#Warner came out swinging!
rthko · 2 months
"Gay men and lesbians collectively are exceedingly ill equipped at the moment to recognize or resist the shifts in public culture. The media that organize the gay and lesbian public have changed, along with the rest of the culture; they are increasingly dominated by highly capitalized lifestyle magazines, which themselves have been drawn into close partnership with the mass entertainment industry through the increased visibility of some gay celebrities and the increased use of gay-themed plots in mass culture. At the same time, a shift in the nature and temporarily of the AIDS crisis has dissolved the counterpublic activism and collective will of the AIDS movement, now in spectacular disarray. Gay journalists are repudiating the legacy of safer sex, depicting lesbians as sexless homebodies whom gay men should imitate and gay male sexual culture as a zone of irresponsibility, narcissism, and death. Gay marriage is understood by many to offer a postpolitical privacy now described as the only thing we ever wanted. In this context the gay and lesbian movement has feebly resisted the trends I have described. The erosion of public sexual culture, including its nonnormative intimacies, is too often cheered on by lesbian and gay advocates."
-Michael Warner, The Trouble With Normal, 1999
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Pairing- Rich! Peter x Country Club! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: You work at the local country club as a barcart girl and you run into your crush, aka the son of the richest man in town-Peter Parker. Simple flirting becomes something... more.
Warnings: Making out, suggestive sexual content, dry humping, teasing, swearing, drinking :)
i'm your national anthem, god, you're so handsome- take me to the hamptons, bugatti veyron... he loves to romance 'em, reckless abandon, holding me for ransom, upper echelon -national anthem, lana del rey
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Money is the anthem, of success- so before we go out- what’s your address? You hummed along to the sweet melody as it trickled out of the old stereo from your cart, speakers crackling slightly.
It was a hot summers day, you felt a little bead of sweat drip down the back of your neck as you breathed in the fresh air, smelling of fresh cut grass and fancy colone. It was days like this when you were most busy on the golf course, barley able to squeeze in a lunch break before someone came up to you, begging for a whisky sour.
But today you had tucked yourself away in a little hidden spot, a perfect view of scenery, the green hills stretching on for miles.
Sipping on a sweet ice tea from your straw you fiddled with, you watched as Peter Parker braced himself before swinging, club hitting the ball with a clean wack! before thudding down near the hole.
The wind rustled the flag and the fabric of his polo shirt, hair ruffled under his baseball cap.
You tried not to stare but it was impossible.
The way he smiled was intoxicating, and the way he laughed at his friends jokes… god you hoped to make him laugh like that someday.
Though he was almost four years older, the two of you had met during your freshman year of university. You weren’t close, but you werent strangers either. The odd hello was said, a smile and a passing glance in the library from his books.
Now you were practically about to graduate and he was working on his masters, his school out of state. He was home for the summer though, which was nice.
It just meant you could possibly serve him, which also made you anxious beyond belief because that meant you had to talk to him again. You took a bigger sip until you heard the straw suck up the bottom of the glass and the melting ice to ease your butterflies.
Wind in my hair, hand on the back of my neck- I said can we party later on he said yes, yes, yes!
Another deep breath.
He walked in your general direction, but you doubted he could see you. You prayed the low hanging branches covered you, or at least your face. You tried to look out at the rolling hills in the distance, admiring the scenery.
It was very out of your element, but you couldn’t deny the fact it was beautiful here. The ever so fancy country club estate glimmered in the sun, tall hedges trimmed to perfection with roses blooming in the gardens.
You could just see the tall fountain spilling water down, next to the tennis court. Sometimes you worked the bar there, or handed out water and towels, but you preferred being a cart girl.
It made your life much more interesting, to drive around and to see more people. Today you got to see your favourite person.
And apparently he got to see you.
The branches rustled and got pulled to the side, a buff, 6’4 man staring down at you. “Hey sorry, am I bothering you?”
You almost choked on your straw as you bite down on it. “No, no sorry I was just on my break. But how can I help you?”
“Oh shit my bad, I’ll leave you to it-“ He went to turn away, then stopped. Whipped back around.
“Wait- Y/N? Is that you?” Your heart skipped a beat.
“Yeah hey Peter.” you smiled.
“Jeez it’s been a while! I missed seeing you around. How’s life been?”
He missed you?! No, he missed seeing you. That’s different. Get a fucking grip woman.
“I missed you too! Or- wait erm… It’s been good! How’s life at Warner?”
His eyes brightened as you stumbled over your words, pleased you remembered where he was.
“It’s good. Super good. Lots of sunshine, and I’ve made some friends.”
“Not failing anything I hope?” you teased and he laughed.
“No, no I would never. But it’s good to be home for the summer. How’s your program going?” he asked, taking off his hat to run a hand through his messy hair, slicking it back from falling back into his eyes.
You tried not to stare at his arms but it was deemed impossible. His shirt fit him so well, his biceps strained in the fabric as they curled, and you could see whispers of a tattoo on his one arm. Jesus Christ.
“Super good. Almost finished, actually. Not sure what’s next, but working here has helped pay for most of it.”
“That’s awesome, you should be so proud. You’re a hard worker Y/N, seriously. You’ve always been.”
You almost melted at his praise, sinking deep into your seat as your tennis skirt fanned out across your thighs. There was no way he didn’t know about the effect he had on you. He had to know he drove you crazy.
“Thank you so much Peter. It means a lot coming from you.” You beamed.
“Awh shucks. Well anyways, I just came because I saw a cart over here and was going to snag a drink, but if you’re on break I won’t bother you.”
“No, no don’t be silly. What can I get you?” you scrambled up, popping open your cooler filled with ice and drinks. “You’re sure?” he asked, standing closer to you, to see what you had.
You squirmed, shivering even though there was no breeze. “Of course. I’m practically done it anyways. Happy to help.” you smiled, trying your very best to be professional and not look at him like you wanted to rip his clothes off at this very second.
“Just a Heineken please doll.” The pet name was going to make you spirial. Jesus. “That’s all?”
���That’s all. I’m easy like that.” You grabbed a cup, scooping ice before pouring the chilled beer. “Here. It’s on the house.” you handed it to him, setting down the empty glass. He shook his head, fishing into his pocket.
“Don’t be silly. Here-“ he handed you a hundred and your eyes widened in surprise and shock.
“For your troubles.” he smirked. “Peter- I can’t, I can’t take this.”
“Then take this too.” He pulled out a tiny slip of paper, crumped as if it had been in his pocket for some time. You opened it, revealing his phone number in fancy writing- the cursive that reminded you of your grandmothers. A little smiley face was printed next to it, which you mirrored back.
“Have you just had this in your pocket in case you bump into a girl?” you asked, laughing.
“I found out you worked here and I wrote it down, waiting until I had an excuse to bump into you. Now I have one.” he winked, lifted his glass in a cheers motion before turning around, emerging from the forest to jog up to his friends.
You watched him in disbelief, jaw slack on the ground. You fought to pick it back up, trying to not crumple the paper anymore as you held onto it for dear life. A wave of giddiness washed over you, your body hot to the touch, head spinning. Clutching the paper to your chest, you sighed.
Simply hoping something would actually come out of this.
For once in your life.
Something was coming out of this. Key word, was. Lines were blurred, and you weren’t sure if it was currently happening, could’ve happened, or had happened.
It had been a week since the original occurrence, when he had you nearly swooning and begging at his feet. Each day was a little game the two of you played, who could spy on each other first.
It had you picking up extra shifts, just to possibly see him that day, or for longer. The past few days you had worked at the bar by the tennis court, watching the ball bounce back and forth until a familiar face found his way to your bar, despite the fact he was on the opposite side of the property, and had bar carts at his disposal.
It made you feel like a teenage girl again, kicking your feet at the slightest interaction. If he wasn’t at your bar, he had found time to walk past your station (which was always very much out of his way), just to give a little wave, or to check up on you.
A few little texts had been exchanged, nothing more then simple, harmless flirting. That’s what you were telling yourself, and that was the story you were sticking to. Nothing more then that. So whenever he came over to fiddle with the straws, or suck the lemon wedge dry without making a face just to prove he could, you smooshed the feelings of need deep down, as much as you could.
Today was no different.
It was hot, one of the hottest days of the summer. You fanned yourself with a clipboard, thankful for the first time you were working in the bar by the tennis court, where it was air conditioned.
You didn’t understand how people could continue to play as if their life depended on it in the hot, beating sun. It was torturous to watch. You were extremely busy, barley getting a moment to sit down and rest your poor, aching feet- dozens of people swarming the bar for a cool drink.
Ice had to be refilled two times already, and you presumed it would be another two times before your shift was over.
“Busy there eh?” a familiar voice called from across the counter, and for the first time all day you were genuinely happy to serve someone.
“You again! It’s almost like you’re stalking me, or something.” you teased, quickly dropping everything you were doing to go over to see him.
“Something like that. Hey listen, I have a question to ask you.”
“It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it, I swear. The cops have nothing on me.” His eyes widened in mock surpise and his hands went up in surrender.
“Woah. Jeez, I’ll let them know. I have no idea how you found out I was working for them but I guess my disguise is shit.”
“It is shit. I’ve been keeping tabs on you to give you tips on how to be more discreet.” He laughed, swatting you with a straw he grabbed.
“No seriously, my parents are out of town and I was going to throw a party, but I won’t unless you come to it.”
“Well shit, that’s a lot of pressure. You’re basing this whole thing on me going, so if I don’t go everyone will be disappointed at me for cancelling it?” you teased, grabbing the ingredients to make his usual.
“Ha ha. Very funny. You know I don’t mean it like that. But I’d like you to come, it wouldn’t be the same without you there.”
“I don’t really socialize, so I’m sure no one would miss me. Plus, no one knows me.”
“I know you. And I would miss you, and you’re the only person I care about in terms of showing up.”
You smiled softly as his confession, trying to play it cool despite the fact your stomach was currently doing cartwheels. You didn’t even know if you were making his drink right, you prayed muscle memory would save you this time.
“You’d miss me? You just wanna talk to me more, do you like me or something?”
“Or something.” he smirked, smacking a twenty on the table, and you didn’t even bother to give him back his change. He refused to accept it back, you had already tried.
“Thanks for the drink sweetcheeks. It’s on Friday, and if you don’t show I’m gonna call the whole thing off, mid party and then everyone’s gonna be pissed at you.”
“Or at you for making up that stupid rule.” you snarked, sliding him over his glass, and grabbing a clean towel to wipe down your space. You could already feel two peoples eyes on you, waiting for a drink. They could wait a little longer.
“Show up then.” he shrugged. “But wait, I don’t even have your address-“ you called after him as he walked towards the exit, back towards to the heat and blinding sun. He waved his phone, without even looking back.
“Good thing we have these then eh sweets?”
“Smartass.” you grumbled under your breath as his laughed, and you watched the door swing behind him as you were stuck behind the bar.
“What can I get you?” you asked the stranger sitting near you, wishing more then anything it was Peter still there instead.
He was massive. Wait no- sorry, his house was massive. (Did you seriously think you’d jump the gun that quickly? Get over yourself).
You stared up at it as you emerged from your car, so out of place in this fancy establishment. He lived not only in a gated community but his property was privately gated as well.
Didn’t shock you.
You knew his family was rich, but jesus you didn’t know this rich. Dozens of cars were parked, all range rovers and catialcs as you locked your simple looking black civic.
Oh well. He invited me after all.
You belonged here. You were allowed to be here, no matter how many second thoughts you had looking at the fancy fountain, the perfectly manicured lawn and ferns, a perfect cone shape as they lead up to the massive pillars and white staircase.
You had dealt with snobby rich people before at your job, and you could do it again. Not that Peter was snobby in any way. If anything, he was one of the only ones you knew who was humble and down to earth. Hopefully his friends would be the same.
You smoothed out your mini dress, attempting to get rid of the wrinkles. Nervous, you figited with the pearls on your neck, listening to your heels clack on the pavement before you found yourself up the stairs.
You heard music, but it wasn’t as loud as you expected. No thumping floors or shaking walls, and you couldn’t see any flashing lights. You weren’t even sure what you expected. But it certainly wasn’t this. This seemed oddly calm. You could still clearly hear the cicadas as they chirped outside under the stars.
You lifted your hand to knock, and the double doors swung open as your hand was mid air, mouth opening in confusion.
“You’re not Peter.”
“So you’re observant too. You’re prettier then he described you. He’s been watching out the window for you like he’s on guard duty.”
“Bucky stop flirting with my girl!” a voice called from the other room, and you watched as Peter emerged from the other room, jogging over to you with a smile.
My girl? You fought a smile, trying to pretend his words meant nothing but you lost. Bad.
“Hi. Sorry I was just-“
“Waiting for me. I heard from your friend here. It’s nice to meet you Bucky.” you nodded, laughing as Peter’s cheeks turned a lighter of light pink.
“Likewise. Go into greater detail next time Parker.”
“No, because then you dicks will try to steal her.”
Bucky laughed, walking back in the direction Peter came from, which you assumed was where the main party was. You looked around, surveying the massive foyer- tall pillars also inside, bright chandeliers glistening over the towering staircase.
It was beautiful. You couldn’t help but admire the mural on the ceiling, mimicking a Renaissance style piece.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming. You look beautiful, by the way. I mean you always do- but you look amazing now. Sorry I’m not sure why I’m rambling, I just smoked a joint and I’m nervous.” he trailed on and you laughed, reaching up to touch his bicep in reassurance.
You weren’t sure where the confidence came from, but you were happy about it. His skin was soft and warm, and he leaned into your touch.
“Don’t be nervous. If anything, I’m nervous. This is your party! And it’s so- wow.” you breathed, looking up again at the fresco.
“Everyone’s so excited to meet you. You’ve already met Bucky, I see.”
You giggled. “Hopefully they all like me. Are they friends from school?”
“Some from school, some from home, some from the country club.”
“Ah I see. So a wide variety.”
“Something like that.” he smirked, placing a hand on your lower back as he guided you towards a mysterious hallway. The hand placement. Oh my god the hand placement. You savoured his touch as he guided you, looking up at him despite wearing heels.
Somehow he still towered over you. It made you feel things.
You heard bustle from the room he was guiding you towards, the sound of music leading you onwards. Dozens of people mingled around what looked like a game room. Some lounged on leather couches with drinks in their hands, others playing a round of pool.
You saw Bucky and some others with a deck of cards, others at the bar top. It was spacious, detailed wood panels across the ceiling, with soft lights mounted on the walls, creating a glow. You admired the dozens of paintings perched on the walls, staring at Peter in amazement.
“It’s beautiful here.”
“Thanks.” he smiled, taking it in with you, as if he didn’t see this every day. It made you like him even more somehow, if that was possible.
“Hey everyone this is Y/N. Party is no longer threatened to get cancelled. You’re welcome.” he called out, and everyone cheered.
“To Y/N” Bucky called out in toast, raising his glass. They didn’t even use solo cups. This shit was fancy as fuck.
You laughed, waving to everyone before Peter pulled you aside, the music picking up its tempo as the chatter resumed. “Can I get you a drink? For once?” he asked, and you nodded- following him over to the bar.
“It’s nice to see you behind the counter for once.” you smirked, giggling as he whipped a towel over his shoulder like a real bartender. “What do you mean for once? I will let you know that I am the most prestigious bartender in France. They don’t even call me a bartender, the call me “tender of the bar” " he drawled.
“Just a cider please. I’m easy like that.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank god. I don’t know how to make anything but a whisky sour.”
“Hey, that's a start!” you smiled, watching as he grabbed a chilled glass and slid ice in it, before pouring your drink from the can. “Madame.”
“Thank you, monsior. Mmmm fantastic. You should work with me!” He snorted, throwing the towel down. “They would fire me before I could pick up a glass. You’re too talented, you'd outshine me. You already do.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“You’re being silly.”
“Silly is my middle name.”
“I thought handsome was your middle name?”
“Alright woah now-“
----------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours had passed, and the night was still young. You were drunk, a little- and your shoes had come off. You didn’t know where they went, or where your phone was, or why you were outside with Peter.
But you were outside with Peter. And it was nice.
The air was chill against your skin, but not cold enough you had goosebumps. It was soft against your flushed skin from the alcohol, and you savoured the breeze as it fluttered your dress. Everyone was still inside, but you needed a breather.
You could see the lights shinning brightly from here, where you were on the pool deck. Because of course he had a pool. He also had a tennis court, a golf course, and an indoor pool. No surprises there.
You heard the sliding glass door open and shut, Peter emerging with glasses of water in hand. “I figured you’d want this.” he said, walking over to you with a grin, and a fluster on his cheeks.
“Thank you so much.” you sighed, the water trickling down your hand as you grabbed the ice cold glass, taking a long chug. It cleared your head as it slithered down your throat, relieving your thirst.
“So, is it okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“Here. This. Me.”
You stared at him, cocking your head in interest, attempting to study him. “It’s more than okay. It’s wonderful. You’re wonderful.”
“You think so?” he asked, a glimmer in his eyes as he stepped closer to you, your chests practically touching as he grabbed your empty glass, setting it down beside you.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hand slid up, cupping your cheek- thumb brushing your skin making you shiver. Your nipples hardened under his touch- or the chill, you didn’t know.
All you knew was that his eyes were burning holes into yours with the utmost lust you thought you’d simply combust.
“Is it okay if I touch you here doll?”
You nodded.
“What do you want Y/N? Do you want this?” he asked, voice practically begging. The music from the party thudded off the windows, lyrics slipping through the cracks under the doors to echo into your ears.
I sing the national anthem while I am standing over your body hold you like a python, and you can’t keep your hands off me or your pants on, see whatcha done to me, King of Chevron…
“I want this. I want it all.” you murmured, leaning into his touch.
“Can you swim?” he whispered, inching closer and closer to your lips.
Wait- what?
“Ye-” you let out a scream as you felt the world tilt under your feet, tumbling backwards into the hands of a strong man holding your waist. A splash erupted, the world turning a murky dark blue as the music muffled. The water was surprisingly warm as you gasped for air, frantically reaching out for Peter to hold.
He was even warmer than the water despite the cool air, and he laughed as you clung to him, wrapping your legs around his torso, dress hunched up as it stuck to your body like a second skin.
You became very much aware of how his shirt did the same, except it was white, and you could see the perfect outline of his abs and his arm tats.
“Peter what the fuck?!” you shrieked, cut off as his lips crashed to yours, engulfing you with heat and a tenderness you’ve never felt before.
His lips were like pillows as they caressed yours, hands squeezing your thighs, your ass, your waist as he tugged you closer and closer, until your breaths had merged and you had practically become one.
Hands flew up to his hair, tugging on the wet strands as he begged for more, and more- teeth clashing, tongues begging for entrance before they slipped in.
You couldn’t help but moan, breathing harder as his squeezed your ass hard enough to bruise, unleashing whatever restraint he had been holding. You moaned again and he had to pull away, resting his forehead against yours, breathing hard as he watched your mascara smudge and trickle down your cheeks.
“Y/N fuck- if you keep moaning like that… I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” you asked innocently, shivering.
“I’m trying so hard to be a gentleman and not go past this, but if you keep doing that I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself.” he murmured, bringing a hand up to stroke a stray strand of water from your cheek, kissing each one.
“That’s okay.” you smiled, grinding your hips against his, rubbing against him as he moaned.
“Jesus christ baby. Fuck.”
You giggled, feeling his very prominent bulge through his pants. You grabbed his chin, lips melting against his once more, just to get a taste of him. You were addicted- heart thudding in your chest, blood turning to molten lava in your veins.
It was like his lips were coated in honey, so sweet you practically licked them. “You’re just so sweet.” you sighed into his lips, kissing him harder. It wasn’t long before you were interrupted, the sound of a sliding glass door opening.
“You guys almost done out here?” Bucky called out, Peter's head whipping to him in annoyance.
“ What do you want?!” he called out, exasperated. “Steve and I wanna swim. Unless you guys want us to join you, I’m sure there wouldn’t be too many complaints on this end.” Bucky smirked, winking at you.
What a goddamn flirt. You couldn’t help but smile back, even if he had just interrupted the best experience of your entire life.
“We’ll be out in a minute Bucky- calm down.”
“No need!” a voice called from the house, to which Steve ran and cannonballed into the pool, splashing you.
Peter sighed, leaning his forehead back against yours. “I am so sorry about them. This is not as romantic as I had hoped in the slightest.”
“What are you talking about? This is totally romantic. The drenched rat look I’m wearing is what the movies had envisioned.”
He laughed, kissing your forehead with a quick peck, before Bucky jumped in right after. “The most beautiful drenched rat I’ve ever seen. I promise you, we’ll have time for this again.”
“Many times?” you asked flirtatiously, and he nodded.
”Many times.”
“Good. Now, I suppose we should all play mermaids now. What powers do you wanna have?”
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hello and Howdy Mr. Mike Flanagan! I'm excited to see you here on our humble hellsite. I have so much to say and ask about your netflix shows but for the moment, I want to ask about Doctor Sleep because I enjoyed that movie immensely - it filled me with a pleasant sense of dread, which possibly makes no sense, or a lot of sense.
What was that creative process like? Reconciling book and movie canons, following Kubrick's legacy, working with Ewan and Rebecca and Zahn and everyone else. I'm obsessed with King adaptations and I'm just fascinated with Doctor Sleep.
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Alright! Buckle up for yet another long read.
Thank you for your question, and for this opportunity to go back and talk about DOCTOR SLEEP. It's a very special film to me, and a very special time in my life as well.
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It all started with a general meeting with Jon Berg at Warner Bros.
The meeting itself started pretty wild - Adrien Brody walked out of the office as I was waiting to go in. Jon introduced us and we chatted for a few minutes, and I was a little out of whack for the rest of the meeting because I had a very potent "wow that was Adrien Brody" buzz going.
We were meant to talk about DC Comics and see if there was anything to do there. I was really hoping to chat about a horror-slanted Clayface movie, and about my favorite superhero: Superman.
Neither conversation went very far. I had just finished GERALD'S GAME, and Jon was a King fan, so he asked about the production. And then he asked if I'd ever read Warners' script for DOCTOR SLEEP.
I had. In fact, I had tried very hard to get a meeting at the studio when the book was first published. Warners owned the rights to DOCTOR SLEEP outright - it was part of their deal going all the way back to THE SHINING - so they immediately began looking into movie options when the book was published. Akiva Goldsman had written a script, and it was one of the first projects I asked about when I signed with WME as a client years before. "That isn't going anywhere," they told me. "I don't think that movie gets made."
They had tried to get me the meeting anyway, but no one at Warners responded. I never got in the room.
But now, here I was. What did I have to lose at this point?
"I did read it," I said. "I'd take a different approach." Jon sat back and smiled. "I love the book, Rose is one of the great villains of all time," he said. I agreed. He probed. "What's wrong with the script?"
"I don't think it follows the book closely enough."
"What would you do?"
"I'd do the book. Streamline it, combine some characters, and you'd have to rethink the True Knot a bit. But otherwise, just do the book. As long as it's a three-hander between Danny, Abra and Rose it'll work. With one big asterisk."
"What's that?"
"I think you have to bring back the hotel. Kubrick's hotel, I mean."
Jon smiled wider. "Yeah, it's a bummer the hotel burned down. King goes out of his way at the start of the book to emphasize that - no Overlook, look no further."
This was my biggest gripe with the book.
I said "When I read the book, all I could see was Kubrick's hotel. I think you do the book as close as you possibly can, until the big fight at the end. Instead of it taking place in an empty field, let it be in the hotel."
Jon: "Do you think King will be upset if you change his ending? You know how feels about THE SHINING, right?"
Me: "What if we gave him THAT ending? What if we let Danny have Jack's ending? Jack sacrificed himself to save his family and destroy the Overlook - why not let Danny do that? Change the ending, sure, but give him the ending Kubrick denied him."
We shook hands, and I called my producing partner Trevor Macy to tell him it was a good general, but nothing was coming out of my DC meeting. By the time I'd made it back to my car, though, Jon had reached out to Stephen King and asked if he'd be interested in me taking a swing at it. Steve, who had enjoyed GERALD'S GAME, said yes.
I was immediately petrified when the call came in that they might want to engage me on a rewrite of DOCTOR SLEEP, with a directorial attachment. I'd have to rewrite the script from scratch, and I kind of felt like they were calling my bluff. But the deal was made and quite suddenly I was adapting DOCTOR SLEEP.
First order of business was to make King aware of what I intended to do. I had just established a tentative relationship with my hero over GERALD'S GAME, and the last thing - the very last thing in the world I ever wanted - was to upset him. We weren't in direct communication, we spoke through agents and emails at this point - but I had to make him aware of the Overlook thing.
I put together a proposal that outlined what I wanted to do - use Kubrick's visual language, and keep the Overlook standing as a setting for the final battle. The initial feedback we got was "no." King really, really didn't like Kubrick's film, and his priority was to adapt DOCTOR SLEEP - not to revisit THE SHINING.
I told him that if he didn't want me to do it, I wouldn't - I'd walk away from the movie before I made something he hated. But as a last ditch effort, I said "imagine the Overlook, decrepit and rotten. And imagine Dan Torrance having walk in to 'wake it up,' the lights coming on above his head as he walks the halls. He finds his way to the Gold Room. To the familiar bar, where an empty glass is waiting for him. And we see a familiar bartender ready to pour for him, saying 'good evening Mister Torrance.' What if that bartender is his father?"
After a bit of a delay, King got back to us. "Do it," he said.
Writing the script was tough. I immediately felt like I had stepped into a very unsafe space. "This is going to piss everybody off," I figured. Kubrick fans would be livid that the movie was being made. King fans might be angry that Kubrick's imagery was being homaged. There was no way to please everyone, so I set about writing the movie I wanted to see most.
It was a slightly nauseous feeling that would stay with me until the movie came out.
I sat down to write with a hardcover copy of DOCTOR SLEEP to my right, and a hardcover copy of THE SHINING to my left. I read both cover to cover, sticking post-its throughout the pages with ideas, or flagging lines of dialogue (or even prose) that I wanted to protect. I managed to put together a basic outline for the movie, which was intimidating and sprawling.
I finally finished the draft and sent it off to Warner Bros. and King at the same time. I was shooting THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE at the time, and thought it would take a long while and a few more iterations before SLEEP would go anywhere, if it ever did.
Warner Bros. shocked us all by coming back with a green light. I've been told that it was one of the fastest green lights in the recent history of the studio, and I believe it.
It happened so fast, in fact, that Steve hadn't read the script yet. I got an email from him on a Friday saying "I read the first half, and I absolutely love it - my son's getting married, so I'll pick it up in a week or so and finish it, but great so far!" I was nauseous... because I knew everything that King was likely to hate was in the second half.
When he finally did finish reading it, about a week later, he reached out and said:
"I think it's really good. In my experience, this is the kind of script studios don't make, because it's TOO good. Hopefully I'm wrong. But no matter how it turns out, thanks for treating me so well. - Steve"
I had the distinct pleasure of being able to write him back and tell him that Warner Bros. had just greenlit the movie. And we were off to the races.
The pressure was enormous. They were spending a lot of money on this movie, and because of the insane box office success of IT: CHAPTER ONE, expectations were very high.
We were given access to Kubrick's blueprints for the Overlook hotel set, which were still held at Warner Bros. While we set about rebuilding the sets, our attention turned to casting.
For Dan, we met with a handful of actors: Dan Stevens, Chris Evans, Matt Smith, and Jeremy Renner all came in to chat about the movie. But Ewan McGregor, who himself was eight years sober (just like Dan), was the obvious choice. "Let's not talk about the Shining yet," he said. "I want to talk about recovery." He was the guy.
For Rose the Hat, we talked with several actresses, including Anne Hathaway, Nicole Kidman, and my dear friend Karen Gillan - but Rebecca Ferguson knocked our socks off on a 90-minute zoom meeting, and the part was hers.
Finding Abra Stone was more difficult - we auditioned more than 900 girls for the part. We'd narrowed it down to a half-dozen very promising and successful young actresses, including Lulu Wilson (who I'd worked with several times before and adore), but Kyliegh Curran's self-tape audition rose to the very top of the pile. Ewan flew to Atlanta to read with our final picks, and when Kyliegh - who lived 15 minutes from our office, was local casting, and had never booked a job before - finished reading, he turned to us and said "I mean it's her, right?" It absolutely was.
When we cast her, we invited her back to the office after school one day to get oriented. The crew was so excited for her that they decorated the production office in her honor.
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As the rest of the cast fell in, we started doing our camera tests and getting excited about what we were putting together. My feeling over overwhelming nausea only got stronger.
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We started shooting in September of 2018. The shoot was long, but never exhausting. The cast and crew were uniformly pleasant and happy to be there, and after the soul-crushing slog that had been THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, it was a relief to enjoy working again.
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Kate was pregnant with our daughter Theo at the time. She visited as much as she could, but finally couldn't travel any more. Being away from Kate and our son Cody was hard, but I'm so grateful that we got to share some time on set together.
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All things considered, this was a smooth shoot. But something happened for me while we were making it that would change the course of my life forever.
See, THE SHINING is about alcoholism. King wrote it while in the throes of his own addiction, and it is a novel about the anxiety he felt about what he could potentially do to his family if left unchecked. It's one of the reasons he was so upset with Kubrick's adaptation - all of that was taken away. This is a profoundly personal story for King.
When he wrote DOCTOR SLEEP, he was decades sober. The story of DOCTOR SLEEP is the story of recovery. This was something that Ewan knew very well, and why he was perfect for the part. He knew what the journey felt like. He wasn't alone - there were a number of cast and crew members on this shoot that were sober. In fact, just about all of the actors who played main characters were sober. I was still drinking at the time, though it had already become obviously problematic in my life, I hadn't taken any meaningful steps to change it.
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This photograph was taken on 10/12/2018. This was taken on the day I got sober. I quit cold turkey, in the middle of production. I was clinging to vices at the time. Note not only the cigarette in my hand (I was smoking almost 2 packs a day), but the ash tray that had been rigged to the top of my viewfinder by the camera department. (I don't smoke anymore either, just about four years without cigs as well... and I still miss them.)
I had been writing about addiction for a decade. It was all over my work, going all the way back to ABSENTIA. I didn't realize just how much I was writing about myself, and I still can't believe it took me this long.
I vividly recall writing the scene between Dan and Jack at the bar. My wife pointed out to me after the fact that she could see it then, that something was changing in me when it came to drinking. Something was waking up, and I was processing a desperate need to sober up. That scene represents an internal conversation that is profoundly personal to me. It's still my favorite scene of the movie.
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I've been sober now for over 4 years. DOCTOR SLEEP helped me finally make that decision. I finished the shoot sober, and came home to my life with a lot of uncertainty and insecurity. But with the unflinching support of my incredible wife, and some amazing friends, my life started to really blossom. It was pretty immediately evident that this was one of the best decisions I'll ever make.
Meanwhile, though, I had to finish DOCTOR SLEEP.
I LOVED the movie we'd made, but I was still terrified of what King would think of it - not to mention Kubrick's estate.
When we finished the cut, I flew to Bangor to screen the finished film for Steve. It was the first I'd meet him in person, and one of the most insanely exciting and humbling days of my life.
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We watched the movie together, and I was acutely aware of each and every little reaction he had throughout.
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(With Trevor Macy, my producing partner at Intrepid)
When the show as over, Steve turned to me and said "You did a beautiful job." And ultimately, he added that this film had made him warm up to the Kubrick movie as well.
A week later, we heard from Kubrick's estate that they had also loved the movie.
With King's blessing, and Kubrick's family, I felt that nausea finally subside. I said to Kate, "that's it. That's all that matters. Doesn't matter if the movie crashes and burns - we already won the important battle."
And then, the movie crashed and burned.
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A group of us went to see it opening night at Arclight Hollywood (my favorite theater). We were just about the only people there. And I knew immediately that we were going to have a bad weekend.
The movie didn't perform very well. Warner Bros. was disappointed, and ended up scrapping the Dick Hallorann movie we were planning, as well as the Overlook Hotel prequel.
I was pretty crest-fallen. I'd spent years tossing and turning over whether audiences would be divided between the King and Kubrick camps. I'd been petrified that they'd be furious, venomous, run me out on a rail... I'd never considered that they'd be utterly disinterested. Apathy wasn't even on my radar.
Steve called me the Monday after opening weekend with some words of encouragement. "I remember when THE SHINING bombed," he said. "And SHAWSHANK. Give it some time. It'll find its audience. It's a really good movie."
That has turned out to be true. While it didn't set the world on fire theatrically, the movie has over-performed on VOD and streaming. And when Warner Bros. released the Directors Cut (I'm still so grateful that they did that), it popped even more.
So yes, to answer your question - the pressures were enormous. I hope this paints a little picture of what it was like. The biggest gift I got out of it, though, was sobriety.
I reached out to King a year later, on my first sober birthday. I hadn't told him I was sober, but it felt like time to do it. I got to thank him. "I never told you this, but I sobered up while we were shooting DOCTOR SLEEP, and I don't think I would have done it without your words. Living in that story, and marinading in the concepts of recovery and redemption made it possible. I just want to thank you."
He wrote back his congratulations, and then mentioned "as it happens, I'm off to celebrate 30 years myself. It only gets better and better."
And he is absolutely right.
DOCTOR SLEEP was the perfect project for me after the nightmare that was HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. I fell in love with making movies again. And I found a new and wonderful gear for my life. It has only made everything better - my marriage, my work, my experience walking around on planet earth. I'm so grateful for it.
When I think of DOCTOR SLEEP, I think of Ewan sitting at the bar and looking at the glass in his hand. "Man takes a drink, drink takes a drink... and then the drink takes the man. Ain't it so, dad."
Ewan understood those words better than I did when I typed them into the script. I understand them much better now.
There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not profoundly grateful for my time at the Overlook. And for myriad of ways my life has been changed because of it.
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all-pacas · 1 day
part one, part two
Hi! I was curious about who on House (besides House) gets the most diagnoses right. Other folks have already run a tally (it's Chase), but I was curious how other factors would influence the tally — whose ideas get run with, who manages treatment, who screws up… So I thought I'd keep score.
1 point for getting the answer. This is almost always going to be House.
.5 points for Valuable Contribution — stuff that isn't the final answer, but either is thought to be the final answer or is valuable to the solving of the case. Stuff like "noticing something on the MRI" doesn't count; things like "figuring out how to treat" does.
-.5 to -1 for Mistakes — stuff that delays or prevents diagnoses, injuring or killing patients, etc.
+1 House: Figures out it’s Cushing’s. Another episode more about Vogler than medicine.
+0 Chase: Is super gross and awful about the patient all episode, complains non-stop, and is in his Peak Rat Era, but he still works his ass off and doesn’t let it show when in the room with the patient. Probably because he's more worried about getting fired, but. Compare to Foreman in the Rabies episode, who dismissed and refused to look at the patient. It's not a high bar.
+1 House: everyone is super busy with drama, but House figures out the case in his spare time. COINCIDENCE STRIKES AGAIN: Chase, for the third time, accidentally says the right diagnosis immediately, only to be shot down because it made no sense at the time. This time he points out he got it right, but House is also right that when he said it it was dumb.
+1 Team: The patient is diagnosed very quickly; the conflict of the episode is much more about keeping both her and her baby alive. Which, uh. -5 Vogler: Crossing from interfering jerk into “actively killing people,” his stunt with the C-section killed the patient. He could have pulled her from the trial without stopping the delivery. Hope the husband sues!
+1 House: Realizes the patient is pregnant, and from there it all falls into place. +.5 Chase: Despite House doing his best to punish him all episode, he comes up with a way to scan the patient without a CT. This is also the second time he’s figured out how to do something with “old fashioned” tech — first x-raying the ham worms in the pilot, and now using an ultrasound to scan a brain. Did he go to med school in the 1950s?
LOVE HURTS DIAGNOSES: Infection under jaw
+1 House: Figures it out fairly quickly once he realizes the tic-tacs are a clue. -.5 Chase: Hiding his knowledge of the patient being into S&M was very much a good move when it comes to workplace bullying, but could have led to delays in treatment/diagnosis. Luckily, not five minutes later, the truth is revealed anyway. -5 COOL POINTS: Chase attempting to dom the patient was terrifying. Why do we give him shit for kissing the 9 year old when this is so much more cringe? +1 Annette: Cares about Harvey, does everything she can to help him, doesn't give up trying to help and support him. Nice to see her portrayed as a caring person and not just Sexy Dom Lady.
THREE STORIES DIAGNOSES: N/A. But also, -5 to House's backstory doctors.
HONEYMOON DIAGNOSES: Intermittent porphyria
+1 House: As is usual for season finales, it is not so much about the medicine. Mark Warner is sick, no one has any idea or good guesses, and the fellows mostly exist in the background for House’s development with Stacy.
Foreman's low score surprised me, but he tends to swing from "being really brilliant" to "being very unprofessional." He does well, but also gets demerits for his mistakes. He gets the most focus and character development, and that's only going to continue next season; I'm pretty sure he's going to pull ahead of the pack at some point.
Cameron essentially tying for second surprised me, because I remember her pulling a lot of dramatic stunts (spoilers, she doesn't start S2 strong), but she actually doesn't make a lot of mistakes that pull her score down. Sort of a "slow and steady" approach. She also, so far, is the only one to come up with a diagnoses (Wilson's Disease) on her own (even if House was only a second behind her).
Chase managed to guess the right diagnoses three times. He doesn't get credit, because they were guesses and he didn't seriously try to prove or fight for them, but it is interesting accidental foreshadowing. I do think Foreman was originally intended to be "House's successor," but there really is a decent case to be made, even in S1, that Chase has a shot.
Not much to say about House; his score is always going to be the highest, particularly in episodes more focused on character drama than "solving the mystery."
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witchern · 2 months
just got done seeing the re-release of sam raimi's spider-man on the big screen and now y'all are gonna hear my thoughts whether you like it or not:
the danny elfman music kicked on during the opening credits and i had full-body goosebumps before the marvel logo even came up on screen because i'm a fucking loser.
speaking of opening credits, remember when movies used to have those? i miss it. bring them back.
the upside-down kiss remains the greatest cinematic kiss of all time. don't argue with me when i'm right.
the setup and repetition of "don't tell harry." fantastique.
the cinematographyyyy. bitch. the way the camera follows spider-man swinging through traffic, up and around buildings, across the city…..i just don't get the same feeling of movement in either of the reboots. they're too clean. they're like iphone commercials. they're gross.
speaking of iphones, during the festival scene in times square there was a billboard ad for cingular and i thought about how i used to have a cingular phone and i almost committed suicide in the theater. i'm so old.
everyone calls her "aunt may" – including norman osborn, a grown-ass man. 'twas adorable.
"and i know i'm not your father—" "then stop pretending to be!" maybe i WILL kill myself in this alamo drafthouse.
watching this made me miss having regular-degular goons and scumbags in comic book movies. i'm tired of the "i want to rule the world, i want all the power" schtick. rob a bank. hijack a train. kidnap the mayor. have fun with it. you're in a comic book movie, for fuck's sake.
the balance between campy fun superhero stuff and earnest, genuine emotion was better than i remembered – and one never came at the expense of the other.
jk simmons. nothing else to add here – i just wanna remind people that he fucking crushed this role and burned it down and nobody has been able to touch it since.
on a similar note: willem dafoe. he didn't just chew the scenery – he had a fucking feast. fuck, man. he's great.
unrelated to the film-making itself, but....what exactly is the military purpose of a glider where the pilot is completely exposed? and why did it already look like a halloween machine before osborn becomes the goblin? questions i ask.
anyway, i realize you could hand-wave a lot of this as me falling for the nostalgia of it all (which i absolutely am), but also...i dunno. there's an undercurrent of sincerity to this movie that i just don't really feel in comic book movies anymore. that's probably because the current spate of comic book movies aren't even really movies anymore – they're products. they're vacuum-sealed, rubber-stamped, climate-controlled products to sell you a disney+ subscription or whatever the fuck the warner bros equivalent is (is it max? i think it's max). and every movie has an ending setup that tries to sell you on the next product, and the next, and the next...
anyway. with this first spider-man, yes it's silly at times, but this movie embraces it, warts and all. there's a well-balanced mix of goofy dialogue ("are you in or are you out?" "it's you who's out, gobbie – out of your mind!") and heartfelt moments (i mean, do i even need to say it? "with great power comes great responsibility"). i know it's a hack thing to say "they don't make movies like they used to" but.....man, they REALLY don't make movies like they used to.
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King of the Unpredictable(drabble)
I did this while on my thc meds sooooo we playin Russian roulette lmao *shrugs*
I do know this is so silly and fluffy though,
"He's so predictable," the mouse's ears twitched at the muttered comment,
"Heya everyone haha!" Came another snide mockery of him as he walked past them,
"How old is that suit," he was starting to resent agreeing to go to this after party, yet another award in hand tucked in his hammerspace, he was seeking out a certain toon though and he swore the only reason he came to this stupid party,
Finally he spotted the familar blonde hair and made a beeline, Bugs must've saw him because he turned giving a smile,
"Ehhh what's up doc? Enjoying the soiree"
He huffed, crossing his arms,
"Just about had enough of the guests, " making the rabbit raise an eyebrow, but gently guided him to the bar,
"Hey Mac, a whiskey and a martini for me please top shelf" he slapped a couple hundreds on the counter as the mouse instantly looked around worried,
"Bugs you know I can't-"
The rabbit side eyed him with a look,
"Screw those Vultures, I bought you it. They can deal with you living a bit. I know the comments. They've peaked tonight add in that divorce, " He nodded in thanks as the tender brought the drinks over,"I know you from the old days, you used ta pound this shit like a sailor when Walt wasn't looking, you and Donald laughing and stumbling out of those speak easys,"
The mouse ducked his head, remembering those very early days and didn't know whether it was the fact he was so over it all or whether his other side wanted to do something bold after all these years of playing Mr Perfect, he took up the glass making Bugs smile as he finally took a sip of the burbon, the rabbit sipping at his own,
"Every year it's the same, I'm old fashioned and predictable, and this is a new suit," he grumbled as the rabbit chuckled"And that's not even mentioning I saw Minerva all over Mortimer, blech, Daisys always been better for her,"
The rabbit rolled his shoulders the fur boa settling in the crook of the toons arm,
"Well, I mean Mickey darlin, you do the same thing every year. Make movies show up reap the award and then disappear, not that I'm saying they should be mockin ya but Disney's made you well yes predictable. There is no war in Ba Sing Se as the Avatar Bender Folks might say,"
The mouse sighed and took a larger drink of the whiskey after that, feeling the warmth settle over him, brow furrowing,
"Then you all have forgotten one thing about me" he said before he polished off the drink offering a hand to Bugs who drank down the rest of his own before taking it curiousity peaked Mickey yanked him down" I'm Steamboat Willie, I once was the king of being spontaneous hope you still know how to dance,"
"Is Goofy a cluts?" The rabbit shot back playfully making the mouse snort,
Leading the other to the dance floor he paid the band as they walked by and passed a slip of paper the group who grinned, a gleam to their eyes, as Bugs smiled as they took position as the Charleston kicked up,
Swinging their legs, it was like falling into an old routine, kick in and out, shuffle to the side, then back, however the rabbit was surprised when the Mouse grabbed his hand pulled him in lifting and swinging the other around making everyone stop and stare, as Bugs dress flared, the mouse swung the other down and around in a circle, adding a modern twist, before setting the Warner Mascot down the toons heels making a clicking as they connected with the floor, the rabbit spinning out both smiling as they both repeated the kicking out and in followed by the shuffling,
Eventually other toons and some humans joined in everyone enjoying themselves it had developed into a sort of flash mob situation with Mickey and Bugs in the Middle, as they all laughed and with the final note he lifted the rabbit onto his shoulder both striking a final pose as people whistled and clapped, the pair beaming,
He carefully set the rabbit down, both grinning as they caught their breath,
"Well I didn't expect that out of you,"
The mouse smirked, feeling the buzz of the alcohol as he stood up straight, saying with a teasing tone,
"I told you king of unpredictable," he said with a slight smugness the rabbit hadn't seen out of him since they were all freshly drawn, it made him smile fondly as they walked from the dance floor, he realized he felt hungry so tossed out,
"Well, Doc, how about we ditch this place and go get something from the Cheesecake Factory? I'm famished,"
The Disney toon hooked his arm into the other's arm as he spotted Minnie with the most stunned expression on her face that almost made him laugh as he smiled and answered
"That sounds good to me." Leaning in he whispered,"Ex wife 3 o'clock,"
Bugs did a quick glance, as they started walking towards the exit,
"Oh she looks like she's seen a ghost," he covered his mouth with a hand snickering, Mickey grinning,
"More like she's probably thinking with our display" Bugs rich laughter finally filled his ears and he found he wouldn't mind the assumption and blanched, but then smiled and lifted the toons hand to place a kiss to the back of it making the rabbit flush but smile back,
"Oh? I knew you had something all this time Mick, what a gentleman," The Warner teased, eyes glittering in a playful way,
"Well yeah, you've been there through all the bullshit, and you are the only reason I came here to be honest,"
They both wouldn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact Mickey and Bugs were the sorts to be hopeless romantics, however the mouse tilted his head just as the rabbit placed a kiss to his cheek several gasps were heard, the pair ignoring them as they both continued walking out both laughing as the mouse began to skip and Bugs followed the others lead
Both just enjoyed being goofy and celebrating a newfound romance blossoming,
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Top 20 Animated Episodes of 2022 Part 1: 20-11
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Happy new year all you happy people! It's that time of the year again for my top 20 episodes of the year list!
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For those new, which is likely a lot of you as these things tend to blow up, every year I take 5 episodes max from every show I watched, as given both this blog's busy schedule and my habit of putting things off I don't get to everything i'd like to (Personal apologizes to Dead End Paranormal Park, The Cuphead Show, Transformers Earthspark, Mike Judge's Beavis and Butthead apart from one episode, and Primal), and pick the best. As for why not just do a top 10 , or as I tend to do 12, there's a few simple reasons.
1) Since this blog started with just single episode reviews of shows and it continues to be the blogs backbone, it honors what I do, and is a nice way to really single out the episodes that really hit the high points for a season.
2) Even when i'm hitting a LOT of shows in a year, I still don't usually reach 20, and even if I did it wouldn't feel like enough to make a proper list and 5 seems too few.
3) It's something few other people do , especially for animation, so it stands out more while still allowing me to reflect on the year in animation
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Now that's settled, before we get to the list under the cut let's talk about 2022.. but first just let me.. mentally prepare myself
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Okay now ii'm mildly prepared 2022..
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On the one hand we got a lot of good content. In addition to those fine, critically raved about shows I mentiond I didn't get to I got to PLENTY of good animation this year: While Owl House got screwed over last year, it started going down swinging with it's best run of episodes followed by a special that's just shy of breaking 5 million views on youtube and made disney realize they fucked up real good. So with a new regime hopefully it won't bow forever next year. Amphibia did bow out with an utterly heartstopping finale, The Great North has reached it's peak, while they sadly bowed out Tuca and Bertie and Close Enough still had great seasons to close out on as they left us wanting more, and we got two utterly record smashing debuts; Smiling Friends which is still a sensation even now and is easily one of the best adult comedies in recent times, which is not the easy feat it once was, and Legend of Vox Machina not only continued Amazon Prime's hot streak, but proved to be a hilarious yet deeply integlent and compelling fantasy.. that still had a song about tugging a gnome's motherfucking beads, a goliath nakedly diving into acid, and one or four heroes going through a tragic arc that included an accidental pact with a vengeance demon complaning that his love intrest just yah'd him like a horse while running away from demons. There was a lot of fantastic stuff. And that's not even getting into the films I haven't got to or the one I have with PUss in Boots.
Behind the scenes though?
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Yeah, let's start with the appitizers first; Disney continued it's slow march towards death, putting Turning Red on Disney+… depsite the fact that unlike the previous two straight to D+ orders, which were undrestandable.. they simply coudl've delayed it by a few weeks or delayed lightyear.. which in contrast bombed HORRIBLY in theaters. It also came out Disney gladly funded various florida senate members who ended up passing the contriversal don't say gay bill, which is beyond standard disney fuckups into a level of vile. Thankfully Old New Boss bob iger stepped in at the end of the year, so their might be hope.
Netflix also seems in flux: on the one hand they still put out lots of critcally aclaimed animation.. and on the other they keep canceling things, not knowing what their doing, so their fine.
Ironically though what caused me the most stress this year to the point I spiraled into depression in anxiety wondering if anything I did mattered.. was Warner Bros Discovery. After champinoing Cartoon Network and HBO MAx as a safe haven for animatoin, a great place, and generally great.. the celeing cave in, the floor gave out and what was left got set on fire, covered in spiders and some sort of hobgoblin who hates animation , diversity and sometimes it feels me specifically took hold.
That hobgoblin.. was Dave Zaslav, head of discovery, new head of warner brothers and absolute human nightmare. In the span of just a few months he canned two full movies, Batgirl and Scoob 2 and made it so they can never be finished or released, and that… just something so disrepectful to it's crew, moneywasting and pr headachey that it still lingers to this day (Mostly batgirl but even not carring about Scoob 2 what the fuck).. was him JUST GETTING STARTED. Over several months he took a fucking chainsaw to hbo max, cutting content left and right and leaving many shows that were either streaming only like Close Enough or hadn't got a dvd release like Victor and Valentino, Mao Mao and FAR TOO DAMN MANY to list, effectively homeless, the most galling to me being completely digitally delisting final space, TAKING AWAY PEOPLE'S ALRAEDY BOUGHT DIGITAL COPIES, and generally destroying the franchise… to make 5 bucks. I know he likely got more than that but come the fuck on. It is not an exageration nor slandar to say David Zaslav cares less about the company functioning.. and more about making money to the point he's just.. liscneding shows they had the rights to to other streamers. Which is good as at least htey wont be cast into the void, but it's galling to have someone so greedy even something as simple and to some actors VITAL as residuals makes him wince. He has done exactly ONE THING right in making James Gunn head of the DCEU and I still don't trust him not to step in and fuck tha tup for James, the viewing public and good taste because his track record is if it costs money
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I wasn't REMOTELY joking about that anxiety attack. When someone disrespects your medium THIS BADLY , it makes you quefstion everything your doing. I came around realizing I can keep these things alive and keep him acountable, but it still hasn't been easy constantly wondering what he's going to do next to fuck things up, to fuck up possible retrospectivges or just generally make animation worse. He has been a waking nightamre and has single handeledly made the year harder. It was hard enough with Elon Musk's takeover of twitter (Which i'm on more now, you can find me HERE), republican garbage still rising up and making LBGTQ+ peoples lives hell, JK ROwling somehow getting even worse and way too many gutpunch celebrity deaths… but this year will be SO MUCH EASIER if Zaslav finally goes down. Please… WB get rid of him before he eats you from the inside. And you reading please.. dont' harass him. It won't help. You can call for his resignation, but please do so respectfully. We do not want to be ignorant yowling jackasses. Just be good people.
So this year was highs, lows and not so creamy middles.. but what shows rose to the top? What shows were the best? Or at least almost the best but not quite? Find out bellow as I count down The first 10, Numbers 20-11, of my top 20 animated episodes of 2022!:
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20. X-Mas with the Skanks Adventure (The Great North)
"It isn't a Lone Moose White Elephant without someone running off into the night to cast something in the lake"
The Great North is as show I liked a lot last year and that has only improved with age, to the point I really wish more people talked about this wonderfully charming, bonkers little show. It has great characters, even greater voice acting and some of the most hilariously weird plots i've seen in a sitcom while still being grounded in the characters themselves. And season 3 is the show hitting it's stride, as while season 2 was pretty good (and we'll see an episode form that later) Season 3 has been the show's consitently best season, with such plots as the tobins minus beef getting addicted to an outback stakehouse style restraunt Beef dosen't want them to go to, a disaster drill that's dinosaur themed, beef inviting all his love intrests to a dance and all of them being fine with it once the misunderstanding is cleared up, the town deciding to have a man who carves wives for sailors cave a really , really handsome man to win a local yachting compettion, having to cart the local millionare to an island while the kids all go overboard on being rich for a change, and the tobins all turning on each other over beef's obession with the movie Enough Said. It's all great stuff, though what ultimately won was a premise smaller in scope but no less dumb, and just in time for christmas.
While the show's last Christmas episode was great, X-Mas takes it to a new level with a very simple, realistic but still hilarous idea: It's the annual Lone Moose White Elephant, which while bringing in tons of the towns great character from the easily impresssed Santiago Carpachio, the aptly titled Drama John, deadpan death lover and my adopted daughter Bethany, and the calm soft spoken Mayor Peepers, it also opens old wounds: As the Tobin kids tell Honeybee, several christmases ago the kids got one of those singing anamatronic dealies, you know your singing fish, bears, etc, the kind that annoy the heck out of parents if overused and the kind i'm sure most children have had at a least one point. I had a singing fish and thus deeply related to the episode of Big City Greens where Cricket bonded with his while trying to resolve his repeated attempted murders.
Skanky is no exception, a very weird x-mas tree that sings a christmas version of Mambo #5, shakes it's various balls that are supposed to be sex oragans mut make no sense as such and delighting the kids.. and slowly driving beef mad to the point he finally got rid of it last year. And given the Tobins turns had all passed, they coudln't get him back and due to a recall coudln't find one online. Granted i've never seen that stop someone from selling something online but still point is they were skankless.
Part of what makes this so funny is that normally the Tobins aren't at each other's throats: their one of the most loving supportive families you can see. As Honeybee evne points out this episode Beef would normally give his kids the shirt off his back "I've seen you do it multiple times when Wolf forgot to get dressed. " So seeing him both so throughly against something that makes the kids happy, while seeing them all so against their dad is a nice contrast, and is also nicely petty. I do love the close knit family we have here but sometimes i'ts fun to see the stupdiest things turn them against one another while still being plausable.
You can probably see where this is going as Londra, their boat neighbor friend and happily married lesbian, has returned Skanky from whence he came, as he's started to haunt her and with her partner gone, she had a chance. This leads to a bloodthristy game of chess as the Tobins try to out manuver beef, as well as various townsfolk who want Skanky, not helped by Honeybee understandably switching sides as Skanky is awful. Hilarous but I woudln't want him in my house. We also get a neat subplot about Moon and a pregnant reindeer that bonds him with his new friend and love intrest introduced this season so dat's nice. But the main draw is this hilariously stupid conflict. And while it does get a nice emotinal tie, Beef also ties Skanky to the fact he was all he could afford and ashame of him, it never looses the core with beef being ready to cast it into a lake at one point, and being quitely infurated as the kids get a twerking snowman as a replacement. This episode scraped onto the list barely beeting out vampire keanu reeves but it's townwide fun and the sheer werid specificity of this feud while still somehow being relatable got me.
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19. Charlie Dies and Dosen't Come Back (Smiling Friends)
"Grandma what are you doing here?" "Oh I cursed and said DAMN in 1958 when your grandpa was shot by that ROTTEN burgalar!" "… well that seems unresonable I don't think you should be in hell for that."
Smiling Friends had one heck of a pilot last year, a hilariously dark tale of two colorful cartoon characters trying convince a man not to kill himself.. while said man has a gun casually pointed at his head the whole time. It shoudl not have worked as well as it did, but man it did helped by the bizzare quest of Alan to get his cheese back from some rodents.. and also find out why some guy is living in his wall but cheese first.
It's no shock then that when Adult Swim dropped the first season all at once early last year, it blew the internet in half, became a huge sensation and is easily one of the best comedies in Adult Swim's storied history. It can be weird as hell but unlike some adult sitcoms dosen't just throw weird shit at you, but uses it to craft jokes, to create contrast in general just to be great. And this episode is a great showcase as to why while also being a shocking bit of character development in a show that mostly sticks to just living episode by episode.
In this one, yet ANOTHER christmas episode (likely because the show was originally scheduled for late 2021), the smiling friends head out to get a tree and Charlie's lack of enthusastim for getting his job or damn near everything finally grates on Pim, who meekly but firmly approaches it. Charlie, being kind of an ass, explodes on him over this, makes a scene.. and then dies for his hubris.
He arrives in hell with his hellish bed, hellish tv and jeremy his helish source of entertainment, aka one of the best running gags in human history.
Just.. the animation there as the wind goes out of him… beautiful. Getting help from his grandma whose in hell for, as detailed in the quote, not the fairest reasons, and watching her deepthroat a lollypop whiel laughing manically, Charlie journey's through hell and finds Satan. This gag.. is fine. Like Satan being mad over a doordash is hilaroius, I won't lie but him just being an introverted gamer on his computer is thek ind of gag tha'ts just been done neough. You can do more with the devil being funny, just look at the Cuphead show this year or Futurama in the past. That said him deciding to just.. not help charlie after he makes him smile and jeremy getting his revenge helps.. as does the literally deus ex machina that saves him GOD VOICED BY GILBERT GODFREY, which is not only just.. brilliant casting but took on a LOT of extra meaning after his untimely passing not long after. He got to go out of his long, distinguished voice acting career playing god. You coudln't ask for a better sendoff.. nor a better ending as Charlie ends up on earth a bit less cynical and a lot less naked. He probably won't change, this isn't that kind of show.. but what this show is is deeply hilarious, creative and weird and i'm happy to get at least one more season of it.
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18. Grandma Smugglers (Craig of the Creek)
"Your dad is an utter smokeshow and I say that with the utmost respect" One of my greatest regrets on this list was not putting Capture the Flag on here last year. It's why I took off the regulation that I had to watch every or almost every episode of a show to qualify. The special was a grand finale to the shows longest arc that also tapped into it's continuity so deeply it made me want to see what the nods I didn't recognize were about and got me to catch up.
That was well worth it as Season 4 may be Craig of the Creek's best yet. With the kingdom disolved, there's now more to explore, omar is now around full time and the show continues to be a nice comforting bit of greatness to dig into every few months when Cartoon Network releases a batch of episodes.
This episode in paticular takes advantage of things now that the other side is free by focusing on Raj, one half of the honesuckle rangers aka the show just casually having a gay couple that starts out as bumbling antagonists subserviant to a cruel dictator then quickly has them become some of our heroes most steadfast alllies.. who were weirdly absent from the final battle but hey the capture the flag game had a LOT of moving parts.
This time we see Raj's home life and it's honestly nice. He has a loving dad who JP can't help but comment is a total smokeshow (with all respect). Which..
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He's also voiced by Danny Pudi who i'm delighted to see post-ducktales and I was happy to find out has a major role in earthspark.
Raj also has a grandma, a kind woman who moved here when there was no one to take care of her in her native india, and whose son is overprotective of her. He clearly loves her and the warmth between them just.. melts my heart and reminds me of my own grandmas. What's unique though is tackling the immigrant experince, growing older and generally a lot of things you don't see in a kids cartoon but Craig of the Creek does it's best to be represenative as hell, often showing off unique part sof the various kids cultures.
The core of this episode is also heartwarming as Raj wants to sneak his grandma out, hence the title.. but to see a waterfall in the creek that's similar to one she grew up with. It's a simple goal with Kelsey, JP and Mortimor filling in for her.. and failing badly turning it into a race to get there.. and allowing Raj's father to see that maybe he needs to ease up on his mom, still take good care of her, but let her enjoy her life. It's a simple, sweet story, the kind Craig of the Creek really excels at and in a list full of hard choices, this one was well… simple
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17. The Core and the King (Amphibia)
"Don't you think it's time to say goodbye to those childhood friends of yours, son?"
Amphibia Season 3b.. was a mixed bag. On the one hand it was necessary to set up the finale, helped further Sasha's character growth and the post apocalyptic amphibi was kinda neat… but mostly it just felt like the series spinning it's wheels and ocasionally doing something to help set up the final conflict.. then making all of this near pointless by having the gathered army just.. give up in the third to last episode. As you can probably tell as much as I love the show.. it's one of it's weaker periods. So there weren't a ton of episodes from this that made the list but the two (technically four, and just with that you can probably guess which one made it to the next part of the list), that made it are some of the series best.
Core and the King gives us Andrias' hinted at backstory, why he talks about friends so much that even not knowing it.. both Anne and Marcy figured something was up seperatley in Marcy's Journal.
What could've been a simple tale of Andrias being evil and his friends having to turn on him.. we see it wasn't that simple. Turns out while Andrias people were indeed conquerers it was widely accepted. That was a shock to me, if not a suprising one: if you grow up your whole life thinking ransacking entire worlds, leaving them lifeless and hollow and keeping some of the surivviors just to study and make new advancments to conquer the next place is fine just fine, it'd be hard to question until something pushes it. Both Steven Universe and She Ra have detailed the deprogramming that'd take.
Andrias was indeed happy and had two friends, Leif and Barrel. Yes the same guy what made that neat hammer grime uses. Also Leif is very clearly a plantar, to the point Anne also called that along with us, and the finale confirms it. Not the most vital takeaway here but they were not subtle.
Things are fine though Andrias' abusive dad Aldrich, played phenominally by William Houston who apparnetly played a similar character in dark souls, encourages him to drop his friends. As it turns out being absorbed into the core was a tradition.
Things take their turn, and thankfully save the world from early ruin, when Leif holds the calamity box.. and gets a vision of the world ending. When she can't swaw Aldrich because fuck if he cares he'll just find another world to ravage and start over, she's forced to take drastic measures. And this is what makes the betrayal suprisingly layered and what makes this work so much for me: while we know Leif did the right thing, she still had to steal from her best friend, plunged the kingdom into darkness, and forced Barrel to make the hard decision to let her go. She did the hard thing.. but it didn't come without consequences, lost her everything and everyone she knew, forced her into hiding, and ruined her life for a while. She did recover eventually.. but as we saw in the finale it took a LONG time for that to happen. It's a soul crushing decission as no one wins and we knew no one would… we just didn't know it'd be this sad or not nearly as straightfoward. Sure Andrias is doing the wrong thing.. but he's a kid abused into beliving this is all okay, with no real choice to pivot from what his dad once who then had said dad and every other horrible ancestor he has scremaing in his head for the rest of his life. While it dosen't make what Andrais did REMOTELY okay, it makes him far more sympathetic than I thought possible, someone who really had no chice but ot become the monster he did and how simply not backing his friend up, for the understandable reason of not seeing her dreams, screwed him up badly. It's a truly harrowing well built episode that nicely sets up the finale.. I really wish there were more like it leading up to it but i'll take what I got.
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16. Say It Again, Ham, Adventure (The Great North)
"I didn't want Drama. I guess I just kept coming out because I wanted one single perfect moment"
So back to the GREATTTTT NORRTTTTH and like the above episode, i've covered this one. See back in June Kev pitched me "Queer as a Fox".. which I sometimes put as gay as a fox because my brain is very tired. Point is it was a look at Fox's animated queer content over the years… with Simpsons mostly getting it right, Family Guy having either gay sterotypes or a transphobic diatribe that will likely be the worst thing i've reviewed for the rest of my career, and American Dad just being sorta
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But for the finale I picked out the Great North, both to give us an even four and because it was the first one of these Fox Sitcoms to just come out, pun intended, and have a queer character in the main cast from day one and not have them be a sterotype or it be their whole personality. It's just there. Hence Ham, a loveable odd ball with a flair for baking whose always a moment behind everyone else and who comes out in the first episode.. for what's clearly the 80th time. While the crew could've just left the joke at that… they later decided in the back half of season 2 to explore this; Why HAD Ham come out so much?
So while watching a movie with his monotone but loving and kind if also frequently slow on the uptake boyfriend Crispin, about a racecar driver having to come out as gay, and also in a way that nicely lampoons various queer media that's just about screaming
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Over and over. Ham assumes this kind of coming out isn't usual and while Crispin's wasn't that bad and his parents, while taking a second accepted they did light fireworks and have to pay massive damages over said fireworks. It then , while also giving us LOTS Of Fun ham coming outs (From using it as a suggestion during one of Judy's improv gigs, to Mayor Peepers annual silly wig party which has Ham in a sailor moon wig, to white water rafting), reframes it as Ham wanting more from his coming out. His family was simply kind, loving and supportive and while he liked that for such an important moment in his life.. he wanted a tad of gravitas.
And being a nice, supportive loving family (Even if Beef was going through some stuff in the pilot he still told him "And we love you just the way you are dammit!"), the Tobins gladly agree to help Moon stage a second more dramatic coming out by having come out to Beef's Cousin Danica. Danica.. is the worst in the most hilarious way possible, having not heard from the tobins since she Moon was a baby and she wrote on the back of his birth announcment "Please stop". She also has an entirley beige house and upon meeting her for this plan, which Beef while going along with is ready to pull his son out of if she's too hurt, tells Judy she looks like a floozy (Something Judy finds entertaingly insulting. )
Things quickly esclate though as it turns out Danica was hiding some thefts and holds the tobins hostage, minus Wolf and Honeybee who are trying to do a true crime podcast, and soon have to contend with Danica's basement, trying to escape, and the fact danica only has tvoed episodes of fraiser with commentary on them.
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We also get two hilarious Chief's, Chief's Edna and Elba (one voiced by the wonderful kat dennigs) who are delightful as they are enept, and barely manage to actually pull off arresting her. Ham also has the revelation he dosen't need a dramatic coming out and it's a good thing his family is like this.. not everyone GETS to have a safe, sedate coming out and it's nice of the show to acknowledge that not every coming out has to be dramatic or traumatic for the person doing so and it'd be a nicer world if we had more soft acceptance like the tobins give. but also gets to have one safely with his family acting it out. It's a truly sweet moment with a very nice hug at the end. Overall an excellent episode
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15. Clouds on the Horizon/ King's Tide (The Owl House)
"Watcha Playin?"
I originally had just kings tide but I realized these two.. are basically a two parter, similar to the end of the previous season. While the final quarter of season 2 is just one long narrative roller coaster it's these that bring it to it's end.. and prepare us to board the NEXT ONE for season 3, and overlap, even if both have diffrnet goals.
Our first half sets up Eda and the CATS plan to sabotage the day of unity, while Luz's , while first just seeming to be a sidequest to rescue her sweetie with her nerdy best friends who used to alwasy be beside her but had thigns to adress elsewhere but are now back beside her.. ends up being important.
On a character level after a season of putting up with Odalia's shit, her entire family rebels against her: THe twins actively try to help Amity sabotage her, and Alador is revealed to be badly domestically abused, working because Odalia threatned the kids otherwise, and stands up to his soon to be ex wife. We get the aawesome battle sequence you'd expect from that, as well as Kiki slipping further.. and slipping that the emperoror has a spy in the CATS and thus knows about the plan, leading to luz ducking away. It's an intense, fun episode with one big heartwarming moment, the second most cathartic divorce of 2022, and a hell of a cliffhanger.. to be resovled righ tnow.
I combined the epis because raelly they flow right into one another, being one big climax to the season and EVERYTHING it's built up, the first half finishing Amity's subplot, and tying in Kiki's slow fall.. and the next one containing every damn thing else paying off.
The first horrifying thing is that despite our heroes best efforts and another neat fight scene… Belos WINS. At least for a few minutes: Even as the rest of our heroes airship their way to be big damn heroes, Luz deals with Belos personally as with his genocide already on autopilot, and Terra and the other collabeerators thinking their getting paradise much like odalia finishign the job for him only to realize he lied and they'll die, he tosses the Collector into the bottom of his super villian lair and prepares to go off ot earth dellusional that it'll all be great.
The episode has a nice air of hopelessness as Luz DEAPERATELY tries to stave things off by sigil stamping belos, a clever big of using his own racisim and ego against him by playing up his need for a guide.. then has to fight a blob monster. It's an episode where, much like for most of the season.. our heroes are loosing. Their doing their best and without sigils aside from hunter (Who being basically human can fight it off easier I guess), and we get a great fight.. and a truly sad moment when Belos gaslights hunter again, but it's ultimately a loosing one: our heroes are good and we get to see just how far they've come across the series and season, with Luz using a truly awesome looking pheonix-esque x made of fire to kick thigns off.. but ti also shows how outmatched they always were: they keep growing, evolving getting better as people and as witches.. but their up against someone whose been getting worse as a person but even better as a witch for a century and who even without his magic has freakys hapeshifting powers and hulk strength.
The desperation makes King's decision to free the collector.. make sense: there was no other option: his mom was dying (even if rahne manages to cut eda's arm off before she completely dies), his friends and sister were dying.. this was his only option. And it shows that just because i'ts not belos.. dosen't mean the Collector isn't any more dangeorus showing that he's still a child in mind and body.. and using that to be twilight zone level's of terrifying.
The simple image of a child in wha'ts basically pajamas, holding belos attack with one finger and simply asking "whatcha playin".. is as aweosme.. as it is terrifying. This is a being who just had our heroes all but beat and has been behind everything.. and he gets swatted away with just two fingers like it was NOTHING and makes the collector approaching our heroes right after that much more terrifying.. as is their escape with our heroes BARELY regrouping ot earth.. and king once again making a massive sacrifice. While the collector stopped the spell.. the isles are at his mercy and our heroes are even more lost than before… with the very foe they just lost.. not as gone as they think. It's a tense thrill ride of a two parter that somehow manages to fliip the table again just in time for it to all come crashing down and I coudln't wait ot see how it goes.. and still can't wait to see how it all ends… still wish we had ore episodes what the fuck disney. But what we got.. holy shit will it stay with me for years to come.
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14. Enchanted Forest (Smiling Friends)
"Which hand of the Witch hand will it be? Gahahahahaha!" "This is the most obnoxious thing i've seen in my life. "
Look sometimes the things that make it on these lists are terrifying showdowns with abusive genocidal assholes or god children. And sometimes i'ts an optimist and a lazy pesimist wondering through a fantasy forest that just happens to be in their town for some reason while acompanied by a rotoscopped hobit who wants them to deliver an IED to his Stalking Victim. Sometimes I just want goblins and refrences to my childhood. I'm a simple man. Okay that's a lie i'm a man who has about 80 intrests that fight for my head, an obession with keith david and who constantly refrences a comic strip more people need to hear of
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But I do love this episode which takes a simple stock plot, Charlie dosen't want to do something (Something being quest in the fantasy forest their in), Pim wants to, Charlie ends up being better at it… and somehow weaves in comic gold like the hand witch (and her excellent chopping skills), goblins (one of my faviorite things and I do like how this paticular goblin shows up a decent amount. ) , and of course Mip, a direct rotoscoped parody of the Bakshi versions of Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Do I love seeing this refrenced in modern day? Absolutely. Do I love that Mip has weird sexual tension with charlie, dosen't raelly break character and turns out to be an elaborate homage to Bjork's stalker?… yes and no respectively. Mip is really what makes the episode, though having charlie save some aliens and the suddenly grim ending dosne't hurt either. Not the most complex episode.. but sometimes an episode just needs to be funny and the fact they went to the trouble of rotoscoping a character just to get the refrence right shows Smiling Friend's craft: the animatoin is simple but can speed up in complexity, change styles or what have you just ot sell the joke or moment better. That and goblins. Always goblins.
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13. Fate's Journey (The Legend of Vox Machina
"Faster Percy Yah Yah!" "I'm going as fast as I can, this carriage isn't built for speed and did you just Yah me?!"
Legend of Vox Machina was one of the nicest suprises i've ever had in animation. I had no real idea the adaptation of Critical Roll's first campagin was coming, and was only vaugely aware critical roll existed because Your Turn To Roll showed up in my spotify recomendations (And it slaps). So finding out that in the wake of invincible Amazonw as rolling out ANOTHER animated adult action show that looked like if James Gunn did a fantasy show.. I was intrigued. And after the first three episodes, as Amazon releases the show in batches of three, I was HOOKED. While it took me far too long to get to actually watching Critical Roll itself I fell in love with this show and while only having heard of two of it's voice actors before this (Ashley Johnson and Sam Rigel, Tulip/Lake and Donetello respectively), I became a huge fan of all of them after. Vox Machina takes a dungeon and dragons campaign and condensed it into 12 joyous episodes that still have the spirit of chaos of a campaign, while also telling a deeply compelling story of revenge, friendship, and scanlan's crotch. The series deftly ballances the tragic vengeful story of Percy as he edges closer to literallya nd figuratevely selling his soul for revenge with great character moments for all involved, and PLENTY of hyjinks from team bard Scalan pulling a distractoin by singing a song on tugging on his motherfucking beads while wearing a sparkly codpiece (One DIRECTLY MODELED on one of VA Sam Rigel's own costumes)
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A planning scene where brusier Grog's plan is kill everyone including the guy their rescuing while Scalans is "Down a bunch of mystery poitions and hope I live, and Scalan's attempt to translate a book they got from their enemies devolvling into him and Vax giving each other two handed middle fingers. And of course the majestic game of ball tag, which starts at the breakfast table and escalates to Vax elbowing Grog in front of an offical for a 3 pointer. The series is a nice ballance of hilarious , heartfelt and generally horrifying, and it is awesome.
And while it's a bit of a thrill ride, having to pack over 50 hours of campagin into 10 episodes (the first two based on a pre-stream adventure that ends up being VITAL to the plot Season 2 adaps), it dosen't mean our team dosen't take time to stop and breathe and it's why Fate's Journey has stuck with me so much.
After a disasterous first encounger with the Briarwoods, the vampire and necromancer power coupled that slaughtered Percy's family and took over his hometown of whitestone and succesfuly enthraled the soverign of the land, our heroes are on the run out of town, minus their Cleric Pike (Whose reaffring her connection to her patron the everlight) and on the way to Whitestone to settle things. As a result we get a lot of nice character moments. Scanlan , despite normally being the extra horny extra hammy comic relief, tries to translate a book they stole from them, Grog, who sees pike as a sister, is morose over her being gone and convides in Vax and Vex, Vax's sister, tries to get Percy to open up and stop having a resting bitchface. We see both who our heroes are for a second, and see them truly bonding as more than just the only people who will loosely put up with one another.
We also get one of the seasons funniest scenes as during a relaxing campfire, the party recounts their weirdest kills: We get some badass ones with Vex casually killing Hotis which toally won't come back to bite him, Grog ripping a monsters jaw in half.. and some hilarious ones as Keyleth pushes an ogre into lava.. and then pushes him down while telling him to go to sleep panicked because he's not dead yet while everyone else looks on and horror and of course Scalan's.. is having a sex partner turn into a monster.. and still finishing.
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That.. image aside, we also get a thrilling chase with Scalan getting kidnapped and sucking on a monster tentacle because of course, Grog being certain he wont survivie but heartwarmingly sad about it, and of course the greatst and funniest bit of ship tease in human history as Vex yahs percy as a horse and he undrestndably dosen't take it well. It's a relaxed episode that turns thrilling and leaves our heroes without any of their weapons.
The ending is also masterful.. in the most horrifying way possible. Earlier we see the briarwoods meet with some pesants seemingly doing some pr for their evil overlordship.. and at the end we find out WHY they, including a CHILD were invited…. as we see their bodies all hung on the sun tree in center of town dressed as Vox Machina. It's truly chilling, horrifying and I did not see it coming but man does it cut the bone even thinking of it now. I.. really don't have anything to follow that, fantastic episode.. next?
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12. Any Sport In A Storm (The Owl House)
"Then there won't be any delay in branding you with Coven sigils and taking you away from your friends and family forever! Hooray!"
Yeah look I haven't hidden I ship this. I"m not a subtle person. It's why this guy is one of my spirit animals
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So it's not a huge shock this one got on here, but it didn't just because a ship I started shipping before this went from "Maybe canon" to
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In the span of one episode. This episode is a great character piece and thankfully spotlights both halfs of Huntlow well. After Willow spent most of season 2a gone, likely because Tati Gabrille is far busier than I could've possibly imagined, she gets one heck of a spotlight here that moves both her and Hunter's arcs forward, moves them together, and gives us a subplot with some Lumity that's.. fine. It's a nice little riff on fan theorizing and the azura thing, and it's ncie to see the two get a moment together that dosen't come with a lot of crap attached first. Just the two hanging out and being dorks.
But their not the dorks we're here for, nor why this episode is on this list. No it's the green and the gold for this one as Willow brings up a hithero unknown intrest in flyer derby.. basically a broom flying sport where you try to steal flags and beat the crap out of each other. You know for kids, and is forming her own team. At the same time in order to get the respect of an adult who hates him for something that isn't his fault because Hunter's life is a constant stream of abuse, brainwashing and doing sick flips, Hunter inflitrates the school.. and it goes how you'd expect
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So when Hunter finds Willow, he finds a powerful prospect for the coven.. and someone who has the confidence, freedom and affablility he lacks, while she just.. straight up kidnaps her future boyfriend because she needs him for the team and while getting better at socializing still hasn't grapsed kidnapping isn't okay. Unless it is on the boiling isles but given Amity's reaction to being kidnapped and spit out by a giant owl, i'm wagering it isn't.
Either way we get adorable chemistry, a new power team/couple in viney and skara, and puddles the griffin.
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We also get Hunter.. not understanding he was horribly abused and nearly consinging his friends to a horrible fate, standing up for them finally earning said adults respect… which like.. Darius man you really need to apologize for a.. .lot of things, and some good hunter blushing. All in all a good day for all. Horay!
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11. Hellspital (Close Enough)
"It's a known fact doctors have killed more people than Genghis Khan and Chaka Kahn combined!"
Sadly this is Close Enoughs final time on this list as it was one of MANY casulaties of "David Zaslav wanted 8 more dollars", though it's for now thankfully avaliable to buy on youtube if nothing else. Why JG Quintel wasn't absolutely devistated I don't know, but it went out on a high with season 3 being fairly good. It also, while keeping a mixed ballance, fixed the one issue I had with season 2: there wasn't enough Alex. And Even then I got they simply needed to spread things out more evenly, so I wans't mad but boy oh boy did my boy get a great season, ending with getting Bridgette back but involving having his soul stolen by George RR MArtin, dating an alien tentacle monster instructor and of course going to hell.
The road to hell is paved with Childhood Trauma as Alex , after a golf course injury and on an all chili diet because of course he is, refuses to see a doctor after his dad went to the hosptial and got a terrible diagoniss when alex was a teen. Our heroes do everything in their power to not let his dumb ass die, but he ends up running away and bonking his head, but not before tons of jokes including him being tricked into their trap of a viking timelord marathoon (the season does manage his sudden obession with vikings that cropped up in season 2 after one joke about him writing a viking novel ins eason 1 work a LOT better without dominating his character this go round), despite having alerts for such an event, and nothing about it making sense only figuring out midway. Which is still good fo rhim
After hitting his head he end sup in a HELLSPITAL…. which is nightmarish as you'd expect, and well done at that, but gets heartwarming when Alex's dad decesnds from heaven, played by Henry Motherfucking Winkler who thanks to being in the upcoming season of Vox Machina has a VERY good chance of making this list two years in a row, and we get Alex having some heartwarming father son bonding with axes.. as well as the reveal his dad was sick a long time but simply didn't want to know he was.. and by the time he did it was too late. It teaches alex a hard lesson: that ignoring a medical problem because of bad news.. won't make it go away and the people who love you need you. it does so with time axes, demons and jabs at our awful healthcare system, but also with love. And gas which is what alex has. Chilli and all that
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randomvarious · 8 months
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Today's compilation:
Totally Hits 2 2000 Pop / Alternative Rock / Teen Pop / R&B / Adult Contemporary
Man, they weren't ever gonna find a way to eclipse the goodness of Now That's What I Call Music!, but the conglomerate that made up Sony, BMG, Warner, Elektra, and Atlantic came damn near close with this second dispatch from their competitive Totally Hits series here. Leans a bit too heavy on the soft, anodyne, slow, and schmaltzy adult contemporary-type of pop ballads at times, but the rest of it still sure makes for a top-notch nostalgia rush 😊.
So, for some headlining, certified instant classic, turn-of-the-millennium hits here, we've got songs like Santana and The Product G&B's "Maria, Maria," Christina Aguilera's huge debut smash, "Genie in a Bottle," and the cringe-inducing swing revivalist one-hit wonder pop of Lou Bega's "Mambo No. 5." But after that, the choices seem to get less and less obvious, and that's where this comp seems to truly shine. Songs like Filter's radio-friendly "Take a Picture," which marked a gaping departure from their super heavy and aggro debut hit from four years prior, "Hey Man Nice Shot," are included, as well as Moby's terrific "Natural Blues," a song that didn't even manage to chart on the Billboard Hot 100, but helped to get him back in the good graces of serious music critics after having been vociferously written off for his previous and widely panned punk album, Animal Rights.
And we also have Madonna's "Beautiful Stranger" here too, a song that never actually ended up appearing on any of her studio albums, but was instead the lead cut from the soundtrack for Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. With this great tune, we see Madonna and veteran UK producer William Orbit picking up from where they left off on her 1997 album, Ray of Light—often considered by many to be her magnum opus—to deliver a rich pop song that was both simultaneously futuristic and 60s retrodelic as well. And other songs that had been turned in for that soundtrack, like Lenny Kravitz' cover of The Guess Who's "American Woman," while decent, did not come anywhere close to achieving the same type of vibe that "Beautiful Stranger" did, and so it was a no-brainer as the song of choice to represent the film.
So, another really great trip down late 90s/early 2000s memory lane here. Totally Hits would run out of steam and end up bowing out from the contemporary hits compilation game some years later, but specifically with this album, they were certainly proving themselves as a more than worthy adversary to top dog Now That's What I Call Music! Their collective catalog and roster never had the same firepower as that of the combination of Capitol, EMI, Universal, and Virgin, but what they managed to amass here was still plenty good pop music anyway.
Santana feat. The Product G&B - "Maria, Maria" Christina Aguilera - "Genie in a Bottle" Third Eye Blind - "Never Let You Go" Sugar Ray - "Falls Apart" Lou Bega - "Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of...)" Madonna - "Beautiful Stranger" Whitney Houston - "My Love is Your Love (Jonathan Peters' Radio Mix)" Filter - "Take a Picture" Missy Elliott - "Hot Boyz" Moby - "Natural Blues" Donell Jones - "U Know What's Up" R.E.M. - "The Great Beyond" Sarah McLachlan - "I Will Remember You"
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thejuiceblog · 2 years
What makes a party? Amy Sedaris once wrote:
“When you see the word "party"...don't think of pony kegs and loud Southern rock or cigarillos and business women. Don't think of pools and diving for loose change. Don't think about cockfights - even though it's hard not to. Don't think tiki lights and fruity cocktails served in coconut shells on the patio, or a large group of drunken seamen clustered together shouting over each other. Think simplicity." 
Parties are as old as homo sapiens themselves. But for most people, the thing that makes a party a party and not just a meeting with snacks is usually the music; preferably upbeat, and preferably loud.
Buddy Bolden was somebody who knew about loud music and parties. It was said that when he played in New Orleans you could hear him from across the river. And his song Funky Butt was, as Danny Barker once put it, "a reference to the olfactory effect of an auditorium packed full of sweaty people "dancing close together and belly rubbing." That's definitely one way to party.
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The Bolden band around 1905 (top: Jimmy Johnson, bass; Bolden, cornet; Willy Cornish, valve trombone; Willy Warner, clarinet; bottom: Brock Mumford, guitar; Frank Lewis, clarinet)
Even though he's considered the King of Jazz, there are no known recordings of Buddy Bolden, who improvised his music and never wrote it down. Really the only thing we have to go by is Jelly Roll Morton's rendition, which came to be known as Buddy Bolden Blues or I Thought I Heard Buddy Bolden Say. 
Jelly Roll Morton wasn't a man who shied away from a party. He made a name for himself playing ragtime in the brothels of New Orleans, and ragtime was, of course, known as the Devil's music. His rendition of Buddy Bolden Blues was considered so rude at the time that it was offensive even just to whistle it on the streets. Ruder still when you find out what Jelly Roll means. Or olfactory.
Some parties are planned and some are spontaneous. The difference between an average day at work and a spontaneous party could be as simple as the the presence of some unattended bongos, like in this scene from Hellzapoppin' -  a weird film from 1941 with one of the most iconic dance scenes ever created.
That was Frances "Mickey" Jones, WiIliam Downes, Norma Miller, Billy Ricker, Willamae Ricker, Al Minns, Ann Johnson and Frankie Manning, also known as Whiteys Lindy Hoppers - all dancing to music by the Slim Slam band.
When a dance floor is involved, parties become divisive: you're either on the dance floor or you're not. The dance floor is where life plays out, where you define yourself, where acquaintances become something more. In an American high school scenario, the dance floor is a status symbol. Being on the dance floor with the right person is everything.
Good parties share a collective, unspoken energy. Maybe all parties serve some sort of need to rebel against something oppressive, something that you need to escape. At the very least parties are a chance to act out in a way you otherwise can't.
One epic film party scene worth mentioning is from Olivier Assayas' Cold Water, if only because the scene goes on for about thirty minutes. The director admits that at some point he felt he was witnessing an experience that was "possibly stronger than whatever [ended] up on the screen."  It's a brilliant demonstration of that unspoken, rebellious energy that escalates into something unforgettable, something an onlooker would describe as a party even if party feels like too shallow of a word to describe it for those who are part of it.
It should also be said that parties can be shallow, and not everyone likes a party. Some people see them as just another feature of the hedonic treadmill. Tim Holmes of Rolling Stones wrote about this next song in 1985, saying, "In "Swinging Party," life is a lilting series of ultimately empty, but nonetheless compulsory, soirees."
What inspires you to party?
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911nmg · 2 years
Bring me out of the dark
YThis is the second chapter of a Bucky/Nat normal life au fic I’ve been writting.
The complete series can be found on AO3.
The themes are quite dark so this are the trigger warners for this chapter:
TW: Implied/Reference torture
TW: PTSD, flashbacks
Can’t sleep! Can’t breathe!
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Bucky’s POV
The alarm finally went off, marking another sleepless night. The wait was over, I had given it my best shot, done everything I was supposed to, and it had still backfired.
Either way, I had to get going. Steve was going to be here in a couple of hours, and getting ready on one arm definitely took longer than it used to with both.
I brewed myself some coffee and fumbled with the plastic knife, trying to both keep the bagel in place and spread jam over it was still hard, no matter how many times I practiced with the occupational therapist.
He hadn’t managed to teach me as many new motor patterns as we both would have liked, turned out I was a complete lefty, so turning to my right hand was nightmarish, however Clint was definitely a master when it came to adaptations. From weighted plastic cutlery, to squeezable bath product bottles marked with different shaped gomets, even the meal delivery service I was subscribed to had been his idea!
He had said it was a blessing with two kids under five, and he swore by it. I definitely could see why. Nutritious food made in five to ten minutes in the microwave. It had been hard dealing with the beeping in the beginning, but now it saved me so much frustration and time.
The pang started on my missing fingers, then made its way up. Awoken by the single beep the machine emitted, or maybe the slightly burnt smell of the bacon.
- Fuck. Not again!
There was no arm anymore, just a big scar following my collarbone and a patch of scarred leathery skin. Yet the hot pain radiating from my nonexistent wrist up was a daily occurrence.
- There's nothing there - I repeated the useless mantra, closing my eyes and rubbing at the air, as if I could get my muscles to relax - There’s nothing there, there’s nothing there, there’s nothing there...
I proceeded as usual, pushing the white, hot, pulsating pain to the back of my mind, and placing the bacon on the other half of the bagel. Bitter, sweet and savory, the best combination of tastes for a breakfast if you asked me.
Taking my pajamas off was another thing I still struggled with. Well... the dressing and undressing in general, even with adapted clothing. Clint had made a joke about seeing me naked more than his wife, but to work through the frustration was the only way out, right?
Showering was another task that had changed quite a bit. It had to be done in the dark, since looking at my body just... I was swinging there. My arms numb and my body exposed. A canvas for their anti american sentiments. Blades, knives, razors, even scissors...
- You are safe - My ragged breaths hurt my insides - You are home.
Name five things! Five things... White tiled floor! I took a long breath of air and kept it inside. Navy towels, wicker laundry hamper... I allowed the air out, exhaling as slowly as I could. It still came in short ragged breaths. Then repeated the process. Dirty mirror, gomet coded bottles, Steve’s red toothbrush still on the cup...
Once my breath had evened out I showered quickly: in, shampoo, soap, rinse, conditioner, comb, rinse, out.
Spray deodorants were the best, no caps to fumble around. Boxers were hard to slide up with only one hand and not looking down, it could be done. Socks though were the death of me.
I had started using a contraption where you slid the sock on, then lowered it to the ground and pushed the foot through. It was one of those teleshopping things I’d thought useless before the war, but it was surprisingly effective.
A soft gray t-shirt followed, it was new, something Peggy had bought for me at Decathlon for its breathability. The empty long sleeve hanging limp at my left side felt disconcerting, so I just yanked at it until the stitching gave up. Better.
Then came jeans, he had graduated out of his joggers a month back, they still had to contain elastic though, and they’re closed with a big snap hidden underneath the metal button.
Finally shoes, I checked the alarm clock, 8:10, the time was close to Steve’s arrival. I had changed to slip on sneakers and zipped boots, I’d rather forget how expensive my wardrobe change had been, hadn’t it been for Pops inheritance I’d have had to rely on the charity of my friends, burdening even more. Not that it was unexpected, the army didn’t treat his veterans exactly well, not even those with a bunch of medals. Had learnt it the hard way when the colonel came back from Iraq.
There were steps up the creaky stairs. Knocking followed - Bucky. It's me, Steve. The key turned on the lock. I stared at the door, willing myself to stay seated on the bed, as calm as possible, as my friend used the spare key to let himself in.
- No knife? - He teased - What a boring welcome.
I had finally managed to stop standing guard, knife in hand any time someone came near my door, or knocked, it felt good, him acknowledging my progress in a lighthearted way.
Steve came every saturday morning to help me with the house. Some things weren’t possible on my own anymore: riding my bike or playing guitar were the ones that hurt the most, however, on a scale of usefulness it had more to do with changing my sheets and sweeping and mopping the floors. He also took me to therapy, unsure I’ll go if left to my own devices, and kept me company afterwards, in case I became a fucking mess of nerves.
- Here - He throws a stack of papers at me - Read through and tonight you can ask Tony for any clarifications.
- What’s this?
- The Bionic project, you are in, if you want.
The NYU logo occupied half of the page, then were the names: Stark, Banner, Strange, and a bunch of medical organizations. I could have an arm again?! A functioning one?
- I thought severe PTSD disqualified me.
- Tony has his ways - He started rummaging around the house, finding every speck of dust and fighting any dirt with his usual obsession. A given when getting sick as a child could mean dying at any time.
I skimmed through the pages, I could grasp the basics of the science behind it: intramuscular electrodes would be placed at the base of my neck, circumventing the damaged area, then connect to a fixed metal plate that would act as a processor and allow access to my injuries, then a complete bionic arm would attach to that.
Risks: worsening of phantom pain, complete paralysis and even death.
- How come they’ve founded this? The risks are severe...
- They had success with under the knee, over the knee, and along the arm amputations so...
- Do you trust this?
He smiled softly, warmth coming through in his voice - I’ll trust Tony with my life.
- Then it’s done - I searched for a pen, and in a blurry penmanship I signed my name at the end of the informed consent formulaire.
- Maybe you should talk it out with doctor Sullivan before making a rushed decision.
- You have too much faith in that woman.
- And you, far too little.
He grabbed my leather jacket and pushed me to the door and into the car. The ride was smooth and quiet, interrupted only when I realized - Wait? Did you say we’re meeting Tony tonight?
- We’re going to the ballet. All of us. It’s Natasha’s debut as Giselle, and as a principal dancer with the company. Tony got us tickets at the front box.
- That must be expensive.
- Don’t think about it.
- Stevie, you’ve all done so much for me this past year, I... I don’t want to be a burden - I stared at my feet, guilt had its way of turning my stomach, as if someone had stabbed me at the gut. A feeling I could definitely pinpoint with accuracy.
- This is what friends are for - He retorted.
- I’m such a fuck up...
He squeezed my thigh, hard, stopping the shake in my body - You haven't slept in a while, have you?
- Not really.
- You start spiraling when you stop sleeping.
- Do I?
He gave me a pointed look - You aren’t taking the sleeping pills.
- I get nightmares with those.
- Then get Sullivan to change them!
- You don’t get it...
- You’d rather stay awake than face the memories, I get it. But your body is going to give out eventually, Buck.
I promised to think about it and entered the old building. Sam worked there during the week, in the child protection department, that’s how we got to meet the doctor, and his double duty as both a psychiatrist and therapist. “Global approach to trauma therapy” was Sam’s pitch to Steve, and he had forced me into it ever since.
- James - She called softly, trying not to startle me, as if I hadn’t been listening to the muffled voices, her armchair moving and the door opening.
- Tense already? - She closed the door behind us, again with minimal force, and I struggled with having her in my blindspot - I haven’t even started to prood at you for information yet.
Sarcasm, that was the only reason I had stayed on therapy with her, I couldn’t take a sympathetic shrink with a “poor you” approach.
She sat on a comfy armchair opposite me, taking her black notebook from the side table and placing it over her crossed legs.
- How’s your week been?
- Good.
She sighed - This is not going to work if you are not honest, James. You know it. Stop wasting both our time.
- It was relatively good - I insisted, because it had been - I went to OT twice, had my three meals a day, manageable phantom pain.
- Did you go out with friends?
- Tonight.
She seemed kind of impressed, her softly wrinkled face keeping a smile in check - How about showering? Has it gotten any easier?
I nodded no, she took note.
- Are you keeping the stump clean? We don’t want you taking antibiotics until we create a new super resistant bacteria, do we?
- When I shower I do wash it.
- When? Aren’t you showering everyday, lieutenant?
I seethed at that - Do, not, call, me, that - I knew I was being disproportionated but I didn’t care. James Buchanan Barnes, the hero, discharged with honors and a raise through the ranks, recipient of a purple heart. That wasn’t me.
- Don’t raise your tone with me, young man - She replied, scolding me as if I were a kid.
- Sorry - I got back on my sofa. When had I risen from my place? - Shouldn’t have threatened you.
- Shouldn’t have triggered you, either - She shrugged - I have to, though.
She pondered the following question with care - Are you refusing to take sleeping pills because you think of it as a sign of weakness?
- No! - I scoffed at the idea - I just don’t want to sleep!
- I know your dad was diagnosed with PTSD as well - So she had decided to push my buttons - He refused treatment, didn’t he?
- The colonel did what he thought best.
- Drank himself to sleep?
I found my fists rolled up and tried to relax, slow steady breaths - I’m here. And I’m not falling for that.
- So you are getting how many white nights a week?
- Four, maybe five - I squirmed in my seat - They tend to come together, three nights in a row, then I sleep for one or two, then I stay awake again for a couple days.
- We can search for a medication that helps with the nightmares, James - She tried to coax me softly - You’re doing so well in other areas, but we can’t make progress if you don’t get to sleep.
- I’m fine.
She resigned herself, pushing her back to her seat, widening the distance she had shortened between us.
- Have you been able to see yourself naked?
My brows might have reached the ceiling, because she bursted out laughing at my shock - What? Are you prudish, James?
- Didn’t expect the question. And no, I’m still showering in the dark and dressing without looking down.
Honesty. I couldn’t watch the scars and stay present, no matter how much I tried.
- How about cutting your hair.
- No buzzing, no scissors.
- We could try it here, you know? I could cut your hair while we work on grounding techniques, that way I can see if you are applying them correctly.
- You? You want to cut my hair?
- I want you to face the trauma in a controlled environment. If you’d prefer a striptease is fine by me.
That time I did laugh. Seemed like a good compromise.
- How about we try? We can stop at any point.
- Now?! - I keep a pair of scissors in my bag. Come here.
She made me sit on the carpet in front of her and started chatting. What would I be doing that night, had I watched any good tv series lately, anything to keep me grounded.
Yet, the moment the scissors closed near my ear and its sound registered, I went back. I was going to die. Another shiny metallic object impacted against my back, lodging itself between my shoulder bones, a sharp cry. I was going to die. Someone slashed through my abs, warm sweet blood dripped onto my pants and the concrete floor. I was going to die.
- James - She sounded as if we were underwater - James, look at me - She slapped my face lightly until I locked eyes with her - You are home, you are safe, say it.
- I... I’m home, I’m safe?
- You are. You are safe - She promised, nodding with all her might - Say it again.
I’m home, I... I’m safe.
- Come on, sound convinced!
- I’m home. I’m safe.
- Good - She kept rubbing circles in my back until I stopped shaking, forcing me to repeat the words again, and again, and again.
- I’m such a fuck up... - There were tears rolling down my face.
- You need help. That’s it - She sentenced.
- What I need is a bullet through my brain.
She grimaced but said nothing, she didn't seem to find it as serious as previous times because she didn’t call for a psychiatric hold at the nearest hospital. Maybe knowing Maria had taken my gun also helped.
- It’s quite probable you’ll crash in a while, panic attacks tend to strip one of energy - Still, please, go out tonight. And take this - She placed a prescription on my hand.
- I bet a hundred dollars that if you take them every night, next week won’t be as hard. But you have to take them. - Easiest hundred bucks of my life - I accepted, letting her help me from the floor.
She had been right, as fucking always, I had crashed just after lunch, but Steve had followed her instructions and woke me up. I appreciated it. And Steve was ecstatic at the chance to show me the huge banner occupying the side of the building. It was a photo of a waifish woman in a long white tutu, red hair in a bun, pained eyes barely looking at the camera, soft arms raised above her head and a splash of freckles across her skin. She was gorgeous. Natasha.
You can read the whole work here:
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yolacricket · 3 months
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enterprisewired · 7 months
Warner Bros. Discovery Faces Setbacks as Shares Fall Amid Declining Ad Revenue and Losses
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In a recent quarterly report, Warner Bros. Discovery faced a significant decline in its shares as it reported disappointing figures in advertising revenue, a larger-than-expected loss, and underwhelming streaming subscriber numbers. These results have raised concerns about the media giant’s future prospects.
The Loss
For the quarter ending on September 30, the company reported a loss of 17 cents per share, far exceeding the 6 cents per share expected by analysts. Despite a reported revenue of $9.98 billion, meeting the analyst’s expectations, the company’s shares still suffered a sharp decline.
The net loss for the third quarter amounted to $417 million, which translates to 17 cents per share. This loss was, however, a notable improvement from the previous year’s figure, which stood at $2.31 billion, or 95 cents per share. While Warner Bros. Discovery’s losses have decreased, it is still grappling with significant financial challenges.
Here’s why Warner Bros. Discovery stock is down
A Challenging Situation
The decline in Warner Bros. Discovery’s stock came on the heels of a media rally that took place the previous week, driven by the successful earnings reports of companies such as Roku and Paramount. The upcoming earnings report from rival media giant Disney added to the uncertainty in the market.
Warner Bros. Discovery’s leadership acknowledged the challenges they are facing, including sluggish ad revenue and ongoing disruptions caused by the actors’ strike. David Zaslav, the company’s CEO, described the current landscape as a “generational disruption,” particularly challenging for a streaming service that is operating at a substantial loss. The CEO pointed out the difficulties of navigating this terrain amidst low interest rates and the challenges posed by the advertising marketplace.
One of the key issues highlighted in the report was a 12% decrease in ad revenue within the networks segment compared to the previous year. This drop was attributed to declining viewership of general entertainment and news programs, as well as soft advertising trends in the U.S.
The Current Quarter
This quarter marked the first full quarter since Warner Bros. Discovery launched its flagship streaming service, Max, in May. Max combines content from HBO Max and Discovery+. Despite high expectations, the company reported 95.1 million global direct-to-consumer subscribers, which was 700,000 less than the previous quarter and lower than the analyst projection of 95.4 million subscribers. The company attributed this “modest sequential loss” to a lack of content offerings during the quarter.
One positive note in the report was that the streaming business managed to swing to a profit during the quarter. Additionally, Warner Bros. Discovery made progress in reducing its debt load, with $2.4 billion in repayments made during the quarter. However, the company still carries a substantial gross debt of $45.3 billion, raising concerns about its long-term financial stability.
Curious to learn more? Explore our articles on Enterprise Wired
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mayhemproduces · 1 year
Chaos Cup Round 2- Mance Warner vs Dyln Blaine vs Killer Kelly vs Prince Devitt
One of the great spectacles in all of MPW is when the house lights drop, the phone camera flashlights go on, and the crowd breaks into song, as the Southern Psycho, Ol’ Mancer, the very first winner of the MPW Chaos Cup, makes his way to the ring, and it’s evident the second he steps through the curtain that Mance Warner is CLEARLY the most popular man in this match, maybe by a country mile, from the ovation alone! This crowd here is HOT tonight, and as they shower the man himself with chants of “MANCER! MANCER! MANCER!” it’s clear Mance Warner is fired up and here for a fight tonight. The first ever Chaos Cup winner, if he wants to get through to the finals, has to go through the second ever Chaos Cup winner, Prince Devitt, along with Killer Kelly, a ruthless, powerful grappler, and the bad attitude of Dyln Blaine, who looks to continue his promise of being The Bracket Buster here in this tournament. 
As Mance Warner gets into the ring, it’s clear Dyln Blaine wants NO part of the former MPW World & World Tag Team Champion, immediately sliding out of the ring as the bell rings. Mance, Kelly, and Devitt barely spare him a glance, before all launching into a brawl against each other, both Mance and Kelly ganging up on Prince Devitt, maybe to Devitt’s surprise, but, to Mance and Kelly’s defense… Devitt’s an asshole. Mance and Kelly both continue to swing on the former MPW World Champ, before Mance sends him off the ropes, and on the rebound Killer Kelly catches Devitt and sends him overhead with a huge Belly to Belly, sending Devitt to the mat, and forcing him to roll out of the ring. Now alone in the ring, Mance and Kelly circle one another, two psychopaths who love nothing more than a good fight, maybe a match made in hell with one another, before the two start going at each other, trading huge chops back and forth with one another! Back and forth, Kelly and Mance trade bombs, neither of them wanting to give an inch to the other! Eventually, rather than go for another chop, Mance elects for the eyepoke, sending Kelly stumbling backward, causing Mance to laugh before he pops her up in the air and nails her with a huge headbutt! 
Mance goes to grab Kelly again, but from behind, Devitt grabs him and nails him with a forearm to the back, sending Mance stumbling forward, before Devitt grabs Mance, and whips him against the ropes, before dropping Mance with a Slingblade! Mance rolls out of the ring, and Dyln Blaine goes running out of the way, just wanting to stay out of the way for a moment. Prince follows Mance out of the ring, grabbing him, and starting to bite Mance against the barricade! Prince Devitt came here to get messy tonight! 
Prince Devitt went back at Mance and caught him with a few boots to the face, before Prince began digging around underneath the ring, looking for more weapons to introduce into this one. Prince found two doors, throwing them both into the ring as he pulled them out, and then grabbed a couple of chairs for good measure, tossing three of them into the ring, and keeping the fourth for himself. Prince used the end of the chair and pressed it against Mance’s throat, choking him against the steel guardrail until Mance’s face began to turn a deep, deep shade of red, before Prince finally released him and caught Mance in the ribs with the end of the chair, before throwing that chair into the ring as well. Prince once again dig around under the ring, finding a small black bag and tossing that into the ring as well, before Prince grabbed Mance Warner once again, bounced his head off the ring apron, and tossed Mance back into the ring. 
Prince made a big show of taking a little black bag out from under the ring, before rolling into the ring and strutting to the middle, before opening up the bag, and dumping out the contents onto the mat- a ton of little, sharp, thumbtacks. Prince gets Mance Warner back up to his feet, and lifted him up, looking like he was trying to set Mance up for a Bloody Sunday, but Mance Warner managed to wiggle out of it, and grab one of the chairs that Prince had brought into the ring. Prince turned around and tried to catch Mance with a boot to the gut, but Prince was caught with a chair to the head instead! Prince stumbled back into the ropes and bounced off them, and on the rebound Mance lifted Prince up and dropped him down onto the thumbtacks with a spinebuster! Hundreds of tacks just got deposited in Prince Devitt’s back, and Prince Devitt looked as if his eyes were going to bulge out of his skull! Prince rolled over in a great deal of pain, showing the crowd just how many tacks were buried in his skin. His entire back almost was covered in the tiny sharp things, and it would be hell trying to dig all of them out later. Mance made the cover on Devitt!
1….2…. Broken up!
Dyln Blaine, deciding he wants to get involved finally, jumped on Devitt’s back with a big double stomp! Devitt clutches at his back, as Dyln waits for Devitt to get up, looking for his Cyclone Kick, but Prince ducks it, before grabbing Dyln, and planting them with a big Bloody Sunday! Dyln spiked right on his head! 
Before Devitt can get back up and make a cover on Dyln, Kelly is already on him, wrapping her arms around Devitt’s waist, and sending him overhead with a big German Suplex! Devitt is turned inside out, but as Kelly tries to get back to her feet, she’s blasted by a HUGE Knee from Mance Warner! Mance drops into the cover on Kelly! 
1….2.. Kickout!
Killer Kelly out at two! Mance sits up, and that wide grin is back on his feet. This is exactly the kind of fight Ol’ Mancer loves, and he wants to keep this going. Mance rolls out of the ring, and starts looking for more weapons, when suddenly, from the crowd, comes a hooded man flanked by two figures wearing complete face coverings. They jump the guardrail, and the hooded man pulls his hood off, revealing it’s Daniel Garcia! Danny Garcia and the other two masked men he’s been running around with are back, and now they’re going after Ol’ Mancer! Garcia and the other two masked men swarm Mance, beating him down, and dragging him over towards the announce table! Garcia climbs up onto the table, as the other two masked men feed Mance up to him, before Garcia grabs Mance and puts him through the announce table with a Piledriver! 
This Dark Triad has seemingly taken Mance out of the right, much to the chagrin of our hands, but we still have three wrestlers battling in the ring. Kelly crawled to the corner, and Devitt measured her before charging Kelly, but Kelly managed to dodge, slipping behind Devitt before catching him with an enziguri to the back of the head! Devitt was stunned, and Kelly grabbed his head, before using the ropes to plant Devitt with a Tornado DDT! Devitt was spiked on the top of his head, before rolling out onto the apron to recover. Kelly followed him out there, and tried to lift Devitt back up to his feet, but Devitt caught Kelly with a shot to the gut, before standing up and nailing Kelly with a stiff looking forearm. The shots from Devitt kept coming, before Devitt took a few steps back and attempted a rolling elbow on Kelly, but Kelly ducked it, and wrapped her arms around Devitt’s waist, before charging forward and driving Devitt into the ring post! Devitt was stunned, and Kelly used the opportunity to turn Devitt back around, and drop him with a DDT on the apron! Prince Devitt crashed head first down onto the hardest part of the ring, and then down to the floor on the outside!
Kelly went for a walk around the ring to compose herself and catch her breath for a second, as Devitt was still laid out on the outside. The ref, Bryce Remsburg for this match, told Kelly to bring it back into the ring, and Kelly obliged, tossing Prince Devitt back into the ring before sliding back in herself. Kelly watched and measured Devitt as he used the corner to pull himself back up, before charging at Devitt. Devitt got out of the way, and tried to nail Kelly with a big forearm, but Kelly caught Devitt, trying to drive him into the turnbuckles with a flatliner, but Devitt caught Kelly with several hard elbows, breaking Kelly’s grip on him. Kelly stumbled back, holding her head, perhaps his equilibrium a little thrown off by those shots to the ear. Devitt charged Kelly, before going for a wheelbarrow, which he rolled through into a victory roll, but rather than pin Kelly, he got up and twisted Kelly’s legs around his own, locking in a Figure Four! Devitt had Kelly trapped in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring! Devitt wrenched back on the hold, as Bryce asked Kelly if he wanted to give up. Kelly insisted she didn’t, but the pain on his face as Devitt continued to wrench back with the hold told a different story! Kelly may be just seconds away from tapping out to Prince Devitt!
Suddenly, though, from the sky comes Dyln Blaine with a 630 Senton! Dyln Blaine breaks up the hold! Blaine gets back up to his feet and throws Devitt out of the ring, as Killer Kelly struggles to get back up to her feet, clutching her knee, as Blaine springs off the ropes, and drops Kelly with a Crypto Cutter! Devitt tries to get back into the ring, but the Bitcoin Boiz grab his legs, preventing him from breaking up the pin! 
“Here is your winner, Dyln Blaine!” 
Dyln Blaine, against all odds, has somehow managed to weasel his way into the Chaos Cup finals!
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Sunday,   9   April,   2023.......... Warmup.....DeadLifts......300 Reps  Plus  ERGs.
More perfect days are not to be had.  
Warmup #1
Coach Butler reluctantly led us in some mobility movements, dynamic stretch’s, and bodyweight exercises.  
100 Partner Med-Ball Sit-Ups, or 20/20/20 GHDs.
Deadlifts:          8 / 8 / 8 / 8
60 to 70%  1 Rep Max
Shane=305     Robert/Ed=275     Timmy=255     Bernie=225     Coach=215     LSU=145     Kayla/Alicia/Taylor/Abby=115     Susan/Warner/Linda=present
Metabolic Conditioner
5 Rounds 
20  Kettle Bell Swings     (53/35)
20  Box Jumps     (24/20)
20  Push-Ups
20 M / 16 F     Calories Any ERG
Kayla=19:02     Abby=19:40     Taylor=20:20      LSU=20:23     Coach=21:23     Timmy=22:25     Shane=23:00      Robert=23:09      Alicia=23:31     Ed=23:38     Bernie=did it     Linda/Susan/Warner=present
A very small number came to play.  If it wasn’t for the Easter Holiday visitors we would have had an even smaller session.
We were all happy to have Big Shane back again.  He had been touring China for the last month.  He admitted to eating only Chinese food and doing ZERO working out.  He also admitted to losing a little muscle and gaining a little adipose.  
Timmy brought his Son Warner and his Mom Susan.  Warner is now 6 inches taller than Dad and sports more facial hair than Dad.  Warner complained of many injuries and feeling like an “Old Man”.  He got zero sympathy from me, and repeatedly refused any opportunities to enjoy even a scaled CrossFit workout, but he did accept a cold beer.  Afterwards, GrandMa allowed that Warner is not 21 yo yet.
We always hear that Timmy (pHD) is our cleverest member, but I aver that his Mother Susan is the genetic donor of all his assumed intelligence.  I had a half hour enjoyable conversation with Susan, during which I probed with many a politically incorrect question of which Miss Susan never hesitated an answer.  I learned everything anyone would ever need to know to be able to drain all her financial wealth and leave Timmy destitute.  She wouldn’t admit to how Timmy wrangled that fine Audi SUV from her, but she replaced it with a Porsche which is more her style.  Toward the end of our conversation I made an indelicate proposal which she sweetly declined and added that she thought I was “A nice boy”.  I wish I had got her to have a beer with Warner.
The Butler girls were also in attendance.  Taylor and Abby.  I can never tell by looking which is the elder Sister, which is something that seems to aggravate both of them.  We (the other girls) all agreed that, considering that they endured a Robert household, no man in their futures will ever dominate them.  
Tuesday at 4 PM.
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tinseltine · 1 year
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#6- ELVIS | Warner Bros | Director Bazz Luhrmann| Co-written by Sam Bromell, Jeremy Doner, and Craig Pearce - Growing up if something was really white and kinda corny you can best believe I was into it. So I fell in love with the girl crazy, but clean-cut Elvis of the movies like Fun in Acapulco, Blue Hawaii, King Creole and Viva Las Vegas which is on my Letterboxd List of Movies I Can Watch Again and Again, but I didn’t realize this was all part of America’s censoring and taming of the young, rebel, hip swinging, black eyeliner wearing Elvis. The Elvis who grew up in an all-black neighborhood, revered gospel music, was good friends with the likes of B.B. King (Kelvin Harrison Jr.) and other early Jazz/Blues musicians. I always assumed he heard their records and appropriated the sound, but it would seem he came by it naturally, due to his upbringing. 
I didn’t even know that he had two choices – go to jail for indecency or join the military.  Why is America called “The Land of the Free” yet sh*% like this happened all the time, and still can happen if we’re not very vigilant.In terms of Baz Luhrmann films, I’ve only seen Moulin Rouge and The Great Gatsby. I wrote a comparison between the 1974 version starring Robert Redford and Luhrmann’s Leo DiCaprio version that became my most viewed posts for 5 years running.  I was in favor of the original; yet, I don’t hold that Baz Luhrmann’s just too much bias that most critics seem to have.  In fact, I’d like to praise him when it comes to his latest film Elvis, for giving the iconic crooner the razzle dazzle he and his life story deserves. And I’m not alone as it was given a 12 min standing O at the 75th Cannes Film Festival!
The film gets going with a bang of diamond-encrusted logos and spinning kaleidoscopic of Elvis and Vegas in frames with loud music and just a sense of the excitement that surrounded Elvis Presley in his heyday.  I like being brought into a movie of this nature this way, it prepares you for being taken on an entertaining ride and that’s what we get.  And yet, there are many scenes played out emotionally and fully. In NO WAY is the movie choppy or overly edited or too glitzy. It’s just the right touch of bling. And for the most part, after the opening scenes, it’s a linear story starting with Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks) on the touring circuit with a good o’l boy singer Hank Snow (David Wenham). It’s Hank’s son, Jimmie Rodgers Snow (Kodi Smit-McPhee) that starts playing a record newly popular with the kids in town. They first tell him to shut it off, assuming the singer’s black, but when Jimmie apprises them of the fact that Elvis is white, you’d swear they CGI’d dollar signs in the Colonel’s eyes and off he goes to capture lightening in a bottle.This is how Luhrmann and his team of writers decided to frame this story of Elvis Aaron Presley, through the eyes of his avuncular, manipulative, greedy, “snow-man” of a manager, Colonel Parker, who nobody ever really knew. 
He speaks with an accent that seems like a mix of Dutch and German behind a practiced southern drawl.  He admits to being akin to a carnival barker and a spin doctor, yet Elvis trusts him with his life and livelihood practically his whole career.  Hanks is not right for this part, prosthetics, fat suit, accent, none of it is enough to convince you he ever should have been cast.  Thankfully, there is no better person suited to play Elvis than Austin Butler. It’s his movie to carry. The young actor does more than just nail Presley’s singing voice and stage presence; he goes far beyond an impersonator to a place of kinship.  Rami Malki was very good as Freddy Mercury, Taron Egerton did a fantastic job in Rocketman, Jennifer Hudson tried her best as Aretha Franklin, but Austin Butler puts them all to shame!
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maki-matsurra · 3 years
How would the Warner siblings reacts to someone misgendering their friend?
🎵Somebody is gonna die~🎵
Want to send in a request? Start here!
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The Warner Siblings see someone misgender their friend
⚠️TW: Misgendering⚠️
Dot Warner
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You two were just shopping at a the local mall together, and you accidentally bumped into somebody, you spewed out apologies, but it wasn’t enough.
“God! Get out of the way you stupid (wrong gender)!”
The two of you froze, your face cringed up, and your heartbeat spiked. Dot on the other hand look appalled.
Scratch that, she looked PISSED.
She grabbed the person’s shirt and growled in their face, her tail frizzed up as she yelled.
“What are your pronouns? Cause I don’t want to accidentally misgender you when I begin to start LECTURING YOU ON HOW AND WHY YOU MISGENDERED MY FRIEND!”
Needless to say, the person looked like they were gonna wet their pants.
They apologized very quickly after the 3rd minute mark hit on Dot’s lecture.
To make it up to you, she took you to your favorite store and bought you a nice clothing item! Her treat!
“Are you sure I can’t pay you back?” You would ask warily. She shook her head with a smile as she whipped out her shiny silver debit card.
“Don’t worry about it, (Y/N)! Nobody misgenders Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III’s friends.”
Wakko Warner
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You and Wakko were laughing as you slurped down your milkshakes in an ice cream parlor, just minding your guys’ own business.
That’s when they came in.
Two snobby teenage boys sneering at the pair of you.
Wakko decided to wear a nice skort today after you two saw it in a local store, and you said it really fit him.
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“I guess they’ll let boys and (misgender)s wear anything at this point.”
You twos’ heads whipped around at the laughing teenage boys. You feeling hurt, not just for you, but for Wakko as well. As they also misgendered him.
Wakko never pulled out his mallet so fast and clobbered them. Huffing once they got the job done.
“Clothes are genderless!” He spat, swinging once.
“Never misgender my friend!” He yelled, swinging twice.
“And for the record, I look good in this skort.” He swung thrice, posing afterwards while you smile and give him a round of applause. Thankful you had someone like him with you.
Yakko Warner
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Oh, Yakko felt completely sick once he heard it.
You two were filming a scene together, and the director, being an asshole, unlikeable person as it is, crossed the line once he said.
“Like honestly? Are all (misgender)s just as dumb as you?”
And once he saw your tear stained face. That. Was. It.
Now, Yakko is more of a talker, not a fighter, but that does not mean he doesn’t know how to fight.
Hearing a feral growl from him, you turn around just to see him leap in front of you and in front of the director, and actually get into a fight with him.
Once the comical dust cloud disappeared, Yakko stood, still growling as the director looked worse for wear.
“Don’t you ever, misgender (gender) again! Do you hear me?!”
He quickly turned to you to see you still crying. His heart broke as he gently held your cheeks and wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hey, shh, shh, shh. It’s gonna be okay, (Y/N).”
He soon pulled you close, putting your head near his silky, fluffy chest as he began to purr.
“Let’s go home and just relax, okay? Sounds a lot better than hanging around here with these jerks.”
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