#Web3 developer jobs
web3jobguy · 2 years
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a2zcryptoswap · 1 year
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daniel-salajar01 · 2 years
💥Growth is the only proof of progress🎊#Plutope is growing✅ & we appreciate all the love 😍🌐.
💥#Plutope have more than 10𝗸🎊 members on #waitlist now!
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Aritra Sen Altcoin Buzz Web3 Pro
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Build Your First Full Stack NFT Marketplace On Ethereum With React Js | Include 12 Pages | 19 Hours
Build your first #web3 .0 start-up in 19 hours Full stack NFT Marketplace on the #ethereum & #polygon blockchain, In this long project, you will learn everything about 1. How does #blockchain work? 2. how to write #solidity smart contracts and security testing? 3. Ui/Ux Design concepts for enhancing user experience? 4. Connecting with blockchain nodes Included technologies 1. Solidity 2. Hardhat 3. React Js & Next Js 4. Custom CSS 5. MongaDb, as a Backed server
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onemillionfurries · 8 months
not for nothing, but around 2021 the CEO of the studio behind palworld was tweeting about ai generated pokemon designs, and how he “can almost not tell the difference,” referencing that exact article, actually. I do not think every single design was ai generated or that any ai references were used from start to finish with no human touch, but the CEO is very openly interested in ai technology and its applications in game development! I don’t think its a stretch to guess it may have been used somewhere in the pipeline. and as someone who also messed around with fakemon generators when the tech was still a bit novel, some of the designs do have that ai stink to them, even from around that time.
yeah i chose that article specifically bc i knew that the CEO had referenced it in a tweet. I WANTED to get into it in the post, but it was also 9am and I hadn't gotten a wink of sheep that night (... bc i was up all night playing palworld WHOOPS--) (im writing this off a 2 hour nap so pls forgive me if it's incomprehensible)
I remember the whole "palworld used ai to gen its monsters" narrative literally started because someone qrt'd someone pointing out that CEO's tweet and extrapolated that because the CEO spoke positively on AI generated pokemon, then the game MUST have AI generated monster designs which... wasn't what the original tweet was saying at all. but unfortunately nuance and reason is like poison to twitter so the speculation spiraled from there. (not like tumblr is much better. but I at least have the space to explain myself here, however poorly that may be :P)
And like, the unfortunate thing is that nearly /every/ CEO is interested in AI. their whole job is to make money, not art. some are just louder about it than others. with the insane crunch that the pokemon developers go through, I wouldn't be surprised if AI is also used in those games somewhere in the pipeline, whether that's in the past or a future release.
Let's also not forget when the pokemon company international was interested in hiring simeone with knowledge in NFT/web3 technology. if we're automatically assuming that open interest in something means that it's implemented, or that it will be at some point, then we better get to boycotting pokemon now!
I wanna be clear that I'm not defending the use of AI art in game development. it may very well be that AI /was/ used somewhere in the Palworld pipeline. I just don't want people to be asserting something as true with little to no actual evidence. ever since I got "called out" by an ex-friend of mine for some heinous shit that i quite literally never did, I've been a lot more diligent in figuring out if something people are freaking out about on social media IS actually true, or if it was a mountain made out of a molehill, as it tends to be 99% of the time.
(btw I'm curious as to what pals you think have that AI stink to them? im generally trying to avoid spoilers for later game pals bc i wanna discover them on my own, but if you wanna send a list or something that I can look up when im further in the game I'd be interested.)
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missing-texture · 10 months
About Me
Hi, I'm Adrian. I’m a friendly, nerdy, music-loving proudly bisexual trans guy from NY. Mid-20s. He/him. 👋☺️
Here’s a pic of me 3 years post-op top surgery, aka my excuse to post a shirtless selfie lol.
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I have a bunch of side blogs dedicated to my various niche interests but this is my main blog. I mostly post about music, tech, art, video games, fashion, and queer stuff. Anyone is welcome to follow, though you will get blocked if you give off bad vibes (no bigots or assholes.)
I’m trying to find more blogs to follow so if I randomly followed you, it’s likely because I got recommended to your blog and/or I just think you’re a cutie. ☺️
If you're an ally of trans people and you have the means, check out this post and consider donating to one of the groups mentioned. Thank you!
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Read more about my interests and stuff below:
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-Tech 👨‍💻: I'm an aspiring software engineer, currently working a job where I help folks with tech issues while I continue my search for a software engineer job. I recently got my bachelor's degree in computer science, planning to go for my master's. I like all sorts of nerd stuff like web development, retro tech, tech history, and more. I’m skeptical of tech bro-y trends (many AI/web3 projects) and the tech industry in general. Ethics and privacy are important!
-Queer stuff 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈: I came out as bi and trans in 2015, been on testosterone since 2017 (I do a neat form of T called “testopel”), got top surgery and medical tattooing on my nipples, had my name and gender changed. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I like learning about LGBTQ+ history and feel very connected to the community. Pro-kink, anti-exclusion, pro-solidarity.
-Music 🎵: I’m a metalhead/emo/pophead multiclasser. My fave genres are metal, emo, post-hardcore, pop punk, pop, europop, hyperpop, EDM, digital hardcore, dark wave, classical stuff. I love going to concerts and I've been playing the piano since I was a kid.
-Art: I collect pins, patches, stickers, and art. I follow a ton of artists online and enjoy going to conventions for art. I especially love bara. 💪🐻
-Video games: Metal Gear Solid, Red Dead Redemption, Baldur’s Gate 3, The Sims, Super Monkey Ball, Call of Duty, Hitman, Half-Life, Rimworld, Civilization V, Dangan Ronpa, and more. I like hot video game men.
-Movies: Hackers, American Psycho, Ocean’s Eight, Jennifer’s Body, Charlie’s Angels, Elvira, The Devil Wears Prada, Legally Blonde, Die Hard, Sky High, Twilight, the 2002 live action Scooby Doo lol. Anything campy, fun, and spooky/sci-fi/action/girlboss.
-Cowboys 🤠
-Vampires 🧛
-Cats (especially Garfield)
-Bears (the animal and the men)
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epicthundercat · 2 years
Welcome to the TUMBLR resurrection.
If anyone can revitalize this wonderful creative space it's the very real and very valid artists over at Web3. Why?
Well, simply because we are used to tackling social norms and working toward positive change in the greater creative community. What drives many of us is the idea of giving artists a real livable wage and taking out the middle men that take huge profits. Here in Web3 artists are able to be their full creative selves and create beautiful wholesome communities that are all working together to change the world and increasingly impact the world around them.
Some background of who I am:
I started as a traditional water color artist when I was a young child and as I grew attended very real, very in real life art shows and conventions. While these were fun, they were not sustainable for me as an individual with children who worked full time and was in college. I did not have the resources or means to pay an event over 200 USD just to make very little profit over the course of 3 days while ignoring my job and children. I actually switched my major in college under the assumption I would never be able to make money with my art because it felt as though it was not sustainable. I went as far as to get a Masters in Mental Health in order to survive.
Fast forward to 2021. My friend called me up and told me about this silly concept called "NFTs". I honestly laughed at first. It sounded silly and ridiculous. He had no intention of actually selling anything. However, I began to deep dive and as I learned about the activism involved and the underground movement toward artistic independence I began getting exciting. I have always believed in art as a tool for healing and wanted to help artists thrive.
I do not expect all artists or art collectors to understand our space we are building here in Web3 but it won't stop, the technology exists and it is part of the growing future as more artists are onboarded every day.
What is next? We need to work on growing Web3 communities and branching out by onboarding artists from more traditional backgrounds as well, this has already been happening and will continue but it brings into question more topics such as sustainability and longevity. We want Web3 to be a safe and comfortable place for artists to hang out and engage with others. This is key for survival in any business. You want to surround yourself with other like-minded change leaders and work toward positive change in a way that benefits everyone.
To those reading this outside of web3. Here are some things I want everyone to know:
Environmental issues:
1. Recently, the ETH merge has further improved any concerns surrounding environmental factors so artists need not worry any longer. However, I am aware the media has not shown nor specified this fact. Also, for artists still concerned there is tezos as an option as well which is an even more affordable option when it comes to blockchain art, and it has little to no impact environmentally. Also, Keep in mind any VISA transactions you make also uses electricity to process the payment. It is wonderful being mindful and changes are being made everyday to make crypto more and more environmentally friendly.
2. While there are scammers all over online (check your email) we should not allow scammers to set a narrative for artists and art communities. They are not a part of what we do or what we are building. Scammers will come where there is money. However, we need to focus on the underground art movement and scammers will disappear as web3 advances and securities are increased.
3. Most of Web3 consistant of people from all backgrounds, areas of the world and various social demographics. I have spoken with people in India, UK, Australia, Canada, USA, Mexico and many other places. There are even initiatives to help those in rural and developing nations sell their work as they are in dire need. There have been sales and movements for the folks in Ukrane and those right now in Iran. Many of us have donated money to causes and worked hard to make the world a better place.
Web3 is a great place to be once you find your community. It consists of leaders from all over the world working hard everyday to make art more accessible to those from different areas, backgrounds, abilities and even to those struggling with disabilities who are unable to attend art shows. If you are a fellow creative its worth finding your passion and heading into Web3. We will welcome you with open arms.
- Epic Thundercat
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gofunkee · 10 months
Crowdsourcing: not a new concept
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what is crowdsourcing?
By using the Internet, social media, and smartphone apps, a huge number of individuals can contribute their work, information, or opinions through a process known as crowdsourcing.
While some crowdsourcing participants carry out menial jobs willingly, others work as paid freelancers. For instance, in order to give app users access to up-to-date, real-time information, traffic applications such as Waze incentivize drivers to self-report accidents and other traffic occurrences. (Hargrave, 2022) Crowdsourcing is a collaborative approach that involves sourcing information, ideas, or services from a wide and diverse group of individuals, known as the "crowd." This decentralized method relies on the collective intelligence and varied expertise of contributors, often facilitated through online platforms. Crowdsourcing is characterized by an open call for participation, inviting individuals to provide solutions, ideas, or content to address specific challenges or tasks.
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Crowdsourcing in crisis
Amid the global, ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, among the tireless work of health care workers, policy makers, and government officials across various nations, there is another player with “skin in the game” if you will—crowdsourcing projects. Crowdsourcing is a model whereby individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas, from a large, relatively open community of digital media, Internet users, and an entire array of diverse stakeholders sharing a common interest from a range of perspectives and experiences.1 Although crowdsourcing originated long before the advent of digital age, in the current era of social media and other digital outlets, crowdsourcing has become a fairly commonplace solution. (Desai, 2020) Crowdsourcing in health and medical mostly started in the bioinformatics and technology fields about 2010. Its broad usefulness in disaster crisis management has, however, mostly gone unutilized. We address the ongoing and present uses of crowdsourcing in the COVID-19 era from this point of view. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected > 5 million people worldwide and caused > 330,000 deaths at the time of this writing, is no less than a disaster crisis, albeit biological. A disaster life cycle consists of the steps taken in planning for and responding to a particular disaster (Fig 1). This disaster cycle is used throughout the emergency management community, from the local to the national and international levels. We saw similar disaster mitigation (social distancing), preparedness (quarantine restrictions), response (masking), and recovery efforts during the 1918-1920 seasonal H1N1 flu pandemic. (Kuderer, 2020)
Community for creatives
Crowdsourcing funding for projects, businesses, and causes is expected to grow to be a $300 billion industry in the near future, according to estimations made by the crowdfunding trends blog Fundly. In 2017, Stanford University student Nicholas Benavides, the creator of the Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition for Students, conducted an analysis of over 2,000 Kickstarter project data to identify the elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Benavides surveying the terms used in a campaign's title and blurb using the Kaggle Kickstarter dataset developed a model that could predict a campaign's success with 75% accuracy. (Sickler, 2020) Among his major findings was that the most common words–game, new, design, world–appeared equally in both funded and unfunded campaigns. The major point of differentiation was not in word choice but between those categories inherently more social in nature, such as Comics, Dance, Music, Theater and Design, and solo practices like Craft and Journalism. Social categories were simply a more natural fit for the success criteria of crowdfunding.
Role of crowdsourcing in Web3
Crowdsourcing in Web3 refers to the decentralised process of obtaining goods or services from a large, undefined group of people via the internet, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. The role of crowdsourcing in Web3 is to empower individuals and communities to collaborate and contribute their skills, knowledge, and resources to create and maintain decentralised applications and services that are more equitable, transparent, and secure. This can lead to increased innovation, collaboration, and democratisation in the development and deployment of new technologies, as well as in the creation of new forms of governance and value exchange. (Reffell, 2023)
Crowdsourcing in Web3 examples:-
DAOs: Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) are organisations that are run through rules encoded as computer programs on a blockchain network. DAOs are governed by their members, who vote on proposals and make decisions collectively. Examples of DAOs include MakerDAO and Aragon.
Prediction Markets: Prediction markets are decentralised platforms that allow users to make predictions on the outcome of events and earn rewards for accurate predictions. Examples of prediction markets include Augur and Gnosis
Decentralised Exchanges (DEXs): Decentralised exchanges are platforms for trading cryptocurrencies and tokens without the need for a central authority or intermediaries. Examples of DEXs include Uniswap and Curve.
Decentralised Identity Systems: Decentralised identity systems are platforms that allow users to control and manage their personal information and data, rather than relying on central authorities or intermediaries. Examples of decentralised identity systems include Sovrin and uPort.
In conclusion, by utilising the combined knowledge of many participants, crowdsourcing has the potential to revolutionise creativity and problem-solving. Its capacity to combine a variety of viewpoints and abilities not only encourages innovation but also offers an economical way to address difficult problems. Its attractiveness stems from the speed at which solutions are generated and the active participation of communities, which fosters the growth of unorthodox ideas. But obstacles like upholding quality control and handling moral issues like equitable recompense and privacy issues highlight the necessity of cautious execution. With the integration of intelligent algorithms and automation in technology, crowdsourcing looks to have a bright future ahead of it, providing even more effective and significant collaboration in a variety of disciplines.
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Desai, A., Kuderer, N. M., & Lyman, G. H. (2020). Crowdsourcing in crisis: Rising to the occasion. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, (4), 551–554. https://doi.org/10.1200/cci.20.00054
Hargrave, M. (n.d.). Crowdsourcing: Definition, how it works, types, and examples. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdsourcing.asp#:~:text=While%20crowdsourcing%20often%20involves%20breaking,samples%20for%20a%20small%20fee.
Reffell, C. (2023, February 7). What is the role of crowdsourcing in web3?. Crowdsourcing Week. https://crowdsourcingweek.com/blog/crowdsourcing-in-web3/#:~:text=Crowdsourcing%20in%20Web3%20is%20made,transactions%20and%20interactions%20between%20participants.
Sickler, E., & Erin Sickler  Erin Sickler is a mindfulness & creativity coach living in the Hudson Valley. A former NY art curator. (2020, September 2). How to launch a Creative Crowdfunding Campaign for your next art project. art journal. https://artrepreneur.com/journal/creative-crowdfunding-for-artists/#:~:text=A%20well%2Ddesigned%2C%20online%20crowdfunding,win%20you%20fans%20for%20life.
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mansikrypto · 11 months
🚀 Exciting News! 🚀
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You've got just 72 hours to seize this opportunity!
Best of luck! 🚀
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entropyrpgs · 2 years
So Wizards of the Coast has released a statement on the Open Game License. They claim it was "just a draft" (which there was no evidence of) and that they are still working on it. My favorite part is where they claim that "no you guys didn't win because we had to back down! We ALL win!!!". Honestly? There is a HUGE amount of gaslighting going on here. There's no way this was just a draft. If they wanted feedback from creators then they should have done that before this came forward. They are absolutely lying that this was the plan "all along". I know several creators who were very clearly not consulted and likely would have been. If they really had cared about feedback they would have held listening sessions or reached out individually. They didn't do that. The $750,000 limit probably only covers large corporations, but there was no guarantee that they wouldn't change the limit later and the reporting requirements were clearly meant to allow for later adjustments. I'm curious to see what they're planning to do instead but I know many members of the community are going to be a lot more suspicious now.
Full text for those who can't click through:
When we initially conceived of revising the OGL, it was with three major goals in mind. First, we wanted the ability to prevent the use of D&D content from being included in hateful and discriminatory products. Second, we wanted to address those attempting to use D&D in web3, blockchain games, and NFTs by making clear that OGL content is limited to tabletop roleplaying content like campaigns, modules, and supplements. And third, we wanted to ensure that the OGL is for the content creator, the homebrewer, the aspiring designer, our players, and the community—not major corporations to use for their own commercial and promotional purpose.
Driving these goals were two simple principles: (1) Our job is to be good stewards of the game, and (2) the OGL exists for the benefit of the fans. Nothing about those principles has wavered for a second. 
That was why our early drafts of the new OGL included the provisions they did. That draft language was provided to content creators and publishers so their feedback could be considered before anything was finalized. In addition to language allowing us to address discriminatory and hateful conduct and clarifying what types of products the OGL covers, our drafts included royalty language designed to apply to large corporations attempting to use OGL content. It was never our intent to impact the vast majority of the community.
However, it’s clear from the reaction that we rolled a 1. It has become clear that it is no longer possible to fully achieve all three goals while still staying true to our principles. So, here is what we are doing.
The next OGL will contain the provisions that allow us to protect and cultivate the inclusive environment we are trying to build and specify that it covers only content for TTRPGs. That means that other expressions, such as educational and charitable campaigns, livestreams, cosplay, VTT-uses, etc., will remain unaffected by any OGL update. Content already released under 1.0a will also remain unaffected. 
What it will not contain is any royalty structure. It also will not include the license back provision that some people were afraid was a means for us to steal work. That thought never crossed our minds. Under any new OGL, you will own the content you create. We won’t. Any language we put down will be crystal clear and unequivocal on that point. The license back language was intended to protect us and our partners from creators who incorrectly allege that we steal their work simply because of coincidental similarities. As we continue to invest in the game that we love and move forward with partnerships in film, television, and digital games, that risk is simply too great to ignore. The new OGL will contain provisions to address that risk, but we will do it without a license back and without suggesting we have rights to the content you create. Your ideas and imagination are what makes this game special, and that belongs to you.
A couple of last thoughts. First, we won’t be able to release the new OGL today, because we need to make sure we get it right, but it is coming. Second, you’re going to hear people say that they won, and we lost because making your voices heard forced us to change our plans. Those people will only be half right. They won—and so did we.
Our plan was always to solicit the input of our community before any update to the OGL; the drafts you’ve seen were attempting to do just that. We want to always delight fans and create experiences together that everyone loves. We realize we did not do that this time and we are sorry for that. Our goal was to get exactly the type of feedback on which provisions worked and which did not–which we ultimately got from you. Any change this major could only have been done well if we were willing to take that feedback, no matter how it was provided–so we are. Thank you for caring enough to let us know what works and what doesn’t, what you need and what scares you. Without knowing that, we can’t do our part to make the new OGL match our principles. Finally, we’d appreciate the chance to make this right. We love D&D’s devoted players and the creators who take them on so many incredible adventures. We won’t let you down.
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Financial Economics
By. Jacinda Thomas, Masters of Science in Wealth Management
Good Morning,
One of the first things I had to learn as a world class wealth manager was financial economics. Let's dive right in.
First we will break down the meaning of each individual word.
Financial: the study of finance; let's define finance: money or other liquid resources of a government, business, group, or individual
Economics: a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
There were also other definitions as well.
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Now let's think about it: the economy is the revolving circulation of goods or services. And finance is simply money... so it's safe to say that financial economics is money of the circulation of goods and services.
This makes sense. As an ultra high net worth wealth manager, it's important to have a clear understanding of the circulatory money activity of goods and services.
This is one of the things that makes me such a great ultra high net worth wealth manager and advisor. As a person from a family of entrepreneurs I took a keen interest in how business is run from a very, very early age. As mentioned in my opening essay, throughout the last 16 years I've super deep dived into industries of all sorts: autos, mechanics, cars, fashion, retail, style grooming, software engineering, web development, apps, servers, computers, design, restaurants, food, logistics, warehousing, transportation, logistics, shipping/receiving, farming, agriculture, agtech, vertical farming, energy, wind, oil, pellet, real estate, construction, interior design, development, commercial, industrial, residential, art, music, touring, music production, education, teaching, higher learning, politics, government, religion, philanthropy, non-profit, finance products. With the latest being crypto, blockchain, and web3... I'm sure there are a few things I didn't mention, but overall these are few of the fields that I've had genuine authentic non-manufactured interest in. Which is key, genuine interest is rare.
Extremely thoroughbred in regards to understanding how the world works. Which will make me one of the most valuable and highly sought after high net worth wealth managers in the world.
Even the pastors need a pastor.
I understand the economy, the intricacies of how it interacts. And I'm continuously learning in natural ways.
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We're never in a hurry, it's important that the table is set properly.
Okay so now let's dive deeper into financial economics.
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Our overall assumption just from defining the words is in the ballpark of this definition. The study of the financial system. The study of economic resources allocation over time under conditions of uncertainty. Yes this makes sense. The study of the use and distribution of resources in the financial markets.
Within a semester class we will learn much more to be able to adequately assist our clients and/or firms.
The Canadian lecture on financial economics adds a nice global perspective to our understanding.
The Financial Appetite blog does a lovely job of explaining this. Learn more here: https://www.thefinancialappetite.com/blog/what-is-financial-economics
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What Is Financial Economics?
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Financial economics is a branch of economics that analyzes how resources are used and distributed in markets. In general, it is the study of choices consumers, business managers, and government officials make to achieve their goals considering that they have limited or scarce resources. Financial decisions will frequently have to take into consideration future events, which can be related to individual stocks, portfolios, or the market as a whole. Financial economics differs from the other branches of economics because it pays particular attention to monetary activities. This branch of economics analyzes how inflation, depression, deflation, recession, prices, and other financial variables impact one another. It applies economic principles to financial markets, corporations, banks, and central banking policies, and uses economic theory to evaluate how time, risk, opportunity costs, and information can produce incentives for a particular decision. Financial economics plays an important role in making investment decisions, identifying risks, and valuing securities and assets.
What a wonderful break down. Let's see what Investopedia has to say.
Financial Economics
What Is Financial Economics?
Financial economics is a branch of economics that analyzes the use and distribution of resources in markets. Financial decisions must often take into account future events, whether those be related to individual stocks, portfolios, or the market as a whole.
Financial economics analyzes the use and distribution of resources in markets.
It employs economic theory to evaluate how time, risk, opportunity costs, and information can create incentives or disincentives for a particular decision.
Financial economics often involves the creation of sophisticated models to test the variables affecting a particular decision.
How Financial Economics Works
Making financial decisions is not always a straightforward process. Time, risk (uncertainty), opportunity costs, and information can create incentives or disincentives. Financial economics employs economic theory to evaluate how certain things impact decision making, providing investors with the instruments to make the right calls.
Financial economics usually involves the creation of sophisticated models to test the variables affecting a particular decision. Often, these models assume that individuals or institutions making decisions act rationally, though this is not necessarily the case. The irrational behavior of parties has to be taken into account in financial economics as a potential risk factor.
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Investopedia compares it to traditional economics.
Financial Economics vs. Traditional Economics
Traditional economics focuses on exchanges in which money is one—but only one—of the items traded. In contrast, financial economics concentrates on exchanges in which money of one type or another is likely to appear on both sides of a trade. 
The financial economist can be distinguished from traditional economists by their focus on monetary activities in which time, uncertainty, options and information play roles. 
Financial Economics Methods
There are many angles to the concept of financial economics. Two of the most prominent are:
Decision making over time recognizes the fact that the value of $1 in 10 years' time is less than the value of $1 now. Therefore, the $1 at 10 years must be discounted to allow for risk, inflation, and the simple fact that it is in the future. Failure to discount appropriately can lead to problems, such as underfunded pension schemes.
Risk Management and Diversification
Advertisements for stock market-based financial products must remind potential buyers that the value of investments may fall as well as rise.
Financial institutions are always looking for ways of insuring, or hedging, this risk. It is sometimes possible to hold two highly risky assets but for the overall risk to be low: if share A only performs badly when share B performs well (and vice versa) then the two shares perform a perfect hedge.
An important part of finance is working out the total risk of a portfolio of risky assets, since the total risk may be less than the risk of the individual components.
Let's look at one more source to understand Financial Economics. This time we will view a video:
Take the day to review the materials above. And welcome to Financial Economics.
Jacinda T.Thomas
#jacindathomas #financialeconomics #wealthmanagement
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web3jobguy · 2 years
Apply for Crypto Jobs Online and Start Your Web3 Developer Career
You can find crypto jobs on Web3jobguy. There are several Web3 developer jobs listed here that you can apply for. It is quick and easy to apply for a Web3 job at a world-leading company
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roooruuu · 1 year
It's so insanely aggravating how Web3 and the Metaverse have managed to completely enamour stupid people with more money than sense. As someone working at a junior-mid level in development trying to change jobs, it’s insane how many positions mention working with blockchain, or building a metaverse platform. It’s genuinely inescapable and it unsurprisingly turned out it’s a massive scam to grift money out of investors!!!
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$470. All this blustering and marketing, endlessly spewing crap about how this shit is “the future” to whip venture capitalists into a frenzy, making them think they’re getting in on the ground floor of the next .com bubble. All this to not even make enough money for a mid-range gaming PC.
None of these projects will amount to anything, none of them will have users, nobody will remember this shit as anything more than a weird footnote in tech history 5 years from now. We had to put the entire fucking tech industry on hold while everyone you can conceive of does their best selling virtual snake oil to CEOs who probably don’t even know how to use a file explorer.
Cryptocurrency is a blatant pyramid scheme trying to sucker in people who don’t have any financial sense, encouraging them to pump up the value of some shitcoin with no tangible use as anything besides a speculative asset. The Metaverse is a creatively bankrupt chasm filled entirely with talentless rent-seekers trying to make the next big social craze so they can skim ad revenue and microtransactions off of users who do all the work of actually creating content.
Nothing is original, nobody cares about making anything worthwhile, they all just want the absolute lowest ratio of effort to profit they can humanely manage. I wish I had taken a different career path lmao.
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khawla01 · 1 year
Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps
Ce que vous apprendrez
Build 16 web development projects for your portfolio, ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
Learn the latest technologies, including Javascript, React, Node and even Web3 development.
After the course you will be able to build ANY website you want.
Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business.
Work as a freelance web developer.
Master frontend development with React
Master backend development with Node
Learn professional developer best practices.
Ce cours comprend :
Vidéo à la demande de 65,5 heures
7 exercices de codage
71 articles
102 ressources téléchargeables
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transformhubb · 1 year
10 Breakthrough Technologies & Their Use Cases in 2023
Today's technology is developing quickly, enabling quicker changes & advancements and accelerating the rate of change. 
For instance, the advancements in machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) have made artificial intelligence (AI) more common in 2023, as part of a digital transformation solutions. 
Technology is still one of the main drivers of global development. Technological advancements provide businesses with greater opportunities to increase efficiency and develop new products. 
Business leaders can make better plans by keeping an eye on the development of new technologies, foreseeing how businesses might use them, and comprehending the factors that influence innovation and adoption, even though it is still difficult to predict how technology trends will pan out. 
Here are the top 10 emerging technology trends you must watch for in 2023.1. AI that creates graphics and assists with payment
The year of the AI artist is now. With just a few language cues, software models created by Google, OpenAI, and others can now produce beautiful artwork. 
You may quickly receive an image of almost anything after typing in a brief description of it. Nothing will ever be the same. 
A variety of industries, including advertising, architecture, fashion, and entertainment, now employ AI-generated art. 
Realistic visuals and animations are made using AI algorithms. Also, new genres of poetry and music are being created using AI-generated art. 
Moreover, AI will simplify the purchasing and delivery of products and services for customers. 
Nearly every profession and every business function across all sectors will benefit from AI. 
The convenience trends of buy-online-pickup-at-curbside (BOPAC), buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS), and buy-online-return-in-store (BORIS) will become the norm as more retailers utilize AI to manage and automate the intricate inventory management operations that take place behind the scenes. 2. Progress in Web3
Also, 2023 is witnessing a huge advancement in blockchain technology as businesses produce more decentralized products and services. 
We now store everything on the cloud, for instance, but if we decentralized data storage and encrypted that data using blockchain, our information would not only be secure but also have novel access and analysis methods. 
In the coming year, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be easier to use and more useful. 
For instance, NFT concert tickets may provide you access to behind activities and artifacts.  
NFTs might represent the contracts we sign with third parties or they could be the keys we use to engage with a variety of digital goods and services we purchase. 3. Datafication
The breakthroughs described in the list of technological trends for 2023 will inevitably lead to the datafication of many businesses. 
The act of converting or changing human jobs into data-driven technology is referred to as the process. 
It is the first important development toward a fully data-driven society. Other branches of the same customer-centric analytical culture include workforce analytics, product behavior analytics, transportation analytics, health analytics, etc.  
Due to the vast number of linked Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it is possible to analyze a company's strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities using a greater number of data points. 
According to Fittech, when the market for datafying sectors surpasses $11 billion in 2022, it is evolving into a profitable business model. 4. Certain aspects of the Metaverse will become actual 
The term "metaverse" has evolved to refer to a more immersive internet in which we will be able to work, play, and interact with one another on a persistent platform. 
According to experts, the metaverse will contribute $5 trillion to the world economy by 2030, and 2023 is the year that determines the metaverse's course for the next ten years. 
The fields of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will develop further. 
In the coming year, avatar technology will also progress. If motion capture technology is used, avatars will even be able to mimic our body language and movements. An avatar is a presence we portray when we interact with other users in the metaverse. 
Further advancements in autonomous AI-enabled avatars that can represent us in the metaverse even when we aren't signed in to the virtual world may also be on the horizon. 
To perform training and onboarding, businesses are already utilizing metaverse technologies like AR and VR, and this trend will pick up steam in 2023. 5. Bridging the digital & physical world
The digital and physical worlds are already beginning to converge, and this tendency will continue in 2023. This union consists of two parts: 3D printing and digital twin technologies. 
Digital twins are virtual models of actual activities, goods, or processes that may be used to test novel concepts in a secure online setting. 
To test under every scenario without incurring the enormous expenses of real-world research, designers, and engineers are adopting digital twins to replicate actual things in virtual environments. 
We are witnessing even more digital twins in 2023, in everything from precise healthcare to machinery, autos, and factories. This is a part of the best digital transformation solutions in this new era. 
Engineers may make adjustments and alter components after testing them in the virtual environment before employing 3D printing technology to produce them in the actual world. 6. More human-like robots are coming
Robots will resemble humans even more in 2023, both in terms of look and functionality.  
These robots will serve as event greeters, bartenders, concierges, and senior citizens' companions in the real world. 
While they collaborate with people in production and logistics, they will also carry out complicated duties in factories and warehouses. 
One business, Tesla, is working hard to develop a humanoid robot that will operate in our homes. 
Two Optimus humanoid robot prototypes were unveiled by Elon Musk, who also stated that the business will be prepared to accept orders in the next few years. 
The robot is capable of carrying out simple duties like watering plants and lifting objects. 7. Digitally Immune Systems
The launch of the Digital Immune System must be included in any list of technological trends for 2023. 
This system alludes to an architecture made up of techniques taken from the fields of software design, automation, development, operations, and analytics. By eliminating flaws, threats, and system weaknesses, it tries to reduce company risks and improve customer satisfaction. 
The significance of DIS resides in automating the many components of a software system to successfully thwart virtual attacks of every description. 
According to Gartner, businesses that have already implemented DIS will reduce customer downtime by around 80% by 2025. 
So, if you are looking for the best digital transformation services company to introduce digital immune systems, TransformHub is here to guide you. 8. Genomics
Genomic research has improved our grasp of life and contemporary health analytics while also advancing our understanding of brain networks. 
In the upcoming years, fast-developing technologies such as scarless genome editing, pathogen intelligence, and NGS data analysis platforms will use AI to interpret hidden genetic codes and patterns, elevating genomic data analysis and metagenomics to the top positions in the biotech sector.  
Functional genomics, which uses epigenome editing to reveal the influence of intergenic areas on biological processes, is becoming more prevalent in 2023 technology trends. 9. CRISPR 
The gene-editing technology, CRISPR, has quickly moved from the lab to the clinic during the past ten years. 
Clinical trials for common illnesses, such as excessive cholesterol, have lately been included. It originally started with experimental therapies for uncommon genetic abnormalities and might advance things much further with new variants. 
Due to its ease of usage, CRISPR is quickly becoming a common technology employed in many cancer biology investigations. 
Moreover, CRISPR is entirely adaptable. It is more accurate than existing DNA-editing techniques and can essentially modify any DNA segment within the 3 billion letters of the human genome. 
The simplicity of scaling up CRISPR is an additional benefit. 
To control and analyze hundreds or thousands of genes at once, researchers can utilize hundreds of guides RNAs. This kind of experiment is frequently used by cancer researchers to identify genes that might be potential therapeutic targets. 10. Growth of Green Technology 
Climate change is a fact. It is a rising issue that disturbs governments and society at large and poses a threat to human health and the environment. 
The use of so-called green technology is one method of combating global warming. 
Globally, scientists and engineers are working on technical solutions to reduce and get rid of everything that contributes to climate change and global warming. 
Here are some incredible uses for the same: 
Emissions reduction 
Management of waste and recycling 
Treatment of wastewater 
Solar power 
Tidal and wave power 
Green vehicles 
Smart structures 
Farms and gardens in the air 
TransformHub: Keeping Ahead of Technological Trends 
These innovations have the power to completely alter the way we live, work, and interact. It's critical to be informed about these changes and take their effects into account. 
The epidemic has sped up the necessary industry-wide human-AI collaboration and it looks like 2023 will be the year we catalyze this cooperation into some truly extraordinary inventions. 
For more information on how contemporary automation and AI are fusing all the defining industries of our era into a single data-driven civilization, stay up-to-date with one of the best digital transformation companies in Singapore, TransformHub. 
We take complete accountability to digitally transform your business by providing precisely tailored solutions based entirely on your requirements. 
Let’s connect and bring your vision to life!
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geoffleng · 1 year
Top GameFi Projects to Watch Out for in 2023
Within a couple of past years, GameFi has grown in popularity immensely. It is connected with the fact that in GameFi, people do not only play games. When they compete with each on a gaming arena, trade, participate and win in tournaments, manage lands or other infrastructure components in virtual worlds, they earn money.
Existing GameFi Projects to Watch in 2023
The most popular of the projects that have been here for a while are the following.
The Sandbox
Sandbox is working on creating a virtual world where users can do what they normally do in their daily lives: live, construct, work, do shopping, etc. Along with excellent earning opportunities, Sandbox offers excellent gameplay. In the Sandbox metaverse, gamers can not only earn but do it while enjoying all their activities: attending and participating in their favorite shows and events, exploring, constructing, etc.
Sandbox doesn’t limit gamers to the existing options but expands the number and type of activities constantly. This is another detail that makes Sandbox increasingly popular and Sand tokens – demanded.
The Sandbox platform is easy to use – a feature that makes it very attractive to beginners. It allows it to widen its target audience to those who would like to try a metaverse but were frightened off by its complexity from the technical point of view.With all the mentioned benefits, Sandbox is a metaverse that is here to stay.
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Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity is the first blockchain-based play-to-earn game that has earned immense popularity. Axie Infinity was very popular during the COVID pandemic. When people started losing their jobs, many of them started looking for options to survive and discovered Axie Infinity.
After the pandemic was over, Axie Infinity still continued to be one of the top popular projects. Many people in the Philippines, for example, used to earn more money while playing than they were paid in their jobs previously.
However, with the arrival of a prolonged bear market during the recent crypto winter, all crypto tokens, including those used in Axie Infinity, dropped in value, and many players just left the game, causing a massive 98% drop in the game ROI.
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Upcoming GameFi Projects
Some projects still do not offer extended functionality because their developers are working to create metaverses that will be able to compete in the future.
The Otherside was branched out from Bored Ape Yacht Club, an ambitious project whose non-fungible tokens are known to be among the most expensive in the market.
Otherside is still under development. It is going to be a gamified interoperable metaverse blending multiplayer games and Web3-enabled worlds. Yuga Labs knows all about expensive projects and thus, it is difficult to expect that free players will be let in Otherside.
The game looks promising from what we can see now. But only when the platform is live, allowing players to access the available features, will we see the real value of this platform, and it is quite possible that this will become one of the most successful NFT projects (even though, judging from the start, one of the weirdest, too).
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Star Atlas
Star Atlas is another promising project. It positions itself as a grand strategy game of space exploration, conquest, and so on.
This is a community-focused project. It is expected that players will decide how the Star Atlas is going to develop.
Plenty of games and immersive experiences, top quality, and carefully-developed gameplay are definitely the attractive points. The absence of decent experiences for non-paying users is a significant drawback. If you hope to join a free-to-play version of Star Atlas, you might be highly disappointed.
Even though the game developers didn’t provide those who don’t buy in-game money with an opportunity to enjoy the game, Star Atlas takes its place among the most promising NFT projects, and its utility token value may boost in 2023, especially if the team delivers some significant advancements.
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ElseVerse is still under development, but the potential is seen even by inexperienced investors. This metaverse project is an incubation of BullPerks and GamesPad. It is led by a team of experts, those who have been in the area for ages and know everything about blockchain and the metaverse.
The main difference between ElseVerse and Metaverses is that the project doesn’t concentrate on providing gamers with earning opportunities only. In the ElseVerse world, one can find his place based on his skills and wishes.
Those who would like to trade can open a shop or just become one of those merchants who travel around looking for rare game assets and resources and reselling them.
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Cashbox is a nft games from the “past”, nowadays all crypto games in the market are set in the distant future, but Cashbox is special, it takes the ancient world civilization as the background and builds a meta-universe parallel to the real world. You can summon Mythical beasts to ally and fight with other teams from other worlds to stabilize the order of the multiverse. Each Mythical beasts is a unique NFT who will become uniquely valuable in battle after battle. Collect them well, I believe this is the first time you have seen an NFT that will actively increase in value like this.
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MetaVision is another possible leader in the future gaming industry. It enables users to get the best gaming experience on Binance Smart Chain with lower in-game transaction costs and faster speed of transactions than on the Ethereum network.
This is going to be a comprehensive metaverse that offers top gaming experiences and is based on four pillars: play-to-earn games, life experience, virtual merchandise, and virtual advertising.
So, users will be able to earn money by getting and upgrading digital assets with an opportunity to benefit from renting them or selling them for a profit in a marketplace. Some in-game items will be unique or rare, which will boost their value.
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