestic shit, making dinner, but losing yourselves in grazing touches and kisses on cheeks. Leaving the bell peppers on the cutting board uncut and the steak sitting in the fridge. The corkscrew was still embedded in the unopened bottle of wine as you ground against each other, inching closer and closer to sweet release.
“Suguru~ hah—“ your hands grip his shoulders, holding them tight as he grinds hard, faster, “c-close!”
Somehow, Suguru pulled his lips off your neck, allowing him to press his forehead against yours. “Yeah~ gonna cum, Princess~? Gonna cream your panties~?” You lean in, bringing down his bottom lip as you rock against him, matching his movements and speed.
“Yes~ I-I’m so close!”
“Then do it~ cum for me~” he kisses you deeply as he grinds faster and faster until you both are crying out against moving lips, eyes shut tight as waves of your orgasm wash over you. “Oooh fuck~!”
“Fuuuck~ fuck!” You cry out, feeling your panties grow wetter and wetter. “Oh my god, Sugu~” you pant against his kiss-swollen lips while he lazily nods.
“Yeah, shit.” He grumbles with a moan.
“I need to borrow some boxers or sweats.”
“Yeah? You make a mess?”
He teases you with a peck to your cheek as he gently releases his hold on your legs, helping you off his counter. “Yeah, no thanks to you.”
“Oh please, you’re as much to blame for this as me.”
Suguru presses another kiss against your cheek. “I’ll take the blame, but I’ll start on dinner if you want to go raid my closet for sweats.” The glimmer in your eyes had your best friend gently flicking your forehead. “Just sweats, none of my hoodies, dork.” That statement had you pouting as Suguru gently slapped your ass, pushing you forward.
“No fair.”
“Life ain’t fair; your notebook is on the dresser if you need to write notes.”
You give him a thumbs up as you head into his room, ignoring the glittery notebook and heading straight for the closet instead. The more often nights like this occurred, the more you didn’t care about taking notes or jotting down ideas. Instead, you find yourself wanting to spend every waking moment with Suguru.
Notebook aside, you stripped out of your clothes, folding them up, before grabbing a pair of his baggy gray sweats as his phone buzzed on his nightstand. Glancing down at the screen, you resisted the urge to gag as you saw Manami’s name appear.
“Eeew, Sugu, the troll you call an agent, is texting you!” You grab his phone, unlocking it as you return to the kitchen. The sound of chopped vegetables echoed off the walls as Suguru looked up at you. “Want me to read you what she said?”
“Yeah, it’s probably about this client she found.”
Opening the chat, you pull out the barstools at his breakfast bar before him and clear your throat. “Geto, the new client, loved the sketch you submitted, and he would like to proceed with the next steps for the painting to be done. He has paid in advance.” Suguru did a little fist bump before he slid the peppers into a sizzling pan. “I also wanted to discuss the offer from the Amanai Foundation. They will pay for our room and board for the four months we’ll be in Okinawa finishing the aquarium piece.”
The spatula falls from his hand as he turns to you, staring into your wide eyes and pale complexion staring at the phone. You blankly stare at the message as big tears form in your eyes. Suguru watchI in horror as tears stream down your cheeks.
“What does she mean you two are going to Okinawa for four months together?”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
@lemonintrovert01 @spankmydepression @renttheannihilator @witchbybirth @missmuffinr @lialia3945 @theobsidianempress @aquasan29 @toffeebrat @aussiemeerkat @chimichangagirl @zoroisminty @spankmydepression @em-aizawa @gojosimp26 @moonlightazriel @maskedpacific
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