otterkinflyswalker · 4 months
im working on a ruikasa crack fic (my first fic since my minecraft fanfic era in 2nd-3rd grade) where tsukasa says no homo unironically, nene plays genshin impact, mizuki does edibles (poly niigo and transmascfuyu canon btw) and kaito and gakupo are getting divorced and fighting for custody over len and rin is anyone willing to take a look over what i have
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deadntiredd · 2 years
Can I just skip to the part where my stories already have a fandom and I can just look up fan content? Like I just want to see gif sets and mood boards of my characters without having to actually write the story or being the one to make them, is that so hard to ask??
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coffinsister · 9 months
I love writing I can literally just sit around and hallucinate for hours
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zumazozuma · 2 months
After venturing into the world of fanfic writing for the very first time and working on the very first draft of my very first work, I'm once again met with my personal age-old question which has haunted me all my life:
How do you decide "Yes this will happen next"
Did yall hide them to keep for yourselves? 😲 GIMME!!! 🫴
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infinitystoner · 1 year
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How I feel hyping up a fic I’m never going to finish editing
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sayakxmi · 1 year
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mermaidgirl30 · 4 months
You’re becoming my favorite author on here everyday more🥹🥹🥹 how are your ideas always so good and I feel like you feed us everyday for how many things you post I love you so much😭😭
(p.s. the coffee shop date made me cry it was so beautiful 🥹❤️)
Thank you so much, anon! This means so much, you don’t know how much I love getting to share these stories with you and getting to talk about them with you all 🥹 I never knew anyone would love my writing, and it just makes me so happy there are people like you who I get to share this love of these characters with 🩷 I have soooo much I am writing and I get ideas every day, but I’m trying to work on all my WIPs I have on here right now 🥰 Thank you for being so lovely and supportive, it means the world to me!
Dbf! Joel is getting posted this week, and then probably bodyguard! Joel and QZ! Joel will be my next ones to come out.
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taralen · 1 year
[[Confession]]! ❤❤❤
I have a character directly inspired by Spamton in the book I'm writing.
God, I just love this character so much that I couldn't help myself. (ノ▽〃)
Once I get some finalized designs, I will probably upload pictures of him, haha. He looks a lot like my interpretation of Spamton but with differences, of course.
He wears really dorky sweaters and is a British expat living in America. He also has a younger brother who looks so similar to him that they get mistaken for twins (despite being four years apart!)
I've been working on this damn book nonstop for the past several months, but it's been an uphill battle trying to be as productive as possible while also battling my mental health struggles. One week, I'm wired as hell, feeling like I drank five cups of coffee, and then a week later, I can barely function. It's so exhausting.
But I am filled with determination. \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
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perkvpsvcho · 11 months
johan (falta umas partes)
rocky (pronto, mas preciso esperar)
sabine (pronto)
mick (falta editar)
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*cracks knuckles*
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deadntiredd · 2 years
I wish I could just take my brain out of my skull and just stamp that shit on some paper and then boom, there’s my novel. Would be so much quicker and easier than whatever this shit is.
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biomecharnotaurus · 2 years
Gotta love how I'm writing Stan's quotes as shit like "Fear is what makes us living and breathing creatures. Without fear I wouldn't be different from my own weaponry...but these monsters...they want to be feared... unluckily for them, fear is a privilege. And I'm not willing to give such privilege to any eldritch brute."
and Flynn is there with "I LIKE BEEF SEASONED WITH EXTRA LEAD"
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toadette-gal · 11 months
i swear, i have a fight and flight fic that i wish to finish. but i'm just stuck on the second chapter and can never wrap my head around on how to make something so soft and fluffy during something so emotional.
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supersapphical · 2 years
i open a document. i type three words. i reward myself by browsing tumblr for an hour.
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infinitystoner · 1 year
Me realizing that, after 1500 words of buildup, I now actually have to write the smut.
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azraellytired · 1 year
-When they call her name
A story about my thoughts and feelings of my deadname.
Sometimes I still hear her name. I used to turn to answer when it was said.
I’d feel like such a fool, answering to a dead girl's name. I’d always say afterwards that one day I won’t turn when they call her name.
I hear her name echo around me, reverberating against the walls and bouncing back into my ears, filling my senses with a sense of joyful grief. Yet I’d still turn when someone said her name.
It’s like a bell calling out for me. Like a whistle getting the attention of a dog. And in the end i'm always the fool who fell for the tricks of a king.
That girl died years ago is what they said. I personally think she’s always been dead. A rotting, walking corpse driven by the strings of those around her.
They saw a lively child while I saw her for who she truly was. She was a corpse, with flesh hanging off her bones. Blood would leak from her heart and teeth would fall from their sockets.
I do not mourn that girl, because she never truly lived. Even if she breathed and walked and slept and ate, that was a dead little girl who didnt know why she didn't want to fit in.
Sometimes they still call her name. Sometimes they forget she’s dead. Some are in denial.
One woman said she’d get a tattoo with her initials on it and not mine. Because she is the one in her heart, and not me.
Some people pretend that I'm her. I haven't been her and never will be her. That girl is six feet under and yet they still call her name and get angry when I don't respond.
Some people have her name. I used to look when they said her name even if it wasn't about her. It would always catch me by surprise every time, like a shock to my system. Like being dipped into ice cold water after standing in a desert. It leaves me shaken and confused.
I know they’ll all rue the day I don’t respond when they call her name.
I don’t think everyone understands. They still hold tight onto that girl's skeletal hand where flesh had peeled off and drained her of her blood.
But her bones are rotting, her eyes have melted, and her brain has been turned to mush. The worms ate away at her pristine skin and her hair has disintegrated into dust. Yet they still hold onto her as if she’ll come back and say she's okay. But that girl's rotten soul fills the room with that rotten smell that leaves me gagging.
But despite her rotten appearance her name still is spoken with such ease you’d think she still breathes. As if her lungs haven’t collapsed and her tongue isn't full of holes.
I feel like they see her in me. But we’re as different as night is from day. We’re as similar as a fly is to a worm. It’s like saying rocks and water are the same thing.
But one day, I suppose something changed. Perhaps it was a blessing, or a gift from whatever otherworldly being is out there. But I did not turn when they called her name.
I guess this means she really is dead and gone, and that I no longer have to worry about her sour ghost following me around. It’s like her spirit finally moved on into the afterlife peacefully, with no argument. She got what she wanted, she’s finally nowhere and nothing at all. And I got what I wanted too.
After years of pain and a rotten stench in my nose;
I no longer answer when they call her name.
My names Azrael (or Azie for short) and I’m transmasc with family down in the south who don’t quite understand who I am. I express my feelings and emotions by writing them out in short stories such as this.
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