#We buy houses in Connecticut
micadamllc · 9 months
Know About Adam Negri of MicAdam LLC
We're here to provide you with assistance! I'm Adam Negri, and I have a wealth of experience spanning over three decades in the realms of Commercial, Residential, and Investment Real Estate. My true passion lies in helping homeowners in Fairfield navigate the buying and selling process, and I also specialize in collaborating with investors to help them expand their real estate portfolios. With a background deeply rooted in home remodeling and a prominent presence as a Real Estate Broker in Connecticut's Gold Coast, I'm uniquely equipped to assist my clients in successfully closing even the most challenging deals.
Our streamlined approach to home buying encompasses a wide range of options, including direct cash purchases, straightforward sales, lease options, subject-to-existing-mortgages, land trusts, leasing options, owner financing, and no-money-down transactions. Thanks to my extensive experience, I possess a comprehensive understanding of the legal aspects associated with real estate contracts. This allows me to structure deals in eight different ways, whether it's for a purchase or sale. The key ingredient I need? Flexible individuals ready to collaborate!
Contact us at our website.
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stevetonyweekly · 5 months
SteveTony Weekly - Jan 21st - Week 3
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Here’s everything I read this week! I hope you find something you enjoy! 
Hello. I've Been Waiting by j_gabrielle
Non-powered AU where Steve and Tony are in their late 20s and were high school sweethearts, married a year after their graduation - as Steve had wanted to save and then use his own money to buy Tony a ring. Though it hurt him to let Steve go to join the army, Tony knew it would have hurt both of them even more if Steve had stayed at home, miserable. They skype when they can, send emails (and the occasional letter because Steve is old fashioned that way - although Tony will never admit the amount of glee that fills him at seeing the physical envelope in his mailbox), and keep in touch as much as possible.
But there are still the long periods of time when there is no contact, and Tony can't help but worry and fret terribly about his husband overseas. One such period of time, Steve and Tony's friends (Bucky, Rhodey, the rest of the avengers, ya know), are surprised to get a group email from Steve - but happy at seeing that the reason: Steve is coming home early from his tour and wants to surprise Tony.
arei’s thoughts: I’m a sucker for Steve surprises Tony with a military homecoming. Short and sweet and lovely. 
A ghost for Christmas by gottalovev 
When she died, Peggy left Steve an old house in Connecticut. When he decides to spend Christmas there, Steve finds out that it's already inhabited... by a very handsome and kind of annoying ghost.
arei’s thoughts: this was so cute and the way that Rhodey came into it was really great. Loved it. 
Something On My Mind by Thahire
During a team game of Never Have I Ever, Tony finds out that Steve has done—some things with men.
Things spiral from there.
arei’s thoughts: tony finding out about steve’s sexual past in a game with the team is a pretty niche trope and one i absolutely adore. Loved this. 
Arrangements by Neverever 
Tony has a no-strings attached, no-personal information, all-sex relationship with Steve. But things can change, can't they?
arei’s thoughts: FWB that doesn’t stay FWB is always a lot of fun. 
Magical Moments by Becci_chan
It hadn’t been Steve’s best idea when he’d asked Tony to go with him to the Christmas market. Steve had only needed someone to keep him company, because sometimes crowded places still made him nervous. And because he liked Tony. A lot.
arei’s thoughts: it’s pure Christmas fluff. Plus, you know, Steve not knowing he’s head over heels for Tony is always fun. 
Teeny Tiny OctoTony by MountainRose
Tony finds something in a HYDRA base, and it's about four inches tall and has a goatee.
And tentacles.
arei’s thoughts: i’m a big fan of tony as a octopus. They’re so smart?? And this one’s telepathic-ish bond with his octo counterpart was adorable! 
All Roads Lead To by Anonymous
After Obadiah's betrayal, Tony hides in the depths of the Midwest to become a mechanic.
The Avengers come into his life anyway.
arei’s thoughts: I love the idea that some things are inevitable, and how this team came together was lovely. 
Beyond Imagination by nakurumok
Tony swears he is fine. Really.
Sure, he was injured in the battle (only slightly), his suit was shut down after he was hit by some magical beam, crashed into the ground and lost conscious for nearly a day. But he is fine. Totally. Unquestionably.
Except, if he would admit it, he feels like he had gone through a few rounds of boxing with Hulk, while without the suit. He feels dizzy, and the ground seems floating under his every step and his head hurts like hell. But despite all of these, he is fine.
… and has he mentioned he sees Captain America, who should only exist in the comics, standing in his kitchen?
arei’s thoughts: The way things came out slowly and then all at once was lovely. It was clear that something was wrong, but how it played out was just--so nice. 
we pick ourselves undone by laramara
It might appear that award-winning surgeon Tony Stark, the head of neurosurgery at Shield Hospital, well and truly has his life together. Now if he could only figure out how to tell people that his father, world class neurosurgeon Howard Stark, is locked away in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s, devise a way to get Chief Fury off his back for good, and work out what the hell he’s going to do about the weird on-again-off-again thing he has going with the head of cardio, he’d finally have everything sorted.
arei’s thoughts: I loved the setting of this and the softness between Tony and Steve in contrast to everything around them. So well done. 
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Moving update
I'm grateful to the folks checking in on me and @crowtoed and thought I'd drop a quick update.
We're almost done putting all non-essentials in storage. The many bins are an investment in case we have to do this again. (I have already started researching shipping containers for an overseas move.) I'm going to buy storage unit insurance this week because I have more valuables stowed away than standard homeowners will cover.
My storage unit is almost the same size as the moving truck, which makes it easy to guage if I have to purge/store anything that won't fit. I'm going to hire the biggest trailer from upack.com when it's time to leave. The prices are amazing - less than $4k to move to Connecticut.
The Florida realtor (a condo expert) is viewing my place tomorrow, and with her advice, we'll start on final repairs/refreshes (this place is 23 years old, about when things like windows and tile get rather iffy). My mother graciously gifted me money to cover the majority of the fixes. This move would be a lot harder without her help.
Mom is also letting us stay short-term in her MiL suite a few towns over, so we can sell my condo asap. That means we don't have to worry about timing the purchase of the new house with closing on the old. Plus, I should have a few paychecks rent-free I can sock away / apply towards mutual aid.
We're hoping the condo sells by June or so. Once that happens, I'll use some of the funds towards old debt to nudge my credit rating ever closer to 800 (it's 778 rn, a multi-year project as I used to be in the 400s). Most of the rest of the money will be earmarked for a generous down payment on the new home.
We're still looking in Connecticut and have a realtor there as well. If it's possible, we can afford to fly up a few times to check out houses. The realtor told us our budget for what we want (1500sq ft or larger) is totally doable. The housing market there is weirdly reasonable.
Work is incredibly kind and has said if I need more than 2 weeks to move, I can take whatever time I need. I am fully remote now and blessed to be part of such a progressive company.
We still have some household and personal things to sell, but it's more out of "I no longer like/need this" than an urgent need for money. But thank you to everyone who has offered cash. It means so much to us to have such a strong safety net. If this happened even 5 years ago, we'd have been up shit creek.
Once we close on the new house, we'll drive up asap to move in. This is when we'll know our route and we'll connect with folks along it who have offered to be pitstops for us and the cats. The moving truck will meet us there in 5-7 business days after we leave Orlando.
My HRT Rx also got renewed for 6 months, and with my current stash + a little rationing, I shouldn't have any interruption with my shots, even if pharmacies start refusing me come July.
We're hoping to be all settled in the new home come October, but are dependant on the housing market. But we're stacking as many chips in our favor as we can.
Again, thank you, thank you to everyone who has reached out. I'll update again when something major changes.
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 7 months
Do you miss Connecticut? Would you return someday?
Hello @thethirdman8
The word "miss" actually needs a reason. It is lighter than a feather and heavier than a rock. (Diamond grade stones. lol)
▪︎ What is lighter than a feather?
It doesn't kidnap your emotions. For example: With the imagination of the creator, you don't need to buy a ticket or apply for a visa, you can fly to the place you want immediately. It's very free and independent, I need this kind of motivation to miss it.
▪︎ What does it mean to be heavier than a stone?
It will stabilize your emotions, be as solid as the cornerstone of a house and will not collapse, and make you want to own it as bright and long-lasting as a diamond. For example: learning new knowledge and skills, just like the last time I wanted to know what art there is in New York, USA, that is not available in Taiwan, "Stay hungry, stay foolish." ─ Steve Jobs. It must inspire my enterprising spirit. Only my heart and determination to take risks for my dreams can breed my longing.
▪︎ Therefor, there are no plans at the moment, although my professors and scholarship sponsors have been writing to me asking me to go back; if I want to travel, I won't rule it out in the future, but who knows? At our age, we all know: Nothing in this world is possible or impossible in everything. The will with mindset should all be locked in "timing". But when it comes to studying art, my plan is to go to Europe. The art world in the United States really needs a lot of breakthroughs and efforts. The economic market in the United States is too sluggish. What I see is that only well-known artists at the top of the pyramid are taken care of. Other artists also have a hard life. If it is for art, I have no reason to go to Connecticut USA again.
🙂 Thanks for your questions do help me for thinking of my future & review past of my life. above report.
📿 May you have a precious and healthy year-end 🙏
Chu Lan~*
12. 12. 2023
PS. I think you should know the places in the photo. ��
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thislovintime · 11 months
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Photo 2 by Anne Thorkelson; photo 3 courtesy of Written In Our Hearts on Facebook.
"My little sister doesn’t even think of me as her brother any more — she thinks of me as a TV star.” - Peter Tork, TV Guide, 1967
“I read in one magazine that Peter thinks I don’t think of him as my brother any more, I think of him as a star. Well it’s true I think of him as a star, but I do think of I’m as a brother too and a very nice one. Peter is the kind of person I’m sure every one who likes excitement would like to live with. He likes to play guitar a lot and will do most of the things you want him to. If you want to get him a gift, Peter likes good books, and groovy shirts like the one on the cover of ‘Last Train to Clarksville’ single. Peter is good at imitations like W. C. Fields. […] He can do Donald Duck too.” - Anne Thorkelson, 16 Spec, Summer 1967
“Peter ran away from home twice. This happened when he was three years old and lived in Detroit. The first time, he ran away from home to get out of going to nursery school; the second time, he ran away to go to New York. He didn’t make it that trip, but he finally did many years later. [...] Peter’s very first ambition was to dismantle our phonograph, and unhappily he did with great speed and great thoroughness. Peter’s first job was as a paper boy. None of us, including Peter, remember how much he made. He was always liberal when it came to money — and he still is. Peter loved to start clubs when he was growing up. He founded the Wild Goose Club in Madison and the Tiger Club in Mansfield Center. In the Tiger Club, all the members had code names Peter’s was ‘Phantom Tiger’ (P. T. — get it?).” - Nick Thorkelson, The Monkees: Here We Are (1967)
“Peter likes people around him. His old house had been too small to accommodate his many friends and acquaintances, so he had decided to buy a bigger one. The new house is almost too beautiful to describe, but I’ll try. Peter’s home sits on the side of a mountain, facing the valley, and on a clear day you can see all of Los Angeles from his terrace. It’s a truly breathtaking view. The shrubbery surrounding the grounds and the pool is a sort of desert brush, and there are orange and lemon trees growing on the side of ‘his’ mountain! The inside of the house is something else again. There are a total of 14 rooms, seven bathrooms including a sauna bath — and there are five fireplaces! Peter had one room made soundproof for those loud jam sessions musicians are known to have! During our two-weeks visit with Peter (which, by the way, was our first trip to California), we had a wonderful time. There was never a dull moment. We had barbecues on the patio, pool parties, and we went just about everywhere! Peter took us to Disneyland for an entire day, to the famed Coconut Grove nightclub, to Whiskey A Go Go, and we even went dancing at the Factory — a private club where all the stars hang out! But, of course, the nicest part of the whole trip was being able to spend so much time with Peter. The days seemed to just whiz by, and pretty soon it was time for us to leave California and go home. The last thing I remember was Peter shouting, ‘See you all soon!’ — as we boarded the plane that would take us back to Connecticut. After a few weeks, everything returned to normal. Then, late one August night — the eve of my 16th birthday, to be exact — my sister Anne heard a noise in the driveway. She went to the window and saw a strange car pull up. Before she had time to wonder who it was, out popped Peter! What a surprise — and what a birthday present! Peter was so exhausted after his trip from California that he fell asleep on our living room couch — moments after he entered the house! The next morning at breakfast, Peter was the first to wish me a happy birthday. Then he told me that his gift for me — a bright red MG-TF sports car — would be arriving in a few days! That nearly knocked me for a loop, and I couldn’t believe my ears! In Connecticut, we are allowed to drive at 16 years of age — and needless to say, that car was the greatest birthday gift I ever received! But Peter had a couple of additional surprises in store for us. He was wearing a beautiful silk shirt which he had especially made in Hollywood. And since my brother Nicky and I admired it so much — he reached into his suitcase and gave us each one! Anne was right there with her handy camera to take pictures of ‘The Three Musketeers’!” - Christopher Thorkelson, 16 Spec, Summer 1969
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
ganging up on mackie with his sisters and your all teasing him
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Sorry i know this is short, I hope you love it, i decided to make it for Christmas i hope that's okay🤍
Warning: Teasing
word count: 600
Mackie and I went to Connecticut to spend Christmas with his family. Mackie and I have been dating for over a year now, we both met during our freshman year at Michigan, we were sitting next to each other in one of our classes, we just clicked.
When Mackie asked me to spend Christmas with him and his family I said yes immediately. I already met his family, his parents were the sweetest and his sisters and I talk a few times a week. 
His parents picked us up at the airport it was already 9 p.m.
“Oh honey, it’s so good to see you again” his mom said hugging me, before going and hugging Mackie. I gave his dad a hug before they help us putting our luggage in the car.
“The girls are excited to see you both” his mom said when we were on our way to the house.
“I can’t wait to see them” I said excitedly 
Mackie looked at me and smiled. He was happy I was close with his family. His family means everything to him, and you met everything to him. 
Once we got to the house we went to the trunk to get our luggage when Maddy and melissa ran up to me and hugged me happily
“we missed you” they both said before letting go of the hug.
“wow, I feel the love” Mackie said with his hand on his heart
“We missed you too Mackie” melissa said before they gave him a hug.
“Come on let’s all go inside” his dad said
We all made our way into the house. Mackie and I made our way to his room to bring our luggage.
It was 2 days before Christmas, thankfully I had already bought presents for everyone they were hidden in my suitcase.
Once we got done unpacking our stuff, Mackie helped me bring the presents downstairs to the Christmas tree.
“Oh honey you didn’t have to buy us anything” his mom said when she saw the presents.
“Patty, I know you guys also bought me something, and I love shopping for the ones I love” I replied she gave me a smile
“Is that why we have more presents than Mackie? Because you love us more?” Melissa said making us all laugh while Mackie pouted
“Hey, she loves me more than you” Mackie said
“ehh, debatable” I said he put his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt.
“you know I love you” I said giving him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah, just not more than us” Maddy said making us laugh
“I should have known this was going to happen when I introduced her” Mackie said shaking his head making me chuckle.
“come on everyone let’s get to bed, it’s late and tomorrow is Christmas” His mom said we all said are good nights and made our way to bed.
Mackie and I both got dressed in our pjs. Mackie made his way on his side of the bed before I got in on the other side. Mackie pulled me into his chest.
“I’m really happy you agreed to come home with me for Christmas, even if you and my sister always tease me.” He said kissing my forehead, making me chuckle.
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be” I said smiling up at him.
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evilbonehag · 9 months
My Sort of Polished Timeline for Norman Osborn’s Descent Into Madness, Mischief and other general Goblinness- All My Bullshit Beneath the Cut
• “if you give them your everything, they will hate you for it” NORMAN OSBORN WHO GAVE EVERY PIECE OF HIMSELF- who tried to be everything, who tried to be a good son, a good husband, and in turn a good father but could not. Norman who gives too little too late- “please come sit with me, I know it’s late-“ “dad I have homework” Norman who tried and tried to love through distance (it was his father’s love) HOW ELSE CAN A FATHER LOVE (CAN A FATHER LOVE AT ALL?!)
• Repression. Try being severely mentally ill and a homosexual in the 70’s (HA! MONEY WON’T SAVE YOU!) You go out in drag in college and hope no one knows its Norman Fucking Osborn, son of that Connecticut Republican Senator who wants to increase military spending. You fuck your roommate in secret, you can’t tell him you love him because “Norman I never liked that Octavius boy, his parents are immigrants aren’t they-?” You’re just not that kind of guy. You’re experimenting, you’ll probably settle with a nice Catholic girl someday. You have a project to finish.
• Oscorp. You know nothing about money, about business- (You don’t need to honey, it’s Daddy’s dollar anyway!) You just want to show them- show them what visions of flight and fear filled your head as a child, scribbles on a notebook page brought to life in steel and chrome. The glider, the suit, the mask. (They’ll take your dreams if they can pay you for them- PEOPLE ARE DYING FOR IT NORMAN, THAT IS WHO PAYS FOR YOUR DREAMS OF FLIGHT)
Icarus falls.
• Octavius doesn’t believe in you anymore. Harry is three and you’re newly divorced. Dad won’t keep backing your company if you don’t have something to show for it. You work harder than you ever have in your life to get this shit to take off. (you don’t want this- Norman, NORMAN, you wanted to fly remember?)
• Harry is 16. Dad is long dead. Oscorp has become more than you ever hoped (more than you wanted). The military is applying pressure- you just want to succeed. You will get this to work if it kills y-
• Spots in your memory. Harry seems fine. You don’t see him often. Who is that in the mirror?
• You have a wall of masks in your apartment. A very private joke- you always loved Halloween. Masks are important to you (You always loved to hide from the world, Norman) (FRIGHTENED CHILD) Someone is speaking to you again (a friend) Stromm? Emily? Otto? (No. Your oldest friend) You don’t see Harry anymore.
• When you were a child you saved all your money to buy the most terrifying Halloween mask you could find at the drugstore- green and evil looking, with yellow eyes. Your mother recalls that you wouldn’t take it off, “You scared me so badly, you cried and screamed if I tried to take it from you- I thought I’d get a call from the neighbors, you made it sound like I was hurting you, Norman” Kids in your class picked on you and you wanted to scare them for Halloween. Something about your mask made your feel safe. Your father took it and hid it from you after the holiday.
• You get kicked from Oscorp by your own fucking board of directors. Final nail in the coffin. (Give them everything and they will hate you anyway) WHERE IS HARRY?
• There’s a boy in a mask swinging around outside- saving New York, they say.
• You’re fine. Harry has a girlfriend now (She looks like her- she’ll hurt him she’ll hurt our boy) you like his friend Peter, his aunt is lovely. You almost all look like a family. (Harry is gone from you, you’re ruining everything, he knows you favor his friend, you FUCKED UP, your son is LEAVING) No. Wrong. Not gone-
• Spider-Man, hero of New York City We know exactly where Harry went.
• Harry’s playing around- Harry’s run away, out past sundown- (then who’s the ghost of a boy walking around the apartment?) (NO, WHO IS THE BOY IN THE MASK WHO WILL NOT LISTEN?! A BOY WHO WEARS A MASK JUST LIKE HIS FATHER) He has to learn, we have to teach him what it means to GIVE AWAY EVERYTHING and for what? For a city, for a girl who will both break his heart?
• Break his heart and bring him home
We wear our masks to hide them from us and to hide us from them
• Harry is home. Harry is home and we did not see it. Who is Spider-Man?
• You find out you were wrong- maybe this friend, older than all the others is wrong- dangerous- We neglected our son- You neglected your son for a week chasing a delusional fantasy. Harry does not wear a mask like you do. (HARRY IS NOT A COWARD LIKE HIS FATHER) Harry cannot be Spider-Man. Harry lost his girl to Peter Parker and cried for his father alone, HIS FATHER WHO WAS NOT THERE
“I have to rectify certain inequities.”
• make it up to him now. Find Peter Parker.
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stevenose · 10 months
Reader being like omg I’m so in love with you in Capture is SO REAL like 😭😭 Steve can be all mean and gross and pervy and enjoying the role of ‘captor’ way too much and honestly any friends would be concerned for u @ his behaviour in bed JSJFKDKS but also when he gets gross like that it’s like let’s get married and buy a waterfront home in Connecticut close to the farmer’s market so I can feed u and our family whole foods and yes let’s have a million kids and yes let’s have a golden retriever and yeah we should get a country club subscription and and what’s your favourite dessert? I’m making that every day yes ok ok good plan I LOVE HIM SM AND ILY FOR BRINGING HIM TO LIFE
when he gets mean and gross and perverted what he is trying to say is like. “i am forever in your debt for being loved by you. and i will do anything in my power to take care of you. including purchasing a 7 bedroom 1920s house on a lake in maine and a boat to take the kids on. you will have weekly spa days. you will not lift a finger. also i ordered takeout from your favorite place and i got us drinks. here’s my credit card do whatever you want with it”
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 5 months
The Cask of Manhasset ~ RANPOE~
Part I - We're Moving!?
{1,203 words}
“Ranpo, Kyu, Elise! Come down here please, we have something we need to discuss with you.” My Dad’s voice echoes up from downstairs, the dining room probably, so that’s where I go. 
Sure enough, Dad and Papa are sitting at the dining table. I already know what they will say, but I wonder how they will break the news. There’s a stack of atlases in front of Dad, the ones I asked him to buy me when I figured it out.
I squirm in my seat, my fingers moving of seemingly their own accord to create a rhythm on the tabletop, impatiently waiting for them to just say it already.
A few seconds later Kyu and Elise come running into the dining room, Elise sitting in Papa’s lap and Kyu in Dad’s.
At last, Dad begins, “So as Ranpo already knows, Rin and I have gotten a new job. I’m going to be teaching at a university in the northern United States of America, in New England, the state of Connecticut. Rin has acquired a job with the cardiology department of a nearby hospital. I’m sure you’ve gathered by now that we will have to move.”
Kyu’s eyes widen, Papa reaches over and strokes their hair, “I know this is a lot for you, but Yuki and I have already arranged everything, including the new house and your new school, Manhasset Manor Academy. It’s a kindergarten through grade 12 academy, so all of you will be going to the same school together, how exciting!”
Despite Papa’s genuine attempt at enthusiasm, Elise looks less than pleased, “Oh, of course, you spring this on us now! When do we go? Is the food good, what about the uniform?”
“Calm down dear, the school sent us informational packets and brochures, for each of you and you can read them and look on the website as soon as we’re done here. And as for when we’ll be going, well term begins in August, and Rin and I have to do some prep work before then so we’ll be moving in two weeks.” He gives me a small smile. Dad covers Kyu’s ears in anticipation of Elise’s explosion.
“WHATT!!?? Two weeks! Another country, What do you mean two---”
“Elise-chan, please calm yourself. The movers are coming to pack and move all of our furniture tomorrow, they’ll ship it over so we’ll already have it when we get there. Besides we’ve already made our decision, the paperwork has been filed for your transfer, so you may kick and scream all you want, in your room.”
Papa pats my upset sister’s head, “My dearest darling daughter, we truly are sorry for telling you this now but we figured it was best to wait, for this very reason, we didn’t want to have you worrying for weeks and weeks. There’s plenty of time to say goodbye to your friends, you can have playdates with all of them every day this week if they’re free. And since you’re so young I’m sure you’ll make plenty of new friends in America, you speak wonderful English after all.”
I translate in my head: Sorry this is out of the blue, but we didn’t want to hear you whine for two months.
I sigh when I hear Papa’s idea of compensation, hoping said playdates will be at the other friends’ houses.
I tune out the rest of Elise’s complaints as she stomps upstairs, instead flipping through the Atlases Dad pushes across the table to me. There are four. Three of the whole United States, a geographical one, an industrial one and one meant for tourists, and then one just of Connecticut with all three of those things. I’m about to take my prizes to my room but Dad stops me.
“Ranpo, we have one more thing, Rin’s idea actually, and brilliant, if you ask me.”
Papa blushes at Dad’s comment, “I just thought, you know since you adore shiny things so much . . .” He pulls two large binders and a third, smaller one, “These are for you to collect the United States Quater Dollar coins. Most of them have George Washington on them but they make special ones there, indicating national parks, the different states and famous American women. I thought you might enjoy collecting them.” I can feel how wide my smile is, and he continues explaining, smiling at the confirmation that his gift is liked, “Each page is for a different quarter, it has information and a little pocket for it to go in when you find it. I figured with how much candy you buy you’ll fill these up in no time.”
Dad smiles, “I think you’ll find you like America. They have many Holidays dedicated especially to candy: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas, well, that’s more desserts but still. And Halloween in America is for all ages, you might be a touch too old for trick or treating but I’m sure if when the time comes you take Elise and Kyu, you can get some sweets as well.”
(A/N: America has SOO MANY holidays related to desserts, here’s a list: Dessert Holidays - National Today)
“Sweet!” I laugh at my horrid pun.
I’m not scared of America at all, I can’t stop smiling as I take my books and binders upstairs. I’ll have to pack them away soon but I can still enjoy them for a bit.
I do have some American money sent to me by an online friend, whom I haven’t talked to in ages after they suddenly stopped answering me, but it’s just a 100-dollar bill and some quarters, none of which fit the criteria for the map. I keep them safely away anyway, already anxious to leave for their land of origin.
(A/N: since 100 yen is so little (about 0.69 US Dollars) Ranpo has no idea that 100 dollars is a significant amount. Is anyone surprised, I mean he doesn’t know how to ride a train.)
I wake up to the sound of my alarm! EWWW!!! 
“I thought I unplugged you!” I yell at it as I turn it off.
“You did.” I jump, I hadn’t heard my father’s steps over my alarm, “I’m the one who plugged it back in, but it’s only for today. The movers will be here after lunch, they’re going to do the big packing and load out boxes into their truck but you need to put away all of your smaller items. I’ll be helping your siblings but if you need help with breakable ones Rin is packing away the kitchen items.”
He looks surprised but goes on his way anyway.
It’s true, normally I’d hate doing something like this, but this isn’t cleaning, it’s packing, this is an adventure and I can’t wait to get started.
I finish fairly quickly, until only my shampoo and conditioner (which we’ll have to throw out when we leave), my toiletries and the clothes I can fit into my two suitcases are left. The emptiness is strangely satisfying.
Elise, Kyu and I have lunch out on the patio as the movers pack our lives into their trucks. I smile at the thought of part of me being in America before I am. Elise doesn’t share my sentiment and scowls at her omurice, poking it angrily with her fork.
I bet she’ll change her mind.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
I was able to read most of the comments on the birthday post for Elta before it was deleted as there is more than is showing here on tumblr. My question is do you still believe there is going to be a divorce? I have a feeling there will be more so now especially with the condo being sold. He seems unusually quiet at the moment.
Hello Anon thank you for the ask. So a lot of people have been asking me about this lately and have been wondering why on Earth he bought the house in CT and whatnot. I myself did read a lot of the comments on the Instagram post. I also did reach out to that guy who made the comments about Danneel doing black magic and have been in contact with him for example and another who talked about Danneel coming up with some good captions for this post ha ha. Someone told me months ago they asked their attorney uncle if it's easier to divorce in Connecticut than in Texas and he said much easier actually. Now, I suspect that Danneel is who really wanted this house more than Jensen did but as others have said, it seems that after you sell a house you have about 6 months or so to buy another house before you get taxed for the equity you walk away with after the house closing or so called "paying taxes on capital gains". It is my understanding that when the offer was placed on the CT house it had been about this 6 months time period in which their offer was placed on the house to abide by this 180 days period after they had sold their Telluride property in November 2022. As for why Jensen is so quiet, I don't know. If you are so inclined to mention some of the Instagram comments, that psychic guy did tell me via PM "disaster is coming" for Danneel (is said to be health and financially related) and is said to happen around May or June according to his guides and visions he received. We also know that Jensen is currently named in The Winchesters lawsuit and also was named as a witness in Alec Baldwin's trial coming up later this year. I am aware the next conference/meeting for The Winchesters lawsuit Danneel and Jensen were named in is happening July 23.
Jensen was never very big on spilling all of the juicy details on his personal life but I am pretty sure that his silence isn't for so called "positive" reasons if you catch my drift. I suppose we will eventually find out at some point.
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micadamllc · 9 months
Navigating the Journey: Selling Your Property in Real Estate
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The decision to sell a property is a significant one, often marked by a blend of emotions – excitement, anticipation, and perhaps a touch of nostalgia. Whether you're upgrading, downsizing, or relocating, the real estate journey can be both rewarding and challenging. In this blog, we'll walk you through the essential steps to successfully sell your property in the real estate market.
1. Set Clear Objectives
Begin by defining your goals. What are your reasons for selling? Are you looking for a quick sale, or can you afford to wait for the right offer? Knowing your objectives will guide your decisions throughout the process.
2. Price It Right
Determining the right price for your property is crucial. Overpricing can discourage potential buyers, while underpricing may lead to financial losses. Research the local market, analyze recent sales in your area, and consider hiring a professional appraiser or real estate agent to help you set the right price.
3. Prepare Your Property
First impressions matter. Ensure your property is in its best possible condition. Start with minor repairs, decluttering, and staging to highlight its best features. A well-maintained property not only attracts more buyers but also justifies a higher asking price.
4. Choose the Right Real Estate Agent
If you decide to work with a real estate agent, choose one with a strong track record in your local market. A knowledgeable agent can provide valuable insights, marketing expertise, and help negotiate offers. They will be your partner throughout the selling process.
5. Market Strategically
Your property needs to reach the right audience. Your agent will develop a marketing strategy that includes online listings, professional photos, open houses, and potentially even virtual tours. Make sure your property is presented in its best light to capture potential buyers' attention.
6. Negotiate Offers
Once you start receiving offers, be prepared to negotiate. Your agent can help you navigate this process, ensuring you get the best deal possible. Remember that flexibility can be key to closing the sale.
7. Complete the Necessary Paperwork
Selling a property involves a lot of paperwork, including contracts, disclosures, and inspections. It's essential to stay organized and work closely with your agent to ensure everything is in order.
8. Close the Deal
Finally, it's time to close the deal. The buyer will typically perform a final walkthrough, and then you'll sign the necessary documents at the closing table. Your agent will guide you through this process to ensure a smooth and successful closing.
9. Celebrate Your Success
Selling a property can be a demanding journey, but once the deal is closed, take a moment to celebrate your success. Whether it's upgrading to your dream home or embarking on a new adventure, selling your property is a significant achievement.
In conclusion, selling a property in real estate requires careful planning, effective marketing, and skilled negotiation. By following these steps and working with the right professionals, you can navigate the process successfully and achieve your property selling goals. Contact us to help you sell your property fast!
Good luck on your real estate journey!
Visit our website:
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teamfreewill2pointo · 11 months
I could care less that antis try to use Jensen's words against him in reference to phones on set. Phones in my workplace can be on your person, yet you are not to be used during shooting. You can afterwards. Not rocket science. Same in most workplaces. Haters will hate. My understanding is that the NDA's came right after the tragedy on the Rust set. For legal reasons and trauma reasons, they didn't want any questions to come up about Rust.
I too think Jensen's new house is fascinating, so please continue. It seems like a safe and interesting topic considering the strike. Fun fact, I noted that in the podcast where Rob and Rich mentioned the Ackles move, Rich also commented on some custom furniture maker that was a friend of his. He said that Jensen's wife, Danneel was into the same artist. Interested in whether they are commissioning any new furniture pieces for this massive house?
I also don't think he had his phone on him when he was doing the fight scenes in his suit, but the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. J2 are clearly over it. Fandom haters are the only ones still fighting about it.
I did a lot of remodeling of my house recently, and I'm totally relandscaping my yard, so I've been watching a bunch of videos and reading a bunch of blog posts on remodels. I'm also close with some people who are doing remodeling, so I've been looking at what they are doing, and what works and what doesn't work.
A lot of my family members have purchased new homes within the past few years, and I'm at the age where we go on tours of our new houses and talk about various problems we've been having and give each other suggestions.
I've never seen Unsellable Houses, but when I was purchasing my home, I spent a lot of time looking at blogs about that show and similar pieces of media, so I could look at what people selling the houses were doing to make their houses seem more appealing to the market. Also, I wanted to get an idea about what sort of things people were looking at when buying houses, so I could have a better idea of what price points the house was likely be sold at.
People have this idea that house renovations have to be extensive in order for it to get a much higher price point, but shows like that show that the Ackles could make small minor changes, but earn a huge profit on the house if they knew what they were doing.
I love their use of reclaimed wood in their lake house.
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One of the first things I did in my house was to tear out all the carpet and replace it with a light oak to brighten up the space.
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The use of the brighter color here should lighten up the space, especially in contrast with the dark wood.
The first thing I noticed with the Connecticut house is that it's going to be a lot of work to landscape, and in my opinion, needs some serious landscaping done, especially because they're going to lose some of their privacy once those parcels have houses built upon them. I don't know if they've done much landscaping work before, but it'll be interesting to see what they do there, if they choose to share with us.
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smallerplaces · 7 months
Tribute: Gray Mansard Dollhouse
I've listed it on Facebook Marketplace, and I feel a mix of grief and relief.
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My mother used to recklessly buy dollhouse kits at antique stores and yard sales. When I was living in Arizona, I started a thing where I'd fly out for a 3- or 4-day visit just to build a dollhouse. This was the second one we did. It's built from an XL Machine "Petite Dreams Deluxe" kit, which is a mirror-image of the RGT Alison Jr. I believe it came with a lot of the trim already painted. Mom furnished it in a frontier style.
When Dad and I sold, gave away, and donated the very large quantity of dollhouses Mom had accumulated, I'd kept this one because it went with my bedroom, it offered a lot of space on a non-sprawling footprint, and I figured I'd have one 1:12 dollhouse to furnish with keepsake items I'd bought in Connecticut.
Then three things happened:
Dad found me the kit for my grail house, the Walmer "Mulberry Lane."
I kept trying and failing to furnish and decorate this house in my own style, and it always felt wrong.
I started resenting this house and missing my IKEA wall shelf house.
I'm selling it partly furnished, both to make it easier on the buyer and to move along some furniture pieces I think are cute but don't actually want to own.
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I feel very good about this house leaving, but also like I'm drawing a line under something that I hadn't previously admitted was finished.
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petervintonjr · 3 months
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Continuing with some amazing women's biographies this month, today we look at the life of Sarah Boone. While details of her early life are scant, it is at least known that she was originally born to enslaved parents in 1832 North Carolina, and later married a free Black man, James Boone, in 1847. At some point before the Civil War, the couple and their 8 children --along with Sarah's own mother-- made their way to Connecticut by way of the Underground Railroad.
The Boones settled in New Haven and took jobs; James as a bricklayer and Sarah as a dressmaker --successfully earning enough to be able to buy and own their own house, which was an unusual achievement for a Black couple at the time, even in New England. The Boones became members of the Dixwell Congregational Church and it is assumed that, through this association, Sarah learned to read and write. Sarah's skill as a dressmaker eventually blossomed into full-on business ownership, and at one point she considered the question of how to iron corsets with their curved, tight-fitting contours. Through trial and error Sarah improvised a narrower, curved plank that could slip into sleeves, and would allow for greater freedom of movement with the iron, without producing as many wrinkles or creases. Over time she added padding to the plank to reduce impressions from the iron, and also came up with a method to collapse this curved plank on a hinged platform, for easier storage.
In other words: Sarah invented the modern-day ironing board.
In 1891 Sarah applied for, and received, U.S. Patent #473,653 --making her one of the first* Black women inventors to earn a patent.
Sarah remained in New Haven for the rest of her days and died in 1904. Surviving business records would seem to indicate that Sarah received little in the way of monetary gain, from the mass-commercialization of her invention; nevertheless her work stands as an important prototype, for an ordinary household object that is so familiar and so universal, that it is difficult to imagine a time before it existed.
( * - While details are conflicting, the VERY first Black woman inventor to receive a U.S. patent is popularly assumed to be Judy W. Reed, inventor of an improved dough kneader and roller in 1884 --however Reed's patent application and its associated documents reveal almost nothing about her life or circumstances.)
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marcholasmoth · 9 months
OSRR: 3346
i woke up a bunch last night because i was too hot. it was kinda miserable.
i got up and showered and went to the eye doctor, where we were able to do tests and take images of my eyes so they have reference for what my eyes are like now. they measured my new prescription, and instead of buying new frames that were upwards of $300 each, i grabbed my old glasses from my car that i'd just seen the other day and brought those in. so i didn't have to buy new frames. so that was nice. it still cost me $360 for the lenses, though. very specific attributes. terrible. but i'll be able to see again, even if my right lens will be twice as thick as the left one.
also there's some lattice degeneration in my left eye now, too. so.
there's that.
after the appointment, i went and got indian food with my papa, which was a welcome change from not having lunch and from having to pay for everything myself. so that was nice.
i was also supposed to go see a student today, but he never answered me so i didn't go.
instead i went to walmart and picked up stuff that we needed and wanted at the house.
not much else happened today.
except for my enormous gay panic in the candy aisle at walmart.
a beautiful lady with long hair and an undercut, gauges in her ears, a floor-length black skirt with a slit to her hip with shorts underneath, and a black shirt with bigfoot on it was looking at stuff and i knew i had to say something.
i told her her entire aesthetic is what i live for, and i told her i wondered if her shirt was mothman or bigfoot, and she says "it's both of them!" her shirt had bigfoot mothman, nessie, the chupacabra, and the jersey devil on it. mothman is her favorite, too.
i spoke to her briefly and it turns out she's a tattoo artist with a studio nearby and that she's going to a tattoo convention in connecticut soon and will be putting together a flash sheet of cryptids. i told her she may be seeing me soon. because honestly? a beautiful woman who also loves mothman, who does tattoos? i'm extremely surprised that i was able to hold a conversation with her. honestly it was amazing. i'm pretty proud of myself.
i talked to joel a little today. i told him about the stupid thought i had today, about if you went to colombia and got kidnapped and held hostage by a cartel that that would count as an immersive language experience and you'd end up going home fluent in spanish. sure, at what cost, but it's entertaining for me to think about.
that's all. i'm a little bit bonkers.
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rothjuje · 2 years
The drive to Connecticut was so beautiful, it was Alyssa’s first time seeing mountains.
“Look mom! Those hills are really big!”
Justin stayed with the dog, the twins slept the whole way there, and I got to listen to music and chill for two hours. It was a nice little mental vacation.
When I got back I learned that the movers have a two week window to drop our stuff off. We move the 15th and they have until the 30th to drop it off. I am displeased to learn this.
And I also learned that I can no longer see close up while wearing my glasses. I have to take them off while reading in bed. I thought it was a fluke thing, I’ve been so tired the past month. But I can see perfectly once they’re off. I didn’t realize this happened in your 30s. Or are my eyes just extra old? Sigh. Oh well.
I am pretty effing excited to buy our house tomorrow and be homeowners in Massachusetts! 🥳
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