primelatestnews · 5 months
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laynejacksonstudio · 2 years
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Boaters 24 x 24 inches Oil on Board 2022 DM for more work and information * #boatsinthewater #maybefishing #waterrising #artforthehome #industrialdecor #contemporaryart #paintings https://www.instagram.com/p/CjN5LWCLHbH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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makilight · 3 months
I think I might as well post some powers and spells while I’m at it 🤷🏾‍♀️
𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 & 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜
Fairy of the Enternal sunshine
Is my oc
∙ solar charge
∙ Sound waves supernova
∙ Light spectrum
∙ Crystal light
∙ Double eclipse
∙ Solar barrier
∙ Sunbolt
∙ Light of solaria
∙ Rising Sun
∙ Sunshower
Fairy of romance
Which is @alypink oc
∙ angels arrow
∙ love barrier
∙ feather wind
∙ glitter hearts
∙ love explosion
. Angel feathers
. memory of love
∙ Heartful Breeze
∙ Pink Moon
fairy of earth & nature
Which is @imjustsocute oc
∙ green luxurious ivy
∙ Breath of the Earth
∙ Golden pollen
∙ arms of the Earth
∙ Nature's symphony
∙ lisette vortex
∙ untappable nature
∙ Garden's defense
∙ spring shower
∙ lilac vortex
∙ magical vine grab
Fairy of all oceans
Which is @efingart oc
∙ water bolt
∙ morphix waves
∙ morphix cage
∙ Enchanted plasma
∙ waterrising Ray
∙Power swirl
∙ morphix shield
Also @efingart I hope it’s OK if I could have your OC in my AU I’m still working on the picture though😭
𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤: @alypink @imjustsocute @efingcod @efingart
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razzle-zazzle · 1 year
Whumptober Day 08: i've got soul, but i'm not a soldier
2083 Words; Dion Sees Ghosts AU
TW for gore, dead bodies, discussions of death, implied death of a child
AO3 ver
Maybe Dion shouldn’t have wandered out this far.
He never intended to get very far out—he just needed some space for a couple hours. A quick walk out into the woods—that was all.
An hour ago, Dion had had the thought that maybe if he wandered far enough, he could find the Green Needle Gulch. It was just a small thought, a silly little notion of visiting his Nona that would probably never bear fruit—he’d heard Raz talking about how the forest had weird fo—psychic stuff in it to keep the Gulch hidden. Dion wasn’t going to wander deep enough to get lost, let alone find the Gulch.
Well, he had certainly planned on not getting lost. He’d barely gone into the trees at all! How was he unable to retrace his steps?
And yet, despite all of his plans to keep the treeline in view, he was utterly, completely, lost. The treeline was nowhere in sight—just more trees everywhere he looked.
“Ugh, screw this.” Dion muttered, grabbing onto the nearest tree. He hauled himself up, the bark rough under his palms, until he could see the sky again. A quick look and—there! Dion could see the rock face with the waterrise. It wasn’t as far as he’d feared.
He climbed back down, and headed off in the rough direction of home. “I’ll be back by sundown.”
Dion was not back by sundown.
He wasn’t back home at all, actually. He’d walked for what felt like forever, realized he’d been passing the same rock over and over again, and climbed another tree. The waterrise was even further away, now, the sky already starting to pinken a bit towards the horizon.
Dion leaned against the tree once he was back on ground level, breathing in deep. How had he gotten turned around? He’d had to walk around some trees, yes, but he hadn’t veered that far off-course, had he?
It made no sense. He had a perfectly fine sense of direction every other time he’d gotten lost, been perfectly able to make it home once he got up high and figured out where he was—
“Oh.” Dion blinked. “Oh, of course.” He put his face in his hands with a groan. “Of fucking course. Psychic bullshit strikes again!” Apparently Raz was right about the forest being set up to get people lost.
Well, shit. How was Dion supposed to find his way home, now? He never should have wandered out this way at all.
“Whatever.” He grumbled. “I’ll just keep climbing trees.” Yeah, that’d work. He’d just climb every tree he ran into, because that totally wouldn’t exhaust him at all—
Still. Dion picked a direction that he felt was roughly where he needed to go, and started walking. After enough time, he went to the nearest tree to check where he was.
The waterrise wasn’t any further away—but it wasn’t any closer, either. Dion muttered choice words under his breath as he climbed back down. The sky was starting to get very very orange on one end, and very very dark on the other. He needed to get home.
Grumbling, Dion turned away from the tree. Maybe he should head away from where he remembered the waterrise being? That might work. Dion turned around—
And found himself face to face with a ghost.
“Um.” Dion took a step back. The more coherent a ghost was, the more control they had over their appearance. There was no way this ghost was very coherent, if the bloody, smashed-in face was any indication. Her dress hung loosely around her torso, ill-fitting.
Another ghost floated over next to the first one. Dion took another step back.
“I’m lost.” The first ghost said, her voice a hoarse whisper. “I’ve been running for days and I can’t find my way out, I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost—”
The second ghost moaned. “I can’t get out.”
More ghosts started showing up. Dion backed up until his back hit a tree. They all spoke, several voices intermingling. Fear and despair leached off of them all in waves.
“Dead bodies—”
“Can’t get out—”
“Going in circles—”
What was it Frazie had told him, when he set out after lunch? Something about not coming to save him if he got abducted by ghosts.
“I hate it when she’s right.” Dion muttered. Oh, he just knew Frazie would laugh if she could see him now, pushing against the tree as if to phase through it, seven different ghosts all hovering around and hemming him in without really acknowledging him at all.
Carefully, Dion stepped forward. The ghosts appeared to all be milling about a general area, so maybe he could just scoot on by—
The second ghost grabbed his wrist with a plaintive wail. “I can’t get out. I can’t I can’t I can’t get out—” Their grip was crushing. Dion tried to pry their hand off, wincing in pain as they only squeezed harder—
A sharp yank. The world tilted. Dion tumbled forwards, instinctively curling his arms around his head to try and roll with the impact. Undergrowth scratched at his arms and face—
He hit the bottom of the ditch injured-wrist-first, agitating it further. He could hear all the ghosts wailing still.
Dion groaned. The mud was cold against his face, cold through his clothes.
Okay, so he definitely shouldn’t have wandered out this far.
He pushed himself up, only to stop short—his hand was in something soft, something that gave under it with a wet sort of crunch.
Something that looked an awful lot like a dead body. Ewwww.
Dion pulled his hand back like he’d burned it and flailed. “Ew ew ew ew ew—” He did not want dead body bits on his hand, ew, disgusting, he could still feel wet gross on them ew ew ew—
He stumbled back, only for a stick to snap under his heel. No, not a stick—a bone.
Now that Dion was looking, he could see multiple bodies in the ditch. The one he’d ended up sticking his hand into was probably the most recent—it wasn’t like Dion was an expert on dead bodies. Dead people, sure, but most of the dead people he saw didn’t have their bodies attached.
“This is bad.” Dion’s voice came out as a whisper, “This is really, really bad.” And gross. He didn’t want to think about the kind of filth found on rotting bodies—filth that was now on his left hand.
If he’d gotten lost because of the weird psychic signals, and if those weird psychic signals had lead him here—
This was bad. Some of the ghosts looked withered, like they’d dehydrated to death. The first ghost looked like she’d cracked her head falling into the ditch. One ghost even looked starved, ghostly clothes hanging loosely off their ghostly frame.
“Dead bodies—”
“Can’t get out—”
“Going in circles—”
There were seven ghosts, all lingering and lost. Dion could only make out six bodies.
Was this supposed to happen? Were people who wandered too close to the Gulch supposed to end up here and die?
Dion shook his head. “There’d be way more ghosts if this was happening for more than a decade.” He reasoned. He didn’t know exactly when Nona’s Old People Club had first gotten together, but he knew it was at least a while before the Deluge. Surely, surely it hadn’t been set up to kill whoever got too close—Dion hoped it wasn’t.
That awful revelation aside, he still needed to get out of here. The sides of the ditch weren’t too steep—it was the depth that made it dangerous, probably. He grabbed at the dirt, digging his fingers in for purchase—
“Ow ow ow—” Dion hissed, cradling his right wrist against his chest. Oh, fuck, that hurt. Was it sprained? It was definitely bruising, where it had been grabbed.
Right. Carefully, leading with his other hand, Dion started his climb. The dirt was soft, his boots sliding every few steps, but there were plenty of rooted plants in the soil, perfect for grabbing onto.
He hoped none of them were poison ivy. This whole adventure already sucked enough.
He made it halfway up when cold hands wrapped around his shoulders, his arms, his legs. Cold nails dug in and pulled.
“Wh—hey!” Dion slid back down to the bottom. “What was that for?!”
The ghosts didn’t answer him. They just grabbed him and pulled him back down when he tried to climb out again.
And again.
And again.
Dion could only half see, now, the sunlight entirely gone down here under the trees. In this lighting, his wrist looked normal, the bruises and the unblemished skin the same. In this lighting, the ghosts all glowed softly, like the world’s most fucked up fireflies.
The world’s most fucked up fireflies who kept dragging him back down.
Dion groaned. “I get it!” He yelled out, not caring if the ghosts could hear him or not. “You all got lost and died here!” He clambered up the side of the ditch again, digging his fingers into soft earth. “That doesn’t mean I want to be STUCK HERE with ALL OF YOU!” The cold receded.
He made it up to the edge of the ditch unimpeded, hauling himself up onto the dirt. His wrist twinged in pain.
The first ghost appeared in front of him again. “I’m lost,” She whispered, “I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost and there’s nobody to help me—”
Dion grabbed her by the shoulder. “Hey. Hey.” He didn’t even know if she’d understand him, lost in her fear and grief. “I get it. You’re lost and you’re scared. But you gotta calm down, dammit.” She didn’t look older than him. Maybe a little older than Pooter.
…Dion felt bad for shouting.
She sniffled, her wail cutting off. For a moment, her face shifted, and Dion could see what she must have looked like in life. “I’m scared,” She whispered. “I ran away and I don’t know where I am.”
Dion’s chest tightened. “I’m sorry.” He muttered, for lack of anything better to say. “I’m lost, too.” He admitted.
Cold hands wrapped around his own, almost soothing against his right wrist. “It’s scary.” A ghost’s eyes never changed, always washed out and empty—but Dion could feel the fear leaching out of her hands, the despair-hurt-fear-hurt that made up her being.
He couldn’t save her. (He had never known her.)
“Yeah,” Dion agreed, leaning forward. “It’s scary.” He didn’t want to die here, alone with the bodies and the ghosts.
He couldn’t save her. (She wasn’t his responsibility.)
But he could still do something.
“If—” He started, “If I find my way out of here… I’ll tell someone.” Dion promised. “I’ll tell someone that you’re here.”
“You’ll get help?” There was a tinge of hope to her voice. Dion found his gaze stuck on the ground.
“Yeah,” He said. “I’ll get help.”
A chorus of mews was the first sound to greet Dion when he re-entered the campgrounds, the morning sun peeking over the tops of the trees. Persephone’s tail was straight up in the air as she bounded over to him, meowing loud enough to wake the dead.
“She was crying for you all night.” Frazie walked up behind Persephone. “We had to lock her in the caravan, and she wouldn’t. Shut. Up.”
Dion snorted, still cradling his wrist. He turned to Persephone, who was busy rubbing up against his legs and meowing her displeasure at his extended absence. “Aww, you missed me? You missed me so much you kept everyone up?” He cooed, “It’s okay, sweetie, I’m back now, don’t worry, I’m back, I’m back.” He reached out to pet her with his non-injured hand, only for her to sniff it once before pulling back and batting at it.
Right. That was the hand that’d been in a dead body. No wonder Persephone didn’t want it on her.
“So what happened to you?” Frazie asked, standing a distance away. Dion really needed to clean himself off.
“Guess.” He muttered, walking around her. He’d go find Raz and get the answers he needed when he was clean—his wrist throbbed—and when he’d taken care of his undoubtedly sprained wrist. Persephone remained wrapped around and between his legs as he walked, tail straight up in the air.
Dion glanced back at the woods. The girl stood there at the treeline, staring with blank eyes.
When he blinked, she was gone.
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I left the broken metal bandwith the rest of the watchin her top drawernext to the sex diceand an open bag ofcough drops. I didn’t need to knowwhat time it wasin the summer darkwhen all thingscame uncoveredin the paler light. I broke it in my handafter the phone calldisconnected,and the crystal facecut deep intomy palm. I could not tell youwhere the door wasif there was waterrising all…
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melody-sy · 2 years
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waterfall... waterrise?
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andrews-songs · 2 years
Eternal Recurrence
New #poem, Eternal Recurrence, on my blog: #writing #amwriting #poetry #metaphysics #MetaphysicalPoetry #MetaphysicalPoem #Symbolism #SymbolicPoetry #MementoMori
Life is mute – its tonguecut out by the hands of All. Mind chatters incessantly – boundas tight as the curse of Time. Her fingers caress three skulls –cigarette burns surround herpalms… I feel the same onmy lips, tongue: Death seeps, drips into the deep waterrising above six feet:jackets are required, suitsso we don’t appear naked. I crawled back intothe tomb out of whichI first issued:…
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sbb13 · 3 years
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There it is again, that F u n n y F e e l i n g Inktober day 10 . . . #inktober #inktoberday10 #boburnham #boburnhaminside #inside #thatfunnyfeeling #wewereoverdue #7moretogo #ink #october #art #illustration #micronpen #technology #globalwarming #waterrising https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7j4_9F-7i/?utm_medium=tumblr
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keep-it-authentic · 6 years
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You can DRASTICALLY cut down your carbon footprint & save precious water supplies just by choosing to live a plant-based lifestyle. 🌱 By doing so you help ensure that vital crop resources are fed to people, rather than livestock. 🌍 With the abundance of plant-based options presently available to us, it has never been easier to eat with our planet in mind. 🌏 It’s a beautiful feeling to be in alignment with nature. To eat for our planet & to care for it! 🌎 I went plant-based for the animals, environment & my health. And you can do it too! Please don’t be discouraged, EVERY STEP COUNTS! It’s a win-win-win situation!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Do you support eating with our planet in mind? 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 #bananabearg #carbonfootprint #globalwarming #globalwarmingisreal #climatechange #water #waterrising #icemelting #factoryfarming @leonardodicaprio #makesmallchanges #makeadifference #nature #plantbased #vegan #eco #meatlessmonday #environment #planetearth #home https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn0rWWgHVBy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q32sz7j9au
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lisaliebtbuecher-de · 3 years
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(Werbung unbezahlt) Huhu zusammen, Seit ihr auch Cover Käufer? Dieses Schmuckstück ist bei mir eingezogen, weil ich das Cover soooo schön finde und dann spielt es in London was will man mehr? Wir sind später endlich mal wieder Fotos machen und ich freue mich schon wahnsinnig. Ich wünsche euch allen einen wunderschönen Sonntag, lasst es euch gut gehen. #londonshaw #waterrising #fluchtindietiefe #bookshelfie #bookaholic #buchliebe #bücherliebe #Bookstagrammergermany #lieblingsbücher #booknerd #büchernerd #buchblogger #bookstagram #instaread #leseratte #bookblogger #Bookstagrammer #instabook #booklover #bücherwelt #bookmerch #bookfeatures #büchersüchtig #book #photooftheday (hier: Wiesental (Baden)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbk203s0cL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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baltimoreben · 6 years
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Smith ‘18 #bnwphoto #bnwphotography #bnw #landscape_captures #seatown #smalltown #chesapeake #bay #artisticphotography #pylons #waterrising #eastcoast (at Smith Island, Maryland)
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matteohudson · 5 years
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Now Listening: Oceans - The Sun And The Cold. #oceans #oceansthesunandthecold #thesunandthecold #wearethestorm #dark #paralyzed #takethecrown #shadows #legionsarise #polaris #truthservedforcefed #waterrising #hope #2020 #2020album #heavymetal #nowlistening #nowplaying https://www.instagram.com/p/B7RXmPcCjpE/?igshid=v5xnob9u2lyu
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gerardbillet · 5 years
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Marcus Jansen : « Stop, Look and Listen »: Water Rising, Interior under water, Blue Blood, Pig with Target, Faceless Neighbor, Phone Infiltration 3, Manneken Pis II. #galeriemagdadanysz #marcusjansen #stoplookandlisten #waterrising #blueblood #phoneinfiltration #mannekenpis #peinture #paintings #instapic #photoofthedays #parismaville (à Galerie Magda Danysz) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NewMziOvf/?igshid=19jxfnq2yh3ol
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
how do dion gisu and morris tell people they're dating?
Well, Milla knows, because even though Morris didn't outright say it when he went to her for advice, she's clever enough to intuit what's going on and respectful enough to not tell anyone.
Dion's still working out how to tell his parents, because he's not entirely sure how to say it. Oh, he's pretty sure they won't outright disapprove, but he's still anxious about it anyway.
Everyone figures that Dion & Gisu are still all over each other, and whatever drama was going on between Dion and Morris has been resolved, so nobody's really digging into anything.
Norma finds out when, while looking for Gisu to get her help on an assignment, she finds Gisu & Morris having a picnic atop the waterrise, unambiguously flirting and holding hands. But,,, maybe it's nothing. Maybe Norma should mind her own business. She's trying to do better now, after all, and the last time she snitched didn't go well—
It doesn't go well this time, either.
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bethkipps · 7 years
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Prayers for Houston #harvey #waterrising #flood #prayers #mytexasfriends #wolfpack #houston #fashiononashoestring (at Houston, Texas)
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mikeunrueartst · 7 years
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Firesky original sold matted prints available for just $15 plus shipping #surreal #surrealart #surrealismartcommunity #artmarketer #artmarket #artprintsforsale #artprints #darkart #sorcery #darkangel #darkfantasy #fantasyart #angelwings #imagination #contrast #contrastart #moon #ethereal #etherealart #water #rising #heavens #waterrising #heavenlyart #drawing #coloredpencil #coloredpencilart #dream #dreamworld #liveapsychedeliclife
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