#Wally don't know Dick identity yet
junespriince · 1 month
Hacking your way into my heart au
Dick, not on webcam: Wally, would you do anything for me?
Wally, always on webcam: of course, I'd do anything for ya Rob!
Dick: good, I need you to hack into Bruce Wayne's website and mess it up, I want that website to crash and you know what, add to every computer in his office as the autism creatures in it, go ham.
Wally: okay, but what's with the weird beef with Mr. Wayne? I know why uncle Ollie has beef with him, but why do you have beef with him...
Dick, hasn't told Wally his identity yet: well, it's complicated, I'll tell you it all later, just, can you do that for me please?
Wally: I already said yes.
The next day
Bruce: okay, okay! You can go see him, ugh having kids is so much harder than it looked like on TV.
Dick: Thanks dad your the best!! I'll reverse it on the airplane! *Grabs his stuff and texting Wally they're finally gonna meet in person*
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jess-total-mess · 8 days
okay, my bff is watching the latest season of Young Justice and crying about how awful it is so lets talk about how i would rewrite the series past s1 to be less terrible and more cohesive. readmore included because this is LONG
Season One worked because it had a small cast that had individually focused episodes, good relationship dynamics, and a cohesive plot that was foreshadowed well. Kaldur with his Atlantis episode, the entire episode after the simulation disaster (perfect!), Megan and her thread about identity and her shame around it, Superboy and... whatever the fuck you want to call his arc, but it was GOOD. Artemis had a lot of focus and while Wally didn't get a lot he still has a full episode to himself in Cold Hearted. Zatanna was only there briefly, but she was well-established and even Rocket had some interesting setups despite only being there for an episode or two.
Myself and my BFF both agree that the time skip is acceptable, but needed to be shorter. Way shorter. At most, I'd put it at three years, but let's say two years. That makes Robin sixteen, for reference.
This would give us time to have a few things happen. First, have Robin be co-leader, preparing to step into his role as actual leader. Develop Rocket some more by giving her at least one episode focused on her, and giving her more screen time overall (they did her SO DIRTY). Have Zatanna have an episode with Rocket, even, make them go on a solo-mission like Zatanna and Artemis did in S1, that would be awesome!
The team would then have a lot more experience, they work together great, they know each other. This means we can introduce a few new characters. In no particular order;
Beast Boy! He was set-up in S1 to be Beast Boy, and that's great! He's twelve (?) now, and maybe his powers have activated! Have him be sent to the Mountain, or even have an episode where they go back to him (wherever he might be living now!) and have the entire backstory of his dead mum! It would be emotional for the original Team present for that episode in S1, and would be emotionally charged! Maybe he doesn't join the Team for missions yet, but get him training! Establish his character!
Aquagirl and Tempest! They're already established from S1, so bring them in for a mission. Maybe they have intel and help out on the mission, maybe they just happen to be there, it needs more thought for specifics, but have them be set up to help the Team for the end of the season.
Batgirl! She's older than Robin is in comics canon, and probably in YJ canon too (I don't think we ever actually find out). She's been established as Barbara in S1, so have her join the Team as Batgirl, struggle with the same things that Robin did when the Team was first formed (disappearing, doing her own thing, etc) and have Robin have to teach her that she's got to be a different kind of team player.
Work on establishing and foreshadowing Jason. Robin/Dick is now sixteen, so throughout the season he can transition into Nightwing and Team leader. Have moments throughout the season where he mentions a new person at home, his frustrations with Batman, and have a few moments where we actually see/hear Jason, like what they did with Barbara in S1.
Also, focus on our favourites! How is Artemis handling her sister dating Red Arrow? How is that dynamic going in general? What about Superboy and his relationship with Superman? We saw that it had improved by S2, but actually show us that happening! The two of them working together, Superboy knowing stuff that nobody else does because Superman told him, knowing his villains and studying them like we're shown he can do in S2. We could have more scenes with Red Tornado, or even focus on a different Den Mother (and have moments where the Team is fed up with having a Den Mother! Wally is an ADULT!).
We had the Light, we had NO idea the Reach was there, they weren't even foreshadowed in S1. Instead, if you really want a new main threat, use Apokolips! The enemy of the Forever People from S1, the guys who made Sphere and the motherboxes?
It's not hard to make a loose plot just based on this stuff (I'm just fucking lazy). Follow the concepts and themes of the first season, have episodes focused on relationships between members (ie. Terrors and the dynamic between Megan and Superboy, Secrets with Zatanna and Artemis bonding, you get the idea). Establish the new characters and build up to another threat that the Team has to stop without the help of the League.
Give them undercover operations that are following a thread that leads them to the Light (and whatever they might be doing with Apokolips), and have them bring everyone along! Maybe not Gar/Beast Boy (he's still young and inexperienced, so maybe he runs communications from the Mountain or something? Sneaks out? Who knows!) but have the rest of the Team go kick ass, have Aquagirl and Tempest get called on for help, and give them answers, with still more questions.
And if your really want the Reach to be involved, start foreshadowing them throughout the season! The Light is having communications with someone who isn't Apokolips? Who is it? Why? What do they want? Those can be some of the unanswered questions we're left with at the end, and then in S3 after another time skip, you can bring the Reach in, along with the Beetles and develop that!
For S3, bring in Jason as Robin, establish his character as a brawler and kind of an asshole, but make us care about him before you kill him off for no reason! (Jason's death is incredibly important character-wise but please let us learn who he is before he dies). Nightwing is fully the Team leader now, how is he handling that? He said in S1 (Disordered) that he doesn't want to be Batman anymore, the guy who makes the hard call.
How does that mesh with being team leader? How's his relationship with Jason, with Batman, with Batgirl? If you really want Oracle, you could have her get her paralysis injury from the Joker in S3 too, he's established in S1 as a villain working with the Light to some degree, so why change that?
Also if I wrote S4 I would give Stephanie/Spoiler an episode where she's the focus because I love her and she needs the opportunity to declare "I'm here to spoil your plans!" to a villain SO BADLY
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a1307s · 6 months
Tumblr media
(Dick Grayson)
[Art is not mine! Credit to Yuki119]
Requested by: Amanda_holland
Keys: None
Word Count: 4,275
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Requester asked to use OC for this chapter so "Nightsky" (and Nick names I use for it) are credited to them
Mentions of Incest (nothing actually happens!)
     I'm piggybacking Richard, his arms wrapped under my knees as he carries me. His backpack rests on his chest as he carries it like a baby holder. "You're getting too old to be carried," my older brother tells me, shifting some so I'm still supported as he digs for his phone.
     "Then put me down," I shoot back, tightening my legs around his waist, and my arms on his shoulder as he moves around.
     "Why would I do that?" Richie asks, his attention on his phone as he continues moving forward. I slide a bit from the lack of support, but he moves slowly enough that I don't fall off his back. Once he's done with whatever he's doing, he lifts his phone to his ear. "Hey, Wally."
     "Wally!" I call out, leaning closer to the phone so my brother's best friend can hear me. Dick rolls his eyes and points the phone towards me. I take it from him, making sure to put it on speaker. "Where are you guys?" I ask as Richie's arm tucks under my knee again.
     "We're standing in front of the Merry Go Round. Where are you guys?"
     "We're walking up to the entrance now," Dick answers, shifting me some. Maybe he is right. Maybe I am getting too big for him to carry me around still.
     "You're not even in the gates yet?" Artemis calls her voice a bit distance from the phone.
     "Ya cause Wing didn't listen to me, if we had left earlier there would have been more parking," I answer, getting rewarded with another eye roll and a deep sigh from my carrier.
     "We'll meet you guys by the gates, okay? See you soon," Wally says before hanging up the phone.
     The rest of the walk to the entrance is pretty quiet between us, the only sound being the occasional tapping of his backpack hitting against his chest. When we get to the ticket line Richie puts me back on my feet but keeps me tucked into his side, his hand under my left knee to hold it up and take off the pressure from my body weight. Earlier this week I managed to sprain my ankle from a mission and ever since Richard has been in overprotective mode.
     He messes in his bookbag as we wobble up the line. "Here, put these on," Richie orders, holding out my sunglasses as he puts his own on. Wally is aware of our identities, but his girlfriend doesn't know that we're the oh-so-famous Grayson wards of the infamous Bruce Wayne.
     I take the not-so-cheap sunglasses from him and slide them onto my face. They're a pair of black and gold detailed Fendi glasses. Bruce refused to tell me how expensive they were, so I had to Google it. Personally, almost four hundred dollars for a pair of sunglasses is a bit much, but Richard insists I should let Bruce financially take care of me even if he is no contact with the man at the moment. I don't like it, but I do allow it so there's slightly less weight on my brother's shoulders.
     His grip on me loosens as he pulls out his wallet and talks to the ticket lady. Throughout the conversation, he constantly glances at me to ensure I'm not putting any pressure on my injury. I think he's blowing it out of proportion just a tad. It's only sprained, it'll be fine even if I walk on it but how Richie is, I could have a cough he'd be insistent about getting me in for a checkup. It's sweet but suffocating sometimes.
     "Alright, let's go," he mumbles, stepping in front of me. Dick grabs my arm, using it to pull me up his back again. I slide back into place, my legs dangling at his sides and my arms dangling over his shoulders. His arms are back in place, anchored under my knees, as he walks through the gate and gives the stamp person our tickets.
     The stamp guy takes our tickets before stamping ink onto our hands. Four little red lines of the date and 'Central City Fair' are present against my skin tone. Over the years the media has white-washed Richard and me quite a bit. At this point, the only thing that still connects us to our Romanian roots is our skin tone, our deep blue eyes, and our mother tongue. Richard does little to fight the media about it, but I don't blame him. That's an uphill battle. Despite this, he insists that we still speak in Romanian whenever possible.
     His head stays rotating, constantly on watch as we walk - well he walks - around the entrance. It's an instinct that Bruce taught us, but unlike Richie, I can turn it off and usually do when I know my brother is nearby. Why should I worry when he's going to do it anyway? It could just be the two of us in an empty room and Dick would still constantly do environment checks just in case.
     "It's the Night Siblings!" Wally cheers, running - at a normal pace - up to us. When he gets in front of us, his red curls are still bouncing around as he talks to Richie. His curls are loose, probably from him speeding around all day long. "Sky!" He says after a while, turning his attention towards me. "You are as beautiful as ever, Chica, how's the foot?" Walles asks, picking my ankle up and looking it over.
     "Don't touch it. She's fine," Dick barks, backing up a bit so I slide out of Wally's grasp.
     The speedster laughs at Richie before poking at him some. "Someone is a little overprotective. Worried Sky is following apart at the seams?" Wally reaches for me again, taking me off of Dick before gently placing me on my feet. "What do you want to do first, Little Night? Food?"
     Artemis comes up and smacks Wally upside the head, causing me to laugh a bit. "Do you think of anything other than food?"
     "I only think of you and food, Babe," Wally answers with her usual grin.
     Richard takes Wally's distraction as a chance to grab for me, but Wally beats him to it. He lifts me, placing me on his shoulders and holding on to my calves. I shake a bit to try and get him to loosen his grip, which he obliges. The whole time Richie is watching like a hawk.
     "Let's go play a game!" Walles says in her usual chirped tone. Artemis sighs in response but turns towards the line of booths. Richard is antsy as he paces around the Speedster and me. Stress is very evident on his face.
     "Wing," I call, leaning down so he can grab me. My call is instantly answered, Dick's arms around my waist to help me off of the older boy's shoulders.
     He sets me on my feet for a second to adjust his hold. In the meantime, Artemis manages to pull me away. "Hey!" Rich barks again, his feathers defiantly flustered.
     "Calm down, Wing. If you're stressing out you won't enjoy the fair," Arty answers, her tone a bit clipped. Artemis's hands are around my waist, carrying a good chunk of my weight as I waddle in front of her. "Occasional presser will help her heal."
     Richard does calm down a bit, but not much. He's attached to my hip as we walk around the booths, occasionally stopping for the other half of our group to play the games. "Do you want to play a game?" My brother asks, going to grab me again. Arty stops him, tugging me away from his grasp.
     "If I choose a game, are you going to let me stand there and play it?"
     He stays quiet for a minute, looking over me before sighing. "Ya," the answer is short and clipped but not surprising. I can't remember the last time he told me no.
     I wiggle out of Artemis's hold, the sudden added weight to my foot making my wound sting a bit. "I want to play the ring toss game," I say, grabbing Richard's hand.
     His fingers lace in mine as he lets me lead him in the right direction. Despite this, he's still in a protective mood, head wiping around as the group of us weave in and out of the crowd. When I release my hold on his head, he looks like he's going to have a panic attack. "You need to chill a bit," I whisper, standing on my tippy toes so I can get closer to his ear. "I'm not dying, Richard."
     "I know. I'm just... I know," Richie answers, shifting himself around a bit to try and loosen his nervousness.
     "Why are you so panic-y?" Artemis asks, glancing at Wally in hopes her boyfriend will fill in the hole. My brother - and I alike - aren't very good at sharing any personal stuff so Wally usually answers on our behalf, even though Dick doesn't like him too.
     Wally chuckles a bit before looping his arm around his friend's neck. Rich tries to push the older boy away as he's given a nugy. "Wing-man here has an irrational fear of Sky getting kidnapped or lost."
     "It is not unreasonable that I worry about my little sister!" My brother yells, managing to get Wally off balance and knock him down. Dick throws his bookbag off before lounging towards the speedster. They struggle a bit before Wally is in the position Rich was just a minute ago.
     "You're going to mess up my hair!" Wally whines, trying to get out of the hold he's in.
     "And you two are embarrassing us!" Artemis hisses, grabbing both boys by their ears and tugging them off of the ground. Both of them mumble 'sorry's and rub their ears once they're on their feet.
     Dick walks over and picks up our bag before slinging it across his back. "Here," he mumbles, handing me a twenty before shoving his wallet into one of the pockets.
     I happily take the money before handing it to the booth guy. "Good luck!" The guy tells me, handing me ten rings in return. Honestly, from all the training Bruce has put me through, this game is a breeze. I beat the connie game and managed to win a fluffy dog plushy. Richard adds my prize to our bag before picking me up again. Unlike earlier, Dick is carrying me in front of him. My back is pressed against his chest, his arms under my thighs as my legs dangle again.
     "Now what should we do?" I ask as my brother leads the way out of the strip of game booths.
     "Maybe we should go on some rides! I hear the Ferris wheel can be quite romantic!" Wally says, scootching up on Artemis with hearts in her eyes.
     "That sounds fun!" Artemis says sarcastically, pairing it with an eye roll. She'll never admit it, but she likes how romantic Wally can be. Wally pretty much makes a beeline for the Ferris wheel, the rest of us in tow as we follow suit.
     The line for the ride is pretty long, but I'm sure it'll only get longer when it starts to get dark, and all the lights start to eliminate. "Well, I guess we get to be the awkward third wheel friends," Rich says, bounding me around some in his hold. I smile a bit and nod in agreement.
     "Excuse me?" A girl says from within a group of other kids that look about my age. They all walk up to the metal gates that are used to form the line space; us on the inside and them on the outside. "Can I take a picture with you two?"
     Dick stiffens some, placing me on my feet before pulling Wally over to help block me from the group. He's not a big fan of pauperize but he usually doesn't mind fans. At least when it comes to himself. My brother has never liked people taking pictures of me and has gotten into a few ruffles with people over taking pictures and videos of us without asking. "I'm sorry but no. We're trying to have a down-low day, you know?"
     "Can we ride with you at least?" One of the other girls peeps up.
     "Ya, I wouldn't mind going on the Ferris wheel with a pretty girl!" One of the boys adds, poking himself out from the group to try and get a better look at me.
     "No, we're just trying to hang out with our friends, maybe next time!" Richard answers, trying to shoot the girl down gently. His hand reaches backward, swooshing around for me. I lean forward, letting my brother take hold of my hand. His nerves are high and very evident from his tight grasp and his fingers shaking some. Even though Bruce and Richard aren't on speaking terms, Richie's actions still very much reflect on our father figure, which is why he's trying so hard to keep his composure.
     The group stirs some, please and begging starts to happen, all of which Dick tries to turn down politely. "Hey guys, chill a bit, ya?" Wally peeps up, gently shoving Artemis towards my brother. Artemis bumps into him, causing Richie to wrap his arm around her waist so she doesn't fall out of habit. "We're just trying to have a cute double date!" Walles continues, tugging me forward and placing a kiss on my cheek as his arm wraps around my shoulders.
     This does not look or sound good for any party involved. Artemis is going to get the wrong idea. Richard is going to get the wrong idea. The general public is going to get the wrong idea when this shit starts to spread. Bruce is going to get the wrong idea. Wally is going to get his ass beat by everybody - me included - and Artemis is probably going to try and beat the shit out of me after she beats the shit out of her boyfriend. What a lovely day at the fair. So much for the Central City Fair being a safe bet for a 'getting recognized' free day.
     From the stir-up, more people have noticed what's going on and have started making a crowd. Cameras flash like crazy as people all around us start talking, trying to pull our attention to them. Death glares are being thrown at Wally from both Richard and Artemis as Wally panics. "I didn't... that's not... I'm-"
     "Shut the fuck up, Wally," my brother says, snatching my hand and starting to pull me away as he weasels us out of the line.
     "Wait up!" Wally yells, trying to chase after us as Artemis chases after him, yelling at him the whole time. The chase continues throughout the whole fairgrounds. Dick drags me away, Wally chases us, Artemis chases him, and a crowd chases all of us as they scream for Richard and me. If there wasn't a black cloud forming over the four of us, it would be a pretty funny scene.
     "What the fuck? What the actual fuck?" Richie mumbles, weaving in and out of cars to try and lose everyone chasing us. Notably, it works so the throbbing pain forming in my ankle is worth it.
     "Nothing is happening between Wally and me! I swear! Nothing has and nothing ever will happen!" I tell him, my words rushed as his car comes into view.
     "Ya, I fucking know that. I'm not dumb!" Richard yells back, unlocking the passenger door and ushering me in. For the playboy attitude my brother tries to have, he's still quite the gentleman. "That doesn't mean it makes it okay that Wally made it seem like he's been-" he cuts himself off, slamming my door closed before walking around the car and climbing in himself. His knuckles are white as he grips the wheel and his breathes are heavy. "I'm going to kill," he huffs out, glancing at me before starting the car. "I didn't hurt your ankle more, did I? I shouldn't have dragged you like that."
     "My ankle feels fine," I lie, buckling my seat belt and propping my feet on the dashboard as Richard starts the drive home. The last thing he needs to worry about right now is my injury. He's got our teammates, Bruce, and the media to deal with now.
     I feel like I'm going to throw up as Richard and I walk through the zeta tube. From the look on my brother's face, he's feeling the same way. We've been dealing with a lot in the past week. However, Richie has been dealing with the brunt of it like usual. Most of that brunt is Bruce and the media.
     We were about halfway home when the videos of Wally and me were mainstream media, which means it didn't take long for Bruce to see it alongside the rest of the world. Also didn't take long for Bruce to call and belittle Dick for "not protecting your little sister from the media" and "letting your best friend make a book trope true". 
     Richard explained nothing had ever happened between Wally and me but that didn't stop Bruce from continuing to smash what little relationship they had left. His book trope insult turned into "pick better friends" and "Is that the kind of person you want your sister around?" insults. I think that stung my brother more than the original insult. He'd happily take an angry and pissed-off Bruce over feeling like he failed me.
     The media on the other hand has been a little easier to avoid than Bruce's constantly calling and randomly showing up at Richard's apartment to pick fights that aren't as easily avoided. Don't get me wrong, the media has still been bat-shit crazy which means I've been cooped up in the apartment, aside from school and patrol. It's been difficult to go anywhere without being questioned about the situation. School isn't much better either but luckily most of that time is eaten up by lectures. There's a new trend going around where people are dying their hair red for 'a better chance with one of the Graysons'. It's a bit funny if I don't think too deeply about it.
     The team has a lot of mixed reactions about the situation. Artemis has been blowing up my phone and keeps switching from anger to blaming Wally for all of it. Richie told me to just ignore it and he'd deal with it. I'm guessing he did because I haven't gotten anything from her in two days. Wally keeps apologizing to me and is still fighting with my brother about the whole situation. Rich has ruled that I ignore him, which I've obeyed since I'm still pretty pissed at the speedster. Kaldur texted each of us once to ask about the tension between all of us. M'gann keeps trying to get information out of us for Artemis with her sugar-coated questions. Conner hasn't said a single thing. At this point, Kaldur and Conner are the only ones not on my shit list.
     Given the media, it didn't take long for Artemis to put two and two together. Bruce put the fear of God into her, so she doesn't get any ideas about outing us to the public or the rest of the team. It's the only good thing the billionaire has done all week.
     Richard is instantly in protection mode, his body stiff as he shifts in front of me when the computer calls out our names. He abruptly stops, causing me to bump into him. "Fuck me," he mumbles, reaching backward for me so he knows I didn't tumble over or fuck my leg up more.
     "Nightwing," Wally calls cautiously. My brother ignores him, pulling me forward as he beelines for Kaldur. "You can't ignore me forever!" The Speedster tries again, walking after us. I'm getting sick of being chased this week.
     "Nightwing, Nightsky," Kaldur says, turning his attention to me for a second with a soft nod of his head. "Thank you for coming." Dick hums and rolls his eyes as he tugs me forward, placing me in between himself and the team leader. For the past year, Kaldur has been mentoring Richard to help shape him into becoming the new team leader when he decides to step down from the role. Kaldur isn't retiring, he's just sick of being the team leader and honestly, I don't blame him.
     Wally keeps trying to get Richie's attention as the current and future leaders talk over whatever case Kaldur needs help with. "Sky, come on, don't ignore me too," Walles says, turning his attention to me. Dick shoots a warning glare at his friend.
     "I'm not supposed to be talking to you," I answer, trying to copy my brother's glare. It doesn't work very well since he has more years of perfecting it.
     "Why not, Beautiful?" Walles asks, squatting down so he can look up at me instead of me looking up at him. It's a habit he picked up when I was younger because Rich thought it was 'good to be at her level as you talk to her'. That might have been true when I was five or even ten, but not so much now.
     "For someone that's not fucking his best friend's sister, you sure as hell are quick to compliment her!" Artemis yells as she joins us in the room.
     "Still a fucking virgin! Hymen intact and everything!" I yell in response. I am so over the media thinking stuff is happening between Wally and me. I am so over Artemis and M'gann thinking shit has happened between Wally and me. Given, I understand where she's coming from to an extent and if she hadn't spent most of the week harassing me, maybe we'd be able to sit down and have an adult conversation.
     "Ah!" Dick yells in disgust, covering his ears and snapping his eyes shut. "Don't say that shit! I do not need to know shit like that, nor do I want to!" I choke back a laugh, widening my eyes as I turn towards Kaldur. He has a huge smile on his face and his chest pumps in silent chuckles. "This is not fucking funny!" Richie yells, turning his tantrum towards our team leader.
     "It's a little funny," Kaldur answers, his smile still lighting up his face as he adds noise to his laughter. His laughter causes me to laugh too. Before I know it, everyone in the room is laughing for God knows why. Well, everyone but Artemis who's still pissed off, but again, I can't blame her too much. Wally didn't think shit through.
     "Still not talking to you," my brother answers, turning back to continue his previous conversation.
     "I didn't mean it like that and you know it!"
     Richard tilts his head, taking some deep breaths before he answers his friend. "I know you didn't but switching our positions and calling it a 'double date' does help your case."
     "That's pretty much what it was! A double date! You know just as well as me if we weren't in that position the media would have turned it into some nasty incest thing! People are fucking weird!" Wally yells back, standing back up straight so he's taller than my brother in an attempt to intimidate him. Artemis's face softens some as she processes Wally's words.
     "Then don't fucking call it a double date!" My brother yells back, the room heating up with their argument. I know this needs to happen but that doesn't mean I wanted to be here for it.
     "Wait-" Artemis says, cutting off Wally's comeback. "-would the media really turn it... in... that way?" She asks, stumbling over her words some.
     "Yes!" Dick and Wally yell at the same time. Once the word is out, they both snap their mouths shut and turn towards each other.
     "Yes," Richie repeats softer this time. "There's been rumors of Kim and Rob Kardashian since like two thousand fourteen. Not to mention like a hundred more about the whole parent-child rumor thing and ya." Richard shakes his head, his hands running through his hair. I swear my brother is going to have a heart attack by the time he's thirty.
     "Oh," Artemis murmurs, glancing between Wally and me.
     "Exactly! I don't want shit like that to spread around about Sky and you. That would be terrible for your guys' image! Your guys' futures!" Wally says, pick up the argument.
     "I know, I know, I know," Richard mumbles, starting to pace to help reset his thoughts.
     "I'm sorry," Artemis says, cutting off Wally again. "I didn't... think of that."
     "I fucking hope you didn't," I say, pushing out half of a strained laugh.
     Everyone goes quiet for a while, the space taken up by staring; Artemis staring at Wally, Wally staring at Richie, and Richie staring at me as I space out. "So..." Artemis finally peeps up. "I might have been acting a little crazy." Everyone turns to stare at her. "A lot of crazy," she corrects.
     "Crazy girls are the best girls," Wally says, a smug smile on his face.
     Dick rolls his eyes, grabbing at me again to get me off my feet. "You're going to hurt yourself worse," he mumbles, holding me against his chest again.
     "You're just over-protective," I answer him, leaning my head back so I can look at him.
     "It's my job to be over-protective, that's what big brothers are for."
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chorus-the-mutate · 1 year
I don't know why but I think it'd be really funny if Mystery Incorporated and the heroes of the DC universe coexisted. Just imagine the Justice League being very concerned and very impressed by these random ass teenagers with no powers or training going out and successfully solving crime.
Velma has probably figured out Batman's identity at this point and hasn't told the cops because he's basically a private investigator. She also knows Superman's identity but the fact that his disguise as Clark Kent is so obvious drives her insane since no one else believes Clark and Superman are one in the same. She's told the gang both of these heroes identities and they still don't believe her on either count. (Bruce knows that Velma knows his identity and is quaking in his boots, Clark is blissfully unaware.)
The Waynes and the Blakes despise each other, Bruce and Daphne's father have been this close to getting into a fistfight and the robins hate every one of Daphne's sisters. Daphne is the only member of her immediate family the Waynes unanimously like. Even Damien warms up to Daphne because she's a sweetheart. All of the robins have tried to save Daphne when they find out she's been kidnapped only to find out that she's already saved herself. When Tim and Dick find out that Daphne is interested in journalism they point her in Clark's direction. Velma screams when she learns this.
Fred reminds Kara and the league of Clark so much it hurts. They're both the hearts of their group with a nigh unwavering sense of optimism. They're both willing to be the cheerleaders of their group yet are both natural leaders. The only difference between Clark and Fred is that a few of the brain cells Fred would use for common sense have been lost like a sock in the washing machine. Like one version of Fred didn't think he was a man anymore because he had feelings. Instead all of his brain cells went to trap making and engineering. His traps are so impressive he's accidentally caught three robins, Green Arrow and a few of the Flash's villains on separate occasions. (Tim was very sleep deprived, it was not his proudest moment.) Bruce was going to fund Fred's way through college but Oliver beat him to it.
Last but not least we have Scooby and Shaggy. And they both terrify the heroes and villains of the DC universe alike. Sure they're both as benevolent as their friends but that doesn't make them any less unnerving. Bart and Wally have never met a human being who's metabolism rivaled theirs until they met Shaggy Rogers. Not only that but they've never really seen Shaggy snap. The gang know that Shaggy is capable of kicking ass when he gains some courage but considering how fast and how long he can already run while carrying a great dane no one wants to that side of him. Not only that but everyone is surprised to see how unfazed Shaggy is by Scooby's ability to talk. You don't hear Krypto, Ace or Bat Cow talking so why can he??? No one knows. No matter who looks into it always comes to a dead end. Even Batman is stumped by the enigma that is Scooby Doo. All the gang know is that he's Scooby Doo and he's the best boy they could ever have. :)
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
Newish Comics:
Taking a break from ploughing through Santa appearances for the week’s comics.
Batman & Robin #3: ahahahaha “dedicated instructors who showed me the deep knowledge of the world”.
Damian. Sweetheart. You were TEN. I have no doubt you learnt a lot of complex things but also firstly you didn’t synthesise everything and secondly you simply didn’t have the TIME to learn ‘everything’.
That done, Bruce please explain socialisation and ‘working on a civilian cover’ to Damian, so he will go to school. Remember civilian covers? And secret identities?
Ooh Man-Bats! (I’m sorry, I’m here in this book for the Bruce and Damian moments, but I don’t actually mind the concept of Shush and White Rabbit? I like that White Rabbit is leaning into the Japanese aesthetics that Damian uses for his art)
Outsiders #1: I hate to say it, but my back is already up. Luke Fox, describing Kate Kane's background as "we both trained under one of the most brilliant tactical minds to ever exist" - are we talking about Jacob Kane? Because I wouldn't call him that. And I wouldn't say that Kate trained under Bruce Wayne.
Also the wig? That was originally Jacob's choice and to help with concealing her identity. If Kate actually had issues with it she would have ditched it years ago.
Not knowing fundamental basics like this about Kate is worrying me (unless there's been some retcon I haven't read yet?)
On the other hand... JENNY SPARKS SIGHTING!!! (Well, her skeleton. Apparently) JENNY MY SWEETHEART.
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...I'm going to give this a go, since it's Kate and since it's MY FAVOURITE JENNY. I'm being cautious though.
Speed Force #1: oh this however is just fun vibes. I think it's our new light-hearted Flash book, with Si Spurrier doing more complex things over in Flash proper.
The Vigil #6: Ram V landed this. I still feel like all of the characters are specific commentary on other DC characters, but watching the team pull together and Castle explain what had been missed was very satisfying in that ‘heist film’ sort of scene where they flip the board and suddenly reveal what was going on.
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #2: as this is the first Rossmo title I've seriously read, I am appreciating his art and I think getting used to it on a title where I don't have strong feelings about the characters involved will stand me in good stead.
World's Finest: Teen Titans #5: I’ve got to say, I love that the cover is a scene only tangentially related to the plot. Classic silver age vibes. This scene does not occur.
Wally! Love your snark, kid.
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Garth! Surfing on/in Wally’s speed wake!
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Also Dick finally decided reveal his ID.
Warlord #26: this week in Travis Morgan's adventures... DEIMOS IS BACK! Hello, Deimos! Planning to slink around evilly, are you?
Excitingly, Travis gets to fight a two-headed snake necked dragon this issue. Unfortunately this does not result in any bondage. Missed opportunity there, Grell!
This issue we are in a hidden maze temple, where they have to break apart an amulet and fit the pieces into rock niches to illuminate the way via the light bouncing. It is a VERY gaming dungeon sort of plot. However as each piece is fitted, a vision occurs. Travis is directed in how this works by a talking parrot. (A normal one, not an anthropomorphic one)
Travis sees visions of Tara but she's blaming him for betraying her, and given she was staring into a river and sighing over how much she loved and missed him last issue I think we can safely say this is a false vision. (All the visions say nasty things that mostly are guilt nightmares)
Once the maze is complete, Travis is offered the chance to gain his 'heart's desire' by stepping into the light (which has been causing all the terrible visions)
And Travis' wants to start over...so he gets transported back in time (to what looks like Neanderthal times but this IS Skartaris, it could just be last Tuesday)
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bruciemilf · 2 years
I hope you don't mind me chipping my own two cents in your hc!! Sorry your writing and angst also made me think all sorts of plots and feels that I couldn't just not share 😭😭
I wonder if Bruce's constant objectifying/harassment ever got spread around the league until no matter how close or not Batman is with you, they know how one of their leaders got treated as part of his daily life.
I mean, it's a pretty huge deal; Oliver might just tell people to tread lightly around Bruce and to not attempt any sexual remarks around the man. Putting himself as Bruce's newly, worrywart big brother in the scenes
Ted Kord whisk Bruce away to a business talk when a creep straight up fondle Bruce's ass (Michael Carter once punched a guy for it and couldn't come unless he finds a secure place to punch a creep)
Green Lanterns Corps and Batman are never in good terms, and when they found out how Batman's civilian identity acts, they shared a few jabs and laugh together. But after what Hal told them and how actually disturbing the whole ordeal is. Even the lanterns grow worry about their bat friend.
So whenever there's a media coverage and bustling reporters trying to trapped Bruce in, the Lanterns will shout at them to back off and give Bruce enough time to escape. Jessica prefers to comfort Bruce as they both run away from the press while everyone else is holding them back, she feels like he needs some.
(On the other hand, Guy loves shoving entitled paparazzi away, so it's a win-win!!)
Even his children's friends knows! They can see how Cass is seething at any particular ladies who go up to her dad. Dick usually consult to Wally and his team about his frustrations and concerns (which in turn only spread further). Tim, despite being a pretty secretive person, always makes it known to his friends about what's going on with Batman's life. Jason and Damian will rant to whoever is willing to listen and go off each time. Duke is usually awkward and uncomfortable when talking about it, while Steph won't shut up about his treatment.
Sometimes they invite their friends to his galas whenever they weren't able to attend them and keep those creeps in check.
Especially Carmine Falcone, whose creepiness to child Brucie (even now, which is no different) is widely known in the hero communities that it's not joke anymore. There's heroes who outright said Falcone is their least favourite villain and he won the most hated general guy in the league
Bruce has mixed feelings over all this. At first, he's grateful that his love ones are look out for him, even in the most trivial of times. He would do the same to be honest.
But...its getting out of hand where, this help only make Bruce feel even more helpless — Like Bruce is bringing all those disgusting leers onto himself, he can handle it. He should handle it. He knows how to handle it. He's not actually some dumb fragile glass that they need to treat with caution. Saving himself from dire situations, mentally reminds himself who he is and what he's worth. You can't just take it from him. Nevertheless, there's times he can't and it went too far...
Right now, after being saved from another weird cultist kidnappers; Constantine and Patrick are ushering him away from the masses while Dinah is holding people back with Kory and Dick. Its not about Bruce, the papers aren't going to be about him, and yet they treated as if it is. And Bruce, lets them. Bruce lets them handle him like some damsel in distress who couldn't do anything to save himself.
Bruce hates that part of himself. Ashamed even. Being saved like this will constantly remind Bruce that he's still playing the same poor, pretty little orphan in need of rescue at that shitty alley— by his family, friends, coworkers and even their fucking children. Thus, it further solidify his shamed. Bruce resents it, but doesn't know what to make out of it
K, so im gonna copy and paste my response from the previous part here!!
I LOVEEEEEE your points about Bruce's inner struggle with accepting care vs embracing care. I feel like this trope for THAT context frame echoes truth especially loudly.
Bruce being a victim of SA/Sexual Harassment and not rationalising that bc it happens SO often that he just. Stopped characterizating it as Harassment hits. Because I feel like.
Men don't know how to accept a help that doesn't harm them. Weather it's alpha male coaches embarassing them and their identity that they themselves seek out, or balantly ignoring clear signs of abuse, there's a certain viciousness in how men treat themselves and their trauma.
Bruce is like that not because he wants to appear MANLY, or because he thinks it's a Women's Thing, but simply because he sees himself as a tower of protection. What's the point of protecting others if you can't even protect yourself?
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biromantic-nerd · 3 years
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I posted 2,558 times in 2021
101 posts created (4%)
2457 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 24.3 posts.
I added 1,647 tags in 2021
#art - 277 posts
#dcu things - 269 posts
#the untamed - 217 posts
#tw cursing - 217 posts
#tw long post - 140 posts
#tw eye contact - 136 posts
#love this - 124 posts
#fashion - 116 posts
#star wars - 90 posts
#batfam - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#like that post about spending money online (being like yeah! i ordered it • oh this has been a mistake! • i'm good again bc package arrived)
My Top Posts in 2021
tagged by: @dustorange 🧡
favorite color: pink
last movie: I am blanking on this? I feel like it was maybe half of some movie about the ocean or something? Last movie I finished: Howl's Moving Castle
watching: Cherry Magic (rewatching really bc I love the main character Adachi. Get past the first episode I promise) + Wandavision (but I'm not caught up yet! I wasn't a fan at first but I gotta say that it def got better)
reading: I was reading Heaven's Official Blessing but currently my brain does not want to read, so for now all reading is on pause.
Fanfic-wise I'm also a few chapters behind on Salvage and an entire story behind on the maybe man and Wei Wuxian, God of Fertility okay I did not realize that was its name ahsjska no it's Not an mpreg fic it's a rumor fic
sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet!!! spicy ranked 2nd, savory ranked 3rd
tea or coffee: okay I do love tea but I am bi and the thing about iced coffee being bi culture is way too real. I've have iced coffee today and no tea so far. So I'm picking coffee
I'll tag: @sapphicmarinette 💜 and @mythcas 💛 if they want to do it
11 notes • Posted 2021-02-13 20:48:45 GMT
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Teen Titans: Year One Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson & Teen Titans, Garth & Dick Grayson & Roy Harper & Donna Troy & Wally West Characters: Dick Grayson Additional Tags: That's Not Normal, Trust Issues, Dick Grayson is Robin, Mentioned Teen Titans (DCU), It's a mix n' match of Titans universes, this takes place in like 2006, specifically bc I wanted to make a HSM reference, BI DICK GRAYSON, none of the angst or Bad Things are bc he's bi though don't worry, Friendship, Don't Post To Another Site, Don't copy to another site, Slightly unreliable narrator bc Dick thinks things are normal that are not so they get glossed over, Young Dick Grayson, No Romance, One Shot, Just a group of friends hanging out between missions while one suffers from casual paranoia, Fluff and Angst Series: Part 11 of Biro's Bad Things Happen Bingo Summary:
He needs to create this disconnect. Dick Grayson is an orphan, but Robin can be anything so as long as no one can prove otherwise. All he has to do is keep people from finding out what is and isn't the truth and then anything about him can be the true. Anything he wants. Who's to say if Robin creates fictitious stories that those stories aren't real? Who's to know? In any case, they'd have to prove it false; and no one, besides Bruce, knows how to best him at that.
Robin can be anything he wants to be. Anything he creates himself as. All it takes is a lie or two.
(Bad Things Happen Bingo Prompt 11: "That's Not Normal" + "Dick Grayson w/Titans" OR Robin lies to his friends, even when he doesn't have to, and believes it protects his secret identity)
11 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 09:22:19 GMT
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16 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 22:34:33 GMT
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See the full post
40 notes • Posted 2021-10-19 01:35:25 GMT
okay but I would love to see a version of Talia al Ghul where basically she is that one Untamed post about how Lan Zhan looks like he left the stove on when he realizes he forgot to tell Wei Ying about a-Yuan
Talia forgets to tell Bruce about Damian. Genuinely forgets. When she realizes this, Talia blue screens for a moment like 'ohhhh... whoops' but (like Lan Zhan) just cannot find the right time to tell Bruce because there will never be a right time to say 'lol I forgot to tell you but you have a kid'
268 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 20:19:39 GMT
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