#WWE theory
a-random-pillow · 2 months
Fascinated by Cody Rhodes, The Rock, Seth Rollins and Roman Regin's dynamic. Especially after Monday Raw.
It seems that Rock has devolved respect/hate dynamic with Cody, but the line 'Champion or not, I am coming back for you' makes it seem a little obsessive. Kinda like Roman losing WrestleMania because he couldn't let his grudge with Seth go, which could become a interesting parallel. (IDK what to do with 'Don't break my Heart')
We haven't seen much form Reigns since Mania so we have no clue how he is feeling. I can see a Face run starting with a Road to Redemption kinda dealio but honestly, I think he is going to be dedicated to getting revenge on Seth and Cody. We don't know if his relationship with the Rock and the blood line got soured because of his loss but it is a possibility which makes more interesting ideas.
Cody hasn't mentioned Seth, even though the guy saved his red and white butt at Mania which could hint at a heel turn for either of them. If Seth becomes the Heel he's probably aiming to take Cody's tile since he feels unappreciated for his help at Mania while Cody is trying to apologize. If Cody becomes the Heel and goes back to bisexual menace days, I can see him trying to go for more power but isolating himself form others at the earliest sigh of questioning him which would lead to people trying to take his title for his own sake and because he is being a dick.
If the Rock comes back to Heel!Cody then we could ether see Rock turning Face to help the others bring Cody down or the Rock and Cody team up to cause some major havoc or just two super powerful heels running amuck. If Rocky comes back to Heel!Seth then we might see him helping Seth take down Cody which might parrel Roman and Seth's old dynamic.
Roman depending on ether becoming a worse heel or turning face could interact very interestingly with either Heel or Face Cody.
Heel!Cody + Face!Roman could be Roman trying to help Cody avoid the mistakes he made during his Regin, maybe he doses the thing where he never gives up on Cody and they do 'Disgraced Champions' bit much much later down the line. Or Roman fixing his past relationships and working with the others to take down Cody and prove himself a change man.
Face!Cody + Face!Roman might be a story about forgiveness and when it is okay to forgive someone, but this is WWE, so I find that kind of unlikely. Well, make if Roman gets all self-sacrificial about it.
Heel!Cody + Heel!Roman makes mayhem where people have to choose between two controlling bastards who hate each other's guts. Or they could team up and just become the most powerful team in all of the WWE and dominate.
Face!Cody + Heel!Roman = Roman wants vengeance, Cody Rhodes is Cody Rhodes about it. Mostly just the status quo.
I have so many more thoughts, I'll probably make a PT2 later. Asks are open blah blah.
I am very interested to hear what others think, what options they want, why and what they actually think will happen. Do you have any theories?
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audiobook-mike · 2 years
Love Theory getting bullied by The Bloodline, really great for everyone involved
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texasdeath · 2 years
If MJF does end up going to WWE could you IMAGINE having Theory and MJF in the same room?????
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sikoazayn · 2 months
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mrawkweird · 2 months
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They really fucking did it.
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mith-gifs-wrestling · 3 months
Two very different but exquisite sells of the RKO. Theory's Squashed-Frog Approach! Waller's Dying Arm-Fling Pirouette! Kevin in the background of both enjoying himself!
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fallenstarwitch · 2 months
Rhea Ripley HOF
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youtappedout · 1 month
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milesworld96 · 2 months
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ambrcllins · 3 months
wwe x text posts because i have to subject other people to my hyperfixation or else i’ll go batshit crazy
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samijey · 3 months
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Kevin was living for this one
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audiobook-mike · 2 years
My Ideal booking is:
Roman vs. Brock in a Last Man Standing Match, both lose via 10 sec count-out
Adam Pierce tells Roman that because he lost the match he cannot be considered an undisputed champion and Roman loses 1 belt to Brock, the title splits
Down the line Theory cashes in on Lesnar and wins the belt
Theory is champion and winning the title from him is a much easier job
Feuds maybe: Theory vs. Cena, Theory vs. AJ Styles, Theory vs. Cody
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sydsaint · 7 months
These two bitches r so fucking boyfriend coded its ridiculous.
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co-sharkie · 2 months
(POLY) WWE’s Himbo BFs when your dads find out
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Kevin Owens has been like a father figure to you ever since you joined WWE. When Randy Orton made a return, he had also taken up the same role.
Both of them were there when you needed anything and somehow always managed to show up when you were in trouble to help.
It was comforting at first, but then you got worried when you started dating both Grayson Waller and Austin Theory.
Both duos were constantly head to head.
The boys knew how close you were to Kevin and Randy. They honestly thought it was funny that no one knew about you three being together.
It was a good few months before anyone found out. It was Bianca Belair who had seen you with Austin. She congratulated you two and went on her way, promising to keep it quiet.
Until she saw you two days later with Grayson. Then she was a little confused. She asked you about it the following day, and you had to expose your secret.
Again, she promised to keep quiet and soon Naomi knew. It wasn’t a big deal, you three were just a little worried.
Austin and Grayson knew they would be dead if Randy and Kevin found out.
Majority of the roster knew that if you got hurt in any way, those two would burn the place down.
You sat at the table across from Kevin and Randy. They had invited you for dinner after your victory in the ring. Luckily, it was late so the restaurant was not packed and no one seemed to recognize any of you.
"So..." Randy put his fork down on his plate and folded his hands on the table. "I've been hearing some rumors that you have been seeing someone?"
You choked on your drink. "Oh really?" You nervously laughed. "What's the details on that...?"
Kevin looked between you two. His eyes narrowed like he knew you had a secret. How he always knew was a surprise to you. "Someone Kevin and I are all too familiar with..." Randy stared at you. His eyes burning a hole through you. "Someone named... Grayson Waller."
You find interest in the wood grain of the table. You could hear Kevin abruptly stand up. His chair fell back onto the floor. A few patrons looked over to observe the scene. "Waller!? You're dating Waller!?"
You held your hands out to Kevin, trying to get him back into his seat. "Please calm down! I promise it's not as bad as it seems."
Kevin stormed off, presumably to the bathroom to run some water over his face. You held your head in your hands. "Why did you have to say that, Randy?"
Randy chortled. "It had to come out one way or another."
"But here? Really?" You ran your hands down you face. "This couldn't have been a private conversation?"
It was another ten minutes before Kevin returned to the table. His face was no longer red and he seemed much more calm. It surprised you how fast he was able to calm himself after hearing the news.
He sat back in his chair that Randy had picked up earlier. He put his hands together and looked at you before saying, "I may have overreacted, I apologize. We can talk about this later." He forced a smile and finished eating. The table was silent the rest of the night.
A few days after the dinner, you still have not spoken to Kevin or Randy about your relationship with Grayson.
You immediately told both boys, which resulted in Grayson almost fainting.
"How did he know?? I'm gonna die!"
You had to reassure Grayson he would be fine, and that Kevin wouldn't actually kill him.
The night of the next show, Grayson and Austin were with you backstage.
Grayson ran off to grab some drinks from catering while Austin stayed in the quiet corner of backstage with you. You three would always find the most desolate spot before interacting with each other. So far, it worked in keeping your relationship concealed.
Austin held both of your hands in his while you two talked. The boys had a match later and wanted you to see it. They've been wanting you to come out to the ring with them ever since you all started dating, but it was discussed that it would be better if you didn't.
"You don't think Randy or Kevin are going to go out there, right?" Austin asked. Even though he wasn't caught, he was still worried. Kevin and Randy could both be extremely unhinged.
"No, I doubt it. If you're that scared, I'll distract them during your match." You smiled.
Austin playfully rolled his eyes. "I'm not scared, babe. Just don't want them to interfere with our match." Austin leaned down to give you a kiss. When your lips met his, you heard familiar voices.
"There you are." Randy called out your name. "I brought you some-"
Randy paused and Austin slowly pulled away from you. Austin and you stared at Randy, who looked like he was about to drop the plate of cake he had in his hands. "Ok, I'm scared." Austin whispered.
Moments after, with all three of you still frozen, Kevin came around the corner. Kevin stopped, and you gave him a pitiful smile. "Please don't freak out." You pleaded.
Kevin pointed to both you and Austin, jaw dropped." What is going on here? Why are your hands on her hands?"
"Because... we are dating..." Austin managed to stumble out.
Kevin looked at Randy with confusion. "I thought you said she was dating Waller, not Theory."
"I thought she was, too!" Randy and Kevin started arguing. Kevin blaming Randy for giving him false information and Randy trying to defend himself.
You and Austin slowly started backing up while they were distracted with each other. Your stealthy get away was foiled when Grayson had finally returned. "Hey, babe, they didn't have the gatorade flavor you like so I just got you water."
Grayson was too busy struggling to hold a bunch of drinks and snacks in his arms to notice Kevin and Randy. Both older men had stopped arguing and their necks snapped to look at Grayson.
Austin had called to Grayson through gritted teeth. Grayson finally looked up and you thought you saw his soul leave his body. "Oh no." He squeaked.
"Did you just call her 'babe'?" Kevin's eyes were wide with ferocity. You couldn't tell if it was from surprise or the intent to murder.
"Ok, let's just all calm down." Randy put a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "We can talk this out, we don't need any blood."
Austin still stood next to you, holding one of your hands. Grayson was a bit off to the side of you, frozen in fear with little baggies of snacks threatening to fall from his grip. Kevin's breathing increased and you were certain that if Randy didn't have a hold on him, he'd be charging one of your boys through the cement walls.
"So, which one of them are you actually dating? Or is this all just an elaborate... rebellion prank or something?" Randy tried to get his thoughts out.
"Randy, uh..." You struggled to find the way to express your relationship with both of the boys in a way Randy and Kevin could understand. "I'm with both."
Kevin looked at you with his jaw tight and his eyes wide. "Like... a throuple?" Randy questioned.
You nodded. Austin had shuffled behind you, getting increasingly uneasy with Kevin's expressions. Randy looked between you three, as did Kevin.
"Well, I was prepared for one of them, but not both." Randy laughed.
Kevin gave Randy a look. "You're just fine with this? I wasn't even prepared for Waller!"
"Hey, if they're happy, who am I to get between it." Randy guided Kevin to the side, ushering him to leave. Randy handed you the plate he was holding that whole time. "Here's that cake I got for you. Be good, kids!"
Once Kevin and Randy were out of ear shot, Grayson dropped to his knees and let out the breath he seemed to be holding that entire time. "That went better than I thought." Austin said.
"I thought I was going to die..." Grayson mumbled.
"You're so dramatic, get up." You pulled Grayson back up with a small laugh. You pat his back and took a few things from his arms, then planted a kiss on his cheek. "You guys need to get ready for your match."
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sikoazayn · 2 months
austin giving his biggest fan/bf an autograph
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