#We love healthy beauty standards
aboredindividual · 3 months
I've seen a lot of posts and fics that potrayed ,,the most beautiful" omegas having small height, hourglass figure, plump ass, flat belly and big boobs, Which IS perfectly fine. But i also love and propose a new alternative to the beauty standards .
I totally headcannon that the perfect omega will have around 175cm height, plump figure,light skin, strong legs , wide hips and pronounced waist , medium size breasts, round and rosy cheeks, big eyes and long hair. I think that vision comes from the focus of omegas natural ferility and nurturing qualities that the society will try to manifest and accentuate , showing that ,,THIS is the epitome of beauty, that omega willl give you strong and healthy babies".
I also 100% think that this beauty standard will have a cute consequence that when alphas see their mates post partum (who will often have remaining fat belly that looks like another pregnancy) and they go BATSHIT horny about it . And just omegas feeling better about themselves because their mate acts like those boys who got shot by a love laser even after birthing their child 🥺
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Just alpha following their mate around with googly eyes and getting Cute Agression that they can't act on because baby mama is still recovering.
I also think that Mom bod would be a much more common thing that people would envy over.
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kanmom51 · 19 days
This one is kind of personal and a lot mushy
(And as I'm writing this, a bit of a rant as well)
*Be advised.😅
Been a bit.
Well, I was kind of busy. On one of those 'once in a lifetime' trips you take to celebrate a big one, this one being my 30th wedding anniversary.
And while I was on this trip (and I am sure to share some pics, cause why not, seeing we got some spectacular ones) I got to thinking about Jikook. Because, who doesn't think about Jikook on their 30th anniversary trip, right?
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Let's be real for a sec. Who doesn't think about Jikook ALL THE DAMN TIME?
Obsessed much?
Hell yeah!!!😂
Proudly admitting it!!
Look at those two:
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Can you seriously blame me?
Nah, but seriously.
I couldn't help but think about who I am, where I've come from, how my partner and myself came to be, our love and respect for each other, how we fought through everything life swings at you and how our love not only survived all of it but seems to have flourished even more. I can honestly say that I love my husband today even more than I did when we got married. It's a different kind of love. A mature love. A love that survived many trials and tribulations. Some you know of when you tie the knot but many more you don't expect.
And thinking of us I couldn't help but think about those two young men and how they met, what brought them together, how they connected, how they have been through so much together, the hardships, the struggles, the amazingly good and the terribly bad, all making their bond even stronger.
There are those that cannot fathom how 2 young beautiful talented men could be in a committed relationship when they have this whole smorgasbord of beautiful people just wanting to lay a hand on them. Everyone wants a piece of them and here they are in a committed relationship with each other? A long term committed relationship? How ever could that be?
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When you love someone to the core, which is exactly how those two feel (people can deny it all they want, but it won't change the facts, these two have chosen each other every single time over anything and anyone else), when you get to know that one person and fall deeply in love with them, know their ins and outs, know their flaws and issues, seen them at their best and at their worst. When they are happy or sad, healthy or sick, elated or furious, and find them attractive through and through, still want to be by their side.
Need to be by their side.
Want to be there when they are happy, share their joy, but also be there when they are sad or down and stand by their side to support them through it (even with and despite all those flaws and issues and difficulties that at times can also infuriate you and basically make you want to ring their necks at certain points in time) there is no love (between partners) deeper than that.
I do know, we all should, that what they experienced and how they are living cannot be compared to us regular folk. Their circumstances are such that they have to deal not only with an industry and society that deems them as 'wrong' (that includes a big chunk of their own fandom btw), but also a lifestyle that is nothing like the one we know or have experienced. The hours, the cameras in their faces close to 24/7 (up until their break and hiatus and even prior to that during the pandemic - which btw is one of the reasons people have gone mad at that point given we stopped getting an influx of BTS content for such a long time), growing up and maturing in the limelight, enjoying the fame and exposure at first and then fighting for privacy and 'anonymity' when you realize there is a price to that fame. None of us have experienced that. Yes, we can find the similarities and by extension make conclusions about them, but at the same time we always need to remember that their lives are different than ours and that we cannot always hold them to the same standards of behavior that we are used to in our own lives and relationships.
This is beside the point that every relationship is different. I will just say this. A healthy long term relationship is built on 2 or more (I ain't judging) individuals that stand as their own person and chose to be with the other/s. They don't necessary have to have the exact same interests or likes. What they do need is to love, respect, trust each other and understand that part of that is allowing your significant other to do what they love, even if it means doing it without you. Even if it means doing it with someone else. You all know where I'm getting with this right? Going out with others, travelling with others, drinking with others, spending time with others, choosing to spend time alone without your significant other, none of them diminish from your relationship if indeed it's building blocks are solid. And brace yourselves (well, those that are in long term relationships know this already...), but all of the above actually helps maintain your relationship. Can make it better and stronger.
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I've been lurking a little on SM, even while away, only to find that once again, or should I say still (surprise surprise... NOT) there are those that are doubting the bond that these two young men have. It's solos and cultists trying to create an alternative universe in which JK and JM are not close and even distanced (some would love for them to actually hate each other - good luck with that psychos). Or it's once again those insecure 'Jikookers' that seem to need that constant affirmation from a real life queer couple that most certainly will not be giving them that. I keep asking myself why is it that a couple like JM and JK need to constantly prove they are together (all while they actually can't come out and say it due to their circumstances - industry and society they live in), when a heterosexual couple, say Zendaya and Tom, for example, are not expected to? How come a blurry clip (which I still say is fake) released at a very suspicious point in time, together with other obviously edited clips and serious claims of misconduct that are clearly made up and were intended to cause JK harm, have more of an impact on them than years and years of interactions, talk, actions (including just before the clip was released and after it as well)? And now another blurry clip that people are going all crazy over. Like seriously, what is wrong with people? Is the lack of content driven them mad? No drama so we need to create it? Well, thing is that when you are in a healthy committed long term relationship there is not much drama. That's the way it is when you are settled and happy and know who you are and who you love and know that they feel the same about you. Arguments, disagreements, bad days - sure. That's life. But at the end of the day if people want drama they should go watch one on TV.
So, how do I put it to make is as clear as possible?
These insecurities we get from some of the fans, they work like clockwork. Every single time, in the past, when we didn't get much from the two there were these whispers and question marks regarding their relationship. Not even if they are still together, but down to the core of their bond, as to even question if they are close or friends. This phenomenon goes way back.
But since end of 2021 beginning of 2022, when they were on their break and later the hiatus into 2023 it blew up like a full on hydrogen bomb.
This got worse after they were assigned their own 'personal' IG accounts and went on their break.
The misconception by many that these accounts were somehow their private accounts that they use to interact with each other, I can't call it anything other than delusional. Sorry not sorry. And if people did not realize that themselves if only from the lack of posting or interaction with whoever, then we had the members themselves telling us that they regularly interact within their own private chat groups. That photos shared on IG with us have been previously shared with the others in those groups. These IG accounts were created to maintain contact between the members and their fans, knowing that the group is going into hiatus and that they will each be promoting their own individual solo projects. Yes, the group Twitter (X) account could be used for that, but there was an attempt to create a more 'personal' connection between each member and Army. These accounts were work, as simple as that, and them reacting to other members or talking with each other through these accounts was not an indication what so ever to whether they were in touch or not otherwise.
At the time, back in early 2022, when people were reeling over the lack of interaction between the two on their IG accounts I tried to explain that a. not seeing something most definitely does not mean it's not there (something those two made sure to prove time and time again over the past couple of years), and b. that the lack of interaction can actually be an indication to them spending most of their time together, as there is no need to comment on another's post when you are right there to tell them whatever it is you want to tell them to their face. Not to mention, and this part is all me, so take or leave it as you will, but some of said IG posts, well, how do I put it? I guess I just say it as it is... some of these photos posted were either taken by the other or they were right there or really near by when it was taken. There. I said it. In any case, the fact that these were the only two not to interact with each other in front of Army's face, out of the whole group, that, to me, meant they were the ones spending most of the time together.
Oh, and let's just address the whole fanservice stupidity surrounding those two once and for all.
If they were all about fanservice, how is it that since that during the break in 2021-2022 and then during the hiatus and their solo endeavors, we were robbed of said fanservice? Wouldn't you expect that the fanservice couple, the scripted couple, be pushed during each other's promotions? How is it that we have seen during these periods of promotions every single other coupling other than JM and JK. Even JK visiting JM during his rehearsals was heavily edited. How come, if we are being sold a fake bond? No JK being forced to go visit JM when performing at the music shows. No JM being forced to do the same with JK. JM paired with Suga for an add for Busan (? that one was really an odd one for me). When did we see them? So yeah, people can scream fanservice all they want, but deep down inside they know it's a crap claim. I won't even go into JK's lives. There was not one ingenuine bone in his body, and that excitement seeing JM's comments, that coquettish behavior while interacting with him (especially during the bed live, OMG!!!), the reactions to the JM centered content he CHOSE to watch during those lives, none of that is scripted nor acted. It's all JK. All him. And JM's reaction when JK shows up at his documentary viewing live, that little butt wiggle in his chair (reminds me of Bam when happy to see his dad/s, as shown by JK), the face lighting up, the genuine worry on his face talking about JK working hard (during another couple of lives), again, not faked.
So yeah, not fanservice.
I digressed, I think.
Let's get back to 2022 why don't we?
On their break these crazy stories of heartbreak and breakup and hate and suffering and god knows what, only all to be thrown out of the window as soon as we got to see the two together again during the Seoul concerts and then LV. Oh LV. That was a wild ride.
Then BTS went on hiatus and the solo era began. And we were getting less and less ot7 content, and once again the insecurities. These ups and downs (you know, the whole JITB party stories about them not being together - that was countered by the BTB that followed a while after), then Busan concert's high, then 2023's downs and ups and downs and ups and fruck it all, I'm sea sick from this stupidity.
Same exact stories were repeated in 2023!!!
Especially after THE CLIP "which shall not be named" dropped.
But again, I digress.
Insecurity regarding the two and their bond (seeing they aren't in the public eye) followed by realization that everything is as it was (if not even better and stronger) once we see them together again. And the reason we don't see them together while on break... wait for it... is because they are a private couple living their everyday life, not for the cameras, not for Army, but for THEMSELVES.
Who would have thought.
And when they are together, as in working together, either filming or shooting or performing, well their bond can't be hidden, as much as they might have to wind it down at times (which is mainly not when they are on stage hyped up on adrenaline, lol), seeing that this is still Kpop, with fandoms that feel ownership over them, not to mention them being a queer couple. You know. All the usual reasons.
This idea people have that these two owe us something. That they constantly have to prove their bond, their connection, their relationship. What utter bull.
Anyway, what a slap in the face (for some a good wake up call, for others a well deserved one) the news of them choosing to enlist together was for so many.
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Bottom line is, repeated for the millionth time, that these two young men have shown us time and time again that when push comes to shove they will chose one another!!!
I feel like I'm all over the place here. Came to talk about my trip and ended up talking about fanservice and insecurity and god knows what. I guess it's the jetlag (yeah, let's go with that and blame it on the jetlag).
In any case I will go with my favorite saying as of late:
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Why this whole long word vomit, you may ask (or you might not ask, who knows, lol)?
What the hell does this have to do with my trip?
Probably, lol.
But I am going to try to connect the dots. Even if they did make sense in my mind when I first started writing this post and no longer do...
How about the fact that the two chose to take these trips together?
See how I did that? Connecting the unconnected?
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Not even going to ask the egg-chicken question here, as I am quite positive it was always about the trips and the show/content for army was the excuse that allowed them to travel 'for work', and a little bonus of content for army when they are away - not to mention perhaps even an opportunity for a soft outing, who knows.
They wanted to spend this time together before enlistment.
We know of at least 3 trips. Connecticut, Jeju and Japan (the Jeju trip may or may not be part of that 'show').
We are yet to know what exactly this 'show' will be. Will it be an actual show, style BV or ITS? Will it be a Vlog? Will we be getting actual episodes or several minute clips? But one thing for sure. Whatever we get, it will be a drop in a lake of the time they spent together. They went on these trips to be together. They shot this 'show' to allow them to be on these trips. This 'show' will give us a glimpse, no more than that, of what they got up to while together. Bottom line - it's about them, not the show and definitley not us.
So yeah, tripping together (lol, as in traveling, just felt like using that fun word, which can mean so much more as well) is something couples love to do, and going on said trips prior to a huge life changing event (let's be real here, going into the military for 18 months, especially knowing that to be able to enlist TOGETHER, they will be placed in one of the harsher units and environments, knowing that even though they will be together they most certainly will not have the freedoms they enjoy prior to enlistment), well that is something they would do as well.
To sum this whole rant up:
I came here to show off some pics from my trip...
If Jikook are allowed to (and god help them all if we don't get that show eventually...), then so am I...
The scenery...
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And the wild life
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So there you have it.
I managed to talk about my trip and about Jikook all in one long ranty post.
To those that managed to work their way through it I have this to say:
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waltzingwithspirit · 10 months
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Top Left: Pile 1 Top Right: Pile 2 Bottom: Pile 3
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave the rest.
You are not allowed to copy my work under any circumstances.
All personal tarot readings are PAID.
Thank you for all letting me read for you, please provide feedback.
Pile 1
‘We would be a wonderful us’  ‘Workplace romance’ ‘I’ll follow you till the end’ ‘I’m always gonna be in love with you’
You might get text like this: 1. Them: You are beautiful, more than you realise. 2. Them: I’ll make you breakfast. 
Your future spouse and you share a similar sense of humour, you both will be teasing and joking a lot. I see they are into philosophy for some of you, definitely a deep thinker either way, their view of life might intrigue you. This person an you will have many conversations, they will be mentally stimulating to you and get you thinking. Definitely some air sign presence (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). I see rain is significant, maybe you’ll meet that time but it is coming in strong. Either one of you loves to style hair. I am seeing a man braiding a girl’s hair. It’s the little things about your relationship, spending quality time whenever you can, through thick and thin. They only like you and want you to be verbal in expressing your feelings. They really want to get married to you have an unbreakable bond. 
🌙To know more about your future spouse in detail, DM me for a personal tarot reading🌙
Pile 2
‘Hopeless romantic with high standards’  ‘Star-crossed lovers’  ‘You look at each other like the two of you have your own language’ ‘One in simping, the other is oblivious’ - literally everyone else sees it. ‘Are we friends? Or are we more?’
They might say these things to you:
1. I am not supposed to be thinking about you.  3. Why won’t you leave my mind?  4. Wherever I look you are there. 5. Them: fight me for the rest of our lives.
Their heart flutters when you are in close proximity to them. Romantic tension and some awkward moments, with stealing glances and shy smiles. You guys will also have a lot of healthy debates where you disagree and argue, but overtime know how to work things through and are respectful. The transition period from friends to lovers is really being given emphasis here, it’s like everyone else sees it, when you two are together, you forget other people exist. Some of you might even know each other since college or some educational institution. Your love is very pure, only wanting the best for them. It is a slow-burn romance, with hands almost touching but didn’t. You guys are each others safe space, giving a sense of security. 
🌙To know more about your future spouse in detail, DM me for a personal tarot reading🌙
There are many different messages for this group, take it as it resonates. ‘Enemies to lovers’ ‘Friends to lovers’ ‘Workplace romance’ ‘SO THIS IS LOVE’  ‘Cute nicknames’ - even if you find them cringey right now, with the right person I see you turning into a puddle. ‘I feel lovable when you take care of me’ ‘Talk like best friends’ ‘Power couple’  ‘Someday when I say I am going home, it’ll mean I get to see you and that will make all of everything worth it’ Things they might say to you/text you: 1. You are so cute. 2. Do you wanna go driving? Just me and you. 3. We fix it together, because that’s what a relationship is about, going through life together as a team 4. You are so physically and mentally attractive at the same time, that’s why I am so crazy about you. 5. I only pretend I don’t like you. 6. [ angry whisper ] do you even know how cute you are.  One thing is settled, that they definitely find you attractive. It might start out as dislike which will morph into a friendship of sorts leading to a love connection. You guys love to banter. I see a lot of banter. If you read ‘the hating game’ I get those vibes. They find excuses to spend time with you until they are like I am gonna be honest and be more upfront rather than relying on some external factor. One of you is unconventional and the other finds them interesting and the constant need to be in touch, might also be a therapist of some sort, or just have healing energy. 🌙To know more about your future spouse in detail, DM me for a personal tarot reading🌙
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daughterofthebitch · 5 months
𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖣𝖮𝖭'𝖳 𝖪𝖭𝖮𝖶 𝖠𝖡𝖮𝖴𝖳 𝖴𝖲 — Charlie Bushnell fanfic (parts of instagram and chat au)
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liked by gwendolineuniverse, masonalexanderpark, momonatamada, and others
ellarue Tempus Frangit ⏳️ Thank youuuuu ladyyyyy for the photos @gwendolineuniverse
↳ See comments
masonalexanderpark Beautiful as always <33 Do you know who will also think this? TOMM, let me go show him the true face of his little sister
↳ ellarue show... show and you will see where your makeup ends up.
↳ masonalexanderpark IT WAS A JOKE ELLA, YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU HONEY <33
↳ ellarue UHUMMMMMMM ME TOO <33
gwendolineuniverse You're welcome dear, they look really pretty, but with a model like that it's hard not to.
↳ ellarue Don't talk like that or you will kill a delulu🤭🤭 (I'M THE DELULU)
↳ momonatamada She can't take it, a beautiful married woman appears, and she is like this 🥺🥺
↳ ellarue SHUT UP KKKKKKKKKKKKKK I HATE YOU GUYS, please ignore them Gwen <33
↳ gwendolineuniverse It's fine dear 🤭
momonatamada I wanted to get out of the banality of saying that "you're beautiful", but you as Delirium are another level
↳ xochitl.gomez I remember when she tried on the wig for the first time, she freaked out thinking it would look ugly for the role, like... GIRL, HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED IN THE MIRROR?
↳ ellarue I promise, you are the bestiess I could ask for (It doesn't even look like I wanted to kill you two seconds ago)
↳ xochitl.gomez I love the aesthetic of us being like, FUCK YOU BITCH <33
↳ ellarue @Netflix I NEVER SAID THAT!!!!!!!!!!
user1 Qual a chance de eu e Delírio nos casarmos? (What are the chances of me and Delirio getting married?)
↳ user2 Talvez no dia que ela estiver sã? (Maybe the day she's mentally healthy?)
↳ user1 Merda! (Shit!)
I throw my cell phone on the bed laughing, I loved it when the comments turned into complete chaos.
The weather today was very good for sleeping, the problem is that, at the moment, I'm having an insomnia crisis. My insomnia attacks always intensify when I'm working on something important, but I always try to ignore them. And that's exactly why at 00:37 I'm scrolling through Instagram, even though I wake up in 5 hours and a few minutes.
My cell phone vibrates at my side, easily gaining my attention. Who could be sending messages at this time? Did something go wrong? I turn on the screen looking for information and then...
"iamcharliebushnell liked your post"
Ah... it was nothing important... Starting to reassure myself again, I go to the profile of the person who liked my photo, something I do whenever I have time. And wait, does Mo follow him? He looks a little familiar to me.
My interest in the profile becomes sudden, or maybe it's just sleep starting to speak louder. Browsing the account I find photos from the end of 2023 that make me understand the reason for the familiarity. He is Luke, like Luke Castellan in the Percy Jackson series, aka one of my biggest crushes in the series (if we don't count Clarisse).
There was just one problem... When we are in the sleep stage, we don't think very well what to do. Or sometimes we don't even think about it. And that's my excuse for liking a photo of him from months ago.
To make my situation worse the next day, I felt my eyes finally get heavy, sleep would consume me and I could finally have a night of peace. Or that's what I thought. I fell asleep a few minutes after that.
I woke up quickly with the alarm, also who wouldn't wake up when they have Momona and Xochitl screaming in their ear. Yes, they made a personalized audio for me to use with an alarm, that's why I love my girls.
I pick up my phone, seeing that its battery is empty, great, I forgot to put it on charge last night. I walk to the bathroom and continue with my standard routine.
On the way to the film set I was finally able to turn on my cell phone to check the news and the thousands of notifications from my friends didn't seem like a good thing...
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Hey darlingsss, this is the first episode of this fanfic, I hope you like it <33 As it is the first chapter, it was a little shorter than the others and more stationary, as it is just to introduce the protagonist to you. I really hope you like it, really do!!!
*Spoiler: The next episode will be from Charlie's point of view.
*Obs: If you couldn't see it correctly, here's the screenshot from Instagram.
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Tag list: @siriusblacksgf @idiewhenrhythmgamesdie @taygrls @jules-loves-lukecastellan @lostinhisworld @iludidaefodida @goopoems @lucycarlisleswife @blairfox04
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wettestwraith · 11 months
I'm gonna be honest here there is already criticism about the barbie movie being like "oh you can do everything as long as you look good doing it" like im sorry wasn't there an entire scene with Gloria comforting Barbie about how abitrary the standards she holds herself up against and how it's utter bullshit that women have to keep their emotions under control at most times or you're called a hysterical bitch or how women have to be thin but they have to say they want to be 'healthy' and how you can't be "too attractive" because then you would be tempting men and other stuff like that did we watch the same movie? Barbie literally has an entire arc about how her life isn't perfect anymore, she isn't perfect anymore, and she tries to fix it but she realizes that she doesn't need to. In that one scene where Billie Eilish's "What Was I Made For?" plays in the background, we see that Barbie sees all the joy and hardships that humans go through and when she turns to an old lady and says "You're beautiful" it's because she sees how much this human has experienced in all her life, when Barbie goes into the real world she is overwhelmed by how Barbies didn't create the perfect world where women can freely be and do anything, she realizes that women aren't truly seen as actual people, but when she sees this old lady, who very likely experienced a lot of the things she's going through, sitting peacefully in a bus stop, she realizes that life is worth it. Being a human is worth it. Because being human is learning to love and care for yourself, being human means getting to experience what a home feels like, being human means having unlimited potential and to be the one that makes ideas and to have an ending, which is what makes it so special. What was she made for? Simply put, to live. The movie is telling little girls and women that your purpose in life doesn't have to be something great like writing an award-winning book or becoming a doctor for your life to have great value, being a woman simply means being human, it means that you should love and care for yourself and to simply live a life well-lived.
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kissofthemis · 11 months
Hello, may I request headcanons for the NXX boys when they hear reader (who isn't mc) that usually only addresses them by their last name calls them by their first name for the first time, while giving a heartfelt compliment with the softest and sweetest expression?
Bonus if they're normally shy yet silly in general. Another bonus is if they did it without realizing it and immediately fluster when they realise what they did, and puff their cheeks when in denial when called out upon.
Thank you!
"Thank you so much! Luke, you're a lifesaver!"
A wave of relief washed over you as Luke repaired the final piece on your drawer. You still weren't sure how you'd ripped the cabinets clean off their hinges, but all that mattered was that your friend Mr. Pearce, antique repairer extraordinaire, had come to your rescue.
Mr. Pearce.
Luke Pearce.
You hadn't realized how casually his name had slipped out of your mouth until it was too late. "I... Um... Mr. Pearce! Thank you!"
Humbly you bowed your head. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, and you could only imagine how much you resembled a boiling lobster right about now. Cautiously, you tilted your chin up just enough to get a peek at the brunet's face, only to find...
That he looked just as flustered as you.
His gaze darted to the floor. "L-Luke..." He stumbled over his own name, and you could have sworn you saw him bite his tongue in his own embarrassed frustration. "Luke is fine. Great, actually." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Because... we're friends, aren't we?"
His eyes flickered back to you, aglow with the warmth of a fireplace but the intensity of a bonfire.
"At least, I've been trying to put down clues that show you I consider you a dear friend."
"You tend to these all by yourself? I can tell how much love you pour into your garden, Vyn!"
Awestruck by the vast array of flora and foliage before you, the words fluttered from your lips before you had a chance to truly think about them.
Of course, you meant what you said! When Dr. Richter had invited you to see a garden, you were excited at the prospect of going to fancy botanical gardens. When he mentioned it was his own personal garden, a healthy dose of curiosity sprouted alongside your eagerness to see his home. Now, upon seeing how beautiful his "humble" garden was, you were impressed and delighted.
But as a moment passed without any response from the gardener himself, you began to worry that you'd said something inappropriate. "Don't tell me, is Dr. Richter bad with prai--"
You clapped your hands over your mouth and began bowing rapidly, bobbing up and down and up and down.
"Dr. Vyn! I mean, Dr. Richter! I'm so sorry! That was super informal and super rude of me! Oh, Dr. Richter, I can't apologize enough!"
A gentle hand came to rest upon the top of your head, stopping you in your tracks.
"Now, while I'm qualified to treat them, I'd appreciate if you didn't give yourself a concussion from whipping your head up and down so many times." He chuckled softly as you rose to a full standing position again, then gave you a gentle pat.
"Raised them with love, you say?" he murmured. "I don't know if I'd put it that way. I'm simply following standard guidance and instructions for each and every species of flower." He pursed his lips for a second, then continued. "But if tending to flowers is anything like tending to people in need of tender love and care..." He turned to look at you, and his golden eyes glinted in the sunlight.
"Then I'm sure you have quite the green thumb yourself."
"This is the best grilling I've ever tasted in my life, Artem!"
You had barely spared a second to sing the attorney's praises before digging back into your meal.
When you'd fallen ill with the latest seasonal flu, you had messaged him as a courtesy to let him know you wouldn't be able to meet him this weekend as planned. You certainly hadn't expected the star of Themis Law Firm to offer to bring you some food. You were less prepared when he said he was going to cook it himself, asking for your favorite foods and flavors.
Least of all did you expect his food to be so delicious!
'Never judge a book by its cover,' you thought as you devoured another spoonful. 'I just didn't expect Mr. Wing of all people to have the time to learn to cook so well!'
You peeked up at him, concerned that he hadn't responded yet. He probably wasn't the type who received compliments often; he seemed like the type who intimidated others. Respected, but never appreciated in this way.
"Your cheeks are really red. Are you catching a fever from me?"
Wildfire had spread across his face, from the tips of his ears to the tip of his nose. If he got sick because he was taking care of you, you'd never forgive yourself!
"You... perhaps need more rest," is all that he said in response. "But..." He smiled gently at you.
"If a flu is what it takes for you to loosen up around me, I can't truthfully say that I'm upset about it."
"You designed this? Marius, you're a creative genius!"
Your jaw dropped as you absorbed the details in the painting before you. The effect was almost reminiscent of a stained glass window, with the way the colors and strokes created a mosaic image. You could easily see this hanging up in a museum or even a church.
But like a dog who received one treat and was desperate for more, the painter turned to you with big, pleading eyes and whimpered, "I couldn't hear that. Could you repeat it, please? For me?"
He wasn't usually this pathetic. "I said you're a creative genius!" You folded your arms over your chest. "Don't make me take back the genius part."
"No, no~ Before that."
Before that? What exactly had you said that brought this CEO to wag his tail so desperately?
Realization struck you like lightning and you spun away from him instantly. "Mr. von Hagen, it's very unprofessional to tease me like this!"
You could almost feel the mood shift as Marius deflated behind you. "Aww, you were being so friendly a minute ago," he whined. "Even calling me Marius~ Marmar~ Mariri~"
"I didn't use any stupid nicknames!" you protested, whirling to face him with flustered tears stinging your eyes. "You're such a pain in the neck, Marius!"
He perked up immediately. "Oh! There it is again! We are close, aren't we?" He leaned forward, the corners of his mouth turned up into a cheeky grin as he batted his eyelashes at you.
With a huff, you shifted your attention back to the painting. "On second thought, I think this is too abstract for the exhibition. I guess Pax can't host it after all."
"Whaaaat? Now that's just too cold!"
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wordy-little-witch · 15 days
Hiiii PLS 🙏 wordy plssssz i need more transfem buggy headcanons like i love ur post but i need more🥹🤲 like the hc and scenarios that shook the seas,,, wat r crossguilds reaction n shanks n other pirates reaction uahxiskzkzs shes gonna b so hot dksk ive seen fanart and fembuggy looks so HOTTTT
Hiiiii honeybun!!! I got you, dw ♡♡
• he finds out through news coos and bounty posters. It's no secret that the redhair pirates keep careful tabs on bounties, new and old faces alike in the game, but there's special attention to black haired rubber boys and blue haired clowns when it comes to bounties and reports. The crew knows this and supports it. So when they get a paper, when Benn reads through it and does a spit take with his coffee, everyone cones scurrying, especially when he yells for their captain.
• (romantic) Shanks, upon seeing the bounty and story, is left reeling. Buggy had always been breathtaking to him, had always been the epitome of everything he finds beautiful and attractive. Shanks adores Buggy, head to toe, inside out, and even then he could always see the little chinks in the other's armor, the discomfort and uncertainty that stained the clown's cells. It's in the microexpressions, he knows, and those signals are suddenly gone in these pictures. He's breathless. He's swooning. He needs to see Buggy in person.
• (platonic) similar to the above, Shanks keeps tabs on his precious people. And Buggy, his beloved baby brother, his beloved best friend, is among those he looks out for from afar. Seeing Buggy so different, so bright, seeing the way his - her - smile finally reaches her eyes and eyebrows and cheeks, it makes him melt a little. He's proud, so proud, so happy that Buggy looks happy and healthy, and he's.... he wants. By the Seas, he wants to see her. He wants to see and meet his sister.
• Depending on the time frame when the change happens, Crocodile either meets Buggy for Cross Guild as a woman or deals with the transitional phase with the business. If it's the latter, he actually makes a point to try affirming what he believes is Buggy's gender identity in vague terms. Then, when Buggy begins to shy away from them, he moves to more neutral monikers, heavy on the Clown and Fool.
• upon being told that Buggy identifies as a woman, he just rolls with it. He has to fight the trans urge to make "we traded genders" jokes, which he blames proximity to the clown for. He's not going to cause a ruckus about it. He will however cause bodily injury if someone else has an issue with that.
• he's absolutely livid, btw, that he finds the clown attractive like this. It's not the body, not exactly - Croc doesn't really care one way or another about the configuration downstairs of his partners - but he is attracted to intelligence, confidence, power, and how pretty someone is when they cry. Sue him, he has a type. It just so happens that Buggy, newly confident, newly steady, is branching out into all of his standards while staying so utterly charming. He's so mad about it. He wants to kiss her. He's going insane.
• he doesn't stick to labels. They're boring. He doesn't care. He will admit however that the majority of those who held his interest were men. The Clown was an exception - though not because of her gender. He's typically drawn to people by their Haki signatures, and he has noticed a common trend in those he enjoys - Shanks with his firey volcanic energy, Crocodile feeling akin to the desert lands he called home, even Roronoa Zoro's antiquated cliffside mountainous energy. He finds earthy energy to be the most comfortable, emotional aspect be damned. The Clown is very much a different element, liquid and mutable and dynamic. It is reflective, overtly bright and rippling uncontrollably. Odd, he admits, but not investing.
• it's when Buggy calms, when she blooms, that Migawk sees the ripples calm, sees the sharp reflections soothe themselves, and sees that the seemingly shallow pond of energy is but a cover which leads into a fathomless sinkhole. The shores are quaint, smooth, beautiful, and lead gradually further and further in towards a sharp drop which casts the Blues into blacks and the blacks into abyssal shade. It's strange, it's unusual, it's delicious.
• it especially helps that Mihawk finds Buggy to be rather good company. Without her forced shrill demeanor and loud hypervigilance, she's actually a wonderful conversationalist. He enjoys her company. It's unexpected.
More romantic aspects bc I am absolutely melting over it-
Cross guild
• Buggy has always been rather touchy-feely, something she constantly fights with because of her past and experiences. She adores cuddles, holding hands, casual touches, and the like. Her boyfriends aren't exactly the types to love PDA or to seek out physical touch. They do allow her to indulge, however, and they each have their preferred manners of doing so.
- Mihawk
- - in public, will pull a full chivalrous move, offering her his arm, his hand when she climbs up or down, a casual yet respectful hand on her waist to guide her.
- - in private, he will cuddle against her back when he is amenable to touch, chin over her shoulder as they both read a book, one arm wrapped around her waist, fingers caressing the soft skin of her soft sides, other hand tangled with one of her own. If not that, he will become a cat in human form, wordlessly smacking whatever was in her hands away to burrow into her stomach or chest, going limp yet clinging in a mess of contradictions. It never fails to earn a slightly annoyed snicker from her.
- Crocodile
- - in public, he and Mihawk seem to share a general demeanor insofar as the types of touches. He does however take it further by occasionally just plucking her up into his arm, treating her as a dainty little thing, casual touches peppered throughout that imply a level of possessiveness, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, a drag of fingertips or hook along her shoulder, a curl of a hand at her hip.
- - in private, the touches come and go, but the emotion behind them remains. Sometimes he will simply trail fingers over her spine or shoulders, absent and affectionate. Sometimes he will drag her into the cage of him limbs to have and hold her close, a cheek pressed to her chest, hand cupping the other breast in a simple gesture.
• only thinks "uncle buggy -> auntie buggy"
• does not care, Buggy is Buggy.
• is happy that Buggy is happy!!!
• will throw hands if anyone is mean to his aunt, his hands are rated E for Everyone.
• for a long time, didn't even know. Finds out by rumors in a random bar which he is Hella confused by and so fact checks. Has a mild moment when he realizes his baby boy is in fact a baby girl now. Wild. Decides to go see his daughter because What The Fuck Buglet
• no he doesn't cry when he sees Buggy. He just.... got sand in his eye. He did not get emotional when he saw his youngest child beam at him with a smile so like Roger's, in bold colors which suited her, so bright, so joyful, so free -
• he remembers the trembling, scrappy little being who would huddle between him and Roger after bad fights, so uncertain, so scared, so far removed from the young woman before him today, and Rayleigh just smiles, bonks her on the head and calls her princess.
• and if he pulls her aside later on and they sit together on the beach, drinking together, well.... when he says Roger would be so proud of her, he means it. And when she cries? Well. He won't tell anyone about it. It's a private moment between father and daughter.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 10 days
Could you do the gang and like a plus size or chubby person? Everyone always makes the reader small and petite😭😭
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Summary: The Outsiders x Chubby/Plus Sized!Reader Warnings: mentions of body shaming Author's Note: none
Pony loves you, any shape or form. It doesn’t matter what size you are because he likes ‘old love’, which is more about personality.
He supports you in whatever you do, helping you pick out clothes he thinks are cute, giving you snacks or reminding you to eat healthy when you set yourself a goal.
If you go on a diet, he won’t get in the way but he’ll remind you that diets are sometimes unhealthy and to not push yourself too far.
He comforts you if someone makes fun of you for your weight, reminding you that you’re perfect and lovable.
Like Pony, he likes you no matter what, he’s just like that because of his ‘take love where he can get’ mindset
You later helped him out of this mindset by showing him he’s worthy of love and that it can make someone feel undermined.
Because of that, he loves you so much more and he worships the ground you walk on.
He’ll take you on dates every weekend and isn’t afraid to show you off to everyone around him.
Sodapop likes having girls around and he has very specific standards for what they look like.
Surprisingly, he never took into account weight so when he saw you, an exact copy of his dream girl, he fell in LOVEE
He doesn’t know how to approach you at first, because he’s never met a girl that he wants that badly, but he just pretends to bump into you by accident.
Your first date, he took you everywhere you asked, shopping, food, you name it. He even roughed up a couple of guys for staring and laughing at you.
Steve is a cocky bastard that has an ego bigger than the solar system, he thinks he’s the shit.
He tries to score a date with all the girls in his class, but for some reason he just can’t crack you
He makes it his goal to get you out on a date, even if guys make fun of him for pursuing someone who doesn’t fit the beauty standard.
While he’s actively pursuing you, he falls in love with your personality and sick sense of humor and probably beats up the people who made fun of you.
To Two, looks never mattered, he just wanted someone who could match his sharp wit and keep up with his energy
To no one's surprise, it’s you that he ends up falling for and eventually asking out on a date
Months of bullying made you as smart as a whip and thick skinned, so much so that everyone knows not to mess with you.
With the promise of you publicly humiliating them and/or Two-Bit beating the hell out of them, your bullies have been reduced to nothing and you two are known as an unstoppable couple
Darry doesn’t give one DAMN about how you look, he just wants someone that acts like Karen from ‘Short Skirt/Long Jacket’
Every once in a while his mind slips to what his high school friends would have thought about his life and how his goal was to get a model looking girlfriend
But then he met you, badass and yet so caring, and he knew that he wanted you to be his girl.
After meeting/getting with you, he’s never had a second thought about that model girlfriend and his friends in highschool because you’re genuinely perfect for him.
Dallas Winston is a bitch!! (we say in unison), 
he would not get with a girl that doesn’t make him look good so lets skip over that part
If you’re his girl he’s standing up for you 10000%, if people are talking shit about you, they’re talking shit about him and he has a reputation to take care of.
When he sleep next to you, he likes your arms around him because it keeps him grounded and makes him feel secure, you didn’t hear that from me though.
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royal-they · 2 years
I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how important it is for people to see ships like lumity and huntlow coming from a brand like disney that’s known for having ships that really is known to enforce a lot of beauty standards on to kids. 
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lumity is definitely not “on brand” with disney but i feel like so much of the appeal in it comes from that fact. luz doesn’t fit disneys standards for an attractive girl at all. (she is very pretty tho don’t get me wrong) whereas amity is definitely seen by a lot of fans to be very attractive and i think that makes the ship even more powerful. luz doesn’t fall for amity first, amity falls for luz. 
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i don’t think i can even explain how much this meant to me as a poc. like omg the hot gay witch that everyone thinks is super hot falls for the dorky brown girl??? that alone makes me love the ship 1000x more. its amazing that kids get to grow up with a ship like that that really flips tropes and cliches and is still so fun and cute to watch. it really teaches young bisexuals and pocs that; hey! you can totally find a super loving healthy relationship where the other person respects you :) ive mentioned in the past that i used to feel really self conscious of my lips but luz helped my overcome that. it’s a small but very important thing to me. i also used to always be worried about how partners would take me being bi, again luz was so helpful in overcoming that fear. 
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huntlow is another ship that i feel is incredibly important for reasons similar to lumity. a lot of people are probably going to hate me for saying that lmao but idk i still think it’s very likely to become canon. again like lumity the character the fandom finds to be the most attractive falls first
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some people say that willow fell first but I feel like given the fact that hunters been the only one who blushes a lot more people are gonna go “oh hunter likes willow” rather than “willow likes hunter” (i mean i think willow likes hunter but it’s not as obvious so im not gonna talk about that aspect of this ship and it’s not relevant to the point im trying to get across.) 
a lot of people have also said that huntlow parallels lumity in how lot in how their interactions are written and i really agree with that. hunter has from the minute his face was revealed always been seen as attractive by the fandom. i feel like people only really started saying the same about willow when hunter started showing signs of having a crush on her. 
willow like luz isn’t the conventionally attractive disney princess type. she’s larger, east asian, and more quiet. still through hunters perspective we’re able to see these aspects of her along with how she can still be confident and an incredibly powerful witch. 
just like with lumity the show allows people to stop and be like huh luz is actually really pretty and super cute or huh willow is actually really gorgeous and talented. we’re able to see these characters from the perspective of the people who are in love with them. 
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at first amity and hunter both don’t really understand why willow and luz are the way they are. hunter and amity have been raised with the perspective of having to be better than everyone all the time so when they meet luz and willow - two very powerful witches - they dont understand why they’re approaching things with the perspective they have. but slowly they’re able to see a different side of them which in turn allows the viewer to also understand luz and willow more. 
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we see hunter and amity have this moment of realization; huh it’s actually okay to let people see a more friendly side of myself that’s more open with people and that doesn’t take anything away from how powerful i have the capability of being. 
I think that just the fact alone that luz is able bring out the best side of amity and the fact that willow is able to bring out the best side of hunter is really cute and admirable. these two standoffish teens with self hatred issues are just are suddenly super soft around these two super sweet cute girls. idk i just really like these two ships. 
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inthestarsme · 1 year
Astro Notes pt. 7
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These pictures are not mine! I have taken them from pinterest, the second one seems to be from "Rachel Home and Life" on Pinterest.
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
I'm back again! Hope y'all had a great start into the year and some beautiful or at least peaceful holidays. I'm not going to explain to much about my absence (i feel like me not posting regularely or as it works is just a thing now) and just jump right into it.
So, here we go! Ready.... Set..... Okay i'm kidding. But yes, let's go!
Moon in the 3rd house: I always need to talk to a friend about my feelings when i feel overwhelmed, sad, angry, etc. If i try dealing with it just in my head, it feels like a hurricane up there. Sometimes i like writing things down too, but i prefer talking it through and getting a second, reflective opinion and reaction. This kind of fits this placement, so maybe this could help you, if you haven't figured this out about yourself yet.
Chiron in the Solar Return-Chart: I feel like Chiron here shows you a wound that developes over the year, that you might only start seeing at the very end or in the next year.
Leo Risings: You guys really are these confident, radiant, extroverted, even loud types of people. Very social and outgoing. You "shine" and are quite populare. As i am an Aquarius rising (so my rising falls into their 7th house) i tend to attract these kinds of people (as friends and also partners/ love interests, but love interests more so sun in leo as the sun is the heart) even though you wouldn't think so because i tend to be more shy and reserved. But it really doesn't mean that is how you truly feel inside. It is one of the most prominent parts of your personality and how people know you, but you can still hold a lot of insecurities inside yourself. Also: blond hair tends to be typical for these people, also the darker blond shades. But it isn't a must, i've just noticed this. Maybe also just hair that "shines" or somehow stands out.
North Node in the 12th house: Learning how to deal with addictions and any kind of mental health problems, that could've or did get you into any kind of facility (prison, etc.) is a big and important part of your life and souls journey. You need to learn how to take care of your physical health and get a healthy routine and sorted out everyday life, so you can deal with your mental health problems, and not use drugs etc. as a way to deal with your every day life/ to run away from your everyday life/ to make your addiction, mental health struggles, etc. your everyday life and make it mess up your health. You may naturally have always been so focused on work, routines and everyday life, etc., that you always have tended to forget about your mental health and anything to do with that.
Jupiter in the 9th house: Things like religion, philosophy, higher (college) education and traveling can be a source of great happiness and success in your life. In which way really depends on other placements and if you are religious or not, etc.
Moon in the 9th house: You might really need religion or certain philosophical theories placed in your life to feel emptionaly secure and stable. They don't need to necessarily be a typical kind of religion or a academicaly accepted philosophy, but just something that exists inside yourself that fits into these categories.
Empty houses: I think a house being empty just means that in this life there isn't really a focus on this area in your life, or it tends to sort itself out naturaly through other areas in your life that are more in focus. As you have your ruling planet of the house sitting in another house and do not have anything putting more of an emphasis on this house, i think the energy of the house plays itself out through other areas in your life or are influenced by other areas. It still exists in your life, but it isn't in focuse just for itself (i know this isn't necessarily how this is interpreted in general, this is just how i see it).
Scorpio MC: I feel like, as Scorpio and Pluto have a lot to do with ego deaths, a lot of people tend to see me in a bad light and as problematic because i kind of go against their ego, because i trigger something in them they don't want to face and they are hiding with their ego. Also, I'm not necessairly the secretive type of person, but if i stay more secretive, people tend to be more interested and intrigued by me. I also get peoples attention if i present in a "shocking" way (as would many), but i like it honestly (my aquarius rising just loved being weird), and i feel like often people just silently watch me and even admire (or at least noone has ever complained or said anything negative).
I hope you enjoyed this one again. Please leave certain aspects you want me to get into in another post in the comments or just any kind of post you would like to see from me.
I wish you a wonderful year! Byee🫶🏻
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“The Black Love Imprint” 🤎
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In the realm of love, a radiant hue,
Black hearts entwined, a bond so true.
A symphony of souls, harmonies rise,
Embracing the strength that love implies.
Within the nucleus, a sacred space,
The black family unit finds its grace.
Roots deeply planted, branches spread wide,
Nurturing love, where faith does reside.
Through trials endured, they stand as one,
Facing the storms until they are done.
Resilient spirits, unyielding and strong,
In unity they triumph, against all wrong.
Generations intertwined, wisdom shared,
Ancestors' stories, deeply cared.
Passing down the flame, a torch so bright,
Igniting the path with love's pure light.
Black love, a beacon in the night,
Guiding hearts, dispelling plight.
Through laughter and tears, they find their way,
Together they thrive, come what may.
In each tender touch, a healing balm,
Affirming the worth, a soothing psalm.
Celebrating beauty, melanin's embrace,
Love's tapestry woven with elegance and grace.
For in the medleys of life we find,
Black love's essence, power defined.
A testament to love's enduring art,
The black family unit, is a masterpiece from the heart.
— The Black Feminine Society (CEO)
The Black Love Imprint: Creating Legacies, Traditions, and Healthy Standards for Our Present & Future Generations To Come!
For Post Like This & More Follow Us on IG : click here 🫶🏽
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iravinirattu · 11 months
ik im late but im playing through kaveh's hangout event and. the haikaveh brainrot is real
since these losers can't do it themselves i am here to offer my translation services ‼️
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al haitham you liar. we are in a library using our indoor voices you did NOT hear us.
and even if you did mr. "i hate small talk" why'd u walk over hmm?? hmm??
"dont mind if i ignore you, i've got my earphones in" <- applies to everyone except kaveh
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"okay now that i've gotten him distracted tell me what's wrong so i can discreetly fix it"
mans literally sent kaveh away to boost his confidence a bit + find out if he was okay.
"you annoted those books with such long and beautiful notes that eveyone hated lolol anyways check out those shelfs where there's a book with someone appreciating ur notes"
i can't get over how many exceptions al haitham makes for kaveh. he's not heartless and cruel in the way i often see him portrayed... but at the same time his entire demeanor is "i respect you as a person but won't go out of my way to do things for you unless it benefits me"
like he's one of the only characters who isn't super super close with the traveler, at least that's how i see it in the voicelines! he respects them as a friend, would consider doing things for them if they asked, but that's about it really!
but KAVEH. for someone who enjoys a peaceful life and has such a rational and efficient way of working it theoretically makes no sense for him to do all the things he does for kaveh.
like sure "maybe the cheering up kaveh is just to avoid having to deal with him drunk later", but that's too roundabout of a demeanor to be al haitham's style. plus, if he really didn't want to deal with a drunk kaveh, he could just kick him out.
but he doesn't because he cares, and kaveh does not understand that because he has created a vision of what he thinks al haitham is in his head, and in that vision he, kaveh, has no value so why would haitham have him around?? clearly he's got ulterior motives.
and they won't move further until kaveh lets go of that vision, and he can only do that if he truly realises his own worth, and until then haitham's gonna have to keep pushing him towards that from the shadows.
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"he overworks himself, it's not healthy. he forgets the practicality of his ideals when he starts something, thinking he can pull through it, but reality hits him halfway. he can keep his ideals, that's fine, but i wish he was a bit more realistic about them."
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"and despite all of the above, despite wanting to uphold his artistic integrity, he still puts everyone's needs before his own."
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"his approach is too contradictory, and hence people don't see his talent. there are those who's resolve is so brash they are seen as confident and unshakable; and yet he who is more talented than them all falls behind because he's so easy to take advantage of."
al haitham taught me two new words today lol
irascible - someone with a quick temper
paragon - something viewed as a standard
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"if he wants things to change he needs to find a balance between compromise and resolve. there is no way to please everyone, but instead of accepting this, he thinks he can nullify it if he takes all the burden instead."
kaveh's altruism stems from his own self-hatred, moreso than his desire to help others. and while doing a good deed puts a smile on his face, the melancholy guilt that trips him when he doesn't is far greater.
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"if they are his ideals then i have no right to say anything about them. but he hurts himself so much as a result of that and i wish he would love himself a bit more."
al haitham has a great deal of respect for kaveh, not just as a scholar but as a person. and it's hard watching someone like that dig their own grave, and there's nothing you can do but wait in the sidelines, because they won't believe anything you say.
al haitham is constantly bickering with kaveh to get him to feel a little, challenge his ideals, find a way to make them work without sacrificing himself in return.
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"at this poing talking to him is no use, he's convinced himself that his life only has purpose if it's in the hands of others. all people face hardships in life, but he seems to believe he deserves all he gets and more"
and then after kaveh is back he gives him space to talk about things that make him happy, and more importantly, appreciate himself.
how to tell kaveh i want to listen to his silly lil rants without sounding like a sap - al haitham's brain, probably
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al haitham knowing all of kaveh's little buttons, and pressing the right ones after determining his mood, so he can show kaveh he loves him but still sound like a bitch.
"you did so well. i am so proud, and i hope you are proud of yourself too."
and sometimes he does click the wrong one, but then immediately goes back on it, becomes soft(er than usual), offers reassurance, changes the topic, and so on
we saw this in the parade of providence event, when kaveh got legitimately upset at one of haitham's remarks and he immediately went into I HAVE UPSET MY BF recovery mode.
and what i love the most in all this is KAVEH'S DUMBASS IS SO OBLIVIOUS TO THIS LMAOOO
but also it's sad because the reason he's oblivious is because he doesn't think he's worth being cared for like that.
haikaveh's whole vibe is "i love you, but i'd much rather you love yourself first" and "i'm your one and only, your only exception, the one you'd break all your rules for" and i love it.
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andy-wm · 11 months
Relationships 101: What we can learn from JK's live.
I have thoughts about JK's live from 22 July. They have to come out of my head so here they are ...
JK had a few drinks wth his old pal, ARMY.
Even though it was a casual chat he clearly had things on his mind. And when the topic of the explicit lyrics came up, he didn't shy away from it.
He told us that he loves and values us, and at the same time, he made it clear that he's going to do what he wants and that he won't accept being controlled or held to other people's standards. Essentially he told us to pull our heads out of our asses, but with total diplomacy.
He also told us how much the we mean to him, and that genuinely wants us in his life, now and in the future. He said we are his primary support, even more than his parents. That's no joke.
But he didn't tiptoe around the problematic parts of the relationship - how the fandom sees him vs how he seems himself, his need for freedom to grow, and being able to express and trust himself without fear of judgement.
(There was an element of 'please love me' in all of this that pulled at my heartstrings 🥺)
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What did I take away from this?
Of course, the content was important and I'll definitely come back to it, but...
For myself, I learned a few important things about JK:
He's sincere.
He's mature.
He's committed to his relationships.
He's not afraid of difficult conversations, or talking about his feelings, or being vulnerable with people he trusts.
He's prepared to do the work to make things right.
He addresses concerns head on.
He acknowledges and accepts people's differences.
He doesn't let a disagreement weigh him down or become 'baggage'.
He maintains a sense of humour.
Wow. Really. I'm 🥰🤩🥹💞 (can't words LOL but I AM IMPRESSED)
So how does this relate to him and Jimin?
I feel like I saw a little of what he's like as partner.
I always wondered how the heck he and Jimin maintained a healthy and loving relationship in the environment they're in.
Sure, they MUST argue - they get tired, they get grumpy, they get petty, they get offended - they are human. There are huge social and professional issues weighing down on them too, so they problably have major disagreements just like regular people. But JK's live was a beautiful example of healthy communication.
It kinda made me happy (satisfied/relieved?) to see that he has both the skills and the intrinsic ability to respond to criticism (yes, that explicit lyrics question IS criticism) without being reactive. And he can separate the difficult conversation from the relationship as a whole.
In a way, this is directly relatable to the story he told with the SEVEN MV... hmmm... interesting...
*The subtitles arent available yet. This interpretation is based on army twt translations.
*These opinions are my own 💜💛
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The Arcana HCs: How MC likes to fluster the M6
This guy finds literally everything about you attractive, you so much as make eye contact with him and you've already derailed his train of thought
He's also the king of improv, so however distracted he gets he can play it into something else
The question is how to do it so effectively that he can't play it off
The answer is to make subtle physical contact with him without acknowledging that anything special is going on
Reaching over for something and brushing his side but continuing on without missing a beat
Leaning in to make an aside comment, just enough so he can feel your breath on his cheek, only for you to go right back into conversation with whoever's present
Subtlety is not his forte so when he encounters it he doesn't know what to do with it
The confusion is making him so distracted he's not sure how to recover he just knows he's flustered and you're to blame somehow
Blushing, bumbling mess
Teasing people is their preferred method of communication, if it were a competition you wouldn't stand a chance
Luckily for you he's so used to being the best at teasing that he doesn't know how to respond when you match their energy
The key isn't to not get flustered, the key is to stay composed long enough to get him flustered first
As soon as he falters they are a sitting target
Them: "These flowers are beautiful, MC. Almost as much as you"
MC: "I don't know love, they've got nothing on you."
MC cont.: "Then again, you kind of redefined the concept of beauty by just existing, so that might be an impossible standard."
At this point their face is warm enough for Faust to try to use it as a heat lamp
Teasing is also his love language though, so he's uncharacteristically quiet but he's also trying to hide the biggest smile
She gets flustered when something happens and she doesn't have a clear idea of how to respond
Mostly because she's used to being the person in charge, and moments like this make her follow someone else's lead
This could be when somebody behaves in a way she hasn't predicted, or when she's in a foreign situation
This can work positively though, because she enjoys encountering new experiences
You did not grow up as royalty. You have plenty of material to work with here
You help her put together a convincing disguise to enjoy Vesuvia for an evening
Take her to the Rowdy Raven and pull her up on a table with you to dance
You'll have to teach her how to dance the plebian way
She's unusually uncoordinated and flushed but she's enjoying the chance to do the equivalent of a social trust fall
More touchy than normal with you, she's having fun but if you disappear she's not sure what she'd do
Poor guy has had so much trauma, literally all you have to do is show him healthy affection
That's it that's all it takes
Just a quick hug
Or grabbing his hand while you walk side by side
A kiss on the cheek when he hands you something too high up for you to reach
That's all it takes to freeze on the spot and turn bright red
Careful not to overdo it, he's still getting used to the concept of somebody actually loving him for who he is, if you get too relentless he'll spontaneously combust
Innana thinks it's hilarious
Portia may not be the definition of chill but she is almost always the most competent person in the room, and she does the work of four people with relentless optimism
She gets flustered when there *isn't* something to do
You'll have to catch her off guard by being a few steps ahead
She lives her life taking care of all the people around her, you need to take care of her
It's not too hard to do if you're paying attention to her habits
Her: "Hey, have you seen my hair tie -"
MC: "Right here, also your lunch is in your bag, Pepi's already been fed, and the dishes are almost done, so how about we spend the next half hour reading that travel guide together?"
Speechless for half a minute, head empty, no thoughts just static
She'll sit down and enjoy her moment of rest but it's so unexpected she keeps looking over at you with the prettiest blush
Gets flustered literally any time things don't go the way he wants them to or someone calls him out
Someone reminds him of a mistake he made? Stuttering for the next two minutes trying to play it off
Obviously you don't want to make him miserable
The best way to take advantage of this is to point out a problem and then fix it before he can try to gloss it over
"Hey, you forgot your cape. Here, I'll put it on you before anyone notices."
Blushing because he made an oopsie and swooning because you handled it so well
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comphy-and-cozy · 10 months
🦋 19 with Andrei!!
this one was so fun, thank you!
celebrate 1K with me
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Prompt: #19 "It's called being soulmates bitch."
Pairing: Andrei Svechnikov x Reader (f)
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: too much fluff (jk the limit does not exist).
When Andrei proposed, your life turned from a dream into a fairytale. You’d found your Prince Charming, and now you were lucky enough to spend the rest of your life with him.
The wedding planning was, naturally, a little chaotic and stressful, but you were having fun doing it with him by your side. He was patient, understanding, offering his opinions when you asked; otherwise, he just wanted you to have the perfect day, whatever that meant. 
Your shower was scheduled at the sweet spot just before pre-season began to ramp up but when most everyone was trickling back into Raleigh to gear up for training. The venue was beautiful, and your best friend and the other wives had done an incredible job planning and decorating for the Love is Sweet theme.
Andrei insisted on being there, adamant that he should be there to thank everyone for supporting you and for the gifts they were giving the both of you. Fortunately—unfortunately?—he’d also brought along a rowdy group of hockey players, fresh off the golf course next door.
“When are the games? We were promised there’d be games.” Martinook’s boisterous voice sounded from the back of the room, and you couldn’t help but laugh as Andrei shook his head at him, not wanting to disrupt the pleasant brunch.
The ever-experienced Heather Staal shot up, graciously saying, “You’re in luck, Marty, because we are about to start some games right now!”
She explained the rules to the games on the tables—the standard bridal shower games: a bridal bingo and a wedding word scramble. The boys were surprisingly invested despite the childish nature of the games, hooting and hollering when they’d sort out a word or check an item off their bingo board.
Once the games were wrapped up and prizes awarded—Seth was now the proud owner of a brand new ‘Ballet Slippers’ bottle of Essie nail polish—Heather stood up to explain the final game.
“We’ll need both our bride and groom up here for this one,” she said. “I’m going to read off a few statements, and each of you will raise the shoe of the person the statement applies to. You’ll need to each swap one shoe so you have one of his and hers. The goal is to answer them all the same, but we’ll leave some room for a healthy debate if you two answer differently.”
Heather ushers both of you into two chairs arranged at the front of the room, your backs to each other. You exchange shoes, and he turns to whisper lowly to you, “Game on, dorogoy.”
“Alright, first question,” Heather says. “Who said I love you first?”
A smile comes to your face, mind flitting back to the memory in question. Your left hand rises, raising his shoe in the air. The room claps, reacting to you and Andrei both answering the question the same.
The questions continue: who is the better cook?, who is most romantic?, who apologizes first after a fight?, who is more stubborn?, who brought up marriage first?
Based on the reactions from the guests, you and Andrei are doing well—so well, in fact, that you’ve yet to answer a question differently.
“Last question, you two,” Heather’s voice says. “Let’s see if you can go 10 for 10.”
The last question—who fell in love first?—brings another smile to your face as you reflect back on the progression of your relationship. Truly, it felt like you and Andrei were written in the stars, meant to find each other. Once you met him, it was all too easy to fall in love; it was something you did almost unconsciously, just like breathing. 
After another moment of reflection, you raise both shoes in the air, unable to decide on one or the other. The room once again bursts into cheers, and you turn around to find that Andrei, too, has raised both shoes in the air.
“Very impressive,” Heather applauds. “I don’t know what else to call it.”
“It’s called being soulmates, bitch!” Andrei exclaims with a grin.
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freckliedan · 7 months
in your opinion do you think that now they’re not in the closet publicly anymore, it’s not that they necessarily care that people think/know they’re together, it’s just more that they want to keep their actual relationship private?
ooh this is a good question honestly! i mean, they've said it themselves that they're private, and their actions back that up too. i think a huge part of the way they've navigated the privacy for their relationship while & since coming out has been about setting a clear boundary, considering the past violations of their privacy?
but honestly i think there's another huge piece of why they've been so private over the last five years and why that's changing now! i think the gaming channel hiatus era has been their individualization era, which was important for dan especially. like, phil had some time as an adult to learn who he was before he met dan; all of dan's identity formation as an adult happened in the context of his relationship with phil.
spending your entire adult life in a relationship with someone, AND living with them AND working together AND having shared friends for the vast majority of those years? speaking from experience: you can reach a point where you're less able to identify your own individual wants and needs and strengths and dreams, even if it's a healthy and beautiful relationship.
especially if there was any level of tumultuousness in your home life lol
with the added pressure of being a public figure it makes a lot of sense to me that a hard reset had to happen for dan's exploration of who he is and wants to be and enjoys doing with his career to succeed! dan is not okay being fucked over is such a heartbreaking thing, but the time dan spent almost completely out of the public eye followed by a fully solo tour & span of his career shere he was regularly posting is like—it makes sense!
it makes sense that the last 5 years were focused on everything but their relationship! but it also makes like equal sense to me that they're returning to the gaming channel and joint content and a higher level of being open with us, too.
they tried fully solo careers. and i'm sure they both know now, what they like doing independently of one another. but it's so clear to me that they've returned to the gaming channel because they genuinely love to make videos together, and it's a part of them making a fully informed choice about their future careers.
like. it actually really grinds my gears when people say that dan and phil only came back to the gaming channel for the money, tbh! because yeah, i'm sure it's one of their best options for bringing in money. but like... yall they are rich people. they absolutely have money invested. they absolutely are having their money managed. they almost certainly could pull off never working again if they wanted to.
they wouldn't phone it in just for money, not with the standards they've consistantly shown themselves to have for the work they do. like, yes, they're doing their job and making money for it. but i just don't understand seeing this as anything but a choice they made because they love working together—and because they're sure of that, having spent half a decade on solo projects.
the individuation era ending also makes the higher level of being open about their lives make sense. i've always thought we were due for a being loud about how happy they are in their relationship era post coming out and. well. this is definitely that. i can't say i ever wanted to hear this much about their sex lives but i also can't truly say i'm surprised!
i think this is an era of shifting boundaries to be at least a little more open regarding their relationship and life together and i think that's what they're boiling us about this gamingmas! ultimately they're always going to keep more to themselves than they ever share with us but like. things are changing!
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