#Wealth Accumulation Methods
marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
Make 1K Every Day Fast And Simple Income Generating Proven Strategies for Success
To earn $1,000 every day, adopt proven income generating strategies that yield quick, significant returns. Seek out systems with a track record of financial success and user testimonials.
Making money quickly and consistently is a common goal for many, and reaching a target of $1,000 daily is an ambitious yet achievable objective. A multitude of online opportunities claim to offer the secret to financial prosperity, but discerning the legitimate from the too-good-to-be-true is crucial.
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My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Unlocking The Potential Of Daily Earnings
Unlocking the Potential of Daily Earnings is about turning each day into an opportunity. Imagine adding an extra $1,000 to your bank account daily. Such financial boosts can lead to a significant change in lifestyle and savings. Successful strategies exist. Follow them and you could see your income grow day by day.
Identifying High-profit Niches
Finding the right niche is critical for daily high-income potential. Look for industries with a huge demand but low competition. Do this by:
Researching market trends using tools like Google Trends.
Analyzing profitability through affiliate marketing platforms.
Spotting gaps in markets through customer reviews and forums.
Niches like health, wealth, and technology often promise better returns. Always ensure the niche aligns with your passion and expertise.
The Power Of Compound Earnings
Compound earnings can significantly increase your income over time. The key is to reinvest your earnings. See the power of compounding:
DayInitial Investment ($)Return Rate (%)Total Earnings ($)11,000101,100301,0001017,449
By consistently reinvesting your profits, small gains transform into large sums. Whether in stocks, savings accounts, or reinvestment in your business, compound earnings work.
Strategies That Deliver Results
Want to hit that 1K mark daily? Embrace strategies that work. Focus on tried-and-tested methods to generate income efficiently and effectively. The right strategies convert your efforts into steady earnings. Let’s dive into some powerful avenues for your financial breakthrough.
Leveraging Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing offers a passive income stream. It’s simple: promote products and earn a commission for each sale. Start by choosing a niche you are passionate about. Next, find affiliate programs that fit your niche. These programs give you unique links to share. Share these links on your blog, social media, or email newsletters. When someone buys through your link, you get paid.
Join affiliate networks to find products to promote.
Understand your audience to offer relevant products.
Create high-quality content that adds value and includes your affiliate links.
Creating Digital Products
Digital products have high margins and unlimited potential. Think of ebooks, online courses, and software. They require upfront work but can earn money repeatedly without additional costs. Identify what you’re good at. Develop a product that solves problems or provides knowledge. Market your products online using social media, your website, and other platforms.
Type of Digital ProductDescriptionPotential IncomeEbooksWrite and sell your expertise.HighOnline CoursesTeach skills you’ve mastered.Very HighSoftwareCreate tools that help others.Scalable
Offering Freelance Services
Freelancing lets you capitalize on your skills. Millions outsource tasks and projects daily. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr connect freelancers with clients. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, or web development, you can offer services worldwide. Set competitive rates. Deliver top-notch work. Build a strong profile. Sustain a client base that trusts your expertise.
Set up profiles on freelancing platforms highlighting your skills.
Build a portfolio showcasing your best work.
Network to nurture client relationships and get repeat business.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Strengthen Your Online Presence
Want to pocket an extra 1K daily? A powerful online presence is your secret weapon. Dive into strategies that catapult your success. Let’s explore!
Building A Persuasive Social Media Profile
Start with a smart profile picture. It’s your digital handshake. A professional headshot builds trust.
Write a bio that pops. In just a few words, tell your story. Make every word count.
Highlight your skills, what makes you unique.
Update regularly. Keep your achievements fresh.
Engage them. Post content they love. Respond to comments. Keep the conversation lively.
Effective Blogging Techniques
Create compelling headlines. Make them curious. They’ll want to read more.
Know your audience. Write what speaks to them. Solve their problems.
Use short paragraphs. Make it easy to read.
Include images. A picture says a thousand words.
Optimize with keywords. Get found on search engines. But keep it natural.
Call to action. Tell them what to do next. And make it stand out.
Maximizing Passive Income Streams
Earning $1K every day can seem like a dream, but it’s doable with passive income. Passive income streams require upfront effort or investment, but can pay off continuously. They are a key strategy for steady earnings without day-to-day work. Let’s explore some proven methods.
Investing In Dividend Stocks
One powerful revenue source is dividend stocks. Companies pay you just for holding their stock. Here’s how to get started:
Choose established, reliable companies.
Invest in diversified industries for safety.
Reinvest dividends for compounding interest.
Over time, the right portfolio might generate substantial daily income.
For clarity, here’s a simple comparison:
Stock TypeFrequency of PayPotential ReturnsHigh-yieldQuarterlyHigher risk, higher returnsBlue-chipAnnualStable, lower returns
Real Estate Income Opportunities
Real estate is another great way to earn passively. You can earn in two main ways:
Rental properties provide regular monthly income.
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) offer stock-like ease with dividends.
Both ways can help in hitting that $1K daily goal.
Here’s a snapshot of real estate income potential:
Property TypeExpected IncomeProperty ManagementSingle-family homeDepends on locationPossible self-managementMulti-family complexHigher potentialOften requires a manager
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Automation And Scaling Up
Embracing the power of automation and scaling your businesses can transform the quest for making 1K every day from a dream into reality. It’s about working smarter, not harder. Leverage these strategies to multiply your revenue streams efficiently.
Incorporating Automation Tools
Time is money, and automation tools save you both. Automate mundane tasks. Discover tools that align with your business goals.
Email marketing software crafts and sends emails while you sleep.
Social media management platforms queue posts for optimal engagement.
Use accounting software for instant invoicing and expense tracking.
Simple integrations bring big impacts on efficiency. Select tools offering comprehensive analytics. This helps you understand what works for your audience.
Expanding Your Income Channels
Expand beyond one revenue stream. Diversify. More channels mean more opportunities to earn.
Start an e-commerce store. Sell goods related to your brand.
Create an online course. Share your expertise.
Explore affiliate marketing. Recommend products and earn commissions.
Each channel should fit your overall strategy. They must also resonate with your target audience. Observe market trends. Adapt and scale these channels as needed.
ChannelPotential EarningsEase of ScalingE-commerceHighMediumOnline CoursesVariesHighAffiliate MarketingLow to HighHigh
Review the performance of each channel. Reinvest profits for further growth. Success in scaling means careful planning and execution.
Adapting For Consistency And Growth
The journey to making 1K every day is an exciting challenge. The key to success lies in adapting for consistency and growth. You must navigate through changes and keep up the momentum. Let’s dive into strategies that can help you stay ahead of the game.
Adaptability In Market Trends
Staying ahead means knowing the market. Adaptability is about making quick changes. Here’s how:
Research — Keep an eye on market shifts.
Learn — Embrace new skills that the market demands.
Innovate — Try different methods to stand out.
Flexibility helps you use new trends to your advantage. It turns challenges into opportunities. Change is constant, and your strategy should be too.
Maintaining Growth Momentum
Growth is essential. Here’s how to maintain the momentum:
StrategyActionSet GoalsHave clear, measurable targets.Analyze DataReview your progress regularly.OptimizeAdjust strategies based on performance.
By setting goals and analyzing data, you make informed decisions. Optimization ensures your tactics stay effective. A strong foundation leads to sustainable earnings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I Make $1000 Daily Online?
Yes, with the right strategies, such as affiliate marketing, freelancing, or e-commerce, earning $1000 daily is possible online.
Q. What Are Fast Income-generating Methods?
Quick income can be made through high-commission affiliate programs, dropshipping, or offering in-demand digital services like web design.
Q. Is Passive Income Achievable Quickly?
Building passive income streams like dividend stocks or rental properties typically takes time, but some digital products can yield faster results.
Q. Are There Proven Strategies To Make Money?
Absolutely, proven money-making strategies include investing in stocks, starting a blog with monetizable content, and creating online courses.
Q. How To Start Earning $1k From Home?
To earn $1K from home, look into remote jobs, begin freelance writing or graphic design, or set up a home-based business online.
Embracing these strategies can unlock the door to consistent financial growth. Forget long hours and complex methods; here’s a path to a simpler yet effective income boost. Start your journey towards earning $1k daily — your potential awaits. Take action, refine your approach, and watch success unfold.
Let’s make prosperity your new normal.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Thanks for reading my article on How I Increase My New Website from 0 to 1000 of Daily Visitors Step-By-Step Guide
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This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Make 1K Every Day Fast And Simple Income Generating Proven Strategies for Success
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truevedicastrology · 4 months
Uranus in the Houses
A Spark of Unpredictability
Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, adds a dash of unpredictability wherever it lands in your birth chart. Let's explore how it ignites change and disrupts the status quo in each house:
1st House: The Maverick
Forget fitting in! You're a natural-born trendsetter, drawn to the avant-garde and expressing yourself authentically. Embracing your quirks, even if they shock others, is key to unlocking your full potential.
2nd House: The Unconventional Earner
Get ready for surprises in your finances! Uranus might bring sudden windfalls or unexpected losses, prompting you to break free from traditional wealth accumulation methods. Embrace innovative ideas and unconventional ventures.
3rd House: The Quick-Witted Communicator
Communication sparks fly! You have a knack for expressing yourself in unexpected ways, sometimes shocking others with your wit and sharp insights. Embrace intellectual challenges and explore diverse perspectives.
4th House: The Unconventional Home
Your home life is anything but ordinary! Expect sudden changes in your living situation or unconventional family dynamics. Embrace the opportunity to build a unique and authentic haven.
5th House: The Rebellious Creator
Your creativity thrives on breaking the rules! You're drawn to avant-garde forms of expression and unexpected romantic encounters. Embrace your uniqueness and challenge conventional notions of love and pleasure.
6th House: The Unorthodox Work Ethic
You disrupt the traditional work environment! You might embrace unconventional methods, challenge authority, or switch careers unexpectedly. Embrace innovation and find a work space that allows you to be your authentic self.
7th House: The Unpredictable Partner
Relationships take an excitingly unpredictable turn with Uranus. You might attract unconventional partners or experience sudden changes in your partnerships. Embrace open communication and respect for individual freedom.
8th House: The Transformational Journey
Expect unexpected transformations in your personal power and finances. You might experience sudden inheritances or losses, prompting deep personal growth. Embrace the power of change and learn to let go.
9th House: The Globe-Trotting Explorer
Embrace adventure! Uranus fuels your wanderlust and desire for unconventional travel experiences. You might be drawn to exploring hidden knowledge or challenging traditional beliefs. Embrace open-mindedness and diverse perspectives.
10th House: The Unlikely Star
Your career path is anything but predictable! You might experience sudden success, unexpected career changes, or unconventional leadership styles. Embrace innovation and find a career that allows you to express your unique vision.
11th House: The Social Revolutionary
You attract like-minded rebels and dreamers! Your friendships challenge the status quo and inspire social change. Embrace collaboration and use your network to make a difference.
12th House: The Intuitive Visionary
Uranus awakens your hidden potential and psychic abilities. You might experience sudden flashes of insight or unconventional spiritual experiences. Embrace introspection and connect to your inner wisdom.
Remember, Uranus' influence is just one piece of your unique astrological puzzle. Embrace the spark of unpredictability it brings and use it to forge your own extraordinary path!
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horoscope1726 · 2 months
How do Saturn and Venus affect each house in astrology?
Saturn and Venus are two very different planets in astrology, each with its own set of qualities and influences. Their effects on each house in a birth chart can vary depending on the specific placements, aspects, and individual dynamics of the chart. Here's a general overview of how Saturn and Venus might influence each house:
First House (Ascendant):Saturn: Can bring a sense of seriousness, responsibility, and self-discipline to the personality. Individuals may appear reserved, cautious, or mature beyond their years .Venus: Enhances charm, attractiveness, and a love of beauty. Individuals may be diplomatic, socially graceful, and have a strong sense of aesthetics.
Second House: Saturn: Emphasizes financial stability, discipline in money matters, and a cautious approach to earning and saving. Can indicate delays or challenges in financial matters. Venus: Enhances material comfort, enjoyment of luxury, and artistic talents related to wealth accumulation. Can indicate a love of beautiful possessions and a talent for making money through artistic pursuits or diplomacy.
Third House: Saturn: Brings a serious and methodical approach to communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. Can indicate challenges or delays in early education or relationships with siblings. Venus: Enhances social communication, charm, and artistic expression in writing or speech. Can indicate harmonious relationships with siblings and a love of learning through artistic or cultural activities.
Fourth House (IC):Saturn: Emphasizes a need for security, stability, and tradition in the home and family life. Can indicate responsibilities or challenges related to parental authority or the family legacy. Venus: Enhances domestic harmony, love of beauty in the home environment, and a strong emotional connection to family. Can indicate artistic talents or a love of cooking and entertaining at home.
Fifth House: Saturn: Brings a serious and disciplined approach to creativity, romance, and self-expression. Can indicate delays or challenges in matters related to children, hobbies, or romantic relationships. Venus: Enhances creativity, romantic charm, and a love of pleasure and leisure activities. Can indicate a talent for the arts, a love of romance and dating, and a desire for enjoyment and fun.
Sixth House: Saturn: Emphasizes discipline, hard work, and responsibility in matters of health, routine, and service to others. Can indicate challenges or delays in health matters or difficulties in the workplace. Venus: Enhances cooperation, harmony, and aesthetic appreciation in daily work routines and relationships with colleagues. Can indicate a love of service to others, artistic talents in healing or therapy, and a desire for balance and beauty in the workplace.
Seventh House (Descendant):Saturn: Brings a sense of seriousness, commitment, and responsibility to relationships and partnerships. Can indicate delays or challenges in forming partnerships or difficulties in marriage. Venus: Enhances harmony, cooperation, and a love of beauty in relationships. Can indicate a desire for romance, partnership, and artistic collaboration, as well as a strong appreciation for beauty and aesthetics in others.
Eighth House: Saturn: Emphasizes a need for control, discipline, and security in matters of joint resources, intimacy, and transformation. Can indicate challenges or delays in matters related to inheritance, taxes, or shared assets. Venus: Enhances sensuality, intimacy, and a love of luxury in matters of shared resources and transformation. Can indicate a desire for deep emotional connections, financial partnerships, and a love of luxury and sensual pleasures.
Ninth House: Saturn: Brings a serious and disciplined approach to higher education, philosophy, and spiritual pursuits. Can indicate challenges or delays in long-distance travel, higher learning, or philosophical beliefs. Venus: Enhances cultural appreciation, artistic expression, and a love of beauty in matters of travel, higher education, and philosophical exploration. Can indicate a love of foreign cultures, a talent for languages or the arts, and a desire for beauty and harmony in one's belief system.
Tenth House (Midheaven):Saturn: Emphasizes ambition, responsibility, and a serious attitude toward career and public reputation. Can indicate challenges or delays in career advancement or difficulties with authority figures. Venus: Enhances charm, social grace, and artistic talents in matters of career and public image. Can indicate success in artistic or creative professions, a love of beauty and luxury, and a desire for public recognition and admiration.
Eleventh House: Saturn: Brings a sense of responsibility, discipline, and structure to friendships, group activities, and long-term goals. Can indicate challenges or delays in achieving social or humanitarian objectives. Venus: Enhances social charm, cooperation, and a love of beauty in friendships and group activities. Can indicate harmonious relationships with friends and social groups, a talent for networking or diplomacy, and a desire for shared aesthetic experiences.
Twelfth House: Saturn: Emphasizes solitude, introspection, and discipline in matters of spirituality, hidden strengths, and subconscious patterns. Can indicate challenges or delays in spiritual growth or difficulties with hidden enemies. Venus: Enhances compassion, sensitivity, and a love of beauty in matters of spirituality and hidden strengths. Can indicate a desire for spiritual connection, a love of beauty in seclusion or meditation, and a talent for expressing beauty through charitable or humanitarian activities.
These interpretations provide a general overview of how Saturn and Venus can affect each house in astrology. However, it is necessary to consider the entire birth chart and the individual's specific circumstances to understand how these planetary positions manifest in their life. The aspects, planetary dignities and overall configuration of the chart will also play an important role in shaping the experiences and personality traits of the individual. For more information you can take help of Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. which can give you a good information
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dailyadventureprompts · 5 months
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Homebrew Mechanic: Fixing D&D’s Gameplay Loop with Item Degradation
Normally I have snappy titles for these, but in this case I wanted to be super upfront with what I was getting you all into. 
Some people are not going to like the idea of introducing item degradation into the game, and they’re ABSOLUTELY right to be hesitant. Just about every attempt I’ve seen (includig both RAW versions from previous editions, examples from videogames, and those I’ve put together myself in the past) have been horribly clunky exercises in beancounting that only ever existed to needlessly slow down gameplay for the sake of joyless realism. 
I’ve come at it from another angle however, but to explain we’re going to need to get into some game design talk. 
The basic gameplay loop of D&D is supposed to be: 
Seeking adventure leads you to face challenges
Overcoming challenges leads you to rewards
Rewards Help you get stronger 
Getting stronger allows you to seek tougher adventures
After a while this system starts to break down specifically with regards to gold as a method of reward. Even if you’re the smart sort of DM who flouts the rules and gives their party access to a magic item shop, there’s an increasingly limited number of things to spend gold on, leading to parties acquiring sizable hordes of riches early on in their adventuring career, completely eliminating the desire to accept quests that pay out in gold in one form or another. This is a pretty significant flaw because adventures that centre around acquisition of riches ( treasure hunts, bounty missions, busywork for rich patrons that will inevitably betray you) are foundational to storytelling within the game, especially early on in a campaign before the party has gotten emotionally invested.  Most advice you can find online attempting  to solve this problem tends to dissolve down to “let them pour money into a home base”,  but that can only really happen once per campaign as a party is unlikely to want more than one secret clubhouse. 
TLDR:  What I propose is the implantation of a lightweight system that forces the party to periodically drop small amounts of wealth into maintaining their weapons/armour/foci. The players will be motivated to seek out gold in order to keep using their best stuff,  giving value to treasure drops that previously lacked it.  Not only does this system act as an insulation against powercreep at higher levels, it also encourages a party to engage with the world as they seek out workshops and crafters capable of repairing their gear. 
The System: 
Weapons, armour, shields, and caster foci (staves, holy symbols etc) can accumulate “ticks” of damage, represented by a dot or X drawn next to their item entry on the character sheet. Because you get better at handling your gear as you level up, an item that exceeds a total number of ticks equal to its bearer’s proficiency bonus breaks, and is considered unusable until it is repaired. 
Weapons and Foci gain a tick of damage when you roll a natural 1 on an attack made with them, or if they are specifically targeted by an enemy’s attack.
Armour and shields gain a tick of damage when you roll a nat 1 on a saving throw or when an enemy beats your ac by 5 or more. A character equipped with both can decide which of the two items receives the tick
Creatures with the “siege” (or any “does double damage to objects” ability) deal an extra tick when attacking gear. 
A character with a crafting proficiency  and access to tools can repair a number of ticks of damage equal to their proficiency on a four hour work period. This rate is doubled if they have access to a properly equipped workshop.  A character with access to the mending cantrip can repair ticks on any kind of item, but is limited to their proficiency bonus per work period.  
Having an item repaired by an NPC crafter removes all ticks, but costs vary depending on the rarity of the item:    5g for a mundane item, 10g for a common item, 50g for uncommon, 250 for a rare, 1250 for a very rare, 6250 for a legendary.  The DM decides the limit on what each crafter can repair, as it’s likely small towns have access to artisans of only common or uncommon skill, requiring the party to venture to new lands or even across planes if they wish to repair end game gear.
As you can see, degradation in this system is easy to keep track of and quite gradual, leading players into a position where they can ignore obvious damage to their kit for the sake of saving their now precious gold.  It likewise encourages them to seek out NPC crafters (and potential questhooks) for skills they do not possess, and encourages the use of secondary weapons either as backups or to save the more potent items in the arsenal for a real challenge. 
Everyone knows the old joke about players hoarding consumables from the first adventure past the final bossfight, it transcends genre and platform, and speaks to a nature of loss aversion within our shared humanity.  However, giving players items they’re never going to use amounts to wasted time, resources, and potential when looking at things from a game design perspective, so lets work on fixing that. 
My inspiration came from witcher 3, which encourages players to make frequent use of consumables by refreshing them whenever the character had downtime. The darksouls series has a similar feature with the signature estus flask, which provides a limited number of heals before it must be refreshed at one of the game’s checkpoints.  When the designers removed the risk of permanent loss and the anxiety it creatures, players were able to think tactically about the use of their consumables confident in the knowledge that any mistakes were just a resupply away from being fixed.  
My proposal is that while the party is in town they can refill the majority of their consumable items for a small per item fee. Just like with gear degradation, this encourages them to seek out crafters and do quests for the hope of discounts, while at the same time encouraging them to explore new realms in the hope of discovering higher level artisans. 
The price for refills is set at: 5g for common, 25g for an uncommon, 125g for a rare, 625g for a very rare, 3125g for  legendary.  I encourage my own players to keep a  “shopping list” in their inventory with prices tabulated so they can hand out a lump sum of gold and have their kit entirely refreshed. 
Characters with a relevant skill and access to their tools can refill a number of items equal to their proficiency bonus during a four hour work period. With access to a proper workshop, this rate doubles.   ( At last, proficiency with brewers supplies, carpenters tools etc become useful) 
I encourage you as a DM to check out this potion flasks system, which I’ve found adds a delicious factor of uncertainty back into the mix.  Attached is also my super lightweight rules for tracking gear and supplies, which I absolutely refuse to shut up about.
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janus-cadet · 2 months
After all the sinners I drew, it was high time I drew an angel. Will Adam even stay one? I don't know- but here he is, as, ironically, the King of Pentacles.
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As usual, some explanations for the choice of card under the cut!
Upright, the King of Pentacles is a provider; he uses his ambition and confidence to create wealth for himself, and generates his self-worth from what he has accumulated in his life. He is a winner, you could say, having won the lottery of life and enjoying himselft in the after life. But he also is a guiding figure for those around him, like Adam seems to be for the exorcists under his orders. The King is a confident person: he knows he'll succeed in all he will try to achieve, especially related to his work (which, true, can lead him to be a tad overconfident. Would be a shame if he got stabbed in the chest, then punched into oblivion, then stabbed to death by a filthy janitor). The figure can be approach to King Midas, turning everything he touches into gold- but, careful of what you wish for, as your dream could easily turn into a curse. Either way, he has nothing left to proove: he achieve the highest situation he could have dreamed of, and no longer has to struggle to achieve his desires. Ideally, he should now be enjoying his well-deserved life up in heaven, enjoy all that was accomplished. Even more, the King should remember that he will only remain successful as long as he takes methodical, well-thought-out approach to the matters presenting themselves to him. He should not take anymore risks. Like, really, no. Come on, Adam.
Reversed, the card encourages you to look at the relationship you have with your situation. You may not be treating what you have with respect, or has a winning situation; you might be lacking self-discipline (like, really); or you might be putting all you achieve above anything else, negatively impacting your relationship and well-being. For example, you might let all your life revolve around your work as leader of the exorcist army, and neglect other parts of your life that might bring you actual joy. You are obsessed with you status, dismissing people you dim "below" you, feeling the need to brag about what you accomplished and your own self-worth. At time, the King of Pentacles can also represent someone who is very stubborn and rigid in his approach, and doesn't accept different opinions.
I mean. Hell is forever, right, end of the line.
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And that's it for today! Next time, we'll have our dear cannibal Overlord, Rosie. Stay tuned...
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tonyfavgirl · 4 months
Didyme's fingerprints can still be seen in Aro's actions, even after her death
There are some videos on TikTok featuring Chinese people recreating ancient paper, ancient blush, ancient lipstick, and various other artifacts, using traditional methods passed down from their ancestors.
I strongly believe that Aro possesses such items.
Both Didyme and he were deeply enamored with humanity's ceaseless creativity, marveling at its ability to continuously invent and innovate in the most intricate and well-thought-out ways despite everything. They made it a point to purchase anything that remotely piqued their interest.
It didn't matter that all of those items were extremely expensive, especially considering the challenges of transportation, given that the Volturi resided in Volterra, and there is a considerable distance between Italy and China. The Volturi, having existed for centuries, had amassed significant wealth. Amidst the books, art pieces, and various objects accumulated over the years, Aro and Didyme actively worked to acquire these items from different continents, even though they knew they would never use them due to the meticulous care they took in maintaining their possessions.
As time passed, Didyme developed a deep fascination with jewelry, while Aro pursued a more mechanical path. While his sister sought out necklaces and bracelets, always sharing her finds with Athenodora and Sulpicia, Aro immersed himself in learning a wide array of skills. His fascination even led him to master the art of Chinese ancient printing.
Aro made it a priority to learn Chinese and traveled to China solely to acquire knowledge. He dedicated himself to mastering the intricacies of their ancient printing machine. Despite the rarity of his leisure moments, given his position as one of the rulers of an entire bloodthirsty race, he relentlessly attempted to recreate the print exactly as he had learned from the mind of the person he had read. His pursuit never wavered until he got it right.
When he did achieve perfection, it, of course, only signaled the beginning of a new learning journey. Aro, always seeking new knowledge, explored different realms of expertise. Didyme introduced him to the beauty of jewelry, initially something he hadn't paid much attention to, as he gravitated towards more obvious arts, such as sculpture and music.
However, like every truly good person in tragic tales, Didyme's life was cut short, and Aro found himself to blame. As the weight of his actions sank in — realizing he had taken the life of his sister, whom he had witnessed being born, whom he had taught how to write, whom he had seen learn to walk, whom he had waited to be older to be transformed and be by his side — Aro came to terms with the harsh reality that, for him, family, despite its significance, was not as powerful as the pursuit of power itself. In the aftermath, he needed solace and something to cling to.
For Aro, that anchor became Didyme herself and the love she had for jewelry.
In perhaps a desperate attempt to keep even a hint of his sister's memory alive or in a cunning effort to convey to Marcus the depth of his suffering (to this day, he remains unsure of the true reason), Aro learned the art of creating jewelry.
In the beginning, he simply observed others engaging in the craft, recalling the wonder with which his sister always regarded them. Nevertheless, one thing led to another, and now, much like Caius with his art room and Marcus with his personal library, Aro has his own workshop dedicated to creating all types of jewelry, from necklaces to rings, bracelets, and more.
Without skipping a single piece, he always creates two: one for himself and one to place in Didyme's room, among the countless other items he has never managed to discard, even thousands of years after her demise.
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plaguedoctormemes · 4 months
i'm not deleting my tumblr blogs but this whole debacle with the AI stuff is discouraging me to at least not post original content here and limit my time on social media in general. Also to be clear on my stance on AI, which I think is very much influenced by my background as both an artist and a professional graphic designer: I think it can be a very useful tool and I don't even necessarily inherently find it completely harmful. Some forms of AI are already well used and completely normalized, but I find most of the time generative AI as we know it is pretty harmful and its harms outweighs its benefits currently (largely grifts, scams and misinfo). It needs regulation desperately, but old cunt politicians are too dumb to really care about or understand how important the issue is right now. I do not believe that AI will simply peter off or crash. From a marketing standpoint, i feel like AI usage will cool off or become more specialized (like creating whole machines *just* trained on individual brands for personal use and whatnot) but I have no idea how far away that would be. I just believe there might come a time where everyone is over the "spectacle" of generative AI and will find it inaffective or inherently associated with cheapness. At least in the most base sense in advertising, it is generally much better to have your own photographs and original branded artwork as it proves authenticity. You can only see a illusionist do so many tricks before you're bored by them and expect them, and we're already getting to the point where even the average Joe is tired of hearing about AI and the future, and at least when it comes to art and writing i just... don't care? i don't give a shit about it. BACK TO TUMBLR: I'm aware that its likely that mine and everyone elses' posts here have already been scraped. My thing is that it's more the symbolism of Tumblr's "opt-out" choice: memorial blogs, inactive blogs, and so on are going to be scraped without consent. No banners or pop ups to notify users of this change, you either have to either HAPPEN UPON to see staff's post or see others talk about it to even know about it. Since the beginning of this whole AI boom i had no issue with AI data training as long as it's consentual and ethical, but obviously it most of the time isnt. Tumblr's method of rolling out this change was purposely underhanded. I'm never going to simply be "okay" or normalize in my mind the fact that big tech companies feel entitled to people's privacy- which i believe extends to our online lives. I don't think myself or anyone else should ever feel completely apathetic to the fact that people you don't know, that definitely do not need it, are making money off of you without your consent or knowledge. Just to be clear this isnt about what is and isnt "real art" or whatever for me. It's just a huge distraction from the main point, a big debate that will go absolutely nowhere. What's more important about it is that big techs and billionaires don't have interest in making the world a better place, they only care about eliminating our "distractions" that get in the way of them making money and accumulating more wealth. My solution: We need to make them deepthroat shotguns and machetes.
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weil-weil-lautre · 6 months
We had progress by poverty in the face of accumulating wealth, and that poverty was not simply the poverty of the slaves of Africa and the peons of Asia, but the poverty of the mass of workers in England, France, Germany, and the United States. Literature became realistic and therefore pessimistic. Religion became organized in social clubs where well-bred people met in luxurious churches and gave alms to the poor. On Sunday they listened to sermons--'Blessed are the meek'; 'Do unto others even as you would that others do unto you'; 'If thine enemy smite thee, turn the other cheek'; 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'--listened and acted as though they had read, as in very truth they ought to have read--'Might is right'; 'Do others before they do you'; 'Kill your enemies or be killed'; 'Make profits by any methods and at any cost so long as you can escape the lenient law.' This is a fair picture of the decadence of that Europe which led human civilization during the nineteenth century and looked unmoved on the writhing of Asia and of Africa.
W.E.B. Du Bois, The World and Africa (Oxford University Press), 16.
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fatehbaz · 3 months
On May 28, 1914, the Institut für Schiffs-und Tropenkrankheiten (Institute for Maritime and Tropical Diseases, ISTK) in Hamburg began operations in a complex of new brick buildings on the bank of the Elb. The buildings were designed by Fritz Schumacher, who had become the Head of Hamburg’s building department (Leiter des Hochbauamtes) in 1909 after a “flood of architectural projects” accumulated following the industrialization of the harbor in the 1880s and the “new housing and working conditions” that followed. The ISTK was one of these projects, connected to the port by its [...] mission: to research and heal tropical illnesses; [...] to support the Hamburg Port [...]; and to support endeavors of the German Empire overseas.
First established in 1900 by Bernhard Nocht, chief of the Port Medical Service, the ISTK originally operated out of an existing building, but by 1909, when the Hamburg Colonial Institute became its parent organization (and Schumacher was hired by the Hamburg Senate), the operations of the ISTK had outgrown [...]. [I]ts commission by the city was an opportunity for Schumacher to show how he could contribute to guiding the city’s economic and architectural growth in tandem, and for Nocht, an opportunity to establish an unprecedented spatial paradigm for the field of Tropical Medicine that anchored the new frontier of science in the German Empire. [...]
[There was a] shared drive to contribute to the [...] wealth of Hamburg within the context of its expanding global network [...]. [E]ach discipline [...] architecture and medicine were participating in a shared [...] discursive operation. [...]
The brick used on the ISTK façades was key to Schumacher’s larger Städtebau plan for Hamburg, which envisioned the city as a vehicle for a “harmonious” synthesis between aesthetics and economy. [...] For Schumacher, brick [was significantly preferable] [...]. Used by [...] Hamburg architects [over the past few decades], who acquired their penchant for neo-gothic brickwork at the Hanover school, brick had both a historical presence and aesthetic pedigree in Hamburg [...]. [T]his material had already been used in Die Speicherstadt, a warehouse district in Hamburg where unequal social conditions had only grown more exacerbated [...]. Die Speicherstadt was constructed in three phases [beginning] in 1883 [...]. By serving the port, the warehouses facilitated the expansion and security of Hamburg’s wealth. [...] Yet the collective profits accrued to the city by these buildings [...] did not increase economic prosperity and social equity for all. [...] [A] residential area for harbor workers was demolished to make way for the warehouses. After the contract for the port expansion was negotiated in 1881, over 20,000 people were pushed out of their homes and into adjacent areas of the city, which soon became overcrowded [...]. In turn, these [...] areas of the city [...] were the worst hit by the Hamburg cholera epidemic of 1892, the most devastating in Europe that year. The 1892 cholera epidemic [...] articulated the growing inability of the Hamburg Senate, comprising the city’s elite, to manage class relationships [...] [in such] a city that was explicitly run by and for the merchant class [...].
In Hamburg, the response to such an ugly disease of the masses was the enforcement of quarantine methods that pushed the working class into the suburbs, isolated immigrants on an island, and separated the sick according to racial identity.
In partnership with the German Empire, Hamburg established new hygiene institutions in the city, including the Port Medical Service (a progenitor of the ISTK). [...] [T]he discourse of [creating the school for tropical medicine] centered around city building and nation building, brick by brick, mark by mark.
Just as the exterior condition of the building was, for Schumacher, part of a much larger plan for the city, the program of the building and its interior were part of the German Empire and Tropical Medicine’s much larger interest in controlling the health and wealth of its nation and colonies. [...]
Yet the establishment of the ISTK marked a critical shift in medical thinking [...]. And while the ISTK was not the only institution in Europe to form around the conception and perceived threat of tropical diseases, it was the first to build a facility specifically to support their “exploration and combat” in lockstep, as Nocht described it.
The field of Tropical Medicine had been established in Germany by the very same journal Nocht published his overview of the ISTK. The Archiv für Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Pathologie und Therapie was first published in 1897, the same year that the German Empire claimed Kiaochow (northeast China) and about two years after it claimed Southwest Africa (Namibia), Cameroon, Togo, East Africa (Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda), New Guinea (today the northern part of Papua New Guinea), and the Marshall Islands; two years later, it would also claim the Caroline Islands, Palau, Mariana Islands (today Micronesia), and Samoa (today Western Samoa).
The inaugural journal [...] marked a paradigm shift [...]. In his opening letter, the editor stated that the aim of Tropical Medicine is to “provide the white race with a home in the tropics.” [...]
As part of the institute’s agenda to support the expansion of the Empire through teaching and development [...], members of the ISTK contributed to the Deutsches Kolonial Lexikon, a three-volume series completed in 1914 (in the same year as the new ISTK buildings) and published in 1920. The three volumes contained maps of the colonies coded to show the areas that were considered “healthy” for Europeans, along with recommended building guidelines for hospitals in the tropics. [...] "Natives" were given separate facilities [...]. The hospital at the ISTK was similarly divided according to identity. An essentializing belief in “intrinsic factors” determined by skin color, constitutive to Tropical Medicine, materialized in the building’s circulation. Potential patients were assessed in the main building to determine their next destination in the hospital. A room labeled “Farbige” (colored) - visible in both Nocht and Schumacher’s publications - shows that the hospital segregated people of color from whites. [...]
Despite belonging to two different disciplines [medicine and architecture], both Nocht and Schumacher’s publications articulate an understanding of health [...] that is linked to concepts of identity separating white upper-class German Europeans from others. [In] Hamburg [...] recent growth of the shipping industry and overt engagement of the German Empire in colonialism brought even more distant global connections to its port. For Schumacher, Hamburg’s presence in a global network meant it needed to strengthen its local identity and economy [by purposefully seeking to showcase "traditional" northern German neo-gothic brickwork while elevating local brick industry] lest it grow too far from its roots. In the case of Tropical Medicine at the ISTK, the “tropics” seemed to act as a foil for the European identity - a constructed category through which the European identity could redescribe itself by exclusion [...].
What it meant to be sick or healthy was taken up by both medicine and architecture - [...] neither in a vacuum.
All text above by: Carrie Bly. "Mediums of Medicine: The Institute for Maritime and Tropical Diseases in Hamburg". Sick Architecture series published by e-flux Architecture. November 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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superconductivebean · 2 months
#962: victor rookwood hc post - 1?
Not sure I've lots about that one. A follow-up to the latest hc post.
Once again raising my head from the Brainrot fog to share some character headcanons with the world. Brainrot is a fic I’m working on.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @limonnitsa @catohphm
Cut because tw I'd gotten a little too gnarly to my liking by the end.
Salacious around young (ages 19-22) women of higher classes;
Reeks of whiskey, sweat and cologne. Not terribly so, but enough for his presence to quite literally fill the room;
After killing his father on a lively duel and taking the Ashwinders for himself, got stuck in the perpetual decline of power, as he saw it;
Brainrot: His father was a deviously clever and a vicious crime lord. The name -- Ashwinders -- came from the way the pest multiply. In its early days the Ashwinders were setting fire to hearths around the coasts of Continental Europe in order to get children, magical or not, to follow them, learn from them, and spread their agenda not knowing what it entailed;
Brainrot: Rookwood Sr. minded the Statute very much, as well as many others among the traders and the poor. But the methods he chose were… questionable. Some called them a commendable effort, especially the destitute, but in the grand scheme of things, Rookwood Sr. was either raising an army, no less, or he was an idealistic mind unable to be understood by the contemporary;
Brainrot: The truth leaned powerwards. Rookwood minded the Statute because it was an obstacle. He could act in the open in the south but couldn't in the north, and that was the problem. He and his beneficiaries were constantly getting in serious legal troubles along the northern -- Normandy, Dutch, German, Danish, British, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian -- coasts;
Brainrot: Everyone he managed to snatch, recruit, get, and forced into the ranks was an expandable force, constantly tested. Blood pacts, dark sacrifices, grim rituals; Rookwood gang was less than pleasant place with little hopes of ever escaping its bloody horrors;
Brainrot: Victor didn't know them very well not he was ever let in. He only knew that his father was a powerful Dark Wizard, raised himself a following whom he was meticulously defending, and had literal tons of accumulated wealth he wasn't very keen on sharing;
Brainrot: Fast-forward to Victor's adult years: Victor cultivated an insatiable hunger for power. Unlike his father, he isn't politically savvy, but he knows ruthlessness can open many doors without the need to find any keys for any locks;
When Victor killed his father, he had proven that to himself. The scion and an only heir to the family's line, he took all there was to the gang to himself, changing its course to something more vile and violent on an outward;
Victor doesn't think a discrete approach matters so much as his father used to think. To him, it is a necessity, not a credo, how else would people see where his intent lies and how unequivocally pointless would be to resist it;
He is a force to be reckoned with;
But the more one has, the harder it is to control. He'd cut the beast's tail bit by bit and sew it back* many times until he'd realise he made a grave mistake, and it'd already too late to turn back.
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centrally-unplanned · 9 months
Hi! I liked your post about the economic situation of rural China in recent history. I was wondering if you could explain this a bit more, or point me to another post that explains it: “even ignoring that the whole ‘poverty’ thing is 90% tech level and there was no amount of redistribution that was going to improve that very much”
Sure! Its hard to point to anything beyond like "GPD figures", but that can at least be illustrative:
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In China at the dawn of the 20th century, the country was poor because compared to countries today China (like everyone in the past) was always poor. People worked to produce output (food, tools, houses, etc) and that level of output was really low, because the technology of production was primitive. There is a big complex question as to how economic/social relations encourage or discourage the accumulation of better technology for production (lossily known as "capital" in econ speak), but at the fundamental level if you don't have energy plants, and tractors, and cranes, and assembly lines, and machine parts, and shipping vessels, and all of those things, you are just leagues poorer than a modern society inherently. That was China at the time; Chinese farmers just could not make much food for their labor.
The key point is no amount of redistribution could change that - the poor of China were not poor because there was a rich class taking their wealth. If you took 100% of the wealth of the rich and gave it out as an equal check to each citizen of China, you would barely even notice it on a graph like this. The actual econ history is complicated (China's wealth in the 1950's did increase, but not much and that probably has way more to do with the end of the war - war is awful for wealth) but the fundamental point is there. The actual story behind the CCP's Land Reform campaign of ~1949-1954 was complex, and was about more than wealth. But from the perspective of poverty, it just wasn't this big issue for the country. the rural countryside was poor because they needed to upgrade their production methods; they weren't lacking in land to farm.
None of this means that redistribution is therefore bad or anything, even then, don't take it that way - you can be poor and have societal systems make that poverty even worse, and than happened in China for sure. Just that the future of China's agricultural sector lay in technological progress, and the impact of anything else would be swept away by that.
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threemouthedcanine · 6 months
Made a non-player Fallen London character, the devilless Lady Arianrhod Crowther <3 (see her non-human forms here)
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Lady Crowther lives in a mansion in London as her current game is to wedge herself into the upper echelons of Londoner high society while playing by all their rules. She's aware of the Brass Embassy but has no real affiliation with them. She calls herself a devil, devilless, or she-devil in most company, but she is a demon much much older than modern "devil" society.
Lady Crowther uses she/her pronouns and feminine language for convenience and for fun, she does not identify as any gender. She takes the appearance of a Black woman as a personal challenge, and because she finds the machiniations of human bigotry very amusing.
Extra character info and rambling and whatnot under the cut yippeee
To expand on the point abt her appearance and her little game, (wedging herself into the upper echelons of londoner high society) and doing so while visibly being a she-devil (disliked) and a Black woman (doubly disliked) adds much more challenge than if she pretended to be a human whiteman.
The way she likes to explain it to others is by comparing it to chess. Chess is a very specific game with very specific rules and history. Some people get very good at chess. When you're trying to win a game of chess against a good player theres a very wide variety of methods you could use and the more strictly you adhere to the chess standard the more interesting and satisfying it is to win in chess. Sure, you could always knock all the pieces off and cave your opponents skull in with the board but you haven't really "won" the chess match that way, you havent defeated them fair and square. In the marketplace of competitive chess matches.
So, to her, successfully entering the heavily human and heavily white dominated London high society that doesn't want to extend any measure of respect or decency to a devil—especially least of all a devil that looks Black—and thrive and outpace them, accumulate the most wealth, the most social currency, to make even the most distinguished of upperclass inbred nobility bite their tongues bloody because they cannot afford the fallout of crossing her, that's her winning. And every little additional challenge and bit of self imposed difficulty and restriction makes it all the more rewarding for her while even more frustrating for the "opponent" as she "beats" them.
And its also hilarious because she and every other devil knows that all her appearance of civility is because shes deliberately chooses to adhere to these rules and not, as aforementioned, simply cave in her opponents skull with the chess board when she easily could, at any time, and they wouldnt be able to do jackshit to stop her.
She's a very unusual, eccentric, and doesn't quite fit in with the general devil culture because of her many odd proclivities :) also shes a domme who does insane saw shit to her harem of subs
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smartycvnt · 1 year
Fit for a Queen
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Title: Fit for a Queen Pairing: Bela Talbot x Reader Prompt: 74. "You like being pampered like this, don't you?" Minors DNI, 18+ Warnings: smut, top Bela, bottom reader, oral (f receiving) NR WC: 1547
Bela scoffed under her breath as her cab stopped at a very extravagant gate. She had known that Y/n liked being a bit extra, but this was excessive even for her. Bela had a taste for the finer things in life, Y/n very much included, despite the other woman's front of wealth. Y/n had not grown up in a rich family, and Bela quite honestly wasn't sure where all the wealth Y/n had accumulated came from. The house, cars, parties, and everything else Y/n did was purely to keep greedy hands away from the money she really needed. Bela wasn't sure how much of Y/n's fortune went into training and supplying her group of personal monster hunters, but it was enough for Y/n to insist that she could never be too careful.
"Do you know the queen personally?" Bela looked at the cab driver with confusion. She had known Y/n for a long time, and the woman was in no way shape or form royalty. Bela thought it would have been more accurate to describe Y/n's true nature to be that of a child who was raised on the streets, quite literally.
"The queen of what exactly?" Bela asked.
"Queen of Greenest. Trust me lady, when you get in there, you'll see why they call her that," he said with a small laugh. Bela slid him some money and got out of the cab. The gates opened up once the car drove away and Bela made her way towards the house. The stone-paved driveway was long, so much so that Bela contemplated just calling to reschedule with Y/n. This wasn't exactly an urgent meeting, Bela just would have appreciated some help with those pesky Winchester brothers. They kept showing up in the same places as her and causing all sorts of trouble that Bela would have rather avoided.
"You know, if you're gonna actually be on time, I'd like a little warning. What happened to fashionably late?" Y/n's entire demeanor was infuriatingly casual. Bela didn't understand how a woman who either knowingly or unknowingly held that much power could always act so aloof to it all. If Bela wasn't jealous on some levels, she knew that she'd find it attractive.
"Apparently you're royalty, and in England we still respect our royals," Bela deadpanned. Y/n patted the seat next to her on the little offroading buggy she had ridden up to get Bela. Bela slid into it and held onto Y/n's arm as they sped back towards Y/n's house. "I see you've done some landscaping and outdoor redecorating."
"I try to keep things nice here. The trees help conceal the training activities, the artwork and gate help keep up appearances, and the stone drive just photographs really nicely," Y/n explained. Bela bit back a smile as Y/n spoke to her. The house itself didn't look all that different on the outside, but Bela was amazed at how well everything meshed inside. It had been over a year since Bela had visited Y/n's house last, but she didn't remember it looking professionally done before. In fact, everything had been thrown together in a look that Bela recalled Y/n describing as "expensive."
"This is very, um, impressive," Bela noted as she followed Y/n through the mansion. The bedroom held the same class as the rest of the house, but with a darker edge of something else. There was no hiding the things that most likely went on in Y/n's bedroom. Especially since Bela could easily remember all of the things that they had done together over the past few years. Y/n's methods would evolve, but underneath all of the new toys, it was still the same techniques and moves they had been using together since they first met. "Definitely the sort of place I'd expect a queen to live."
"What can I say? The pampered lifestyle has grown on me," Y/n said teasingly. Bela knew it was a jab at her, who had spent her childhood in the safe and cushy manor that had been in her family for generations. There were things that Y/n didn't know or understand from Bela's childhood, ones that Bela wouldn't tell a soul if she didn't have to. Luckily for Bela, Y/n wasn't the prying type. She was content to let secrets stay secrets, even at her own disadvantage. Bela thought it was stupid, but she still respected it.
"I know that this is sort of skipping quite a few of our usual steps, but why don't you lay back and let me really pamper you for a little while?" Bela asked. It was bold, and usually the opposite of how these sorts of meetings went between the two of them. Bela had grown used to submitting herself to Y/n, even if she was always really in control. This time, Bela wanted to be up front about her dominance. She wanted to watch Y/n's body tremble from her touch.
"Bold, I like it," Y/n said as she felt Bela's hand grab at her hips. There wasn't a moment of uncertainty between the two women. Both of them wanted each other in the same way with the same intensity. Y/n folded to Bela's whims as the other woman gently guided her towards the bed. Y/n fell backwards against the mattress, pulling Bela down with her. Bela sat up between Y/n's legs as she took in the light flush already covering Y/n's cheeks. Y/n started to squirm a little beneath Bela, impatient and tired of waiting for Bela to make another move.
"Come on now, that's no way for a queen to act," Bela teased. Y/n pushed herself up on her elbows and opened her mouth to challenge Bela's statement, but there was nothing for her to say. Y/n fell backwards against the mattress with a small huff and pout, one that Bela couldn't have missed if she wanted to. Bela bit back a smirk as she leaned forward and captured Y/n's lips in a kiss. It was slow leading in, Bela didn't want to catch Y/n off-guard completely. She just wanted to surprise her a little with the kiss after making her wait. There was a different feeling to this, so Bela decided she had to play her cards differently.
Y/n wrapped her arms around the back of Bela's neck and clung tightly to her. Bela grabbed onto the side of Y/n's thigh as Y/n's legs wrapped around her waist. Slowly, Bela started to lean back away from Y/n. The two of them reluctantly separated from each other long enough for Bela to get all of Y/n's clothes off while Y/n tried to take as much of Bela's off as she could in that time. Bela was much quicker and focused on exploring Y/n's body once she got those clothes off. Bela licked her lips as she looked down at Y/n's body. Her hands explored every inch of skin that Y/n let her, quickly followed her mouth trailing down Y/n's torso.
"You like being pampered like this, don't you?" Bela asked just before she reached the apex of Y/n's thighs. Y/n's breathing had picked up signficantly and all of her skin was now flushed. Bela didn't wait for Y/n to answer her, not when she could have hearing other noises coming from Y/n's mouth. Bela held Y/n's legs and dove straight in with her tongue. She let herself get a little taste of Y/n with teasing licks against the woman's folds. Each of those was met with a breathy moan as Y/n bucked her hips against Bela's tongue. Bela pulled Y/n closer against her as she let her tongue probe into Y/n's cunt to taste Y/n's arousal from the source.
Y/n moved wildly against Bela's tongue at this, trying hard to fuck herself. Bela pinned Y/n's hips down to the mattress and lifted her head just enough to focus on Y/n's clit. Bela could see Y/n's face contorted in pleasure. Each flick of Bela's tongue against Y/n's clit had Y/n scrunching her face up a little more. The noises had begun to die down, moans and little exclamations of pleasure replaced by choked gasps and what Bela swore was an occasional quiet sob. Y/n grabbed onto Bela's hair, whether to pull the woman closer or pull her away, Bela was unsure of, and ground her cunt against Bela's face as she started to cum. Y/n's thighs tried snapping shut, but Bela held them open as she helped to guide Y/n down from her orgasm.
"You-," Y/n pulled Bela up to lay beside her, "-have got to come visit more often. That was amazing."
"Help me get rid of a problem and I'll be all yours," Bela promised. Y/n was in no mood for planning any sort of attacks or tricks at the moment, but Bela was happy to lay in Y/n's bed until she was ready.
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alcestas-sloboda · 1 year
There's this quote about patriotism that goes something along the lines of that a patriot loves their country, which means that when it's going wrong they want to fix it, and that they look to the rest of the world not to say how they're better than them but to see what they're doing right or wrong and use that to make their country even better
It seems like that's what a lot of the Ukrainian nationalism is about. Loving your country, wanting it to be the best version of Ukraine it can be, and wanting to be free
Like I know often nationalism is basically just fascism, but with Ukraine it seems to basically be really strong patriotism. Not this my country right or wrong garbage, but just a desire to be allowed to be yourselves and be free
Precisely. There was one good article by Mariam Nayem, who is a cultorologist, where she talks that we need to distinguish between defensive nationalism, the basis of which is the protection of national identity, and aggressive or expensive nationalism, aimed at exporting one's own national identity and conquering the lands on which others live.
Defensive nationalism characterizes such formations united by a common memory, which feel a danger to their existence - either due to their small number (such as Lithuanians, Georgians, Chechens), or because of the threat from their expansionist neighbors. The nationalism of stable and self-confident ethnic groups that have quietly accumulated wealth for centuries differs in its goals and methods from the nationalism of those ethnic groups that fight for their right to live in a certain geographical area, the sovereignty of which is being questioned.
Expansive nationalism is outward-looking and therefore less aware of its own chauvinism and colonial aspirations. Somewhere in such a privileged space, formed due to the awareness of one's current greatness and the successful imposition of one's own thoughts about oneself on others, lies the desire to seize the land to establish their own institutions there and conduct their own activities.
When I first read this article, it just made so much sense to me because this is the exact difference between Ukrainian nationalism and russian.
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subir-astrologer · 6 months
Friends are very important in Vedic astrology when it comes to wealth. The 11th house, which is the house of wealth, is also the house of friends and companions. The 11th house shows how big or small your friend circle is, and how much support and help you get from them.
The 11th house also indicates the income and gains from various sources, such as business, profession, inheritance, etc. The more friends you have, the more opportunities you have to earn wealth and prosperity.
Friends can also introduce you to new ventures, partnerships, or investments that can increase your wealth. Friends can also share their knowledge, skills, and resources with you, which can help you grow your wealth. Friends can also be a source of happiness, joy, and satisfaction, which are essential for a wealthy life.
According to Vedic astrology, the planets that are associated with the 11th house can influence your wealth and friendship. The favorable planets are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. These planets can give you good friends who are loyal, generous, intelligent, and benevolent. These planets can also give you wealth from various sources, such as education, arts, commerce, and inheritance.
The unfavorable planets are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu. These planets can give you bad friends who are selfish, dishonest, violent, and envious. These planets can also give you losses, debts, expenses, and litigation that can reduce your wealth. Therefore, it is important to check the position and strength of the planets in your 11th house to know your potential for wealth and friendship.
As per KP Vedic astrology the 11th house signify the wish fulfillment and so according to activation method in astrology, good friends will create good opportunities and thereby increase in wealth too and bad friends will ruin one’s wealth.
The activation method also needs the signification of the 11th cupal sublord supporting the wealth accumulation along with the current ruling mahadasha period which is also signifying the same.
There are astrological parameters needed to get aligned with friends to activate the wealth, so please do not take it is as granted and very easy way of becoming rich. Just to make friends and social media will be full on demand then.
So don’t be greedy and foolish, try to understand astrology first and then only one can get the benefit from it.
Astrology is very complex shastra and what appears to be simple are not that simple in reality and so a deep understanding is really required.
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soldier-poet-king · 11 months
I said I wasn't gonna be mean and argumentative bc it alienates people and makes me feel bad abt myself but this is one (1) thing I'm certain about and it Actually Matters
No Jesus didn't say that being rich is inherently evil and all rich people go to hell but he did very much say the whole camel and needle thing. And rich people are SOOOOOO desperate to make it about anything other than wealth.
And like. "Not all rich people" isn't exactly a good argument here. The VAST majority (if not all) methods of accumulating wealth are unethical, either directly unethical, or at the very least profiting off of an economic structure which is designed to disadvantage the many for the benefit of the few. Yes yes there is no ethical consumption under capitalism or whatever, but there's a major difference between....buying everyday items and living on an average wage and the vast accumulation of wealth we see in the west.
I'm not even talking about the ultra rich! (Although I'd certainly argue they are the most unethical here, and the unbalanced ownership of the means of production IS a problem, regardless of your opinions on Marxist theory). But I'm talking about the comfortably middle class here too! I can't stomach it. And I genuinely don't understand how people can live like that and are still able to live with themselves. Too see suffering everyday, not even globally, but in their own cities. Obvs the exploitative ultra rich are The Real Problem here, but I think we're becoming far too comfortable with the accumulation of even casual wealth, when poverty and desperation and class inequality are only worsening.
And just to kick the hornets nets because I can and am frankly reaching a point of idgaf anger, Christians making these arguments in defense of wealth often tend to hold certain opinions about the government, and taxation, and how charity should be an individual decision and not "enforced". Okay. Fine. I don't actually like the govt either and in my ideal world sure that'd be the case. But I live in the real world and in the meantime people need to be fed and housed. However, these are the self same people who are often defending their own comfortable middle class lives and disposable income* and who aren't participating in the "freely chosen" mutual aid they apparently prefer. It just. Hm. (Leftists are ABSOLUTELY not off the hook for this one either, but when it comes to the explicitly religious argument against wealth, it oftener is a more conservative issue. 99% of religious leftists I know are radicals)
Anyway! Greed is perhaps the worst sin! Imo! The root of the majority of societal ills! And I will not fuckin stand for this rich people apologism! One good egg genuinely trying to do good in a sea of selfish people does not change the fact that the methods of accumulation are unethical, (and if it is inherited, holding onto unethically gained goods for your own benefit while others suffer is STILL unethical)
*to be clear I'm not saying we should all be ascetics. I like my creature comforts too. I'm soft and weak. But within reason. Within a certain degree of limitation. There is a point beyond which not only can we not live with our conscience, but we have a moral obligation to help each other, to do something with that wealth. Not just sit on a nest egg for another few decades so we can go on some extra vacations when retired. And yeah it's a process and we're not all zaccheus to transform ourselves overnight. But cmon. Most of us aren't even trying.
#franposting#to be clear. I'm NOT attacking anyone who rbed that post#i love u all dearly and like i GET possibly what its trying to say. and im trying to interpret it generously#but also it's SO abhorrently incorrect#and for allsll my neuroses and doubts and fears.#this is one of the few things i am absolutely certain on#ik i am extreme. im not even saying everyone needs to be as extreme with it as i am#i feel guilt over things and spending i perhaps shouldnt#but there is a point. a point where it has gone too far#and i think we dont acknowledge that that point is much closer to upper middle class than it is to billionare#i cant stomach it. i cannot stomach the way so many of us live#i see my school friends. my coworkers. and i am disgusted by the way society has chosen to live#and by the way individuals choose to perpetuate it#im barely scraping by sometimes and stressed always. but this is preferable to wealth#i genuinely fully belief greed is the bigger cause of evil than any other vice. absolutely#and yet it is the one we rationalize most because so often we dont acknowledge it for what it is. as greed#we say its investing or nest egg saving or maintaining a certain level of living#and i am. and continue to be. disgusted#maybe i am an angry evil vile radical. so be it#i cannot look away from the worlds suffering anymore. nor my part in perpetuating it#i will walk gently on this earth and live open handed and open hearted#and in doing so. i will rage rage against the dying of the light.#it is not mildness. i am fighting against going gentle into that good night#peter singer with what we owe each other was a bit extreme and maybe triggers my ocd in a bad way sometimes#but also he definitely made some points viz. the moral obligation to help others up to where it would not incur an equal harm to ourselves#anyway! im mad! but anger is better than empty sadness perhaps.#i am going to reread the grief of stones. and continue on my righteous anger religious injustice bent. thara celehar the only one out there
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