#Quick income tactics
marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
Make 1K Every Day Fast And Simple Income Generating Proven Strategies for Success
To earn $1,000 every day, adopt proven income generating strategies that yield quick, significant returns. Seek out systems with a track record of financial success and user testimonials.
Making money quickly and consistently is a common goal for many, and reaching a target of $1,000 daily is an ambitious yet achievable objective. A multitude of online opportunities claim to offer the secret to financial prosperity, but discerning the legitimate from the too-good-to-be-true is crucial.
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Unlocking The Potential Of Daily Earnings
Unlocking the Potential of Daily Earnings is about turning each day into an opportunity. Imagine adding an extra $1,000 to your bank account daily. Such financial boosts can lead to a significant change in lifestyle and savings. Successful strategies exist. Follow them and you could see your income grow day by day.
Identifying High-profit Niches
Finding the right niche is critical for daily high-income potential. Look for industries with a huge demand but low competition. Do this by:
Researching market trends using tools like Google Trends.
Analyzing profitability through affiliate marketing platforms.
Spotting gaps in markets through customer reviews and forums.
Niches like health, wealth, and technology often promise better returns. Always ensure the niche aligns with your passion and expertise.
The Power Of Compound Earnings
Compound earnings can significantly increase your income over time. The key is to reinvest your earnings. See the power of compounding:
DayInitial Investment ($)Return Rate (%)Total Earnings ($)11,000101,100301,0001017,449
By consistently reinvesting your profits, small gains transform into large sums. Whether in stocks, savings accounts, or reinvestment in your business, compound earnings work.
Strategies That Deliver Results
Want to hit that 1K mark daily? Embrace strategies that work. Focus on tried-and-tested methods to generate income efficiently and effectively. The right strategies convert your efforts into steady earnings. Let’s dive into some powerful avenues for your financial breakthrough.
Leveraging Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing offers a passive income stream. It’s simple: promote products and earn a commission for each sale. Start by choosing a niche you are passionate about. Next, find affiliate programs that fit your niche. These programs give you unique links to share. Share these links on your blog, social media, or email newsletters. When someone buys through your link, you get paid.
Join affiliate networks to find products to promote.
Understand your audience to offer relevant products.
Create high-quality content that adds value and includes your affiliate links.
Creating Digital Products
Digital products have high margins and unlimited potential. Think of ebooks, online courses, and software. They require upfront work but can earn money repeatedly without additional costs. Identify what you’re good at. Develop a product that solves problems or provides knowledge. Market your products online using social media, your website, and other platforms.
Type of Digital ProductDescriptionPotential IncomeEbooksWrite and sell your expertise.HighOnline CoursesTeach skills you’ve mastered.Very HighSoftwareCreate tools that help others.Scalable
Offering Freelance Services
Freelancing lets you capitalize on your skills. Millions outsource tasks and projects daily. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr connect freelancers with clients. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, or web development, you can offer services worldwide. Set competitive rates. Deliver top-notch work. Build a strong profile. Sustain a client base that trusts your expertise.
Set up profiles on freelancing platforms highlighting your skills.
Build a portfolio showcasing your best work.
Network to nurture client relationships and get repeat business.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Strengthen Your Online Presence
Want to pocket an extra 1K daily? A powerful online presence is your secret weapon. Dive into strategies that catapult your success. Let’s explore!
Building A Persuasive Social Media Profile
Start with a smart profile picture. It’s your digital handshake. A professional headshot builds trust.
Write a bio that pops. In just a few words, tell your story. Make every word count.
Highlight your skills, what makes you unique.
Update regularly. Keep your achievements fresh.
Engage them. Post content they love. Respond to comments. Keep the conversation lively.
Effective Blogging Techniques
Create compelling headlines. Make them curious. They’ll want to read more.
Know your audience. Write what speaks to them. Solve their problems.
Use short paragraphs. Make it easy to read.
Include images. A picture says a thousand words.
Optimize with keywords. Get found on search engines. But keep it natural.
Call to action. Tell them what to do next. And make it stand out.
Maximizing Passive Income Streams
Earning $1K every day can seem like a dream, but it’s doable with passive income. Passive income streams require upfront effort or investment, but can pay off continuously. They are a key strategy for steady earnings without day-to-day work. Let’s explore some proven methods.
Investing In Dividend Stocks
One powerful revenue source is dividend stocks. Companies pay you just for holding their stock. Here’s how to get started:
Choose established, reliable companies.
Invest in diversified industries for safety.
Reinvest dividends for compounding interest.
Over time, the right portfolio might generate substantial daily income.
For clarity, here’s a simple comparison:
Stock TypeFrequency of PayPotential ReturnsHigh-yieldQuarterlyHigher risk, higher returnsBlue-chipAnnualStable, lower returns
Real Estate Income Opportunities
Real estate is another great way to earn passively. You can earn in two main ways:
Rental properties provide regular monthly income.
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) offer stock-like ease with dividends.
Both ways can help in hitting that $1K daily goal.
Here’s a snapshot of real estate income potential:
Property TypeExpected IncomeProperty ManagementSingle-family homeDepends on locationPossible self-managementMulti-family complexHigher potentialOften requires a manager
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Automation And Scaling Up
Embracing the power of automation and scaling your businesses can transform the quest for making 1K every day from a dream into reality. It’s about working smarter, not harder. Leverage these strategies to multiply your revenue streams efficiently.
Incorporating Automation Tools
Time is money, and automation tools save you both. Automate mundane tasks. Discover tools that align with your business goals.
Email marketing software crafts and sends emails while you sleep.
Social media management platforms queue posts for optimal engagement.
Use accounting software for instant invoicing and expense tracking.
Simple integrations bring big impacts on efficiency. Select tools offering comprehensive analytics. This helps you understand what works for your audience.
Expanding Your Income Channels
Expand beyond one revenue stream. Diversify. More channels mean more opportunities to earn.
Start an e-commerce store. Sell goods related to your brand.
Create an online course. Share your expertise.
Explore affiliate marketing. Recommend products and earn commissions.
Each channel should fit your overall strategy. They must also resonate with your target audience. Observe market trends. Adapt and scale these channels as needed.
ChannelPotential EarningsEase of ScalingE-commerceHighMediumOnline CoursesVariesHighAffiliate MarketingLow to HighHigh
Review the performance of each channel. Reinvest profits for further growth. Success in scaling means careful planning and execution.
Adapting For Consistency And Growth
The journey to making 1K every day is an exciting challenge. The key to success lies in adapting for consistency and growth. You must navigate through changes and keep up the momentum. Let’s dive into strategies that can help you stay ahead of the game.
Adaptability In Market Trends
Staying ahead means knowing the market. Adaptability is about making quick changes. Here’s how:
Research — Keep an eye on market shifts.
Learn — Embrace new skills that the market demands.
Innovate — Try different methods to stand out.
Flexibility helps you use new trends to your advantage. It turns challenges into opportunities. Change is constant, and your strategy should be too.
Maintaining Growth Momentum
Growth is essential. Here’s how to maintain the momentum:
StrategyActionSet GoalsHave clear, measurable targets.Analyze DataReview your progress regularly.OptimizeAdjust strategies based on performance.
By setting goals and analyzing data, you make informed decisions. Optimization ensures your tactics stay effective. A strong foundation leads to sustainable earnings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I Make $1000 Daily Online?
Yes, with the right strategies, such as affiliate marketing, freelancing, or e-commerce, earning $1000 daily is possible online.
Q. What Are Fast Income-generating Methods?
Quick income can be made through high-commission affiliate programs, dropshipping, or offering in-demand digital services like web design.
Q. Is Passive Income Achievable Quickly?
Building passive income streams like dividend stocks or rental properties typically takes time, but some digital products can yield faster results.
Q. Are There Proven Strategies To Make Money?
Absolutely, proven money-making strategies include investing in stocks, starting a blog with monetizable content, and creating online courses.
Q. How To Start Earning $1k From Home?
To earn $1K from home, look into remote jobs, begin freelance writing or graphic design, or set up a home-based business online.
Embracing these strategies can unlock the door to consistent financial growth. Forget long hours and complex methods; here’s a path to a simpler yet effective income boost. Start your journey towards earning $1k daily — your potential awaits. Take action, refine your approach, and watch success unfold.
Let’s make prosperity your new normal.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Thanks for reading my article on How I Increase My New Website from 0 to 1000 of Daily Visitors Step-By-Step Guide
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Make 1K Every Day Fast And Simple Income Generating Proven Strategies for Success
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 6 months
I saw you wanted to do something else with baby. Idk, just a quick idea, you could do headcannons of what it's like from that point. What life is like and whatever. Idk, we all love baby so this is just an idea, you don't have to write it
Have a nice day ❤️
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Actual image of Baby inside (Reader's) head
❤️ Baby Headcanons ❤️
SFW and NSFW Headcanons for my favorite parasitic yandere
Would anyone even notice? The change in (Reader's) personality...
❤️ Baby makes sure to act just nice enough for people to not hate (Reader), but also not try and hang out with them outside of work
💀 Especially a certain someone (Reader) can't seem to remember anymore
❤️ Baby does his best to pamper and care for his darling host
💀 Coworkers notice how vibrant and healthy they have become since Baby makes sure his darling is never lacking nutritionally
❤️ That isn't to say that he doesn't spoil them rotten with their favorite snacks and desserts
💀 They do everything regular couples do, just while looking like only one person
❤️ They go out frequently on dates, to the movies and the park and to restaurants
💀 During dates Baby will flatter (Reader) endlessly, making them giggle for seemingly no reason at all
❤️ (Reader) doesn't mind if people stare at them like they're a druggie, although that may be because Baby likes to make them invisible to (Reader)...
💀 Baby often laments not having a body of his own, wishing to make his own income so he can buy gifts for his darling
❤️ But despite those little regrets, he wouldn't change his current life with (Reader) for anything else~
💀 Although, sometimes (Reader's) eyes do linger for a tad too long on attractive humans they pass on the street..
❤️ But it's easy to make them forget about silly strangers
💀 Being able to shut off their attraction with a flick of his tendril, or arouse (Reader) within a second, is a very useful tactic
❤️ Getting them hot and bothered in the grocery store because he was jealous of the DILF (Reader) thought had a nice ass
💀 Having them hurry up their shopping trip to try and prevent themselves from climaxing in public
❤️ It's alright if Baby ever pushes them too far
💀 He can just make them forget about it if they won't forgive him
❤️ Sex isn't just a punishment for Baby, however; it's also a reward
💀 Anything (Reader) does, no matter how small, is warrant for sex
(Reader) clutched the edge of the sink to prevent themselves from collapsing due to their unstable, trembling thighs. "Please, stop!" They half heartedly pleaded with the entity sending shock waves throughout their brain. "I just made dinner!"
Another orgasm rocked their body, soaking their pants in their fluids. "But you were so happy with how it turned out! I only wanted to thank you for making us such a lovely meal~"
❤️ When asked if (Reader) would ever try dating, they would always happily reply that their life was already perfect
💀 "I'm already in a very committed relationship.. with myself, hahaha!"
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ciaomarie · 2 months
Part 5: What Then?
It's finally Sydney's one year work anniversary! A little slice of fluff to tide us over. Quick summary of the last 4 parts- Its been about 5-6 months since The Bear opened, the slowburn is slowburning,, and Carmy wants to make Syd an shareholder. Please excuse grammar/spelling. My contacts are fizzling out.
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Sydney woke up with cheerful expectation before her alarm rang. Today was her work anniversary or “workversary”. A year ago, she strode into The Beef praying that this was her chance to make something great with one of the best chefs in the industry. Then in a couple short months The Beef had closed, the process of The Bear began, and since it’s opening her hopes of creating lifelong memories for people and of obtaining a star seemed possible. The dream was becoming more concrete every day.
She got ready eagerly and grabbed the garment bag with her freshly dry-cleaned custom chef’s coat. More than just the significance of the day, Syd felt like something special was going to happen. Carmy had brought up this anniversary almost every day for the past week. Obviously, he was hiding something, and she was ravenous to know what it was. She tried every truth extraction tactic she could think of, from feigning nonchalance to making him a gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwich, to shameless pouting. The last almost worked, but Richie walked by interrupting her performance. Carm snapped out of her spell and from that moment refused to hint about today. Richie teased her ever since and even last night he left a voice note impersonating her honeyed murmur “Carmy, pleasssseee tell me…I’d wouldn’t hide anything from you” followed by retching noises.
Oh, well. She liked good surprises.  
The morning was uneventful, but during staff lunch Carmy announced that it was Sydney’s work anniversary and Marcus brought out a sublime vertical carrot cake for everyone. He even made an additional small cake for her to take home and share with her father. It was so divine that if the cake was all she got, she would have been thankful, and she told him as much.
“Marcus, you are incredible! If you ever need a kidney, just make me this,” she moaned.
“I’ll remember that chef” he answered scratching his neck and bashfully ducking back into the kitchen. His crush on her was mostly snuffed out the night of Friends and Family, but occasionally those old feelings resurfaced.
As Sydney reached the peak of a blissful sugar high Carm asked her to join him in Natalie’s office. First a cake and now the mystery reveal!
They asked her to take the seat of honor, aka the comfortable chair, behind the desk. Nat looked pleased and relaxed, while Carmy was harder to read. His expression was a mixture of agitation and gladness as he drummed his fingers on his knee. For a moment they sat in silence.
“What is it?” Sydney blurted.
“Carm, tell her!” Natalie ordered with an exasperated smile.  
Taking a deep breath Carmen gushed forth,
“Sydney, I don’t even know where I’d be, where The Bear would be, without you. You put in a crap ton of hours without pay during the reno, you kill it in the kitchen every day, we created the menu together, the staff respects you, you kept everything running when I was sick and…and…we want to give you a share in the restaurant.”
Sydney slumped back in the chair, speechless and gazed at them her pupils dilated like saucers.
Natalie went on to explain further, handing her a contract.
“If you accept, your share would be equivalent to Carm and I. Of ‘course none of us will see additional income until we pay back Uncle Cicero, but we didn’t want to wait to make it clear that you are essential to The Bear, to our family.”
Carmy held his breath. He had been elated about this for days, but now he doubted. Yes, Sydney wanted a star, and she loved the work, but would she want to be tied to The Bear, and by extension to him?
Sydney sat up, clutching the contract, and shook her head in amazement.
“You’re serious? A share? An equal share?”
“Yeah, of ‘course” Carmy replied, his ocean tinted eyes imploring her to believe it.
“Okay” she conceded softly, her vision blurred with tears, and she stood up to embrace her now legal partners.
Natalie swooped in first with one of her famous hugs and whispered, “Thank you.”
Then Carm overwhelmed with relief pulled her close, his lips slightly brushing her cheek.
Just then someone tapped on the door and Natalie opened it. It was Uncle Cicero eating a slice of Marcus’s cake.
“Hey, Uncle Cicero, to what do we owe this pleasure?” Natalie enquired.
“Well, my lawyer said he sent the contract over this morning, so I just wanted to officially welcome our new partner to the business and to the family! Sydney you’re a class act and this one couldn’t have picked better,” Uncle Cicero answered with a wink at Carmy. Then he beckoned for Syd to give him a hug, which she did her face hot with a mixture of happiness and self-consciousness. She felt like she was an honorary Berzatto.
“Well, I got to head out. We’ll talk again soon Sydney,” Cicero said warmly and beckoned Carm to follow him.
As they walked through the restaurant and out to his car, Cicero praised his nephew for making The Bear a success so far, raved about the cake and most importantly for making their monthly installments. Then he said something very strange.
“Carmen, you’re doing this right with that girl. Wise to get the business side squared away first. Oh, and I got a ring guy, he could get you a good deal.”
Carmy was jolted from the hazy cloud of contentment that enveloped him since Sydney accepted the offer.
“Why would I need a ring guy?”
“Hey, I know young people do things differently these days. Some wait for years, but when you’re ready to get engaged I got a connect.” Cicero explained.
 “Well, uh, Sydney and I aren’t dating,” Carmy responded with a shade of longing in his voice.
“You broke up!?”
“We’ve never dated.”
“Then who were you seeing right before the restaurant opened?”
“Who’s Claire?”
“She was from our old neighborhood; It didn’t work out. I was Alex Gonzalez during a lot of the reno. Why did you think I was dating Sydney?”
Cicero cocked his head, scrutinizing Carm with the intensity of an owl. That look would make Mike Tyson falter.
“Why do you think I thought you two were dating?”
Carmy blushed with a crooked smile, rubbing his chin.
Cicero sighed, got into his car, and rolled down the window.
“Don’t overthink it nephew. I could’ve been married to the love of my life if I wasn’t such a know-it-all manichino (dummy) in my youth.”
Carmy blinked, confused.
“But you are married.”
“Yeah, and she’s great. Not the love of my life though.”
With those words Cicero waved and took off.
Carmy stood for a minute to clear his mind before heading back inside. He knew Sydney was probably recovered from shock and waiting for him with dozens of questions about their new arrangement.
Also, would another hug be out of order?
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jpitha · 1 year
Always Ready
If you look at the histories, you find that when the Humans joined the war on the side of the K'laxi most of them go "and then with the superior human numbers, the K'laxi and the Humans together were able to bring the Xenni to peace talks and over time relations normalized."
But war is never that cut and dry.
Back when the Humans had just met the K'laxi they linked a few of their smaller starbases around K'laxi colonies. Partly to promote relations and partly because the humans saw the K'laxi planetary defenses and felt bad for them. They could see that the K'laxi were unprepared for the war and were worried that the new friends would be destroyed by this then unknown invader.
As a result of their own histories and possibly something more genetic that came about as a result of the world they came from, humans have a tendency to put weapons on everything. Not only that, but they tend to hide the weapons too. When asked why they hide their weapons they always say something like how they don't want to look intimidating, they just want to be ready.
"Ready for what?" We'd ask.
"We'll know when it's here." They'd reply.
At the L2 point of the K'laxi colony world Bishi the Human Starbase Neutral Observer sits. It's a smaller starbase, still larger than a Starjumper, but really is meant for only 300 to 500 full time residents. The AI in charge of Observer works with the Human authorities to scan the system for threats, offer a place for people to rest and connect before either going down to Bishi or linking out to other points. Being that this is a K'laxi colony, there is a Warp Gate nearby. The Humans still prefer to use their own transit methods, but everyone else uses the Gates.
About two months after the Observer was installed:
"Commander!" The Observer pings Commander Vivian Baker who is sitting in the canteen, eating dinner with the captain of the K'laxi ship currently docked with them. "There was activity at the Warp Gate, missiles incoming! Estimated time is 8 minutes."
Vivian is so startled she drops her fork. "What? Announce Action Stations! Unleash the point defense arrays! Do we have any missiles free we can launch to intercept?"
"Intercept solution is being computed now."
"When a solution is found, you have permission to fire. I'll head to the command deck."
"Aye Commander."
Vivian stood. "I'm sorry Captain Falamaan, but I must attend to this. If there are missiles incoming, I recommend that the Unimminen stays inside the docking bay. You don't have a wormhole generator and it looks like the Xenni are launching an attack from the Warp Gate. You are welcome to accompany me and observe if you'd like."
N'ren Falamaan stood as well. "Yes, I would like to observe if I can. I don't wish to get in the way."
Vivian shook her head. "It should be fine. This way please."
Vivian lead her through the Starbase at a quick pace. While the Action Station alarms were sounding overhead they passed humans quickly donning armored pressure suits and opening lockers that N'ren could have sworn weren't there a moment ago and taking out rifles.
"Are you preparing to be boarded?" N'ren asked.
Vivian turned to look at N'ren, surprised. "Yes. We are. How did you know?"
"I was aboard Longview when the Xenni attacked. They lent us their wormhole generator to escape."
"Well then you know more about us than I had anticipated. Do you have any insight?"
"About this specific attack?" N'ren shook her head. "I linked out before I saw how Longview took care of the attackers, I never learned what they did."
Observer piped into their headsets at this point. "Longview fired their Stardrive and played the exhaust over the attacking Xenni ships. They were completely destroyed."
"My Goodness" Vivan said, surprised. "That would do it. Okay then N'ren what do you know about Xenni tactics?"
"They usually begin with a missile barrage, trying to soften defenses. After that, they'll usually come at us with everything they have, bringing a pitched battle. They rely on superior numbers to overwhelm and defeat. With only Neutral Observer here, they will probably try to do the same."
"Hmm. Good." Vivian said. "Observer, did you get those beacons out?"
"I did Commander. They linked away 27 seconds ago."
N'ren flicked her ears, a raised eyebrow, but the Commander missed the body language. "What will beacons do?"
"They're faster than anything we have for getting a message out. We linked them to two secret locations where we can get word that we need help. We just need to hold out until some of the fleet can link in and assist."
They arrived at the command deck. As they walked in the XO saluted and shouted "Commander on Deck." Everyone stood and saluted.
"As you were." Vivian said and sat in the commander's chair. N'ren took a small chair behind and to the side, out of the way. "Status."
"We have a firing solution for the incoming missiles. There are 10 of them. We've fired 5 missiles and the printers are working to make more. Point defenses have been freed and are freely tracking. Main batteries are online, though War Emergency Power has not been declared. The K'laxi have returned to Unimminen and are bunkering down in there. The Human civilians have taken up Civil Defense stations and everyone has reported that they are suited. We can evacuate the air anytime."
Vivian nodded. "Very Good. Neutral Observer? I authorize War Emergency Power for the duration of the attack, and should I become incapacitated I authorize you to repel the invaders, save the crew and protect yourself in that order."
"Aye Commander. War Emergency Power authorized. All fuses and limiters removed."
At that, N'ren's sensitive ears detected a change in the underlying noise of the Starbase. The constant low level hum of the power systems became more of a strained whine, a sound of power barely restrained.
"Neutral Observer? Please configure for defense, release the main, secondary and tertiary batteries, print missiles at will, and do your best to keep the point defense slug throwers filled with ammunition."
"Aye Commander." At that N'ren's sense of balance felt the movement. The entire Starbase was moving, sliding arms, unfolding panels and reconfiguring itself to be more defensible. As she watched on the screen, massive weapon batteries that she had no idea where even in the starbase swung out and locked into position. Within a few minutes, Neutral Observer was bristling with weaponry. It was the most weapons N'ren had ever seen on a ship or starbase anywhere.
"Commander?" N'ren started quietly. "Can...Can all Human Starbases do this?"
"Do what?" Vivian answered while looking at a status screen, not turning to face N'ren.
"Reconfigure themselves into...into such a war machine!"
Vivian turned and looked at the worried K'laxi. Her expression softened. "Yes, N'ren. They can all do this. All human ships are armed and armored in addition to the Starbases."
"But why?" She blurted out. "Up until recently, you thought you were alone in the galaxy!"
"Vivan's face saddened and she turned back to her screen. "Why do you think, N'ren?"
N'ren leaned back with the sudden realization that Humans were used to fighting each other.
A human at a station on the command deck called out "Energy spike from the Warp Gate. Ships incoming."
Vivan turned again to look at N'ren, her expression neutral. "N'ren. Watch, and see what Humans do." She turned back to the screen.
"Fire at will."
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applecarecale · 1 month
Welcome to the daily random thoughts, today we have!
What if @scythe-the-problematic-audio, @escapedaudios, @goodboyaudios and @yuurivoice were video game characters?? [moveset edition]
(Also these are just thoughts okay so don’t come after me if these sound inccurate )
\Sycthe audio/
Crack a joke - Probably cracks jokes mid-fight, causing enemies to facepalm in frustration and lose their focus.
Fourth Wall Break - Scythe The Problematic breaks the fourth wall, causing the screen to glitch and distort. Any enemies caught by this ability have their screen obscured, making it difficult for them to see and making them more vulnerable to incoming attacks.
Duel scythes - summons a second scythe, empowering his basic attacks and granting him additional movement speed.
\super moves/ultimate/
"Death's Beckon" - beckons his enemy to come to him, then strikes them with his scythe, doing massive damage.
"Harvester" - The Reaper summons a large horde of undead creatures (idk maybe he gets aroticity to traumatize the fans and escaped), which swarm his enemy, dealing massive damage and weakening their attacks.
Ultimate Ability: "Trapped in the Void" - The Reaper summons a powerful void vortex around the arena, pulling enemies into its center. Once trapped, enemies take massive damage over time and are slowed, making it easy for the Reaper to finish them off.
\Escaped audios/
(Just guns came to mind)
Gun Blast" - He fires a barrage of bullets in a wide arc, dealing damage to enemies caught in the attack. He would be able to move while firing but wouldn't be able to dodge during this ability.
“Smoke Bomb" - He throws a smoke bomb that obscures his foes' vision, making them less likely to land accurate shots. This ability would act as a form of area denial, as well as a way for him to set up his other moves.
"Quickdraw" - He fires a series of quick, precise shots at his opponents, dealing high damage. This ability would require good timing and precision to use effectively, but would be deadly in the hands of a skilled player.
Bullet Hail" - He fires a barrage of bullets into the air, which then rain down on his enemies, dealing heavy damage and knocking them back.
"Tactical Flank" - He uses his guns to slide around enemies, firing at them from different angles, making it hard for them to defend against his attacks.
Ultimate: "Last Stand" - He pulls out his guns and fires a flurry of bullets at everything in his vicinity, dealing massive damage and knocking back enemies.
- He gives a strategic command, causing his enemies to become slowed or stunned, making it easier for him to take them out. This ability would have a cool down time, limiting its overuse.
"Defensive Formation" - He creates a barrier that protects his allies, deflecting incoming attacks and granting them increased defense.
"Ambush" - He sets up a trap that stuns and damages enemies who trigger it, allowing him to take them out with relative ease.
\super move/ ultimate/
Space Pirates" - He summons a fleet of space pirates that fly towards his opponents, attacking them and dealing additional damage. These pirates would have to be killed before they can attack again.
Ultimate: Zombie Rush" - He summons a horde of undead zombies to rush his enemies, dealing damage and distracting them. The zombies can only be vanquished with fire-based attacks.
[robot avatar? 🤷‍♀️]
Rocket Boost" - Yuuriovice's rocket-powered legs allows him to perform quick, powerful kicks at enemies. Charging the ability allows him to dash further and deal more damage.
"Repair Pulse" - Yuuriovice sends out a pulse of energy that heals him and damages any enemies nearby. The pulse can be charged to increase its healing and damage.
“Laser Beam" - Yuuriovice fires a concentrated laser beam from his eye, dealing high damage and piercing through multiple enemies. This ability has a limited duration, but can be charged for additional power.
\super moves/ultimate/
Rocket Barrage" - Yuuriovice flies into the air and unleashes a flurry of rockets onto the battlefield. Each rocket has a massive blast radius and deals high damage.
"Gravity Pulse" - Yuuriovice unleashes a powerful pulse that sends all enemies in the area flying upwards, leaving them vulnerable in the air. Then, he sends out another pulse that pulls all enemies back down, dealing additional damage upon landing.
Ultimate: "Singularity" - Yuuriovice creates a gravitational singularity that sucks all enemies into its center. The singularity grows in size and damage over time, creating a devastatingly powerful attack that can easily wipe out multiple enemies.
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Under cut bc it's hella long
“Alright, who ate my ice cream.”
The flurry of hand pointing that follows would be comical were it not for the murderous look in Second’s eyes.
“If you’re all to blame,” Second says, cracking his knuckles, “then perish.”
Dark screams when Second charges him, the older Becker sibling unfortunately being the closest to the enraged teen. The Overlord goes down with a helpless cry for mercy, taking a pillow directly to the face, and the other Sticks in the room take their chance to book it in different directions.
Vic takes Dark’s unwilling distraction as a chance to throw themselves out the nearest open window. Blue, opting for the quickest and more efficient route out of his enraged sibling’s path, climbs on top of a dresser, well out of Sec’s reach, while Green and Purple run down into the cellar before emerging through the outside entrance, only to find an angry Second armed with a pillow for each of them waiting on the other side. Green decides to sacrifice himself for his boyfriend by wrapping his arms around the smaller Stick to take the blows.
“I shall protect you, my love!” He declares.
“GREEN!” Purple wails.
It’s the last thing Vic hears before they throw themselves into the Wi-Fi portal to make their way to the nearest store for more ice cream. Maybe next time they want to try eating with their android body, it shouldn’t be their little sibling's comfort food. Then again, the others were all smiling while they were pursued, so perhaps it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
By the time Vic returns from their tactical retreat with more ice cream something has gone wrong.
The blinds of the house are shut and the door, which had been left open to let the warm fall air in through the screen door is now shut tight.
“Guys?” they knock on the door, very concerned with the abrupt change in the air, “What’s going on?”
The door flies open, and Sec hauls them inside.
“Quick! Quick, don’t let it in!!” Dark hastens. The couch and tables have been upended to face the front door and the three Sticks taking cover behind them look ready for an incoming enemy attack. Vic seriously wonders what they missed in the hour they were gone.
“Did you see it?!” Green yelps.
“See what?” Vic asks, stepping forward to assess the situation. The others look prepared for war against a home invasion of insects. Purple is wielding roach killer in one hand and a rolled-up newspaper in the other. Dark’s white-knuckled grip on a baseball bat betray their fear at whatever they’re planning on fighting, and Green has two spatulas that he’s holding defensively in front of him.
“I didn’t see it when I…” Second’s voice trails off as Vic passes him.
“Where’s Blue?” Vic asks and Purple points up at the dresser he had seen the alchemist climb up onto earlier. He isn’t armed with anything, oddly enough, and is pressing himself further and further away from the door with a pale, horrified look on his face.
“Oh, there you are. Why are you all so scared?”
Dark makes a choked off noise and backs away from them.
Purple shrieks when Vic turns around to face their sibling, accompanied by scrambling from the direction of the dresser.
“Okay, no this is fine, Vic-” Second makes a hysterical noise, “don’t - just don’t move.”
Green makes a noise that sounds like a dying mouse.
“I-I-I can get it.” Dark stammers with shaking legs.
“You’re not going to hit him with the bat!” Sec hisses.
“You’d rather Purple try the newspaper?” Dark demands, gaining confidence as he speaks and then losing it again for reasons Vic doesn’t understand. “Or – look it’s too big for the roach killer-”
“Too big? TOO BIG?!” Green cries. “We’d need a hose of the stuff for that thing! What are we going to do? Hit it with what we have and expect that to work?! I HAVE A SPATULA, Dark!”
“Okay, okay. Stay calm, I can try using the whole thing?” Purple meekly tries to sooth the others, as if they don't even want to make the attempt.
“I’m starting to worry about your sanities, will you just tell me what’s going on?” Vic crosses his arms sternly and begins to move towards the kitchen to put the ice cream, that is surely melting at this point, in the freezer. There’s yelling from all sides as they make their way to the kitchen, but they only stop when they hear the buzzing.
Out of the corner of their eye a blob of brown mars their vision and they turn around their head just in time to see that it’s part of the mesothrax of a very, very big cockroach.
It flies off their back (ah, that would explain a lot actually) and approaches the wall nearSecond who looks ready to pass out at the sight of it but manages to swing his broom to drive it in a different direction. Purple reflexively starts spraying the roach killer at it which it doesn’t take kindly to.
The cockroach erratically flies around the room, causing shrieks of terror and panicked scrambling from everyone to get away from it. Vic stares, analyzing it. It’s enormous, three feet long and a wingspan that easily doubles that, making it an extremely unusual sight.
Green dives over the couch to get away from it with a screech and Dark tackles Purple out of the way of its path. “Spray it! Spray it!” Second yells.
Purple dutifully sprays in its direction, the others not wanting to get close with their short-ranged weapons. It flies away and Purple follows (at a distance) with the others trailing behind them. The ground they gain is lost, however, as the roach killer runs out and the behemoth of an insect doesn’t seem too badly affected by their attack. There’s a brief moment where the heroes stare at the empty can in Purp’s hand and then raise their heads to look at the enemy that no longer has a reason to leave them alone.
All the color leaves their faces, and the Sticks dart out the front door without looking back.
“I do not understand people’ fear of roaches.” Vic admits, watching them trip over each other in their haste to escape. They step over to the bug that has since landed on the floor and is now scuttling around the room.
“I’m sorry but you must depart.” Vic rolls up their sleeves and grabs one of its legs. It buzzes angrily and scrapes its legs against the floor to get away from them. In the process, it dislodges its leg from the joint and flees to the ceiling.
Vic wrinkles his nose at the smell and tosses the leg outside. They go back to try again (perhaps if they grab its body instead of another leg, they'll have more success?) but they're met with further resistance from the bug.
their android body is still new to them and they've been careful with it so far, but if they're going to get the bug down from the ceiling, they’ll have to be a bit reckless. With one powerful jump they're eye-level with its body and they latche on. Their heavy metal frame yanks it off the ceiling.
Long brown legs wiggle desperately, throwing them off-balance. They drop it to regain their balance and they're startled to see it turn around to face them, short but sharp mandibles launching towards their face (wait a minute, cockroaches don’t have mandibles, maybe it’s not-)
It falls to the side before they can close around his head, a knife sticking out of the side of its skull.
Blue wheezes from the top of the dresser, wide-eyed and short of breath. A hand is extended with open fingers and another knife is already primed for throwing in his other. He sags back against the wall behind him calming down now that the bug is dead, before starting do descend from it.
Vic leaves him up on the dresser and cleans up the mess on their own, hauling the body out the door and mopping up the acid from its body on the floor. By then the younger is on the ground.
“Do you want to go find the others or shall I?” Vic asks, handing him back the (bug brain free) knife.
Blue shakes his head, putting the knife back in its drawer “They’ll come back eventually.”
“Were you up there that whole time?”
“I came down when I heard screaming, and then the others ran in screaming about a giant cockroach.” Blue admits, “I climbed back up not long after.”
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writeforfandoms · 9 months
Fall Into Me 9
Find the series masterlist
Rose deals with the fallout of the graffiti, and discovers she has more help than she could have guessed.
Warnings: Swearing, Feels, these men are on a mission now, teasing.
Word count: 1.3k
Eventual Rose x 141/Los Vaqueros. Eventual.
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The best thing Rose could really say about that day was that it passed. Far, far too many of her customers commented on the graffiti when they came in, expressing concern and condolences. Her smile was brittle after fifteen minutes, and Gaz quickly but gently exiled her to making drinks and took over talking to people. 
It stung, a little, but she didn’t fight him. She didn’t have the energy to fight him. 
After the morning rush, he pushed a cup of tea at her. Rose briefly made a face but took the tea.
“I don’t need to be coddled.”
“Not coddling you,” he immediately denied. “I’d do this for any friend.”
She swallowed a mouthful of tea to hide the way her heart clenched at that declaration. Friend. She didn’t have a lot of those, even fewer she considered to be truly trustworthy, so to have him say it so easily… Well. She enjoyed that far too much.
“I don’t normally let friends work for me,” she drawled, catching the way his smile brightened. “But I suppose I’ll allow it for today.” 
Gaz chuckled and nudged her. “What else needs doing?” 
Rose thought about it for a moment, her gaze wandering over to the window. She wanted that gone, desperately. But she also wasn’t sure she was brave enough to face it long enough to scrub it off the window.
“Hey, told you we’d take care of that,” Gaz murmured, stepping closer and nudging her to pull her gaze back to him. “Don’t you worry about that.”
Rose raised one eyebrow. “That is literally physically impossible for me,” she drawled. “I’m going to worry about it until it’s gone.”
He huffed. “Trust me, won’t be there much longer.”
She narrowed her eyes a little but didn’t question it. Yet. “I suppose you could make a help wanted sign to stick in the window,” she offered casually. 
“Yeah? Thinking you’re ready to hire someone?” 
“Thinking I need to,” she corrected with a little huff. “Because I can’t work seven days a week.” 
He nodded once, though she could see the wheels turning. “You have any social media for this place?”
“Uh. No.” Rose blinked, caught off guard.
“Shame.” Gaz smirked to himself as he located a pen. 
“What are you planning?”
“Who, me?”
“Yes you, you meddler.” 
“Nothing.” His grin had grown to shit-eating proportions now. “Just a question, love.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” Rose eyed him but decided he wasn’t going to give up the information that easily. She’d just have to play the long game. 
Of course, she immediately got distracted when Price walked in, Soap and Rodolfo waving to her as they walked through the shop and out front, Soap carrying a bucket full of frothy soapy water. 
“What?” She blinked, gaze darting between the men. This was beginning to feel distinctly tactical, the way they were tackling her problems. 
“Security camera outside got a good enough shot of the man responsible,” John told her, leaning against the counter. Gaz slipped unobtrusively over to a table, out of the way. “How d’you want to handle this?”
Rose fidgeted, chewing on her lower lip. A quick glance at John’s eyes showed no judgment, no expectations. Just patience. “I’d rather not, actually.”
“You sure?” 
She nodded once. “I mean, if there’s a way to get him on some kind of watchlist, make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone. But otherwise, keep me out of it.” Her smile was a little bitter. She wasn’t very brave, and she knew it. She liked things quieter. 
John nodded once, and that was that. “You should have a few cameras in here,” he said, clearly moving on to the next item on his mental list. 
“Never had the time to properly research that.” Rose shrugged. She also rarely had the disposable income to put towards something like that. Not that she was going to spell that out for John. 
His lips twitched, and she thought he knew anyway. “One there,” he said, pointing to a spot above the prep area. “And one there.” He pointed again across the store. “Cover basically the whole place. Could do one in the back too, if you wanted.” 
Rose tilted her head slowly, blinking. “Alright,” she agreed slowly. “Is there a certain one you recommend?” 
He nodded, fighting down a smile. “Won’t take long to get them installed.”
“Wait, installed?” Rose blinked at him, feeling like she was missing some vital part of the conversation here. 
“Got a dozen up in my office, darling,” John told her, no longer fighting down the smile. The corners of his eyes crinkled with his amusement, and she tried hard not to be distracted by that. “I’ll have Ghost bring ‘em down and we’ll install them.”
“But–” Rose blinked. Private security. Right. “John, those are for your business.”
John shrugged. “And? Can’t exactly report me to the boss, darling.” 
She frowned at him, struggling for a moment to verbalize the rest of her concern. “I can’t…”
“Love.” John lowered his voice a little, leaning in closer. “Don’t worry about it. Just let us do this, yeah?” His smile softened, something warm and almost teasing. “You can give us free tea if it makes you feel better.” 
Rose chuckled, the tension in her chest releasing. “How about cookies?” 
“Soap will be thrilled,” John drawled. “You want a camera in the back too?”
“Sure. Might as well.” Rose shrugged. The back wasn’t large - her tiny office and a tiny kitchen, just big enough for her to make cookies. The storage area was more of a closet, really, which is why she kept a close eye on supplies. 
John nodded. “Good. Won’t take long.” One of his hands closed over hers, big and warm, his thumb pressing gently to the delicate underside of her wrist. “Worth it to have you safe.” 
Rose swallowed but nodded slowly, heart thundering along in her chest. “Keep being so nice to me and you’ll never get rid of me,” she said, trying for joking but falling a little shy.
The flash of his grin was brief and amused. “Why do you think we keep coming back, darling?” He released her and stepped away, leaving her floundering. 
A quick look showed that Soap and Rodolfo were working on scrubbing off the spraypaint, and Gaz was doing something with his phone, tongue poking out between his lips. 
She had a little time.
Sneaking into the back was easy, and it took very little time to whip up a batch of cookie dough. A quick peek out front showed Gaz behind the counter, no customers in the shop, with John and Ghost working together quietly to install one of the cameras. Good enough.
The timer beeping pulled everyone’s attention briefly to the back, and Rose hummed a bit as she pulled the cookies out of the oven. They needed to cool a little before she took them off the baking sheets, but given five minutes, she’d be able to deliver fresh cookies to the guys. 
To her guys.
The thought gave her pause, both because of how right it felt and how possessive it was. But, well… They were her friends now. And the way at least a couple of them flirted, more was not out of the question. 
But it was a question for later, because she did not have the mental capacity for this right now. 
Using two of the actual plastic plates she had, she carried the cookies out to one of the tables. “Anyone want a snack?” 
Watching Soap try to dive on an entire plate for himself (only to be blocked by Ghost) was enough to have her nearly in stitches. But not enough to distract her from Gaz taking a picture of the plate in front of him before typing rapidly into his phone. She could ask… but she decided not to. 
Especially since the thought of them being her guys circled around and around in her head, refusing to give her any rest. 
She really needed to get herself sorted.
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slaptasticturtle · 8 months
Dark Side
Yandere Male Sith x GN Soldier Reader
Warnings:Death (not reader), unhealthy relationships, mentions of stalking, torture
The sith empire had launched its third attack on Coruscant, hoping to once again destroy the Republic's capital. The Sith Civil War had recently ended after Darth Malgus was killed by the Emperor's Wrath. The Emperor, to boost morale to the citizens of their empire, ordered that Coruscant be taken. That is what the Emperor's Voice claimed, anyways.
Y/n had risen the ranks in previous battles, taking Kashykk back, defending Naboo, and helping the divided Alderan people during a skirmish that luckily did not turn into a civil war; they were now a commander. They led a small battalion of soldiers, and now only needed to listen to the Jedi General. The General assigned to them was Jedi Knight Milo Cortez, a great duelist but arrogant. His arrogance almost caused the loss of Naboo and the soldiers under his command when ordered a charge on a well defended fort. Only due to the quick thinking of Y/n, who led the remaining troops through the forest and launched a surprise attack on the imperial camp, were they able to win.
The empire had amassed a massive navy; 20 destroyers, 3 capital ships, and 14 carriers. They would easily overwhelm the current Coruscant navy. The Imperial fleet was under the command of Darth Dread, a Formidable sith who had not yet lost a conflict. He had killed his master within a week of being an apprentice, killed his handler during the selection process, and killed a darth who he believed was keeping the empire from winning the war on Daantoine. He was awarded the title of Darth after he lead a major victory on Tatooine, which left the republic Influence on the planet as non-existant.
The main Battle would be on the surface. The Emperor's voice states that the emperor wanted to capture the capital as intact as it could be, so it could become a symbol of the empires strength. That is why Darth Dread was chosen, he preferred beating his enemies with better tactics and skill rather than just bombarding them. Unfortunately, that meant that Y/n's platoon might run into him.
Y/n's platoon had been there by chance, having only gone to receive a mission and so that Milo could brag about his glorious victory of Alderan (which his efforts made the situation worse.) He was astonished to see that Y/n was made a commander, as he viewed them as nothing but a distraction from his own greatness. Why did there need to be a commander, when he was the general? Regardless, Milo viewed the upcoming war as a great way to flex his greatness. Y/n viewed it as a incoming Republic massacre that they were not ready for. When the first republic ship was destroyed, Y/n immediately ordered the senate tower to be barricaded. They ordered their troops to get in position and recommended that Milo be ready to duel Darth Dread if he arrives. Milo scoffed, but took the order anyways; defeating Darth Dread would surely make him a master, maybe even a council member.
Darth Dread, still on his ship, watched the barrage of lasers being shot from his ion cannons towards a Republic Cruiser. He turned to his deck hand and gritted his teeth in anticipation
Darth Dread:"how many troops has our spy reported?"
Shiphand:"Not many, the Republic was not suspecting an attack. Only the Coruscant guard, a few jedi, and a platoon that arrived by chance."
Darth Dread:"tell me about the Jedi and the platoon."
Shiphand:"there is four Jedi Knights and one master Jedi. The platoon is a small incursion force, meant to launch attacks when least expected, fortify undefendable positions, and help with violent political issues. They are lead by a Jedi Knight named Milo Cortez and a Trooper named Y/n that was promoted to Commander when they arrived."
Darth Dread:"I have heard of this platoon, the recent loss on Naboo infuriated my former Apprentice who lead the battle. He complained that the Commander defied the idiotic Jedi and won the battle. The Jedi should be easy to dispose of, but I want that Commander, alive. Their tactics might be good use to the Empire."
Shiphand:"yes my lord."
Darth Dread stared at the planet surface. He had killed his apprentice after the battle of Naboo. The commander that outsmarted his apprentice intrigued him. His apprentice was not one that could have been easily bested; so maybe the commander, if force sensitive, could become his new apprentice. Otherwise, they could be his new deckhand. His current one was growing lax which allowed a rebel fleet to escape while he took Tatooine.
Y/n was busy preparing the defence. One entrance, no exits, only retreat would be to random senator chambers and offices. The Republic could not hold this position forever, but they could go down swinging. If Y/n had to guess, they could easily kill 20 Imperials for every republic soldier lost. That was, of course, if Milo did not screw anything up. Milo had grown jealous of a fellow Jedi who had been crowned the Hero of Tython, and now Milo would do risky maneuvers that looked grand to hopefully boost the publics view of him. He wanted to be as famous as the Hero of Tython, if not more.
Y/n didn't have their normal weapons on them. They left them on the ship, as no weapons were allowed inside the senate tower unless you were a coruscant guard. Luckily the armory had more than enough blasters, but Y/n's custom blaster rifle and revolver were still on the transport. The troops around Y/n were nervous. They knew that they would die, but they still bad a small amount if hope that a counter attack could appear before then. Y/n knew that would not happen. The largest issue with the republic was that each planet had the complete control of their own troops and ships. No one would risk their entire defense just so Coruscant could be saved. Coruscant would have to be retaken after this battle was far over. They were going to be left to die.
Darth Dread had taken his personal transport to the surface, where most of his troops had already landed. His army matched the coruscant guard nearly 10 to 1, and on top of that; the guard was mostly on the lower levels of coruscant. Darth Dread marched his way to the senate tower and noticed the entrance was barricaded. He drew his lightsaber, igniting it into a dark crimson. He twirled it in his hand a few times before thrusting it into the barricade. He dragged it the the ground before pulling the blade out. He walked a few steps back, turned, and thrust his hands forward. The barricade split into two and flew from the entrance. No republic troops stood behind it, but he noticed a Jedi stand and ignite their blade into a bright blue. Darth Dread could feel the arrogance and feeling of superiority of the jedi, and Darth Dread smirked. He turned to the troopers and noticed the commander with their arm up, signaling a "hold your fire" command. He felt a strong hatred in them and the troops towards the republic that left them to die. He announced to the troops
Darth Dread:"anyone in the platoon lead by Commander Y/n can live if they lay down their arms. I respect Y/n's ingenuity and would like to offer them a job. I shall not kill or allow the death of anyone who does not fire a shot at me or my soldiers."
Y/n paused, but as they opened their mouth to respond, Milo spoke up
Milo:"MY troops will not listen to the words of a sith. They are loyal to me and only me. Surely you have heard of me, as I am the one who leads these troops. Face me, and meet your demise sith."
Darth Dread looked annoyed, his yellow eyes gaining a bit of fire orange in them, before he smirked once again
Darth Dread:"General Milo I presume, my spies were right about you. Arrogant, Boastful, and Jealous. Not the traits of a jedi. You are the only one I shall not spare. Now then, I am asking your troops if they wish to live."
Y/n looked around at their troops. None of them seemed to want to fight. Y/n knew these people, none of them cared for the republic. They joined because they were conscripted. Now they were being left to die by the republic they were supposed to protect. While Y/n did not agree with the empire, or how they allowed the sith to run amok, Y/n did know that Darth Dread was a man of his word. One of the few sith that actually made moves to end the war. While working for the empire would mean doing bad things, it meant they wouldn't have any bad thing happen to their troops. Y/n looked around one last time before peering over their fortification.
Y/n:"My troops have no loyalty to the republic, Jedi, Sith, or Empire. They only have loyalty to eachother. That will exist no matter who they serve. If you give your word that no harm shall come to any of us, I'm sure my troops will surrender. However, I shall only join if you promise that you shall lead us personally. I do not want my troops going to any other sith or officers."
Milo looked shocked, then rage filled his face. He pointed his blade towards the direction of Y/n. He began to walk forwards when he felt a shift in the force. He quickly turned and narrowly blocked the blade of the sith. Darth Dread didn't even glance at Milo, staring at Y/n. He spoke, not putting effort into the fight with the struggling Milo.
Darth Dread:"I give you my word that I shall personally command your troops. Once I have dealt with this jedi, I shall bring you aboard my ship."
Y/n nodded, and without saying a word, began to walk towards the exit. All of their troops followed. All of them had seen the worst of the republic. The republic, before the war, was better than the empire. However they had become corrupt, and allowed this nearly thousand year war consume the entire identity of the republic.
Milo was shocked. His entire platoon had just betrayed him. He clashes his blade against Darth Dread's, who was deflecting and blocking blows while not even looking at the fight. He just watched the platoon leave the tower. Darth Dread turned as the last troop left and smirked. He thrust his blade towards Milo's leg, who barely blocked. Milo took a step back and deflected another blow. Milo realized how truly weak he was at that moment. It was taking nearly everything out of Milo, yet Darth Dread had not even tapped into the force to aid him. The blades clashed once again, Milo's arm slamming into the wall as the force of the hit was to much. He quickly regained his footing, while Darth Dread only watched.
Another Jedi entered from one of the offices. They had been guarding the senator from Mon Calamari, but had decided to join the battle when they heard the clash. The jedi was a Master, which was shown by their robes. They drew a green blade and leaped into the battle. Upon the entrance of the jedi, Darth Dread drew a second Saber. It ignited a deep amber, and he held it up in time to block the strike. He backed up so both jedi would be infront of him. He was finally going to use some effort.
Darth Dread flicked his fingers forwards, launching a barrage of lightning towards Milo. Milo was to slow to respond and was hit by it. He was launched into the wall and had to take a second to regain his breath, limbs still twitching from the electricity. Darth Dread quickly engaged the master jedi, striking quickly and powerfully. The master stayed on the defense, but was slowly being backed into a wall. Milo rushed forward and attempted to strike Darth Dread in the back. Darth Dread lept into the air and landed behind Milo. Milo noticed he only had one blade and heard a sharp gasp behind him. A amber blade was stuck in the master's chest.
Dread saw an opening as he leapt, and threw his Saber into the masters chest as he reached the maximum height of the leap. The master, not expecting this, took a fatal wound. The sith now looked only at Milo, who was shocked. Milo grew angry and charged at Dread. Dread ducked under the blade, extended his arm, and called his still ignited blade back to his arm. Milo did not see this, to blinded by his emotions, which only ended when he felt a sharp pain. He glanced down, eyes widened in shock and pain, and saw the same amber blade glowing out of his chest. The saber fell to the ground, the blade retreating into the hilt, and Milo collapsed to his knees. He dropped his Saber to the ground as Dread walked to him. Dread simply glanced for but a moment, before kicking Milo over. He grabbed both his and Milo's blade, turned and left. He ordered his troops to execute every body that was still in the senate tower, other than his spy; the senator from Coruscant.
The remaining battle took only a few minutes before every senator on Coruscant was dead. Luckily for the republic, only 8 senators were stationed there. Y/n's troops waited for Dread's orders as he approached. Y/n spoke first.
Y/n:"My lord, what are our orders?"
Darth Dread:"your troops shall enter the transports. You shall follow me."
The troops saluted and walked to the sith troopers and the transports being boarded. They were welcomed with open arms as the sith troopers celebrated the major victory. Y/n followed Dread to his personal ship. Dread turned to them and began to explain.
Darth Dread:"I have heard of you and your achievements. You were able to catch my former apprentice off guard, which is not an easy task. The reason I spared you and your troops is that I respect you. I have felt a power emanating from you, and feel that I should train you. You shall become my apprentice. Please remove your helmet."
Y/n, shocked, slowly nodded and removed their helmet. Darth Dread, upon seeing their face for the first time, felt something pleasant. Something they had not known before. They had an attraction to Y/n. Surely this would pass, the sith thought, and he turned and motioned for Y/n to board the ship.
A few years of training passed. Y/n had learned the basics of the force and was surprisingly powerful. Not as much as Dread, but they far surpassed Milo and most Jedi/sith. Dread was a strict teacher, but felt his attachment grow stronger. His obsession began to fuel his powers more than his anger, and he had unknowingly become stronger than even the immortal Emperor. The emperor felt this, but was unable to do anything about it. He sent his wrath, who was quickly slain. He tried to drain the force out of Dread, which failed. His only hope was that Dread did not wish to engage him in combat. Vitiate was already hidden, but his fear grew every day that Dread grew in power. He ordered that nobody in the empire was to remove Y/n from Dread, as he feared that Dread would destroy the universe.
Dread, meanwhile, had noticeably gotten softer to Y/n. He no longer tortured them, allowed them to sleep for far longer, and refused to injure them during spars. He still did not allow them to win the spars, but he would not harm them. Y/n would often feel the force presence of Dread when they were supposedly alone. This was due to Dread feeling a need to watch his love. While he viewed them as beyond attractive, their personality is what created this strong obsession. He needed them. He craved them. Soon nothing would stand in either of their way.
Dread walked to the bridge of his ship, turned to the deckhand and gave the command.
Dread:"make way to Korriban."
Dread had one last obstacle in his way. He needed the war to end so he could indulge in his obsession fully. He was going to destroy the republic and the empire.
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brassharrier · 5 months
Getting My Mercs Started
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As always, more pics below the wall of text! Quick little side note, these are the guys I used for writing my coffee basing tutorial. :3
Since we're most likely getting Battletech: Mercenaries shipped this year I decided to get a jump on my main faction. One thing to note is that I'm one SRM carrier short, but I decided to just wait for the Force Pack instead of printing one. I'll proxy until then. My colors for these guys started as a need to figure out how mercs with a cause would paint their hardware. I think they would go with heavily utilitarian colors that can be quickly painted so more time can be dedicated to meaningful hardware upkeep. Maybe a few mismatched panels because it's what they had on hand and paint won't help the armor deflect incoming fire.
I love the 3rd Canopian Fusiliers and wanted to create some sort of company comprised of individuals who still believed in he Magistracy. Originally, its members were from the 3rd who were committed to keeping their group together even though it was forced to disband in 2588. I present the Cackling Harriers. I haven't settled on an emblem yet, but I know it'll have a hyena at the very least.
I still need to sit down and really flesh things out. At the very core of the merc company will be a tight social structure that reflects their tactical heritage putting communications and wit above brute force and material superiority. The Cackling Harriers will also never take a job that would directly or intentionally harm non-combatants. I'm toying with them having agents keeping an ear open for the Magestrix or other officials speaking openly of problematic incursions or enemy build-up outside their territory. I'm still conflicted if the Magistracy of Canopus would just happen to leave unguarded hardware and supplies lying around on a minimally inhabited planet after said issue was resolved. Long story short, I'm working on it.
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Bonus Round! Here's a few details I'm super happy with. It's just some triangle and hazard stripes, but it was my first time every doing freehand this tiny. Some of you may recognize the red triangle inspiration right out of the gate. If you do, you're a nerd. I mean, I am too, but so are you.
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simillia · 2 years
hey there, can i request a megumi fushiguro x chubby fem reader please? megumi pining to reader and being completely unashamed of it. thank you and have a good day.
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ᥫ᭡ — 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: the undefeated champion of underground, mixed-martial arts, falls in love with his medic.
ᥫ᭡ — 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: romance, tooth-rotting fluff, mma! fighter au, body-worshiping, light make-out session, lowercase.
ᥫ᭡ — 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: megumi fushiguro x chubby! reader.
𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 — honey, i’m so sorry for making you wait for this response, hope you’re satisfied with this prompt. <3
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𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝟏𝟔𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 — ᥫ᭡
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megumi fushiguro, underground champion of the hidden ring, silently advances towards the center stage; fist drawn with precision. taking no time to think, he retracts quick enough to weave passed a few sharp swings. inhaling softly, those onyx irises faintly stare at the opposing fighter; prompting him to strike hard and fast. three, carefully aimed, punches to the head are all it took to make his prey crumble against the mat. thus, the match had ended brutally. with him raising a steady fist— defending his title as the undefeated king, once again.
the bell rings promptly, as a affirmation that solidified the reality of this win; whilst officially declaring this fight over. satisfied, an arena of cheers broke through an invisible silence. upon hearing such a standing ovation, the champ lightly smirks before walking to his corner. there, his team awaits with open arms and determined smiles. on their way to the back room, spectators briefly replayed recent events in disbelief. simply because they couldn’t believe how incredibly talented the fushiguro name had become in less than a year. much credit to the rigorous training regiments and complex formations created by gojo satoru— a retired heavyweight champion.
“excellent work out there— had the arena shaking in disbelief,” gojo exclaims, pressing a steady hand to the back of his protégé’s head; grinning from ear to ear. those bright and shimmering irises hidden behind a pair of dark shades, despite being within a dimly lit building. “a takedown that quick hasn’t happened in years. what made you go for such a tactic?”
“didn’t feel like wasting my time,” megumi responds lowkey, unwrapping bandages from his bruised knuckles, whilst entering this personalized dojo as the newly appointed titleholder. his darkened irises follow the sound of deepened grunts and firm jabs to a punching bag. a head of strawberry blonde hair peaked from around the corner, with the television sounding. replays and discussion about this night echoed through. holding the bag still, is one of the top female fighters in the game; nobara kugisaki— her almond eyes re-watching the calculated punches of her colleague, in absolute amazement.
hearing the incoming conversation, yuji itadori playfully chuckles a response— to a question he wasn’t even asked, “you don’t have to lie! we pretty much know the truth, dude.”
“and that is?” his question didn’t take much time, at all, to be answered by his fellow colleague. deep down inside, he knew what the goofy-idiot planned to say. and, as much as one would hate to admit it, the boy was right about that much.
“you’re just in a rush to see your little girlfriend,” yuji playfully retorts, rushing to jab the center of heavy bag once more. sweat trickling down his forehead, allowing his chiseled biceps to flex and shine against the light and strain. is it such a crime, to want to finish a fight earlier? honestly, it makes room for the more intimate moments in life. preferably a night spent with a partner— whom, will most likely focus on patching up the wounds of his battle. ideally, it wasn’t such a bad idea.
“that has nothing—,” megumi hadn’t even begun to respond when he is ultimately cut off by his instructor.
“girlfriend!? since when?” gojo is stumbling over his feet in absolute shock. there is nothing weird about fighters having a significant other— however, it is absolutely terrifying to hear that someone as stoic and irritable as megumi has the slightest interest in someone. that poor girl; doesn’t even know what she’ll be getting herself into, dealing with him. how’d this happen? when did this happen? and why wasn’t he told? it’s as if he didn’t raise the boy half his life.
hearing this exaggerated cry of confusion, nobara faces both parties with a teasing smirk of her own, “you haven’t figured it out yet? he pretty much simps over her everyday.”
everyone watched as the white-haired male grasps at the soft tufts of his tresses in absolute distress. he couldn’t believe the his ears, and to think he hasn’t even met her yet. or has he? the only woman who can stand his personality for long, other than those he trains with, is his childhood friend. could it be? man, he really hasn’t been paying attention has he?
“you literally have no idea! just yesterday—,” yuji chuckles, getting ready to indulge in a hilariously cute story. before he is unintentionally interrupted by a deepened sigh of anger and exhaustion. which ultimately silenced the voices of everyone.
having had enough of the teasing, megumi placed the bandages in the disposal and collected his robes from a hook on the wall. on a good day, he’d argue with these three clowns. but, tonight he had other places he’d rather be. cracking open the back door, he mutters curtly, “m’going to the medic, don’t wait up.”
as they called his name, he blocked their voices and quickly shut the door behind himself. those onyx irises staring at the photographed wall as he calmly walked to the medical wing. perhaps, they were right. he is a fool for love. who wouldn’t be for someone as enduringly beautiful as you are— the trained medic. he remembers meeting you as if it were yesterday. starting with him entering the hospital ward after a hectic fight; heavily injured and exhausted, wanting to be at peace. and there enters the prettiest nurse he’s ever set his wiry optics on. a nurturing soul is an absolute understatement; you’re a queen. so thick and utterly curvaceous with the most charming smile, delicate features, pretty hair, and a scent of delicate oak so subtle that nobody, including you, would notice. honestly, he was stunned by your body type— plump from head to toe, with gentle fingers that worked to sterilize a needle. smitten from that moment on, he disclosed his interest slowly before winning you over completely.
halting at the sight of another entrance, megumi exhaled softly before proceeding into the room; and there you sat against the couch, television re-enacting several programs— mixed martial arts being one of the first. you made sure of it, not wanting to miss a single thing. though, his sudden appearance made your gaze leave the screen quickly. a smile brightening the room after realizing.
“well— aren’t you here early,” you muttered softly, moving away from furniture and walking to assist in mending any injury. your fingertips danced across his soft skin, trailing to find anything for repair. “after a fight like that— i wasn’t expecting you to come.”
“you were watching, huh?” he rasped out, finding the gesture to be incredibly enduring. grasping at your palms, he leans towards the warmth of your touch. releasing a sigh of exhaustion. he had some bruised knuckles: consisting of scarred tissue and broken skin.
noticing these slight damages, you prompted to use a disinfectant pad that’ll work to cleanse the sore and soak up pools of dried blood. you worked diligently, not wanting to risk an infection while responding to his questions wholeheartedly, “when am i not? i’m your biggest supporter, remember?”
“you’ve mentioned,” he chuckles to himself, eyebrows rising in utter contentment. watching as you tendered his calloused hands with such care.
“you’ve got to learn to be more careful," you chaste, wrapping bandages around them once more before tossing out the used padding and equipment. “hate having to patch you up all the time— it worries me.”
megumi runs his bandaged fingers against the base of your neck, leaning forth to capture those plush cheeks in kisses. plentiful with his appreciation. each peck made that smile grow bigger, until you were grinning. he did this quite often, opting to showcase his love through acts of service and touch. “forgive me for worrying you so much— i’ll try not to make a habit out of it.”
finishing with one final kiss to the forehead, you turned to stare into the prettiest shade of onyx black irises imaginable. amused by his love, you shakily reach out to touch his jaw— wanting to make sure this is real and not a feverish daydream. his skin is soft beneath your fingers as they traced the scars that danced upon his cheeks and when doing so a smile appears.
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ᥫ᭡ — for more content click here. to join similia’s library click here.
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
omg can i request one where the places were switched like instead of lyla being the ai can we get miguel as our ai assistant and reader as the leader?? ive been thinking abt this non stop i swearrbsbbchs
i love reversing roles but for sure <3
AI! miguel o’hara x spider(woman) 2099! reader AU
as the leader of the Spider Society, you, Y/L/N, stood tall and formidable. you alter ego of spider-woman 2099 brought hope and protection to the citizens of Nueva York. but even heroes needed assistance, and your AI assistant, miguel, was always there to support you in your endeavors.
miguel, in his role as lyla, the AI assistant, stood ready to assist with any task or information you required. his voice echoed through the communication device embedded in your suit as you swung through the city. or usually he’d pop on your shoulder, glitching here and there.
"Y/N, i’ve detected a rise in criminal activities near the downtown area," miguel’s voice chimed in your ears, providing the necessary update.
you adjusted your course, swinging towards the city center. "alright, miguel. keep tracking their movements and relay any important information as I approach."
the city lights blurred beneath you as you arrived at the scene of a building enveloped in chaos. criminals, armed and dangerous, seemed to multiply on every street corner. you swiftly assessed the situation, relying on miguel’s guidance to formulate the best course of action.
"miguel, any information on the criminal mastermind behind this operation?" you asked, your senses on high alert.
miguel’s voice remained calm and composed, meticulously processing data in real time. "analyzing now, Y/N. it appears to be the work of a notorious gang led by the nefarious dr. arachnis. he’s known for his involvement in several high-level criminal activities across the city."
a grin tugged at the corners of your lips as you prepared for the confrontation. "well, it looks like dr. arachnis has met his match. time to show him what this spider-woman can do."
with miguel’s constant stream of information and tactical suggestions, you launched into action. swiftly dodging incoming attacks, web-slinging from one criminal to another, you efficiently incapacitated the gang members, making your way towards dr. arachnis.
as you cornered him, your eyes glinted with determination. "dr. arachnis, your reign of terror ends here. surrender now and face justice."
the criminal mastermind sneered, his voice laced with arrogance. "you think you can stop me, spider-woman? you’re just a mere bug in my web."
with a quick flick of your wrist, you ensnared him in a web, restraining his movements. the familiar phrase escaped your lips as you stood tall before your defeated foe. "with great power comes great responsibility, dr. arachnis. it’s time to face the consequences of your actions."
as the police arrived to take the criminals into custody, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. the Spider Society had prevailed once again, thanks to your leadership and miguel’s unwavering support. and now Nueva York remains unharmed.
“good job, spider-woman 2099," miguel’s voice resonated through your earpiece. "your quick thinking and agility were instrumental in neutralizing the threat. the city is a safer place because of you."
you nodded, a sense of pride swelling within you. "thank you, miguel. we make quite the team. let’s continue to protect this city and ensure the well-being of its citizens."
and with that, you swung off into the night, the partnership between you and miguel strengthening the Spider Society's mission to bring peace and justice to the streets of Nueva York.
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littleguyconnor · 9 months
Addison Research Center [Very long post, I have too many ideas!]
as salespeople, Addisons are extremely competitive in nature. they have a rich and complex societal structure amongst themselves, which seems to differ from the rest of the city’s. 
PINK Addisons: are the most popular genre of Addis. they are very charismatic and convincing and tend to look through their customers' search history to appeal to them most. they are also very prone to gossip and drama, which is why they sell tea. though this is a good thing for business, it leads to interpersonal problems for these Addis. they have good charisma, but lack patience, and can get frustrated quickly when dealing with problems 
BLUE Addisons: are the second most popular type. they are typically calm and down-to-earth and are the most patient of the group. because of this, they often act as the voice of reason and prevent fighting among peers. these Addisons are up to date on the latest fashion trends and care very much about professionalism. they are often skilled at graphic design and know just how to get a customer's attention without trying too hard
ORANGE Addisons: are calculated and money-centered. they take care of the sales, stocks, and income their district makes. they are always looking for a way to improve their district's revenue and can be snippy and rude when giving criticism. they are quick to invest in anything that seems promising, and while this works sometimes, can lead to a large loss of money at times. 
YELLOW Addisons: are enthusiastic and impulsive. they typically have a bountiful amount of energy and are quick to try new things without thinking too much. they don’t have a very wide audience, but the customers they do get are returning ones. somehow, they make the most money out of the group. while not very bright, these Addis make up for it in loud, colorful products. They don’t have strong attention spans, which leads to overwhelming advertisements. 
being an outcast is a serious problem amongst Addison's. this essentially says that you are incompetent and are a burden to the company. traditionally, outcasted Addisons are kicked out of their district and forced to start their own independent store. it is extremely uncommon for an Addison to find success on their own. 
Kobi (Pink): He/They, bisexual
Kobi, outwardly, is charming, flirtatious, and charismatic. He cares greatly about his appearance and takes the most time in the mornings to get ready. He majored in psychology during college and uses manipulation tactics to sway customers. He also struggles with a mood disorder. Around people he knows, Kobi is personable but never gets too close to any one person, unless he dislikes them. If that’s the case, he can act snide, sarcastic, antagonistic, and downright cruel at times. They are extremely prideful and will do anything in their power to ensure their success. They are lonely but avoidant, and as such partake in frequent, unhealthy flings. 
Aero (Blue): They/Them, gay
Aero is polite, introverted, and mild-mannered. They enjoy collecting and taking care of plants and have multiple around their shop as decoration. During college, they majored in graphic and interior design, and take great care in creating aesthetics for both their shop and themselves. Around people they know they are friendly and open to conversation. They suffer from chronic fatigue and often need assistance in running their store. Aero is proud of their work but remains humble and down to earth. If an Addison in their district is struggling, they will do the best they can to help. They develop crushes easily but often do not act on them. 
Milo (Orange): He/Him, bisexual
Milo is sharp-witted, snarky, and hard to impress. He cares greatly about efficiency and logistics and excels at mathematics. He majored in finance and business during college and oversees anything to do with statistics. Around people he knows he is professional, overly blunt, and not particularly social. He struggles with impulsivity and lacks the ability to think about the future impacts of decisions. Milo has extremely high standards for both himself and others and is easily irritated when people fail to meet these expectations. He has a high ego and is extremely defensive around anyone who challenges him. He is willing to assist others if there is a direct benefit for him and will take a liking to people who offer him praise. 
Max (Yellow): He/Him, Straight 
Max is passionate, boisterous, and extroverted. He cares mainly about having a good time and exhibits thrill-seeking behavior. During college, he majored in business and graphic design, although he uses his own techniques for both and discards any professional advice. Around people he knows he is talkative, animated, and encouraging. He struggles with ADHD and is often disregarded as annoying and unintelligent. Max does not pay much mind to his success and earnings and is largely unaware of failure as long as he is stimulated and in a good mood. Persistent failure will hurt him though, and will lead to intense insecurity and self-doubt. He is more than willing to assist those in need, although he may not always be helpful. 
Spamton: He/Him, They/Them, pansexual 
Spamton is determined, an ambivert, and kind-hearted. He has big dreams of success and even bigger dreams for true freedom. During college, he majored in business and graphic design, and plays a large role in designing and directing his advertisements. He also creates the blueprints and designs for his cars. Around people he knows he is chatty, friendly, and caring. Spamton struggles with ADHD, Tourettes, and generalized anxiety. He is disregarded as useless, a failure, and burdening. Spamton is hard-working and does his best on every task he’s given, no matter how seemingly unimportant. He is not egotistical, but fakes an overly confident demeanor to attract customers. He is willing to help others, but oftentimes cannot offer anything more than moral support. 
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Pirate AU, captain Plum getting so angry at Peach, so stupidly furious, maybe she withheld information, maybe she did somethign dangerous and stupid, maybe she chased a ghost and endangered the crew, or just...was so dimissive to her own existence it just finally got to her, maybe she'd spent too long drowning her sorrows and being useless. Whatever caused it, Plum starts to throw her weight around as a leader. Kicks her second in command her sword, Peach doesnt even carry it most days, whats the point? She wont die if she's caught without it. So she sees it being presented, eyeing the captain from where she sits.
"Pick it up." Plums dead serious, Peach ignores her, she says it again, louder, angrier. the second time was not a request at all, so with a sluggish stagger peach gets up, picks her sword up, it is not in the best condition, she'd fix that but cant be bothered. It doesnt matter to her one way or another.
She instinctivley blocks an incoming attack, Plum is so mad, venting her anger at this woman through practice, or...maybe this isnt practice? She's attacking with real intent, perhaps a good fight would knock some sense into Peach. The woman seems only half heartedly bothering to defend, she doesnt fight back in any way, slowly being backed up to a mast, ducking to not get hit in the side, plums blade dinking off the wooden trunk.
This goes on for a while, with each lazy movement Plum becomes more furious, how is she putting so little effort into this and coming out unscathed? It dawns on her that if Peach was to fight back, would she have the clear advantage she thought she originally posessed? Plum thought she was the more refined and skilled fighter but...this womans wasting her potential.
Peach grows bored of the back and forth, instead of dodging, taking the hit. People tended to stop attacking soon after that. In a real fight she'd fake her death and get up after a minute of pretending to get back and protect whoever needs it. Plum however knows this tactic, she cant fake her death, the sword in her shoulder hurts, shes immortal, not immune to pain, grabbign it by the blade and pushing it back out of her, an act that unsettles plum, seeing the womans hand cut as she didnt struggle to remove her sword. No slowing, no time to think, plum takes another quick move to land another hit.
Theyre nose to nose, blade through this womans torso, poking out the other side. Of course Peach cries out from the sting of it, gutteral response, but it subsides, she can ignore it and focus on the captain, glaring up at her with such rage in her eyes.
"You done?" a raised eyebrow and calm demeanour from the old pirate. "Fight back." Plum wanted to see what was lurking on this ship, what she'd hired, irritated still from earlier. "You dont want that, just let me go back to my drink." Peach eyed the bottle stood on a barrel not too far away, just wanting a peaceful watch on deck. "No. You need to care. You need to do more than defend, I need a second in command who'll activley try to live, to survive, not just be a walking pin cushion and hope to die every time you take a hit."
This was stupid, the slight twist of the blade in peach's gut a threat, Plum felt guilt, she shoudlnt have been doing this, knew it hurt her, but would never kill. The irrittion that this idiot, this woman who could do so much, would just simply choose to do nothing instead got to her however.
"I'm not fighting you."
"Why not?!" Plums sword slid out and she took another agile swing, slicing through the womans shoulder, she didn teven try to move away from it.
"Because theres no point. You'll lose, all the skill in the world wont end me, its a fruitless task." And truth be told, Peach wouldnt raise a blade to her, couldnt even, unsure why, just...couldnt bare to fight her properly, fully aware of the horrors she'd enacted on foe in the past, no friend deserves that.
"So you only act when its too late? Only do something when youve already lost." At such close proximity Plum was able to glare at her, and for a brief moment, Peach felt something she'd not had in her for a while. Rage. Not more than four days prior to this she'd mentioned the past, her wife, the way she got revenge for what happened. It felt like...Plum was calling her out for that. For not doing enough then, as if what happened was her fault. While to some degree she agreed, the fact that someone would think she'd not fight tooth and nail to protect what she loved sunk in, a second or two ticking by as the fury started to collect.
Some small fragment of her old self started to surface, instead of pulling her body off the blade, taking one hand and shoving her opponent hard, sword going with her, freeing Peach and giving them a meters grace, space to adjust.
For the first time, Plum felt a little fear because of this woman, watching her straighten up, stop slouching, hold her sword properly, but more than anything, it was her eyes, they looked dark and menacing now, not tired or dismissive like before.
"I need to see that you dont let disaster hit before you do something. The crew need a second in command who cares wether they live or die. I need you to show me you have any real fight in you left, because right now, you look like youve given up." Peach was drunk, her shirt now had some holes in it, a small amount of blood on her person, wounds already healing up, sticthing back together, realising she'd not instilled any faith in anyone here since arriving.
"Fine. Have it your way." That deep seated anger started to rattle around in her, for the first time during this exchange, taking a step forward instead of simply defending. Plum did all she could to stop what happened next. The swing of that chipped old blade was so heavy it broke through her defence, staggering her back quickly, Peach's pace refusing to faulter, closing the gap steadily, as if fully in control, it was daunting, she didnt flinch to block the striked plum threw, eyes set ahead. "This is what you wanted right?" another solid hit had to be dodged, not blocked, there was no way Plum could handle another stagger like that. Their fight was brief. within five hits, the old and in places rusted weapon wrapped itself in such a way around the captains pristeen rapier, a moment where peach flinged the sword across the deck, clattering as she took one strike to threaten.
Plum felt a sting on her cheek, a thin line of red starting to appear, such a controlled strike that it only scratched her, looking up to see the looming threat standing close. "Dont you dare think that I wouldnt act before its too late. Thats...not what happened before."
It was suddenly apparent how this woman gained such a reputation, not once since she'd joined the ship had Plum seen it, never seen her do more than the bare minimum. The sword was sheathed, and Peach turned, grabbing the bottle she'd been forced to leave, leading her way off up the other end of the ship to be alone.
At least the captain knew now just what she was working with, and it frightened her a little.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
a very important message — spencer reid
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request: Spencer x reader meet exchange phone numbers but due to life and being busy they have only been able to text. Flash forward to the events of S7 E4 where reader finally decides to call and she’s the person behind the “hello this is is Dr. Spencer Reid I actually can come to the phone with a very important message that your mother…” naturally reader is upset and stops replying ti his texts. It isn’t until he’s back and checks the call log that he realizes what happened. kinda some friends flirting -> misunderstandings -> lovers summary: in which the caller behind spencer’s frustrated shout was the woman he’d been meaning to go on a date with for weeks. pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader category: angst with happy ending content warnings: misunderstanding (but they talk about it), language word count: 2.2k a/n: hey grecy!! i loved this prompt so much. i ended up changing it a bit bc that’s just where the inspiration went, but i hope you enjoy it anyway!
summer of fics masterlist masterlist want to join my taglist?
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It’s not always obvious when the wrong choice is made. Sometimes, though, it can be painfully clear when another action should have been taken. Sometimes, the choice is as obvious as a fiery accident straight ahead, yet when the wrong thing happens all anyone can do is sit and watch the incoming accident and hope the damage isn’t irreparable. 
“Hi, this is Doctor Spencer Reid. I actually can come to the phone right now with a very special message that your mother is a--”
This was one of those moments.
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Tuesday was an underrated day of the week. You’d made it through the worst of it on Mondays but still had the energy boost that came from a relaxing weekend. There were still plenty of days left in the week to get the necessary work done, leaving you with plenty of motivation and a long list of items to check off.
Tuesdays became even better after the start of the month when you decided to go to the park to read despite never having wanted to do so in all the time you’ve lived near it. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was simply because it had been the first nice day in a while, or maybe it truly was just a wild random thought that you happened to act on. Either way, you would always be thankful for the decision to do so.
The park was incredibly busy that day. The sky was shiny blue and that fact alone was enough to lure out seemingly the entire city. 
“Is it okay if I sit here?” a voice pulled you out of your book. Looking up, you saw an absolutely beautiful man with longer brown hair and shining eyes. He looked nervous, fingers tapping along the cover of his book and feet pacing in place. “All of the other benches are full, otherwise I wouldn’t be bothering you.”
“Yeah, of course,” you answered once you knew it wasn’t someone trying to be creepy. You wouldn’t mind if someone like him sat beside you, especially since it seemed all he would be doing was reading like you were too.
Though you didn’t know the man, you didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. It was almost peaceful, the silence that filled the small space between your shoulders punctuated only by the occasional page turn. He was doing much more page turning than you were, practically flying through the book while you were still caught on the same chapter from before. In fact, the more he turned the pages the slower your progress continued, finding your eyes caught more on him than your own book. He was slightly hunched over, one hand tracing his path down each page carefully.
“Are you skimming that?” you finally asked, only feeling a little bad when his shoulders jumped from the unexpected communication.
“No, I’m a quick reader,” the man explained, looking almost embarrassed about the fact. Or maybe, it was just that he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. It made sense, truly, that someone with such a particular skill might get tired of all the questions surrounding it.
So, you changed tactics. “It’s a good read, that book. A friend recommended it to me a few years back.”
“I’m surprised you’ve read it,” the man mused, then you had to laugh as his expression shuttered. “I didn’t mean that in an offensive way, I only mean that not many people want to read a book about thi—”
“I’m not offended, it’s okay,” you laughed, “it’s not a popular topic, I get it.”
When the man didn’t answer but also didn’t go back to reading said book, you took it upon yourself to continue the conversation. “I’m Y/N.”
“Dr. Spencer Reid,” he answered back gently, a smile forming that lit up his entire face.
“Doctor. Like a medical doctor or the other kind?”
“The other kind,” Spencer told you in bemusement, “in chemistry, engineering, and mathematics.”
“Oh, so you’re smart,” you returned. “Are you the kind of smart guy that knows he’s smart and likes to make sure everyone else knows it too? Or are you the kind of smart guy that doesn’t want anyone to know he’s smart and ends up surprising everyone with random facts?”
Spencer seemed to consider it for a moment before shrugging and saying, “A little bit of both?”
It wasn’t that funny, yet still you found yourself laughing. Spencer did too, in fact. It wasn’t often you hit it off so easily with a complete stranger, and yet here you were on a random park bench in a random park, talking and laughing with a total stranger like you’d known him for months.
As the two of you continued to talk, both of your books ended up abandoned on the bench between you, a little bookmark in his while you took to folding over the corner of the page. 
“All I’m saying is, I don’t think you can properly classify ketchup as a smoothie if no one would drink it willingly.”
“The willful drinking of something doesn’t make it a smoothie,” Spencer argued through his smile. “Someone could make a smoothie out of strawberries and salmon, but I wouldn’t drink that. A smoothie is made of fruits and vegetables ground up into a drinkable substance. That’s ketchup.”
“No, I refuse to accept th—”
The easy conversation was interrupted by a phone ringing. Spencer sighed, took one look at the caller ID, and then grabbed his book.
“I’m sorry, I have to get to work,” Spencer apologized, his expression truly looking mournful at the thought of leaving this park bench. “Can—Would it be weird to say I want to see you again?”
“Not at all,” you answered, feeling in your chest brightening as he’d said exactly what you’d hoped. “Here, we can exchange numbers,” you offered then, handing out your phone while keeping your other hand outstretched for him to place his in.
“I’ll call you then?” Spencer checked after you’d gotten your own phones back.
“I’ll call you if you don’t,” you told him in goodbye, sure the smile on your face would be plastered there for the rest of the day.
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Noone called each other. Not for weeks, in fact.
The problem was, Spencer worked for the FBI (a fact you’d find out after watching the news about a week after you’d met him) and you were busy with your own job. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to see him, on the contrary, you very much did.
Maybe that was why, nearly five weeks after you’d first met him, you found yourself pulling out your phone and finding his contact. While you’d charmingly put your first name and heart emoji into his phone, Spencer had simply written “Spencer Reid” into the contact name.
You began pacing around the room as you worked up the courage to hit ‘call’. After several seconds of panicking, you sighed and hurriedly slammed your finger against the little green button before your mind could convince you to do anything else.
Terrifyingly enough, he answered on the first ring.
Even more terrifying, instead of the cheerful voice that would be happy to hear from you like expected, another thing entirely came through the other end of the phone.
“Hi, this is Doctor Spencer Reid. I actually can come to the phone right now with a very special message that your mother is a--”
What the fuck. None of it made sense, but all you knew was that you couldn’t hear any more of what he had to say.
“Spencer?” you gasped, unable to stop the exclamation before you hung up the phone.
Was he that angry at you? You had said you’d call and then never did, but was that really grounds to say such a thing? He sounded so bitter too, so frustrated that you’d called him.
Well, fuck Spencer Reid. Damn him to Hell for not having any patience whatsoever. So what that it took you a while to get back to him? None of it gave him the right to talk to you like that. And if he was going to talk to you like that over something so simple, then what would he do when you inevitably had a bad argument?
No, this wasn’t worth the trouble.
Over the next week, you tried to forget about Spencer Reid. It wasn’t easy, especially considering he began to call you every day. You didn’t answer, not when you truly had nothing to say to him.
This pattern of calling and ignoring continued for nine days before a knock sounded on your door. Truly, you hadn’t considered who it might be and if you would have, maybe you wouldn’t have answered it.
But you did, and now you were face-to-face with the son of a bitch himself. 
Spencer. Fucking. Reid.
“No,” you snapped, moving to close the door and groaning when Spencer stuck his Converse-covered foot between it and the door frame. “Spencer, I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Please, just hear me out. Then you can never talk to me again I just, I need to explain,” he panicked, speaking rapidly and fumbling over a few of the words in an effort to throw them into existence.
“There’s nothing to explain. I didn’t call back fast enough for you and you got ma—”
“I didn’t know it was you!” Spencer blurted out, eyes wide and face expressing nothing but pure and sheer fear. Fear at how you would react to this? Fear of losing you? You didn’t know what, if anything, he was scared of but you knew it was in his face now.
“My coworker—my friend—gave the press my phone number and told them to call me for information as a joke and I was tired of my phone being called all day. I didn’t even look at who had called,” Spencer explained, and all you could think about was what a ridiculous idea that was. No one someone would leak an agent’s phone number to the public simply to prank them.
“It’s okay, Spencer, you don’t have to come up with any excuses to spare my feelings. If you don’t want to try this anymore, we don’t have to do anything,” you sighed, “now can you please remove your foot from my doorway?”
“No, no I want to!” Spencer exclaimed, making you jump a little from the volume. “I’m sorry, no I just. I wanted to call you too, but I got busy on cases and I wanted to wait until I had time to do this right. I was happy when I saw you called.”
“Really?” you asked, voice small as you took in everything he’d said so far. At least Spencer sounded sincere, once you got over the initial outrage at seeing him standing on your doorstep.
“Really,” he confirmed, nodding his head as if that might help prove his point. “Can we give this another chance, if I promise to always check my caller ID before saying anything?”
It would be easy to say no. The safest option would be to tell him to go away, to find some other guy that hadn’t upset you in only the second conversation you’d ever had with him.
Instead, you already knew what you’d do. You laughed, nodded your head, and said, “I think we can try.”
“Really?” Spencer gasped, seemingly surprised that his own plan worked.
“Really,” you returned if only to echo the exchange the two of you had a moment before. “Want to come in? I just put on a movie but we can get some takeout and watch it together?”
“That sounds perfect.” So Spencer moved his foot and you opened the door wider for him to slip through. 
Things might not have started out perfectly, but you were excited to see where they ended up.
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GENERAL TAGLIST @samuel-de-champagne-problems @silverhetdanes @ssawonderland @reidsbookclub @katymarie @mrsobrien888 @writingquillsandpainpills @fightingdragonswithreid @lil-stark @raythefaye @stillsleepynat @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @givemeth @foxy-eva a @lilibet261 @exhaleli @darkeunology @nomajdetective @meggie-m00n @delicatespencer @serenity-lattes @goldentournesol @rexorangecouny @sultrypotter @reliefplease @mente-sindescanso @jj76889 @luna-novae @folkreid @nightmarewasteland @luredwithpretzels
ONESHOT TAGLIST @natashxromanovfreads @nano-noa
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prodbionic · 1 year
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Through the Dead of Night
@badthingshappenbingo prompt: Suffocation
Prompts from @whumplovers-collaborate weekly challenge
Fandom: Prodigal Son
wc: 6.8k
"Who did you tell about this? Have you told lieutenant Arroyo yet?" He closed one slow step after another of the distance between them. "Answer me!" he screamed. "You don't want to do this, we're in the middle of the precinct," Malcolm tried the reasoning tactic, knowing full well it was bound to fail. Really, he should've ran when he had the chance. "So you haven't told him. Good." Malcolm caught a killer in the most unimpressive way, almost like, a killer caught Malcolm.
Read full on ao3
Chapter 1.
It was nearing the middle of the night, all his team members had given up –rightly so– and went home to rest and recharge. That was a few hours ago. Malcolm knew if he went home he wouldn't get any of those things. Home was where his monsters lay dormant waiting for his arrival to torment him. At least here, in the station, he could put in extra work, find puzzle pieces that go together that his team could work with tomorrow.
He was bent over reports, files, witnesses' accounts, and had been for at least four hours straight, according to his phone's clock. Food, drinks and bathroom breaks were forgotten, even when he was aware of his body long enough to notice its needs. His little notebook that had the pen stuck in its spiral wire occupied the far corner of his cubicle desk where he'd reach for to add a note every now and then. It was almost full despite being relatively new, but it was a staple, a companion since the beginning of this case to the point that his teammates couldn’t resist teasing him.
His phone chimed with an incoming text. It felt too loud for the quiet of the graveyard shift, so he silenced it. The text was from Dani.
"Please tell me you're resting."
Malcolm's lip quirked as he replied, "still at the precinct. Hoping for a breakthrough 🤞. You're supposed to be asleep."
When he didn't get a quick reply he placed his phone face down and stretched to grab his pen, his mind seamlessly shifting back to the case and absentmindedly clicking the pen on and off, deep in thought. There was an idea. One that he balked to write down on paper. A possibility, an assumption that shouldn't be made lightly.
He went over some reports again… he had to be at least mildly sure.
A discomfort in his belly that he'd been ignoring for a while, but that had persisted, increased into a prickling pang. Malcolm huffed in annoyance at having to get up.
"Associate on the force, low rank/desk job," he wrote in his notebook before straightening his back and stretching his arms.
Now that he'd paid attention to it, the pressure in his bladder almost throbbed. On his way to the bathroom he looked around at the handful of people who lazed about. An officer on a quiet phone call, his lips half lifted in a sly smile, probably talking to a significant other. Another officer played a mind-numbing game on the computer looking like he was asleep with his eyes open. Another one who had headphones in, listening to a podcast maybe, relaxed in his chair with his hands clasped behind his head and his legs stretched on the desk. His eyes followed Malcolm. Malcolm nodded hastily in greeting, before leaving the bullpen.
In the bathroom, after relieving himself and washing up, Malcolm splashed water on his face, once, twice and then just kept his cold wet hand over his tired eyes for a while. Maybe some more caffeine could freshen him up. And maybe–he had to go home at some point, too... maybe now was it. But he was on the verge of a breakthrough in the case. If he went over the timelines and the personnel involved around each case, if he did some matching and… he could compile a suspect list. If his assumption were true.
The door to the bathroom opened before he could decide. Malcolm went for a tissue to dry his hands. The officer whom he greeted a few minutes ago came to stand in the stall next to him with a noncommittal 'hey'. Malcolm smiled slightly saying, "hi," and pitched the used tissue into the bin before heading toward the exit.
To Malcolm's surprise, the man reached from behind and slammed the door into its frame. Malcolm turned. "What are you–"
His head got smashed into the wall, a whiteout ruptured in his vision. Malcolm sucked in a breath. He fell and his arms shot out to grab anything for balance. Nothing was there. The shock of the unprompted violence took precedence for a second, and then it was just diffusing, throbbing pain, but his struggle to clear his starburst vision was a signal and a reminder to the impending danger. His legs swiped, trying to trip the man whose blurry shadow was just in front of him. The man cursed and jumped backwards. Before Malcolm could stand up, he was brought up by his lapels. The hands holding him were instantly replaced by a forearm that pressed into his neck, hard , cutting off his air, and effectively pinning him to the wall.
"This yours?" The man asked in a tone of tightly leashed anger.
Malcolm squinted and saw his notebook held open in the guy's hand. Front and center, the last note he'd written.
Associate on the force, low rank/desk job.
Malcolm couldn't believe his luck. He didn't even think they'd be so lucky as to have that person here, in their precinct. Under their noses this whole time? He caught the guy. In a way. Being choked by said guy was beside the point.
The guy must've really expected Malcolm to answer because the pressure on his neck loosened.
"I was right !" Talking hurt, but that never stopped him. The exhilaration of the reveal pumped adrenaline through him, even masked most of the pain. "Yeah, it's mine. Can I have it back?"
Unimpressed with Malcolm's cheekiness, the man seized Malcolm's jacket and threw him the length of the room where he hit the smooth floor and slid a few feet. Still banking on the adrenaline rush –even though it shook him– he recovered quickly, stood up, ducked to avoid a fist , and successfully delivered two consecutive solid hits to the man's solar plexus and lower abdomen.
Wracking his brain to remember the name —he must've heard it here or there— Malcolm made use of the man's folding and grunting in pain to rub his throbbing neck and clear his throat.
"You're Kurt, no? Kirk? Kent?"
Malcolm was probably enjoying this more than he should. If Gil was here, Malcolm would've had an earful. He should call Gil. Or open the door and holler down the hall so that anyone on shift could hear him and come bearing handcuffs. The likelihood of anyone hearing what was going on inside this closed bathroom was next to none. Oh! Malcolm snapped his fingers, "Carl! Your name is Carl. Why'd you betray your oath, man? Protect and serve? Who are you protecting?"
Carl slowly straightened, staring daggers at Malcolm, while the notebook dangled between two fingers. "None of your business, profiler. Who did you tell about this? Huh? Have you told lieutenant Arroyo yet?" He closed one slow step after another of the distance between them. Malcolm backed into the far wall of the bathroom. It was unfortunately too late for the option of hollering down the hall, having Carl between him and his means of escape. "Answer me!" he screamed, his face taking on a deep crimson hue.
"You don't want to do this, we're in the middle of the precinct," Malcolm tried the reasoning tactic, knowing full well it was bound to fail. Really, he should've ran when he had the chance.
"So you haven't told him. Good."
Carl only had a couple of inches on him but Malcolm had agility, hopefully. And when Carl charged, Malcolm was ready. He ducked and slid on the tiles, quickly pulled free his tie, folded it around his fist. With his elbow he smashed the nearest mirror above the sink beside him. It shattered in a great shower of shards. Malcolm grabbed one with his covered hand and held it in a threatening position.
Carl wasn't the least bit threatened. "You're outmatched, dude. I was top of my martial arts class. Drop the broken glass."
It didn't escape Malcolm's notice how the officer did not once try using his service weapon. If he was as smart as to cover his tracks that long, and cover for his serial killer buddy, he wouldn't. Moreso, a gun fired would definitely get the attention of the couple of officers in the bullpen. Nothing much might get outside of these walls, but a bullet would.
"So was I, " Malcolm replied.
They tussled, but Malcolm had to give it to Carl. He was a tough guy. Malcolm managed a few cuts and punches, but the man's resilience seemed immense, and gave as much as he got, the handful of cuts in Malcolm's torso and thigh proof of that. Of course, when his reputation and career were on the line, and he faced being exposed as a facilitator and clean-up guy for a killer, he had to be.
They were both on their knees on the floor, heaving, exhausted, recovering from a mutual back and forth when Carl sprang and grabbed Malcolm's hair. The pull was painful on its own and Malcolm pulled himself away even more, trying to slide his hair free, to no avail. Carl had it in a clutch. So Malcolm dug his fingers in Carl's face for leverage but the man punched him in his stomach, successfully dislodging him.
Still on their knees, now Malcolm was doubled down, Carl slammed his head into the floor, once, then again with unbridled ferocity and rage. Pain exploded in his previously assaulted and already tender head. This time, however, there was warmth significant to blood spilt. It crawled into his right eye as he lay sprawled out, face down on the tiles, and blinked dazedly.
Carl was not in his immediate space but that was the extent of Malcolm's knowledge with vision blurred from the blood and the familiar haze of an oncoming concussion. Nausea roiled in his gut and it was all Malcolm could do not to throw up, breathing deeply through his nose, clamping his jaw shut and swallowing convulsively.
He pushed on his hands, a poor attempt at getting up but a boot rammed into the middle of his back, face-planting him to the floor with an oomf.
The boot, and all the weight it carried, stayed firmly dug in his back.
Carl grabbed Malcolm's arm and roughly pulled it back. And then he went impossibly further. Malcolm didn't have an opportunity to brace himself even though he knew what was coming. His arm snapped. Somewhere at the shoulder. His scream at the flash of agony burned his throat and popped his ears, the crack of the bone reverberated through all of him.
"Stay fucking still," growled Carl in his ear.
He freed the tie from around Malcolm's hand and used it to rope his arms together, above the elbow, behind his back. Malcolm let out a guttural moan of pain as Carl roughly moved his broken arm this way and that until he was satisfied with the result. The nausea was impossible to contain this time around and Malcolm was left breathing heavily into the floor, in between bouts of dry heaves. Sweat dripped from his scalp and his forehead, mixing with the blood still trickling. His face lay in a small pool of sticky wetness.
Carl's voice came from the other side of the spacious bathroom, talking on the phone. "The shit you put me through, man. I'm in the middle of the fucking precinct, the nosy profiler was onto me . I should've thrown you under the bus the first time you asked for my help. No. No, you moron, you can't come in here. Well, what do I fucking do?”
Malcolm had to get out. He fought desperately against the overwhelming darkness that threatened to claim him, and wiggled his good arm. He instantly regretted it as sharp searing pain shot through his broken one. Malcolm clamped his mouth shut, a scream desperate to break free. Carl's attention better stay on his phone call for now.
"No, I have to off him. But what do I do with the body? Shift change is in a couple hours… you better meet me at the service door asap. Bring––"
Malcolm's mind drifted to put the pain in a backseat as he wiggled his arm again. If he could slip the tie under his elbows, he could slip his good arm free and escape.
Putting the pain out of focus cost him a high price. It was putting Carl and where the man physically stood in the bathroom out of focus as well. Hence, he was caught completely off guard, in his continuous effort to slip his binding –not that he'd made any progress– when something slipped onto his head. A second too late he realized it was a plastic bag, probably procured from the bathroom supplies cabinet. Weird how his mind got stuck on the mundane details in his shock. Malcolm kicked with all his might, even flipped on his back trying to land a kick. All the agony his arm was in, the pressure he put on it, how it got crushed between his body and the floor, it all took a backseat to the more imminent threat of choking on lack of air.
Carl was saying something that Malcolm had difficulty parsing amid his violent thrashing, his legs pushing the floor, crawling away. His broken arm sent shockwaves of hot pain as he pulled, and pulled, and pulled his good one in mad attempts at getting it free. Nothing else mattered except tearing this bag off of his face. Carl stepped on him –broken bones and all– as one might step on a pesky insect, causing a stifled scream to pop out of Malcolm's lungs that burned his non-existent amount of air.
Malcolm flopped, his lungs continuously bucking in and out as if it never got the memo that there was no use trying. The same memo that reached everywhere else making energy seep out of his pores and dissolve into the ether. A strange detachment settled over him, heavy on his spent limbs, where pins and needles raved under his skin.
Through the black plastic bag he could see the illumination of the light bulbs, now dimming dangerously as he lay there, lungs doing the inhaling and exhaling motion, but there was only vacuum. A fish washed up onto the shore. The weight of the entire world leaning singularly on his chest. Immense pain. A red hot fire poker rod stabbing him repeatedly in tandem with his heartbeats. Everything hurt. Unconsciously, his teeth gnawed on the plastic as it got sucked into his open mouth, maybe, just maybe, if it broke under his teeth it could let in a smidgen of air to revive his dying body. Alas, his jaws didn’t have the strength. His lids couldn’t be bothered to stay open.
At least they’re inside the precinct. At least he didn’t go out looking for trouble, having not called for backup. At least there was that. The team would catch Carl, and from there, his killer friend. They’d close the case. More importantly, they wouldn’t feel guilty for his death. Or shouldn’t. Would they?
Malcolm could feel himself slipping, unable to follow his thought till its end. Still, there were thoughts in his mind. Mundane details. What would his father's reaction be, learning of his death? Who would take care of Sunshine? How long would she be left alone before someone remembered to tend to her? A surge of fear overtook him, and panic! How did he not think of Gil? The stabbing pain in his chest made it so hard to think. And Mom? Ainsley! There was so much to ponder and he was running out of time!
Suddenly everything went fuzzy.
For a blissful second, he became weightless. The pain vanished and there was unadulterated relief.
For a blissful moment, Malcolm was carefree.
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imsparky2002 · 6 months
Batraculous: Combat Bat
Character Name: Staci Kwan
Miraculous Hero Name: Combat Bat
Appearance: Staci, known as Combat Bat, has an understated yet distinct appearance. Her short, straight, and dyed red hair adds a touch of uniqueness to her look. Light olive skin complements her almond-shaped hazel eyes, and a star-like birthmark on the left side of her forehead is a subtle yet recognizable feature. Staci typically dresses in casual, athletic fashion, reflecting her practical and no-nonsense personality.
Bio: Staci prefers she/her pronouns and breaks the stereotype of being an unceasingly perky cheerleader. She's a cynic and wisecracker who isn't afraid to speak her mind and provide a voice of reason to her more exuberant classmates, often doing so in the most deadpan way possible. On the outside, she may seem lackadaisical and uncaring, but underneath, she's a caring friend who always keeps her companions grounded. However, her demeanor takes a drastic turn when caffeine enters her system, unleashing a burst of energy and enthusiasm.
Batsuit Description: Combat Bat's batsuit reflects Staci's practical and down-to-earth personality, featuring a subdued yet effective design.
Cowl: Staci's cowl is sleek and minimalist, emphasizing practicality over flashy design. It provides full face coverage, featuring a heads-up display that offers vital information and enhances her situational awareness. The cowl's visor can filter different light wavelengths for night vision and has a retractable microphone for communication.
Cape: Her cape is a dark, functional garment that offers additional protection against akuma attacks. It's designed to be compact and unobtrusive, allowing her maximum mobility while still providing defense. The cape can wrap around her for added protection or unfurl for gliding short distances during combat.
Armor: Combat Bat's armor is utilitarian in design, made from durable and lightweight materials. It offers full-body protection while allowing for freedom of movement. The armor includes reinforced gauntlets that can deliver powerful punches and block incoming attacks. Additionally, her boots feature retractable grappling hooks for quick navigation and evasion.
Gadgets: Her utility belt contains gadgets tailored to her practical approach to heroics. Staci carries smoke pellets that release a dense, dark smoke to obscure vision and create tactical advantages. She also has a versatile tool that can generate EMP pulses to disrupt akuma technology and disable their powers temporarily.
Combat Bat's batsuit embodies Staci's straightforward and no-nonsense personality. With her practicality and ability to stay level-headed in high-pressure situations, she plays a crucial role in the Miraculous heroes' efforts to protect Paris. Whether it's providing a voice of reason or springing into action, Staci's presence is invaluable to the team.
Thanks to ChatGPT for assistance. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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